#especially since he's getting older
allylikethecat · 1 month
The further we get into atkh the more excited I get about the relationship before I remember something’s going to go BAD before they can be happy. I live in fear.
Well, we do have a *little bit* longer to go before ~bad things~ happen if that helps? Like we are going to have the BEST whirlwind romance for at least a few chapters! Fictional!Matty deserves good things so we should all enjoy it while he gets to experience them! Just remember, horses are HORSES and they are like both the best and worst thing to ever happen to people (re: me) I always joke that Pop is my therapist but also like.... my main source of stress and the reason I need therapy lol They are unpredictable evolutionary nightmare... just keep that in mind. So like... don't live in fear but like... enjoy the good while it lasts lol Thank you so much for reading and I'm sorry for being so cryptic and building the drama it's kinda fun lol I hope you continue to enjoy ATKH and that you had a great Friday and that you have a great weekend!
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kindlythevoid · 9 months
One of the best parts of Fellowship of the Ring is finding out about Aragorn and Bilbo’s friendship. Like I’ve seen people talk about how they collaborated on the song together, but I have yet to see people talk about this:
“[Bilbo] turned to Strider. ‘Where have you been, my friend? Why weren’t you at the feast? The Lady Arwen was there.’”
Bilbo Baggins, The Fellowship of the Ring pg. 261
Like. Bilbo was definitely one of Aragorn/Arwen’s chief shippers and no one can change my mind about that.
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milf-harrington · 1 year
inspired by @flashyysins
Two days after Hawkins was almost split open, Robin saw a woman pacing in the hospital waiting room.
There were plenty of other people as well, sitting or standing or walking the length of the room in a similar pattern, but there was something about the woman that Robin noticed. It wasn't just that she was beautiful, which she was- it's that there was something familiar about her.
She was in blue jeans and an old-school Hawkins High Letterman jacket, light brown hair twisted up in a claw clip. Robin had never met her before, she'd remember that at the very least, but still.
Something about the angle of her nose or the gentle waves of her hair felt like something Robin had seen before, something she'd be able to find in a crowded room or across a street.
But Robin had somewhere to be, so she shook off the odd feeling, and followed the familiar path to Steve's room.
"Hey Stevie."
Steve's smile was tired, but he was looking more lively than when he'd passed out in the waiting room the other day, so she'd take it.
"Robbie, you left me hanging yesterday."
She snorted and dropped into one of the chairs by his bed, swinging her legs over the arm rest and cradling the bag she'd brought with her in her lap. "You're the one who fell asleep during visiting hours."
He rolled his eyes, and she happily noted the colour returning to his skin. "You should be exempt from visiting hours, you're like...essential to my recovery or something."
She laughed to hide the way those words curled soft and warm around her heart, eyes stinging until she blinked it away. The dumbass had almost over-worked himself to the point of no recovery. "'Exempt?' Someone's been reading a dictionary- did one of your children leave theirs behind?"
"Oh fuck you-"
They were interrupted by a knock on the door, and Robin was startled to see the woman from the waiting room hovering behind a nurse.
"You have a new visitor Mr Harrington."
Even knee-deep in confused intrigue, Robin couldn't help but dramatically mouth Mr Harrington over her own shoulder, pleased at the face he pulled in retaliation.
And then the door shut, and Steve looked up to find the woman-from-the-waiting room standing at the end of the bed.
Robin saw his brain grind to a halt at the sight of her.
It was silent (well, as much as it could be in a hospital room, what with all the beeping and whirring) as they took each other in, and Robin slowly brought her knees in closer to her chest like it would shield her from the vague awkwardness chewing at her.
And then-
"Fucking hell, Eve." The woman breathed out, white knuckling the bar at the end of his bed.
At the same time, Steve's face scrunched up as he demanded: "What are you doing here?"
"What do you mean 'what am I doing here'? You're in hospital!"
"I thought you were in New York!"
"Yeah and then I got a call from Hawkins General that my little brother was dying in a hospital bed! Thank you for keeping me as your emergency contact, by the way."
"Well-" Steve spluttered and then crossed his arms over his chest, wincing at the pressure on his injuries. "Obviously."
Several things clicked into place like undone locks. Steve had almost been too comfortable about "feminine" topics for as long as she'd been an active member of his life- and even slightly before.
(He'd once run out of Scoops to buy her pads when she'd started her period in the middle of a shift. At the time she'd figured he was just trying really hard to beat the still a douche-bag allegations.)
