#eleventh Doctor x reader smut
you could do 11th doctor x reader
where the Doctor and Reader land on a planet isthey come across an extremely powerful aphrodisiac.
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Warnings: smut
Y/n had exited out of the Tardis first since The Doctor held the door open for her. She was looking around, and noticed the planet they were on was covered in different plants
The Doctor catches up with her, and was also now looking around. “Well I wasn’t expecting to land here” The Doctor said as he looks at the green sky, but couldn’t think about how beautiful the sky was. “Well we hardly land where we are supposed to Doctor” she pointed out
“Hey! I try sometimes to get it right” he says in a playful manner. She playfully rolled her eyes, which makes him gasp. “You better run, because I’ll pick you up if you don’t” she ran now, and he followed behind. Once further into the field, he picks her up from behind
She squirmed in his grasp to try and get out. “You can never escape me Y/n!” He says playfully, which makes her sigh in defeat. “I suppose your right” he soon places her back down. They laughed for a bit, but then their was silence
Tension was built up in the air after. Y/n was aroused now, and The Doctor had a hard on. It was from each other’s presence, and how much these two have been denying their feelings for each other. Out of nowhere, they spawned into a bedroom, but the plants being the cause of this were still there
“That’s quite odd. Weren’t we just outside?” She asked him, but he was more focused on her than the surroundings. “Y/n I want you” he says, which makes her blush. “I want you too Doctor” she says. His lips go onto hers now, and soon she was laying on the bed with him on top of her
She pulls apart for air, and now takes her shirt off. He does the same, and once their shirts were on the ground, they got rid of the reaming clothes. Once they we’re fully naked, The Doctor goes into her without warning
She arch’s her head back and lets out a moan. He lets her adjust to him before thrusting. Now he’s thrusting at a slow speed until she wants him to pick up his pace. Her hands were on his back as he fucks her
His hands were on the comforter. He began to hit her g spot now, which drove her to her edge. He slows down now to reach his own high. Once he came, he pulled out of her. The flowers had vanished now, but the feelings were obviously still there
There was a minute of silence until she told him she liked him. He faces his body towards her, and she does the same. “I like you too” she smiles and he smiles too
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shuichiakainx · 7 months
Matt is too adorable in this photo 🥺🧡
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c0ffinshit · 7 months
I Can See You (11th Doctor x Reader) Smut Oneshot
a/n: welcome to the first part of my short story collection called “The Doctor Will See You Now.” i hope you all as excited as i am! word count: 3,833 warnings: teachers au, fluff, soulmate au (if you squint), little dialogue, age gap, mentions of sex and masturbation before the smut, praise kink, vanilla cunnilingus
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"And we kept everything professional, but something's changed, it's something I like. They keep watchful eyes on us, so it's best that we move fast and keep quiet." - Taylor Swift
1956, somewhere towards the tail end of England, a doctor sits at his desk, looking over at the same pieces of papers. Homework from his first batch of classes. He puts his hands on his face. Sure, every teacher should be worried about the brilliance of their students. But that wasn’t what he was worried about. He was apprehensive about his newly hired teaching assistant, (Y/N) (L/N).
He thought you were a bright young woman, keeping your hair neat and all your clothes clean and ironed. He always wanted to keep his distance from you. So he doesn’t repeat what happened with his past teaching assistant. The Doctor wanted a clean record. He pushes away from his desk in his chair, finally getting ready to go home. But his mind began to wander.
Earlier in the day, you spoke with him about a future project, seeing who would be willing to participate and pass it. When the end of the conversation came to a head, you giggled at one of his attempts at a joke. You pull at your skirt a little. He notices more of your thigh, including a small accidental flash of your undergarments. It just happened. He didn’t want to make you more nervous than you seemed, so he didn’t speak to anyone about it. A secret he could have all to himself. Something to ruin with his own sick and twisted imagination. Innocent, turned dirty by his own hand.
You sat alone in your apartment, as you always did. There wasn’t much to do when all you could do was think about that Doctor. His smile, the way his eyes would focus on you when you spoke. It was always those little things that drove you mad about him. You began to wonder what he thought of you. Did he think you were pretty? Did he want you to wear shorter skirts again?
You thought about spying on your neighbors again.
You pull the blanket closer to your chest as you get up and listen to your neighbors, an older married couple. Typically, you would study them silently, a cup to the wall, taking notes of everything they did together. Tonight wasn’t any different. The wife was cooking dinner for him, kissing and making one another laugh. Them being as intimate as you imagined yourself with the Doctor.
A few months before you met him, you studied day and night. Your dream of working at a college was on the horizon. When the day finally came, you walked up to the stage and accepted your fate as an English professor. As you looked for jobs, your heart began to sink deeper and deeper into your chest. It didn’t seem like anyone was looking to hire a fresh-out-of-college English teacher anywhere.
Suddenly, you find a job at a college as a teaching assistant. An assistant? You went to school for six years, and the only job available at a college was a teaching assistant. With a defeated sigh, you called the college and scheduled an interview. After said interview, it took them a few days to finally get back to you about the job. Once you opened your mailbox for the fourth time that week, a letter accepting you into their system greeted you. It contains the usual things, even saying you would be working with the Doctor, the most respectable man in the institution’s history.
The Doctor quietly shut the door of his pearl-white car. After hopping from century to decade to millennium, he thought it would be time to slow down and get serious about what he wanted. Sex wasn’t crucial, but the Doctor wanted something to call his own. Having a lover in his life wasn’t that important either, but he wanted you more than anything. The Doctor never wanted someone that bad before. He was tired of running, walking, and time-traveling. A hot cup of tea and you were all he needed.
The key turns with his hand, turning the car on with a small ding. He wanted to go anywhere but back to the TARDIS. The TARDIS was lonely and quiet, filled with knobs and future technology. The only other place he knew was your apartment. Your apartment had old books, statues of pilgrim girls, and a TV that didn’t have many channels. The place smelled of old wax long melted away, and cracks in the plaster lined almost every wall. Your apartment felt like it could cave in at a moment’s notice. But in his mind, he would rather spend the rest of his night in a place with thin walls and the same few reruns on the same few channels than a place he called home for so many years.
So that settles it. The Doctor backs out of his spot in the large parking lot, turning left towards the exit gate.
You had actually met the Doctor long before you had ever realized. When you were in your later high school years, the new science teacher had gone missing a few days before the school was set to open for classes. The Doctor had been on his own for a while by this point. Amelia and Rory had died at the dreadful hands of a weeping angel, unable to enjoy any of his new misadventures. Before Clara, the Doctor knew that the absence of Rory and Amelia would send him down a path of risky choices and, ultimately, his own new pain to heal, as a fresh wound would cross over a scar. In almost a manic state, he thought he could pull off being a high school teacher. But not any teacher, your new science teacher. A part of him thought this would be an easy way to find a new companion one way or another. Whether it be a teacher looking for a new way to spice up their life or a young woman looking for a new boy to fawn over. The Doctor was a shoo-in for the job with mature teaching ability but with a kind, funnier side, keeping the topics of biology and chemistry light with jokes and foxy comments.
One of the few things he remembers about that year was when you talked to your friends. Quiet whispers during class would quickly become loud, bombastic laughter the minute the bell rang. He only listened when the conversation would turn to your secret crush on him. Your friends nudged you during group work whenever his eye lingered on you. The way they giggled when he made a vaguely inappropriate joke. But that was your friends; you were a different story. It was clear to him that you were smart, just purposely failing for one reason or another. Whenever he would pull you aside to speak about it, your eyes would glaze over as you watched his eyes sink into yours. The minute the conversation ended, you would run off to hide until your next class. You wondered why you couldn’t be normal about him. The Doctor was two years older than you, or so he said. But it could be that wrong, could it?
