#discussing the death threats
tarredion · 11 months
Some of you guys are embarrassing as hell
And by that I mean only these two types of people, not anyone being excited in any capacity, not people writing fic, not dwelling in our own Emotions. No, two types:
The ones sending actual death threats around (obviously)
The ones overexaggerating what most asks to Gaiman are actually saying, straight up being weird af about the fact that people like/write fanfic, comparing everything to the death threat people, and being s o nasty about either Gaiman, his fans, or what people have said about the show in general that either you or your replies stray into insanely homophobic and equally death threaty behavior (like, saying you would *commit suicide* over people being ‘cringe’ I believe also falls into that category, so great. You just ticked Two “maybe you should reflect on yourself a bit…” boxes)
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nrc-counselor · 1 year
Characters who I know with all my soul who would seek out a chubby/fat significant other*: Leona, The Leech Twins, Rook, Malleus, Idia, Jamil, Epel, and dare I say it, Riddle. (Runners up are: Jack, Ruggie,Deuce, and Kalim)
*I am not saying these are the only people; they are just the ones that come to the top of my head when I first think about it whether that be based on vibe or personal headcanons. Ortho is excluded from this list for obvious reasons
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la-cocotte-de-paris · 6 months
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Returning to Paris, I had to pay. With rage in my heart and often tears in my eyes (the makeup artist Chakatouny lamented each morning my poor appearance, and couldn't make me look any better), I made one film — just one — to guarantee the freedom of a person I loved. I was ugly, terrible; everything in me refused to be. I still remember the look of my [screen] partner Raymond Rouleau (who knew Igor and the causes of my breakdown) studying me and trying in vain to give me a little encouragement!
— Edwige Feuillère reflecting on the making of Mam'zelle Bonaparte (1942) and aiding the escape of her fiancé (named here as Igor) from Nazi-occupied France
(From Les Feux de la mémoire by Edwige Feuillère, 1977. Translated by me. ♡)
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noranb · 2 years
I really love your art but maybe think twice before doing any nsfw xinyun content,, I know you didn’t age them up *just* to sexualize them but it still is kinda uncomfy,,
YEP I totally understand that some people would be uncomfortable with it, which is why if I draw nsfw of xingyun in my au I'll post it on Privatter instead of blasting everyone on twt 👍
But I'm gonna hijack this ask to discuss whether it's "wrong" to do this in general. Because the way I see it, xingyun are just fictional characters that I told a separate story for where they grow older and explore changes in their relationship. And I think it's fine that this story includes them having sex as adults? (as long as the content is tagged properly so it doesn't reach actual minors)
Like for example, is it wrong to draw nsfw of haikyuu!! characters just bc the story started out with them in high school (where majority of the story is set)? Do you know what I mean 😭 If I draw nsfw of xingyun it will be in the context of my story where they're consenting adults, and the target audience would be adults who know that context as well.
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star-rug-64 · 1 year
So, basically, this antishipper created a meme on TikTok stating that they were planning to harass and make death threats to proshippers. I replied that harassment and death threats are unlawful, and they continued to be total jerk, so I told them to act this way towards me, and then they asked for my discord, and they threatened to say horrible things to me. I was going to explain why it's incorrect, but I decided to give the bee movie script instead because they were going to utter stupid nonsense like that. I assumed they were kid but they weren't since they stated I was four years younger than them.
Later on, they convinced a friend to add me to a group so they could both harass me. I asked why they had their buddy do that, and they urged me to kill myself. They also claimed they were going to show me how to tie a knot so I could kill myself.
I asked why they were saying horrible things to me and bothering me, and they told me I supported pedos, which I don't.
I'm at school and can't submit any more images because Discord doesn't work here; nevertheless, I will release the remaining screenshots.
Keep in mind, I'm not proship or antiship I'm peacefic and neutralship now
Also, check the reblogs if you want more proof.
I’m blue
I was 16 when they said this shit to me I'm now 17
The user who’s harassing me is red
Tw death threats, tw racism, tw suibaiting, tw ableism, tw incest mention,
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cnmcn · 8 days
Shonen manga fans need to learn media literacy the most I think.
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mariocki · 14 days
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Mad Doctor of Blood Island (Tomb of the Living Dead, 1969)
"You are quite mad."
"Then you should be very careful, doctor. Both of you. Mad people can be quite unpredictable."
