#dispatcher flag
mydentis · 1 year
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Beautiful high quality design for T-shirt, hat, cap, poster, bag etc. Beautiful design that you like and can customize as a gift for your loved ones and family, you can find it in many products in my shop, always be optimistic
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petitesmafia · 2 months
thinking about paparazzi following Lippmann trying to catch him in a dating scandal or smth and giving up bc all he does in his free time is hang out with five dudes at a billiard bar
just picturing the papz zooming in on their camera like “who is that petite ginger” and Chuuya turns around and looks directly into the camera like ಠ_ಠ
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Left flag: Michigan
Right flag: Texas
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glam-rock-boots · 1 year
alright i’m over all these porn bots following me so if you like any of the following things drop on by say hello! or something like that idk
classic rock
david bowie
elton john
led zeppelin
wes anderson movies
liminal spaces
our flag means death
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keepoffthetardis · 2 years
cannot believe that it has only been one (1) week since rhys’s new haven show ….. life changing tbh
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vague-humanoid · 10 months
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"I got flagged down. I guess there's a bunch of kids jumping around on the edge of the [inaudible] parking garage. Ellsworth and Fenton," Bomba told the dispatcher. He sounded calm. 
Fellow officers reached him in three to four minutes and found him suffering from a gunshot wound, acting Police Chief Marcus Jones said. 
Bomba's own gun was found at the scene. He was wearing his body camera, but it was not recording at the time.
Police continue to investigate the death.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 months
"Why didn't the Jedi help Shmi after TPM?"
Why didn't Padmé.
Ignoring the expanded universe stuff about Qui-Gon sending the expensive lens or Padmé dispatching Sabé years later, so long after that Cliegg had already met, wooed, and saved up to free Shmi himself, why did Padmé not include "paying back the slave woman who helped me save my planet" in her post-invasion plans?
The Jedi have budgets that are regulated, to some unknown degree, by the Senate. Sure, there's probably some discretionary spending, but an Entire Slave would be flagged. Not a purchase you can hide easily! They're also NOT supposed to operate in Hutt Space unless undercover OR as official Republic envoys.
Padmé? Literally a queen. In the same galactic neighborhood. Has inherited wealth. Probably has room in her staff for a mechanic or something. Can easily justify freeing Shmi to her cabinet as payment for services rendered; remember, that Nubian hyperdrive was paid with Anakin's winnings, meaning they came at the cost of Shmi's freedom.
The real answer is that George Lucas needed Shmi to still be on Tatooine in AotC, and never bothered to expand on how Shmi was freed, himself, so other people took up the slack.
But if we ask why the Jedi didn't free Shmi, then I think we also need to ask: why didn't Padmé?
(I love Padmé. I fully believe she would have sent someone to free Shmi after Naboo was in order post-Invasion, and that it was just an oversight or even plot necessity from G Lucas. I just dislike the double standards of hating on the Jedi for not helping when Padmé is right next door and has That Cash Money.)
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dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
DPxDC fanfic idea: The Back Roads
Bruce was driving around as his civilian self one late afternoon. The sun was barely setting, though one wouldn't be able to tell with all the smot.
He was planning on surprising his children with a spontaneous pizza party and some good family-friendly competition. He was excited.
Maybe it was because he was checking on the pile of pizza in the back, or maybe he was more tired than usual from his long nights as Batman, but whatever the case was he did not see the boy until he hit him.
Bruce swears the boy appears out of nowhere like a ghost. One moment, there was a long road with nothing but trees and his softy playing radio.
Bruce has always loved the long secluded roads that lead to his Manor. It always gave him peace of mind to enjoy a drive without anything or anyone around. Rarely did he ever encounter another driver out here - not since the Drakes moved out.
That's why someone standing in the middle of the road had come so unexpectedly. Bruce hadn't even noticed him until his headlights saw a brief flash of blue eyes just as it was too late.
The boy slammed against his hood, flying into the windshield and sliding off to the side. There was a terrible gagging sound, likely the boy checking on his blood as slid away to the ground.
Bruce slammed his brakes, sitting frozen behind the steering wheel. For a moment, all he could do was sit there in horror, wondering if it was true. Then reality crashes in, and he pushes the car door open, falling out in hysteria.
