#elizabeth and the call of dragons
percontaion-points · 5 months
EATCOD (Fated Alpha 2) chapter 6
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Chapter 6
“Why do you keep the creature? It almost killed us.” 
She waved him away. “She would never kill you. We only keep Daisy to protect us.” She motioned towards the Cthulhu and my mouth dropped open. 
“That’s a her? And you named her Daisy?”
I was wearing guy clothes, again, and no bra. One of these days when I had time, I was going to invent a bra that stayed on when I shifted. 
The first thing that came into mind was “if a wolf wore a bra, would it look like this? Or like this?” And I’m not even quite sure what either of the options would look like, but you know that it would be silly. 
“Garrett is out of control. He’s killed two wolves who tried to challenge him.”
At this point, they should simply put him down for the safety of the pack. How many more werewolves is he going to murder?
Suddenly the sound of whirling blades cutting the air was overhead. I looked up to see three helicopters approaching the island and I knew that Sophia hadn’t waited for us to come back home. She was bringing the fight to us.
Chapter 6 summary: They fight off the Cthulhu some more. I’m not going to lie; I skipped over most of this part, since it was kind of pointless in the long run. Eventually, a female wolf shows up and calls off the monster. They guess that this is Emma, the wolf who married a dragon, and she agrees. 
In Emma’s house, Liz uses the phone to finally call Shayne, something that she’s been putting off since they got to Hawaii. He’s kind of angry that this is her first contact after ordering him to submit to her alpha, but goes on to say the news. First, Garrett killed two other wolves who were plotting to rise up against him, but he did it in their beds and blamed Liz. The pack doesn’t know what to think about that, since Liz isn’t around to defend herself. Then, Garrett has torn apart her parents’s house as well as her apartment. Liz knows that he’s searching for her mom’s necklace, but doesn’t tell him this. Finally, that Aaron is going to get married tomorrow. 
When she hangs up, she finds that Christian is awake; he’d fallen into a deep sleep after healing everybody after the first round. Liz tells him that they’re with Emma and her six (7?) kids, all dragons. William, her husband, disappeared after going on a supply run. The story is that some council didn’t want them to marry, and got angry when they came out and said that all of their children were dragons. They were forced into seclusion, and Daisy the Cthulhu is their “guard dog”. 
Back with the others, they tell Liz that Sophia is upset about Easton’s “book of shadows” being destroyed, and called them back so that they can “face trial”. However, they know that this is her paper-thin excuse of gaining control back over the males. She obviously never expected for them to actually find this hypothetical dragon/wolf couple, let alone proof that dragon/wolves only produce dragon babies. None of the boys want to go back, and they look to Liz to see what she wants to do. Especially in light of hearing the news of what’s going on with her pack. Liz says she wants to stay with her dragon boys, train, and go take down Garrett. The dragons are with her 100%. 
The book comes to a close with a helicopter showing up. They know that this is Sophia, coming to try and regain control over the males. 
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teartra · 1 year
I am team Takkan 100% when it comes to love interest for Shiori but I swear Six Crimson Cranes duology is Seryu-bait and I really hope Elizabeth Lim didn’t do him that dirty
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aradeia · 1 year
Between a crazy spring semester and writing my MA thesis this fall, I didn't get to read for fun too much this year unfortunately. But here are my five favorite books of the few I did get to in 2022:
(1). The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood. One of the best myth retellings I've ever read. Atwood presents Penelope as an unreliable narrator with an agenda of her own (this is an Odyssey retelling after all!). She then counters Penelope's version of events with the maids' point of view. Penelope's relationship with the maids, as well as her relationship with Helen, were the highlights of the book for me.
(2). A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin. I know, I know. Game of Thrones. I blame beloved House of the Dragon for making me finally pick this one up. I'm so glad I did. I love Martin's characters. They're so well designed; each point of view character provides a different critique of chivalric society and the fantasy genre. Martin does a good job bringing each characters' story to a satisfying end in this one (especially Daenerys, Sansa, and Catelyn). The execution of the honorable Ned Stark is a shocking subversion of tropes.
(3). Carrie by Stephen King. I felt so bad for Carrie! I related to her very strongly. The most interesting relationship in this book for me was Carrie and Sue Snell. Between them was the complicated and ugly female bullying story I wanted to explore–– especially after the simplistic, boring story I'd gotten from Stranger Things 4. I wish Carrie and Sue had interacted more (I think it would have made Carrie's death scene more impactful for me), but Sue got replaced by her boyfriend Tommy in the narrative. Heteronormativity strikes again.
(4). A Conspiracy of Kings by Megan Whalen Turner. So fun, and I love Sophos! I found it really compelling that Sophos had to come to the realization that there was no nonviolent solution before him if he wanted to stay alive. He lost innocence in this way. In retrospect, that kind of character development reminds me of what I love most about Game of Thrones. Also, Sophos' relationship with Helen/Eddis is wonderful. I love that Helen helps to deceive him, because it's for the good of her country. I don't often come across stories about women in power who are not guided first by their personal loves and interests. (Thinking of Cersei Lannister here. Also Rhaenyra Targaryen by the end of dragon show.)
(5). Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones. I love the characters! I love Sophie, and Howl, and most of all, Calcifer! I hadn't read this book as a kid or watched the movie, so it was all new to me. I think my favorite part about this story was the decision to present old age as liberating for Sophie. Becoming old allowed Sophie to shed her inhibitions, grow more confident, and more powerful in her magic. I like that story, especially for young girls, who are told that becoming old is the worst thing that can possibly happen to them. It's not!
Even though I didn't get to read so much this year, I still read some pretty compelling stories and met really fascinating characters– my favorite part of reading. Definitely getting back into the A Song of Ice and Fire universe has been a big deal for me. It's replaced Star Wars in my heart, I can't believe...
Here's to hoping I get to read more next year!
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claudiasjustice · 9 months
was anyone gonna tell me that the dragon from Shrek has a whole name?!
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futuregws · 1 year
This post is probably gonna be a little very long bc I wanna rant a little about stan culture(?) (idk if that's what you would call this).
It's kinda incredible (and not in a good way) how quickly people can switch on the internet and how a celeb can go from being the most loved person and most popular to all of a sudden getting ridiculous amounts of hate and most of the time it's for no reason and it happens even with shows and movies idk if it's bc people wanna fit in with the others so they praise what others are praising regardless of how they feel and then when the hype naturally dies down they finally show their true feelings, or if they just wanna hate for the sake of it honestly idk but to me this is what it feels like and it's what it looks like it's happening everytime the two options look very likely, and I can give quite a few examples on shows and actors, for example:
Pedro Pascal bc yeah people are already turning on him not that much but I could totally see it happening in a few months but it already happened a few times more specifically bc of "the last of us" which was another one of my examples in this, at the beginning it was the most beloved and popular show but now it's like everyone turned on it and I'm hella confused, and I don't want to make this post even longer than it needs to be but I know there will be criticism that's obvious and normal but this is not it.
