#edward newgate x reader
gatorbites-imagines · 3 months
Whitebeard fucker here lol I’ve been summoned. Could you write something with a reader whose used to being the biggest guy around meeting whitebeard and going “ohhh” and wanting to climb that man like a tree? Any and all kinks are up to your choosing monsieur gator!! Also happy birthday man!
Edward “Whitebeard” Newgate x male reader
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Bit my lip so fucking hard when I saw this request. Whitebeard enjoyers come assemble!
Thanks for the birthday wish :) I ended up getting a lot of comics and manga, so I’m very happy.
Reader possesses a devil fruit I made up I call the sun-sun Fruit. Hes also like 16 ft 9. Hes also at least 40+ years old. Old man yaoi.
You had known of Whitebeards existence ever since you started traveling the sea, who didn’t? The guy was a legend known as the strongest man alive, someone to avoid if you did the type of business you did.
You were a bit of an everything man. Information gathering, Intimidation, bodyguarding, assassin, anything that paid you a lot and you didn’t have to hurt the innocent, Youd do it.
The world government were cautious of you, but always let you get away with things others wouldn’t, as you also took jobs for them if need be. You played on every board, siding with pirates, with marines, with the poor, and with the rich. As long as they had good reason for asking for your help.
Your Sun-Sun fruit always helped with this as well, making you an extremely powerful fighter, possessing the ability to gather and store solar energy and light itself. After mastering it you could easily create explosions big enough to destroy islands, coat your body in solar energy, or coat your weapons, as well as many other things.
Your preferred weapon were spears, your most beloved weapon a naginata that had been gifted to you after a job well done, some celestial who fanboyed over pirates wanting to give you a big reward. The naginata was supposedly cursed, but you two got along a little too well most days.
All in all, you were well known in your own circles, but nowhere near as much as someone like Whitebeard.
That was also the reason you turned down your latest request to kill Whitebeard. You might have been strong, but you were never an idiot. You might have stood at almost 17 feet, towering over anyone you had ever met, but even you know Whitebeards crew was so loyal it was lethal.
The people giving you the request has been annoyed about you rejecting it, but they could do nothing to stop you as you left, on your way to the next island. There was never a destination in mind if you didn’t have a contract, so you just called it joy sailing.
It was mere coincidence that you found yourself sailing through Whitebeards territory. You had no need for a crew, as you had mastered the skill to create stand-ins with your sun-sun fruit, creating human shaped beings out of condensed solar energy.
The ship you traveled in wasn’t too big either, especially compared to the moby dick. But they had easily spotted you, and your “crew” had spotted them in return. For some reason the whitebeard crew were interested in you, though their interest made your heartrate skyrocket as the moby dick neared your own much smaller ship.
When it became clear they weren’t there to fight, you agreed to link up your ships, even if it was just because you knew they could end you before you would be able to run for it.
Stepping onto the ship, part of you was curious at their lack of reaction to your towering height, even as they had to turn their heads all the way back to look at you to ask questions about your “light crew”, or one of them demanding to know what your favorite food was, or where you got your naginata.
When you finally met Whitebeard though, it all made sense. The guy made even you feel small, even though he wasn’t towering over you the same way you were the rest of his crew. Maybe it was his presence, as he laughed and patted you on the back, greeting you by the nickname the masses called you.
But all you could think about was how seeing someone taller than you made you feel. Just feeling his large hand patting your shoulder, or seeing how he was still taller than you when you sat, was enough for you to think about booking it again.
You had no idea why, but for some reason you stuck around with the Whitebeard crew for a while. To the point where they started acting like you were part of the crew. Even when you tried to turn it down, they’d just give you a knowing look before ignoring your complaints.
In your opinion, you were too old to join someone’s crew, especially with you being known as a “backstabber”, as you never picked one specific side.
And yeah, you knew why you were sticking around for so long. It was all Whitebeard, and that weird, fluttering feeling he gave you, and the arousal he caused, but that was not as important…for the most part.
It was only after the crew had settled on the island to restock that you thought about leaving for real. One of your contacts had called you on your den den mushi, and told you about a very high paying job. You might have been so rich your ancestors would live in luxury, but you could never get enough.
Unluckily for you, Whitebeard had overheard the call. He had looked sad about you wanting to leave, but had invited you to join him for a drink before you packed up and went on your way.
That’s how you found yourself sitting beside him in front of a bonfire, just the two of you, both of you decently buzzed and flushed. Your devil fruit power made you mostly immune to alcohol, the heat of the sun burning the alcohol away before it could work, but whatever stuff Whitebeard had on him seemed to have the right kick.
Later you would blame the alcohol for your reaction when Whitebeards hand settled on your lower back. You had abandoned your jacket a while ago, some of Whitebeards crew running off with it to use it for some drunk game they were playing.
Your devil fruit also worked best without too much clothes in the way, meaning Whitebeards hand was right on your back, and your thirsty self had arched into it with a soft groan, your head flopping to the side to rest against him.
Whitebeard had chuckled, but it wasn’t his usual loud guffaw, but something deeper and smoother, like melted dark chocolate or the best whiskey you had ever drank.
His hand had rubbed and massaged your back until you felt like putty, small sparks of light and solar energy flickering across your torso as your control slipped, Whitebeard huffing amusedly at the small jolts it sent through his arm.
You would blush in the future when thinking about it, denying it ever happened, before blaming the alcohol once more. But in that moment, it was impossible to not spill all the thoughts you had about him. How he made you feel so hot inside, how much you fantasied about him, his hands, his height, his cock.
Whitebeard had seemed almost charmed, and maybe he was. It wasn’t every day that someone his age and especially his size had someone fawning over them. Maybe that was why he pulled you into his lap, with your back resting against his chest, as his battle worn hands traveled across the front of your torso.
He murmured and purred into your ears as one of his large, calloused hands groped and pinched at one of your pecs, making you gasp and arch into the touch, legs jolting until his other hand came down to hold your thigh in place.
The praise falling from his lips had you feeling much drunker than you were, vision blurring for a second before you were able to focus again, your own hands grasping at his pantleg as you huffed out a breath.
The veins across your body lit up every now and then from the stored solar energy in your body flickering, causing Whitebeard to chuckle that deep chuckle once more, making some comment about that being a nice party trick.
You were about to snap back a rebuttal, something rude about his own devil fruit power, but before the words could even leave you, the hand gripping your thick slid under your waistband.
Embarrassment flooded your system as you keened, head falling back onto his chest as your hips jolted. And how crazy was that? He was so tall your head fall onto his chest, not his shoulder, not above his own head, his chest.
It had your throbbing even more, immediately coating his palm in a layer of precum, making Whitebeard tsk teasingly, before rubbing the palm against the head of your sensitive shaft, only making you drip even more.
What could you say. You were sensitive. Being your size made it pretty hard to find a partner who could keep up with you, or someone you wouldn’t hurt on accident. And as your fame grew, less and less individuals even wanted to give it a try.
That was why you were keening and whimpering in Whitebeards lap like some kind of virgin, at least that’s what you told yourself to keep your dignity.
It didn’t explain the way you jolted and spilled into his hand when Whitebeard grabbing your chin, turning your head so he could kiss you. Your eyes rolled back, and solar energy flashed across your body as you came, gasping into his mouth, your breath so hot It would have harmed anyone not as sturdy as Whitebeard.
With his lips still pressed against yours he mumbled praise, telling you stuff that had you melting even further into his embrace, hips still jolting and twitching into his hand like you didn’t want it to end.
As you rolled your hips you could feel his own erection, and you almost wanted to pass out from just how big he felt. You had never met anyone who was bigger than you in that way, yet here Whitebeard was, pretty much offering it to you on a silver platter.
The night was spent with Whitebeard wringing more than just a couple of orgasms out of you, at some point leaving you so overstimulated and pleasured that your body had phased out, turning into solar energy.
Whitebeard had cackled loudly at the sight, seeing how you were in so much pleasure you couldn’t even stay solid. When you finally came back to yourself, he placed a big kiss on your cheek and then your mouth, making some teasing comment about it all.
The next morning you couldn’t look his crew in the eye, the knowing looks boring into your large broad back, that for once was wearing a shirt, to cover most of the hickeys their captain had left on you.
And if you just so happened to turn down the job offer your informant gave you, and if you just so happened to attach your ship to their fleet, and you just so happened to start being referred to in the same parental way as Whitebeard, who would be the wiser.
You honestly had no idea how to react when Whitebeards, and you guessed now your, crew started referring to you with a fatherly title in the same way they called Whitebeard Pops. You hadn’t wanted to be open about your relationship with Whitebeard, but to the crew it was so damn obvious.
Even when you and Whitebeard became official, and maybe even married at some point, you still took jobs every now and then, never getting enough of the thrill of money. But it was a lot less, and you pretty much cut all contact with the world government.
Sure, that got you a bounty and a high reward, but you honestly couldn’t care. After all this time you realized, maybe a crew wasn’t so bad. It also helped to have a partner that made you feel safe and cared for, whilst also leaving you limping in the best possible way.
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thesharktanksdriver · 14 days
The strongest star (platonic)
This is determination from Whitebeard’s point of view when y/n met him and his crew. I decided to make this to flesh out my first post and also thought it would be fun since y/n is kinda an unreliable narrator in their own way due to forgetting a lot of details and events.
Master-list for the series here
Tag list: @peachsuka28 @emptynessinmyworld @badluckinfrench @j-s-l-m @tigerfang-rage @madokamagicaa @rymtea @angstylittleb1tch @badluckinfrench @emmbny @kenkenmaaa @yunho-leeknow @chibiduck
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for as long as Edward Newgate could remember, he wanted a family
As unconventional as it had seemed he had always dreamed of a family of his own
That was his dream that led him to the sea all those years ago
The freedom to pursue and accomplish this with the oceans cruel and caring waves
He’s old now, a man accomplished and still having his family grow
So when Marco brings a small child aboard Newgate can’t help but be a bit giddy
It’s been years since the Moby dick had such a young one aboard its old planks
He remembers like yesterday it once did
Children he found bruised and starved, cold and alone with eyes begging for warmth and comfort despite how scared they were
He was once like that, and he swore he’d not abandon those kids like others did for him
Those children grew up now to be some of his many kids
Years heavy on them as they are for him
He watched them grow from scared to proud and strong
And most of all he watched them grow to be happy with the family harboured on a couple planks of wood on the high sea
Each night rocked by the waves with full bellies and a smile on their faces
So it’s safe to say he is hopeful when Marco marches up, carrying a small child of about 10?
The youngest on the ship as of now was Ace and a few from the spade pirates that assimilated to his crew
But he hadn’t raised them, Moreso taken them in and not having the opportunity to truly nurture them in the way he had wanted
They were teens, a fraction of their lives already lived which meant he missed out on significant moments of it
He hadn’t been able to meet Ace’s brothers or be sure to in-still in him that he’s loved
Hadn’t been able to convince spade that he was more than what everyone in his home thought of him
As an old nostalgic man Newgate missed the feeling of being there for something important like that again
And he thought for a moment he could have that again until he noticed your eyes
He’s seen the terrified, angry and hopeless that looked up at him once before
Most of his sons whom he took under his wing had a variation of that when meeting him
But yours are….something else
He’s reminded of the night sky
A sight that he’s been more than familiar with his entire life as he looked to the stars and wished for people to call home
Despite just being eyes he sees more
Bleak empty darkness, swirling with the unknown with the distant twinkling flecks of stars
They are all encompassing and unassuming at the same time
Pits of dullness that shows the withered age that only a seasoned sailor could have amongst the cruel waves
A loss of innocence and all that a child should have
Yet at the same time somehow retains some of it despite it all
It’s conflicting and hypocritical all at the same time yet it’s there all the same
Those eyes stare up at him, no fear but instead apprehension fills its place
If nothing before could have convinced him that he wanted you apart of his family than this did
But he’s known from the moment you stepped foot on this ship he wanted you to have a home here either way
On the Moby dick you start off as a quiet presence that later grows into something bigger
Perhaps even bigger than yourself as the his sons and daughters seek out your company like moths to a flame
He can’t exactly blame them, not when he himself wants so desperately to grasp and hold that light
But he sees your apprehension when around him
The way in which you try to skirt around his presence as best as possible
Something you do exceedingly well
So Edward for your sake decides to take a seat back and watch what happens
Waits to see you ease up on your own time
God knows the amount of patience he has from dealing with Roger all those years ago and his rowdy kids
So he knows when to back down and let the stage set itself
Watch the act before his role is to come
And Edward does exactly that
He watches and waits
Eddie watches as you draw the crew in like a gravitational pull
It’s slow at first
Your cautious but you let your guard down
At first it’s with Marco
Being the one to take you onboard he decides that your his responsibility and take to it like the mother hen that he is
Seeing you inured stumbling out an alleyway really hit him hard
Perhaps harder than you had even noticed
It gets worse especially after you seem to brush off your injuries
He hovers around you a lot under the excuse of checking your wounds but you seem to know better
You always seem to know better
But either way you don’t say anything and simply grumble a bit about him
Moreso out of annoyance than actual disdain
But either or, Whitebeard watches as his first commander stays by your side
Eventually getting you to drop some of your barriers ever so slightly
Like the chipping in a wall that would lead to a crack
You talk and Marco listens
As do others who eventually join in on listening to some of your stories as you sit between the rails of the railing
Feet dangling through the gaps and swaying back and fourth as you tell stories
Everyone listens
Some even stop in their trail just trying to hear what you tell Marco as he similar sits beside you
Clawed feet of his half Phoenix form and firey blue wings tinged in gold crackling gently
The real breakdown comes when he offers to fly you around
Everyone can see something in you ignite at that
Genuine excitement only caused by child-like wonder
It’s one of the only times on your stay he had seen it
The child buried beneath whatever had happened to you peaking out from the brush
This was a good sign
One that Edward is glad to see himself as you soar with Marco
Blue flames giving you warmth even with the cold harsh winds
When you eventually land once more Edward can’t help but smile at the surpassingly content expression painting your face
That crack in your defence grows
The next to chip away at that metaphorical wall is Thatch
The cook quickly making his ways into your good graces when he has you help about in his kitchen
You seemingly can’t really stay still, mind always racing and wanting to do something
Never taking the time to relax
Thatch says you take to tasks quickly, finishing as quick as you started much to his surprise and exasperation
Whitebeard laughed at that at the time
So you were quick to pick up things
Knowing tasks like the back of your hand no matter how big or small
He’s also seen it, when you gave some of his sons tips in raising the sails or properly cleaning the deck quicker
Thatch won’t admit it to anyone but himself but Whitebeard knows he cooks more food for you than he’d usually would for someone on the ship
Even when Ace or Teach hound him for more food he angrily shoves them off
Then filling your plate once more
Thatch is the one who tells him of the time you cried eating his meals
Mumbling that it reminded you of her
Your mom
Apparently you don’t remember her anymore
Just the vaguest scent of her meals and a glimmer of a smile she would give when cooking
It….sticks with Eddy more than he’d like to admit
Forgetting was an unfortunate thing that came with time
Whitebeard considered himself lucky in not forgetting much over his years
He still remembers the loneliness of his childhood
The bloodshed and alienation on Rocks’s crew
Going off to make his family after the god valley incident
Recruiting his many sons
Finding some cold and alone while others sought him out as a father
Remembers when he first met the idiot he’d call a rival
How Oden would eventually become his little brother and hearing years later of his death by Kaido
The guilt still weighing on his shoulders even now
So in every sense of the word Eddy considers himself lucky in being able to remember
But you don’t have that same privilege
Your memory fraught with missing pieces
Leaving you trailing off for a moment as you regal a story that leaves everyone on deck listening intently
They all notice that you stare off quite often while doing something
Your mind wandering to whatever is it that your thinking of
Sometimes you even mumble to yourself
Though Eddy is never close enough to hear the mumbles others sometimes mention them to him
Names and places
Dates and times
Events and descriptions
But one thing brought up is something that raises his eyebrow
Things only the Roger pirates could’ve know or seen
He already suspected something when seeing the coat draped across your shoulders
You may think your slick in thinking he didn’t recognize that old thing but Eddie knows better
He’d known Roger far too long and arduously to not recognize his gaudy red coat (hypocrite a voice in the void cry’s out)
When his frien….rival was executed he had noticed the coat he wore was different
A darker red and cheaper material
But at the time he gave no thought to it
To wrapped up in a certain kind of grief to really think twice
But now that coat is on your shoulders
Pristine rose red contrasted with the cyan blue of your bandana and cloth sash
You couldn’t have known Roger, your too young to do so
Plus that idiot had two apprentices not three
So that option was x’d out the list
As him and his commanders talked
But you being a kid of one of his members was certainly a possibility
And the only one Edward could ever imagine Roger giving his coat to was Rayleigh and he had essentially dropped off the map years ago
So the conclusion that your maybe Rayleigh’s kid and that he was potentially dead was the conclusion drawn
It’s safe to say that it is something that weighs on not only his commanders mind but also Edwards
Because of the similar situation to Ace
The only other person you had tried to avoid on this crew for some reason
But maybe you somehow knew of his origin and that’s why? But even that seemed unlikely
Roger could keep his lips shut when the situation called for it
Something that he now praised his dead friend for
But on the topic of Ace…it was odd
You avoided Ace like the plague
Whitebeard understood why you avoided him, the giant who was named the strongest man in the world and feared in all blues
But Ace? He was practically a puppy vying for your attention after seeing you interact with literally everyone but him