There on the ground is a boy that could be fourteen crumbled. A boy with dark black hair and - if the wide eye stare before the hit was any indication - blue eyes. He looks a lot like his sons.
Bruce feels sick.
Desperately, he rings up an ambulance, chocking on tears as he tells the dispatcher what happened. Bruce, meanwhile, does his best to check the boy over with his training.
He slowly turns him over, pressing his fingers on the neck as gentle as possible. There is a cold moment before he feels a aodt flutter against hia finger tips.
A heart beat but one that was slowing by the second.
Bruce tells the dispatcher this, who in turns tells him as soothing as possible that help is on the way, but Bruce knows the boy doesn't have enough time.
With shaking fingers, he presses the Bat Distress signal. His children are only ten minutes away in vehicles that can get to the hospital in thirty minutes. The ambulance will arrive in that same amount of time.
"It's going to be okay" He tells the still boy. "You're going to be okay. Please. Please. Be okay"
Nightwing pulls up then in the Batmobile with Robin in the passage seat. Red Robin, Spoiler and Red Hood are not far behind on thier bikes.
They all stop for a few seconds, unsure what to do, before Nightwing shakes himself out of it. "Mr. Wayne we got it from here"
Bruce is only half aware of Damian taking his hand and moving him away as Tim and Dick get the boy into the Batmobile. They speed away to the hospital.
What a terrible night for Alfred to be out.
Later, the cops speak to Bruce and use the dash cam to confirm that the boy really did appear out of nowhere. He's a meta, they say. Likely one that just got his powers.
Teleportation. Or Invisibility.
They weren't sure, but they would figure it out. They told Bruce he was free to go, and there was no need for Bruce Wayne to know further of the case.
Batman, however, was back there that night. He was outraged to find out the boy had been flagged for his meta genes, and some nurse low on cash knew there was a market for meta children.
She was attempting to move the unconscious youth through false discharge papers when Bruce landed on the hood of the car of her associates. They were quickly dealt with, turned over to the police-the good ones- and Batman had made arrangements for the boy to be taken in by Bruce Wayne himself until he awoke.
While that was happening, the attempts to locate the youth's family yielded results. He wasn't in the system himself, but he did match to a brother that was.
A week later, Danny Fenton opens his eyes from the best nap he's had in years, only to find out he was run over while in a ghost version of hibernation and in a different world.
Oh, and apparently, he is being confused as a twin brother of some guy named Tim Drake.
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shoptshirt01 · 2 years
Outlaw Pete, a criminal since he {title} Was in diapers, tries to settle down and raise a family after his youth Clairo Sling full of misdeeds, until his past s
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roosterr · 11 months
white flag ✹ ch 3
note: (・ω・)
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pairing: ghost x gn!reader
wc: 3.5k
no use of y/n reader's callsign is 'stingray'
summary: the 141 goes on your first mission since the fire, and you're forced to face your fear head on. when you fall short and ghost has to save you, your already fragile relationship seems to fall apart at the seams.
warnings: canon-typical violence, angst, pyrophobia, panic attacks, hurt/minimal comfort, argruments, ghost is mean again, reader has a little breakdown
【prev】 || 【next】
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you can do this.
you can do this.
the mantra plays on repeat in your head as you stare holes into the opposite wall of the helo. you can do this, despite the objective being to demolish an enemy facility, which almost certainly meant that there would be fire, which you were certainly not afraid of.
you had to do this because nobody knew, and they couldn't find out. what kind of soldier is afraid of fire? considering all the things you've done, it should be trivial; you've stared down the barrel of a gun more times than you can remember, had a knife to your throat the same amount, and yet the simple thought of being near a fire has your heart beating out of control.
ghost's figure passing in front of you snaps you out of your thoughts, illuminated by the red lights as he stops at the edge of the ramp. the night behind him is foreboding, no stars to be seen and the wind cold against your skin as it rushes into the back of the helo.
