#earthbound fic
Resting beneath the Redwood.
Mother 3 Oneshot
Tags: Mother 3, Earthbound, Strong Language, Mentions of Alcohol, Mentions of Death, Mentions of some disturbing imagery (death, rot, etc), Body horror of the tree variety, possible slight Anxiety attack, Overworking, Exhaustion, Weird POV changes but I promise it’s swag, Marshall's got a lot of trees to cut down before he'll fill that hole in his heart. Maybe he never will. This is Dad Lighter the Oneshot.
Characters: Marshall (OC), Lighter, Mentions of Lucas, Claus, Hinawa and Flint.
If you took one look at any forest, you'd see a abundance of green foliage and green trees as far as the eye could see.
Strong oaks, simple birch, and if you're lucky, the towering of Redwood trees, covering the sky and sun with their splendorous red. Pine needles and pinecones falling down as a storm blankets the forest. Leaves twirling down onto the soft floor below of green grass and moss.
In Tazmily, there was a forest. One that spans miles of land with green hills and leaves.
It was called the Sunshine forest.
Named by the way the sunshine reflected off the leaves in the spring and summer with a shining blanket of light and color. The leaves almost alive with the sound of the nature that inhabited it. Birds nested inside the green, cooing gently to their families. Beetles and ants crawl along the branches.
It was many a place for the villagers of Tazmily to have picnics, relax in the shade or even play on ropeswings. Yes, The Sunshine forest had much to offer. Even when most of her gorgeous flora and foliage was burned three years ago. Some could still smell the reeking, aching wood to this day, if you dare venture to the... not so kindly named, Ugly part of the forest.
But even beauty, lies beneath the ugly. Beauty cradles those who wish to sleep upon a bed of roses and ugly does much the same. Holding onto those with a worn but comforting hand, holding them close. Keeping them safe. Almost beauty in its own right, in its caring nature even through pain.
And sleep many creatures did.
One such creature, slumbered away beneath a strong oak. His sleeping body slumped against the tree, arms tucked against his stomach. His breathing soft, barely above a gentle breeze. Snores, barely audible. Not to disturb no one none.
No ma’am or sir, indeed.
His worn axe rested in a fallen log, the wood barely splintering as the steel cleaved through its tough brown surface. Around the clearing sat bundles of logs, tied together with tough leather straps. Old age and wear clear on their surface. Had real personality, a aged lumberjack says. Wont let ya down they won’t, for sure. He also says with a knowing gleam in his eye. But even some straps, he continues, can wear and tear too much by the strain.
This mighty creature slumbers away surrounded by his afternoons work. The sun gently shining on him, almost like a blanket in the cool spring air. Still warming up from the cold hold winter had on it. He had spent a good few hours of his early morning cutting trees and moving them towards town. The retirement home needed a new floor and well, he’s happy to help them replace it with some new oak boards.
So that he did.
Once he finished up, he made his way back through town and into the forest, axe in hand and sweat still on his brow.
There ain’t be no time to clean sweat away. Work must be done.
Chopping away trees, bundling them and moving them to storage was easy enough. It was monotonous at times but it was easy and made a difference. Moving lumber. chopping. Moving lumber. Chopping. Like a machine, he worked day and night, hours and hours. Hardly stopping or taking a break. But don’t worry none, he likes the work. Makes him feel good.
Makes him feel earned.
Makes him living feel earned.
Makes the shadow of the Redwood tree just a smight bit smaller with each axe swing.
Sap dripped down his hands, his life force bleeding away in a puddle of white amber. His gears grinding to a halt. For what a machine does a break warrant? No. He doesn’t believe in breaks. Sloth ain’t a word in his family. Certainly not in his vocabulary.
Yet, here he was. Laying in a patch of grass, his head to the tree’s surface.
His body next to nature. Almost similar to a forgotten teddy bear, one with nature now. The rain weighing it’s stuffing down on the inside and the roots and plants growing through its fabric to give life to something abandoned and rotten. Perhaps the creature was the one who was rotten? Who could tell.
His bones rest like roots on the forest floor.
Sap bleeds from his blisters.
Exhaustion clear on his muscles and skin. Though to those passing by, he looked peaceful. Like a corpse. For how long he slept, he might’ve grown his own leaves.
Wouldn’t that be nice dear?
A machine man growing plants.
How quaint.
It had been an hour since the last ringing chop had been heard from the lightning struck home.
Lighter had brought back his own bundles of lumber and decided a glass of lemonade was more than welcome right now. He had asked Marshall if the boy wanted to stop and take a breather for a moment. But the boy, bless his heart, said he’d keep workin’. He didn’t mind none, he’d said.
