doomfox · 2 years
College Days—
Geoff comes out to Eclipse and Infinite? :3
It had been three days.
Three days.
And already Geoff felt as though he couldn't imagine life without his new friends.
He and Eclipse lived together in the same dorm, and even though their quarters were pretty bare they had made the most of it. Eclipse had talked about his love of ducks, and Geoff had reciprocated with his love of cats. They'd taken turns on the old computer, playing totally not pirated copies of old Pokemon games. Reading through their small collection of comic books and giving the characters funny voices. Singing, horribly off-key, to random songs they'd think of in the moment. Obviously they had to split up for their studies but, with only fifteen hours in class each, they'd soon meet up so they could fool around again.
And, of course, there was Fin.
Geoff and Eclipse had remained true to their word. They had met up with Fin as soon as possible the next day, the shy jackal quietly pleased to see they had remembered, and hung out together for the afternoon. Like before Fin had been somewhat reserved, but had stayed at their side and listened as Eclipse prattled on about nothing (Geoff and Fin DID learn a lot about duck traffic safety). The jackal seemed very happy to be around them, just quietly doing his own thing while still managing to be involved. Geoff swore he even saw the guy’s tail wagging.
So it was the trio eventually found themselves retiring to Geoff and Eclipses’ dorm, Fin carrying a suspiciously large rucksack as he followed.
“So!!!” Eclipse jumped onto his bed, falling into a reclining position beneath his duck posters, “what do we do tonight, fam??”
“I dunno....” Geoff sat on his own bed, carefully removing his hoodie so it didn’t disturb anything beneath and depositing it on the floor, “how about we play more Pokemon?”
“OOH” Eclipse hopped up and ran over to his computer table, one arm swiping empty packets of beef jerky and soda cans onto the floor, “WE CAN TRY THE MEW GLITCH I’VE BEEN MEANING TO TRY THAT HOLY CRAP!!!!”
“Um... well...” Fin set himself down on the bed, catching the others boys’ attentions as he unzipped his bulky rucksack, “I... actually brought something round...? Thought you guys might be interested...”
Geoff and Eclipse exchanged a glance and watched as Fin reached inside his bag... and removed a spotless, pristine, brand new white video game console along with a pair of controllers.
“Oh, awesome!!!!” Eclipse chirruped, eyes going wide as he inspected the console, “you brought your Xbox???”
“Yup!” Fin grinned, showing off his pointed canines as he tossed his long hair out of the way, “and I haven’t used it yet... I especially haven’t... had anybody to play it with...”
“Cool!” Geoff spoke up from his place on the bed, “what you wanna play?”
Fin went still, before an evil, dark look fell over his face, one that the other boys couldn’t imagine the quiet jackal ever wearing. “DOOM.”
And so it was the boys spent their free evening tearing around, having a Hell of a time (pun intended) and blowing up demons. They only had two controllers but that was okay, the three of them would trade off and one would watch and offer support/unconstructive criticism. Energy drinks were pounded, and fun was had, right into the very late hours when they had to fall quiet.
Eventually the game was traded for Youtube, and the boys chilled out on the beds listening to random music on the small flat screen tv. Even though it was late, they weren’t very tired. They were enjoying themselves too much.
“Y’know, it’s funny...” Geoff said, hands behind his head as he reclined against the wall, “I never thought when I left home that my best friends would be aliens from outer space!”
“Yeah!” Eclipse cackled, busy (badly) braiding Fin’s hair, “and when I was a kid, I NEVER thought I’d be friends with a human! Let alone LIVING around so many of them!”
“Same....” Fin said quietly, eyes closed as Eclipses’ claws pulled at his hair, “I never thought there’d be a place with so many humans...”
Geoff frowned as Eclipse hummed in agreement. “What was it like?” he said curiously, “coming to a whole other world and being around a totally different species?”
Eclipse and Fin shrugged in unison. “Well... I was kinda stranded here when I was a kid...” Eclipse said uncertainly, his usual bluster evaporating for the moment. “I lived in the wild... humans would just scream and me and throw stuff at me if they saw me. So I stayed away. I was always told that humans were cruel and evil...” the Darkling went quiet, before shaking himself off and grinning. “But things got way better when I found my brother!”
