#david whymack
how do you think Andrew, who has again and again been condemned for being “out of control,” felt when Neil told him “i want to see you lose control”
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vonn13 · 1 year
I need a fic about whymack getting Kevin as a baby after kayleigh passed instead of tetsuji and we just get to see this man struggle but love our boy unconditionally.
Imagine toddler Kevin having a whole meltdown and whymack just sitting with him in his office turned nursery room on the floor with Kevin in his arms just singing/humming him to sleep and wishing kayleigh could've been there.
Imagine toddler Kevin match making Abby and Whymack. *slams fists on desk*
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allforthe-gays · 3 years
after games or hard practices, kevin makes neil and andrew lie down on their bed’s with ice packs on all of their joints so they don’t get sore.
at first they just napped, but eventually they start using the time to watch tv together or talk about their classes.
when nicky notices their routine, he decides to join them and makes them all do facemasks with him.
aaron joins them, to stop nicky from pestering him about it. he pretends he hates it, but he actually looks forward to it after he gets used to the routine.
they weren’t even planning on inviting the upperclassmen to join them, but when matt walked in on their routine while looking for a can opener, he forces himself and the other upperclassman into their little self-care time “for team bonding”.
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narneeah · 7 years
All For The Game/ Marvel AU
Neil Josten / Nathaniel Wesninski as The Black Widow *Nathaniel Romanoff*
Andrew Minyard as Hawkeye
Kevin Day as The Winter Soldier
Matt Boyd as The Hulk
Dan Wilds as Captain America
Allison Reynolds as Captain Marvel
Renee Walker as Kate Bishop
Aaron Minyard as Dr. Strange (??)
Nicky Hemmick as Tony Stark (or Spider-Man?)
and of fucking course
David Whymack as NICK FURY!!!
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dreamertrilogys · 5 years
I was thinking about the username @whatmack and heres a headcanon where the Foxes say “What Mack?” or “Why Mack?” instead of “what Coach?” or “what Wymack?” or “why Coach?”
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accal1a · 2 years
I like the idea of the coach of the PSU Foxes frequently seriously considering changing his name to: David Whymack.
Just...why is this his life?
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vonn13 · 3 years
The foxes as classical instruments
As an ex-classical music kid I just had to, I miss orchestra and everything. This is the foxes as instruments as in what they would be like and not according to their exy positions.
Neil - first violin (main character syndrome, get all the fun parts in orchestra :/)
Kevin - first violin (also trains to be conductor and composes his own music on the piano)
Andrew - cello (supporting, backbone of the piece and low tones. Gets all the boring parts in a piece :/ also imagine not having to 100% memorize your score with his memory, what a dream. )
Aaron - double bass (under rated, imagine tiny minyard next to a hulking double bass tho)
Matt - French horn or double bass (low tones and pleasant to the ear, very smooth. Probably likes jazz and swing as well. )
Dan - viola (does important work but gets boring parts, low sound, but underrated.)
Allison - flute or maybe picollo (very melodic and precise. Always on point)
Nicky - trumpet (loud and very present, but really brings the mood up. Plays jazz or swing occasionally)
Seth - percussions (shows up a few times, but goes down with a bang. Not very present aside from that)
Renee - cello or percussions (much like Andrew a supportive role/backbone of the group. I imagine Renee would quite like to play saint-saëns The Swan. Percussions bc she is a strong lady. )
Whymack - obviously conductor
Extra: the Millport scene but Andrew hits Neil in the stomach with a music stand.
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narneeah · 6 years
Whymack is actually Phil from Hercules but go off I guess
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