#drop some purple hearts in my ask box if u made it to the bottom
detoxdolan · 6 years
Another Late Tag
🎀Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people some of your faves.
I am aware that this is hella long and hella late, but I appreciate being tagged in these things and I love learning about all you lovely people in the fandom.
Last: 1. Drink - H2O bro 2. Phone call - I got a phone call from an unknown number while I was at work, so I called back and a random lady with a British accent answered and said she never called me??? 🤔 3. Text message - I’m currently absent from a game, so one of my teammates is filling me in on all the tea I’m missing. Apparently there’s beef between teams. 👀 4. Song you listened to - Praise You by Fatboy Slim (it was in a playlist, let me live.) 😂 5. Time you cried - uhhh Monday (today is Wednesday). So basically two days ago. 😅
Ever: 6. Dated someone twice? - Yes haha 7. Kissed someone and regretted it - Definitely.  8. Been cheated on - stealing this quote from @spiffydolan​ 👉 “technically yes, but really no” 9. Lost someone special - Yes 😳 10. Been depressed - ..Yes. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - haha never 😁😁
3 Favorite colours: 12. Neutrals - Black, white, and beige  13. Blue!!! 14. Trendy Colours - so your basic olive green, millennial pink, maroon etc etc 
In the last year (2017) have you: 15. Made new friends - I made this account in December and made so many friends on here that I’m so grateful for every day 😭AND THAT’S JUST ON TUMBLR. I feel like I branched out a lot this year and met so many cool ppl. 2017 was a good year.  16. Fallen out of love - Yes..and tbh it’s one of the worst feelings ever.  17. Laughed until you cried - not something I do often, but I think so. 18. Found out someone was talking about you - haha all the time #TalkShitGetHit 19. Met someone who changed you - Yes.  20. Found out who your friends are - “When people show you their true colours, believe them.” 👉 I feel like we all know the truth about who people are and its just a matter of whether we want to admit it to ourselves or not. There are a lot of people in my life that I know shouldn’t be here but I don’t have the heart to let go of just yet..it’s a work in progress.  21. Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list - uhhhhh probably LOL
General: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl - tbh, I tried to do a facebook cleanse and remove anyone I didn’t associate with in real life but that lasted for like 2 seconds LMAO 23. Do you have any pets - I have a weenie dog 😊 24. Do you want to change your name - I don’t quite like my name, but I don’t think anything else would match me???  25. What did you do for your last birthday - I went to a club with my 2 best friends and we ran into some friends and celebrated all together. Then I had a intimate little dinner with all my closest friends and family. OH I also cut all my hair off - so I guess there’s that 😂😂 Best birthday I’ve had so far. 26. What time did you wake up today - 7:45 am, even though my alarm was set for 8:45 🙄 27. What were you doing at midnight last night - Sleeping, most likely. Or finishing up a FaceTime sesh with @silly-silly-fangirl​  28. What is something you can’t wait for - Everything and anything involving @silly-silly-fangirl​ #Toronto2k18 30. What are you listening to right now - Teen Rocket by Tigers Jaw (against my better judgement, this is for a music challenge)  31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom - I..don’t think so? 32. Something that’s getting on your nerves - Haha a lot of things. Uhh lets see: My boss, my friends, negative ppl EVERYWHERE 33. Most visited website - Probably Tumblr or YouTube 34. Hair color - Chestnut Brown. I know this because when I used to colour pictures as a kid with pencil crayon, I would use the Chestnut Brown pencil crayon for my hair. 😂😂 35. Long or short hair -  In the aforementioned birthday question, I cut all my hair off, but its growing back.                                                                                          36. Do you have a crush on someone - Lol I have like..a crush for every occasion. I have a work crush, a school crush, a basketball crush..literally a crush for every place I go.                                                                                   37. What do you like about yourself - Turning Pain into Power, Positivity, and Patience. 4 P’s 🙏
38. Want any piercings? - I was thinking about getting my seconds because literally everyone has so many badass piercings and I dont (my parents would kill me). 39. Blood type - B positive! I got tested at a lil set up at my school for blood donation. DONATE BLOOD YALL!!!! Seriously, you could save like 3 lives from that ish.  40. Nicknames - Ni, Nina, Nitts/Mama Nitts (why), Nids, NiNi, T, Nitty, Littya etc etc 41. Relationship status - Single and satisfied ✌️ 42. Zodiac - Leo ♌ 43. Pronouns - she/her 44. Favorite TV shows - Jane the Virgin, How To Get Away With Murder, Riverdale (these are just recents)  45. Tattoos - Honey....would u put a bumper sticker on a bentley  46. Right or left handed - righty is tighty  ✌️ ✌️ 47. Ever had surgery - I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed, but I wasn’t put to sleep. I had local anesthetic and I was awake for the whole thing, IT WAS FUCKING BRUTAL I cried the whole time the dental assistant had to wipe my tears throughout the procedure lmao  48. Piercings - I have a tongue ring 😜🤘 49. Sport - Cheerleading 🎀 50. Vacation - Tryna reach NOLA for Mardi Gras next year you already knowwww @spiffydolan​ 🎉🎉 51. Trainers - wut
More general: 52. Eating - either way too much or not enough and no in between 53. Drinking - Water. Always water. I got some free coconut water at work though, so I mean that was pretty cool. 54. I’m about to watch - Riverdale? idk I got a lot of shows to catch up on. 55. Waiting for - My new apartment to be ready! 🤗 56. Want - mostly just a bunch of household things for my new place. But also, want @silly-silly-fangirl​ to come visit me in Toronto :( 57. Get married - Yeah, maybe. I gotta find someone to like me first 😅 58. Career - I’ve lowkey always wanted to be a teacher and my entire life has basically been me avoiding becoming a teacher soooo yeah lmao. Right now I’m on the track to Midwifery but I’m? chaning my mind?? idk. 
Which is better: 59. Hugs or kisses - I wanna say hugs cause I feel like you can’t kiss everyone. But the people you can kiss...damn.  60. Lips or eyes - eyes 61. Shorter or taller - I’m not one of those cute, dainty, short girls. I’m 5′6, so taller would be appreciated  😅 62. Older or younger - older 63. Nice arms or stomach - I have neither so 💁 64. Hookup or relationship - Relationship? idk I’m kinda living the single life rn and I’m just chilling so I wouldn’t mind a casual thing here or there BUT WHO HAS THE TIME 65. Troublemaker or hesitant - I’m the best mix of both 😏
Have you ever: 66. Kissed a stranger - Yes 🙈 67. Drank hard liquor - Yes 68. Lost glasses - Probably 69. Turned someone down - Yes 😪 70. Sex on first date - Not...yet? 71. Broken someones heart - Yes  72. Had your heart broken - Yes 😞 73. Been arrested - Nope 😇 74. Cried when someone died - Yes 💔 75. Fallen for a friend - Not a close friend, but yeah.
Do you believe in: 76. Yourself - I do 😌 77. Miracles - Absolutely 78. Love at first sight - Maybe not? Probably more like a significant encounter typa vibe
79. Santa Claus - haha no 80. Kiss on a first date - To be proper, no. Butttt there are def exceptions. 81. Angels - YES 
Other: 82. Best friend’s name - In the great words of Mindy Kaling “Best friend is a tier, not a person.” Butttt @silly-silly-fangirl​ (If u couldn’t already tell) is one of my favorite people on this planet atm. 83. ‎Eye color - Brown? I wanna say hazel, but the twins literally INVENTED hazel w their eye colour and I cannot compete. 84. Favorite movie - Hardest question ever...I always say Zorro 85. ‎Favorite actor - Leonardo DiCaprio? Viola Davis? Robert DeNiro??
Thank you so so much to @spiffydolan for the tag. U da best. 💜💜
Gonna tag some of my favorite blogs at the moment. If you’ve already been tagged/want to sit out of this tag, consider this a shoutout! Thanks for being awesome 😊 @ethandolanakae-tee-wee-tee @laneswervingdolan @pandasaremyspritanimal @broncodolan @silly-silly-fangirl @coconutethan @dolanwaffles
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bgyuus · 3 years
𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒊 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
; you're a jujutsu sorcerer who's working as a part time cam girl for extra money (kinda like bj alex type beat)
also, c/n means your cam girl name since i don't have any ideas 🤡
warning: just smut and a lil fluff
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"you're done eating?"
itadori asked, seeing you excuse yourself from the dining table. "yeah, i have something to do tonight," you replied, putting your bowl into the sink.
"fushiguro's in charge of washing the dishes tonight!" you exclaimed, running out of the dining hall before he could yell at you.
"anyways, fushiguro, u know what time she's gonna go live again?" itadori asked the male who's washing the dishes. nobara eyed them with curious eyes. "who's live?" she asked while wiping the table.
"c/n's live! she's been on hiatus for quite some time now and i heard she's gonna go live tonight!" the strawberry pink haired boy said excitedly. nobara looked up at fushiguro. "you watch these live with this dumbass?" she whispered to him. the black haired boy just shook his head, trying to cover his actually excited face.
as for you, you were getting ready for the live. it's true you were on hiatus for a few months because you got to enter the school along side with fushiguro. and surprisingly, gojo sensei let you do your part time work! (you only explained to him that you were some kind of vlogger, which ofc he'd let you)
it was five minutes to 10pm and the chat box was already flooded with comments from your viewers, saying "where did you go?", "i missed youuu!" and such.
you slipped on your mask and turned on your camera. "hey guys! long time no see," you said, your voice soft and pure making the comments go wild again.
"sorry for being away, i had stuff to do. anyways, now that i'm here, what do you guys wanna do?" you asked sweetly while reading some of the comments.
-in the boys dorm-
"should we get inumaki-senpai?" itadori asked, fumbling with his phone in his hand. fushiguro sweat dropped. does inumaki-senpai even watch such things?
"he watches her lives?" the raven haired boy said in a surprise and uncertain tone. itadori let out a laugh. "of course he does! he watches some of her lives with me a few times." fushiguro once again sweat dropped at his answer.
as for the said boy, inumaki, he was currently on his way to your room. well, as you can see, this boy has a huge crush on you and being a guy who only speaks onigiri ingredients who speaks little words, it's a bit difficult for him to talk to you.
"nghh ahh~"
inumaki's hand froze, a few centimetres before knocking your door. he was positive that sounded more like a moan than a yelp or whatever. and it was coming directly from your room.
his cheeks flushed at the thought of what you were doing inside. were you thinking of him? were you wishing that your fingers was his instead?
instead of walking away, he went to the window beside the door. he wasn't being a creep, he was just, curious. and oh how he thanked the heavens for as the curtains were slightly apart, letting him see half of you upper body. with just that, his mind was racing with thoughts.
your masked face was tilted back against the chair. your hands reaching something at the bottom, which he already guested what it was you were doing.
that was until your face tilted to side, to where the window was. your eyes went wide as you saw a boy standing outside, his eyes on you. you quickly stumbled out of your chair and hurriedly apologized to your viewers and end the live.
inumaki was stunned. like, really stunned. he saw your mask that c/n usually wore during her lives. could you really be c/n whom he watches through the tiny screen of his phone with itadori? that couldn't be, right?
"you! the fuck are you doing?!" you whispered yelled at him. inumaki bowed low, apologizing multiple times in his onigiri language. you expression softened at the sight of him.
"i'm guessing you saw me in my mask, please don't tell anyone about this, especially gojo sensei," you said begged. inumaki nodded, walking over to you.
he looked into your eyes. those eyes which he got lost everytime you two made eye contact. he unzipped the collar that was covering his mouth, making you take a step back. you knew what his cursed speech can do and you were surprised that it was actually cool and deadly asf.
"s-senpai, what're you doing?" you trembled beneath him. the gap between you both were just legit millimetres away. his eyes were covered with clouds of want and need. his heart skipped a beat at your scared and innocent face.
inumaki then proceeds to close the gap between you. you hesitated at first but proceed to do the same. he pushed you inside your room, closing the door behind him. your hands found themselves at his chest, gripping his shirt while moaning into the kiss.
you both let go as you were in need of oxygen. you pushed him, making him fall onto his back against your bed. you untied the rope of your robe and letting them fall to the floor.
the boy's breath hitched as he took in your figure. he can't believe it. never in his wildest dreams he'll get laid by his crush who's he supposed to confess to first.
"senpai," you called, crawling over to him across the bed. you sat on his hips, already feeling his clothed dick throbbing against your thigh. "you're already hard," your voice ever so sweet as honey to his ears.
you rolled your hips against his with a moan leaving your lips. inumaki tilted his head back into the pillows as his hands grabbed your sides, letting out a soft grunt in pleasure. you helped him out of his shirt and pants. your eyes widened at his beautifully built self.
"toge-senpai," you moaned, grinding your hips against his again. "i'm gonna make you feel so good," you huffed, sinking onto his dick that's slowly stretching you apart.
"f-fuck," you moaned, head tilting back. inumaki liked seeing you being on top of him. better yet, he likes seeing your breasts bounce as you started to ride him.
you being on top didn't last long. inumaki flipped you over, your back against the bed and him hovering over you. "t-tuna," he stammered, cheeks flushed and heavy sighing. you smiled gently at him and kissed him on the lips.
"i like you too, senpai," you giggled as inumaki attacked your neck with dark blue and purple marks, marking you as his and his only.
-bonus! next day-
"woah! is your neck okay, y/n?" nobara asked, pointing to the dark bruises on your neck. "oh, uh yeah i'm okay, i must've hit something in my sleep," you laughed nervously, covering your neck.
the second years who were passing by overheard you guys conversation. "of course she has bruises on her neck, inumaki here went feral last night!" maki-senpai laughed. the first years looked at you with wide eyes as you became a blushing mess. "tuna mayo," inumaki said softly, his cheeks burning up in embarrassment.
