alternate-triforce · 3 months
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Alternate Triforce, Chapter 3 Page 34
These pages are insufferable to draw. however they look pretty so it is worth it
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yamujiburo · 3 months
Yam! The f/f polemon tournament has begun!
oh my god that LINEUP!!! so many of these are gonna be hard to me to choose between 😭
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danelloevee-sky · 6 months
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Cecania’s birthday
During this time, when a child was born with particularly strong light, they were taken in and trained to be a priest. Light priests are responsible for clearing away any darkness that is too dangerous for common folk. Some also regularly enter Eden as a group, with careful consideration to who will journey to the mountain during that week, in order to continue restoring the light.
After some major incidents, becoming a priest is now voluntary and one can retire whenever they choose to
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anxiescape · 9 months
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Y'know, I can see why Thanatos was confused when he first met Ellie. She and Dianthe do look pretty similar... 🤔
Read The Apprentice of Thanatos (PJO x DP crossover) here: AO3 Tumblr Wattpad
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druidgroves · 8 months
this convo between dianthe & gale from his romance:
you told me once to choose you, the one who loved me. that's what this is all about.
you're already everything i need you to be.
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"Godly power, perhaps I can live without, but you? You're everything."
In conjunction with:
because the woman he loved told him to, no matter what god said.
what has heaven got that i can't find sitting next to you on a cool autumn morning?
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"What's heaven to a woman's love anyway? What's God to your wife?"
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benji-doodles · 15 days
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ancientgreekyuri · 1 month
hi hope !! i remember reading ur wonderful writing abt how asterius's feelings for dia developed, but what about theseus and dia ? how did they fall in love with each other, if i can ask ? (@dmclr)
Heehee thank you for the question ^.^ I have a fic in the works about this very thing but it'll definitely take me about a million billion years to finish 💔 I'll try to keep this brief though... knowing me it's gonna be so, so long.
— Some background... Theseus and Dia met when he was about 22 and she was about 20. Theseus at this time had already making a name for himself as a hero and adventurer, and was now trying to gain his father's recognition. His father Aegeus, who at the time was already an older man, did not recognize the sword and sandals he'd intentionally left behind for his son to one day claim. But Medea, Theseus' stepmother, did. If Theseus was recognized by his father, it'd mean her own son, Medus, no longer had claim to the throne!! So she sent Theseus on a test- he was to travel to northern Attica, and slay the Cretan Bull. This bull, created by Poseidon, was rampaging the fields of Marathon... and, coincidentally, this very bull happens to be Asterius' blood-father. That's a story for another time though!
— Dianthus at this time lived in Oenoe, which was very near Marathon. Outside of the bull issue, there was a terrible drought affecting Marathon and it's surrounding territories. Oenoe, however, remained fresh and green... this was a result of Dia's powers as a nymph. Some began to see Dia as a goddess due to this! ...However, the whole situation was very distressing for Dia herself. She hated being put on a pedestal, and she hated even more that she couldn't help the surrounding lands. She felt a lot of guilt and shame about i...
— Cue Theseus coming in 😱 he's there to deal with the bull problem! A beacon of hope! And not only that... he was a very interesting stranger. Theseus at the time was merely the prince of podunk nowhere (a mountain-side village called Troezen), but he was a prince all the same. There was a nobility to him, a strength Dia had never seen before... I wouldn't call it love at first sight per say, but it was certainly fascination at first sight. At first she merely peeked in at him (Theseus did Not enjoy this but she ran off whenever he noticed her 😭), but eventually they actually talked... and Dia realized she had an opportunity. She may not be able to end the drought, but(!) if she aided Theseus in slaying the Cretan Bull, she could at least do something for her community.
— The two of them initially began talking with this in mind... but of course... they began to get a bit distracted... Theseus found himself very interested in Dia. She was unlike anyone he'd met before, and he felt understood by her in a way he'd never felt with anyone else. And Dia loved how Theseus made her feel, how he would always praise her, and his genuine warmth. It was a youthful love between them, but it blossomed all the same... (Dia wasn't Theseus' first kiss, but Theseus was Dia's first kiss!). Eventually, he proposed to her 😱 after he was recognized as Athen's heir, he would return and make her his wife. Dia agreed.
