tehjleck · 2 months
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cyarskj1899 · 4 months
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Primary. Primary. Primary. Primary.
Vote Wesley Bell🗳️
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mrjlogic · 1 year
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If you can still drop off your ballot DO SO NOW! If you’re in a state that’s done everything possible to make voting miserable PLEASE stretch, eat and hydrate and go vote. The GOP have no good ideas, they’re hiding behind fake religious beliefs to promote their hate speech and evil agendas. They will do everything in their power to take everything in your life that you value away from you. They will make sure that law enforcement, the courts, the banks & medical industry will leave you with no rights as a human. They’ll ban any rights for ALL women, people of color, lgbtq and the poor. If you think the economy is “bad” now… do you remember EVERY crash in the last 20 years? They ALWAYS happened when the GOP were given the car keys. They’ve voted against everything that would help anyone that isn’t rich and a racist. (The poor racists are fine with voting themselves into poverty) because Fox News tells them it’s the fault of people of color and women & lgbtq (instead of the morons they vote for) So go vote… we need to keep the keys and keep driving this beat up car called Amerikkka and hopefully we can trade it in for something nicer later down the line if we can keep both houses. #vote #govote #voteblue #vote2022 #election #elections #midterms #midtermsmatter #electionsmatter #endthegop #fuckthegop #fuckmaga #2022 #politics #protest #standup #useyourvoice 🔁 Reposted from my big sis @djsoulsister https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckra0YEvRMW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sgtnobody77 · 1 year
Just curious...#stopthestupidity #stopthehate #endthegop #magacansuckit #maga #mtg #laurenboebert #republican #democrat #unity
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verycleverboy · 3 years
Today in the false reality of the Republican Party
To Matt Masterson, the review of 2020 ballots from Maricopa County, Ariz., that's underway is "performance art" or "a clown show," and definitely "a waste of taxpayer money."
But it's not an audit.
"It's an audit in name only," says Masterson, a former Department of Homeland Security official who helped lead the federal government's election security preparations leading up to November's election. "It's a threat to the overall confidence of democracy, all in pursuit of continuing a narrative that we know to be a lie."
By lie, he means the assertion from former President Donald Trump and some of his allies that election fraud cost him a second term in the White House.
And, Masterson says, the strategy chosen by the Arizona's Republican state Senate leaders is working as intended to undermine confidence in the outcome of last year's vote.
The process is a simple exercise in how disinformation spreads and takes hold in 2021. And experts fear it presents a blueprint for other states and lawmakers to follow, one that is already showing signs of being emulated across the country.
"Now we have a playbook out there," said Masterson, who is currently a policy fellow with the Stanford Internet Observatory, "where if you don't like the results — by the way in an election that wasn't particularly close ... you just claim you didn't lose and in fact the process itself was rigged against you."
(continue reading)
A few quick words to get us up to speed: The 2020 Maricopa County (AZ) election results have already been audited multiple times. Every one of these audits were instigated by the Arizona GOP, and every time the results came back squeaky clean. No irregularities. No
Each of the previous audits were done by-the-book by respected firms, so obviously they couldn’t do that again. For the current ongoing Republican attempt to delegitimize the American system, they hired a firm with no expertise in the field led by a “stop the steal” conspiracy theorist. An on-air host from the ultra-right wing media outlet One America News not only fundraised for the latest “audit”, but organized trips for out-of-state legislators to give this exercise in fraud a veneer of respectability that it absolutely didn’t earn. 
Meanwhile, the “process”, such as it is, seems designed with the specific intent of cooking the books. One of the on-the-floor observers shared her horror story with the Washington Post.
I was stunned to see spinning conveyor wheels, whizzing hundreds of ballots past “counters,” who struggled to mark, on a tally sheet, each voter’s selection for the presidential and Senate races. They had only a few seconds to record what they saw. Occasionally, I saw a counter look up, realize they missed a ballot and then grab the wheel to stop it. This process sets them up to make so many mistakes, I kept thinking. Humans are terrible at tedious, repetitive tasks; we’re especially bad at counting. That’s why, in all the other audits I’ve seen, bipartisan teams follow a tallying method that allows for careful review and inspection of each ballot, followed by a verification process. I’d never seen an audit use contraptions to speed things up.
