#easy aces
sohannabarberaesque · 5 months
Such is the stylee Honey and Sis have at their surprise shortwave worldcaster
Its model, more or less, being in the mold of Goodman Ace and his wife, Jane, in the legendary Old Time Radio comedy Easy Aces, itself rooted in loose and spontaneous banter as occured one evening over Kansas City station KMPC when the host of the show as ordinarily followed his couldn't make it, and was advised to remain on air--ad-libbing more or less.
The listeners loved it, and it would remain on radio until 1945, eventually moving to television.
Nonetheless, it's all unscripted, off the cuff--and the shortwave confraternity appreciates it even as shortwave otherwise falls into decline. Attracting especially a certain loyal base in the likes of Gilly-Gilly Ossenfeffer Katzenellenbogen-by-the-Sea, Mixingham on Sea and, for good measure, Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, Wales, never mind where they pull off their worldcasts from by way of their rebuilt GMC motorhome/studio/transmitter certain to make Uncle Ezra's legendary station EZRA, "the powerful little five-watter down in Rosedale, the friendly little town," blush.
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tinyfantasminha · 4 days
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get chibi-fied losers
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it remains extremely funny to me that freddie wong accidentally (?) made Dan Fucks, embodiment of pleasure, so distinctly ace-coded. like, Dan talks a big game about sex and seems to view it as interesting and desirable, but when presented with such an obvious in for it he completely ignored Avaricci's come-ons to just talk about non-sexual pleasures like goddamn cold pillows. he's not paying attention to sex at all when it's not personally convenient or expected of him to do so.
100% Elias is ace and just doesn't realize people genuinely crave sex and it's not a metaphor or exaggeration like it is for him yet. bless him.
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ryllen · 5 months
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aromantic-diaries · 9 months
My mom probably wouldn't be any more accepting of me being aroace than she would be of me hypothetically being gay and any homophobe would still think of me as an unnatural mentally ill freak if I tried to explain my identity except instead of being called a predator I'd be armchair diagnosed as a narcissist but okay sure yeah asexuals and aromantics have it so easy yeah totally
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seefasterdraws · 4 months
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various dgs doodles while i figure out how i wanna draw all of them
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doctorsiren · 4 months
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guys what if for the Mia Fey Trilogy AU, Phoenix’s hair got a white streak in it because of the poison?? Because it turned Diego’s hair white (save for his facial hair, which I find funny) so I think it could be neat if maybe this Phoenix got just partially white hair??
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saphushia · 1 year
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sabo has some catching up to do, mostly on the new ways luffy's learned to create near death experiences. frankly it's shocking that ace survived luffy learning to perfect gum gum rocket, considering luffy's notably poor aim as a kid and the fact he was definitely practicing in a densely wooded area
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horde-princess · 1 year
wait i'm sorry because. the fact that nimona's own parents believed an evil monster had taken the place of their daughter. the whole town was terrified and handed her over to the Institution to be 'fixed' i.e. tortured and experimented on. the fact that all of this is then contrasted in a single panel with ballister's concern and love 😭😭😭😭
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while her parents left her in this place, ballister went back to save her from it, fearing it could get him killed. it took him a while but he came to see the monster in the girl and the girl in the monster and all of her together as just... a friend. how it's all a metaphor for growing up gay and trans with mental illness in a conservative christian community, and god you're just a child and all you want is for someone not to hate you. to see the real you that you've been told is evil and maybe even love you for who you are. do you guys ever get sick of me talking about this stuff because i really don't!!!!!!!!!!!
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a-frog-in-a-bog · 1 year
I keep seeing posts about how damaging ace discourse was to aces and while I’m glad we’re talking about tumblr’s bullying problem I think some of you have selective amnesia bc the war was DEFINITELY being fought from both sides. For every post calling asexuals cringe or lonely turbo virgins there was at least one reply or comment or post saying shit like “ok have fun dying of aids” or “I’m a bi ace which is exactly the same as being bisexual except I’m not a slut” or “ace culture is not having to worry about spreading STDs”.
Nearly every post made by a trans woman discussing transphobia was derailed by someone making it about asexuality instead (unfortunately this is still common on tumblr) and posts about gay sex or attraction were flooded with comments about those nasty dirty allos. Lesbians who expressed frustration about not being able to talk about their sexual attraction to women without aces “fixing” their posts to make them pure and wholesome were characterized as mean dykes and aphobic. And the shit that people posted after the pulse shooting was thinly veiled homophobia— do you know how many posts I saw that were along the lines of “well maybe if you gays were nicer to aces we’d donate blood” or “ace culture is hearing about the pulse shooting and wondering who would want to go dancing at a sweaty club when you could be home reading”.
And idk if people realize this but kink at pride discourse was born from ace discourse. The sheer amount of posts that were like “stop sucking face at pride I’m ace and it grosses me out get a room” or “pride is supposed to be a safe space for aces too nobody cares that you like to get tied up and fucked in the ass” or “as an aroace it makes me uncomfortable to see people wear nothing but leather harnesses stop making pride sexual”.
We absolutely should be calling out the people who posted graphic porn in the ace tag or harassed aces by calling them broken and unloveable bc that’s fucking horrendous and unacceptable but don’t act like every asexual on tumblr was an innocent smol bean posting garlic bread memes and minding their business bc the shit thrown at lgbt people in the name of ace discourse was awful and damaging to see, especially as a teen coming to terms with my sexuality
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subsequentibis · 1 month
it's actually just hit me that there's like... not really romance plots in dungeon meshi. they don't pair the cast off arbitrarily at the end. basically any character could be read as aroace/aspec really easily. that's honestly super cool!! it's refreshing to have a mainstream piece of media with the kind of approach to character relationships that emphasizes how important everyone's connections to each other are without making them explicitly romantic.
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von-karmas-a-bitch · 8 months
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midnightbrightside · 5 days
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sent to: another continent
sent from: another bed
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medi-bee · 9 months
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qc-wiggles · 11 months
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scrub a dub dub archivist in a tub
dtiys entry for @eyes-eyes-eyes-eyes-eyes-eyes :3
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lerildeal · 3 months
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wow Ace attorney doodles two days in a row?
yes 😔
I finished the first case of the second game and boy it was surprisingly queer
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