Your hands continued to pull up the blanket, pulling it over your head. At this point, you didn’t want to be reminded how much you desired the Doctor. How badly you wanted him to wrap his arms around you or whisper sweet nothing to you as your eyes fluttered shut. Still, you can’t help but listen. The couple is eating dinner peacefully, talking about their days at work. But out of your window, you see the Doctor’s car pull up just outside your building.
As he finally pulls up to your apartment building, he sees you with your orange blanket over your head, leaning against the wall. The Doctor glances up, watching you and thinking about the massive mistake he is making. The wind pushes his hair out of his face.
‘This can’t be the right thing to do.’ He thought as he opened the car door anyway. He continues looking up. That’s when your eyes meet his. You move away from the wall and walk to the window, looking down at him.
Panic sets in. As if you had summoned him using your mind into your apartment’s parking lot. The second you look back out the window, the Doctor is gone. The panic feeling suddenly gets worse. You sit back down on the couch, trying to avoid the future sound of a doorbell ringing. Your ears lead back to your neighbors, still eating and laughing.
Your doorbell buzzes, followed shortly by another buzz. The last thing you needed was a big, grand scene in your loud apartment building. The Doctor stands outside your door, waiting. He thought about how impatient he would be if this were any other person. If there’s one thing the Doctor knew about being alive, it was that time moved so much slower than ever. But as he thought, the Doctor realized the faint feeling of calm whenever he thought about you. That’s why he could never get mad at you for not answering the door. The two hearts in his chest beat like one. As the Doctor fidgeted with his fingers, soft rain crawled against the glass of your window, still not letting the poor man in.
‘This is a bad idea, right?’ The Doctor thinks as he opens the door to your apartment building and walks up each step.
The Doctor knocks on the door, waiting for you to answer. It's not like he can leave you after scaring you like that. The Doctor almost doubts you will answer the door, leaving him in his soaking wet clothes. He shakes his head. You are one of the sweetest people the Doctor has ever known. In his mind, you are the reason he kept running. Not to save the world across multiple timelines with different companions each time, shedding his skin every so often. But to find you every time, in every universe, and in the same apartment building.
You look over to the door again, still thinking about opening it. The series of unfortunate events goes as follows in your mind: You get up from the couch and open the door to the Doctor just awkwardly standing there; the two of you break out into a conversation about what he happens to be doing at your apartment on a Saturday night after work, he proclaims his love for you and you, out of fear, reject him. The Doctor goes on a big rant about how you should really give him a chance. But by this point, you can only hear your heart beating, so you slam the door in his face.
I mean, isn’t that the way it always goes?
Sure, you did actually like him, but it was not like you were planning on telling him anytime soon. It's not like you feared his reaction; the Doctor isn’t exactly at the top of the scariest individuals ever. And yet, your legs pick up for your body from the couch and walk over the door. You place your hand gingerly on the doorknob, turning it slowly.
‘This is a bad idea, right?’ You think as you open the door.
Upon opening the door, the Doctor’s head pops his head up. He smiles. You try to avoid his gaze, unlike how you did when you were a schoolgirl.
"Fancy seeing you here." You mumble.
The Doctor’s hand twitches as he hears you speak. It felt so good hearing your voice again, even though he had heard it earlier that day. You shyly look up, still avoiding direct eye contact. The Doctor’s eyes softly as he sees you look up. He could sense how nervous you were, but he wanted to tell you he wasn’t there to hurt you. In his arms, he would make everything feel good. "Listen, um," The Doctor started, trying to keep his thoughts in one place.
"I wanted to come here and say…" The Doctor’s voice trails off. He doesn’t know how to put this.
"You love me?" You reply, trying to keep your voice down.
The Doctor didn’t think it would be that clear that the feeling was that obvious. It didn’t help how you said it, so matter-of-fact, which you didn’t detect. Maybe you did know that you pulled your skirt as a sign of flirting.
That part was valid that, over time, you had been flirting with the idea of being with the Doctor. Including playing with your skirt when you knew he was looking. Sure, you did other things to get him to notice you, like wearing makeup to highlight your eyes or shorter skirts and tight shirts.
But he never bothered to actually flirt with you. It could’ve been possible that he thought you had a partner or, god forbid, you were married. You had never told him about such people because you had none to speak of. No lover to call your own.
"Um, yeah, something like that." He laughs awkwardly.
Your face flushed with the red hue of your blood, and your heart started beating faster. You thought you were going to die. Your eyes meet his. This has never happened before. A new feeling washes over you.
Love. No longer an innocent, flirty crush. He felt like a lover at that moment. You grab his face and pull him into a passionate kiss, dropping your orange blanket onto the carpet floor of the hallway. His lips were soft, although a bit wet. Meanwhile, the night sky became darker, and rain began to fall, hitting against your windows. The winds outside, once soft and free, became harsh and fast.
You pull him into your apartment, careful not to trip over or break anything. Your kiss was like that as well; it was unbreakable and wistful. You wanted him more than anything at that moment. He pulled away for a second and uttered the words you dreamed about hearing: "I want you."
The Doctor said he wanted you. Something just clicked in your head. Nothing was holding you back at this point. You begin to untie his iconic bowtie and unbutton his shirt, his tan blazer falling to the floor. The Doctor told himself to remain calm and sensual. One of the many things that made you squirm in your seat and have a slight blush on your cheeks was when he remained mysterious and alluring. That was the only thing that was a constant. He grabs your hips and pulls you closer to him, his nose ghosting over your neck.
You, on the other hand, didn’t care what he did. As long as your hands were on his body and vice versa, the rest didn’t matter. The last thing that mattered was staying calm. The Doctor lets out a soft moan. You place your body back on the couch again, looking at the man you’ve been craving all this time. He loved that your eyes flickered like a candle in the wind. Your body moved in a way that was borderline pornographic, slowly moving from side to side. He notices this and moves on top of you, his knee closer to your heat. It’s like he knew your body in and out, predicting your every move.
‘Gently, now.’ He thought as his hands moved closer to the side of your breasts, cupping them in his bony hands.
Your cunt twitches at the feeling. The Doctor held you like you were a wine glass. Which, in his mind, was the only way to touch you. He may have only known you for a few months; he wasn’t ready to let you leave his touch yet.
After all, he’s the only Time Lord left. He’s had so many companions that, after a while, it became hard to keep track of. After falling in love with so many different people, it felt impossible to feel that kind of love again. Then, he was in 1951, in the middle of a busy high school hallway, struggling to find himself or where his room was. A lovely young woman walks by, struggling to hold her books. The Doctor locks eyes with her and asks her the time. She replies: “1:30.” That was when the Doctor finally knew he was in the right place, at the right time.
The Doctor moves down to the neck, planting gentle kisses as he moves. You let out a soft moan, careful to make your neighbor not hear. Your mother always told you to settle down soon and have a husband to care for you. To be frank, she wasn’t clear about the husband part. Sometimes, a husband is an extraterrestrial from a distant planet, most likely older than one thousand years old.
"Please," you beg softly.
"Are you sure?" He asks, knowing he might regret it if you say no.
You nod your head.
He nods back.
The Doctor crawls down your body, taking in every part of you. Your biceps were held neatly above your head, and your breathing got heavier the lower he went. He positioned one knee on the plush carpeted floor. The Doctor's breathing slowed as the Doctor went under your nightdress.
