#eddie is tryin not to
apomaro-mellow · 10 months
Demon!Eddie 5
At some point, Eddie had cleaned Steve up a little and dressed him in a tank top and shorts. The shirt had a band he’d never heard of but maybe Eddie would tell him about it sometime. Steve had tried to get up on his own only to immediately fall back onto the bed when he felt a sharp pain. That would be last night, coming back to literally bite him in the ass.
“Job hunting’s gonna have to wait”, Eddie grinned.
Eventually they migrated to the couch back in the apartment, Eddie lying on his back and Steve right on top of him. He found it very easy to imagine if the rest of his life was like this. In Eddie’s clothes, in his place, completely surrounded by him.
Steve didn't even know where his clothes from the first night went and he didn't give a flying fuck. Not when he was laying on top of Eddie, getting his lower back rubbed.
"Don't get a big head about it. That was the first dick I ever took."
“I didn’t say anything”, Eddie said.
“I can feel it in your hands”, Steve replied before letting out a soft hum as Eddie’s fingers pressed a spot on his spine. 
The morning was spent so lazily and for the first time in a long time, Steve wasn’t thinking about his future or what he was supposed to do about it. He just relaxed in Eddie’s hold. The only time he worried was when Eddie got up to say he was making breakfast. Steve ignored any soreness to confirm if his suspicions were correct.
And to his horror, Eddie dumped ground coffee into a pot, filled it with water, and then set it all on the stove. 
“You’re an animal”, Steve said.
“I think we established that last night”, Eddie smirked.
“I’m talking about your coffee set up. Where’s your coffee maker? Your filters?”
“What’s wrong with the way I make coffee?”
“Tony the tiger wouldn’t make it that way.”
Eddie’s retort was cut off by a knock on the door and a man’s voice. “Eddie? Edifice Edacity Edger you open this door right now!”
“Who’s that?”, Steve asked.
“Uhh, that would be my uncle. Stay here for a second and don’t make a sound.” Eddie pushed Steve towards the magic door and before Steve knew it, he was floating in a dark abyss.
He wasn’t in the lavish bedroom from before, nor was he in any of the places Eddie took him yesterday. It was just an endless void with no gravity. Steve was no stranger to hiding in girls’ closets, but this was definitely different.
“His uncle, huh...”, Steve whispered just in case. He wondered what he was like. Probably terrifying if Eddie was trying to hide him. Maybe he was closer to a more traditional demon and would’ve eaten Steve up or sucked our his soul.
Steve felt like he was flying and floating and descending all at the same time and just as he was starting to feel disoriented, he saw the light of the door opening right next to him and Eddie reaching in. Steve took his hand and was pulled back into the apartment.
“Wayne, this is Steve, my current contractor. Steve, this is my Uncle Wayne.”
Uncle Wayne looked more like the kind of guy who spent his free time at hardware stores and bait shops than a demon. But now Steve felt like it would be rude to ask.
“Hi there, sir. Nice to meet you.”
Wayne’s hands were on his hips as he looked Steve up and down. “Hmph. He’s easy on the eyes, I’ll give ‘im that. But you should know better than to be swayed by a nice face.”
“I’m not being swayed”, Eddie said. “It’s just taking some time to fulfill his request.”
Wayne gave him a disappointed look. Steve knew they were talking about him but couldn’t see what the exact problem was.
“You know how this story ends, son.”
Eddie crossed his arms. “No actually, I don’t. Why don’t you enlighten us, oh wise storyteller.”
“Eddie, don’t be rude to your uncle”, Steve chastised. 
Wayne held up a hand. “He’s a brat, but he ain’t misbehavin’. But my official designation is ‘storykeeper’.”
“A what?”
Wayne waved a hand and glowing tomes materialized all around them. “Every single person that has ever existed, has a story to tell. Demons too. When a life ends, everything gets compiled and their story comes into my hands.”
“So...you know everything that’s ever going to happen?”, Steve asked in awe.
“I’m not omniscient. I only know what happens when the story’s over. But after doing this for as long as I have, you start to notice patterns.”