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fortune-fool02 · 3 years
Mall Crawl (Mer!Pillarmen AU)
Aja Mall was closed for the night.
Locked shut and deserted, there was nothing stirring in the establishment in the darkness of night. A few dim lamps remained on, but otherwise, it was all darkness and quiet, save for the stagnant drips of the main lobby fountain.
The fountain, however had been leaking for a while, and a few stray splashes dampened the smooth tiled floor. By sheer chance, some of the water began to drain onto a ledge, where it leaked down to the lower ground floor art exhibit, and dribbled onto a set of statues, ancient stone sculptures proudly on display in the historic gallery, and depicted, carved in repose, four masculine figures in repose, each sporting a great fish's tail below their waist.
Except they weren't sculpted at all.
As the leaking water moistened them the stony shells began to soften and crumble away. All they needed was water, something they had been deprived of for ages, what with the museum's insistence on keeping these priceless artifacts dry, and took great care to ensure that not a drop of water touched them.
But now it did, and for the first time in four thousand years, the figures began to move again.
With a wet slap one of the figures, bearing a dull, silvery-gray tail and sporting a single horn upon his head, dropped out of the stone and onto the wet floor. Groggily he looked about. This wasn't the temple of the ancients, he thought, turning his attention toward the other figures still encased in stone. This was a strange foundation carved out by those...those primitives, who walked on the land.
"Lord Kars...Lord Esidisi..." he mumbled, as he crawled across the floor on his powerful arms, toward the other two figures. "Our time has come again..."
Scooping up some of the water that had pooled on the floor in his webbed hands, he splashed it onto the two stone figures that had lain on either side of him for decades. His eyes, suited for darkness, grew wide with anticipation as he watched their rocky cocoons slowly melt away.
"Awaken, my masters!" he cried.
A wet flop on each side soon followed as the other two mermen burst from their shells, which they had formed to survive drying out when water was withheld from them. There they had slumbered for millennia, until a fluke of events awekened them once again: in a changed new world they did not recognize.
"Wamuu..." Kars groaned hoarsely, as he pushed himself up by his arms. "W-where are we?"
"I know not where we have found ourselves, my lord," Wammu replied respectfully with a bow. "We shall soon see."
"We appear to be above the surface, judging by the lack of water," Esidisi added, stretching out his fiery orange tail with a yawn. "Our first priority should be to return to the sea...Lord Kars?" He suddenly added, confused, as he saw his wild-haired superior dragging himself away, clearly interested in something else. 
"Fascinating..." Kars muttered to himself, as he slithered down the art hall, his violet tail trailing behind. "We appear to be in the hall of the primitives, how they have advanced over the years..." He continued crawling, while Esidisi urgently squirmed after his high lord.
"Lord Kars, we don't have time...the call of the sea awaits us!" he called out. Kars shot back a wicked smile. "The ocean can wait, Esidisi. There is something more of interest I desire to see."
Wammu followed the two with several heavy flops. "My master, what about Santana?"
Kars sneered as he pulled himself onward. "Leave him, Wamuu. He isn't important." Wamuu sadly nodded and followed behind the other two.
Hauling and dragging themselves forward in a display of ungainly strength, they began to slowly make their way along the hall. It sported a gallery of artistic wonders of the ancient world --which moments ago included themselves-- before the pathway opened up into a wide open space, filled with strange rooms and odd structures, and a window in the ceiling that let the bright moonlight in.
Soon the three mermen began to explore the strange cathedral of the landfolk that they found themselves in. It was more difficult for them to move without water, but the strange, smooth floors, more polished than any of them had ever seen, was easy for them to pull their heavy bodies across with only the power of their arms.
They gazed around in fascination and amazement as they heaved themselves along, eager to see more like three very unusual tourists, glancing about at the sights in wonder. To human eyes the mall was all but darkness: but their eyes were designed for the pitch depths of the sea, and could partake in the colorful splendor a landwalker could only enjoy in the daytime.
"Their structures are marvelous," Wammu exclaimed, sliding his way over to a set of metal steps. A red button glowed faintly at its base, and the horned merman curiously inspected it, while elsewhere, Kars clawed his way forwards into a small room, where strange, colorful fabrics hung in hooks and lines.
"Splendid, very splendid," he said, reaching up as high as he can from his position on the floor to pull down one of the fabrics. It felt soft and velvety to the touch, though to Kars's disappointment the garment was too small to fit his toned muscular body when he tried to put it on, leaving his upper arms and belly comically exposed.
"Nonetheless, their fashion is admirable," he mumbled to himself. "I sure shall miss their beautiful art when we eventually destroy their puny race..."
"Lord Kars!" Esidisi urged, as he wriggled his way into the store. "Now is not the time for distractions, we must find a way back to the ocean!"
"A few moments could not hurt," Kars snapped irritably, as he tried on a fancy hat on display, which he struggled to squeeze onto his horned, purple-maned head that was far too big for it.
Outside the small shop Wamuu had been fiddling with the metallic steps, trying to see how they moved and worked. He pressed the small buttons that gleamed from the bottom, testing to see if anything would happen--and to his surprise, the steps began to move, with him still on it. 
Wammu was gripped with panic as the steps carted him upwards, toward an unknown destination. His frightened surprise, however, turned to amazement as he realized that the steps had guided him to a second floor of the establishment, full of other things he otherwise could not access from below.
"This must be how they go from level to level," he mused.
Downstairs, Esidisi tried in vain to reason with Kars, who seemed to be more interested in taking the fashionable items of the landwalkers than he was at getting back to the sea.
"Does this dress accentuate the splendor of my tail?" Kars asked with a hint of seduction in his voice, as he lay on his side to show off the flowing skirt he had pulled from one of the shelves.
"Anything, anything looks marvelous on you, my lord!" Esidisi pleaded. "But we have greater things to be accomplished! Where is Wammu!?" he demanded.
"I have come, my masters," Wammu called out from the top of the moving steps, followed by a full minute of awkward silence as he slowly but surely descended while he sat on one of the steps.
Esidisi grimaced in confusion, as Wamuu finally reached the bottom of the steps. "What a ridiculous place."
In the meantime, the leaky fountain back at the gallery had begun to flood the art exhibit, moistening the petrified form of the one left behind-- Santana. He emerged coughing and groaning onto the wet floor, and he thrashed about in confusion until he finally caught his bearings.
His heart sank as his eyes fixed onto the three empty holes in the stone wall. Once again, his masters had abandoned him. He had always felt lesser than they were, but this was a low blow, even for Kars.
Now he was all by himself in a strange deserted environment on land, and his grief and frustration soon gave way to another sensation-- hunger. He needed to find some food after so very long.
Guided by his keen sense of smell, Santana began to crawl across the smooth tiles, in the opposite direction the others had gone. There was surely something to find within the empty construction, he thought, as he made his way, arm over arm, toward an opening in the end of the hall. 
His red-magenta tail began slapping the floor eagerly as he crawled, as he caught a familiar salty scent as he entered a strange chamber, one prominently lettered with the symbols "S-U-P-E-R-M-A-R-K-E-T": if Santana had known how to read, which he didn't.
Dead fish lay neatly arranged on trays of ice, and Santana reached up and grabbed them hungrily, feasting on them cold and raw. He devoured one or two before something else caught his attention, small colorful bags that were lined up on a shelf. He crawled his way over and reached out to grab one.
He popped open the bag with his sharp claws to find that it was mostly filled with air, but inside were small, brittle chips. He shoveled some into his mouth, and savored their salty flavor and crisp texture. Landfolk food was new and appealing to the redhead merman, and he wanted more. He crawled from aisle to aisle, pulling boxes from shelves low enough for him to reach and feasting eagerly on their curious contents.
Elsewhere in the mall, Kars had concluded his tour. He had adorned himself with all sorts of apparel he could find, necklaces, hats stacked on top of each other, slippers worn on his hands as he had no feet. He was a crawling fashion disaster, and had Wamuu and Esidisi not feared their highlord's furious might, they would have laughed.
"I am satisfied," Kars grinned, shuffling his way over to a shiny door to admire his reflection, flicking his tail pridefully.
"Now my lord, shall we try to seek the ocean?" asked Esidisi through gritted teeth and restrained laughter.
"We shall, my friends," Kars replied. "All water comes to the sea or leads to it...first we must find the source and follow it to freedom". 
Propelled by their muscular upper halves, while their scaly lower halves, practically useless outside the water, dragged along behind them, the mermen made the slow, arduous journey toward where they soon found the pipes that led to the mall's drainage system. Gazing down into the canals, they saw the water was cloudy, and the mermen were hesitant, but they knew it led out to a river and into the sea, and whatever filth was in the water was well worth their trouble.
Esidisi jumped in first, followed by Wamuu, who felt the relief of the water's weightlessness and refreshing coolness after so many centuries. Kars came last, gazing hesitantly at all his attire that he'd haphazardly piled onto his body.
"A shame I have to ruin these...a small price to pay for freedom." He closed his eyes and threw himself into the murky water, hats, dresses and all.
Now all they needed was to find the sea.
Back at the supermarket, Santana continued his sampling of the land food, unaware of the others' departure. Soon he had eaten his fill, and curiously sought to see more of this unusual place.
Crawling out of the transparent doors of the shadowy room, he found himself outside of the building. He was under the open air, with the moon shining above, and before him was a large flat rock on which drove strange carriages with glowing lights, while in the distance tall buildings towered up in the sky: nothing like the human cities Santana remembered ages before.
He tried to crawl forward, but the large flat rock was rough. Rougher than the smooth floors of the mall, and painfully scraped his belly, elbows, and the underside of his tail. Santana groaned with discomfort, but stubbornly continued on.
But he wasn't alone.
(Y/N), a security guard of a neighboring building, had just ended their shift at 2AM and were preparing to go home, traveling down the sidewalk toward the bus stop.
And the last thing they expected to see, so late at night, was a naked man struggling prone on the sidewalk, his long vermilion hair wet and glistening.
Except he was no man at all, (Y/N) realized, as it dawned on them at a closer look that where his legs should have been, was instead a glittering, scarlet tail with bright magenta fins.
"H-holy shit," gasped (Y/N), dropping their coffee cup in shock.
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Imagine 😈
Erik getting caught fucking a sex doll and plus sized Reader catches him in the act/ Fic inspired by Tanerélle- Mama Saturn.
Warnings: Straight up SMUT. Nothing but smut.
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A sinful treat that Erik wanted to devour every single time he saw her. Sexy bitch. He likes a girl that’s a bit of a challenge to get into his bed. She didn’t wear her pussy power on her sleeve. Not a church girl exactly but one who’ll play mouse to his sharp-clawed cat. Y/N was exactly that challenge. She’s a plus sized model from Washington DC that Erik had the pleasure of meeting during a block party/ fundraiser in Oakland CA for the Wakandan Outreach Center.
She volunteered for one of the booths there and Erik couldn’t help but to talk to her. She compelled him. Erik found himself enjoying her east coast accent and how much she loved being a model. It was the only thing she’d ever wanted to do, and she was in it for the long haul. She was turned down plenty of times; denied opportunities because of her “shape”. Bullshit. Complete bullshit. Her shape, her overall beauty...Erik’s thoughts lingered on her pretty face and equally beautiful body even after he went home from the office, picturing her standing behind him while he showered, arms wrapped around his waist, her face nuzzled into the small of his back.
Okay...that wasn’t all he pictured. He’d pictured bending her over his California King Bed, her hands fisting the 800 thread count sheets while he plunged his fat dick deep inside of her throbbing pussy, making her cum almost instantly. He pictured her losing some of the calm control she exerted over every other aspect of her being, trusting him to be there to catch her as she trembled her way to ecstasy. From simple meet ups whenever she came around the Outreach, Y/N wasn’t the girl who threw her pussy around like a Frisbee. Fucking perfect. He liked inexperienced puss.
Good, Erik wants that. He wanted nothing more than to break that puss in hot and raw with his sizable appendage. A pretty puss that he could turn out. She’ll remember him in that pretty kitty. He’d never taken the time to actually become friends with a women without sex being involved. Y/N was just that. She would come over at times to chill with Erik, watching movies or chatting it up. Even though Erik wanted to fuck her, he still appreciates the times where they would just link up and bond. It got so crazy that Erik gave her a spare key whenever she needed a place to escape to when he was out of town with his cousin; the King of Wakanda. Every time he would come back home, her smell...nutmeg and vanilla bean would still be there. In his sheets. In his kitchen. On his couch. Ugh. He was half tempted to let her move in since she couldn’t stand living with her roommate.
“Have you ever had your big, juicy ass properly worshipped?”
That’s what he wanted to ask her while staring at her proud, thick, curves before him, imaging the luscious mocha color of her booty straining as she bounced gently up and down his big, fat dick. Her heavy bottom was the perfect roundness, a reward for Erik’s months without sex, of yearning to kneel down in front of her, to taste her sweet pussy and touch her beautiful voluptuous body.
This is all your fault, Y/N
Erik found himself doing something he hasn’t done in a long time. It was a late Thursday evening, he drove past a Sex Shop he’s been meaning to explore. Succulent was the name of it, one of the C’s blinking in and out from the faulty light bulbs. Big, read cursive letters over top of a sleazy adult toy shop in the heart of Oakland on a rainy Thursday evening. He needed a release. He hadn’t seen Y/N for a couple of days since she went to visit family in Atlantic City. She teased him with a few sexy pics in skimpy dresses and bikinis and Erik shamelessly beat his hefty dick to the images.
Parking his car, paying the meter to avoid a ticket, Erik pulled his windbreaker hood over his head to shield the rain drops, slamming his door shut before checking that the coast was clear to cross over. Once his left foot hit the cracked and wet pavement, Erik stood in front of the sex shop, rain hitting his lashes and the tip of his nose, his face illuminated by the LED lights that warmed his russet skin and sparked his nerves. In the display window, there are a few tall boxes with a picture of a very very titillating black women that looked like a cosmic beauty with an Afro and eyes that sparkles like diamonds. Her naked body glistened like some supernova sex goddess, skin like midnight. On the outside of the boxes there are big, bubble gum pink letters surrounding it.