He’d never thought he’d see his son who’d used to be like a snippy stray dog now practically begging for attention
But here he was
Well, more like they were since literally everyone else on ship it’s finding this all too hilarious
But also kinda sad
It’s not like they’d force you to get along with him if there had been a solid reason
But seemingly there was none
You just avoided him for whatever reason
Jittering in discomfort and leaving when you saw his signature orange hat
And they’d thought it would remain like this
But like all else Whitebeard sees things change
(Just as he saw the sea change when Roger died and ushered a new era)
The final piece to break down that barrier of yours is Ace
The one besides Whitebeard himself you had been the most barred against
It starts with a small conversation
And then on deck he sees both you and ace talk more
And more
And eventually Ace is placing you on his shoulders with his hat on your head
Or taking you out on striker as the smaller boat races around the Moby Dick
It’s a sight for sore eyes
Ace once again lighting up like a bright flame
The same happiness restrained for when talking of his brothers
Or of that person who had given him the small charm he covets as if it were the greatest treasure
Something he had been initially teased for until revealing its story
The small worn down little sun dangling from his wrist representing someone who he wanted to find once more
To thank for caring for him despite his bloodline
Because Ace saw himself as a blotch on the world rather than a blessing
It was something that Ace had hid well but as his father Edward could see the conflict in his eyes
He Tried his best to resolve it but it had yet to go away
But when Ace talks of the Brothers made over a sip of sake, a small sun charm and now seemingly you
It seems for a moment to melt away
Like the strongest of metal being smelted before hardening once more
So Edward watches in amusement as Ace lets you hang from his arm
Or how his son tries his best to seemingly impress your young eyes with tricks of blazing flames
Ace doesn’t seem to notice though that anything he seems to do leaves a proud look in your eyes
But Eddie does
Whitebeard can’t place as to why but he decides to leave it
Simply enjoying his new child and Ace bonding as if they had knew each other for years
The flame brazen boy igniting excitedly like a match as your smaller hands find his and dance to the drunken shanty music
Singing songs you seem to know and regard with an almost melancholy smile as Binks Booze begins to play
Only giving more evidence to your possible heritage
And then you eventually approach Eddie himself
The fearless Whitebeard, strongest man in the world
Golden yellow eyes staring back down towards yours that reflected a starry night
He asks you about your family in which you answer vaguely
Though he expect no less of an answer he notices that the way you explain it is practiced
And despite how practiced it is it leaves him dealing down worry
You’d been on your own for a decent amount of time now
Just seemingly drifting from how you described it
No one but yourself and the sea to keep you company
Only the clothes on your back and small mementos from travels to carry on with you
Whitebeard ponders who the “friends” you’d made along the way but you don’t say names often
Just nicknames
Sneaky but he’s raised enough rebellious boys to see past all the tricks
You change conversation but Edward allows it
Instead you ask him questions, something no one would usually dare to do when being questioned from him
He’d have to admit you have some guts for a kid
Typically he’d call people who did something like that a brat but he lets it slip this one time
And he answers your questions
If only to try and ease you into seeing that he is more than just the epithet of strongest man
That first and foremost he’s a father and perhaps he could be one to you
But instead you inquired about Roger
Another itch to prove your perhaps Rayleigh’s child
So Whitebeard answers truthfully talking about the man he once considered friend
To be honest Edward never really knew how to quite characterize his and Roger’s relationship
On one hand Roger was a man that Edward had respected deeply. Someone who was not only equal in power but also in kindness
God Roger was so stupidly nice to just about everyone as long as you didn’t somehow anger him
But On the other hand Roger was one of the stupidest men alive
Running head first into a battle with nothing prepared
Roger and him were both Friends and Rivals all at the same time
Along with being two sides of a coin
Men who loved more passionately than anyone else
Men who’d do anything to protect all that they loved even if it killed them
In some sense Whitebeard knows he should be happy in being the “victor” in their rivalry yet he’s not
Because they never did settle a score because there was no score to settle
And Eddie no matter how hard he’d try to deny it missed that goof
For as annoying as he was he was equally charming
Something that was infuriating
Because of course Eddie had to become friends with that man
Of course Roger had to go and get himself killed
And it’s Eddie who’s left to mourn
Eddie who’s left to watch the world change and grow old
Eddie is always the one left standing
And it’s there with that you ask him about mourning and how he deals with it
And Edward can’t help but give a pitied stare
A child should not know grief
A child should not know how to mourn
And yet you do
You always seemed to know something your not supposed to
A thing both equally dangerous to you as it is others
……geez you really must be Rayleigh’s kid
Whitebeard smiles, looking down to the coat hung heavy on your shoulders
For a moment he sees Roger there, smiling at him as usual
He tells you that even when someone is gone they leave bits of themselves in the world
Eyes subtly glancing towards a distracted Ace and Izou who listens nearby
Their presence still lingering in all those that they touched by literal and metaphorical
Because when someone leaves you they never really do
They change you
Mold you into the person you are and could become wether that be good or bad
Because Whitebeard despite knowing Oden and Roger are gone can still feel their presence on this ship
The splinters from when battling Roger as he was flung onto the Moby dick
The room in which Oden carved his name in the wood along with Toki’s within the shape of a heart
Sees glimmers of Roger shining through Ace and his firey temper along with his compassion
Watches Izou mumble under his breath about how Oden would have loved to have been on this adventure
Those 3 sake cups still sit in Edwards office
Below a collection of objects and photos of all his lost children
He still mourns them
As any father would
Still wonders if they would forgive him for falling them
But when he does so he remembers their still there
Their fingerprints engraved on a old grizzled heart
At hearing this you nod, pulling that old coat on your shoulders closer
As if someone was hugging you through its luxurious red cloth
His words have seemed to have comforted you and he’s glad
Perhaps even lifting some of the grief off your chest
If so Edward is happy
Because a child should know no grief
And he’d like to change that
Would like to remold your melancholy little heart back to what it should be
That of a happy child
He and his children itch to ask you to stay
But even when Marco offers you a room here
Or when Ace just straight up asks you to stay
You always reply the same way
That like the sea herself you are untethered
Maybe one day you’d find a place but for now you must keep drifting
You have people to meet
Friends you call family to see once more
Everyone here wishes for you to stay
Some ask their father to perhaps to pull the same thing they had pulled with Ace
But Whitebeard doesn’t relent on wanting you to join by your choice
Even when he feels his will want to crack when one night after talking with you under the starry night you fell asleep in his palm
Curled up and small as he feels small tears drip down and pool beside you
Or when it wants to crack even more when he catches you one night in the crows nest singing
The almost haunting sound echoing and reverberating across the ship
The Moby herself sitting at your side, her Klabautermann joining you in song
Or the almost final blow when he realizes that you breath new life in the ship without even knowing it
It’s unseen by your eyes but Whitebeard knows his sons and his ship enough to know when it’s more lively than usual
How your words capture them
He’s watched as you sat atop a barrel telling tales and seeing everyone huddle around you like ducks
Pausing in their duties or even sitting down to ask questions or for you to elaborate more
Grown men and women enraptured by stories of the sea and all its beauty
Even he himself couldn’t help but find himself entranced by your words
The way in which you tell them all are too detailed as to not be true
But Whitebeard does not relent
Does not stop in his judgement no matter how hard it will be to let you go back on that dinky little ship you called your own
It’s sail made of spare sheets with sewn in patches giving it splatters of colour
But when that happens Whitebeard promises to throw you a grand goodbye
Promises that when you do come back they’d have a room ready
That Thatch would make food that reminded you of a once lost home again
That Marco would tend to your wounds and let you scrape the sky
And that Ace would light up with a flame of a stars intensity
But they never were able to throw that goodbye party
That party would be the next one after the one that was meant to just enjoy being with you once more without having to say goodbye
But then you decided you’d help Thatch after seeing he could barely walk in a straight line, so you paused the celebrations for yourself and went to that kitchen celler
Going to place that damned devil fruit to be locked away
But then minutes ticked by
And so Ace decides he’d go find you, saying he’d have to convince you to tell Eddie of your story about the island in the clouds
The joyful atmosphere continues
And then comes Ace’s horrified scream for Marco
Cutting through the atmosphere as the usually chipper boy runs out the kitchen with you in his arms
Bloodied little you
You sit there in Ace’s arms
Bleeding heavily from a large slashing stab that has your blood practically gushing out and into the ground along with Ace’s arms
Despite that though
Despite the pain you should be in Edward spots an oddly content look on your face
Eyes looking up towards Ace but instead of tears filling them it’s a bittersweet look
The look of I’m sorry
Ace and you sit in Edward’s palm
Your small form cradled by his sobbing son who pleads for you
Blood still fresh on his hands and now smeared across Edward’s as well
A child should never die
Let alone in someone’s arms
For they shall carry that weight of them in their arms forever
So he tells ace to lay you down in his Palm
And Ace can only do so reluctantly
Ace turns to run to Marco who’s dashing across the ship but you stop him grabbing his hand
Making his son pause
You smile despite it all, a bright and beautiful smile that rivals the sun and all stars in the sky
Then looking to his charm as you pull out a similar one nestled in that coat pocket of yours
“You found me” it comes out as a pained rasp that makes Whitebeard’s heart ache
It aches more seeing Ace’s expression
Pure grief
Just utter pure grief
Ace clutches you
Begs you not to leave
To please not leave him after finding you
To tell him who did this to you
Your eyes squint as if trying to remember, but then light up with recognition
You give a small laugh, one that makes Whitebeard go still as does Ace
Teach….thats why he wasn’t on deck
As that happens pieces of you shatter
A bright shining gold flashing in the night sky
Sparks of starlight and stardust congregating in the air
Scattering somewhere into the sky
In a fevered state you utter a last word to Ace
When your gone everyone is in a stunned silence
Because what just happened
But then Whitebeard thinks
He thinks all the way back to Roger
The last time he saw Roger the bastard had gotten suddenly silent asking Eddie if he knew of a song, a myth
A star that once dead formed back once more in a new part of the sky
A song was made about it once, something from the Rumbar pirates that had long died among the waves
But then he thinks back further
Back to those 3 days and nights they had fought on that abandoned island
And then he remembers
As Roger sent him flying with a punch Eddie skidded by the Oro Jackson
And for the briefest of moments he thought he spotted something shining in the darkness of a cracked open door
More rather the peering shining eyes of someone
At the time he tried to question Roger but he was as unmoving as a stubborn horse so Eddie had left the topic
He had forgotten of that experience years later
But now it comes rushing back
As does that myth of a undying star
It seems Roger was hinting at something all along
Sly bastard
Seems you weren’t Rayleigh’s kid after all
Maybe you were more Roger’s kid than anything
But….Eddie had taken in one of Roger’s brats before
His sobbing son is evidence of that
And perhaps he will do so again
“Hmf….sly bastard. Their out there, we’ll find them again” his words are spoken with conviction as a sobbing ace looks up to him, his golden eyes soften at his sons expression “their still alive Ace, just displaced when they die. Roger rambled to me a myth about it the last time we met. A star that never died and reappeared in the sky, I thought it was nonsense but maybe he was right”
“But how-“
“Think my boy. How could they be the one who had cared for you all those years ago when they’re that young? My best guess is a devil fruit” he sees the emotions swirl in Ace’s eyes as his sons nods shakily. Hands clutching the sun charm of his bracelet and scared to let go. Edward’s eyes travel from his son to his other children, the gold that was once softened now hardening once more as anger replaced it. Teach….a son now a traitor had to be delt with.
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quinloki · 1 year
Marco, Newgate, Jinbe for Pregnancy kink, breeding kink, Praise kink please
I'm going to preface this with - I see Jinbei and Newgate as very fatherly (not Daddy-ly? ) so I don't have much personal head canon for them. (My apologies, I am a horny bastard most of my head canons are horny-based XD)
That said, I will do my best! I'm not uncomfortable with it or put off by it personally, so no harm. Oh my I thought Jinbei was in his mid-50s, seems he's a spry young 46!
Let's do these by Kink - Praise, Breeding, Pregnancy.
Praise Kink:
Marco - FUCK Yes - Marco will have a hard time not praising you, to be honest. Those calloused warm hands slide over your body just as smoothly as his gaze, and his words drip down softly like honey. It's a steady, soothing cadence, and his words delight in every sound and twitch he pulls from you. You purr so sweetly for him, you take him so well, you always listen like a good [insert here].
He certainly doesn't mind getting praised in return, it's always a pleasure to hear your voice. But he gets more from giving than receiving in this case.
Newgate - Yes - Newgate often sings the praises of his sons and his crew, so it's fairly second nature to him. Of course he would praise someone who could stand by his side, and support him in ways that no one else can. That deep voice rumbles through your body like rocks and thunder, in a tone a little different for you than anyone else.
Jinbei - Yes - Of course Jinbei loves to praise you \o/ This is a very positive and supportive gentleman, and you deserve all the praise. Jinbei is a busy guy, and you've stayed by his side through a lot of employment changes. Things always manage to work out, and you always manage to find your way back to him. The warm hands, the warm voice, and the kind words.
His tone of voice for praising you behind closed doors is a little different, but that's just for you to know.
Breeding Kink:
Marco - Sure - Marco is more than happy to fill you up. He loves letting himself go inside you, the noises you make the way you feel throbbing against him. He couldn't possibly ask for more. But there's not really anything else to it - there's no fantasy of using you just for breeding, there's no connection/desire regarding marking you or filling you up. It's not a matter of "It's hard to get overt enthusiasm out of Marco", so much as there's just not that extra connection or spark for him.
Condom or not he just enjoy finishing inside you and bringing you over the edge at the same time (or near enough to count), makes him feel like he hasn't lost his touch.
Newgate - I dunno - I just don't feel like the guy who adopted (sometimes a little forcefully) a couple hundred sons is at all interested in any part of the process for creating biological children. I do think he's a caring enough guy that he would give it a try, if it was a fantasy of yours. I imagine he'd be more enthusiastic and into it if he was breeding you anally, to be honest.
Now, to be fair, breeding kink does not equal pregnancy kink, so I want to make sure I'm clear I'm not saying they go hand in hand. His hesitation isn't because he can't separate the two, his hesitation is because, well, regardless of gender he's more of a "swiggty, swooty he comin' for dat booty" kind of guy.
Jinbei - Yes - This man appreciates the sight of you just overflowing with his seed. The certain way the blood rushes across your skin, how you tremble in pleasure, there's just something different from other times, and he appreciates that difference.
(I wish I had more, but he's a simple guy who has simple pleasures)
Pregnancy Kink:
Marco - I don't think Marco knew he had this kink until you got pregnant. He'd seen/dealt with pregnant people before now, and it never did anything to him. But once you started showing he started to get a feeling that he wasn't sure what to do with. He became nearly feral in the bedroom, and spent most of his free time tending to you - massaging your feet, rubbing your shoulders, offering to feed you and other acts of service. Anything to be around you.
He wrote it off mostly to some instinctual drive to protect you, but the strong desires and urges were almost hard to control. You two ended up sitting down and talking about it and realizing that it was very much a oh god you don't even know for him.
Newgate - No - Pops wishes anyone who is pregnant good luck. May everything go correctly, and may you have many healthy babies. Just leave him out of it. He's not completely averse to the visual of pregnant people, he's just not terribly comfortable around it. Babies and kids? He's good with that, he's Pops after all.
He just doesn't have any interest in the process.
Jinbei - Sure - Jinbei falls into the "you were beautiful before, you are beautiful now" category. He's not turned off or away because you're pregnant, but he's not doing more or less with you because of it. Well, he's doing more with you - your pregnant - he's going to look after you and help you out like a good partner. He does his best to match your energy and pace - in and out of the bedroom.
Sorry, this is a little bare bones for what I usually do ^_^;
Kinky One Piece Head Canon
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thewildomega · 1 year
Finder’s Keepers Ch. 11
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Snapping his eyes open as soon as he heard the soft whimpering of the pup he sat up and looked beside him to see his female forcing herself to sit up, her eyes still closed as she went to lift up the now crying baby beside her.  Noticing how shaky her hands were he frowned and quickly jumped into action. Lifting the boy up into his own hand before she could take him he watched as her exhausted looking eyes opened enough to look up at him in no doubt confusion. 
Her voice sounded so strained. Standing he reached over to gently push his female back down on the bed. "I got him darlin'. You go back to sleep." Judging by the dull light coming in through the window he guessed it was nearing dawn so he assumed the boy was hungry again. 
Confused by his deep voice telling you to sleep you furrowed your brows together and tried forcing them to stay open. Thinking, let alone moving seemed like such a task but you knew you had to get up. "I...I gotta get up  h..he's hungry."
Adding a bit more pressure to keep her down he tugged the covers back over her, "No you are going to sleep." Feeling her weakly try to push his hand away he rolled her over to her stomach and began stroking her back with his fingertips while his other hand bounced gently to keep the pup from crying out and keeping her awake. "Sleep omega." he spoke in a commanding purr. Between his command and his fingers rubbing up and down her back she could not fight him and he watched as she quickly obeyed and drifted back off. Continuing to stroke her back and head until her breathing evened out he sighed. Hearing the child's small whimpers start up again he moved his hand from her. "Yeah, yeah I'm getting it." he told the tiny person. Quietly leaving the room he made his way up to the kitchen and began looking around for the stuff to feed the little brat, not seeing anything he growled and was beginning to grow frustrated when he heard someone clearing their throat behind him. Turning he saw Kureha standing there with a small glass bottle in her hand. 
Holding out the bottle for him she sat the small wooden box on the table that was filled with baby supplies. Reaching inside she lifted the small can of formula to show him. "Two scoops than fill the bottle with warm water. Shake it until it's mixed well. He'll most likely be ready for a feeding every four hours. Make sure you burp him afterwards or he's not going to be happy. That's the only bottle we have so keep it clean and don't break it." 
