#detective stabler's daughter
countrymusiclover · 26 days
Detective Stabler's Daughter
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Y/n begins her Senior year of college in a Criminal Profiler class but she doesn't expect the professor to be so cute. They begin forming a romantic connection without her father Elliot Stabler knowing till she gets abducted. So Detective Stabler and Reid will have to team up together.
1 - Professor Reid
2 - Coffee Thank You
3 - The First Date
4 - Calling the BAU
5 -
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tag list - send an ask to be added @hiireadstuff @person-005 @kmc1989
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tamara1234sky · 3 months
My SVU rant
I’ve been watching SVU for about two years now. It’s been like therapy for me❤️‍🩹. I watched the older season as well.
For Season 25 to be so legendary, it’s soooo boring. The only episode I loved was episode 4 with Chief McGrath and his daughter.
The fandom don’t know what they want. They want character development but little to no screen time for said character.
The way they got rid of the female characters was extremely uncalled for.
Bring back GRACE MUNCY
Bring back KAT TAMIN
I didn’t like Rollins until season 21 but I 100% agree with movement, Kelli deserved better. But that is not Molly’s fault. Molly is was not an executive producer of SVU.
I love Grace Muncy and she was written off way too soon. Her outfits and her sneakers are TDF. She is not perfect, but neither was the old squad but they were given time to grow into the great characters they are now. I am glad her and churlish made up at the end of 24x17. I loved the Churlish and Muncy duo investigating in 24x21.
Veluncy could have been the best ship in SVU:
- they are both single
- They don’t have any baggage in their lives (unlike Bensler- being stuck with Kathy and the Stabler kids AND Rollisi (i don’t like this ship) but Rollins dating/hooking up the wrong men, dissing Carisi for years and having 2 baby daddies before giving Carisi a chance
- They spend a lot of off-duty hours together
- get along really well and care for each other
- They have the cutest banter
- They are loyal to each other
- They obviously ride hard for each other
- Velasco telling her she is his only real friend
Tonie Churlish irritated me at first, but she had potential. I could have seen her in ADA position ( maybe 2nd chair to ADA carisi) because she was genuinely interested in the law aspect, when talking with benson and carisi, in 24x16. I think the writers should have created a scene as to why she recorded Velasco- she clearly saw corruption while working in Bronx SVU so maybe that is why her guard is up to spotting something shady with cops.
I miss Kat Tamin everyday. I love her husky voice and her personality. I adore the way she stands up for women’s rights and truly strives to seek justice for women.
Another thing- Why is sykes getting more screen time than Detective Velasco, especially when he is in the main cast? Can at least get a scene where Velasco talk about how much he misses his ‘only real friend’ AKA GRACE MUNCY
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svuobsessed · 3 months
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Elliot Stabler X Child Victim reader
Started March 1st - Finished March 5th
thought of this idea.
summary: A Little Girl comes to the station, the team find out she is a special victim and forms a bond with Elliot.
Third person pov...
The Team apart from Elliot were going through paperwork, Olivia sighs as she takes a break from writing and reading. Rubbing her eyes, she takes a sip of her now cold coffee.
They had just closed a case they had been chasing for a week straight. "Officer?" Came a childish voice from next to Olivia.
This made the woman look up, a smile on her face as she sees a child no older than 8, she had H/C hair and wide innocent E/C eyes.
"Hey there" she smiles at the girl, the
H/C child smiles back at her. "Hi!" She giggled, this made the others look over at Liv and the girl.
"Are you okay sweetie?" She asks the girl, the girl looks down a scared look on her face and shakes her head. Liv was worried.
"Why not sweetie did something happen?" She asks the girl, the H/C child looks back up at Liv tears in her E/C eyes, she nods her head.
Liv eyes Munch and Fin behind the girl. "Can you tell me what happened sweetie?" She asks gently, the girl holds her hands over her mouth.
Live face pales the worse comes to mind. "You can't tell me" the girl nods her head hands still covering her mouth.
Liv is soon explaining to the team and Cragen, Elliot had arrived after something to do with Kathy. "We dont know anything about this girl, do we even knkw her name?" Asks The Captain, Liv sighs and looks at the young girl in the child's interrogation room.
After the girl had told her something happend she closed up and didn't say anything else, they don't even know her name.
"Not a word, she closed up after talking to me"she explained, then she looks at her partner. "El why don't you try a crack at it, you have daughters?" She tells the man.
Elliot nods his head and walks to the room the girl was in, she was currently sitting at the table drawing with the crayons. The two detectives walk in together.
The girl looks up when they walk in, she smiles at liv recognising her as the woman she spoke to before. "Hey there, I'm Olivia. This is Elliot my partner" she tells the child.
"Hi" whsipers the girl, Elliot smiled at the girl and took a seat on the chair on the other side of the table, Liv stood by the wall. The girl went back to her drawing.
"Hey there, what's your name?" Asks Elliot, the H/C girl doesn't look up from her drawing. "Y/N" she says. Elliot and Liv look at each other, they are getting somewhere.
"Hi Y/N, My partner told me you came here for help right?" He asks Y/N, he watches as thr 8 year old flinches at the question.
"I didn't, I didn't say anything" She says quietly. Putting the crayon on the table "sweetie if your in trouble you need to tell us" Liv says gently. Y/N looks at her unshed tears in her eyes.
"No you can't help me" she cries, sobbing into her hands. Liv kneels next to the girl, as she got closer she saw a purple mark just below her neck, Y/N was wearing a shirt with a collar so it wasn't visible.
Eyes wide Liv looks to Elliot. "El" she motioned with her hand and the two stand up and wlaks away from Y/N to talk. "El she's got bruises"
The man stared at Olivia. "Shit, you thinkin' abuse?" Olivia nods her head,
Y/N had stopped sobbing loudly but hadn't stopped crying.
Elliot rubs a hand down his face. "Okay, you let Cragen know, search ti databases for any missing kids by her name see what comes up" Liv nods her head agreeing, once she left the room Elliot sat back down with Y/N.
"Your right" whispers Y/N, Elliot looks at her "what do you mean Y/N?" The girl lifts her head and looks at the man. "I need help" she cries leaning into him.
Cautiously Elliot wraps an arm around the young girls shoulders as she cried, eventually Y/N told him about her Mum how she was always drunk, she would never feed her and would beat her, how she let her horrible boyfriend touch her.
After his conversation with Y/N Elliot left the room to tell the team what he found out, by the end everyone was pissed off with what Y/N went through.
Suddenly the door slam open and in walks a woman with H/C hair and E/C eyes much like Y/N, straggling behind her was a tall skinny man.
"Hello! I'm here for my daughter" she exclaims, Olivia walks over to the two. "You must be Y/Ns Mother im Detective Benson" she says to her, Y/Ns Mum points a finger at Liv making her step back.
Elliots goes to intervene but stays back to watch. "You give her to me, that little liar. I bet she's been telling all sorts of lies about me and my boyfriend to you" she yells attracting attention from everyone.
Elliot looks at the woman yelling then back to the room Y/N was in. Confused he walks over to the woman. "You mean she's lied before" he asks her, the woman nods her head.
"Since my husband left 5 years ago she's started telling everyone and anyone a load of lies to get attention" she explains waving her hand, her skinny boyfriend nodding his head next to her.
Liv looks at Elliot they have a conversation with their eyes before Elliot leaves and Liv directs the worried woman to the table upstairs ro ask more questions.
Elliot walks back to the room where Y/N was sitting, the girl was staring out of the window playing with her sleeves, the man sighs before opening the door making the girl jump.
She smiles at the Detective as he walks in. "Hi Elliot everything okay" she asks seeing the look on his face. Frowning Elliot grabbed a chair and sat in front of the girl.
"Y/N, your mothers here to take you home-" panic appears in the girls eyes she begins shaking as he continues shaking her head at him Elliot continues.
"-she says that you've lied before, is that true?" Y/N shakes her head so quick Elliot grabbed her shoulders. Wrong move as she cried out is pain, Elliot quickly let go.
Sobbing Y/N curls in on herself. "I'm not lying! You have to believe me" she sobs to the man, Elliot doesn't know what to believe.
When silence greets her Y/N stands up Elliot goes to move but Y/N begins to pull up her sleeves showing off her arms to him. Elliot eyes widened at the bruises that marked her skin.
Tears rolling down her face she yanks up her trouser legs more bruises where on her skin. "I'm not lying! Please believe me. She tells everyone I lie so they won't help me" she sobs falling to her knees.
Elliot holds the girl in a hug as she clung onto the man tightly sobbing into his shirt.
After this new piece of information came out, Elliot and Olivia interrogated both Y/Ns Mother and her Boyfriend. After hours of interrogating they found out the truth.
The two where arrested for Child abuse and Molestation of a child they were sentenced for 20 years no chance of parole, The boyfriend got an extra 10 for molesting Y/N.
Once her Mother and Mother's boyfriend in jail Y/Ns was sent to live with her Father, who had been trying to get custody of Y/N fir years but was always turned down because of his exWife getting in the way.
After that Elliot got letters from Y/N thanking him and the team for their help and how happy she was to be with her Dad.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot, sorry for the wait. And sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.
Requests are open!
Word count: 1405
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svu-bracket · 8 months
playoffs (round 5)
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episode descriptions under the cut
abuse -> benson and stabler suspect parental neglect in the death of the son of two famous singers, the detectives fear for their surviving daughter, who has a history of serious injuries, and benson grows attached to her. her parents resent benson attention to their daughter, and they take out a restraining order, which puts benson's job in jeopardy (imdb). a rich olivia text. moments of note (to me), "this has nothing :) to do :) with :) my mother :)"
fault -> a serial paedophile murders members of a family and kidnaps the two younger children (imdb). Girl. moments of note (to me), fin's reaction to liv post getting slashed in the throat is always funny. how does she make you do anything?"
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 2 years
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So @sabrinajenre96​
Requested a one shot of Jamie Wheelan and as I wrote this I got to the very end and I realized I may have mis inturped what she mean. I feel hella dumb lol so  I will re write what you actually meant in the meantime  I hope you enjoy this 
First one it's the reader is the daughter of Benson and she's married with Jaime she's a detective and she's Elliot goddaughter she goes visits her husband at work while baby siting nolan and whelan makes an entrance
  A/N: If you like my work please comment like and reblog it means a lot to see interactions on my work
Being the Daughter of the famous Oliva Benson and the God daughter of Elliot Stabler 
meant you were going to be a cop no matter what. You grew up in the precinct and didn’t know any other life besides this one. 