Mama Saturn Kan Make U Kream!
Erik opens the door, a soft bell dinging above his head. The shop smelled like scented candles. The rug was a plush royal purple and the lights were dimmed to set the mood. Rows and rows filled with any and everything SEX. Occupying the register is a young black girl with long passion twists in her hair pulled up into a bun, a matching legging set colored peach with gold gladiator sandals on her feet. She’s currently standing on a step ladder, putting up the same sign in the window above a display behind the register.
Mama Saturn Kan Make u Kream!
She was upbeat and good-humored with a pretty smile and hazel eyes. Erik returned a half smirk, the dimple in his right cheek creating a deep hollow. He removed his hood before taking his right hand to shake out his tapered dreads.
“My name is Shay, if you need any help at all, let me know,” she looked Erik over with appreciative eyes.
“I’ll let you know if I need anything Shay,” Erik says before walking further into the store, his eyes moving from left to right as he took in the scenery. Smaller shelves filled with DVD’s and porn magazines were situated in the front. Erik picked up a few to look over. Ebony Lust, XXX Cocoa, Busty Mochas, Ghetto Booty Queens...
This store must be owned by a black male or female. Erik really liked that. He could see a few white men flipping through pages, eyes as big as saucers staring at all that chocolate, divine booty and pussy on those pages, the visuals popping out at them like 3D pictures. Erik bobbed his head to Megan Thee Stallion’s- Sex Talk while peeking down a few aisles to explore. What Erik hadn’t noticed until now is that there are booths in the back with a black velvet curtain as the only concealment. Curious, gait so smooth, Erik made his way down an aisle filled with male sex toys to see what was behind those curtains.
Finally there, standing before one of them, Erik pulled the curtain back. The booth was small and cramped. It was one of those booths where you put a quarter in a slot to watch a quick porn scene. The booth and walls were nice and clean, painted black like the curtains, but Erik could only imagine how it looked before. Cum stains on the floor and on the booths, women watching the thirty second flick while rubbing themselves down. Men slipping their dicks past the velvet curtains like a glory hole so they could provide something for the women to suck and slurp on. 
“You can go in if you like. It’s only a quarter.”
Erik was alarmed when he felt a small hand rub the tension from his muscles. Turning to look over his broad shoulder, Erik’s whiskey-colored eyes fell on a 5’5, caramel skinned baddie. It was Shay, the store clerk. 
“Just make sure you wipe up when you’re finished, okay?”
Erik chuckles, releasing the curtain so that it can close, “Damn...it gets that messy, huh?”
“Oh, yeah,” Shay shakes her head with a grin, “I can’t even begin to tell you what goes on beyond these curtains...some of the shit I’ve seen...”
“Wild,” Erik licks his lips.
“Like I said, you can go inside, the flicks are only thirty seconds but it’s worth it,” She says with a honeyed tone.
“Yeah...I need more than thirty seconds to bust a nut, ma. That’s not nearly good enough.”
“Oh?” Shay folds her arms across her small cleavage, “See...I can tell you’re no amateur. You’ve probably tried a lot of the toys in here with women.”
Erik’s lips twisted in thought, eyes heavenward, “I’ve tried a lot of things...I guess you can say I’m an expert...what? You got something that will spark my interest?”
“Just the thing,” Shay walks closer, making her voice smaller, “ Mama Saturn can make you cream.”
“Mama Saturn?” Erik blinks his eyes down at Shay before pointing towards the front of the store, “You mean the sex doll in the display window? Nah, that’s not my type of thing, baby girl.”
“You’d be surprised. Ten have already been sold and they came in today. They’re selling out in other sex shops too. Thanks to one of Tony Stark’s ex-employees that worked in his artificial intelligence department.”
Erik’s eyes squinted as he elevated a single brow down at Shay. If one of Tony Stark’s ex-employees created Mama Saturn it must be an impressive design, almost like the real thing. He knew it had to cost an arm, leg, and head. Erik wasn’t going to lie, he is curious about the sex doll. He remembers laughing about men fucking sex dolls. Who would want to stick their dick in a plastic blow up doll to bust a nut? The shit was comical. 
“Well, I’ll leave you to it,” Shay gently squeezes Erik’s bicep, “if you change your mind about Mama Saturn, you know where to find me, handsome.” 
Erik regarded Shay as she sashayed away down one of the rows filled with erotica before disappearing completely. It was midnight and he was standing in a sex shop. He came here to buy something he probably already has packed away in one of his heavy duty suitcases at the back of his closet. Toys he hasn’t used in FOREVER since he laid his eyes on Y/N. He’s been courting Y/N for months. Yes, Erik “the pussy monster” Stevens. He didn’t earn that nickname just for the fun of it. 
He could only imagine the women he used to sleep with seeing him again. They wouldn’t hesitate to give him the finger or an evil scowl  and for the most part he didn’t blame them. He was selfish, greedy and horny in his younger years, too full of himself to appreciate the true joy a woman could bring him on all levels. Erik has never been in a situation where he wasn’t in a hurry to get a girl out of her clothes, to figure out who she was by the way she writhed, the way she moaned his name into the pillow or his ear, the way she came on his dick or his tongue. 
Deciding to get something quick; some new BDSM toys, Erik grabs a basket, filling it up with handcuffs, edible lube, vibrating tongue covers, candles for hot wax play, nipple clamps, floggers, anything so he could get home for the evening. An evening he could be spending sitting up on the phone with Y/N, her sweet voice keeping him company while he was in bed. Erik trailed to the front of the shop, standing behind a few men. One of them he noticed carried a box with the sex doll inside; the long box in front of him. 
“That will be…$105.86,” Shay watches the customer insert his chip into the card machine, his transaction completed. 
“I can help you!” Shay called to the man with the sex doll. She began ringing him up, Erik’s eyes looking at one of  the boxes in the window.
Tell me all your names, baby
Tell me all your names, I need to know
Then I'll tell you mine, baby
Then I’ll tell you mine and we can go
To past the time
Shift paradigms
Align our bodies with the sky
'Til I am yours and you are mine…
The song began to play with the surround sound of the sex shop. The sultry voice called for him, tickling his ears and making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. 
I'd do anything for you
Yeah, I’d do anything for you
Baby, just say the word
And we make perfect sense
God could not resist no
I can feel the urge
To drop defense
At my expense
Allow my body to ascend
Along with yours
Let love commence…
“That’s all for you today?”
Erik was the only one left in line now. 
“Shit, it’s late as hell,” Erik spoke in his defense, “Long ass day.” 
“No problem, handsome,” Shay rings in his items, “Candles?”
“You never know,” Erik chuckles with his signature half smirk.
Close my eyes, embrace my matter
Swing my hips as if they bear the rings of Mama Saturn
Stretch my vertebrae so we can climb it like a ladder
And step into our world…
“Who is this?” Erik asks with fondness in his voice.
Mama Saturn,” Shay says with a coy smile, “Well, she’s who inspired the design of this sex doll. 
Erik couldn’t keep his eyes off of the boxes in the windows. What was it that made this sex doll so compelling? Maybe it was because he was aching for a sexual release. Maybe because he wanted to know why this sex doll was so popular. Did it do tricks? Did it talk to you? Was it designed to feel like the real thing? A really pussy?
“...how much for one of those sex dolls?”
Shay tried to fight a smile but the corners of her lips couldn’t help but to turn up. 
“2,000.” Shay says flat out.
“Makes sense,” Erik didn’t flinch at the price, he expected it to be that much especially since it was created by an ex-coworker of Tony Stark. 
“Last chance,” Shay teases, all of his other items priced at $78.86.”  
“Shit, why not, add one to the total.”
Friday Evening
“hmmm what can you do?” Erik paced his bedroom in a pair of grey sweats and a plain white T-shirt. The manual for Mama Saturn rested between his fingers, the doll itself sitting in a recliner chair in his bedroom. The doll was indeed impressive. The skin felt so real, the face just as mind blowing. Erik honestly felt that 2,000 was a snag compared to what it should be retailed for. He had it charging since this morning since he planned on testing it out tonight. 
“Mama Saturn can make you cream...I act out live fantasies for you...charge me up and take me for a ride...you won’t even tell the difference between the real thing and me...”
Erik shakes his head before folding up the instructions. He looked over at Mama Saturn sitting in the chair, the eyes on that doll feeling more and more realistic the longer Erik gazed. Tearing his eyes away, Erik reached for his glass tumbler filled with cognac, taking a long sip. Was he really going to fuck a sex doll? The thought of it has him laughing into his glass. Wiping liquor from his chin, Erik’s phone began to vibrate in his pocket. Erik pulls it out to find Y/N calling him. Placing his drink down, Erik answers the call, resting on the edge of his bed.
He felt warmth creep up his belly.
“Hey,” He says with a soft spoken voice. 
“I missed you,” She sighs, “I had to cut my vacation short.”
“I missed you too,” He really wanted to tell her to come see him since her trip ended so quickly, “Wasn’t even there for 48 hours.”
“Well...my family is pretty broken. I was hoping to make amends but that didn’t work out. I was not going to be there for two more nights and deal with it.”
Erik lays back against his bed, sliding the instructions to Mama Saturn to the side, “If i were there to keep you company the trip would have been better...am I lying?”
She giggles, “No. you would have made it even better.”
Y/N grew silent on the other end, the sound of her turn signal blaring through the phone.
“Where are you?” Erik asks.
“I’m on my way home from the airport. I’m tired, I need some sleep. I have a lingerie shoot in the AM.”
“Jet lagged, huh?” Erik runs his fingers through his dreads, “Once you get in that house you’re ass is gonna be passed out on the couch.”
“I know! I was thinking damn it’s a Friday night and I’m usually eating Chinese with Erik intstead of by myself on his couch but yessss I am entirely too tired to stay up late. Rain check?”
Erik hopes he didn’t have disappointment in his voice when he responded, “Yeah, of course. If you’re free tomorrow you can come over.”
“I’ll hold you to that, Erik...let me get off of this phone, I’m almost home. Night, Erik!”
“Night, ma,” Erik ends the call, resting his phone against his chest, “Damn…”
Erik looks up and over his head at the sex doll. Lifting up, stretching his arms above his head, Erik exhales before removing his sweats and his T-shirt, sitting on the edge of the bed completely naked now minus the gold chain around his neck and his Nike socks. His dick was semi erect between his legs, resting against his inner thigh. The minute he went to grab his smooth, brown dick it thrummed against the palm of his hand. Erik rolls his tongue along the inside of his left cheek.
Standing, Erik walks over to his closet, opening it and grabbing one of his suitcases filled with sex toys. Opening the suitcase, Erik grabs a bottle of lube before closing it back up. Erik shook the bottle, the contents inside sloshing around. Erik with his lube in hand walked over to Mama Saturn seated on his recliner chair. He stood before the sex doll, his eyes dancing over it, wrapping his mind around the fact that he was about to fuck the shit out of this doll. Grabbing the remote control that came with it, Erik admires the different vibration and pulse settings. 
Erik grabs the sex doll, bringing it to his bed before resting it in the middle of it. Even caressing the thighs was bizarre. Eyebrows disappearing behind the curtain of tapered dreads resting over his forehead, Erik pulls the legs apart on Mama Saturn, eyes growing wider the more he stares at her “pussy”.
“No fucking way,” Erik was stunned. 
Before him is a pussy molded for him to deep-dive into. The ULTRASKYN material is smooth. He was going to need A LOT of lube to help his fat dick glide inside of Mama Saturn’s soft, fully detailed vagina. Erik takes his finger tips to stroke the outer lips of her mound. Erik cracked a smile when he used his finger to insert inside of the realistic sex doll. Flexible, walls covered with countless ridges to create a realistic sensation. 
“Shit,” Erik says barely above a whisper, “they weren't playing when they made you…”
Erik removes his finger, grabbing up his lube to cover his dick and balls generously before doing the same thing to Mama Saturn’s vagina and...how impressive, her asshole. Three holes to explore including her life-like mouth with lips so full. Mama Saturn is amazingly detailed from the smooth texture of her skin to her brown eyes with luxurious lashes, curly fro, and plump lips. Erik decided to try out the mouth first. His dick hasn’t been in a woman’s mouth for months. This will have to do for now until he finally gets a chance with Y/N. 
Using his fingers, Erik opens her mouth, amazed to see a smooth pink tongue and a deep throat. It’s a sex doll so he knew it would be never ending. His pipe would be able to go deep in all three of her holes without a barrier. Grabbing his dick at the base, jerking it, Erik lines his dick up with the mouth on Mama Saturn before pushing himself fully inside. 
“Ooh?” Erik shuttered, his gluteal muscles tight, “fuck...fuckk.”
Shocked, confounded, dazed, Erik stared down at the doll like it came to life and slapped him across his pretty face. What else can you do, he thought before grabbing the remote, pressing a random button. His body almost fell on top of the sex doll. Erik just knew that there was some man out there, lonely and undesired who would marry this fucking doll. Mama Saturn’s mouth and throat are lined with stimulators to make Erik bust strong and hard. The squishy, ribbed texture along with the way it pulsates and vibrates had Erik grabbing a fist full of the doll's hair that felt so silky smooth to the touch, the curls coiling around his thick fingers.
“Goddamn,” He whispered shallowly from his lungs, “ahhhHHH, fuck this fucking doll ain’t no joke!” He spoke through clenched teeth.
Who knew a damn sex doll would make his balls tight and heavy with cum and his dick so damn hard he could bench press a barbell. His thrusts became even more sloppy, hips smashing into the realistic face of Mama Saturn. So much room for him to swivel his hips, ram his dick in hard and fast, and yank and pull her hair. No teeth, just straight slippery ridges giving him an ultimate sensation. 
