#daring x lizzie
rebellore · 2 months
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Mattel was a bitch for ruining dizzie when this dialogue exists 😞
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angstintensifer · 1 month
Eah ships as Taylor Swift lyrics
Tags x @athena-xox @certifiedl0serloll @swxxtcidxr @faybellesbeauty @gumjester @mirrornetsblog @smileyfacemojisworld @selina2288 @dumbdolphin333 @direwolfrules @folksyfairy @forsakenostalgia @zvmz @dani9539 @raptorfae53 @shrekanie @mssagittarius @andromedavwrites
I hope you all enjoy, I added my fav ships x
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coconuttiee · 1 month
fun little hc: when daring and lizzie start to go out more, lizzie tells daring that wonderland is a big part of her and she tells him how much she really misses wonderland. Next time Lizzie goes to his dorm its him passed on his desk surrounded by books on wonderland (he read everything he could about wonderland just because he wants to get to know her better)
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vivi-designs · 8 months
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DIZZIE daring and Lizzie
A moment in a wonderlandiful world
He was going to defend her against a creature and said be still my heart and lizzie takes it literally and it makes me laugh and he’s surprised that was her reaction and not swooning
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randombook4idk · 2 months
daring: oh please, i don't have a type
the type:
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eichan2d · 21 days
Like to think that Daring told Lizzie about the bet, you know, after she asked him to keep the secret, he just couldn't lie to her, something like:
"I have some reputation as the Queen of Hearts to maintain" (or whatever she says).
Then he thinks for a second and says "I... Need to be honest, this all started as a bet, not as challenging me to date YOU" he rushed to clarify "But the first girl who entered the Cafe."
"Oh." It wasn't the reaction he expected, way less angry and more disappointed.
"But I really enjoyed spending time with you, more than with anyone before and I'm honest when I say I would like to have another date with you."
She reflected in silence for a second before answer "Then you'll have to redeem that bet in the next date." And so she rushed flustered back to inside the castle while he stayed in shock as flustered as her.
This was supposed to be more simple and ended up being a one-shot(? But the point is that I think this because of how she winked at him at the end of the webisode.
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Also they were so evil to do the Rosabella thing after the way he looks at Lizzie in this scene and smiles so genuinely while he is being humiliated!!!
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floralcavern · 5 months
Allow me to rate some EAH ships
•Raven x Dexter -
Oh, they’re such dorks. They’re so precious. Girlboss and malewife fr 10/10
•Raven x Apple -
No. 0/10
•Daring x Cerise -
Honestly, my favorite of all the Daring ships. They’re so precious. I think I have a type. I love the badass woman who beats the misogyny outta the boy. (Suki x Sokka and Daring x Cerise) 10/10
•Daring x Lizzie
Honestly, very cute. But it was just one webisode, so… 6/10
•Daring x Rosabella
Fr.. kinda mid. 3/10
•Apple x Darling
LET’S GO LESBIANS! LET’S GO! I love a sapphic Snow White. Also, Darling being Apple’s true love and not Daring is probably the exact kick Apple needed to realize that you don’t need to truly follow your ‘fairytale destiny’ 9/10
•Cedar Wood x being an aromantic
HELL YA! Aroace Cedar Wood is my life. 10000000/10
•Ashlynn x Hunter
They’re cute. Yknow, that’s all. Just cute. Kinda boring, but.. cute. 7/10
•Maddie x Kitty My beloveds! Teasing and bullying the narrators together 10/10
•Kitty x Lizzie
Not my personal favorite, but I get it, I suppose. But, eh. Not my favorite. 6/10
•Maddie x Raven
They’ve kissed at least once. Refuse to believe they haven’t. 8/10
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sxthee · 20 days
Aside from always getting Shawn storylines, artworks and cards, I too, would like to manifest an Ever After High reboot/revival where LIZZIE AND DARING DO END UP TOGETHER.
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froggywentaprincin · 1 month
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athena-xox · 5 months
My current thoughts on what I used to ship when I was younger watching eah.
Hopper/Briar: I was absolutely obsessed with them when I was younger. Why??? They had no chemistry. Bribelle superiority.