“It’s not that different here from where I grew up...” Fin said, adding his own perspective to the conversation, “big cities... lots of people... but at least back there everyone else was Mobian. Coming to Earth and being around Humans was really intimidating at first... everyone around you is different, they all look at you funny.”
Eclipse snorted, slit nostrils flaring. “They stare at you, and talk about you when they think you don’t notice...”
“You’re always the odd one out...” Fin said wearily, before remembering Geoff was there. His ears went flat as he looked to the human. “S... sorry... I guess it’s hard for you to understand...”
Geoff merely smiled, jaw set. “Actually... not as hard as you might think.”
Eclipse and Fin glanced to one another before curiously regarding their friend. “What do you mean?” Eclipse said, cocking his head in curiosity.
Geoff bit his lip and looked away. “If it’s personal...” Fin said, ears raising as he noted his friend’s discomfort, “you don’t have to tell...?”
Geoff remained silent for a few moments, before looking over to the two aliens. “Well... it’s not really a secret, just something I’m a little reserved on when it comes to telling people...” he shrugged. “I’m trans.”
Fin’s ears perked with interest, while Eclipse cocked his head in puzzlement. “What’s that?” Eclipse said, wide-eyed and innocent.
Fin gave him a look and frowned while Geoff ran a hand through his hair. “Transgender...” Fin said, emphasising the second part of that phrase.
Eclipse screwed his eyes in thought for a moment before clarity hit him. “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooh!” he said,a light bulb igniting above his head, “sorry, brain fart. Oh, that’s cool! I had no idea!”
“ ‘s’okay,” Geoff waved a hand dismissively, “like I say, it’s not a secret. I just don’t... go out of my way to advertise it until I get to know people better.”
“I guess we have more in common than we thought...” Fin said quietly, ears flat as he played with his hair.
“Well, duh!” Eclipse stuck his tongue out at the jackal and grinned mischievously, “we’re best friends, ain’t we??”
The other two remained quiet, considering that indeed, they did seem to be best friends. They’d known each other only a short time and all three were different species, from different worlds and parts of the galaxy. They were each different and weird in their own way, but were more alike than they could ever have dreamed.
“Can.... I stay here tonight? With you guys?” Fin spoke up, “I kinda don’t wanna go back to my dorm...”
“If you like,” Geoff said, “that’d be cool.”
“Hey!! Why don’t you put in a request to switch dorms??” Eclipse spoke up, tail swishing excitedly, “we’ll get another bed and everything!!! It’ll be awesome!!!!”
“Okay...” Fin smiled, twirling the end of his hair around a finger, “I think I’ll do that.”
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novalizinpeace · 11 months
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here i come with more silly monkeys facts
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I really love how cute and stupid can be some of this way of communication <3
Papaya's new buddy is @etheriumart monkie kid Oc, Lang Lang, while the other silly baby is my Monkie Sona Papaya, both have a wild energy, so this fact was perfect for both of them~
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hayleysstark · 1 year
answer fifteen questions, then tag fifteen people
nickname: emrys, eagle height: 5′7 last thing i googled: “pharaoh” song stuck in my head: American Teenager by Ethel Cain number of followers: 2591 amount of sleep: typically seven hours per night dream job: astrophysicist currently wearing: a pair of black leggings and a My Hero Academia shirt book / movie that summarizes me: Cosmos by Carl Sagan, Last Night I Sang to the Monster by Benjamin Alire Seanz, By Sanction of the Victim by Patte Wheat favorite song(s): There’s So Much Energy in Us by Cloud Cult and It Only Gets Better by WILD aesthetic: paperback books, leather journals, star charts, coffee cups, chess sets, old newspapers, model ships favorite author(s): Carl Sagan, Benjamin Alire Seanz, Cressida Cowell, Tui T. Sutherland, Leigh Bardugo, Nathaniel Philbrick fun fact: i just went to the thrift shop last week and purchased a positively obscene amount of flannel button-downs from the menswear section. very pleased with my haul.
tagged by: @drillbeeautomaton (thank you!! 💚)
tagging: @1stlieutenanttwitchy @twigstarpikachutroll22 @etheriumart @shamefulscrapbook @rmg91 @the-reverse-mermaid 
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oddlyunaware · 11 months
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Erlang Shen! He deserved a much better show design than what they gave him.
Feel free to use with credit!