"bravo team," his gruff voice cuts through the noise of the wind and the blades, "let's move."
you look across to where soap sits, exchanging a brief nod before you both stand and dutifully follow after your lieutenant. clutching your rifle to your chest with one hand, you use the other to lower the night-vision goggles over your eyes, casting an uneasy green glow over the environment. you keep yourself low as you follow after ghost and soap, making your way quickly to the cover of the treeline.
the facility you were here to demolish was between the three of you and the site gaz and the captain had landed at. the plan was to sweep from opposite sides of the building, planting charges as you go and regrouping in the middle – preferably with minimal enemy interference, but you were expecting them to put up a fight.
ideally, you could be out of the building and far enough away before the charges go off, and your phobia wouldn't be an issue; but that's only if luck was on your side, and lately it's been feeling like it's decidedly not.
your rifle is wedged into the crook of your shoulder as you follow behind soap, listening intently for any signs of movement other than the three of you. goosebumps prickle at your skin even under the many layers of your gear – caused by the temperature or your nerves, you're not sure.
ghost raises his hand in a gesture for you to stop, crouching just before the break in the trees. you follow suit and so does soap, gazing up at the building looming in front of you, a dark shadow against the night sky.
"bravo's in position," ghost says, keeping his voice low, "waitin' on you, alpha."
the radio stays silent. you roll your shoulders to release some of the tension, but you only breath a small sigh of relief when you hear price's voice cut through the static a moment later.
"solid copy," the captain responds, "had some company, let's get this done before they find the bodies."
"affirm. out here." ghost's monotone reply ends the correspondence, and he gestures once more to continue. you make sure to stay low and keep your head on swivel as the three of you creep closer to the large warehouse.
thankfully, you don't run into much trouble as you make your way inside; there's a few stragglers around the perimeter, but they're expertly dispatched with very little commotion.
your entrance is a lone side door, pried open as quietly as possible for the three of you to rush into. you make sure there aren't any hostiles waiting in the shadows before you head towards the support pillars along the centre of the room.
you secure the explosive to the base of the pillar, listening for the faint beep as you arm it, and stand back up to watch as ghost and soap do the same. with the first three charges set, ghost nods at the two of you, a silent affirmation to keep moving forward.
you fall into place behind soap again, the barely-there crunch of gravel under your boots is the only sound as you weave through the warehouse.
passing through another doorway into a smaller room, you fall into place next to ghost as soap takes his other side, the three of you beelining for the load-bearing wall to the north.
you arm the final set of charges with precision, turning to ghost and nodding at his signal to push forward again. the next room was where you'd regroup with gaz and price before heading to the exfil site.
as you're about to round the corner after them, you hear a noise from behind, the way you'd come in. you turn on your heel and raise your gun to look through the sights at where the sound came from, but you don't see any movement as you scan the area.
an uneasy feeling settles in your stomach, but you don't get to voice your concerns to the others before you're thrown to the ground but the force of an explosion.
you're momentarily blinded by your night vision goggles when you pry your eyes open, the heat from the fire washing over you as you push yourself up and stumble backwards a few steps. shoving the goggles away from your eyes, you blink the disorientation away and whip your head around, searching for your teammates. 
you breathe a shaky sigh of relief when you find them brushing themselves off and mostly unharmed; ghost and soap were helping each other up, and gaz was running towards you from the other end of the room while price fired at an unknown threat beyond where you could see.
the panic only sets in when you realise that they're on one side of the fire, and you're alone on the other.
"you've gotta jump through!" gaz shouts to you, his concerned face just about visible through the licks of orange flames between you.
your chest is tight, simply drawing a breath feels like wading through white water, and all of a sudden you're back in your room with black smoke filling your lungs.
"for fucks sake, sting!" a gruff shout echoes around you, but your mind is too foggy to register the words.
the heat on your face is far too much, the sound of your teammates shouting and the blood in your ears, the flickering light if the fire, its all
even as you stumble backwards and fall on your arse your gaze is transfixed on the blaze in front of you, it feels impossible to tear your eyes away.
as you feel yourself completely succumbing to your panic, a dark figure cuts through the wall of flame and comes barrelling towards you, his features indistinguishable from the shadows at the corners of your eyes.
you feel him grab the strap on the back of your vest, and he roughly pulls you up to stand on your feet. the stark white of the skull mask fills your vision, tearing your focus away from the flames.
