#deathly spirit butterflies
web-novel-polls · 1 month
WN Non-Sapient Animal Upper Bracket
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["Anti-Propaganda" is NOT allowed. Please be courteous and only give reasons to vote FOR a character.]
Luo Yiguo from Silent Reading / Mo Du 
Type of Animal: cat
No propaganda submitted
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Hua Cheng's Deathly Spirit Butterflies from Heaven Official’s Blessing / TGCF
Submission: The goodest little guys. They're so cute, but they've got the gods shaking in their boots, and rightfully so.
Wiki Link
Fairy from Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation / MDZS
Type of Animal: dog
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ren-deru-16 · 9 months
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Redesign of my TGCF OC
Old design here.
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omen-of-ice · 4 months
Care to share some facts about the ROs?
Has an aviary filled with song birds from various parts of Arlatha— one of his favorite ways to pass the time is walking through it, simply listening to the beautiful melodies of the world.
Is quite adept at archery, along with his swordsmanship, but he tends to stay away from it; the act bringing up too many memories that he’d rather keep buried. It makes his life easier and the weight on his shoulders that much easier to bear.
His mother is still very much alive but his father has been dead for around three centuries at this point— barely a blip to an elf, meaning his mother can still be seen garbed in black.
His crown is crafted from the metal of his late father’s sword — something that had been requested of him.
Typically keeps to himself, but you’ll see him be surrounded by a varying about of courtesans/diplomats during the day— his carefully constructed mask hiding how much he wished to be anywhere else.
Has a war horse that he’s had with him ever since he earned his sword— a carnivorous beast known as Akasha.
Despite what his appearance may showcase, Larak has a deep love for rabbits/bunnies and small insects like butterflies. He finds them to have a true warriors spirit; to be able to survive in a world like this one.
He has tattoos along both of his arms— the one on his right being his coming of age tattoo that’s made around the injury he acquired while on the hunt. The one on his left is one made for the people he’s lost.
Typically carries a great sword or a battle axe— preferring two-handed weaponry as it’s the easiest for him to wield.
Enjoys warm weather— as it reminds him of his home back in the Infernal Plains.
When she’s out of her human form— Calypso grows razor sharp teeth, claws, and fins appear on her forearm (along with gills on her neck). All of the hallmarks of a poignant underwater predator.
Can stomach surface food but prefers fish, crustacean, kelp, and sea birds over anything else— sirens being mainly carnivorous (although they do eat plants at times). She does enjoy chocolate though.
Even when she’s in her human form she can breathe underwater; a fact that she uses to go on hunts for longer periods of time. Her enhanced eyesight underwater helping that a great deal too.
You’ll sometimes find flecks of old scale left behind— as they, like all skin, replace itself whenever they die. Calypso typically tries to keep them moisturized as much as possible in order to abate any of the itchiness it can cause.
Is deathly afraid of horses. She doesn’t like them, but she finds sharks and krakens absolutely adorable. The big puppies of the sea.
Has trained in a variety of different fields to better ensure the safety of Vela’thian and her king— she takes her job seriously, it’s one of the things that brings her the greatest joy in life.
Has three birds of prey that typically hang around her— barring the various other birds she uses for her spies messages— due to them bonding with her: a raven, an owl, and an eagle (respectively).
Speaks a variety of languages, and their varying dialects, due to the nature of her work and needing to understand any and all messages that come through.
Does the more unsavory work for Vela’thian that Daeron wishes didn’t have to occur, but would be foolish to believe that it’s not a necessity.
Has a deep love for reading— you’d be able to find her spending time with the library (if she’s not in her tower) next to a crackling hearth.
Cares for you a great deal. They don’t have a family to speak of, which means that you’ve sort of become their family. They’d do anything for you.
Due to their heritage, extreme levels of cold/ice don’t truly bother them but extreme heat can be a bit of an issue for them. It’s not something that they truly like, but they’d be able to persevere.
Proudly announced that they were going to be your Knight, your loyal guard, the third day after you met them, and they’ve been training for it ever since.
Typically doesn’t eat meat that often— barring venison. As it rarely ever sits well within their stomach.
Would go the ends of the world if you asked them to.
Their draconic form is bigger than what’s typical for a draconian. Something that made them be deemed as the brightest among their siblings… Until, of course, certain events happened that ruined it.
A bit of a sadist, not gonna lie… Not in a physical abuse kind of way… More in a, I’m going to bite you and potentially draw blood sort of way during sex.
Has a presence that can command a room, a voice that never has to be raised to be heard, which has been very useful to them for a long time. It’s something that’s garnered attention from a large amount of people. You’re the first person that’s ever truly caught their attention though. Whether that’s a bad or good thing? Only time will tell.
Has three little dragons that stay perched on their shoulder, or somewhere nearby, that they absolutely adore. Would kill anyone that tried to hurt their babies.
Is immune to fire completely due to their heritage… Though they don’t typically enjoy warmer weather. As it reminds them too much of a home they’ll probably never be allowed to go back to.