You were grateful for the life you had. You were able to give back to your community and help others in need.
 You worked in the Major Crimes department and you loved it. You were working major cases. It also meant you were able to work with different departments. 
It’s how you also meant your husband Jamie Whelan. He was a police officer and later on joined the task force. 
He wanted to be able to take down any dirty cops. When the two of you meant you didn’t exactly hit it off right away. 
It was not one of those cute love at first sight stories. You thought he had this ego about him and that he was full of himself.
 He did help you out of a really tight case though. So you gave him a chance. 
He was hard at first he had a lot of complicated layers with him. But then you thought we all do right.
 You were grateful that you gave him that chance because was the love of your life. He was really kind and he cared and you guys had a lot of common. 
When he told you that he was working with your godfather you honestly had no idea of how that was going to work. Elliot was a good godfather but as a co worker that was a different story. 
You were able to help him on his last case and my goddess it was like he was totally a different person. Some would say aggressive you tried to phrase it as being passionate. 
He could be a hot head and would just do things without thinking. It cost him a lot sometimes. Even your mom warned you about working with him. Which has a lot of weight. 
You were currently working with the OC team again. They were working this big case where they think a man was murdered for his apartment. A casino was going to be put there and the man didn’t want to leave his apartment. 
There were all eyes on this case. It was a huge deal in the news. You were offering help with the case. But Elliot’s ego would only let you help with the little things. 
And to be perfectly clear you were the only one able to help. Because of his trust issues he didn’t want anyone but you from the unit to help. 
The case was heating up and the district attorney was coming by to get some files and evidence
.  The rest of the team was out and Elliot asked you to come back to keep a close eye on him. 
Even though we were all on the same team his exact words where “ I don’t know this man why would I trust him alone”. You were slow at work so you came over to do him a favor. 
When you got there he was waiting outside of the building. He saw you walking over and looked over and smiled. 
“Detective Benson thanks for coming to babysit me” Nolan said. 
“Yeah sorry about this but you know how they are over here” You said 
“Oh I know I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t ask for backup” Nolan said. 
The two of you walked in and you helped him gather the information he needed. It was wires and files and just a bunch of other stuff. 
You were sitting on your husbands stuff and eating the food he left on his desk. On there he also had a picture of the two of you on your wedding day. It was a nice candid picture. 
About an hour had passed and you both were still here. If you were being honest you did not think it was going to take this long. 
You were playing on your phone letting Nolan do his thing. Suddenly there was a noise coming from outside you instantly  went into cop mode. You sat up and was getting ready to engage. 
Then the door swung open and Jamie walked in. You took a sigh of relief and relaxed when you saw it was just him. 
“Hey what are you doing here” He asked looking at you confused. 
“Did you forget Elliot asked me to come by” You said looking at him confused 
“Yeah sorry forgot about that” He said in a serious manner
He always tried to act as this tough guy outside of the office. Nolan was too busy focusing on whatever he was doing. 
Jamie walked over to you and gave you a small hug and sat down. You tried not to laugh about how serious he was. 
“Wow is that your wife or a co worker” Nolan joked. 
“Be quiet and just do your job” Jamie said. 
“Come on don’t be mean” You said 
“Mean he’s” Jame was starting said something. 
“Hey come on now there is no need for all of this” You said 
Jamie opened up his desk and you were trying not to look suspicious because you had eaten all the candy in the desk. 
He opened up the drawer and was riffling around in drawer for something. 
“Hey what are you uh looking for” You asked 
“My snacks are all gone” He yelled. 
A bit of an over exaggeration for some snacks but maybe this man was just hungry. 
“Hey you did you think my stuff was your evidence” Jamie yelled. 
He walked over to a confused Nolan and got all up on him. Nolan looked at him with a confused look on his face. You went over to break up but then suddenly a loud familiar voice took over. 
“Hey what the hell is going on” Elliot yelled. 
“This son a bitch took my stuff” Jamie yelled out. 
“Okay that is crazy and I did not” Nolan yelled. 
“Jamie this is crazy just move on” You said stepping in between the two of them 
Elliot then grabbed your hand and gave you a look. You looked at it and realized it had some cheeto dust on them. You swiped your hand and tried to wipe away the evidence before anyone else saw it. 
“Uhh not so fast I think we have a suspect in the case” Elliot said. 
“What are you talking about” Jamie asked 
“See told you I had nothing to do with it” Nolan said. 
“Y/N has some orange all over hand. What’s this about” Elliot asked. 
“No I don’t” You said 
Trying to secretly wipe away the dust.
“See she’s doing it again” Elliot yelled. 
“Me no I’m not I’m not doing anything” You yelled 
Jamie walked over to you and grabbed your hand and held high in the air. There was Cheeto dust on every finger. 
“Are you kidding me right now” Jamie asked. 
“Well you see I was gonna tell you but uh” You started off looking at the ground. 
“When was that gonna be” Nolan shouted out. 
“Uhh you know everything just happened so fast” You said 
“What kind of marriage is this that you just betray me like this” Jamie asked
“Oh don’t be so dramatic you steal my stuff all the time” You yelled. 
You looked up and Elliot had his arms crossed and just looked at you shaking his head like a disappointed father he was. 
“This was all good and all But i’m out before I end up being accused of more stuff and a riot starts” Nolan said. 
“Such great detective work going on around here” Nolan yelled as he was leaving 
He grabbed his stuff and headed out. You bust out laughing after he left. The whole thing was just so funny you though to yourself. 
“Yeah Next time I ask you to baby sit  also I should call your mother ” Elliot said 
“Yeah well next time supply food and I won’t have to go looking for it and just a side note you should call her because you just need a excuse to talk to her ” You snapped back. 
“Damn she called you out” Jamie said smirking. 
“Shut the hell up newbie” Stabler shouted. 
You grabbed your stuff and was heading out. They both shot their heads up and looked at you confused. 
“Where are you going” Elliot asked. 
“Where else to get food I’m hungry” You shouted leaving. 
“I would ask how your still hungry but it’s you so not a question.” Wheelan said. 
“Wait up though were hungry were coming” Elliot yelled. 
“Great your buying” You said 
“What why me” Stabler asked 
“Well for one I’m your god daughter and second one payback for making me babysit”  You said. 
“Fine deal but just for you that other man who I still am trying to care for has to pay for his own” Elliot yelled out 
“Deal” You said laughing. 
Elliot walked over and wrapped his arm around you and shot a death glare at Jamie who was just mean mugging him. 
You all 3 left and headed out and you were just glad you got what you wanted out of the day. Which was a free meal.
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svucarisiaddict · 2 years
y/n is stablers daughter (maybe richard and Lizzie had a triplet?? Idk she was besties w olivia before she moved w her parents to Italy) and she met sonny when she moved back for college and maybe he introduces her to the team at their engagement dinner (both of their families are there too) and liv realizes that it’s her and they have a cute reunion
and there’s also lil bits and pieces of her and sonnys relationship (maybe a little bit of Elliot being a super protective dad)
I changed this from Elliot's daughter to his younger sister :)
One second you were looking in a shop window, the next you were sprawled on the sidewalk with the contents of your purse scattered in front of you. The man that knocked you down didn’t even turn around to look at you.
“No, excuse me,” you mumbled to yourself.
“Are you okay?” a man asked you. He gently grasped your elbow helping you stand. 
You assessed your injuries which were a scraped elbow and knee. “Uh- I think I’m okay,” you answered. “Nothing major.”
“Here,” he said, handing your purse along with your belongings back to you. 
“Thank you, um…,” you started.
“Dominick but friends call me Sonny,” said with a smile. “And you’re welcome.”
The man grinned and you lost all the air in your lungs. He was gorgeous. His blue eyes sparkled and when he smiled his eyes crinkled at the corners. The dimples. Have mercy on your soul. His dimples made you weak in the knees.. 
You shook your head. “Sonny. I’m Y/N.”
“You need to clean these up,” Sonny instructed, looking at your lacerations.
“It’s nothing,” you insisted. 
He furrowed his brow. “This one looks to be bleeding quite a bit,” he commented. “I have a first aid kit in my car.” He directed you to a bench. “Wait here. I’ll grab it.”
Sonny jogged down the street to his car. He was tall, slim, and agile and you couldn’t stop watching him.
The phone ringing in your purse made you jump. “Hello?”
“Hey, kid. Where are you?” your brother Elliot asked. 
You bristled at the nickname. Elliot had called you ‘kid’ since you could remember. It drove you bonkers. A fact he Elliot knew, hence why he still used it. 
“On my way. Fell and have a couple of scraps,” you told him.
“Where are you? I’ll pick you up.” You heard the frustration in his voice.
“No. No. It’s fine. Sonny is helping me,” you informed him. About that time Sonny reappeared with the first aid kit.
“Who the hell is Sonny?” Elliot asked with a bit of panic in his voice.
“He stopped to help me,” you said. 
Sonny held up the kit. “Alright. Got it.”
“Y/N! What have I told you about talking to strangers?” Elliot demanded. “Do I need to remind you that you’re in New York City now?”
The overprotective brother as always. You knew he meant well and his overprotectiveness was a product of his years on the job so you tried to appease him. But sometimes you just couldn’t help yourself but goad him.
“Nope. I’m totally oriented,” you responded. “ Well, he doesn’t look like a serial killer.”
Sonny gave you a questioning look to which you winked at him.
“Y/N. I swear…” Elliot huffed.
“I’m sorry, I was just joking,” you relented. “I’ll be back shortly.” 
“Text me when you’re on your way,” Elliot said. “Love you. Bye.”
“Will do,” you assured him. “Bye. Love you too.”
“Boyfriend?” Sonny asked as he cleaned the cut on your knee.
“Oww. No. My big brother. He’s a little overbearing at times,” you explained.
Sonny blew on the cut, put ointment on it then applied a band-aid. “I have a younger sister and two older sisters and I am very protective. It’s in the job description,” he joked.
“Obviously,” you responded. “Elliot was a detective, well still is just in a different capacity.”
Sonny brightened. “Oh, yeah? I was a detective as well.”
“Really? Here in New York or somewhere else?” you inquired. 
As Sonny was going to answer your question his phone pinged, then pinged again. “Sorry. That’s work.”