Watching her leave without another word he let out a breath and looked to the tiny bottle that he had to hold in his fingers and then down to the squirming boy. Moving bottle to his lips he saw him quickly latch on and quiet down. "Slow down will ya, it ain't goin' no where." Moving to sit at the table he finished feeding the boy as he looked in the crate, noticing the cans of formula, clothes and... diapers. Opening his mouth he glanced down to the baby as he realized what he would have to do once the boy was fed. Dropping his shoulders and closing his mouth he let out a long sigh, it was going to be a long day. 
Trying to do his work while taking care of Rock's spawn, one that wasn't his mate, was a new experience and not one he honestly cared for. It would be one thing if the pup was his but he wasn't and he couldn't help but feel sour taking care of the child while the boy's actual father was still on the island doing Gods knew what. Still he managed and once it was around three in the afternoon he went in search of the woman who had successfully and literally slapped sense into him the night prior. Finding her in the kitchen he licked his lips as she glanced up from her book. "I need a favor."
"I need you to keep the brat so I can give Y/n a bath and make sure she eats." 
"Can you not do both?" She questioned with a raise of her brow.
Off setting his jaw he bit his tongue. He knew what she was doing, what she was making very clear, that caring for a child was not easy. Certainly not for someone who had so little knowledge in childcare as his female did. While no he had not raised any children himself he had witnessed people doing it and he had helped keep an eye out on the rest of the kids on his home island so he knew the basics at least. Taking a deep breath he looked to Shakky and swallowed his pride. "I fucked up, I know I did. Now I'm only trying to make it right." 
Humming the woman couldn't help but grin before she shut her book and stood. Walking over towards the large male she held her arms out for the babe. Looking down on his sleeping face as he was placed in her arms she grinned. "What's his name?"
"Don't think he has one." he shrugged and heard her only hum in response. Taking the bottle from his back pocket that he had already measured out two scoops of formula in he handed it to the female as well as a few diapers. "Little shit just ate so he should be fine for a while." 
"I'll set a plate of food to the side for the both of you." 
Nodding he dipped his head in thanks before making his way down to his room. Opening the door he looked over to see his mate still sleeping, her small form curled up with his pillow hugged to her, her nose buried in it. Grinning he quietly stepped over and leaned over the bed some so he could look down at her, brushing some of her hair behind her ear. "Time to wake up for a bit lass." Hearing a small grunt he sighed and slowly pulled the covers down her body. "Come on sweetheart, let's get ya cleaned up and fed then ya can go back to sleep alright." 
Blinking your eyes open you looked to see Edward's face above you, he was back. Blinking a few more times you dropped your eyes to the bed, searching around you for your little brother. "Where's the baby?' you asked, your voice still laced with sleep. 
"Shakky's got him for a bit. He'll be fine now come on." Scooping her up he held her in one arm while he grabbed their bath bag and one of his shirts. Feeling her lay her head on his shoulder as he carried her up to the bath house. Locking the door behind him he set their things on the bench so he could undress her. Removing her shirt and then pants he furrowed his brows at the sight of her slightly skinnier self. While no she hadn't lost a tone of weight he coudl tell she had lost some and he was reminded of Shakky's words. He had been a fool to assume she had eaten during the day when she was in the kitchen tending to her baby brother. Lowering her into the shallow water he watched as her shoulder's curled up and her eyes that still looked so very drained focused on the water. Seeing her reach for the rag with her slightly trembling hand he quickly moved to take it into his own hand. 
Furrowing your brows you raised your eyes to his "You don't hav..."
"Yes sweetheart I do." Rubbing the bar of soap on it until he had made a thick lather he gently brushed her hair to the side but when he did he knit his brows at what he saw there. "What happened? Where did you get this from?" he questioned as he looked over the bruise along her right shoulder blade that made it's way up to her shoulder. It wasn't too bad but still he didn't like his omega being injured especially if it was caused by someone.
"Fell going up the stairs." Looking to the window you saw it looked to see the sun high in the sky and knit your brows. Feeling him begin washing your back you couldn't help from letting out a sigh at the warmth that soothed your aching body. "What time is it?"
" 'round four..."
Stiffening you moved to stand in the water. "Four?! In the afternoon?! I have to go feed the baby. He needs to be changed." 
Grabbing hold of her to keep her in the bath he moved her to the deeper end when she wouldn't stop trying to get out, holding her enough to keep her head above water. "Whoa easy lass, calm down now. It's alright the pups just fine, I've taken care of it and 'e's with Shakky now so he's fine."
Holding onto his hand and wrist as he held you in the water that was over your head you blinked and then furrowed your brows. "Y..you've kept him?"
"Yes. I kno..."
"I'm sorry he woke you." you quickly spoke. Licking your lips you shook your head and felt your eyes fill with tears. "I must not have heard him. I didn't mean to sleep in this late I... I promise it won't happen again."
"That's not..."
"I know I'm not good at it right now bbbut I...I'll learn, I'll do better, I will..."
"I'll be a good mother, I will. I don't mean to be a bad omega, I swear I don't. Ppplease, please don't get r...rid of me." You cried, tears now flowing down your cheeks like rivers, not even able to look at him in fear you would see loathing on his face. You didn't know what you would do it he decided he no longer wanted you, that he no longer loved you. "I'm sorry." you sobbed out, your voice cracking and your heart clenching at the very thought of your alpha no longer wanting you. 
Hearing her fear filled words made the blade of guilt stab though him like a hot knife through butter. He had done this, he had allowed the crew's hurtful words to infiltrate his omega's head. And not once had he assured her that none of it had been true. Taking a deep breath he moved her back to the shallow end and pulled his hand away from her, watching as her hands attempted to hold onto him for as long as possible before she wrapped them around herself, her head dropping low as she cried. Feeling the aching in his chest from his mate's sadness he quickly removed his pants, belt and boots before stepping into the tub with her. Tugging her to his chest he felt her stiff feeling and so he dipped his head to kiss the top of her head while he rubbed her back and body with his hand. "Ain't a damn thing you have to be sorry about omega. It's me that needs to be sorry and I am lass. I'm sorry for being so selfish. I'm sorry for not assuring you that you are an amazing, selfless, caring woman who I have no doubt will one day make the best mother there has ever been." Being able to feel as the small female on his chest relaxed against him he sighed and cupped some water to drip over her body. "I know this has been hard for you lass, I know it's all new to you, that you've never had the chance to witness and learn most things that people normally do."
Turning your face more into his hard chest as something close to shame and embarrassment ate at you, you lifted your eyes some when you saw him tilt his head down and to the side some so he could look at you. Seeing him grinning softly, his eyes holding not anger or resentment but understanding and warmth you felt a little better. 
"You're a quick learner sweetheart and you've been doing damn good job of taking care of that pup on your own." Taking her chin between the tips of his fingers he lifted her face so she was looking into his eyes. "You won't do it all on your own any longer lass, that I promise you. I know I've been distant this past week, that I've been..." Tilting his head some to think of a proper word he was quickly given one. 
"A Jackass." you offered and saw him wince but dip his head in agreement. 
"A jackass, a selfish jackass at that but I promise to help you out from here on." he told her before looking into the two electric blue eyes and melting. "Truth is sweetheart I wasn't, still ain't fond of seein' my omega have to care for any pup that ain't mine. Always thought the first time I saw ya hold a baby it would be ours." 
Feeling a blush heat your cheeks you smiled softly and looked up to his face. "One day." 
Smiling he stroked her cheek with the tip of his thumb, "One day." he assured her. "I love you lass and don't you ever let anyone make you think that I would want you anywhere but by my side." Feeling her grow to her larger size he adjusted his arm to hold her as she dipped her head to press her lips against his. 
After making sure you were as clean as clean could get Ed had carried you back to your room before leaving only to grab you a plate of food. Feeling your mouth water you heard him say that he expected you to eat it all. Promising to at least try you looked up after placing a mouthful of food in your mouth to see him holding a large piece of cloth and a hammer as he glanced around at the ceiling. "Whatcha doin?"
"Lookin' for a place to hang this so it's out of the way but still safe for the little runt." he told her around the nails pinched between his lips. Looking at one specific spot at the end of the bed he figured that would work fine, close enough for her to grab him in the middle of the night. 
"Hang what?" you asked around another bite of food. 
"You'll see." he assured her before beginning to hang the thing. 
Eating as he worked you watched as he finished hanging the cloth like thing before giving it a tug and humming. As he moved out of the way you got to see it was in fact a hammock. 
"There that should work, now the little terror can sleep in his own space and you can sleep back where you're supposed to." 
He meant on his chest of course and you could only grin as you shoveled another bite of food into your mouth. As you filled your belly you became more and more sleepy. Although you had slept nearly all day you had missed nearly a whole week of it. Of course the hot bath and warm meal wasn't making it any easier for you and it seemed your alpha was quick to pick up on it. "I can't eat anymore." 
"Once more bite." he told her lifting the fork and lifting it to her mouth. When she only pushed on his hand and shook her head he sighed and relented. Finishing off her food himself he stood and promised her he would be right back. 
Giving a large yawn you looked towards the door with sleep filled eyes as it opened. Seeing Ed holding both a wooden box in one hand and the sleeping baby int he other you grinned. Watching as he set the box down by the foot of the bed before gently and slowly laying the baby boy in the hammock, swaying it a bit when he started to whimper you couldn't help the warming in your heart. 
When he was sure the little boy was sleeping he sighed and moved over to the bed, removing his boots and pants. Laying down on the bed he was quick to snuff the candle and lift his omega up, placing her down on his chest. Feeling as she laid down and cuddled up on him he sighed. "Now this is better." he spoke in a quieter voice and heard her giggle softly. Placing a kiss to the top of her head he smiled and moved to stroke her back. "Go on and sleep some more lass, I'll get up with him tonight."
Closing your eyes you heard the sound of his thumping heart and felt at ease. "I love you alpha."
Smiling he closed his eyes. "And I love you omega." 
"That's a horrible name." you spoke as you looked across the desk to your father. 
Huffing out he raised his eyes to that of his daughter, seeing his son in her arms, tugging at her hair. "It's a good strong name, better than Y/n." he mocked. 
Narrowing your eyes you shook your head and pulled your feet up to cross under you in the chair. "What is it with you and 'X' names?"
"Perhaps I only wish for my pups to have something else in common with their dear father." he smirked. "Other than the hair that is." Seeing her roll her eyes he tilted his head and grinned. "Come to think of it I've decided I'm going to rename you, Rocks D. Y/n just sounds so.... plain. From now on your name will be Xana."
"No." you quickly said with a shake of your head. 
"Why not, a good mixer between my name and your mother's." 
Tensing at the mention of your mother you took a deep breath and looked him in the eye. "My name is Y/n." you told him before standing and making your way towards the door. 
"Xandros and Xana D. ROCKS!!" he yelled as she opened the door.
"NO!" you yelled back slamming the door behind you.
"NOT MY NAME!!" seeing the crew that was on deck looking towards you, you quickly took notice of the two yellow eyes looking to you, silently bidding you over to him. Taking a deep breath you walked over to him, quickly being lifted up with one of his hands making you tighten your hold on the pup in your arms. 
Sitting her on his lap he wrapped the arm he wasn't using to fish with around her back to support her. "What was that about?"
"I wanted to see if he..." nodding down to the little boy in your arms that was busy starring towards the sea. "had a name. Turns out Rocks didn't ask and so he decided his name should just be Xandros. Oh and he doesn't like my name so he said he's changing that too, said my name is now Xana."
Feeling his lip lift up into one of disgust he shook his head slightly. "Your name is your name, he can't change it."
"I know I'm just going to ignore anyone that uses anything but Y/n." you said with a firm nod. 
Humming he thought of something and smirked. "You gonna ignore me when I don't use your name as well then, Darlin', Little one, Lass, Sweetheart, Omega." he smiled, dipping his head to bury his nose into her neck and smiling when she giggled. 
"I guess I can give out one free pass." you smiled, turning your face to kiss his temple. Closing your eyes as you breathed in his scent and listened to his soft purr you quickly broke out of the serene moment. "ow. ow. ow." you winced, bending your head as the little boy yanked on your hair with all of his might. 
Sighing he straightened up and looked down as she tried to get the tiny hand to release her hair as he squealed in amusement. 
Hearing someone call you you both looked over to see Kureha standing in the doorway of the sick bay. Taking a deep breath you looked up to Ed and smiled. "I gotta go. I get to learn about sutures today." you told him excitedly. 
"As long as you don't practice on me." Sitting her down on her feet he went to kiss the top of her head but leaned back some when she grew enough to give him a proper kiss. Quickly feeling a spark of arousal he purred when she pressed her lips more into his. Gripping her hip as his desire grew he heard the baby let out another squeal, effectively ruining the moment. "Go on then." he told her and saw those electric blue eyes look into his before she moved to walk away but not before he could land a smack to her backside. Smirking as she looked back at him with a slight blush about her cheeks he lifted his sake to his lips. He'd have to see about Shakky keeping the brat tonight. 
Humming you worked the needle through the fabric like Kureha had showed you, keeping your stitch lengths as evenly spaced as possible. 
"There is a difference between sewing fabric and stitching a wound closed but this will at least give you some practice with a needle."
So now here you sat on you and Ed's bed, alone for once since Shakky had offered to keep your baby brother tonight. Weaving the needle back through the fabric you made sure to not let your thread tangle. Hearing the door open and close before the click of the lock sounded you didn't have to look up from your work to know who it was, only one person permitted to be in here. 
Kicking off his boots and tossing his bandana to the table he glanced to the bed to see his omega sitting with her back against the wall, her knees pulled up and her hands busy working on something. Quickly noticing she was wearing his shirt as it allowed him to see the smooth skin of her thigh he licked his lips and moved onto the bed with her. Laying on his stomach with his face close to her he propped his head up on one fist, the other moving to stroke the length of her leg, starting at her ankle. "Whatcha doin' there my little lass?" he questioned, scanning his eyes over her body until it landed on the grey blue fabric in her hands, the small blanket Rocks had the babe wrapped in. 
"Mmm practicing my stitching." you told him to which he only hummed and continued running his warm calloused fingers over your bare legs. Finishing the first outline of letters you stuck the needle into the fabric so it wouldn't hang loosely before turning it towards him. "What do you think? Is it legible?"
Forcing his eyes away from her thigh and to the blanket as she turned it towards him he saw she had stitched a word or rather name into the fabric, the red string sewn into loops and lines to form the name. "Who picked that name?"
"I did. I sure as hell ain't calling him Xandros." you huffed. 
Chuckling he gave a nod. "Sounds good darlin'." 
"Thanks, I'm going to go over it a few times, make it thicker and easier to see..." 
"Mmm later." he quickly said, taking the thing from her and laying it on the table out of the way. "You already have things to do tonight." 
Being tugged down to lay on the bed when he grabbed your lower leg and pulled you down you let out a small chirp. Moving your hands up when he pulled your or rather his shirt above you head, tossing it to the side as well. 
Having her bare finally he dipped his head to lick a path up from her knee to her sweet treasure. Nudging her legs open with his nose he flicked his tongue out to lap at the entire area between her thighs. With her still being in her normal size he could cover her entire womanhood and part of her inner thighs with one lick of his tongue. Being able to taste her arousal as he dragged his tongue over her slit, flicking the tip at the end he heard her suck in a breath and growled as his cock hardened. Moving one of his hands up to her chest he ran his fingers over her breasts feeling her nipples harden. Pinching her tit he heard her gasp out and smirked before pulling his hand back between her legs and running the tip of his finger over her slit, her slick coating the digit. Lapping up her cunt he hummed at the taste he loved so much. Needing more and not wanting to hurt her he groaned out the command for her to grow and felt her instantly obey him. 
As soon as you were in your larger size he buried his face between your thighs and began feasting on you. Arching your back as pleasure overtook you he was quick to cover your mouth with his hand. When mating became a normal thing for the both of you to do you had at first worried that you had been doing something wrong and tried to keep from making any noise. As they forced their way from your mouth and he muffled them with his hand or mouth you had felt embarrassed, assuming he thought your noises were annoying. Once the both of you had caught your breath after finding release you had stared at the wall and quietly apologized, promising to try and stay quiet in the future. 
"Ya don't know how much I crave to hear yer sweet moans. One day I will have ya screamin' my name so loud the heavens will hear it but not until we are off this ship, not till I know those fucks won't hear ya, that they won't use yer cries fer their own pleasure." he spoke, his voice turning into a low growl before kissing the crown of your head. 
Feeling him tease you before slowly pushing his finger into you, you couldn't help but bite down on his hand. It had been over a week since the both of you had enjoyed the feel of each other's body and it showed as just one pump of his finger sent a quake of bliss shooting up your spine. Your alpha seemed to not mind you biting him however as he began simultaneously pleasuring you with his mouth as he thrusted his thick finger in and out of you. 
Grinning as he felt her sink her teeth into his hand all the while small muffled moans flowed out around them he watched her body arch as he curled his finger just right, hitting that sweet spot inside of her. Getting into a rhythm he soon felt her walls clenching around his finger and expertly sucked her clit which sent her over, his hand just barely muffling her cries of pleasure. Without giving her time to come down completely he crawled up her body, kicking his pants off and suckling at her pert nipple for a moment. 
Only slightly aware of his fingers leaving you, a feeling of emptiness making you whine you had to suck in a shaky breath as your still pulsing core was filled to it's limit and probably a little more by your alpha's monster of a cock. The feeling of his warmth enveloping you making you feel safe and secure.