That was hours of daylight ago. He was starting to get worried. He knew Marshall had a track record similar to his father. Workin’ till he was aching and still offered to carry one more bundle or bale.
Lighter rose from his chair, bones cracking and aching.
He certainly wasn’t any younger but that doesn’t stop him. He pushed open the door to the cool outside air, taking a breath in of the pollen. “Now what the hells goin’ on….” He muttered, moving to grab his trusted two by four and rested it on the groove of his shoulder and set off.
His boots crunch the dirt. Sticks and leaves breaking under his weight. The snow had melted, revealing many winter secrets for Fuel and Claus to get their hands on come weeks in the future.
He knew this route like the back of his hand, every turn and tree he marked specifically. He turned into the clearing, breathing out a slight wheeze and turned to look around the superhuman progress that was made.
10s of 20s of trees, all chopped, bundled and placed in neat stacks. Ready to be moved and processed into boards and planks.
“Eh? Marshall??” He called, hands cupped around his mouth. He turned in the clearing, his worn eyes looking for the boy.
And there, in the middle of the clearing, sat under a old oak tree was the boy. Lighter sighed softly, moving across the clearing to clear the distance between them. He knelt down in the dirt and mud, his knee becoming slick with mud.
“Dammit boy, ya feel asleep again, didn’t ya son?” He rasped, shaking his head.
The creature’s face was pale, shadows under his eyes as thick as bark. His hands and arms shaking like wind shakes leaves.
His hands finally bare broken blisters, leaking red sap onto his shirt.
“Dammit all…”
“Cmon, let’s get ya inside, yeah? Cmon..”
With aged muscles, he moved an arm underneath the slumbering creature, moving to tuck him next to his side as much as he could. Then, he lifted him, slowly but surely until the boy’s arm laid across his shoulders. “Oof! Christ!! Ya really are his son!! Fucks sake!” He groaned, moving to steady his legs before taking a step forward.
“Cmon now, let’s go son…” He hushed, patting the others arm with a gentle hand.
Over the River and through the woods to the lightning house they go, the old horse knows the way to carry the fallen tree through melted snow.
The old horse makes his way through the forest, ever careful of his cargo. Once he made it through the endless fields of branches and bark, he carefully opens his door. Stepping into the home with mud covered boots. He carefully placed Marshall down in his bed, removing the others own boots and covered him up. He stepped back, placing both pairs of shoes next to the door.
His gaze lingered on the bright leather Star stitched with a loving hand on the side of one shoe. The patchwork of a mother. Held together by strong thread and love. He sighed, running a hand through his thinning hair.
“What the fuck am I gonna do with him, Hin? Him and Flint, both stubborn bastards.”
He muttered, making his way into his kitchen, mindful to keep his steps quiet. He dug around through his wooden cupboard, pulling out a bottle of whiskey.
It was a gift from friends.
He grabbed a glass and sat down, pouring himself a small bit and leaned back, sipping the amber liquid inside. “I’m gonna give that boy a stern talkin’ to Hin.“
He closed his eyes, breathing out softly.
And inhaled a scent of Alcohol.
Alcohol with a scent of oak wood and polish. With a hint of char and smoke.
The smell attacked his nose with a intensity similar to that of rotten milk or eggs. He blinked open his eyes, golden pupils shaking about as he shot up from bed. “!!?” He rubbed his eyes free of the phantom feeling of apple blossoms and amber.
“ ‘Bout time you woke up.”
A voice greeted his confusion, turning to see who it was revealed,
“L-Lighter sir… I-“ He started,
“I don’t want to hear any of that nonsense, boy.”Lighter finished.
Lighter slowly stood, placing his cup down, “I don’t want that to happen again, ya hear me? He said, voice stern, sharp, “ if you need a break you tell me, understand?”
“I-I don’t…?”
“Do ya understand me, Marshall?”
“You can’t keep doin this son, it’s not good. And I’m not going to have ya Kill yerself for one or two bundles o’ lumber!”
The feeling of shadow hangs over the creatures shoulders. The red, red shadow. You could smell the scent of redwood in the air, feel it on your skin. Did it always feel this rough?
“Think about Lucas and Claus, Marshall! They need you! What’s gonna happen if they loose you? Huh?”
The feeling of suffocating, writhing branches inside your lungs, filling them with leaves. Filling your bones with sap.
Are your hands bleeding? Why is the sap red?
“From today onward you are taking breaks while you work, understood? And if you refuse, I’ll make ya take them and sit ya in the corner like I did with fuel.” He said, voice calm, yet holding back a simmering anger. He always did tough love. “Otherwise, im gonna have ta let ya go.”