Dexter/Raven: I shipped them but I wasn’t a big fan of them… now I love them. The bi4bi loser bf x cool loser gf swifties have my heart.
Daring/Lizzy: YES. I WAS SO REAL FOR THIS. THEYRE STILL MY FAV. Also in my diaries when I was younger I essentially wrote fanfiction. I know that I wrote some Dizzie but I can’t find it ://
Faybelle/Heath Burns: literally so random. Idk where I got this from. In one of the ‘fanfictions’ in my diaries that I wrote I did write a mh/eah cross over and I’m pretty sure it had them in it.
Alistair/Bunny: yeah I still like it. They’re pretty boring. I wish that the curse affected them. Like made them crazy in an evil way. Because that would be interesting.
Chase/Darling: I LOVED THEM SM. believe it or not I also wrote a ff in my diary about them. It’s the only one of the fanfics that I’ve found. I think they had a really interesting dynamic and I would rewatch way too wonderland just for them. I still really like them it’s just… dappling takes the cake.
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pink-eye-liner · 1 month
Hello, so I was just at Tumblr and someone was saying that there are not enough Dizzie fanifcs and I couldn't agree more. So I wrote one (will be more then one in the future) So let's all read this and act like Kitty's diary does not exist :)
The sun was going down meaning that it was time for Daring to go back to his room. For some reason he was feeling all soft and fuzzy inside. Was it because he had won the bet he made with Sparrow?
Yeah, probably, what other reason could it be?
Truth be told, he actually forgot about the bet while he was up on Legend's back with Lizzie.
Daring had to really think about what would make Lizzie swoon, he had never needed to work so hard for other girls, all he had to do was smile at them and they would fall to his feet. Lizzie wasn't like that, she was much more harsh and harder to impress, to the point where he felt the genuine need to 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 impress her, and it was worth it when he did. Because for the first time he heard her laugh, and the sound of it would put any melody the Pied Piper has ever produced to shame.
He carried this feeling as he practically skipped to his dorm room with a massive smile on his face. Daring stopped on his tracks when he heard the sound of an obnoxiously loud electric guitar paired with an equally obnoxiously loud voice that could only belong to one person.
Sparrow saw him in the distance and immediately ran towards him with Hopper following behind.
"SO?! HOW. IS . IT. GOING?!" Sparrow asked (sung)
Hopper noticed the happy go lucky vibe Daring was emitting and wrapped an arm around his shoulder "You seem happy, did you actually do it?"
Hopper and Sparrow looked at him with anticipation, Sparrow looking a bit more nervous as he noticed that Daring did in fact look very happy.
The smile on Daring's face slowly started to fade as he was reminded of their bet, and that if he lost, he would have to wash Sparrow's grimnastics uniform after swamp swimming. Just that though alone made him shiver. At the same time he was reminded that Lizzie wanted to keep what they had a secret.
Daring's silence made Sparrow think that Daring did not in fact succeed and yelled (sung) in his face "OH! I BET SHE TOTALLY REJECTED YOU!"
Daring brought his hand to his face and placed it on the spot that Lizzie kissed, then her smile flashed in his mind along with the reminder his promise to her that he wouldn't tell anyone.
So, swallowing his pride, Daring looked at Sparrow and Hopper and said "Yes, you're right. She did in fact reject me. I lost"
Sparrow shredded his guitar with happiness and jumped up in the air screaming "ALRIGHT!" surprising Daring for a second.
"You know what this means, Daring" Hopper said.
"Yeah yeah..."
The next day, after swamp swimming, Daring sat in front of their school with a large container full of soap and water, washing away at Sparrow's grimnastics uniform (including his socks, gross) as other students looked and laughed at him.
It was both humiliating and degrading to say the least. Sparrow sing-yelling jokes and taunts at him only added salt to the injury.
Then out of he corner of his eyes he saw Lizzie walking to school, she spotted him then gave him a wink before she continued to walk inside the school.
Daring sighed dreamily as the soft and fuzzy feeling returned to him for a bit as he remembered their 'date' yesterday.