“Unh, shit,” Erik felt the muscles in his back flex, “Shit is so deep.” 
Deeper than the real thing. Nothing compared to the real thing, NOT AT ALL but Erik could understand in that moment while his dick went in and out with a gluttony to cum why this toy sold as much as it did. One thing for him to check off his list of sexual exploration. The sheen of sweat on his back trickled down over his ass and the muscles in his arms trembled the more he lowered that doll's mouth over his dick. 
“SHIT- oh my fucking God-“
Erik pulls his dick out, stroking it a good two times before his thick, tasty cum landed on the doll's face. It was the vibrations and the pulses. He’d never cum that quick from oral. 
“Mmmm,” He moans, before rubbing the last bit of his nut on the doll’s face, “This is so wild.”
Dick still poked out and nowhere near softening up, Erik pries Mama Saturn’s legs apart, staring down at the realistic vagina with horny curiosity. Once again, Erik slips his fingers inside, closing his eyes and imagining that it was Y/N’s pussy he was fingering. She had to have the fattest pussy ever, not to mention the wettest pussy ever. She would probably cover his entire hand with her slick juices. Biting his lip, Erik lines his sensitive, wide tip up with the tight opening on that damn doll. With a slight shake of his head, Erik’s dick slipped past the flesh-like labia before fully burying inside. 
“Ugh! Shit!” Erik’s head flew back, eyelids flickering, “Shit don’t make no sense…”
He was frustrated with himself for fucking a sex doll when he could be ten inches deep in Y/N’s pussy with his balls slapping her ass. Hips pistoning in and out of Mama Saturn while his sweat dropped from the tip of his nose, Erik kept his eyes closed as he imagined this doll being Y/N, staring up at him with her innocent brown eyes, confused and moaning. He imagined that he was with her, sliding hot and nasty against her sweaty body, watching her arch and stretch as he pulled his dick almost all the way out of her gorgeous, slick pussy, then slamming it back in and making her scream. 
“Y/N...damn...your pussy feels so good Y/N...I knew that puss would be nice and tight for daddy’s fat dick, baby...I just wanna make you cum, girl...fuck...I just wanna feel that sticky cum all over this big-fucking-dick-
“Yeah? I’m in that pussy baby? Daddy fucking that pussy?”
“Yeah, call daddy’s name like that, Unh fuck, girl...pussy is so damn good-
His eyes popped open almost instantly when he heard Y/N’s voice elevate. The vibration from Mama Saturn shot straight to his heavy sack before Bam!!!! His cum filled that toy to the hilt. Erik pulled his body away from the doll, staring at it with bewildered eyes while his dick bobbed up and down between his legs. Did it just speak? Now his mind was really playing tricks on him…
“Erik-Erik I’m, I’m so sorry.”
A jarring expression on his sweaty face, Erik turns towards the entrance to his room to find Y/N standing there in a fabletics outfit with a Nike cap covering her braided hair, white Nike huarache on her feet, and a take out bag in her left hand. She was frozen, her eyes dancing between the doll covered in his cum and his naked body glistening and still very much hardened. 
“I’m really fucking sorry Erik, oh, fuck, I’m so fucking sorry I feel so bad for walking in on you like this, Erik shit, I’m sorry-
“I...I thought you were going home?” 
“I...was...but...I…” she instantly stopped speaking. Y/N’s eyes could not stop looking at the doll and Erik’s body. She was half-tempted to drop the food and scurry away but the scene in front of her eyes…
“Y/N? How long have you been standing there?”
Longer than she would like to admit. When Erik hung up she decided last minute to surprise him with food. Y/N wanted badly to see Erik, hoping that tonight would finally be the night that he would take advantage of her but instead he’s taking advantage of a sex doll that he envisioned was herself taking his big ass dick. All that dick that he was giving to a sex doll…
“I’m just...I think...Erik I’m sorry,” Y/N turned on her heels, taking wide strides to his kitchen to drop off the food and rush out of his luxury apartment. She didn’t know that having his key would lead to her walking in on him having a blast with a sex doll. She felt embarrassed. Erik looked abashed for a second but then his body seemed to relax, his nudity and the sex doll with its legs wide open before him just another thing in his room. 
“Y/N! Wait!” She could hear Erik getting up from his bed. Looking over her shoulder, she could see Erik walking towards her, still naked, dick swaying, eyes soft and pleading for her to stay. 
“Erik, I’m sorry,” She couldn’t stop apologizing. She was at his door, twisting the knob when his hand grasped her shoulder. Y/N didn’t turn, she couldn’t bring herself to face him while his amazingly-built body and that beautiful, fat dick stares back at her, inviting her. 
“Stop apologizing,” He used force, turning Y/N completely, her back pressing against the door hard. She turned her head away from him, looking over his sweaty shoulder. 
“It’s nothing for you to feel sorry about, Y/N...I just wasn’t expecting to see you tonight…”
She could smell his sweat...it was an intensely masculine scent. The spiced nuances burned her nose, she could even smell a hint of cocoa. His entire atmosphere warmed her and electrified her body in ways she hadn’t felt since forever. Why was he doing this? Standing before her, looking down at her with his blazing eyes, fully naked and still as stiff as concrete. 
“Last minute decision,” she stuck her hand in a small pocket on the side of her athletic leggings, “Here...your key back-
“Nah,” Erik folded his hand over hers, “Keep it...I like it when you use it...makes me think you live here with me…”
She looked at him then. Their eyes matched the same compulsion. 
“What?” He asks with a whisper.
“...Erik, I should go,” Y/N went back to twisting the knob but her eyes stayed glued to his, “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He closed his eyes before raising a single brow, “I really wish it was you instead, Y/N...I really wish it was you, girl.”
His eyes opened and THAT'S when things really turned up. His body pressed into hers, the flesh of his girthy dick resting against her stomach from their height difference. He was still sticky down there from using lube to fuck that doll. She swallowed spit, lower lip trembling as she watched his face get dangerously close to hers. 
“You don’t know how bad I need you,” He mumbles, “Stay, please? here,” Erik reaches for her hand, Y/N’s fingertips touching the swollen, wide tip of his dick. She gasped, eyes glossy. Erik made her wrap her hand around his dick, her fingertips barely touching. 
“Please?” His eyes swam with lust as he studied her face.
The urgency in his voice made her quiver. This was too much to unfold at the moment. The doll was still on his bed. Could she really have sex with him right now after he just ejaculated inside of a fake vagina? His fingers lightly touched her hips and Y/N’s lower lip rested between her teeth. While she nibbled nervously, Erik’s warm breath tickled her cheek. His lips were so close. 
“I wanna fuck you,” He whispered, “I wanna fuck you so bad, Y/N.”
“Not now, Erik,” Y/N pushed herself away from him gently, quickly opening the door, “I’m sorry.”
She didn’t look back, her mind was swirling with tremendous confusion. She did have an early shoot in the AM and she was indeed jet lagged. As he called her name, his voice desperate, Y/N decided to take the staircase so he wouldn’t follow her, or worse, pick her up and carry her back into his apartment, MAKING HER STAY. She stopped on the next level to catch her breath before deciding to take the elevators the rest of the way down. How was she going to face him the next day after what she just witnessed? She had to sleep it off.
Y/N sat down on a fluffy white sofa after shooting her last few pictures with her personal photographer. Dressed in a black leather lingerie set with matching leather gloves and a choker that spelled out Baby Girl in silver lettering, Y/N thought about what happened just six hours prior. 
She didn’t call or text Erik. She couldn’t bring herself to do it yet. He gave her space even though a part of her missed his silly texts. He liked to send her voice messages instead of typing. She didn’t complain, his husky voice was ear porn for her. 
“We did good today,” Her photographer, Bruce, a good friend and talented artist says while looking at her pictures on his camera, “You just get sexier and sexier every time I see you.”
She blushed, “Thanks, Bruce. When are you going to show me those sexy polaroids of your fiancé and all her thickness?”
“I’ll bring them next week, I promise,” Bruce walks away to put his camera in its designated bag.
“Let me get dressed,” Y/N stood up from the sofa, “I’ll lock up, Bruce, you don’t have to worry about it. Go home and take your fiancé to brunch.”
“You’re sure? Ain’t no rush for me.”
“I’m positive, go on,” Y/N waved him away while grabbing a robe from her vanity to put on, “Treat her to some food and have a good time.”
“Thanks, Y/N, I’ll see you next week, Aight? I got Jayla hooking you up with a sexy set of dresses. I’ll see you at 8 AM, next Saturday.”
“Can’t wait! Bye Bruce!”
Y/N gave him a final wave as she watched him leave the studio. She was just about to gather her things and get dressed when a knock came to the studio door. Y/N sat her things back down, walking towards the front of the studio and finding a man standing at the door, his head downcast as he typed on his phone. She couldn’t make out his face because it was shielded behind a hood. He wore a denim jacket over his hood with a pair of black cargo pants and black and white Jordan 13’s on his feet. 
Her phone rang. Reaching into her robe pocket, Y/N pulls out her phone. 
Her eyes shot up towards the door, his eyes staring back at her through the glass. There was no use in ignoring him, he could see her through the glass, wrapped in a robe. With an irregular breath, Y/N walked to the door, unlocking it before stepping away. Erik opened the door, pulling his hood off of his head before allowing the door to swing shut behind him. He turned, locking the door before facing her again with searching eyes. 
“How was the shoot?” He asks while placing his hands in the pockets of his denim jacket.
“It was great, always great,” Y/N’s eyes darted around the studio, “What are you doing here?”
“Figured I would try to show up and see you work but I’m too late,” Erik’s eyes burned into hers, “Then I figured we could get something to eat and talk about what went down last night before you ran away from me.”
She wasn’t getting out of this. Y/N motioned for Erik to follow her towards the back of the studio where Bruce’s backdrops and furniture were. Erik took a seat on the white sofa, Y/N right next to him, folding her shiny, chocolate legs. Erik couldn’t help but to glimpse a peek of her smooth legs and the little bit of cleavage that teased him through the small opening at the top of the robe. Beneath that thick robe was a body he wanted so deeply he shivered. There was so much to see and taste and touch. If he pulled that robe from her body he wouldn’t know where to start or finish. 
“I ain’t expect for you to see all of that,” Erik spoke with his hands, eyes glancing over at her from time to time, “how did you feel when you saw me fucking the doll?”
“Uhm…” Y/N adjusted her hips on the sofa, “It was shocking...I guess I was a little turned on by it…” she couldn’t bring herself to look at him.
“If you were turned on...why didn’t you stay?” 
Y/N batted her lashes as she gave him a once-over, “Because it was too much to deal with. The doll...your body…”
“Hm,” Erik observed her with his whiskey eyes, “I really wish you would have stayed with me…”
“I will tonight...I am right now,” She gave him a soft, timid smile.
“Yeah...you are right now,” Erik bites his lower lip, “I’ve been wanting you for months now, Y/N...you heard what I said last night while I was fucking the doll?”
She nibbled on the corner of her bottom lip before shaking her head, “I don’t remember.”
Erik scoots closer, grabbing one of Y/N’s hands, “I said that I wanna make you cum.”
With a shivering inhale, Y/N’s hand in Erik’s became sweaty. 
“I’m tired of playing games when I know you’re feeling me too...I know you want me just as much as I want you. I waited for months, I’m tired of fucking around, Y/N.”
“I do want you, I just didn’t want to rush into things. I didn’t want to get my hopes up about you so damn fast but I just couldn’t help myself...Seeing you like that last night I…”
Her brown eyes blazed into Erik’s. Y/N scoots closer, her hand nervously reaching out to tug on the collar of his denim jacket, “How long have you wanted to fuck me, Erik?”
“Since the first time I laid eyes on you,” Erik stared down at her hand pulling harder, the fabric applying pressure against his neck. His smile was that of a predator spotting its prey, victory assured. Pure, dumb-founded lust was painted on her beautiful, round face. 
“Same,” She says barely above a whisper, “Oh, Erik.”
That was an invitation to pull her on his lap. Erik wrapped his arms around her plump body, his left hand coming up to palm the back of her head so that he could hold her steady while his thick tongue slipped past her lips and into her warm mouth. Y/N reached up to grasp his shoulders, her breath halting each time Erik’s tongue would graze hers. 
“Take this off,” He spoke against her lips, “I need to see all of you…”
Without hesitation, lips still pressed against his, Y/N opened her robe before shimmying it off her shoulders, letting it fall on the floor.
“Damn...this is exactly what I pictured.” 
All her curves...all that chocolate skin...everything for him to bite and lick on. 
“You looking sexy as fuck in my lap, ma,” Erik’s hands couldn’t resist reaching behind her and rubbing her sizable cheeks.
“All this ass…” He wanted nothing more than to pull all of her weight down on his dick, “You don’t know how bad I want to fuck you right now-
“Please?” She begged.
“You remember how I put this dick in that doll? I was fucking that doll like crazy wasn’t I? with all this big dick you sitting on?”
Visions of him screwing that sex doll with all of his fat dick has her more than prepared to take him right there on that couch no matter how many times it needed to be. She’d fuck him and let him put her body in different positions. Anything he wanted, anything he imagined himself doing, he can do that shit. 
“Stand up,” Erik instructed with his hands resting on Y/N’s hips. 
She stood from his lap, the sexy lingerie making his mouth water. Erik rose from his seat, taking off his denim jacket and his hoodie. With a white beater stretched across his vigorously ripped body, Erik wraps his toned, bulging biceps around Y/N’s waist, kisses long and hot-blooded while he backs her against a nearby wall. Y/N fought for oxygen between kisses, releasing her lips to inhale but it only lasted a millisecond because Erik’s hungry lips were back on hers. 