“No problem. I need to get going anyway. Thanks again, Sonny,” you said, picking up your purse. 
“You’re welcome. Uh, here’s my card. Maybe we can meet up sometime for coffee,” he suggested. 
“I’d like that,” you said, accepting the business card. “I’ll text you so you have my number too.”
He grinned, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Looking forward to hearing from you.”
“I’m home!” you called out. Right now “home” was a hotel suite. It was unclear how much longer Elliot would stick around. He was working through Kathy’s death. All of you were. Kathy had been one of your best friends but that was nothing compared to the loss felt by Elliot and the kids.
Elliot looked around the corner of the kitchen. “About time. I was about to call the commissioner.”
You rolled your eyes. “I got everything finished for school.” After obtaining your CRNA, you decided to continue your education and get your doctorate. “And I found an apartment. I’m going to sign papers tomorrow.” 
“Whoa. What a minute. Where is the apartment?” he asked.
“Hamilton Heights. It’s an upstairs, 1 bedroom. I’ll show you the pictures,” you offered. “It’s really nice. Great neighborhood.”
“Let me see,” Elliot grumbled. He swiped through the pictures. “I thought we were going to look at it together?”
“I had to sign today or someone else would have taken it,” you explained. “You worry too much.”
Elliot sighed. “I’ll never stop worrying,” he said softly then kissed the crown of your head. 
“I know,” you answered. 
Before you moved in Elliot installed a heavy-duty chain and deadbolt on the door, replaced several of the window locks, and surveyed the outside of the building. The next day he went undercover and had been since. Maureen and Kathleen went back to Italy, Dickie and Elizabeth moved to California and Jr went to live with your mom. 
The solitude was nice at first but you quickly got lonely. You hadn’t made any significant friendships with anyone at work yet, or at school.
One evening, a couple of weeks after moving in, the central air went out in your apartment so you decided to go for a walk and explore the neighborhood. You had meant to do it sooner but work and school had you pretty busy.
As you rounded the corner, you saw Sonny sitting outside one of the sidewalk bistros. He was as beautiful as the first time you saw him. 
“You here alone?” you asked when you walked up to the table.
“Not now that you’re here,” he replied with a grin. Sonny stood and pulled out the chair across from him.
“Thanks,” you said, returning his smile. “What brings you to my neighborhood?”
“Your neighborhood? I’ve loved here for six years. You’re on my territory missy,” he said in return.
“We gonna have a turf war?” you joked.
Sonny smirked. “For you, I’ll make an exception.”
That evening turned into days, weeks, and months. A chance meeting turned into a friendship that blossomed into love. Sonny was the best thing to happen to you in a long time. You were one lucky girl.
Your cat, Humphrey, jumped onto your lap. You stroked his long, soft fur. He purred in appreciation. When you were trying to figure out dinner your phone pinged. It was a text from Sonny. 
‘I miss you. I hope you had a great day.’ It was followed by a five heart emojis
‘Miss you too.’ Typically Sonny came over for dinner or you went to his place. He told you at the beginning of the week that he would be swamped with a case, so you bought TV dinners to make every night. It wasn’t that you couldn’t cook, you didn’t like to cook for just yourself.
‘Need a big favor. Can you go to my apartment and pick up a file for me? I’m sorry. It’s a lot to ask.’ 
He had forgotten files before and sent someone from the court to get them so you were caught off guard but agreed. ‘Of course. I’ll bring you dinner.’ You were giddy with the thought of actually getting to see your boyfriend. 
‘Thanks, doll. Love you lots!’
‘Love you too, Sonny.’
“Crap,” you muttered to yourself as you fished in your purse for the key to Sonny’s apartment. “Where the hell is it?”  You sigh in relief when your search was successful. The key slid into the lock and turned easily.
“Couldn’t find your key, huh?” Sonny asked.
“Jesus, Mary and Joseph,” you gasped, clutching your chest. “What are you doing here?”
Sonny grinned and gestured around. “Well, I live here.”
“I thought that…” you trailed off when you actually took the time to look around the room. “What is all this?” There were flowers, candles, and a bucket with a bottle of champagne on the table. 
Sonny went to one knee then pulled a small box from his pocket and our hand went to your mouth. He cleared his throat. “I can’t put into words how much I love you. I love you in ways that I have never loved anyone before. I want to build a life with you. Will you marry me?” Sonny opened the velvet-lined box to reveal a stunning cushion cut diamond solitaire set in a platinum pave band. 
“Oh, Sonny! Of course, I’ll marry you!” you exclaimed.
Sonny took your hand. His hand trembled slightly as he slid it on your finger. When he looked up at you he had tears in his eyes that matched yours. Sonny stood and gathered you in his arms.
“I love you so much, Sonny,” you said as your arms wrapped around his neck. 
“Not as much as I love you,” he whispered into your ear.
“Y/N?” Liv asked when you walked into the restaurant that was holding your engagement party.
“Liv! It’s so good to see you,” you said as the two of you embraced. The last you saw Liv was at Kathy’s funeral and it wasn’t a pleasant exchange between her and Eliott or the kids.
Sonny furrowed his brow. “You already know one another?”
“Yeah. My brother, Eliott, and Liv were partners for years,” you explained. 
Liv released you then playfully punched Sonny’s arm. “You're the one he helped after you got knocked over, right? He has been talking about you non-stop.”
“Why didn’t you tell me Liv was your old captain?” you asked.
Sonny rubbed the spot on his arm that Liv hit. “I didn’t realize-”
“If it isn’t Y/N,” Fin said, embracing you as Liv did.
The evening was fantastic. You reconnected with people you hadn’t seen for years and made new friends. It hit you then, this was your family and you would never be alone.
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wildflowerswildhorses · 11 months
Think about this AU: Stabler never left, Carisi came early (no stache included) and the squad now had 6 detectives in their unit.
As for the partners, Cragen has Stabler, Benson, and Fin pair up with the new detectives as their partners to train them.
Stabler is paired with Carisi
Liv is paired with Amaro (like before)
Fin is paired with Rollins (like before)
No but IMAGINE that (also imagine SVU being and staying fully staffed)
Maybe Kathy still goes to Italy and they finally just divorce like they should have done in season 8
We could have gotten more time with Carisi/Rollins/Amaro (cause come on - that was a trio we deserved more of)
Amanda and Elliot butting heads constantly because they're more alike than people realize FIGHT me on that
Me getting the Amanda/Liv/Elliot trio I fucking deserve
Elliot and Nick BUTTING heads and Elliot giving him a bit of a hard time until he comes to realize that he can trust Liv with him
Elliot getting someone to talk about his faith with - Elliot and Sonny no longer being the only Catholics on the squad at a time
Cragen getting hints of something between Rollins and Carisi and thinking not again
Elliot believing Amanda about William Lewis from the start and that whole arc with Liv never fucking happening because ain't no way in hell Elliot was gonna let her go home alone.
He steps up and helps out with anything she needs - maybe gives her some of Eli's old baby clothes
Since Nick is thriving out in California - maybe he still leaves and does the same thing he does in canon but they still keep in touch and maybe they video chat him if they ever need his help on cases
Maybe Elliot still eventually leaves for Organized Crime (this is just me still wanting Jet in the picture) but he doesn't just vanish - and they still work together a lot
Hell Maybe Rollisi would have happened a little bit sooner (maybe in 19 and maybe Billie would rightfully be his)
Sonny still leaves for the DA's office because "If there's a chance that our daughter doesn't have both parents with a gun in their faces, I've got to take it" and they still fight about it; but it's not as bad as in 21x05
Thinking about how Jesse and Noah would be the catalyst for pushing Rollisi and EO together
Liv still moves up the ranks and they still get Kat (and she stays this time)
I totally just hijacked this ask; but like you can't drop an AU on me and expect me not to daydream about it....
I could probably get so much more out of this; but this is all that my brain came up with at the moment.
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whileiamdying · 2 years
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit  S15E18 — Wrong Is Right Original Air Date: 20 Oct 2000
Detective Stabler's daughter witnesses a gory crime scene involving a murdered man who had a secret life. Meanwhile, a new ADA is assigned to the unit while Stabler and Jeffries come under review by the department.
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countrymusiclover · 24 days
1 - Professor Reid
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Part 2
Detective Stabler’s Daughter
Here's the first chapter and as always if you have anything you'd like to see. I always leave my stories open for suggestions.
“Are you sure you have your pepper spray?” My father Elliot asked me like the tenth question in the car driving me from our house to my college where my younger sister Kathleen was going to be attending this year.
Sending my dad a glance he was panicking far too much about this, especially since it was my senior year there and nothing bad has ever happened. “Dad, please calm down.”
“You know if anything goes wrong, call 911.” He added another point not hearing me.
I sighed, slumping my shoulders. “Dad! It’s my senior year. I will be perfectly fine.”
“I deal with the worst people in the city, honey. I just don’t want something to happen to you when I’m not there to protect you.” He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel waiting for the light to change green.
We finally pulled up in the parking lot outside the building of my first class. We had already moved my stuff in my dorm but my parents also said if I wanted to come home for a while I could. Getting out of the car I went around and hugged my father when he got out of the car. “Don't worry so much. Besides I'll have my sister here to have my back.”
“Y/n. Dad!” We turned our heads seeing my sister running towards us across the parking lot.
I broke the embrace from him, engulfing her in a tight hug. “Kathleen!”
“I've missed you.” I squeezed her tightly back even though we had only been apart a week since she moved in a week earlier being a freshman.
We finally broke our hug turning to face our father. He was standing in front of us simply just staring at us. He was always overprotective of every single one of his children. “You two need to stay in constant contact with each other. If you can’t reach the other, tell me or your mother immediately.”
“We know dad.” I grumbled loving him but this was a tad much.
Kathleen walked up to him, hugging him. “Dad, stop being such a worrier. Y/n and I will be fine without you breathing down our necks.”
“I love you both - uh I better get to work.” His phone vibrated in his pocket when he broke the hug with her. He began walking away from us pointing his index finger at us rounding the corner out of our sights. “Be responsible. Both of you.”
Kathleen and I said in unison, looping arms with each other heading off in the direction of our first class of the school year. “Love you dad.”
