#ereri fluff
"Entrusting the future to a kid who had the same look in his eyes”
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forestsofthenightx · 7 months
One of my headcanons is Eren being attentive to studying every single detail about tea (how to make it properly, what are Levi’s favourite flavours…) so that whenever his beloved is sick or simply in a bad mood, Eren starts spoiling him making his Heichou feel even more loved💞
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sienne-k · 21 days
nine to five (don't ask about the overtime) by Sienne
attack on titan | ereri | 4k chap 1/3 | fluff, humor, office au, modern au, established relationship
with art made by lovely mathi here on tumblr and also here on twitter!
“What about you, Eren?” He jerked a little in his seat, suddenly brought back out of his head to the situation at hand. “Huh?” “What about you? We’ve been talking non-stop about ourselves, and this is your first time. You must have a lot pent up. Feel free to vent!” Petra smiled at him encouragingly. Eren opened and closed his mouth like a fish, trying to find anything to complain about. Looking around at all the expectant faces around him, he bit back his initial impulse to say ‘Oh, there’s nothing at all, I’m very happy actually!’ He felt surrounded and those nice, smiling faces began to look increasingly sinister in his eyes. He got the impression that saying positive things about his partner to this particular crowd in this specific situation may not be the best idea. “Umm…” he stammered, eyes jumping from side to side looking for inspiration. When his gaze fell on the teeth marks on his straw, he blurted out, “He kisses me too roughly?!” or: eren accepts a girls-only night out invitation from his coworkers to talk about their partners with the assumption that 'talking about' means 'gushing mushily'... he was very much mistaken. and then he suffers for it.
snippet (not whole chapter) under the cut!
Eren dunked his head further and slurped his smoothie with eyes set firmly on the table, trying very hard to make himself inconspicuous. He had been successful until now - for a very long two hours with no escape in sight yet - but it would not do to grow complacent. He had been taught better.
“And just imagine, I get home after eight grueling hours at work - and it was grueling, I had three meetings, one of which was with Mrs. Garret,” Rico waved her hand wildly above her head, the green liquid sloshing dangerously in the cup she was holding, “and I don’t expect much! Just a simple dinner, or maybe the sink empty from dishes for once,” she continued, her voice full of longing as every woman sat around the table nodded furiously in solidarity, “but no! Instead I come home and find he’d also only just got home, from a walk with the dog! Both of them were muddy like they had been wrestling on wet ground, so there was no dinner, but there was a sink full of dishes, and a needy dog and husband dirtying the floor waiting for me after work! Even though he had the day off,” she finished, almost panting, her free hand clenched in a tight fist.
There were outraged gasps all around, as the women listened to the rant with rapt attention. Petra patted Rico’s fist in a consoling manner, but her comforting smile looked strained instead, eyes slightly glazed over with a maniacal gleam that meant she was plotting murder. Louise grimaced as if she bit on a lemon, either reminiscing of a similar [moment] that also had happened to her or inwardly swearing off marriage forever.
“I would have left home and not come back until it was cleaned,” growled Nifa, eyes narrowed.
Various noises of accord rose around the table. Nifa’s eyes met Petra’s. They nodded at each other once, sharply; clearly, a pact had been made to get revenge for Rico and to straighten Mr. Brzenski out. Eren would have pitied the man, if only he hadn’t behaved like an utter asshole.
“Listen to what I have to put up with,” said Louise in a low, defeated voice. “We had one round of sex — very good sex, may I add — and I was so ready for round two,” Eren raised his head at this and nodded along, for once fully understanding, “but then he just patted me on my head sighing how good it was, and then turned around on his side and fell asleep! And,” she looked everyone in the eye, heightening the suspense, “he did not even wash up after! Or ask if I needed anything! Just grabbed the whole blanket for himself and conked out! I was dirty with his jizz and my legs were not working and yet I had to drag myself to the bathroom on my own! Not even fully satisfied!”
Everyone, including Eren, cringed. No one liked the feeling of dried, clumpy cum on their skin.
Eren put his head back down, disappointed, busying himself with his drink again. He despaired of his decision to come along, yet how could he have known it would turn out like this? When he had received the invitation — a written one! official! on paper! — he’d had a very different impression of what the meeting would entail.
“This is very good and all, but hear me out,” said Petra, slamming her palm flat on the table and making the glasses shake. Then she launched into a diatribe about Auruo’s many failures as a partner.
This, at least, Eren had expected. Petra’s relationship with Auruo was confusing; on the surface it seemed like they did not even like each other, arguing like cats and dogs in the office all day long. Well, it wasn’t Eren’s business, and somehow it must have been working out for them if they have stayed together for so long. He was only thankful that they were in different departments…
It was Petra, actually, who had invited Eren to this outing. She had sauntered over to him, almost dancing, a wide smile deepening her dimples. If it were a manga, there would have been bubbles and sparkles all around her.
“There’s this girls-only meet up we do once a month,” she had said conspiratorially, leaning forward over his desk. “Wanna come?”
Eren hadn’t been sure how he, a man, factored into a ‘girls-only’ event; Petra had only laughed at his confused face.
“We will be talking about our partners, that’s why we thought to invite you. I figured you could do with a bit of a sympathetic ear since we all know what Senior Managing Director Levi can be like.” She had squeezed his shoulder for some reason, her smile softening into something warm and comforting.
Eren was no stranger to spending time with women; in fact, with the exception of Armin and now also Levi, the people he was the closest to were all women. So he had agreed easily, never one to decline an opportunity to talk about the love of his life. Especially since lately Armin had started changing the topic of the conversation the moment he saw the dopey look on Eren’s face (which, according to him, was the herald of a long speech on Levi’s many virtues, as Eren perceived them).
Mikasa had also started hanging up as soon as Levi’s name left his lips, and Historia would just take a deep breath and extol Ymir’s qualities in a voice loud enough to talk over him. At this point. his mom was the only one still willing to sit through a whole conversation —monologue, really— on the subject. She was always missing her children and wanting to make the most of the time when they would finally visit, so she wouldn’t refuse him regardless of his choice in topic. Although even she had started making a pained grimace when Eren really got going, begging her husband with her eyes for help.
Thus, Petra’s invitation had seemed like a perfect opportunity for him.
Now he knew better.
“…and he didn’t dust the tops of the bookshelves like I asked! He knows I can’t reach them even from the step ladder!!!” Petra finished her story with fire in her eyes, hands slapping the table with enough force to make all the glasses and cups jump.
Everyone scrambled to save their beverages while Eren leaned back, his own drink protected by the steel grip he had been keeping on it since the first person started their rant. As the table stopped shaking, slowly the chatter and complaints picked up again, leaving him no choice but to retreat inside his own head once more.
“Well, Nicholas keeps leaving dirty mugs wherever he used them last. We have a dishwasher, he could at least put it inside!”
“—and all the planning and booking is always somehow left to me, with barely an opinion from him—”
“He never folds the laundry or even just puts it away in the closet, just takes it out of the machine and dumps it all in a pile on the nearest bed or sofa!”
“I keep finding empty containers in the fridge or in the sweets drawer, is it so hard to just throw it away when he’s done?!”
On and on it went, and while Eren was at first sympathetic to everyone’s troubles, after a while he was dumbfounded and then kind of numb. it was surprising how… annoying all of these partners his coworkers were speaking of were. No wonder they needed to meet once a month to vent, if stuff like this was a regular occurrence for them. If Eren had such problems with his partner, no doubt he would be ranting as well. Although perhaps he would have long ago just punched the asshole in the face for the trouble.
Thankfully, Eren’s partner was Levi Ackerman. And it seemed like he had unwittingly hit upon a golden hen, so to speak. The man was very conscious of hygiene and cleaning in general, had a healthy sex appetite that never left Eren wanting, and gave him enough attention and affection whenever he thought Eren might need it.
That last part had surprised Eren when they first started their relationship. Levi, while forward, had never been the warmest person around; quite the opposite, in fact. And he still wasn’t — Levi had admitted it was something he didn’t have much experience and so struggled with many times previously. Yet he had decided to make an effort for Eren because he wanted him to be happy, and clearly affection was what made Eren the happiest, the most content. Trying to change his behavior hadn’t been easy, but Levi kept at it and slowly he grew more comfortable with showing affection, to the point that now he didn’t need to consciously think of ways to be affectionate and make Eren happy, it just came naturally.
