#dean ambrose x renee young
ambrollinstrash · 4 months
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Guys, these dorks are relationship goals! ❤
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nicolewoo · 2 months
Cub: Chapter 21: Taking care of business
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Chapter 21
Pairing: Roman Reigns X Reader
Synopsis: Roman, Seth and Dean are a pack of werewolfs. Protecting their city from the scumbags of the world ends up with a surprise when a victim left for dead imprints on Roman Reigns.
Roman’s POV: I caught Renee in her bedroom folding laundry. “Hey!”
She turned to see me. “What’s up?”
“I’m wondering if you can do me a favor?” I said as I walked farther into the room.
Renee nodded, turning back to the pile of clothes in front of her. “Whatcha need?”
I folded my arms in front of me as I leaned against a wall. “Cub needs a dress for Saturday night. Do you think you could take her shopping? Buy a dress, shoes, purse… whatever she needs? I was also hoping you’d spoil her with like a mani, pedi, spa day. She deserves a massage.” I mused.
“Of course, I’ll take her shopping, but the spa is a bad idea while she is still adjusting to her wolf senses.”
I hadn’t thought of that. “Makes sense” I answered.
“How spoiled should I make her?” Renee asked.
I knew Cub was listening to the conversation through our link, and I didn’t want her to hear this part, so I blocked her for a second. I hated to do that, but I knew she’d protest what I was about to say, “If she likes it… buy it…. All of it.” I unblocked my mate.
What are you doing? Cub asked through our link.
Just spoiling my sweet Cub. I laughed when she got frustrated.
“You’ve spoiled me enough already.”
“It will never be enough.”
She came down the stairs in a very simple, very sexy Red Satin dress. The shiny material sliding over her curves as she glided down the stairs. I couldn’t help but think how I couldn’t wait to slide my hands over those same curves.  Her makeup was perfect. Becky had done an amazing job with her hair too.
I greeted her as she came to the bottom. “You look like a goddess. Absolutely beautiful.” I held my hand out to her as she reached the last step.
“Thank you.” She was embarrassed by my compliments. She definitely needed more spoiling. “You look amazing too.” She raked her eyes over me hungrily, and I couldn’t stop the growl of desire that came out.
“Whoa! Cool off Ro. You’ll end up missing the whole night.” Seth said as he came in, fastening a cufflink. I could think of other ways to stay entertained tonight, but she’d gone to all this trouble to look so stunning for me. She didn’t need the dress, the hair or the makeup to look stunning in my eyes, but I did appreciate the effort.
Dean came in the room now scrolling through his phone. “Cub, you look gorgeous!” he said when he looked up. She smiled slightly and thanked him.
Once Becky and Renee came down, we left for dinner.
The Crow’s Nest had a view of Anchorage from above, and I’d reserved us a private room with a view to the East.
“Dr. Reigns, Dr. Ambrose, Dr. Rollins, Dr. Lynch and my favorite, Miss Renee.” The maître de was really pouring it on thick for us. He took Renee’s hand when he said her name and kissed the back of it. “Oh, but who is this beautiful young woman? Could it be the Cub we’ve all heard so much about?”
Cub sniffed, confirming her suspicion that the maître de was a wolf. “Yeah baby. His name is Kordon.”
“It is a pleasure, Cub.” Kordon shook hands with Cub.
“It’s nice to meet you.” She answered.
Kordon turned back to his job, grabbing menus and leading us through the restaurant. “Your special table is ready for you.”
“Thank you.” I said.
She loved everything from the décor to the rich food to the company. We laughed at stories from our past and tried to get her to talk about her past, but she didn’t want to, and that was fine. Not tonight. Tonight was about spoiling her, and as she laughed along with us, I could feel that she felt loved. She felt appreciated. She felt joy.
After dinner, we stopped at the condo so everyone could change, and Dean picked up his equipment. Seeing Cub slip off her shoes, I came to unzip the back of her dress; allowing my fingertips to graze across the soft skin as I slid the zipper down.
This time, she was the one who growled. “In a couple of hours.” I assured her. “Gotta support Dean.” She agreed.
We found our seats right in the front row. She took in the sights and sounds of the arena with the same enthusiasm as at the restaurant. It was all so new to her, and I loved being the person who got to show her.
Seth and Becky had stayed behind to get snacks, and now they came toward us with popcorn and drinks. “Hope you like butter.” Becks said.
“OOOhhhh Yes Please!” Cub said as she took the offered popcorn bag. We settled into our seats. Seth quickly handed Cub some ear plugs and sunglasses.
“What would I do without you?” She thanked him.
“Probably get a headache” He chuckled as she put the plugs in and the sunglasses on. I felt her relax as the ear plugs expanded, blocking more noise.
Wrestling was new to Cub. Her parents hadn’t allowed her to watch it growing up. Even with the ear plugs and sunglasses, I was afraid all the lights and sounds would be too much for her new senses, and as I scanned her, I felt the pain and tension they caused, but Cub was determined to support Dean. Becky had some Ibuprofen, and I gave Cub some to help, but it would burn off soon. It’s all I could do for now.
Cub watched the show enthusiastically, admiring the athletes and what they could do. When Dean started making his way through the crowd and into the ring, Cub was the loudest cheerer, and Renee wrapped an arm around her happily.
“It might get scary. Dean can do some crazy things. Just remember, he’s a wolf, and he’ll be fine.” Renee said to reassure Cub.
Cub nodded her agreement, but still had a bit of hesitation about it. I leaned in close to her, kissing her head for reassurance.
Dean and his opponent, Drew, brought the house down. By the end of the match, both wrestlers were bloody and bruised. Dean had broken his ankle, and wrestled the last 5 minutes in terrible pain, but he looked out into the crowd, scanning until his eyes met Cub’s. Quietly, he whispered “I’m ok. Just need to morph, and I’ll be fine.”
Cub took a deep breath and tried to relax. It still bothered her, but once Dean had been helped backstage he morphed into wolf form and healed. His relief helped Cub to relax too.
Why does he do that to himself? Cub asked through our link, but she knew. She and Dean had developed a special bond….. a bond that comes from growing up in dysfunctional homes. A bond that comes from never being shown love and acceptance. For Dean, that included physical violence as well as emotional. In fact, having Cub around had helped him feel more accepted and loved. Like, only someone who’d been broken as a child could understand his darkness.
Cub thought to herself that she wanted to ask Dean how a wolf ended up getting abused. Foster homes? Addicted parents? The family unit was so strong in wolves that abused children almost never happened. Dean was different though. Dean had fallen through the cracks.
It’s his story to tell, baby girl. He’ll tell you when he’s ready; just as I suspect you’ll tell him your story when the time is right. She hadn’t really thought about that. We knew my pack wanted to know about her childhood, but it wasn’t until now that I realized she’d have to tell them about it. It made me anxious just thinking about it. There’s no hurry. When you’re ready.  I kissed the top of her head again.
“Roman?” Filemu’s voice chirped from my phone. “How are you? How is Cub?”
“Tribal Chief, we are doing great. How can I help you?” I asked.
“Given the circumstances, you having to leave Samoa so soon, I was wondering how you two would feel if a few of us came to visit. We were not able to teach Cub as much as we wanted. Now that your airports are open again, we can come to you this time.”
I hesitated. I had Tuesday and Wednesday off work and was hoping to run away for a romantic trip. Cub needed peace and quiet.
“Roman? Is something wrong?” Filemu asked.
I sighed. “I was actually hoping to get away with Cub for a couple of days. She’s been surrounded by people for weeks, and I think she could use a break.”
“OH! That sounds like a good thing for her. What days were you thinking of going?” Filemu asked.
I quickly focused on Cub’s mind to see what she thought of all of it. She was still adjusting to her senses and her new strength. I looked down at my arm where she had clawed it open in the throes of passion last night. It had healed, but she’d felt so bad about it. Add to that the fact that she was going to be changing without being sedated soon. She wanted the tribe here for that. She resigned herself to putting off our little get away until next week. Thank you, sweetie. I told her.
“Cub and I will get away next week.” I answered.
“Are you sure?” The tribal chief asked.
I agreed. “She’d like her tribe to be here when she does her first change without sedatives.”
Filemu sounded excited. “We thought she would have already done that. We would love to be there to support her. We’ll get a flight lined up and be there in a few hours.”
“Thank you Tribal Chief.” I said.
Roman had set the meeting for lunchtime, and Paul was quick to offer to bring lunch. I had caught glimpses of Paul through Roman’s head, but nothing clear. Now, as I opened the door, I wished I knew.... I wasn’t prepared....
He looked like a walrus! He was short, stout, balding, and a skin condition discolored parts of his face. I had assumed he was a wolf until I saw him, but the man in front of me was obviously not a wolf, and a quick sniff confirmed it. “You must be Ms. YLN. It’s an honor to meet you.” He said, shaking my hand. “How are you?” Everyone asked this question, but this man’s sincerity and ample smile made my thoughts of his looks flee my mind.”
“I’m good. Come on in.” I opened the door wide to let Paul and someone else in. I motioned to set the bags down on the counter. “I’m Paul Heyman. This is my associate, Michael Cole. “
“It’s a pleasure.” Michael said with the same sincerity as Paul.
A quick sniff confirmed that Michael was a wolf. I was a little surprised, and Roman thought “talk about that later.”
“But Paul isn’t in the best health. The tribe won’t let him become a wolf?” I thought.
“He doesn’t want it.” Roman replied. “I’m coming down now.”
A second later, Roman joined us and greetings were exchanged. There was some light chit chat about sports as we went to the dining room, and our guests started laying out the food.
Once we were all settled and started eating, it was Michael who started. He handed me a manila envelope. “So, what we have here is your paperwork and your cards. When I pulled the contents out, he began to explain. “We replaced the driver’s license you lost in the mugging. We also updated your address with the state of Alaska. You now officially live at Roman’s hunting cabin.” I was impressed by what they’d done without needing my help. Michael reached for the next bunch of papers; revealing a passport. “Here’s your passport.”
I was even more shocked. Were they forging federal documents now? “Don’t you need my signature or something?”
Paul and Michael smiled in amusement, but Roman answered. “They used the signature on your last drivers license.”
Oh. Ok. “Is that legal?” I asked out loud; eliciting new smiles from our guests.
“Baby,” Roman cooed as he put his hand on my leg “with enough money, everything is legal.” Now everyone laughed. “Ok. Lets keep going.”
Michael moved the passport aside, revealing a thick stack of cards bound together “these are your credit cards.” He’d said it so offhandedly I knew this was no big deal to these guys, so I just said thanks, but I thought “all these?” Roman chuckled.
“Here are your bank accounts,” Mr. Cole said as he flipped through the papers. “This one is just yours. I almost fainted when the balance came into view. 10 million!!!! “This isn’t my bank account.”
“No. I hope you don’t mind, but we closed your account, and consolidated your money with the tribal money and some of Roman’s money.”
“Tribal money?” I asked.
Paul was the one to answer now. “Every member of the tribe inherits $4 million from the tribe at birth. That money is put in a trust. At 16, tribe members begin receiving a small stipend each month. At 18, that stipend grows, and at 23 they receive full control of their money. Now, usually, the tribe members have earned interest while they grow up. We calculated the interest we think you would have earned and included it in your account.”
“And I threw in some mad money for you.” Roman added.
I….. me…. The girl who grew up poor as dirt. Me, myself had $10 million. But then again, it wasn’t my money really. It was the tribe’s money and Roman’s.
“It’s yours now, baby. You earned it.” Roman thought as he kissed my temple.
We ate, casually talking about vacations we wanted to take, the location of our dream home and family. Mr. Hayman didn’t start his portion of the meeting until after we’d finished our amazing lunch and cleared the table. Paul had taken the time to set up his laptop.
“Ok, I guess I get the fun part.” He smiled at Mr. Cole. He turned to me. “Ready to see your assets?” He was excited. I just nodded. “Your net worth,” He pointed at the screen “Is right here.”
I couldn’t talk. Couldn’t think! I had expected a few million. To find that Roman was worth 3 Billion floored me.
Heyman continued. “These are your joint assets. As you can see the total net worth is $3,577,476,875.68. Let’s break that down for you.” He continued to direct our eyes over the information. “Here we have the business portfolio. I’m happy to report that most of your business ventures flourished this quarter. We had one poorly performing IPO. This is…” He paused to put on his glasses and pointed at the screen again. “This was an up and coming computer security company. The owner’s wife died. In the aftermath, the company suffered.”
Roman interrupted Paul’s thoughts. “Do you have faith in this owner?”
“Absolutely,” Michael said. “You have been a silent partner on 3 other businesses he runs.”
Roman nodded curtly. “Do me a favor. Call the owner. Ask him how I can help. If he needs a manager, or time…. If you guys believe in him, I do too.”
My heart soared. My amazing mate cared more about the person than the money!
“I’ll take care of that today.” Michael assured and wrote himself a note.
“So, you profited $12 million this quarter from your business ventures.” I was never going to get used to this kind of money! “Your investment portfolio did fairly well; going up 3%,” Roman nodded casually. Paul continued. “Your liquid assets are currently at $5,892,446.93. Your non liquid assets add up to….”
He pointed back to the  net worth of $3 BILLION!!!!! Roman was a billionaire! “So are you baby” Roman thought.