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owlishjade · 7 months
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Owltober Day 9 : Butterfly
I got to admit I kinda forgot to post this
Oh well here's some Hua Cheng fanart with his deathly spirit butterflies , I might draw more fanart for Heaven Official's Blessing once this challenge is over
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eidis-scarlet · 1 year
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Deathly Spirit Butterflies 🦋
My friend told me Hua looks like me here. Maybe I subconsciously want to look like him haha
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cher3pie · 2 months
he is also known by wu ming san lang honghonger xiao hua flower
The reason i relate to him is simple really. he was born under unfortune and he was weak letting his emotions bleed through like blood on a cloth later that blood was made into rain making his emotions less covenant but he doesnt show them much because thats what killed him. he met a special person xianle who became the reason for him to keep living since he didnt have much to care for anway, just like a purpose somethings come and go except for obsessions this one lasted for eternity he followed xianle for years worshipping him even when he wasnt with him because he made him feel like he had a purpose to fight for and he met that purpose when he planned to kill himself and yet ive experienced something similar i met 'him' at my lowest and he became my everything knowing i could never have him until now before i barely even existed to him but he was my purpose for everything he kept everything xianle gave him and used it like i forever will use the happiness they gave me and wear it as a smile he broke himself and became hated just for the one he loved and he did it all for him and that was enough to make hua cheng feel something even if he was rude to most people even when he was shattered and broken physically and mentally he did what ever implied to loving xie lian (crown prince xianle) he did all that for love because he had been hated for something he could never control xie lian was the first person who gave him that love his symbol is a silver butterfly also known as deathly spirit butterflys the symbol of love
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bombyixmori · 9 months
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I made Hua Cheng’s Deathly Spirit Butterflies into a bookmark :3
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aikoiya · 2 years
DP HC - Ghostly Auras
I hc that most ghosts have an ominous, deathly, oppressive aura to them that typically weirds animals out & scares them. The stronger the ghost, the more strongly it's felt.
Humans usually only feel it on a subconscious level until the higher levels &, to them, every ghost has a slightly different feel to it. For instance, Skulker feels like being in the presence of a predator. (The animal kingdom kind.) While monarchs generally bring to mind being in the presence of a king that could easily have you beheaded at any moment.
Animals just feel a general predatorness.
However, that's just with animals in-general. There are some animals that are almost unaffected by the auras of ghosts unless they specifically register as being a threat, like with Pariah Dark or Dan.
Such animals are generally associated with death or interacts with spirits in one way or another. Things like cats, bats, snakes, & quite a few birds such as cardinals, bluebirds, owls, & vultures, but specifically corvids including but not limited to crows, ravens, & magpies. Several bugs such as worms, spiders, dragonflies, as well as moths & butterflies alike. Not to mention, certain canines such as the xolo dogs of Mexico, the hyenas of Africa, & the jackals of Egypt.
However, tutelaries like Danny have an aura slightly different. While there's still the deathly feeling to it, it's more a formidable feeling, like being around someone powerful that you know won't attack you. They give off a sense of comfort & safety to those that ally with them or are being protected by them, but of judgement & coming justice to those that oppose them.
However, there's still a hint of danger surrounding tutelaries that tells people to be wary on instinct. It's almost a contradictory feeling in a way.
For Danny, specifically, it's the feeling of being around a strong & capable soldier that you know would do anything to protect you. Until he bested Pariah, then it slowly turned into that of a strong & courageous soldier crowned king for his good deeds, then after his coronation, that of a benevolent ruler.
As such, animals don't outright run from or attack him, but they are instinctively wary of him.
After the accident, but before the Lunch Lady's first attack, (which was went Danny's Obsession first began to form) animals avoided Danny as he still registered to them as being a predator, but after his Obsession fully formed, they started to register him as being more of a predator who's food source decidedly wasn't them.
However, animals that are around him frequently enough will begin to recognize that he's a protector & will treat him like an alpha & someone to be respected, but it takes a lot of time & association for them to eventually get there. A lot more so than usual & even pets that are generally very friendly by nature tend to be wary of him at first, but not in a "this person is bad" way. More so a "this is a stranger" way.
The specific animals associated with death & spirits mentioned above, on the other hand, are able to immediately recognize Danny's protective aura for what it is & instantly see him as being very much a non-threat unless attacked.
Of course, they don't really follow him or try to get his attention or anything unless they recognize him specifically. They initially just recognize him as being a non-threat until they get used to him specifically, then he slowly becomes more & more friend-shaped to them.
Like, butterflies, moths, & dragonflies will just land on him for rest even if he's moving. Corvids, cardinals, & owls will perch on his head or shoulders & just chill. Cats & bats love him though.
For more, go to me full Ghost Zone Masterlist.
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the-broken-truth · 1 year
Hello, my dearest friend. I decided to do something different from what I usually request of. Recently we have been into Greek mythology and a few hours ago I imagined myself being darling of Yandere dad Hades who grew an fascination towards me.
Let me give some information of “myself”:
My name is Ana, I am a eighteen year old Brazilian psychology student in the second year of college, I like to draw and write in my free time. My personality traits is: gentle, caring, friendly, quick to irritate, tend to forget things with ease and easily distracted. Physical traits are: Light brown skin, 5’3 height, dark brown eyes and long dyed red hair with dark roots. Clothing style is heavily on grunge and goth, besides I use a lot of makeup.
So my idea for the request is: Ana/Me is going through a rough time after a relative of mine’s death, let’s put an uncle, and I was very depressed and I couldn’t do anything right in work and at college due to my grief. When I started to visit my uncle’s grave constantly I met with the human version of Hades, that after I helped him pick up flowers to make a bouquet for his dead wife, he grew to have a fascination towards me and started to send people to watch me for a few days.