My sister and I entered the building seeing that the room was shaped like theater seating that were slightly surrounding the professor desk and large white board. We decided to sit in the second row seating in the middle for the best view, but where we didn't come off as so eager to learn. Reaching inside my backpack I drew out a light green notebook. “So do you have your sights on getting a boyfriend before you leave here?”
“What no.” I whipped my head around at my sisters question.
She huffed. “Why not?”
“Because I have been perfectly happy doing my college years without a boyfriend and I'm quite sure I can finish out my last one without one.” I explained to her sitting some pencils beside my notebook.
My sister clicked her tongue. “That's my goal for you this year. To get you a boyfriend.”
“How about you focus on your studies.” I reminded her.
The rest of the classroom began filling up with people before a different door was opened and closed behind the person who walked in. The guy that I assumed could only be our professor sat down on a satchel on the long desk. “Good afternoon class. My name is Dr. Spencer Reid. You can call me Professor Reid.”
“He’s cute.” I heard one of the girls in front of us.
I picked up my pencil marking notes for myself across the syllabus we had to have printed out before the first day of class and already read over it. “Awe.” Another girl rested her chin in the palm of her hands.
“I assume you all have read the syllabus but if you have any questions feel free to ask.” The professor explained brushing his hands over his clothes. He was wearing a gray shirt underneath a black suit jacket and some brown dress shoes.
Kathleen tapped my shoulder trying to talk to me. “They are right. He is rather cute.”
“Sssh Kath.” I warned her wanting to pay attention instead of gossiping.
“Okay let’s take a moment now to discuss the difference between a trigger and a stressor.” Professor Reid began the lecture for our first day of class. “A trigger is a sensory event experienced by an offender that precipitates subsequent behavior whereas a stressor is a longer term pattern of behavior or circumstances which pushes a person into behaving differently than they normally would.”
Some of the other girls in the class began twirling their hair and giving him the doe eyes, clearly not paying attention to what he was saying. “You’re probably gonna wanna write this down. I shouldn’t be telling you this but I’m definitely putting this on the final.”
“I’m only auditioning this class.” My pencil moved across the page taking down detailed notes until a girl with long black hair raised her hand in the air.
Our professor raised a brow. “Is anyone else auditioning this class?”
“Oh man. He’s definitely cute.” Kathleen mumbled under my breath.
I rolled my eyes at her statement seeing most of the girls in the class raise their hands answering his question. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Okay - unfortunately that is all the time we have for today. Thank you guys, class dismissed.” He paused, eyeing his wrist watch and dismissing the class earlier than the end time that was listed.
Kathleen began putting her stuff away getting to her feet to leave like most people were. “Cool. Out of class early on the first day. Can you show me around the campus?”
“Yeah sure.” I answered her.
I heard our professor’s voice call out to me suddenly. “Excuse me, miss. Can I talk with you for a second?”
“Uh me?” I turned my body around, eyeing him standing down by his desk.
He nodded yes to me. “Yes.”
“Oooh already in trouble on day one.” Kathleen teased.
I glared at her, waving her off and gathering my stuff to go meet him down at his desk. My sister slipped out the double doors into the hallway. “I’ll find you later. Hi Professor Reid, you wanted to speak with me.”
“I noticed you and your friend were the only ones really paying attention in my lecture today.”
I made a simple noise at his point. “Oh.”
“I just wanted to say thank you. It was kinda embarrassing to learn that the majority of girls in here are auditing my class.”
Hugging my notebook closer to my chest I sent him a kind smile not expecting him to admit that it affected him. “Well uh - thank you for saying that, Professor.”
“Call me Spencer - um only if you want to - if we’re talking like this. Never mind, I shouldn't have said that. That was very unprofessional of me Ms.-“ He stuttered on his words, shifting from foot to foot.
I felt my face turn red at what he had just said until I shook my head pushing whatever I was feeling away since I was a student and he was a professor. “Stabler, Y/n Stabler. I’ll - uh see you tomorrow Professor Reid.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Ms. Stabler.” He replied watching me exit the classroom while I peaked over my shoulder sparing him one glance before I was out of sight.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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causewhywouldnti · 23 days
My thoughts on season 25 of svu and season 4 of OC:
25x01, I forgot how annoying commercials are, when you watch an episode live. There are some choices here… like what’s up with the blinding light at the end of the tunnel? Tiny Cast. So Benson is just supposed to know when someone is being kidnapped? Please tell me that is not a Standard we are setting up here. So that detective is definitely joining the squad, right?!? We do voiceovers now? So the case will be resolved at the end of the season…
OC 4x01, Stabler called her!!! (Gotta take the little wins, because I doubt that there will be any big ones) Stabler has no survival instinct, but at least Bell is looking out for him. I really don’t want Reyes and Jet to happen. Dude is still married, right?!? That was the softest look from Stabler when he saw Benson on TV.
25x02, I think it's really weird that Benson wears the Maddie Bracelet. On this whole episode: Seriously?!?
OC 4x02, Warner! That hug was so sweet. Stabler with the Baby. I like the Stabler brothers.
25x03, at least Liv is getting therapy. And she held the compass, crumbs that almost make up for a boring episode.
OC 4x03, the Final scene with the Stabler brothers was really sweet.
25x04, well we at least got an Elliot mention. I think this was the best episode of the season so far, which isn't a high bar… so, how does it work with a captain not working as a captain on another force?
OC 4x04, I really, really like OC this season, from the case and overall story, to the Stabler family. To reiterate, I love the Stabler brothers! Lizzie is still the kid that gets no line and no attention, justice for Lizzie. I'm sorry, but that salad has absolutely no dressing on it, no wonder the witness‘ daughter doesn't want to eat it. Stabler is totally gonna blame himself, for whatever is about to happen… that suspension is freaking stupid!
25x05, this Maddie plot line is so weird. At least now we can move on…
OC 4x05, barely into the episode and I already like it more than SVU, I mean we get a call from Benson! No, Elliot does not consider him a part of the team… Jennifer Ehle!!! The team has Stabler’s back! Their disappointment when he tells them not to follow him was funny.
OC 4x06, I’m starting to like Chief Bonner. Not sure how I feel about Stabler burning his necklace. There are a lot of instances of people comparing Elliot to his father this season, I want to know what this leads to.
25x07, I liked the throwback to 911.
OC 4x07, Stabler has warmed up to Vargas so much, he is already taking his clothes. I like the subtle comedy in OC, it’s either intentional or due to me watching this at an unreasonable hour. Stabler really got injured again, this brings back memories. Poor Chief Bonner having to kill her own brother. Cragen! Also call back to the brotherhood. And again, poor Chief Bonner. But man, OC is soooo good this season!
OC 4x08, Cragen! Cragen and Elliot make a great team. “Heart attack?” “I thought it worked” Lol. Bell out here fighting for Stabler, and I am here for it! Must be weird to see, how they’re gonna make it look like you killed yourself, good on Bonner to save herself. After this arc is over, I’d like a spin-off with Bonner. Bonner is a badass!! Just handing out guns. He dead? I did not expect them all to be dead, like expected one to be, but not all of them. Bonner is gonna need a LOT of therapy after this! That was a sweet ending to a great story arc.
25x09, you know what I’d like Benson to do with Noah starting to ask questions about her job? Call Stabler. I’m sure he must have some experience with kids asking those questions. Velasco looked so lost, when Benson told him he had to come with her.
OC 4x09, Elliot refusing to break and enter is kinda funny. The Stabler bros are sooo good! And then Elliot breaks and enters… the ending of the intervention scene was funny, “could have been worse”. Did we finally find out what Elliot’s rank in the marines was?!? Stabler barely arrived and is already beating people up. Jet and Reyes undercover as travel influencers is something I didn't know I needed! Oh Elliot…
25x10, I just want to never hear about Maddie again.
OC 4x10, would have liked Bashir to stay. The way Stabler told the team about Bashir was heartbreaking but so well done. We actually get images of what Stabler went through in the Marines! Did I mention I love this show?!? Stabler pulling up his zipper after “making out” with the ATF girl was funny. I'm starting to really like Vargas. If Joe is responsible for Bashirs death, I don't think Stabler will get over that anytime soon.
OC 4x11, kinda forgot to write anything down. But the episode was good! Especially Stabler saving the FTA agent!
OC 4x12, the team’s look when Jet and Reyes tried to hide arriving together was on point. The Stabler bros kidnapping Joe Jr was fun. Man, Stabler is such a softie! Vargas looks sooo excited being in the field. Randall making Eliott pay for the caretaker is a moment of levity I needed after that server scene. Stabler gonna have to renovate again…
25x13, seriously?!? She gave up the compass?!?? Well, we at least got a phone call…
OC 25x13, Eli Jr really coming after his father. Good on Randall to refuse to tell Elliot the news. I did not expect the FTA agent to go for Vargas. Stabler and Jet are sweet and funny together (in a very non-ship way). Joe is in way over his head. Of course Elliot just new about the pregnancy, dude has enough experience with that.
SVU was just a let-down this season… I wasn't a fan of the Maddie storyline, and didn't much care for any of the other stories. I think the ending of the last season set it (this season) up for a very different story than the one we actually got. Considering it was a landmark season, there wasn't really anything to show for it (except Maria). Here's hope for a BIG improvement next season! (It kinda has to because we can't even watch it for the compass anymore…) OC on the other hand has been on fire! I was really looking forward to each episode. And they actually show the family and relationships of their character, which is something SVU is definitely lacking. I wasn't sure about Vargas at the beginning, but I started to really like him. One thing I will give SVU over OC: I preferred the phone call at the end of the finale over the Cemetery.
Favorite Episodes: the whole season of OC
Favorite Lines:
“What are you doing?” “Being unreliable.” Bell and Stabler OC 4x02 (in regard to the AI meeting)
"Until the age of 25, the male brain is as useful as an electrified meatball." Bruno, 25x04
“Everyone is fighting for you, except you” Cragen to Stabler OC 4x08
“Go peel potatoes.” Stabler OC 4x10
“I feel like I got hit by a truck.” “Close, it was your brother” - Joe Jr. and Randall OC 4x12
“What am I, ten?” “In my mind, you are.” - Joe Jr. and Stabler, that is such an older sibling thing to say OC 4x12
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agentcable · 3 months
Law & Order Special Victims Unit Season 23 Ep. 1 "And the Empire Strikes Back"
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Benson and the Special Victims Unit race against the clock to put away a powerful congressman who is using his political instincts to traffic girls. However, the case may be harder than they thought. Benson faces a major dilemma when her loyalty to Garland is tested over the backfired Jayvon Brown case. Detective Joe Velasco, assigned to the case by Chief McGrath, joins the SVU squad. Additionally, Benson's life is put in danger due to a suspicious car accident.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
After the wedding, Carisi and Rollins kiss in the courthouse. Rollins is in disbelief.