“Yes… yes sir…”
The shame hangs from his back like abandoned tireswing rope. The shadow of Redwood too high to see above. Slowly, he stood from the bed, his bones aching. “I understand, sir..” His voice is meek, quiet but ever so polite. “I’m…right sor-“
“Son, you don’t have to give me that nonsense.”
Lighter spoke, moving to place his hand on the others tense shoulder. “Just head home for today. Rest up. Take a few days off, those hands o’ yours need it.” He motions to the bandage covered palms, wrapped tight and neat.
“Do you need me to walk you home?” Lighter offered,
“N-no sir, I’m alright…” Marshall nodded, moving to make his way towards the door. He slipped his boots on, holding onto the doorframe with a tight grip as stars danced in his eyes.
“…. Alright, have a good night Marshall.” Lighter surrendered.
Marshall opened the door, stepping out into the night air and leaned against the door with a wheeze. He patted at his chest, coughing gently into the sky. The feeling of fall fills his lungs as the leaves inside his chest fall away, settling at the bottom of his lungs. His eyes close, his breathing slowly steadying.
Then, he set off.
Lighter watched him walk through the window, a pinched expression on his face. His glass in his hand, the amber liquid pooling inside. He took a sip, turning to face away from the door.
“I’m gonna need more whiskey…”
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bunny-hare · 2 months
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Tiny little drawing of lizard (wyverian) scrivener Ninten from a fic I certainly didn't write which is simultaneously based on a fic I loved.
I won't ever do lineless again like this.
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We see that Porky made a bunch of robot duplicates of his mom in New Pork City (and they seem a lot nicer than the real Lardna was too. Like they're Porky's "ideal" mother that gives him whatever he wants and isn't cruel to him) But we never see any similar reference to his dad in the game
I like to think he did have a robot-Aloysius made though
Something he keeps around in one of his playrooms or his bedroom maybe, just a crude, beat-up (Porky returning some of his dad's favors) replica of his father that just smiles and tells him what he wants to hear, like
"I'm so proud of you, son!"
"Look what a man you've made of yourself! I'm jealous, hohoho!"
"You can stay up and play as late as you want! You always know best, m'boy!"
But also things like
"Don't worry, son! It's all my fault, haha! I'm the one to blame, ahahaha!"
"It's all my fault, you know! It's all my fault, you know! I should've been a better father, hahaha!"
"I ruined him, haha! And look what he's done! Do you think my soul is in a happy place?"
This creepy thing that twists around the real Aloysius being an unapologetically terrible father to a copy that takes all the blame for everything Porky hates about himself
It's also probably an ATM
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pollydot · 24 days
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"Ness recalls his mother's favorite song the moment the Sound Stone's beat starts playing. With this comes the question of what peace really means."
Wrote a little fic and I'm really proud of it! Check it out B)
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pk-ghost · 1 year
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"I'm sorry for calling you again. I- no, I know you were sleeping right now, but I really needed to talk to you-" Stifled sobs. "It's been r-really hard, Mom. I miss him, and I had to call you because I couldn't sleep-"
Quote from chapter 5 of Imposter Syndrome by RainyTazmily. Ness calling his mom and being super vulnerable??? Consider my heart stabbed o(-(
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arche0ps-moved · 10 months
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(extra under cut)
No big + no title :)
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koterkot · 1 month
"i'm not gay" proceeds to say the gayest shit ever
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i remembered about that diary of a wimpy kid fic randomly and i drew this out of memory because good golly i had to
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artmek · 1 year
Reposting some of my old JeffTony art because I'm re-living my biggest hyperfixation of 2017-2018 and they're still on point
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I used a "draw the happy couple" thing from croxovergoddess for that last one
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crab-instruments · 12 days
Mother 3 Novelization - Part 1 Prologue
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And now for something completely different
Hello, all. This is a project I'm working on and it will go through multiple phases. Certainly not something I've done before. It's a novelization of the game MOTHER 3. I hope you enjoy the ride!
My dear Reader,
The story you are about to experience will be told in a style you may not be used to nor that comfortable with. I assure you, it’s a story worth listening to, full of adventure, love, self discovery, betrayal, and redemption. It’s a story I hold close to my own heart.
This story comes from a video game titled MOTHER 3 and was only released in Japan on the Game Boy Advance in 2006. There are unofficial English translations of the game, but it still isn’t as accessible to the masses.
I, your narrator, will attempt to transpose MOTHER 3 into something of a novelization while holding onto the quirks and details of the game that I can. I have no affiliation with the writer, Shigesato Itoi, the director, Nobuyuki Inoue, the developers, Brownie Brown and HAL Laboratory, or the publisher, Nintendo. I am merely a fan who wishes to share a small bit of the creative genius that is MOTHER 3.