He went slow, he always did, worried he would hurt her, his little omega. Squeezing his eyes shut he grit his teeth and growled in the pleasure that he only ever experienced when they both were one. Holding himself up with one forearm above her head he used his free hand to grab her thigh, lifting her leg up onto his hip so he could sink deeper into her. Groaning out a moan of his own into her neck as he bottomed out he felt her fingers grip his back, tugging his hair some. Taking a moment to regain control of the alpha who only wanted to fuck her until she forgot her own name and couldn't walk for the next few days he took a deep breath of her scent. Once he had the reins he brushed her hair out of the way with his nose so he could suck and lick at her neck. 
Closing your eyes when he began thrusting and giving attention to your neck, no doubt marking you in the process you soon got lost in it all. Rocking with him you breathed in his scent as you focused on the feel of his warm skin on yours, the feel of his cock making you feel so good. Kissing him back when his mouth trailed kisses up your neck and jaw to your lips you sucked at his thick tongue when he rolled it into your mouth. 
Lacing their fingers together he held her hand down by her head as the other held her breast, pinching her nipple between his knuckles. She just felt so damn good and he wanted this to never end. Kissing her with all the love he had for her he rolled his hips at angle that he knew made her see stars. Swallowing her moans he couldn't help but let out sounds of his own pleasure as he felt his climax nearing. Rubbing his hand down her side and hip to hold her ass in his hand deepened his thrusts. As soon as her walls tightened around his dick he was gone. Kissing her like it was their last he groaned in time with her moans, filling her with his seed. 
Holding onto him like you would soon float away if he wasn't there you saw sparks behind your lids that was only prolonged by the pooling warmth filling your womb. As your high started to turn into exhaustion you hummed against his lips that were now peppering yours softly. Slowly opening your eyes as he pressed his forehead to yours you saw his warm yellow eyes staring back down into yours, a look of contentment in them. 
"I love you." you both spoke in unison. 
Giggling lightly you saw him smile and leaned up to kiss him once more which he was all too happy to return. 
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lale-txt · 2 years
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Raffle Prize: Riot w/ Whitebeard & gn!reader
a/n: 3rd raffle prize for my beloved @secretsnailor (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) ♡ Bee asked for a scenario where reader gets injured during a battle and Whitebeard just goes off with some comfort afterwards. my dear, it's always so much fun writing Whitebeard for you, thank you for the fun prompt and congrats again for being one of the lucky winners! ♡
contains: mention of blood (nothing super descriptive but reader suffers a hit on the head)
word count: 1k
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It all happened within the blink of an eye.
You had let your guard down, irritated by someone calling out your name in the midst of the battle. Was it your imagination? Was it one of your comrades in need of help? It was impossible to figure out what was happening in the storm of voices and gunshots surrounding you, the sound of swords clashing ringing in your ears. In the corner of your eye you made out a kaleidoscope of blue and orange flames, and somewhere to your right you noticed Izou and Thatch standing back to back as they made the enemies drop like flies.
Panic rose in your chest when you couldn’t make out the broad silhouette of Whitebeard in the fray; you would have assumed that a man of his height would be easy to spot, but he had disappeared from your sight completely. Did something happen to him? Was it him who called out your name? You slashed at some foe who had the audacity to underestimate you and just when you were about to move forward, a sharp pain flashed through you with an intensity that drove you to your knees. The back of your head was throbbing, you felt dizzy, trying to understand what just happened.
You tried to breathe through the pain with gritted teeth, your vision blurry from the impact and blood dripping down your face. Leaving your back unguarded, what a foolish mistake. All because your heart had yearned for Edward, sorrow bubbling up in it and making you drop your guard before you could have convinced yourself that he was fine; he was the strongest after all. You whined as you reached for the open wound. Nothing Marco couldn’t fix, but until then you somehow had to make it out of here alive.
“What happened? Who did this to you?”
A voice so low and threatening, a big hand scooping you up carefully. You feel warm skin against yours and don’t need to open your eyes to know that he was here now, that you were safe. Your fingers claw into his coat while you still try not to black out from the pain pulsating through every fiber of your body. You mumble out Edward’s name weakly, making him tense up, blind rage flaring up in his stomach – caused by seeing the love of his life hurt like that, by his own irresponsibility to leave you unguarded for a heartbeat, by the horde of bastards who were foolish enough to pick a fight with his family in the first place.
He’s gonna bring them down, one by one.
You feel Whitebeard’s grip around your waist tighten and hear him calling out for Marco, his voice roaring over the battlefield. His whole body vibrates under your fingertips and you can’t tell if it’s the adrenaline rushing through his veins or if it’s his devil fruit ability, barely contained. He puts you down near some big rock, hidden away from the eyes of others by the tall grass surrounding it.
Your vision is still blurred and you can feel your consciousness slipping away slowly, but you don’t fight it – with Whitebeard’s big calloused hand brushing over your cheeks he reassures you that you’re safe now. A few heartbeats later and you make out Marco’s voice, the two men talking in hush voices, until you feel the soothing cold of the phoenix’ flames encasing you. You sigh from the instant pain relief.
“See? All patched up, yoi.” Marco rests a hand on top of your hand and turns toward Whitebeard. “What now, pops?” “I’m gonna put an end to this.”
You rest your still throbbing head against the rock, grateful for Marco’s healing powers, and rub your eyes, blinking away the blood and the dirt, enough to see Whitebeard’s broad back as he walks into the midst of the battlefield, one fist clenched around his naginata. The jolly roger tattoo is hit directly by the sun and once again you’re reminded of how deep his love and devotion runs – for his found family and for you.
The whole air seems electrified once he goes off, unleashing the incredible power he holds and teaching the foe a lesson on humility. You hear the cheerful cries of your crewmates as you lean back smiling, letting the rumbles of his devil fruit powers comfort you. Marco standing next to you whistles through his teeth and flies off once again after exchanging a smile and making sure that you’re okay, knowing well that a certain someone will come pick you up in a heartbeat anyway.
And so when a little later your favorite voice calls out your name, you open your eyes again and beam, reaching out for him to pick you up. Whitebeard is gentle with you, a sheer contrast to the way he just routed the other crew a few minutes prior. He has both hands wrapped around you and lifts you up close to his face where you nuzzle in the crook of his neck, your fingers twirling around the golden curls of his. You feel his pulse under you, heart still beating fast from the rush earlier, and whisper his name against his skin. 
“I’m sorry for letting you out of sight. Does it still hurt?” You shake your head and smile when he places a kiss on your cheek, handling you as if you were made of glass. “I was just being reckless for a moment. And because I couldn’t make you out in the crowd…”
You mumble the last part, a little bit flustered, but Whitebeard just laughs out loud, his whole body shaking from it. He squeezes you tighter and seeks your gaze, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. The way he looks at you can only be described as full of love and longing. After all, you are the owner of his heart; cracked it wide open and filled it with flowers, written your name all over its walls. 
“Now let's get you home. After this day all I’m craving is some booze and lay down with you…”
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snailor-bee · 2 years
*slides into your doorway*
May I request your premium husbando Whitebeard? Very specifically him being a shit. Maximum shenanigans here.
It doesn't have to be with the Benny Hill(?) Music btw, I just wanted to see you write mischievous Whitebeard fluff 🤭
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I'm not sure if I quite nailed the mischievous. ;o; I was honestly a little worried about the prompt because I'm not super good at it but I tried! Thanks for requesting the big man though. <3
Whitebeard x GN!Reader / SFW  / 1.2k
Song: Lark of My Heart - Eliza Rickman
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Lark of my heart - dance in the dark and say you love me Lark of my heart - right from the start and say you love me
Loud laughter shook the walls of the bar and you felt your eyebrow twitch with annoyance. You had come here to apologize but were rethinking that approach. 
The thing was, being with Edward Newgate—Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates was a thrilling roller coaster ride but boy could he get your blood pumping and it wasn't always in a good way. 
Docking at this island, you were supposed to be spending the day with Edward. Keyword 'supposed'. Almost immediately he'd let you down gently by saying he had plans with his sons. 
Which, while it was annoying that he hadn't told you ahead of time, (not to mention the fact that the two of you had specifically made plans but okay) it hadn't been more than a minor annoyance. Edward loved his sons, this you knew and it never bothered you. However, when you tried to stay behind on the ship to relax rather than deal with the crowds on your own, you had been not too gently ushered out on your ass. 
The callousness and disrespect had rankled at you and you stormed off in a huff, obviously upset. The hours passed and when Edward didn't seek you out, it hurt but you had cooled off enough so you decided to find him. 
In a bar. Flirting with some stranger. 
Lark of my heart - take back the night and say you want me Lark of my heart - turn up the light and say we can be The same, same, same, same...
Edward caught your eye now and then with a grin. He expected you to come over and interrupt. 
You bristled at the silent expectation. Just because Edward allowed his little fans to come up to try their luck didn't mean you had to be the one who chased them off. Taking a deep breath, you felt your rage lick around the edges of your stomach, ready to explode. You didn't let it.
Sometimes you'd get a random stranger coming up to you. Edward wasn't trying to be cruel here. This was a game the two of you sometimes played, letting the other flirt for a bit before the other came up to burst the bubble of whoever thought they were doing so well. It was just a bit of a fun, nothing more. 
I can see it in your eyes, can smell it in your lies You know I want you And I can hear it in your sighs, I can feel it in your lines You know I want you
Tonight you were just sensitive, rubbed raw by being overlooked and forgotten as Edward chose his sons over you without giving you any warning and then expected you to just entertain yourself for several hours without the security of returning to the ship whenever you wanted. 
Throwing back your drink, you finished it in several loud swallows before leaving it on the bartop, along with several belis, and headed for the door. You didn't want to deal with this tonight. 
It had crossed your mind that perhaps there was some sort of surprise waiting on the ship but after thinking it over, you realized how silly that was. Edward rarely remembered dates on his own, his sons reminded him when there was something important coming up and there wasn't anything relevant for the two of you today. 
Sighing, you headed back to the ship, the night's air cool against your skin compared to the cramped heat of the bar. 
Not long after, loud footsteps shook the ground beneath you. You didn't bother to turn and an amused voice broke the quiet, "Leaving so soon little one?" 
The nickname wasn't enough to soothe you. "I'm going back to the ship," you answered flatly. 
I can see it in your face, on every marble place You know I want you And I can feel it in your grace, in every golden trace You know I want you
"This wasn't the way today was supposed to go, hmm." From the corner of your eye, you saw Edward scratching at his head, perplexed, his long blond strands shining in the streetlights. 
He shot you a rueful grin. "Nah. The boys were looking for you, was supposed to grab you and take you to the bar. We have a good time, laughing and drinking a little before heading back to the ship." 
"Inspiring," you commented. Edward threw his head back with a laugh, the sound of rumbling through the air, not at all offended by your dull tone. 
What can I do? Oh boy, your mood creates the weather What can I do? Oh, how I miss the sound of thunder
"I'm sorry," he said earnestly making you stop in your tracks. Surprised you whipped around to see him. Edward rarely ever apologized. Or well, he did, but only when he saw that you were well and truly upset. It generally took some yelling and tears to get to a point where he realized he might have fucked up. This? This was way too soon for him. 
You narrowed your eyes suspiciously. "What are you up to, Newgate?" 
Edward held his hands up in surrender. "What's that supposed to mean?" 
The ship loomed above the two of you and you glared but dropped the subject. You wouldn't get a straight answer and you didn't want to bother with arguing. 
Walking up the gangway, the ship was unnaturally quiet but you were so distracted by Edward's weird behavior you didn't notice until you got to the top and blinked with confusion at the deck. 
You couldn't see it from the docks, but the ship had been decorated with strings of light, casting a warm glow. Rose petals were scattered across the wood as you took a few steps and they brushed over your shoes. Vista's doing, you were positive. 
What can I do? Roll down around and lift your finger What can I do? Give me your hand, it's now or never Today, today, today, today
A large table was set up in the middle, with two chairs one obviously for Edward and the other for you. 
Once more you ran through dates but came up blank. 
"Edward, what is this—" You cut yourself off with a gasp as you turned to see him down on one knee. Although he still towered above you, he slouched to be more at eye level than normal. 
Automatically your hand flew to your mouth and some distant part of your brain asked yourself why people always did that during a proposal (that's what this was right?!) but you couldn't answer it past the buzzing in your ears. 
"Pops wait not yet—ow!" A hissed whisper and the sound of something being hit drifted over the deck but neither of you bothered to look. 
In his large hands, there was a small box. Edward smiled. "Like I said, this isn't quite how I wanted the night to go, just wanted to surprise you. I messed it up, eh?" 
Shakily, you withdrew your hand enough to answer, "I'm plenty surprised." 
Edward's smile widened. "Marry me?" 
When you said yes, the air exploded in a round of cheers as his sons came out of their hiding places. Your eyes never left each other's as he pulled you in for a kiss. 
And I can feel it in your grace, in every golden trace. You know I want you...
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henrioo · 1 year
➠ One shots
✰ Someone who wants you:
"About being adopted by whitebeard's crew after nobody else wanted you"
➛ Platonic! WhiteBeard Crew x Child! Reader
➠ Series
none yet
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Imagine the Whitebeard pirates learning how petty you can be
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You: *knocks on his door* hey pops
Whitebeard: *just sat down for the first time that evening* you have a talent for picking the least convenient moment possible to need me.
You: oh you don't need to get up, I just need you to listen and do something for me later.
Whitebeard: *squints at you suspiciously* alright?
You: Ace was bullying me earlier, so I need you to ask him what a furry is tomorrow.
Whitebeard: ... a furry?
You: ... Yes
Whitebeard: alright
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The next day at breakfast
Whitebeard: Ace, what's a furry?
The crew: *immediately stops moving to gleefully watch Ace squirm*
Ace: *wants to curl up and die* why do you ask?
Whitebeard: I asked you first.
Vista: *leans over to Izou* where's (y/n)? They're gonna miss this.
Izou: they're hiding from Thatch in my room, they pointed out the doors on the kitchen cabinets are warping because he said their chowder was bland and lacked soul.
Vista: wasn't it their mum's recipe?
Izou: yup
Marco: wait, didn't Ace make fun of a picture (y/n) drew yesterday?
Izou and Vista: (⁠☉⁠。⁠☉⁠)⁠!
Izou: you don't think this, *points at Whitebeard and Ace* has anything to do with that?
Vista: I dunno, but I definitely know I'm gonna go outta my way to stay on their good side from now on.
Izou: A wise choice, I'm doing the same
Marco: I'm not
Izou: Why the hell not?
Marco: I'm not afraid of them.
You: *Grabs his ankle from under the table where you've been hiding the entire time*
Marco: *screams*
You: hehe, you would be wise to be nice to me. I already know what I'll do to you if you don't. It'll knock you outta yer gay little shoes.
Marco: my shoes aren't gay!
Vista: no they're pretty gay, thought you knew.
Izou: *nods his head* it's the tassels
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alexa-fika · 5 months
Pops reacting to childreader 💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💸💸💸🪙💰
I have been cliff hung 1 to many times...
*this part opt but I have a feel either dragon or winged reader would be kinda scared at first.. cus he's built fucking different bro*
Wandering Dragon pt2 (Whitebeard Pirates x fem!reader)
A/N: Homie you got me dying with the comment uou left on the last post and the request made me cough out a lung 😂. What do y’all think bout this one? Cause I think I COOKED, it’s really wholesome
Part one With Whitebeard pirates and revolutionary army
Dividers by @/saradika
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“And you know what? Even if you are only 8, I’m sure Pops isn’t going to turn you away. He’s gonna love you, Reader. You are just that darn adorable.”
She digs her head in his shoulder.
He snickers, feeling her face hearing up
“Aww. You’re so cute, you know that? What happened to the bold rascal?” he teases, gently stroking her head and hair.
The only response he receives is a gentle swat from her tail
Ace laughs even more.
“Aww, is that your way of saying you’re shy? “he says, pulling her closer.
“And a bit of a brat, aren’t you? Don’t think I missed that tail swat. But I can’t stay mad at such a cutie, now can I?” Thatch snickers, ruffling her hair
“Hmm... I need to bring you to Pops. You’re getting clingy already.”
She gasps and shoots up
“Am not!”
Ace laughs a bit.
“Are too!” he says, playfully poking her nose.
She pouts
Thatch grins at their interaction and gestures to Ace, who nods slightly; he approaches the girl slowly and suddenly digs his fingers in her.
She shrieks as he starts tickling her as she tries to wriggle out of Ace’s grasp
Thatch laughs loudly at seeing her struggling.
“Heh.. that’s adorable,”
She begins flapping her wings, getting out of his grasp, and flies up and out of the Storage room, giggling
“H-Hey, come back here.”
She laughs, looking back at them as they try to catch up to her, a similar emotion on their faces; as they chase her, she fails to notice where she is going, crashing right into someone.
“Ow, So…rry?” she begins, but her words die out as she sees who she crashed into, as right in front of her was a man the size of a mountain.
She wraps her wings around herself, coiling her tail around her body in a similar manner as she tries to hide from the man in front of her in fear.
The man is none other than Whitebeard himself, looking down at the young stowaway.
“Hm... who are you?” he asks, glancing at the men who run and stop behind her.
Ace laughs, pointing at her.
“We found her below deck. She says her name’s Reader. Looks like she was exploring before we happened upon her. Probably didn’t even know she was on our ship.”
She whimpers, wrapping her limbs tighter around herself until someone slowly steps closer and kneels down next to her; she takes a peek, spotting a man whose appearance reminded her of a pineapple
Marco smiles at the girl.