Then there were the sweaters that he wouldn't confess to the origin of, the jokes he'd make about Robin "not being the only woman in his life" that she'd thought were about Nancy Wheeler, the vehement denial that the rom-com collection in the theatre room were his.
And, while Robin hated to enforce gender stereotypes, he'd always had the kind of mean girl cattiness that was usually only forged in teenaged girls and merely rubbed off on others.
Of course Steve Harrington had a sister.
Now Robin understood why she'd seemed so familiar in the waiting room.
"What happened to you?"
Simultaneously, Robin and Steve shifted uncomfortably, meeting each others eyes and coming up blank on both ends.
Steve's sister swallowed, jaw clenched and lip quivering as she look back and forth between them. She seemed suddenly fragile, like Steve after a nightmare, or right before he'd collapsed in the waiting room after carrying Eddie inside.
Steve cracked first. "Lou-"
"Don't fucking lie to me, Stephen. This is the third time you've ended up in hospital since your senior year."
Steve blinked, startled. "How did you-"
"I'm your sister." She seethed, and Robin could see flickers of Steve with an axe in his hand in the arch of her shoulders. "You might have told the hospital not to call but I still have friends in this town. If that Hargrove asshole wasn't already dead-"
"It was a serial killer." Robin blurted, drawing Steve's sisters' attention to her. "I don't now if you heard about it, but someone was going around killing teenagers. It started with Chrissy Cunningham- she was a cheerleader? kind of cute in a preppy sort of way, but, um- she was killed in our friends living room and then he sort of got blamed for it because, I mean, it was pretty sketchy but he didn't do it! I promise, Eddie didn't- anyway, there was this whole witch hunt, and two more people died which just sort of made it worse for Eddie and a group of us were trying to, like, clear his name, you know? Because we knew he didn't do it and we didn't want him to get killed next, but then one of our other friends - this girl, Max, she's a riot - she was being targeted by the real killer so we came up with this...really stupid plan to catch the killer but everything went sort of tits up and Eddie and Steve both got, well-" She waved her hands at the bandage around Steve's throat and the bruising around his wrists from the vines. "And Max, she broke her elbow and her knee when she fell, and I think Dustin twisted his ankle? So now Max and Eddie and Steve are all in hospital and Dustin has these crutches that he doesn't want to use but, I mean, Steve always makes him because it's Steve, and we don't really know if Eddie's okay yet but no one's come to tell us he's not so we're still hopeful-"
Robin shut her mouth, and took a deep breath through her nose. Steve's sister was staring at her in the startled sort of awe that Robin was used to seeing when she got going. She had the lungs of a trumpet player, it wasn't hard for her to talk until she forgot where she'd started.
"You fought a serial killer?" Steve's sister - Lou? - asked, and Robin hysterically felt like she should offer up her seat.
Steve, bless him, only nodded. Lou stared, lips pressed into a thin line and nostrils flared slightly.
And then, quite abruptly, she was straightening her back and stepping around the bed to hold out a hand to Robin. "Louisa Harrington."
Robin blinked, and shook her hand. "Robin Buckley."
Louisa nodded, like that made sense, and smiled the same cupids-bow smile as her brother. "The best friend- it's good to meet the other half of my brothers brain. Clearly the better half, considering you aren't the one in the hospital bed."
Steve made an offended noise, and Robin grinned.
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mickeym4ndy · 16 days
I don’t agree with Mickey punching Ian after the marriage certificate fight in season 10, but the lack of empathy this fandom has for him during the rest of that storyline is so unfair sometimes.
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starlitangels · 10 months
Is it wildly amusing to anyone else that Aaron and Gavin are “the same age”?
