#every time i see that one post that is the human and mermaid who fall in love and both wish to be like the other
izzyspussy · 2 years
am i the only one who thinks it's incredibly presumptuous and rude and other such things to add on a new ending to an artist's work on here and say you "fixed it". no bitch, you didn't know how to read it and made that op's problem. make your own fucking post lol.
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icypopz · 4 days
bathing with them ♡
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↬ request from anons ; Hiiii may I pls request the love and deepspace boys with a reader who loves taking baths with them??
↬ notes ; rafayel, xavier, zayne x gn!reader
↬ from ice ; ice active era?! jk we all know i'm lying atp HAHAHA but here's my annual post which is also my first post for LADS :> i changed the prompt a bit but i hope u enjoy !
↬ warning(s) ; tiny spoilers for rafayel's backstory, xavier's is like microscopically suggestive
please reblog ! it helps a lot :)
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[ rafayel ! ]
rafayel absolutely adores taking baths with you, even though he loves to tease you about being too clingy (he's actually the clingy one, but he'll never admit it for the world). he loves just chilling in the bathtub with you, especially on winter nights where he'll pull you closer in the hot water, complaining that "i need more warmth! protect me from the cold, miss bodyguard!"
he would get playfully annoyed when you joke about wanting to see his mermaid tail when he gets into the bathtub, scolding you about how lemurians also have powers to lure humans in and he'll be doing that to you if you don't get in the bath with him "right now!" also rafayel doesn't really like rubber ducks, he says it's weird that humans like to put toys like that in the water when they could just go swim in a lake if they wanted to see ducks. but! he does love bubble baths, he loves to put the bubbles in your hair, and when you make a beard for him with the foam, he finds it the cutest ever.
rafayel definitely has like several hundred bottles of soap, shampoo and conditioner in varying scents, claiming that their fragrance was so inspiring he just had to buy all of them. (the truth is, he wasn't sure which one you'd like so he just bought everything.) it's really helpful for when you stay over at his place though, you don't have to worry about packing a vanity case because he keeps everything ready for you, from your favourite toothpaste to a spare toothbrush. he also loves seeing you wrapped up in a towel, he thinks you look so adorable.
more content utc !
[ xavier ! ]
xavier isn't picky, he doesn't mind using either a bathtub or a shower, but after you visit him a couple of times, you definitely tell him he should use the shower instead. he always ends up falling asleep while he's soaking in the bathtub! he definitely loves showering with you though, he'll always do stuff like scrub your back or help comb through your tangled hair without you needing to ask. but it's almost impossible for both of you to bathe quickly, because you always end up getting distracted. who can you blame you though? it's not your fault xavier is so muscled from all his training!
xavier is the type who showers in freezing cold water, but he's willing to compromise if you don't like that. he ends up realising that hot water is more fun because he gets to write silly messages and draw hearts for you on the glass since it gets fogged up from the steam. also xavier's brain would totally crash the first time he showered with you, it would be that one tender night card all over again except better LOL. he's just that obsessed with you, you're the prettiest person with the best personality he's ever seen!
xavier would be one of those guys that has like the '10-IN-1! SHAMPOO, CONDITIONER, SOAP!' soap bottles. it's not that he isn't bothered about hygiene, he just finds it a lot simpler to use one single bottle for everything, and it evidently works for him since his skin is so clear and his hair is so fluffy. but ever since you've started staying over, xavier takes note of your favourite soaps and stocks up on them (especially after you tease him for that pitiful bottle of soap in his bathroom - he's the type to squeeze out every single last drop of soap from the tube so the bottle definitely looks like it has been through The Horrors).
[ zayne ! ]
zayne would usually prefer showering over bathing usually, because he's used to maximising time for work in his schedule, so he likes everything in his personal life to be extremely efficient. but once he starts dating you, that does kind of change. on days where he doesn't have to rush into work for urgent cases, or nights after a hectic day, he enjoys relaxing with you in the bathtub - it's a little slice of heaven for him to have you pressed up against him in the warm water.
zayne likes using his evol to tease you while you're showering. though he isn't usually a playful person and his humour is quite dry, the intimacy of being in such close proximity to him makes him act up a little LOL. so when you ask him to soap your back or anything like that, he'll purposely make his fingertips cold so you shiver when he touches you. "zayne!" you'll scold him, and he'll just let out a soft chuckle before doing what you actually asked him to.
zayne would just have the bare minimum essentials in his bathroom, but i also think he would be the type to buy in bulk so he only has to go out shopping once in a while. this way, when his soap runs out he can just get a new bottle from his cupboard. he likes going into his bathroom and seeing little traces of you all over the room, like your toothbrush in his cup or your favourite soap on his shelf - it makes him happy because it's like a reminder of you even when you aren't there.
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✧ thank you for reading ! if you have a request, feel free to send it in 🌠
© icypopz 2024. do not repost or modify in any way.
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yandere-sins · 9 months
The Orcas' Tale - Lyr's Story I
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And here he is, our sweetest, craziest, loveliest boy ♥ Honestly, it was fun giving Lyr a bit more personality than he had in the original story, and I am also glad to have provided him with a cute little darling of his own. I hope you guys enjoy slipping into the role of a mermaid, and ehem look forward to a different kind of spice (;
Fandom: Original Content   Pairings: Yandere!Orca Merman x GN!AFAB!Reader   Warnings: Yandere, Sexual Content (Non-Con Kissing/Touching/Fingering, Bondage kind of), Violence (Threats to kill/harmm reader, Sharp teeth/claws, Almost tearing off reader's jaw), Monsters/Non-Human reader, Animalistic behavior, Mention of blood/claws/sharp teeth, Hinting at death/non-con, Feeding the reader seal meat, Being caught in a net, Long post
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"They just won't stop bugging! Like, I get it, Mom, bringing a human into the pod was stupid and dangerous, but it's not our fault that Nerrocan left!"
Heaving a deep sigh, Lyr looked up at the water's surface through the holes in the ceiling of the cove he had found. Light was shimmering into the mostly calm water, a few tiny fish slipping in and out of the cave-like structure while he rested on his back, ignoring any wildlife of the ocean as he had no interest in small fry. They didn't get close enough to be caught, wary of the superior predators of the sea, who, unbeknownst to anyone's eyes, looked more like friends hanging out than what they really were—captor and captive.
Despite his annoyance and loud complaining, he looked tired. You had witnessed many a mood of his ever since he decided to hide you away for his own enjoyment, but as of late, every time Lyr visited you, he looked more exhausted than the last. As usual, his eyes were dull, and his dorsal fin collapsed. For an orca in his best years, he looked like he'd been dragged through the blue hell, but it invoked no sympathy inside you. All you could do was listen and observe, but knowing he was the merman responsible for your misery, you felt no pity for your clearly mentally unstable captor. Reaching to his left, Lyr picked another piece of meat from the seal carcass he had hunted, slipping the food into his mouth before continuing his rant.
"Who'd have known that guy had it in him. Can't help but respect him getting the fuck out of the pod, and I'm glad I don't have to see his wannabe goody two-fin face anymore. It's been getting harder to put him in his place with how aggressive he suddenly got."
"Won't they miss him?"
Lyr stopped chewing, his head falling to the side, facing you. Muddy purple eyes sprang to life, reflecting the light as brilliant as rare corals. With one big gulp, he devoured what had been left of his meal, a toothy grin spreading over his lips. "Look who decided to talk! Who's gonna miss him? His mommy? Sure. It's not like she has a dozen more just like him."
For a moment, you held his stare, watched the grin stretch wider, and twisted his expression into a grimace before you lowered your eyes, settling on drawing swirls into the sand. It wasn't like you wanted to have a conversation with him, but listening day in and day out to his crazy rambles and complaints was just as bovine as engaging with the madman. 
"That's not very nice. I'm sure his mom loves them all equally. You've got a big family, after all."
"Nah," he retorted, shaking his head. Picking out a bone from the seal's body, he used it as a toothpick, cleaning out the sharp-edged teeth he loved flashing you. "Orcas aren't like yours. We don't love each other just because we share the same blood or come from the same mother. Either you're useful to the pod and do what you're told, or you're at the very bottom of the food chain. I could never be the same as Krill, no matter how hard I tried. He was always Mom's favorite, so now I just don't try anymore. It doesn't even matter to them where I am, but it suits me. Now I got a lot more time to spend with ya!"
Now it was your time to grimace while Lyr flopped onto his side and closer to you, surely noticing the tension growing in your body as you felt appalled by the ever-closing distance. He tossed the bone carelessly into the water while your movements abruptly stopped. You wished it was as easy as the flap of your fin to get away from him, but you were rendered helpless to his touch, unable to get away from his pointed finger dragging over your forearm, his claw teasing your softer skin. He didn't just have the advantage of size, but you knew that no matter how haggard he might appear, you'd be no match against him in a scuffle. Much less now that you were trapped.
And your growling stomach wasn't helping.
While you let out an exasperated groan, Lyr laughed loudly about your misery, finding your dependency on him to not starve hilarious. As much as you despised being at his mercy, you had no choice but to humor him if you wanted to survive, even when he enjoyed your reluctant behavior so much that he held his stomach aching from laughter. 
"You could have just told me you're hungry!" he teased, grinning from ear to ear at you while you gave him an ashamed glare, staying silent as a stone in your spot, belly-down in the sand. "I don't mind sharing, ya know? There's still so much of this yummy seal left, it would be a shame to give it to the fish. You know what you gotta do to earn it, right?"
Gritting your teeth, you watched the smugness wash over his expression as he sent you into yet another predicament. You even considered eating a heap of sand instead of bowing to his will. As if being trapped wasn't enough, he just had to exploit you at every chance he got, and you hated how easily your survival instinct made these reckless decisions for you, which he'd never let you live down. The hole in your stomach didn't get any smaller. Lyr's last visit had been a few days already, and you were in no condition to hunt efficiently for yourself. So aside from small, stupid fish that came too close to you, you hadn't eaten outside of his visits, and it was starting to show. 
You knew what you had to do. Unfortunately.
No matter how much your brain screamed at you not to, your body knew it instinctively, propping itself onto your forearms while you sighed inwardly, feeling defeated by your needs. Moving was the hardest part about being caught in a net. It was an unusual heavy net with clunky weights that had slung around your fin and lower body, dragging you to the ground where Lyr had found you. Even he had been surprised by the sturdiness of this net when he first inspected it but quickly had taken advantage of the situation, dragging you to this much more hidden place and out of plain sight so he had you all to himself. At least he didn't kill you; that's what you told yourself. But death was more merciful than Lyr, that much you knew by now. 
He had no problem being patient when it meant watching you struggle as you dragged yourself toward him. Lyr didn't even mind you digging your meager claws into his skin when you grabbed onto him, using his body to support yourself while you lifted off the ground, close enough to feel his watery breath ghost against your face. Placing your lips over his, you flinched away in reluctance before forcing yourself to keep going, counting to three this time before twisting your head to the side. 
