#encountered mc's
glfry · 9 months
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Casual reminder that Deimos is canonically sensitive to loud noises
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ryllen · 4 months
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i came to conclusion, it's okay if he sounds a tiny bit different bcs he tones down a bit of the softness, but please keep his SOFT HUSKY ENGLISH VA INSTEAD OF REPLACING HIM WITH THE ABSOLUTE STOIC DEEP COLD ONE I AM BEGGING YOU
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alchemania · 7 months
Finally got enough energy to talk about Furina's SQ and while I loved her and the troupe, MC and Paimon were .... Not Great. I talked about this with friends but in Paimon's case especially, the way they interact with Furina feels like people who just don't understand trauma and depression and then engage with someone suffering from both in all the wrong ways.
Talking about how much of a downgrade her house is from the opera house, making fun of how she can't cook, pushing her to act when she's set a very clear boundary and then guilt tripping her after she's stuck to her guns, shaming her for not being able to fight well (Paimon literally talks about how second hand embarrassment is overwhelming and I'm just like ?????), telling her she's "not acting like herself" when she attempts to open up and be vulnerable....it's just really rough. That and the MC asking "is something wrong" when Furina gets sad over Poission ..like bro people died and she couldn't save them and she's tearing herself apart over it. Those people are never coming back and you know it and you have the gall to ask her is something wrong??? Of COURSE there is!!
It just feels especially odd because we literally get to see all of Furina's suffering and Paimon in particular is. SO mean? Like she was more understanding with Wanderer and Ei and THEY'VE tried to kill us multiple times!! I don't get it, and honestly I'm very proud of Furina for refusing to waver. Let her rest!! She's tired and depressed and she needs time to heal; and honestly fuck Paimon for trying to make her feel bad. Furina's worked harder than she EVER will.
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I’m bringing back the oldies baby. Portal au but y/n is a kid?? Maybe young intern Sans took under his wing before shit went down? Would things be more or less the same, or would everyone act differently with this hyperactive curious kid running around?
oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god. big robot trying his hardest to love and look after a child when he's already broken. i love it
Well, for one, it would be a smart move on Hit's part. Remember, Hit is the Portal AU's Rattmann. He's the one responsible for getting Mc to the top of the queue for testing. It makes even more sense in an AU where Mc is a child that Sans cared about- Hit's hope is that Sans' parental feelings will awaken in the cold machine.
And boy, do they.
Sans: Mc will not be tested. Obviously. As soon as he realises that it's a child, his 'this is my baby' instincts light up. He creates a robot body for himself, that can function like a physically present parent. Soft synthetics replace hard metal, warmth artificially flows through his bones, smiles can be played on his face. He obsesses over the creation of play rooms, entertaining non-serious puzzles, a kitchen where he can cook for her, a pretty bedroom with glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling. He essentially builds a house, right in the middle of the lab.
He knows her memory will be foggy, from the stasis. He intends to tell her he is Sans, rather than Sans' organic shadow uploaded into a digital mind where it festered and turned sociopathic. As far as she knows, he decided to turn into a robot because it was cool, and this is simply their new home together. Nobody died. Nobody was hurt. She is fine, he is fine. They are all fine.
... She wakes up in his arms. He never wants to let go.
Red: His directive, assigned directly from Sans, is to be the fun one. 'Uncle Red' must always be a joy to be around, a break from Sans, a distraction to keep her entertained. Sans makes him pretend he also used to be human, to keep her from asking too many questions. It sounds like it would be terrible... but honestly, Red delights in being the fun one. He has direct permission from Sans to play around with a child he's inherited Sans' fatherly attachment to, you can bet he'll be sneaking her off to cool secret parts of the lab.
... However... the more he spends time with her, the harder he finds it to see her living a lie. She doesn't know what happened, she doesn't even realise she's trapped, growing up in a perfect lie that Sans built for her. Red starts to wonder if he was really borne from Sans' consciousness... the two have completely different ideas of what her future should entail.
Skull: Skull is surprised when Sans requests his return, and promises not to kill him. Sans never makes promises. Sans, rather begrudgingly, understands that he needs Skull for Mc to be happy... after all, Skull is literally the conglomeration of all of Sans' most emotional parts, that he tried to throw away to stop feeling pain. Sans doesn't want to admit it, but he needs Skull- he knows he has lost the ability to easily display the love human children require. Mc will unconsciously seek out that missing part of Sans... but she'll find it in Skull.