After around two weeks and I was slowly recovering from grief, one day after a long day of work and going to college, I was abducted and woke up on Hades’s palace. He said that from now on I would be his daughter and that I had no more reason to be in grief or sad, cause he got attached for me due to my nature.
Hades proposed that if I stayed in the underworld, he would give anything I want as long as I stay by his side and if I refuse, he would have to put my family in risk and punish them in their afterlife. Even if I tried to convince him not to do so, I decided that the best choice was that I need to obey the God of the Underworld or else my family would suffer. So I accept and he says that I would get use to it and that I would learn to love the underworld, besides being his daughter and helping him with everything he needs.
Also let’s be honest, I might make this man feels less lonely when his wife is gone. Anyway, sorry for the long request and I hope that you don’t mind if I make this one hahaha xD
In the world, there were cycles from beginning to end: A Caterpillar becoming a Butterfly, the progression of a vaccine against an aliment, the process of a bundle of parts becoming an automobile, but the most common and well-known cycle is the Cycle of Life. From the moment we are born, we are destined to die, nothing in this world is eternal…and I was finding that out the hard way as I stood before the headstone of a blood tie severed by the mortality of life.
Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself. Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Ana - A 18-year-old student that is studying psychology at a college here in my homeland, Brazil. I was called away from the college when I got the news that one of my uncles had fallen deathly ill and wouldn't have that much time left on this Earth. I rushed to the hospital where he was being kept and only a had few moments to say my goodbyes to him before he flatlined and fell into an eternal slumber. It was heart-wrenching for me, even more so for his children, but as I said, that was the cycle of life…it just never bothered me as much as it did at that moment when it clicked that death could happen to anyone, even those closest to you. I hope wherever he is, he finds the peace he was searching for in his mortal life.
It has been about 4 days since we laid him to rest and I still can't get it out of my head that I didn't even say a proper goodbye - maybe it was the guilt I felt from not speaking to him when I went off to college or having that many conversations while he was with us. I felt like I owed him that much and decided to give him that, even if his body could no longer hear me, I hoped that his spirit could and I was going to have that conversation with him and say my proper goodbye, but first, I needed a proper tribute - something my uncle loved doing was tending to his flower garden in his home and I was going to bring some flowers. Luckily for me, there was a flower shop near the cemetery where he was buried and I was heading that way now.
My hands were in my pockets as I walked up to the flower shop - Persephone's Flowers, the place was called - kinda funny that they named the flower shop after the Greek Goddess of Spring but it was a rather fitting name since this place was known for having the most beautiful flowers with the cheapest prices - it was perfect. I reached my hand out to take the door handle into my hand and pulled, causing the bell above my head it rings as I walked into the shop while returning my hand to my black jeans pocket. I looked around the shop and there were a lot of flowers - all with their own meanings and some with the same meaning - my uncle used to teach me that each flower had a meaning and each meaning had a proper place. I reached into my left pocket and pulled out the small list of flowers that meant farewell - I didn't want to say goodbye, just a simple farewell, I was sure we were going to meet again in the afterlife…wherever that would be.
Yellow or White Chrysanthemums
Black Roses
I picked four flowers so as to not overwhelm myself with choices and I remembered seeing some of these flowers in my uncle's garden…well, except for the Black Roses - Black really wasn't his color as it was mine. I heard the clicking of heels and looked over to the counter and saw a woman - taller than me by a head, with long white hair that was tied into a long braid that was thrown over her shoulder, wearing a baby blue dress with a flower bracelet on her wrist as she placed her hands on the counter, looking around the store before she laid her eyes upon me as I walked over to the counter - the name on her nametag read 'Demeter'.
"Good day, Miss Demeter. I was hoping that you could help me find some flowers." I said as I politely bowed my head and smiled at her which she returned but her smile looked sad and her eyes were full of sadness - she wasn't herself and I could tell, even though this was the first time I had ever met her.
"Hello, dear. Welcome to Persephone's Flowers. How can I help you?" She asked me with the same sad smile on her face. I reached the list over to her and she took it in her hand before looking at it with her icy blue eyes.
"Do you by any chance have these flowers in stock?" I asked her, she exhaled before looking at me.
"You have lost someone as well?" 'As well?', so I was right, she was sad for a reason. I wonder who she lost.
"Yes, Ma'am. I recently lost my uncle about 4 days ago. I didn't have the chance to say a proper farewell to him and I want to make up for that." I said as I looked at the ground.
"What is your name, dear?" Demeter asked.
"My name is Ana." I answered
"Well, Ana, I have all these flowers with the exception of black roses, someone bought the all out a few days ago…and I don't blame him." Demeter looked at the ground before the bell rang once again as the door opened but I didn't turn to look. I heard thundering footsteps and saw a shadow engulf my own but still, I didn't turn around.
"Hades… What are you doing here?"
"I was hoping that you got more Black Roses." A grumbling voice behind me.