Speed doesn’t necessarily pose a problem if the audit has a process for catching and correcting mistakes. But it didn’t. Each table had three volunteers tallying the ballots, and their tally sheets were considered “done” as long as two of the three tallies matched, and the third was off by no more than two ballots. The volunteers recounted only if their tally sheets had three or more errors — a threshold they stuck to, no matter how many ballots a stack contained, whether 50 or 100. This allowed for a shocking amount of error. Some table managers told the counters to recount when there were too many errors; other table managers just instructed the counters to fix their “math mistakes.” At no point did anyone track how many ballots they were processing at their station, to ensure that none got added or lost during handling.
(full article here)
It’s almost like manufacturing errors is the point of this fiasco, delegitimizing and destabilizing the American system. It’s almost like the Republican party was presented with a stark choice by the very crazy, very violent people who make up the most motivated part of its base: Either your career goes or the electoral process does. Pick one. And united as a body, in lock step all the way down the line, the Republican Party chose the path of personal power and international humiliation over dignity, morality, and democracy. Welcome to the New Cult Of The Lost Cause, just as stupid, hate-filled and built on lies as the old one. 
And for those who are brain-broken enough to genuinely believe there’s still a legal route to reinstall Donald Trump, a man whose name will forever be marked as the sorest loser in the history of American politics, Lawrence Norden, director of the Election Reform Program at the Brennan Center for Justice, has an answer for them (via ABC News), one that sadly they’ve willfully ignored over and over again, and will continue to do so.
"We already had the court battles. And in the case of the presidential election, when the totals are certified in Congress it is over. And there is no constitutional route to reverse that."
To which I add: 
It’s over. For the love of God, grow up and move the fuck on.
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michaelscogginsart · 3 years
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Congressional Republicans are not serious people. They’ve continually shown zero respect or concern for the voters that put them in office. Stop electing clowns 🤡 Vote for candidates that will address real issues, thank you. #endthegop #clowns #art #drawing #captainamerica #USA https://www.instagram.com/p/CMF9YYOFAxO/?igshid=q94e1zll2jo
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shadetreader · 2 years
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Emblazoned across the defunct North Austin Post Office. The only way to fix things is to start by removing ALL Republicans from public office. NOW. #fixthegrid #abolishthegop #endbillionaires #endthegop #kickoutthetories #savethepostoffice #removegregabbott #removedanpatrick #removeallrepublicans #savetheusps #votingrightsnow #arrestlouisdejoy #makeaustinaffordable https://www.instagram.com/p/CXHi50XlVKC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mindhuestudio · 3 years
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The seditionists are cheering their Great White Savior. These are the leaders of a major political party, not isolated crazies. #RemoveTrumpNow #EndTheGOP https://www.instagram.com/p/CJwL2UFFUXg/?igshid=bchhtegxgf5p
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reflexletterpress · 3 years
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The seditionists are cheering their Great White Savior. These are the leaders of a major political party, not isolated crazies. #RemoveTrumpNow #EndTheGOP https://www.instagram.com/p/CJwHiBKh1vc/?igshid=zy8mwf6l1yy
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cjstryker · 4 years
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I had fact checkers take down a previous version of this post because the 0.1% death rate was false. I kinda figured it was, but I wasn't challenging the numbers. I was challenging the principle behind the post. Plus I didn't write the above post. But I checked it out anyway and according to the CDC's best guess, the overall mortality rate is 0.4%. I believe them fact checkers can conquer. But the death rate isn't the point. This is the message I am trying to convey. Personally I rather lose $22 trillion dollars if it means saving ONE LIFE. There should be no price tag for a life. That's the REAL AMERICAN WAY! As far as political corruption, we both agree on that. Where we both disagree, is who is causing the corruption. Trumpists and Republicans can say, this is a socialist agenda to bring socialism into America. Real Americans believe the rich and big corporations are going to use this to exploit the working and the poor, make money in death. And while there are at it, use this virus to murder innocent working class and poor Americans as way to "CUT THE FAT". One political American view preserves life. Another political American world view, sacrifices life. HUMAN LIFE IS NOT FOR SACRIFICING! Trump, McConnell, the Republicans (G.O.P.), and The Trumpist Neo-Confederates don't get to play GOD! #AnybodyButTrump #EndTheTrumpPresidency #EndTheNeoConfederacy #EndTheGOP #EndTheRepublicanParty #EndSuperCapialism https://www.instagram.com/p/CAsshoNB_u7/?igshid=1w07blx97emq3
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brealityswift13 · 7 years
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...... the true insanity of American politics 💔
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tehjleck · 2 years
Reminder - as the news talks about shortages in school bus drivers and teachers that they are neglecting the actual cause of those "shortages" in personnel was because in 2018 certain elected officials (cough, MAGAt republikkkans) allowed a conman to dismantle the pandemic response unit.