He still wasn’t very verbal in conveying his love, but Eren didn’t mind; he didn’t need to hear those words often. Not when Levi greeted him with homemade dinner after overtime or a late night out with friends, or how every so often he bought spontaneous gifts because they made him think of Eren; not when he gave him sweet and passionate kisses, penetrating him with a gaze full of intent, and always offered a warm and comforting embrace and an attentive audience to any troubles. Eren had more than enough evidence of Levi’s feelings lingering in every corner of their life together.
“What about you, Eren?”
He jerked a little in his seat, suddenly brought back out of his head to the situation at hand. “Huh?”
“What about you? We’ve been talking non-stop about ourselves, and this is your first time. You must have a lot pent up. Feel free to vent!” Petra smiled at him encouragingly.
Eren opened and closed his mouth like a fish, trying to find anything to complain about. Looking around at all the expectant faces around him, he bit back his initial impulse to say ‘Oh, there’s nothing at all, I’m very happy actually!’
He felt surrounded and those nice, smiling faces began to look increasingly sinister in his eyes. He got the impression that saying positive things about his partner to this particular crowd in this specific situation may not be the best idea.
“Umm…” he stammered, eyes jumping from side to side looking for inspiration. When his gaze fell on the teeth marks on his straw, he blurted out, “He kisses me too roughly?!”
For all that he spoke loud enough it was almost a shout it came out more like a timid question rather than a confident statement.
“Aww, poor baby,” cooed Nifa. “Levi should know better than to treat a young lover so forcefully! He should give you enough space so you could lead and let him know what you’re comfortable with, not just bulldoze you over with his own desires!”
Clearly, he had given them all a wrong impression of himself… He did not mean to seem like a waif in distress, but it was too late. Only Petra had a surprised look, though after a while it turned more thoughtful. ‘Oh no,’ Eren despaired, ‘please don’t believe it, Petra! Please don’t stop treating me as you used to!’
There was one person who did not join in the general sympathy. Louise glowered at him, biting into her straw bitterly. “I would love to be kissed roughly.” Her mutters were low enough to get drowned under the sympathy the other women were showering him with, but not enough that he couldn’t hear.
‘Bitch, same,’ Eren thought sullenly, not at all happy at how the situation turned out. But he could not very well go back on his words as they surely wouldn’t believe him, nor could he confess that in all actuality he relished those moments Levi put aside his loving care and simply took from Eren what he wanted, sure that his advances would not be refused (and rightfully so).
At least it seemed he got off lightly with the interrogation. He could breathe freely once more as the attention moved to the next victim, his coworkers’ fiery discussion of Levi’s supposed savagery and mercilessness drawing to a close.
Next time he would come better prepared, now that he knew what this was all about. And he would not make a fool of himself, or make himself into something he wasn’t. Besides, it was a casual meeting between coworkers-cum-friends (hopefully, on Eren’s side), there was nothing to be afraid of here. It wasn’t like it would affect his life at work in any way, as everyone present was scattered across departments. Levi himself worked in a different one from Eren, too.
He missed Petra observing him thoughtfully, not participating in the conversation anymore.
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ereri-fics · 4 months
Do you know any EreRi fics when Eren is a Titan? Not a Titan shifter but he’s a full Titan then turns human or transforms into a humanoid? Levi meets the Titan. I prefer Bottom Levi if that’s possible.
Thank you ❤️
Beyond the walls by Clueless_mf
Levi gets hurt when going beyond the walls, he wakes up in a strange place only to learn that the person who brought him there was the thing he hated most.
You can also check our titan!Eren tag.
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mariusofthesea · 9 months
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Im still sick over this official art that just came out. Like my god it’s so perfect
Like I have my EreJean, my Ereri, AND my Eruri.
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And then Eren is just perfection, look at him.
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This is probably my favorite state of Eren?? That in-between where he’s just painfully beautiful and he’s all soft eyes and soft mouth
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rivaitrelle · 1 year
I saw smth like chef au request in twt so i had an idea but with a twist.
—— An AU where Levi is the only omega in his family so he gets whatever he wants (like a spoiled little brat). Insert Alpha Eren Yeager, making his way through Levi's heart — by cooking. ——
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Hi. I was wondering if you know any long fics when the main idea is fluff and getting together. Also minimum smut would be great. Thank you 😊
Try these~
Step By Step by Bitterlikesweets
(Rated T, 69,832 words, multichapter, complete)
Eren is a senior in high school who has trouble with his grades and a sister who worries about him too much.
Levi is the man who teaches the class that Eren struggles the most with.
Naturally, Eren gave up trying to pass his class, settling for failing and not telling his family. At least, that was the plan until Mr. Ackerman tells him that he has to get tutored if he doesn't want his family to be notified about his terrible grade. What started as an innocent little tutoring session between just the two of them could turn into something more... If Eren gets past the cold exterior and the perpetual scowl. Can Eren break through the barrier Levi has put up between them and still keep their meetings a secret, or will everything fall apart?
Another Student/Teacher fanfic about these two fools.
The Usual by regular_john
(Rated T, 41,433 words, multichapter, complete)
Levi goes to the same café to sit and drink his coffee while he prepares for work every morning at 7am. He has a routine he sticks to in his head. He sits in his same spot, orders the same coffee, and normally does the same tasks before he has to go to work.
Eren has just started his first year at university and decides to pick up a coffee one morning before a lecture.
AKA slow build college cafe AU w/ fluff
The Goddesses Smile Upon Us by MayflowerEmerald
(Rated M, 68,568 words, multichapter, complete)
Two people arranged to be married from a young age runs away but they find each other by chance and not knowing that they are each other's betrothed, falls in love. Later they find, and well… you'll see.
Levi Ackerman x Eren Jager, arranged marriage au.
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cozy-twilight-den · 7 months
Out There
Words: 5.2k
Tags: Levi Ackerman x Eren Jeager, Merman Eren, Human Levi, Merman Armin, Mermaid Mikasa, Human Hanji, Human Isabel, Human Farlan, Third Person Limited POV, Levi POV
Status : Complete 1/1 chapters
“You- you are- “ Levi stuttered as his brain refused to connect properly to his tongue and say a coherent sentence because just what was Eren implying with those words?
“Beautiful, a genius, immensely talented-“ Eren started to list off with a bright smile, the softness in his eyes getting replaced with a mischievous glint.
Had Levi simply imagined that moment?
“Dangerous,” was the descriptor that Levi settled on when his tongue finally decided to listen to him. There were many words that he could have chosen but he picked dangerous simply because that was the only word that he felt described Eren’s existence.
Crossposted to A03 under same username
A/N: Hi 👋🏼 so this is my first ever post to this blog and to tumblr in general. A friend recommended sharing some of my works here so trying this out.
Hope you guys enjoy! If you’ve got a request for a fanfic just drop by my ask box.
Don’t go out there.
That’s the number one rule - no it was more like a doctrine - of the little fishing village by the coast. It was dangerous, the fathers said. There was too much of a chance of slipping and getting injured, the mothers fretted. Merfolk dragged unsuspecting villagers to the depths, the elders claimed.
Levi had never put too much stock in that last one. The mere idea of merfolk even existing was ludicrous. An old wive’s tale that was all myth and no fact. Something that the elders liked to tell their grandkids purely to scare them into behaving better.
Even if he disregarded one of the reasons to not go out there as purely fictional, the other two were, well, unfortunately solidly factual. But Levi had always been a rebellious kid, even more so now that he was a teenager. So much to the chagrin of his mother, it became a habit to sneak out there whenever he could.
Levi couldn’t find it in him to care though because out there referred to the area directly west of the village. The rest of the village stuck to the areas to the northwest and southwest which were equal elevations with the coast. It was much safer and far easier to fish from there. The area directly west was different because it ended in a bunch of rocky cliffs which spread for quite a few kilometers.
Below one of those rocky outcroppings that most dared not venture past was a tiny sandy cove accessible during low tide where the waves lapped at the sandy shore gently. The cliffs enclosed the area on pretty much all sides, the only opening being the archway that pointed out to the sea.