#mad doctor of blood island#tomb of the living dead#horror imagery#filipino cinema#video nasty#1969#eddie romero#gerardo de leon#reuben canoy#john ashley#angelique pettyjohn#ronald remy#alicia alonzo#ronaldo valdez#tita muñoz#tony edmunds#alfonso carvajal#bruno punzalan#edward murphy#tito arevalo#unarguably a pretty bad film but not without its own unlikely charm‚ as John Ashley's beautifully sculpted hair and sharp suits help him#investigate a bad case of Monstrous Green Man running riot on a beautiful island in the Philippines. performances are wooden‚ fx are as#ropey as expected‚ and the script is mostly dreadful (excepting a few isolated scenes which transcend into a kind of wonderful weirdness‚#particularly any scenes between Alicia Alonzo and Ronald Remy‚ where they dispassionately discuss the nature of love‚ madness and death#or trade threats in utter calmness). for a late 60s film the levels of gore‚ sex and nudity are surprisingly high tho tempered by the#director's irritating habit of rapidly zooming in and out during any moment of grue. oh and a very real tw that this contains some needless#and horrible animal cruelty (presumably what got this on the DPP list) altho it's brief and easily excised so maybe there exist cuts of the#film without those scenes. altho this is admittedly a little dull beneath the grotesquerie and a fairly badly made bit of cheapo indie#schlock so probably not really worth chasing down that imaginary cruelty free cut (unless you're a freak trying to watch every video nasty)#(i am that freak)
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ovrarches · 1 year
It’s me bday :)
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hpdfag · 1 month
not to sound annoying but i h8 the modern internet so bad... we're all terrified of connection while oversharing everything about ourselves. you're seen as "suspicious" for not sharing your age or your opinions on every piece of discourse ever and it can be terrifying to interact with anyone because its seen as normal to go out of your way to harass people if they fit into the box of people you consider bad. there's no such thing as real discourse on this platform because no one is willing to listen its all about finding a target that's acceptable to tell to kill themselves and to harass. its fucking exhausting i don't know how people do it
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gynecologistmsfrizzle · 8 months
quick fyi: the term ‘war crime’ ceases to have meaning the moment you designate a group of people— any group of people— against whom it is legitimate to commit them.
that isn’t a political statement. it’s just how the concept of war crime works. there were some interesting conventions written about it that you might like to read. the Red Cross has a page about them.
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kill yourself
No thank you! It’s Spring and the weather is nice and I have friends to hang out with and live music to see and dogs to pet. There’s simply too many good things to live for, and I’m going to continue to do so.
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frightknight · 8 months
people on twitter confuse me
theyre blaming the "woke western" translators for "pushing their gay agenda" when if they did their own honset to god research and actually looked at what was said theyd realize its pretty accurate
you can argue that pronouns arent as clear cut in japanese but musuko is a pretty gendered word
yes this is about yamato
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aaronymous999 · 11 months
I have some incredibly hot takes about LGBT identities that like I feel like I’ll get flamed for expressing??
Like my opinion on most identities ( I say most because obviously p3do shit, zoophile shit, and racist shit is not okay, no one ever adds the racist one in here but like I am referring to people who are not of certain cultures identifying as culture specific identities like Two-Spirit. ) is that it’s fine. Like I’m pretty neutral on a lot of it, but of course I am not cool with hate revolving around them. I think some identities give people knee-jerk reactions because they feel it invalidates them and what they’ve been fighting for but it doesn’t, it never has. The anti-lgbtq folks will always tear us down no matter how “reasonable” and medicalized we keep our identities. Humans are complex and if someone feels they are a catgender gaybian I don’t honestly care. ( also xenogender flags are always banger like no joke ) Some identities are complex however and we should have civil discussion about them.
Like mspec lesbians/gays aren’t really hurting anyone imo, it just makes people feel individually invalidated, there is a historical reference and some people are trying to reclaim the OG meanings of Lesbian and Gay, and that’s fine but I am the type of person who thinks words change their meaning over time and the current meaning should be used, which is why personally I don’t entirely agree with the base concept of it, however at the same time do I *really* care that much about what people do? Nope not at all! Would I prefer if people just used the words Sapphic or Achillean? Preferably but that’s just my personal preference and some people don’t like those words, in the same way some Non-Binary people don’t like the word enby. I really hope I don’t get flamed for this although I have a really small blog so I highly doubt it.
I am a big queer history and identity nerd and to be honest, as long as these people aren’t genuinely doing illegal or immoral shit I could not give two shits
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ballsballsbowls · 2 years
Oh man i have a post idea that is SO cursed. 
If I make this post, my life will literally never know peace again. I will cause problems on purpose in a beloved perennial disk horse topic.  
I just a lot about “posts that will get screenshotted for my callout post” but THIS. This would be it.
I have to think this over.
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chuckyray · 1 year
love how lukas and i have now had like 3 seperate people come to us personally in dms and be like yeah i agree with your repo takes and i hate the wider fandom and how its ostracized to talk about the morbidity and canon aspects of this film and its depraved characters.
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elbiotipo · 2 years
some 19-year old finished a political rant in the notes of one of my posts with "kill yourself" over a comment from another reblog
please learn to talk and debate like normal people I beg you
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