“I don’t know how to be a billionaire.” I meant to think it, but ended up saying it out loud.
All three men laughed lightly. “We’ll teach you how.” Roman answered. “How about retirement?”
The mood of the room changed quickly. “Well… see….” Paul started stammering. “We have started the process, but the Yupik pack is still on their tour.”
Michael jumped in now. It was obvious he wasn’t as afraid to give us bad news. “As it sits now there are already four packs on their tour. That’s usually the max we can handle and still have the staff we need at hospitals.”
The meeting went on. Roman had to decide which non-liquid assets to sell so that he could have enough assets to build our dream home and go on our world travel. He was selling 5 boats, 3 houses and a boat load of land around the world and 5 of his businesses. By the end of the meeting my head was swimming with impossible numbers. Real people didn’t talk about BILLIONS. Normal people thought in thousands… maybe millions. Hell, in my life I’d never had over 3 thousand dollars at one time, and that included tax refunds.
Our guests went back to their offices once the meeting was done, but Roman invited them to join us for family dinner at the hotel Sunday, their families too.
Note from the author: Part 22 is already partially written!
@mindofasagitarius @lclb13 @serenityfiretrash @lustyromantic @reigns-5sos @bigpsychicbagelauthor @omg-im-such-a-masochist @marlananicole @wickedsunfire @starwithaheart @spookys-girl @pitlissa22 @snowpanda18 @thesamoanqueen @sassginaswanmills
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darktammy · 4 years
It’s My Decision (part 4)
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Don’t own this gif
Warning: Depression break ups in this chapter.
 @beenlovingromansincedayoneish​ @sassymox​ @living-the-life-1996​ @bluepunkrock​ @moxslilangel2020​ @moxleybabe​ @moxleymaniac​ @hoodiemox​ @wrestlingxbalorxrollins​ @jazzy-tzw​ @ilovesamizayn​ @thatwrestlingfan91​ 
You had less than two weeks for your wedding with Amy. You got your wedding dress ready as for the guest list you already had all the names down and where they were going to be. “Must be hard to set things up uh sweet thing?” You look up to see Sonny kiss. “Yeah I mean it’s hard I have my dress Amy has her white suit, I have the flowers, I mean everything is going to be all white.” Sonny laugh, sweetie I’m going to be the only one who’s going to be wearing pink cuz nuh uh.” You both laugh. “Ok you can wear pink. I don’t care as long as you're happy I’m happy.”  You said with a little sassy in your voice. 
You and Jon were walking backstage ready for his match. “So yeah I got the wedding invitation from your finance Amy. I can’t wait to see how this goes.” You smiled looking up at Jon. “Yeah me too. I mean it’s all so fast and I mean I was not ready for it, but Jon I love Amy so much. I’ll die for her.” You said with passion in your voice. Jon smiled as he gave you a side hug. The both of you started to walk as his music hits. You were so happy to see him with that title and he was a long time champion with the title. 
After the show was over you made it back to the hotel. Once you made it inside by surprise you looked in and saw Amy sitting on the bed wearing her favorite black two piece bra and panty. You smile as you walk right in. “Now baby did you miss me.” Amy said. You drop your bag as you smile and walk up to her. “You're damn right I did.” You said with a smile. “Does my little princess want me to please her.” She said standing up. You smile as you start to take your clothes off. “Yes my queen, I want you, I want you so bad.” You got down on all four as you looked up at Amy.  She smiled at you until you both heard some noise outside your door. “Yo, keep it down, the fun is about to start.” You got up and walked to the door opening it seeing Jon, Chris, and Brian cage all fall into the room. “Really you guys!” you yelled. They got up and walked out of the room. “Hey you know if you need anyone to judge how you ladies work we’re here…” Jericho said as you slam the door on their face making Amy laugh. “Now back what we were doing.
Seth was sitting in his coffee shop waiting for Murphy to come in with some news about Amy. “Hey there buddy how’s Becky and the baby?” he asked. “She’s fine, all she keeps talking about is how she can’t wait to get back into the ring. But anyways what you got on Amy?” Seth asks. Murphy smiled as he showed Seth some pictures of Amy with another man. “Dude this is her cousin Tony.” Seth looked at Murphy. “Nah look who’s next to her very closely.” Murphy points at none other than Adam page.” Seth stood up with a smile as he looked at the other pictures of them hugging. “You did great Murphy, this is what I need to expose Amy for who she is.” Seth pat him in the back.
  You were walking backstage getting ready to walk out with Jon until you heard a voice, a voice that made you walk a little fast just to stop and see her. “Renee?” You said making her look back at you. She too was in shock as she saw you in person. “You little bitch!” Making everyone look at the both of you. You left me for some guy right? Right after you us me to get away from Finn Balor right?!” you yelled out loud. Everyone including Tony looks at you. “Yeah I know because I spoke to Finn, you know what he said to me?” You were filled with anger. “You know Finn was a liar. I did nothing with him, just like how I have no idea what you're talking about Y/n!” Renee yelled. “Don’t you lie you whore you got fuck by Finn then you ran to me, use me just so Finn can leave you alone, because of what? All because you ruin a happy relationship with him and Cathy Kelly!” Renee slapped you across the face. You look back at her with rage in your eyes as you slapped her right back in her face this time with force behind it. You were so mad that you even attacked her, making everyone, even Tony, get involved by separating the both of you. 
 “Enough the both of Y/n just stop it alright! Tony said holding you back. Jon ran in as he saw what happened to Renee. “Babe are you alright?” Jon said. You stop just to realize that Renee left you for him, your best friend Jon. “You know what fuck the both of you.” You scream out loud as you pull away from Tony. Then you walk away heading back to the hotel. 
Amy was at home making plans for the wedding when she saw her phone ring. It was Tony calling. “Hey.” She said. “Yeah Amy it’s Y/n I’m just going to tell straight up, I’m gonna have to suspend her for two week.” Tony told Amy. “What why? What did she do?” Amy asks. Tony explains what happened with Y/n and Renee. “Oh god I knew this would happen she told me what happened with her and Renee. Alright Tony thank you for telling me.” Amy said as she ended the call. Amy sighs, “Oh Y/n why now?” She said to herself.
You had all your things pack up and ready to go until you heard a knock at your door. You walk to the door opening to see an angry Jon Moxley. You on the other hand was in the mood so you tried to close the door on Jon only for him to stop the door from closing on him. “I’m not in the fucking mood Jon.” You said walking away from him. He walks into your as he slams the door behind him making you jump a little. “Why in the fuck did you attack my fiance for uh?” You look up at Jon as you walk up to him. “She used me to get away from Finn, or did she not tell you that?” Jon shook his head. “Finn uses her?”  You look back as you yelled from the top of your lungs. “She ended their relationship then used me to get away from Finn. Do you know why, because Finn called it quits with Cathy!” You yelled, making Jon stop and look at you. “Then she left me for you.” You said trying not to cry as you grab your bags. “You know if you want to hear the rest of the story you should talk to Renee, I have to go now.” Jon grabs you by the arm. “Tell me everything that happens with you and Renee.” He asked.
You remember when Renee was walking fast, so fast that she bumped right into you making you drop your coffee on the floor. “Uh really?” You look down then back up at the women with short blond hair with brown eyes. She smiled at you and she hugged you. “Ok what’s going on?” You asked. She looked  into your eyes then she gave you a soft kiss on your lips. Not even thinking you kiss her back. Then you stop as you look at her with a smile. “Ok now there has to be something really going on here.” Renee shook her head, “No not really just really like you when I first saw you, I...i just didn’t know how to say it or do it I guess.” You laugh as you take her hand and walk with her. You told everyone backstage in nxt about what happened with you and Renee and how much you're in love with her. Some don’t buy that Renee was bi, but you didn’t listen to them. 
You were walking in the park one time waiting for Renee to meet up with you. It was already a month in your relationship, you had flowers with a card in it about how much she made your world. Then you saw him Finn walking up. “Oh Y/n we need to talk about Renee.” With a deep Irish accent. You sigh as you stop. “Look Finn, she doesn't want you anymore ok just let her go.” You begged him. He shook his head as he looked down at you. “She’s only using your love just so she can get away from me. Sooner or later she is going to leave you for someone else. I broke it off with Cathy for her.” You shook your head as you looked up at him. “Finn, that was on you for ending what you had, and to make it worse Cathy left the company after that. Finn Renee loves me. She tells me that everyday, she shows me that everyday we even made love with each other.” Finn looked down at you, “I’m telling you right now the day she breaks your heart just remember I told you so.” Finn said walking away from you.
You were sitting backstage after your match with Shayna, the both of you were laughing having a good time talking about the match. “So did you hear what happened with Renee, she left.” You look up at her, “What?” You asked. “Yeah she left right after a few of the other guys left the company.” You were in shock from the news. You made it back home you tried to call her but it said the number you had dialed was no longer in serves. Finn was right, she only used you to get away from him. You started to cry as you looked down at the floor in your bedroom. “That bitch!” was all you could say over and over again. You were in the back of the locker room trying your hardest not to cry. How could Renee just use you then get rid of you like rag cloth. You were in tears then you felt some strong hands hug you from behind. “It’s ok love I know the feeling.” Finn with a soft voice easing your pain. “I told you Y/n she was only using us and now we're both broken.” You turn around to face him with tears in your eyes. You gave Finn a tight hug as he did the same.
“So you see Jon that’s why I was so mad at her. Renee fuck me over and ruined someone else happiness.” You said trying to hold back your tears. Jon gave you a hug. “I’m so sorry to hear about that Y/n. I wish I knew at that time she was playing the both of us.” You look up at him confused. “You see while she was dating you, she was seeing me behind your back.” You covered your face with your hands as you started to cry. “I know Y/n, I should have known something was up with her. Every time she had to go to florida because they said so, but really it was to see you.” Jon got down on his knees just to face you, he slowly pulled both of your hands away from your face. “Y/n I’m so sorry for what happened to you and Finn.” You nodded your head a little. “I’m so sorry too Jon. I’m sorry for hurting your..” without warning Jon lean in kissing you on the lips. You were surprised by him, but you fought it off. “Jon! What the hell is wrong with you?” You said getting up. He got up as he started to look around. “I don’t know I’m sorry Y/n I really am.” You shook your head as you grabbed your bags. “Jon just go home ok we won’t speak about this.” He agreed by nodding his head then you walked out the door. 
Becky was looking for some baby clothes online when she heard Seth laughing in the living space of their home. She got up just to walk out of the bedroom to hear what Seth was talking about. “Yeah good job Murphy now let’s see if that bitch Amy gets what’s coming to her. Let’s see how faithful she really is. Once Y/n see’s those pictures of Amy and Adam page.” He started to laugh. While Becky just had a smile on her. “Good job love.” she said walking back into the bedroom.
Jon and Renee made home. The both didn’t even speak to one another. “Jon can you talk to me please.” Renee said as she looked back at him. All Jon did was walk up the stairs and in the bathroom. She sighs as she walks up to the bedroom. After Jon was done all he had on was his shorts. Renee uses the other bathroom just so she can freshen up. After she was done she looked to see Jon was not in the same room as her. “Jon!” Renee yelled as she walked out of their bedroom. Jon was sitting on the couch watching tv as Renee walked up to him. “I’m just watching tv get some sleep.” He told her. She sat down next to him while keeping her eyes on him. “Jon what is wrong with you? Talk to me honey what’s wrong?” Jon sat up then he turned his head to her. “Did you sleep with Finn?” Renee’s eyes widened from those words that came out of his mouth. “Renee just answered the question.” He asked. “I can’t believe you Jon, why would you even ask something like that?” Renee asked. “Jon nodded his head as he got up. “Jon wait.” She said, making him sit back down. “OK it’s true me and Finn had a one night stand, but I didn’t know he was dating Cathay at the time.” Jon looked down for a moment. “What happened after you and Finn Renee?” She looked down, “I started seeing Y/n, I didn’t know she was going to fall in love with me. Yeah she said it a few times, but I thought she was just kidding about it.” Renee looks back at Jon to see what his reaction would be. All Jon did was get up and walk into the kitchen.
Jon grabs a beer from the fridge, cracks it open and starts to drink from it. Renee follows him as she stands here. “Jon you have not said a word what’s wrong?!” she yelled. He slams his beer bottle on the table. “You lied Renee! That’s what it was. I had an idea you were seeing Y/n behind my back!” Jon said walk out of the kitchen. “I told you Jon I didn’t know she was for real about it.” Jon looked back at Renee, “So you were using her right? To get away from Finn right? Then you got with me just so you can get away from Y/n am I right Renee?” She stops as she looks at, Jon not saying a word. “I guess silence is the answer.” Jon spoke his words, then he walked up the bedroom. Renee walked back into the living space sitting down as she started to think about what she had told Jon. “I know it was Y/n, she just could let this shit go! I swear I’m going to kill that bitch.” She said to herself.