“Hey, kid. Don’t be scared. I’m not gonna hurt you,” he says softly in a soothing tone for her.
She stares at him but makes no movement to release her defensive stance
He approaches slowly before squatting in front of her.
“Look, I’m the first division commander of this ship. It’s fine. You’re in safe hands. And that guy you crashed into...”
He points at the big guy.
“That’s our captain. Edward Newgate, but most of us just call him Pops. He’s a real sweetheart. But he can be a bit of an intimidating when you first meet him.”
She sniffles, glancing at the man towering next to them and back to Marco, and then glances at Thatch and Ace behind her
Ace and Thatch smile, seeing her look at them.
“Don’t worry,” Ace says gently
“Pops, he’s not gonna hurt you either. No way.” Ace confirms
“Marco’s right. I know he may look intimidating, but he’s like a father to all of us; he would never hurt you,” Thatch says, backing his crewmates up
She glances back to Marco in front of her
He’s still smiling softly at her, not pushing her to come out of her defensive position.
“Do you want to come say hi to him?”
She nods, slowly unfurling herself
Marco gently grabs her hand, walking her right up to Whitebeard himself. He gently nudges her forward so she and the captain can meet each other.
She glances up at him, stretches her wing, and slowly flies up so that she is face-to-face with him
“..ny…mi…ter” she mumbles
He raises an eyebrow
“What was that?”
“You look funny, mister,” she mutters
Whitebeard laughs uproariously.
“Haha! Do I look funny? That is quite an interesting description, young lady. I mean, I suppose I look a bit weird but funny? You’re the only person to ever say that to me.” he snickers
“I like this one, bold one,” he says, glancing down at his sons
“And she’s pretty feisty, I can tell. Not too many kids can call Whitebeard funny,” Thatch adds in
“She’s one of a kind, that’s for sure,” Marco says, smiling at her
“She’s a clingy one, too,” Ace adds
This snaps her out of her shy, fear-filled state as she flies down and barrels into Ace
“Am not!”
Ace laughs, catching her.
“See, clingy!” he says teasingly.
“And a brat, can’t forget that,” Thatch scoffs.
Whitebeard laughs louder, amused by his crew’s responses
She hmph fluttering away from the pair and closer to the giant; she began buzzing around him
Whitebeard chuckles, amused by her playful behavior, as he begins playing with her, making her flutter around.
“Heh, you’re a real-spirited kid. Almost reminds me of a certain someone I know,” he says, looking over to Ace.
“Are you a dragon? You’re big like one.”
Whitebeard laughs at her question, amused by the comparison.
“No, I’m not a dragon. I’m a Human, just a very, very big one.”
“Do you know much about what a devil fruit is, kid?” he asks her
“Yeah! Mister Sabo told me about it! They give you these superb powers, right?”
Ace’s eyes widen
“Oi kid, come over here a sec.”
“Hmm?” They dive down towards the three men
“Who did you say told you about a devil fruit?”
“Mister Sabo!”
Ace grins
“By any chance, did this Sabo tell you if he had a devil fruit?”
“Yeah! He said he had a Mera Mera fruit. I thought he was a dragon since he could make fire, but he said he wasn’t a dragon.” She pouts as she says this
“He just ate the Mera Mera and was a fireman! And it’s so funny, 'cause there was this grumpy guy called Dragon, and he wasn’t a dragon either! I was so sad,” she rambles on
Ace burst into laughter, igniting his hand on fire in a similar fashion Sabo had done back then
She looks at it and glances between the flame and Ace’s face a few times
“It’s you!”
Ace grins at her before extinguishing the flames on his hand
“It is me,” he says, confirming the little girl’s discovery
“Mister Sabo said you and him had the same mera mera fruit, which is never heard of!”
Ace nods
“Yup, that’s about right. Me and Sabo both ate a specific type of fruit known as the Mera Mera no Mi; I got really hurt a while ago, was gone for a minute there, which is why we think the mera mera appeared again, and he ate it, so now we both have it’s power” he said pointing to a big scar on his chest
“That’s so cool!” She squeals
“Ah! Are you okay? That looks like a pretty big scar!”
Ace chuckles
“I’m fine now; got seen by the best doctors to get a look at it; one of them is the guy behind you!”
She glances at Marco
“Mister Pineapple did?!”
Marco stills as her comment slight red tint growing on his face while Ace and Thatch start laughing uncontrollably; even Whitebeard lets out a snort at her exclamation
Marco sighs, shaking his head with a slight smile on his face
“Really are a little Rascal,” he mutters
“Yes, I helped patch him up a while back, used my devil fruit,” he said as his body ignited in flames
She gasps
“Did you also eat Mera Mera?”
Marco chuckles
“Not quite. I also ate a devil fruit, but unlike Sabo and Ace, I ate the Tori Tori no Mi.”
“Wah? There’s more than one type?”
“There are hundreds, if not thousands, of them. Each grants you a different power.”
“Superb! Mister Pops, what about you? What fruit did you eat?”
“Me? Well, I happen to have eaten the Gura Gura no Mi. It was a long time ago when I ate it, but it’s a very powerful one. It allows you to control earthquakes and vibrations.” Whitebeard explains with a smile on his face
“That's so cool,” they squeal
“It certainly is,” Whitebeard says, smiling.
“I can do all sorts of things with it, like this.”
He raises his hand, and a massive shockwave emanates from it, shaking the Moby Dick to its core. It even causes the little girl to fly backward into Ace’s arms.
The tiny child squeaks, her coordination being thrown off at the sudden movement
She takes a second to get her surroundings straight but marvels at Whitebeard’s display
“Haha, see what I meant? Pretty potent fruit, huh?” Whitebeard asks, seemingly pleased that the girl is so engaged by his abilities.
Ace takes this as a chance to play around with the little girl a bit, holding her and swinging her slightly as she lands in his arms.
“Ah, that reminds me, Reader, you hungry? I can prepare you something. Got you this in the meantime,” he says, throwing an apple her way
“Thank you! Here!” She says, coughing; the others look worried; their worried stares soon turn into something else as she coughs up some gold coins, offering them to Thatch
They just stare at it dumbfounded as she coughs up gold coins.
“What the hell?!” Thatch exclaims
“Watch your language around her,” Ace says, slapping the back of his head
“Why you…” he growls as they begin brawling
Reader flies above them, laughing at their interactions
“You have a wild family, Mister Pops”
Whitebeard sighs, chuckling at his son’s antics.
“Oh, you have no idea, girl,” he chuckles
Marco laughs quietly at the both of them,
“Settle down, boys,” he chides them, not moving to try and settle the argument between the two of them; as Reader continues laughing at the chaos unfolding, Whitebeard glances at her.
“Man… you’re gonna be a real handful for all of us, aren’t ya?” Whitebeard chuckles
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I was intending this to be a real short one but then I couldn’t find a place to stop it without it being to sudden so I just kept going I found a place I could have cut it but then I was like nah, we need more.
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alicedash2 · 1 year
A day with Whitebeard's Crew and a shy trying to socialize
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- YN, why don't you join the others?- Newgate asked his daughter, who, until the day she got on board, couldn't get along
-I don't know...- YN said while watching the others fading out of sight.
- I try, but it's hard, when you asked me to join the crew, I couldn't even answer, you were the only one I talked to the most!- YN sat down and bent on her knees, burying her face between them
-...Would you like to go shopping with me? I may be sick, but I can still get out of here-Whitebeard stood up, he stretched and knelt down next to YN, even though the wires were still connected in his body, YN, who had a sweet smile until he refused
-better not, your health is something important - YN said finding her chin on her knees again
- you know, you can't isolate yourself forever, I'd like you to socialize - Whitebeard said getting up
- come on, get up, just because I'm old doesn't mean I should sit all day, is my health important? Well, my children's happiness is over, get up, we're going shopping!- Whitebeard took off the wires and got off the ship
- what if they get mad? I don't want Marco to fight with me or you!- YN said going down behind Whitebeard, who just stops and looks at the ground
-well, he won't fight, at most complain, and why will he fight with you? I'm the one who decided to leave- Whitebeard turns and faces YN, who just holds out his hand, YN takes Whitebeard's hand, who actually can only hold his pinky, and they take a walk through the city
-If I managed to almost fight the redhead inside the ship, it means I can walk!- Whitebeard said with loud laughter
- it's Whitebeard! What he is doing? - people murmured
- Is that his daughter? Is she in danger?-Others asked as they saw YN beside Whitebeard, Izou, who was closer, finds Whitebeard and goes straight to the captain
-what he is doing ?! - Izou asked
- taking a walk with my daughter- Whitebeard chuckled, while Izou wondered the rational reason for leaving, Izou looks at YN, who just turns her face away in embarrassment
- I decided, we're just going to buy some things and go back to the ship- the man walked again, this time, he takes YN and puts it on his shoulder
- What are you doing?!- YN asked with fear
- I want you to have a good viewof the city, you just stare at the ground, maybe we'll walk all day, so you might not be able to stand it, the city is big-
- where would you like to go?- Whitebeard asked, YN balances on Whitebeard's shoulder
- I don't know... Shall we buy something and go back to the coast? There's a beach there- YN asked shyly
- Alright, let's go - Whitebeard said walking through the city
Whitebeard had a father-daughter day, just shopping and talking, they walked around town and found each one of the crew, some in bars, others having fun and even flirting with some women, near the end of the afternoon, Whitebeard and YN were already on the beach , but not alone, the crew decided it would be fun to get them all together, each had bought sake and other alcoholic beverages, YN quickly but with difficulty made friends with Thatch, who invited her to go with him to buy food, and later, Ace, who invited her to eat some good meat with him and Vista, Marco, was a little disappointed, he warned YN that Whitebeard was in bad health, but he didn't fight with YN
- I'm very surprised you managed to get Pops off the ship for just one ride, but next time, at least let me know and I'll come along, what if Pops felt sick? You wouldn't find me that easily-yoi- Marco continued with the gigantic responsible speech while YN apologized relentlessly
- please, Marco! It wasn't she who decided that- Izou arrived together with Haruta
- Do you want to go buy candys with Haruta? - Izou asked YN, who quickly nodded and walked away quickly while the youngest boy followed her
- I didn't finish-yoi! - Marco screamed
- but she interacted, sometimes I forgot she was on the ship - Jozu approached
- in a few days she'll be more talkative than Ace- Izou said sweetly
- I find it difficult, nobody surpasses Ace-yoi - Marco said
The party lasted many hours, even at dawn they were still having fun, but soon they noticed that YN was not around, Marco asks Haruta where YN was, but he says that YN had gone to buy sweets with him, but, soon after she said she was going to a stationery store to buy materials, and that he should go back to the ship without her
- I wonder if she got lost?- Marco wondered, they start looking for YN, some in the city and others on the ship, all worried, some created paranoia that someone with bad intentions had taken YN, which increased the crew's anxiety , after a few hours of searching and asking directions to the few people who were still awake in the city, YN is seen walking along the beach with some bags
- Where did you go?! We were worried!- Ace said
- Warn the others that we found her!- Ace said
- Sorry, Ace, I didn't want to worry you!- YN spoke with his tired face, but slightly smiling
- it's just that many stores were closed, so I had to walk a lot to find it, and it ended up taking me the whole day, sorry! I didn't think it would take so long, I came as fast as I could- YN dropped the bags on the floor
- I am tired! I can't walk anymore!- YN crouched on the sand, panting
Ace picks her up and puts her on his back, while picking up the goods and taking her to the ship.
-Is she okay?-Izou asked while others approached
-ah, yes, she's just tired, she walked almost the entire island and it took the whole day!-Ace spoke while putting YN in the chair
- sorry guys- YN said softly
-it's okay, we didn't know it would go this far, here, food- Thatch gave a plate of food to YN who ate it quickly out of hunger
- you walked for 7 hours! Seriously, what's your problem?- Marco said
- and what did I say about responsibility-yoi?- Marco sat beside YN,
- thanks for the food, Thatch, I'm going to take a shower- YN said leaving quickly
- you won't run away-yoi- Marco held her by the shoulders
So, YN spent a good 1 hour listening to Marco's sermon, who besides worrying about YN, did it for her sake, saying that it is very dangerous to go out alone on a deserted street in the middle of the night, Ace tried to defend YN, but he ended up listening Marco's sermons too
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stillxnunpxidintern · 23 days
I just had the thought earlier for Marco x Reader thing, and as usual @captainportgasdace was the one dealing with my random thoughts lol, I get many of them.
So the Moby is docked at an Island and everyone notices that Marco got a little spring in his step, so when they head to a tavern they see Marco is that the bar talking to you, who a bar-maid, rather than sitting with his siblings and this is the first that anyone has noticed this.
While watching Marco and you, everyone is like how have we not noticed this before, watching Marco lean over the bar talking & flirting with you and tucked some loose hair behind your ear.
The crew was thinking this was cute, especially when they see how he's smiling at the you, and they were are going to tease him so much when he's back on the Moby but while still in the tavern they would leave him alone and let Marco enjoy himself.
Marco leaves for the night for the you and comes back early morning Moby with only a few people up and one of them is Ace, who smiling widely and shout "Good Morning Marco" but man in question just ignore the fire user, as he was too happy to care and it was too early to deal with it.
Pops is the only person who knew about the you and everyone is telling him that Marco has a person and Pops like 'mhmm okay'
Everyone is like "You knew! And didn't tell us” and that just make Pops laugh.
Marco knowing what his siblings are like warned you about them and when they found out about you, as he wouldn't wish them on his enemies when they find something out for the first time and descend to find more out.
Marco tries to get you to join but you always decline with smile and kisses to distract him saying you weren't made for the sea.
While he's sailing around and doing pirate things, the whole crew was teasing him mercilessly and for most part it didn't bother him.
You both would send letters to each other, it was in one of these letter that had Marco flying off with in seconds after reading it.
Arriving at back at your island, he could see that a lot of it had been destroyed and there were a few structures & house that were still smoking. Landing on the ground his first though were on finding you and which didn't long as you came running, when someone said there was a giant blue bird in air.
You threw your arms around him and he hugged you tightly before pulling backward and had a good look at you, there were cuts and some burns on you but nothing serious that he thankfully. He began helping the out where he was needed.
It a few day later when the Moby arrived at the island and was shocked to see the how island was, so Pops ordered the crew to help out where it was needed.
Once the town was in better shape and most of the people were healed, Pops said it was time to leave but would be sooner than normal just to check up on the island.
Marco asked you to join like he normally did but this time there something in his voice, worried/afraid of you saying no and staying on the island, where he couldn't protect you.
However this time when he asked you agreed, the attack and aftermath had given you the push to leave the island and see world, what better way than with a man who loves you and will protect you, even if it was on pirate ship and knew attacks other crews would trying to attack too.
When Pops was told, he smiled and welcomed you to the family with a bone crushing hug. The rest of the crew welcome you warmly and then asked how you both met. You smiled while Marco groaned beside which made them all grin as you told them.
So you told them that Marco had come help the local doctor and as you would help out a few days a week before working in the tavern in the evening that how you met him, you did leave the part out that Marco had hit his head on the door way as he was just staring at you, but the crew didn't need to know that.
He thanked you by pressing a kiss into the side your head as some of them booed as they thought there was going to be some funny story to it and you were sure some of them didn't quite believe that was the full story but didn't say anything about.
Maybe you would tell the full story in the future but for now you would keep it between yourselves.
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tsunderedoctor · 2 years
Hi, I'm new to your blog and think it's so kind and fantastic that you offer so much comfort to other fans like this. If it's a good time for you and you're comfortable with it, may I ask for an emergency request? I've been struggling with self-loathing thoughts and feeling like I'm a burden. There's days it feels like the bad feelings bubble up and want to explode "Because I'm worthless!" when people ask what's wrong, even though I don't want others to know. Could I get Smoker, (1/2, sorry!!)
(2/2, again so sorry for the length of this!) I wanted to know if I could get Smoker, Shanks, and Benn with an s/o (gn! reader please) along with Whitebeard (fatherly) that accidentally blows up like that and how they comfort or challenge their partner's thoughts. I struggle correcting my own negative thoughts and it'd mean a lot to hear them call them out in a way. Either way, thank you so much for your time and I appreciate you and your blog immensely.
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So sorry this took so long, I won’t lie I haven’t been feeling well lately mentally, but I hope you are well and know you are important and so loved!! 💜
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Despite his gruff appearance, he has a soft spot for good people, and you are on that list. He struggles with his words and knowing what to say, so he allows his actions to speak for him.
He enjoys quality time and acts of service to let you know how you mean to him. Once he notices the rejection and feelings of worthlessness coming from you, he does his best to spend more time with you, even taking away from work. 
Goes silent when you snap at him, reminding himself you are just upset right now and that you need his support during this difficult time. Even if you refuse the hug, pulls you close, telling you how much you mean to him through red cheeks. 
Spends the rest of the day, gloved hand petting your head, trying to remind you how important you are to him without expressing those difficult words.
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Shanks hates when people criticize or talk badly about his things, and that includes you too! He has no problem putting you in your place when you begin saying mean things about yourself.
He goes out his way to make you see how much he needs you, even if it means hurting himself on “accident” just so you can patch him back up! 
Reminds you how much you mean to him and pulls you close to his body. He’s a physical touch lover and wants you to know that sometimes he just needs you and can’t go a day without your hugs. Just one more reason why you are so important to him!
If you still refuse to see things his way, he will give you the stare that terrifies a hundred men, DON’T talk bad about his beloved treasures or feel his wrath!
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Benn is a bit more easier to talk to than Shanks when it comes to self-hatred. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t care however, rather he understands the feeling and knows nothing he will say can change that.