"get up, sergeant!" he growls, and in the back of your mind you register that it's ghost grabbing you by the shoulders and shaking you. "move!"
his hand goes to the strap again and before you can protest he's pulling you along with him, shielding you from the fire as he shoves you through to the other side. 
the sprint back to the helo is a misty blur; one moment you're being dragged along with a knife shoved into your hand, the next you're leaning back against the metal siding and kyle is holding an oxygen mask to your face with an upsettingly worried expression.
you want to cry, but the tears don't come no matter how much you will them to.
ghost doesn't even look at you. he passes by where you're slumped next to gaz, heading straight to the cockpit without so much as a glance. your heart sinks to your stomach as you watch him go, knowing any attempt to talk to him would be futile.
the flight home is unbearably quiet, aside from the sound of the engines and your laboured breathing. eventually the tension leaves your shoulders and you're left with a bone-deep exhaustion that you know you'll be feeling for days after this is done.
when you finally land, ghost is the first down the ramp, again without a hint of acknowledgement to the rest of you. soap jogs to catch up with him as you follow them out, keeping his voice low as he tries to reason with the lieutenant.
they stop a little ways down the runway, and you take the opportunity to catch up to him. johnny shoots you an apprehensive look as you draw a deep, shaky breath, but before you can get a single word out, ghost whips around to face you. 
"what the fuck was that!?" he spits, meeting your eyes with a glare so frantically venomous it sends a twinge of pain through your heart.
"i– i'm sorry, i don't know wh–" you sputter, desperate to explain yourself, but he cuts you off.
"i don't want excuses, sergeant!" he growls, gesturing angrily with his arms as he takes a step closer to you. "you can't just freeze like that in the field!"
"why?!" he's shouting at you now, invading your personal space. "what the fuck happened out there?!" he gets closer again, and all you can see is pure emotion in his eyes, something so raw you can't name it. "you could've died, for fucks sake! we all could've died!"
"ghost, c'mon…" soap places a gentle hand on his shoulder, an attempt to calm him that goes entirely unnoticed as ghost brushes him off. you try to take a step back and put some space between you, but he follows to stay uncomfortably close.
"what then, eh? what if i hadn't been there to come to the rescue?!" he's so close you can feel the heat radiating from him, see the reflection of your distraught expression in his dark eyes. "i can't babysit you every time we go on a mission, sergeant!"
…babysit? is that really what he thought of you?
the words feel like a knife in your chest.
he glowers at you with such intensity you have to squeeze you eyes shut to escape it – and as a desperate attempt to hold back the flood of tears threatening to spill over.
a heavy silence falls over you, more tense than you've ever felt it.
he stares at you, looking straight past you and into your soul, his eyes so intense it makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. over ghost's shoulder, you see price stalking towards the two of you, a stern look creasing his face.
"simon, that's enough!" price commands, grabbing his elbow and pulling him roughly away from you.
now that you have room to breathe, you allow your eyes fall to your boots, but it's no use, the tears have already started rolling down your cheeks. you cover your face with a hand and brush past ghost and the captain, 
"sting–" gaz calls out to you as you march into the building, but you can't face any of them right now – you need to be alone, there's too many eyes on you, it makes your skin crawl.
they know now.
they know you're afraid of fire, there's no way price won't bench you after this. you nearly jeopardised the entire mission – in fact, if it hadn't been for ghost, you probably wouldn't have made it out in one piece.
there's no way he would ever forgive you for such a monumental fuck up.
your vision is foggy through the tears, but the urge to get away is all you need as you push through door after door. you do your best to ignore the stares the other soldiers give you when you rush past them.
their eyes follow you as you go, you feel them burning into your skin, and it only serves to make you feel even worse about the whole ordeal. it was only a matter of time until what happened reaches the rumour mill, and you're not sure you'd be able to stop yourself if one of them decides to bring it up to you.
there has to be somewhere you can go where they won't find you, somewhere you can escape.
in your haste to get away, you end up following wherever your subconscious leads you. you come back to your senses outside again, on the turf behind one of the many buildings on base.
your legs give out and you collapse into the grass, knocking your head against the wall with how hard you throw yourself down. sobs wrack your body as you dig the heels of your palms into your eyes, a desperate attempt to block out the world around you that only leaves your vision scattered.
you fucked up – badly. you're not sure how you're going to recover from the utter humiliation of it all.
if ghost hated you before, you were certain he loathed you now.
to him, this was just another entry on the long list of your mistakes. but to you, not only were you a failure of a soldier, you'd also managed to ruin whatever progress you'd made with getting him to trust you. you don't think you've ever heard ghost so pissed. sure, he's yelled at you before, but to experience such unfiltered anger, it came as a shock to you, as well as the others it seemed.
the sound of footsteps from your right prompts you to hide your face in your hands again. whoever it is, you don't want them to see you like this.