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Fin and Phoebe give Kat and her partner all the flowers. They cannot take a non-honeymoon yet. Everyone needs to be on deck to deal with the high-profile sex trafficking case.
Garland is called to a meeting. His wife believes that McGrath wants to bully him again. Garland explains that the meeting is about the high-profile case and that this is the breakthrough he needed.
Benson has not yet arrived at the meeting. One of the men is becoming impatient. Carisi calls to say that she is on her way. While driving, she was talking to Stabler and in a hurry because she was an hour late. A driver behind her attempted to pass, and Stabler suggested she let him. She attempted to pull over, but the driver intentionally sideswiped her, causing her to veer off the road and into the bushes. Benson believes that Stabler is reassuring her that she will be fine, but it is actually an EMT as she is being secured into an ambulance.
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Later, Benson is at work with a broken ankle. Carisi urges her to get an MRI, but she is irritated and claims she doesn't have time. Rollins inquires about the accident. The authorities believe that a drunk driver was responsible for the hit and run, but Fin disagrees. Benson is confident that any evidence can be found and wants to be updated on the situation.
During the hearing, Benson provides testimony to McGrath about all the major players involved. McGrath offers to forgive Garland if they can capture Howard.
While Kat and Fin observe, two confidential informants speak with Howard. Howard expresses frustration that his sex trafficking victims are not available and requests that Machado provide him with teenage girls. Fin and Kat are appalled.
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Later, McGrath visits Benson. He wants to add another UC to the mission and doesn't want her to inform Garland or the rest of SVU. He believes Garland is untrustworthy due to his past association with Machado. During a staff meeting, Benson discovers that the trafficked women are unwilling to testify. Lulu refuses to cooperate until she gets her child back, Denise has gone missing, and Rosa desires to be left alone. Benson urges Kat to speak with Rosa, despite her reservations.
Rosa is upset and requests to be left alone, as she feels it is too risky to testify. During a meeting with McGrath, Garland, and the team, Howard's disturbing conversation about teenage girls is overheard. McGrath, who has three teenage daughters attending the same school as a potential victim, insists on Howard's immediate arrest. Carisi and Benson explain that they need time to build a case. However, McGrath is indifferent. Howard's announcement of his presidential candidacy means that any arrest will be seen as political. Additionally, he wants the NYPD to arrest a privileged white individual to improve their image (despite his previous statement about political arrests). Benson receives a text and abruptly leaves.
Kat arrives later and searches for Benson, who has not yet returned from her mysterious errand. Kat feels uneasy about pressuring Rosa and believes that the case is being rushed. Rollins advises Kat that doing things that feel wrong is part of the job and that she needs to get over it.
Benson is questioned about Morales' death (from Law & Order: Organized Crime, Season 1 Episode 8). The IAB officer questions whether she believes Stabler's claim that he did not text her to be at the hospital that day. Benson believes him and suspects that Wheatley attempted to have both her and Angela killed, given that she was run off the road. The IAB officer is skeptical.
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Fin gives Benson a ride to the undercover operation. Benson inquires about what is wrong with these powerful men. Fin insists on taking her to the doctor because her ankle hurts.
Chief of Staff Ortiz is having second thoughts about being a CI. Kat takes him out of the room, assuring him that he will be fine. At the party, Howard flirts with some women. A guy known as Q, who is involved in youth activism, shows up. Howard introduces Jemma, a teenage girl, to him while Rollins and Carisi watch from a hotel room, wishing they could be together. Soon after, Jemma is roofied and taken to Howard's room. The NYPD bursts in and makes arrests, including Howard, who insists that Rollins will regret it and that he did nothing wrong. Q claims to be an undercover cop, but Rollins and Fin are unaware of it. He tells them that McGrath sent him.
Rollins is upset that she wasn't informed about the UC. Benson confides in her that McGrath wanted to keep it a secret from Garland and everyone else. Fin expresses concern about McGrath's lack of trust in Garland. Kat calls and informs them that Jemma is awake. Rollins goes to speak with Jemma. Benson's ankle is fractured and too swollen for surgery. Fin suggests that she should go home, but she can't take a sick day while McGrath is depending on her to close this case.
Howard's lawyer is present, and the UC is unhappy about being left in holding. Howard's lawyer claims it's a witch hunt, an attempt to take down a Presidential candidate. However, Benson insists that they are taking down predators, period.
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A press conference is scheduled, but Benson wants to wait for Garland, while McGrath is unwilling to wait. Garland is too closely connected to Machado.
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Garland watched the press conference on TV and immediately called for his assistant. He was frustrated that he had not been notified of the conference beforehand. His assistant explained that no one had informed her of the conference either. After their conversation, she left the room and Garland threw the remote across the room in frustration. Garland later visits Benson to express his gratitude and acknowledge the miscommunication.
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He is confident that everyone will receive praise when Howard is convicted. All witnesses testify except for Jemma, but Carisi notes that her age is the only relevant factor for the jury. Benson and Carisi meet with Howard and his lawyer. Howard insists that he will run for President, and no one can stop him. He threatens to have Carisi fired and Benson transferred to traffic duty on Staten Island. Howard and his lawyer argue privately, and the lawyer advises him to keep his mouth shut and slaps him.
Carisi feels good about the case and wants to take Rollins to dinner, but they receive several calls. All witnesses, except Rosa and Jemma, are deceased. Benson orders an immediate search for them.
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thefirsthogokage · 1 year
I have resorted to watching the three-way Law & Order Crossover Event out of boredom. Wish me luck because I have already gotten to the "Ukraine, 2022” part (aka the first second) and I am kind of sickened they are involving that.
So, anywho, if you want to read below: a) there will be spoilers. B) keep in mind I HATE the current state of Law & Order and I think if they won't bring back Criminal Intent, the whole lot of the bad ones on now should be fucking gone. You have been warned.
Reactions/Commentary For The Full Event Below The Cut
Law & Order: Organized Crime
Season 3, Episode 1: Gimme Shelter, Part 1
Cosgrove, you are a dipshit. And Jeff Donovan doesn't deserve this crap.
God this is so odd, Cosgrove's dialogue.
Oh god, and of course this is OC where they do all the killing of women, Geezus Kryst.
God the bad writing makes Jeff look like such a bad actor. Or maybe he's not great (in addition to the bad writing) and he just fit on burn notice.
I will say, I like Jeff using his hands to describe what happens. So, not bad actor, but bad writing.
Mehcad Brooks also deserves better. He's done great acting in these first few seconds.
Wait, how long was Cosgrove's daughter there without hime? Fucking Kryst. He didn't even call her? Lovely writing, great job, team!
Pretty sure a detective being on scene as the first officer there would NOT be allowed to investigate. Especially out of his jurisdiction, from his jurisdiction.
Oh they aren't covering up Mechad's hand tat? Like, that might have been good in narcotics, but as a plain clothes detective? No way, he'd have to cover that up in a city like NY, I'm sure of it.
Nice to know the ME's place looks the same.
Also I do like this "showing around the new Homicide guy" bit. That's one point, but this is still in the negatives.
They're actually watching the autopsy? The fuck? Those take a while too. Geezus. Full on Organized Crime way of telling this story.
A John/Pimp was chasing her himself? Seriously? GFK (Geezus fucking Kryst).
Love Shaw trying to be like "the legal path is easy at this stage and it will keep bad shit from happening later." But unfortunately, time for Cosgrove's bullshit. But they had a fun little back and forth at the end. They actually have decent... chemistry? That doesn't feel like the right word.
God Mehcad makes Jeff looks so small 😂😂
Oh here we go, here's Liv!
Back and forth flows nicely.
They are elongating some shots at the end of the scene longer than necessary. Like, filming too much. Not the way these shows usually were cut.
And that's the way you do that, Cosgrove. Nice job Shaw.
Nice job Cosgrove, that totally wasn't complaint worthy *eye roll*.
Oh look, a wild Stabler appears. (23 minutes into his own show. And Benson was in it first 😂😂)
"You don't reach out" did...did he know OC was investigating him???
Mildly amusing that Jeff and Meloni look a little alike. I mean, all blue-eyed people have the same ancestor, right.
Wait, if Jeff and Chris are the same high, why did Jeff look taller....?
I like Elliot being on the other side of the hotheadedness and seeing what the fuck that's like to deal with.
Oh come on Elliot, you'll get him eventually. Fucking Kryst. "Good cop" shut the fuck up Frank.
I am absolutely not fond of all this "sun in the eyes angle".
Fucking hell this is stupid. I like this CI too. He's probably dead. Or not, but he's done with that, he's never going to gain the guy's trust.
Goddamn, I HATE the SVU Squad room, like, what the fuck. Do they have any excuse for it changing over the years? Genuinely curious.
They found her way too quick. UGH. Gross. Just all this is so gross.
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Season 24, Episode 1: Gimme Shelter, Part 2
Ugh, I regret all of this so much. On with the crap.
Their squad room set shit is so grossly cold. Like the one the the revived L&O had is that the squad room isn't the worst. This one? This one is just fuckery on the eyes. At least OC is visually followable too. And this lighting. How does anyone stand this?
Holding that phone like that in interrogation???
"what's an old man to her" a very valid question about a 14 year old calling someone old.
No, not recording sex. Recording rape. Geezus. Bad wording.
This young actress is good.
I hate this show, but I still hate Kelli is gone because she very much seemed to love working there. I hate they booted to POC to (pay less) for one white guy.
"don't come in here!" Liv yells to officers who do not stop in their tracks.
I was just going to be the terrorist case they always wanted to do with the original three shows?
Ugh. I hate that Criminal Intent wasn't around for this. I really would have loved to see with those three shows would have been like in that crossover during a lot better writing in the Law and Order universe. Makes absolutely no sense that they didn't try to do another crossover like after the first season of Criminal Intent. Well I guess unless they considered it would have been too difficult given shit going on with D'Onofrio at the time. Seems like the only way they can think of doing crossovers like this is with cases that end up being a terrorism case, which just isn't true.
