#entertainment while in quarantine
indycar-series · 2 years
not cgr sticking with what they said in their press release and exercising their option to keep alex under contract til 2023
holy shit it just keeps getting more wild out here
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firesnap · 6 months
If I'm going to be parasocial here, back when those Jackbox streams were happening, you could tell which were a "content creator friend group" and who were actually friends when they weren't streaming. Like, you had one group that when it came time to write insults or jokes about someone would go with very "haha dicks and your mom" jokes and then you had SBI who would write the most custom tailored jokes about each other you had ever seen. You'd have Philza Minecraft calling Wilbur Soot a sad emo boy who does nothing but make pitiful guitar music and flop his hair over his eyes and then Wilbur would shoot back that Tommy had done nothing but call them repeatedly until everyone gave up fighting him and made his entire career out of being a mash up of Schlatt and Wilbu and Techno would rip apart anyone that tried to even APPROACH their dynamic while reminding the rest of SBI that they had been owned by him in every game or server they've ever done together.
Then they'd finish streaming and go play fucking Risk or something 10 hours like nothing had been said.
Like. I fucking miss SBI, man. There's a reason I think we all fixated on them during quarantine and it's because there was a genuineness to their friendship that others couldn't replicate. You knew it was a treat to see them on streams together because you knew they'd rather be offline doing stuff together than entertaining us.
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pigeonpeach · 5 months
Genshin men as cats!
Prompt: the genshin men are temporarily turned into cats for one day and you as their lover must take care of them and make sure they stay safe
A/n: idk what happened but apparently half of the post got deleted? I’ll have to rewrite it later ;(
Oh he’s not happy. He’s probably a shorthaired white cat in terms of appearance. But he is quite annoyed with this predicament. No one is allowed to tell anyone that the Yashiro Commissioner is suddenly a cat. But being a cat is nice. He can lounge and nap all day. He’s probably demanding of attention though. He simply must have your eyes on him. He adores being brushes so lovingly too. Maybe he should have you brush his hair when he’s back to normal.
Al Haitham
Virtually no change. He may still try to read though he won’t be able to turn the pages as easily. He doesn’t mind a few pats but he mostly prefers to be left alone in the nice warm sun to nap the day away. He’s definitely a grey tabby.
He is so distraught! He meows a storm in fustration as he finds he is completely incapable of finishing his projects! You simply must take care of him! You need to have him strapped in like a baby carrier on your chest because he’s just so clingy. He needs constant reassurance and attention. He’s so needy but so cute. Probably a cute little cream colored kitty.
He is also probably a bit annoyed. While yes he gets a complete day off, he can’t do much as a cat. So he’ll probably try to find some entertainment if you don’t keep him thoroughly entertained. He will find a way to sneak out and go play with Klee or annoy Diluc if you don’t keep him in your grasp at all times.
He is very confused but also curious. On one hand this form is verrrry different than he’s ever had before but its also very beneficial to him. People are far less intimidated and strangely he enjoys being coddled and pet more than he would. Of course miss Furina is teasing the crap out of him but he doesn’t really care. Sitting on your lap, small and warm. Its such a unique experience he will probably never have again.
Once the dust settles he’s quite relaxed. This is temporary so might as well enjoy it. Sigewinnie has become very attached to him as she constantly makes sure he’s okay. But in particular he loves being held by you. He’s used to being the big strong man who lifts you all the time etc etc. its nice actually being the reverse here. He gets fed special fish from the cafeteria and gets to spend his day in your arms! The perfect break for him! He’s almost sad it’s temporary but he knows he can’t stay like this forever.
Oh he’s mad! Even when it’s confirmed to be temporary, he is annoyed! How can he improve his fighting skills if he’s a kitty! Sure he’s a adorable little kitty of course but he looks like a baby! Oh his ego is in shatters. It’s unfortunate too because it wasn’t even around his family so he could play with his little brother at least. He’s practically quarantined to keep him safe. He can’t go on kitty adventures. Therefore YOU must make it up to him. He spends his time sulking and trying to play with anything he can. Dangling uniform piece? New toy! Someone’s foot? New toy! He bites! He meows! He hardly naps. He does love cuddling with you though. Still he’s a ball of energy and he cannot simply sit still for long! No doubt will his office be trashed. You’re making him clean it up once he’s back.
Stressed! So stressed! He has so many chores! He cannot hold a broom with two paws! You have to make arrangements for him to have the day off which was hard because everyone was upset by his sudden cancellation. Even so he tries to help. He tries to drag the broom but it doesn’t do anything unfortunately. Oh he feels so useless. You must pamper him. Lavish him with kisses and gentle praise. Call him the cutest little kitty in the world! Oh he’s such a affectionate boy too. He acts like a cat with separation anxiety almost. He cannot sleep if you’re not there with him. Therefore you end up spending the day with him, trying to dissuade him from trying to clean a mess and just making it worse, distracting him with a warm blanket and pets.
He probably did so on purpose actually. Perhaps he was a bit bored and decided to spend the day exploring Liyue from a different perspective. It was quite fun for him actually. He watched as people came over to pet him. Unfortunately they also tried to feed him seafood which wasn’t too good. But after the long day he returned home to see you panicked as to where he could be. He decided to come on over to you, still in his cat form, and distract you. It worked as he helped you relax.
You werent too amused when you found out that cat that broke in was him.
He is quite annoyed. Angry in a more agitated way. Don’t mess up his fur! Pet him properly! Don’t ignore him now! He is a demanding little feline. He is not content unless you are entirely focused on him. He even wants you to break up the fish ro serve to him. He isn’t going to eat like a animal! Oh but he is such s cute kitty. Entirely black with big expressive yellow eyes. Oh you can’t help but comply and spoil him a little more! And he has such lovely fur! He does like hearing your gentle praises as you pet him. He never knew how lovely it felt to be small, sleeping on a nice warm lap, being gently brushed, and told sweet little compliments. He may actually want to do this again sometime.
Biggest drama king! How can he protect you or Mondstadt like this! Therefore you cannot leave his sight or he’s convinced you will immediately die. You must stay with him so he can protect you? He is a very warm kitty though so it feels nice to snuggle with him. His fur is a bit messy so you’ll have to brush it. Despite him trying to stay vigilant he ends up falling asleep quickly.
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twst-drabbles · 6 months
Floyd and Grim 1
Summary: One of Floyd’s favorite words beyond your name was ‘Seal.’ Whenever you hear it, it’s not because he’s seeing the actual animal, it’s because he saw Grim and is chasing him around the yard.
(Floyd being a little shit is always fun.)
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“Seal!” A high squeaky voice almost pierced your ear as you fumbled with your newspaper, “Seal seal seal! Oomph… Seal!”
A wet flop, almost like a small body fell into mud before the yelling started up. Uh-oh.
You place your paper down on the table and got up. Seems you were sitting for too long because some of the bones in your spine popped. You ignored the slight pain. There are more important things to focus on. “Alright, what’s Floyd up to now?”
Seal was... an odd choice of a word for that cat. Why seal? Because he's gray and round? Probably. You don't really know any other cat that his specific shade of gray. Or has fire on the ears.
The stray cat that’s comes around, Grim you named him, has been hanging out more often in the garden. Probably because he’s figured out the little pet door you installed in the back. You’re pretty sure he comes inside to sleep in the corner, since there’s some scorch on the kitchen tiles and little bits of gray fur.
You haven’t put anything in his corner yet, not out of apathy but out of knowing the sensibilities of cats. The minute you put in something new in their territory, they either never approach again or they pee all over it. You don’t like either choices, so you just don’t.
You open the door and were not shocked by what you saw.
“Floyd!” You yelled out, knowing it was vain now that Floyd was up and chasing the yowling Grim around the yard. “Oh boy…”
From one side of the yard to the other, Floyd chased after the flame-eared cat with no regard for his distress. His ears flared brightly while sharp teeth and too-strong jaws opened wide and clipped just an inch away from Grim’s tail. No matter how fast Grim ran, Floyd was just an inch away from chomping on him.
In fact, Floyd was keeping up so well that Grim basically has his butt scooting against the floor. A weird little crab run, almost. A furry ball.
Floyd was clearly dinged up with bumps, bruises and cuts. Completely slathered in mud from the neck down but he didn’t care. Not when he’s running on the high of the chase.
How the cat hasn’t started a wild fire in your backyard is beyond you. Well, probably can’t on the account of what happened last time he did that. You can tell that thistle-like collar was not comfortable.
“Alright!” You stepped in just as they were in front of you and captured them both, Floyd by the tail and Grim by the scruff, “Stop.”
Floyd, upside down, swung himself back and forth violently, swiping his little claws right at Grim to try and grab him. “Seal! Seal seal!”
Grim practically retracted further into your hand, hissing. Seems he fears the little eel more than he hated you. Huh.
You walked to the tallest boulder and plopped Grim on top of it. And, of course, the minute you let go, the cat showed you his attitude by sniffing the air and raising his nose high in the air, as if none of you were worth his time.
You ignored him with a turn of your back. “So, Floyd.”
Grim, behind you, started a meow but choked on his saliva.
Floyd went limp now that his entertainment was gone. He stuck out his tongue at you and gave you a raspberry.
“You’re going in quarantine.” All those scraps and cuts along with the mud is a great recipe for infection.
Floyd whined at you, sticking out his grabby hands, demanding for cuddles like that’ll somehow make you forgive him.
“You don’t get cuddles Floyd. You get a bath.”
He sputtered angrily at you as you walked back into the kitchen.
“Hate you.”
“I know.”