And going with another show house of the dragon, before you couldn't go without seeing it everywhere and so much praise, but now the same people that claim to be fans are going around saying "oh this show was a mistake" make it make sense.
And this one that I've talked about numerous times Florence Pugh, she became more and more successful and as it was happening people became more and more rude towards her saying so many nasty shit when she's far from deserving it.
And now this one is a little bit more controversial but Elizabeth Olsen, bc in my opinion someone can be problematic and you can acknowledge that but it won't change the fact that they are talented, but it gets kinda hilarious to see people that hate her (and I can't blame them bc she has said messed up shit) try and call her acting bad and say that "she makes weird faces and moves her mouth weird" hell, someone went as far as hating on her acting on love and death bc it "felt too natural" uhm isn't that like the whole point.
And this with Lizzie of calling her a bad actress also happened with Florence so that just made it even funnier bc like at least separate the two, you don't like them, fine, but they are talented as fuck
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ragnars-tooth · 2 years
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They are siblings your honour
This is some au where the timeline continues after Isenfier and everyone is happy and only mildly traumatised. Also I guess David continues to use his old room as an “office” so he has an excuse to keep paying Liz (she deserves it after he skimped out on rent for 5 years, how dare he 🙄)
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thecrownnet · 2 years
2023 Golden Globe BEST DRAMA, TV SERIES Nominees
House of the Dragon Better Call Saul The Crown Severance Ozark
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Photo: Film Updates
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workin9to5 · 2 months
Attention Creative Folks!
There are some movies/tv shows I’d love to see more gif sets of. Some have none! I have no talent when it comes to making gifs. Help me out? If you post anything regarding these, please tag me! 😊
****Carrie Pilby****
Hilary and Jackie
Emily Watson in Red Dragon
Call Jane
Within the Whirlwind
TV Shows:
******A Small Light*******
Emily Watson in Little Women (2017)
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thecoiiective · 11 months
updating my theme. need a tag dump.
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transmunsons · 7 months
Little Eddie Munson whose favorite movie growing up was Sleeping Beauty. Or rather, it was his mother’s favorite. She loved the dragons and fairies and princesses and magic.
Eddie watched her face, open and excited, as it was lit up by the reflected glow of the theater screen. The light washed away the crease line between her eyebrows that always became more prominent after talking to his dad. It was the only wrinkle she had. The only one she’d had time to form.
Eddie remembered the way she had leaned down and laughed quietly after Eddie frantically asked her what would happen to the prince. How she told him to wait and watch. And maybe Eddie was too young to fully grasp the plot, but his mom was patient and explained it to him in the parking lot as they walked back to their car, hand in hand while Eddie stomped on every leaf he saw.
Two years later, Eddie stood next to his dad wearing the frilly dress he’d always hated and stared resolutely at his Mary Janes. He’d kicked and screamed that morning, but his dad eventually convinced him that Mom would want her little girl to look her best today and don’t you want that? So he’d complied. Hours later, the rotund man at the pulpit would not stop talking about how Elizabeth Munson used to light up a room and how we would all miss her so terribly.
Eddie was just tall enough to see into the casket. She looked like she was sleeping. Like she was only a kiss away from coming back. He watched as his dad pressed his lips to her hairline, watched as the lid closed and she was lowered into the earth.
All this flashed before his eyes as he stood alone facing down the hellish swarm of bats. A scream—a roar—ripped itself from his raw throat as he challenged the monsters, goading them into attacking. He wielded his jury-rigged spear and trash can lid as if they were a sword and shield, taking down as many bats as he could.
But Eddie was no prince. He was knocked to the ground and held down, laid out like an underworldly buffet for the vicious bats to sink their teeth into. And they did. It hurt like hell, too. By the time Dustin hobbled over to him, Eddie had stopped screaming. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he registered that the bats weren’t gnawing on him anymore.
It’s not how he thought he would go, bleeding out in the arms of a fifteen-year-old. It’s not fair, but he’s a Munson. They don’t get happy endings.
He heard Dustin calling his name as his eyes slipped away to stare at the inky excuse for a sky, splintered with red. He never knew how much he loved the sun until it was gone.
Big, brown cow eyes framed by blocky eyebrows overwhelmed his field of vision. Steve.
He felt a hand on his cheek and then—oh—Steve was kissing him.
He could vaguely hear Steve shouting instructions at someone, or multiple someone’s, he wasn’t sure. Then his lips were back on Eddie’s, pushing air into his lungs. Ah, so it wasn’t a kiss. Damn shame.
“Steve, he’s mumbling something”
“He’s delirious”
The world was moving. Flashes of light passed by periodically. He was still lying down but not in the dirt anymore. The lights were… street lamps. He was in a car.
Thankfully he couldn’t feel his body. He knew this wasn’t good and probably meant that he was in so much pain that he went into shock. He was trying to ignore that.
Frantic voices surrounded him and he was lifted out of the car. The movement jostled him too much and all the pain came back in a tidal wave of blinding white. He promptly passed out.
Eddie woke up covered in so many bandages he could barely see any skin. He felt gauze on his jaw and neck and tried to touch it, but his hand was yanked to a stop by the wrist. He was handcuffed to the gurney.
“I tried to stop them.”
He was met with the sight of Steve Harrington slouched in a plastic chair wearing a rumpled deep red sweater. Through fallen strands of hair, Eddie could see that the skin under Steve’s eyes was tinged purple.
“They said it was just a precaution, to make sure you wouldn’t run.” Steve looked mad. “Hopper’s out there working on getting you uncuffed.”
Eddie must’ve still been delirious. “Hopper?” He croaked.
“Long story,” Steve twitched his mouth into a smile.
“I always knew that guy was a tank,” Eddie stated.
Steve let out a laugh. It was a glorious noise. Eddie wanted to come up with a million ways to cause it again.
“How are you in here, you know, if I’m so dangerous?” Eddie rattled his cuff.
“I can be quite charming,” Steve leveled him with a grin and a raised eyebrow.
Eddie made a disbelieving hmph.
“You doubt the charm?” Steve looked playfully offended.
“Oh, I doubt.”
Steve scoffed.
“You’re not nearly as cute as you think you are,” Eddie lied. “So how’d you get in?”
Steve stared at him for a second before fishing something out of his back pocket. The ring of keys jangled and flashed in the light where Steve held it. “Lifted it off a nurse.”
In Eddie’s book, that was far more impressive than schmoozing his way in. He told him so.
“Thanks,” Steve looked down. If Eddie didn’t know better, he’d say it was downright bashful.
“They lowered your security to just, uh, that,” Steve gestured to the handcuffs, “after your alibis were confirmed.”
“My alibis?”
“Yeah, you’ll be a free man as soon as you sign some paperwork.”
Of course there was a catch.
Beeping from the machines Eddie was hooked up to filled the room.
“You saved me.” Eddie whispered. He remembered strong arms pulling him off the ground, one under his knees, one cradling his head.