Skull gets to enjoy a sleek new body, and he gets to care for his baby. Since Skull is raw emotion that turned into a living thing, for better and for worse there is probably no entity capable of loving her as much as Skull does. This is probably the best version of the Portal AU in which to be Skull.
Skull and Sans are happy to keep her forever. Red... Red is the only one who grows to have objections.
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metalgrater · 2 years
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old-ish dedmos sketch
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Me: Yeah so basically humans are a really rare occurence in space in my story so nobody really knows much about them-
Also me: Yeah my alien main character writes in british english. No I will not be taking criticism.
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karlobears · 9 months
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There is a more mature version I would love nothing more than to post but you know, community filters :)
Not a character, just felt like doodling something after binging both the Live Action One Piece and Cyberpunk: Edgerunners.
It has been a nice day to let my mind melt and enjoy a little bit of, well. Violence :D
Reblogs are appreciated more than likes <3
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darkfictionjude · 29 days
Just a Heads up on the morgue scene comment, cause I think it's my favourite scene so far. It was really well written and particularly tense at the first time, since against all caution I chose to stay put and see what would happen.
You decided to fuck around and find out huh? I respect it cause what is self-preservation
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nvoc · 1 year
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lush stacks
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distressedwalnut · 1 year
Just curious, is Gabe a gun person or sword person? Or does he use whatever weapon? 🤔
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Gabe mostly sticks to melee weapons or his fists! It's a good way to stay in shape AND a good way to vent out his anger :]
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zeynatura · 5 months
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
so I was the anon that asked about maddi, and I wanted to make things clear. i don't hate luci and i didn't take his line out of context as I was playing the card I got confused and kind of hurt (but as not really) since I love him, and asked for his reactions with these type of mc reaction or how they would fight not only in Maddi's scene but in general. not to mention the fact that I was only joking and was focusing more on luci's reaction. sorry english is my third language.
No worries, anon, your English is excellent!
I was definitely under the impression that you were joking and that it was more about Lucifer's reaction to a jealous MC. That's why I focused on how he would deal with such a thing in my response, rather than discuss anything about Maddi.
And then I was like well I have this card I should read it already. This card, as I understand it, is somewhat controversial in the fandom, as is Maddi herself. But the stuff I always saw about it had to do with that part about Mammon more than Lucifer saying she's attractive.
Anyway, that other anon may be correct in that MC didn't appear to be in the card, but as I said in my response to them, I didn't think that was the point of your original ask.
You could say that MC saw it on Devilgram. The comments all the characters leave on Devilgrams makes me think that they can all see the whole thing, so one could consider it a reaction MC has to seeing the Devilgram. Maybe they were bored and scrolling through the Newspaper's Devilgram account lol.
Either way, I understood that it wasn't exactly a serious ask and it was more about how Lucifer would react to MC getting jealous or giving him the silent treatment!
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solarpunkani · 6 months
I need an answer and I need it quick
Do Juneberry/Serviceberry flowers smell good??? do they smell like anything???
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mihai-florescu · 4 months
miharu i read through a bit of obligatto and I still don't understand who the tojo-not-kaname guy who jun meets in the prologue (?) is .. do you know
It's their dad! Both kaname and oremeru's:) he's been In A State since the akehoshi papa incident, or i guess i should say his wife's death. Tomaytoes tomahtoes whats extremely traumatizing for one person's family is extremely traumatizing for the other person's family involved in the scandal too
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ablupen · 1 year
Relationships: No explicitly stated relationships, it can be interpreted as platonic or romantic.
Warnings: Minor Obey Me! Nightbringer spoilers, theory exploring, an attempt at minor horror, slight angst
Personal comments in tags.
You woke up in the middle of the night in the large mansion you’ve grown somewhat accustomed to over the past few weeks.
It wasn’t the House of Lamentation, with your bed under a tree and warm light all around, but the solemn and eternal cool yet dim light of Cocytus Hall would have to do.
You’re kind of thirsty, so you slowly inch yourself up, rubbing at your eyes before you head outside of your room.
The hallways were dim, as always, and there wasn’t a sound in the mansion. Huh. Solomon must not be home yet, then. 