I turned around at the sudden tone of voice that rumbled behind me and came face to face…or rather face to chest… with a rather tall individual. My brown eyes slowly scaled the tall figure until they locked with eyes as crimson as rubies; I was only half his size, man, I felt like a shrimp. He was dressed in a black suit with a matching tie, and his right hand was lifted to show Demeter the 3 Black Roses he had in his hand - rings with giant gems (Rubies, Sapphire, and Emeralds) dawned upon his hand. He had long black hair with a long black beard that connected at the sideburns. However, the most exciting thing about him was his eyes - they were as crimson as the ruby ring on his finger - I couldn't tell if they were contacts or his natural eye color. Still, they radiated the same sadness that I felt, that Demeter felt, the dismay of the loss.
"Hades, I told you that you didn't need to constantly bring flowers to her grave - I know that you miss her, I miss her as well, but you need time to heal and grieve," Demeter said to the tall man but looked down at the flowers in his hands, I looked at him with sadness in my eyes before looking at the flowers - he clearly wants to make a decent bouquet of flowers for his wife. I knew I shouldn't have opened my mouth but I lifted my hand to present the flowers to the grieving man - he looked at me with confused eyes before I opened my mouth to speak.
"These flowers symbolize 'Farewell'. I may not have known your wife or know you but I think she would always like these flowers instead of Black Roses, and you can add the black roses to this bundle." I said with a small smile, Hades looked at the flowers before reaching his large hand slowly to the flowers and wrapping his large hand around the stems - I released the flowers and he looked at the bundle of flowers.
"Thank you…" Hades said as he looked at me with a gleam in his red eyes that bore into my brown ones. I smiled at him before walking around the store again to collect the same flowers to make a new bouquet and walked back to the counter with the flowers in my hands - Demeter rang me up. I paid before Hades paid for his flowers and the two of us walked out of the store, walking in the same direction.
'We must be heading to the same place.' I thought as I walked down the street with the large towering man beside me; it was like we had dark clouds hovering over our heads but we didn't say anything. Just walking in silence.
[The Cemetery]
I looked upon the headstone with unshed tears in my eyes as I reached down and placed the flowers on the grave before opening my mouth to speak. I greeted him and spoke to him about past moments and hilarious moments in our past. I asked for his forgiveness for not being around while I was in college and told me that I would come to speak t him again before turning on my heels and walking away from the grave with my hands in my pockets. I walked down the stone path when I stopped at the sound of rolling thunder, I looked up to the grey skies before the downpour hit my skin. I closed my eyes and exhaled - just great - I was getting soaked...until a massive umbrella covered me and blocked out the rain, I looked at the familiar massive hand on the handle of the umbrella and followed it to the face of Hades.
"You will catch a cold if you remain in the rain for too long." His deep voice said as he stood near me and looked down at me.
"Thank you." I said as I smiled at him and he smiled at me as well.
"I want to thank you. The flowers you picked out were a lovely bouquet and I'm sure Persephone would have loved it." Hades said as he and I walked down the stone path, out of the cemetery, and down the sidewalk.
"Persephone? Was that your wife's name?" I asked him.
"Yes. She was the founder and owner of Persephone's Flowers along with her mother - Demeter." Hades said as he looked down at the ground as our feet splashed on the rain-covered sidewalk.
"I see. I'm sorry for your loss but it is the cycle of life." I said as I looked up at him.
"The Cycle of Life? I am familiar with that." Hades said as he walked me over to my car, I unlocked the car and stepped inside before closing the door. I thanked him before he asked me for my name, I gave it to him before I placed the key in the ignition and drove away - I need to get ready for my schooling in the morning.
[Two Weeks Later]
The wound slowly began to heal but something was going on - for some reason, I have been feeling like i have been flllowed. I have been noticing the same man with red hair and pale skin in a black business suit but he never speaks to me, just stares at me. I noticed him while I was working at a cafe in Brazil, he would sit at the table, drink his coffee, and stare at me but he always left when it was closing time.
One night, I was leaving the cafe after a long day at work and walked into the cafe parking lot with my eyes narrowed from the tiredness in my eyes as I walked to my car with my keys in my hands when I accidentally dropped them under the car I got down on my knees and reached under the car until I touched the car keys and pulled them from under the car. I smiled and rose to my feet and looked in the car window to see someone standing behind me. before I could turn around and cloth was placed over my nose and mouth and I suddenly felt dizzy until I passed out.
[The Underworld - Hades' Palace]
My head was hurting. I opened my blurry eyes and blinked until my eyes came into focus - I was no longer in the parking lot of the cafe. I wasn't even in the college dorm. I didn't know where I was! The room was luxurious but it was full of items that weren't from Brazil. Suddenly, the door opened and a boy with short black hair, ashy pale skin, one green eye, and one red & black eye, dressed in a red greek toga...and were his feet on fire? He looked at me before looking out into the hall and yelling out.
"Father! She's awake." The boy said before another figure walked into the room.
It was Hades but he looked different, his skin looked greyer and his eyes were black and red. He was dressed in a red and black toga with a skull on his shoulder and rings on his fingers.
"Ana. It's good to see that you are awake now." Hades said as he walked into the room and sat on the bed at the foot. I crawled away from him, eyes wide and throat dry.
"What's going on?! Where am I?! What are you doing here?!" I demanded to know.