He took a good look at Steve sitting there beside him, with his sweater and his stolen keys. He looked wrecked, like he hadn’t had a good night's rest in days. His honey brown hair shone in the harsh hospital lights. Eddie thought he looked fucking regal.
Eddie realized two things at once. 1: he might be falling in love with Steve Harrington and 2: there was a big, fat, unmistakable “F” on his medical bracelet for all to see.
He heard the beeping of his heart monitor increase.
“Hey, what’s wrong, are you okay?” Steve was suddenly very close. His hand hovered near Eddie’s shoulder.
“Where’s my uncle?” Eddie asked, trying to calm his breathing. He kept staring at it. They’d at least gotten his name correct.
“He left to get some food, he’s been haunting your bedside for the past week.” Steve’s face was right next to his, trying to meet his eyes. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched Steve turn his head to look at Eddie’s wrist. “What are you looki—oh.”
Steve covered the bracelet with his hand; his palm was big and warm. “It’s alright. None of the kids know.”
Eddie felt his stomach drop. “And you?”
“I know,” Steve had the decency to look embarrassed.
“I had to cut your clothes off to bandage your wounds,” he cleared his throat uncomfortably, “I put two and two together when I had to correct how some of the doctors referred to you.”
“And you’re cool?”
“Yeah, man, I’m cool.” Steve smiled. “I swear on Dustin’s mother.”
Eddie chuckled and then immediately cringed when his sides contracted. “Don’t-don’t make me laugh.”
Screw falling, Eddie was firmly in it now. Steve was being so casual and normal about what should have been ground-shaking information to him. Grass is green, the sky is blue, Hawkins hosts a hell dimension, and Eddie Munson has tits. Had tits, anyway.
Steve had to sneak back out before he got caught and Wayne eventually came back with some turkey sandwiches. They had a tearful reunion where Eddie explained everything and Wayne told him he believed in him the whole time.
Some men in suits came by and watched as Eddie paged through a Bible’s worth of documents. An undead Hopper stood glowering at them from the corner.
Eventually, Eddie was discharged and immediately tackled by a gaggle of young teenagers. Mike, Dustin, and Lucas apologized for almost readmitting him when he yelped and told them to be careful.
Eddie and Wayne settled into their tiny new two-bedroom near main Hawkins. Wayne grumbled that it was too far from Forest Hills, but Eddie knew he enjoyed having his own room for the first time in years.
The school didn’t let him attend class physically, but they sent him work to complete so he could finish the year. He was determined to walk.
Steve and Robin would drop by to hang out. Robin said it was enrichment for Steve since he didn’t have any other friends his age, and Steve gave her a noogie in response. Robin and Eddie bonded over their shared freak status while Steve seemed to be thinking about something very hard.
During one of these visits, Eddie found himself alone with Steve on the roof of his van. Robin had some band thing, so they’d driven out to a field armed with a six-pack or two and a small mountain of junk food.
The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm glow across the field and turning the grass to gold. The plaid blanket they’d spread on the roof was covered in crumbs and empty wrappers. Eddie watched Steve’s profile as he brought the beer bottle to his lips, as the liquid traveled down his throat. He stared at the slope of his nose, how his eyelashes brushed against his cheeks.
“Alright, it’s your turn, hit me,” Eddie said.
Steve looked out at the treeline thoughtfully. “Okay, who was your first crush?”
Eddie groaned. “I’ll tell you but don’t laugh.”
“I won’t!” Steve was already smiling.
“No, I’m not gonna promise, what if it’s really funny?”
Eddie pulled up his legs and buried his head between his knees. He mumbled the answer.
“What was that?” Steve teased.
“I said it was Prince Philip!” Eddie admitted.
“From the cartoon?”
“Don’t laugh!”
“I’m not,” Steve laughed.
“It was my moms favorite movie as a kid and she took me to go see one of the re-releases. I was four and I was obsessed with him. My mom thought it was adorable.”
“It is adorable,” Steve leaned back to rest on his elbow.
“What about you?” Eddie leaned down to join him, “Who was your first crush?”
“It was, uh, Laura Jackson in fourth grade.” Steve picked at the label on his bottle. “She let me bum fries off her lunch when my mom forgot to give me money, which was all the time.”
“Did you ever tell her?”
“Yeah,” Steve huffed a laugh, “about every month. Shot me down each time.” He mimed shooting a gun into his own heart and flopped down with his tongue hanging out. Eddie chuckled and Steve resurrected with a self-satisfied grin.
“And you kept trying?” Eddie asked.
“I guess that when I know what I want, I kind of just go after it.” Steve looked over at Eddie. His eyes weren’t actually a true brown, they were hazel like the forest floor. He was looking at him with an indescribable expression. “All I have to do is figure out what it is that I want.”
Eddie looked away, heat crawling up the back of his neck, and lit a cigarette. He took a drag and let it sit in his lungs before blowing it out again.
“I think it’s my turn again,” Steve said. “Let me know if it’s too far.”
“Well now I’m getting worried.”
“Just—you don’t have to answer, but,” Steve picked a crumb off the blanket, “I noticed you don’t go on any dates.”
“That’s not a question, Steve, and not a lot of guys are lining up to gain the affection of Hawkins’ most notorious accused serial killer. Being gay isn’t a walk in the park even without the social stigma of acquitted murder. Let alone the fact that once my pants came off they’d run for the hills.”
“So you’ve never…?”
“Well,” Eddie flushed, “Let’s say I give better than I get.”
Steve seemed unfazed. “What kind of guy would you go for, if you could?”
You, Eddie doesn’t say. Instead,
“He’d have to be kind,”
“Of course.”
“And caring,”
“And totally reckless, an absolute daredevil. And ideally he would be madly in love with me, and he wouldn’t care how I was born.”
Eddie was describing the Steve who appeared in his fantasies. The one who showed up in shining armor to save the day. The one who slew monsters with his teeth. More importantly, the one who dropped Robin off at school every day, hours before his shift, just because he wanted to. The one who made sure the freshmen were safe. Who delivered fresh groceries at the Mayfield trailer every week since August.
“I need to confess something.” Steve broke off Eddie’s train of thought.
“What?” Eddie started running through a million possibilities in his head but before he could really process them, Steve spoke again.
“Robin didn’t have a band thing.” His face was so close to Eddie’s, he could see dust on his eyelashes. “I asked her not to come.”
“Why? You two are practically attached at the hip.”
Steve’s eyes flickered back and forth between Eddie’s like he was searching for something. “I wanted to do something together, just the two of us.”
The sun was kissing the treetops across the field.
Eddie had the all-too-familiar feeling that he was missing a crucial bit of information, a tickle in the back of his mind that often occurred when he was staring down a blank test or missed a social cue.
Steve plucked the cigarette from Eddie’s slack mouth, took a deep pull, and placed it gently back on Eddie’s lower lip all without breaking eye contact. Eddie let it fall to the blanket, holes be damned.
“What’s going on here?” Eddie demanded, sitting upright. “You know I’m gay, you can’t do shit like that to me.”