Amy was walking back and forth most of the night wondering if you were ok. She keeps looking at her phone to see if you saw any of the missed calls that she left you. “Come on where are you babe?” She keeps asking herself. A knock came at the door Amy ran to the door she opened it just to see you standing there holding a brown envelope. Big enough to hold pictures. “I’m done with you Amy.” You told her handing her the envelope. Amy was in shock from your words. “What are you talking about Y/n?” All you did was walk back to the car, Amy started to run after you. “Now stop it Y/n why are you saying that.” As she grabs you by your arm. You look at her trying not to get mad. “You slept with Adam didn’t you?” You asked her. Amy eyes widen then she looks at the envelope. “Yeah those pictures, those the both of you going out then walking into a hotel, together!” You yelled. “I’m sorry Y/n, but it was not what you think.” Amy begged. You had heard enough, you got back into your car and drove off. Leaving poor Amy to cry in the drive away.
Next morning Tony, Kenny, Cody, Brandi, and Adam were all at Amy’s house. “Someone took these pictures of me and you Adam, and it made her think we had an affair.” Adam looks at the pictures then he passes them to Tony. “Do you have anyone who could have done this?” Kenny asks. Amy shook her head. “Hold on here for a second.” Brandi said. “How come we were not in the photo babe?” Brandi showing Cody one of the pictures of Amy standing next Adam. Tony looked at one of the photos to see some of them were edited to where it was just Amy and Adam. “Someone really hates you Amy, and I think I might know who that someone is.” Tony looked at her. “Who then?” She begged for the answer. All of them said it at once. “Seth!” 
You were still laying in bed looking out the window as you started to think about what to do now. You left your old apartment, you're now suspended for two weeks, maybe even worse fired, because Tony is her cousin. Too many things were running through your head. Then you heard a knock on your door. “Come in.” The door opens as you turn. “Hey there sweet cheeks are you alright?” Shane asks. You smiled at him as you sat up in bed. “Yeah i’ll be ok, thanks for letting me stay for a little while. Until I get my own place that is.” Shane smiled as he walked into the room. “Hey it’s ok Y/n, were good friends I mean after what happened with my dad and all, but were good friends.” You smiled a little. “Hey come down stairs and let's eat some breakfast alright? That might cheer you up.” You smiled as you got up with Shane.
Roman got the call from Jon about what happened with you and he too started to worry about you. “Alright right now I just told a few of my buddies about this, and right now Seth keeps on saying he has nothing to do with this.” Roman sat back down putting his hands over his face. “Hey laid she’ll come up, all we have to do is ask around to see if anyone has ever spoken with her.” Finn said in a smooth Irish accent. “Yeah she was family before she got fired.” Bayley told Roman. “Hey if me and Bayley hear from her we'll call as fast as we can ok.” Sasha told Roman. He nodded his head as he watched them leave. “Damn it Y/n where are you?” Roman asked himself.
A Week has gone, and you were looking at your phone seeing pictures of you and Amy and you thought to yourself how much you miss her, but you don’t know if you can believe in her again. You saw your phone rang again showing her name and you didn’t answer it. “Hey there baby girl.” You look up to see Shane. “Hey there what’s up.” You need to stay in, my dad is down stairs.” You stood up as you looked around. “Hey shut off your phone and just wait until the coast is clear alright?” You nodded as you put your phone on vibrate. Shane left the room closing your door. “Damn it.” You said.
Amy was sitting at home feeling depressed from all this mess. “Maybe it was karma.” Tony looked at her. “What do you mean?” She looked at him. “I was only trying to use Y/n Tony.” Tony's eyes widened. “What?” Amy nodded her head. “I was trying to marry her so that way I won’t marry this man that mom & dad set up for me. I guess now I have no choice, but to walk down the aisle with him.” Tony was confused and mad at the same time. “Really Amy you knew she was heart broken from an asshole no i’m sorry from two assholes from her past. Now you are the third?” Amy looked down with tears falling from her eyes. “You know what you're right, it's karma. I love ya, but this I’m sorry I’m out.” Tony said as he got up and walked out the door. Amy started balling as Tony walked out now seeing that she was all alone.
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s-martt-blog · 6 years
girl crush.
dean ambrose imagine
a/n: this is based off of the song girl crush by little big town. i listened to it as i was writing & would recommend listening while reading, but you do you. xx
warnings: angsty, more stalkery than i intended.
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     she sat in catering by herself getting lost in her phone, going through her social medias when a loud giggle grabbed her attention. she smiled, knowing that laugh all to well, it was renee. when she looked up she smiled seeing her best friend and the love of her life dean, standing with the love of his life renee.
      she started wishing that she could be in renee’s position, she often thinks about bleaching her hair to match renee’s platinum. she lays awake at night wondering how renee feels to have dean’s arms wrapped around her and how it feels to have him whispering sweet nothings in her ear. she spends her days studying renee and the qualities that make her so unique, hoping that maybe she can develop those same qualities and maybe dean would want her instead and love her as he does renee. maybe if she had a smile as genuine and as bright or the laugh that made him smile so wide, dean would want you by his side. as she watched renee smile at what ever dean was quietly telling her, she wondered how renee felt when she was in his sheets, the things about renee that got dean going, the things that made him want her so bad. she is constantly thinking about renee’s touch and how it feels, or even what renee’s chapstick tastes like. maybe if she had a touch as soft as renee’s or if their lips had the same taste, dean would want to taste her lips and have her trace ever outline of his body.
     as she watched her best friend quickly peck renee before making his way over to her, she wondered if he had any idea how much she loves him, how much she was in love with him and she would do anything for him to love her the same. “hey” she smiles as dean sits beside her, “you look happy.” “that’s because i am” he smiles as a light blush rises to his cheeks. “you like her right? renee?” she hears dean ask you, causing her to smile.”yeah, i love her.” 
a/n: im sorry it was a little short, but please let me know what you think or if you have any requests. -ren 
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magicmalcolm · 4 years
Jon Moxley: "That's one of my biggest fears."
Renee Young: "What is?"
Mox: "If I ever, like, woke up as a donut..."
Renee: "You would eat yourself?"
Mox: "I wouldn't even question it."
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littlemissmoxley · 3 years
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This fic here could be a little angsty I suppose. This was written from something I was going through at the time, so looking back now I'm glad I was able to express my feelings this way
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imagineringside · 4 years
good morning.
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rating: m warnings: smut word count: 581
           Last night was blur for Renee. After they said their vows and had their small little reception, they hopped on a plane from Vegas to Hawaii. They got in late, finally managed to get to their hotel even later. They were both utterly exhausted and fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow. Yeah, totally not up to any wedding night expectations, but nobody tells you how exhausted you’re going to be after everything.
           When she opened her eyes, the sun was shining through the curtains, illuminating the room with its brightness. She didn’t bother to check the time because it didn’t matter. For the next two weeks, just being with Dean was the only thing that mattered. She rolled over to face him, smiling to herself when she saw him still passed out next to her. She rolled onto her stomach, leaning down to press a kiss to his shoulder.
           Dean only stirred, not yet awakening. She leaned forward and pressed another kiss to his shoulder but didn’t stop there. She trailed a kiss up to his neck. That was what made him finally stir, made him look down at her and a sleepy smile cross over his rugged face. “Mornin’ wife,” He muttered.
           “Morning to you.” She responded. A wicked idea crossed Renee’s mind then. She rolled one more, this time so she was straddling his hips. “How about we finally consummate this marriage?”
           “As long as you don’t use words like ‘consummate’, I’m already down.” He responded, his hands coming up to her hips. He gripped onto them tightly, guiding her to grind against him. Dean was already hard, already naked beneath the sheets. She could feel every inch of him as she ground down against him.
           Leaning down, Renee pressed a kiss to his lips. Dean was quick to deepen it, quick to take control. His hands left her hips, lifting her with ease so he could kick the covers off. Renee wasted no time getting out of her boy shorts, kicking them off the bed so they were both evenly naked.
           Dean pushed up into her, sighing as she wrapped around him. This was exactly what both of them had wanted all day yesterday, but never found the time for. Now it was just two weeks full of this. He sat up slightly, Renee still straddling his hips. Like this, she was just tall enough that he could lean forward and take one her nipples in his mouth.
           She ground against him, rocking her hips so that each time she moved forward, he hit the right spot. Occasionally, Dean would give a sharp thrust up into her, causing Renee to throw her head back and gasp.
           His teeth brushed over her nipple, gentle, enough to send pleasure flowing through her. The pleasure made her rock quicker against him, made her thrusts forward become firmer so he would hit the right spot each time. She cried out as she came around his cock and Dean bit her nipple just a bit harder.
           Using his strength as an advantage then, Dean flipped her onto her back. He pushed her knees up so he could use them as leverage, pushing into her roughly. He pumped until he came, filling his new wife.
           When he pulled out, he fell back onto the bed next to her for a minute before sitting up and grabbing the room service menu from the nightstand. “So, breakfast?” He asked with a grin.
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a-le-lone-wolf · 5 years
imma just say what’s on everybody’s minds, okay???
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fanfictionofmyown · 6 years
Anybody up for a Seth Rollins x Reader Fanfiction?
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scuzmunkie · 6 years
Love is Blind: Epilogue
A/N: My sweet darling little pumpkins!!! Thank you all so much for coming on this crazy ride with me!! I love you all so much and have made some amazing friends through this!! Thank you all for your support and kind words!! I’m a little sad that it’s coming to an end but fear not my little pumpkins, I have another fic in the making! Again I love you all so much! Seth Rollins x Blind OFC Warnings: None Word Count: 800+ Summary: Seth was Lily’s world, she was foolish enough to think that she was his. That is until he leaves her behind in pursuit of his dreams. What happens when fate throws them together again years after the heartache and tears? How can Lily see past the pain of the past when she can’t see at all? +++ “Huwwy, mama, huwwy!” Lily laughed as she was tugged by a very impatient and surprisingly strong 3 year old. “I know, Zoe, but mama can’t run too fast, we don’t wanna wake Maddox now, do we?” She asked, patting the back of the sleeping bundle in the sling wrap on her chest. She had learned early on that a toddler was much more efficient than a cane. Although she was young, Zoe was very observant. More times than not she’d yell for people to please look out for her blind mama. “Scuse me,” Zoe yelled, waving her free arm about, “scuse me pease. Mama can’t see. Oh a penny!” The little girl exclaimed as she pulled her hand free from Lily’s grasp. “Zoe?! No, come back baby!” It was times like this Lily cursed herself for not being able to see. She frantically tried to chase after the little redhead while trying to avoid colliding with anything or anyone. She felt a strong hand grasp her arm as she heard Zoe’s adorable laughter. “Lose something, baby girl?” Roman asked, trying to stifle his laughter, while steadying a panicked Lily. “Thanks Ro.” She mumbled, checking on Maddox, hoping he didn’t wake, thanking the heavens above when she felt him still sleeping happily. “Mama, I find daddy!” Zoe yelled from Seth’s arms. “I sawwy unkie Dowph still have yo’ belt.” She told her daddy, gently consoling him by rubbing his chest with her chubby little hand. “It’s ok, punkin, daddy will get it back!” Seth told her, smiling at her sweet gesture. He then looked at the toddler in his arms, then at Lily’s worried expression. “Zo-zo?” Zoe looked up at her dad’s face while playing with one of her pigtails “Did you run away from mommy again?” Seth asked, trying his hardest to give her a stern look. Zoe just gave a mischievous smile and buried her face into Seth’s chest. He couldn’t be upset with her, she was only a child and didn’t understand the severity of running away from her mom. Kissing the top of Zoe’s head, he walked over and put his free arm around Lily’s shoulders. “Your daughter is an escape artist, y’know that?!” Lily informed her husband. “Yeah, she gets that from me.” Seth answered, a shit eating grin plastered on his face. “Try not to sound so proud!” Lily laughed, giving Seth a well earned slap on his butt. Just then Maddox, not appreciating having been woken up, let out an annoyed cry. Lily could hear a horde of footsteps rushing towards her. “I’ll take him!” Sasha offered excitedly. “Oh here, let me hold him for you!” Alexa said, arms outstretched. “You got to hold Maddox last time, Alexa. Let someone else hold him!” Bayley scowled at the shorter woman. “Excuse me, ladies, but the favorite aunt is here.” Nia announced. “Step aside.” Maddox let out a happy squeal when he heard Nia’s voice. “See? He knows who the favorite is.” She said smugly as Lily unwrapped him from the sling and Nia took him from her arms. The other divas sighed in defeat but that didn’t stop them from crowding Nia, making random noises and faces trying to get him to laugh. Seth guided Lily to a couple of vacant chairs, Zoe happily playing with the pink tulle of her dress. All of the sudden heavy footsteps could be heard coming from down the hallway. “Where’s my Zo-bear?!” A deep voice yelled out, slightly startling all who heard it. “Unkie Bwaun!!!” Zoe yelled as she squirmed out of her dad’s arms. Once her little feet touched the floor, she took off towards the gentle giant. Braun grabbed Zoe and threw her into the air. She screamed and giggled in delight all while chanting “Again! Again!” Lily and Seth sat silently watching and listening to the scene in front of them. Lily let out a content sigh, smiling to herself as she heard the happy giggles of her beautiful babies. She closed her eyes and smiled when she felt Seth’s lips on her temple. “What’s running through that mind of yours, cutie?” Seth quietly asked, staring at his beautiful wife. “I’m just thinking about how amazing our life is.” She answered, turning her head so she was facing his face. “Thank you.” She said simply, kissing his cheek. “For what?” She put one of her hands on his face, cupping his cheek, smiling when she felt Seth nuzzle into her soft palm. She guided his head closer to hers, touching their foreheads together. “For making me the happiest woman on earth.” She whispered, a stray tear falling down her cheek. “You too, pretty baby.” Seth said as he swiped her tear away with his thumb. “You’ve made me the happiest I’ve ever been.” With that, he pressed his lips against hers, passionately kissing his wife, his Lily. “Gwoss!” Seth and Lily pulled apart at the sound of Zoe’s little voice, Lily blushing as she hid her face in Seth’s shoulder. Laughter filled the room as Seth quietly described to Lily the look of disgust that currently resided on their daughters face. Lily smiled and laid her head on Seth’s shoulder, loving how her life had turned out. Amanda had once asked her if she had the chance to redo her life, would she go through it all again? Lily had told her “Without hesitation.”                                                                      Fin.