As sexy as the lingerie was on her beautiful body Erik needed to see all of her before him. Reluctantly releasing his lips from hers, Erik presses his forehead against Y/N’s, his hands trailing over the patent leather of the bra and panties she wore. The set barely covered her breasts or her ass. Heavily breathing against her cheek, Erik reached around to unclamp the bra that was struggling to hold up her DD’s. She didn’t stop him, she didn’t tell him no, she simply allowed him to pull the leather from her smooth chocolate skin. 
“They are so fucking pretty,” Erik kisses down her neck, “delicious titties baby…” his lower lip poked out when he got closer to her dark brown nipples, “I ain’t even put your titty in my mouth yet and look what you got my dick looking like…”
She heard his zipper, his jagged, labored breath tickling her nipples, “Look what I got for you…”
She took in the sight of his big black dick and at the moment she could already feel her pussy expanding to take all of him. The throbbing deep inside of her itched to feel just how much that fat dick would pound her. Y/N isn’t nowhere near experienced with big black dicks but staring at Erik’s thick pipe made her want to learn with speedy delight. sucking a dick like that she just has to get that mouthful of sperm.  She wanted to slow down, take her time and really ENJOY the sheer pleasure of licking, sucking, feeling, smelling and just making him feel the best he’s ever felt before. 
“Damn, Erik…” Y/N licks her bottom lip, “that’s a big fella.”
Erik chuckles, “can you take it though? That’s the question,” His hands came up to squeeze one of her breasts, “big ass titties...you are just perfect.” He was amazed by her sheer motherfucking sexiness. Tongue dripping spit Erik lowers his head to suck one of her nipples into his mouth. Face in between her titties Erik felt smothered in the best way the more she squirmed. Staring at them now they looked bigger than what he expected which makes the situation even better. 
Y/N stroked his dick with a twist of her wrist while Erik’s hips thrust back and forth into her hand. She took the time to memorize his length and thickness while slowly jerking him into extreme stiffness. Erik has her breasts covered in saliva the more he nibbled and sucked. 
Hissing, Erik removes his lips from her hardened nipple, “put your hands up on the wall.”
Y/N turned, her back arched with her hips propelled back against his dick. Erik got down on his knees, her ass hovering about him, and pulled down her patent leather panties. The tight leather was a struggle to get over her big ass. The panties were digging into her thick thighs and she struggled to stay arched against the wall with her titties smashed. 
“Erik,” She called to him, trying to look over her shoulder, “What are you about to do to me?”
Her timid voice has Erik’s dick pointed straight up like a skyscraper. The visual before him, her plump pussy lips peeking at him from the back with her large, wide ass...Erik couldn’t resist giving each cheek a solid slap, the sound echoing in the room as the sting reverberated in his palm, “Have you ever had this big, juicy ass properly worshipped?”
“No,” came her muffled reply as Erik spread her open and let his thick, long tongue explore her sweet curves. His hands pressed painfully into her twin globes before spreading them as far as they could go, giving himself room to taste her sensitive pussy. 
“Unh, Erik,” she whimpers. 
Erik curled his tongue into a point and dove right in while his finger circled her asshole, teasing it. She took in a sharp breath, her ass jiggling from the pressure he applied. Erik could tell that she never took any dick up her ass and he would surely be the first to introduce it to her. 
“Spread your thighs, girl,” Erik commanded, “I’m tryna eat…”
“Fuck, Erik,” Y/N felt his thumbs stroke her wet pussy lips before they parted her pussy lips. Awaiting his assault, Y/N clawed the wall with her acrylic nails. Her mouth fell open wide when she felt his tongue dip in and out of her back door. He was tongue-fucking her ass on his knees, madly slurping and getting it nice and wet. She would have never imagined a man doing that to her, EVER. 
“Oooh, Erik! Oooh shit!” 
Erik worshipped Y/N’s ass like he would never get another chance, his tongue savoring her sweetness while her pussy juices dripped. Her pussy needed attention too so Erik moved his tongue up and down from her ass to her clit while his sturdy thumbs kept her pussy lips open. 
“Ugh, Damn, girl,” Erik swallowed spit, his face shiny, “don’t know where I want my tongue first...this big ass or this fat pussy…”
“All over me, please!” 
“Let me taste that clit,” Erik’s lips sucked her clit into his mouth. His eyelids fluttered the more he savored her. Her sweet, sweet pussy compelled him to bury three of his fingers inside of her pussy. When she felt the thickness of his fingers enter her, Y/N shouted, reaching back to hold one of her hefty cheeks open. 
“Yes, yes, yes!!!” Erik heard her cry, a little louder than before as he pressed his three fingers deep into her tight tunnel. With her hips rocking back on his hand, Erik feasted on her bottom, her strikingly soft mounds against his cheeks massaging him while he coaxed her into an orgasm. 
“Yes! Erik yes! Please keep doing that! Oh God! Erik I’m cumming!!!!!!!” 
Quickly, Erik’s fingers left her pussy to spread her ass cheeks extensively, his entire mouth wrapped around her pussy as best as he could since she’s so damn fat down there. He could feel her sticky syrup coat his tongue. He could eat her ass and pussy all damn day but now he needed to be inside of her. Slow stuffing, balls deep, make her cream. That was his motto. He wanted to make her cum on his dick so damn bad. 
“Come here,” Erik barked out, picking Y/N up and carrying her to the sofa. He lays her down on her back, spreading her legs wide open for him while she leaned back on her elbows watching. Erik couldn’t wait to get his dick inside of her. The second her pussy lips parted and her tight, wet hole winked at him Erik fisted his dick, dipping his hips low before sliding inside of her. Her head fell back against the sofa, braids resting over her eyes and a steady moan escaping her mouth. 
While her head twisted from side to side, Erik watched the way his dick went in and out of her pussy. He loved the sounds her pussy made whenever he pulled his dick all the way out to his wide tip before sliding back in. She was the wettest. Each time he pulled out her juices would gush out. 
“This pussy is swallowing this big dick, girl...you ain’t tell me it was this deep...ain’t flinch at all when I got up in this fat pussy.”
“No,” She moaned.
“It’s cuz this pussy needed my dick, huh?”
“Yes,” She closed her eyes, savoring the way his curved erection bounced off her walls, “yes...yes...yes.”
“Yes yes what?” Erik asks while pounding into her on the edge of the couch, “you got my balls heavy with this nut, what’s that yes for, huh?”
“Your dick is just so big inside of me...all up in me…”
Erik threw her legs over his shoulders and rocked into her with a force that has her ass lifting off of the couch to meet his thrusts. It was like magic to her the way her body reacted to him. She grasped his biceps, her bouncing breasts hitting her chin the more he picked up speed. He would thrust fast then slow, repeating that, making her tip over the edge.
“Can I cum please?” She pleaded.
“As long as I get to cum in this pussy, girl,” Erik pulled all the way out, his eyes staring down at her stretched hole, “Can I cum in this pretty pussy?”
“Cum in your pussy, Erik.”
That was all he needed to hear. Erik angles his hips so that he could stroke her G spot with his wide tip. Y/N’s toes curled, her thighs squeezing Erik’s neck. She felt her body shaking and convulsing while his pulsating dick reached depths inside of her she didn’t know existed. 
“Oooh, I’m gonna cum,” She mumbled, mouth opening and closing with no sound coming out. She hit Erik’s chest with weak blows before her heavenly pussy pulled his dick into a tight embrace. Erik growled as his glutes tensed. He could feel his veiny dick swell inside of her like he was ready to pop. Erik watched his big dick spurt thick load after thick load into her pussy. 
“Damn, Y/N, FUCK GIRL, look what you got this dick doing! Let me see all of it.”
Erik pulls out watching his jizz ooze out and on the couch. She rubbed her clit while pushing his cum out and Erik’s eyes rolled shut at the beautiful view. 
“Lift that ass up...Turn the fuck around I need some more pussy..waited too long for this...watch how I handle you girl.” 
Y/N turned around on the couch, whimpering when Erik’s hands came down on her ass hard to force her to move. As soon as she was on her stomach, Erik yanked her hips hard, pointing her ass into the air before slamming back inside of her pussy. She didn’t throw it back on him, too eager for him to do all of the work inside of her pussy. 
“Just lay there and let me take care of this pussy…”
Erik kicked off his pants, his hands slapping her ass before they grabbed hold of her plush hips so that he could bang into her. Erik watched her face, wanting to see every single reaction his fat dick gave her. He had her for sure, especially with the way she drooled on the couch. 
“Fuck yeah this pussy is good-
“Yeah? You feel me digging this pussy out? Huh? This dick about to bust…”
She gasped when she felt Erik’s heavy balls hit her clit. He was pulling all the way out and slamming back inside of her with so much force her body would shake. She spaced out when he arched her back more, his hand reaching around to grab her neck from the front. 
“You ain’t going nowhere,” He spoke harshly, “You were doing so good taking my dick, baby...DON'T disappoint me.”
She heard his warning, her arms trembling the more she stayed still for him to use her pussy. 
“Think I’m playing with you? Huh?” Y/N moaned sharply, cumming on Erik’s dick again, “There you go… creaming all over this dick baby…”
“Erik,” She felt him swelling inside of her, “Erik I feel your dick! It’s stretching me!”
“That’s because I’m about to nut, stay just like that.”
“Oh, my-“
Her fat pussy lips gripped him tightly while his thick cum coated her walls again. Erik didn’t pull out, He kept thrusting until he was satisfied. She made little noises, her eyes droopy while his thick pipe covered in his white cum slowly left her pussy. His release had him shouting curse words to the ceiling in that studio. Erik’s hands left her hips, stepping away to allow her body to relax. 
He was glad he waited to have her. It was even better than what he expected. She laid back on the sofa, staring down at her pussy covered with his cum, all swollen and thoroughly beat up. 
“I can’t wait until tonight to see you, Y/N.”
She looked up at him through her lashes with her thighs still wide like she was silently telling him to get up in her some more. Bottom lip pulled tightly between her teeth, Y/N admired Erik’s cum-covered dick. 
“I wanna suck your dick,” Y/N asked but she didn’t wait for a response. Y/N was on her knees crawling to him. His glistening dick rested on her lips before she opened wide with her tongue covered in saliva, her lips drawing him in. Breathing through her nose slowly, Y/N took her time sucking more and more of Erik’s dick. 
“Shit, baby! Okay,” Erik licks his lips, “you tryna’ make me cum again, huh?”
Y/N didn’t respond to him she was all in: locked and ready to take off. The consistency in the way she sucked him even though she couldn’t take all of him...the crease in her brow and the way her head moved in sync with her warm, wet mouth made Erik moan. 
“I NEED THIS...suck daddy like you mean it.”
Y/N tried to go lower but ended up gagging, her lips pulling back so she could breathe comfortably.
“Don't worry if you can’t manage as long as you're kneeling down you will practice until you do...Ooh that’s nasty,” Erik’s mouth fell open when she went down to show his balls some attention, “you better get sloppy on this dick and stop playing.”
“Yes, Daddy,” She knew that would make him growl when she said it. 
“Got them brown sugar lips on my big black dick, mmmmm,” Erik started panting, his hands twisted in her braids, “damn...some beautiful sexy lips Unh I’m cumming baby...I’m cumming… Unh, get this nut baby…”
Erik found himself shooting off on her face because his hips jerked so frantically that his dick slipped out of her mouth. His cum hit her eyelids, trailing down to cover her cheek. Erik watched his cum drizzle down her neck, thinking about buying a ring for her after the monster head she just delivered. With an uneven breath, equally shocked by how much nut his balls produced, Y/N cleaned herself off with her fingers before doing the same to his dick. 
“Daddy didn’t even have to tell you to clean me up, such a good girl,” Erik pulled Y/N up before grabbing her neck, his fingertips applying just the right amount of pressure before pulling her close so he could taste himself off of her tongue, “You’re coming with me, no need in going back home when you were coming to see me later anyway.”
“True,” She blushed before sucking on his bottom lip, “When we get back to your place...more fucking?”
“You’ve been teasing me all these months...it’s time you make up for that shit...yeah, we’re fucking, girl...still gotta get in this ass.”
“I’d try it with you...I’m a little nervous though-
“You’re gonna enjoy it so much, trust me,” Erik gives her a reassuring smile with his dimples, “get dressed, baby girl.” 
Y/N slips away, walking to her vanity to get dressed while watching Erik do the same. Going back to his place this time around knowing that it’s going to involve more sex has beaming and while she rushed to get dressed. As he ties his Jordan’s Y/N thinks about the sex doll. She wouldn’t mind watching him fuck the doll while she sat in his recliner chair and fingered her pussy. She’d wait to ask him about it. 
“You’re ready?”
Y/N looked around at the studio. She could come by tomorrow and clean up a little.
“I’m ready,” She says while running her hand through her braids, walking forward to grab Erik’s hand. He lead the way to the front of the studio, both of them inflamed and fighting the urge to fuck again. 
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yoj1 · 3 years
I’m sorry I’ve been lacking some I didn’t mean to leave y’all for this long, but let me shut up and give you what want or what u probably don’t want(depends) alright here’s part 7
(Part 7) some nsfw content
Renee stepped back into the Elevator with Octavio, Ajay, Anita, and Makoa. After cooking and baking for hours they were ready to retire to their rooms with full stomachs. She waved to her friends that lived on the left wing of the hall and walked down the hallway with Anita.
“If you need anything Nee let me know”. Anita said smiling, waiving good bye to her friend. Renee smiled and nodded before heading toward her room.
That’s when she saw it. A giant black bear teddy that was bigger than her and a yellow gift bag with roses laid across the top. Renee stopped already knowing who this was from. Renee grabbed the gift bag and dragged the plush of her favorite animal inside hauling her loot to her bedroom and sat on the bed. She moved the multi colored roses and set them on her dresser she would need to find a vase for those later.
