doggieheaven2008 · 11 months
Diagnoing the gang dennis is literally diagnosed with bpd frank has some sort of dissociative identity thing going on the way he was the frog kid and like he thinks hes rambo somwtimes Charlie has autism duuuhhhhh mac has adhd thats also a duh and dee is normal. She is fine besides she has a brain injury and maybe a bit of manoc depresaion
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Some tweet i wrote yesterday after therapy.
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ela-e-toda-bipola · 5 years
E tudo começa com um "é drama" "é frescura" "Tá fazendo isso para chamar atenção ", Mais isso não é frescura Depressão é uma Doeça muito grave , tem pessoa que dizem "não tem Cura". Hoje tem Apresento um remédios ,esse remédios não gusta caro, vocês acha rápido ele é simples , ele cura depressão , câncer ,ansiedades e lhe apresento o remédio chamado JESUS .
Ei porque ta meio assustando? Já vieram apresenta ele pra ti? Ainda não eu lhe apresento JESUS ele cura ele liberta ele ressuscita e ele Salva ,Aaah não acredita? Porque? E se fosse outro tipo d remédio vc ia acredita neh ,estou certa! Porque todas as vezes que falamos de Jesus vocês fica mudo? Calma , deixa ele fazer parte da sua vida , ele ira acaba com seus Problemas com suas insônia, com seus ataque de ansiedade ... Não acredita? Então deixa só ele entra e você verá o agir dele .....!!
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ooopnicole · 5 years
Se Deus quiser Eu nunca mais te encontro em lugar nenhum E as ruas que passamos Voltará a ser ruas comuns As coisas ruins se perderão no Céu azul
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morniingblue · 5 years
I really want to be productive. I want to better myself. I want to get good grades, get healthier and take care of my mental health. But that's kind of impossible when it's using all my mental and physical strength to barely pass my classes. I hate this so much, I really do.
Because it's so frustrating to not be able to do anything when you know exactly what and when you need to do something. ADHD, depression and anxiety are shit. I fucking hate this. Everyone else's minimum effort is what sucks the life out of me.
I don't feel like myself sometimes. Sometimes I'll cry and not feel anything at the same time. Genuinely wanting to skip school is now a daily thought that crosses my mind in the morning- the only reason I still go is my parents tbh. I want all of it to end. The endless homework, projects, assignments- school every weekday from 8:50 to 4:15. The same routine that I always associate with the dread and anxiety that comes with everything. I want it to end. Too bad my worth is decided by all of this bullshit.
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healthinurhand · 5 years
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Hii everyone 🙋NAMASTE🙏🙏 . . Few essential Tips for Depression. . * 🙏Its a Humble Request-- If you feel anybody need this help kindly Share to them. . . . If You Like Our Post Please 💐Follow Like❤️&Share it. . Thank you for joining 🙏🙏🙏 . . Ask ur question anything about ur life,relationships,health,meditation,yoga . . .We are with you for Guidance,& help anytime. . . .Our Languages list are. English,Hindi,Bengali. (Others coming soon) . 💻Mail us- [email protected] . . . #helpsomeone#depresaion#treatment#herbsfordepression#sadnessquote#healthcare#wellbeingwisdom#motivation#motivationquotes#yogaexercises101#yogacure#dietfordepression#medical#healthtips#chinahealth#menshealthrussia# (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ZJRWggEZl/?igshid=dy4vcvrq6fvg
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sneji6809 · 5 years
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zaatanna · 3 years
lord i am sick of being SAD
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me in the company of a friend: wow i love life everything is so great im so happy im havin a lovely time just hanging out bein alive
me the second im alone again: *goes into a depressive state wherin i lay on the floor in front of a space heater and drink baked beans straight from the can for several hours*
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mistresskabooms · 6 years
So, a question to the Rroma side of Tumblr
I'm in the very early stages of writing a story and I want to write a "Rroma" (technically don't exist, but every single group of people in this has a real world counter-part, but in medieval-ish times and with magic) character, but i am not entirely sure how to write the character and their culture without falling into the same pitfalls other gadje (hope I spelled that right). authors fall into. If you have Any tips about these pitfalls and how to avoid them, it would really help, because you deserve a character you can identify with, too.