"You are in the Underworld in my palace." You will be staying here with me and my son - Zagreus - from now on as a daughter of Hades." Hades explained but I just shook my head, "I know that this is a lot to take in but there is something you need to understand. You are mine now, you are my daughter and if you don't submit to me, I will bring misfortune on the family you share blood ties with." I looked at him with wide eyes and looked out the window, if I didn't stay with him, my family with suffer. I looked at him and nodded my head, he smirked at this, "Welcome home, Daughter."
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sonicasura · 1 year
Great Fairy Dragon!Hyrule
One of three headcanons based around our first Link, Hyrule! This particular one stems from a random thought involving a Yu-Gi-Oh card called Ancient Fairy Dragon and spiralled from there. Enjoy!
Hyrule was a deathly ill baby when found by his mysterious draconic mother. By her magic, he became a fairy dragon and she cared for him since. Like Ancient Fairy, Hyrule's dragon form is serpentine in appearance but more akin to a Chinese Dragon structure wise. Height per age: 10 yrs/15', 15 yrs/23', 100+/42 ft long. When shrunk: '8, 1'1, 2'.
He has multiple wings, his main pair and four multiple small ones closer to a monarch butterfly. Link's legs mimic leafy vines that hide very sharp claws. He has a long golden mane, feathery moth antenna and his scales are forest green in color. Obtaining the Triforce added golden markings to his body eeriely similar to Twili patterns.
Hyrule can commune with the Spirit World just like Ancient Fairy Dragon but he isn't allowed to enter by himself. It's a rite of passage to fully become a Sacred Dragon and the young whelp had to turn 100 first. He passed first try. :)
A playful cuddly noodle that loves food especially with sugar or poisonous plants in it. Hyrule loves playing with the various forest animals, fairies and even monsters. Absolutely loves hugs albeit he will accidentally tackle someone for one when excited. Becomes a purring mess if you scratch under his chin.
The reason Hyrule was involved in the events of the first game is because he got lost and it spitballed from there. His mother did scold him afterwards but Link got a treat for helping his fellow fairies. Asked for permission to go on the second adventure (LoZ 2) as he rather not make Ancient Fairy worry again.
Just like Great Fairy!Hyrule, he does create an oasis and allow others to seek sanctuary there. There is a shrine where his fountain is located built through the magic inherited from his mother. Hyrule hoards all the various treasure he collected inside.
The scales and fairy dust from his dragon holds incredible healing properties. Scales can cure any illness or restore something to their original state. His fairy dust can purify anything from to corruption but also break any curse. These only work if given by Hyrule as they'll vanish otherwise.
He's still thriving around in Wild's Era albeit completely done with both Hylia and Ganon's shit. Why Hylia too? The dragon became aware of the Hero's Spirit(plus the curse) and had it forcefully stripped from him so a new Link could take his place.
Hyrule does accompany Wild during his adventures but he did meddle as much as he can before the Calamity hit and Wild's 100 year slumber. Providing magical protection that reduced casualties, a boon to Flora so her powers can hold off Ganon's ferocity better and ease the Fallen Champion's pain.
Once Wild awakened, Hyrule made sure the hero could find him. Sacred creatures are bound by different contracts but even contacts like those have loopholes which can be exploited. The fairy dragon is courageous and spiteful enough to do it as this boy is his whelp now.
When Wild/Tear has to join the Chain, the older Hyrule grants him some of his magic to replace the Champion's lost boons. Some like Urbosa's Fury and Revali's Gale are transformed completely. Urbosa's Fury turns into Urbosa's Love which doses enemies in light while healing the injuries of allies. Revali's Gale becomes Revali's Flight as Wild can now temporarily fly with avian like dragon wings.
Younger Fairy Dragon Hyrule immediately trusts Wild/Tear as only the most trusted people can gain blessings like his or his mother's. Meanwhile the Champion gets to experience the way younger version of his very ancient dragon grandpa.
Like Great Fairy Hyrule, our dragon boy helps Warriors with his problem involving Great Fairies in his era. You thought they were intimidated with a more powerful fairy? Nah, throw this Hyrule their way and watch them nearly faint.
He's taking advantage of his dragon form just to snuggle around the whole Chain. Hyrule's main wings are big enough to blanket everyone and he's very comfy in general. Dragon cuddles are the best.
That's all I have for now! Make sure to vote in the poll! Until next time folks, I'll see you later! Have this little video of Ancient Fairy Dragon I found!
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web-novel-polls · 8 days
WN Non-Sapient Animal Lower Bracket
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["Anti-Propaganda" is NOT allowed. Please be courteous and only give reasons to vote FOR a character.]
Hua Cheng's Deathly Spirit Butterflies from Heaven Official’s Blessing 
Submission: The goodest little guys. They're so cute, but they've got the gods shaking in their boots, and rightfully so.