Lyr hummed, sounding dissatisfied as you felt his hand brush up your spine. Nesting his palm at the nape of your neck, you refused to look forward again until he twisted his own head to find your lips, his much sharper, much more dangerous claws only curling into place the second he got what he wanted. Now, with an appreciative chortle, he relished in stealing another kiss, tongue swiping over your pursed lips until he found a hole in your defense, worming into your mouth. 
You were no stranger when it came to mating habits, but compared to your fellow dolphins, Lyr was surprisingly gentle. He relished in your defiance but seemed to enjoy enticing little moans and gasps from you just as much. His tongue was a choking hazard in a mouth that wasn't fit to house it. Though you had gills, you could barely concentrate on breathing while you fought against him as best as you could. Still, he took his sweet time exploring every inch, letting air flow out of his mouth and into yours, never not considering you while doing what he wanted. He even softened his hold on you, rubbing his palms down your back in a spine-tingling motion when you stopped struggling against him. It was almost like he was rewarding you for good behavior, and it was sickeningly pleasurable.
But the taste of flesh and blood lingering on his tongue made your stomach growl, your body eagerly moving towards him, hoping to find food. All you gained was a chuckle before he nicked your lower lip with his sharp teeth in warning. Your fangs probably wouldn't be able to bite through his thick tongue, but despite this weird obsession he had with you, he was almost more wary of you than you of him. It seemed like he could never cut himself loose completely despite having nothing to fear from an easy target like you. He seemed so relaxed and unbothered whenever he visited you, but it was almost as if he was plagued by invisible ghosts whispering into his ears. 
Despite his warning, you found his arms wrapping around your body, pulling you on top of him before you two rolled over to the other side, Lyr resting you gently down in the sand. He didn't care that the net that had trapped you to the ocean floor also got dragged over his tail, unbothered by possibly getting stuck like you were. Perhaps he simply didn't mind that thought as much as you did. To be fair, considering he was much stronger and the material had yet to wrap around and get stuck on his fins like it had with yours, it posed no threat to the orca. And yet, it was infuriating to you, who wanted nothing more than to swim away and reunite with your own kind. 
Propping his arm in the sand next to your head, he looked down at you with a satisfied smile and a mischievous spark in his eyes but reached over you, grabbing a piece of seal meat. He brought it up to your lips, dabbing it against them, though you refused to open for him. "I can feed myself just fine," you reminded him, wiggling your hands in the air to demonstrate your ability to hold things before trying to take the food from him.
"Now, don't be ungrateful, or I'll bring you a turtle shell to gnaw on next time."
You could feel your face contort in disgust at his suggestion, reluctantly parting your lips to nib at the food dangling in front of your face. Once you had a taste of meat, your body couldn't resist, gobbling up every last bite hungrily while Lyr kept providing it for you with a smile. If he wasn't fast enough, your teeth would drag over his fingers, but he wouldn't even flinch or scold you, his fin slapping against the sand instead, almost as if he enjoyed your nibbles. 
Seal wasn't your preferred food, but in times of food scarcity—like it has ever since getting holed up with Lyr—it was as good as any. The rest of the carcass was devoured faster than your excited stomach wanted, and you still didn't feel satisfied after eating every last piece. Had you been free, you'd have gone hunt for more without a moment of rest. But the gnawing hunger had subsided at least, and if Lyr came back again soon, you'd at least not have to endure it for too long until the next meal. 
Pausing your thoughts, you realized you had just longed for Lyr to provide for you again soon, immediately turning the hunger into nausea as you pondered on it. 
You were too quiet, too long for his taste as he sought out your lips again after your meal. Brushing his thumb over them, your instinct mistook his finger for more food. You could barely stop yourself from biting into his gnarly claw as the urge to eat won over again. However, your mouth was open long enough as realization dawned on you of what you were doing, for him to cup your face instead, turning it slightly to him so his tongue could lick over your lips and dip in again. Lyr hummed merrily as he tasted the seal on you, unashamed, unbothered by you struggling to keep him out, fingers wrapping around his throat—unsuccessful in deterring him. He was waiting for your breath to run out before taking the chance to deepen the kiss again, ever so patient with you. 
"I think I get it now," he mumbled, breaking the kiss before leaving some more superficial brushes of his lips against yours. "Nerrocan was onto something. We just didn't know it."
"Why didn't you go with him then?" you mumbled back, turning your face away to avoid any more unwanted affection, even if it meant resting it in his palm. 
To your surprise, Lyr scoffed loudly, and you flinched away as you could feel his mood shift. His palm didn't grow stiff and rigid. However, you still forced yourself away from it, too afraid he might—possibly on accident, but much more likely intentionally—rake his claws over your face, leaving wounds deep and painful. It was useless, however, as he used the same hand to collect your floating hair instead, forcing you to look at him while his gaze drilled into you with fury swirling in his eyes. 
"Listen, I might not remember how we got to that place, but I know all the shit they did to us!" 
You whimpered as he pulled your hair back, your neck struggling to keep up with his demands from your position. Lyr took a sharp breath, pausing the angry flashing of his fangs as he watched you cowering in front of him, ever so slightly calming down at the sight of fear flashing in your eyes. You hated him when he mocked you and also when he was delighted in your suffering. But you hated his anger more, his haggard body still crushing and his fangs and claws sharp despite whatever he went through. One bite into your throat, and you were a goner, especially with how exposed the soft flesh was to him now.
"I'll never go back there! Never! They cut us open, prod inside us with their disgusting hands, and inject strange fluids into me! They… They changed us. Changed me. And now I don't even know–"
His hand was trembling in your hair as he let out a shuddering breath. You caught his eyes for only a split second, watching the brilliant purple turn into mushy darkness. Lyr shook his head as if confused while his voice trailed off, his free hand rising as he hid his face from you for a moment. You weren't sure if you were supposed to say anything, and even if, what could you say to that? You had no idea what he's been through, and even though you had your fair share of struggles in your life, you never experienced something quite as dramatic as he described. Then again, why would you try to comfort him? Lyr was perfectly able to help you in your time of need but had refused cutting the net for you again and again. Why would you give him kindness if he refused to do the same for you?
Being free of his attention, your eyes fell lower on his body. Just shy of where your tail rested over his. With his tail flipped over, you had a clear view of his collapsed dorsal fin, a pitiful sight for any creature like you. It made you think that something was wrong with him in the first place, as this was an unusual sight on any of your kinds. If what he said was true, maybe this experience had done this to him, understandably so, as it sounded awful. You couldn't bring yourself not to pity him despite your negative feelings towards him. 
Next to you, Lyr took a deep breath, pushing his short hair out of his face before he searched for your gaze. Desperately. Needy. Somewhere to ground him. You weren't sure what you saw in the darkened violet, but his features looked drained of vitality, as if the moment of silence had exhausted him completely. It made him look… vulnerable. But then he smiled again, his eyes lit up, and the strange feelings swirling in his irises were covered by excitement as he found yours, soaking in the sight before him.
"I really do get it now," he admitted, grin parting his lips, revealing his protruding upper left fang, the sharpest of them all. "I was so confused about the strange looks Nerrocan gave the human, but I realize I've been the same with ya—whatever it means. I keep coming back here just to see you. I want to stay right here with you, forever. Just us two. I'll hunt for us and make this cave pretty. Whatcha think, lil' dolphin?" 
"N-No, I don't think that will work," you mumbled, averting your eyes again as his gaze became too intense to keep up the eye contact. He seemed to drill into you as if to excavate your soul and lay it bare for him to tease and enjoy. You didn't like it one bit when he looked at you so intensely. 
You could tell by now that he was working himself into another ramble, but you didn't like how much it focused around you. Usually, he was complaining about his situation in his pod and how much his mom hounded him with expectations. Lately, his rants focused more on the human and Nerrocan and the waves their arrival and disappearance caused in their family. But while he was always strange when it came to you, being the sole focus of his attention felt uncomfortable. 
"I'm not sure I understand, but my pod is probably searching for me, and I've been away for so long already. They probably miss me terribly! If- If only I could get the net off, I wouldn't have to bother you at all! I'd be gone before you know it, and you wouldn't have to look after me! I'd be fine! Maybe you can try cutting it again with your claws, or… or maybe--"
Lifting your torso from the ground, you grabbed the net at its highest point, tugging at it and trying to loosen it up. You realized it was you who was rambling this time, but the conversation had taken a turn that you didn't want to make reality at all cost. You couldn't imagine yourself being this guy's pretty little cave warmer for all eternity, preferring the roughness of your own kind over his madness. Orcas weren't known to be gentle housemakers, no matter how much Lyr tried to sell it to you. Not even when he handled you gently, yet never did what you wanted. 
However, you were surprised when he reached down to the net, yanking at it with you. A yelp escaped you as he pulled your tail over his, the net cutting into your flesh painfully as he twisted and pulled until you had to fold up your tail, getting more and more caught. Nets usually weren't as much of a problem to sirens, but this one was sturdier and heavier than any fishing net you had encountered in your long life. 
So when Lyr caught your hands in it, you began to panic. 
"Wait! I'm getting wrapped up in it! Please stop, this isn't helping!" Your plea was ignored as Lyr slung the grating material over your wrists a few more times, ignoring your thrashing and panic with the calm of someone who had all the time in the world. Who had nothing to fear, especially not you. Tears welled up in your eyes as you tried to make him understand you wanted to get out of the net and not strung up in it more until he was done messing with you, flipping you over and pulling you close against him.
"That's not what I meant," you sobbed as he rested his head on top of yours, only cushioned by the arm he lent you as a headrest. 
"Isn't this so much better?" he asked, feigning innocence. But you couldn't believe his audacity to make you even more miserable. It was as if he wanted to make you as miserable as he was. "This way, you can't leave without my help. And I doubt your little pod will find you here."
"I just want to go home," you mumbled, anger slowly overtaking as the panic subsided. Your hands were bound tightly, your fin being the one hurting when you tried to lift them and vice versa. You felt truly trapped, and that made you angry rather than sad. It was strange, considering how, just a few minutes ago, you had almost pitied this male, but now, all you felt was rage.
"It's your home, now. Our home. We'll live here, unbothered by others. Just the two of us."
"It's not my home! Let me go!" you snapped, lips pulled back in a snarl. Dolphins were by far not the scariest predators, but your teeth were sharp and threatening as well! 
Or so you thought.
Lyr laughed at your display of a threat, seemingly amused that you were still fighting him. Without warning, he raised his hand to your face, squeezing both sides of your jaw until the pressure forced you to open it, and stuck his pointer and middle finger inside. He only needed these two to press your tongue down, your mouth wide agape with his claws scarily close to the back of your throat. You tried to close your jaw, bite down until he'd retract his hand, but Lyr didn't care. He didn't even mind your teeth digging into his flesh, leaving cute little cuts against his slick skin. 
"Careful, lil' dolphin. You're not in a position to make such scary demands of me, don't you know that already? I could kill ya." 
Unafraid of getting hurt, the pressure on your lower jaw increased, fingers purposely impaling themselves on your teeth while pain made you jolt as you felt your jaw dislodging slowly. You wiggled your trapped body, gurgling against his fingers before finally looking up at him as best as possible from your position, noticing the smug grin on his face. 