Steve copied his position and exhaled the smoke, taking a second to check that the camel was put out. “My god, Eddie, I’ve spent the entire evening hitting on you and you haven’t said a damn thing!”
Eddie closed his mouth with a clack. He blinked to recalibrate his brain. “I thought you were straight?”
“We spent an hour last week ranking the asses of male musicians. I still say Springsteen deserves first.”
Eddie flailed his hands, “I don’t know! I thought that’s what straight dudes did with their friends. Everything you guys do seems incredibly homosexual, how is a poor guy like me supposed to tell the difference?”
“I sang to you on the ride here!” Steve said through an incredulous smile.
Eddie recalled the slightly pitchy but otherwise impressive rendition of “Your Kind of Lover”. Thinking back, he should’ve noticed the emphasis Steve had put on the chorus, but he was a little distracted by the way Steve’s hair had bobbed as he nodded his head to the beat, fingers tapping on the wheel.
Now, under the weight of Steve’s gaze, the attention felt like too much. It wasn’t fair how the setting sun illuminated Steve’s tan skin. The man was fucking glowing like Helios himself. A drop of sunlight pooled in the hollow of his collarbone just above where a thatch of hair peeked out of Steve’s white undershirt. Eddie nervously licked his lips.
He let a smile tug at the corners of his mouth. "You like me," Eddie poked his finger into Steve's shoulder.
"Nice of you to finally catch on," Steve poked him back. "I was starting to think I misinterpreted all your ogling."
"I do not ogle," Eddie sniffed, "I admire. You haven't seen yourself from behind; if you had a music career, I'd rank you above Springsteen."
"You sure know your way to a man's heart." Steve said flatly.
"Ya know, when you gave me CPR in the Upside Down, I thought you were giving me true love's kiss." Eddie confessed.
"That's adorable."
A siren whooped in the distance. Instinct took over Eddie's body as he scooped bottles and wrappers into his arms and tried to scramble off the roof. He registered Steve doing the same next to him, and in their haste they knocked into each other, slipped off the van, and tumbled into the grass.
Eddie ended up laying on top of Steve, holding one of the beer bottles at the base of his throat.
"Hi," Steve said breathlessly.
"Hey," Eddie let the bottle roll to the ground. They'd landed on the side away from the road. He watched through his van's tires as the police car sped past their location without a second glance.
"Are you okay?" Steve asked.
"I'm fine."
Crickets started chirping in far-off woods and Eddie thought he might've heard a bullfrog croak.
Steve tucked a piece of Eddie's unruly hair back in place and settled his hand against Eddie's cheek. The sun had just set and Steve's eyes were huge in the low light. Warmth bled through his shirt where it pressed against Eddie's bare forearms.
"D'you know how long I've liked you?" Steve whispered. His breath ghosted over Eddie's lips.
"Tell me," Eddie whispered back with a smile.
"Back in school, I thought you were kind of an ass-"
"I thought this was about how you like me."
"I'm getting to it. I thought you were a jerk, but after I became friends with Dustin, I noticed how much more comfortable he seemed. You made him a space where he could be himself. That's what you do. You make everyone around you more comfortable in who they are because they watch you be proudly yourself.
"You're the bravest, smartest, kindest man I know. I think I started falling for you when you told me you were wrong about me, you know, being an asshole. No one I've dated has ever recognized how much I've changed. You saw me, the real me."
Steve looked so sincere, eyes wide as he held Eddie's face. Eddie wanted to hide in his hair.
"You're gonna make me fall in love with you, Harrington." Eddie warned.
Steve grinned, "You promise?"
"I'm gonna kiss you now."
Eddie didn't have nearly as much experience as Steve, but he held his own. His hands raked through Steve's hair, felt him do a full body shiver when he tugged.
Eddie smiled against his lips.
“Shut up,” Steve murmured.
“I didn’t say anything.”
Eddie was pulled back into the kiss by the back of his neck. He tilted his head, coaxed Steve into opening his mouth. Steve did something with his tongue that would’ve made Eddie go cross-eyed if his eyes were open. One of Steve’s hands crept up Eddie’s thigh until it rested on his hip, a thumb touching Eddie’s side where his t-shirt had ridden up.
Eddie moved to properly straddle Steve as he switched to latch onto the side of Steve’s neck. The hand on his hip gripped him tight as Eddie settled. Steve made a desperate noise and arched his back, grinding up to meet him.
“Eddie,” Steve said hoarsely. Eddie hummed in acknowledgment as he laid open mouthed kisses on Steve’s pulse point, skating his hands up Steve’s arms to squeeze his biceps.
“Eddie, we gotta slow down,” Steve pulled a reluctant Eddie off his neck and stroked his cheek with a thumb.
Steve gave him a sweet, lingering kiss and Eddie nipped at his lower lip as he pulled away.
“If my giving you CPR was true love’s kiss, does that make me your Prince Charming?”
“I should never have told you that,” Eddie groaned against Steve's collar.
cross-posted on ao3
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percontaion-points · 5 months
EATCOD (Fated Alpha 2) chapter 5
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Chapter 5
“He tried to hide himself pretty deep and he did a great job of it, but no one can hide from me. Like always, I’ll always find them in the end.”
I love how finding the dragon mated to a wolf was the primary focus of this book, yet most of this has been Liz making kissy face with 3 of the 4 guys.
“My goal here is to find William so that I can prove to Sophia that you make sense in our lives.”
Let’s be honest here: we knew that there would be a 100% chance that they would find proof of this. Or else the rest of the series wouldn’t make a lick of sense. 
A large tentacle-like leg was clinging to the land ahead of us. 
Holy shister.
 I stumbled backwards, bumping into Christian, who steadied me protectively. Then another tentacle slapped the land behind us and I looked into Christian’s eyes, feeling my fear spike.
I would say “I’ve seen enough hentai”. But I’ve also read enough of these shit werewolf stories to tell you that they are all people’s weird fetishes. So it wouldn’t surprise me if there was a tentacle scene in here, too.
The pain was too great and I grabbed a bottle of water and poured it over my leg. 
Ahhh, it felt so good. Kinda like when you’ve had to pee in the car for too long and finally get the chance to go the bathroom. Except better.
The author could have written literally anything, and she chose to write this. 
Then the air around us cooled several degrees and the Cthulhu flew over us. It was too late.
Chapter 5 summary: Easton complains about how hard it was to track the guy down, but in the end, he managed it. And then because he’d literally crawled into bed with Liz, the two of them start necking on each other. Because he’s the only one who hasn’t at this point. 
They all set out and start hiking for days through Hawaii. The description of the time spent on the road is tedious and serves no point.
Eventually, they get to a pond, where this giant tentacle monster lives. Easton pulls out a book and tries to use magic to stop it, but nothing seems to work. Also, regular fighting doesn’t work, either. The thing eventually drags them into a cage. In there, there are human remains, which obviously freaks everybody out. Easton then says that the thing is a Cthulu (not touching why that particular god is living in a pond in Hawaii, but whatever.), and that the only thing that can stop it is the ghoul. Because of course.