It was only here that Levi could have true peace and quiet.
He could relax in the sand and lean back against a dark gray rock that had been weathered smooth by its time spent fighting against the rhythmic crash and swoosh of the waves. He could let his eyes flutter closed and simply listen to the water and the seagulls in the sky above.
The little cove was his own little secret place. No one else but his mother knew he came here. She hated that he did, but she couldn’t stop him. She only had a general idea of the cove’s location. Even if she knew the exact location, no one else knew how to get down the outcropping. As a result he was out here most afternoons as soon as he was done with all of his chores for the day.
Levi wiggled his toes and buried them deep in the soft sand that was gently warmed from the sun’s bright rays. He slouched bak against the rock he was leaning on and tilted his head back to feel the warmth of the sun on his face. A relaxed sigh left his lips as he felt the water from the ocean lap at his feet and the sand around them.
“-en… -ren…”
Levi crinkled his brows a little bit as he cracked one eye open. Had he just heard a voice? But that was impossible, there was no one out here. He listened intently for a few more seconds before he closed his eye again, having heard nothing more. It must have been the wind.
“-ren! Get back here!”
That definitely wasn’t his imagination. Levi’s head snapped forward as he opened both eyes fully and leaned away from the rock. Ready to face whatever idiot from his village had somehow managed to intrude on his secret place. But whatever insult or retort he had primed in his throat died on his tongue at the sight before him.
Beautiful, blue-green eyes that shimmered like the ocean.
Damp, brown hair that still managed to shine in the sun’s bright rays.
A chiseled set of abs that lead down to an unfairly delicious v-line.
Not that Levi was particularly drawn in by that. It was just an observation. As was the next thing his eyes took in which was:
A bright, gold, red, and orange tail that looked like a beautiful sunset.
Wait. A tail?
Levi blinked several times to make sure he wasn’t seeing things and he even pinched himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. But the boy, or creature - merman, Levi’s brain helpfully supplied - did not disappear from in front of him.
“Hi! You’re the prettiest human I’ve ever seen. What’s your name?” the merman asked with a smile on his tanned face that shone brighter than the sun overhead. His energetic voice had a melodic undertone that caressed Levi’s ears gently.
“You’re real?” Levi felt his tongue form those words. Out of all of the even slightly intelligent things that he could have chosen to say, that’s what he managed to go with, asking the merman if he was real. Fantastic start.
A pout appeared on the merman’s pretty face. “Of course I’m real! I’m right in front of you aren’t I?”
“Sorry,” Levi breathed out, still slightly in shock but also felt that he had to do or say anything that would wipe the upset pout off of this beautiful creature’s face.
Huh. Who thought that those elder’s tales would be real? Or at least partially real? This particular merman didn’t seem to want to drown him at least.
A bright smile once again graced the merman’s face. “How about in addition to your apology you offer me your name, pretty human? I’d love a name to associate with your gorgeous face!”
There were those words again, pretty human. It was strange to hear. Not many people in his village said those words to him. Levi objectively was aware he could be considered attractive but his resting bitch face usually warded people off from unnecessary and frankly unwanted compliments. Which honestly, suited Levi just fine. He didn’t want superficial compliments that had no meaning behind them. This merman - Levi was still trying to process that he was indeed speaking to a merman - was probably the same and had called him pretty simply because he had nothing to call him.
“Rather rude to ask for someone’s name before giving your own brat,” Levi quipped back in a dry tone, not quite ready to give his name to the merman who was throwing around the word ‘pretty’ like he used it all the time.
“Oh…” the merman seemed to think for a second before responding with yet another goddamned smile. It seemed like his face knew no other expression. “I’m Eren!”
“Eren…” Levi repeated slowly, his eyes inevitably drawn away from the merman’s smiling face back to his tail.
A musical laugh resonated through the cove. “You say that like you’ve never heard a name before. It’s a normal enough name isn’t it, Eren?”
“Sure,” Levi replied wryly, his eyes being drawn back to those deep turquoise pools. “It’s less your name and more your tail that makes you abnormal.”
That pout was back again. “I’ll have you know my tail is a perfectly normal size, shape, and coloring. It’s not any different from the others.”
“I meant you having a tail in the first place, idiot.” Levi shot back, internally finding it very amusing that Eren didn’t notice that the subject of the conversation turned away from that of his name.
“Oh, is that really so weird?” Eren wondered with a tilt of his head. “There's a lot of different pods of mermen in the ocean.”
The raven haired raised a skeptic eyebrow. “That’s certainly news to me. You’re the first one I’ve ever seen.”
“Ah w-well,” Eren stuttered a bit. “We usually don’t show ourselves to humans. Like at all.”
“So what makes me so special?” Levi found himself asking before he could filter his words.
“Oh I’ve been watching you from afar for a while. You come here every day to simply sit by the ocean. I wanted to speak with you, even if it was just once,” Eren babbled along quickly.
Levi felt his eyes widen at that admission. Eren had been watching him? How long was a while? How had he never noticed him nearby? He wanted to ask Eren all of these questions but instead his lips formed very different words, an answer to Eren’s silent question. “The ocean is calming. I can enjoy peace and quiet here.”
“Is it really noisy where you live?” the merman asked, his eyes were obviously shining with curiosity.
“Very. There’s too many busybodies. There’s someone who will yammer my ear off about random topics that I couldn’t bring myself to care about. And another who likes to know every little detail about my life,” Levi suddenly stopped as he realized he was rambling. That wasn’t like him. He didn’t talk to people. Certainly not this much. It was oddly easy to speak to Eren and Levi couldn’t put his finger on why.
Eren seemed to not notice his sudden stop though, his musical laugh was echoing through the area again instead. “That sounds lively and fun though.”
“It’s annoying,” Levi instantly retorted. “Especially when I just want peace and quiet.”
Eren opened his mouth to say something more but was suddenly pulled backwards by a hand on his tail. The merman’s arms came out from under him and his head hit the wet sand with a loud thud.
Levi cringed a little on his behalf, it looked painful.
“Armin! What the hell?!” Eren snapped as he pushed his upper body back up so he could glare at the blond head of hair that rose up from farther out in the ocean.
“Eren! Please! You need to come back with me. You aren’t supposed to be this close to humans.” the blond, who’s name was apparently Armin, pleaded.
Another merman? Levi idly wondered just how many mermen actually lived in the ocean that was near his village.
“Oh please. We’ve just been talking,” Eren scoffed as he rolled his eyes.
Armin’s frown deepened and he made another insistent tug on the end of Eren’s tail with his hand. “Eren. We need to go back before Mikasa realizes that we’re missing.”
Levi raised an eyebrow at the exchange, especially after the mention of Mikasa caused Eren’s face to pale a bit but he remained silent. He saw Eren’s eyes flick towards him, the reluctance in the merman’s gaze made it clear that Eren wanted to continue speaking to him.
Deciding to pity the merman’s friend though, Levi quickly stood and brushed as much sand as he could from his clothes. “I should be heading back regardless. People will be wondering where I am.”
This wasn’t strictly true per say. Levi had of course finished his chores before he had headed down here and his mother wouldn’t be expecting him back until closer to sunset when the two would be eating dinner. But Eren didn’t need to know that.
“Oh please don’t go! I have more questions to ask you!” Eren quickly protested, completely disregarding the panic and concern that Armin continued to exude.
“Brat, go with your friend before he twists a fin.” Levi quipped back. “I’m headed back.”
With those words, he quickly spun on his head and started back to the cliff. Determined to leave and forget all the events of today. Go back to a simpler time when mermen didn’t exist.
“Wait! But you never told me your name!” Eren shouted after him and Levi heard the sand as it shifted underneath Eren. It sounded like the merman was trying to drag himself forward in the sand to get closer to Levi.
“It’s Levi,” the raven found himself replying, as he glanced over his shoulder back at Eren. It shocked him at how quickly he gave up his name. It wasn’t like he would see the merman again. This friend of his, Armin, seemed like he would rather die than let Eren come see him again.
“Levi…” the merman repeated with his sunshine smile back on his tanned face. “I’ll see you again soon Levi!”
Levi huffed a breath as he began carefully hoisting his agile body up the familiar path of the rocky outcropping to get back to the top of the cove’s cliff. “Don’t count on it brat.”