The Doctor hooks your panties and pulls them down, exposing your wet pussy. He unthinkingly pockets the underwear, letting a part of the soft cotton peek out as a reminder of you. Taking a finger, the Doctor gently flicks under the hood of your clit. As you can imagine, sex isn’t something the Doctor doesn’t get to have often, so he is a bit rusty. He could feel his two hearts beat with every soft flick of his finger. Your body twitches for a second, praying for more contact. He suddenly got the idea to slip a single finger inside of you. Even the thought of the moans you would let out made his already hard dick almost painful.
"I’m going to put a single finger inside you, okay?" He stated, "If you don’t like it, tell me, okay?"
"Yes," You say softly.
"Yes, what?" The Doctor repeats.
You think for a moment. "Yes, Doctor."
He smirks, "Good girl."
His fingertip touches the wet walls of your cunt. His middle finger gently pushes against your G-spot, making you whimper.
‘She wants more.’
Of course, being the lovely Doctor, he continues to nurse your G-spot but starts to kiss your inner thighs. His lips were a faint red and slick with spit. Teasing was one of the many things he wanted to try, but he never found the right partner. He understood that this is what you needed. You felt so pent up with sexual frustration. Year after year, you felt more disappointed with the partners in your life, sexually speaking. And yet the Doctor, after knowing you for so little time, could read your body like a book. Through desperation, the Doctor managed to undo his tight belt and unzip his beige dress pants with his free hand. He starts to palm his cock through his boxers as he continues.
"Please…more." She whines, getting tired of all the teasing.
He chuckles, "Sorry, I got carried away. Don’t worry, I’ve got you."
The Doctor thrusts his ring finger inside, plunging slightly into your canal. As he glances down at your poor, throbbing clit, he notes that it looks like a pink pearl inside of an oyster. He places a gentle kiss on it and mumbles something inaudible. Your back suddenly arches up as the waves of pleasure carry over you again. Honestly, you hadn’t felt anything like it before. It almost felt inhuman. The whimpers were now replaced with a slightly louder moan. You start slowly grinding at the air, hoping for any contact with him. His touch on your clit was all you could think about.
"That’s it, good girl. God, you deserve this more than anyone right now." The Doctor says. The Doctor continues to work on your clit, starting with soft cat-like licks. His hands ran slowly up your calves.
This was it. The moment the Doctor had been waiting for, the moment to be close to you. It was never how he imagined it, but honestly, he would have cared less. To run his hands up your legs as the Doctor continued to tease you felt like something the Doctor would come up with on a boring night in the TARDIS. It reminds him of all the times he daydreams about unbuttoning those perfect blouses you always wore when there was an important meeting you have to attend. Sure, those types of daydreams were few and far between. It didn’t stop his sick imagination much from thinking about it anyway whenever you got just a little too close to his face.
You could hardly contain every moan or groan that came out of your body. It felt involuntary. Your soft hands move down and grab a part of the Doctor's luscious dark brown hair. The desire for him to be rougher with you was growing stronger by the minute. Sure, being romantic and sensual is always an idea you love. But this is the Doctor. Everything is different with him. With the Doctor, the romance could be thrown aside if he wants. If he wants to tie you up and degrade you, you are willing to buy the rope and let your eyes roll into the back of your skull for pleasure.
"More," you encourage, "Don’t be scared. I don’t bite."
The Doctor’s eyes look up at you, meeting your eyes.
Your eyes seemly convey everything he thought about on the humble drive over. The emphatic love you two have been feeling, along with the unchecked sexual tension the two of you also have. The Doctor went from soft and cat-like to expansive and slow. He relaxes the back of his tongue against your clit and moans, his delicate eyes still looking up at you.
The sense of human eye contact can be used in many ways. And it is clear that as your eyes start to flutter, you are closing in on your climax. The Doctor knows that he has to keep an invariant pace so as not to lose the orgasm. Most people would describe a good peak as “seeing stars” or “leg shaking.” Yours, however, was more like seeing a whole nebula and jittering. As the spasm came and went, your vision went from blurry to clear in seconds. You sit up on the couch, looking down at a kneeing Doctor.
Touching his cheek with your hand, the Doctor smiles, grazing his smile against it.
Your eyes go wide at a sudden realization, "Doctor, you didn’t–"
Before you can finish your sentence, the Doctor sits next to you on the couch.
"That’s not what matters. What matters is that you did." He spreads his arms out, pulling you into a hug. You roll your eyes jokingly and hug him back.
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abbygrabska · 6 months
11th Doctor x reader x Ganger!Doctor Threesome Smut
this was a request from my ao3
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It’s strange, there being two Doctors. One is a Ganger, a clone, the other is the real Doctor.
You really couldn’t tell which was which, that was somewhat alarming.
You kept glancing between the two, trying to find subtle differences to figure out which one was really him.
Your glances came to an end when one of the two went off with Amy and Rory.
“I don’t know.” The Doctor in the room with you chuckles lowly.
You turn your head to him, “Hmm?”
“I don’t know how he can stand to be in the same room as you.” He speaks, walking towards you slowly.
“What does that mean?” You back away from him, until you hit the wall.
He leans down and grabs your chin, making you look at him, “Look at you… So unaware of how much he wants you…”
“What are you talking about?”
His free hand strokes from your lower thigh up to your waist, “You really have no clue, do you?” His eyes darken, slotting his body between your thighs, arms caging you in.
“What are you doing?” You ask fearfully.
“Showing you how he feels about you.” He smirks, leaning in to kiss you.
The door opens, and he pulls away from your face.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” The Doctor stalks up to his double quickly, pulling him away from you completely, “You may look like me but you sure aren’t me.”
The Ganger smirks, “You’re right, I’m not scared to go after what you want.” He glances at you.
The Doctor’s face pales.
“Doctor, what does he mean?”
He doesn’t answer you, glaring at the Ganger, “She is off limits to you.”
“I think you’re forgetting we’re the same. We have the same face, same thoughts, same urges. And since you won’t tell her, I will…” He trails off, turning to face you, “He fancies you. Can’t stop wondering what it would be like to kiss you. You wouldn’t believe how many times he’s got off to the thought of you coming undone on top of him.”
Your face flushes, snapping your head to look at the Doctor, he looks furious, ready to kill.
He grabs his Ganger by the jacket, pushing him against the wall, “You have no right to say that to her, to tell her that.”
“Well, it’s not like you were ever gonna do it.” He grins, “Besides it’s not like she doesn’t like it.” The Ganger turns the Doctor’s face to look at you.
You are staring at the both of them, wide-eyed and flushed in the face, thighs clenched.
“See the way her thighs clench together?” The Ganger coos, “Imagine the way they’d feel around your head as you—“
The Doctor chokes him, “You do not get to talk about her like that!”
“Why don’t we ask her?” The Ganger hisses out, looking at you, “You like this don’t you darling? Want his hands wrapped around your throat?” His eyes flicker down to your clenched thighs. You rub them together, nodding shyly.
The Doctor stares at you, “D-do you really want that?”
You nod, licking your lips.
He lets go of the Ganger’s throat and walks up to you.
The Doctor strokes his fingers over the column of your throat, watching your pupils dilate and a whimper escape your lips.
The Ganger pushes himself away from the wall and peers at you over the Doctor’s shoulder, “See how good of a girl she is?” He coos, “Why don’t you wrap your hands around her pretty little throat?”
You whimper at his words, the Doctor wraps a hand around your throat, and a breathy moan escapes your lips.
“Hear that? Such a needy little girl, just wants someone to take control and fuck her senseless, huh?”