Sometimes the story will feel like just that, a story. Other times, it will feel as though I am guiding you on your own adventure that you experience through the lens of the characters you will come to know soon enough. The fourth wall is more of a curtain, as the game itself talks directly to the player and I will talk directly to you. It may be awkward occasionally but life often is.
MOTHER 3 is the third installment of the MOTHER series; the second, MOTHER 2, is known as EARTHBOUND outside of Japan. The first two games are related to MOTHER 3 but are not majorly consequential story-wise. They pull from the same universe but are set at different times. When necessary, I will offer the context needed to experience MOTHER 3 in its entirety.
Thank you for being here and I hope you enjoy the story.
Your Narrator, a frog
Prologue  –
MOTHER 3 starts off by asking a few questions of the player. Since that becomes trickier in this medium, I will be using the given names and other default options. Except for the names of the characters in the story, these player inputs will be underlined:
Lucas – The younger twin brother. A gentle boy. Claus – The older twin brother. An energetic boy. Flint – The strong, kind, and dependable father. Hinawa – The beloved mother! Boney – The brave and smart dog. What’s your favorite homemade food? – Donuts What’s your favorite thing? – Love Is this okay? >Yes      No
Welcome to the World of MOTHER 3
Tazmily Village was an isolated, self-sustaining community on Nowhere Islands. The villagers enjoyed living in their own slice of bliss with the village a mere stone’s throw away from the coast. The sandy beaches were a serene place to relax as the waves oscillated on the bank and the sun was never too much. Heading inland, modest houses built by the community’s hands stand comfortably, neither too extravagant nor poorly built. Each home is full of stories and love, the past generations’ lives etched into each plank of wood.
The residents of the village knew everything about each other, as there was nothing to hide nor any way to hide whatever could be hidden. No one would ever covet anything that wasn’t theirs, as all they had to do was ask. If you needed food, you could stop by the Yado Inn for lunch. If your couch broke, a visit to Flint would have the problem rectified in a matter of time. If you needed eggs, they were yours for the taking at Thomas’ Bazaar. The concept of commerce wasn’t prevalent in Tazmily Village, as everyone was accounted for and no one took more than they needed. Greed was a foreign concept in this community.
This story starts beyond the Sunshine Forest, in the mountains north of the village. The path leading up to this space was a winding but pleasant hike. Once the path unfolded through the trees, a two story cabin could be seen.
Our main character, who we will see grow throughout the story, is a little boy named Lucas. Lucas was asleep peacefully in one of the beds upstairs, blonde hair askew. A tiny bit a drool fell from his slightly opened mouth. It was a peaceful morning, the sun shining through the window and the sounds of the forest muted just enough to allow the growing boy to sleep in.
Loud knocking followed by a voice came from downstairs. “Lucas!! How long’re you gonna sleep?! Get up so we can play!” Claus, Lucas’ more active twin brother continued. “Get up already! The Dragos brought their babies over!” The redheaded twin grew more impatient with his sleepy brother, halfway out the door of the cabin before yelling once more. “They’re really cute!! Hurry up!”
Lucas stumbled out of bed and rubbed his sleepy eyes. His blue and white striped pajamas were a tiny bit too big for the boy and the hem of the pants dragged along the wooden floor. He slowly made his way downstairs to see his mother, Hinawa, sitting alone at the table alone, writing a letter. When she heard encroaching footsteps and creaks from the steps, she turned to see her drowsy son who had yet to get ready for the day. Hinawa couldn’t help but give a loving smile when Lucas’ classic bedhead paired with a tired yawn came into view. It was moments like this she cherished the most.
“Good morning, Mr. Sleepyhead Lucas. Claus has been up for a while, playing with the Dragos.”
The blonde child blinked slowly, allowing the information to seep into his tired mind. He watched as his mother returned to the paper on the table and was led by stumbling feet to the door, ready to join his brother in today’s adventure.
“Are you planning to play in your pajamas?” Hinawa asked. Not waiting for an answer, she continued, “Scoot upstairs and change your clothes.”
Lucas turned and, not minding the state of his appearance or the decorum of changing his attire into appropriate garb, shook his head in defiance.
“Then you can stay inside, in your pajamas, for the rest of your life.” His mother tried to keep the smile off her face, but it appeared anyway. She loved both of her sons equally, but Lucas was, by far, the baby. If possible, Hinawa would keep Lucas as a child forever, giving him all the love he deserved. She was happy Lucas had his brother, Claus, to look after him. The two were a perfect balance.