You’re not actually sure what exactly he does or where he goes. Solomon, being Solomon, kept many things from you, after all. He probably explores the Devildom a lot, if some of his random anecdotes and stories of the day were anything to go off of. Maybe he’s even trying to scam a demon.
Either way, it was a little… lonely, perhaps even a bit eerie being inside Cocytus Hall by yourself. You missed hearing the various types of ruckus that the brothers and the occasional guest would make. You missed hearing Lucifer scold Mammon, or Mammon protesting his innocence before being strung up. You missed hearing Levi fanboy inside his room or complaining about the noise outside. You missed hearing Satan snap or retort at someone before going back to his books, the angry bookworm that he was. You missed the sound of Asmo recording for Devilgram and his various sounds of joy and excitement. You missed the sound of the twins checking up on each other.
But you can’t have that. Not when these memories aren’t anywhere near your current time, which was gods know where, deep and far back into the past, where nobody knew you.
Of course, you were grateful to Solomon, following after you. It didn’t seem entirely pure of heart, being weirdly opportunistic about all this, but it was to be expected in a place full of demons and darkness, you suppose.
You wonder about how the brothers and company back home were doing.
They were probably losing their minds. Perhaps scouring every inch of the three realms to search for any sign that you were doing okay, that you were doing well. But they could only rely on the hopes that Solomon could help bring you back.
It was a sobering thought.
Just then, you start hearing some noise from downstairs.
“MC? MC, I’m home. I’m going to cook dinner for us, okay?” Solomon calls out, his voice ringing through the empty halls.
Oh, no, that won’t do.
You start quickly making your way to the stairs down, but then stop as you hear his voice again, this time behind you.
“MC? Ah, there you are,” he says, looking at you with a warm expression. “I was wondering who I heard running through the halls.”, he jokes.
You open your mouth to reply, then you hear him speak again.
“No need to order takeout. You like chicken soup, correct? I’ll make it for you.”
Solomon looks at you with an unusually urgent expression now, grabbing your hands. “MC. Listen to me very carefully, now-”
He gets cut off by the sounds of footsteps ascending up the stairs before he could even finish his explanation.
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damnation-if · 1 year
Lithiana sleeping around when in a relationship with MC doesn't quite fit the bill of being polyam. Unless MC has consented to an open relationship or if she has other proper romantic relationships and not only one night stands lovers, then it sounds more like she is cheating on MC constantly
i feel like there are a few assumptions underpinning this ask that come a little bit out of nowhere... i'm going to proceed assuming that you're asking in good faith/out of genuine confusion, but i'm also going to make it clear that i'm not entertaining a discussion about polyam being bad actually or changing anything about lithiana as a character.
first of all, if the idea that mc will somehow have No Idea what's going on and be kept in the dark or that lithiana will for some reason promise exclusivity but not deliver is really bothering you, then you're in luck! that won't be happening. there's a reason that it's explicitly stated on her RO description; that being so that people can see that and maybe think "oh i'm not into that, maybe i'll give my attention to another RO" if they're put off by an open relationship.
Lithiana is, by her nature, unabashedly promiscuous, and not interested in changing that or reining herself in in any way. Anything between the two of you will always be an open relationship, whether it’s strictly casual, or a more committed romantic relationship. If that doesn’t work for you, then things between the pair of you aren’t going to go anywhere.
i had thought that that last sentence would be clear enough, but just in case, i'll reiterate it even more clearly: if your mc doesn't want an open relationship with lithiana, you won't be having Any kind of relationship with her. this is a conversation that will come up in the game. she isn't interested in monogamy, and if your mc's boundaries conflict with hers then... there just won't be a relationship.
secondly, the implication that casual sexual encounters Don't Count as polyamory is... erroneous. it's certainly a boundary that people in committed polyam relationships CAN set, if they want, but it's by no means compulsory for the label to apply. nor is romance a necessary prerequisite to Count, either. as an identity label it governs how people feel about love and commitment, not their exact actions at any given moment. you don't Become polyamorous at the exact moment that you lock in a second committed romantic relationship - i myself am polyam, and i'm not currently dating Anyone.
and again, if that's something that conflicts with your mc's Personal boundaries on this sort of thing, that's fine, you'll just be in the same boat as anyone else whose mc doesn't fit personally with that sort of thing, which is to say that there won't be a relationship between them and lithiana.
i hope this is clear enough to address your concerns.
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