Oh, he learned some new words. Interesting. You can’t help but wonder who taught him those.
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sadie-bug345 · 1 month
greasers when they’re sick
i myself have been deathly ill for the past week so whilst i am bedridden i’m writing this🤡🙆‍♀️🤩 ANYWAYS LETS GO
hates missing school solely cause my guy despises talking to teachers abt what he missed
also cause he thinks he gets super behind when guy just skipped one day of school😭
probably holes himself up in his and sodas room and when soda comes in to check on him after work it’s like PITCH black and pony is just sitting in a pile of tissues
”what do YOU want?” says pony with a voice similar to kermit the frog cause bros nose is SO stuffed up
and soda just assumes pony is in one of his moody, poetry reciting moods again and slowly exits the room, leaving only a baloney sandwich in his wake💀🤡😭
def the type to not accept help
like he would go to school sick and the second someone brings up how his voice is screwed up he’s like 😐”what’re you sayin bout me?”
if the gang does quarantine him to a room he’d def just be able to entertain himself and prob come up with his own secret language and fictional multiverse or smth
idk he just gives the type to be fully okay with being alone for a bit but the meds he’s on make him all wacky too so it’s an interesting mix for sure
i’m sorry this guy has the most nastiest cough 😭
idc if he doesn’t smoke a lot he just got those mucusy coughs
other than that everyone’s having a good time, making jokes and feeling good and then soda pauses his laughter and unleashes the most rattley cough and then everyone just goes quiet and he just looks like 😃
definitely unfazed by sickness in general
until one day my guy just has the worst time and breaks downnnn🥰
we’ve all been there too esp when you’re sick and shit just goes downhill and everything sucks and you hate everything and everyone
now johnny doesn’t accept help but that’s NOTHING compared to darry
he has peak older-sibling syndrome and is just used to only helping other people
so when those people that he takes care of flip the script, my guy is just weirded outtt
like he def appreciates two trying to make him soup but he just doesn’t know how to react
goes lowk crazy with not being able to work or straighten up the house just cause he always feels like he’s gotta do SOMETHING productive with his time
i’m sorry but guy is def the type to go to school FULLY sick and either not say a word about it or complain like a lil bitch the whole time
also he totally smokes while he has a cough like soda which is so unhealthy i can’t even😭
just overall his habits and life doesn’t get upended by “some fuckass cold” (his words, not mine)
like bro please you just gotta rest sometimes😭
the gang is able to get him to stay at the curtis’ couch one day and bro just WIPES OUT
istg he’s out for like 15 hours straight in the full daytime and everyone is scared to walk past in case they wake him up
but dally is a crazy heavy sleeper so he actually gets a lot better after calming down for once🥰
honestly stays home from school like a normal person
except bro gets one cold and then just doesn’t show up to school for like two weeks😭
and it’s not cause he’s a wimp it’s just cause guy finds an excuse to skip out for a so called “vacation” and he rolls with it
and then he’ll just spawn back in on campus like a month later like nothing happened and everyone just expected two to take a dare too far and end up in the hospital🤡
bro just pushes thru the pain😭
he probably takes way too much of the recommended dose of general meds (don’t do this please🧍‍♀️)
and then goes all loopy for hours straight
and people are kinda sus about it but honestly it’s steve so who is really all that surprised
ANYWAYSSSS i think imma post a romantic kinda sick reader x greaser thing so that’ll hopefully come out soon while im still coughing my lungs out🫶
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extrashotodepresso · 10 months
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Bakugo X Reader
*Found Out*
This is an excerpt from a ridiculously long fic I made purely for my own entertainment. If you enjoy it let me know, if you don’t… *shrugs* reblogs are welcome , please do not share on other sites 💕
The title of the entire fic is actually “Quarantine with Benefits” but this is a stand alone snippet so I named it differently.
NSFW - DNI if under 18 - yes bish it has smuuut you’ve been warned.
Warnings: some violence, cringy as hell, unprotected sex (if I miss any let me know I guess)
Category: BakugoXFem!Reader , smut , angst , dumb feelings , KirishimaXFem!Reader mentioned but was never an actual thing , Kirishima is a pervert and a little crazy
When Kirishima got home that day and heard the primal moans coming from his roommates bedroom, he had smirked and even chuckled a little. His best friend Bakugo had been in a terrible mood for months, maybe he would lighten up a little after this. It was hardly an inconvenience to Kirishima in any case—Bakugo never brought girls back home and it was such a rare occurrence he was more curious than irritated at the explosive sounds of passion echoing through the apartment.
He had planned on just putting away the groceries he had brought home and then leaving for a few hours to go to the gym so Bakugo and his... visitor would have plenty of privacy. That plan quickly went to shit.
As he walked down the hall to sneak into his bedroom and grab his gym bag he halted when he heard what seemed like a very familiar female voice ringing out in pure euphoria. His earlier curiosity at who this visitor could possibly be began to overwhelm him. Was it a mutual friend? Or maybe some pro hero he knew?
“Right there- Katsu- mmhmmm!” He couldn’t deny the twitch he felt in his shorts at the luscious sounds - gods, he could hear everything so clearly - and despite himself, he turned from his own doorway to look toward Bakugo’s room.
The door was open ever so slightly, as if whoever had entered had attempted to close it but was too distracted. Kirishima was ashamed at the heat he could feel building in his core, almost disgusted by the increasing arousal he was feeling. He knew- knew - that he should just leave right then, but something in him couldn’t bear the thought.
“That’s right— agh, fuck — tell me what you want (Y/N)—“ Bakugo’s voice was strained, broken. Kirishima’s heart stopped.
Surely he heard wrong.
There was no way.
Bakugo knew how Kirishima felt about you. It would be completely against the bro code to go after you after Kirishima had pined over you for years. He wouldn’t just take you for himself, right? He wouldn’t betray him like this... would he?
His feet moved without him really registering what was happening. Years of hero work had provided him with stealthily quiet steps- even if you weren’t so...distracted you wouldn’t have noticed his presence. Kirishima peered through the crack in the door, at war with himself. His brain was screaming for him to look away, just leave... but his falling heart won and continued to urge him forward almost against his own will. He peered through the crack in the door, holding his breath as best as he could.
For a moment, he couldn’t see just who his friend was hooking up with; all he could see was the muscular expanse of Bakugo’s back, two long, shapely legs wrapped around his waist while he pounded into the woman’s soft, bruising flesh. He watched as Bakugo lowered his head, heard the demented gasps and pants and then the wet sounds of what seemed to be an incredibly passionate kiss.
Feminine arms wrapped up and around his neck, pulling him closer, dainty hands clawing down his back when he complied.
“(Y/N)—“ Bakugo moaned your name again, and Kirishima could practically hear his own heart shattering.
Having been best friends since high school, Kirishima had heard (and unfortunately walked in on) his friend in a few lewd situations before, but he knew immediately this was different. He noticed the way Bakugo caressed your thigh gently as he slowed his pace, melting into your chest and swallowing your moans with his mouth like they were honey.
This wasn’t just a hook up. Not to Bakugo.
Kirishima was becoming overwhelmed with emotion as he flipped around, unable to watch anymore. He slumped into the wall, though this was unbearable he had apparently become a glutton for punishment and couldn’t bring himself to leave.
“Katsuki— please, faster... I’m— mmmph! I’m so c-close!”
“No. Not until you admit it.” Bakugo growled like some sort of feral beast, but Kiri could hear the undertone of need in his voice. He was begging you for something. What? What more could he possibly want from you?
“Katsu— you know I can’t- I - I can’t.”
“Then maybe I should just stop.”
“God, no! Don’t stop- please, please don’t stop!”
“Then say it.” Bakugo paused. “Say it, damn it!” His voice rang out almost violently- the pathetic whimper from you almost sprung Kirishima into action. If Bakugo was hurting you he swore he would—
“Y-you’re the only one for me Katsuki...” The words were yours. Quiet, but definitely yours.
“Louder.” The slapping sound of sweaty flesh increased in pace suddenly.
“You’re the only one!” You yelled out, voice raw with desire.
“Fuck— again.” Bakugo’s thrusts sounded even more desperate now, like he was trying with everything he had not to come undone.
“Fu- I —- hah—- I’m yours, Katsuki Bakugo— I’m all y-your-fuuuuck— God I fucking love you!”
The two of you moaned as you came together and Kirishima remained standing outside of the door , simply empty and stunned. He knew he needed to leave. His legs felt like lead, he felt the sting of tears threatening to leave his eyes.
He was completely destroyed.
A long silence lapsed as Kirishima tried to collect enough air in his lungs- had it always been this hard to breathe?
“Did you mean it?” He heard a muffled Bakugo, speaking to you. His tone was softer and sweeter than Kirishima had ever heard, fragile, like his entire world’s existence depended on your answer to his question.
There was a long pause from you, then what sounded like a kiss.
“Katsu... I... it’s complicated. You know we can’t-“
“I didn’t ask if we can, idiot. I asked if you love me.” Another pause, another sweet kiss.
“Yes.” You replied this time without restraint. “Yes, I love you.”
That was it. The last straw. Kirishima’s body moved before he could even think, heading to the front door and slamming it as hard as he could behind him.
“What the fuck was that?” You asked, shooting up from your place underneath Bakugo. He reflexively rolled off of you, also alarmed by the sudden slamming sound.
“It’s probably Kirishima.” His face blanched, his voice thick with what sounded like dread.
“Fuck do you think he-“ You began but couldn’t bring yourself to finish the sentence.