It’s at this point, dear Reader, that one wonders if everything could have been avoided had Lucas decided to stay inside in his pajamas. This inconsequential decision would alter the lives of Lucas, Hinawa, Claus, and the villagers of Tazmily Village, forever with no hope of turning back. A child stumbling thoughtlessly through a sliding glass door moment and the trajectory of his life veering off course.
It’s also possible the upcoming events were inevitable, regardless if Lucas changed out of his pajamas. Destiny, some might say.
We may never know.
Resigned, Lucas stumbled up stairs. He couldn’t resist his mother for long and Claus was waiting for him. His brother couldn’t have all the fun with the Dragos! His red and yellow striped shirt fit loosely over his chest and his worn down shorts had fringes on the edges. Lucas tied his shoes on tightly and styled his hair as best as he could. The boy wanted to be like his cooler brother, so he parted it exactly like Claus did. It wouldn’t occur to him until much later that his hair only mirrored the style of his brother’s and flicked upwards in the opposite direction. It emphasized their inverse personalities.
Lucas walked through the front door of the cabin, feeling the warm, summer air embrace him. The sun was shining and the grass waved in the gentle breeze.
“Oh, you’re up, sleepyhead.” Alec, the boys’ grandfather, greeted Lucas. His white, scruffy beard and thick rimmed glasses covered most of his face, but it was easy to read his happiness from his teasing tone. “Well, today’s the day you head back home. I’m gonna miss you guys.” Alec sighed and looked up at his home, thinking how quiet it will be once the three of them are gone and just how loud that silence is.
Lucas didn’t think much of going back home to Tazmily Village. He had his whole life ahead of him, after all, he was still a kid. The blonde boy was happy to see his father and dog again but he was sure he would return back to the cabin before long. He merely nodded at his grandfather and smiled a crooked smile, taking off to check on the animals.
This is another moment we must pause the story, dear Reader, as we have to discuss the animals of Nowhere Islands. If you ask anyone on what you might call “earth” if animals can talk, they would look at you crazy and say “of course not.” However, this is untrue. Every animal has a story to tell if you know how to listen. This might seem like a fascinating discovery, but it’s not as wondrous as it appears. Very few animals have useful things to say, as they do not experience the world as we do. We will still listen to what they say, though, as you never know when you will need the advice of a frog or directions from a chicken.
Lucas put a gentle hand on the cow next to the house. “Moo.” Translation: (All cows, no matter what they’re thinking, go, “Moo.” It’d be handy to remember that.)
As you can see, not the most useful of information, but we can hold onto that bit of advice for now. If you’re still unconvinced, we can listen to a few others.
Two pigs stood next to each other in their pin, greeting Lucas as he walked by. “Oink oink.” Translation: (What the pig next to me says worries me…)
In response, the other pig oinks. Translation: (Don’t worry about it.)
I rest my case.
Lucas continued on, making his way to his brother. In the clearing, the red headed boy stood at the ready in front of a very large looking dinosaur creature, with two others off to the side. These were the Dragos, while scary and tough looking, they were gentle creatures and enjoyed playing with the twins. The largest of the three Dragos was relaxing and observing the others with a lazy eye. The smallest Drago stood excitedly by his mother, waiting for his turn to play with the boy.
Claus, who hadn’t seen Lucas enter the clearing, ran at the second largest Drago, shoving her down. After a beat, in a dramatic fashion, the Drago fell to the ground, having lost the battle to the small child. Once she spotted Lucas, she stood back up.
Claus huffed and gasped, tired from having played with the Dragos for a while. “Whew, I’m beat. I’ve been play fighting with the Dragos all morning. You should play too, Lucas. Here, try ramming into a Drago.”
If it wasn’t apparent, dear Reader, this is a tutorial moment, where the player learns how to dash. Since dashing is not something you will have to know how to do to continue this story, I will give you a summary and the dialog.
As Lucas prepares himself to run at the mama Drago, the boys are interrupted by Alec.
“Claus! Lucas still doesn’t know how to ram into things yet,” Alec yells before meandering into the clearing. “Lucas! Try to imagine a thing called a B Button! And then hold that B Button for a second, then let go. Doing this will let you “dash”. And by using this “dash” ability, you can ram into that Drago there! Claus! Show him an example!”
Lucas steps out of the way for his brother. Claus backs up, I suppose he holds the B Button for a second, then let’s go, ramming into the Drago from before. The Drago falls over a second later.
“Yes! Just like that! Now it’s your turn, Lucas! Give it a try!”
Well, dear Reader, I guess we shall try to imagine this B Button, hold it, and let it go so Lucas can ram into the Drago. What is there to lose?
“You’ll never succeed with such a sullen look on your face. That holds true for anything. Just relax!”