Renee opened the yellow gift bag and took out the baby blue tissue paper. She grabbed a large box and opened it revealing an assortment of her favorite chocolates. She took one as she closed it setting it to the side. She reached back in pulling out bath salts and bath bombs followed by her favorite scent of body wash.
“Wow he pays attention to detail”
Renee giggled at her next gift it was a bobblehead of Elliot in his Holo suit striking his famous pose. The the plaque at the bottom read “You got bamboozled- Mirage”. She pushed the head and it wobbled causing her to giggle. She leaned over and set it on the nightstand pushing the head one last time for good luck. She reached in to grab the card inside but something grazed her fingers she looked in seeing a velvet square box.
Renee reached for it pulling it out but she decided to read the card first. She opened the envelope to a card that was blank white she opened it and read the writing inside...
Hey Ren it’s me Elliot well you already know that but hey. I’m sorry for the way I acted and I never meant to make you cry. I will be honest with you I got jealous and that wasn’t fair for you to be in the crossfire, you were right I was acting like a child and making myself look stupid. I was a asshole and if you never want to talk to me again I understand but I just want to tell you I miss you Nee and my life is a mess with out you. I feel like I lost apart of me I feel like I lost my heart. I hope you like everything. I’ll see you around.
Love, Elliot Witt
Renee wiped a tear from her eye thinking about his heartfelt words. She moved to grab the velvet box and opened it. She gasped staring at a purple 14 carat diamond heart pendent attached to a sterling silver chain.
“Ellie” she said weakly touched by his gift.
You need to go talk to him
Tell him how you feel
He wants to make this right you have to let him
The voices were right but it was late and he had to be in the middle of his shift at the bar. She picked up her phone as she undressed preparing to take a bath with her new kit. She opened Elliots contact and responded to his text from hours ago.
Ellie: Renee can we talk
R: Yeah we can talk
Renee set her phone down and filled the tub up. She got in and sighed thinking about the handsome trickster and how he spoiled her. Her hand wandered between her thighs and a wave of pleasure hit her making her shiver as she played with her clit.
Elliot trailed kisses down Renees neck stoping at her shoulder before he dragged his tongue back up and nibbled at her ear. She sighed his touch lingering on her skin. He guided his length between her folds drawing a moan from them both as their lips met for a sloppy kiss. Her nails clawed in his black as he added more force to his slow thrusts making her shamelessly moan his name over and over. The bed frame shook as his hard thrusts became faster...
Rene sighed as she removed her hand from between her thighs. She got out of the tub feeling all of the building pleasure leave all at once. She wrapped a towel around her chest and walk towards the door. She cracked it open to see Tae Joon Park standing at the door with a disc in his hand.
“You might want to see this” he said handing her the disc
She took it “What is it” she said examining the disc.
“It surveillance from my room and that’s all I’m going to say Good night Ren
achim-e mannayo see you in the morning.” He smiled before walking away.
She closed the door and leaned against it thinking of what it could be then she groaned.
Watch it
It’s about Elliot
It’s important
She listened to the voices putting the disc in her laptop before finishing her bath as it processed. She sat in the tub wondering what Elliot did. But the voices didn’t seem that alert so it couldn’t have been bad. Drying her hair she sat on her bed pressing play on the surveillance footage, Elliots voice cam through the speaker.
“Look I know you and I aren’t the best of friends. And we had a rough start, but I need your help.”
“First I want to say I’m sorry for any thing I may have said or did to you that made me seem like an asshole or was completely assholish. Second I need your help to get Nee back I... I..”
“I miss her, everything about her, I know you probably heard what happened, I know you probably don’t care about my suffering, but I never wanted to make her cry and I didn’t mean what I said, I love her”
Renee freezed her face turned to shock as she processed his words.
“He loves me”
“I love her with every fiber in my body and when she looked at me today for a second and I saw fear in her eyes, she won’t even look at me or talk to me and it hurts. I feel lost. I had no right to be jealous and by all means I deserve this, but I want Nee back I want my best friend even if I have to die 1,000 times.”
The video ended there. For the second time this week Elliot was making her cry, but in the good way. She hugged her bear and closed her laptop laying back on her bed. She closed her eyes. Tomorrow would be an interesting day.
Elliot leaned against his bar cleaning the last of the glasses from the night. It had been a busy night of patrons ordering drinks and getting wasted off their fucking ass.There had been a fight, someone hurled on the floor, a woman had flashed her tits at everyone, and a guy passed out.
The one thing he enjoyed was listening to the laddies gossip as he prepared their drinks. It was never boring and they never ran out of topics. He couldn’t lie the fight was entertaining to. It didn’t last long because the dude was out in about 10 seconds but it did spice the night up.
Usually he would call Renee while he finished his nightly duties before closing. He would tell her everything that happened and she was more than happy to listen.
He sighed and put his head down on the bar. It was quiet and lonely something he was way to familiar with before he met Wraith, Path, and the other legends. Forcing himself up he sulked his way to the back room/ office.
He threw himself in the leather office chair . He wondered if Renee liked her gifts and if she read the card. His lips curved into a smile thinking about her beautiful blue eyes and they way they lit up when she liked something or found something new she had forgotten.
He reached for his phone almost dropping it as he looked at the screen.
“One new message from: Renee”
Renee: Yeah we can talk
It was a simple answer but that’s all he needed. It had been three days since she talked to him. The four words blew up in his mind as he thought of what he would say to her. He didn’t think he would get this far. His mind wandered to all the possibilities eventually taking a turn into the dirtier part of his mind.
He felt his cock harden pushing against the restraints of his pants uncomfortably. There was no way he was leaving this untouched. He got up from the desk and locked the door just in case an employee showed up unannounced.
Elliot sighed as he unzipped his jeans and took his throbbing dick out of its prison stroking it gently.
Renee had her hands pinned above her head as Elliot took is middle finger and inserted it into her wet cunt. She sighed at the intrusion of a second finger moving in and out of her. He swooped down taking her clit in his mouth sucking at the little ball of nerves. She moaned as she squirmed against her restraints. Quickly he took his fingers out of her cunt licking the juices before continuing his work . His tongue began to flicked at her bud and his fingers massaged her ...
Elliot jumped fumbling with his pants. Properly fixing them just in time for the door to be knocked clean off the hinges.
Jeez that was close
Anita was standing in the door staring daggers at him. He sat at his desk trying to look unphased he knew he was failing though. To his surprise she started laughing.
“Don’t worry I’ll pay for that” she said smirking as she walked in sitting at the chair in front of the desk.
“Whiskey or Hennessy”Elliot asked pulling two bottles out of the desk along with glasses.
“Hennessy and by the way I just came by to say sorry for trying to kill you.” She said rubbing the back of her head. ”I should have thought about how you were suffering before trying to make you suffer more and for that I apologize”.
Elliot handed her a glass as he poured his. “ It’s alright I totally understand Anita I would have done the same thing and besides I deserved it”.
“Of corse”
“ You know Elliot you mean a lot to her”,Anita said as she downed her glass and walked out. Leaving Elliot to process her words.
Elliot pulled out his keys opening his dorm as he glanced to the door of Renees dorm. He was glad she stayed next to him and was on the same hall. He noticed the gifts he left were gone, Elliot smirked to himself as he slipped in and closed the door.
He peeled out of his clothes tossing them in the hamper near his closet as he walked towards his bathroom. During his shower and even as he laid in bed he thought of Renee. An excited shiver ran up his spine as he thought of hearing her voice again.
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Staying Up Too Late
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    The light in Nick’s office was on. I slipped down the hallway and knocked on the door before pushing it open and leaning against the frame. He was at his desk, glasses on, laptop open, with NBA ticket on the television. Whatever he was doing, it was enough to keep him from noticing I was there. I crossed my arms and watched him, drinking in the sight of him. He was beautiful in every way. Every time I looked at him, my heart skipped a beat. I was reminded over and over of how much I loved him and how lucky I was to have him.
           Lee was asleep in the crook of his father’s arm. At six months old, he was adored by his big sisters and spoiled just as much by his fathers. He had thick, dark hair and matching eyes that were bright and alert when he was awake.
           “Hey,” I said after a while, slipping into the room.
           Nick turned toward the sound of my voice and let the corner of his mouth turn up. “Hey, Sunshine,” he replied quietly. He swiveled his chair toward me and held out his hand. I crossed the room and let him pull me down on his knee.
           “What are you doing up?” I asked, brushing my fingers over his hair. “Can’t sleep?”
           “Nah,” he answered. “My man here was crying, and you needed some rest. We’ve been watching a replay of the Clippers game.”
           I smiled. “And it put him right out, huh? Maybe he’s a Lakers fan.”
           Nick looked at me as if I’d slapped him, blue eyes wide and mouth hanging wide open. “You shut your mouth,” he swore vehemently. He glanced down at our sleeping child. “I don’t care who you like, my man, but so help me… if I catch you in purple and yellow…”
           “Where’s Matt?” I asked, running my fingers over his hair. “We went to bed together, but when I woke up, he was gone.”
           “He’s over at the other house putting together Mattie’s dollhouse.” Nick grinned, leaning back to look out the window. I followed his gaze and saw the lights on next door. “He wanted to do it by himself.”
           I looked at him with a faint frown. “You mean the two of you tried to do it together and couldn’t cooperate. Like children.”
           “You know us so well, Sunshine,” he said, tilting his head back to look at me. He grinned in that way that made his blue eyes brighten and my heart quicken.
           I slipped on my shoes and padded across the patio to Matt’s house. The living room light was on, the bright white mixed in with the twinkle of the multicolored lights on the Christmas tree. Matt sat sprawled out on the floor with a screwdriver, the instruction booklet, and piles of pink, purple, and cream-colored plastic all around him.
           He looked up when I came in. “Thank God,” he sighed. “I thought you were Nick.”
           “Gee, thanks.” I sank onto the floor and pulled my knees up to my chest. “So, you two couldn’t get along.”
           “Don’t start, Y/N, please.” Matt picked up the instructions and started pulling pieces toward him.
           “I’m not…” I stopped and took a breath. “Would you like some help?”
           His dark eyes met mine, and I could feel them searching my face. A smile ghosted on his lips. “Sure, Mama.”
           He pushed some of the plastic pieces out of the way and scooted closer. I smiled softly, and he slipped his arm around my shoulders. He pressed his lips to my temple and let them linger there for a moment. “I love you,” he murmured against my hair. “More than you know.”
           “Are you happy?” I picked up the instructions to the dollhouse, needing a distraction even though I’d just asked him a question.
           Matt bumped me gently with his shoulder. “Yes,” he replied, a smile in his voice. “No matter how many times you and Nick ask, the answer is always the same. Being with you… it’s worth anything and everything. And I see you and Nick, and I can’t ignore how much you love each other. But I know you don’t love me any less.”
           He pulled over a few pieces to start putting together the towers of the dollhouse. “I know that if I’d asked you to, you would have made a choice. And maybe I’m cocky, but I know you would have chosen me.” Matt glanced sideways, grinning at me. “But I saw how you looked at each other. Once Nick said something, once you were honest about how you felt about him… I’d been thinking about a life like this before the wedding. Trust me, Y’N, I didn’t suggest this lightly.”
           I felt like the air had been sucked out of my lungs. Heat burned in my eyes, the precursors of tears at how deeply Matt had loved me. “I didn’t know…” I picked up the screwdriver and started on the bottom floor walls.
           “You’re worth it, Mama,” he said enthusiastically. “And how can I complain? You’ve given us three beautiful kids. You keep this family of ours together. It takes a strong woman to be a wrestling wife, and you do it twice over. You keep up with two houses. I don’t think you know how much I love you—how much we love you. When we’re not talking about production, we’re talking about you, Y/N. If you decided you wanted us to be home all the time… if you wanted us to get regular jobs… we’d do it in a heartbeat.”
           “I can’t imagine the two of you with regular jobs,” I replied, setting aside one section of the wall. “I knew what I was getting into, and I wouldn’t have you any other way.”
           I glanced up to see his eyes wide. “How did you put that together so fast?”
           “Mom magic.”
           Matt looked around, dropping his hands into his lap. “Where’s my Dad magic?”
           Christmas morning dawned and Matt found his Dad magic. We’d fallen asleep around three, bundled together on the U-shaped sofa, and had awoken to the smell of pancakes. Nick was in the kitchen, standing at the stove in a t-shirt and pair of sweatpants. Lee was in his highchair nearby. I walked up behind Nick and put my arms around his waist, resting my cheek against his back.
           “What’re you making?”
           He grinned over his shoulder, lifting up the griddle to show a perfect golden snowman pancake. “Chocolate chip. Go wake the girls. Breakfast and then presents.”
           I pressed a kiss to the back of his neck and turned toward Matt, who was leaning on his elbows on the counter watching us. I smiled back at him, my chest aching with love. He reached his hand out for mine and grinned. I threaded our fingers together and let him lead me down the hallway.
           Nicole’s room was the first one. Her music box still played a faint tune beside her bed. She was curled up on her bed beneath her pop-tent, her stuffed Mickey in her arms and her head propped on her tiger Pillow Pet. Her dark curls stuck to her cheeks, her mouth open as she breathed.
           Matt knelt beside her bed and put his hand on her tummy. He flexed his fingers, tickling just a little. “Hey, Bug,” he murmured softly, shaking her gently. “Time to get up.”
           “Papa?” Her pale blue eyes opened slowly. She glanced between the two of us and crawled toward him.
           “Aren’t you excited, Bug? It’s Christmas!” Matt gave her a series of kisses on her cheek and neck. “Santa brought you lots of presents.”
           “Pwesents!” Nicole was well on her way to being awake, and she nearly vibrated with excitement.
           “We’ve got to wake up Tea first,” he said, sweeping her into his arms and standing up with ease. “And then Dada’s made snowman pancakes.”