"I won't, of course."
Pulling his fingers out of your mouth, dragging out the motion until the last moment, you coughed, the taste of his blood on your tongue. There was no time to recover as Lyr nuzzled his face into the side of yours, oblivious to the thrumming in your jaw as you tried to relax it while the blood flow resumed. 
"You're too much fun alive, so I won't kill you," he admitted, grabbing your hands that rested against your chest and pulling them down, elevating some of the strain on your tail, and you finally breathed out. "But if you want to get rid of the net, maybe we can find a way to make this even more fun?"
You felt his lips sink to your cheek, your jawline, then trailing down your neck. A kiss for every one of your gills. The water around you was gentle and warm, but at that moment, it was like jumping into the ice-cold ocean after sunbathing on the surface, shocking and shivering through every bone of yours. 
While the arm your head rested on wrapped around your collarbones, holding on to your shoulder, the other hand started to wander lower. His fingers played around with the net, cutting through some of the squares until he could stick his hand through it, placing his palm on your stomach before sinking it dangerously low and pulling your hands down with it. So you wouldn't be able to grasp his arm on top, trying to make him stop as Lyr nibbled on your earlobe, the protruding fang drawing blood that he licked up without hesitation.
"Stop that!" you complained as his touch grew uncomfortably intimate, the pain in your jaw reverberating as you spoke. It had long dawned on you what his definition of 'fun' was, but you weren't as naive as to believe he'd actually stick to his word and cut you loose after getting what he wanted. It was better not to risk it than risk it for nothing. Your kind wasn't known to be gentle to their chosen lovers, but you never thought about mating with an orca. It wasn't normal! Wasn't what you were made to do! And if you were to survive it… you didn't want to think of the carnage that all of him would leave behind on your body. 
If his size was any indication, you were sure you couldn't take him without getting absolutely ruined in the process—and not the pleasurable kind of destroyed. More the ripped apart and bleeding out type. 
His hand found your slit, fingertip brushing lightly yet incessantly over it, leaving a tingling trail in its wake. You whimpered, ashamedly so, but instead of the expected mockery, you felt his chest rumble, a purr reaching your ears. It was soothing, relaxing, his body warming you from behind even as you desperately tried to deny feeling anything from his touch. 
But Lyr wasn't stingy with his surprises.
A chirp so oddly familiar resounded behind you, yet you were sure you had never heard that voice before. It took you a moment of complete stillness to realize it had been Lyr making that sound, yet it wasn't orca. It was dolphin. "How did you…?" you gasped, ignoring his inquisitive fingers prodding at your entrance, begging to be let in without having to use force.
"There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, lil' dolphin," he hummed, imitating some more whistles and clicks that were perfect and comforting, like the calls of your pod, yet were spoken by an uncanny voice. You felt the tears well up in our eyes again, as you couldn't help but gasp, following it with a moan, his finger slipping into you, teasing the soft, warm flesh awaiting him there. Lyr let out an appreciative sound that made your core clench with desire, all praise and all dolphin for letting him in. 
"You don't even like me," you gasped, hands wringing in the net. You were completely and utterly caught in this trap, and he had free range to your body while slowly gaining access to your very soul by imitating your own kind's calls of desire and adoration. Lyr's mouth pulled taut in a big grin as he felt you unwillingly relax and shudder in his arms, your tail buckling into his hand. You looked up to see the madness dance with satisfaction and need in his eyes before he leaned down to kiss you.
"That's where you're wrong, lil' dolphin," he chuckled, kissing you one more time, long and with relish, his fingers playing with you, adding one after the other as you loosened up to him, exploring the depths not meant for an orca.
"I like you very, very much."
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 9 months
I’ve been always been obsessed with myths, legends, and fairytales. And one thing that always stood out to me was that how various cultures all seem to have tales about magical women bathing, a man spotting a particular one with interest, and then either marrying her, or dying/having some cursed downfall eventually. So…can I request a story like that…but with a twist of course. Male Yandere X Female Nymph Reader
So broad premise…Darling is a nymph (or some general magical maiden) bathing in a body of water, combing her otherworldly super long hair, and just living her best life. Yandere stumbles across her and starts to stalk her over the course of some time, falls in love with her, etc. But Darling has played this game many times before and thinks this is dumb schmuck nth, and continues her innocent/ignorant/helpless act, thinking that she’ll be able to lure this man to kill him in a few days (for food, riches, or something, idk). What she doesn’t know is that Yandere is a lot more smarter and is also putting on his own act in front of her. Cause the twist is that Yandere is partial/descendent magical creature of some sort, and thus Darling’s magic doesn’t work on him. (He’s also had training resistance against magics of sorts or something). Anyway…confrontation happens, Darling thinks she’s gonna successfully drown him, but Yandere reveals his true colors and does some ritual that binds the two of them together for eternity (like some f-ed up magical matrimony), and of course takes her away to some magical residence? (I don’t know what this man does for a living, nor what his home would be like since I want to leave up what partial/descendant magical creature he is to you) where he proceeds to consummate their eternal marriage. Cause in his head, a magical eternal chain isn’t enough…no this man needs to see lots of babies. The literal “fruits of his love.” (Forgive me…I like babies/pregnancy/breeding/baby trapping in Yanderes. That stuff makes me go feral). Can’t wait to see what magical children are produced from this union. LOL.
This idea just seemed fun to write about…two manipulative main characters, each thinking they have the upper hand. Sorry for the long post. Hope you can have fun with the story! <3
TW: Dubcon, Impregnation kink, drugging, forced marriage, blood,
Being a water nymph of mixed ancestry is one of your favorite things about yourself. Everyone expects you to be the helpful water nymph to help sailors from sirens. Little did they know that your dad was half-siren. Of course, he didn't show any traits because the gene that makes sirens sirens is on the second X chromosome. So when your half-mermaid-half-nymph mom had you and your five other sisters, every single one turned out to be sirens with the tail of a mermaid and the trustworthy face of a nymph.
The best part is that your innocent face helped you lure sailors. Everyone is warned to be suspicious of the woman with a beautiful face and an alluring voice. Nobody expects their angel of death to be a maiden who looks like they're supposed to help you. This earned you many new bones for decorations and combs. Along with many treasures to keep. Plus, the sea creatures let you live in an otherworldly part of the beach hidden away from humans in return for killing a few fishermen. It is truly the dream of a maiden of the sea.
"La, la, la!" You joke around, playfully singing to a romp of otters.
Your long, pastel, aquamarine, wavy hair blends in with the water. The seashells decorating your hair make it look like your personal halo. Your striking blue eyes look like they could pierce through anyone. Your long dusty lilac, coral, and beige tail swishes in the water.
"So, what should I do next?" You ask the otters, going deeper into the water.
The otters swim up to you, then stop. They all stare at something behind you. You turn around and see nothing. You can't help but roll your eyes. Every so often, some human man will come along and watch you. Then, he'll confess his love to you, hoping you'll be his mythical legend wife. You accept, bring him in for a kiss, then bite him on the jugular or drown him.
"Don't worry, I'll have him gone before the weekend," You whisper to your otters.
You go underwater and swim to your grotto for rest. Planning to kill men takes a lot of work.
You sleep until the morning sun shines through the water. You swim to your spot and do your daily routine.
"Let me the morning sun. So much stuff has to be done," You sing, moving your long hair out of the way to expose your bare breasts.
The old topless mermaid trick. The oldest one in the book and usually worked in luring men to their deaths. You pull yourself out of the water and transform into your human form. Your hair covers your naked backside, and you venture into the woods. You hear a branch move nearby and enact your plan.
"What pretty berries," You say, bending down to show your entire bottom and pussy.
More branches move, and you smirk to yourself. You pop a berry into your mouth, and suddenly, your memory goes blank. When you wake up, your body feels so tired you decide to return to your grotto for the day. When you reached the bed, your demeanor had changed from tired to horny. You couldn't help but pleasure yourself. Every nerve on your pussy felt alive when you stroked and fingered yourself. You were seeing stars and the Milky Way when you came. You fall asleep and transform into your mermaid form.
When you wake up, you swim to your spot again and brush your hair. You don't even notice you're not wearing a top. A flower blooms next to you with a golden comb with a letter.
To the sweetest maiden in the sea,
My love, I've been watching you for a long time. I love the way your being becomes one with nature. Though, you should be careful about what berries you eat. Eat too many random ones, and you might not come back.
Your admirer, L.
You laugh. The love letter is cute. So is the comb. But the flower trick really impressed you. You might get a mage's loot this time instead of some fishermen's or hunters. You brush your hair with the comb, and it shows its magical properties. The comb instantly made your wet hair wavy. Usually, it would take a couple of hours for your hair to get wavy after being in the water. You hum a song while combing your hair and sink into the water while relaxing. The branches rustle and twist into a tall, pale figure looking at you from the brush. You can't see its face. But you can tell it's a man. You wink, and you sink deeper into the water. Flowers bloom a path to the water's edge.
You sing a siren's song to lure your suitor to his death faster. Nothing happens except the trees twisting, turning, and breaking. Some even bloomed flowers. When you open your eyes to see the chaos you've done, a hand that's disappearing is reaching out to you. You try to touch it, but it vanishes like it is magic. You groan in disappointment and swim out to sea hoping for something to entertain you.
Your admirer finally showed himself. He was waiting for you at your spot. His silver hair reached his back, and his skin was so pale it shimmered. His blue-green eyes were mesmerizing.
"Hello, my sweet," The man says, pulling you out of the water. "My name's Lochlan and you're going to be my wife."
"Of course," You lie, sweetly going into his arms.
He carries your merbody in his arms, and you bite him in the jugular. Blood splatters all over the grass. His body tumbles into the water, and you hold his head underwater. Lochlan's body finally stops moving, and you let him sink into the water. You dive in, preparing to rip him apart. You can't see his body. It's gone. A hand shoves some sort of berry paste down your throat, and you gag. He slips a silver ring with a blue gem on your finger.
"Did you seriously think I would die from that? I'm half-fae. I don't die easily," Lochlan says, dragging your merbody to the shore's edge.
Your body feels hot, and you want nothing more than to return to your grotto.
"Feel familiar? You ate the key ingredient in our aphrodisiacs," Lochlan states, holding your body as it transforms into its human form. "Don't worry, you'll feel better later."
His hand keeps a steady hand at teasing your pussy. Your watery home slowly disappearing. You can't take it anymore and cry until you pass out.
"Ahh~" You moan, climaxing again from Lochlan's fingers.
"That's it, cum again," Lochlan coos, slowing down his pace as you cum.
Ever since Lochlan took you from your beach, he's been pleasuring you. Turns out that the ring he slipped onto your finger bound you to him as his wife forever. Or at least until he wishes to divorce. But that's not going to happen.
"Are you enjoying our honeymoon, my sweet? How does it feel to be Mrs. Caspian? The next queen of the sea fae," Lochlan asks, taking his fingers out of you and sticking his cock inside you. "I waited for you for so long. You even made a cute show of singing your song just for me. I admit it got to me, but I managed to teleport myself away before it was too late."