I feel we could do without the snarky commentary, grandpa.
Lucas does the same as his brother, dashing into the Drago. The Drago falls over the same as before, in a dramatic fashion.
“The harder you run into them, the more the Dragos like it,” Claus mentions with a smile on his face. With the amount of practice he’s had with the Dragos, the red headed brother would know best.
Luckily, dear Reader, that is the end of the tutorial and—
“Move it! Outta the way! Make way for the great Mole Cricket!”
*sigh* Of course, the Mole Cricket is here to prove his strength and showcase the battle tutorial. Excuse the delay, dear Reader, it’s best to allow the Mole Cricket to complete his mission. Much more annoying otherwise.
The boys step out of the way as the Mole Cricket runs up towards the mama Drago. Scared by the yelling and the sudden movement, the baby Drago hops behind his mother. The papa Drago continues to observe, nonchalant in his resting. The mama Drago responds to her baby’s distress by entering a combat stance and growling, while the baby roars adorably.
“I can’t just sit idly by when I hear someone’s play-fighting! I’m gonna wipe the floor with all of you! Get in my way and you’re in for a world of pain!”
You encountered the Mole Cricket!
The battle system in MOTHER 3, is similar to other Game Boy Advance games, a turn based system where order depends on the speed of the character and the enemies. For each battle, you have the option to Bash, use your Goods, Guard, or attempt to Run. Experience Points (EP) and items are given at the end of the battle.
Something that sets MOTHER 3 apart is that during attacks, you can continue combos by pressing the Attack Button on the beat of the background music playing. Background music changes depending on the enemy and gets harder as the game continues. Each character also has a distinctive instrument that plays as the player hits the beat correctly.
Another unique feature is that damage is not taken all at once. Health Points (HP) show as a number and starts to run down after the attack lands. This means that if a character takes fatal damage, there is still time to heal them if the turns play out fast enough. Guarding slows down the HP counter as it continues to take the attack.
It does not take many attacks to take down the Mole Cricket.
“I see you have more of a spine than I thought. If you’d like, I could train you personally sometime. Next time we meet, it’ll be at the big Mole Cricket Hole Stadium! I look forward to seein’ you there! …Bro.”
The mole cricket scurries off, only to take more damage before disappearing from sight. Hinawa, with a concerned look on her face, approaches the group.
“I stepped on a mole cricket. I hope it’s all right… Lunch is ready, everyone. I made your favorite, boys. Donuts!”
“Ooh! Lunch, lunch! Donuts!!” Claus yells before taking off with his brother in tow towards the house.
“You too, Dad.” Hinawa turns with a smile on her face, heading back towards the house.
Alec stays behind, lingering in the clearing. “Well, then…”
This old man is going to continue to do my job for me, isn’t he?
“Listen folks… Here is how to “save”. Talk to frogs. This is how you “save”. It’s not too tedious or troublesome, so you should talk to frogs as often as you can. Plus, saving is absolutely free. Now then, it’s time for me to return to the story.
“Hey, wait for me! You saved me some Donuts too, I hope?!” Alec yells as he catches up with his family.
Inside the house, the boys and Hinawa sit around the table, eating Hinawa’s delicious Donuts. Alec prepares his own plate.
“What’s your favorite food, Mom?” Claus asks with a mouth full of food. “Oh? Donuts? Then your favorite is the same as ours? We make a good match!”
Hinawa smiled brightly, with love in her eyes. “After we’re done eating, we need to get ready to go home. We have to go through the forest to get back, so we’ll need to leave early.”
Alec turns towards his daughter. “Don’t be silly. I bet the kids could make it here on their own, it’s that safe. I bet even you could handle it, Lucas! Hahahaha!” Lucas made a noise, upset but unable to refute his grandfather.
Frowning, Hinawa gave a look of disappointment to her father before standing up, taking the note she had written earlier with her, and heading for the door.
Dear Flint, Just like you said they would, the children have been running around the mountains and fields tirelessly since the moment we arrived. Claus is as daring and full of energy as ever, while Lucas is still a bit coddled. But neither one seems tired of playing at all. My father seems sad to say goodbye to his grandchildren after seeing them for the first time in so long, but we should be home by this evening. I had forgotten how nice and refreshing the mountain air is. You’re always covered in the smell of sheep back in Tazmily Village, so I really wish you could have been here to take in this air The next time we visit, let’s ask one of our neighbors to tend to the sheep so we can all come up here as a family. Claus, Lucas, and I were always thinking about you. When we get home this evening, I’ll start cooking some of your favorite Donuts right away. With love, your dearest Hinawa
Hinawa attaches the note to a bird that will deliver it to Flint before the group can make it back home. The bird flies south, its wings spreading in the sunlight. Hinawa steps out a bit further on the porch and watches the bird fly off for a moment, soaking in the peacefulness of the moment. Once satisfied, she turned back toward the door, ready to wrangle the twins into leaving.