More of a acts of service doer, so he helps you relieve some stress by making your favorite meal or doing a difficult task you were stressing about. 
Let’s you vent out all your frustrations as he smokes a cigarette and hums every once in a while, letting you know he is listening. He knows this emotion is just a phase and will pass, leading you back to wanting to be in his arms soon enough. You just had to work it out of your system first.
When the time comes and you just want to cry in his arms, expressing your anger and frustrations, he opens them wide to let you in. Strong arms working so hard to hold the weight of the world for both of you.
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This reminds him so much of Ace, it hurts his old soul. Please don’t go doing something crazy, like sacrificing yourself to feel your validation of being needed and wanted. 
Keeps a close eye on you and does his best to be a listening ear when you come for advice or support. But always tells you that you matter in the crew and that he’s proud of you. 
Definitely a words of affirmation and quality time seeker. He wants you to know you belong in the crew and will tell you every day if needed. You ARE important, damn it! 
Even on his death bed, he reached out and pats your head in a loving manner, reminding you just in that act alone how much you matter to him and that you did him proud. Don’t be so hard on yourself or you’ll make your old man cry.
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thewildomega · 1 year
Finder’s Keepers Ch.10
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"mmm." Feeling your brow twitch you only woke slightly before sleep quickly started to take back over. Attempting to wiggle back more into Edward's chest you felt as his arm subconsciously tightened around your middle, tugging you as close as you were physically able to get to one another. Drifting back off to sleep you were awoken once more, this time fully by the sound of your name being yelled from the deck. Judging by the way your alpha's body tensed behind you, you guessed he had also heard it as well. 
"Damnit girl get your ass up here!" 
Growling he sat up from bed, untangling his nude body from his omega. "Just what the fuck does that asshole want this late at night?" Standing up he lit the candle before he grabbed his discarded pants and the shirt she had been wearing earlier before they had been tossed to the floor in a rush to feel one another's bare skin. Handing his omega his shirt she had taken ownership over he saw her sit up with a wince and give a yawn as she pulled it over her head none too elegantly. 
Growling as you rolled out of bed you glared to the door. "I'M COMING!" Nearly falling as your legs and hips ached like they did after every intense mating with your monster sized alpha you felt a large, warm hand catch you and hold you up until you got your footing. "When did he even get back?" you questioned. Rocks had been gone for two days now, leaving for the island as soon as the ship was close enough for him to row one of the tender boats to shore and giving the command for no one else to leave the ship. 
"Come on darlin' let's go see what's got him all bent out of shape then I'll bring you back down so you can sleep some more." Pressing a kiss to her claiming mark he heard her sigh before she nodded her head and took his hand. 
Led up the stairs by your alpha you glanced around his large frame as you neared the deck. Seeing most of the crew there you furrowed your eyes. Something wasn't right. Hearing thunder in the distance and the flapping of the sails in the strong wind you swallowed hard as you took the last step up and moved to stand beside Ed. Looking across the deck you saw Rocks standing there with something in his arms and an angry look on his face. 
"Rocks, just what the hell do yo..." 
"This ain't got nothin' ta do with you Newgate." Rocks spoke in a deep voice. Looking to the omega standing beside the male he raised his chin. "This is family business. Come here pup." 
Shocked by the name he had just called you, you could only blink and while you would have normally retorted with some snappy remark the serious look on his face and the take no shit tone of his words made your feet move for you. The feel of Ed's warm hand leaving yours made goosebumps cover your arms and the closer you stepped towards the red eyed demon you were forced to call father you felt the hairs on the back of your neck stick up. Glancing to the bundle in his one arm you tried to figure out what it was but failed. Coming to stand just before him you finally looked up to met his eyes. 
"Got a job for ya. Something ta keep ya busy and finally earn yer stay on my ship." 
"And that would be?" you asked, narrowing your eyes up at him questionably. Seeing his lip twitch before he was moving you braced yourself for a slap or some other repercussion but instead he only moved to hand you the bundle in his arms. Stiffening you snapped your eyes down as the bundle of blankets were placed in your arms and what you saw peeking out of you from the sea of fabric made your heart hammer in your chest. It was a face. A small sleeping face. "A..a baby?"
"You stole someone's pup?" Edward growled as he moved closer to his female who was now holding the child in her arms.
Ignoring the alpha male he looked down to his daughter. "Your brother." 
Brother? You had a brother?
"He's your responsibility. You'll take care of him. As an omega it should come natural to you." Rocks huffed. 
You didn't say a word, still amazed by the tiny human in your arms, your little brother. Your family. 
"You can not be serious! Have you lost your damn mind?! She isn't some babysitter for you to dump one of your mistakes on! You made the brat you take care of him!" Ed yelled at the other alpha.
"I make the rules on this ship Newgate, or have you forgotten that?!"
Hearing your alpha and father yelling at each other you tensed as the baby's face started to scrunch up and then he began to cry. Shaking you moved your one hand up to gently touch the pup's cheek, your fingers shaking. "n..no, no don't cry. It's alright." As the two alpha's yelling only got worse and the thunder grew closer the baby only started to cry louder, his little lips trembling. "Please don't cry baby. Don't cry." Feeling your heart hammering in your chest and your whole body beginning to tremble as you started to panic you heard Kaido huff. 
"Good thing she didn't end up pregnant when you knotted her Newgate, bitch would have made a horrible mother, she can't even get a pup to stop crying." 
"You fucking worm I'll rip your..."
"Omega that can't serve her purpose ain't worth anyone's time." 
"Bet you wish you would have just left the whore in her cage now don't you Newgate? Of course you could always dump her off on some island..."
Feeling tears fall from your eyes as the yelling, crying and hurtful words became too much you tightened your arms around the bundle and quickly made your way down the stairs to the only safe place you had on this hell ship. Getting inside you laid the blankets on the bed and looked to the small screaming face inside of them. Backing away to the wall you felt it getting harder to breath and closed your eyes. The cries seemed to get louder and louder until all you could do was cover your ears with your hands and turned away as you too cried. They were right, you didn't know what to do. You didn't know anything about being a mother or even a caregiver to a child. What if he realized you were in fact a mistake? What if he agreed with what they were saying? What if he got rid of you? Feeling a sharp pain in your chest you curled in on yourself and sunk to the floor. 
Gasping for air as it became harder to take breaths you opened your eyes to stare at the floor, keeping your hands over your ears. Able to see the smallest movement of the babe you felt more tears fall from your eyes. Turning your face towards the wall you opened your eyes the slightest amount and saw a bit of the charcoal drawing there. Slowly lifting your head some so you could look over the drawing of your home island you blinked as thoughts of your Grandmother and the mother you never truly got to know filled your head. Your family. Slowly moving your eyes back to the thrashing bundle on the bed you sniffled. Your family. Removing your hands from your ears and slowly making your way over to the bed you wiped your eyes before climbing up onto the bed and turning him towards you once you got situated on your side of the bed. His face was red from crying. There was a small dusting of hair on his head that made your lip twitch. "Looks like we both ended up with his hair. Sorry about that." you spoke in a still shaky voice. Gently unwrapping the blanket from him until you were able to see his little feet and hands thrashing about you licked your lips and gently pushed your hands under him to lift him up. 
At first he continued screaming his little head off so you did the only thing you could think of, you hummed and rocked back and forth. It took a while but soon he began to calm down. Watching as he let out a long yawn, his little eyes looking into yours before they slowly slipped close. Grinning the smallest amount you felt everything catching up with you making you feel exhausted yourself. Taking a deep breath you held him to you with one arm while you tried to move things on the bed around. Once you had stuffed the blanket he had been wrapped in between the wall and bed to make sure he wouldn't fall down there you slowly and gently moved to lay the both of you down, stilling every time he would make a noise or flinch. Keeping him held against your chest you pulled the blanket over the both of you. Staring down at the babe, your little bother, you licked your lips. "It's going to be okay, I'll take care of you." you told him. You didn't know if he has any other family, if his mother had died like yours. Considering Rocks had went and gotten him you assumed not. Well he would still have you and you would have him. Taking a breath you blinked slowly, staring at his little face and listening to his little sniffles until you could hold your eyes open no longer. 
He was seething as he made his way down the stairs to his cabin door. Opening it he glanced over to the bed to see his omega sleeping. Stepping closer to the bed he glanced over her to see the tiny pup fast asleep as well, cuddled up to her chest with his hand wrapped around a lock of her hair that matched the small amount on his own head. Gritting his teeth and feeling his lip twitch he gave a grunt when he noticed their blanket wrapped around them. Hearing his lass let out a soft sigh as she cuddled the babe to her gently he let out a long sigh of his own and moved to lay down on the edge of the bed, slowing his movements when he heard the babe let out a tiny whimper. Once he was laying down he reached up to snuff the candle making the room go dark. He'd get at least an hour or so sleep before waking up to work the deck. 
"What's wrong with him?" you asked as the baby cried, looking up to your alpha who was busy putting on his boots while you sat on the bed trying to sooth the screaming child. 
"If I had to guess I'd say he's most likely hungry." he huffed out. 
Licking your lips you gave a small bounce of your arms, glancing down to your little brother and then up to your mate who hadn't even looked at you since you both were woken to the pup's crying. "B..but what do I feed him?"
Freezing for a moment he knit his brows. "You don't even know what babies eat?"
Furrowing your brows at the tone of his voice you kept your eyes down "I...I don't kn..."
"Milk, Y/n. Babies drink milk." he huffed out before standing and walking to the door. 
Opening your mouth to tell him you knew that babies drank milk from their mothers you didn't get the chance as he just simply walked out, shutting the door behind him. Feeling a clenching in your chest you slowly dropped your eyes back down and blinked away the tears that tried to fall from your eyes. Taking a deep breath you watched as your baby brother began sucking on his fist and bit your lip. "It's okay I'll find you something to eat." Laying him on the bed so you could get dressed you wrapped him in the smaller blanket that was his before lifting him up and walking towards the door. Finding it unlocked you made your way up to the kitchen, already hearing yelling from the deck, once of the voices sounding like Ed. Peeking inside to make sure no one was in there you moved inside and over to the large fridge. Scanning the shelves for a moment you grabbed the one of the glass jugs with what you assumed was milk, confirming it when you smelled it yourself. Shutting the fridge you stood there in thought for a moment, wondering how exactly you were to go about this when a voice spoke from the doorway. 
"He won't be able to drink that as is you know." 
Turning around you saw Lin Lin leaning against the doorway with one hand on her hip. "What do you mean?"
The alpha female smirked before pushing off the door and moving towards the omega, taking the glass jug from her and moving towards the stove, grabbing a pot on the way. "When they are little like that they can't drink cold milk, really they aren't supposed to drink cow's milk either but considering he isn't yours and you aren't making any milk yourself, nor any other female on this ship cow's milk is the best that little tike is going to get. So come over here and I'll show you what to do, watch closely because I'm only helping you out this once." 
Quickly walking over to the stove you grew to your larger size so you could watch her more closely. Seeing her add the milk into a pot before grabbing the sugar and adding just a small amount to it as she told you it was to get him to take it better you nodded. From there she just simply stirred it with the wooden spoon as it heated. Seeing her dip her finger into it and hum you again furrowed your brows. 
"Let me see your hand." 
Adjusting the baby so you coudl hold your hand out you stiffened as she reached out and turned your palm up before lifting the spoon and dripping some of the milk onto your wrist. 
"Not too hot, not too cold. If you can barely feel a temperature difference then it's prefect." Lin soke and saw the omega nod. "Now I only have one of these left so you'll have to keep it clean." 
Seeing her pull out a bottle of sorts with some sort of rubber thing on top you knit your brows. 
"Not a real nipple but he'll get used to it. Took my son a couple of tries before he finally took it." Lin assured her as she poured the milk into the glass bottle and popped the nipple on top. 
This perked your interest. "Your son? I didn't know you were a mother." 
"Wouldn't be able to tell this body had given birth now would ya but believe it or not I have five children." 
"Five?" you gasped. 
"MAMAMA yep, four boys and one girl." she smiled proudly as she moved the bottle to the baby's lips. 
Seeing your baby brother instantly open his mouth for he food and start drinking, only making a face twice you smiled and felt a bit of relief before you took the bottle from Lin's hand to hold yourself. "Thank you." Moving to sit at the small table you watched as she made herself something to eat. "What are their names?" you asked, wanting something to talk about.
"Perospero is my oldest, then my daughter, Compote, then there is my triplets Katakuri, Daifuku and Oven." Lin smiled as she cooked. 
Odd names but you said nothing. "Where are they?" you asked, never having seen or heard and children on the ship. 
"OH I left them on an island with a friend of mine. I go see them when I can." 
Humming you looked down to the baby in your arms, watching him drink happily. Hearing a small clink you glanced up to see Lin sitting down at the table with a plate of food that made your mouth water. Feeling your stomach give a small growl you glanced down again to the baby and sighed, you guess you would have to wait. 
Life with a baby was hard, very hard. There was always something he needed, always something to do. He was hungry, he needed to be changed, he was fussy, he was tired. Never in your life did you think you would have to hold a crying baby while you went pee. Of course it didn't help that every time you tried to get him to sleep there was some loud noise that woke him up. And you knew it wasn't his fault, you knew he wasn't accustomed to life on a chaotic pirate ship but you just wanted five minutes to yourself. By the end of the day you were exhausted and hungry and desperately wanted a shower since he had spit up on you twice. Sitting on the bed you waited and waited for Ed to come down to the room, waited for him to bring you something to eat for the first time today but as the sky darkened your eyes started to droop more and more. As the baby finally fell asleep nestled against your chest you moved to lay him down and the thought of laying on the bed yourself and shutting your eyes for just five minutes sounded too sweet so you decided to just rest, to just close your eyes but not sleep until Ed got here. 'Just a small rest.' Laying down beside the little one you closed your eyes. 
Waking up to a cry you snapped your eyes open and noticed the room was dark. Glancing down you saw from the light of the moon, the small baby beside you was crying. Hearing a groan and then the bed shake you peeked over your shoulder at the large male that was rolling over to face away from you. Ed? When had he gotten back? He hadn't woken you or pulled you on top of his chest to sleep like he normally did. Sitting up you looked to the bedside table to see he hadn't even brought you anything to eat. Frowning you lifted the babe into your arms and tried to rock him back asleep but he wasn't having it. Checking his diaper you felt the cloth liner inside wet and sighed. Looking towards the door and then your alpha you licked your lips. "Ed..." 
"Sleep, I just want some damn sleep."
Curling up some as he growled into the pillow you dropped your eyes down before climbing off the end of the bed and scooping your little brother up into your arms. Walking towards the door you glanced back towards your mate to see him laying on his side of the bed with his pillow wrapped around his head to cover his ears as the pup screamed. Opening the door you shut it back behind you before making your way to the kitchen to start another pot of milk while you changed the baby in your arms. 
It had been a while since you had been this hungry and never in your life could you recall being this tired. Even after you had fed and changed the small babe he had not settled down and so you had chosen not to return to you and Ed's shared room, not wanting to wake him again. Instead you took your little brother up to the deck. That seemed to calm him some and you noticed him looking up towards the stars but he would only stay calm if you continued walking around the deck while gently bouncing him. Awake for the shift change for watch duty you bit your tongue and swallowed down the lump that grew in your throat as the two crew members commented on your incapability to care for a pup. While you tried to shake their words from you head you couldn't help but think that they were right and even worse that Edward had also noticed your lack of 'common omega purposefulness'. Was that why he was avoiding you? Was that why he seemed to be distancing himself from you? What if he had noticed and what if now he had changed his mind about you? He had told you he wanted a family, that he wanted pups. If you weren't even capable of caring for one baby then how coudl he expect you to make a good mother to his own children. Feeling a clenching in your heart you took a deep breath and raised your eyes to watch the rising sun on the water. 
"Y/n." Kureha spoke when the female did not respond to her question.
Standing by the small cot as Kureha looked over the little boy you felt your eyes droop, desperate to close but you were quick to blink them open and give a small shake to wake yourself up. He was still whimpering and fusing and no matter what you did nothing seemed to work. Not knowing what else to do you had taken him to the doctor, hoping she coudl tell you something to do to help him. Recalling that she had spoken your name when you saw her looking to you, you licked your dry lips and met her eyes. "I'm sorry, what was it you said?"
"I asked you what you had been feeding him?" Taking the time to look over the small female she narrowed her eyes. "Y/n you look unwell, are yo..."
"Milk... cow's milk. Lin showed me how to heat it on the stove with a spoonful of sugar." you told her, quickly cutting her off from questioning you and dropping your eyes back down so she would hopefully not notice how drained you were. 
"Hmm, well that is the problem right there. No doubt he was used to drinking milk from his mother or so we will assume. While it is fine for infants to drink animal milk after one year of age it is not recommended until they are at least a year old. There is too much protein difference between human milk and animal for their stomachs to break down. no doubt he has been experiencing cramps, diarrhea and gas because of it. Which is the most likely reason why won't or rather can not sleep. Well that and the added sugar."
It took a few seconds longer for you to process all that she had said but once you had you gave a nod as you stared down at the babe that currently held you finger in his fist. "So what can I feed him?"
"Well since there is no female on this ship that is currently lactating he will have to drink formula."
"Yes, it's a substitute for infants that they are able to digest. I will pick some up now, I was just heading into the town before you came in." Kureha spoke and again saw the omega nod. Noticing the small shaking of her hands she hummed. "Does Newgate know you haven't been sleeping, when was the last time you ate?"
Stiffening you snapped your eyes up to your mentor and shook your head. "I'm fine. I'm just... I'm trying to learn, I'm..."