"Nessie!" You scream, taking his cock for the 5th time today.
"Keep calling me pet names based on the Lochness monster, and I'll breed you till your stomach bulges," Lochlan growls, thrusting faster and cumming into your pussy again. "I can't wait for you to have our babies. They'll be so powerful they could rule every portion of water on Earth."
Before your wedding ceremony, you were locked inside a room the size of a small closet with Lochland. In his culture, a bride and groom must whisper their secrets to each other, then into a conch shell. Then, the conch shell is sent to sea to start the marriage with no secrets. Though you didn't need to whisper your secrets into a conch shell. Your tears meeting a body of water would automatically send your pain through it.
"Just try it, my pretty pearl. A couple of whispers can't hurt. Besides, I want to start this marriage on the right track," Lochlan pleads, clasping your hands.
You relent and bring the shell to your lips.
"I wish I could be with my sisters and family. I wish I could see my precious otters again. I wish I never met him. I wish I never had to marry him!" You whisper, eventually turning into a yell.
Your yell vibrates through the shell, almost cracking it. Lochlan snatches the conch shell from you as you cry. He looks at you with pity and lets you weep on his chest. He brings the conch shell to his lips and whispers his secret.
"I want to be the best husband for my wife. Even if she hates me for eternity. I want to return to the sea to visit my mermaid mom and her family," Lochlan whispers, noticing you looking at him.
"If I marry you, will you return me to the sea with my family?" You ask, looking into his eyes.
"Of course. Anything for you."
And that's how you got to the present. You and Lochlan fucking in his private underwater palace near both of your families. It was a nice compromise and made you feel more at ease.
"I'm about to cum, Lochy!" You moan, feeling your legs about to give out.
"Me too, my pearl!" Lochlan screams, holding onto your hips tight.
You feel him cum in you one last time and fall to the bed. Lochlan falls on top of you and snuggles with you.
"I love you, my pearl," Lochlan pants, kissing your neck.
Lochlan is sitting with you in bed and combing your hair.
"This comb really works wonders on your hair, my pearl," Lochlan compliments, enjoying the golden comb turning your hair into beautiful waves. "Are you doing ok? I know being pregnant in your mermaid form isn't easy."
"I'm fine, Loch. I'm really tired, though," You answer, rubbing your slightly big stomach.
It's been three months since you married Lochlan. Since your honeymoon, you've been pregnant with his kids. Admittedly, he's been a great husband and is making sure your pregnancy is going well. Not only that, but you've been able to see your family.
"Lochlan, can you get me some grouper? Maybe some lobster too? I'm having bad cravings."
"Of course, my sweet."
Lochlan leaves your bed and comes back with a plate of fish and lobster.
"I brought some extra lobster for you. Eat up. You and the babies need nutrients."
"You really care for them, don't you?"
"Of course, I do. A proper king should care for his queen and future heirs. Now, eat. You need to rest during this pregnancy."
Lochlan kisses your head and feeds you.
Headcanon post
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nellasbookplanet · 11 months
Book recs: sapphic romance for people who like Hannibal and Interwiev with the Vampire, aka fucked up and toxic
Enemies to lovers, lovers to enemies, fucked up power imbalances, manipulations, plain bad people doing bad things - if you like your sapphics a little bit dark check out these books!
Some of these end happily, some tragically, some are more will-they-won’t-they than full on romance, some focus on healing while others focus on Getting Worse, but they’re all very juicy.
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For details on the books, continue under the readmore
Feel free to recommend more books in tags and comments!
Othe book rec posts:
Really cool fantasy worldbuilding
Really cool sci-fi worldbuilding
Mermaid books
Vampire books
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The Abyss Surrounds Us by Emily Skrutskie
Young Adult. tumblr classic back in the day! A trainer of sea monsters genetically engineered to protect ships from pirates is kidnapped by, you guessed it, pirates, one of whom happens to be very hot.
Escaping Exodus by Nicky Drayden
While my feelings on Escaping Exodus were mixed, it cannot be denied that the dynamic between the two leads and the way they go from childhood best friends to enemies on different sides of a class and power struggle is very delicious. It also features some really cool worldbuilding of living, alien generation spaceships and the human culture that has developed inside them.
The Stars are Legion by Kameron Hurley
This book fucked me up when I read it. It’s weird, it's gross, there’s So Much Viscera, there are literally no men, it has living spaceships and biotech but in the most horrific way imaginable. Had I to categorize it I would call it grimdark military sf. It’s an experience but not necessarily a pleasant one.
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The Lumionus Dead by Caitlin Starling
Possibly one of the most unsettling books I've ever read, and definitely the most claustrophobic. Gyre, a caver on an alien planet, ventures into the dark and dangerous underground, guided only by a woman who has no compunctions on using and manipulating Gyre as she sees fit to obtain her secretive goals down in the caves.
The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri
On the less toxic and fucked up side of the spectrum, but still pretty juicy. A princess held captive by her own brother, who wants to see her dead, tries to trick a servant into helping her escape, but with undeniable attraction growing between them and the servant having her own goals things quickly get complicated.
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Listen, if you're on tumblr I probably don't need to explain this book to you. Trust me when I say it's exactly as good as people claim. There are indeed lesbian necromancers in space (quite a few of them, actually), but also incredible worldbuilding that keeps growing with every new installment, interesting political commentary, morally complex characters with fucked up dynamics, and well-thought out plot that keeps you guessing until the last.
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They Never Learn by Layne Fargo
Listen, sometimes you just want to read about a vicious bisexual lady professor who murders predatory men and falls for the woman trying to solve her crimes and that's okay.
Fingersmith by Sarah Waters
The source of not one but two movie adaptations, Fingersmith is a story of trickery and manipulation as a young conwoman works to gain the trust of a heiress. I don’t want to say much more because the twists are some of the best parts, but trust that it doesn’t take long for things to get real complicated between them.
The Unbroken by C.L. Clark
Tourraine, who was stolen as a child and trained as a soldier for the empire that conquered her home, is recruited by Luka, the future leader of the conquering country to route out a rebellion. A game of twisted loyalties and attraction is soon to develop.
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This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
Again, if you're on tumblr (or twitter, apparently) you have in all likelihood already heard of this one, too. Just like GtN it lives up to all expectations. It features two women on different sides of the titular time war, who starts leaving letters for the other to find as they chase each other through time. A quick read, slightly surreal, and absolutely beautiful, I cannot recommend this enough. Pretty mild on the fucked-up-scale.
House of Hunger by Alexis Henderson
In a world where the rich drink blood to preserve their health, Marion applies to a position as bloodmaid in a notorious noble house far from home. Suddenly showered with luxuries and debauchery, Marion soon gains the interest and favor of Lisavet, countess of the house. A fresh take on the idea of vampires.
Sorrowland by Rivers Solomon
A young pregnant woman flees a cult that left her body strange and changing in terrifying ways. Hidden from the world, she does her best to raise her children while trying to find out the truth of the cult and being pursued by a hunter in a dangerous game of cat and mouse. In no way a romance, but certainly has some fucked up sapphic shit going on.
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The Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson
After her home was conquered by another land, Baru is determined to join their forces and climb the ladder until she’s in a position to free her people. To prove her loyalty, she’s sent to bring order and quell rebellion in another conqured region. Baru is set to succeed, but also has to struggle with her feelings for Tain Hu, a duchess of this region.
Ice Massacre (Mermaids of Eriana Kwai trilogy) by Tiana Warner
Young Adult. A small island is forced to defend itself against intruding forces of vicious mermaids. As all men trying to fight them get lured in by their siren song, a ship filled with warrior girls is sent instead. However one of them, Meela, had a complicated past with one of the mermaids, which is brought back to life when the two reunite on the battlefield. This one is also available as an ongoing webcomic!
Borderline (The Arcadia Project trilogy) by Mishell Baker
Urban fantasy mystery. Very much of the will-they-won’t-they variety, with a bisexual lead who has a male love interest as well as a female without falling into the typical pitfalls of a love triangle. Plays around with various fucked up power dynamics. A year after a failed suicide attempt that cost her both her legs, Millie is recruited by a secretive organisation that works to control traffic to and from Arcadia, the land of faries. Bear in mind that while the sapphic-ness is present throughout, it has a much smaller presence in book 1 than books 2 and 3.
Bonus AKA I haven't read these yet but they seem really cool
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The Hunger by Whitley Strieber
Ancient vampire is on the hunt for a new partner, none of which tend to last long.
Codename Villanelle by Luke Jennings
Precursor of the famous Killing Eve tv series. While I don’t know much of the books, I did enough research to know this: their endings differ.
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mickmundy · 1 year
EEEEE OMFG OKAAAY ;___; <33 WUAAAA IM SO HONORED U WANNA HEAR ABOUT IT OWUGOWUAA OKAYOKAYOKAYOKAY so like. like i said in this post i can think of a couple ways to do it. i like the idea of them both being merfolk because ouwagaaa merfolk lore and nesting and cute flirting rituals and and and and!!!!! buuuut i also love the idea of lonely fisherman sniper being the object of affection of Flirty Mermedic who pines after him from afar....,.,
and i ALSO ALSO like the idea of mersniper being caught by mann co and given to medic to do whatever with (organ harvest.,., uh oh!) and medic unwrapping the tank Excitedly and then being like "HOOH!.,,. oh gott.,., what do we have here!!" but sniper is simply Too Stunning to kill.,., but in all three situations they fall in love.,., so.., that much i Do know..... SKDFKSDKFKSDKF!! but also just quick species notes for them
for sniper i think i'd want his fishy half to be a spotted wobbegong! they're sharks that are docile but still have sharp teeth and hunt from a distance! i think the color palette suits him really well too..!
medic could be so much... but i personally enjoy the idea of him being a blanket octopus! they're very smart, gorgeous and super poisonous... just like medic! HEHE..! (and yes i know tentaspy exists but If You Ask Me spy is more of an eel than an octopus. but i digress)
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Bestie Dee @5piecechickendinner (who you should all go follow Immediately!!! EHE) was asking me about it and i wanted to jot down my thoughts here too SO im gonna talk more about the human fisherman snip and mermedic HEHE...