Evacuate? The fuck? How when the city is that big? How would that not get people killed in a panic? Kryst I miss peak Law and Order.
Well Vince is going to die. Damn shame of a talented character actor.
Fuck. Hate this. They were so slow on this. The cops, they moved in way too slow. Gross. They keep killing people on this show related to OC. Absolutely fucking hate it. Usually it's women, but ffs, it's always super disgusting. What's the fucking point of it?
As dumb as it is for Elliot to have tried to go after the guy, I liked that little bit.
God I hate this shit.
Oh good, Shaw speaks Spanish.
Why didn't you start with the amount of time on that bomb, dude?
Bad explosion graphics.
Also, why do they want to blow up NATO shit? Also how the fuck can they hear?
SVU, so Rollins finds her. Ok.
Oh, Rollins and Stabler cornering him. Nice.
Cosgrove took Liv's orders without question, interesting.
One thing they definitely get with Jeff Donovan is someone who knows not only how to hold a gun, but who has a good stance while holding it.
Nice fucking judo throw by Meloni, fuck.
Interesting how Cosgrove stops him, when he was angry as he was. But I guess "good cop" doesn't involve killer, even though he likes to get rough. Might have made more sense with Shaw though.
"Thanks for the" exchange was nice.
Law & Order
Season 22, Episode 1: Gimme Shelter, Part 3
Ugh, not looking forward to this. I mean, I'm looking forward to it being done.
"shut this city down now" which they didn't.
Probably one of the few L&O episodes to start like this. Heavy on the Order.
Yeah, we haven't figured out motive yet. And God does Hugh sound like a Brit speaking with an American accent is the best way I can describe it. He didn't need to even be from the US. It would have been interesting if his character was just as English as he is.
Oh this is how the current Law & Order opening theme is? Ew.
These law sets are great. Bright. Lively, so much better than the other two shows.
Was, they didn't have Carisi at all, did they?
God Mehcad is so big.
The video quality is pretty clear, what the fuck?
Well, people are saying the legal stuff is going to shit on this show. Used to be much better.
Damn, Rollins was a good shot.
Oh, that was the shot that got the write out started. UGH. I hate Dick Wolf so much.
Once again I'm just like "the lack of Criminal Intent content is unacceptable." That fandom needs to be so, so many times larger than it is. It would be so much more popular at this time. It's like no one knows it exists. Like it was just written out of existence. Like someone tried to erase it. So fucking gross.
Oh Carisi. There he is.
Oh ffs, Liv.
Dismiss terrorism charges? Insane, given the target.
This is probably the first original plot the revival has done.
Oh good, Mccoy making sense.
Oh I knew it. This guy that always plays Russians is of course playing a Russian.
Oh they let this episode be 45 minutes. That's never a thing in TV anymore.
Oh, Hugh's character tried to help him a little late, but he did.
God what a nothing burger of an ending. That didn't feel satisfying in anyway. Like, the guy going off to inform on Putin would have been fine. Him dying a quick death? That's a waste.
In Conclusion:
So, as much as I hated this, I have sadly seen them do disgustingly worse.
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urxsavingxgrace · 1 year
GUARDIAN ( Elliot, also I hope you’re having a good day )
Elliot was out spending the day with Kathleen when people started running and screaming from the subway stairs. Someone yelled out, '"he's got a gun!" Shots are fired and Elliot immediately jumps in front of his daughter getting them to the ground and shielding her with his own body. "Stay down honey, stay down. I gotta call this in." He says reaching fot his badge. "This is detective Elliot Stabler shield number 6313. Reporting a shooting in progress. Heard shots fired, I repeat shots have been fired. Send units to the vicinity of Grand Central Station at the entrance to the main building. Active shooter is in the area. Calling for back up."
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marchtomydrums · 2 years
Our Rules 10
Alex Cabot x Reader
“You said you had information Detective?” Alexander asked. Elliot nods his head “Yes sir.” The old man nods “Well out with it boy. I’m not getting any younger.” He demands snatching the napkins from the young waitress. Elliot clears his throat “Sir do you remember Y/n Y/ln?” He asked. The man’s face turns sour “Yes. She was what 25? When she and Alex started their fling. Last I heard she was in Italy I lost tabs on her after that. Why?”
“She’s back. She and Alex are together as we speak.” Elliot informs him. Alexander grumbles rolling his eyes “I thought my daughter was smarter than this. What is her obsession with that girl?” He groaned in frustration. “I have a few ideas, sir.” Elliot chimes in. Alexander nods “As do I. But what’s your point? You came all the way here to tell me that they’re together again? As much as I hate that girl I have no use to get involved. Alex will fuck it up she always does.” He said
Casey narrows her eyes at the man as he speaks ill of Alex. While she is all for getting back at her she still loved her. Elliot chimes in “I came here to warn you.”
“About what?”
“Your money. Whatever you plan to leave Alex.” He explains.
“What about it?” Alexander asked. Elliot grins “Sir do you know how their relationship started?” He asked. Alexander shakes his head no. Elliot smirks leaning in “Let me catch you up.”
The next morning you woke up alone in bed. You sighed when you rolled over meeting cold sheets. Groaning you got up tying the robe around your waist as you went in search of Alex. The house was quiet but the smells from the kitchen let you know that Martha was also awake. She smiled when she noticed you motioning for you to sit at the breakfast counter. “Good morning sweetheart.” she grins handing you a cup of coffee. “Good morning Martha.” you smiled taking a small sip of your coffee. “Where is Alex?” you asked. “She left about an hour ago. She had to meet with some clients at her organization. She said she would be back by lunch.” she explained. “Okay.” you smiled as she hands you your plate.
“I heard there were some problems last night,” she says. You nodded your head “Stabler isn't a fan of me.” you smiled. Martha laughs “Don't take it personality he doesn't have many fans of his own either.” she chuckled. You laughed “I imagine not.” She chuckled giving you a warm smile “Well whatever the case may be hear this. Ms. Alex has never loved someone the way she loves you. I have watched over her since the day she was born and I prayed that one day she would find someone that loves her the way she's supposed to be loved. And the first time I saw you walk through that door I knew my prayers had been answered.” she smiles. You gave her a watery grin “Thank you, Martha.” “Oh don't thank me sweetheart it's the truth. And no one not even Stabler can convince me otherwise. Don't let anyone make you think any different,” she says. “I won't. I love her too much,” you whispered. She smiles as she exits the kitchen.
A couple of hours later Alex walks through the door. Putting away her jacket, purse, and heels she was caught off guard as you run straight into her. The force causing her to rock back on her heels as your body slams into hers. Once she's registered what's happened her arms wrap around you squeezing you tight. “Well hello.” she chuckled. “Hi,” you mumbled into her neck. She smiles running her hands along your back. “Is everything okay?” she asked. “Mhmm,” you mumbled pulling back from the hug your arms circling her neck. “I just missed you.” you smiled up to her. She smiles “I missed you too.”
You smiled jumping up into her arms as she catches you her hands resting under your butt. “Carry me?” you asked. “Where to?” she chuckled. Leaning in your lips hovered over hers “To bed.” you husked. She smiles walking towards the staircase as she carries you upstairs. Unbeknownst to the two of you, Martha stood in the corner watching the interaction with a smile and a chuckle as she walked back into the kitchen.
Alex carried you into the bedroom kicking the door closed behind her before carefully placing you on the bed. You smiled up at her as she slowly untied your robe. “I'm surprised you're still in this,” she says. “I wanted it to be easy for you,” you smirked. She chuckled leaning down to kiss you. You moaned into the kiss slipping your tongue past her teeth gaining access inside her mouth. She moans pulling back to take off her shirt while you unbuckle her pants dragging them down her legs. She stands quickly pulling them down before kicking them off to the side. She chuckled as she climbs back on the bed watching you spread your legs for her.
“You're so beautiful my love,” she whispered kissing your lips. She kissed a path down your neck continuing further down to your nipples. Her tongue peeked out swirling around the hardening bud gently biting the tip. Your back arched as you moaned holding her head in place. “Alexx,” you whined. She chuckles hovering above you. “Yes, my love?” she asked as her dark blue eyes gaze down at you. Reaching up you cradled her face in your hands causing her to lean into your touch. “I love you,” you whispered. “I love you too.” she smiles returning to her path until her head is buried in between your legs.
Olivia walks into the diner in search of her lunch date. Walking towards the back she sees a glimpse of red hair. Smiling she walks up to the table sliding in the booth across from Casey. “Hey, Case. How ya been?” she asked. The redhead gives her a small smile “I've been alright. You?” Olivia smiles “I'm good. Did you order already?” she asked. Casey shakes her head “No I was waiting for you.” Olivia nods as she sits back taking in Casey’s appearance. The once outgoing, loud, and the overall happy woman was a shell of herself in this booth today. Her hair was tangled and wild, her clothes were baggy and wrinkled, her green eyes had dark circles forming underneath showing signs of little to no sleep.
Olivia sighed as she reached over taking her hand in hers. “Are you alright?” she asked. Casey sighed shaking her head “I'm trying to be. I know we weren't together that long but I fell hard for her. I miss her every day. I miss everyone being together and I miss her laugh and her smile. I know I wasn't always a good partner but I thought that one day we would be together forever. But all of that changed the moment y/n walked through the door.” Casey sighed brushing her hair back as she tried to hold off her tears. Olivia sighs “I'm sorry Case. I really am. I know how hard it can be to love someone who doesn't love you the same way.” she says. Casey snorts “You mean you know what it's like to love Alex Cabot when she doesn't love you back.”
“Alex loved you in her own way, just as she did with me. It took me years to realize we weren't right for one another. And I know it hurts now but you'll see it wasn't meant to be.” Olivia explains. “We were fine before she came back!” Casey shouts. “This is all her fault! That stupid bitch took her from me,” she argued. Olivia sighs “ You and I both know that things weren't that great between you and Alex. You two fought constantly. Alex is more private and serious. She likes things a certain way every day is planned out and organized. And you live life on a day-to-day basis. You're carefree and outgoing. The two of you never agreed on anything. And if I'm being honest while I love Alex she clouded your sparkle. You're a person that is supposed to shine bright for all to see and you couldn't do that with her. As for y/n, she didn't take her and you know that deep down.”
