unbfacts · 5 months
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exquisite-peculiarity · 2 months
I always see work-from-home talked about like it's an obvious best option, but for me, even if my job was possible online, I would want to be in-person. I appreciate the social and community involvement aspects of working directly with other people, and need the variety in environment and pace.
I expect this site to be somewhat skewed from the general population, but still.
I realize many jobs aren't possible to do from home, but for the sake of getting an idea or people's preference, assume either option is possible. For this hypothetical, you had the necessary resources, accommodations, and means to work or go to class either in person or from home safely. Which would you choose? This is a no-nuance, I'm not concerned with the practicality, I want to know the opinions people have about work from home in a vacuum.
Reminder! You can have a strong opinion about something without claiming moral outrage for anyone who doesn't share your opinion!
Share for sample size please 🏢🚗🏠
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brianfrench1995 · 8 months
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Work humor
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Me getting a call back from the place I applied to
Recruiter: Hey are you such and such?
Me: yess thats me hi
Recruiter: good, do you (a person applying to jobs) have time next week for an interview?
Me: yes ofcourse, that fits
Recruiter: *awkward silence*
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dbrandon · 2 years
Looking for someone who can work from home I will pay a tangible amount of money ever 2 weeks, if you are interested hit me up right away
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prep4tomoro · 2 years
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Always Have a Plan B:
So what happens if you lose your job, or have your work hours cut significantly? Dealing with job loss can be challenging and stressful. Unless you have a ton of money in the bank, you are faced with the nagging fear of how you are going to put food on the table and pay your essential expenses. Don't Wait for a Job Loss to Happen. Make a Plan-B! Have you established a Plan B source of income? Have you thought about what you would do if you lost your job in today's volatile and uncertain economy? Unlike the days when our grandparents worked for the same company for 30+ years, today's world is a very fickle place. No matter how long you have been at a company, or where you are in your career, losing your job is always a possibility. Make a Plan-B; at least one part time job or self-owned business for income to sustain you if other options take a dive. [Reference Link] Diversify: Diversifying income sources is as important as Diversifying investments and assets. "Don't put all of your eggs in one basket" is good advice for income as well as investments. Just as putting your money in multiple investments is good, having multiple ways to make money is just as good. One way to protect yourself financially is to diversify your sources of income. A diversified income has more than one source, similar to a diversified investment portfolio. The same idea of spreading your exposure can also apply to the ways you earn money, even while holding down a full-time job. Whether you are early in your career, are thinking about leaving a full-time job to start your own business, or nearing retirement, there are plenty of ways to diversify your income. It also helps that income sources are in different markets (for example: real estate, food, healthcare, etc.) so that, if one market of income dries up, another market will flourish. Research more on this topic. Do you have a hobby that you can turn into a business? Have your ever had an idea you feel could make honest money? Don't put it off. Start now. You don't need to dump a lot of time or money into your idea to start. Start small and slow but be persistent and don't give up. Find something you like and pursue it. Even though you may not have the experience, or there may not be much money to be earned, in what you like and want to do, the better you become, the more money you can earn. There are many business ideas and opportunities that can be found on the internet. Be careful, however, because there are also a lot of scams. Do lots of research before investing your hard-earned money. Related Links: The Pay at Home Parent - Make $, Save $, Find Freebies Dealing with Job Loss on the Homestead Bartering: A Skill Worth Learning Find Your Side Hustle How to Survive WITHOUT A salary Surviving Job Loss and Getting Paid Under the Table Don't delay. Start now. Even if you don't lose a job, you can earn extra income on something you like to do and, if you do lose your job, you will have established a business that may be able to sustain you.
[14-Point Emergency Preparedness Checklist] [11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [5six7 Menu]
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thehunter14 · 2 years
It’s even at the college I go to! I live next to campus, so the location and schedule flexibility are amazing.
I will even learn a new skill for future jobs (barista stuff), lots of breaks, free meal, great hours, and I can work on homework during my down time
after months of unemployment im so fuckin relieved
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Job interview tip I got from a tiktok but it's genius:
If you were unemployed for a while, they're going to ask if you can explain the gap in your resume. Unless you were actually doing something cool & relevant, this is hard to answer in a way that makes you sound like a good corporate cog. So here's the best and infallible answer -
No you cannot, because you signed an NDA.
You now sound mysterious, desirable, worldly, experienced. They can't even really ask you more about it! Perfect.
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avinikasolution01 · 11 days
What Should You Need in Excellent HR Management Services?
In today’s fast-paced business world, having top-notch human resources (HR) management is essential for any organization aiming to succeed and grow. Excellent HR management goes far beyond just handling payroll and keeping track of employee records. It’s about creating a supportive environment where employees can thrive and perform at their best. Let’s dive into what makes an HR management service truly outstanding.
What Is HR Management ?
Human resource management (HRM) involves coordinating, managing, and allocating human capital, or employees, in ways that move an organisation’s goals forward. HRM focuses on investing in employees, ensuring their safety, and managing all aspects of staffing, from hiring to compensation and development. 