Splashes echoed behind him and caused him to turn his head back, to see the ripples in the water where the two mermen must have dived below the surface of the ocean. He stared out at the surface for a moment, almost expecting the brunette mermen to resurface to wave at him cheerily. Levi quickly shook his head and returned his attention to his task.
In no time at all, he was at the top of the rocky outcropping and was headed back to his village. Once he had returned, he found his mother tying knots and making new nets for the fisherman to use. He silently picked up a set of rope and set about helping her, even as she questioned why he was back so early.
Levi simply replied that he had gotten bored and decided to lend an extra hand instead. There was no point in telling his mother about meeting Eren. It was a one time thing and it’s not like his mother would even believe him even if he did tell her. Levi could hardly believe it himself and he had seen Eren’s tail.
The raven rapidly shook his head back and forth. That was enough. Out of sight, out of mind. He had to forget about this. Just go on with his life.
Despite that resolution though, his encounter with Eren spun around in his head and the merman’s voice echoed in his ears. It stayed with him the rest of the week. Those turquoise pools haunted his dreams every night and then continued to distract him during his chores each day. It broke his focus so much that his mother ended up asking him multiple times if he was feeling alright or if he was possibly coming down with a cold. To which Levi simply brushed her off and told her he was fine.
As soon as his chores were done, he itched to head straight back to the cove. But every single time that he pointed his feet in that direction, Levi stopped himself. What could he possibly gain from going back there? It wasn’t as if Eren would be there waiting for him. The merman more likely than not had gotten a harsh scolding for even talking to him in the first place.
Levi just had to find another place to gain his peace and quiet and just push the merman with the alluring eyes and sunset like tail from his mind until he forgot about him. Stay away until the merman also forgot about Levi.
But no matter what he tried, he couldn’t forget about Eren.
Even worse, finding a new spot to spend his afternoons in tranquility was practically impossible. It only served to remind Levi just why he had preferred the cove so much previously. No one could find him there.
Now it seemed that no matter what location he picked as his new spot, someone found him. Hanji tracked him down behind the abandoned storage shed that was on the south edge of the village. Everyone thought it was haunted so no one usually approached it. Isabel found him at the top of the gnarly oak tree in the forest clearing twenty minutes outside of the north end of the village. There were hundreds of little clearings and thousands of trees so how she managed to track him down, Levi had no clue. Furlan even managed to find him amongst the tall grassy meadow to the village’s east.
There was no escaping. His friends - though they were really pushing their limits of deserving that title - were annoyingly persistent.
It was purely out of desperation for some true peace and quiet, that Levi finally found himself back on the path to the cove nearly a week and a half later.
It was definitely not because he hoped to catch a glimpse of shimmering blue-green eyes.
Definitely not.
Levi quickly descended the outcropping and made his way to the water. The raven would forever deny that his chest deflated when he didn’t see even a hint of turquoise or a splash of the sunset anywhere near the shore. There was no one here but him that could prove otherwise.
He settled down into his usual spot and leaned back against the familiar gray rock. He closed his eyes and tried to relax. This was fine. All it meant was that he had his cove back and he could continue coming here uninterrupted.
Levi’s eyes shot open to meet those blue-green gems that he would never admit to sorely missing.
“Eren…” he breathed out the merman’s name slowly since he couldn’t believe he was actually here.
“Where have you been?” Eren questioned with an upset pout. “You haven’t come to this cove in such a long time.”
Eren had been waiting for him?
“It’s only been nine days,” Levi hesitated as he replied, not willing at all to tell the merman he had been purposefully avoiding the cove.
“That’s too long! You’re usually here every day. I was so worried that something happened to you!” Eren exclaimed in reply with wild gestures in the air.
“I’m fine, I was just a bit busy,” the lie burned in Levi’s throat and he quickly changed the topic. “What about you? I’m surprised Armin let you come back here. What happened to not interacting with humans?”
A mischievious glint flashed through Eren’s eyes. “Well… I… maybe sort of gave Armin the slip for today. He doesn’t know I’m here.”
“Sneaky aren’t you?” Levi asked, rather amused at how proud Eren seemed at his success in sneaking away.
“It’s one of my many talents,” Eren replied with a solemn, proud nod.
Levi had to resist the smile that was threatening to appear on his face and settled for a slight smirk instead. He was absolutely no closer to understanding it than he had been before, but there was something about Eren that made Levi want to speak to him.
And speak they did.
For the rest of the day and for many days after that, Levi met up with Eren at the cove and spoke to him for hours. What used to be Levi’s quiet afternoons to spend in simple tranquilty, turned into lively exchanges with the energetic merman. Time always seemed to fly by with the conversation never going dry. Levi taught Eren about his village and how things worked in the human world. In return, Eren brought him anecdotes from his own home beneath the waves.
“But why would you choose to wear something so restricting on such marvelous things?”
“Because that’s just the way things are.”
“That’s not a good enough answer Levi. Toes are great! They shouldn’t be cramped into such barbaric things!”
“Those barbaric things keep our toes clean, Eren.”
“Who cares about being clean? I’d rather feel everything. Dirt! Roads! And what was that fluffy thing you mentioned again?”
“I care about being clean. Dirt between my toes feels disgusting and the roads are so dirty. And you’re talking about fur rugs.”
“Yes those! They have to feel so fluffy in between toes! Not feeling that would be like stuffing my tail fins into a shell or something. Zero out of ten do not recommend.”
“Why would you ever try to put your tail fins into a shell, brat?”
“No comment.”
“So merfolk do have to avoid sharks?”
“Some of them. Some choose to befriend us but there are some species who prefer to be loners.”
“I can’t wrap my head around the idea of a friendly shark.”
“They exist I promise! Armin and I are particularly fond of this one hammerhead that circles the coral beds to the south of here. He’s got a great sense of humor.”
“A shark… with a sense of humor. Wait, you can understand sharks?”
“Sure can! Though sometimes I wish I couldn’t. The pissy loners never have nice things to say.”
“And you know this, why?”
“Because I’ve gotten into the personal space of a few loner sharks before.”
“Eren… Isn’t that dangerous?”
“Hmm.. probably but that’s what makes it fun.”
“You’re far too reckless, Brat!”
“Wait wait. Your friend actually thinks that a fish will go near this monstrosity?”
“Hanji claims it's their new masterpiece. That it will catch us precisely forty percent more fish.”
“This… this is just a plastic coil. It doesn’t even look natural.”
“So it won’t work?”
“If your friend means to scare fish away then sure it will work.”
“Wow, how savage of you Eren.”
“I mean come on, Levi. You can’t tell me that you think any fish in their right mind would be fooled by this lure.”
“I never said I didn’t agree with you.”
“So there’s different kinds of kelp?”
“Oh yes! The different kinds can be used differently to cure different injuries.”
“It all looks the same to me.”
“No no. Look here Levi, this kelp leaf slopes inwards more whereas this one is rounder in shape.”
“It all just looks like kelp.”
The easy banter continued for many weeks. Eventually Levi had stopped pretending to be shocked or confused as to why it was so easy to speak to Eren. It was easier to just accept that these conversations were easily Levi’s favorite part of his day.
There were days where they weren’t able to meet of course. Treacherous weather had kept Levi away a few times. Other times Eren wasn’t able to slip away from an increasingly displeased Armin. But that just made the days they were able to talk for hours on end even more meaningful.
Today was one such day, where they actually hadn’t seen each other for the past three days. Levi had been at the cove each day, but hadn’t seen a peep of Eren. So when he had seen his friend’s brunette head pop up from beneath the waves, Levi had been secretly relieved.
The merman eagerly pulled himself up the shore to his usual spot near Levi’s rock with a huge smile and sparkling eyes.
“Levi! You’re here! Great! I have something for you!” Eren exclaimed as his smile got impossibly wider.
Levi watched as Eren carefully opened his palms and set a large pile of pearls down as gently as he could. Levi could see pearls of different colors, shapes, and sizes.
“Where did you get this many pearls?” Levi asked with a raised eyebrow.
“From clams? Where else would I get them?” Eren answered flipantly like he couldn’t understand why the raven was asking him such a thing.