           Mattie was already waking up when we slipped into her room. She sat up when she saw us, an excited light in her eyes. “Did Santa come? Did he, Papa?”
           I watched the smile spread over my husband’s face. His dark eyes glittered when he grinned like that. “Come and see.” He held out his hand for hers, and she bounded out of the bed, throwing her arms around his leg and latching on. Matt watched her indulgently, running his hand over her light brown hair.
           He met my gaze, pure happiness radiating from his face. Get the camera he mouthed. I nodded and slipped out of the room to grab his phone from the bedside table. By the time I came back, he had made it back to the living room, Mattie still clinging to his leg. Nick was at the counter with a shaker of powdered sugar, adding chocolate chip eyes.
           “Dada!” Mattie squealed, pointing at the three-foot-tall dollhouse with a bow on the front. “Papa called Santa and told him I’d been good and look what he brought!”
           Nick grinned. “Well, Santa’s going to take it right back if you don’t get up here and eat your breakfast. White or chocolate milk?”
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nyjinxliterotica · 4 years
House Humping
I need a new house and I’m going Spring house hunting with you, my real estate agent, who I’ve never met in person, but just texting you back and forth has piqued my interest as well as my body temperature. 
We meet at the entrance of a totally new housing development here on Long Island. The complex is fully complete with gym, sauna, pool and beachfront where the new owners can enjoy their own private beach. Since each house is built identical, you plan on showing me the sample house that was made for new prospects. I’m actually your first customer. The development is brand new and totally empty.
You get out of your car and rush over to open my car door. Such a gentleman, I think. “Nice to finally meet you in person,” I say. “Same here,” you respond, giving me a killer smile along with it that makes my heart skip a beat. You’re checking me out and like what I’m wearing. A deep purple, short mini dress with an open back and low-cut front and thong high heeled sandals. My hair is up in a loose upstyle.
You walk me over to the first house and have no hesitation putting your hand at the small of my back to guide me up the walkway. My skin already tingling. You show me around the kitchen and living room. And already, I love the place. You see me smile. I drop my bag over on the entrance table. I walk over to the beautiful Tuscany decorated kitchen with dark wood cabinets and I hop up onto the granite countertop. The counter feels cool on my hot, ass cheeks, and I’m really feeling it because I’m wearing thong panties. “Ooh this granite is gorgeous and feels awesome,” I say as a rub my hands atop of it and open my legs a little. You move in closer to me and say, “I hope the counter is not too cold for you.” And I can’t deal with this chit chat any longer – I pull you in between my legs and lift my head to your ear and whisper, “I think you can warm my ass up real good.” My tongue comes out and licks around your ear and nibbles on your ear lobe, while my hot breath warms it. Your hands are already on my knees and start sliding up my smooth naked thighs, making their way higher. My mouth is on yours kissing you hard and our tongues moving all about.
I’m unbuttoning your shirt, and my hands are feeling your chest as I take your shirt off. I suck at your nipples and move my hands down towards your pants. Unbuttoning then unzipping, my hand finds your hard cock and immediately grabs on as your pants now drop to the floor. Your hands are on my ass cheeks, squeezing and pulling me closer to your cock, which is hard and pushing against your boxer briefs. Your hands move up and pull off my dress over my head, revealing my generous beautifully shaped breasts and my thongs. And my hair comes down and loose over my tits. Your lips immediately latch on my right nipple and suck hard.
My hand is working your cock, precum already beginning to drip from the opening. You pull me off the counter and push me down in front of you. I get on my knees and start licking the sweet drips from your silky tip. I take your tightly hanging balls into my cool, soft hand and lick the shaft and then the head of your cock before taking it into my mouth.
I suck on you slowly and you feel every swirl and flick of my talented tongue. My pussy getting real wet inside and I swear I can feel it dripping out on the newly tiled floor. I’m pumping your cock with my little hand and my mouth is suckling your sacs. I take you back into my warm mouth and swallow you to the back of my throat, my tongue underneath massaging you in deeper and lick your aching cock some more. You feel an orgasm begin to come over you, but I feel you throb too, so I stop.
"You taste really good so far, but I don’t want you to cum just yet,” I say. I get up and walk over to the table where my bag is. I’m still wearing my thong undies and thong sandals. I go into my bag and pull out a little box. In the box is a rubber ring with two little prongs on the side. You hear a humming. I walk over to you and my hand cups over your still very solid cock, and you feel the ring go on and it’s vibrating. I push it on to the bottom of your shaft, where the vibration is against your balls. It’s tingling and the movement feels so good on the top of your balls.
I hop up on the counter again and spread my legs. “Now fuck me,” I demanded, looking into those beautiful blue eyes. Your hands go around my waist and down to my ass pulling me to the edge of the counter. I wrap my legs around you and you ram your cock inside me. My body greedily taking in every inch of you. I’m so wet that my juices are seeping out the sides of your dick inside my canal. The cock ring is vibrating between us and with every thrust inside me, I feel the vibration teasing my clit.
I move my legs up and in front of you so my feet are up by your shoulders. Wow, she’s flexible, you think. And you continue to pump into me. The cock ring is causing such a sensation on my clit that I’m cumming hard. You feel me pulse inside and you push in so far and hold it there a while to enjoy the throbbing inside. MMMMMMMMM. At my command, you do that again and hold my ass in your hands, my legs up with your cock in me, deep. You feel the building up in your cock and it’s going to explode inside me. “No, no, no,” I say. “I want you to cum all over my tits.” You thrust into me and then it’s time and you pull your swollen dick out, lay me on the counter and burst your cum all over my two silky mounds. Some cum squirts so far it’s on my chin and lips and my tongue starts lapping up what it could reach. Mmmmmmm, you taste delicious. With my body draped on the counter and my legs spread apart with your face in between, you slide your tongue between my swollen pink lips. You taste my sweetness as your tongue delves deeper into my pussy. I’m moaning quietly as you lick and suck on my lips, and I get louder when you get to my swelling clit. I reach down and spread my pussy open for you, giving you better access to my clit. You sucked harder on my little nub and I pull your head into me with my other hand as I start to climax again. My back is arched up off the counter as I cum and moan. Sweet juices freely flow from inside my hot pussy, coating your nose and face. You lick up as much as you could before coming up for air. 
With my dripping, still pulsing, pussy I get up off the counter. “Show me more,” I say playfully. “Gladly,” you respond. You take off the cock ring and throw it in the sink.
Both of us naked, me still very wet and you getting hard all over again, we walk through the kitchen and down the hall to the master bedroom. It’s massive and it has a huge bathroom with a kidney-shaped Jacuzzi tub. I walk over and turn on the water, filling the tub. You walk over to me from behind and grab my tits, and since you’re 6’ 2” and I’m 5’ 4”, your cock is pressed to the small of my back where I feel its hardness. Your hands slide down my tummy and your fingers slide into the split of my smooth, pink pussy. As you begin to finger fuck me with one hand and your other is caressing my breasts, playing with my nipples, my hands reach behind you and spreading your ass cheeks, move my fingers towards your ass crack. Your cock is fully hard once again and ready for some action. We both step into the pool size tub, still somewhat connected and the water is hot and steamy. You scoop up some of the creamy cum that’s wetting my pussy and slather it on your cock. “I know what you want,” I say. I get on my knees and bend over the tub edge, my ass smooth and waiting for your pussy juiced cock. “Not yet,” you whisper. You get me good and ready, so you spit on my asshole and ease your thumb into my tight sphincter. I let out a loud gasp as u eased your thumb in all the way to the second knuckle. "Oh yessss!" I hissed, and u wiggled it inside me. Opening my hole for something much bigger to come.  You bend down and lick at my ass for a few seconds before easing your engorged, purple head of your hard cock into my ass hole. You move in farther and father and continue the momentum. One hand is pulling at my hair, and the other slaps my ass hard. I yelp and you rub the red welt you make from spanking me. My hole feels so hot and tight around your dick, it's great and you keep pumping me harder. I’m moaning louder, almost crying in delight. You know I need something to suck, so you bring your thumb to my mouth. As you pump my ass, your balls are slapping against my pussy and I’m feeling them tap my lips and it’s making me surge for yet another orgasm. You’re ready to cum again as well. You grab the liquid soap on the bath shelf next to us and pour it over my ass, so it seeps in my split and over your cock in my hole.
You're fucking me harder now as it’s real slimy with the soap. As it hits the water bubbles start forming all around us and in the air, you start to feel an upwelling inside. You’re thrusting harder and I’m groaning out your name, “OMG!!!” --- as you cum all over my back and ass.
I collapse and turn to sit in the tub. After you’ve released you join next to me and kiss me on my neck, then, nibble my ear. You’re spent and can’t imagine this day getting any better. You ask, “What’s your bid on the condo, then?”
 Copyright ©2020 NYJinx317 All rights reserved
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kirishwima · 7 years
# 31 ! For klance please
#31: That was an order.
Here ya go!
(From these prompts)
“Lance, I said no!”
“And I’m telling you this won’t work! We can’t take an entire fleet one by one, we need Voltron!”
“Voltron will put us in a more vulnerable position. We need to fight them independently until there’s no other choice.”
“Keith just listen to me for once-“
“I said no Lance. That was an order.”
Lance felt the breath get stuck in his throat at the words, so bitterly thrown over their Lions’ intercoms.
Was this how Keith wanted to lead? Was this how being the paladin of the Black Lion would go?
He swallowed his words, bit back the venom hiding beneath his teeth and sighed, mumbling a fine. This wasn’t the place to argue, and Keith wasn’t in the headspace to calmly talk to at that moment, and neither was Lance. 
The entire team had a long, long fight ahead of them.
With a sigh, Lance pulled at the Red Lion’s controls, joining back in the fight with the hopes of victory in the back of his head.
They came back to the castle hours later, bruises and fatigue littering their entire beings.
He felt Hunk’s pat on his back, congratulating him for a good job as he left the briefing room  to get some rest, Pidge close behind him.
Allura stopped for a minute, smiling sympathetically at Lance before she too excused herself to go get some rest before she’d have to meet up with Coran and Keith to plan another course of action.
Lance stayed in place, waiting for the last remaining paladin to come through the hangar’s doors and into the room.
Soon enough Keith walked in, his hair tousled from the armour’s helmet that was now resting in his hands, the darkness under his eyes a telltale sign of his restlessness.
“Not now Lance.”
“If not now then when? Can we just talk for a minute?” Lance persisted, coming to stand in front of Keith.
He didn’t want to fight him, not this time. Hell, he never really wanted to fight with Keith, not when they had that ‘rivalry’ going on, and especially not now that they’d become friends, now that the sight of Keith made Lance’s heart flutter with a feeling he refused to address.
But Keith was a wreck ever since he became the Black Paladin. He tried to lead like Shiro did, not realising that he’s not Shiro, that he didn’t have to be him.
Lance wanted to be a friend. A shoulder for Keith to support himself on.
“Look, what happened out there-I get it, you had your own ideas about what we should do, and you’re the leader now, but-“
“There’s no but! I did what I thought was right, and we won.”
“By a narrow margin! Keith I’m not-I’m not bitter or whatever you may think I am but you need to just take more things into consideration when we’re out there; Shiro-“
“Shiro isn’t here! He’s not our leader right now! I am, even if I never wanted to-“
“I know, what I’m trying to say is that you don’t have to try and be Shiro-“
“ I’m not! Look, if you don’t like the way I lead then just-just find some other team to join or whatever.”
Lance paused, his eyes widening at Keith’s words, mouth agape.
Keith seemed to register his words a minute too late, his expression soon mirroring Lance’s.
They looked to each other for a minute longer, before Lance ducked his head, the beginnings of a bitter smile on his lips.
“Is that so.” he mumbled, turning promptly on his heels and all but running out of the room, a moment too late for Keith’s extended hand to reach him.
******It was hours later that Keith found Lance.He was sitting cross legged in the control room, the map of the entire known universe Allura used whenever they planned strategies activated and filling the entire room with a luminescent green glow, the projections of star clusters and widely different shaped galaxies scattered all around.And in the middle of it all was Lance, his hands cusping one of the projected galaxies with a tender care, like one would hold a newborn child.Keith took stepped through the stars and planets, coming to a halt besides Lance and sitting down, not daring to meet Lance’s gaze.He doesn’t have to ask what galaxy Lance was just looking at.“What, am I not allowed to be here too now? Are you gonna order me to get out?” Lance’s voice is hoarse, red rimming the sides of his eyes.“Lance..” Keith started, uncertain of what to say, of where to start.“No, it’s cool. I know I don’t offer much to the team anyway. Just, find another person to pilot Red and I’ll be on my way.”That gave Keith pause, finally turning to look at Lance, noticing the way his shoulders stiffened and his jaw clenched.“Lance-what are you talking about? Who ever said that?”
“Please, as if you need to say it. I /know okay, I see how talented and smart everyone on this team is is and then you got me-“
“No!” “-and I just don’t cut it. And now with Shiro gone you need the best of the best on the team if we even want  to stand a chance.”
“And you are that. Lance look at me. Please, look at me.”
Lance reluctantly did, his bottom lip clenched between his teeth, the fight against the tears in his eyes heartbreaking to see.
Keith sighed, lowering his gaze.
“I’m…I’m sorry for what I said. I was frustrated and upset, and completely out of line. I..I didn’t mean it, but I shouldn’t have said it.”
“You can just say you mean it, it’s fine-“
“But I didn’t mean it! God Lance, do you hear what you’re saying? You mean so much to this team, hell, I’ve never seen anyone take as accurate shots as you do with your bayard, and Red chose you. You, no one else.”
Lance snorted.
“She didn’t really have much of an option.”
“She wouldn’t have chosen you as a last measure. Don’t forget I’ve piloted her, I know her. And I know she has a pride of steel and a temper from hell and back.”
Lance winced at the words, bringing a hand to rub his temple.