“And what’s my pattern?”, Eddie raised a brow.
“How does bullheaded young buck gets too caught up in one deal sound? Does that sound like a fit?”
“I’m not-” Eddie rolled his eyes but made the mistake of looking at Steve while doing so and had to quickly avert them.
“I don’t understand how any of this works, but is Eddie doing anything wrong? We have a deal and he’s seeing it through”, Steve said in his defense.
“Most demons ain’t so thorough”, Wayne answered.
“You and I both know most demons ain’t honest either”, Eddie said.
“Eddie, get the deal done. And move on.”
Eddie didn’t respond but Wayne wasn’t waiting for one, already on his way out the door. Steve waited for the door to close to speak again.
“Am I....are you breaking any rules because of me?”
“Rule breaking is a part of my creed, baby. But technically, no. Wayne’s right, most demons would’ve set you up in a new place with a new name and considered their job done. But I pride myself on my customer service.”
Steve smiled. “Right. You serve all your customers the same way?”
Eddie saw the way Steve was looking at him and faltered. “N-no. No, I don’t. But you’re special.”
It certainly made Steve feel special to hear it straight from Eddie. He got the deeper meaning of Wayne’s warning. They were both supposed to be very short chapters in each other’s lives. Ships passing in the night or whatever. Steve knew, once he had figured out what he wanted, Eddie would leave and he’d never hear from him again.
“I think I’m all rested up now. Let’s keep looking.”
“You sure?”, Eddie asked.
“Yeah. After we get some decent coffee.”
Maybe it was because of his uncle’s words, but Eddie kept his distance for the next few jobs. Steve tried not to mind too much. He was going to have to do whatever he chose without Eddie anyway. He spent the rest of the morning into the early afternoon in a summer camp, working as a sports counselor. 
He had plenty of fun teaching some boys the basics of basketball and running them through drills and even getting through a mini game that they all seemed to enjoy. After a couple periods though, he had a free moment and explored the camp. He ended up being wrangled by a group of boys who needed some muscle for a satellite project.
“I didn’t even know we did this kind of thing at this camp”, he admitted, while lugging around machinery he couldn’t even begin to name.
“Yeah, no duh. You sports counselors barely leave Jock Row”, one kid snarked.
“You should come by the Arts and Sciences building some time”, another said. “We’re always doing something cool.”
“Even if it’s not totally legal!”, the one who had grabbed Steve beamed.
“Uh, what’re you guys’ names again?”
“I’m Dustin, the nice one’s Will, and those two are Lucas and Mike.”
“How does Will get ‘nice one’?”, Lucas asked.
“You know Will’s the reason your cabin didn’t get Cinnamon Toast night, right?”, Mike said.
Dustin gave such a gasp, Steve was worried he’d swallowed a lung.
“Our cabin had to do it with biscuits! How could you?”
“They made it a competition and that’s the one kind I can win”, Will shrugged.
They made it to their destination and Steve followed their disjointed directions but eventually the satellite was built and they were talking to the girls camp across the lake. It was completely juvenile and fun and Steve couldn’t remember the last time he’d done something like this. 
The lunch bugle rang and Steve was approached by a black and red frog while the campers went off to eat.
“And what have you been up to? Frog stuff?”
Eddie croaked, then hopped a couple times in place. Steve crossed his arms.
“I’m not picking you up like this. You’re all, slimy. And you look poisonous.”
Frog-Eddie croaked and hopped onto his shoe, still urging at him but Steve was a rock. Eddie transformed back into himself, wearing the camp t-shirt and red shorts that was the counselor uniform.
“You weren’t so picky about my fluids last night”, Eddie smirked, while wrapping his arms around Steve.
“Yeah there’s a difference.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, beautiful~ Lunch and then on to the next?”
Eddie had zero idea why Steve wanted to work in an office. But hey, who was he to judge? At least he wasn’t trying to be a cop anymore. 
Steve really just wanted to experience office culture for himself. It was the sort of thing his father had been setting him up for. Before the ritual sacrifice of course. He was put on mailroom duty and that was where he met his worst enemy - Robin Buckley.
