conscious-love · 2 years
Signs you’re meant to be together:
You don't have to pretend to be someone you're not when you are together. When you are with the person you are destined to be with, you can be yourself completely.
You feel "at home" when you're together. When you are destined to be together, there is a sense of safety and belonging when you are in each other's presence.
You learn from each other constantly. You push each other to be better, you challenge each other, and you're always introducing each other to new things.
You've already been through the tough times. No relationship needs a trial by fire, but if you've helped each other through some of the darker moments, you already know that even at your worst, your relationship is stable.
You don't have to do anything together. You know you've got something good when you can just enjoy sitting together on a porch, taking in the breeze, and not even talking.
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theglamourheart · 1 year
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I know he likes me. Why won’t he just admit it?
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theglamourheart · 1 year
Why Men Lose Interest In Good Women?
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