"sting," price's voice calls out to you, as soft as the captain can manage. a small part of you is disappointed it wasn't ghost, coming to apologise, but you know that would never happen. he said it himself, he has no desire to babysit you.
that's all you were to him; a burden, thrust upon him against his wishes, someone he was obligated to look after despite how much of a chore it was.
you just wish you hadn't been so naively optimistic as to assume that he would ever come around to you. that he would ever change.
your spiralling thoughts only make the tears fall even harder. price approaches, you hear rustle of fabric as he sits himself next to you.
a heavy arm rests over your shoulders, the weight of it comforting in an odd way. "it's alright, you're alright." price murmurs.
a moment passes before you lift your head, watching him from the corner of your eye.
"i'm sorry…" your voice is strained, hoarse from the tears and your exhaustion.
he shakes his head. "no need to apologise." he responds, giving your shoulder an affirming pat. you sniffle, fixing him with a questioning look.
"but… i fucked up," you reply, your confusion obvious; you'd expected him to be pissed like ghost, his nonchalance was certainly unexpected. "and we almost died because of me…"
"but we didn't," with the arm around your shoulders he gives you a gentle shake, "the mission was a success, wasn't it?"
"i… yeah?"
"then you got nothin' to be sorry for, have you? people get hurt, that's par for the course, sting." he moves his hand to ruffle your hair, giving you a reassuring smile. "so you can stop with the waterworks an'all,"
you huff, a half-hearted attempt at a laugh, and wipe your eyes with the sleeves of your jacket.
"come on mate, let's get you checked out, yeah?" price stands, grabbing one of your arms and pulling you up with him.
you don't talk on the way to the infirmary, trailing behind him feeling wholly like a child having been scolded. you felt pathetic, and you're glad you have the captain's massive frame to hide yourself behind.
one step through the doors and you're bombarded by the smell of antiseptics and artificial air freshener. the nurse greets you, her placid voice and the gentle hand that guides you to one of the many beds causing your muscles to go rigid.
the captain stands with you, arms crossed over his chest and out of the way of the nurse as she checks you over and runs various checks. you do your best to stay calm, but the cold, clinical environment has a distressing effect on you.
the door opens and shuts behind you. the warning look on price's face tells you exactly who came in. the thick tension is back in the air in an instant
"you–" ghost begins, but you interrupt before he can get another word out.
"i know. i fucking get it, alright?" you snap, rubbing your already bloodshot eyes in exasperation. "you don't have to keep goin' on." your voice gets weaker, a betrayal of how you really feel about his outburst.
"i just…" ghost goes to speak again, but price shakes his head at him in a wordless exchange.
he doesn't try again. the door swings open and shut again with his exit.
somehow, your heart aches even more.
the nurse clears you with no major injuries, just scrapes and bruises – nothing you weren't used to. some of your gear was a little singed from the fire, but you'd managed to escape without any burns.
it appeared lady luck had a sense of humour.
you still don't say a word as price leads the way to his office. there's a few people milling around in the corridors, their eyes on you feeling like needles in your skin. you keep your head down and try not to think about the talk you're about to have.
you hear laughter, and lift your head to see that there's a group of three recruits standing against the wall up ahead. the one who appears to be the ringleader watches you approach, snickering with his buddies in a way that has your eyes narrowing. you can tell he's up to something even before he moves, sharing a look with his friends.
has has a lighter in his hand. he waits until you're right in front of him before he ignites it and shoves it in your face, laughing obnoxiously when you flinch away from the gesture.
"ooh, scared, are ya?" his voice is high pitched and infuriatingly mocking. you slap his hand holding the lighter out of your face, and the two recruits behind him laugh at you as well, nudging each other like they're funny.
it makes your blood boil.
the condescending looks, the way they clearly think they're above you, the highschool bully attitude – you just see red.
grabbing him harshly by the front of his jacket, you shove him up against the wall with such aggression it shakes the picture frames.