Which allowed covid19 to run rampant in this country for over a year. So when the news talks about labor shortages, just remember republikkkans allowed over 1 MILLION unnecessary deaths with their indifference.
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dragoni · 5 years
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Tell me again how this isn’t a fair comparison?! @vp History will not be kind #fakechristian #ConcentrationCamp #RepublicanNazis
— *E'm'C*‏ @WattsWorld
Göring was the second highest-ranking Nazi official #PenceToo  #ICEtapo
#NeverAgainIsNow   #CloseTheCampsNow
☑️ #EndTheGOP  #RacistTrump #RacistRepublicans #RacistKellyAnne
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mrjlogic · 3 years
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Keep reminding these Q Cucks Klan Manic Maga Morons the score! Also send the RNC/GOP the bill for all recounts plus any failed recalls! Dear Mayo Maggots… The world has moved on and mentally moved forward and the republicans offer nothing to the masses. No plans, no help, just more tax breaks for the rich and the corporate conglomerates. Plus more hate for people of color, lgbtq and women and the poor and working class. They’re gonna hide behind religion to to disguise their hate mongering, meanwhile the Bible (which has no white people in it) defies EVERYTHING they try to pass as law. Lets make sure Gen Z has ALL the information and support they need to end the GOP forever! Lets also end all the subsidies that these old rich white guys get to destroy the planet and create a whole new job market with green renewable resources. The old guard pummeled the planet for 120 years straight. You made your money so now it’s time to pay for the damage you did, ALSO pay your taxes and shut it all down! It’s a new age, if you don’t like it feel free to move to a new planet. FACTUAL AF! 🎯💯 #taxtherich #greennewdeal #endthegop #TrumpLost #endracism #banwhitepeoplefromowningguns #washingtondc #usa #uscapitol #capitolhill #politics #endqualifiedimmunity #keepthatsameenergy #breonnataylor #justiceforbreonnataylor #whiterage #georgefloyd #fucktrump #stopasianhate #blacklivesmatter #fuckmaga #blm #fdt #racisim #smalldickenergy #fuckdonaldtrump #whiteterrorism #karma #truth #facts https://www.instagram.com/p/CURXY5kL2nO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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muckraker169 · 5 years
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denisinwales · 6 years
RT @KathrynBruscoBk: The GOP's specialty is cashing corporate checks while running the govt into the ground and our nation back to the 18th century. Let's #EndTheTrumpRegime, #EndTheGOP, #OustTheEstablishment and witness the beginning of the end of American idiocy in government. #RunTheDamnGovernment https://t.co/pkaNFaIqa7
The GOP's specialty is cashing corporate checks while running the govt into the ground and our nation back to the 18th century. Let's #EndTheTrumpRegime, #EndTheGOP, #OustTheEstablishment and witness the beginning of the end of American idiocy in government. #RunTheDamnGovernment https://t.co/pkaNFaIqa7
— Kathryn Brusco (@KathrynBruscoBk) January 19, 2018
from Twitter https://twitter.com/UKProgressive January 19, 2018 at 07:26PM via IFTTT
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