She sneered and scoffed at him most of the time. And when she deigned to use words, her comments were always biting. Delivering mail wasn’t too bad, except the fact that most of the employees barely looked him in the face while delivering. He came to the break room and Robin was already there. He tried to ignore her while getting a yogurt from the fridge.
He leaned against it when another guy came in. Steve was pretty sure his name was Kenneth.
“Hey, it’s the mailroom crew!”, he smarmed while refilling his mug with coffee. “You know Robin you should, maybe not scowl so much the boys here appreciate a nice smile.”
Kenneth walked out before he could see Robin’s megawatt dirty look. She glanced at Steve and saw he had the same look as her.
“What an asshole”, Steve said.
“That’s putting it lightly. There’s so much as, there’s no hole left”, Robin snarked.
Steve slid over closer to her so they could continue to talk in whispers. The people here were jerks but he might choose to work with them one day.
“At least he’s better than Nick.”
Robin wretched with her tongue out. “You know he slept with Norma at the Christmas party?”
Steve raised a brow. “Nick? With the ring on his finger and the happy family picture in his cubicle?”
They spent more than was probably allowed on their break, trading gossip. Steve only got distracted when he saw a very attractive janitor roll by with his mop and bucket. Without a word, he walked off and followed him right into the closet.
“You’ve been wandering around more”, Steve said as the door closed.
“Just tryina give you space baby. Wouldn’t wanna influence your decision”, Eddie grinned, taking the cap off his head.
“And what if my decision was to blow off work and have some fun with the cleaning guy in the broom closet?”
“Sounds like the opposite of climbing the corporate ladder”, Eddie grinned while unzipping his jumpsuit.
“The opposite of climbing is what again?”, Steve said as he sank down to his knees.
Part 7
Tag Team
@swimmingbirdrunningrock @flustratedcas @estrellami-1 @weirdandabsurd42 @lololol-1234 @chaoticvictorianspirit @giopandaonice @marklee-blackmore @blackpanzy @kacatshi @stevesbipanic @goodolefashionedloverboi @panicatthediaz @gregre369 @littlewildflowerkitten @starryeyedpoet17 @envyadams-vs-me @abbiecadabi-blog @genderless-spoon  @stxrcrossed186 @l0st-strawberry @willowsmelody @bornonthesavage @mxmakessense @roaringgoodshow @potato-of-the-lord @actualwakingnightmare @meccaminayah @irregular-child  @cherr1ehead @anaibis @finalmoondragon @sani-86 @bestwifehaver @tinyplanet95 @mc-i-r @abstractnaturaldisaster @livgil273 @crowley--aziraphale @formacoon @slv-333 @just-a-tiny-void @beckkthewreck @awkwardgravity1 @plasticcrotches
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weewoo911 · 26 days
I get not everyone wants another buddie divorce and I also do want Eddie to get the help he so desperately needs but also I really don’t want him to be “oh-poor-baby’d” through his cheating arc.
Yes, Eddie is dealing with his unresolved grief and feelings over Shannon, yes, Eddie has a lot of complex trauma that deserves compassion.
But he’s doing something awful. On purpose. He didn’t slip up, he made the conscious choice to lie and cheat and use two different women, on top of lying to his son and to Buck about where he was going. And from the interview it seems like he’s gonna do more sneaking around on purpose to make some random woman a stand in for his dead wife and he doesn’t care that she’s her own person - which is objectively creepy af
Like I can see it with the brain tumour theory, people wanna find a way to make it not really Eddie’s fault. Maybe I’ll be completely wrong and he does have some kind of brain issue! But for right now he’s just a guy doing a fucked-up thing and for once it is 100 percent his fault.
I also want Eddie to get better but I think he has a rock bottom to hit first.
