mysticdragon3art 10 months
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Happy 4th anniversary, Fire Emblem: Three Houses!
It's been 4 years since FE3H released on 7/26/2019.
Google said that 4th anniversaries are celebrated with the color blue or green. So I used the green and blue that I usually use for Byleth before merging with Sothis.
7/26/2023. Doodled in Pilot Petit fountain pen, using Monteverde "Charoite" ink. Colored with Copic markers, ShinHanArt Touch Twin markers, and Stabilo 88 pen. Some digital clean-up in Krita.
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mysticdragon3md3 2 years
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You guys are making me interested in Edelgard's routes, and I don't have time for that. Stop it.馃槝
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mysticdragon3md3 2 years
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mysticdragon3md3 2 years
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Finally, he is trending. ;u; And it's probably because he's in the corner of the final panel of today's "A Day in the Life". lol
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So nice of FEH to canonize that fanon we've all had of Dimitri getting heat exhaustion at the beach. Our winter Faerghus boy can't deal. lol
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mysticdragon3art 1 year
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Doodle for an AU.
Claude is publically known as a student diplomat for Almyran-Fodlan relations. Dimitri's family survived the Tragedy of Duscur. The Empire defeated the Agarthans before they could experiment on Edelgard and her siblings.
Still haven't returned my laptop to my room, so can't scan yet. Sorry about the photo quality. I'll replace it with a scan, on another day.
2.17.2023. Platinum Preppy fountain pen, using Noodler's Ink. No pencil underdrawing. Colored with Copic and ShinHanArt Touch markers.
EDIT 12:50 AM 2/21/2023: Replaced photo of sketch with scan.
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mysticdragon3md3 2 years
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mysticdragon3md3 1 year
Just found out there was a scifi author before Mary Stonecraft Shelley, and that author was also a woman. Women invented the scifi genre twice. lol
I liked that she used self-inserts as a vehicle for internally debating ideas.
I like that I could immediately picture The Blazing World as an isekai anime or Shoujo manga.
I like that when the Royal Society tried to use their prestige to "finally recognize" her and actually try to bring her under control, she just threw it in their faces, went looking for a fight, wanted a worthy rival to debate, and just defiantly made a spectacle of herself, when they were upset over her eccentricity. lol
Also, her husband sounded cool. So very supportive. ^_^
Maybe I'll draw fanart of The Blazing World sometime. Though, because my brain in steeped in FE3H, I'll have to first get the image of the Empress protagonist from The Blazing World, separated from Edelgard, since she's who I picture lately when I hear "Empress".
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mysticdragon3md3 2 years
I probably shouldn't post this, but I haven't been having a lot of fandom thoughts of my own lately, intense enough to warrant ranting. So reacting so intensely about this feels like it warrants recording into my fandom blog, at least for my personal records. Years into the future, when I look through my blog to see what my experience of this specific fandom was like, while I was in the thick of it, I may want to remember that things like this is why I suddenly, drastically reduced interacting with this fandom's tags.
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WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???????????? Half the Claude rants I've read are ALL ABOUT how Claude and Edelgard have similar values but conflicting methods! What the heck...?
Sometimes I think some of the generalized misunderstandings and misconceptions that other parts of the fandom have of differing factions of the fandom, may be caused by the fact that a lot of us who fit the characteristics that counter their complaints about our factions, just aren't seen by their corners of the fandom, because we know better than to make ourselves known to those corners of the fandom. We know nothing good will come from interacting. Meanwhile, the parts of our factions that fit the characteristics that they complain about, are the only ones emboldened enough to keep talking out loud, posting to the most general tags, and get seen by the most differing factions. Then they all think that all of us from those parts of the fandom are just like that. No, man. We're invisible and silent, but we do exist.
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mysticdragon3md3 2 years
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Analysis continues in thread.
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mysticdragon3md3 2 years
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mysticdragon3md3 1 year
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Yeah, like are they trying to make up for low demand on Eagles? Or are they trying to scalp fans on popular characters? Because i don't see how they'd be more complex to produce than the other FE3H PopUpParades.
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mysticdragon3md3 1 year
The YouTube algorithm was showing me posts like this
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And then Twitter had this trending:
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But i dont know how Fire Emblem Heroes works. But I'm guessing people are upset with FEH's most recent voting poll thing.
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mysticdragon3md3 1 year
I was going to bookmark that Tweet complaining about El being "watered down" for their characterization in Engage making them respectful to how Alear rules as the Divine Dragon, but looks like the comments pushed them to Private.馃槪 Hope they're ok.
I just wanted to note that I'm once again glad that i only got into FE3H for the Dimiclaude shipping.馃槄 3Hopes, Engage, and FE Heroes keep giving Dimiclaude good food, but I keep hearing lamentations from the Emperor's fans.馃
Some people talk about FE3H as if Edelgard was automatically the one and only protagonist. Like someone posted about FE3H being about your waifu being a villain. And I'm like, she wasn't MY waifu! That's not even close to what FE3H was to me.馃槀 Maybe if it was a one-route story. Maybe then I'd be into Edelgard, the way i love Lelouch from Code Geass. But I'm sorry, for my personal preferences, the competition was just too good. Claude was much more enjoyable and Dimitri was much more endearing---FOR ME.
So I'm occasionally reminded of how different the FE3H experience was for everyone. I wasn't interested in Edelgard, so i barely looked into her route beyond the broad strokes. So when the Black Eagles fans talk sbout their route and their House Leader, i just have to take their word for it.
...Except when they try to use it as an excuse to demean the other Houses, particularly at the story points when the different routes cross. Then i get defensive and stupid! ...Then I'M the one hiding posts!馃ぃ
Though i still feel strangely justified though. Badmouth Claude or his ideals, and all my open mindedness can go out the window for me!馃ぃ Claude's (and Dimitri's) ideals are the ones I've chosen to defend.
I'm sure it's the same for the edelstans.
There's gotta be a way to stan without dumping on the other Houses. ...Though even I'll admit, I've found myself going on some angry rants against Edelgard.馃槄 Maybe all we can do is Private and hide our posts from each other.
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mysticdragon3md3 1 year
I know i posted about staying out of fe3h discourse, but i think i meant staying out of stuff i disagreed with. I've already found my general position. I dont need to have my mind changed anymore. I will read long analysis posts reinforcing ideas I've already decided on. It's just a videogame fandom that I'm primarily in for shipping; it's not important enough for my "bubble" mindset to be dangerous.
Anime loves a character with the resolve to be unphased but that also means a rigid stagnancy that can't pivot with new info. A lack of open-mindedness.
Yet even cool, unphasable Date Masamune (Sengoku Basara 2009-2011) could pivot, accept others' input, and be more open-minded, yet still keep his overall, unshakable resolve.
If FE3H wanted El to have this unshakable resolve without being a flaw, they could've written her like Date. But the fact they didn't makes me suspect that maybe it was an intentional tragic flaw for her character.
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mysticdragon3md3 1 year
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I have to remember to return to leaning towards posting about what i love instead of what i hate. I haven't enjoyed people dumping on FE3H in anticipation of Engage either, but it has reminded me to watch out more for when i fangirl about 1 thing, by being negative about something else.
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mysticdragon3md3 1 year
Admittedly, right now I'm sick and my head is a little disoriented. So when I read "Edelgard" just now, my brain saw "Edgelordgard". lol
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