With her hand on the doorknob, Hinawa stops, frozen. It’s as if every part of her instincts are telling her something is wrong, there is danger near. It’s a terrible feeling, one you get in your gut that spreads to your whole body within moments. From behind the house, she hears a strange noise, a melody that she’s never heard of, and it’s approaching quickly.
A circular shadow crosses in front of the house and the music becomes distorted as it vanishes deeper into the forest. Hinawa watched with cautious curiosity, a breeze blowing her hair back behind her. Nothing about it seemed immediately dangerous but it was certainly a cause for concern. Hinawa attempted to shake the uneasiness she felt and headed back inside.
A story is a series of memories. Memories are remembered with other memories, and in turn become memories themselves. If you don’t take care to preserve your memories, you’ll forget them. So, please tell us frogs your memories of everything so far… That is what people refer to as “saving”. Now then. *hop* Save your game?
>Yes      No
Please be careful out there. Give my regards to the next frog you meet.
Hello and welcome to my meager attempt at bringing you MOTHER 3. This will be different from anything I’ve done and I am open to feedback, so long as it’s constructive. I am but one girl trying her best. I hope you enjoy this project of mine and appreciate what an amazing story MOTHER 3 has to offer. I will be posting here and on AO3, so feel free to reach out on Tumblr if you have specific comments, questions, or concerns.
Game details that didn’t make the cut: If you dash into Hinawa, she will drop Nut Bread. If you check the mirror before changing, it says “The same bed-head as always.” If you check the mirror after you change, it says, “Lookin’ handsome.”
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commandernachos · 4 months
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wrightanatomyau · 6 months
A new book has been added!
Hello everyone! The Hivemind speaking! 🐝
We learn new things every day, don't we? And that is a wonderful thing, and today we will learn a something new too! Today's lesson is *drums please* Every day is Luness! Happy Luness everyone! 🥳 Let's celebrate all the love we have for Nesscas and/or Clausten, yay~ °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
Anyway, ✨L✨ forgot to this on Monday, so here she comes with a late update. Forgive her, she was tired 🥺
We are starting to compile our short stories! The hive mind presents you the first book! The Book of Wright this book has also been added to the mystical thing called A collection! Oh boy, how convenient ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
This is a lil collection with all the stories related to Lucas prior to him returning to his original dimension, we hope you enjoy it. If you ever want to revisit one of our smol stories we are going to compile them in books like this. Thank you ao3 magic, you sure are magical, just like honey! 🍯🐝🌻
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xxswagcorexx · 1 year
not sure if this is coherent at all but i genuinely rlly appreciate how many different interpretations there are of swagdoons. like whether you interpret their relationship as platonic, romantic, qpr or something else the fact there's options and Content of everything is soooo nice. like the fact they can be reinterpreted and remixed depending on which version of swagdoons you choose to base your interpretations on (ex lifesteal s3, lifesteal s4, earthbound, zombie apocalypse, and seaclean) makes them so versatile yet so specific and its so !!! it keeps their dynamic so fresh in every single au or fic or fanart depiction of them and the fact there's a (general) blanket acceptance of All swagdoons interpretations allows for so much creativity and freedom its crazy man
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Mmphhh i'm gonna have to rewrite a bunch of my Fassad fic because I wanna totally change how I characterize Claus as the Masked Man
Up til now I've just been writing him as your typical emotionless, mindless robot character, which I don't think is that interesting (and I don't think really matches the creepiness or the intensity of the Masked Man as a character)
But now I have an idea that's like, way darker and more complicated, which kinda sucks because this story is super heavy already but it's wayyyy more compelling ><
He's Claus
But they've wiped all his memories of who he was before
And he hates them for it
But he's not allowed to disobey them
Because they installed something in him, that forces him to obey any command they give him without question, no matter how much he hates it
He's just constantly filled with spite and rage that he's never allowed to express, and when they turn him towards something and say "destroy that"
He finally has something to take out all his rage on
It's too bad he can't recognize who it is he's lunging at with his sword :(
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catlunisciawrites · 10 months
Oh brain came up with a interesting eartbound/mother 2 au situation, aka what would of happened 10 years later if Ness and the team didn't do the thing in year 19XX (if I remember the year right), like what if they went to take Gigas on when they are older 20 somethings not young teens. More under the cut because damn I had ideas
Giygas would take over the world and it would be post apocalypses most likely a weird tech heavy apocalypse if I think right but lets talk about the kids. They are the more main focus of this pile of blathering of a mad woman.