@haven-raven012591 @wrestlingfae @neversatisfiedgirl @hanaslay @lost-in-the-stories @calwitch @team-elias @panda-girl1999 @captainwinterwriter @imagine-all-the-fandoms
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blossom862 · 6 years
Mixed Match Challenge
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Word Count: 2663
Warning: None. Safe Zone
PS: Listen to the song “I Own You” by Shinedown while reading this 
It was official, your partner for the Mixed Match Challenge had been injured during a fight on Raw. Dean Ambrose was supposed to be your partner but due to his injury, he was not going to be able to fight. Stephanie explained to you that because he was injured and was not going to return anytime soon, the fans would be the ones to pick your new partner for the match.
“Y/R/N, I know how hard it is for you to hear that your partner for the Mixed Match Challenge, Dean Ambrose is out due to what happened last Monday here in Monday Night Raw. The WWE universe knows that you are siblings but also best friends. How do you feel about all of this?”
You were currently being interview by your sister in law, Renee Young. You always love when she interview you not only because she is family, but also because she makes you feel relax and comfortable.
You looked at her with worried eyes and proceed to answer her question.
“Is hard to be here every day knowing that your brother and best friend is out due to someone who could not keep his anger issues under control. Not only I feel mad but also worry for the sake of my favorite lunatic.”
While letting her know how you felt, Renee looked uncomfortable with something or rather someone behind you. She took a step back and before she tried to warn you, you felt a massive pain coming from your back. Trying to see what had happened you tried to turn around but once again felt another wave of pain coming from the same spot as before.
“Anger ISSUES?! Who do you think you are? You better watch your pretty little mouth if you do not want to end up like your coward brother.”
You knew that voice too well. The “famous” Samoa Joe was the cause of your massive pain. While replying to Renee question, you did not realize that he was listening behind your back. The impact was unexpected for you and everyone who was watching.
Tuning around you tried to stand up from the floor but failed miserably.Samoa saw what you were trying to do and took your left arm. With his other hand, he took your chin in a brutal way. You looked at him with so much hate and disgust.
“If only you had accepted my proposal. You wouldn't be in this situation right now. You see, a woman like you deserve to be treated like a queen. Not like some kind of puppet that does her brother dirty work. Is such a shame that I had to do that.” He stopped for a minute to see your reaction and to also look at the camera.
“But don’t worry my flower, you will be mine. Someday.”
After that, he gave you a kiss on your forehead. He stood up and looked at Renee with a sinister face. You tried to maintain calm but the previous event was something that you had never experience before. You could hear the paramedics running towards you in order to check if you have any injuries.
Renee was trying to get your attention by taking your hands in hers.
“Y/N!! Are you ok? Can you get up by yourself or do you want me to help you? Please answer me!! You are making me scared. Please doll, say something.”
You could hear the desperation in her voice. Letting go of her hands, you tried to get up but failed to do so. You were still in a shook from the previous scene. Is not that you were scared or anything, but you were worried about what he might due when Dean returns. You would kill him if he lays another finger to your brother.
Raising your head, you did not notice the number of people that was surrounded the two of you. The paramedics were all around you. One of them took your head in his hands and started to check for any head injuries. Another one was taking your vitals, and the other two were observing you in order for them to make sure there weren't any more inconveniences.
“Miss Ambrose, tell me if these hurt.” One of the doctors was putting a little bit of pressure in the back of your head. He looked at you with worry eyes but not before looking directly at your eyes. He was one of the newest doctors to arrive at Raw a couple of months ago. At the beginning, you guys started to flirt and later on started to date. But that came to an end due to you finding out he was seeing another diva behind your back.
“Auch, get away from me Steven. Instead of making me feel better you are hurting me more.” He looked at you with a concerned face. He ignored you and started to call his assistants in a rush way.
“ Josh, I need you to call Stephanie and Hunter as soon as possible. Tell them that she would not be able to fight against Sasha Banks tonight. We need to take her to the closest hospital in order for us to make sure she doesn't have a concussion.”
With that said, his assistant stood up from the floor and followed Steven’s commands.
“What? You are telling me that I won’t be able to compete tonight? I’m fine Doctor, is just a massive headache nothing that a couple of painkillers can cure.”
There was no way that you were going to miss your match against Sasha, you had been having a storyline with her since last month. Tonight, you were going to have a TLC match and you were supposed to win. You needed to be there, not for you, but for your amazing fans.
“Y/N, I know tonight is important, but we need to make sure you are ok. Please, Y/N/N, let me help you.” He said
“First of all, do not call me that, second, I’m perfectly fine.” You looked at him with an annoying face. You decided that it was time to get up and find your way to Kurt Angle office since before the show started, one of the cameras mans told you that “ Kurt needs to see you after you segment with Renee. He said it is something about the Mixed Match Challenge.”
“Where are you going? Y/N, we haven’t finished talking.” Complained Steven while standing up.
You did not pay attention to his words and keep walking. After a couple of minutes, you realize that he was no longer following you. For some reason, you felt a little bit nervous to see Kurt. You knew he wasn't going to tell you a bad new, but you have the feeling that what he might tell you was going to be important.
Opening the door, you were welcome with a very strong cologne. Yep, Kurt was in his office.
“Hey! Y/R/N, how are you feeling? Weren’t you supposed to be at the hospital?” Asked a very worry Kurt
Looking at him with a bore expression you ignore his questions and proceed to ask the following
“Why did you want to see me? Jeremy told me that you wanted to talk about the Mixed Match Challenge. What is it?”
With a more serious face, he motions you to sit down on the couch that was located in the middle of the room. Taking a seat you waited for him to do the same.
“Look, I know how bad you wanted to have Dean as your partner. But since he is no longer here, we had asked the fans who they want  your partner to be for the match.”
Taking a deep breath you started to become nervous. Not having any idea of whom might be your new partner worried you the hell up.
“And...well, they had already picked your new partner. In fact, he is going to be here any minute.”
You opened your eyes in a shook. Who would it be? Seth? Or maybe Jason Jordan? There were so many possibilities and so little time.
A set of knocking took you by surprise. Kurt shouted a “ Come on in.” and without wasting any more time, your new partner enters the room.
You could not believe who your new partner was. Those long legs, massive arms, and that long and black hair. He gave you a big smile followed by a big hug.
“Oh baby girl, can’t believe we are going to be partners.”
“Roman, I’m glad too.”
Kurt looked at you two with a proud gaze. He knew you would like your new partner. Since the beginning, you and Roman had been really good friends. Everyone knew not to mess with either one of you. If they tried, they would have to deal with the other. Your brother always tells you that his fellow Shield-brother has a thing for you, but you never believe him. Why would someone as handsome and funny as him have a thing for you? Psst, he won’t.
“Well, I’m happy you guys agree with the result. Get ready to fight against Finn Bálor and Sasha Banks next Tuesday. Good luck to you too.” And with that said, you two went to his locker room to discuss your strategies for the match.
Time Skips
It was the night of the mixed match. You were standing next to Roman waiting for your cue to make your entrance. He took your hand in his and started to touch your curly hair.
“Baby girl, don't worry too much. We would win.” You gave him a small smile and before you have the chance to respond, someone told you that it was time.
Hearing your music start, you walked through the curtain and face the crowd.
Come on in, take a seat.
Tell me how you feel this weak.
Are you cursed? Are you blessed?
Are you still inside the mess?
All those feelings wrapped around you,
Hold you down so you can't break through.
Its a trap, so don't ask. Its a shadow on
Your back. It doesn't burn, it doesn't bleed,
Still, it cuts you at the knee.
All this pressure that surrounds you,
Holds you down but you know you
Gotta break through.
“ I do not about you guys, but I can’t wait to see who Y/R/N partner is.” You could hear Booker T said to the other two commentators
“ Me neither Booker, but from the face of Y/R/N, is someone special. Can’t wait.” Replied Corey
You looked at the crowd with a playful face. Your music stopped playing and you put your index finger to your lips in order for the crowd to be quiet.
“The Truth Reigns” started to play all over the arena. You could see the crowd going insane, some of them were booing, but most of them were going crazy.
Roman did his usual routine but instead of going straight to the ring, he looked at you and took your hand in his tattoo one. You gave him a kiss on his right cheek and the both of you make your way to the ring.
You glared at Finn and Sasha as you made your way to the ring. Sasha gave you a dirty look and decided to take a step toward you. Before you could take a step toward her, you felt two big arms squeezing your waist lightly.
“Wait till the match starts. Don’t let her get to you.” Whispered Roman in your left ear.
Taking a deep breath, you nodded and waited for the referee signal.
“The following match is a Mixed Match Challenge.  From Boston, Massachuset. Sasha Banks.” You could see how the entire arena shouted her name. It was obvious, she was one of the most popular in the women's division.
Smirking at you, she went back to her corner and waited for Jojo to announce her partner.
“Her partner, from Bray, Ireland. Finn Bálor.” The crowd was going crazy. He did his usual routine and looked at Roman with a stern face.
You rest your hand on Roman shoulder while giving him another kiss on his cheek. With that action, the crowd started to make kissing noises. Roman started to laugh at their reaction but soon after that, he went back to his serious face.
“Their opponents, from Y/H/T, Y/R/N!!” The whole arena was screaming and shouting your name louder than when they were cheering for Sasha. You were the most love from all the divas. You have a connection with the fans that only you and your fans understood. The crowd started to shout “We love you Y/R/N” and “You will win”
Jojo smiled at you but then proceed to announce Roman. “From Pensacola, Florida. He is her tag team partner, Roman Reigns!!” Some of the crowd started to boo him but others started to cheer for him. You, of course, gave him a side hug to cheer him up. You hated when they boo him. It makes you mad. You knew he was an amazing athlete and friend. He deserves better.
With that said, both men when to fight each other. Finn tried to hit Roman but he was faster and double kick him in the abdomen. You cheer for him from your corner.
For the majority of the match, Roman was taking the upper hand. He was about to do his famous Superman punch but out of nowhere Sasha enters the ring and slapped him. Without thinking you enter the ring and spare her.
“Nobody slaps my man. You hear me ?” you shouted in her face. Taking her by her hair, you took her by surprise and did her own finisher. The Boss Statement.
“Oh, Sasha Banks is about to tap out with her own finisher,” shouted Corvey
You could feel how she was debating to tap or not. “Tap!!! Damn it, tap !!” you scream at her as loud as you could. Not after that, she did not have any other way than give up. The referee separates you from her and raises your hand.
“And the winners of this match are Y/R/N and Roman Reigns!” Jojo announce your victory with a big smile on her face.
Roman took your other hand and gave you a proud smile. Out of the corner of your eyes, you could see how Renee step into the ring and gave you a hug.
“Y/R/N, Roman, how do you guys feel? I mean, being together for the first time as partners and being the winners of this huge match.” Asked amused Renee
Roman smile at her while placing his arm on your shoulder. “ Well Renee, Y/R/N is an amazing wrestler. I do not have expected less from her. I knew from the moment Kurl told me that I was going to be her partner, that we were going to win.”
“Y/R/N, what do you have to say ?” Asked Young with a smirk
You looked at Roman and answer him “ It was an honor, you are amazing in any aspect. Plus you are handsome as hell.” You confessed.
The crowd started to scream at your response. You had never seen Roman blush so hard in your life.
“Well, I think you are beautiful as well.” Replied him
Without thinking, you took his face between your small and delicate hands. You looked at him and did not hesitate to give him a passionate kiss on his lips. At the beginning he was shocked but after a couple of seconds, he followed your led.
“And there you have it. The winners of this Mixed Match Challenge.”
Y/R/N( Your Ring Name)
Y/N/N( Your Nick Name)
Y/H/T( Your Home Town)
I had this idea for so long. Let me know if you guys liked it. 
*This story is mine, I don’t give permission to post it on another social media. I spend a lot of time into it.
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imaginexwwe · 6 years
Old Friend 2|? (DEAN AMBROSE)
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(ANON) Reader has know Dean since his Moxley days and had since lost touch. But after a random run in, would be still remember the drunken promise they once made? (A) NGST
Warning: NONE
Writer's Notes: PART 2: Y/N's still trying to face the facts that the man she's sorta been holding out hope for is married, while Renee is growing more and more curious about her husband's 'OLD FRIEND' (C) URIOSITY (A) NGST
Married, I repeated silently in my mind once again as I slowly came to a stop at the red light.
Jonathan Good, married.
My Jonathan Good, married.
Could that explain the lack of contact?