“But she..” Casey goes to argue before Olivia cuts her off. “If Alex was truly yours nobody, not even y/n would have been able to take her from you,” Olivia says. Casey sighs ducking her head as tears roll down her cheeks. “Sweetie I know it's hard. Believe me, I do. But I promise you that you'll find that person. Alex wasn't your person she already belonged to someone else.” Olivia explains. Casey huffs “What's so great about her anyway? I could have been that person for Alex. I was doing fine.” she cries. “You know that's not true. You were never going to be able to replace her. Casey, you don't know what Alex was like before her. Hell, you got a better version of her than I did. That girl saved her, she made Alex see things that she kept hidden for so long. She helped Alex become the woman that you fell in love with. Their relationship... It's hard to put it into words. It's like they were made for each other and even with all the obstacles they face, they keep finding their way back to each other. It's a love that I can only dream of having one day. It's the kind of love you're searching for. Olivia tells her.
“So you're on her side?” Casey asked. Olivia shakes her head “I'm not on anyone's side. All I'm saying is that you deserve someone that feels that way about you. That would move heaven and earth for you. And I think we both know Alex wasn't that person for you.” “It doesn't matter soon she’ll get what's coming to her,” Casey says her words dripping with venom. Olivia frowns “What do you mean?” Casey shakes her head “Don't worry about it.” Olivia groans “Casey please don't do anything stupid. Please.” she begs. Casey sits back looking over at Olivia with a tiny grin “Don't worry. I won't do anything.”
Elliot climbs into the black SUV sitting in the seat across from Alexander. “Stabler right on time.” the old man grins. Elliot smiles looking over at the man sitting next to Alexander. “Who is he?” he asked. “This is Silas Banks,” he says introducing the two men. “Nice to meet you,” Elliot says shaking his hand. The man nods. “Mr. Banks has been hired by me to handle this situation,” he explained. Elliot nods “Alright. So when do we start?” he asked. “We already have.” Alexander grins. Elliot gives him a puzzled look. “Mr. Banks will explain,” he says.
“Everything went as planned sir. The maid let me in with no fuss. The cameras are in place and we can watch and hear in real-time. I just received your daughter's bank statements this morning and I am waiting to hear back about any other accounts she may have set up.” he explained. Alexander nods “Sounds good. I want copies of all reports and I will task you with watching the film I'd rather not see my daughter in certain situations. You will report to me if there is something of importance. And I also want a full report back on y/n. I want to know where she was, who she was with, her bank statements, everything. “ he informs Banks. “Yes sir. We're working on it now.” Banks announced.
“Excellent. Oh, her friend to what's the girl's name?” Alexander asked out loud. “Tara Knowles,” Elliot says. Alexander grins “Yes her too.” “Yes sir.” Banks says. “Alright, so what should I do?” Elliot asked. “Nothing,” Alexander states. “What do you mean nothing?” Elliot asked. “Just what I said nothing. You brought the problem to me and for that I'm grateful but we will handle it from here,” he explained. “But sir..” Elliot says but Alexander cuts him off. “I will reward you for your service so far detective Stabler. But now it's time for us to handle this. And I want it understood that no physical harm is to come to my daughter. While I understand she hurt your friend and has made some poor decisions she is still my child. Are we understood?” he asked the two men. They both nod their heads. Alexander smiles “Wonderful and so it begins.”
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catelyngrant · 3 years
I’m gonna take a break from the emotional carnage that is the current season of SVU/OC and instead spend some time with the crossover of my dreams: SVU/The Closer.
I’ve given this some thought, friends.
So let’s say that this takes place somewhere around s7 for The Closer, s10-11ish for SVU. This isn’t about the plot so I don’t really care how or why Brenda and Sharon end up needing to fly to New York to collaborate with SVU on a case, but they do, and it’s fucked in the best way.
Headcanons under the cut!
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Sharon and Olivia have a history. Maybe they met at a conference years ago, maybe they overlapped at school (if we get creative with the timeline/their ages), maybe it’s something entirely different, but they’re friendly. There’s an edge to their dynamic - Sharon needles Olivia about the lines that she crosses, Olivia can’t quite hide her disdain for Sharon’s role in IAB - but since they don’t actually work together or see each other in action, it’s not too big of a deal. They enjoy bickering, but they also respect each other; they usually grab a coffee when Sharon’s in town visiting her daughter. 
They’ve definitely slept together a few times, we KNOW that Olivia has a soft spot for asshole IAB captains.
Sharon has also definitely slept with Alex Cabot a time or two.
Anyway, Sharon and Brenda have to partner with Olivia and Elliot for some reason, and maybe Olivia’s heard a thing or two about Brenda over the years but right from the get-go she doesn’t like her. She’s full of shit and she just doesn’t belong here, with her pink sweaters and thick accent and batting eyelashes, but she’s acting like she owns the bullpen and Sharon is looking at Olivia like, you see what I mean? and Olivia is at least trying to be polite and professional but is, uh, not doing a great job with it.
It’s even worse that the boys are all eating out of her hand. Elliot’s not an idiot, he knows Brenda is putting on a show, but he’s also not taking her seriously - he’s amused more than anything, and when she asks him to catch her up on the case, please and thank you, Detective Stabler, I just appreciate it so much - oh, would you mind? I swear, driving in LA is bad enough but this city is just a maze - he goes along with it with a grin on his face and no complaints.
He gets all chivalrous with her, too, opening the car door, etc. It’s partly because she reminds him a little of Kathy - sunny and blonde, someone who doesn’t fit into the muck and grime of SVU - and partly because he can practically see the steam pouring from Olivia’s ears and he has to hide a smile. Mostly he just thinks it’s all harmless - they’re in his city, helping with their case, and Sharon’s the one getting up in arms about sharing information, about demanding transparency, and Brenda’s a piece of work but she’s not a threat.
Then, of course, she absolutely fucks them over (withholds crucial evidence, goes off-book, makes a deal that screws SVU, whatever) and Elliot loses his goddamn mind. He and Brenda end up in a shouting match/dick-measuring contest in the middle of the bullpen. Suddenly Elliot doesn’t give a shit about chivalry, and Brenda’s gloves are off and her claws are out, and Fin and Munch just grab the popcorn and watch.
Olivia and Sharon watch the whole thing and are torn between being pissed at each other and at Brenda and Elliot but also being at least a little amused at the way Brenda absolutely wins said dick-measuring contest, to the point that Elliot ends up storming out.
Sharon and Olivia end up working together to smooth everything out because they’re the grown-ups and also because Cragen isn’t remotely amused by any of this. Things are tense - Olivia’s furious at whatever Brenda’s pulled, Sharon thinks Elliot is an absolutely meathead and can’t believe this is the asshole that Olivia’s hooked her cart to, and even though Liv’s pissed at Elliot and Sharon’s pissed at Brenda they’re both defending them to each other in that “only I get to talk shit about them!” kind of way and it’s just not great. But there’s probably hatesex. 
Meanwhile Olivia and Elliot fight because a) he’s an idiot, b) he’s a jealous asshole who doesn’t like seeing Olivia working with someone else, especially when that working relationship involves bickering and sexual tension (with an IAB officer, no less), and c) she’s incredibly annoyed that he was so arrogant and easily swayed by a pretty face playing dumb. 
When it comes time to try to crack whoever the big bad is, Olivia and Brenda are sent into the interrogation room - the reasoning being that they’re still ostensibly sharing this case, Brenda is regrettably the best of the best when it comes to eliciting confessions, and there’s no way in hell anyone is letting her and Elliot in there together at that point. Sharon and Elliot watch in tense silence, and when the asshole they’re interrogating gets gross and threatening Elliot’s ready to tear in but Sharon stops him, all rolling eyes and snarky comments about male chauvinism and the size of his IAB jacket and a patronizing, I think Olivia can take care of herself, don’t you? and oh man, but Elliot hates her and longs for the days when Olivia was the only woman in the squad room.
Brenda and Olivia slip pretty easily into good cop/bad cop and Olivia pushes the perp’s buttons while Brenda spins him in circles and they’re grudgingly impressed with each other and end up with a foolproof confession/valuable intel/whatever they were going for.
Neither Brenda nor Elliot are idiots and can see that Sharon and Olivia have something going on beyond professional rapport, and if they play it up a little bit when Brenda and Elliot are around, well, who can blame them? So the case is over and Elliot’s hovering around Liv, uncharacteristically eager - c’mon, Liv, let’s go get a drink, I’m buying - and Brenda’s impatient, it’s been such a pleasure working with y’all but we’ve got an early flight tomorrow, don’t we, Captain Raydor? We really should be going - but Sharon just packs up her temporary workspace - Actually, Chief, Detective Benson and I have dinner plans, we haven’t had much of a chance to catch up this week - and Olivia shrugs her coat on - Sorry, El, but maybe Chief Johnson would be up for joining you? And Elliot and Brenda just look at each other, and Sharon and Liv are smirking as they leave together.
I’m just saying, you guys, the potential for a deliciously messy crossover is THROUGH THE ROOF.
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spartanguard · 3 years
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summary: SVU detective Emma Swan's new partner is not what she expected. Thankfully, that's a good thing.
A/n: So I've been watching a LOT of Law & Order: SVU lately and when I got to the episodes where Stabler was partnered with Dani Beck, it just smacked with CS feels. This is just a bit of exploration of that, in honor of @optomisticgirl​ ‘s birthday!!
B—HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Thank you for being the most amazing friend, and the best person to bounce crazy fic ideas off of (like this). I hope you have the most amazing day and I love you!!!!
Note: While there isn't any actual sexual violence in this story, it is an SVU AU, so it's mentioned.
rated T | 2.3k words | AO3
She met him while he was trying to arrest a perp who’d just walked.
“Are you Detective Swan?” he’d asked, and she immediately noticed his accent—the way it wrapped around her last name in a way that sent a shiver down her spine, but it was hard to tell if it was in a good way or not.
“Yeah, that’s me,” she tossed back.
“I’m your new partner. Killian Jones.”
She shook his offered hand (only later noticing he only had the one) and wondered—just what the hell were they about to get into?
[He was her second new partner in as many weeks. Graham, who she’d worked with since she joined the unit, had enough with special victims—with Boston in general—and had taken up some smalltown sheriff gig in Maine. Emma knew he’d be happier there, but it kind of left her in the lurch. They’d sent someone new over the week before, but her style didn’t gel with Mulan’s quite well enough—the woman was a damn fine detective but just...too different.]