“I don’t know. Hold on.” Bakugo stood and shuffled on his discarded sweatpants before leaving the room. He was trying to look casual, you could tell, but the tension in his shoulders spoke volumes. You sat there for a moment, covering yourself in his sheets protectively, waiting for him obediently. Finally he returned.
“He’s gone now. But he was definitely here.”
“Do you think-“
“He heard us? Fuck yeah I do. You weren’t exactly quiet, princess.” Bakugo spoke with a mild smirk, but his tone made his concern evident.
“Shit.” You collapsed onto the bed for a moment, silence filling the room at your declaration.
How had you gone from insanely happy to pure panic in a manner of moments? The maelstrom of emotion began to overtake you. You needed to leave.
Rolling out of the bed clumsily you searched for your jeans- pulling them on quickly before beginning your search for your other clothes.
“What are you doing?” Bakugo asked, gruffly. You didn’t answer, your heart racing as guilt began to flood through you. Finding your shirt you yanked it on. “Yo. Brat. I asked you a question.”
You still didn’t want to answer, at any possible moment the dam could burst and you didn’t want to cry in front of Bakugo. Not now, not ever. As you began storming towards the door he grabbed your arm.
“(Y/N). Talk to me.” His voice was strained.
“I can’t right now Bakugo.” You shoved his arm off. “This is all... it’s just too much. I can’t do this.” Without looking at him you stormed out as quickly as you could.
For months now you had denied your feelings for Bakugo because you knew it was wrong on so many levels. He was best friends with Kirishima. Your Kirishima. You cursed yourself for being such a fickle woman. Not long ago you thought you wanted Kiri. Then you go and fuck his best friend. Worse than that; you had fallen in love with Bakugo even though your feelings for Kirishima remained unresolved.
You felt weak. Cruel. Dirty.
You hated yourself.
What the hell?
Bakugo was dumbstruck. Finally, you had admitted what he had known for a while— you had finally told him you loved him too. He was the happiest man in the world for exactly ten seconds.
And then fucking Kirishima happened.
Did you still have feelings for that asshole? Was that the problem? And what about Kirishima? How much did he know now?
Bakugo tried to take his mind off of it, going through a few beers while he zoned out to whatever was on the TV. He couldn’t pay attention, his mind was racing. Should he have chased after you? No, whatever you were going through right now would probably be better figured out without him. But what if he lost you and his best friend in the same day? He didn’t think he would ever be able to recover.
He cursed himself for being so goddamn weak. He knew the first time he had ever touched you it wouldn’t end well. Fuck, he knew the first day he saw you that you would destroy him.
Before you, he would have resolved this emptiness he was feeling by punching something, by going out and beating some poor asshole half to death. Old Bakugo would be flipping his shit now, but he reminded himself old Bakugo wouldn’t deserve you.
He needed to keep it the fuck together. Or he would definitely lose you.
He frowned into his beer, pretending to watch whatever was on. By the time Kirishima got back, he wouldn’t have been able to tell anything was wrong. Bakugo was completely casual, strung over the couch lazily and barely looking up when the front door opened.
“Hey bro!” Kirishima sounded as chipper as ever.
“Sup.” Bakugo returned the greeting. “You’re home late.”
“So—“ Bakugo looked over his shoulder, watching Kiri reach into the fridge and grab his own beer before walking back to the couch. “Had some company today, huh?” He wiggled his eyebrows dramatically. Bakugo raised a brow.
“What do you mean?”
“Oh come on— I came home for a bit earlier.” Kirishima smirked into his beer, but there was a glint in his eye that was making Bakugo uneasy.
“Sheesh. I thought you might be in a better mood after what I heard.” He laughed, almost menacingly. “Guess she wasn’t that good, huh?” Bakugo clenched his jaw, feeling the anger bubbling inside but he tried to ignore it. He thought he could sense something in his friends tone, but if he was wrong... well he owed it to you to try not to start a fight over nothing.
“Oof, that bad, huh?” Kirishima snickered again.
“Shut the fuck up.” Bakugo stood up and walked away, chugging the remainder of his beer before aggressively throwing the emptied bottle into the recycling bin. He was just going to head back to his room but Kirishima had already blocked his path by the time he turned around.
“Oh, did I strike a nerve? So what, is she like, your girlfriend or something?”
“None of your fucking business.” Bakugo scoffed, trying again to walk around Kirishima. The stubborn redhead wouldn’t quit, moving to block him off again.
“Now that definitely hit a nerve. Come on, Bakubro, let’s have a chat.” Okay. Bakugo definitely wasn’t imagining it. Kirishima was acting strange. “Answer the question. She your girlfriend?” Bakugo simply scowled, searching his friend’s eyes for clues on what the fuck he was thinking. “I’m guessing not based off of that reaction... so what, huh? She’s just some easy fuck?”
That was it. Bakugo lunged towards Kirishima, grabbing him by the collar and shoving him into a wall.
“Don’t ever fucking talk about her like that or I will fucking end you.” He growled through his teeth, his free palm already crackling in suspense.
“I know.” Kirishima spat. “I know it was (Y/N). You fucking asshole!” Kirishima had used his quirk to harden his arm, landing an immediate uppercut to Bakugo which he hadn’t anticipated. Bakugo stumbled back, adjusting quickly into his fighting stance.
“Don’t make me kick your ass, shitty hair.”
“I can’t fucking believe you!” Kirishima ignored him, swinging again and trying to land another hit onto Bakugo’s face. Bakugo quickly dodged and Kirishima’s fist collided into the kitchen island instead, blowing a chunk of marble off, broken pieces littering the floor. “You fucking know how I feel about her! You asshole!” He tried to swing again with his opposite arm but Bakugo dodged again.
Kirishima was in a blind rage, desperate to land just one more blow. Despite beginning this fight, Bakugo focused on defense, reminding himself that you wouldn’t be happy to know he fucked up your precious ‘Kiri’.
“How could you do this to me, man?” Kirishima was panting heavily, hunched over, fists clenched like he still wanted to fight but his anger had turned into something softer. Something sadder.
“I-“ Bakugo struggled to speak. He had deliberately stepped aside the very first night he saw you and Kirishima meet. It was to this day his biggest regret. He wanted to explain everything— he wanted to convince Kirishima that he had made the only reasonable choice, that the first day he had seen you, a piece of him had been stitched into that moment— he had never been quite as whole as when he was with you. He wanted to explain that you were everything he didn’t know he needed but now he couldn’t live without, no matter the cost. Kirishima would understand if he could just feel what Bakugo felt. This wasn’t some crush, you were his weakness. His soul.
Of course, despite the recent influence you’d had on him, at the end of the day he was still Bakugo so he couldn’t actually bring himself to say any of that.
“Just… shut the fuck up, man.” Was all he could manage to say.
Even still, there must have been something in his voice or face that caused Kirishima to freeze. They stood for a moment, simply staring at each other. Neither could bring themselves to speak for a while.
“Fuck, dude. You have to be kidding me.” Kirishima uttered and stepped back for a minute, betrayal and shock written on his face. “Does she know?”
Bakugo’s heart sunk.
“You know what? I don’t have to fucking explain myself to you.” Bakugo’s sadness had turned back into his cool cover of resentment. “Fuck you. I’m leaving.” He stormed out, leaving Kirishima standing amongst a pile of rubble.
What a mess you all had created.
Your apartment buzzer went off, you moved to the door and checked the camera to see Bakugo standing there, hands shoved into his pockets.
“Go away Bakugo. I don’t want to see you.”
“Let me the fuck up, (Y/N). He knows.”
Your heart sank and with moderate hesitation you buzzed him up. You paced in front of your door, ripping it open as soon as you heard his footsteps in the hallway.
His eyes widened in surprise. He had lifted his hand to knock, apparently not expecting you to be so eager to talk. You grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him into your apartment before checking the hall in front of your door in a very paranoid fashion.
“Jesus, 007, calm the fuck down.” Bakugo snickered, despite himself.
“Shut up. Sit down. Tell me everything.”
“You’re pretty sexy when you’re being bossy, have I ever told you that?” He was leaning on the back of your couch, arms crossed as he admired you with an amused expression. You simply glared.
He exhaled sharply, walking around the couch before sinking into it.
“He was there. He knew it was you. He confronted me about it. Was pissed.”
“Oh god I hoped this wouldn’t happen.” You groaned.
“Embarrassed that someone knows you’re fucking me?”
“Yes, Bakugo. Because everything is always about you.” You rolled your eyes as you paced back and forth, chewing on your fingernail.
“What does it even fucking matter anyway, huh?” He said after a few moments of your anxious silence. At this you brought your head up to face him. “If he came here, right now. Said he wanted to be with you, what would you do? Huh? What the fuck would you do? Hours ago you’re creaming all over my cock saying you love me. You came to me, (Y/N). Not him. Me. You begged me to let you in, to make it all better. And I did. Because when it comes to you I do really stupid shit because I -“ It all came out in a tumble of words, the closest thing to confessing his tormented feelings he had ever gotten and would likely ever get but he couldn’t quite continue the last sentence. Your eyes widened, your throat dry and head spinning at the barrage of questions and lewd language.
“You still waiting for him to come around?” He kept going when you made no move to say anything and he could collect himself. “If he showed up right here, right fucking now, would I not be good enough? Is that fucking it?”
“Katsuki- no- I-“
“Well then I need to fucking know what the fuck I mean to you. It’s time, (Y/N).” He stood up, now. “I-“ another deep breath as he walked over to you. “Despite the fact that you’re a complete fucking idiot I love you more than I ever thought I could love another person. I want you. In every way. If that’s not for you, or you want him, this ends here. Now. I’m not-“ he swallowed, now unable to look at you at all. “I’m not coming after you anymore. You decide. I’m done.”