“Okay, but this many…” Levi trailed off skeptically because even though he wasn’t that knowledgable about the ocean, he seriously doubted it was easy to get this many of the pretty gems.
Eren stared back at him and made a placating gesture with his hands as he spoke, “Relax Levi, there’s a trench about two hours swim away from here with tons of clams. They always have the prettiest pearls.” In the middle of his words, Levi watched as the merman picked up a few specific pearls and began fiddling with them and something white and thin that the raven couldn’t quite tell what it was.
“The same trench that you told me about last week that is frequented by tons of sharks.” Levi deadpanned, remembering the story Eren had told him last week about a particularly pissed off great white that had chased the brunette and poor Armin for miles.
“Yes,” Eren said simply as he continued fiddling with whatever he was holding and atutely not meeting Levi’s eyes.
“Eren…” Levi sighed out the merman’s name, ready to launch into yet another lecture to try to get it through the brat’s head that he shouldn’t just mess with pissy loner sharks. The merman had even said himself that there were some sharks that merfolk avoided.
As if sensing the lecture, Eren immediately pulled a face and spoke before he could. “What? I’m fineee,” he whined petulantly. “Sharks couldn’t touch me. I’m too fast.”
“Still you shouldn’t be risking it just for pearls,” Levi tried to protest. “You may think you’re fast but one day your luck is going to run out. A shark will be faster than you or pissed off enough to be able to catch you.”
Suddenly, Levi had a merman directly in his face, those shimmering pools that fluctuated between blue and green stared deep into his own silver eyes. “Oh? If I didn’t know any better, it sounds like you’re worried about me Levi.”
Levi broke eye contact and ignored the way his face warmed a little. Please goddess Ymir let it not be showing on his face. “Don’t be ridiculous, brat. I’m not concerned about you. Go get yourself eaten by a shark for all I care.”
That musical laugh that Levi would never admit he loved rang through the cove. “Aww, that’s a shame you’re not concerned about me, seeing as I got these pearls especially for you.”
If anyone asked, Levi would deny them instantly. Those words definitely did not make his face heat up even more. Now he was pretty sure that the pink color was visible on his cheeks. He turned to look back at the merman and opened his mouth to retort something sarcastic, to play off his embarrassment or scold the merman some more, anything to distract Eren from noticing how flustered he had gotten.
But his words died in his throat because when he turned to look back at Eren, the merman was holding a particular large, silver pearl up to his face with an impossibly soft look in his eyes.
“This one is perfect,” Eren breathed out softly.
“Perfect?” Levi found himself questioning, his voice also going quiet. Any of his precious rage over his embarrassment vanished at that look in Eren’s eyes. “Perfect for what?”
“It’s a perfect match for your eyes,” Eren continued with a small smile, his eyes got even softer which Levi hadn’t known was possible. “The prettiest silver color that I have ever seen.”
“You- you are- “ Levi stuttered as his brain refused to connect properly to his tongue and say a coherent sentence because just what was Eren implying with those words?
“Beautiful, a genius, immensely talented-“ Eren started to list off with a bright smile, the softness in his eyes getting replaced with a mischievous glint.
Had Levi simply imagined that moment?
“Dangerous,” was the descriptor that Levi settled on when his tongue finally decided to listen to him. There were many words that he could have chosen but he picked dangerous simply because that was the only word that he felt described Eren’s existence.
The merman had taken his previously monotone routine and completely flipped it upside down. It wasn’t just the same old chores, the same old walk to the cliffs, the same old peace and quiet down by the cove. Now his afternoons were usually filled with chatter, bright smiles, and shimmering turquoise eyes.
“Dangerously in love with you? Yes, that would be correct,” Eren’s voice shook Levi out of his thoughts but the words didn’t quite register. Had Eren just said he loved him? There was no way. Levi had to have misheard.
His silence seemed to make Eren incredibly nervous because the merman started to ramble. “It’s obviously fine if you don’t feel the same. I mean who am I kidding? I’m a merman and you’re a human, there’s no way we can possibly be together and even less of a chance that you feel the same way. I mean, Levi, you’re well, you’re you. You’re insanely pretty. You have the most amazing sense of humor. And your laugh, goddess, your laugh is prettier than any music and I love being the cause of it. Your hair shines in the sun and I could get lost in the silver depths of your eyes for hours.”
Levi sat there on the sand, completely dumbfounded as he listened to Eren’s rambling. His heart pounded a million miles an hour in his chest and he kept opening and closing his mouth as his tongue sat still in his mouth. It was being a completely useless piece of flesh that had apparently forgotten that it was supposed to help him form words.
Eren kept going as he held out what he had been fiddling nervously in his hands this entire time. “Anyways, now that I’ve gone and ruined everything. I wanted to at least give you this. Please, please accept it. I said I got those pearls for you and I meant that.”
Levi watched as Eren held up a necklace, a few of the pearls that he had gathered were suspended between intricate knots tied into a delicate white chord. What the chord was made of, Levi honestly couldn’t tell but that wasn’t what his focus was on. Because hanging free in the center of the necklace, framed by the other pearls was the big, shiny silver one that Eren had just been holding up to Levi’s face.
The one that Eren had claimed matched his eyes.
“I made this for you,” Eren’s nervous rambling got even faster as he nervously fiddled with the necklace. “The chord is braided from dried out pressed coral, it’s a technique others in my pod taught me. It should be durable and resistant to moisture. I just wanted to make you something that came from my home. To show you how much you mean to me. And well, it can totally be just a friendship necklace if that would make it less weird. You don’t even have to respond to my feelings. It can just be like it always was, as long as I don’t lose you.”
Eren trailed off and finally looked Levi straight in the eyes, having been looking around nervously at anything but the raven during his rambles. “I don’t think I could handle losing you Levi.”
Levi saw the merman’s mouth open again as if he were to start rambling again and he felt his body move before he could even process it.
“Sorry again for making things weir-” Eren started to rapidly say when Levi hurriedly pressed his lips to Eren’s own.
Levi poured everything that he was feeling, the pounding that hadn’t stopped resonating throughout his chest, the warmth in his cheeks, and the love in his heart. Everything that he couldn’t get his blasted tongue to say out loud, he poured into the kiss, hoping that he could make Eren understand him.
Because how could he not feel the same? How could the brat possibly think that Levi didn’t love him?
Because at the root of it all, that was what it boiled down to. Levi was impossibly, unfathomingly in love with Eren. The beautiful merman with the shimmering turquoise eyes that took his life and changed it for the better.
Levi pulled away from the kiss and was amused to see Eren leaning forward as if chasing after his lips, a dazed look in those blue-green eyes that somehow seemed to Levi like they were shining even brighter than before.
“Brat. I love you too,” Levi breathed the words quietly against Eren’s lips, painstakingly soft despite them being alone in this cove with no one to overhear him.
Without waiting for Eren to respond, Levi leaned back in to kiss his merman once more.
A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed my little one-shot! It was originally written for RivaereriOctober2023 Day 1 Magical Creatures.
Don’t be afraid to let me know what you thought of the story! 😊
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feedmerivaereripls · 1 year
Series Begun:
Series Updated:
Happy Ererimas, y'all! 🎄❤️💚🍵🗝️🎁🎅🏻🤶🏻
Day 1: first snow & fireplace
Day 2: sharing a bed
Day 3: ugly sweaters & hot drinks + royalty au
Day 4: reunions & decorations + fantasy au
Day 5: gift wrapping + omegaverse au
TBC ☃♡
The Save The Date Event was my first, but it surely wasn't my last. This is a compilation of one shots written for the Ererimas Event hosted by the wonderful Ereri_Nation Discord server! Hugely focused on Eren and Levi's relationship throughout with lots of fluff, some smut, and not much angst. Hope you enjoy! From the bottom of my heart, thanks for taking the time to even read my stories! I appreciate each and every one of you guys! Love, Lavi 𖠇♡
Words: 7,613 Works: 5 Complete: No
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Will update until the final day when the series is completed. ☃♡
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ravenstakeflight · 1 year
wings take flight
Three months of sneaky measurements and spending less and less time with Levi had culminated on his birthday.
Walls, Eren hopes he likes it.
December twenty-fifth.
Christmas Day to a lot of people.