Well the loss of contact, considering it's basically been at a negative zero for the past few years.
A loud couple of car horns and a few angry yells from drivers behind me, was all it took to get me out of my head as I glanced up seeing the red light had turned green.
I'm actually happy that he found someone, one of us needed to eventually.
I just hope he's happy, I thought as I began driving the rest of the short distance to my house.
"This was an interesting morning, huh Jon..?" Renee asked as she crawled into bed next to her quiet husband. "I met a new friend who happened to be your old friend." She added with an somewhat awkward laugh.
Jon nodded, replying with an more forced than awkward laugh of his own. "Yep, interesting." He said finally speaking up with words, and not just head gestures.
No, he wasn't upset or mad over his short run in with Y/N.
It was actually nice getting to see her familiar face again.
He just hated how it went, or well the circumstances it was under.
Especially after that old, old promise he had brought up so long ago.
"If we're not married by the time we're thirty, let's marry eachother..." He silently recalled the promise to himself as he laid in bed on his back starring up at the ceiling.
Did she still remember that?
Was she even single, still?
While his eyes crept down to her fingers, yes, seconds into sitting down in front of a woman he hasn't seen in years, the first thing his eyes roamed was her fingers, he didn't notice a ring.
But that didn't mean she couldn't have been in a relationship, though.
Jon was aware that her birthday was sometime last month, on the twenty second, if he's not mistaking.
Meaning she was indeed thirty.
It just was no way she was the one that ended up with the short end of the stick, I guess you could say.
Y/N was a beautiful woman, has been since the day he met her years ago, and if he was able to find love and someone who was up for marrying him...
Jonathan shook his head.
He just couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Y/N wasn't as lucky.
It just seemed hard to believe.
"Jon, are you talking to yourself?" Renee asked with another laugh, as her eyebrows furrowing after noticing her husband shake his head.
"Uh, no." Jon answered quickly before adding, "Just thinking about something, ya know."
No I don't know, Renee wanted to say, and always about to before Jon spoke up again, this time giving her a quick "goodnight," and rolling over on his side with his back to her.
"Yeah," She mumbled, thinking how strange and how out of the ordinary that was for Jon.
They hardly ever slept with their backs to eachother, unless they were mad at eachother at the time, and she knew Jon wasn't always much of a cuddler but he still would pull her close cause he knew how much more relaxing it was for her to be in his arms even when sleeping.
And what was on his mind so much that he seemed to be having a mental conversation with himself?
Was it about the woman she'd befriended this morning at the coffee shop?
The woman, her husband couldn't seem to make eye contact with for more than a few seconds?
Not that Renee was complaining.
I don't know, she thought suddenly as a yawn escaped her lips.
Maybe I'm just reading to much into this.
But then again, it did seem like they had a history that was more complicated than any of a simple friendship, Renee's mind continued to wonder before sleep took over.
"... Joe, I know I'm stupid for asking b--"
Renee let out a frustrated sigh after being cut off by Joseph, a good friend of both her husband and her.
"If you know it's stupid, then why keep trying to ask?" Joseph questioned her back.
"I just needed answers." She quickly mumbled, her guilt building up more and more. "It'll be hard to have this conversation with Jon, and Y/N can't be asked cause I just met her and she seemed really cool from the conversations we had, so giving her the thought of me being this nosey, annoying wife of her friend is out of the running."
The built Somoan across from her nodded, his serious face seeming to have become even more serious, as Renee got out more words.
"I just want to know if this history of there's went deeper than Jon is letting on, Joe."
After a second or two, she could hear a sigh more frustrated than the one she had let put a few minutes ago, come from her friend. "All I've ever heard from Jon is that she was a great friend, and he hated how things were left between them." He said finally giving Renee some of what she wanted. "I don't know, but I never got the feeling that something happened with them..." He said finishing up with a mumble.
Renee knew just from the look on his face that he didn't want to be apart of this.
Telling his friend's stories behind his back.
Not that she needed the look to confirm it.
She, herself didn't want to ask Joseph anything that her husband may have confided to him but after his behavior last night, let's just say she wouldn't be able to get a good night's sleep or even focus on anything if she hadn't gotten some kind of answer.
But like she basically told Joe, there was no way in hell she was going to Y/N with her questions.
And even though there was another person, Colby to be more specific, that she could've went to, she knew better.
In the past he was the quickest to ruin simple surprises that she'd planned for Jonathan's birthdays or whatever, so she could just imagine how fast he'd be to run his mouth about something as big as her digging into her husband's past.
"Thank you Joe," Renee replied with a smile as she got up from her seat in the catering area, pushing her chair back in. "You're the best." She added flashing a grateful smile to the man across from her.
She turned her back to him, beginning to walk out through the closest double doors, before she remembered the reason she had also gone to him.
The reason other than the questions she needed answers to.
"Oh and don't forget about me and Jon's housewarming party." Renee called out, looking over her shoulder. "I want you and Galina there."
I stopped typing away on my office computer after hearing my cell going off.
As soon as I picked it up, I noticed a text on the lit up screen.
RENEE: Me and Jon are having a housewarming Saturday want you there ☺
I flinched slightly after feeling a sharp pain on my bottom lip, only now realizing I had bitten it as I read the message.
If I'm being honest I had totally forgotten I had even given my number out to Renee.
And I totally didn't expect for her to actually text me, let alone invite me to a party she and Jon was having.
Like, isn't that the kind of stuff you do with friends that you actually know, and not one you just met literally a day ago?
I shook my head, putting my phone back onto my desk, focusing on my work once more.
A party at their place is the last thing I want to be apart of, but would it really be so bad?
Maybe me and Jonathan could have a chance to talk and I could settle my wondering mind once and for all, knowing for sure if he's happy or not with his life.
Not that I'm still holding on by a thread that he could be mines.
I'm just a friend concerned about another friend's happiness.
Years apart doesn't change that, especially in a friendship as close as ours once were.
Renee put down the Corona beer bottle she'd been holding in her hand the second her phone went off.
A huge smile forming on her face after seeing it was a reply from Y/N.
Y/N: Thanks for the invite
I'll be there
"Why are you all smiley?" She heard her husband ask, startling her and causing her to jump a little.
"Y/N," She replied bringing her hand up to her chest while her heart raced a bit. "I invited her to our housewarming Saturday and she just confirmed she'll be here."
"Oh," Jon mumbled his demeanor changing within seconds of hearing his wife's news. "That's good." He added trying to make his voice seem more cheerful that the "oh," he'd just mumbled.
It wasn't like he was made about it.
Jonathan just wasn't ready to be put in a situation where things could get awkward with Y/N.
If anything he would've liked the opportunity to meet up with her alone and talk about how things were left off.
Maybe even throw in an apology or two, considering the fact that he felt like their friendship ended because of him getting more and more busy while on the road trying to make his wrestling career happen.
Bottom line, he really wanted to get rid whatever tension that could be lingering over them because of that promise, when their was just the two of them, not when it was the two of them, his wife, and a bunch of other friends around.
@littleprincess1621 @princesstoniii @pookiepookie8 @monochrome-decadance @cam0flug3 @finnbalorsbabygirl @blondekel77 @calwitch @eshia16 @moonchildcorbin @jadalecki-jackles @jooheonie-bee @rebelfleur22 @lost-in-the-stories @scars-tears-and-suicide @panda-girl1999 @racheo91 @evelinhardy40
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You’re not a want, Seth, I need you. 
Pairing: Seth Rollins x Reader
Fandom: WWE
Warning: Cursing
You don’t have to, but I recommend reading the Intro so you can decide which ending you’d like. 
“Thanks, girls,” You said before leaving the Bella twins’ locker room. 
Halfway down the hallway, you saw Dean and Roman walking your way. 
“Hey kiddo, did you catch their match?” Dean asked. 
“Of course I did,” You smiled. 
“Seth is looking for you by the way,” Roman added. 
“Okay, good, because I was on my way to find him,” You said. 
“Oh, you were?” Dean asked with a wiggle of his eyebrows. 
You felt yourself blush. 
“Don’t you dare start teasing me!” You exclaimed. 
“I’m not going to say a word!” Dean replied. 
“I can see it written all over your face, Dean,” You hissed. 
Dean scoffed. “What I can’t look at you?” 
“No!” You shrieked. 
Dean started laughing. “Aw, Ro our little girl has caught the feels,”
“Dean,” You hissed before launching yourself at the Lunatic. 
Roman caught you around your waist and pulled you back. 
“Come on now, you know Dean’s not worth it. Head to Seth’s locker room I’m sure he’s still there,” Roman said. 
“I’m watching you, Ambrose,” You growled. 
“Ooh, I’m shaking in my leather boots,” Dean teased. 
Before you could even think about launching yourself at Dean again, Roman was pushing you down the hall and away from them. You smiled and said hello to the others if they greeted you on your way to Seth’s room. Outside of his door, you knocked once and then he was calling for you to enter. 
“Hi Sethie,” You greeted. 
Seth whipped around to face you a large smile already on his face. 
“Hey, there you are. I was just about to come looking for you,” Seth said. 
“I guess it’s perfect timing, I need to talk to you,” You said closing the door behind you. 
“What’s up?” Seth asked slipping his shirt off and you’re pretty sure you drooled right then and there. 
“You’ve mentioned it several times offhandedly about your feelings for me,” You started and Seth froze. 
“Have those feelings gone away?” You asked him. 
Seth dropped his spare shirt as he looked at you with wide eyes. 
“Because I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and if you still feel that same way then I need you to know that I feel that way too,” You mumbled. 
“Y/n,” Seth began. 
“I mean I’ve always felt something for you, Seth, but I wasn’t sure if it was just some schoolgirl crush, but listening to you talk about your favorite day with me just made me realize how much you mean to me.” You explained. 
“Y/n, please tell me you’re not joking with me right now,” Seth pleaded with you. 
“I had to think about what I wanted Seth, but then I realized something,” You said. 
“What did you realize?” Seth asked you. 
“You’re not a want Seth, I need you,” You whispered. 
A predatory glaze came over Seth. He stalked towards you. For every step, he took towards you took one back. Your back suddenly came into contact with the door. Seth was suddenly crowding into your space. 
“Say it,” Seth demanded. 
You looked up at him and batted your lashes at him. You could feel him quivering against you. 
“I need you, Seth,” You said. 
Before you had a chance to say anymore Seth captured your lips with his. You two fought for dominance and of course, Seth won. He wrapped his arms tightly around you and you moaned into him.
“Fuck,” You swore and Seth laughed. 
“God that was better than I could have imagined,” Seth said and this time it was you who laughed. 
“Sorry, it took me so long to come to my senses,” You apologized. 
“Oh it can be forgiven,” Seth teased and you smiled. 
Your stomach began to growl. 
“Were you nervous about telling me that you forgot to eat?” Seth asked. 
You blushed. “Um maybe,” 
Seth stepped away to put on the shirt that he dropped. He held out his hand to you. You laced your hand with his hand and then he yanked open the door. The two of you weren’t all that surprised to see Dean, Renee, and Roman standing there. 
“Uh hey guys,” Renee said awkwardly. 
You laughed and the buried your face into Seth’s shoulder. 
“Are you guys serious?” Seth asked. 
“What? We are just as invested in this relationship as you two are!” Dean argued. 
“Yeah, we’ve been wanting this to happen for awhile now,” Roman added. 
“Can’t even get any damn privacy,” Seth growled. 
“It’s not like we’ve told the whole roster or anything,” Dean said while he and Roman looked at Renee. 
“Renee!” You exclaimed. 
Renee flinched. “Sorry, I just got a little excited,”
You sighed while Seth threw his head back and laughed. 
“We might as well go and let everyone know we’re official,” Seth said. 
You nodded and let Seth lead the way. Even though you wished you were the one to break the news to everyone first you were kind of happy that Renee took that pressure off you. Now you could just enjoy celebrating your relationship with the man who was definitely the love of your life and you couldn’t be any happier about it. 
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darktammy · 5 years
Coffee Shop (part 6)
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want to be tag just let me know (enjoy)
tag: @sausagefest1996 @sassybrose @balorbarnes @myadm1234 @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @instantbouquetdestinysblog @ambrollinsbabe @ambrosesnerd @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @wwesarahjaneroszko @thelonelunatic @thejulietfarciertlove @musicallyinclinedthings @queenofthearchitect @queenofthekingslayer @queenbutterfly2018 @demonkingsangel @tacoshu @livlyf247 @living-the-life-1996 @sithlita @thatwrestlingfan91 @wwefanatic91 @ambrosiac1993 @xsapphirerose
You was backstage at Wrestlemania with Seth, you sat in the back with Renee as she keep rubbing your belly. “You know Y/n I can’t wait for my god babies.” As she jump little. You laugh as you drank your jug of water. “Oh my god Reni you have no idea how badly I want this two little ones out!” You both laugh as Renee look over at Dean. “Hey babe what do you think?” He shook his head, “as long as one of them have my name I’m fine.” He said with a smile. “OK then.” You said.
The match for Seth vs Brock was the first match, which was a shock for everyone. You watch the match as you saw Seth being thrown around in the ring as you watch in horror. “Come on babe!” You said yelling at the tv, then you saw how Seth got the upper hand with a low blow making your clap your hands together. Then three curb stomps in and you saw how Seth won the match making you cheer for joy. “My baby did it yes!” You got up as you walk out the locker room.   