IF IM KEEPING IT LIKE SIMPLE AND CUTE i think medic would just come across him one time while he's fishing (perhaps they're trying to eat the same fish? heh.. i could make a whole other post just on like. my personal MerLore i'd use but anyway) or he sees him swimming (we'll just say for the sake of this au that sniper has some kind of small corner of the beach To Himself that the public doesn't have access to) or sunning naked (as he's one to do just in general imo) and medic's like "owo! hoo!" and tries to get closer.,., i think once medic catches sniper's eye though (by that i mean just like. a glimpse of his tentacles/"tail") he's like "ohh, you're gorgeous! *A* c'mere, beastie.,"
and medic hesitates and ultimately Goes Away just because he's not sure he can trust sniper not to kill him (sniper Does kill fish after all). sniper looks for "that octopus" every time he goes out into the ocean but no luck.., then some time perhaps medic's curiosity gets the better of him (Of Course) and sniper's out on his boat and medic swims to the edge of it and uses his tentacles to tug on sniper's wrist or rock the boat and sniper hurries and looks over the edge and he can see Something..,, Moving.,, Down There.,., and he sticks his head/upper body under the water and comes nose to nose/forehead to forehead with him.. medic smiles Toothily and bats his eyes at him and is like "Hello.. uwu" and sniper's just like. awestruck and he tries to say something but bubbles come out because underwater HEHE and medic thinks its cute... so medic gently presses his forehead against sniper's and pushes him back so that he's Breathing Air and sniper croaks out a like "hullo.,.," and medic grins..,
i think sniper wouldn't Know that merfolk exist but obviously stories myths etc are fun.,. but now he's like holy crap.,., and he'd told people about this octopus he SWORE he saw and they'd be like "naaah.. get your head outta the water and go live a little!!" but sniper loves his Simple Life by the sea and so he's like >_> no and then he kind of starts entertaining like omg what if it was a mermaid... hah... imagine that. and then when he sees medic nothing can prepare him for him being Real.., and medic's like "(probably in german) my jolly sailor bold!" (<- i think this would be a nickname medic would give him because merfolk know human stories about them and that i think sniper is Not Jolly and medic has overheard sniper grunting and talking to himself while at sea LOL which medic thinks is cute) and sniper's like "huh.,? me....?" as if there's anyone around for like. 1000 square miles SKDFKSD and medic's like "mhmm..,, ywy" and sniper's just like.., speechlessly staring at him and medic's tentacles are creeping up the sides of the boat behind him and while sniper Does look Delicious he won't be dining on this human.., HEH...
However if i was going to.,., say.,.., write a Fic.,., (smirk) i ALSO love the concept of the story being a bit more Deep/Dramatic.... the idea of sniper being a hunter and tracking this Rare Octopus that's said to have killed/slain/sunk ships and he's tracking this Beastie for like. YEARS and finally goes to engage in combat with it and a tentacle ends up smacking him and knocking him out and medic goes to eat him and is like "hmn.,.." pushes his hair back out of his face.., smells him.,., bats his eyes at him.., and medic admires sniper's tenacity and loves how Dangerous he is and decides to spare him., and leaves him floating on his boat and the sea is Deathly Calm and sniper wakes up and is like what happened and he looks over the edge of the boat and sees nothing and he's like no n n nono nono I LOST IT (the Beastie)...... both of them hunting one another obsessed with each other.., he leans his head over the side of the boat and medic's tentacles slither up the side of the boat and sniper notices them and looks to the side and sees.., mermedic..,
and is like Holy SHIT. HOLY SHIT and medic smiles Toothily and medic Lunges at him (much more graceful underwater than sniper is of course) and "breaches" and tosses sniper into his boat and pins him with his body weight and human hands and sniper's like "WH-" and medic smiles and is like "sehr handsome... must we kill each other, sailor bold?" and sniper's just in total shock and medic's smirk widens and sniper goes limp (but rest assured hes Hard) and medic glances over to see sniper's knife and picks it up with one of his tentacles and watches it glisten (shiny) and sniper's just watching him and is like "are you real? is this?? wh.,.," and medic grins and is like "how do you propose we find out? (Flirty)" and sniper's face flushes and medic bares his fangs and giggles and is like "i won't kill you.., but you're breathing entirely too much for my taste.,,." and leans down and kisses him and sniper Immediately Melts and medic smirks and starts humming and his tentacles start sliding up over the boat and up sniper's shirt and sniper nips at medic's mouth and medic giggles and is like "hoo! humans certainly are different," and sniper's like "whats that supposed to mean >:/--" and medic's tentacle slides over sniper's groin and sniper shivers and moans (he is Wet) and mermedic's like "mmn, but clearly not So different! >v>" HEH....
GRAAHHH THRASHES AND GIGGLES.,., i love merperson aus so this is ummmmmm VERY self indulgent.,., *taps my brain* One Hundred Billion merfolk aus alone.,, HEHHEH.,.,.,
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deafchild2000 · 1 year
H2O & MAKO Headcanon #25
Just a follow-up to the post below:
So, after so long, I felt like reiterating this long-ago possibility that any young girl who saw or met any of the merpeople would become a mermaid later in their lives.
So after combing through which little girl would fit the bill (aka if the child actresses kept acting) and found the one who fit the billl.
Remember Patty?
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The 13-year-old girl stole the toy dolphin from Mimmi, who tracked her to a dolphin enclosure. And after Ondina (recklessly) used her powers in front of her, she and Mimmi got splashed by a dolphin and were forced to jump into the enclosure to transform but unfortunately, Patty saw them and brought a crowd to see them while they hid. Luckily, Sirena saved them by telling the crowd they were wearing costumes. Sadly for Patty, she was upset to see Mimmi and Ondina dried and denied what she saw. But for consolation, she got to keep the toy dolphin, though her mom had to pay for it.
Now, it's 2023, which means plenty of time had to pass for the young girl to grow into a mature-ish, grown woman who understandably never forgot what happened. So, I humbly headcanon and introduce:
Patricia "Patty" King, a 21-year-old, college-bound woman majoring in History and Folklore & Mythology as well as an assistant scuba diver.
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How she turned into a mermaid:
7 years after the events of Mako Mermaids, the Mako Pod left for their decennial migration while Zac, Evie, and the others pursued the option of college or alternative interests. While they were gone, divers started coming around the island once more. Patty's boss agreed to do a night dive session for underwater photographers and she went with them during a full moon. However, Patty swam to the base of the volcano and noticed something embedded in the coral. Upon shining a light on it, it revealed to be a crystal of some sort that began glowing a memorizing, blue hue and teleported her into the moon pool. Patty received visions of ancient islanders traversing the land and worshipping the full moon before taking a group of boys and girls down a cave that began to bubble before falling unconscious. She woke up on the beach the next morning, unsure how she got there. Found by her boss, she was returned home and took a shower to wash off the sand and saltwater and you know what happens from there...
However, somewhere over the seas, Nerissa is alerted to an enchanted artifact she created in case any land people ended up in the moon pool (an inevitable fact she became well aware of after meeting Rikki and her friends). She, Rita, and Veridia, along with the council, agreed to send three mermaids to see what happened. Nerissa's daughter, Mimmi, was chosen but was surprised when two other mermaids volunteered: Naia and Ava, Ondina and Rita's former students and current graduates from Merpeople School.
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This is how it goes from here. A college mermaid becomes aware that Mako Island has a lot more secrets that bridge between Humans and Merfolk while Mimmi must return to find out who was changed and reverse it. Not to mention, answer the unasked question of why humans and merfolk weren't allowed to interact, to begin with.
Decennial means "over ten years". If mermaid pods are traveling every decade or so, it could explain: How the metamorphosis of Gracie, Louise, and Julia went undetected in the 50s and as well as Cleo Sertori, Emma Gilbert, Rikki Chadwick, and Charlotte Watsford in the mid-to-late 2000s (essentially saying the pod returned in the 60s, left during the 70s and 80s, stayed during the 90s when Zac Blackley was born, and left before in the 2000s.)
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Chapter Twenty: Sonne Pt. 1
Envy was laid upon the frozen floor as they began to stir into consciousness to only be greeted to a scene of abstract looking buildings that made no sense to them as the mist softly swirled around the angry homunculus. The shapes of the houses were unlike the ones Envy would’ve seen when interacting with the humans as the soft drops of misty rain hit their face. Annoyed, Envy attempted to get up right to only fall over into a rain puddle on the cobblestone road, causing an angered hiss to escape through elongated, sharp teeth. Wondering why their legs were not working, Envy glanced below to only realize they had a serpentine bottom like a deranged mermaid. Not wanting to mess around with their clear goof up to their preferred form, Envy attempted to shapeshift back to their personal likings to only find that nothing happened. There was a second, there was a third, there was even a fourth time before Envy realized their shapeshifting ability was disabled. Since there was no Freddy there to take out their emotional turmoil upon, Envy could only thrash about in fury as their own webbed hands grasped around for something to pull themself up on. Slowly, Envy managed to somehow pull themself up against what could be considered their place’s version of a lamp post. Once Envy figured out where they were and who was responsible for this humiliation, Envy was going to take great pleasure in tormenting the responsible party. 
 This train of thought was short lived as a figure in the distance started heading towards Envy’s direction. At first, Envy thought this was a good, small opponent to go up against before realizing the figure was getting bigger as the person got closer to Envy’s location. Whoever or whatever this person was, they were clearly past the nine feet height with something glowing bright floating above their head. It didn’t take long before Envy noticed what was coming and it shocked the homunculus down to their bitter core. Before Envy was someone from the same species as Dolly though much taller and both ears were erected as she glanced down below. Above the creature’s head was a crown engulfed in brightly colored fire with flecks of pink piercing through. The clothes were in tatters as though this creature had been in constant combate and clearly was the victor in each encounter as the clawed, webbed hand of the creature swept some of her plated hair aside. Envy held still as the ethereal murder machine spoke in a voice that demanded respect.
 “I’ve been meaning to have a word with you for quite some time since you made your presence known to the one you call ‘Dolly’.” The creature said in this carefree tone as a laugh escaped from her throat.
 “...What the hell are you?” Envy paused as they finally realized just how long their teeth had gotten by this blunder as the creature laughed a bit at the reaction.
“Well you’re certainly rude, I’ll give you that, but I will answer your question. I’ve always been around Gort, or as you know her, ‘Dolly’. I keep her safe, I get rid of things that threaten Gort’s safety, I monitor her daily interactions, I ensure every outcome Gort has, she survives it at any cost. I am the Queen Ability, Survive. We have met plenty of times in the past while you had Gort around you.” Survive introduced herself before noticing Envy had gone silent, processing everything that was given to them just now.
 “I see you’re confused, I’ll clarify what I mean. I was created by Tir Na Nog itself to ensure that its last Queen escaped its death and continued survival onwards. I was there to jam the door when you had your carnage festival on that train, I was there when I made Freddy ask if you’re a serial killer to avoid having to end you myself, I was there on that hideous ride on the truck when the roof came off, and of course, I’m responsible for Dante’s unstable mental state. Though, I am sorry you did get caught in Dante’s breakdown, but you do understand I did what I did because she was a threat to Gort.” Survive explained as she lowered herself a bit to meet Envy's eye level with sharp teeth exposed in a grin. 
 “Did you also cause my inability to kill anyone as of late too!?” Envy demanded, anger was growing like a weed on their face.
 “Alas, that wasn’t my doing, you subconsciously stopped killing on your own and even broke out of it on your own to kill the hideous dog man in the basement. You did save me from the efforts of killing that one, so you have my thanks for that one.” Survive smirked a bit at Envy as she needled them a bit.
 “You’re here to mock my misery, aren’t you?” Envy hissed as they coiled a bit at the face to face close up.
“No, not at all, however, I am here to have a bit of a word with you now that I have this wonderful opportunity to do so, especially since Gort has bonded with you.” Survive started to lift Envy up and casually just hoisted the horrible little reptile over her shoulder blade.