To Eren, though, that's secondary to the more important title for this day:
It's Heichou's - Levi, Levi - birthday today.
They all sit around in a circle, Levi's (and Eren's, too, if he's being honest, but they aren't) living room just barely big enough for the people who'd decided to participate in their friend group's Secret Santa exchange.
Hanji, Jean, Mikasa, Erwin, Levi, and Armin. Fuck. Eren's missing.
Levi sits there with a smirk on his face and a gift for Erwin under the tree. A tiny Captain America shield, wrapped in enough wrapping paper to make it look like a laptop. Ha.
He gets an exasperated look from Erwin when his Commander friend - they're just friends this time - unwraps it.
"Really, Levi?" A sigh. "Come on. You could've done a little bit better, at least?"
He just smirks.
"Ha. No. You got exactly what you deserv-"
A crash as the door opens.
"I'm not lat- aw man, I'm late." Eren grumbles. Levi snorts, patting the empty space next to him and gracefully accepting the kiss Eren presses to his cheek as something tense in him unwinds. Thank the Walls, and something must be evident in his gaze because Eren softens more, if that was ever possible, and kisses him again. "I'm here, Levi."
"I know, Eren. Shut up." He'd given up on trying to hide what he's thought from Eren around the tenth time the man had peeled back his every layer and held his heart in his hands with a smile that said I'll keep this safe. It takes just around twenty minutes for Hanji to leap up and grab Eren's gift.
Eren stares down at his gift with a raised eyebrow. A few pokes later, he deigns it safe to unwrap and it reveals a pretty little journal. It had thin gold filigree embedded in it, creating some kind of dreamy effect with the tree the filigree created. Levi approves. Eren deserves all of the pretty, beautiful things for himself.
"Dream journal with locks so that you can write out whatever you need, Eren!" They say cheerfully. "Who'd you get?"
"Levi, this is for you." Eren says quietly. "I, uh. I hope you like it?" He holds out the package he’s been holding onto to Levi, who takes it with a raised eyebrow.
He opens it quickly, the smooth cardboard box taking him off guard, and when he lifts the lid-
Levi can't breathe.
He picks the paper up, finding familiar symbols written in it. A note written just for him, in a world that had forgotten the language the two of them grew up with the first time. A note for the one person who would understand what was written, maybe more so than anyone else that knew what it said.
For the one person who always, always took care of me.
Thank you, heichou.
I wanted to give you something in return.
(And happy birthday.)
"... Eren?" Levi's voice is nearly a breath when he looks over at the love of his lives. "What did you do-"
"Look down, Heichou." Eren murmurs. The way his title - belonging to a man long dead, but a man alive again - still seems to drip from his lips would scare Levi if he was still startled by anything more. "I made you something."
He looks down.
And has his breath stolen away once more.
Inside the box is a dark green jacket, the shade still familiar to Levi's eyes even though the first time he saw it is a lifetime away. Green, like the short cloaks the Scouts had worn, like the trees they'd flown through, green like Eren's eyes when he looks into the grassy fields.
Green like Levi hasn't seen for years, and it has taken his breath away just like the man who apparently created it.
He picks it up slowly, and it unfurls to reveal a jacket-
It sways in the air, and his eyes catch on something before he realizes.
No way.
No fucking way.
"Eren, did you-" His voice is choked up, and he can tell that the rest of the idiots have finally caught on to the fact that there's something more significant about this. "Did you really-"
The glint of a shield that the world itself has forgotten takes Levi's attention once again.
"My mother taught me to sew when I was little," Eren admits. "I'd nearly forgotten, but I just thought it would be nice." He takes a deep breath, staring at Levi nervously. "I know we can't fly the same way we used to, Levi, and I realized that neither of us have anything to remember it by, so-"
"You moron-" Levi tries not to curse as he hauls Eren forward, into him for a long, deep kiss. "I can't believe you thought I'd ever dislike this-"
"It's just part one, Levi-" Eren giggles a little. Levi freezes. Part one? "... Part two is- maybe, one day- if you want, I used to help assemble the 3DMG on the days we weren;t going out, and-"
Levi cuts him off again, pulling him in for another wet, open kiss. When he pulls back, it's to the sight of a ruffled, rumpled, and grinning Eren.
"I'll take that as a yes, it was well-received?"
"... Eren." His voice breaks. To his horror, there's tears stinging at his eyes. "Eren, for the love of the Walls, please tell me you're not lying to me about-"
"Look at the jacket, Levi." Eren soothes softly. "Look at it."
The Wings of Freedom still glitter on the back of the jacket, so terrifyingly, hauntingly familiar to their cloaks.
"I wouldn't lie. Not to you, not about this. If you want it, it's yours."
(Days, weeks, months later, they're ready. The two of them sneak off with the gear they've made and put it back on. The callouses and muscle they need, they've tried to build back up, and it hurts to no end when they go home, but it feels so good. It's good to fly, it's good to jump through the trees like the two of them did millennia ago.
And on the back of Levi's jacket, the Wings of Freedom shine once again.)
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airrareree · 8 months
Ereri fic recs part 5
• Time to Go boarding school, mystery 71k
• The forest trans!eren 28k
• My First Home dogboy!eren, human experimentation, supernatural 17k
To Read
• Overwintering modern au, boss/employee 68k
• Blind Hatred blind!eren, smut, fluff 28k
• Give Your Heart college students, RA!levi 21k
• Arranged Duty abo, pregnancy, arranged marriage 15k
• At Least You’re Not Aquaman superhero au 186k
• Pinkie Promise godofdeath!levi, modern au 58k
Read in the Past
• To You, 2000 Later reincarnation, titan shifter eren 110k
• Blind Date abo, ceo!levi, student!eren, mpreg 15k
• Jibaro deaf!levi, siren! eren 20k
• Hidden in the Forest naga!llevi, human!eren, abo 34k
Recs part 6
Recs part 4
Recs part 3
Recs part 2
Recs part 1
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sylviaackerman12 · 3 months
So ummm... Very curious question.
Is there any Ereri full comics that basically... Not having smuts? I mean like not 18+.
I don't really mind gore or anything but just not smuts.
And honestly I feel like it's a mission impossible since mostly Ereri short comics are just mostly smuts and not always fluff without smuts. I just curious.
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forestsofthenightx · 6 months
let me lay down beside you, let me always be with you
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Chapters: 1/1
Rating: Teen
Relationships: Levi Ackerman/Eren Yeager
Main tags: Sick Levi Ackerman, Caring Eren Yeager, Needy Levi Ackerman, Fluff, Cuddling & Snuggling, Eren Yeager being a brat
He sighed. “Well, then… I’ll let you rest, sir.”
He was about to walk away, promising himself to go and check on him later, when he felt a sudden grasp on his wrist.
“No. Stay.” Eren turned, his heart skipping a beat. “I’d feel… warmer. With you here.”
or: Levi is sick and Eren takes care of him
My fic for the prompt Catch a cold of the beautiful Twitter event organised by Wanko, the #LEChristmas2023 🩵
Hope you like this 🫶🏻
Read on Ao3
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sienne-k · 5 months
how much should my longings fall like snow by Sienne
attack on titan | ereri | 2,8k chap 4/4 | fluff, winter vibes, canon compliant, set in s3
written for Ererimas event by Ereri Nation day 4, prompts used: [birthday], [knitting] and ["I've dreamt of this moment for so long but not like this."]
It is his birthday, and Levi is stuck in his office hard at work, no thanks to Eyebrows. At least Eren is there too, to keep him company... If only he would pay him any attention, that is. Levi might not be as patient and accepting of his lot as Eren, preferring to sulk petulantly, but he still gets his reward. And a double one, at that! Life's great for grumpy Captains, as long as there are Titan subordinates around.
full text under the cut. as long as yesterday, so might be better on ao3
Levi was sat behind his desk in his office, the usual mountain of paperwork divided into two smaller hills at each side. He was leaning forward between them, elbows on the desk while his chin rested on linked hands, completely ignoring his job in favor of observing his guest.
A guest who had invited himself in with a begging gaze that Levi had no reason to refuse, and who now occupied almost the entirety of his couch. He was fully immersed in whatever it was that he was doing, too, and paid barely any attention to the Captain. Even though it was his room he literally barged in. Albeit he did so politely.