— The day Theseus slew the bull came, and he succeeded with Dia's aid. He ended up riding on it's back all the way to the city of Athens before sacrificing it to the gods (Usually Apollo or Athena depending on the source you read, I haven't decided which I prefer)! And Dia would have waited for him...but a nobleman from the neighboring region of Boeotia expressed interested in Dia, and Theseus himself was sent to Crete's labyrinth soon after being recognized as the son of Aegeus. I haven't figured out what exactly happens with Dia after this point, but Theseus never sees her again while they both live.
— The two of them only meet again in the afterlife! You'd expect something momentous, but... the way it happened is a little silly. Theseus overhearing some of Elysium's other warriors talking about a half-nymph girl with a strangely masculine name who worked within Elysium's newly constructed library... and he was like HAHN!!!!!!! And rushed over almost right away 😭 even though it'd been many, MANY years... that initial connection between them never truly went away. Theseus re-proposed to Dia fairly early on as well 😭 impulsive, sure, but Dia just as impulsively accepted! Though Theseus had some things he wanted to do before holding any type of ceremony, and one of those things was finding Asterius again.
Evil funfact: Theseus abandoned Ariadne on Naxos for a variety of different complicated-yet-selfish reasons... one of the smaller reasons (but a reason nonetheless) is that he was still hung up on Dia.
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nia1sworld · 6 months
Have some Dianthe and Morana doodles before I sleep
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camelliagwerm · 2 years
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"Dianthe, I wanted to say something... just don't be surprised. This might sound strange, especially coming from me, but... but..." Octavia looks away, bites her lip and finally blurts out, "LET'S GET MARRIED!"
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charlottetangle · 3 months
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are female presenting nipples allowed on tumblr now? idk lmao anyway i was possessed to draw a bunch of my female characters who never get shown because their stories are still works in progress! i love all of them so much, I'm just slow and i have the brain rot
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alternate-triforce · 4 months
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Alternate Triforce, Chapter 3 Page 33
sorry my son your first appearance in the comic is you in full beast form and getting stabbed in the head
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madebysimblr · 1 year
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Dianthe: You wanted to see me Your High-
Dianthe: [gasps] Raina, what are you doing?
Raina: I want you.
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danelloevee-sky · 1 month
What have my fav witch gang been up to lately? I miss them~
Quick Ravitu doodle because I haven’t drawn them in months
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The truth is the three of them don’t actually hang out a lot. Ravitu is a messenger/scout, and as a Dark Witch, the only places she is technically permitted to go to are the Witches’ Forest and the territories of the Shuivek (children of darkness/sea people). Clement spends most of the year with Ved, but there are a few times when he goes to the Forest. Adanko on the other hand freely travels between the Witches’ Forest and the Light Lands.
Between the three, Adanko is the one with the most opportunities to catch up with the other two but they also have a lot of other places and people to visit. They particularly enjoy seeing whatever new weird thing Felix has concocted that should probably be put in a nuclear disposal.
They do meet up every now and then, with the most sure time being the Blood Moon festival (days of mischief) and if a new witch is born. Fortunately, it’s never become awkward and time they spend apart leads to longer conversations. Clement and Ravitu regularly exchange letters, and sometimes Adanko sends a letter or card to the one they can’t visit at that moment. It’s hard to send anything to Adanko because they’re always bouncing all over the place and tries to hide their tracks when they do something that might get in trouble for. Which is often
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anxiescape · 7 months
Just letting y'all know that The Apprentice of Thanatos is not dead! @amalgamorph and I are just awfully busy, and life is being really tough on us at the moment.
But I was looking for something in one of my sketchbooks the other day, and I found a couple of doodles that I thought it would be nice to share. Just some Thanatos outfit designs and drawings as I figured out how to draw this awesome death boi.
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And I also found the original sketch that inspired this whole story, which I drew years ago—back when House of Hades came out. (How long ago was that, anyway? *googles it* Oh. Oh no. It hasn't been that long, has it??? I... I think I need to sit down.)
Anyway, the OG sketch:
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The story went by a different name back then, and the plot was pretty different, as well (as you can probably tell by the old title). But years later, when @amalgamorph moved in with me, this sketchbook was pulled out of the depths of my art supplies, and the story was rewritten and reborn into the fic that it is today. 😊
Uggh, now that I'm all sappy, I just wanna give a huge thanks to @amalgamorph for helping me through one of the darkest and most difficult times of my life, and for encouraging me to discover my love of writing. Thank you. 💕💕💕
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druidgroves · 9 months
astarion to dianthe when she tells him abt her & gale's night under the stars
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benji-doodles · 10 months
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