Gavin’s been a 20-something for thirty-three years
And Aaron’s been a disgruntled and disillusioned 30-something since he was a teenager
But they’ve been alive for roughly the same amount of time
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ntj2pj · 3 months
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#madness combat#madcom oc#my oc#atp soldat#the soldat in the dark (tm) actually cares about his bro#a lot#but he just can't get sad when he warned him about this shit nonstop#no id#The bitten guy just acts too friendly because his program made him too altruistuc and kind#Which sometimes helps since he is one who recruits workers#Well#Probably it's more benefitial most of the time#But he gets in shit like “oh i just wanted to help civilian get out from dangerous location and they stabbed me :(((”#And he ain't bullied for it by anyone but his bro. He is too... Kinda. Uh. Hard to bully guy who is most safest option to talk with auditor#And not die lol. It also doesn't help that he is guy who knows all of the AAHW by names and will kick you hard for bullying anyone#So bullying him is a privilege of some atp soldats#not an option :D#Other soldat here is just walking anger issues and he got no friends other than his bro. Constantly lashes at anyone. The Bitten™ included#So they're got that dynamic of angry antisocial cynical guy and pessimist & optimistic kind dude (well#(well he got a lot of mental issues too#But doesn't show it and never let it hurt others.)#And he is much older than the pessimist :'D#Pessimist guy is very young actually. But just experienced shit nonstop from birthday and lost very much everyone he cared about#And the second one... just atp soldat with no past. never known any other thing than work in AAHW and orders. Easy to manipulate#He also gets “You're not a real person” a lot for it. And constanly offended by it. But it's a problem of all yellow bloods here#Especially him#since he litterally didn't had a life outside from aahw. Also don't think he wouldn't kick his friends hard for orders.#Kill even. He is a dog for orders first#Kind guy with good morals is only second
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rexscanonwife · 7 months
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Y'all know your girl loves her AUs, and my partner pointed out that this is just a fursona with extra steps but idc here's the animatronic version of my s/i!! I wanted to draw her in the style of the official Security Breach art cause it's cute, I'll probably draw the real animatronic later lol but meet Missy Mouse! 🧀🐀
Her attraction amounts to essentially a karaoke room where kids are encouraged to play and sing as loud as their little lungs can (soundproofed ofc) and she sings along with them! She's modeled after the 60s and sings a lot of songs from the 70s as well but tends to favor 80s hits like Call Me and Girls Just Wanna Have Fun! 💖💖
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captain-k8kat · 1 month
The idea that Kaeya witnessed the fall of Khaenri'ah is so uninteresting to me. I find him learning about it second hand and piecing together clues about his ancestry and past to me far more interesting. That the only Khaenri'ah he knew was a Khaenri'ah in ruins if even that. Having to go through that sort of generational trauma. I find it to be a more interesting explanation than he's actually secretly 500+ years old because of abyss fuckery. There's enough characters who are 500+ years old, Kaeya doesn't need to be one of them imo
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thejasontoddarchives · 10 months
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Possibly the only bit of characterization/backstory I like from this comic. Jason’s (biological) big brother joined a gang that employs kids as bait to try to feed himself and Jason, donned the red hood, and got killed. Bruce’s first encounter with Jason was in the middle of him attempting to avenge Danny. Then later when Jason crafts his red hood persona, it’s to honor his late brother.
Batman: The Adventures Continue #9 (2020)
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sonknuxadow · 6 months
sorry but im like the worlds biggest hater when it comes to future/next gen au stuff for sonic characters . and its not that i have an inherent problem with people doing those types of aus/stories its just that i havent seen many people do it in a way that isnt boring and also actually fits the characters. like they either make almost everyone cishet and go with all the "default" ships and/or put most if not all the characters in a married with kids situation even if it doesnt fit them or something else would be more interesting. and they also just completely ignore the concepts of adoption or single parents or people who just dont want to get married or have kids . and its like why are you all so boring with this why do you insist on shoving everyone into little nuclear family boxes even if it doesnt work for them as a character especially when non traditional family situations are such a common thing in sonic come on
and i think that out of all the characters sonic is one of the ones who gets it the worst with this sort of thing. with the way he acts in canon having him "settle down" into a "traditional" married with kids lifestyle once hes an adult feels like the most forced and out of character thing ever. he would not fucking say that etc etc
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kohakhearts · 9 months
anyone else think theres some kinda bizarre love triangle going on between the player and the dlc siblings cause thats all i took away from it lmao. cant wait for part 2 so i can take carmine on a true american date
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are we talking about spy and masculinity and his dainty little hands. I think hes fine with his hands being the way they are because it’s fancier to be dainty even as a man and I think his masculinity is less like the ‘masculine like engineer covered in engine grease and working on machines’ way and more like ‘masculine in the Don Draper getting with his secretary’ way. Like he gets chicks and buys them fancy jewelry that they wear on dates and he looks like some sorta fancy top dog. and spy’s thing with scoutma works because she’s a little bit of a gangster wife kinda gal. she likes to wear expensive things and let people wonder where she gets the money from. she’s definitely strongly implied that her boyfriend will kill someone if they aren’t nicer to her.