“Everywhere else there are people distracting me, or Mikasa could walk in and see.” explained Eren without bothering to spare Levi even a stray look.
Brat, Levi thought half-irritated, half-fond.
Eren’s hands hadn’t stopped once in their movement, the swish-swoosh of the wooden sticks hypnotizing Levi into completely abandoning his work to focus on them. And on the long, slender fingers moving them with practiced deftness. The nails were trimmed neatly and there was not even a speck of dirt underneath. There were a few callouses from harsh training, but otherwise they were very nice fingers, attached to hands which were just as nice. Levi remembered that, as he held them tenderly in his just yesterday, the skin felt very smooth and warm, warmer than anyone else’s. That fit him just fine, as his own ran rather cold.
“Why is it such a big deal if she sees?” Levi continued the conversation, hoping to provoke Eren into paying him more attention.
“Because it’s a surprise gift! It’s tradition.”
There were no more words forthcoming, and Eren did not look at Levi, either. He pursed his lips, having half a mind to throw the boy out if he couldn’t even deign to indulge Levi in his own office, and on this particular day to boot.
But that would mean not having Eren there at all, to at least enjoy the sight of him relaxed on Levi’s couch. And it wasn’t like Eren knew it was his birthday.
Levi opened his mind to give it another try, but was interrupted before he even got to start.
“Um, I need to finish it today…” Eren bit his lip as his hands stopped and he (finally!) glanced at the Captain. He hesitated for a moment but then continued, “And I’m sorry if I’m bothering you, I know you said the Commander asked you to approve the new indoor training forms...”
Curse you, Erwin, Levi thought. For giving him more work on his birthday, but also in general, for being a pain in the ass. And curse you too, Eren.
It was a masterful maneuver. With one sentence, Eren implied for Levi to mind his own business and to stop being a nuisance so he could finish Mikasa’s gift in peace, while outwardly reminding him of the duty that he was supposed to be actually doing.
Levi was sure that on any other day, one that Eren wasn’t busy with his own thing, he would have bothered Levi regardless if there was any work request from Erwin; he would have simply pretended he was being helpful or that he didn’t realize it was important.
With a sigh, he capitulated and went back to his mountain of paperwork as Eren focused right back on his wooden sticks and colorful threads that were making a tangled mess on Levi’s couch.
Although he couldn’t help one last, bitter mumble. “And is there a gift for the Captain who tries his best to keep you alive and safe?”
“I thought you didn’t celebrate?” Eren replied innocently.
He was right, Levi didn’t. Thoroughly defeated, he took his pen in hand and once more focused on Erwin’s snobbishly elegant handwriting.
“I’m done!” Eren announced triumphantly, holding the finished scarf up in the air to properly admire it.
Levi put down his pen. “I’m done too, thank fuck.”
He put his hands up in the air similarly to Eren, but instead of admiring anything, he was only stretching his spine and shoulders. It had been hours and his back was killing him.
Levi looked at the scarf Eren had been toiling over for the whole day. He had to admit it looked rather pretty, all dark red like Mikasa’s current scarf, but with an elegant leafy pattern woven at the ends with thin silver and black threads.
“Didn’t expect you to be any good at sewing,” he commented, actually interested.
“Thank you,” Eren accepted his subtle praise, already a master at discerning what Levi wanted to convey.
“It’s actually knitting, not sewing. Mom would teach me whenever she wanted me to sit quiet and out of trouble,” he admitted sheepishly. His mouth twitched in a barely-there smile, eyes looking somewhere far away. “She thought it would keep me occupied for long enough to cool down from whatever angered me that time.”
Imagining a tiny Eren throwing around fists and shouting at whoever disagreed with him the way he still did with Jean… Yeah, Levi could guess easily why Mrs. Yeager might have wanted some peace and quiet. Even if the image was fucking cute… And Levi wasn’t in the business of using that word lightly.
“I’m sure Mikasa will be happy to receive it,” he replied awkwardly around the elephant in the house. He got up from his chair and reached for the finished paperwork.
“I just hope she will actually wear it and throw away that old, dingy thing,” Eren muttered. “It’s so threadbare and smelly even after washing…”
Levi pretended he didn’t hear that last part, though he couldn’t help the shudder that ran through his body. For such a well-kept girl, that old scarf truly was the only blemish on Mikasa’s perfect image. Thankfully Eren seemed to keep his clothes clean and tidy, quickly replacing what needed to be replaced. Even if he always got the same thing over and over.
Eren noticed Levi was away from his chair, collecting the papers he had slaved over for the last few hours.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Are you going somewhere?” He began hastily grabbing the messy, tangled threads still occupying most of Levi’s couch. Strangely, there were more colors than Eren had used for Mikasa’s scarf.
“Yeah, gotta give these to Erwin.” And then finally freedom for the rest of the day. Or, well, what was left of it.
“Oh,” Eren said awkwardly. “So you will be spending the day with the Commander…?” he trailed off.
He was clearly fishing for information, but Levi let him off with only a side look and a raised eyebrow, and answered truthfully without further prompting. “No, I will be going back to my quarters. I need some rest, not extra work. Or Hanji talking my ear off.”
“Oh,” Eren repeated, disappointed. “Then you won’t want to be disturbed?”
“Yes, Eren, I won’t want to be disturbed,” Levi said, exasperated. He thought he made it pretty clear…? Oh.
Levi cleared his throat, turning around and putting his back to Eren, and moved to the door. “But I won’t be too upset if just one shitty brat came for a chat.”
Eren instantly brightened, “Yessir!”
“Clear that shit up properly and lock the door behind you. You can give me the key back later.” With that announcement, Levi shut the door and hurried to Erwin’s office.
Perhaps his birthday was still salvageable.
He made quick time dropping off the paperwork at the Commander’s office, but once he arrived back in his quarters he had no idea what to do as he waited. No one had ever been inside, aside from Erwin coming to bother him about something he deemed important, or Hanji, who by now knew better and only came by to drag him out instead of inviting themselves in and chatting his ear off like they had done the first few times, before Levi had violently taught them better.
There was no last-minute cleaning to be done since he kept the room spotless, and there were no snacks in the kitchen he could set out to share with Eren. He did have a nice gyokuro stashed away for special occasions which this did constitute as, but would tea be enough? Eren was still young, and teenagers always wanted to eat. Would Eren expect to be treated to something? Well, even if he did, it wasn’t like Levi could just magic something into existence. Just tea it was, then.
A loud knock interrupted his frantic musing. He opened the door, instinctively looking up at the perfect angle to appreciate the excited shine of bright green eyes, accented nicely by blushing red cheeks. Or some kind of poetic shit like that.
“I hope I am not interrupting,” Eren said politely, hands folded behind his back.
Levi snorted. “No need to pretend I didn’t invite you.”
He crossed his arms and watched with hidden amusement as Eren replied, all the while trying not to look like he desperately wanted to sneak a peak of the inside of Levi’s private quarters.
“I did kind of invite myself…”
“Stop speaking like you’re Hanji and don’t understand what my boundaries are. Now get in.”
Perking up, Eren took a step forward, then froze. He smiled at Levi nervously, “After you, sir.”
That was suspicious, very suspicious. But it was Eren, so Levi figured there was nothing to fear, and anything he wanted to know he could pry from him once they were settled inside.
He heard the door close as he got comfortable on his couch, waiting for Eren to join him. But the boy only shuffled closer to the fireplace and kept standing there, shifting from foot to foot.
“Did you not clean your asshole properly or what?” Levi asked, suspicious. He had better not brought any uninvited worms with him…!
“What? No!!!” Eren refuted, thoroughly shocked. He shot Levi an offended and hurt look, like he couldn’t believe Levi would think of him so badly.
“What else am I supposed to think when you behave so squirrely?” Levi defended himself. “You keep squirming like your ass is itching.”
Eren coughed, face flushing a deep red. “I’m not… itching. Or at least, I haven’t got any worms,” he muttered petulantly.
“Oh, so you’re itching for something else?” Levi bit back a salacious grin, even as he couldn’t help himself from teasing further. If he didn’t like it, Eren could consider it a payback for ignoring him earlier.