With a small smile now on his face, he wonders if he could talk to her after this public show of humiliation. Hopefully she considered his invitation to go on another date with him cuz he knew 𝘦𝘹𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘭𝘺 where to take her.
Some hours later, Daring was in his and Dexter's dorm room standing in front of one of his many full body mirrors now wearing his normal clothes again, checking every inch of himself to make sure that he was perfect before he went out to look for Lizzie.
Dexter was minding his own business doing his thronework (homework) but he couldn't help but notice that Daring was acting weird. Yeah he was starring at himself in the mirror which was completely normal, but- the way he was checking himself as if he's restless was what made Dexter worry a bit "Is something wrong, Daring?" He said "You seem... Stressed"
"Oh don't be ridiculous little bro" Daring said before letting out a nervous laugh "What would I, Daring Charming, have anything to worry about?" Daring then proceeded to aggressively brush his hair.
Dexter raised an eyebrow at his brother, who in return gave him a smile way too wide for it to be normal, before fixing himself in the mirror again.
Dexter just shrugged and returned to his thronework, giving himself a mental note to ask Daring's friends if anything had happened recently.
Turns out, Daring didn't need to look for Lizzie since they shared the next class together more specifically- kingdom Management.
He couldn't bring himself to focus on what their teacher- The white Queen- was talking about. I mean how could he when there was a gorgeous red and black haired ferocious wonderlandian princess sitting in his far far right four rows in front if him?
Daring ended up just starring at her from afar. He's never realy bothered to look at anyone besides himself before, but looking at Lizzie Hearts now, Daring found himself wanting too look at her instead of himself.
While Daring was starring at Lizzie, she suddenly looked over her shoulder and took a short glace at him, their eyes met for a mere second before they both turned their heads the other way in a panick, their blood rushing up their faces turning their cheeks red.
Lizzie caught Daring starring at her and Daring caught Lizzie stealing a glance at him.
Daring put his hand above his chest and tried to calm down his beating heart. He glanced at Lizzie Hearts again and saw her head burried in her notebook while writing profusely.
He realized that she was flustered too, that made him smile.
Then the realization that he had been flustered dawned on him. This was particularly strange for Daring. He was used to making damsels all shy and flustered, not the other way around. Although technically Lizzie was no damsel.
When Class was over Daring went to up Lizzie and tried to act casual about it.
"So... Lizzie... Hi" Daring said while pointing finger guns at her, he mentally slapped himself because what the actual hex was that?! If he had been Hopper then he would have turned into a frog just now
"Oh, hi Daring" Lizzie giggled before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear "Umm, what were you doing washing Sparrow's grimnastics uniform in front of the school today?" She asked.
Daring scratched the back of his neck while letting out an awkward laugh which made Lizzie raise a brow "Oh nothing just- guy stuff"
Lizzie put her hand in front of her mouth as she let out a laugh "Did you loose a bet or something?" She joked.
Daring stopped himself from physically recoiling that that, did she know? If she did then he can't imagine a world where she wouldn't get angry and never speaking to him again. That though alone was worse then living in a world without mirrors. But Lizzie wasn't currently angry meaning that she doesn't know. "Haha... Yeah, yeah I guess you could say I did"
Lizzie cleared her throat and stepped a bit closer to Daring which earned a blush from him "So... About that second date... I might take you up on that"
Daring burst with excitement and hastily grabbed her hands which made Lizzie's face equally as red as the heart on her left eye "Great! Meet me that the book ball field after school"
Lizzie heard him but was too starstruck and flustered looking at their intertwined hands to reply.
Daring noticed and immediately let go, putting his hands behind his back and looking away "Okay- alright so-... I'll see you later" Daring scurried away to prepare for their next date.
Meanwhile Lizzie had to stop herself from jumping up and down in happiness as she put her hands over her mouth and let out a squeal.
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rebellore · 2 months
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I’m at school :((((
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andromedavwrites · 4 months
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coconuttiee · 2 months
i love dizzie so much man because daring thinks he knows everything there is to his destiny, he thinks that he was destined to find a sweet and kind princess he can sweep off their feet. but then he meets a princess that completely reshapes how he sees princesses and his destiny in general, he finally found someone who swept him off his feet for a change
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year
Some of my Top Ships for Valentine’s Day!