Avery starts to sing, and the ghoul shows up. Avery begs for help, but the ghoul is like “Why should I?” which is a good question. Eventually, he convinces her to help them, and she magicks them out from the cage. They then decide that they have to press on, but right as they get back on the road, the Cthulu shows back up. 
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williamedwardparry · 5 months
Twelfth-cake and riddles on HMS Erebus
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A Twelfth Night celebration illustrated by Robert Seymour from The Book of Christmas (1836) by Thomas Kibble Hervey – note the cake in the left part of the picture and the cards in people's hands.
In his entry for January 6th, 1841 in his Antarctic-journal-slash-autobiography, Robert McCormick (who was surgeon on the Erebus on the Antarctic expedition) makes this reference to a Twelfth-cake eaten by the officers:
Wednesday, 6th. — Being Twelfth-night, all the officers took tea in the cabin with Captain Ross, and partook of a Twelfth-cake, which had been given him in a tin case, and was to have been opened on the 6th of January, 1840, but had been reserved for entering the ice. It was accompanied by the customary painted figures on paper and sugar, with enigmas to solve, which afforded us all some amusement and laughter; to aid which we had a glass of cherry brandy each.
(The age of the cake always surprised me a little, but apparently, according to the 19th century Cassell’s Dictionary of Cookery, fruit cake “will improve with keeping – indeed, confectioners do not use their cakes until they have been made some months; and if a cake is cut into soon after it is made it will crumble.” (x))
I had no idea that “painted figures on paper and sugar” were a customary part of the Twelfth-cake tradition, so I had a poke around the web and was delighted to learn that Twelfth-cakes came with various figurines for decoration. They were made from moulded sugar paste, with some depicting people, some not.
In the Every-Day Book of William Hone (1827), Twelfth-cakes are described as decorated with “Stars, castles, kings, cottages, dragons, trees, fish, palaces, cats, dogs, churches, lions, milkmaids, knights, serpents, and innumerable other forms, in snow-white confectionery, painted with variegated colours”.
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An advertisement for “well executed Twelfth-Night characters”, 1842 (The Australian). Queen Victoria’s Twelfth-cake, 1849 (ILN).
The Twelfth-cakes themselves were generally large, domed, and heavy, full of nuts, dried fruits, and spices. Hone, again, calls them “Dark with citron and plums and heavy as gold”. (A recipe from 1802 is available here, and one from 1830 here – the latter promises a cake 12-14 inches across.)
You could also buy sets of cards with Twelfth Night figures and riddles on them, which were sold in packs. In the late 18th century, it was customary for the party to draw lots with the cards – and whichever character a person was assigned, they would have to play until midnight.
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An extant pack of Park's Twelfth-Night characters, 1843. (The Puzzle Museum)
The resolution on these is only just about legible, but here's a close-up of four of them and their solutions from the sheet:
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Transcriptions: From left to right: SIR OLIVER OGLE. Why is a lover like a gooseberry? BETRICE BOUQUET. When is a cheese most like college? CHARLES CUTEMDOWN. Why are Jews at a feast like a brewer? PATTY PRIMROSE. Why is a dandy like a haunch of venison?
Solutions: He is easily made a fool of. / When it is eaten. [Eton] / He brews [Hebrews] drink here. / He is a bit of a buck.
The Puzzle Museum https://www.puzzlemuseum.com/month/picm08/2008-04-parks.htm
The Dickens Museum blog https://dickensmuseum.com/blogs/charles-dickens-museum/dickens-and-the-spirit-of-twelfth-cake-past-by-pen-vogler
Elizabeth Gaskell House blog https://elizabethgaskellhouse.co.uk/twelfth-night-cakes/
Sydney Living Museums blog https://blogs.sydneylivingmuseums.com.au/cook/let-them-eat-fruit-cake/
Foods of England blog http://www.foodsofengland.co.uk/twelfthcake.htm
Primary sources:
Hone, William, The Every-Day Book (1827) - Project Gutenberg
Kibble Hervey, Thomas, The Book of Christmas (1836) - Project Gutenberg
Kitchiner, William, The Cook's Oracle (1830) - Project Gutenberg
McCormick, Robert, Voyages of Discovery in the Arctic and Antarctic Seas (1884) - Hathi Trust
The Australian, January 8th, 1842 - Trove Newspaper Archive
Illustrated London News, 13th January 1849 - Hathi Trust
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aliveandfullofjoy · 1 year
95th Academy Awards: Oscars Trivia!
Another torturously long awards season is over! A24's highest-grossing film ever, Everything Everywhere All at Once, defied almost every piece of popular wisdom about the Academy Awards and easily cleared every hurdle in its path to a blowout, historic Best Picture win.
As you probably know, I'm a sucker for Oscar trivia, and this year has plenty of juicy nuggets to dig into. Let's get to it, starting with our newest Best Picture winner.
Everything Everywhere All at Once is the third film in Oscar history to win three of the four acting categories, after A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) and Network (1976). All three films won Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress. Everything Everywhere All at Once is the only film of the three that managed to win Best Picture.
Michelle Yeoh is the first Malaysian actress, first Asian actress, and second woman of color to win Best Actress. This is only the thirteenth time that Best Actress and Best Picture have overlapped in the 95-year history of the Oscars. Yeoh's nomination made her the first Asian actress nominated for the award since 1935. The only other is Merle Oberon, who hid her Asian identity in life and passed as white.
Everything Everywhere All at Once is the first science-fiction film to win Best Picture.
Everything Everywhere All at Once is the first Best Picture winner with a woman of color (Michelle Yeoh) in the lead role.
Having opened in theaters in late March 2022 (the same weekend of the 94th Academy Awards), Everything Everywhere All at Once is the Best Picture winner with the earliest calendar release since The Silence of the Lambs, which opened Valentine's Day 1991.
Everything Everywhere All at Once is the third Best Picture winner with a majority non-white cast (after 2016's Moonlight and 2019's Parasite) and the first American film with a majority Asian cast.
Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert (Everything Everywhere All at Once) are the third directing team to win Best Director, joining Jerome Robbins and Robert Wise (West Side Story, 1961) and Joel Coen and Ethan Coen (No Country for Old Men, 2007). Kwan is also the fourth Asian director (and first Asian-American) to win Best Director.
Everything Everywhere All at Once is the first movie in 95 years of Oscars history to win six(!) so-called "above the line" awards -- referring to Best Picture, Director, the four acting categories, and the two writing categories.
Everything Everywhere All at Once is the first film to sweep the four primary guild awards (Producers Guild, Directors Guild, Writers Guild, and Screen Actors Guild) since Argo (2012), and only the fifth overall.