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panickedpanko · 2 years
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Eddie seems the type to do stupid shit in public for the sake of doin stupid shit. This is the reference photo
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vvizardz · 10 months
Look me in the eye and try to truthfully tell me that Eddie is not some sort of metalhead
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goldenhusky407 · 1 year
I feel like these guys would have the most random conversation
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harringroveera · 2 years
Every time someone tries to turn Eddie or Steve into Max’s new brother instead of Billy I go a little more feral
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babygirlharrington · 2 years
Steddie Fic Rec #3
One Last Class - DragonsFlight
Summary: Dustin enlists Steve to help tutor Eddie so he can graduate.
Explicit, WIP. No triggers, as far as I know. Dustin has a scheme and Steve is, as in canon, a shitty tutor.
standing up the dead - heartofwinterfell @nancywheeeler
Summary: Max and Eddie in the astral plane.
Teen, WIP. Eddie and Max trauma-bond while they try to get back to REAL Hawkins. Max misses (real) Lucas and Eddie doesn’t realise he misses (real) Steve so much? right where i belong - Macellarius
Summary: “You’re a fucking virgin?” Steve blurts out excitedly. Or, a weekend of firsts with Steve and Eddie, who are navigating life and love in the aftermath. (Or, the Varsity Sweater fic.) 
Explicit, Complete. This is part of the author’s series, slowly learning that life is okay, which part I is also very worth reading.  You Just Keep Me Hanging On - DiscoSuperFly
Summary: Hobbies have taken over Fireman Steve's life, he's taking a slow path to find his joy, selling his honey and beeswax products at a local Farmers Market he runs into someone from his past and they're pulled into each other's orbit.
Explicit, Complete. Just two farmer’s market boys living out their little farmer’s market dreams. Very fucking cute. If you want to walk out of hell - RedCytosine @redcytosine
Summary: Eddie makes a miraculous escape from the Upside Down, only to find that while he may have returned to the Shire, Mordor is not finished with him yet. Or, Eddie, found family, a slow romance, and how to save the world.
Mature, WIP. This fic has lots of chapters (and hopefully will have lots more!) and is a very interesting twist on the Kas theory. luckiest man in the world - ghosttotheparty @ghosttotheparty
“Jesus. Imagine that. I’m twenty-one, wanted for murder, thought to be dead, never graduated high school. And I still get to be the luckiest man in the world.”
Mature, Complete. TW for PTSD. Healthy communication between two horny and traumatized lads. Skindeep- HolographicBunny
Summary: Steve just wanted to help Robin sit through her first tattoo. He didn't plan for a certain metal head to come stumbling into his life. Not that he is complaining. Okay, maybe he is complaining a little bit because that’s what he does.
Explicit, WIP. Steve is supposed to be Robin’s hand to hold while she gets her first tattoo. Steve ends up being the one needing his hand held by the end of the appointment. cuddles and cat naps - murdertrashbabyrat @murdertrashbabyrat
Summary: Steve is so relieved that he's getting a few hours of nightmare-free rest for once, that he doesn't notice he's neck deep in a sexuality crisis and that it's all Eddie Munson's fault. Thank god Steve has people like Robin to pull his head out of his ass.
Explicit, WIP. Eddie and his adopted kitten tag-team to make sure Steve gets some goddamn sleep. Lifes For The Living - Cherrycolatree @raspberrycolapop
Summary: Eddie Munson survives but ends up in a coma. Steve Harrington visits him everyday and slowly falls in love with someone who’s barely part of the living world anymore.
Explicit, Complete. Steve realizes he’d been in love with Eddie before, during, and now after his coma.  Mallrat - ozwrites @babygirlharrington
Summary: Eddie takes Mike, Dustin, and Lucas to the nerd store. On the way back to the lot, they pass The Gap, Zales, Jazzercise, and-
“Jesus Christ, dude is that Steve?!”
Explicit, Complete. Steve in his lil’ Scoops outfit. Yes, another act of shameless self-advocacy for this one before I drop a new fic.