Eren huffed and rolled his eyes, quickly getting back his cool. The deep red on his cheeks stayed, though. “I suppose you don’t want your gift, then. Sir.”
Levi straightened up from his slouch, sitting at attention. His eyes were sharp and focused, not moving an inch from Eren’s.
“I don’t observe the holidays, though?” he prompted, remembering their earlier conversation.
“It’s not a holiday gift.”
“Well,” Levi stood up and stepped closer when Eren made no further move. “Where is it then?”
“I don’t know, where you a good boy this year, Captain?” Eren snarked, clearly still offended at Levi’s earlier insinuation.
“Don’t push too hard, brat, or you won’t like what happens,” Levi warned in a low voice, standing close enough to Eren now that he could feel his breath. The teen’s eyes were glimmering brightly with determination and giddiness. Levi usually wasn’t one to share in excitation, but this time he couldn’t help the thrilling anticipation that welled inside him.
“Is that so,” Eren murmured, eyes lowering to Levi’s lips, glowing even brighter. “I suppose I have no choice but to relinquish my gift, then.”
“Quite so,” Levi informed him. But nothing more happened as they stood there, almost nose to nose.
Finally Levi could take the tension no more. “Should I close my eyes then, if princess is feeling too shy?”
Eren pursed his mouth, a movement which Levi tracked avidly with his eyes.“Yes, actually,” he said with more confidence than Levi expected from someone with cheeks as red as the mistletoe fruit.
Deciding he wanted his gift already, Levi closed his eyes obediently. Perhaps the present won’t be physical anyway, if one considered their current position…
And it seemed like he was right, because he could feel Eren lean closer, his breath and bangs tickling Levi’s face, closer and hotter and—
Something soft wrapped around his neck and shoulders and he quickly opened his eyes, not expecting the sensation. Clearly not yet ready for Levi’s gaze, Eren froze mid-motion, both arms hovering around Levi’s head, holding two ends of a… scarf?
“Um,” Eren said. And then nothing else came out of his mouth even as it moved open and close like a fish out of water.
“What,” Levi said.
And since he too could not come up with anything else, he regretfully took a step back from Eren, who let his arms fall at his sides. The distance was needed if Levi didn’t want to get any more distracted. And it helped him breathe more easily, too.
“Happy birthday?” Eren offered with a shy smile. “I know it’s not much… But I hope you like it.” He averted his eyes away from Levi.
Levi touched the scarf that was still only half-wrapped around his neck. It was very soft and smooth, knitted with thin yarn in a small, tight pattern. It was in a dark blue color with a grayish sort of tint to it, glimmering from the light from the fireplace like steel. It was clearly very carefully made, the various bumps and valleys all uniform in size, with short frills at the end giving the scarf a more stylish feel.
“Thank you,” Levi said quietly but sincerely, sliding his fingers along the scarf time and again.
It was very unexpected, both the gift and how much it affected him. But there was no hiding that he was touched, and a thoughtful present like this deserved an appropriate response in gratitude. So he stepped forward again and reached out one hand to grab Eren’s nape, pulling him down to his height.
Eren gasped lightly and shut his eyes tight as Levi’s face drew closer and closer to his. Levi aimed carefully and put his lips firmly on Eren’s smooth cheek. He stayed there for a long moment, much longer than Eren had dared that time under the mistletoe. He felt Eren breathe as it brushed over his own cheek, but finally released the teen’s neck from his grasp and took a slight step back.
He met Eren’s eyes. They were shining just as brightly as always, but Eren seemed frozen, not moving at all; not even to blink. Levi raised an eyebrow at him and it must have released him from whatever spell Eren had been under, as he chuckled quietly.
“I’ve dreamed of this moment for so long, but not like this.”
Levi was not surprised in the least. He had imagined this moment many times, as well. He was curious what Eren had imagined, though. “Like what, then?”
Eren closed that small step Levi had put between them, smiling impishly as he grabbed him delicately by the hips.
“Like that,” he said, then pulled Levi in and lowered his head, closing his eyes and placing his lips boldly on Levi’s.
Levi couldn’t help taking in a sharp breath, thoroughly surprised. He shouldn’t have been, though, since he had been baiting Eren for long enough. His eyes fell closed as he enjoyed the soft feel of Eren’s warm, inexperienced mouth on his, letting him do whatever he wanted. They had time for more advanced techniques that Levi would teach him later. He was looking forward to it, too; he already knew that Eren was a hard worker and very ambitious, and that it always yielded high results.
He threw his arms around Eren’s neck as Eren’s arms tightened fully around his waist, literally and figuratively closing any remaining distance between them.
When they were later on sitting on the couch in Levi’s private quarters, Eren said quietly, as if sharing a secret, “At first I actually thought of making you gloves, since your hands are always cold.”
“Oh? And how do you know my hands are always cold?”
“It’s because you keep hiding them in your pockets.” Eren grinned, silently admitting to watching Levi all the time.
Levi hummed. “Then why didn’t you?”
“Why didn’t I what,” he asked, eyeing Levi’s lips distractedly.
“Why didn’t you make me gloves,” Levi repeated without teasing for once, simply enjoying the embrace and being so visibly desired.
“Ah,” Eren laughed sheepishly. An embarrassed blush colored his cheeks lovingly. “I just thought there are better ways of warming them up.”
Levi raised an eyebrow, interested.
Eren ducked his head down, trying to escape Levi’s stare, but it proved fruitless, considering Levi was the shorter one. “I thought I could keep them warm with my hands whenever you wanted,” he finally admitted, his face so red Levi thought he might start steaming soon.
“Hoh? Not bad.”
He took Eren’s hands to pull him closer, closing the gap between their mouths to get thoroughly kissed again.
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ereri-fics · 1 year
Any good Smart Eren fics? Please let it be canonverse/canon era / canon divergence. Also no Bottom Levi please.
of a boy who wanted freedom by patolemus
Stopping a war before it’s began is difficult, but Eren will be damned if he doesn't keep his family safe.
Or, how Eren tries to get a better future of everyone, even at the cost of his own.
Warning: temporary major character death; we recommend reading the rest of the series.
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Roleplay Advertisement!
Yo! I’m looking for a literate partner interested in RPing Ereri with me? (Top! Eren Jaeger, Bottom! Levi Ackerman.) Yes, they can reverse roles but I main Submissive Levi for this particular AU.
Here’s what I’m hoping for:
LONG-TERM! Plot heavy! Possible NSFW in the future. Please be 18+ to RP with me. Read my Pinned post!
(I would be playing as Levi but can also play Eren if it's important to you. I prefer the former.)
Titanic AU!
Nearly all of us have seen the movie Titanic before and have fallen victim to its tragic beauty. I, myself, have been obsessed with this AU for literal months now and thought 'Hey, why not just RP it?' Which is exactly what I plan to do!
My main inspiration for this AU actually comes from a FanFiction: The Ship of Freedom by SaZB on AO3. There might be a lot of similarities for this very reason! I strongly encourage you to check it out!
Depending on my partner, I’m more than willing to turn this RP into Omegaverse, if that interests them/you. Again, I would be playing Bottom! Levi for this particular RP, though I can have them switch as well since I RP both Characters in both roles pretty equally. (If I were to play as Eren, he would be German/English.)
The Summary/Starter I have in mind is practically the same as the beginning of the movie. Levi won (cheated) a lucky game of poker or blackjack (whichever), and boarded the ship with the clothes on his back and a tiny sack of his belongings. They meet somehow, (we can figure this out later) and are of different social classes/status'. Aka, wealthy Eren, poor Levi.
I would also like it if they were 19-22 (Eren) & 29-34 (Levi)
(Bonus points if Eren is in a relationship/betrothed with Mikasa, Hitch, Christa/Historia etc and falls for Levi instead while still a couple. Good shit.) Please, please, please, I adore cheating AU's!
I really want this RP to be heavy on the Angst, so think cheating/infidelity, blatant homophobia, secret relationships, horrors that come with a tragic accident, self-hatred(?) Age-Gap etc. I would also like for the fluff to be equally as intense to balance it out!
Please let me know if you are interested! My DM’s are always open! Discord is my preferred method to RP on! Feel free to send me a sample of your writing beforehand to see if we're compatible.
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