Some crazy coincidences between Michelle Yeoh and her Best Actress presenter Halle Berry: in addition to currently being the only two women of color to win Best Actress, they are also both former Bond girls (Yeoh in Tomorrow Never Dies [1997], Berry in Die Another Day [2002], both with Pierce Brosnan). Additionally, both women are former contestants of the Miss World pageant: Berry represented the United States in 1986, while Yeoh represented Malaysia in 1983. Also, in a weird case of history rhyming, both Berry and Yeoh won over a previous Oscar-winner in a film directed by Todd Field (Sissy Spacek in In the Bedroom in 2001, Cate Blanchett in TÁR in 2022).
With four wins, All Quiet on the Western Front tied with Parasite (2019), Roma (2018), Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000), and Fanny and Alexander (1982) as the most-rewarded non-English language films in Oscars history.
This is also the second time that Cate Blanchett has won a Golden Globe, a BAFTA, and a Critics Choice Award for a performance, only to lose the Oscar to the lead of the Best Picture winner. The other time this happened was the year another comedy won seven Oscars: Shakespeare in Love. Blanchett, who was nominated for Elizabeth that year, lost to Gwyneth Paltrow.
TÁR brought Blanchett her eighth Oscar nomination, tying her as the fourth most-nominated actress in Oscar history. Only Bette Davis (10), Katharine Hepburn (12), and Meryl Streep (21) are ahead of her.
TÁR is only director Todd Field's third feature (after 2001's In the Bedroom and 2006's Little Children), but all three of his films have gotten Best Actress nominations for their leads.
Blanchett has also extended her record as the Oscar-nominated actress with the most appearances in films nominated for Best Picture. With TÁR, she has now appeared in 10 Best Picture nominees.
Tom Hanks (who turned in one of the weirdest performances ever caught on film in Elvis) also crossed the 10 Best Picture appearance threshold with this year's nominations. The only nominated actor with more Best Picture appearances is Jack Nicholson, who's been in 11.
This year's nominations saw a record-breaking number of Asian actors nominated: Yeoh in Best Actress, Ke Huy Quan (Everything Everywhere All at Once) in Best Supporting Actor, and Hong Chau (The Whale) and Stephanie Hsu (Everything Everywhere All at Once) in Best Supporting Actress. Yeoh and Quan won, marking the first time multiple Asian actors have won in a single ceremony.
Hong Chau (The Whale) is the first Oscar-nominated actor to be born in a refugee camp.
This year also saw a record number of Irish actors nominated in a single year, with five: Colin Farrell (The Banshees of Inisherin) and Paul Mescal (Aftersun) in Best Actor, Brendan Gleeson and Barry Keoghan (both from The Banshees of Inisherin) in Best Supporting Actor, and Kerry Condon (again, The Banshees of Inisherin) in Best Supporting Actress.
It was a banner year for Ireland in other categories, too, with nominations in Best Live Action Short (An Irish Goodbye, which won the award) and in Best International Feature (The Quiet Girl, the first Irish-language film ever nominated for an Oscar).
With his win in the Supporting Actor category, Quan became only the second Asian actor to win that award, joining the late Haing S. Ngor, who won for his debut performance in The Killing Fields (1984).
All five of the nominees for Best Actor -- Austin Butler (Elvis), Colin Farrell (The Banshees of Inisherin), Brendan Fraser (The Whale), Paul Mescal (Aftersun), and Bill Nighy (Living) -- were first-time nominees. This is the first time this has happened in this category since 1934(!!!).
It was a huge year for first-time nominees across all four acting categories: 16(!) of the 20 actors nominated were first-timers. This is the most ever in a single year. The only actors with previous nominations were Cate Blanchett, Angela Bassett, Judd Hirsch, and Michelle Williams.
Jamie Lee Curtis (Everything Everywhere All at Once) is the third person to be nominated for an Oscar after both of her parents were nominated as well: her father Tony Curtis was nominated for The Defiant Ones (1958), while her mother Janet Leigh was nominated for Psycho (1960). The other sets of nominated parents and children are Liza Minnelli (with parents Judy Garland and Vincente Minnelli) and Laura Dern (with parents Diane Ladd and Bruce Dern). Minnelli, Dern, and Curtis all won acting Oscars.
With his performance in The Whale, Brendan Fraser became the first person to win Best Actor for a film not nominated for Best Picture since Jeff Bridges in Crazy Heart (2009).
This is also the first time since 2005 that all four acting winners were first-time nominees. Additionally, none of the four acting winners won in their category at the BAFTAs, which has never happened before.
With his Best Supporting Actor nomination, Judd Hirsch (The Fabelmans) broke the record for the longest gap between acting nominations: he was last nominated 42 years ago for Ordinary People (1980). The record previously belonged to Henry Fonda, who had a 41-year gap between nods.
In addition to being the first actor ever nominated for a performance in a Marvel movie, Angela Bassett (Black Panther: Wakanda Forever) also became the fourth Black actress to be nominated more than once. She joined Viola Davis, Whoopi Goldberg, and Octavia Spencer.
The Fabelmans is the first movie to win the Golden Globe for Best Picture - Drama to go home emptyhanded at the Oscars since The Turning Point (1977[!]). In fact, this is the first time ever that both Golden Globe Best Picture winners (The Fabelmans in Drama, The Banshees of Inisherin in Comedy) went home with zero Oscars.
2022 had some other similarities with 1977, too: this was the first year since 1977 that two films (Everything Everywhere All at Once and The Banshees of Inisherin in 2022, Julia and The Turning Point in 1977) got four individual acting nominations. Both years saw comedies win Best Picture and Best Actress (Annie Hall in 1977), and both years had a sci-fi blockbuster nominated in Best Picture (Star Wars and Avatar: The Way of Water).
Ana de Armas (Blonde) became the second actor nominated for playing Marilyn Monroe, which is more Oscars than Monroe herself was ever nominated for. She was nominated in Best Actress alongside Michelle Williams (The Fabelmans), the other actress nominated for playing the star (in 2011's My Week with Marilyn).
De Armas also became the fifth Latina nominated for Best Actress, joining Fernanda Montenegro, Salma Hayek, Catalina Sandino Moreno, and Yalitza Aparicio. She is also the second Cuban actor ever nominated, after Andy Garcia.
With her win for Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, legendary costume designer Ruth Carter became the first Black woman to win two Oscars — ever.
Only Austin Butler and Ana de Armas were nominated for playing historical figures this year. Weirdly, both Elvis and Blonde feature actor Xavier Samuel in small roles. What does it mean?
At 34 minutes long, The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse is the longest Best Animated Short winner ever.
In addition to being the first song from an Indian film to be nominated for and win the Oscar for Best Song, "Naatu Naatu" (RRR) is the fourth non-English language winner of that award, after "Never on Sunday" (1960, originally performed in Greek), "Al otro lado del río" (2004, in Spanish), and "Jai Ho" (2008, in Hindi, Urdu, and Punjabi). "Naatu Naatu" is in Telugu.
It was the year of the sequel: between Avatar: The Way of Water and Top Gun: Maverick, this marked the first time multiple sequels were nominated in Best Picture in the same year. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever and Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery also received major nominations.
Avatar and Top Gun also marked the first time since 1982 that the two highest-grossing films of the year were both nominated for Best Picture.