Wiki Link
Kotex Paw Pad kitten from the SVSSS donghua pad commercial
Type of Animal: cat
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sevenpetalspoetry · 6 months
growing pains
in a rainbow-plastered dungeon free to ruminate painfully finding two curious eyes staring into a dampened, youthful soul seeking a joyous fire that may have never existed past infancy yet, eventually will, after careful crafting and creation
“assuming the worst for two decades brought it forth like a sour gift on an isolating christmas” thoughts like these are tepid delusions and ploys for the powerless to take a chunk of other’s spirits while sacrificing their own meanwhile, the powerful coast on, equally in their own way, unloving of the earth as if they aren’t fellow blades of grass wish for oneself, never fight for us all, a self-motto practiced with bitterness while given no other choice minus a fatal depression drawn from crushed wishes or to face a firing squad in the townsquare for a despised land to repeat, it’s scrumptious nonsense echoed in a head full of despair questions run like wondrous waterfalls as to how this salty sea called forth a ragged heart to realize that an existence of nurturing after being windy battered and still picking up shards of glass with thinly gloved, shaking hands is a poor fit answers spill forth: attraction, the ocean whispers; desperate-minded choices, the grass protests
once a sharp child seeking solace, too prickly to be held for long to be born too much to a village that had little to give was overwhelmingly disappointing asking for guidance only to be shown fellow women of the sun degraded by a deranged protector, juxtaposed against being explicitly taught to never let individual laws be broken as crumbling innocence, rather the warmth of safety, pooled out of tiny ears and onto the floor like the water on a scared, small, freshly showered body being consumed with a hungry gaze
now bonded extensions scream danger, and yet a distanced, young mind served as witness to the witnessing of the greatest pain a human may ever know, alongside other unnamed millions leading a pure, young love to cultivate the hardest challenge a human may ever know, a passing of a torch after a candle was squished of its’ oxygen empress-hood? false. visitation and counsel are better descriptions an anointed position of resentful support born forth from a sickly demise that was primarily met with true, honest, excitable zest, but foolishly unable to see the coming deathly dehydrated walk through the brutal deserts of destroyed youths it appears that to care is to give with dry bones and insides poisoned by swift choices the endless demand of outpour, the struggle to produce, exhausts to the extent that this lineage will end here never again will a young, tender, angry butterfly subject her chrysalis to the tension and stuckness of such distressful disappointment never again will fixed anchors be dropped, leaving a legless workhorse to be trapped in the middle of said salty sea now forever to be replaced with deep roots that will grow orchards of sweet, golden apples
self-blame is applied like a soothing balm within, when it truth it began with the ongoing hatred of darkened, well-traveled others, followed by the absent care of those who come from this place, who churn out the soulless labor of normalcy, who are bound by cruel stagnancy, eventually bringing youthful hearts here intertwined with a crushing system of ridiculous credits that hold hands with an overconsumption of gaia to fill the void of lacking liberation honestly, it is the fault of those unseen, hidden behind their grief collected stacks of abundance while their fellow blades of grass are cut down as their newly demolished young watch them crumple two hearts now sit alone in their empty rooms full of meaningless and meaningful baubles and dusty, comforting stuffings in beautiful misery, as the third gives consistently from a near-empty cup to furnish said lonely caves again, a gloomy jester cries upstairs wondering what incorrect acts were performed on stage to lead to this deafening encore lamenting the role as a fresh orchid who was granted the grand opportunity to assist in the poisoning of budding carnation roots through selfish, immature incompetence cruelly unfair, is an understatement, as anger turns to sadness, twisting into despair, yet transforming into hope
a new horizon must appear soon, especially as jove graces the zenith point, an honoring of such adventures paint once dry bones with fiery blood that was never missing, only taking a stretch of time to access as the dirt walls grow safely familiar and genuine bonds coalesce like the Sun and the Moon becoming new again amongst the strikingly-white clouds unpunish selecting devotion, dark imprisonment remains temporary, but today, like on any other sun-traveled display, allow heavy rains to pour while gently slicing through cutting winds
soon, the sandy terrain must sink as the journey goes on, yet fate will be accepted and gratitude for the warm air and sticky hugs will take precedence.
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recipe-of-seduction · 2 years
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I have a lot of fun drawing these butterflies…
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“Your Highness the Crown Prince, the silver butterflies you saw at Mount Yu Jun are also called Deathly Spirit Butterflies. Their master is the last member of the four calamities, and the one the Heavenly Court of today wants to provoke the least, ‘Blood Rain Reaching Towards a Flower, Hua Cheng.”
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mp 100 headcanons:
- spirits have unique smells that are detectable even to non-psychics
- dimple smells like burnt plastic and oranges
- it’s considered immoral to possess animals
- most “imaginary friends” are actually beneign spirits, as small children are more perceptive of the supernatural
- when psychics use their powers, the smell of ozone is prominent in the air
- depending on how much power they’re using, bystanders might feel their ears pop
- tome is a trans lesbian
- tome and tsubomi end up dating post-canon and later get married
- shou cuts his own hair with safety scissors
- reigen is allergic to bananas
- serizawa has a severe peanut allergy
- mob is autistic
- tome has adhd
- shou is dyslexic
- mob is the best man at reigen and serizawa’s wedding
- reigen is deathly afraid of butterflies and moths
- reigen is mob’s, and later ritsu’s, third emergency contact
- shou and teru have reigen as their emergency contact
- mob has asthma
- reigen keeps pictures of all the kids in his wallet
- tome becomes a wildly successful video game streamer
- emi becomes an incredibly popular author
- tome and emi coauthor a book on aliens and espers
- reigen walks tome down the aisle at her wedding
- hanazawa uses his parents money to open a school for esper kids
- reigen unironically enjoys listening to kidsbop
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cheri-translates · 3 years
Headcanon - When he sleep talks
Original title: 当他说梦话
Original author: 君兮耶君兮
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It’s nighttime, and Victor is sound asleep beside you. With a practised hand, you feel for your phone from underneath the pillow. Tapping open the e-novel application, you start “committing a crime”.