You nod.
The Doctor’s breath hitches in his throat, his grip tightening on your own.
“See? She needs it, badly. Why don’t you give in for once? Take what you want.” The Ganger whispers into his ear.
You nod along with him, “Please Doctor.”
He swallows, looking into your eyes, “Are you sure?”
“Yes.” You whisper.
He leans in, pressing his lips to yours.
You sigh against his mouth, reaching your hands up to go through his hair, only to be stopped when a pair of hands pin them above your head.
“Ooh, naughty girl, trying to touch without permission.” The Ganger tuts.
The Doctor breaks the kiss to look at him, “What should we do with her?”
The Ganger ponders something for a moment before a smirk graces his lips, “Spank her.”
The Doctor nods in agreement, letting go of your throat.
The Ganger lets go of your wrists, “Strip.”
You nod, unbuttoning your shorts, and pulling them down. You undo your shoes and pull them off so you can take your shorts off.
The Doctor licks his lips, “Top too.”
You hesitate, the Ganger doesn’t like that.
He stands in front of you and pulls your shirt up, revealing your bare breasts, “Oh? Going without a bra, in front of everyone? How naughty.” He pinches your left nipple, enjoying the yelp you let out, “Now take your panties off too.”
You take your shirt off and slide your underwear down your legs.
The Doctor stares at you, memorizing every inch of bare skin, beckoning you forward with a motion of his hand.
You step towards him, looking up at him through your lashes.
He takes hold of your throat again, pulling your body flush against his, the Ganger comes up from behind and grabs your ass.
You shudder.
“How many spanks should we give her, hmm?” The Ganger asks.
“Ten.” The Doctor answers.
“You heard him, sweetie, now count.” The Ganger smirks, before striking the first time.
“One.” You whimper.
His hands soothe your skin before he spanks you again.
You’re dripping wet by the time it stops.
The Ganger notices, sliding his hand through your folds, sucking the slick off of his fingers, “Divine.”
The Doctor looks at him, “Better than we thought?”
“Much.” The Doctor’s eyes darken, and his free hand slides between your thighs, pressing his thumb against your clit and rubbing lightly.
You suck in a deep breath.
The Ganger’s hands join in, stroking and caressing your thighs.
The Doctor’s grip tightens around your throat, kissing you roughly.
His thumb rubs harder and rougher against you, two of his fingers delving into your wetness.
You moan into his mouth, he pulls away to look into your eyes.
Your breathing picks up as his fingers thrust in and out.
His eyes bore into yours, bringing you to the edge of orgasm before he stops his movements.
You almost cry, he smirks at you.
The Ganger’s arms wrap around your waist, pulling you against him as the Doctor tightens his grip.
Fingers rub at your clit, and a mouth goes onto your breast, nipping and sucking.
You can feel the coil tightening in your stomach again, you pray to whatever deity is out there to let you cum.
It doesn’t work, the hand pulls away again.
The hand at your throat disappears.
You watch the Doctor kneel in front of you and spread your legs apart, hiking your thighs over his shoulders before he looks up at you with a smirk, “You’re going to be a good girl and cum on my tongue, maybe then I’ll let you cum on my cock.”
With that, he buries his face into your cunt.
He sucks at your clit and thrusts his tongue into your sopping hole.
His fingers soon join his mouth, entering your hole slowly.
You gasp at the feeling.
He thrusts his fingers in and out of you, slowly at first, but speeding up to match with the movements of his tongue.
A coil of pleasure starts to tighten in the pit of your stomach, you pant loudly.
“Doctor!” You moan out, going to grab at his hair only for your arms to be restrained by the Ganger.
“What did I say about touching without permission?”
“I’m sorry, please let me touch!” You whimper.
Your hips buck against the Doctor’s face as you chase your orgasm.
“Hmm…” The Ganger thinks for a moment, “No.”
You whine, “I’m so close.”
“Oh, are you?”
You nod.
“Doctor, please let me cum, I’ll be a good girl I promise! I need it so bad!” You nearly scream.
His ministrations speed up, and his eyes bore into yours.
“Then cum. Cum for us.” The Ganger orders, pinching your nipples.
You do, crying out as your walls tighten around the Doctors’ fingers, body writhing at the intensity.
The Doctors fingers fuck you through your orgasm, until you try and squirm away from him.
He stops, letting your legs drop from his shoulders, and standing up.
The Ganger lets go of your arms and you slump to the floor.
You get on your knees and a hand grips your face.
“We’re not done with you yet.” The Ganger smirks, undoing his pants with one hand.
You whimper, pressing your thighs together.
The Doctor pulls you up, already naked.
He spreads your thighs apart and hooks his arms under your knees.
His hard length is resting against your cunt.
The Ganger grabs his own length, pumping slowly as he walks up to you.
He shares a look with the Doctor, smirking.
The Doctor guides his cock to your hole, just the tip resting inside.
The Ganger presses his cock to your hole as well, and together they push inside.
You cry out, trying to escape their grasp only for the Ganger to wrap his hand around your throat.
“Such a tight cunt, it can barely fit both of us.” The Ganger bucks his hips slightly, causing you to let out a sob, “Does it hurt?”
You nod, tears brimming your eyes.
He pouts before smirking, grip tightening on your throat, “Too bad.”
The two bully their way into your pussy, until they both bottom out.
Tears escape your eyes at the intensity.
“Feel that?” The Ganger asks, caressing your lower stomach, where a bulge resides, “That’s us. We’re up in your tummy.” He presses down on your stomach, and you moan.
The Ganger’s hands slide down to your hips, gripping the flesh roughly, “Get ready, we’re about to ruin you for anyone else.”
And with that, the two begin to thrust in and out of your cunt.
The fullness feels so good, you almost start to drool.
The Doctor gets your attention by kissing you. His fingers intertwine with yours.
His thrusts are slower, more drawn out than the Ganger’s but just as desperate. He’s holding back, is it because he hopes this will happen again when the adventure ends? You hope the same.
A mouth latches onto your shoulder and bites down. You moan into the Doctor’s mouth, clenching around their cocks.
You can feel both of them shudder at the feeling.
The thrusting speeds up greatly.
“God, she feels so good.” The Ganger grunts, “Wouldn’t you agree?”
The Doctor pulls away from your lips, “I think she’s close.”
The Ganger smirks, “Gonna cum, huh?”
You nod, whining, “Please.”
“Good, we’re gonna fill you with our cum. Put a baby in you, make you nice and round with our child.” The Doctor groans, his thrusts getting rougher.
You clench around them, moaning.
“Oh, you’d like that wouldn’t you?” The Ganger asks, “Getting a baby fucked into you?” His hand finds your clit, rubbing circles into it.
The Doctor’s rhythm falters slightly, you can tell he’s close.
Your moans increase in pitch as they slow their thrusting, shooting straight into your womb.
Your pussy spasms, walls clenching and unclenching as you reach your orgasm, eyes rolling back into your head.
“Good girl.” The Ganger groans, “Fuck! Taking all our cum like a good little girl.”
Their hips slow to a stop as your head lays on the Doctor’s shoulder.
The Doctor’s arms wrap around your waist as he and the Ganger pull out.
Your feet touch the ground, your legs like jelly. Your hands grab the Doctor’s shoulders.
One of his hands holds your head up and he looks at you, “You did wonderful, darling.” 
A mouth presses against your back, kissing the skin softly, “Such a good girl for us.”