"shut up–" you seethe, allowing every ounce of pent up frustration and anger and desperation to bleed into your voice, "shut the fuck up!" you pull him back and slam him back into the wall. you find a great deal of satisfaction in the sound his head makes when it collides with the wall.
his friends have stopped laughing, in fact you can't hear anything except the blood rushing in your ears as you repeatedly hit his head against the brick, over and over again.
too much,
it's all too. much.
you're yanked away from him, but your eyes stay locked on the way he clutches the back of his head and shuffles back from you like a dog with its tail between its legs.
it was almost cathartic, you would've smiled, if not for price turning you to face him with a hand on your shoulder. you blink back to your senses, but you can't find it in yourself to feel bad. he had it coming.
"my office. now." his face is hard as he addresses you, looking to the recruits with a similarly displeased look. "and i'll be back for you."
by the hand on your shoulder you're guided away from the wide-eyed recruits, your head still feeling light with the anger the recruit evoked from you.
you're not used to feeling so helpless; the whole situation is frustrating enough, but the feeling of not being able to do anything just makes it all the more infuriating.
you shouldn't have lashed out like that, but it's all been building to a point and it was bound to blow up in your face sooner or later. the last couple of weeks, your struggles with ghost and the fact that you'd fucked it all up again, the general stress of the job – you should've seen this coming, really.
it feels like you're all the way back at square one, and you don't have it in you to try anymore.
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taglist: @sofasoap , @siilvan , @mockerycrow , @i-love-ghost , @projectdreamwalker , @achelois-is-here , @adamsloverboyy , @thatchickwiththecamera , @chickensandwich69 , @batmanunicorns523 , @tiny-kasper , @dezibou , @pampeop , @cumbermovels , @goth-boi-atlas , @berryjuicyy , @guiltgoreglory , @postmodernrevolutionist , @untoldshortsofthefandoms , @delilah-grimes , @sunflowerqueen1416 , @luvssemma , @ghostslittlegf , @imonmykneessir , @kenz-ee , @eistro-phobia , @rzmarona , @alanalanalanalanalanna , @cathnoneofyourbusiness , @madsothree , @geisterfvhrer , @lazyninjaphilosopher , @aliilium , @koi-feish , @chaoticgoblindev , @clear-your-mind-and-dream , @thrivig-n-jiving , @lesterous , @glitterypirateduck , @slu77ym4nw415ts , @livelaugh-light , @trulylavendedarling , @stateofcatatonia , @rivalriotrenegade
if your name is crossed out, i can't tag you for whatever reason, sorry! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
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mydentis · 1 year
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fiercynn · 8 months
“The settlers come wearing soldiers’ clothes, which is a new strategy.”
Since the war started, there have been more and more daily attacks by settlers against the people living in Masafer Yatta [a region of rural hamlets in the south of the occupied West Bank]. We are just farmers, many of us living in caves and tents. I am 18 years old, and I have lived here all my life. We have no way to defend ourselves from the settlers, who are fully armed thanks to [National Security Minister Itamar] Ben-Gvir. They feel that now is their chance. The war is happening, and they have the green light to kill any Palestinian they see. They feel that no one is going to care about these people in Masafer Yatta. They come with the army’s protection from the settlement of Havat Ma’on, just five minutes from my village of Tuwani. They attack people’s sheep and demolish their tents and raid their homes. They attacked my family in our house: They came in and shot at my dad. Luckily he survived, but they broke his hand by hitting him with the butt of a gun. On Friday, they shot my cousin, who is still in the hospital. The settlers come wearing soldiers’ clothes, which is a new strategy; my dad only recognized them as settlers because they were the same people who attacked him last year. The