Since he has repeatedly prohibited you from staying up late to use your phone, you carefully scrutinise Victor’s actions, deathly afraid that he’d suddenly wake up and catch you red-handed.
The rustling of fabric drifts from behind you as Victor turns over. A large hand wraps itself around your waist, and you instinctively lock your phone and hide it beneath your pillow, pretending to be asleep.
A long time passes without any further movements from the person behind you. Turning your head slightly to observe the situation, you discover that he’s still asleep. What happened earlier was simply him sleep talking. Relieved, you feel for your phone again, continuing with your little antics.
Soon after, the person behind you begins to mumble again. “It’s not that I don’t like you.”
Your finger pauses on the screen. You seem to have heard something interesting? As someone in the media industry, the acuteness in your DNA causes you to tap on the recorder app to capture what’s going on.
Victor’s chin rests against your head. Cushioned on his arm, you can clearly hear what he’s saying. “I’ll always like you.”
“Who?” You whisper.
“Dummy.” He responds quickly. If you hadn’t verified it earlier, you might have suspected that he wasn’t sleeping at all.
The corners of your lips curl into a slight smile. Closing the recorder app, you place your phone down. Scooting backwards against him, you sink into a peaceful sleep.
While Victor is preparing breakfast the next day, you lift your hand and wave your phone in front of him triumphantly. “Victor, you confessed to me last night!”
He cracks an egg into the frying pan. Hearing what you said, he remains unaffected as he continues to cook. “You had a dream?”
“No, it’s the truth!” 
You knew he wouldn’t believe you, which is why you had the recording prepared.
After hearing it, Victor turns off the fire. He takes your phone to check its veracity, then returns it to you with a glance and a dry laugh. “You recorded this at 1.13am. Looks like a certain someone slept pretty late last night.”
Your heart sinks, and you completely forget about the recording as you retort. “No I didn’t! You saw wrongly!”
How could he not understand you? While he metes out the punishment, he places a plate of warm omelette into your hands. “From tonight onwards, you’ll sleep half an hour earlier than before. You’ll also give your phone to me.”
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If you hadn’t witnessed it personally, you never would have believed that the all-powerful Officer Gavin would turn into a clingy little wolf at night.
Returning from a mission, Gavin manages to fall into a deep sleep when it’s still relatively early. Grabbing a book, you sit on the bed to keep him company. Reaching out to cover him with a blanket, you suddenly hear Gavin’s voice.
“I want a hug.”
Finding this humorous, you wrap your arms around his shoulders. As though you’re coaxing a child, you pat him on the back. “Here you go.”
“Don’t go. Don’t leave me alone.” You aren’t sure what he’s dreaming about, but his brows are tightly knit, and he seems uneasy.
This causes your heart to ache, and you respond gently. “Silly Gavin. I won’t leave you.”
Perhaps hearing this assurance, Gavin presses himself against you. After a while, he clicks his tongue, muttering hazily. “I want a homemade bento.”
This is the first time Gavin is asking for a bento directly. Before, he always dropped hints along the lines of, “Sometimes, my colleagues would bring homemade bentos”. You feel tickled by this. A childish Officer Gavin is especially adorable, and adorable children always get special treatment. “Okay, I’ll prepare it for you tomorrow.”
Gavin mumbles to himself softly. “The dishes in the canteen aren’t as delicious as what you make.”
Your smile falls. Didn’t he mention that STF doesn’t have a canteen? 
Putting on a professional smile, you lean closer to him and whisper into his ear. “Gavin, what’s the salary of the aunties working in the STF canteen?”
“$620 a month.” Gavin responds without hesitation.
“Good. Very good.” You straighten up, smiling wryly as you flip to the next page of the book, as though nothing had happened.
“I’m off.” Gavin gives you a goodbye kiss, his spirits high as he heads out of the door carrying an exquisitely wrapped bento box.
“Be safe!” Your smile is the same as every morning.
“Gav, what delicious food did she prepare for you today?” Eli pulls Tang Chao over so he can experience the pain of being single too.
Mentioning the homemade bento brings a smile to Gavin’s eyes. While responding, he opens up the bento. “I don’t know either. She was really secretive about it in the morning, and said I should only look at it at noon...” 
Very soon, he isn’t able to continue smiling. Slices of green bitter gourd are neatly laid out in the box. Aside from that, there’s nothing else inside.
“HAHAHAHA. Does sis-in-law want to help relieve your internal heat?” Eli chuckles boisterously, and Tang Chao’s shoulders tremble from suppressing his laughter.
The chopsticks in Gavin’s hand are on the verge of snapping. As they continue rubbing salt into his wound, the chopsticks curve.
He shoots them a glare. “Get out!”
“Gav, don’t murder your squad mates!”
[Trivia] One of Gavin’s “Go See Him” lines is - “There isn’t a canteen in STF, but the nearby eateries aren’t bad.”
However, in an official post about Loveland City, it’s revealed that there IS a canteen. This has been a running joke in the CN community because we still don’t know if it’s a mistake by Papergames or if Gavin really lied to MC so that she’d make him bentos (っ˘ω˘ς )
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Mr Lucien has always lacked a sense of security, and this is something you’re well aware of. However, the vulnerabilities he reveals to you are mostly meant to tease you, or used to stir up sympathy. You can only get a glimpse of his genuine unease after Lucien falls asleep.