You walk up to find Seth hold his title that you called fruit roll up. You walk up to Seth as he look at grabbing you. “Give me some love baby girl.” You laugh as you kiss Seth on the lips. After his match you was with Seth for his photo shot with his new title in hand. “I can’t believe it he has the title now I can see the new title replica on his wall real soon.” You said giggling to yourself. You sat in the Seth’s locker room as you start to help him pack up some of his things. “Hey babe I’ll be right back ok?” You smiled at Seth as you nodded your head giving him a sweet kiss on the lips.
You watch Seth leave the room as you sat down on the couch waiting for him. You look at your phone just to see ten minutes past and was hoping that Seth was ok. Then you look back to see Seth walk right in. “What happened Seth?” He smiled at you as he pulled you into a hug. “Nah I just need to take care of something before we leave.” You nodded your head as you pick up your bag just to exit the locker room.
You made it back home while Seth had to stay for the next night. You laid in bed as you watch raw rubbing your belly with a smile on your face. Then you hear your phone ring as you look to see a number that you don’t know, so you just left it for voice mail. You look back at the tv as you watch Seth gets ready for his match then your phone made a chirp noise to let you know that a voice message was left for you. After the show was over you check to see what it was. “Hello there Miss, Y/L/N this your father trying to call you, but I guess your not gonna answer me because I uh….mess up pretty bad, hey listen to me ok I’m out only for probation you know. I just want to see your face again before I go back in I have only 48hrs of freedom so lets meet up at the new coffee shop that open ok love ya.” The massage end as you sat up in bed looking at the wall. “Dad?”
The next day you want to work telling Seth and Josh about your father coming here. “Are you sure you don’t want me to kick his ass babe?” Seth said as he was standing behind you with his arms wrap around you and your large belly. “No babe it’s fine I mean your going to be at the other table so…” Josh laugh, “just in case you may never know.” You look at Josh then shook your head. “You guys can sit in the back or something I just have a lot to get off my chest with him.” You said looking back at Seth.
You sat at the table looking around the place seeing Dixie on your right then right behind you was Seth and Josh right behind the counter as all three watch. You look at the time on your phone then you look up to see a tall man wearing a suit walk right in the shop. “Dad.” You said, Your father Bryan had a smile on his face as he walk up to you giving you a hug. “Y/n look at you...your pregnant. I’m going to be a grandfather?” You heard Seth scuff as you tried not to giggle. Your father sat down across from you with a smile. “Well dad yes I’m having twins a boy and a girl really.” You said looking down, “Look at you the last time I saw you, you was working with me and your mother…” “Right before you got arrested right dad?” He nodded his head as he knew you was never going to give that up.
You look over at Josh as he gave your father a cup of coffee and you water. “Uh really? Water?” Josh laugh as he wink at you. “Not my call.” You wanted to look back at Seth and hit him, but you couldn’t so you just smiled. “So I see your doing great from the last time I saw you.” You nodded, “Yeah dad I am I work here in this shop.” He look around then back at you, “Really? Well I thought you would have done better then this place.” You heard Seth clearing his throat from what your father said. “Uh dad I really like it here, I get to have vacation, I can have health coverage you know all those good things.” Bryan nodded his head again as he look at you. “Well I mean whatever makes you happy then i’m happy too.” You smiled as you drank your water. “Well I went to see you mother today I see you change the flowers.” You nodded as you started to hold back some tears. Josh nodded his head to Seth as while Dixie gave him the sign by lifting up a napkin. Seth sat up ready for anything.
“Yeah I know dad I change those flowers every week, even if it’s raining I do it.” Bryan took your hand and squeeze it. “I miss your mom I wish I could have done something better.” You look up at him, “By not committing fraud?” He sigh as he sat back, “Look I know what I did was bad..” It was evil dad.” You told him. “I know I get it and I’m paying for it big time, but I was doing it to make sure your and mother where safe.” You scuff as you rolled your eyes. “To make sure we were safe, dad me and mom had to move from the house we lived in to a trailer home. Then mom got sick and died, and this was right after you was in jail for 3 years.” You said sitting back, felt Seth’s hands on your lower back. You knew he was trying to calm you down and he was trying not to get mad.
“Look Y/n I know I get your mad at me, but everything will change you’ll see. I’m almost done with my time you and me will be back together and my grandkids will be with me.” Seth scuff at his words. “I’m sorry who is he?” You look back at Seth then back at your father. “Dad this man right here Seth.” Bryan’s memory came back to him as he got a good look at him. “Oh yes Seth the one who always pick on you with his buddies. How have you been young man.” You look at him. “Dad Seth is my boss.” Bryan look at you, “This man owns this shop and his your boss Y/n come on you could have done better than that.” Seth move his chair right next to you. “Well if you didn’t steal money like the evil Grinch that you are then maybe just maybe ‘dad’ she would have still been in your office.” Seth told Bryan. “Dad Seth’s right about it, his right about everything.”
Bryan look down then back at you, “I know, but at the end here I am seeing you for the first time in about Six years. I see you have change and you did dame good for yourself, I’m proud of you Y/n I wish your mom was here as well.” You nodded your head as you look over at Seth with a smile. “I know for a fact whoever the father of your babies are he has my blessing to marry you.” You smiled as you look over at Seth, “Oh no…” You back at your father, “Seth is the one?” You nodded your head. “Yeah old man it was me.” Bryan was mad, “I see you never had a clean sweep of relationship from your past how the hell did you end up with my daughter?” You look over at Seth hoping he didn’t get mad, “Nah I card about her I even loved her, but I was with a group of guys who didn’t show care in the world. I know what I did to her was wrong, I know that, but unlike you I made up for it. It made had taken years later for it, but I did it.” Seth said looking at your father straight.
Bryan nodded his head as he look at you, “I see so when are you both are getting married?” You look at your dad in shock, “Well dad since that was going to be a surprise for her, but I see someone want to know when, soon right now…” Seth pulled out a small black box from his pocket making you gasp. Seth open the box to show a small diamond ring as he pulled it then Seth look at you with a smile. “Y/n I know there were some things that got in the way in our past, but now that I got the girl that I want which is you, please just say that one word to make me happy. Y/n will you be my wife?” You nodded your head as yelled out the words over and over “Yes Seth yes I will!” You smiled as you both kiss each other. Your father Bryan had a smile on his face. “If only your mom was here, she would have loved it.” Bryan said, Dixie and Josh both walk up to the both of you as Seth slept the ring on your finger.
Later on that night you and Seth told everyone the great news, Renee being the crazy happy for the both of you. You enjoyed the long talk you had with Renee about everything that happened, with you and dad and how your father was. You both made a plan to meet up the next day just so you both can do some baby shopping.
The night came as you and Seth laid in bed together. At first you though it was nothing maybe you peed a little on yourself which it happens, but then it just felt odd you turn on your lap on the side of your bed as you pulled the sheets off of you. Then you saw it blood right threw your shorts. You look over to Seth just to see him sleeping. You was to scared to wake him so you slowly got out of bed then you felt it, hitting you hard. “Ahhh….Seth please wake up!” Seth sat up in bed as he look at you. “Babe what’s wrong?….” He saw the blood on the bed Seth panic as he got out of bed. “It’s ok baby it’s ok I’m going to get you to the hospital and fast.” Seth said as he grab a shirt and some sweatpants putting them on. You was sitting up in bed crying out in pain. “Oh god Seth the babies please I hope nothing bad is happening to them!” You heard a small bark coming from the outside of your bedroom. “Kevin relax boy we're leaving now.”  Seth grab a black bag already pack with baby clothes then he grab you as you both walk out the room then straight to his car and off to the hospital.
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glowrioustrash · 6 years
Prompt: “If you could make it a horror story involving Dean Ambrose and Renee Young as a couple? Along with Seth Rollins and Cathy Kelley as exes who pretend to hate each other, though it's clear they still have feelings for one another. I'm trying to think of a way the four of them can be brought together... Maybe Dean and Renee could be going on a road trip, and he invites his friend Seth, while she invites her friend Cathy. How the road trip leads to horror is completely up to you, but my friend loves horror and suspense, so make it as creepy as you want." Requested by @devilzadvokitty​ for her friend’s birthday. 
Pairing: Dean Ambrose x Renee Young, Seth Rollins x Cathy Kelley
Word Count: 6200+
Warnings: Kidnapping, blood, various (nonthreatening) injuries, mentions of a gun?, lots of swearing. It’s not a fun one lol
Author’s Note: WOWEE So this was a challenge - and I love a challenge. This was out of my comfort zone for a few different reasons, including: the genre, trying to get it done in time, I don’t typically write Renee, I’ve never written Cathy. Basically I had no damn idea what I was doing, but I hope it turned out okay! Part of me felt it was really short as I edited, but the fact that the word count is over 6000... and honestly this is kinda tame. I could have really put these four through the ringer, but again... timeline.
ANYWAY Happy birthday mystery friend!
Tagging: @castielscamander​ / @therealfivefeetoffuckingfury​ / @kakakatey​ / @thirstiswet​ / @calwitch​ (I don’t have my tag list with me ATM, so if I miss anyone, sorry!)
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“All set?” Renee asked over Dean’s shoulder as he loaded the last of their bags into the trunk of the SUV.
“All set.” He confirmed, turning to lay an arm over her shoulders. “Just gotta wait for the tagalongs.”
“Don’t call them tagalongs,” Renee laughed, smacking him lightly on his chest. “That makes it sound like they weren’t invited.”
“Fine. The squatters.”
“Dean!” She laughed even harder, shaking her head. Dean grinned down at her, squeezing her shoulders.
“Seth’ll be here soon, then we can hit the road.” Dean told her, noticing the way she froze under his arm.
“Yeah. You told me to invite a friend.” He reminded her.
“But not Seth!”
“Who else did you think I’d invite?”
“You thought Roman would want to come to a cabin in the woods with us, for a whole week away from his wife and kids?” He asked her, skeptically.
“Well, not when you put it that way.” Renee grumbled.
“Why is this such a problem anyway?”
“Because I invited Cathy.” Renee told him.
“Ahh, shit.” Dean cursed. “This is gonna be nice and awkward.”
Seth and Cathy had been dating until a few months ago, both of them agreeing that the relationship just wasn’t working. The stress of being on the road, as well as dating a coworker, was getting to be too much and they parted ways. It had initially been a fairly civil breakup, a few words exchanged in passing and a functioning working relationship. In the past month however, the working relationship had dissolved. Now the ex-couple would ignore each other at best, snide comments and glares across the way at worst. Everyone knew it could be worse, they had seen plenty of messy break-ups in their company, but those usually ended with one of the two either quitting or getting fired. Their friends all hoped it would resolve itself before it got to that.
Dean had been right, though he wish he hadn’t. The moment Seth and Cathy saw each other, the temperature around the four of them dropped. Lucky for the married couple, it seemed that today the duo were happy to ignore each other and not get into any sort of fight. The silence in the car was stifling, Renee trying to carry the conversation for 45 minutes before she eventually gave up. She turned the radio on to try and alleviate the tension.
Three excruciating hours into the drive, Dean pulled into an old, abandoned looking gas station.
“Is this place even open?” Seth scoffed.
“Says it is.” Dean shrugged, pointing at the neon sign blinking in the window. Without that sign, there was nothing on the outside of the building that would give any hint to it being a functioning gas station. Renee shot him a look, clearly asking if he was out of his mind. He just shrugged and opened the door, stepping out of the SUV. Seth followed him from the backseat.
Renee turned to look at Cathy, who seemed to share the same sentiment.
“Stretch our legs, I guess?” Renee offered.
“Yeah, it’ll be nice that we stretched once we’ve been murdered in the middle of nowhere.” Cathy shot back, only half joking.
Renee glanced at the guys who were making their way into the building. “What’s going on with you and Seth?”
“Nothing’s going on. What do you mean, what’s going on?” Cathy answered, a shade too quickly for it to be true, prompting Renee to shoot her a look of disbelief.
“Everything was fine when you two broke it off, but lately...” Renee trailed off, searching for the right words.
“Maybe… maybe I miss him.” Cathy admitted quietly. “But maybe I’m just lonely. I don’t know. I can’t tell if I’m missing him for him or if I just miss someone being there.”
“Why don’t you say something?”
“Please. He hates me.” Cathy shook her head.
“You’d be surprised.” Renee encouraged.
“We should stretch before the guys come back.” Cathy shut the conversation down, opening the door and climbing out of the vehicle. Renee sighed and followed suit.
Inside they found the boys skeptically searching through the offered snacks. Nothing looked particularly appetizing. Most of the packages were covered in dust or had visible mold inside. Renee reminded herself to share the hand sanitizer she had in the car once they left. She glanced around, seeing Seth was out of earshot if she kept her voice down.
“Babe,” she wrapped her arm around Dean’s waist as he grimaced at the bags of chips. “Do you know if Seth still feels anything for Cathy?”
“How would I know?” He asked with a shrug, picking up a bag to inspect it.
“Don’t you guys talk?” Renee questioned.
“Why would we talk about his ex? He hasn’t brought her up and I haven’t asked.” Dean explained as he set the bag of chips back with disdain.
“Could you ask?” She prompted, giving him her best doe eyes.