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b0w-ties-are-cool · 6 months
11th Doctor NSFW Alphabet
Warning(s): NSFW headcanons, smut obvi
Eleventh Doctor x AFAB!reader
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He will clean you up, get you a glass of water and ask if you want anything to eat. Most of the time he requires at least 15 minutes of cuddles after
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves his hair especially when you pull it. He loves your thighs, he's borderline obsessed with them. He doesn't care whether they are thick or small or somewhere in between, he just loves them.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Originally Time Lords only had sex to procreate so when the Doctor cums, it is A LOT. If he were to pick a place it would be to cum inside of you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He would not be opposed to being tied down with his bowtie but he's too chicken to tell you that.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He's over 900 years old, he knows what he's doing.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He likes to see your face, so he would go with missionary or cowgirl. If he had to choose between the two, it would be cowgirl. He claims that it gives better access to your thighs but really he likes it when you ride him.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He's more serious in bed but still is a little goofy.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He doesn't like to have a lot of hair down there, so it's pretty clean shaven for the most part. He keeps his treasure trail though.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He is very loving, he will whisper "I love you"s in between whimpers and moans.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He rarely ever masturbates. If he does it's because he needed to get off but you weren't in the mood and he will ALWAYS respect that. CONSENT IS HOT, Y'ALL!
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Praise. He loves to get praised and he loves to praise you. Breeding kink. Time Lords would usually stray away from sex except for procreation but the Doctor has strayed away from those beliefs for the most part, which came with a breeding kink.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
On the couch, against the console, or in bed. As much as he would like to do it in the shower you are both too clumsy for that.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He loves it when you "boss him around". The minute that you take control he wants you so bad. You telling him what to do turns him on.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Degradation. He hates it, he would never ever say anything mean to you, especially when you're being intimate.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
As much as he loves to get head he would much rather go down on you. His head between you THIGHS? He will never say no to that! It's like Thanksgiving!
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It just depends on the situation and timing, usually he will go for slow because he wants to draw it out as much as he can.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He'd rather take his time and really be with you but every once is a while he needs you right before an adventure/mission and you have to make it quick. You've even had a quickie while on a mission but that rarely happens
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He's been alive for a long time so he's done a lot of things but he's open to do whatever you want.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He's a Time Lord, he can last an insanely long time. And could go for 6-8 rounds, 9 if he's REALLY horny.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Does the sonic count? He doesn't really use them but he has however thought about using his sonic screwdriver on you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He'll tease you all day long if he wants to, he'll place a hand a little too high up your thigh or whisper something in your ear. He also enjoys being teased himself and will blush and/or smirk if you do it back.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He may talk a lot outside of the bedroom but during sex he is relatively quiet in the talking arena. He usually lets out soft moans that will mostly likely get a lot louder as your deeds go on. He also whimpers.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
(I know some people will disagree with me) He is a switch that subs most of the time.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Imma leave these here ;)
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Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Being a Time Lord, he doesn't get overly horny. He is pretty moderate and could probably go for once to twice a week.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He doesn't fall asleep unless he was already tired and went for multiple rounds, but he will cuddle with you if you fall asleep.
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lanawinterscigarettes · 6 months
Doctor Who masterlist
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Fluff: ♡ Angst: ♤ Smut: ♧ Headcanons: ◇ May contain triggering content: ☆
Ninth Doctor
Comforting Touch ♤♡
Thirteenth Doctor
Almost Siblings ♡
cleaning up bottles with you on new year's day ♡
What Dies Doesn't Always Stay Buried ♤♡
Gold Dust Woman ♤
Dhawan! Doctor
put on your records and regret me ♤♡
Rose Tyler
Overprotective Older Sister ♤♡
Martha Jones
Worried For You ♡
River Song
Bored In Captivity ♡
Clara Oswald
Hiding Away ♤♡
Lady Oswald ♧
Simm! Master
The Masters dating someone who's clumsy ◇
The Masters + finding rocks that match the color of each other's eyes ◇
you're a cowboy like me ♤♡
The Masters taking care of a sick reader ◇
The reader taking care of the Masters when they're sick ◇
Missy/Gomez! Master
The Masters dating someone who's clumsy ◇
Oral Exam ♧
Side Effects Include ♡
Kiss Of Doom ♡♤
The Masters + finding rocks that match the color of each other's eyes ◇
Pay Attention ♧
What Dies Doesn't Always Stay Buried ♤♡
The Masters taking care of a sick reader ◇
The reader taking care of the Masters when they're sick ◇
Dhawan! Master
The Masters dating someone who's clumsy ◇
The One Who Rocks My World ♡
The Masters + finding rocks that match the color of each other's eyes ◇
Change of Plans ♡
I feel a lavender haze creepin' up on me ♡
The Masters taking care of a sick reader ◇
The reader taking care of the Masters when they're sick ◇
Whittaker! Master
my house of stone, your ivy grows ♡
put on your records and regret me ♤
Burning Red ♡
The Toymaker
Wanna Hippopotamus for Christmas ♡
The Toymaker losing a game to a reader who wants to dance with him ◇
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arting-block · 1 year
𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 | 11th Doctor x F!Reader
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❝𝘪 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘳𝘦.❞
Summary: The Doctor doesn't need sex, just you
Warnings: Grinding, P in V sex, hints of sub!Doctor
Words: 1K
A/N: HAHAHA I'm back!! I had this scenario rotting in my brain and I needed to get it out. This does take place in Stranger in a Strange Land, but this fic can be read as a stand-alone!
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The Doctor has no need for romance. Eons spent traveling the cosmos trying to save everyone from destruction leaves little room for trivial things. His need for sex is even lower. 
“Please,” a breathy whine, a slight gasp. The Doctor’s hands gripped the cloth of the bedsheets in hopes he could gain control of his erratic heaving. Everything’s too hot, too much. Despite the tops of his shirt being undone and his jacket laying on the floor, his bodily temperature keeps rising, “There’s people in the other room—”
His voice ended with a pitched cry as your fingers went to the zipper of his pants. Light pressure from your fingers sent his mind into a frenzy. A mix of cold dread and pure excitement pools in his chest all the way down. The Doctor could easily stop your hands. One word and you would step back. 
Sex isn’t important, he doesn’t crave it. Plenty of beautiful men and women have thrown themselves at his feet and he spared them no glance. From powerful queens to cheeky immortals. Hell, even his own companions have tried and ultimately failed to garner any carnal desire from him. 
The Doctor tightened his hold on the bed when you moved to hover above his lap. Your perfume invades his nose and your hand cups his burning face. He couldn’t help but stare helplessly at your face. Your beautiful, terrifying face. 
“Yet you don’t want me to stop,” it was a casual statement. No tremors or wavers in your voice; it was the truth. You place the palm of your hand on his flushed chest, sliding up and around the back of his neck, “I can taste your desire.”
He curses your ability to understand his body. How your hands ignite a path of fire wherever they caress. How your searing kiss to the tender spot on his neck makes him emit pathetic noise at the back of throat. How you press your clothed core on his lap and he jumps. His hands find the curve of your waist, pushing downwards for any relief to your cruel torture. He hates how your breathy laugh makes his pants tighter. 
“Please,” another whine.
Your smile shows no mercy, “Please what, Doctor?”
The way his name slips out of your mouth with a hint of cruelty, a dash of need, sends him in a spiral. You hands busy themselves with unbuttoning the rest of his shirt, making sure to trail your hands down his chest to his pelvis. The palms of your hands are cool against his flushed skin. He feels everything from the drumming of his two hearts to the slick accumulating on top of his pants. 
The Doctor doesn't need sex.