 “What exactly do you want to talk to me about?! How the hell did I even end up in this damned location in the first place!? WHERE AM I EXACTLY!?” Envy began their wriggling protest to no avail, much like a tantruming toddler up against their parent in a grocery store.
 “Should’ve figured you’d whine about this, but you’re in a replication of Gort’s birthplace, the Autumn Mist District on Tir Na Nog, though Tir Na Nog had died all too long ago. However, that isn’t what I want to talk to you about, no, you know things already from that little book you got not too long ago.” Survive hummed a bit to herself as she continued the walk to that specific destination, scanning each home as she passed along with Envy in toll.
“That doesn’t answer how I ended up here!” Envy screeched as they stopped with the flailing and started to notice that despite being outside where it was cold, they felt like they were bundled up in a blanket for some reason.
“Fair, that is very fair my reptilian friend, let’s bring you inside to have a word on what events brought you here before me.” Survive went to open the doorway to this abstract home that looked like a cross between a mansion and a lighthouse.
“Are all Queen Abilities like you, rude and handsy?” Envy snorted, still puzzling a bit why they were still warm all over for no real reason.
“I wouldn’t describe myself rude per say, but no, I’m one of the two sapient Queen Abilities that are sapient. I know Calculate, Crom Cruach’s Queen Ability, was growing impatient with their charge’s little antics. I think you know Crom Crouch better as the Queen of the Summer Dusk though from that book I believe.” Survive finished fumbling a bit with the door before marching inside with Envy, plopping their ungrateful scaly hide upon a cushioned chair.
 There was a sneer on Envy’s face as they gazed about the new area after being forcibly brought there. It felt like a place some dusty ass old sea dog would’ve been enjoying with model ships, various star maps from places Envy wasn’t familiar with at all, and paintings, lots of paintings. One painting in particular did catch Envy’s eyes for a bit as they stared at the piece. It was an odd painting as the figures in it were moving as though it were a colored picture film, a bunch of small creatures huddled in front of one massive creature that looked like a cross between a deer and an owl. It was a silvery creature with void like eyes that seemed to go on into infinity, an unnerving thing it was to view. Clearly the person who had painted it had more issues than Envy did as they redirected their view on the smaller creatures. Some of them did look human, though a bit uncanny at some points while the others looked like creatures from a fairytale. Finally, Envy’s eyes focused on one small creature that was all too familiar to them, a very young Dolly looking behind what Envy could assume was an older sister of sorts. 
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Eeeeey, I can finally post about these little mermaid bitches
ifejioerjf Fumi's the mer in here and Heim is an aquarium worker. Specifically, the only aquarium worker Fumi hasn't bit yet bc Heim consistantly treats Fumi like he's dangerous (he is)
Lmaooo Fumi just out here acting all cute and biting the shit out of people when they get close enough XDXDX It's a game to him. He'll drag them underwater, bite them, wrap around them like a boa constrictor, whatever gets people to freak out bc their flailing and screaming is funny to him.
Vrrrr. like, most animals that are in aquariums and zoos nowadays are, like, bred in captivity, never been in the wild or, like.... injured in away that releasing them wouldn't really be a kindness, right?
So like.... why the fuck would they be keeping feral ass Fumi in an aquarium????
Vrrrr thinking a mix between he got injured and also someone just pulled him up with a fishing net and they're studying him or smth.
Mrrrr Like, literally, the amount of injuries Fumi's definitely given staff would definitely get him put down if he were like.... just for display or smth
Maybe he's on display for, like increased funding?????
I mean, less important than Heim and Fumi interactions to me :/
They're my daydream babies <3
Anyway, MOVING ON!
More Fumi and Heim Interactions:
Heim tosses Fumi's fucking food at him from ridiculously far away. He don't let his ankles get anywhere near the water, lmao
Heim's put in charge of Fumi bc Heim seems to be the one with the most luck with dealing with Fumi (AKA. He's never been injured) and everyone else mostly avoids Fumi's area bc he's known to bite and shit and few other people need to be there. Which means the area's empty a lot.
Heim goes in when he needs a break from people and complains to Fumi about his coworkers (doesn't expect him to understand or respond).
One day, when Heim comes in to decompress, he hears Fumi imitate human speech. Specifically his insults
Que Heim realizing the squeaky screech sounds Fumi makes are probably a language and starts trying to teach Fumi English and teach himself whatever the fuck Fumi speaks (He's very bad a it, every time he tries to copy Fumi, he laughs, it's like, the wackiest accent or smth) and they start building raport
Sometime between beginning to make friends and actually trusting eachother, Heim either gets close enough to be dragged in the water, or falls in himself, and Fumi (who sees this as play) gleefully wrapps heim up and drags him down, but Heim's depressed ass decides "it's not worth struggling to escape" and quickly goes limp, closing his eyes, and waiting for Fumi to like, mutilate him or down him. Fumi obviously notices Heim stops thrashing, and gets concerned when Heim goes completely limp, like he's dead. He brings Heim back to the surface, but Heim doesn't react. Fumi, still concerned, drags him back on land and chirps at him. Still no response, so Fumi starts trying to preform CPR, or however much of it he could grasp from the time he actually nearly drowned one of the other workers.
Heim, who's been conscious, just despondent, this while time pushes Fumi off when he starts trying to do chest compressions, and sort of just goes on a depressive spiral while laying there with a concerned mer by him.
This is the point where actual trust starts building between them (from Heim's side, Fumi trusts Heim before Heim trusts him)
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List 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people who liked/reblogged something from you. Get to know your followers and mutuals!
I have never posted anything on here, but I was tagged by @red-hibiscus so I thought I could use this opportunity to start.
My dog. Technically my mom's dog but who cares. I had been a cat person all my life until i moved out and my mom decided to replace me with the most beautiful, softest and most empty-headed yet surprisingly capable creature I have ever laid eyes on. Just looking at this little sister of mine makes me instantly happy and I can never be mad at her even when she keeps me up all night because she heard a pebble fall down somewhere and now she's scared and making it everyones problem.
Theatre. (normal spoken plays, think Shakespeare, not musicals) I love the theatre, weather going to see a play as a spectator or participating myself. The small-ish theatre in the town I grew up in sometimes feels more like home than any house I've ever lived in. Lying on the painted-black wooden floor behind the backdrop, listening to the slightly muted sounds of others rehearsing scenes I'm not in. That's a feeling of true contentedness for me.
A view of mountains. I was born close to the mountains, and even after I moved away at the age of five, I came back for almost every school break until I was old enough to be on my own for extended periods of time. And though I'm not an increadibly enthusiastic hiker and lost all enjoyment of skiing when my younger cousins, who live there year-round, inevitably got much better at it than me, the sight of a mountain range still makes me feel happy and grounded.
Water. I love existing in water, be that swimming or just lounging or even diving (not too deep, my ears can't handle it). I used to dream of being a mermaid as a child and if I'm honest I might have still not entirely grown out of that.
Hugs. I'm quite the loner. I prefere not being perceived by humans about 90% of the time. Unfortunately, that often leaves me somewhat touch-starved so a hug from a friend or, depending on the right circumstances, a stranger usually goes quite a long way to filling that persistent small hole, hidden somewhere between my liver and my stomach.
If you made it through my weird writing, please note that English is not my native language and I can only write in one of two modes: extremely casual with no sign of cohesion, punctuation or correct spelling OR borderline pretentious run-on sentences with made up punctuation and variably successful spelling attempts.
Since this is literally my first post, I don't have anyone to tag. So if you somehow came across this post and haven't been tagged yet, feel free to consider yourself tagged, or not.
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wishfullyeternal · 2 years
Jack Sparrow x Reader- Pirates and Mermaids
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Jack Sparrow x Reader- Pirates and Mermaids
Words- 716
Warnings- N/A
A/N- Whew, it's been quite the time since I've posted on here. Thank you all for your continued support and love on my projects. I'm not sure how much I will be able to post, as I am graduating high school and preparing to go to college! However, I'd like to spend as much time as I can getting back into writing. As for requests, if you have not had yours answered, please send it again. I am going to clean out my inbox and leave it opened for new requests. I apologize for my hiatus, and I'm more than happy to be back again with our boy Jack!
"Have you ever wondered my dear? The way the stars align in a slightly different way each time you look up at them. The same atoms that make the colour in your eyes, are what makes the stars shine my love..." This was the first non-pirate slander sentence you had ever heard him say. The both of you laid silently on a rough woolen blanket on the ship's deck.
"Or the way the salt hits your face every day, somehow familiar yet mysterious at the same time. An unwavering ever-changing breeze." I sighed, Jack smiled slightly. A glint from the sunset reflected the gold from his teeth. The rocking of the boat only served to prove my feelings.
"Jack, you know I-" He interrupted me,
"I know you do, I do too. It's best not to say it yet..." He pointed up into the patchy dusk filled sky, where stars were just beginning to appear through the clouds.
"Argo Navis." As though he had painted the sky himself, you began to see the well-defined shape of an enormous sailboat. Although it was only the outline, your mind filled in the rest. You and Jack, hugging onto the ship's pole, looking throughout the vast deepness of the open water. He puts his hand around your waist to steady you, your feet dangling dangerously off the ledge of the pole. Although it wouldn't be more than a couple of feet or so of a drop-off, Jack still felt the need to steady you.
"Jack I'll be fine, you don't need to hold me," Jack didn't let god,
"Can't trust nobody these days, just let me make sure you don't fall," The front bow of the ship has a magnificent sculpture of a mermaid, with ionic and Dorian columns holding her in place against the boat. Her hair looks like it could sway with the gentle wind at any moment's notice, yet stays stationary. Her tail adorns her figure, seamless and full of individually unique scales. Ranging in color from dark emerald green at the tail, to a more supple iridescent baby blue towards her chest. The scales drop off slowly, revealing bits of her human figure. There are fins that drop from her arms, much like sleeves, that create a stunning veiled-like appearance. She isn't like a regular mermaid, but something ethereal, and unseen from a regular human's eyes. She was objectively beautiful.
"There's a mermaid on the front of the Argo Navis, you know that?" Jack snapped you from your thoughts, bringing you back to the now darkened abyss of night, the stars much brighter than before.
"There is?" You asked, he nodded slowly.
"In my dreams, I like to believe it's you who navigates the Navis..." He's unbearably quiet when he states this, as though even saying something of the sort would turn it to dust.
"You're right there with me Captain..." You respond, getting closer to him, and listening to the quiet rustle of jewelry adorned within his locks. He wraps his arms around you, callused and bruised beyond belief. This is Jack, not some derelict pirate. A man of courage and bravery, with maybe a little bit of tomfoolery sprinkled throughout. Yet out of all his choices, he chooses to spend his night cuddled atop a wool blanket with you at his side.
"Jack..." You paused, taking one last look at the Argo Navis before making eye contact.