He walked to the door, closing it softly behind him while you were left to stand staring at the empty space he had occupied, tears beginning to spill down your cheeks in the silence.
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frostytherobot · 1 day
Alright. Because I’m thinking about Creep as a film series because they just announced more Creep in the form of THE CREEP TAPES (I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR SO LONG… it’s not a movie but a TV SHOW!!!) I’m just gonna ramble a little bit about why those movies are so important to me.
First, though:
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^ That’s my Creep tattoo. I got it over a year ago and show it off whenever I can.
So, onward.
I watched the first Creep movie for the first time during quarantine lockdown. It was like March of 2021? (Hold on, let me link the episode of my podcast for that.) (Yup. Don’t mind my pre-T voice.) That was like one of the loneliest times of my life. You know how it was, you were there, too. Fucking. Awful. I felt like there was just this bubble of sadness around me and nobody could get through to me. Sure, I had friends I could talk to over the internet, but that can only get you so far. Especially when they have their own lives and you can’t see them face to face.
One night, my two best college buddies and I decided we should watch it for our podcast. That was the one thing we could do that we could talk to each other consistently with, so we went for it. And, fuck. You can hear in that episode how freaked out that movie made us! We talk about human behaviors and the compulsion to kill and where that stems from, the relationship between politeness and gender roles, and lot of other related topics in that episode. It’s a smart film that knows how to suck you into the reality; you see these two men up close and personal, their odd behaviors, and the found footage formatting and intimate setting make you feel as though you are there witnessing all of this with them. As them. Those awkward moments make you cringe; watching Josef admit to stalking Aaron, catching Josef on the lies, tubby time. Oh, god, tubby time.
And then there was the ending. The moment where the camera is left in the car, you’re left in the car, and you just have to watch as Josef puts on the Peachfuzz wolf mask, flourishes his jacket, and buries that axe into Aaron’s head. The shot is static. It’s matter-of-fact, and that’s why it’s so horrifying. He’s dead. You followed this shy, awkward guy on his journey getting to know an oddball all the way to the lake, and he’s dead now. And then, the murderous oddball looks directly into the camera, and while he says Aaron’s name, he’s looking at you as he says, “That is why I love you. And that is why you will always be my favorite. Of them all.” Like he was thanking you for witnessing this event.
I felt like there was someone behind me for hours afterward. Josef had somehow gotten into my home. And that’s how it started.
Months later, we watched the second one. (Episode link here.) Of course we loved it. I loved it. It wasn’t as scary as the first one, but the intimacy and emotional connection was still there. That feeling of watching two people through their own eyes was still there. Only this time, they were trying to out-weird each other, or at least come together on a level they could both understand. The thing is, they were still misunderstanding each other. Sara is only comfortable with Josef’s Aaron’s freakiness because she thought he was lying to her when he wasn’t. The moment she starts to take it seriously is when she decides to leave, and that’s when Josef Aaron pulls out the lies and the deceit to bring her back in. And when she comes back in, that’s when she starts being genuine, letting her guard down, and that’s when she gets into trouble. She starts to believe in the watered-down version of Josef Aaron, seeing the front of softness as a vulnerability in him, and to a point, it is. But she totally disregards everything else that has happened during this day as some kind of ruse, when she should have kept those moments in mind. He’s still a killer, and dangerous, even if he plays it like he isn’t.
Sara ultimately pays the price for entertaining his whims. I guess Aaron did, too, but in a different way. While Aaron died and became a part of Josef, Sara now cannot get rid of him. He tries to kill her, and she runs, refusing his gift of death and absorption into himself, but now he follows her. She’s literally moved on, but like a ghost or a bad dog with attachment issues, he still follows her. He gave her his heart, after all.
And then I got to putting two and two together on why exactly all of this was appallingly appealing to me. I was alone. I was drifting further into this state of paradoxical nothing-pain. And suddenly, I was being welcomed into a dynamic in which I was wanted. It was an obsessive want, but I was wanted. He got me. They all did. Josef, Aaron, Sara. Suddenly I’m seeing aspects of my loneliness on screen. The slow reveal of the odd personality traits, the waiting to see the reaction. Pulling those traits back in when they’re not met with the tolerance I wish was there. The staying when I feel so uncomfortable because I want to understand. Upping the ante in an act of bonding. Feeling like I’ve found someone who’s on my wavelength, only to find they weren’t as okay with the whole me as I thought. The sudden urge to end it all. To kill the relationships. Move on, knowing they were dead, but I could still have the memories. They were getting distant. I could do it, you know. Just end it all right then.
Of course, I didn’t do that. But I felt it. I felt it a lot during that time.
I’ve not been super mentally healthy over my time being alive. I’ve been hospitalized for it. Not a fun experience, by the way. But that was another aspect that just drew me closer to Peachfuzz. He’s funny, and weird, and unstable. Always lying to appeal to the people around him because he wants them to stay, for sincere and sinister reasons. He’s terrible and lonely. I was terrible and lonely.
And there it was. Crystal clear. Los aguas milagros de corazón. I was taking comfort in a manifestation of something dark that I saw in myself. A mischievous, funny, isolated, totally fucked-in-the-head, murderous darkness. I wasn’t alone in that room anymore, and yeah, perhaps my company should’ve been something not so, well, creepy, but I thanked him for being there. I could put a face with the feeling, and the nothing-pain started going away.
He’s a friend of mine now. And I love him a lot.
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strwberri-milk · 9 months
Hello, could you do Childe, Venti, and Thoma reacting to you getting corona virus and then taking care of you? Thank you very much.
Mobile tumblr ate the beginning of my work when I tried to indent what the fuck man
His biggest concern at the moment besides taking care of you is trying to make sure he doesn’t get sick himself. If he gets sick then he won’t be able to take care of you. This leads to you being sequestered to a corner of the house and kept in your bedroom, him bringing you anything and everything you need or want.
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Venti is almost clingy? He doesn’t like the fact that you’re being left alone there which might lead to him playing music for you from the end of the hall or singing for you with a mic so you can hear him trying to keep you entertained. He’s sweet about it, cracking jokes and keeping you company almost all hours of the day.
He’s not great at cooking which means that he either orders in or makes canned soups for you to eat. To him, as long as you’re able to get something down he doesn’t really care what it is.
He’s also frantically texting other people what to do to try and make you feel better. He already isn’t the greatest at taking care of himself when he’s sick (he’ll usually go about his day with the addendum taking medicine because being sick doesn’t bother him) which means he’s worried he’s not doing enough for you. You can hear him calling his friends and asking for their advice, his concern for you warming your heart and making you feel better.
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Thoma is great at taking care of you. He’s already gotten used to cooking and giving meals to any of his friends whenever they’re sick, never mind being in a pandemic. He’s given so many get well soon packages that at this point it’s second nature, leaving it at the door and knocking on it for you to see him happily standing there at the end of the hall with the characteristic crinkle of his eyes when he smiles. You almost wish he didn’t have to wear the mask but you knew that you didn’t want him to get sick so you didn’t let it bother you too much.
His get well soon meals are also delicious, and you wish that you weren’t too sick to appreciate them. Thankfully you were able to keep your sense of smell, meaning you were able to enjoy them a little bit if you ignored the irritation of your throat or the pounding headache that beat insistently behind your skull.
Like Venti, he wants to spend as much time with you but he’s not able to which makes him sad. This means instead that your phone or laptop is almost constantly plugged in because he’s always on call with you. He doesn’t want you to feel isolated just because you’re quarantined off and thankfully it does help abate your loneliness.
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Childe is also very good at taking care of you when you’re sick. He’s grown up helping take care of his siblings so he’s put you on a strict schedule to try and help you get better as soon as possible.
You can’t be too mad at the procedural way he’s laid out your food and medicine, knowing he’s doing it because he thinks it’s the best thing for him to do for you. He’s cooked your meals personally, thinking about the best way for you to get your nutritional values especially while sick and even if healthy food isn’t exactly delicious, you eat it anyway.
He won’t force you to eat everything but he does like to see you trying to eat at least a bit! He makes the portions a little smaller so you don’t have to worry about trying to eat all of it and if you feel up to having more he’l give you more.
Childe is insistent he’s got a very strong immune system, willing to stand right at the door as long as you both have masks on so he can see you in person because he misses you too much. You try to limit the contact as much as you can, missing him but also wanting him to stay well. Thankfully he really doesn’t end up getting sick and his strict regimen got you feeling well pretty quickly.
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Modern era. You and Eddie quarantined together during lockdown at the start of the pandemic. You able to work from home, him not so much. He gets supremely bored one day while you're trying to work. He decides to entertain himself by getting under your desk/work table to give you head (eat your pussy, suck your dick, whatever applies to the parts you have). On a day you have a meeting, and have to be visible on camera. You struggle to play it cool and not give away what's happening. You're starting to fail the closer he gets to making you cum. You manage to make it a whole ten minutes before you make up an excuse to leave and quickly exit the meeting and turn off your laptop with the power button. The next time Eddie does it, you only make it five minutes and though no one says anything everyone has figured out the truth. Your work bestie tells you in private, and lets you know the boss isn't happy. You now have to lock yourself in a separate room for meetings to keep Eddie trying a third time.
😳😳😳 we love to see it !!!
Eddie board out of his mind and just thinks that this will cure him being board and instead makes himself a feral little grimlin.
The email thread that goes around with your co-workers minus your boss..... Where Jared has bet Amy $100 that Eddie for sure was under that desk.