“I need you, love. Please—” your hips ground on him once more, nearly jumbling his speech “ —fuck me.”
Who were you to deny your beloved Doctor?
Grabbing his flushed face, you preoccupied his senses with the taste of your lips. The Doctor melted into you, eagerly meeting your kiss with equal vigor. His mind was close to blanking, something he never thought possible. It seemed the longer you indulged him the more dopamine seemed to numb his consciousness. 
You tangle into him until there’s no distinction from your body to his. Every gasp he emits makes you shiver. Every moan you slip makes The Doctor want to flip you over and show you how cruel you’ve been.
Pulling back, you take a look at The Doctor’s disheveled appearance. Pride swells in your chest seeing the almighty Doctor submit to your whims with just a kiss. The air tastes of his need and your spine tingles from The Doctor’s unspoken trust in you. A silent prayer; trust that you will alleviate the ache in his chest and underneath your lap. 
Sex was never something he needed. He can live without the intimacy of another. He’s done it for centuries so why not a century longer?
“Doctor,” your eyes close and brows furrow. The sound of your whine permeates the fog of his mind and zero in on the bliss on your face. 
The tension in your face relaxes and you allow yourself to give into the pleasure. The Doctor can't help but marvel at your expression. 
He can’t go a century longer. Not after meeting you—fucking you until neither of you can choke a sentence. The moment you allowed him to bury himself between your thighs, he knew sex wasn't something he craved. Sex in itself wasn't what he wanted.
No, what he wanted—needed—was you. How could he not? His body craves the love you pour into each drag of your finger. Your lingering kiss on his jaw that tingles for seconds after. A cheeky grin and a promise sealed with a wink. 
The sight of your undoing, all because of him is what he wants. Tossing your head back, screaming his name until you finally stop trembling. How you cling onto him like he’s the only solid thing in the world. 
Selfishly, he only wants your pleasure and nothing else. 
“I love this,” a hushed confession; a bright smile on your face, “I love you.”
Your words send fire into his blood. No matter how many times that phrase has been uttered, it still makes his two hearts stop. 
Air hits The Doctor’s length and you are delighted in the hiss he lets out. You move your soaked underwear to the side and allow The Doctor to buck his hips up. The head of his cock nudges your entrance and you have to bite down a groan.
“How do you want it, hm?” you dip close to his ear to ensure he never misses a word. Lining up his length towards your center, you delight in his stuttered breathing, “Slow and gentle?”
You dropped your hips downward and watched as The Doctor’s head tilted back, baring his throat to you. Your cunt stretches to accommodate the intrusion, but the pleasure it brings lights the fire in your stomach. Reaching for the back of The Doctor’s head, you force his head up.
Wild green eyes stare back at you. You imagined your expression is no different. 
“Or do you prefer I fuck you instead?” 
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situation-bring38 · 7 days
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Fluff disguised as smut for the eleventh doctor x virgin reader where the reader is extremely self conscious about their body, but the doctor takes his time to make sure the reader feels comfortable and safe? Cuddles and aftercare too, if possible?
I got you!
It’s okay
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Warnings: Fluff and semi smut
Y/n had stared at herself in the Tardis’ mirror
She thought she looked horrible in the dark blue dress she was wearing
The thought of The Doctor seeing her in the dress made her want to scream
Y/n didn’t want to disappoint him since this would be the first time he would see her wearing a dress
She usually wore baggy clothes to cover up her body, but of course she couldn’t do that right now because of the time period they were at
Y/n rushes back to her room and shut the door behind her quickly
Tears left her eyes now as The Doctor calls for her
The Doctor starts to hear her sobbing in her bedroom
He rushes to her room and opens the door immediately
“What’s wrong…?” He asked her as he now shuts the door and walks over towards her bed
She covers her breast that showed before he could’ve noticed them
Once he was in front of the bed, he sits down and kept looking at her
“Oh I think I know what’s bothering you” he starts as she now looks at him
“Are you feeling self conscious about yourself?” He asked her which shocks her since she didn’t think it was that obvious
“How’d you-“ “sweetheart your covering up your breast” he points out which makes her turn red from embarrassment
“Now what makes you think I’d judge you? Has someone done that to you before?” He asked her which makes her bite her lip
She hadn’t realized how nervous she was from telling him the truth until she had drawn blood from her lip
“Y/n please tell me if someone has” he said as she stops biting her lip
“I-it w-w-was m-m-my mom” she stuttered out which made the Doctor frown
“Why would your mother say things like that?” He asked her which made her shrug her shoulders as a response
It was true, Y/n had never understood why her mother was so against her own daughter’s body
Maybe it was cause her mother wanted her to be a model at such a young age, that even when she was a toddler, her mother had decided to say cruel words
Y/n had wondered why her father had left them, but now it all made sense
~”My mother wanted me to be a model, so that’s probably why she would say negative things about my body” she explains which makes his two hearts break
“Well your mother is definitely wrong!” He said with anger in his tone now
“You don’t know that Doctor!” She argues back
“Let me see it then. I won’t change my mind though” he said which makes her lift her arms slowly
Once her breast were showing, The Doctor had smiled
“Their beautiful” he said with a smile now on his face now
She smiles and a blush forms on her face
“T-t-t-thanks” she stuttered out because she didn’t think he’d like them
“Your welcome love. You look lovely in the dress by the way” he said which makes her blush obvious
“Thanks” she said once again and stood up
He stood up as well and moves closer towards her
His lips were on hers now which makes her smile
She pulls apart and now his hands go to the back of her dress
He finds the zipper and asked her if he could
She nods her head and he unzips her dress
Her dress soon goes onto the ground and she steps over it
“Look at all that beauty!” He complimented which makes her face look like a tomato
Her pussy was soaking wet now due to all the complaints
“Lay down” he said calmly which makes her lay back down
He takes his bow tie off first and then his other clothes
Once he was naked, he goes back onto the bed, but this time he was on top of her
“Your so pretty” he compliments as he starts leaving kisses on her neck
“Thanks…” she said as his lips go onto her chest
He starts sucking around her nipple
She moans and soon a knock interrupts their session
The Doctor stops and groans
“Who could possibly be at the door?!” He asked as he gets up
“I don’t know” she said as she also gets up and puts her dress back on
The Doctor puts his clothes back on and then goes to the door
Y/n tags along once her dress was fully back on
Once she had caught up, the door was opened and now she was shocked to see her mother
“Oh hello ma’am” the Doctor said and soon he got slapped
Y/n had flinched and now her mother was looking at her
“Why does this always happen?!” The Doctor asked
“Get out of this weird machine right now!” Her mother snaps at her
Y/n hides behind the Doctor
“Y/n come on! You have a photo shoot” her mother said which made the Doctor cringe
“No offense ma’am, but she doesn’t want to go with you” he said which made her mother so mad
“Why would you know what is good for her?!” Her mother snaps at him
“Cause he knows me better then you know me” Y/n said which made her mother upset
“Um it was a pleasure to meet you, but bye!” The Doctor quickly shuts the door
He locks the door, and then goes to the controls
“How did we end up in the wrong time?” He asked her
She shrugs her shoulders
Y/n goes towards the controls and then holds onto the handle
“Anyways let’s go to the right time this time” he said and soon the Tardis moves
Note: I hope you enjoyed Anon!!!