(LEGO base belongs to @etheriumart. Used with permission.)
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dbcalendar · 9 months
It's that time again!! Our 4th artist will be:
👀 @etheriumart 👀
But what character? We know... but do you know 😏?
⬇️Time to speculate ⬇️
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hals-homo-blog · 1 year
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Another piece I did recently. I pulled my iPad outta storage and remembered I love drawing and like, actually finishing my pieces. Gosh I need to get a proper tablet laptop so I can have all my proper programs in the right place.
Anywho, This is a Lego Monkie Kid OC ngl. @etheriumart finally managed to drag me into the show, and as soon as I learned I could make a dragon guy I was all about it.
His name is Hao Long which either means good dragon or descending dragon, Google Translate can't seem to decide. He's a laid back kinna guy who runs a spice/herb shop. Cough420Cough. Mystical dragon plants of course, you know how it is.
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ARTIST SPOTLIGHT! There's a truly ethereal piece about to be made for our zine by @etheriumart!
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freeflowhighway · 8 months
Last Line Challenge:
Tagged by @secretsofdbz
Rules: In a new post rewrite the last line you wrote (or drew for an art post!) and tag as many people as there are words
( I ain't doing that last part I'm too lazy, but!! You asked for my wildest so, here's a WiP for something we talked about! )
Ino eyes her "patient" laying on the same couch she has seen him rest on for as long as she can remember. It never occurred to her until now that this is the first time she has seen him lay there wide awake as opposed to a deep sleep.
"So, uh... H-How does Daddy start these?"
Goku keeps his eyes on the symbol of Konoha on the ceiling directly above him. A symbol of peace, hope, and duty.
"Usually he asks a question. They're kind of boring though and made to make me fall asleep so he can go inside my head."
"Okay, but we're not going in your head today. It's just us talking, making sure you're in the right kind of headspace, that you're A-Okay!"
"So we talk about my brain?"
"No-No... We're talking about your feelings. How you feel now, how you feel about your missions-! Oh! That's a good start! How was your latest mission?"
He ruminates on that before asking a question she unfortunately expected, but not so soon.
"How am I supposed to feel when I kill someone?"
What the Hell, Ino thought. How was she supposed to answer THAT?
"Uh... Ah... Not... Good?"
"That's how I feel. I never felt anything before, not good or bad, and I've heard that not feeling anything is bad. But... I killed someone and it felt like... Something is gone now? I don't know how to say it."
@kipke-art @dbzebra @sonaevy @etheriumart @getagal @hlyphwish I know I've got more to tag but I brain dead atm
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secretsofdbz · 8 months
Last line challenge
Tagged by: @vegeta-bananabluish
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
(amending to the entire paragraph because I kept adding before and after, the "last line" isn't actually the last line lol)
Unlike Tora, Bra had inherited Bulma’s complexion, making her lighter than the Trunkses. This strange detail was particularly interesting for Tora to notice. Despite being different genders, she still looked far more like the older Trunks, with whom she shared a birthday, and this world’s Trunks, who was born a few months before she was, than Bra. Tora knew her mother would be all over this strange situation, if she hadn’t a million other projects in the oven already.
Tagging: everyone I considered tagging was already tagged, I think. @kipke-art, @dbzebra, @kylie1886fics @sonaevy, @etheriumart (you need to post more of your worrrrk) @freeflowhighway (give me the wildest thing you've got man)
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stillafanofsonic · 2 years
@etheriumart is so right, Eclipse’s behavior should be a cross between a cat and a lizard
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resident-dog · 2 years
fighting a losing battle @etheriumart
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doomfox · 2 years
Hello fellow eclipse enthusiast
Greetings, follower of Demon Baby
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etheriumart · 2 years
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stix-n-bread · 4 years
I definitely followed you after seeing Handsome Squidward Draal because it was the single worst thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life and I needed more
1) there WILL be more horrible content like it to come, i assure you!
2) why do you all like to suffer like this?
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“Hot diggity shit, this is a baller cookie.”
got damn love them lucretia quotes
the ask box isn’t open yet, im trying to get through a shitload of old requests
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ssiggss · 5 years
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So this Krel and Andy Hawthorne, literally the cutest couple in Arcadia save only for Staja
I would die for these two.
Andy belongs to @etheriumart , an absolutely wonderful person I am so glad I met!
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