settlers and the army are now controlling all the land around Tuwani. They planted an Israeli flag in the high mountains nearby, and they have blocked all the routes in and out of the area. They don’t even allow us to access our donkeys, or to give them food or water. They’re saying this is state land and it’s a war. It’s dangerous to leave the town. Some people are trying to travel through the mountains, because they need to reach hospitals, or to reach markets to get food and water. But the way through the mountains is bumpy, and they get shot at. No one can sleep at night; we are afraid that the settlers will come and burn down our homes. [x]
— Luna (pseudonym), as told to Amos; Tuwani; October 17th
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Left flag: Wisconsin
Right flag: Arizona
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911bts · 3 months
Season 7 Writers Room
The active writers for season 7 are: Tim Minear Juan Carlos Coto Andrew Meyers Lyndsey Beaulieu Taylor Wong Nicole Barraza Keim Bradley Marques Below is what they previously wrote for the show/upcoming episodes:
Tim Minear: 1x01 "Pilot" (w/ Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk) 1x02 "Let Go" (w/ Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk) 1x10 "A Whole New You" (w/ Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk) 2x01 "Under Pressure" (w/ Brad Falchuk) 2x03 "Help Is Not Coming" (w/ Zachary Reiter) 2x11 "New Beginnings" (w/ Kristen Reidel) 2x18 "The Life We Choose" 5x01 "Panic" (w/ Juan Carlos Coto) 7x01 "Abandon 'Ships"
7x06 "There Goes The Groom" (w/ Nicole Barraza Keim)
Juan Carlos Coto: 2x06 "Dosed" 2x14 "Broken" 3x02 "Sink or Swim" 3x09 "Fallout" 3x13 "Pinned" (w/ Nadia Abass-Madden) 3x18 "What's Next?" (w/ Kristen Reidel) 4x01 "The New Abnormal" 4x05 "Buck Begins" 5x01 "Panic" (w/ Tim Minear) 5x13 "Fear-O-Phobia" (w/ Andrew Meyers) 5x16 "May Day" 6x02 "Crash and Learn" 6x10 "In A Flash" 6x17 "Love Is In The Air"
7x02 "Rock the Boat" (w/ Lyndsey Beaulieu) 7x03 "Capsized" (w/ Lyndsey Beaulieu) 7x08 (doesn't have a public title) (w/Bradley Marques)
Andrew Meyers: 2x15 "Ocean's 9-1-1" 3x10 "Christmas Spirit" 3x12 "Fools" 3x14 "The Taking of Dispatch 9-1-1" (w/ Nadia Abass-Madden) 4x03 "Future Tense" 4x09 "Blindsided" 4x13 "Suspicion" (w/ Lyndsey Beaulieu) 5x02 "Desperate Times" (w/ Lyndsey Beaulieu) 5x06 "Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1" 5x13 "Fear-O-Phobia" (w/ Juan Carlos Coto) 6x01 "Let The Games Begin" 6x08 "9-1-1, What's Your Fantasy?" 6x12 "Recovery" 6x18 "Pay It Forward" (w/ Nicole Barraza Keim)
7x04 "Buck, Bothered and Bewildered" (w/ Bradley Marques)
Lyndsey Beaulieu: 3x05 "Rage" 3x11 "Seize the Day" 3x17 "Powerless" (w/ Kristen Reidel) 4x02 "Alone Together" 4x10 "Parenthood" 4x13 "Suspicion" (w/ Andrew Meyers) 5x02 "Desperate Times" (w/ Andrew Meyers) 5x10 "Wrapped in Red" (w/ Nadia Abass-Madden) 5x12 "Boston" 6x03 "The Devil You Know" 6x10 "In Another Life" 6x16 "Lost and Found"
7x02 "Rock the Boat" (w/ Juan Carlos Coto) 7x03 "Capsized" (w/ Juan Carlos Coto) 7x05 "You Don't Know Me" (w/ Taylor Wong)
Taylor Wong: 4x06 "Jinx" 5x08 "Defend in Place" 5x14 "Dumb Luck" 6x07 "Cursed" 6x15 "Death and Taxes"
7x05 "You Don't Know Me" (w/ Lyndsey Beaulieu)
Nicole Barraza Keim: 5x15 "FOMO" 6x06 "Tomorrow" 6x09 "Red Flag" 6x18 "Pay It Forward" (w/ Andrew Meyers)
7x06 "There Goes The Groom" (w/ Tim Minear)
Bradley Marques:
7x04 "Buck, Bothered and Bewildered" (w/ Andrew Meyers) 7x08 (doesn't have a public title) (w/ Juan Carlos Coto)
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keepoffthetardis · 2 years
Howdy folks! I haven’t had a personal post in a while but, uh, a couple of my friends have been encouraging me to do this so here goes:
I’m on AO3 as exastris_scientia, and I just posted a new series of fics, so if you like Our Flag Means Death and science fiction, maybe check me out: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3065736
I also have several other OFMD works, as well as a couple from Succession and one each for Star Wars and Midnight Mass. Plus, I’ll be publishing my entry for the OFMD Big Bang event in September. I hope you enjoy!!