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monsterpie · 2 years
Lore from the Live Action Movie
- The only native snake species to Monster High’s ecosystem is a giant swamp viper but they’re 40 feet long “and tend to bite your head off if you get too close”
-  Monster High was built in 1071 to be a safe place for all monsters to be their true selves.
- Frankie’s brain is made up of parts from Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Plato, Elizabeth Feinler, and Alan Turing. Their heart is from a fisherman named Earl. Their spleen is from Shakespeare. Their thigh is from their uncle, Phil Hermiton. Their hand is from Frida Kahlo.
- There was a war in 1320, dubbed “The Great War,” which was significant enough to be studied in Monster History Class. 
- There is a book called A Tale of Two Coffins, an allusion to the Charles Dickens book, A Tale of Two Cities. 
- Vampires have been at war with witches for centuries.
- The Monster High mascot is the Demons. 
- There were many centuries of conflict between dragons and monsters prior to 1375, when the Dragon Treaty of 1375 was created. Causes of conflict between dragons and other monsters: language barriers & no means of communication with remote dragon groups, food scarcity during the middle ages, expansion of human territories forcing dragons to leave their hunting grounds, differing hierarchal systems.
- Dracula, Selena Wolf (Clawdeen’s mom), and Eddy Hyde were all apparently friends prior to Hyde’s half-human heritage being revealed. 
- There are nocturnal students who attend night classes at Monster High. 
- Zombies (or, at least, Ghoulia) sleep in graveyards, in graves.
- There are students/monsters who eat limbs, like the ones taken from the Monster Biology lab. 
- The school is alive. It can respond to questions about where places are, create warnings on the walls made of blood, and decorate dorm rooms for students. 
- There are monster-specific snacks, available in the vending machine at Monster High. These include: Stein’s root beer (mascot is a caricature of Victor Frankenstein’s monster, aka Frankie’s dad. The tagline is “It’s electric!” and apparently it is “chunky and delicious,” according to the advertisement), Sour Boos, Sour Gnomes, Ghostitos potato chips (available in both Swamp Water and Brain (?) flavors), Banshee Bites, Stuffed Newt Eyeballs, Full Moon Pie, and Choco-claws.
- Hyde kept meticulous lab journals, all written in code and marked by his signature “clasped hands”. 
- In her mortal life, Cleo studied with Heka, god of magic and medicine, and can recognize an incantation that’s in front of her. 
- Terrifying Trigonometry is the name of one of the school textbooks and, presumably, the name of one of the classes.  
- In the monster world, football is played with a real foot, and after the game the foot is eaten.
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jelmet · 9 months
what pets i think fit with the batfam
these are kinda out of order but what evs
tell me what other characters u want (doesnt have to be bat-adjacent)
Dick Grayson
German shepherd maybe a huskey mix too
I know he has Hailey in canon but canon is of my choosing
I feel like his prestict was training dogs and one of them failed the training but hes already bonded with it so he takes it home with him and now he has a dog
he names it after somthing in the cirus
also named nightbite and the dog is considered a vigilante but only comes out to calm down children
Jason Todd
orange tabby
whenever someone meets the cat for the 1st time he spends 15 mins trying to convince them the cat is actually red
named elizabeth, and he forces you to call the cat elizabeth, no lizzie or any other nickname only elizabeth
he found her wandering around crime alley with out a collar and scooped her up and took her home
they become inseparable except when jason is doing vigilante stuff them the cat sleeps in his bed
shes tiny from malnourishment ect. from being on the street
he nourishes her back to health but she never gets to full size
Tim Drake
he wanted a bullfrog before realizing how annoying they are and ended up getting an american toad
he named it either tim jr. or frog
he puts it in a mason jar (no top ofc) with some water and brings it everywhere (non vigilante)
the toad works comms and he tries to get everyone to call it red toad (failure)
he wears gloves when handling it and is very careful not to get salmonella (all reptiles and amphibians are loaded with it)
Duke Thomas
im giving him 2 types of pets
first he has a fish tank with those floresent neon fish
he has the full set up with the black lights and everything
1 fish of each color named color fishie (blue fishie, yellow fishie, ect.)
he also gets a rabbit
specifically a Miniature Cashmere Lop
he names it judy (zootopia reference lol)
he took her on patrol with him one in one of those baby carries that straps to your chest but he bent down and judy hopped out and he spent half an hour chasing her around
she lives on his bedroom floor, he has everything she needs lined along a wall and she just kinda chills all day
Cass Cain
she gets a common brown snake
they are non venomous, typically very docile, and the longest they can get is 13 inches long
she did tons of research on snakes and makes sure it living its best live
names it after her favorite fruit
she keeps trying to feed duke’s fish to it
brown snakes are fairly small so she will curl it around her fingers on one hand and do her homework with the other
Carrie Kelley
Yes shes part of the family
a hedgehog
she keeps it in her pocket
his name is sonic
she made him a blue mask and paints some of the quills blue and takes him on patrol (he mostly stays in her pocket)
one notable occasion she shot him with her sligshot into a thug’s face
sonic was ok the thug however was not
sonic lives in carrie’s pocket
Alfred Pennyworth
mini horse
he named it named fredrick
it stays out in the barn with batcow
he goes out on walks around the manor grounds and the horse will follow him around
helps out around the batcave and works coms with frog
Damian Wayne
i know he already has a ton of pets go away
caribbean reef octopus
i saw a video of one of these guys escaping its tank and immediately thought of damian
either gives it an arab name or names it richard
has an amazing tank setup for it with lots of enrichment
sometimes he takes it out on walks around the manor and damian will carry a little spray bottle to ensure he doesnt dry out
a bearded dragon
he wanted a komodo dragon but they are massive (and venomous) so he compromised on a bearded dragon
he gives her either an arab name or names her timothy
just like the octopus he takes really good care of her
she has a bunch of differnt outfits and leashes and he takes her on walks all the time
Stephanie Brown
Indian star tortoise
she saw a tortoise mukbang video and decided she needed one (go to animal asmr on youtube)
she named her ravioli
tried to get her a job in the bat med bay but alfred refused to let “ground zero for a salmonella outbreak” into the med bay
she has a massive box with multiple sets of lights despite how tiny she is (hes a baby now and about 2.5 in but adults get to 7-12 in)
as a baby she rides around on steph’s shoulder
once she gets bigger steph puts her in a leash
Bruce Wayne
way too many bats to count
each person has a bat named after them and a bat they have named
the rest are named bat bat
the bats are not allowed outside of the batcave
he also has ace (bat hound) who, from my best guess, is a Doberman
he also gets a fox moth
he raises it from a caterpillar and he loves it (he picks it up off the sidewalk and decides to keep it)
he names it bug
only pet not allowed to go into the batcave
it mostly stays on his head or shoulder when not asleep (even as a full grown moth)
sleeps in a net like cage thing hanging in his room
he cried really hard when it pupated only for a moth to come out a few weeks later
why is the starfish here?