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shuichiakainx · 3 months
they say home is where the heart is, but God I love Matt 💕
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c0ffinshit · 8 months
The Doctor Will See You Now Masterlist
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Part One : I Can See You
Set in the year 1956, (Y/N) is the young teaching assistant to the Eleventh Doctor. After an incident involving a short skirt, the Doctor is determined to tell you how he feels. And maybe, while he’s there, do a few other things…
Part Two : I’m Struggling To Exist With You And Without You [coming soon]
While in a creative slump, a college student named (Y/N) decides to take a short walk after not completing her homework. In the middle of her walk, she runs into the Tenth Doctor. After he tells her that he can take her away from the real world, he makes a few too many more promises and she wonders how much longer she can take.
Part Three : I Don’t Understand But I Love You [coming soon]
Fresh from a horrible online relationship, the Ninth Doctor tries to comfort his long time companion (Y/N). He is quick to realize that his own personal feelings for her might start getting in the way of things.
Part Four : I Bet You Think About Me [coming soon]
After defeating the Daleks for second time that day, the Thirteenth Doctor starts playfully teasing with the former hostage of the Dalek, a woman named (Y/N). Little does the Doctor know, (Y/N) has been feeling something a bit more than playful teasing…
Part Five : I’ve Never Been In Love Before [coming soon]
A girl named (Y/N) makes the horrible realization that it has been a long time since she actually did something for herself. Upon meeting the Twelfth Doctor at a pub, she decides that its finally time to change her fate.
Part Six : I Remember Everything [coming soon]
{ check back ??? for this description }
Part Seven : I Feel Like I Know You From Somewhere [coming soon]
{ check back ??? for this description }
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not-to-me · 3 months
Clever Boy (DW One-Shot)
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(My gif)
Eleventh Doctor x gender neutral!reader — 18+ NO MINORS — Requests closed for now <3
Requested by anon: “May I request sub eleventh doctor with a HUGE praise kink (and edging)? With a very teasy gender neutral reader pleasee- Thank you!”
Summary: Pretty much just straightforward and to the point if I’m honest ToT
Warnings: ummm. Smut. Handjob, light oral (Eleven receiving), everything the request mentioned,,, not much else? Let me know if i missed something cause I’m blanking lol
(Note: I know I disappeared a little while. I hope I’ll be back but the inspiration not what it was smh)
Many things had lead to this moment. Quite a few of these things had been the Doctor’s own fault, if you have to say it yourself, that is. For example, the Time Lord is so fun to tease, so cute when he blushes and stammers at your praise. No one but you, seems to have this effect on him. So honestly, who can blame you? You smile fondly down at him as he writhes on the sheets. Maybe you are a bit cruel, but in your defence, the Doctor seems to be enjoying it quite a bit.
“Good boy. So patient for me, pretty one,” you say as you deny him release yet again. His mouth is open in a silent whine that doesn’t quite break through his vocal cords. His naked body twitches under your lips as you kiss up his thigh, over his hipbone and then lick at his pebbled nipples. You chuckle softly as the whine finally broke through when you don’t pay any attention to his cock, weeping precum at this point. But the whine breaks into a cry halfway through as you surprise him by gingerly wrapping a finger and a thumb around the base of him. Placing one final kiss to his chest, you sit up on your knees, straddling one of his thighs. The Doctor makes eye contact with you, desperation clear in his bright eyes.
“Please, I need—“ he starts, but you decide to tease him by gently stroking up his length, effectively interrupting his train of thought. He gasps and his hips twitch upwards, his eyes closing as he chases a high he needs so bad.
“Yes, my love? What do you need, hm?” you ask him teasingly, but you don’t give him a chance to respond as you dip down and kiss his lips, swollen from his bites after the many edges you’ve made him go through. He almost can’t focus enough to kiss back, but when you stroke a soothing hand over his brown hair, he whimpers into the kiss and returns it.
“Shh, such a good boy… just lay there and take what I give you,” you whisper against his lips, unable to stop the smile from spreading on your face. He really is cute when he’s like this. As you’re leaning over his body, you feel his dick twitching against you, only serving to broaden your teasing smile. He whimpers again, begging you to touch him.
His hands are gripping the headboard, just like you told him to, but you see how white knuckled they are, and you see the teary eyes he’s giving you, causing you to have mercy on him. Kissing him a final time, you begin to kiss down his glistening body, which has a nice sheen of sweat from the hours of teasing and edging. You leave little bites on his neck and collarbones, taking your sweet time with him.
Please, please— I- I need to cum,” the Doctor cries gently, pathetically. You chuckle at him, stopping the kisses to look up at him.
“My sweet, I’ve been waiting all week to have you like this,” you interrupt yourself with an open mouthed kiss to his throat, then continue, “you will cum when I let you, my clever boy.”
He whimpers and nods submissively, sinking his head into the pillows. You can tell he’s really trying to be good, and it makes your heart swell with love and admiration. His hard cock is hot against your stomach as you start kissing down his pretty body once more. You can feel his precum smearing on your skin, and you hum, need for him to cum swelling up inside you as well. But you are patient.
As you reach his tummy, he’s a whining mess beneath you, pleading with you to keep going, to not stop. He feels so good. When you finally reach his pelvis, you raise yourself up slightly to look at him. He blinks tears of desperation away when he notices and gazes back.
“Keep those pretty eyes on me, my love,” you command him. He whines out a ‘yes,’ with a quiet voice, obviously anticipating finally being able to cum. A shiver runs through him as you lean back down to kiss his tip, keeping your hand around the base of him. He moans wantonly, but keeps his eyes glued to your actions. You lick up the side of his length, before letting your hand work him slowly back to his peak.
His lips are an endless stream of noises, ranging from quiet whimpers to lustful moans. His hands fidget with the headboard but he remains good for you. It’s when you choose to add your other hand to massage his balls that he throws his head back and squeezes his eyes shut, prompting you to stop your ministrations immediately. His hips try to follow your hands as they retreat and you sit back on your knees once more.
“Ah, ah… did I tell you to close your eyes?” you ask him, and he doesn’t have to look to know that you’re smiling. The whine that cascades from his lips almost make you return your hands to his needy form, but you are persistent.
“…N-no, not- ah- not exactly…” he stammers out, completely high on the almost-climax. If he just reached down and— No, no, he’s a good boy.
“What do you say?” you ask as you tease him by placing feather kisses around the base of his cock.
“Ah- I’m sorry!” His voice is a higher pitch than usual, conveying his desperation.
“Good boy. You’re such a pleasure to tease like this… my patient boy.” You begin slowly licking up his cock, letting your hand follow, as you start up again, then you lift your lips from him, “And remember, eyes on me.”
He whines, not believing he’s able to at this point, but needing his release so bad, he’s willing to do the impossible. As your hand strokes languidly up and down his length, you murmur praises and place soft kisses on his chest, stomach and, when he makes a particularly cute noise, his cock.
His moans are unstoppable as you steadily bring him closer to his peak once more. He looks absolutely lost in the pleasure you’re providing for him, his eyes glazed over with bliss. He’s babbling nonsense, but he’s keeping his eyes on you, even as he feels his orgasm approach rapidly and his voice cracks with the mind blowing intensity of it all.
Your eyes lock with his, which makes him twitch in your hand.
“Are you gonna cum for me, sweet boy? Go on, you’ve earned it… been so good for me, how can I deny you any longer?” you say sweetly, letting your ministrations grow just slightly in their intensity. You want him to really feel it when he falls over that edge.
“Ah, ah, ah— than- thank you— AH!” the Doctor’s words turn into a scream of ecstasy as he finally falls head first over that blissful peak. His cum shoots in thick droplets onto his stomach and chest, some almost hitting his face with the sheer strength of his orgasm. He’s practically wailing, completely unable to control himself as he thrusts up into your hand. You soothe him with praising words and soft hands, helping him draw out that peak. He looks so beautiful like this, so purely him. You tell him so, and he whimpers, his face red from the orgasm and your sweet words.