"You're exhausted Y/n. Not to mention you haven't been in to practice your medical training in days. Have you even finished that book yet?"
"I'll be okay. Once I can give him some of that formula stuff he won't hurt anymore, he'll sleep and.. and then I can sle... work on finishing the book." you assured her but from the looks of it she didn't buy it. "Please. Please don't say anything to him." you begged her, finally looking into her grey eyes. You didn't want to bother your alpha anymore than you already were. It had been a total of five days since you had been put in charge of caring for your little brother and in those five days your alpha had barely looked at you and they only time he ever really spoke to you was when he was complaining about the baby's screaming. After arriving at the Island yesterday he had quickly told you that he was heading out and that he'd be staying on the island until Rocks wanted to leave, saying he'd be able to get a full night's sleep without having to listen to 'that little brat's' screaming. He had even huffed out that when he got back that you'd have to figure out where else to keep him at night because he was done sharing his bed with him. Speaking of.... "Kureha um... is there... is there anyway we could sleep in here?"
"Me and... and him." you said, nodding down to the now crying pup. 
"Y/n this isn't some nursery, it's a Sick Bay, used for medical purpose only." she told her as she crossed her arms over her chest. 
"I...I know I just..." you spoke now dropping your eyes back down as you scooped up your crying brother. 
"No Y/n. I'm sorry but no."
"Okay. I.. I'm sorry." you spoke quietly, feeling guilty for even asking now. 
Sighing the doctor looked to the omega. "I will go and get his formula it shouldn't take me long." Seeing her nod she moved to the door but stopped when the girl spoke once more.
"You won't say anything to him will you? Please promise me you won't." you begged her, looking up into her eyes.
Taking notice of the dark circles incasing the omega's bloodshot eyes along with her slightly thinner face and dry lips she huffed to herself. "I won't say anything to him." 
Closing your heavy eyelids you let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you." Hearing the Doctor's huff and practically feeling her roll her eyes you heard as she told you she would return soon before the sound of the door opening and closing hit your ears. Taking a deep breath you forced your eyes open enough to look down at the two little watery eyes looking up at you. "It's okay, you'll have something good to eat soon." you assured him. 
True to her word it only took Kureha a little over an hour to get back to you with the formula and you were even more surprised to see Shakky return with her. "Your back." you spoke to your friend with as big of a smile as you could muster. She had been gone for nearly three weeks now, telling you she had some personal business to attend to. 
"That I am. It seems I missed quite a lot since I was gone." Shakky said as she walked towards the exhausted looking omega with the small baby in her arms. She had only been gone for a short time but still she could see that her friend had in fact lost weight and looked completely drained. Moving to stand beside the woman she glanced down to the sniffling baby in her arms and saw that like his older sister he had a head of hair to match their father's. "Well hello there little one." she spoke with a small smile, moving her hand to stroke the baby's cheek which he instantly tried to turn to suckle. "He's hungry." 
"Well let's fix that. Come on Y/n I'll show you what to do." Kureha spoke, walking to the Sick bay with the box in her arms. 
Seeing the omega nod and turn to follow the doctor she narrowed her eyes at the pure exhaustion in her form. Sharing a glance with the other female she saw Kureha raise her brows. "Y/n I'll catch up with you tomorrow alright, I have something I have to take care of."
"You're leaving? But you just got back." you spoke turning to look at the woman you had come to call friend, your first friend. While yes you were exhausted you would have liked her company while you stayed awake another night.
"I promise I will be here tomorrow and I will not be leaving again for a while. I just have this one thing to take care of and it is important I see to it now. So you go ahead and get him fed and then try and lay him down." Shakky spoke and bit down on her cigarette when she saw the woman try to cover a yawn. 
"O...okay but he isn't much of a sleeper." you told her after covering a yawn that made your body feel even more heavy if it were possible. 
"Well we will just have to work on getting him on a schedule." she assured her, rubbing her arm and grinning reassuringly. "Go on now." Watching the omega walk into the Bay she narrowed her eyes and took a long drag from her cigarette before turning on heel and leaving to go find a certain large male. 
You were so relieved when your little brother finally took the formula that you nearly cried. He always fought the cows milk but within a few seconds he latched right onto the bottle and started sucking down the new milk substitute. As soon as he was done you had changed him into a new diaper and carried him down to the room to sleep. Once in the room however you froze. Starring at the bed you furrowed your brows and bit your lip. What if he came back? He had said he wouldn't share his bed anymore but you didn't have anywhere else to go. You suppose you could go to the hull but the thought of trying to sleep in a room with the rest of the sketchy crew made you curl up in fear. You couldn't imagine what they would do if they were woken by the baby's crying not to mention what some of them would try to do to you if they got the chance. Licking your lips you glanced around the room until your eyes landed on the corner of the room by the foot of the bed. Blinking and then taking a deep breath you moved to place him down on the bed so you could work something out. 
Making his way up the gang plank and onto the ship he saw no one on deck but Kureha who merely looked to him and huffed before looking back out at sea and drinking from her bottle of sake. Taking a deep breath he made his way down the stairs, the still stinging handprint on his face pulsing with every step he took. Never before had he seen the fire in Shakky's eyes burn so brightly than when she starred into his own, asking him in an eerily collected fury what the hell he thought he was doing as he sat at one of the empty bars drinking his sake. 
"Have you happened to actually look at your omega recently or have you been too busy pouting and focused on your own discomfort with the new addition to the ship to notice the effect it has taken on the woman you claim to love?"
Whipping the blood from his lip he looked down at the beta female with a shocked look that quickly turned into confusion. "What the hell ya talking about Shakky?"
"Tell me Edward when was the last time you saw her sleep properly that wasn't just her nodding off? When was the last time you made sure she ate or bathed? Have you even asked her how she was taking her new role as a infant caregiver, if she needed any help or did you just assume she would instantly know what to do simply because she was an omega." Shakky questioned as she stood tall, her one arm crossed under her breast while the other held her cigarette as she stared down the twenty two foot alpha male. 
"I...she..." he started but was quickly cut off. 
"Was it not you that told me that she was not some prize mare, that she was still a person?"
"She's not.... I... I mean she is... she is a person." 
"Then why is it you thought that she, a person that has been kept in a cage for nearly her whole life would know anything about caring for a baby, omega or not?" When the male said nothing she blew out a string of smoke. "I've been told that the crew has been saying things about her, to her, about her difficulties adjusting to the role of a mother. Awful things, things that no doubt forced their way into her mind even if she tried to ignore them. Did you assure her that they were not true or did you stay back and let her take every slice herself? And do not tell me you didn't know Edward because I know you can feel her pain." Seeing the male reduced to silence she took another drag from the cigarette before raising her chin and looking him dead in the eye. "For someone who wants a family one day you are doing a piss poor job of showing the woman who will give you those pups that you will in fact make a good father."
Those, those had been the words that had rendered him speechless, made his stomach knot and twist. She had knew it too because she had said nothing else as she turned around and walked over to the other side of the bar to order a drink, her eyes never moving to look at him again. Without another word he had pushed himself up from the floor that her stunning slap had sent him to and started his way back to the ship. 
Getting to his room door he heard nothing from inside and gently eased the door open. Seeing it dark inside he quietly moved over to light the candle. Looking to the bed he froze when he saw no one there and he furrowed his brows before he caught sight of something out of the corner of his eye. Looking over he saw a sight that made the blade of guilt cut him open. There in the corner of the room by the foot of the bed was his omega. She was fast asleep, laying on the bare wooden floor while the tiny pup laid in the middle of her pillow that she had no doubt set out for him. The pup was tucked tightly away in the blanket Rocks had him wrapped in when he handed him off to his sister. Y/n herself however had no blankets whatsoever as she had her knees pulled up as much as possible and one hand over her baby brother to ensure he was safe beside her. 'You, Edward Newgate are a complete piece of shit.' he told himself. Rubbing his face he moved over to gently lift his mate up from the floor but she quickly snapped awake, her eyes hanging low over her eyes.
"Wha...what's wrong? Is..is he awake? I...I'm sorry I didn't hear him I..." 
"Shhhh. He's fine darlin', he's sleepin'." he assured her as he moved her onto the bed. 
"hhh..he can't sleep down there by himself." you said as you shook your head that felt fuzzy and heavy. "I'll sleep down there... I'll..."
"No lass. You aren't sleepin' on the floor, neither of you are." he told her as he moved to lift up the pillow with the tiny baby on it. Seeing him move a little bit but only give a small yawn before drifting back off to sleep he moved to lay him by his sister. Watching to make sure the boy didn't fuss he saw his exhausted female trying to fight sleep so he sat on the edge of the bed and pulled the covers up over her, moving his own pillow to be under her head. "Yer alright omega, go on to sleep now." he spoke to her in a low voice, rubbing his fingers over her back and side as she quickly drifted back off. Sitting there for a while he looked over his female's face, noticing the dark circles surrounding her eyes and look of her hair that desperately needed a wash and comb. He had a lot of making up to do and he would but first she would rest.
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The Wife N/SFW Series
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Series of Marco, Thatch, Izou, and Ace x Fem reader N/SFW
1.Marco, Thatch, and Izou x Fem Reader: 3+1 NSFW
2. Marco, Thatch, Izou x Fem Reader: The Desire For His Wife N/SFW
3. Marco, Thatch, Izou and Ace x Fem  Reader: Lustful Secrets N/SFW
4. ????
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snailor-bee · 2 years
The Masquerade Menace
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Okay so yesterday @aifozu mentioned that Whitebeard looks like he ought to be on romance novel covers and my brain went CRAZY. I sat down and wrote this in two days because once you get an idea you can't let it go. ;o; Then when I told them they were like "omg I wanna draw for it" SO HERE WE ARE!!! Art by Foz! ;u; Handsome Whitebeard about to sweep you off your feet!!! Thank you so much Foz for doing this random little thing with me omg. 🙈
(And yeah, I 100% didn't use a plot line for a story I've been idly fantasizing about, why do you ask, it's very much a random idea for the romance novel, not based on stuff I'd probably never write but would like to, no sir.)
Whitebeard x GN!Reader / SFW  / 2.6k Summary: Whitebeard is a popular figure in romantic novels even if his name isn't used he's easily recognized on the covers because of his long blond hair and signature mustache. Reader is reading one when a random man (Thatch) approaches to ask to purchase it (they collect them, to laugh at Pops about) when the reader refuses. Instead, somehow the reader is convinced to go see Whitebeard later that night. Does fantasy match up to reality? Warnings: SFW but sex IS referenced for the plot of the romance novel, so warning about that. Reader is GN but the character mentioned in the story is she/her pronouns because I just went with the standard romance novel for that.
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A low snicker pierced your concentration, the little bubble that you’d created around yourself suddenly popping. Peeking a glance over the edge of the pages of your book, you saw several men quickly turn struggling to stifle their laughter.
You cocked a brow but weren’t surprised. In your inattention you’d switched the book from leaning against the table to being held in one hand, your fingers breaking the pages apart. Leaving the cover exposed to the room.
It was a romantic novel, the cover artistically painted. A man stood there in, bathed in the colors of the setting sun, stunning in shades of gold and blue. He was holding out a hand, as if beckoning the reader closer, long blond hair whipping in the wind. He looked as if about to take you off into some daring adventure. 
The trademark large white mustache made it readily apparent who the figure was supposed to be.
Honestly, you didn't blame their laughter, you were surprised to be reading it as well. Never one for romance novels, they simply weren’t on your radar. When a friend had recommended one, you’d scoffed at the idea but they had insisted. And insisted. And insisted.
So, you’d finally caved, if only to get them off your back. To your surprise you finished it in one sitting, the room going dark around you.
You were utterly enamored with the story of a cocky pirate sweeping some girl off her feet. A classic and something that would normally bore you. But somehow the story kept your attention, as did the description of the pirate in question...
No one was fooled. Even using a different name for the pirate and his crew, everyone reading it recognized it as the famous pirate Whitebeard.
Which was the reason for the snickering, you were sure. Men were never very kind about this sort of thing. You ignored it, trying to focus on the words. After the first one you got a bit—obsessed isn’t the right word but perhaps enchanted with Whitebeard-related romance novels.
Some were better than others and you had to check out basically the entire collection at your library to weed through the authors that you liked or didn’t. This one had become your favorite and you were enjoying the plot.
They could get a little repetitive and in many you didn’t love the way they portrayed Whitebeard. All of it was a fantasy, you weren’t sure what the man was really like but some of them just… picked at you wrong.
A pointed cough broke you from your thoughts and you looked up to see a man dressed in chef’s whites standing by your table, brown hair molded into a rather impressively large pompadour. You raised an eyebrow at him in question.
“Hi!” The man greeted. “Which one is that? Is it new?” he asked, pointing to your novel. You flipped the cover over, looking it over before glancing back up.  
“New-ish, yeah. Came out like last year, I just got my hands on it. Why?”
“How much do you want for it?” he asked eagerly.
Both brows shot up with surprise. “Nothing, it’s not for sale.”
The man sighed as if you had wronged him. “You sure? I can pay more than you did for it.”
“Why? I’m not even finished with it.”
“We—or rather I collect them.”
“Just find it out in town.”
“But that takes foreverrrr,” he whined.
You scoffed. “Can’t help you then, sorry.”
“What about,” he began. “I introduce you? The Whitebeard Pirates are on this island, you know.”
“Please, I’m not giving you this book for a lousy excuse like that, I bet you don’t even know them. Besides, it’s not like I really want to meet Whitebeard.”
The man slid into the seat across from you and you narrowed your eyes at him.
“No? Why not? You’re passing up a good deal to hold onto that book, must mean you like him a lot.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you meaningfully.
“Fantasy and real-life are different,” you dismissed with a wave of your hand.
He hummed. “What about the other Whitebeard Pirates then?”
“What about them?”
“Do any of them catch your fancy?”
“No?” he echoed, his smile widening. “What about Marco?”
“Have you seen his hair? It looks ridiculous.”
He let out a loud bark of laughter before he coughed into a fist and then cleared his throat. “Izou then?”
“Honestly? Way too pretty, it’s intimidating.”
The two of you ran through a couple more members, all to a negative.
“Alright,” the man said at last. “What about Vista? He’s tall and has a funny mustache, just your type, eh?”
You’d put your book down at this point, bookmark in place. “Nah, not really interested.” At his aghast gasp, you attempted to explain. “I think the point of all these books” —you waved your hand over the cover— “is that it’s a fantasy. I’m never going to pull Whitebeard even if I stumbled across him at some bar. Nor any of the other pirates you listed. I’m more interested to read about Whitebeard because after reading these I found him attractive, sure. But that’s based on a lie, not the man himself as he really is.”
“So that’s why you wouldn’t wanna meet the real Whitebeard then?”  
“What if I told you I knew what bar he was going to be at tonight?” His eyes gleamed with excitement. “I could tell you if you want.”
You opened your mouth to refuse but before you could, he interrupted.
“I know, I know you don’t wanna meet him! But think of it this way, you don’t gotta! You can just go to get a look at him. He’s always surrounded by people, right?” Hesitantly, you nodded. Although you didn’t know that for sure it was referenced a lot in your novels. “Might be your chance to at least see him in person, that would be cool, wouldn’t it?”
You bit your lip, considering. It would be cool if only to put a real face to the novels. You’ve seen his wanted posters of course (and had a few squirreled away but that was neither here nor there) but that was nothing compared to the real thing.
Making a decision, you nodded. “Okay, where?” Even if the information was wrong you reasoned, it would only be a mild waste of your time, nothing more. You could get a drink and go home. No harm done. And if Whitebeard actually happened to be there? Then you could appreciate him from a distance with a drink before going home. Either way, not a bad trade-off.
A couple of hours later you slipped into the bar in question. It was loud and packed to the brim, familiar jolly roger on display from nearly everyone in the room. You were in the right place then. Before you could even look around, a loud laugh shook the room.
“Gura ra ra ra!”
Immediately your eyes shot over to see him. You froze in your shock; he was huge, way bigger than you’d ever imagined. A lot of books made him smaller and that wasn’t your preference but after seeing the man it made sense why they had. A lot made him tall, but this was just absurd.
Lost as you were in your surprise you didn’t notice the man you’d talked with before sitting at Whitebeard’s side. Seeing you enter the bar, he smiled wide and hustled over to you.
“Yo! You made it come on,” he greeted before tugging you forward.
“Uhh, what are you doing!?” you hissed under your breath as he pulled you through the crowd closer to Whitebeard’s table. You tried to stop yourself by digging in your heels but he just easily pulled you along.
“Oi, Pops!” he called and if you were able to stop in your tracks you would have but his hand at the small of your back resolutely propelled you forward. “Got the fan I was talkin’ about earlier!”
“Oh?” Whitebeard rumbled out with a smile, the sound of it sent your knees trembling. “Thatch here has told me all about you, glad you could make it.”
You looked up at the man—Thatch you supposed—with a fierce glare. “You lying sack of shit—”
“Hey, I didn’t lie! Told you the truth, you were the one who didn’t believe it when I said I knew the Whitebeard Pirates.” You gave him a quick glance over.
“You aren’t wearing the jolly roger! How am I supposed to know?!” Everyone knew the entire crew went around with the mark somewhere, either tattooed or on some article of clothing. Thatch grinned.
“Incognito, pretty cool right?”
You tried to scrape together the last of your pride. “Okay, well this has been fun. You’re a dick,” you directed this at Thatch. “It was nice to meet you,” you said to Whitebeard. “I’ll be going now.”
Whitebeard laughed before a large hand curved around your back and tugged you closer. “Now, now, little one, where do you think you’re running off to so soon? I wanted to have a chat.”
