#ethan does not care
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super-nova5045 · 7 months
"theyre a murderer" so girls can't even be experiencing classic symptoms of pms anymore. smh.
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ladyblueberrymuffin · 4 months
Still thinking about how we're just not expected to care that Rachel basically gave her whole life away. She can't go to the same school as her best friend, she has to go to a finishing school her parents chose for her to 'fix her' into the perfect daughter they want. And then she has to give up any chance to find love in order to be the Oracle, which is a responsibility placed on her against her will that she takes in stride because she knows it's important, she knows she will be saving lives and she respects the previous Oracles that came before her. Then, Percy drifts apart from her.
People talk about Percy giving up immortality, how it's a sign of his maturity and the love he has for his friends and Earth and Annabeth. What Rachel did might have been an ever greater feat, because she had to give up what turned Percy away from immortality—a normal life. A chance to live the life she wanted.
She gave up so much, and we're supposed to not care. She gave up so much for these stupid powers and then the Triumvirate corrupts them so they don't even work. Apollo just abandons her and she is just there to endure this deafeaning silence. She gave up everything and she's left with less than how she started. The light goes out of her. She destroys her art, and she couldn't care less, because she can't even remember what it feels like to like art. They won. They've finally broken her. Congratulations, Mr. Dare.
Rachel should've been the secondary protagonist of Trials of Apollo, instead she gets thrown a bone at the end of the series, which is too little too late.
Why can't Percy and Rachel hang out? Why can't she quit Clarion Academy? Why is she not allowed to be upset over all of this?
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you know how after black friday came out we all collectively named the hot chocolate boy oliver and wrote him as ethan's younger cousin?
well.... ethan is joey richter.... and he can still be the hot chocolate boy's older cousin because he's four years older then pete..... ted ethan pete power cousin trio
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the-woman-upstairs · 10 months
I really do need to compose a much longer, detailed post about the parallels between Benji and Ilsa but am currently vibrating at the sudden realization of how Rogue Nation establishes early on how both are trapped, surveilled, and demeaned within the organizations they’re working for- Ilsa with The Syndicate and Benji with the CIA. Neither of them want to be in that position, with those groups, but have little choice since they’re fundamentally alone with virtually no support.
Until of course, Ethan offers them each a way out.
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fagbearentertainment · 7 months
To rewatch the Unus Annus in it's entirely, would to ruin it's purpose
I don’t plan of rewatching the whole thang, I kinda just wanna rewatch the Poopsie and making breakfast with sex toys videos lol
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ccrv-7 · 4 months
little bit insane over mithan again bc it IS just emotionally vulnerable guy x toxic masculinity girl which is like. THEE archetype everrrrrrrr to meeeeeeee
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arisveah · 3 days
its not all doom and gloom…
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he regenerated early, and now he’s waiting for his friends to get out of the hospital/mechanics room/cadaver study???? its been a long day…
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carlosdevilz · 2 years
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GREAT NEWS! everyone from the vampire show u loved as a kid is gay!!!
(or my mbav sexuality headcannons)
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m4gp13 · 1 year
hc that Ethan has this fluffy, 'just woke up like this' hair that people generally like and think he puts a lot of effort into maintaining when he just grabs fistfuls of his hair when it gets too long and starts jacking away at it with a knife until it's no longer in his good eye.
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ethanhuntfemmefatale · 10 months
I got. Some thoughts. About this being the movie where Ethan passes Jim in age. “Good luck, Ethan” is such a nice subtle reference it drove me a little insane
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yngai · 1 year
sad to report i've gotten to that scene in succession & thus have to induct it into the larger ada wong cinematic canon
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#* file // : OOC — ( 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐄 . )#this scene specifically not succession as a whole though i am always a fan of portraying the inherit pathetic-ness of the rich & powerful#making ada a mother is my worst & most inspired decision (nobody does it like me)#kind of plagues me how good of a plotline it really is#burdening her with the guilt of project ada without implying her fault or participation#(since her campaign is spent as you the player and her figure out answers none of the other characters are given)#(the reason she was down this path is because she was investigating the family in the first cutscene of her campaign)#(as her own words say after wesker's death her focus moved onto simmons as he was the next obstacle towards her true purpose)#it allows ada to evolve as a character past her selfishness & need for self-sufficiency/autonomy#& it does tie a nice knot between her last appearance in 6 & my verse for her role during village#something that feels like a personal ending for ada & yet her story goes on as the world isn't done with her quite yet#where she goes after village i haven't yet decided but i do think the BSAA is no longer an obstacle to consider in her movements#in the eight years of her exile the family itself loses its grip on the US government due to internal investigations into simmons' conduct#while he was replaced i assume the new leader is a bit too young & malleable to external forces beyond the family's interest#& the resulting power struggle is another nail in their coffin#she has some freedom#& seeing the desperation in herself through ethan & miranda to reunite with their children does make her consider what to do with it#she's past the halfway point of her life with someone to care for & the decision to settle is less daunting twice over#we'll see - i suppose
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ethannku · 2 years
just read book two of school for good and evil and i feel really betrayed :/
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mvalentine · 2 years
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it is literally one of my favorite book one scenes the hurt/ comfort the moment of vulnerability the admittance of feelings the leaning on someone —- 😭😭😭
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saltyfilmmajor · 2 years
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what is this homosexual shit part 3
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coffeeshib · 2 years
hi! your art is amazing <3 do you have any recommendations on how to start drawing/doing art if you've never really done it before? how did you get into/start drawing? i would love to hear your experience if youre comfortable to share! also your writing is awesome too :) have a great day!
ohh gosh bro i'm not competent enough to give recs/art tips cause i'm still new at it myself & i genuinely have no idea what i'm doing 95% of the time. i started doing art by just… diving into it, drawing more & more!
wish i had a good/deep answer but this started out as a way for me to pass the time & have fun. similar to writing, it's like a grounding exercise. i'll put on some music, get the tablet out, & just sink time into whatever my mind wants to see on the canvas (the non-complex ideas, i'm not skilled enough for those but i'm slowly getting better & braver!). oh & drawing pretty women.
wanting to draw pretty women is my villain art origin story
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