I am ATTEMPTING to talk about Spy and masculinity and his dainty little hands yes! Yeah this is basically exactly what I'm saying, people are applying a standard of masculinity to Spy tf2 that is clearly not the standard of masculinity he would apply to himself (I can PROBABLY make some kind of claim about it being a very American kind of masculinity being applied to a very non-American character. tbh.). "Spy tf2 likes to fuck women" is basically one of his defining character traits, its part of his joke, it's a CENTRAL part of the genre he comes from/is parodying (yknow, Bond girls?), and yet people still don't seem to like Get that that's what he'd value lmao. Like the whole thing where "Spy chases after anyone who tries to get with Scout because Dads Are Protective About Dating", something which doesn't rlly make sense to me bc a) men, sons, as Scout tf2 is, canonically, are almost never "protected" from dating by their parents in the way women are and b) CLEARLY Spy tf2 of all people places worth in getting laid, one of his biggest things is trying to help Scout be good at getting laid, and he would WANT his son to adhere to the kind of masculinity that he adheres to, which is extremely reliant on getting laid. This isn't to say that this kind of masculinity is "better" than a masculinity reliant on physical strength and having giant manly hands, both have the ability to be harmful in their own ways (I find the big manly hands one harms men more while this one harms women, who can be objectified into like a "status symbol" for men), but it's definitely different. You can have both (Scout tf2 is an example of a guy who "fails" to perform masculinity because he is not physically large or strong and he does not get laid) but I think Spy definitely has just one. TL;DR Spy tf2 would not be dysphoric about his hands because he is French
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atanxdoesstuff · 1 year
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quick sketch i did of nishiki in jann's outfit because I was listening to shuffle play while drawing this and gladiator came on.
i forgot how to draw abs so i just didn't lol
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morguerue · 1 month
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my baby mans is healthy. needed a little diet adjustment for his sake but overall pretty on point in terms of unlimited hay, properly portioned pellets, ect.... . hes getting neutered soon, got a 1 of 2 vaccine and general checkup today. apparently continuing to give him fruit is No Good for his digestion but honestly finding out that fruit and most veg is not so good... kind of explains to me though why so many petfluincer types say rabbits just Get serious GI stasis issues at semi random when actually my backseat conspiracy is that.. giving them fruit, if it is something that wears down their digestive system( as much as a nationally renowned, 2+ decade practicing rabbit specialist has told me it does..) kinda explains that
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watchyourdigits · 7 months
no one asked, but fic updates and falloutober are postponed indefinitely while i deal with being dragged into my parents' shitshow
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road2manjuumaster · 4 days
for an akifuyu stan i sure do struggle to draw autumn and winter troupe
#chibi wise my main challengers are juju and tasuku ( mostly bc of the hair )#but my big boy style?? hoo boy#banri is usually fine but his eyes and face shape are hard to keep consistent#juzas hair and build give me problems and so does his eye shape#taichis hair is like. controlled fluffy. i can never get it quite right#sakyos hair ( ESPECIALLY his bangs ) are dumb and stupid and i hate them ( i hate drawing short straight hair )#im getting used to omis hair its mostly his face and build that i struggle with now#azamis mostly alright but his half up hair gives me trouble#tsumugis hair is horrible i hate drawing it ( ignore all the stoatmugis ive drawn its DIFFERENT )#tasuku. where do i even start.#his hair is stupid his facial proportions are wack#i cant draw his build and i cannot for the life of me get his nose to look right#i cant decide on a definitive color pallete for him#ive only finished two pieces with him there and unless i am asked i have no plans on increasing that number#( im so sorry nocturnality )#homare is mostly face proportions. and that long fringe messes me up sometimes#plus i try to make him more lean but since i usually draw him w hiso and/or azu he just ends up getting twinkified#i THINK i understand how hisokas hair works. i think.#i do still struggle with azus ponytail. . .#its not fluffy like nagisas so you cant see it unless its over his shoulder and sometimes i just cant draw it right#plus even tho its easier than sakyos bc its longer. its still straight. and i am not good at drawing straight hair.#guy im ALSO mostly used to now its really just making sure he does in fact look older#and not just like. a twink i drew tear troughs and dark circles on yk#part of that is his face shape. i THINK i got it down now but i def need to practice more#alongside the whole 'glasses character without glasses' thing#yeah#not akifuyu but tenma is also a HUMONGOUS pain in the ass to draw#i hate his hair so much#now that i think about it the only ones i can draw satisfactorily are haru 😭😭
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