“About what?” you grumbled as he positioned you into the empty chair beside him.
“What’s the plot line of the book you’re reading?”
“Seriously?” You shot a disbelieving look up at Whitebeard who shrugged back at you.
“I like to hear about them but my sons never describe it properly.”
You rubbed your forehead. “Kind of self-absorbed isn't it?" 
"I'm a pirate," Whitebeard answered with a large grin, "who gives a shit about all that?" 
Sighing, you decided to get this over with. "It’s a ball, a masquerade. Someone has enchanted everyone’s masks with a devil fruit power where you can’t recognize anyone. People can still tell if they’d find someone else attractive or not but even if you’d normally know someone by their voice or hair you won’t be able to.”
Whitebeard stared down at you, making you feel like a bug being pinned and you shifted under the weight of his attention before going on. “One of your sons has a devil fruit that shrinks people. The Whitebeard Pirates—they’re not called that though—they’re there to rob the treasure trove. You’re acting as a…look out, kinda.”
“Kind of?” Whitebeard pressed, seeing your hesitation.
You pursed your lips before continuing, “They don’t trust you with being sneaky so you’re at the party as a ‘look out’ but you’re in a huff because everyone knows it’s just to keep you out of the way.”
Loud laughter breaks out over the table. “That’s true enough!” someone shouts and Whitebeard glared before turning his attention back to you.
“And? What else?”
You blinked at him. “What do you mean?”
Whitebeard leaned closer. “How do I meet the main character?”
“Ah. You notice her across the room, talking with some upper-crust ladies. You hadn’t been interested in anyone at the party, though plenty of people have tried to get your attention. But you’d seen her earlier in the night and thought she was pretty. You went over and started talking.”
“I’m sure that’s not all that happened,” Whitebeard said with a knowing smirk.
You flushed. “And the two of you went into a deserted room and have sex.”
"What? No details?" You grit your teeth. 
"They have sex once on the desk, facing each other then she gives you a blowjob. While that's happening people walk in and you growl at them to get another room. Then you have sex doggy style. That's as far as I've read."
“A shame.” He straightened up out of his slouch. “I would have liked to know how it ended.”
“Ugh, for what? They all end the same, it's boring,” someone groaned from the crowd. A flash of something cut through the air and hit the man upside the head, sending his face crashing into the table. Whitebeard easily flipped his naginata in his hand so it rested once more on the ground. His son sat back up, rubbing the back of his head and whining loudly while you sat there, your heart now firmly sunk into your stomach.
It had all happened so fast! You had barely seen Whitebeard move. How terrifying to be faced with such a mammoth of a man and be so utterly helpless. 
"Now, where were we?" Whitebeard asked, turning back to you and fear pounded in your veins. 
"I was going to head out, I told you the story so—" 
"Nonsense!" Whitebeard roared. "Stay a while, I've never talked to a fan of the novels before." 
A mug of ale was pushed in front of you and you stared at the foamy top. 
"I'm sure you have plenty of fans," you said lowly. You half expected it to get lost in the ambient noise of the bar, pirates loudly talking and cheering randomly. Whitebeard was paying more attention than you thought however because he replied immediately. 
"They're not usually as cute," he replied with a large grin, placing a hand at the back of your chair. "And I haven't talked with a reader before." The warmth of his hand burned through your clothes as you hunched forward, feeling awkward. This situation felt almost exactly like how it would happen in one of your books and it was making you feel itchy with expectations and wishes. 
That was the whole point you read those books, as a fantasy you never expected it to become reality and it was making your head spin. 
"What do you do?" Whitebeard asked and you shot him a look. He looked completely relaxed and interested in what your answer was. You ran your tongue along your teeth before you decided to hell with it, and answered. 
The two of you chatted, creating a pocket of privacy in the middle of the rowdy bar. His sons quickly abandoned the table once they realized how much of his attention was focused on you. 
At some point, you took a sip of the ale, made a face, then silently slid it over to him. The swell of laughter felt like a small earthquake as the ground shook beneath your feet and the rafters rattled. Still, through it all, you couldn't resist a small, pleased smile. Seeing how much you affected the large man made you feel good, like you could conquer the world from the force of his attention alone. 
Whitebeard dragged your chair closer to his side and leaned down further. "So, little one." His breath ghosted over you, smelling of saké but you couldn't resist a shiver. "How does the real thing compare to your books?" 
"You're bigger for one," you said immediately. He chuckled but didn't pull away. 
"Not what I meant," he pressed. 
You peered up at him, seeing his blue eyes dance with good humor. "So far it's not bad. A couple authors write you as more mean than you've been with me." 
He cocked an eyebrow. "You think I can be mean?" Tilting his head, he looked as if he was trying to appear innocent. 
You weren't fooled. 
"You're a Yonko, you bet your ass I do." 
Whitebeard laughed. "Hope it's not enough to scare you away though." The way his eyes burned told you the seriousness of his statement. You licked your lips and he followed the movement intently. 
"Not really, not yet I suppose." He smiled. 
"Good." His fingers dragged across your back as he got even closer. "Was hoping you would tell me more of those stories." 
Your heart felt like it might burst out of your chest, it was beating so hard. "Think you're looking for a little more than that," you whispered. 
When he chuckled lowly, you felt his lips brush against yours, just for a moment. "And if I was? Is there a problem with that?" 
"Just kiss me already," you ordered with a sigh that puffed against his lips. 
With a smile, Whitebeard did just that. 
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henrioo · 1 year
Part one — Parte two
Child! Shanks x Child! Reader ( x platonic! Edward Newgate)
Synopsis: "A confusing encounter with a red-haired child ends up changing his day completely."
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,6k
Notes: Pronouns should be neutral but because of automatic translation they are masculine, I'm sorry, it was written with a neutral reader in mind. Forgive the bad English too, Google is not one of the best
Revision: @waitingmydemons
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• ────── ✦ ────── •
Today would definitely be your day! After weeks of trying to convince your brothers and especially your father, you had managed to get permission to take a tour all alone around the next island the ship stopped. It might seem silly, but living surrounded by men who saw danger in everything made your freedom being compared to one of a bird in a cage. Of course, you were more than grateful for all the effort they put into protecting you, but sometimes you just wanted to run around and play with other kids instead of being followed by famous pirates who scared anyone who came near.
That's why you couldn't hold back the anxiety of finally being able to live a little adventure completely alone! You've prepared very well, choosing fresh clothes that won't get in the way of playing or running, took a purse with a generous amount of money that you collected according to the days and choose the best and most resistant shoes! Everything was perfect, you couldn't even swallow your food during lunch. You were so busy, as soon as the meal was over, you said goodbye to everyone and ran towards the port, excited to explore the place.
Even if walking around and spending money on silly things wasn't exactly the most fun thing in the world, just being able to experience all those new things by yourself and maybe even make a few friends was enough to get you excited. There weren't many young people in Whitebeard's crew, you ended up being the only child and the youngest member which left you a bit alone. Of course no one refused to play with you, Marco and Thatch would spend hours distracting you if that made you happy, the point was that they were adults and eventually needed to take care of their responsibilities, leaving you alone.
Your plan was to buy some candy and maybe find some kids your age to play with, you couldn't wait to get some attention from people who would also like to play. You walked carefree through the big city market, there were countless merchants, mothers, workers, all walking around in their own worlds and duties. You'd eventually stop and look at the fruit, jewelry, or anything else that looked like fun, but you weren't focused on shopping. You were humming absently around, not really caring about your surroundings when you started to hear footsteps approaching.
When you turned around to try to figure out what was going on it was too late, a person collided directly with you but before he could knock you to the ground, he pulled you by the arm away from the main road. You were dragged into an alley and soon a hand covered your mouth, when you regained your senses you could hear more and more footsteps approaching, a crowd running! You frowned in confusion as you listened to what people were saying. "Are you sure you lost them?" You tried to peek down the alley and you could guess they were sailors by their blue and white outfit. "Shit, those little brats! I can't believe they robbed us…" they argued among themselves "Let's keep looking, they can't have gone far".
So when the men walked away you decided to pay attention to the situation you were in. You looked to see who your captors were and came across two… children? The boy holding you had blue hair and a huge red nose, he was holding your mouth while his face had a terrified expression. Next to him was a boy with red hair and a nice hat, he was carrying what looked like a bag of coins and he also looked extremely nervous about being chased. Whoever they were, you knew they'd robbed the sailors, but that didn't mean they weren't a risk to you.
When you were sure the sailors were gone you used all your strength to step on the boy's foot and then bite his hand. You might be small but you weren't harmless, growing up with powerful pirates had taught you a trick or two.
"Ouch! You bit me!" The boy screamed as he held his own hand.
The redhead finally seemed to notice that they'd dragged someone else into the mess and looked at you confused.
"You kidnapped me!" You countered by crossing your arms.
"You kidnapped them?!" The redhead exclaimed looking at his friend in shock.
"They were in the way!" The other tried to defend himself "And you bit me! I was about to let you go!" He was still angry but you didn't care.
"Think before you kidnap me! You're lucky I only bit you, if I told my brothers they would do a lot worse!" You exclaimed proudly of your family.
"Sure, like I'm going to believe a snotty brat" the blue haired one rolled his eyes.
"You called me what?!" You exclaimed with fury as your cheeks burned.
"Snotty brat" he said again with a smirk, looking satisfied with having turned the tables.
The problem was that the boy had underestimated you, one thing you definitely lacked was patience. You learned very early that you shouldn't tolerate offenses against yourself or your family, so you let anger win that fight. You quickly punched the blue-haired boy in the middle of the face, the one who fell on his butt with a scream.
"Buggy!" The red-haired friend screamed and went to help him.
"I'm not snotty!" You said stomping your foot on the floor.
The red-haired boy looked between you and the companion, his gaze showing shock and… fascination? He looked at you like you were a bedtime story hero, someone amazing and you couldn't understand. Shouldn't he be angry? You had just hit his colleague and he seemed fascinated by it?
"Wow…" he exclaimed looking you up and down.
"Humpf! Idiot" you said without patience and then you turned to leave the alley "You're lucky I won't tell my brothers, Marco would finish you off" you said and then left the place ignoring the red haired boy who kept calling you .
You were nervous and frustrated that visit to the city had not gone as you planned, so you decided to go back to the ship earlier. Luckily you would stay a few days in that place, there would be other opportunities to explore and meet kind and fun children, no more children who irritated you. It wasn't long after returning to shore that the crew set up a small camp to store the new supplies while the ship was refueled. There, you found Marco fiddling with some papers and further away you could see his father giving orders to some other members.
You sat with a sulky face while eating a candy you bought in town, Marco looked at you curiously and approached with a characteristic smile.
"What's wrong birdie-yoi?" He smiled and sat down next to you.
"I… I met some annoying kids" you decided it was better to omit what had happened, as much as you wanted revenge, you understood that the confusion had been a misunderstanding and you didn't want your siblings worrying about something so silly.
"Wasn't that fun?" He nodded when he saw you deny it. "Don't worry, you can still meet other kids in the next few days" he smiled trying to calm you down "And if nobody wants to play with you, let's get Visa and Jozu and have a tea party, how about that?" He offered, knowing you were always happiest spending time with your brothers.
"Promise?" You looked at him sullenly.
"On my honor" he smiled as he saw you clearly getting more excited about the idea.
After a little chat, Marco had to get back to work and you decided not to bother him anymore. So to distract yourself until dinner time you decided to walk along the nearby beach and look for some shells to collect, you were still thinking about the boys from before, especially the redhead. He was looking at you with so much emotion that you couldn't help but feel your stomach churning, no one had ever looked at you like that… It was so weird and it made you so confused, what was that? Some noises in the nearby forest caught your attention, being curious that you were, so it didn't take long to approach and look for who was there.
"It 's you!" You said in recognition of seeing the red hair from before.
"Shhhh!" He asked for silence and you covered your mouth, looking around for any threat "Are your brothers here?" he asked quietly.
"They're over there…" you pointed into the distance and he seemed to agree silently "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to talk to you again" he admitted looking at the floor, his cheeks were slightly pink and you felt your body getting warm.
"Why?" You asked timidly.
"Because your punch was super cool!" His eyes sparkled "You hit Buggy right on!"
"Is he not your friend?" You asked confused.
"He is… But you were just defending yourself! He shouldn't have called you snotty… You're not snotty, you're too cute to be!" He confidently admitted.
"Do you think I'm cute?" Your cheeks were now on fire.
"I do…" he smiled shyly "I'm Shanks, what's your name?" He approached.
"(Y/n)" you smiled.
"Cool, I didn't know Whitebeard had someone in the crew with my age"
"How do you know I’m in the Whitebeard’s crew?”
"You said you had a brother named Marco, I know him! And my captain said Whitebeard was in town, so that had to be it," he said with pride in his little investigation.
"Your captain? Are you a pirate too?" You were curious now.
"Yes! I'm from the Roger Pirates!" he exclaimed with pride.
That's when your face became sad... You had heard about this crew countless times, all your life you grew up hearing that they were your father's main enemies and that you could not, under any circumstances, approach them.
"I shouldn't be talking to you!" You finally realized and tried to run, but Shanks was quick and grabbed you.
"Wait! Please! I don't want to hurt you!" He begged as he held her wrist gently but firmly.
"How can I trust you? You kidnapped me this morning! And we are sworn enemies!" You snorted.
"But I don't want to be your enemy…"
"You don't?" You let your emotions get the best of you.
"No… I… I want to be your boyfriend!" He declared with fire in his eyes.
"Boyfriend!?" You stuttered in shock, your face was hot and probably red, your eyes were wide in shock.
"Yes! You're super strong and cute!" He said without a care and then let go of your hand "Unless you didn't like me…"
"No! I did like you…!" You admitted with embarrassment "But… I never had a boyfriend… What do they do?"
"They… They" he stammered in embarrassment "They hold hands… Kiss on the cheek and go on dates!" He said with embarrassment.
"Oh!" You exclaimed with as much embarrassment as he was. You thought about holding Shanks hands and your stomach started to turn, it would also be really cool to be able to play with him.
"It's cool, isn't it? We can be sweethearts!" He tried to convince you.
"(Y/n)?! Where are you? It's getting dark and we should go back to the ship" You heard your father's voice approaching.
"Shanks?! Where are you?!" Another unknown voice came from the middle of the forest.
Before you could run away the fearsome encounter took place, behind you was your father and behind Shanks must have been the much talked about Roger, his captain. You both widened your eyes in terror when you realized what was happening, but you didn't dare open your mouth to try to explain.
"Can you explain why your brat is talking to my child?" He quickly put a hand on your shoulder and pulled you back.
"Good question, what's up Shanks? Did you come here to talk to the old man?" The captain chuckled, he didn't seem to be mad at Shanks at all.
"I… Well…" the boy mumbled incoherently with embarrassment.
"Did he do something to you?" Your father asked, looking at you calmly, he didn't seem mad at you at all, which calmed you down a bit.
"No…" you mumbled shyly and grabbed his leg.
"Hm, maybe they just met and had a chat" Roger theorized "Or are they secretly flirting, huh Shanks? You naughty, came for the riskiest one" the man teased.
"Don't talk nonsense Roger, (y/n) can't date you, brat" His father said as if that was nonsense.
"I can't?" You asked with some sadness in your voice.
"They can’t?" It was Shanks's turn to look sadly at his captain.
The two men stared at each other in shock, they seemed to slowly understand what was going on between the two of you.
"Don't tell me… Did you like this piece of junk?" your father asked in shock and nervousness.
"Hey! No need to offend other people's children!" Roger defended "Shanks isn't that bad… He's just… He" the man shrugged.
"Like you understand" Edward rolled his eyes.
"Come on, we were young once!" Roger laughed "Let the kids date and have some fun, nothing bad will come of it"
"No" Edward gave the final verdict, but when he felt you pulling his pants and making your huge lost puppy eyes with tears threatening to fall he started to rethink the idea "(y/n)..."
"Please?" You asked "I promise I'll help more often in the kitchen if you let me..." you tried to bargain, you liked Shanks, you didn't want to be banned from dating him, even if you didn't know exactly what boyfriends did.
"Heavens… Who knew having kids would be like this…" He sighed tiredly "You guys can date" Shanks smiled "With some conditions!"
"Conditions? That's not fair!" He huffed angrily.
"Calm down little one, he's the father, he has the right to decide that, you have to earn trust and permission" Roger said quickly, Shanks seemed more resigned.
"First you need to grow up a bit, I can step on you now and I won't let such a small and young brat date my child!" he said quickly.
"Uhum!" The redhead's eyes sparkled.
"Second, you need to be strong! I will not tolerate a weakling having my child as a partner, you need to be able to face me without fear to have their hand"
"Yes! I'm going to be really strong!" He smiled looking at you and you looked away shyly.
"And finally, when you have those two things, the most important one" Shanks listened attentively "You need their acceptance" your father put his hand on your head "If you have both requirements and my child still loves you then I won't be the one going to stop you" he chuckled.
You smiled happily as you looked at Shanks who also looked confident.
"You'll see old man! I'm going to marry them!" He proclaimed with pride.
Roger just laughed praising his apprentice while your father looked frustrated and stroked your hair. You smiled thinking about how cool it would be to have Shanks as your boyfriend, you really didn't see the time to be able to be with him.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• ────── ✦ ────── •
Notes: I hope you enjoyed! There will be a part two showing what happened to them as adults, if you can leave what you think it will motivate me a lot because I'm new here! If you want to ask for something feel free! I'll make the best imagines I can, thanks for the support and see you soon
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