Eddie who after the second time around you've grown too clever, so he sits outside the locked door while you're on call just tapping and scratching at the door like a pet hoping you will just cave and unlock it so he can come in .
God what I would give to have Eddie Munson make an absolute mess out of me
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minkyungseokie · 22 days
𝔸𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 | The Beginning
warnings; none for this part
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note; I'm going to be so deadass, I had no idea how to start this. It starts in 2020, but the gifs won't be from that time. It's so hard to find gifs for Alex and even harder to find one of both Alex and Lily. If you know where I can find some good ones, lmk
Anyway this is almost like a soul mate au kind of thing, but not at the same time. Also, pretend The Uncanny Counter came out earlier than November
fc; Jung Ho-Yeon
Alex Masterlist​ | Autosports Masterlist | Main Masterlist
​Series/Full Fic Masterlist ​| Talk to me​
Like the Stars Above Us | Next ❧
I do not give anyone permission to change, copy, or put my work on any other platform. It will only be on top, so if you see it, please report it. Or let me know.
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A short girl sat in her LA apartment with her remote in hand and a bored look on her face. She was bored and had nothing to occupy her time or entertain her that way her days won't be so long and mundane.
The girl sighed and tossed the remote to the side before picking up her phone to see if her boyfriend had sent her any messages, but when she saw nothing, she huffed. She knew he wasn't really busy with work since they were all told to go home and quarantine. 
With yet another sigh, Lily Muni He opened up her Instagram and took a picture before putting a question sticker somewhere on it that read; 'currently bored. give me some show suggestions to get me through quarantine.'
Lily then swiped out of the app and opened the messenger app, clicking on her boyfriend's contact and sending him a quick message just saying good morning. Lily had to wait a bit in order to get some good answers so she didn't know what to do to pass the time until then.
The woman stood up and went into her kitchen to see what kind of things she had to nibble on while she watched whatever was recommended. 
After a few minutes. Lily finally sat back down on her couch and picked up her phone. The Chinese woman opened Instagram and looked through all of the suggestions that her followers had sent in. As she looked through the suggestions, she looked at the shows descriptions on Netflix.
None of them caught her eyes or made her want to look at them and as the number of suggestions dwindled, Lily's hope to find something to occupy her time did as well. "Well, there's only one more. Let's hope this one is good or I'll lose my mind." Lily muttered, looking to the side where the hutch of her rabbits sat.
Lily looked at the last suggestion and stared at the title with a furrowed brow. Sometimes the gut would let people know whether something was a good idea or a bad one, but she had never had a gut feeling that she should watch something before. Lily put her phone down and searched for the title she was given.
'The Uncanny Counter'
Lily didn't even read the description of the show. She just clicked play on her remote and started watching the series.
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ!
Lily didn't know how long she had been sitting on the couch and watching the Korean drama, but she knew that she was hungry, kind of tired, and her butt was numb. As soon as episode four was over, Lily paused the show and rubbed her eyes.
Her head turned to the side, gazing out the window as she yawned tiredly. It took her a few moments before she did a double take and looked out the window once more. 
It was dark out. She had been so engrossed in the show that she didn't realize that it was getting dark out, which meant that her lover had probably finished whatever he was doing and he was probably worried that she hadn't answered her phone like she usually did.
Lily turned back to the couch and practically dived to grab her phone off the spot on the couch where she last tossed it away. Lily groaned as she saw that she had, in fact, missed a couple of texts from her boyfriend. Lily pressed the call button and put the phone up to her ear.
"Hello, love." The voice of her boyfriend greeted, "Hey, baby. I'm sorry that I missed your texts. I was watching this show and it was just so good that I forgot to do anything other than watch." Lily rushed out. 
The man chuckled, immediately soothing Lily's nerves, "It's okay. I did the same to you earlier while I was streaming. What was the show you were watching?" He asked. 
Lily brightened and stood up straighter, "Oh Alex, it's such a good show. It's a Korean drama about a disabled boy...actually, we should watch it together. We can FaceTime while watching it and you can fall down the rabbit hole with me." Lily suggested.
"I don't know. It doesn't sound like something I'd be interested in." Alex said, "Oh, come on! Alex, it'll be so fun! We can do one of those Netflix watch party thingies. You'll fall in love with it just like I did." Lily tried.
"I'll think about it. How did you even find out about this show? I didn't think you'd be interested in Korean dramas." Alex said, "It was recommended to me by one of my followers. I wasn't going to watch it, but... this is going to sound completely crazy, but I felt drawn to the show and I didn't understand why." Lily started explaining 
Alex cleared his throat on the other en of the phone, "What do you mean you felt drawn to it?" Alex questioned, "You know how you said you felt drawn to me? It was like that, but to the show." Lily answered
"Before you judge me, pull up Netflix and look at the show 'The Uncanny Counter' tell me if you feel it too." Lily all but pleaded with her boyfriend. "Okay, love. I'll do it. Just take a deep breath and calm down." Alex's voice grew soft when he heard the panic in Lily's voice.
Lily inhaled through her nose until she could physically no longer breath in before exhaling through her mouth, "Are you calm?" Ales spoke up after a few more inhales and exhales.
Lily nodded before realizing that Alex couldn't see her, "Yeah, but can we Facetime? I need to see you." Lily said breathily, "Of course, baby. Hold on." Alex hung up the phone before the familiar sound of the FaceTime ringtone rang, piercing the momentarily quiet air.
Lily answered, sitting down and propping up the phone on the coffee table, "Hey, you look gorgeous." Alex complimented, giving his girlfriend a cheesy smile. Lily giggled and looked at Alex with nothing but adoration in her eyes, "Well, let's look at this show you were talking about." Alex said, picking up his remote.
"Did you eat something bad today? Could that be the reason for the feeling you had? What was it called again?" Alex questioned, "No, I didn't eat anything bad. It's called The Uncanny Counter. I think I know what it was that drew me to the show." Lily said, watching her boyfriend pull up the show.
She watched as Alex's smile disappeared, "You feel it too, don't you?" Lily asked. Alex nodded, "Now do me a favor and look up the name Jung Y/n. Tell me if you also feel it then. I saw her name in the opening credits and I got the same feeling." Lily said.
Alex looked down at his laptop with a dazed look on his face, 'Is that how I looked when I saw her?' Lily couldn't help but wonder. 
"Do you know what it is? This feeling?" Alex questioned, looking up at his gorgeous girlfriend. Lily shook her head, "I don't, but I want to get to the bottom of it. I feel like we need to watch more in order to get to the bottom of it, don't you think?" Lily asked.
Alex looked back down at the laptop, "All we know so far is from this. She's a 19-year-old South Korean actress and model who has been working in the industry since she was at least six, but could've started earlier. She's appeared in both Japanese and Korean dramas and films that are all hits. She has a YouTube channel, a Twitch channel, and is apparently acting in a Japanese drama coming out in December." Alex reads.
"So we have plenty to watch until we can go back to work, huh?" Lily asked, smiling at Alex. "We sure do." Alex agreed.
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The girl sighed and slumped down in her chair. Filming more than one series at a time was tiring and what made it even more complicated was the fact that one was filmed in Japan and the other was filmed in South Korea. 
It was a lot to do, but it was well worth it. The Uncanny counter was filmed in January, February, March, and April while Alice in Borderland would film May, June, July, and August.
As the good ol' saying goes, 'There's no rest for the wicked' and sure enough, there would be no rest for her until the end of summer when all filming would wrap up. And then The Uncanny counter is slowly releasing during the filming of Alice in Borderland and Alice in Borderland would release in December.
Y/n ran a hand through her hair and looked around at her coworkers doing their scenes. She was used to constantly working as she had been doing this since she was six-years-old, but that didn’t make it any less tiring to do. 
Plus, she had never done two shows in a row before so it would make sense that she’s tired.
A voice called, pulling Y/n out of her stupor, “Coming!” The woman answered back, getting up tiredly.
“Did you stay up all night watching that sport you like again?” The coworker asked, nudging the girl, “No, I didn’t stay up all night watching Formula One. The races have been put on hold due to Covid, so there isn’t much to watch other than old races.” Y/n yawned, stretching her arms above her head.
The two walked on set and waited for the director's direction, “Okay, let’s get this started.”
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a/n; I know it's short, but it's just a sort of introduction to it all. I should've published this earlier, but as I have mentioned, I have a job now where I have to work from 3PM to 11:30PM and next week it'll be 5PM to 3:30 AM. I'll get as much done as I can, but don't expect much this week
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watermelonsugacry · 2 years
Okay but 1dbandmate!yn posting a video on Instagram of her and Harry singing lizzo's juice (or just anything of them singing juice together)
it would probably be a video on her story during quarantine
One of the many ways the couple kept themselves entertained during lockdown was hooking up one of YN's microphones into her living room speakers and having a karaoke session into the late hours of the night.
The video would be from YN's laying down position on one of her couches with a slow zoom-in on Harry's face. Fans can catch a glimpse of his tiger tattoo from his short running shorts and ogle at the sight of his arms from his loose tank top. They can also recognize one of YN's hair clips clipped on top of his curly locks. He holds the microphone to his lips while his other hand holds a wine glass, the red liquid squishing around as he swivels his hips.
"Somebody come get this man, I think he got lost in my DMs."
With his eyes closed, he holds the microphone toward her general direction for her to continue, "What?"
"My DMs!"
"You better come get your man, I think I wanna be way more than friend—aw, baby why?" The video goes a little shaky as YN giggles behind her phone when his lip gets pouty at the fact of her recording him.