Jones was new to special victims, transferring in on the recommendation of the captain at his previous precinct, where he’d worked in homicide. The dead victims, he was used to; the live ones—not so much.
It was pretty obvious on their first case together, when they were interviewing the young girl in the hospital. Emma—she’d seen enough of the world’s shitty side that little phazed her any more; growing up in the foster system made her uniquely suited to this line of work.
But Killian? He was visibly upset; she had to physically restrain him from running out of the hospital to start tracking down the culprit, holding him back by the sleeve of his leather jacket. They hardly had a lead on this. Something could be said for enthusiasm, but that didn’t excuse jumping ahead of themselves. That’s how you got into trouble—that was how criminals got away with murder (literally); she’d done that enough for the both of them, and had a feeling he had, too.
She felt they had a lot in common, actually; there was an obvious affinity for leather coats, but past that, there was something familiar in his eyes. Not that she’d met him before, or anything—just something in the determined set of his gaze when interviewing a suspect, in the empathetic way he handled the victim.
She still wasn’t sure if that was good or not, especially when he almost forgot protocol—almost lost them evidence—by rushing in too soon.
And she was half ready to walk into Captain Mills’ office to request a new partner (again) when she found him asleep at his desk with what could only be described as a murderboard spread out behind him. He looked younger and softer in his sleep, impossibly gorgeous with the way his long lashes rested on his cheekbones and gentle breaths from his full lips—and none of that was really pertinent, because the man had just researched his way to a solved case.
“Just who are you, Killian Jones?” she asked when she later woke him up with coffee and a bear claw (biting back a comment on the rumpled state of his usually pristine waistcoat-and-dress shirt combo).
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” he drawled, holding her gaze intently before taking a long pull from his cup.
She knew she shouldn’t, but damn, did she.
It wasn’t until a couple cases later that she began to put together the pieces of him. It had been a doozy of a kidnapping, and he’d been on edge the whole time—right until they finally tracked down the little boy who’d been abducted. Emma slapped the cuffs on the miserable excuse for a father who’d taken him and Killian pulled the boy into his arms, visibly deflating once he knew he was safe.
She dragged him to their unit’s favorite bar that night and slid a glass of rum in front of him, along with the directive to “Talk.”
He downed it in one shot, then worried his bottom lip (much to Emma’s distraction) before saying, “Have I mentioned I have a daughter?”
Her eyebrows rose in surprise, but she let him explain without interruption. Her name was Alice; she was 8. He had sole custody, and with good reason: her mother, his ex-girlfriend, had kidnapped her from his apartment when she was only a few years old. “It’s the most scared I’ve ever been,” he confessed. “And today...it’s like I was right back in that moment.”
“I don’t blame you,” she replied, then finished her own whiskey. This was probably where she should drop some of her own tragic backstory, right? Like the scumbag who left her pregnant at 17, and the baby boy she put up for adoption? “Props to you for doing it on your own. I obviously couldn't.”
“Don’t beat yourself up, love; you gave him his best chance.” He gently set his hand over hers on the bar and she froze; not because he was cold—quite the opposite, actually—but between that tiny gesture of support and the understanding in those too-blue eyes, she felt more seen than she had by anyone in ages, even Graham.
It was suddenly too much, too intimate, and she yanked her hand away and ordered another drink. “Is your ex the name on your tattoo?” she asked, trying to put some space in between them (physically and emotionally).
It worked. He sat back up and tugged his right sleeve down with his prosthesis, hiding the ink, and she could almost see the walls go back up between them. “No. That’s...another story. For another time.” He stood and tossed some cash on the counter. “Alice is with my neighbor; I better go get her. See you ‘round.” And he left hastily.
It was what she wanted to happen. He’d suddenly gotten too close. So why did she feel like such an ass about it?
She was going to apologize at their next shift, but they got thrown into another case. And then another after it. It was a different kind of intense—a different kind of intimate—than that moment in the bar; very quickly, she had to trust him, and vice versa. That was something neither were predisposed to, but were managing to do...honestly, better than she had with anyone.
After putting another rapist behind bars, Killian said with a smirk, “I don’t mean to upset you, Swan, but I think we make quite the team.” And he winked (well, tried to), and she just blushed back, like she was a teenager in love all over again. That fact that would normally send her running but, for the first time in years, she wasn’t opposed to it—except for, y’know, the fact that he was her partner and they were coworkers and HR generally looked down on that kind of thing.
She doubted he was interested, anyway. They hadn’t really done anything outside of work since that night; he was always quick to get home to Alice, and she didn’t fault him that—especially when she finally met the kid, who was clearly her father’s daughter in all the best ways.
They got a call for a case late one weeknight; Emma easily beat him to the scene, since he had to make sure his neighbor could watch Alice at such an ungodly hour. She handed him a coffee when he got there and they made their way to the ME, to get the rundown on the vic. 
Emma had been paying attention, but it shifted from the examiner to Killian pretty quickly; he stiffened at the description of what had been done to the victim, then when white as the sheet covering her when it was pulled back.
“Eloise,” he whispered, like he’d seen a ghost.
“Wait—as in…?”
He nodded. “Aye. Alice’s mum.”
They got what little information they could from the scene and then started to head for the precinct, but he was shaking so much, she insisted on driving.
“Are you gonna be alright?” she asked.
He let out a hollow chuckle. “No, probably not.” Then, one long breath later, “It was Gold.”
She nearly missed their turn at that. “Gold? As in, the mysterious Mr. Gold, owner of the pawn store chain?”
“One and the same,” Killian said, scrubbing a hand down his face. “It’s the same as with Milah.”
She would have asked who that was, but he was resting his prosthesis over the spot on his arm where she knew the tattoo was. And she got a sinking feeling in her stomach that this was going to be a rough case.
Once they got to the office (and she got some more coffee in him), Killian explained: Milah was his ex, his first love—but also Gold’s wife. And while Gold was well-known for being a shady individual, no one had ever been able to pin anything on him.
But Gold did find out about their affair, and Killian came home one day to find Milah—dead, attacked and killed in the same way Eloise had been hours ago. He wasn’t sure what their connection was—and he didn’t think Gold knew about his to Eloise, especially since she’d only been released from jail last week—“But I know it’s him. And I’m going to prove it this time.”
(Apparently, last time had ended with him getting into an altercation with one of Gold’s lackeys. He escaped with his life, but not with his left hand.)
Milah’s case had gone cold, but given the similarities, they were able to pull the files. It took a few weeks—several late nights, more than a few breakdowns, many tears (mostly Killian’s, but Emma’s and Alice’s as well) before they finally—finally—had the evidence to pin both murders on Gold.
Tracking him down was another thing altogether, but they finally caught up with him in his penthouse apartment. To no one’s surprise, he didn’t go willingly; a fistfight broke out between he and Killian. 
She was scared she’d have to intervene, knowing how personal it was. By the end of it, Killian had a black eye and a bloody lip, but Gold was in handcuffs, tossed unceremoniously in the back of a squad car. 
Killian watched the vehicle pull away, then turned to Emma, and wrapped his arms around her in a bruising hug. 
In any other situation, she would have gone stiff with shock, but she didn’t hesitate to lean right into him. Her desire to comfort him after that was just as strong as his need for comfort. 
But then he pulled back, cupped her cheek, and pressed his lips to hers. 
That did take her by surprise. 
But she was equally quick to reciprocate. 
Just as fast, it was over and he was walking away, leaving her utterly confused. Logically, she knew it was probably just an emotional reaction—a one-time thing. 
However: he kissed her like he meant it. She was familiar with empty kisses and single-night flings—and that...was a whole lot more. 
And she couldn’t deny it any longer: she wanted that more. 
She arrived at the precinct early the next morning, hoping to beat him there so they could talk about whatever that had been. She’d even gotten up an hour before she usually did so she could get them good coffee. But he was already there, filling out forms at his desk. 
“Hey,” she said, suddenly feeling incredibly awkward as she put the cup on his desk. “You taking care of the reports?”
“Um, yeah,” he stammered, pointedly focusing on the paperwork and not her. 
She glanced down at the desk, and that wasn’t a report—that was a transfer form. “You want to leave?” she whispered, the familiar pain of betrayal washing over her. He didn’t want to be her partner anymore? 
“Emma, I can’t stay here,” he said, only somewhat apologetic. (Also, though she didn’t realize it at the moment, it was the first time he’d used her given name.) “After this last case...it just wouldn’t be good form.”
“Fuck your good form, Jones!” she cried. “How can you say that, after everything these past few months? After last night?”
Calmly, he stood up and moved into her space. “I can’t be your partner any more, Emma,” he said, reaching up to brush her hair behind her ear. “Because I want to be more than that. And last I checked, Captain Mills frowned upon inter-unit relations.”
That was true; she really did, more than most. But then the reality of what Killian was saying hit: “You...you’d give up your position for me?”
“Aye,” he answered, simply, like it wasn’t the heaviest thing anyone had ever told her. 
What else was she supposed to do after a confession like that but kiss him? She rose up on her toes, gripped the lapels of his waistcoat, and found his lips with hers. He didn’t hesitate to pull her close and she was exceedingly glad no one else was in the squad room, because she’d never quite been kissed so closely to within an inch of her life as she’d been then.
(Also, it was a good thing no one was around when he pushed her onto his desk to deepen it further. If Captain Mills later noticed the forms were a bit crumpled, she didn’t say anything.) 
Killian ended up transferring back to his old precinct, old job. It turned out they missed him. Emma knew exactly why; her next partner, David, was great, but no match. 
Good thing she got to go home to Killian—and Alice—every night. 
thanks for reading, and send B all the birthday love! tagging some others:
@kat2609​ @thesschesthair​  @xpumpkindumplingx​ t @cocohook38​ @annytecture​ @shireness-says​ @ohmightydevviepuu​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @wingedlioness​ @word-bug​ @thisonesatellite​ @distant-rose​ @wellhellotragic​ @welllpthisishappening​ @let-it-raines​ @pirateherokillian​ @its-imperator-furiosa​ @fergus80​ @thejollyroger-writer​ @ineffablecolors​ @laschatzi​ @ive-always-been-a-pirate​  @stubblesandwich​​ @phiralovesloki​ @athenascarlet​ @kmomof4​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @snowbellewells​ @idristardis​ @scientificapricot​ @searchingwardrobes​ @donteattheappleshook​
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