“Why? What kinda trouble you tryin’ to get me into?” Dean smirked down at her.
“Cathy misses him. What if the break-up was just stress from all the travel or something? We’ve had a few drag downs on the road. It’s normal in this business.”
“Yeah, but we make up. And I do enjoy making up with you.” He growled lowly, pulling her in close, making her giggle.
Seth was a few rows down, frowning at the “food” being offered. He looked up at Renee’s giggles, wandering away from the section with a sour look on his face. He questioned why he had agree to come on this road trip at all. It would have been bad enough being the third wheel to the happy couple, but now on top of it he had to spend the time with his ex. It was a lose-lose situation.
Thinking about his ex, he couldn’t help it as his eyes locked onto her where she stood at the magazine rack, sunglasses pushed up on top of her head. She looked good in her peach coloured sundress. Before he could let his thoughts get away from him, he forced himself to look away. That’s when he noticed the large, older man standing at the cash register, waiting for them to finish their purchases. The man was being extremely obvious as he looked over Cathy, clearly appreciating her dress as well.
Seth frowned and marched over to Cathy, draping his arm over his shoulders.
“Seth!” She jumped. “What are-”
“Shh, the guy working here is eying you.” He whispered, picking up a magazine. “It was giving me the creeps.”
“Oh.” Cathy settled down, accepting Seth’s hold. She even leaned into his shoulder… just to really sell it, she told herself.
“So, where you kids headin’?” The man at the cash asked as Dean approached with a box of twinkies. They were dusty, but those things lasted forever, he reasoned with Renee.
“Uhh, just a cabin little ways from here.” Dean answered, keeping it vague.
“Nice rom’ntic get’way, huh?” He man leered, showing off his several missing teeth.
“Something like that.” Dean shrugged it off. “How much for the twinkies?”
“Sure tha’s all you want?” The man tried.
“Yeah. You know what?” He threw a five dollar bill on the counter. “Keep the change.” Dean stormed out.
“Dean…” Renee started as the door to the store closed behind them.
“What? Did you want to spend anymore time in there?” He challenged, which Renee didn’t respond to. “That’s what I thought.”
He opened the box, happy to see the twinkies looked edible. He tore into a package, passing one of the two to Renee. They leaned against the car, waiting for Seth and Cathy.
The two exited shortly after, neither having bought anything. Renee saw that Seth’s arm was draped over Cathy and got excited, but Cathy shook her head subtly. Renee deflated at that.
“We set?” Seth asked.
“Yeah. Thank god we packed food.” Dean spoke around a mouthful of twinkie as he opened the door.
“Let’s get out of here.” Cathy agreed, pulling her sunglasses off her head and putting them on. The four climbed back into the car, happy to have stretched their legs. Renee and Dean noted that the climate between Seth and Cathy seemed less hostile as well, which hopefully meant the rest of the trip would go over smoothly.
Dean turned the key to start the car but the engine sputtered and failed.
“Are you serious?” Renee groaned. He huffed and tried again, only to get the same result.
“What the fuck, man?” Dean grumbled under his breath as he kept trying to get the engine to turn over. After five times he sat back with a loud groan.
“What do we do?” Cathy asked from the backseat.
“C’mon Rollins. Let’s take a look at this thing.” Dean ordered, climbing back out of the vehicle. “You two stay in here, okay?” He told Renee and Cathy before closing the door. Seth parroted the instructions for the girls to stay put before he joined Dean outside. Dean popped the hood easily, looking over the engine.
Cathy and Renee sat inside, anxiously waiting for the guys to fix the car. Neither of them liked that with the hood up, they couldn’t see the guys at all.
“I’ve got no service.” Cathy spoke, moving her phone around to try and get some reception.
“Let me check.” Renee dug her cell phone out of her pocket too, unsurprised to find that in the middle of nowhere, she wasn’t getting any reception either.
“Well, if the guys can’t get it figure out, we can go back in and ask if they have a phone.” Renee suggested.
“I really just wanna get out of here.” Cathy admitted. “I’d rather not talk to that guy again.”
“Yeah, me too... “ Renee agreed. “Not that we’re damsels in distress by any means, but we’ve got some pretty good men to take care of us while we figure it out.” She joked, trying to lighten the mood.
“You’ve got a good man.” Cathy corrected. “I’ve got… well, I don’t really have anyone.”
“Seth’s not gonna just leave you out here.” Renee argued. “No matter how he feels, those two are gonna figure this out.”
Cathy opened her mouth to respond, but they were interrupted by a loud thumping noise and the car jerking suddenly. Both women jumped, looking to the front of the car. They heard a loud yell from Seth before a second thump was heard, paired with another jostle of the car.
“The hell was that?” Renee asked.
“Seth?!” Cathy called loudly, knowing it wasn’t easy for the men to hear them through the car.
“Dean?!” Renee tried as well. It was very quiet, not even the sound of the men speaking could be heard. The only noise the women could hear was the whistling of the wind through the car.
Renee reached for the door handle only for Cathy to stop her with a shout.
“They’re not answering. I’m not just going to sit here.” Renee argued, opening the door.
The hood slammed closed, making both women jump. The man from the register leered at them through the windshield, Dean and Seth nowhere in sight. Cathy screamed as Renee slammed the door shut again.
“What the fuck do you want?!” Renee screamed at him.
“Where are Seth and Dean!?” Cathy yelled. The man bent down, disappearing behind the front of the vehicle. He came back up, an unconscious Seth hauled over his shoulder making both women scream again.
“Seth!” They both called for him as the man turned and started walking back into the store with him over his shoulders.
“What do we do?” Cathy sobbed.
“Dean’s still out there.” Renee answered, determined as she opened the door. Cathy yelled at her to stay in the car but she was already outside, leaving the door open.
Dean was laying on the ground, barely conscious with a trickle of blood flowing from his forehead.
“‘Nee?” He groaned when he saw Renee. “Ge’ back in-”
“He took Seth. You need to get up.” Renee urged frantically and took Dean’s hand in her own, trying to pull him upright. Her tiny frame couldn’t support his dead weight, making him flop back onto the ground. “Dean, please.” She sobbed. “You have to get up. Before he comes back.”
“Renee get back!” Cathy cried for her. The outburst made Renee look up, another man appearing in the doorway of the shop. He looked like the first, but he was leaner. The same grown out beard, but this one was greying more than the other man’s.
“Dean, please!” She sobbed, trying again to pull Dean up.
“Go!” He moaned, trying to push her back. She reluctantly let go and ran around the side of the car. She was about to slam the car door shut when the man’s meaty hand grabbed a hold of it. He ripped the door back open, Renee scurrying back towards the driver’s side, kicking out at him as she went. The man stood there, not moving, but smirking at her.
“Get away!” Cathy yelled, throwing her shoe at him. The man chuckled and looked down at the door, one fat finger pressing the door unlock button.
The click of the lock was followed by the driver’s side door being wrenched open, Renee falling out into the arms of the first man. She flailed and screamed as the larger man picked her up easily, carrying her back into the store.
“No!” Dean screamed, trying to pull himself upright. For good measure, the man kicked Dean in the head on the way by, effectively knocking him out.
“Just you an’ me, princess.” The man still standing at the passenger door sneered at Cathy, barely heard over the sound of Renee’s screaming. “Where you gonna run, huh? I like to chase.”
Cathy was shaking wildly as she reached for the door handle to the backseat driver’s side, thinking it was her best bet. It was farthest away from the man. She pushed it open and ran out, stumbling to the ground in her hurry. She heard the man laugh as he rounded the car. She scurried back to her feet, ready to run.
His meaty paw closed over her arm and she swung back at him. She caught him in the jaw, but he was barely phased. He pulled her close to him, her back to his chest, and she started flailing to get loose.
His free hand came up and covered her mouth and nose, cutting off her air. Cathy grabbed his arm, scratching at him to get free. He didn’t budge as darkness crept into the edges of her vision. She tried to bite at his hand, scratch him up, kick behind her to connect with any part of him she could. She was doing everything she could to get free, but it wasn’t long before she fell limp against him.
Renee was still conscious when they threw her into the cellar beside Seth, who was out cold. A welt had popped up across his forehead, but he looked fine otherwise. The man followed down the stairs and held her down as he secured her hands behind her back. The cool metal and the clicking made her think they were handcuffs but she couldn’t be sure. He then clipped her cuffs to a chain around a pole in the center of the room so she couldn’t leave. The chain could move up and down the pole, letting her stand or sit, but she couldn’t move from the spot.
Soon after, Cathy was brought in and thrown unceremoniously to the ground. She called for her friends, trying to get them to wake. She could see them both breathing, which was a very small comfort.
“Let us go!” She screamed when she heard the door open once more. She watched in horror as the two men threw Dean into the room, letting his body tumble down the few stairs until he crashed to the floor beside Seth.
“Dean!” She yelled, trying to run to him to make sure he was okay. The blood had smeared over his face during the fall. She couldn’t tell if he was still bleeding from the same place as earlier or if they had hurt him anymore. “What do you want, you sick fucks!?” She shouted at them. One of the men merely laughed as he closed the door. She heard the loud clicking of a lock before she was left alone with her unconcious friends.
“Dean! Jesus Dean, please wake up.” She cried, watching as Dean’s chest rose and fell as he inhaled and exhaled.
“Seth?” She called to the brunette, who was laying almost within reach of her feet. “Seth, wake up. Please!” She begged, managing to barely nudge him with the toe of her shoe.
She kept yelling, begging for one of the three to wake up. She didn’t know how long had passed when the door to the cellar opened again, one of the men descending the stairs with an old rag.
“Please, let us go.” Renee pled.
“You’re a mouthy one, ain’tcha?” The man sighed, bending down to her level.
“W-what are you-” Renee was cut off suddenly as he tied the rag around her mouth, silencing her. She gagged as the dirty rag touched her tongue. She tried not to think about where it had been before this.
“That’ll keep you quiet.” He had the nerve to smile at her. He patted her on the head like a dog, which she flinched away from violently. The act of defiance made him frown deeply, earning her a backhand across the face. Her head snapped to the side as she cried out in pain. The man chuckled at her before retreating back up the stairs.
Renee cried quietly to herself, unable to do much more until one of her friends woke up. There were no windows in the cellar, the only light coming from a flickering fluorescent bulb overhead. She had no way to tell how long she sat there, waiting. She pulled at her bonds until her wrists were raw and aching.
Seth was the first to stir, rolling onto his side with a long, drawn out groan. Renee tried to call for him around the gag in her mouth. She tried to nudge him with her foot again, but he had rolled in the opposite direction.
“The hell?” He growled, holding his head in his hands. Renee tried once more to get his attention and he finally looked over at her.
“Renee? The fuck?” He sat up quickly, a dizzy spell hitting him and he had to brace himself to avoid falling over, even from his sitting position. Once the spell passed, he slowly looked around the room.
“What the fuck is going on?” He gasped. Renee tried to motion for him to help her and he finally crawled over, pulling the rag away from her mouth.
“Seth! Thank god you’re awake.” She gushed.
“The fuck is going on? My head is killing me.” He breathed as he took in her appearance, a little confused from the blow to the head.
“That guy… the creepy one at the register. He jumped you and Dean or something. We couldn’t see, the hood of the car was up.” As she explained, Seth looked at the chain holding her to the pole, trying to get her undone. After a moment with no progress, Renee continued.
“Please go check on Dean, he was bleeding and I don’t know how bad it is.” She started crying again, the reality of the situation hitting her all over again as she had to explain it out loud.
Seth looked towards Dean, seeing the dried blood covering his face. He crawled over, rolling Dean onto his back. Renee watched with bated breath as he checked over his tag-team partner.
“I think he’s okay?” Seth told her, sounding unsure. “He’s not bleeding anymore, and he’s breathing.”
“Thank god.” Renee breathed a sigh of relief.
“Dean?” Seth gave his shoulder a shake but the man remained unresponsive.
“Cathy?” He tried, scurrying towards his ex-girlfriend. She whined in her unconscious state as Seth gave her a shake to rouse her. “She’s coming to. Do you know what he did to her?”
“No.” Renee shook her head. “They pulled me away and locked me down here. She was still in the car when he grabbed me.”
“They?” He asked, pulling Cathy up into his lap.
“Asshole has a friend.” Renee huffed as Cathy curled into Seth.
“Cathy? C’mon baby, wake up for me.” Seth urged, stroking her cheek.
“Seth?” She croaked as she woke, blinking up at him.
“Is she okay?” Renee called over, trying to see.
“I think so.” He answered, brushing Cathy’s hair out of her face.
“Renee?” Cathy asked, lifting her head to look for her friend. Once she caught sight of Renee, still tied to the pole, her eyes widened. “No. Oh god, no.”
“Shh, it’s okay.” Seth tried to soothe her as she started crying. “We’re gonna get out of here. We’ll figure it out.”
“Are you okay? He just grabbed you like it was nothi-”
“I’ll be fine. Headache, but nothing I can’t handle.” He reassured her, forcing a smile.
“How are we going to get out of here?” She whimpered.
“Shhh!” Dean hissed, making the other three in the room jump.
“Dean!” Renee called for him, trying to move closer to her husband, the chain rattling as she moved.