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underburningstars · 8 months
one of us is dead 18
for @jegulus-microfic prompt treat, wc 412
“What was that for?” James asks once they pull up for air.
“A little treat,” He gives James a little peck again. “As a thank you.” Regulus runs his hands up James’ chest, feeling the hard muscles under his fingers, and winds his arms around his neck. James’ grip on his waist tightens making his breath hitch.
“Hmm,” James gives him a coy smile. “I don’t know. I’m not feeling properly thanked yet. Maybe you should try again.”
Regulus grins and leans up again.
Regulus is giddy with happiness. On a surface level, he knew that James was attracted to him. But Regulus wasn’t going to be satisfied with only physical attraction when he was obsessed with James. 
But he can feel James’ emotions in every kiss, every touch. How James smiles into the kiss, touches him gently only with a hint of possessiveness. His earlier dread and fear are all but forgotten. The only thought in his head is James James James.
It takes them a long time to finally detangle from each other because they simply can’t stop kissing. But Regulus actually wants to read the books. Maybe even take some with him to the bedroom so that when he eventually faces some other bullshit the mansion throws at them and he has another breakdown, he can entertain himself with something while he self-quarantines in the room.
He drifts from shelf to shelf and picks out various books that catch his fancy and James carries them behind him. After Regulus is done, at least for now, they go sit on the lounge. His eyes shift to the mantle and the picture above it. He shudders at the grotesque display. With everything going on, he completely forgot about the picture. 
James follows his line of sight, “Ah that, it’s another thing done by the mansion. Remember I told you how me and my friends were the only ones to not get infected? When the mansion transformed into this, after the fire, the pictures turned like this. Like it’s trying to remind us of what was supposed to happen to us.”
“No, it wasn’t. If it was supposed to happen to you, it would’ve happened. This mansion is senile and fucked up and it’s playing mind games by poking at your vulnerabilities. Don’t believe anything it shows you.”
James gives him a smile so soft it all but melts him, “The mansion gave me some good things too. It gave me you.”
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baby-alien11 · 5 months
A Nonsense Christmas (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
Merry christmas and happy new year 🎄🎄
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @camiesully @ethanlandryluver @nowitsmissing @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo @itsaaliyah2
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Christmas were always one of your favorite festivities along with Halloween, helping to decorate the house, buying gifts for family and friends, hearing christmas songs (this year fruitcake by Sabrina Carpenter was your obsession), baking your traditional red velvet, peppermint, gingerbread and sugar cookies that you started to make during the quarantine, watching christmas movies and opening advent calendars
And since the last christmas you spent it with Jack, Anna and their family in Virginia, this year the two families will be spending the holidays together, and after having your fyp of Tik Tok full of the Scream'd Musical Parody, you and Jack decided to recreate the 'everybody' part, and because both of you knew that the second the music start, you would start laughing and it will be a complete mess
That's why after an early trainning, Josh and Hayley let you film it in their house so the surprise wasn't ruined
"Can I ask again from where did you got the idea?", Josh asked after finishing breakfast
"There's a Scream musical parody that a theater group was doing in Las Vegas and it went so viral on Tik Tok because it's amazing and hilarious", you started to explain while having Rogue in your lap who was entertained tracing your tattoo snake with her little fingers, "So, I started to play it on the living room TV just to mess with dad, and because I enjoy the performance"
"And then we started to joke about performing it for our families, until it wasn't a joke anymore", Jack continued between bites of the peppermint cookies you brought for the family of three, "We started to learn the entire number based on the Tik Tok videos and the audios in there, but we decided to send them an email to ask for permition to recreate it"
"They accepted and even sent us an audio without the audience noises", you continued, "So, at first we were planning on doing it live during the christmas dinner but let's be honest, we're going to lose the concentration and start laughing, so we decided to film it and present it after the dinner"
"Instead of doing a christmas card or a JC Penney photoshoot, we're doing this"
"With full production, costumes, fake blood, fake knife and gun"
"And you want to use our kitchen to film it?", Hayley asked
"Yes, please", you nodded, "Or any space that you want, we promise to don't do a mess"
"We would do it in any of our houses but there's always people in there and this surprise needs to be perfect"
"We also talked about going to the original house, but is a seven hour trip, and we would raise suspision"
"Guys, you can film the musical number in here, we have no problem", Josh nodded, "But, can we saw the video first?"
Nodding, Jack took his phone to show them the performance while you turned to talk with Rogue who now was engrossed with your bracelets
"Hey, Rogue", you called her softly causing her to look at you with a smile, "I'm going to make you a swiftie, you're going to love Taylor, I promise"
"What era she'll be?", Jack asked taking one of her hands
"She seems like a Fearless with a bit of 1989"
"She'll need friendship bracelets of that eras"
"And merch, that will be her christmas gift"
"This is hilarious", Hayley laughed after the video ended, "And it's going to be a fun christmas video"
"Just leave it all in order after filming, and don't break anything", Josh instructed
Happy because everything was doing as planned, you and Jack smiled mischievously to each other
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When the 24th arrived, the house since early in the morning was busy with the preparations for the dinner that night, especially with everyone in the kitchen doing different dishes
"Tornado, how much time until your cookies are ready?", Skeet asked prepearing the turkey, "We need to start pre-heating the oven for the turkey"
"A minute or two", you responded checking the oven
"It doesn't make sense that you made like thousands of cookies since the start of december and now you are making more", Jakob commented mixing the cream for the cranberry salad
"It's because those were to gift or give to community centers", you responded puting your gloves to get the cookies out of the oven
With the help of Jack and Megan, the three of you got the trays of cookies out of the oven to leave them in the dinning table so they can cool off
"The cats are trying to eat the dinner again", Anna warned trying to make Tatum, Butters and Ivy go away from the kitchen
"Okay, time to put the christmas sweaters on them", Naiia sighed cleaning her hands with a cloth
"I'll continue with the mash potatoes", Stutz said taking her place in front of the cooking pot
"Sweet baby Tatum", you sang taking the orange cat in your arms, "Time to put you in christmas spirit"
Going to the Petco christmas gift package they sent a few days ago, that still was in the living room, you grabbed the reindeer sweater to put it on Tatum, while Jack grabbed the santa suit for Butters and Naiia got the plaid dress for Ivy
"I'm sorry, but it can't be that possible that an orange cat can be that calm while putting clothes on", Jakob said noticing Tatum was calm
"I can't believe the beef you got with my cat, and her color is strawberry blonde", you exclaimed adjusting the sweater, "It's christmas eve, let it go"
"It's not my fault that your sweet angel baby Tatum hates me", Jakob claimed, "She scratches me everytime she sees me"
"This time she hasn't though", Megan pointed
"Thank you Megan", you said, "You're the best"
Interrupting what was going to be a small disscussion, the front door opened, revealing Georgina with her suitcase and travel bag
"Hello family", Georgina greeted, "Sorry I'm late, the airport is pure chaos, and getting a cab or Uber is worse"
"Mom!", you and your siblings exclaimed while running to hug her
"Hi, babies", Georgina smiled returning the hug, "By the way, there's a package at the door"
"That's weird", Skeet frowned, "We didn't have anything to be delievered today"
"It says Prada on the box", Georgina pointed
"Tornado, that's for you", Naiia said helping with the suitcase
Getting through the front door, you saw a big box next to the door that had the Prada logo and a 'fragile' precaution along with your name and direction
"Babe, can you please help me?", you called Jack
"Coming!", Jack responded running from the living door to where you were, "This is huge"
"I know", you laughed, "I'm curious about what's inside"
Carrying the box between the two of you and dodging everyone in the house, you carefully left the box in the floor to open the card box revealing another white box which was left on the center table
"You know what, I'm going to open it first and do the video later", you concluded opening the box revealing four spheres
"Those are gorgeous", Naiia commented sitting next to you, "There's a note"
Grabbing the envelope which was on the lift of the box, you opened it to see a handwritten note
"Y/N, happy to share with you the Prada Holiday gifts and the magic of the holiday season through the fantasy of an imposible voyage, a journey in your own sphere", you read out loud so everyone can hear, "Well, we got the spheres for next year"
Leaving the note aside, you opened the another part to see two drawers, in which the first were some skincare products and a red patent leather mini-pouch, and in the other there was a red Prada Galleria patent leather mini bag
"I wouldn't be surprised if you become an ambassador for them next year, angel", Anna commented sitting next to you watching the spheres, "Or for any brand that you've wore"
"That would be incredible", you nodded
Once everything was ready, and the turkey was in the oven, everyone went upstairs to change into their christmas sweaters, yours was a Krampus themed one on top of your red and white pajamas and gingerbread man slippers
"I can't wait to see everyone reactions to our gift", you laughed laying in your bed while 'Christmas with the Kranks' was playing on the TV, "It's going to be hilarious"
"The greatest thing is that we managed to film it in one afternoon", Jack pointed getting out of your dresser with a red shirt with a Santa Claus picture and black pajama pants with Butters' face on it, to lay by your side to watch the movie at what you moved to put your head on his chest and he cirled your waist with his arm, "I swear that they were waiting for us to finish so they can kick us out"
"Rogue was having a blast though", you pointed, "I love that girl so much"
"I remember the day they told me they were expacting her, I was screaming that I was going to be her older brother"
"You're her oficial older brother", you nodded openning the fruitcake that arrived a few days ago as a gift from Sabrina Carpenter along with the EP vynil, a hoodie and a shirt, "Want some fruitcake?"