1. Strategic HR Planning
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Great HR management starts with a solid plan. This means understanding your company’s long-term goals and making sure your HR policies help achieve them. Strategic planning in HR involves figuring out your future workforce needs, planning for leadership succession, and setting up policies that support your business objectives. It’s about making sure you have the right people, with the right skills, when you need them.
2. Effective Recruitment and Onboarding
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Finding and hiring the right people is a critical part of HR. Excellent HR services use well-defined recruitment processes to attract the best talent. This includes crafting clear job descriptions, using various recruitment channels, conducting thorough interviews, and using data to make informed hiring decisions.
Once you’ve hired someone, a smooth onboarding process is key. A comprehensive onboarding program helps new employees get up to speed quickly, understand the company culture, and start contributing effectively. Good onboarding reduces turnover and boosts employee engagement.
3. Employee Development and Training
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Keeping employees motivated and skilled is crucial. Top HR services provide continuous training and development opportunities. This involves identifying skill gaps, offering relevant training programs, and supporting employees in their career growth. When employees see that they can grow and advance in their careers, they’re more likely to stay with the company.
4. Performance Management
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Managing performance isn’t just about annual reviews. It’s about setting clear expectations, giving regular feedback, and evaluating progress. Effective HR services implement performance management systems that include ongoing performance reviews, feedback mechanisms, and goal setting. This helps employees understand what’s expected of them and how they can improve, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
5. Compensation and Benefits
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Offering competitive compensation and benefits is essential to attract and keep top talent. Excellent HR management services ensure that your pay structures are fair, competitive, and aligned with market standards. This includes salaries, bonuses, health benefits, retirement plans, and other perks that make employees feel valued and secure.
6. Employee Relations
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Maintaining good relationships with employees is crucial for a happy and productive workplace. HR plays a key role in addressing employee concerns, resolving conflicts, and fostering a positive work environment. They put in place policies and practices that promote fair treatment, respect, and open communication.
7. Compliance and Risk Management
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Staying compliant with labor laws and regulations is fundamental for any business. Great HR services make sure your organization follows all relevant laws, reducing the risk of legal issues. This includes keeping up with changes in labor laws, conducting regular audits, and training employees on compliance matters.
8. Technology Integration
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Leveraging technology can significantly enhance HR functions. Excellent HR services use advanced software for tasks like payroll processing, tracking job applicants, managing performance, and providing employee self-service options. Integrating technology streamlines HR processes, reduces manual work, and offers valuable insights through data.
9. Workplace Culture and Employee Engagement
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A positive workplace culture is essential for employee satisfaction and productivity. HR management services should focus on building and maintaining a strong, inclusive, and engaging company culture. This means organizing team-building activities, promoting diversity and inclusion, and implementing employee recognition programs.
Engaging employees means making them feel valued and heard. When employees are engaged, they’re more likely to stay with the company and contribute their best work.
10. Data-Driven Decision Making
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Using data to make decisions can greatly improve HR outcomes. Excellent HR management services collect and analyze data on various aspects like employee turnover, recruitment effectiveness, and employee satisfaction. This data helps make informed decisions, identify trends, and implement strategies that improve overall HR performance.
In a nutshell, excellent HR management services are about much more than just managing people—they’re about creating a supportive, thriving workplace. They encompass everything from strategic planning and effective recruitment to employee development, performance management, and compliance. By focusing on these key areas, companies can build a strong HR foundation that supports long-term success and fosters a positive, productive workplace. Investing in great HR management is investing in your company’s future.
I hope this blog is helping you so much to understand What Should You Need in Excellent HR Management Services?  If you need help in developing your business, contact Avinika Solution and explore our past works.
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angelicscorn · 17 days
Job creation solutions
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jobsindelhi · 1 month
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Kaam24 is hiring Drivers for Pan India. Join our team as driver!! Reach out to us on the given number
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empahla · 2 months
Work to rule is the correct choice.
Employers don't own us. We forget this too often. #capitalism #quietquit
We live in strange times. The world of work has become very odd. Employment is supposed to be that thing you do that allows you to live your life. You work for the paycheques, and the income lets you pay your bills and do other things. Some jobs are callings, and some are just employment, marking time. But none of them should have an element of ownership. None of them should be your…
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therichweb · 3 months
Employment Act 1955 – A Comprehensive Guide for Employers
The Employment Act 1955 as a cornerstone of Malaysia’s employment legislation, designed to regulate the terms & conditions of employment across various sectors.
Its primary aim is to safeguard workers’ rights & to delineate the responsibilities of employers.
This guide delves into the intricate details of the act, offering employers a clear understanding of their obligations & the best practices for compliance.
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labormaxdesmoines · 3 months
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demogul · 3 months
unemployment on the teaming youths impart and the economy
Unemployment On The Teaming Youths, Impart And The Economy
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ratlingrun · 2 months
I don’t care whether you like rooster teeth or not the idea of deleting 21 years of media should be incredibly concerning
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