"I really do love you." You kiss his cheek, nuzzling your head in-between the crook of his neck. He lets out a breath and gently puts his arms around your back, pulling you into a warm hug. It was pure, in this moment, nothing plagued the pirate, nor the mermaid. A lover's story may have conflict, but in moments like this, it's almost worth it.
"Calm your mind dear, I can almost feel it racing." You relax the muscles in your body, letting Jack gently rub his hands up and down your back. Your eyes begin to flutter shut, the only thing keeping you away is the slight humming of Jack's favorite pirate tune. A Pirate's Life for Me.
"I love you so, dearest." He says, finishing the tune. You only hum in agreement, too tired to form words.
"It's okay, you can fall asleep now..."
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Hello people in the internet, this is my first content, I 𝑾𝑨𝑺 planning on posting an NSFW audio from Auralesent, but tumblr won't let me so have this headanons of some of the half-bloods and other creatures Siren's Son ASMR created...
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Personally, this is only my own thought, I don't really have a comfermation if the characters will actually do this, but I hope y'all enjoy
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( ◜‿◝ )♡
(L/Y) = Listener/You
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Duke Headcanons
Back at the time when Duke still hasn't met (L/Y) he probably wasn't the sweetest person, I forgot who it was maybe it was Theo but some half-blood said that Duke was a cranky bull??? I forgot lol
He definitely was so confused when he saw (L/Y) falling from the sky, he was probably just about to go to the sanctuary to get some few baking supplies then all of the sudden a falling human just appeared.
He does not regret meeting (L/Y) though, and he's made that very clear in bed.
When it was (L/Y)'s first time, probably the time when you and him were in the sanctuary...
He was so and I mean 𝑺𝑶 gentle, he was scared that he might hurt (L/Y) lol.
The thing he really loves to do with (L/Y) is bake with them, cuddle with them, and honestly just spend time with them. He's in the, "Sorry guys, I gotta pass, I'm going to walk my girlfriend home." Gang.
He's definitely a husband material and you can not tell me otherwise 😌
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Shray Headcanons
He definitely felt a little sorry when he first capture (L/Y), like... After he heard about their terrible past, he just kind of found out that they're quite similar to him.
Shray loves to sing mostly he loves to sing to his siblings, so, every night he'd sing a lullaby for them even though he knows that they can't hear him.
He was over the moon when he bought back his siblings from that bastard of a pirate, he was so happy to introduce them to (L/Y), and the kids just 𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒅 (L/Y), mostly the little girl. She loves that (L/Y) is a pretty mermaid and would ask if she can swim with them.
He was also very happy to meet (L/Y's) siblings, and would treat them so sweetly.
He definitely has a soft spot for (L/Y) and his siblings, he'll be a bit more serious when it comes to the other people on the ship but he'll be all soft when he talks to the most important people in his life.
When he finds out it's (L/Y's) first time, he'd be gentle and would make sure that it was the most pleasurable first time ever. But worry not, (L/Y) is going to be able to walk the next day, unless he's got a few drinks then I think those legs won't be strong enough...
Something he loves to do with (L/Y) is take a walk on the shore with them, sing to them, cuddle them, and most importantly... A lot of kisses 😘.
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Thresh Headcanons
He definitely considered leaving (L/Y) when he first saw them, but after a small talk he changed his mind considering how different they were.
He was a little judgemental at first but he got curious why (L/Y) didn't really see him as a monster. So he took them with him, probably to observe (L/Y) more 'cause he's a lil curious.
When (L/Y) kissed him, he was stunned, his world stop. As he said, he never thought you'd kiss him... So it was a big thing for him, I mean, seeing how pretty and kind (L/Y) is, he was a little shook.
He was a little bit confused of his feelings at first because it was the first time somebody has kissed him, but he realized that he liked (L/Y) when he found out that they walked all the way back just to heal him.
He's definitely the protective but soft one in the relationship, he'll be pissed if someone messed with (L/Y). And he's definitely a simp for them.
He's favorite thing to do with (L/Y) is to kiss them, cause, that's the first love action that Thresh recieced, even better, it's from a pretty person...
He's gentle when he's not drunk but a bit rough when he is. Though he'll make it up the next day with a lot of kisses and cuddles...
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That's all lol, I was getting kind of tired to write this so it's only three characters... Anways, hoped you guys liked it... ^^
My other Platforms:
Tiktok - AddictedToBoyfriendVA
YouTube - AddictedToBoyfriendVA
No vids in my yt though... I can't really post my NSFW cause of nudity, like bruh, I just literally stole that video from another reposter so I can repost it. Wtf yt >:(
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ninamitoo · 3 years
HPhogwartsmystery - Talbott Winger x Reader
Author‘s note: This is supposed to be a one-shot but since there aren’t many stories about Talbott x reader I’ll be posting 2nd and 3rd part (if you’ll be interested).  Also English isn’t my first language so sorry if there are any mistakes.
Wordcount: 1200
Pairing: Talbott Winger x reader / MC / Y/N (your name)
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I first became aware of Talbott Winger thanks to a coincidence. Back than I had never imagined that this boy could get under my skin so quickly. I could say it all started thanks to Tulip.
It was a normal day. I came to the Great Hall and saw Tulip standing with Barnaby at the very end. The sight of the two of them together was more than unusual, so I decided to investigate.
”Hi Y/N. Barnaby and I were just discussing Talbott Winger.” Tulip greeted me. When I asked who he is the answer was “a Ravenclaw who keeps to himself.”
”They also say his dad is a vampire, and his mum is a mermaid!” Barnaby joined the conversation with a disturbing look on his face. Looks like I'm not the only one with strange rumors circulating around school. What actually caught my attention was the fact that he’s attempting to brew an Animagus Potion. Since the first lesson with professor McGonagall I have dreamed about becoming an Animagus myself. Maybe if I talked Talbott into brewing an extra Animagus Potion for me, I can finally fulfill one of my dreams. Not to mention how much easier it’d be to sneak around school in animal form…
”He’ll shut you down.” Tulip crushed my completely bulletproof plan. ”It might be best to ask around about him first…“ Suggested Barnaby. Since it was a good idea I started asking about Talbott everyone who was still in the Great Hall. Unfortunately, he was sitting a few feet away from me, and as I found out later, he heard everything.
”If you want to know something about me, just ask.“ He says as soon as I sit across from him. He took me by surprise. Not knowing what to say I blurted out the first thing which came to my mind: ”How did you know I was talking about you?“
”My hearing is almost as good as my eyesight.“ He asnwers without any emotion. ”Besides, I’m used to people talking about me.“ How can I relate to that… I decided not to beat around the bush and straightforward asked if he was brewing an Animagus Potion, however he denied it. His cold response told me not to push any further and with a quiet sorry to bother you, I got up to leave. His next sentence stoped me. ”Is it true you sneaked into Filch’s Office?“ Not wanting to incriminate myself, I lied. ”No. Why? Do you want to get in?“
”I’m collectong things for a mutual friend of ours.“ He vaguely answered. ”We have a mutual friend?“
”You’re probably surprised I have any friends at all…“ Did I just hear a hint of pain in his voice? ”No, not really. Everyone has friends and with everything I’ve seen at Hogwarts, nothing surprises me anymore.“ I shruged with my shoulders to seem like I don’t really think much of it, but in reality I secretly hoped my answer will comfort him. I don’t know why, but I don’t want him to be sad. ”We’ll see about that.“ Talbott said. A little smirk appearing on his face.
”What do you mean?“
”Let’s go Y/N L/N. You can show me how you definitely did not sneak into Filch’s office.“ And just like that I fell into a trap called Talbott Winger. With each passing day I wanted to know more about him, what he likes, what is he doing. When I was able to conjure a smile on his face, it was the best feeling I had experienced. Much better than when we won first Quidditch Cup. But… He didn’t saw me as a friend. Not until I pushed him into allowing me to help find his lost necklace. That’s when he finally admited, he sees me as a friend. As someone he can trust and rely on. When I heard him say these words, my heart made a few somersaults. In that very moment I realised I don't fancy him anymore. I have totally fallen for him.
One particular night I couldn’t fall asleep. I decided I’ll tire myself out by going on a fly around the castle. After putting on a sweatshirt and shoes, I shifted into my animagus form and flew through the open window. After flying for several minutes I noticed a very familiar looking eagle heading fot the owlery. With a graceful movement of my wings I change direction and follow my new friend. When I land, I transform back into my human form, but Talbott still remains in his animal. He is resting on one of the loose perches, looking at me curiously.
”I couldn’t sleep.“ I answer his silent question, taking a few steps forward, shortening the distance between us. His feathers shine beautifully in the moonlight. I couldn't resist the urge to touch his plumage. I lightly touch the side of his wing.
”Your feathers looks really beautiful.“ I whisper into the dark night not entirely sure if I didn't cross the border. His pupil narrows in surprise. His body gets surrounded by a yellowish glow, and I realise too late that he is transforming back into his human form. Surprised, I don't have time to dodge and within a second I find myself face to face with his firm chest. His pleasant scent immediately surrounds me, and I realize that I am absorbing it voraciously in an effort to remember it. He must have noticed. This got awkward really quickly… With a shy sorry i take a few steps back and look up at him. His look took my embarrassment to a whole new level. He was covering his face with his hand, furiously averting his gaze. Is he blushing?
”Did you…“ His voice was a pitch lower than usual. After clearing his throat he looked down at me. Yep, he was definitely blushing. ”Do you really think that?“ I felt my cheeks begin to burn. ”Yes… I do.“ I honestly answer unable to look him in the eye. The last time I confessed my feelings it didn’t go exactly well. Thank goodness I erased his memories.
”Do I look good only in my Animagus form?“ He asks. Something in his voice forced me to look at him. He was serious. He needed to know. The request in his eyes told me I have to tell him the truth. Now or never.
With a shaky breath I compose myself. ”No. I think you look very handsome every time I see you.“ After hearing my response his cheeks darkened with deep red. A mischievous grin curls his mouth into a smile. Why does he looks like he just won?
”Good to know.“ He simply answers lovering himself to my heigh. He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear with his hand, looking directly into my eyes. His hot breath tickled my lobe. ”I think you look absolutely gorgeous yourself.“ And with that, he transformed back into an eagle and left.
The heart impetuously beats for the boy who just gave her hope.
”Falling in love with him I hadn’t expected. But being in love with him is something I couldn’t stop even if I tried.“
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fascinationex · 3 years
I cut this from a recent sealpatico fic but it's almost 2k words so I'm posting it here for any of you who desire the extremely niche content of humam Rewind and mermaid Brainstorm eating fish on the beach.
"Hang on though, we're losing the daylight."
Brainstorm looked up and made a forlorn noise in his chest. "It happens every year, and every year I hate it."
"Yeah," said Rewind, getting up to get the portable lights. But even as he was arranging them and making sure everything was properly weighed down, his thoughts were with Chromedome.
Chromedome rarely responded well to winter as a phenomenon. Maybe this latest medicine would make it easier, but Rewind doubted it. He wondered if he should have woken him up for the daylight.
It was too late now. Tomorrow, he'd try.
"Okay," he said, when eventually he had their lights set up and glowing fiercely around them both.