"Yes please"
Sitting against your headboard, both of you started to eat the fruitcake, sometimes feeding each other while still watching the movie
"Siblings and couples meeting", Jakob anounced entering your room along with Megan, Naiia and Stutz, all with their christmas outfits
"What's wrong?", you frowned
"We know that you didn't make that fruitcake because you still don't know how to do it", Jakob said causing to roll your eyes, "Where did you get it?"
"We also got eggnog", Megan said raising a bottle with some cups
"Sabrina Carpenter sent it", you responded giving them forks so they can eat too, "Along with the EP, a shirt and a hoodie"
"A Taybrina notice only this year?", Naiia pointed sitting on the bed, "Tornado just tell us when is rep TV releasing"
"What are the vault tracks?", Stutz joked helping to serve the eggnog
"I wish I knew the answer to those questions", you sighed, "We have a lot of theories of when is going to be released"
"One of the strongest was that she was going to anounce it during the Brazil concerts", Jack pointed recieving a cup of eggnog, "But she didn't"
"Next year will be", Jakob shrudded, "Well, cheers for christmas"
"Cheers", the rest of you repeated before drinking
"Is this spiked?", Jack asked sensing an unsual flavor
"Yeah, we put a bit of rum in it before coming", Jakob nodded
"Dad and mom, and even Anna are going to kill you when they find out about this", you said still drinking it, "And you might forget the fact that our dad is Billy Loomis"
"And we haven't seen the movie", Naiia remembered refering to her and Jakob, "And they don't need to know if we don't tell them"
Waiting until the older adults called all of you, the six of you stayed in your room watching the movie and eating the fruitcake and drinking the eggnog, and even starting to watch 'How The Grinch Stole the Christmas', until footsteps started to be heard in the stairs, which caused Jakob and Stutz to hide the bottle of spiked eggnog underneath your pillows
"If that bottle start leaking, I'll kill you both", you threatened them, "And not with my blingy fake knife"
Just as you finished threating them, there was a few knocks on the door before it was open to reveal Georgina
"Hey kids, dinner's ready", Georgina said
Standing from the bed and bean bags, the six of you started to go downstairs where all of you helped to put the table and preventing the cats from trying to eat the food by giving them and the dogs their special dinner, and taking the family photos, before sitting at the table to eat all the food that was made since the previous day
An once the dinner was finished and the dishes used were cleaned, you and Jack made everyone sit in the living room with the pets, already with the TV prepeared for the video
"Okay, we know that the gifts are tomorrow, but we wanted to gave you this one at this moment", you said trying to not burst in giggles
"Most of the times, the youngest of the family decide to do a little show, so we decided to to the same", Jack continued, "So I hope you enjoy this"
Stepping to the side and leaving everyone intrigued, Jack pressed the play button while you took out your phone to film their reactions
"You did not", Skeet groaned when he heard the music
"Yes we did", you laughed
"Is that Josh and Hayley's house?", Anna asked seeing the familiar kitchen
"We filmed it the day we went with them for breakfast", Jack nodded
During the whole video, everyone tried to hold their laughs but it wasn't possible causing to giggles and laughter to be heard in the room, while you and Jack were singing and dancing the choreography in the back
Once the video ended and the credits (yes, you did ending credits) started to roll, everyone started to clap still laughing
"Well, I guess we don't have to watch the movie anymore", Naiia joked, "This was amazing"
"Can we have a live performance of this?", Stutz asked
"There's bloopers at the end that will answer that question", you pointed
Returning the attention to the screen, the credits ended to show the bloopers who were of one of you or both laughing mid scene, forgetting a step, almost tripping at some steps, accidentaly dropping the fake guns, and even Rogue walking in the middle of the take
"Dad, as Billy Loomis and one half of the first ghostface, we would love to hear you opinion", you said after the video ended
"First of all, after you played the original performance in the TV every single day of october and november, this is my favorite version", Skeet responded, "And great acting on the Billy and Stu parts"
"Great camera work and acting", Georgina pointed, "What camera did you use?"
"The iPhone one", Jack answered
"And don't worry, everyone will have a copy of this video in their email tomorrow, as well as more of our friends", you continued, "That way you can watch it everyday"
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Last night, after rewatching the video because they wanted to film a bit to their instagram stories, everyone went to sleep, not before you forced Jakb to get the spiked eggnog out of your room
The morning of the 25th, while the six of you were still asleep in the bedrooms, the adults where bussy filling the stockings and organizing all the gifts that were left in the living room under the tree
And while thinking in a good way to wake you up, Skeet took a speaker to put it in the middle of the aisle of the second floor, to blast Master of Puppets by AC/DC on full volume causing the six of you and the pets to wake up abruptely
"Welcome to christmas morning on the Ulrich household", you murmured with your face against your pillow and laying on your stomach
"Is the same song every year?", Jack asked laying next to you in the same way but with an arm on your waist
"Yeah", you responded feeling how Butters and Tatum started to walk around the bed, "Merry christmas babe"
"Merry christmas gorgeous"
Finally getting out off bed and taking the cats and your throw blankets of each others faces, both of you got out of your room to see the others in the door of their rooms watching the speaker with pure hate
"What if we kick it until it's broken?", Naiia suggested hugging Ivy
"He would make us buy him another one and better", you said hugging Tatum, "And none of use have partnerships with any electronic company to get one for free"
"Kids, get here now!", Anna exclaimed from the first floor
Turning off the speaker and taking it with you the six of you went downstairs to have breakfast and then going to the living room to open the gifts
And after recieving a Vivienne Westwood bag from your mom, a Van Cleef & Arpels bracelet (which your mom, Naiia, Meghan and Anna recieved in diferent colors) from your dad, the new Bratz videogame and a new case for your nintendo switch from Jakob and Meghan, and personalized golf sticks from Jakob, books (The Great Gatsby, Wildfire, Taylor Swift Book of Lyrics, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Falling off the Cliff) from Naiia and Stutz, and the Frankestein and Bride of Frankenstein Monster High from Naiia, a Dyson Airwrap from Jack, and the Masters of Make-Up Effects: A Century of Practical Magic book from Anna
After openning the main gifts, the Chiefs vs Raiders was on the TV (principally to see Taylor on screen), all of you were openning the stockings, in yours there were lip glosses from essence, a snake hairclaw, a new airpods case, a Grinch plushie, candy and chocolates, but what weirded you a little bit was the Mercedes white hat almost at the bottom of the stocking
"I apreciate and like the hat, but I only watch Formula 1 when I'm bored", you said putting the hat on your head
"There's something more on the stocking", Georgina pointed
Introducing your hand at the bottom of the stocking you pulled a set of car keys with a keychain of the ghostface mask with a tiara
"No", you murmured, "No way, are you serious?"
"It's in the front porch", Skeet said
Almost running with the rest following, you went to the front door to opened it to reveal a Mercedes E-Class Cabriolet black with a pink ribbon on top
Feeling the tears dalling off your eyes, you sat in the steps without stop looking at the car sensing how Jack sat by your side hugging you at what you hug him too noticing how your siblings were filming your reaction
"Thank you very much", you cried watching at your parents and holding their hands, "I promise to take care of it and not crash it or having fines, I promise"
"We trust in you", Georgina nodded kissing your head
"Besides, you earned it", Skeet added
"Thank you very much", you repeated
Recovering from the shock of getting a car for christmas, all of you returned to the interior of the house to continue to enjoy the day
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hypnotisedfireflies · 1 month
ooh, I'll ask - what's your headcanon for Australia, New Zealand, and Polynesia??
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Thank you for asking! This was a fun exercise to get down in a doc and out of my head.
I think everyone knows that I’m Australian by now.  So yeah, it’s particularly entertaining for me to imagine how things might be in the TLOUinverse on my side of the pond for a change.
Many Polynesian nations escaped Cordyceps completely – Tonga, Tokelau, Kiribati and the Cook Islands amongst these.  They closed their borders and were essentially remote enough to be able to protect themselves from the first wave.  However, that didn’t mean they had an easy time of it.  Many of these nations rely on imports and with those grinding to a complete halt, they struggled in other ways to survive.  Some of these nations also had unwelcome visitors in the form of refugees from other countries trying to fly or boat in.  Most of these brought in sick people.   Some of the nations formed methods of screening refugees who made it to their shores, others rejected them completely, and some nations fell apart over the ensuing years, unable to support so many people. 
The North Island of New Zealand was completely overrun.  The South Island had a bad few years, but pockets of it were able to resist, and within a few years they were able to rally and take the island back.  They were mostly in control by 2005 – they were not fucking around – and Cordyceps-free by 2008.  The nation officially reverted back to its name in the Maori language,  Aotearoa me Te Waipounamu (but most just called it Aotearoa).
It was many years before they conquered the North Island, and then there were several years of warfare to fully secure it.  The haka performed before the Battle of Auckland (which was one of their final victories over Cordyceps in 2015) was renowned the world over – the Kiwis documented much of their war on film, and these were distributed to survivors across the globe.  These were often credited as inspiring a new generation of survivors not to endure and survive, but to fight.
Aotearoa me Te Waipounamu maintained contact with Australia throughout the war, but the situations in the two nations were very different.  The densely populated centres of Australia were decimated.  This is essentially all down the east coast from Brisbane, to Sydney, right down to Melbourne in the south.  Darwin, right in the top end, was also destroyed, but this was mainly from refugees fleeing other nations.  But Australia is a big, varied place, and not all was lost.
Many of the islands and remote towns around the country were able to find ways to survive.  And the largest island, Tasmania, proved to be a haven.  While its population centres were initially overrun like the rest of the continent, the army concentrated its efforts on eradicating Cordyceps in Tasmania first.  There were three major offensives before they got the tactics right and were able to declare the state Cordyceps-free.  The Government relocated here, but it was not the only success story.