This was supposed to be like 5 ships but shit got a little bit out of hand…
In no particular order:
Helia x Flora (Winx Club): they were my first OTP, it’s a classic, we know it, we love it, they invented the word adorkable. They are just… chef’s kiss
Callum x Rayla (the Dragon Prince): they are… my everything. From their very first interaction I was like… oh. They just balance each other out so well and it’s so much fun to watch them fall in love and grow together even if there have been a few… bumps in the road recently… they are my babies.
Runaan x Ethari (the Dragon Prince): WHERE IS MY SPIN OFF?! I NEED TO SEE HOW THESE TWO FELL IN LOVE! They just… the second Ethari was introduced these two had my heart and I just… I can’t even describe what it is about them that just gets me right there.
Lizzie x Daring (Ever After High): I said what I said. No regrets. Should’ve been endgame. You don’t get it, they get to be their real selfs when they’re with each other! The fucking potential! We only got 5 min in the webisodes and like a few dialogues in the books but they will forever live rent free in my brain.
Zuko x Katara (Avatar): …was this one predictable? I feel like this one was predictable, it just made so much sense with their respective characters, story lines and everything about them was just set up so perfectly but just never paid off. But yeah… these two were PERFECTION, up until they didn’t end up together somehow.
Percy x Annabeth (Percy Jackson): Come on, this is THE ship. I apologize in advance for the person I will become when the show comes out cause I’ll only be talking about them for a very long time.
Luka x Marinette (Miraculous Ladybug): You don’t understand how much I mean it when I say that I will go down with this ship. Luka is just… the cutest? And like… Marinette? Being supported? Being loved? Getting to have someone on her side that doesn’t feel like she owes them anything? Is this a potential OTP? Yes, yes it is.
Inej x Kaz (Six of Crows): I don’t think I have to say anything here. These two are just… wow. They would both kill for each other and… I love that it’s not an ‘I can fix them’ relationship, it’s a ‘I will change and be better for them’ relationship and I just…they are the pinnacle of romance.
Raven x Beast Boy (Teen Titans/Comics): Come on… do I have to say anything else? These two were made for each other! They understand each other in a way that almost no one else can, they both have dark sides that could take them over but they fight it, be it in different ways. And I just… they deserved so much more.
Mateo x Rufus (They Both Die at the End): If you haven’t read this book… it’s one of my faves but you shouldn’t read it unless you’re in a somewhat stable mental place ajajjajajja. But these two were just… ugh. I usually despise insta-love with every inch of my being but it worked so well for these two I just- AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH
Sophie x Gideon (Shadowhunters: Infernal Devices): These two I feel like are underrated in the fandom. Like, come on! In my personal opinion, they have the best love story in Shadowhunters. I’ve loved them since I was 9 and they are just so… they are just so good with each other? I love them. Every single moment of their relationship slaps.
Ron x Hermione (Harry Potter): They invented hesitant friends to friends to best friends to lovers. And they were done so wrong in the movies. Can anyone recommend me fics with them as the central focus? The Harry Potter part of AO3 is a fucking mess and I’ve found like two and I need more!
Luz x Amity / Hunter x Willow / Eda x Raine (The Owl House): How the fuck did a single show give me 3 new OTP’s? I’ve got no fucking idea but somehow they did it. I adore this show, I cannot wait for the finale. All the love stories are just… top tier just… wow. Lumity are the perfect enemies to lovers arc, Huntlow are just… so cute and perfect and of course we have Eda and Raine who are just iconic and IF I DON’T GET A KISS I AM GOING TO-
Wednesday x Tyler (Wednesday): COME AT ME BRO (please don’t), I love when people say they shouldn’t be together cause *SPOILERS* like… this is Wednesday Adams we’re talking about, if anything it makes it better! I love this ship. Their dynamic is just superior to me. Crazy x different kind of crazy? Perfection.