When his pleasure subsides, you pull your hands from his body and move to kiss him once more. When you pull away, he looks at you with such fucked out, but loving eyes that your heart melts. You kiss his nose, making him smile. You feel like he’s your whole world right now, and he feels just the same. You let him calm down and get his breathing under control again, before you get up from the bed, going to find a wet cloth to clean him up. He lies helplessly on the bed, admiring your retreating form.
When you’ve cleaned him, he pulls you in for a slow kiss, having regained some of himself again. He tugs you onto the bed with him and you know exactly what he wants. And who are you to deny your love?
You let him rest his head on your chest as you cuddle, stroking his hair absentmindedly. Your whispered praises are the last thing the Time Lord hears before drifting off into a lovely, peaceful sleep, with you not far behind.
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b0w-ties-are-cool · 6 months
Baby Fever (Eleventh Doctor x Fem!Reader) [SMUT]
Summary: You are doom-scrolling on the internet and there are baby images and videos everywhere. You might just convince your boyfriend... (; SFW FOUND HERE
Warning(s): Baby fever obvi, suggestive language another obvi, cunnilingus (sorta ig), piv sex, breeding kink, soft!dom!doctor, unprotected sex, is "alien sex" something I need to include in the warnings?
Word count: 1,142
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You had convinced your boyfriend, the Doctor, to get an actual phone so that you could send him TikToks. After about a week of trying to convince him he finally gave in. It was soon after that your for you page got delightfully plagued with videos of babies. These videos poured fuel on your baby fever ember.
You started saving them to your favorites and sending them to your boyfriend. Your baby fever started to get so bad that you had dreams about you and the Doctor having a baby. At that point, you didn't know if you were daydreaming or nightdreaming.
Babies took over your TikTok, Pinterest, and Instagram. You made mental notes of baby names that you liked. You knew that their name would have to be unique. You particularly liked Sailor, Zamora, Atlas, and Kya.
You are currently lying on the couch in your three bedroom apartment in Chicago. It has a grey-brown aesthetic with a grey couch and brown wooden coffee. You had a Roku TV, you turned on The Big Bang Theory just to have background noise as you scrolled on Pinterest.
You and the Doctor are babysitting your sister's kids. Technically her and her kids lived with you, you just take care of them because she has a night job.
You had gotten the 2 year old twins, Logan and Landon, to bed. You had bunk beds with rails for them. And there was a crib in there as well for your sister's 9 month old, Bella. You had tasked the Doctor with putting Bella to bed.
You hear footsteps approach you, and you look up to see the Doctor standing behind you.
"Are you trying to tell me something?" He asks as he shows you his phone that is open to his TikTok messages with all the baby videos that you sent him.
"...No..." You say awkwardly, "They were on my FYP."
"Apparently on your Pinterest too," He states, looking at your phone screen and raising his eyebrows.
"And Instagram..." You mutter, your face is burning.
The Doctor chuckles, "Got a bad case of the baby fever?"
"Yeeessss!" You whine and drag out the pronunciation of the e and the s. You sit up and turn around to face the Doctor. "Impregnate me goddamnit!" You shout playfully.
The Doctor laughs while mouthing 'no' and shakes his head at your shenanigans.
"That could be my Christmas gift!" You grin up at him, biting your lip mischievously.
"Your Christmas gift?" The Doctor questions, tilting his head and raising his eyebrows at you. There is a hint of a smile that he is trying to hold back.
"Yes!" You exclaim, "Or right now." You stand up from your spot on the loveseat and walk up to him, knowing exactly what to say to convince him. "Breed me, Doctor," You whisper in his ear.
Before you knew it, you were in your bedroom. The Doctor kisses and leaves marks on your neck. Your hand rests on the back of his head, your fingers tangled in his hair.
The Doctor discards his tweed jacket to the floor and you push his suspenders down his arms. You pull at each other's clothes until all that is left is your undergarments.
The Doctor picks you up and lays you down on your bed. He pulls your underwear off and eyes your cunt. You whine in pleasure as he licks a stripe up your folds. He kisses your clit and leaves open-mouthed kisses up your body until he gets to the band of your bra. The Doctor removes your bra and leaves kisses and hickeys on your beasts.
He massages your breast with one hand while the other rubs circles around your clit. You gasp when he slips two fingers inside of you.
He moves his hand from your breast to your cheek, he leans down and passionately kisses you on the lips. Your hands find his hair again, tangling your fingers in it, just about his ears.
You gasp slightly when the Doctor pulls his fingers out. He licks them clean then goes back to kissing you. He kisses a trail from the corner of your mouth down to your collarbone.
He moves his hands down your body until he gets to your thighs. "Lift your hips, my love." He tells you, when you do, he places your extra pillow under them.
The Doctor pulls his underwear off, you eye his hard cock. He leans closer, you moan slightly when rubs himself against your folds. He leans his face to yours and presses his lips to yours. "You want me to fill you up?" He asks against your lips. "Stuff you full of my seed?"
"Yes, Doctor, please," You whine and moan desperately.
He adjusts your thighs so that your legs wrap around his waist. He thrusts into you, bottoming out. You throw your head back, moaning. The Doctor kisses your neck then moves your head back up to kiss your lips.
He thrusts in and out, fucking you slowly, while you make out. You wrap your arms around his neck then move them down his shoulders. A small knot starts to form in your core.
"Doctor," You moan against his lips. He moves his lips to your neck, sucking the skin.
You move your hand down between you and the Doctor. Desperate for the knot to grow faster, you rub quick circles on your clit.
The Doctor grabs your wrist and moves your hand away. "No need to do that, darling. Just say you wanted to go faster." He whispers against your ear. "Is that what you want?"
You nod in response.
"Use your words my dear." He tells you.
"Yes. Please, Doctor." You mutter.
He picks up his pace, thrusting into you quickly. As he continues, the knot becomes tighter and bigger. You moan his name repetitively like a prayer.
"I'm close," You moan. You tangle your fingers in his hair, lightly pulling it. The Doctor's breathing faulters and he lets out a moan.
The knot in your core snaps. You throw your head back. Your cunt tightens around his cock as your orgasm hits.
The Doctor moans, he thrusts a couple more times before he stops, fully inside of you. His own orgasm hits, cumming inside of you.
He stays fully sheathed inside of you for a few minutes. He breathes heavily against the crook of your neck.
When he catches his breath his pulls out of you. He looks at your cum-filled pussy and scoops up an overflow and stuffs it inside. He places a kiss on your cunt then lays down next to you.
You turn your head to look at him. "We were supposed to be babysitting..." You mutter with a laugh.
"Babysitting, baby making. They go hand in hand." The Doctor jokes with a smile.
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abbygrabska · 10 months
do you guys want to see some doctor who smut?
im willing to write it, like for real.
just like comment what you want to see in it, or better yet, request it in my inbox or in the google forms link i put in my pinned post!
just remember i am a cis!woman so i don't know how to write mlm smut.
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buckybarnesb-tch · 23 days
Hey, so I’m thinking about writing an A/B/O fic for the 11th Doctor and I was just wondering if anyone would be interested in that.
Either way I’m gonna write it🤣
However I wanted to know if I should post it or just do it for me
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manic-eddie · 2 years
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I met Matt Smith today at the motor city comic con and I literally am never gonna wash my sweater again cause he touched it😩he was the sweetest man I have ever met and I love him so much. 💞💓🫶
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