Perth did okay.  This is probably because the Infected, much like everyone else in Australia, thought it was too expensive and far away to bother with.  Perth was the site of the first Quarantine Zone in Australia.  Australia had a number of these over time but they were very different to the North American QZs.  Australia’s tended to be constructed in remote areas, not large cities (with the exception of Perth).  They each supported some kind of industry to try and keep civilisation humming along.  These were not perfect, but most were successful. 
The one in Port Hedlund said “fuck you cunts,” to the rest of the country and declared itself independent.  The army didn’t much like that and it was dealt with pretty quickly.  Wagga Wagga, with its RAAF and army training bases, was established not long after Perth and continued recruit training at Kapooka and Forest Hill.  But some of the most successful survival stories came not from those within Australian Quarantine Zones.
Many Indigenous Australians, especially those in remote areas towards the centre, returned to country.  Some of their camps and communities were overrun like everywhere else, but a lot survived.  Some communities adapted so well that their lives were almost uninterrupted.
(It's difficult to explain the scale of Australia, and just how remote some Indigenous communities are, and how far they are from anything else. Suffice to say, there are people who know how to live on country in Australia in a way most of us cannot comprehend, and there are families and tribes that really could weather Cordyceps out - especially those towards the centre of Australia, where the conditions are dry and wholly unsuitable for a mushroom-based infection).
But the QZs kept in contact with one another and most importantly, with Aotearoa me Te Waipounamu.  Trade recommenced between Tasmania and the South Island once both these zones were fully secure, and over time, links were reforged with other smaller nations in the region.  The South Pacific Alliance was formed. By 2023, there was a good deal of cooperation – except for Perth, who also decided the rest of us could get fucked, and declared themselves as the Independent Nation of Perth or some crap.  Nobody was really listening, they’re pretty far away and no one wanted to go there anyway so it was like okay good luck bye.
… I don’t really have beef with Perth.  I’m sure it’s lovely. Anyway, thanks for the question! I'm not sure how plausible all of my theories are, but it's fun to consider.
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corona-journal · 1 year
1000 days of covid.... a reflection... what do you remember?
If I asked many of the memory of covid, it would be toilet paper shortages, the media call to treat nurses and doctors as heroes, lockdowns and social isolation. But there's more, though....
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The picture above is of a near bare row of supermarket shelves, with only a few rolls of toilet paper.
My own memories, in general terms, would be:
The curious spread of this flu variant through China and its neighbouring countries. (Via media reports. Plus its rapid rise up the priority reading list for the broadcast reader/ reporter/ news team)
The slow response of most governments to the emerging cases (easy with hindsight)
The tourist ship Ruby Princess docking with (eventually a total of) 22 cases on board, docking in Sydney. No quarantine controls enforced effectively at that point in time. (And Covid had been a thing well reported)
The toilet paper shortages, followed by shortages of pasta, rice, disinfectant and other staple foods from shelves. Never seen so many bare shelves before, except in news reports where people cleaned out stores in the face of cyclones or snow storms.
The growing weirdness of still going to work when others were getting government pay to stay at home. Apart from the driver, there'd be 2 other people on the bus in.
Add in the loneliness and the ghost town feeling of walking through an empty city. Except for the essential food services, so kids could still get you your order of coffee and mcbreakfast.... odd contrast, you'd agree.
Oh, the anger and entitlement of the covid deniers and anti-maskers.
My father in law complained about mask wearing on a flight down from Queensland to visit us. While my wife, a nurse, is donning full personal protective equipment (PPE) to help with patients. He's not entitled, just an oblivious, selfish idiot.
A bit of resentment at those who got the payments to not work, while I was an essential worker, in the finance sector had to work through. Discussing insurance with customers. All of them wanting discounts for (multitude of self justified reasons). That was tiring...
On the 'others staying home' a lot of people were making bread, trying new hobbies, going back to old hobbies, riding bikes to get fit... that only seemed to last 2 months, then it was easier to watch digitally streamed shows...
Oh, the growing gap between those who could afford the digital upgrade to work and/or study from home. And those that couldn't... that gap is bigger, and will show up in a decade or so...
Travel? Yeah, we'd travel from the couch to the kitchen table, work, then we'd travel to the letterbox and then to the couch again. On weekends, some of us would travel to the shed, to mow the lawns as part of the outside world travel.
Then the acceptance, as we waited for the vaccine to be made. Too late for too many in China, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom....
The USA being the most vocal of the anti-maskers and covid deniers. Because of Trump and his idiot approach to the crisis and his vanity.
A few covid conspiracy people I have spoken to, and seen the marches. I don't have time for dealing with these kind of people. Got used to being able to distance myself pretty quickly.
Overall though, I've become a bit more self directed towards entertaining myself (books and going back to the scale hobby of modelling) and fed up with a big insurance company making lots of profit while increasing the consumers insurance bill by about 20% average per year...
And remote studying has become a lonely grind. I am succeeding in my course so far.
Overall, post vaccine roll-out, we've adapted.
It's gone from being "the Chinese flu" (a pejorative term) to the "spicy cough".
So far, I have remained covid free.
And I have science, medicine and society to thank for that.
23 December 2022.
1000 days of covid.
@bundibird @scrapironflotilla thanks for just engaging with this little effort (it will continue)
@tafkarfanfic @bouncinghedgehog your posts helped with hope and morale when things were tough.
I'd invite you to reblog and share your memories, no matter where in the world you are.
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zacharyleartist69 · 1 year
I’ve been working on this for a while now and it is finally complete.
This is my take on the Donkey Kong characters redesigns, roles, small backstories, and personality traits (I did this out of boredom and I wanna share it cause there is rarely any art for some of my favorite Kong)
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Starting of strong with my homeboy, Funky Kong:
One of the most funkiest, talented, and chillest Kong’s you’ll ever meet! His smile shines like a sun just like his personality. He is crowned as King of the Jungle Kingdom with his little brother, Donkey Kong the Third. He is quite layback but he can be outgoing, funny, and loyal Kong you’ll ever met! However, with the many roles he plays in the kingdom, will he make room for one more role; a King?
Up next is the main kong himself, Donkey Kong the Third:
This energetic and daring Kong was crowned as Kong of the Jungle Kingdom alongside Funky Kong, his older brother. He doesn’t take his role as King seriously like Funky does, so his grandfather, Cranky Kong, and grandmother, Wrinkly Kong, will have to teach him the responsibilities of being royalty. Will Donkey Kong take his role as King seriously? Who knows.
Well known as the female version of a power house in the Kingdom, Candy Kong herself:
Candy Kong is Donkey Kong’s lover. She is the first strongest and tallest woman in the Jungle Kingdom thanks to her father’s genes and training. She is adventurous, outgoing, and very curious. Unfortunately for her and her mother, they are the only survivors of their specie so they have to be very cautious about the Kong’s they talk to at the daily basis. This cause her not developing any social skills since she’s been quarantined for all her life, but now she is free to do whatever she wants after some convincing towards her father.
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Now we got the little rascals of the crew;
The small red Kong is non other than Diddy Kong:
He is the Kong you will have fun when it comes to hangouts with the other younger Kongs. He is a good-natured, helpful, and very loyal towards his friends and family. He can be clumsy, but that won’t stop him for being himself around the Kongs he love to hang out. He is also the son of Funky Kong and Swanky Kong, making Donkey Kong his uncle.
The most chaotic female Kong you’ll ever meet, her name is Tiny Kong:
She is very and I mean very playful, a bit destructive, communicative, and kind-hearted Kong out of the crew. She works at a bar and loves to create machinery with her partner in crime, Funky Kong. She is the younger sister of Dixie Kong, who she respects entirely. Although, she does give Dixie a hard time since she is very chaotic.
One of the most matured Kong at her young age, it’s the girlboss herself Dixie Kong:
She is known as the mature, reliable, and open-minded Kong from the other Kongs, besides Funky Kong. She also works for Funky but at his mechanic work place; helping him organizing, fixing, and creating vehicles. She is the oldest sister of Tiny Kong, but struggles sometimes with that role because of Tiny’s chaotic nature.
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Lastly, we got the final members of the crew!
The Man of the Hour, the richest Kong in the Kingdom, The one and only Swanky Kong:
He may turn out as sarcastic, hostile, and hot-headed at first, but once he warms up he can be trustworthy, loyal, and honest… sometimes brutally honest. He is an entrepreneur and a game host in the kingdom. He is in charge with the entertainment and the businesses around the kingdom.
The Gentle Giant himself, Chunky Kong:
Out of all the Kong’s in the crew, he is gentle, shy, introverted, and caring Kong out of all of them. Even though he is gentle, he can be protective towards his friends and family and will choose violence if it’s necessary. He is the cousin of Dixie Kong and Tiny Kong and the older brother of Kiddy Kong.
Everyone’s Favorite Playful Kong, Lanky Kong:
He is very playful, friendly, and high-spirited Kong in the crew. He loves swinging himself around hang outs and playing harmless pranks on others. He doesn’t remember where he came from since he is the only orange kong in the Kingdom, but he doesn’t really mind at all. He was the one that came up with the idea of making friendship bracelets and ended up having every single crew members bracelets, which he plans on never taking it off.
Bonus Art:
Since we are in Pride Month, I drew Funky Kong and Swanky Kong together (I headcanon them to be a gay married couple).
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(New tag Funky Kong x Swanky Kong lmao /hj)
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