From what I have thought so far is Paula is well. So she was kidnaped by the Happy Happism cult during the events of the game to make into a priestess of said cult, Now, while there could be a dark turn for her, I disagree, there are lines in the game where she admits she will try to get the hell out...She has Psi powers, she is strong, a glass canon but thats still a canon so she could of taken them down, Now it wouldn't be instant but maybe a couple years of her secretly honing her powers to become stronger, maybe going with the bit till she takes them down from the inside all we know is she escaped and got out. She is very...angry, I think due to not only getting kidnapped by Happy Happism but also other times, She gets kidnapped at least twice in game so I would get very annoyed after a while so her on edge of getting taken would be there. I also like to think if someone does get kidnap she is the first to get up and go save them, not wanting another to deal with what she dealt with. Still with her trusty frying pan to take out those if her psi energy is depleted, her prayers never answered...till Giygas is being taken down similar to end of game.
Poo would be a Prince of a fallen Kingdom. His Kingdom Dalaam did fight against Giygas, fought his armies well but got overwhelmed and taken down, Poo being taken out of kingdom for safety he did fight, but he was then told to leave because someone has to lead Dalaam when Giygas is finally taken down, him knowing of this prophecy due to part of his training, he when better journeys off to not only train and gather the Kings items (which he does get the complete set due to training and battle) He is off to find the others not Ness, He knows this group needs to be made and formed to take Giygas down, its shown in game he was aware of it before Ness even met Buzz Buzz so he is now on this quest.
Jeff Andonuts is interesting my mind, So in this universe I like to think Giygas as a way to make sure he is not taken down has rounded up anyone who uses Psi Powers and has either had them join is side (aka the cowards, the pokeys etc of the world join him) or imprisoned in some horrible way maybe using them for some form of evil may it be a power source or something details not full on that. Which would explain why Dalaam was gone after first they have people who use Psi Powers via Muu Training they are powerful. But what does this have to do with little Jeff here? Well he is never detected, not seen as a threat, even though with his genius skill he defiantly is, heck his very distant father even decided to talk to him when shit went down because he knew both of them together could help others. His lab being used as a shelter almost in Winters. They have been working on weapontry to take down the monsters around them, and even possibly a item that can hide psi users let them use their powers with out being detected. Little finikey on that one right now but I do know he has made a lot of weapons, and really loves using those bottle rockets.
Now you maybe wondering, What about Ness? The main protag of the Earthbound story what did he do since he isn't the one traveling finding the others what will he do? Well when the attacks happened, He was at home with his mom and sister, he used his trusty baseball bat and well SMASH! he has a talent for it, he also has psi abilities and used them to heal his family when they got hurt, That is what he did a lot of when the world became what it is, when not in hiding he was healing, or protecting.
Now Other characters in the story in this au while details not fully fleshed out I have ideas.
Porky/Pokey is a high ranking member of the Giygas army. Shocking no one he bent over to him to keep himself safe and loved by his parents. So you know similar to game. Not much changed with his dysfunctional family. Picky is a good kid still though.
The Runaway 5 is interesting in this AU. So Attack happens building they were forced to work at gets majorly damage, contract more or less null and void now. So they are now free and they travel through out the land in their the van, Giygas doesn't deem them a threat they are a washed up band what will they do? But here is the thing, they are doing something. They do keep bumping into Poo and later on the others when they finally group up. They learn what they have been doing. Poo first talked about the Prophecy of the 3 boys and one girl meant to stop the great evil which is a great story lets be honest. The group use it as inspiration for new songs, using the stories these 4 young 20 somethings and their adventures to try and stop Giygas. The Runaway 5 are the ones bringing hope to the common people, they are the ones relaying what is happening. The families use their concerts as a covert way to learn what is happening to them. The underground resilience against Giygas sing these songs using them as inspiration and hope.
That one day, these 4 young 20 somethings, from different parts of the world, will collect what is needed, and take down Giyas
This is my idea of an au I wrote it down maybe I could possibly work on it some more later on, I have an idea for art of it at least which will take a bit to draw. If anyone is actually interested in this please tell me, I have ideas but I am not the best at like writing the ideas into actual scenes...hence why so much of my fanfic takes a long time to write. It takes me a bit. Would love an opinion.
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pk-fyre · 2 years
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Themb 🥺🥰😭
More art based off @twothpaste’s intermission au, this time Hunker Down, Hearken Back flavoured because I want what they have so bad and I love them so much. They heal the deep ache in my heart that was created by mother 3
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arche0ps-moved · 10 months
Wake the fuck up cock suckers pgi chapter 5 /ref
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