“Tryin’ sleep.” He grumbled, throwing an arm over his eyes. His groaned in pain as his forearm flopped into his aching head.
“Dean, you gotta wake up, man.” Seth told him.
“Seth?” Dean questioned, pushing his head up to stare at his friend. “What’re ya doin’ in my bedr’m?”
“Dean, are you okay?” Renee urged.
“Wh’re we?” He slurred, sitting up while holding his head. He froze when he saw Renee. “Why ya tied up?”
“Try to help Renee, let me check on Dean.” Seth told Cathy, who nodded. She moved to stand, but cried out in pain when she tried to put weight on her ankle. Seth steadied her right away.
“I… I must have sprained it when I fell out of the car.” Cathy thought out loud, wincing as she slowly tried to set weight on her foot again.
“Oh fuck… that fuckin’ bitch ass....” Dean groaned as he started to remember what happened. Seth helped Cathy over to Renee, setting her down before he moved to Dean.
Cathy looked behind Renee’s back, seeing the padlock that was keeping her handcuffs attached to the chair. Seth meanwhile was looking at Dean’s pupils, try to tell if he had a concussion.
“Back off, Rollins.” Dean groaned irritably, pushing Seth away. “Could just ask. Yeah, feels like I got my bell rung. The fuck he do to me?”
The four of them paused when footsteps were heard overhead, all four of them holding their breath. They heard the man above them giggling, making their stomachs drop. Luckily, the footsteps moved away from them.
“Dean, think you could pick this?” Cathy asked.
“Let me take a look… prob’ly.” Dean nodded as he pulled himself up to cross the room. Seth followed, helping Dean get there without stumbling too much.
Dean pressed a kiss to Renee’s temple before examining the padlock. “Yeah, this is pretty simple. Either of ya got a bobby pin?”
Cathy pulled a bobby pin out of her hair, handing it to Dean.
“Just relax babe,” He soothed Renee as he fiddled with the padlock. “I could pick this in my sleep.”
“Then why didn’t you?” She teased back, trying to laugh but it came out more like a sob. Seth set his hand on her leg in solidarity as they waited for Dean to work.
It took him longer than he would have liked, his vision swimming every now and then, but the telltale click of the lock giving way echoed through the room.
“Thank god.” Cathy breathed.
“Bring your arms around your front now.” Seth suggested to Renee.
“He’s right. Easier to manage.” Dean nodded, letting himself give in to the spinning of his head for a moment now that the lock was undone.
“Help?” Renee asked. Seth helped her to stand, then kept her balance while she brought her hands past her feet, stepping through until they were locked in front of her. She saw that she had been right in guessing they were handcuffs.
She saw Dean still sitting on the ground, holding his head, and dropped to her knees next to him. She leaned heavily into him, nuzzling into his shoulder.
“Thank you.” She whimpered.
“I got ya.’ Dean cooed in response, wrapping an arm around her.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“I’ll live.” He tried to smile but it was a pathetic attempt.
“Know how to pick those cuffs?” Cathy asked.
“Yeah, just… I need a minute. Took some concentratin’...”
“Take your time.” Seth told him, trying to calm him down while eyeing the door warily.
“I was so worried when they threw you down the stairs.” Renee cried.
“Explains the pain.” Dean huffed. “C’mon now.” He gently pushed her away so he could look at the cuffs. “Sooner I get ya outta these, sooner we can prison break.”
The other three watched as Dean inspected the cuffs. He made a point of not focusing on how chaffed Renee’s wrists were from trying to get them off. He could worry about that later.
“Lock’s decent. Chain’s cheap. We might be able to break it with somethin’ heavy. Hammer or somethin’.”
Cathy had to stay sitting because of her ankle, but Renee, Seth and Dean all started looking through the cellar for a something that would work. Seth came across a small mallet when they heard the lock of the cellar door unlatch. Dean grabbed Renee and pulled her back towards Cathy, on the opposite side of the room from the door. Seth crouched down low beside the concrete stairs.
“Well, I see our guests woke up.” The second man, the one who hadn’t been inside the store, drawled as he started to descend.
“Fuck you.” Dean spat, standing in front of the women, Renee huddled next to Cathy.
“Oooh, smart mouth on the bleeder.” He laughed. “Boy when you went down. Hooo, we had a good laugh. Bled like a stuck pig ya did. Had the blonde all worried.”
“Don’t fucking look at her, fuck face.” Dean snarled, taking a step to block Renee from the guy’s view.
“Oh, you’re gonna be fun to break.” The man sneered.
“Funny. I was thinking the same about you.” Dean spat back. Seth took that as a good cue to lunge, hitting the man in the head as hard as he could with the mallet. The man crumpled to the ground in a heap, already unconscious. Dean ran forward, giving him two swift kicks to the head for good measure.
“C’mon. Let’s go.” Seth urged, nodding towards the stairs.
“My foot.” Cathy reminded him as Dean helped Renee up.
“Shit… Dean, take this.” He handed Dean the mallet. Dean took it and stood at the bottom of the stairs anxiously.
Seth scooped Cathy into his arms, carrying her easily. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding onto him tightly. “Don’t worry. I’ve got you. I’m gonna get you out of here.” He promised.
“Stay close.” Dean warned Renee before ascending the stairs. Renee kept her hands on his lower back, both to stay close and to help steady him.
Dean stuck his head out, looking left and right. There was no sign of the other man and he crept forward, motioning for the others to follow.
“Left.” Renee whispered to him, remembering the route the men had taken to throw her into the cellar. Dean gave a short nod and turned left.
“Hold up.” Seth whispered, making the other two stop. He turned back towards the door and pulled it shut. “Babe, get the lock.” He told Cathy, who was able to snap the lock shut easier than he would have.
“Smart.” Renee nodded.
They stayed low, moving quickly and trying to stay quiet as Renee guided them through the house. She led them to a door at the end of a long hallway before she grabbed Dean’s arm, stopping him.
“I think this leads back to the store. He’s probably there.” She cautioned.
“Well he’s not gonna get the jump on us this time.” Dean growled, standing to his full height. With a loud roar he kicked the door open, charging into the room.
“For fuck’s sake!” Seth huffed, setting Cathy down next to Renee and rushing forward to be Dean’s back up. Cathy leaned against the wall, keeping her weight off her injured foot.
The women watched as the men stood back to back, much as they would if they were working together in the ring, searching for the other man.
“He’s not here.” Seth told them as Dean lowered the mallet. Cathy wrapped an arm around Renee’s shoulders and hobbled forward.
“We need a phone.” Renee told them. “The car wasn’t starting, remember?”
“Fuck!” Seth hissed, rushing towards the counter. There was an old landline next to the register but when he picked it up, there was no dial tone.
“There’s no service out here. We tried earlier.” Cathy mentioned. “What do we do?”
“We walk.” Seth sighed.
“We’re in the middle of nowhere.” Renee pointed out.
“And I ain’t stayin’ here. Let’s go.” Dean added.
Seth crouched next to Cathy, instructing her to get on his back. The four of them left the store, seeing the men had rummaged through their vehicle. Their suitcases were spilled open all over the place, articles of clothing having blown away in the wind. The cooler Dean and Renee had packed was left open, but there was still water inside. Renee grabbed a bag, Dean helping her to fill it with the water. They had no idea how long they’d have to walk until they found help.
“Here.” Dean held an open water bottle up for Renee to drink from. She guzzled half of it down, he throat still raw from screaming and crying while the other three had been unconscious.
Seth crouched down, picking up a large branch that was laying on the ground. It wasn’t ideal, but it would work as a weapon if that first man made an appearance.
The quartet started walking down the road, Dean’s arm over Renee’s shoulder to help him keep walking through the dizzy spells of his concussion.
They had been walking for about 15 minutes when Dean stumbled badly, catching Renee off guard. The two fell to the ground. Renee was unable to catch herself properly with her hands cuffed and fell hard on her side.
“Shit. M’ sorry.” Dean slurred as he held his head. “Fuck, you okay?”
“You good?” Seth asked, crouching beside them.
“Head’s killin’ me. Think I’m gonna puke.” Dean admitted, leaning forward just before he started dry heaving.
“I’ll be okay.” Renee told Seth, ignoring her now aching arm. She scooted towards Dean, rubbing his back the best she could.
“We have to keep moving.” Cathy spoke up, looking back the way they came.
“Give him a minute.” Renee spoke up.
“No, she’s right.” Dean croaked, pushing himself to standing before helping Renee up. He inspected her arm, seeing she had scraped it up in her fall. He wiped the blood away with his shirt.
“Are you okay?” Renee questioned him.
“Lived through worse.” He tried to grin at her, but it was cut short as he lurched forward, dry heaving again.
“Someone’s coming!” Cathy called happily, pointing down the road where they could see a vehicle kicking up dust.
Renee guided Dean as the four of them stood off to the side of the road, out of the way of the speeding vehicle. Cathy started waving her hands  from Seth’s back, trying to flag them down. The truck stopped next to them, the person inside putting it in park but leaving the engine running as he opened the door.
“Well, well, well,” the man drawled as he stepped out of the vehicle. The man was tall and lanky, unlike the other two they had encountered. He had a thick accent like the other two, but had a noticeably nicer smile. “What do we have here?”
“Please, o-our car broke down.” Cathy started.
“Doens’t look mighty good, all this blood.” He grinned, sauntering towards the group. Renee moved closer to Dean as the man approached. “And you’re all cuffed up.”
“Long story.” Seth butted in. “Can you help us get to the nearest town?”
“Nearest town? Son, your best bet is to head back the way you was comin’ from.” The man told them. “Bet Charlie’d be real happy to see y’all again.”
Dread filled the four as the man smirked maliciously. Dean pushed Renee behind him, wobbling as he held the mallet up.
“Stay back.” He growled. Seth set Cathy down again, coming up to stand beside Dean.
“Hold on, no need for that.” The man had the audacity to laugh. “Don’t want any trouble now.”
“Oh you’ve got trouble.” Seth spat, swinging the branch to keep the man at bay.
“Fiesty ain’t’cha? I see why Charlie wanted y’all so much.” He practically giggled.
“Charlie can lick my left one. Get the fuck back.” Dean snarled.
“That’s enough outta you.” The man’s demeanor changed immediately, his smirk dropping as he reached behind him.
Seth didn’t hesitate, bolting forward and swinging the branch hard enough to knock him off his feet. Dean followed, landing a hard kick to the man’s gut.
The women hung back, knowing they couldn’t help in their current predicaments. Both of their blood ran cold when they saw the man had been reaching for a gun hanging off his belt.
The man was a blubbering, bloody mess by the time the men finished with him. Seth bent down and plucked the gun from the holster, tucking it into his waistband.
“Use one o’ those before?” Dean panted, looking pale.
“No, but I’m guessing I’m a better shot than you at this point.” He told him. Dean stumbled, Seth reaching out to steady him. “Renee, help me get him in the truck.”
Renee ran over, placing herself under Dean’s arm. The man was nearly dead weight on the other two at this point, dragging his feet.
“‘M fine.” He slurred.
“Get in the truck.” Seth told him, not wanting to argue. They managed to push him into the small backseat, Seth helping Renee to climb in with him. She laid his head in her lap, brushing his hair back.
“Tired.” Dean mumbled.
“I know, just wait til we get on the road, okay? Once we’re far away from this shit hole, you can sleep.” Renee pled.
“Killjoy.” He huffed.
Seth meanwhile rounded the truck to pick Cathy up, depositing her in the passenger seat.
“Are you okay to drive?” She asked, cupping his cheek.
“I’ll be fine.” He nodded. He started to pull away when Cathy slipped her hand around the back of his head, pulling him into a kiss.
“Get us out of here.” She whispered against his lips. Seth nodded, staring at her in surprise before he closed the door, rushing around the front of the truck. He climbed in, cursing when he noticed the truck was a stick shift.
“Can you drive stick?” Renee asked from the back, looking up from Dean.
“Yeah. Been a while though…” Seth grumbled as he situated himself. It took some thinking, especially with the headache he’d been sporting since he woke up, but within a few moments he had the truck peeling down the road.
Cathy turned to look out the rear window, making sure no one else was coming to get them, but they were alone on the road. After a few minutes, everyone felt like they could breathe easier.
“R’ly wanna sleep.” Dean mumbled, his eyes fluttering closed.
“Okay, babe. You can sleep.” Renee told him, leaning down to kiss his forehead.
“Th’nk’ya.” He mumbled, reaching blindly for her hand. Once he had it in his own, his breathing evened out.
“Is he gonna be okay?” Cathy asked, looking back at the married couple.
“I hope so.” Renee breathed.
“Ambrose can handle it.” Seth told the women, hoping to alleviate their worries. “He’s had worse concussions than this.”
“Yeah, and a trainer right there to look at him.” Renee pointed out.
“He’ll be fine. We’ll all be fine.” He promised, reaching over to rest his hand on Cathy’s leg. She gripped his hand tightly in her own, silence filling the car as they drove. None of them would call it a comfortable silence by any means, all three of them trying to make sense of what they had just gone through - replaying it in their heads, wondering what they could have done differently to prevent it - but as they got further away, as their aches and pains flared up as their adrenaline waned, the tension left their bodies as they realized how lucky they were to have escaped.
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kingofthevillains · 6 years
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Deanee Aesthetic
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