“Mm...” Lucien’s eyes are shut tight, as though he’s having a nightmare.
Since you drank a cup of milk tea before heading to bed, you aren’t drowsy at all. Sensing Lucien’s movements, you pat the large hand wrapped around your waist. “What’s wrong?” you whisper.
Thinking that Lucien is feeling uncomfortable due to the heat, you attempt to put some distance between the both of you. However, the arm around your waist tightens. Not knowing if he’s awake or not, you don’t dare to move much.
Lucien embraces his treasure as he mumbles to himself. “My... Little Butterfly belongs only to me...”
You smile in resignation. Lucien has always been stubborn when it comes to staking his claim on something. This doesn’t upset you. In fact, you have the impulse to tease him even though he’s asleep. “Really?”
“We’ll see who dares to snatch you away.” Lucien’s brows furrow even more, dyeing his expression with an intimidating aura.
Having a bad feeling that you accidentally stepped on a landmine, you decide to soothe the atmosphere so that Professor Lucien wouldn’t feel troubled in his sleep. Before you can do so, you hear a dry chuckle. “A collaborative partner? Hmph.”
The threatening tone in his voice causes you to tremble, and an iciness travels up your spine and into your brain. You instinctively tense up, and you decide to wake him up.
“Pete, could you bring me that box of scalpels?” His gloomy voice makes him seem like an entirely different person. “Little Butterfly, you can only be mine. Forever.”
You shut your mouth. The Ultima Bioresearch Centre measures its scalpels in boxes?
Sensing your movements, Lucien opens his eyes slowly. In the haze of drowsiness, he kisses your hair while speaking with concern. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” Your survival instincts cause you to shrink your neck backwards, and you nuzzle into the arms of the big fox. “Goodnight.”
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[ KIRO  ]
“Miss... Chips...”
A soft mumble rouses you from the world of novels. Turning your head, you watch as Kiro is sprawled on the bed, quietly tugging the blanket over his bare chest.
Kiro nuzzles the pillow with a slight frown. It seems as if he’s dreaming about something troubling. “Miss Shrimp Strips...”
Your fingers pause on the screen when you hear this familiar yet unfamiliar term of address. Although the both of you often eat shrimp strips, he has never called you “Miss Shrimp Strips”. Does Kiro have another snack in his life?
Thinking of this possibility, your expression turns cold, and you decide to observe further. After waiting for such a long time that you start to doubt if you were merely hallucinating earlier, he finally speaks. “Miss Drumstick...”
Okay. You didn’t mishear earlier. There’s a Miss Drumstick now.
“Miss Popcorn...”
It’s said that dreams portray the most genuine reflections of reality. What one thinks about in the morning is what one dreams about at night. You never imagined that Kiro would be this sneaky in his dreams. Taking a deep breath, you inch closer to him.
The arm of justice reaches out to the unsuspecting Kiro. The second before his head is ripped off, he suddenly twitches, giving you a fright and causing you to pause.
“No! All of you are fakes!” His voice carries with it a sense of righteousness.
There’s a dramatic twist in his dream?
Kiro releases a “hmph”. He shakes off the blanket with a hand before exclaiming, “I, Kiro Bohu, will find the genuine Miss Chips!’
You burst into laughter. If you’d known earlier, you wouldn’t have forced him to watch “Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" with you earlier. Covering him with the blanket properly, you pat his golden coloured hair. “Your Miss Chips is right here.”
As though he’s able to hear this, Kiro curls his four limbs as he nuzzles against you. “Mm... Miss Chips...”
“Goodnight, Mr Chips.”
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[ SHAW ]
A noise sounds in the quiet and still room, causing your fingers to pause. Did he realise that you’re staying up? You quickly turn around to look at Shaw behind you. 
At this moment, his eyes are shut tight, his breathing is even, and he doesn’t seem to be awake. You heave a sigh of relief. As long as you don’t get caught, you'd continue using your phone.
“What’s that?”
Another sound drifts over, but it sounds a little unhappier than before.
“What’s what?” You find yourself responding instinctively after growing accustomed to retorting him.
Shaw purses his lips, and he appears to be having an unpleasant dream. You shift a little further away, afraid that he’d progress from simply retorting to whacking you.
Shaw turns over, unable to break free from his dream. “Dragonfly Eye. Don’t lose it again.”
“Your dream’s pretty exaggerated.” You roll your eyes. You’ve only lost the Dragonfly Eye once - and it was 99% due to a certain someone’s “assistance”.
Shaw doesn’t seem to have had his fill yet. He adds another grumble.
“Silly woman.”
The familiar term of address leaves absolutely no doubt that his current dream involves you. You take a deep breath. “Carry on if you dare!”
Even when he’s asleep, Shaw is the same as when he’s awake, meeting you head-on.
Fuming, you give him a kick to the butt, sending him off the bed.
Shaw is startled awake. He scans his surroundings in confusion, then covers his injured area while standing up, gritting his teeth. “What’s up with you!”
You respond with a glare. “You insulted me! Twice! You pig!”
Shaw, who was kicked awake but has no idea what happened: ???
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君兮耶君兮: Can, just state the author and the source
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