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majicmarker · 2 years
like part of why i headcanon and write eddi3 as so wildly sexually inexperienced in my h3llcheer fics is bc the whole popular “he’s in a band” argument doesn’t… actually…… hold up? he’s in a metal band with his friends in small-town conservative indiana during the rise of the satanic panic, guys, sorry but all things considered within the scope of the narrative jason c*rver would absolutely be getting more pussy
*please for the love of god this is not an invitation to debate — read and write and headcanon what you want but i’m pulling out the power hose and keeping that particular characterization away from me, is all i’m sayin
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sapphicshieldmaiden · 2 years
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Inspired by this https://twitter.com/josede1maro/status/1557910900991897600?s=20&t=y6Cdbs65e_TnwU-knyZdzg
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chyertiii · 2 years
“i BeT jOe DoEsN’t EvEn CaRe AbOuT tHiS”
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bobabirdd · 2 years
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I like coloring his hair okay 👉👈 wip of a silly idea I’m slowly working on in between my irl job 😔
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apomaro-mellow · 5 months
Forest Guardian WIP
You know when you write a whole fic in service to get to a single scene? Well I started this months ago and I forgot what that scene was. So I'm posting this wholly unfinished bc i literally can't remember where i was going with it but i'm open to suggestions
fantasy au; a/b/o; omegaverse; alpha!eddie x omega!steve
The forest guardian's face was the stuff of legends. Apparently so handsome that he could've started a war. At least, that was what Eddie's employer had pronounced when he'd hired him for the job. Fetch the man and escort him back to the king. A beauty so radiant deserved to be royalty. And of course, continue the royal line.
"Imagine, an omega so immaculate, climbing trees and trudging in the dirt", the king had said.
Eddie had heard the rumors of the creature who protected the wild lands. He didn't buy the whole "shining diamond of an omega" thing though. He'd been out in the forests and he saw what lurked in the brush. Nature was full of wonders and delights, sure. But Eddie was rather certain he'd be bringing back a rock giant.
The king (and many others) chose to conveniently forget the forest guardian's tales of strength and power. Even so, he was given a job, and he would complete it. But not before receiving the king's, shall we say, blessing?
As a bounty hunter, Eddie was trusted to be capable of venturing into the woods alone and bringing back a spirit of nature. As an alpha, he was not trusted to travel alone with an omega of any status.
The king snapped a cuff on his wrist, enchanted by the court's mage. "Should you lay a single ignoble finger on what is mine, this pretty bracelet shall slice your hand off."
"My king thinks so highly of me", Eddie grinned.
He was sent off for his quarry and to his credit, Eddie did attempt to remove the cuff, but of course there was nothing to do about it.
"And what constitutes an 'ignoble finger'?", Eddie mused out loud as he entered the forest. "Am I not allowed to shake his hand? Pat his shoulder?"
The first day, Eddie just tracked. He ignored the animal tracks for the most part, focusing on things that seemed natural, yet out of place. He didn't find anything the second or third day either, but continued deeper into the woods.
On the fourth day, he was entertaining himself by acting out a conversation between the king and his third scorned mistress to keep the boredom away.
"You talk to yourself a lot", a voice said from the trees.
Eddie looked up but saw nothing. It wasn't until his eyes adjusted to the sunlight dappling through that he made out a human figure.
"Well, well, well. Been lookin' for you for a while now", Eddie said.
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kennedy-brooke · 1 year
can i just say, the anons that decided to come at jasmine today for absolutely no reason at all are one of the reasons im terrified to write and share it with everyone. i love the community here, i really do, they r so supportive and welcoming, but while i may look like a bitch, im a sensitive baby on the inside and those anons would terrify me.
i desperately want ro try writing, i have so many ideas in my head- i just am currently to scared and self conscious to do it <3
so like- i know nobody is gonna see this but if you do, just think before you send hateful messages (anonymous or not) bc they r really so discouraging for everyone
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jewishfalin · 2 years
I need a space to talk about DID stuff man I'm tired of feeling alone and afraid of stigma 😔
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localdesperado · 2 years
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Hellfire forever baby, you’ll always be here ❤️
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lovehoarder · 2 years
Starting to realize that I know a bit more about punk culture than metal head culture and I'm hoping that they overlap enough to get me through this drawing I'm working on.
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