“Yeah uh, I just felt her growl so she’s probably not happy you just said that.”
“She’s just angry that I’m saying the truth. Can’t guarantee she won’t throw a temper tantrum at you later though”, Keith snickered, earning him a sly kick in the shin from Lance.
“Yeah anyway” Keith continued, after he was sure Lance wouldn’t try and tackle him, “she’s not..she would never let you in if she didn’t believe in you.”
“I..I don’t know.”
“Look, when the Black lion chose me, what did you say? You say it made it’s choice and I should respect it, didn’t you?”
“Yeah but that was different!”
“Was it? Red made a choice, and I respect it. You should too.”
Lance gave a short huff but remained quiet, his gaze focusing back to the glowing galactic map instead.
He put a lazy finger onto the galaxy in front of him, twirling it around with a somber look.
“We’re…we’re really far away aren’t we.”
Keith nodded.
“Do you think we’ll ever go back?”
Keith took a moment to look towards Lance, meeting his eye.
He could say yes. He could say Lance would be able to see his family again, feel the rain and sunshine on his skin.
But he also knew Lance deserved honesty, more so than comfort.
“I don’t know. We’re so far away and fighting a war that’s spiralling out of control. We..I just hope we make it.”
“Do you want to? Do you want to go back?”
Keith thought of his shack, of the trinkets and photographs stocked in shelves and boxes, his bike that was probably left to decay outside the cave they first found Blue in. He looked down to his hands, remembering that purple glow on his skin that haunted him ever since.
“I do. Maybe not right now, but once I’ve found answers, found myself…I do.”
That seemed to be enough for Lance, who stood up with a huff, clapping his hands and closing the map with it, the green glow gone, the Milky Way disappearing along with it as the usual white light filled the room again.
“We’ll make it. We’ll go back. We’re going to win this, kick Lotor’s and whomever else’s ass we need to kick, and then we can all have some long vacation by the beach. My nieces would definitely love to braid your hair once they meet you.”
Keith raised an eyebrow at that, feeling his lips tug into a gentle smile.
“And I’d love to meet them too then.”
Lance’s mouth opened and closed multiple times yet said nothing, not even as Keith got up and put a hand to Lance’s shoulder.
“Please remember I mean it though, This team wouldn’t be the same without you.”
“I-yeah-yes. Okay.”
Keith dropped his hand from Lance’s shoulder as he turned to leave, surprised when he felt a warmth tug on his wrist.
He turned around, taking note of how the tip of Lance’s nose reddened, his eyes blinking and looking anywhere but Keith’s face.
“Um, you’re forgiven. For being a stubborn mullet. And uhm, thanks.”
Keith tugged his wrist free, choosing to instead interlace his fingers with Lance’s as he turned to face the taller boy, an action he’d later on proceed to overthink of and feel his cheeks fluster at the mere memory.
“Anytime” he grinned, bringing Lance in for what was the first, and definitely not the last hug Keith  would ever initiate.
If they both lingered in the touch a moment longer, well, then that was just for them to know.
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julesthxmas · 7 years
how about beronica + saying their i love yous for the first time?
this has been sitting in my box forever and im sooory for that that :( but i do hope this makes up for it! this is overly cheesy because im in that mood. i hope you like it and thank you sm for sending this in!
Betty has knownthat she is in love with Veronica Lodge for a while now.
She doesn’t think about it too hard, doesn’thave a panic attack about it, doesn’t spend hours upon hours trying to dissectit, she just feels something one day, a feeling that’s been growing and warmingher chest for months and she just–knows.She knows that her heart will always beat a little faster every time Veronicasmiles at her, she knows that she’ll never tire of the way Veronica’s thumbstrokes her jaw every time they kiss, she knows that she could go her wholelife sleeping with Veronica who always has to have a majority of the blanketsand practically sleeps on top of Betty because she loves listening to theblonde’s heartbeat and never tire of it.
She knows this isit for her.
But actually voicing those three little words to hergirlfriend of nearly eight months is a whole other ball game.
“I don’t know howto like–” Betty shrugs, a frown in place “bring it up”
Kevin sighs andshifts around on Betty’s bed, one of her pillows tucked under his chin “Youjust tell her, B. You just say ‘I love you’, kiss her and listen to her say itback. Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy”
“But what if shedoesn’t say it back?” she turns away from her mirror to face Kevin “What ifshe’s not ready? Or just–” a sighs “Just doesn’t feel the same way, yet”
Her best friend(a title Veronica doesn’t fight for anymore claiming ‘girlfriend is a muchbetter than best friend’ and a title that Kevin has begrudgingly accepted thathe’s just going to have to share with Achie for all of his life) looks at herlike she just asked him the stupidest question the the face of the Earth“Betty, are you serious?”
“Yes, Kevin, it’sa serious concern–what if she doesn’t say it back and I have to stand thereand just act like that didn’t break my heart?”
“Oh my god” Kevinsits up on the bed, pushes the pillow that he had been hugging aside and patsthe space in front of him “c’mere, Elizabeth”
Betty eyes himfor a second before sighing and doing as told and plopping down in front of him“what?”
He grabs herhands and gives them a gentle squeeze“I say this with every ounce of love Ihave for you, okay? Remember that?” Betty nods and Kevin sighs “Okay–Betty youare a complete idiot”
“Have you everjust seen the way Veronica looks at you?” he grabs her hands “Betty, that girlhas been head over heels since the moment she met you–she’s so love and it’sgross to even look at”
Betty chucklesand looks down at her hands “I–” she licks her lips “do you really think so?”
“I know”
The blonde smilesbefore launching herself into Kevin’s arms and hugging him tightly “love you,Kev”
“Love you too,Betty Boop” he pulls back and cocks his head “Now see? Was that so hard?”
The blonde grabsthe pillow sitting beside her and smacks him with it “oh shut it”
“Ronnie!” Bettyruns down the hall to catch up to her girlfriend, an arm wrapping around herwaist as soon as she gets within arms reach “tell me you’re not busy tonight”
“Hm” Veronicahums, a soft smile on her face “well, I had plans with Kevin but I’m sure hewould understand if I rescheduled for my beautiful girl”
Usually Bettywould change her mind and tell her to do whatever she was going to do but,instead, she just smiles and nods “please do because I have something plannedfor you”
“Ooh, a surprise.Color me intrigued” they stop in front of Veronica’s class door “can I have ahint?”
“Nope!” Bettygrins at her “then it’ll ruin the surprise”
“Oh fine, partypooper” Veronica gives Betty a quick peck “and if Kevin gets mad at me, I’msending him your way”
“I’ll handle him”
Kevin: is there areason u stole your girlfriend from me????
Betty: she’s mygirlfriend?
Kevin: i swear togod cooper,,,
Betty: I haveplans that involve me finally saying those three little words to her.
Betty: Whateveryou and ronnie had planned can wait can’t it?
Kevin: OMG!!!!
Betty: ill besure to pass on your approval.
Betty: thanks,kev.
Kevin: BESAAAAAFE ;))))
Betty wipes hersweaty palms on her dress as she paces around her living room–she managed touse some guilt her mother still harbors about being, for the lack of a betterword, a shitty parent and got her to leave the house for a few hours, Pollybeing the best sister ever agreed to stay the night with Cheryl while herfather now lives across town in a little rundown apartment.
Her house iscompletely empty.
“Snap out of itCooper–you got this” she sucks in a deep breath “You just gotta–just gottasay it” she pauses her pacing and shakes her head “Okay, okay” she licks herlips and lets out a long breath “I love you, Veronica Lodge” the words feel alittle awkward in her mouth “I love you, Ronnie” she nods–a little better.
The doorbellgrabs her attention as it breaks the silence that had settled over the mostlyempty house. She wipes her palms on her dress one more time before going overto the door and yanking it open to reveal her grinning girlfriend “Hi” shemanages to whisper out, her nerves still on edge.
“Hello to youtoo, beautiful” Veronica drops a kiss on Betty’s lips as she steps inside. Shelooks around at the unusually empty house “Where’s Mama Coop and Polly?”
Betty huffs out alaugh–her mom is doing so much better now she it’s just her and Polly in thehouse and she knows all about her youngest daughter and Veronica but Veronicaand Alice’s  relationship is–strained. On even the best days. ‘Mama Coop’ is a nickname Veronica throwsaround as a tactic to both amuse and annoy Alice.
“She’s gonna begone for a few hours–went to go see a movie or two” she really doesn’t knowwhat her mother is going to do, is she’s being honest. All she knows is Alicesaid she’d be back at eleven sharp “And Pol is staying with Cheryl tonight”
Veronica’s mouthquirks into a smile “Oh” she spins around to face her girlfriend “So we’re alone?”
The blonde laughs“Yes but we are not going to be doing any of that–” Veronica pouts “At leastnot now. We’ll see how much time we have left to kill after dinner”
“I suppose I cantake that”
Betty just shakesher head and leads her girlfriend to the dining room where Veronica lets out alight gasp as soon as she enters–Betty 100% went all out to make the nightspecial, even if it’s on the verge of cheesey.
Which itdefinitely is with the dinner table covered in both purple and yellow rosepetals with a fairly large meal on top of flower petals, candles are placed allaround giving the room a soft glow while a song plays softly in the background.
“Oh–” she grips Betty’swrist “I–you did all of this?”
Betty nods, asoft smile tugging at the corner of her mouth “my mom may have helped with thefood, meaning I only helped with the cake but I decorated after she left” shebites down on her bottom lip “do you like it?”
Veronica blinksand smiles so brightly that Betty has to swallow back her ‘i love you’–“I loveit, baby. It’s amazing”
“Good” Bettymummers, she squeezes Veronica’s hand before letting go “Now let’s get toeating. I didn’t have my mom make most of this while I was at school just so wecould stare at it”
Veronica snortsas she sits down in her chair.
(a chair, Bettyso lovingly pulls out for her)
Dinner goes offwithout a hitch–their conversation flows easy like it always does, they bothmanage to take down most of the dinner and by the time they get to thechocolate cake, most of the candles have gone out save for the few on the tableleaving an even more intimate feeling to the room.
Betty smilesaround the forkful of cake that Veronica feeds to her “Now” Veronica places thefork on the plate and smiles her softest smile “what did I do to deserve such alovely evening, huh? It’s not my birthday and it’s not our anniversary so whatmade you pull all of this together?”
“Can’t I just dosomething nice for my girlfriend?”
Veronica hums “ofcourse but you, mi amor, are easy to read. You’ve been nervous all night” shetaps Betty’s wrist lightly “you keep grabbing your dress and wrinkling the poorthing”
Betty huffs andrelaxes her fist that had been holding onto the light pink fabric “Are you sureyou’re not the detective in the relationship?”
“Just observant”she cocks her to the side “Now–what’s going on in that amazing mind of yours?”
The blonde sucksin a breath “Okay–” she reaches across the table and grabs both of Veronica’shands, she does her best to push the idea of rejection out of her mind–sheloves Veronica and she wants to tell her, what happens after is something shecan’t think of “Ronnie, I–I did do this because I wanted–I want to–” Bettysighs and steels herself–she can do this. No matter what happens after, shejust knows she wants, she needs to tell Veronica she loves her.
Betty locks eyeswith her girlfriend and sucks in a deep breath “Veronica, when I first met you,the moment I looked into your eyes, I knew that you were going to impact me insome way. Maybe good, maybe bad, I didn’t know but I knew my life would foreverbe changed, be shifted and–and I never thought it would be like this. I neverimagined, even in my wildest dreams, that I would fall for you so hard but youmade it so easy” Veronica’s eyes shine with unshed tears as Betty sucks in abreath to keep herself from tearing up.
“With your big heart that accepted me from themoment I showed you around school, with the way you are so kind to people youdon’t even know, with the way you want to protect everyone you love, everythingabout you made it so easy to fall just–just so deeply in love with you” Veronica lets out a wet laugh, twotears rolling down her face “because I do. I love you, I love everything aboutyou and, maybe we’re too young to say forever but I do know that, right here,right now, I love you”  
There’s a beat asBetty sucks in a shaky breath, two tears rolling down her own face and thenVeronica launches herself at the blonde, clumsily pressing her lips againstBetty’s. The kiss is sweet and loving and salty from both their tears but itfeels oh, so right.
Veronica lets outa shaky breath as she disconnects her lips from Betty’s “I love you too” shebreathes out and Betty feels like her face could break with how widely shesmiles at the words “I love you so much, you huge, romantic dork” Veronica cupsBetty’s face and presses a light kiss to the corner of Betty’s mouth “I havebeen dying to tell you for so long now–I was waiting for the right moment butit seems you made the right moment”
Betty laughs“I’ve been wanting to tell you for a long time too” she brushes her noseagainst Veronica’s “it was kind of killing me and I just didn’t wanna blurt itout so–” she gestures to the room “here it is”
The brunettebeauty laughs “it is” she moves her hand and picks up a purple petal“enchantment” her words are soft “ Love at first sight” Betty blushes lightly,leave it to Veronica to know what every color flower means “and–” Veronicaplucks a yellow petal up “friendship”
Betty snorts“seemed fitting for us. A nice full circle moment”
Veronica smiles “and–”she pauses a moment as the song playing softly in the background finally comesto her “Songbird”
“I listened to itand–it felt right”
“God, I love you”Veronica breathes out “and it feels so good to say that”
Betty smiles “Ilove you too”
“And it feelsreally nice to hear it too” they trade a few more kisses before Betty pullsback, a mischievous glint in her eye.
“you know–” shespares a look at the clock that hangs behind Veronica “We still have an hourand half before my mom gets home”
Veronica’s eyestwinkle “then what are we still doing down here?”
(They manage topull themselves apart from each other and put themselves together just fiveminutes before Alice opens the front door while the mother chooses to ignorethat fact that all of Veronica’s lipstick is gone and seems to have rubbed offall over her daughter’s face)
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