Charles Xavier x Erik (X-men): X-MEN WERE FUCKING COWARDS. That’s all I’ll say about that. I deserved so much better.
Rarity x Apple Jack (Equestria Girls): My fave sapphics, they were girlfriends. Farm girl x fashionista? Fucking genius. The aesthetics and dynamics are just perfect. The heavens open up and you can hear the choir when there’s a plot line revolving around their… ‘friendship’.
Nam-ra x Su-hyeok (All of us are dead): They are just… so fucking precious? He runs towards zombies to protect her and they are both crushing on each other from a distance, trying not to be obvious and it is so cute and so precious and just… I can’t wait for s2.
Stiles x Lydia (Teen Wolf): I’m not watching the movie. I refuse to. These two had 14 year old me in a choke hold.
Barry x Caitlin (The Flash): yes, I’m that person. Seasons 1-4 I still held on to hope. I love these two, just two nerds supporting each other and being THE team. This was truly so much potential.
Sarah x Leonard (Legends of Tomorrow): *sobs* they were just… so unexpected but they also made so much sense?
Hiccup x Astrid (How to Train Your Dragon): They were my obsession for a good while, Race to the Edge gave me way too much serotonin. I cried violently watching the last movie I just- they were so good. Their whole character development in Race to the Edge? Absolute fucking hold.
Winter x Jacin (The Lunar Chronicles): These two are just… childhood best friends to lovers, I’d kill and die for you, we know we love each other but we’ll never admit it and just be teaseful and then when they finally kiss it’s just so intense I was fucking fainting. I love them.
Dominick x Erika (Barbie, The Princess and the Pauper): They invented romance and they are the only insta-love love story that I will accept.
Robin x Regina (Once Upon a Time): I will die angry. Srly, they were just… perfect for each other? The definition of true love and they understood each other, Robin was so good for her and he believed so much in her and they loved each other in such a pure way and just… also they were just hot as fuck together I mean, they had me questioning my sexuality.
Starfire x Robin/Nightwing (Teen Titans/DC Comics/DC Movies): I don’t even know how to describe the amount of serotonin these two give me, they just make sense to me and I love them.
Kid Flash x Jinx (Teen Titans): They had 1 episode and they made history.
Artemis x Kid Flash (Young Justice): …I’m still waiting… fuck me… THEY WERE JUST SO FUCKING GOOD AAAAAAAHHHHHH- The way they annoyed each other but slowly grew to trust each other and then became friends and you can’t even pin point the exact moment they start falling in love because it just happens so naturally and so organically and it’s just- AAAAAHHHHHHHH
Impulse x Blue Beetle (Young Justice): Bart is in love with Jaimie and he is not subtle about it at all. Jaimie is a bit oblivious but you know that he is just as much in love if not even more
Jonathan x Nancy (Stranger Things): I swear yall’ if they really redo the triangle next season, I’m going to riot cause these two, their story is so well done in the first 3 seasons and it’s just like… what the fuck ya know?
Mike x Eleven (Stranger Things): I don’t care what anyone says, I still love them.
Lucas x Max (Stranger Things): …ow? I honestly don’t know what else to say.
Lucas x Maya (Girl Meets World): I am so tired… these two were just… so good together, the chemistry, the story line, Maya accepting the ‘bad’ side of Lucas in a way that Riley never did and him just being there for her no matter what ‘I could never hurt you’ I just… why?
Veronica x JD (Heathers the Musical): Listen… hear me out… I know that he was kinda crazy but… they were kind of an iconic duo okay? Freeze Your Brain? Dead Girl Walking? Our Love Is God? Seventeen? Meant to Be Yours? I Am Damaged? Sorry was I… not supposed to ship them after listening to those? I love them. I’m allowed to have at least one kinda-toxic-if-you-think-about-it-ship.
Juliette x Warner (Shatter Me): They created sexual tension. Every single scene slaps and their arc is just perfect and I love them and they are just… they are so intense but in the best way possible.
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phantomstatistician · 1 month
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Fandom: Ever After High
Sample Size: 1,477 stories
Source: AO3
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