anyway in Flash 238-243 in the 70’s hal has a pet alien starfish thing named itty
jarro gets his own itty and yeah
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mermaidsirennikita · 10 months
A few people have asked me for the recs that come with my historical romance archetype quiz in full, and since it's been around a week and I've been procrastinating.... Here they are, in order of popularity (check your triggers, as always):
The Good Guy (by far the winning result... which saddens me a little as a reader but I respect your life and your choices):
Unclaimed by Courtney Milan--virgin hero, sex worker heroine, he's a genuinely lovely man
Scandal in Spring by Lisa Kleypas--a lot of people like Matthew Swift, I like Matthew Swift, there's a very good scene where she hides a key in her bodice and is like COME FIND IT
My Fake Rake by Eva Leigh--gender-flipped She's All That retelling with a nerdy hero who fake dates his equally nerdy friend while being super in love with her
Unmasked by the Marquess by Cat Sebastian--this blurs into a rake vibe, but the hero is a disaster bi who falls in love with his new best friend, only to find out that said best friend is not a man but in fact AFAB and NB; there is a delightful scene in which he watches them from across a ballroom while they pull their glove off with their teeth that lives rent-free in my head
Gentleman in the Streets, Freak in the Sheets:
The Duke Gets Even by Joanna Shupe--THEEEEEE PRIME EXAMPLE, "I'm going to cover you in bite marks, darling" Duke of Lockwood I'm your biggest fan
The Duke Who Knew Too Much by Grace Callaway--the one where the duke is like "oh my god girl I didn't murder anyone I'm just into tying people up consensually"
Waking Up with the Duke by Lorraine Heath--the one where the hero's cousin asks the hero to knock up the cousin's wife and the hero is like "I mean because you asked nicely"; SUPREME angst
The Earl I Ruined by Scarlett Peckham--uptight earl is slandered by the heroine who insinuates that he likes submitting in the bedroom; incorrect, he actually wants to tie her tf up
The Truth About Cads and Dukes by Elisa Braden--marriage of convenience with the world's most uptight duke and a heroine who thinks he finds her plain and fat and gross when in fact he mostly just spends his time restraining himself from doing nasty things to her
Villain Recs:
Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas--because you gotta, though St. Vincent is a softer touch villain than some ("he wouldn't have actually... done it... riiiight?")
Duke of Sin by Elizabeth Hoyt--a kidnapping loony tunes hero who blackmails everyone, stabs freely, and calls the heroine the wrong name for like 70% of the book; he also stabs someone while completely naked except for his pink robe
The Dragon and the Pearl by Jeannie Lin--Tang Dynasty evil warlord hero kidnaps heroine to use her for information, then realizes he's falling in love
Shadowheart by Laura Kinsale--medieval assassin hero forces the heroine into marriage for his evil plot, makes her his apprentice in evil, then realizes he SUUUUPER likes it when she doms him
The Prince of Broadway by Joanna Shupe--hero owns a casino and becomes the rebellious heroine's mentor, but is secretly plotting to destroy her father
Daring and the Duke by Sarah MacLean--hero was the villain of two previous books and maybe tried to kill the heroine when they were kids, either way she's super mad about it but oops he's OBSESSED with her
Tortured Hero Recs:
My Darling Duke by Stacy Reid--hero has had to use a wheelchair due to mobility issues after an accident, becomes very reclusive and angsty, until he finds out the heroine has been pretending to be engaged to him...
Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas--Derek Craven was born in a drainpipe, named himself, and essentially was a sex worker until he made his way up in the world, now feels completely not good enough for the intrepid novelist who's stolen his heart
A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall--hero has survivor's guilt and chronic pain + a laudanum addiction after surviving the Battle of Waterloo when his best friend died... twist is that his best friend faked her death so that she could transition and live as who she really is, and now they met up again for the first time in years without him realizing it's her
Pippa and the Prince of Secrets by Grace Callaway--scarred hero reunites with his childhood sweetheart, who's now widowed and way above him in social station... but she's also tortured, and they come to find solace in each other (also: her old husband told her that pursuing her desires was wicked; hero DISAGREES)
Duke of Midnight by Elizabeth Hoyt--literally Georgian Batman, he is the night, also he has a home gym
The Duke I Tempted by Scarlett Peckham--super tortured duke who hides his masochistic tendencies from the world enters into a marriage of convenience with a woman he believes will reject him if she realizes what he wants
A Rogue by Any Other Name by Sarah MacLean--local man who lost his inheritance and land in a game of dice shows up again after years and forces his childhood friend to marry him so that he can reclaim WHAT IS HIS!!! (both the estate and her)
Rake Recs:
Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake by Sarah MacLean--prototypical rake book, Ralston is all "my God woman, binding your breasts is a crime and I am here to save them"
The Duke and the Lady in Red by Lorraine Heath--this guy's mom literally shows up at his house and is like "please tell me you've cleaned this place since the last orgy"; he then gets taken in by a con woman and learns how to love
The Lady Gets Lucky by Joanna Shupe--hero's not taken seriously by anyone because he's such a playboy; he makes a deal to teach the shy heroine sex stuff in exchange for recipes so he can start a SUPPER CLUB and prove himself as a Srs Person
A Rake's Guide to Seduction by Caroline Linden--hero is a ne'er do well rake who realizes he's fallen for his best friend's little sister right when she's proposed to by another man; years later they meet up when she's a depressed widow, and he brings her to life if you know what I mean
Indigo by Beverly Jenkins--hero is a VERRRRRYYYYY smooth rake who also helps free enslaved people in the Underground Railroad, gets the shit beaten out of of him and ends up being cared for by the quiet and practical heroine; and he's like "HOLY SHIT SHE'S THE ONE"
Scot Recs:
When A Scot Ties the Knot by Tessa Dare--heroine makes a Big Mistake and ends up having to marry the gruff hero, but it's only a handfasting so as long they don't consummate the marriage it won't be legit--SIMPLE ENOUGH
When a Girl Loves an Earl by Elisa Braden--heroine becomes obsessed with local giant man, doesn't even realize he's Scottish until she's trapped him in marriage and he drops the English accent and it is a RIIIIIDE for her from there
The Taming of a Highlander by Elisa Braden--heroine ends up having to marry physically and emotionally scarred hero in order to avoid testifying against him, he's all "YE WON'T BE ABLE TO TAKE ME LASS" and she's like "oh bet"
The Highland Guard series by Monica McCarty--medieval Scottish books "what if Robert the Bruce made a Suicide Squad and they were all hot"
The Madness of Lord Ian MacKenzie by Jennifer Ashley--widow heroine ends up in a FWB situation with the hero, who is on the spectrum and considered "mad" by many; then shit gets complicated
When a Girl Loves an Earl by Stacy Reid--heroine gets pregnant by another man and runs to Scotland to marry this guy she's been writing platonic letters to; he agrees to claim her baby; hero is mute and they communicate through written notes at first, but the heroine learns sign language to make it easier for him, super emotional
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