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astrae4 · 1 year
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PAIRING. idol!enhypen x idol!reader
GENRE. fluff, romance, humor
WARNING. mild swearing
NOTE. I wrote this while i was getting a massage. It was amazing. Also do u guys wanna read any reaction tropes ?? because i am starting to not know what to write next.
MORE WORKS. navigation | enha!masterlist
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HEESEUNG | the wallpaper
Hee would be the type to accidentally show his phone screen in a wlive. (I’m sooo not used to typing wlive instead of vlive) like, he’d definitely just put his phone on the table of the live, explaining something to Engenes and all of a sudden, his mom texts him. Notification pops up, and Engenes would go feral because—low and behold, you’re his wallpaper. Except he ended the live before an Engene could point out his wallpaper, and he wouldn’t suspect a single thing; going to bed peacefully after. Only when he woke up to a million missed calls did he go; oh shit.
JONGSEONG | the accidental softlaunch
you guys would be going on a date. He takes pictures of you eating a bagel in a cafe because gosh! You’re so cute??? You upload the pictures of you eating this bagel, and your fans love it!! Wanting to share the moment with Engenes too, Jay decided to take a picture of the bagels and drinks you guys got. He tried to be careful, really! He got rid of your coffee from the view and made sure to only get pictures of his share of the food! If only he thought about the window reflection, showing your strawberry patterned skirt…
JAEYUN | the speaking before thinking
Gosh, this man… he’ll give you a headache for sure. Man exposed your relationship in a live. A LIVE. Literally no take backs. Engenes will just be like, “yo do you like mint choco ice cream jakeypoo” and he’ll be like “nah, but you know who does?” Both engenes AND him thought of Sunoo, but his mouth didn’t. “(Reader) 🤭” There’ll be a moment of silence all of a sudden, from both sides. He’ll try his best to deny allegations (man would he be fighting for his life..) but it’ll be too late by then.
SUNGHOON | the dispatch article
Yeah. Y’all weren’t slick. Went on a date with dyed hairs. Like?? Ya go out like that and expect to not get caught. (bfr) But yeah, Han river date. All was fun and cute until you hear a camera shutter. Both you and Hoon turn around slowly to the stalker. The three of you glance at each other, and all of a sudden you both chase after the stalker. It was terrifying from the stalker’s viewpoint, but it was already sent to the company by the time you and Hoon caught up with him, so too bad ig..
SUNOO | the one who couldn’t contain their expression
This is him, cop!! The delulu one! (Jk that’s us) He was literally in the airport, about to fly to Europe for some kcon event. Your group did the pictures before his, and a fan noticed you both kinda have similar outfits. (This is not coincidental, he actually made you both match clothes) Now, this fan is one of those shipper kinda fan… (like those Lisa and Jungkook ones 💀) and so they yelled out, “Sunoo, did you match with Yn today? That’s such a cute couple outfit!” And then he let out the most high-pitched, flustered giggle. Like deadass. It rang through the airport and his members gave him the stare.
JUNGWON | the actually planned one
Yeah. If it ain’t you who slipped the relationship, then it isn’t being slipped accidentally. Like—ever. This man is prepared to make you guys be undercover agents atp. He ain’t slippin’. But, he does get pouty behind cameras and a bit impatient that he can’t just hold your hand. So, after having the green flag from you and your company; he talked to his company about it! You won’t know how he convinced Hybe, (those boba eyes i swear.) but he did so before you knew it—Hybe released a statement!
NIKI | the one who did it because he felt challenged
One day, he texted you “what if i expose our relationship 😛” You thought it was one of those jokes again, yk? and so you said “all words no actions 🤥🤥” Why you challenged a kid who’s genuinely so competitive? Literally no thoughts in your brain when you said that to him. Next thing you know, you got an emergency call from your ceo. You know why? Because your boyfie decifed to post a tweet of you guys, with a caption saying “me n my adorable shmookerpump on a date 😋🩷 #NIKI #YN #NIKIYNBESTCOUPLEFR”
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TAGLIST. @ja4hyvn @flwoie @sulkygyu @xiaoderrrr @ineedaherosavemeenow @lonewolfjinji @hyfenet
© astrae4 2023 | please don’t copy, translate, or plagiarize my works on all platforms!
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