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arrozaurus · 6 years
god i am tired
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Sometimes long distance dating an extreme introvert with a history of panic attacks, self loathing and depresaion means offering support and staying up far too late in case they decide to reach out when they're struggling.
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gusherguy · 3 years
I go from horny to rock-bottom depresaion back to horny and then depression. Hormone cycle or something idk. Anyways see y'all when I remember why life is worth living. 😅
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books-and-cookies · 3 years
Not working out doesn't make you icky or ugly, it means you're being patient and taking the time to heal. You'll be able to work out soon, and it'll feel that much better when you can. I recently had a workout-related injury, and my depresaion gets BAD when I can't work out, so I feel you, but it's good that youre taking care of yourself and giving your body time to heal.
Thank you so much for reaching out! 🥺❤ especially after also going through a leg injury, because you understand the frustration. I hope you're better now and taking care of yourself! And thank you for the kind words, they mean the world ❤
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fangirltothefullest · 5 years
Bullet journals havee bewn my goddamned life saver. It's helping me in so many ways, it's like my adhd dream item. Those people who say you can cure depression if you just "think positively" are incorrect.... however Qui-Gon was correct about the "Your focus is your reality" thing. It's really really hard sometimes but actively trying to focus on the more positive things that happen in your day and focusing on what I did accomplish instead of what I wasnt able to accomplish, really is helping me to kick this depression AND my ADHD in the butt, and I couldn't do it without this little pink book. It helps me write down the stuff I did cause it's a physical thing I can force myself to remember exists so I can remind my otherwise scattered brain all I did and focus on the positive:
Maybe I didn't clean my room in weeks but I remembered to shower and brush my teeth.
Maybe I didn't manage to finish the Pinterest board for capstone just yet but I did a little bit of it and so I haven't failed yet.
Maybe I forgot to have a decent meal but I ate and I made sure to drink water today. I did a healthy thing.
All of it's written in the book! It's like having an outside memory source since mine is crappy!
And it's like....... I used to think I had to do everything the way neurological people did cause that's the Right Thing To Do. But it never worked for me! I forget a sticky note if it's been up too long! And last semester proved I couldn't just have all this info up in my head without it being overwhelming and so I got a bullet journal And promised myself that it would ONLY be used for Important Things like schedules and reminders and you know what? IT'S WORKING! And its boosting my confidence that anxiety and depresaion or not, I'm capable!
Actively making myself think about what I did day my day also helps me organize the journal because I have to write it in a place to remind myself of things and it's organized how I want it. Putting it all in this silly little bullet journal where I have easy access to a calender I had to make which helped stick the memory in place and to pages I've labeled with numbers helps me make a "chapter list". Page #48 tells me how much gas money I have and how much I've spent so far with space to do continued math. Page #45 is today's to-do list. I've hand made calendars up to 2021 cause marking the days iff makes me feel accomplished, page #43 shows me my class schedule and to the left of it, page #42 has all of the times I have to go to bed on what days, times I have to get up to get decent sleep, and times to leave the house so we get there on time.
I have never been this organized in my entire life and I wake up feeling GOOD because this little book is helping me do all the things I struggle with so much that it's helping me beat my depression back with a stick. Because of this book I can take a few minutes out of my day to see where I'm at, to write down the stuff I accomplished no matter how small. It's helping me keep my focus on the positive.
Its amazing that when you find that one thing that helps your disability how much of a difference it can make on not only your life, but your perspective as well. Screw neurological ways of remembering shit. I'm naming my bullet journal Mini-Brain (Minnie for short) and she's gonna be my memory for me and depression and anxiety can SUCK IT!!!
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Feeling pretty sick, tired, empty, and worthless lately. Somethings missing in my life and what’s hard is I think I k is what it is. I just can’t do anything about it...
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