He cracked open the first tin and emptied some of the contents onto a tiny, aesthetically congruent dish he'd sourced for exactly this purpose. It was ivory coloured, with a nautical-themed border in slate.
"Spanish anchovies in olive oil with salt, parsley and garlic. Make sure you let me get a good shot of it." He pushed the dish across to Brainstorm, who inspected it thoughtfully.
He pinched an anchovy fillet between two claws and presented it to the camera. Then he snapped up the tiny bit of fish.
"What do you think?"
Brainstorm considered this for a moment. "I think the garlic and oil gives it a rounder flavour, but the oil is bitter, and the parsley..." He sounded both confident and knowledgeable, particularly notable for someone who'd had all of a few months to experience garlic and/or olive oil.
"It's a little sweeter than I expected," he reported, licking his claw thoughtfully.
"Okay, anchovies taste sweet," he said, once more adopting the tone of one who did not understand and did not anticipate understanding any time soon. "Give it a score out of ten?"
"Out of ten...? Six. It's still fish."
"All fish gets a six, you heard it here first. Next up: Squid in olive oil." They came in an aluminium can with a ring pull, packed tightly into the space: pale, round and fleshy, with darker twisting tentacles. He nudged one onto the dish.
Brainstorm obligingly allowed Rewind a few seconds of focused footage, and then he plucked it up and dangled it over his wide-open mouth and sharp teeth.
He let it fall. Snap went his jaws. The squid was gone.
"Hmm," said Brainstorm. "The oil is bitter, you know? Five and a half."
"Oof," said Rewind.
"Why is it olive oil, anyway?" Brainstorm wondered, examining the glossy sheen on his dark claws.
"Everything that's not in olive oil is just 'in oil', and nobody cares what kind. They all want to tell you about the olives, though. What even is an olive?"
"It's a fruit. We usually only eat them preserved." He guessed olives on their own were pretty bitter, which must have been what Brainstorm was tasting. He had a thought. "Can you taste saltiness? You live in salt water."
"I'm a mermaid in brine," Brainstorm agreed. "That's really a useless question, though, isn't it? I don't know what you taste. I can taste the difference between salt and fresh water though."
This was the kind of content the people wanted, apparently. "Right."
"It's like those philosophy questions about colour perception, isn't it? Even those ancient guys in Greece were like 'hey what if animals see colours differently?' and since then humans all cut a lot of animals' eyes up and looked at them closely and everyone's decided they definitely do. But they still can't see it the same way."
Sometimes it was very, very surreal to be looking at Brainstorm’s face with its fine dark fur and his big weird bone helmet and see him gesticulating with his front flippers but hear, coming out of his mouth, some absurdly cerebral comment about, say, philosophy.
You didn't expect mermaids to have thoughts more complicated than "I want to play," or "I like that colour".
"Where'd you learn about classical Greek philosophers then?" Rewind prompted.
Brainstorm twitched a flipper. "Wikipedia?"
Rewind blinked. He guessed he wasn't the only one letting Brainstorm on the internet.
"Well, I guess that's where everyone else learns everything... Okay, this is... Cockles in brine, also Spanish. Who knew the Spanish made this much preserved seafood?"
"Hm, yeah... Do they have trouble eating it all at once?" Brainstorm wondered, in the thoughtful tone of someone who had never preserved food for longer than it took to finish the preceding mouthful. He was kind of a bottomless pit.
Delicately, Rewind said, "I don't think that's why."
"Six and a half. They're not bitter, they just kind of taste average to me, but I don't like bivalves much."
"You have foods you'll only eat if you're hungry, too, right?"
"Yeah. Humans have all sorts of food choices they like to stick to. We have a big variety to choose from so we make more choices. Plant-based diets are big right now I think, but a few years ago everyone was talking about palaeolithic diets." He paused, wondering exactly how that sounded to Brainstorm. "The problems of a species that doesn't hunt its own food, huh?"
"Plant-based..." Brainstorm said. His yellow-gold eyes were very round. "Just plants?"
"Just plants."
"No fish," he said slowly, as though to really confirm. "That's terrible. That's stupid."
He looked so offended. Rewind laughed. "Well, you're a carnivore, it's different for you. There's a thing called pescatarianism, you know. It's where the only flesh people eat is fish."
"Just fish?"
"Humans need lots of vegetables and fruits and things too, but the idea is no other animals."
Brainstorm still looked extremely dubious. "Food scarcity works differently for humans, I suppose... with 'supermarkets' and things. You just get food delivered."
He tapped the dish with one claw expressively.
"Yeah, a lot of us get a lot of choices. Here's the next one..." Rewind decided to change the subject before Brainstorm said something that would really get him lynched in the comments section. He was sure there'd still be someone ready to try to convert him to a vegan diet in a two hundred comment thread dominated mostly by trolls—but that happened regardless. "Crab meat... this is, huh, Vietnamese."
"Crab..!" trilled Brainstorm, making grabby hands at the dish even as Rewind excised some crab from its tin. He sounded much less human when he made that trilling noise in his chest.
This food Rewind did not get a very good shot of, because it vanished into Brainstorm's face with shocking speed.
"Seven and a half," Brainstorm announced, licking his mouth with a smooth pink tongue. "Maybe eight?"
"Okay, crab, sure. Big tick for crab. Sponsor us, crab meat companies."
"Will they actually do that?"
"Here's, uh, pre-sliced hot smoked sturgeon from the USA." It was paler and thicker than Rewind associated with smoked fish, but it had the same distinctive blend of smells.
"Oh, I can taste the smoke. That's unusual. Is that a thing?"
"It's absolutely a thing."
"Oily and smoky," Brainstorm reviewed. "Four."
"An acquired taste, huh? Here, this one's sardines in salt and water from France."
"Aw, look at them all smooshed in together," Brainstorm said, leaning over to peer at the tin. The camera got a weird view of his helm for a second.
Obligingly, Rewind held up the container for the camera, even though everybody knew what a tin packed full of fish looked like. Brainstorm's claws delicately nudged the packed sardines this way and that.
These scored another six. Fish was good, but apparently he could taste too much of the tin.
"Jellied eels... apparently. From the UK. Honestly I didn't know this was a thing before I ordered it."
It did not look appetising to Rewind, but Brainstorm had no fear.
Brainstorm hooked a claw through a piece of eel flesh and drew it from its dish, watching the gelatinous stock plop from it. After a second, he put it in his mouth.
"Oh, it's like this?" He licked his teeth thoughtfully, pink tongue flashing brightly. "It's okay. The gel is interesting."
Seeing it left unattended, his dark claws drifted back to the tin of crab meat. After a second's debate, Rewind gave up and pushed over the tin—nearly half a kilogram of it.
Brainstorm beamed at him.
"So you like the crab?"
"Yeah! It's a little acidic from the tin, but the trade off is that I didn't have to catch it, right?"
"I guess... Is catching crabs hard?" It sounded hard.
Brainstorm paused and then shoved his hand closer to the camera lens, showing off an array of silvery scars bitten deep into the coarser fur of his his fingers and hands. "They've got those big claws. And up here they're, like, four feet from foot to foot. I caught one for Perceptor once."
"Did you," Rewind prompted. He put his hand behind Brainstorm's to improve the camera's autofocus. "Did he like it?"
"Well, I don't know. He said he'd already eaten... but who doesn't like crabs?"
"Oh, yes, definitely," Rewind agreed, contemplating the gross little handfish Brainstorm had given Chromedome. "What's this one? Another crab injury?" He tapped a bigger scar on Brainstorm's forearm.
Brainstorm glanced at it for a second.
"Bear." It sounded flat.
"Uh," said Rewind. A bear?
Brainstorm rubbed his arm and then seemed to rally a bit: "Bear meat... Zero out of ten."
Rewind nodded. "Zero out of ten," he agreed. Sure, why not. Later, he decided, he would put the scores up over the video. People might find that funny: cockles, squid, crab, eel, BEAR, crab, trout, anchovies.
"Okay, next up is marinated baby octopus is olive oil, with vinegar and unspecified 'herbs and spices'."
"I think I like the unspecified herbs and spices," said Brainstorm thoughtfully. "The octopus is rubbery though. Six out of ten?"
"Have you had octopus before?"
"Yes, but not here so much. There are octopuses up here but they're easier to find down south. You have to swim for a while if you want good octopus." On this he seemed very knowledgeable. Maybe one day Rewind would see if he could get a travelling guide to raw seafood out of him. People would probably like that. Maybe. Who knew?
"Okay. This is a blue grenadier fillet. They were less than ten USD a kilogram, so factor that in."
Brainstorm looked blank. "Alright?"
"Cheap. They were cheap."
"Right, right, right," he mumbled. It was really impressive how fast an entire fillet just vanished into Brainstorm's face. Rewind had seen it so many times, but it still wasn't getting old. "Oh, I know this fish! Perceptor gets this fish sometimes... it's nice. Eight out of ten. Eight and a half? A good fish."
"Really? Isn't that pretty high for a plain frozen fish?" It was beating out the crab, which was saying something.
"So? It's a good fish, Rewind."
"Okay, sure." He couldn't say he really understood Brainstorm's criteria. But privately, Rewind suspected that he was enamoured of the first source of this fish, and not the fish itself.
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silky-stories · 3 years
Hi!! Maybe headcanons or some kind of literature with either vampire garcello x reader or mermaid garcello x reader?? You could do both or one or the other. You're the one writing it after all. Thanks!
Oh. Ohohohohohohoho, now we’re talking >:)
Anon I am going to let you in on a little secret, so anyone who isn’t anon look away >:(
...okay now that it’s just you and me, one of your suggestions kind of predicted a oneshot I’ve been working on that I’m going to be posting soon. So because of that I’ll be going with the other option. Hope you enjoy ;3
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Parched. {Vampire Garcello/Reader}
Genre: Suggestive
Words: 2027
Related Song: Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know { slowed + reverb}
Summary: When your boyfriend gets home from a long day, it’s only polite to fix him a drink, don’t you think?
Disclaimer/s: Steamy content, swearing, blood
Notes: Garcello speaks in red this time, Reader speaks in blue ;) [Also, monster character x reader or character x monster reader is my absolute jam, feel free to send in requests like this more often-]
Your boyfriend was, to put it lightly, a little bit on the odd side.
He work dark clothes on hot days, didn’t like the sun very much, had an uncanny sense of smell and hearing, and liked his meat pretty rare. To the outside world he was a weird shut-in that was probably goth, but you knew a hell of a lot more than that.
The two of you had met late at night in a rougher part of the city. You were on your way home from picking up a few essentials at the nearby 24-hour convenience store when you heard some rustling coming from an alleyway. Then some banging. Then some yelling. Then silence.
Well that was ominous as hell.
Time to investigate.
You made your way down the dreary alley, groceries in hand, preparing yourself to see a murder scene or something of the like and...
...you honestly weren’t that far off.
You found yourself watching as a man pinned a guy to a wall, his head lowered to his neck. At first you felt yourself getting embarrassed, figuring that you had walked over and unintentionally interrupted a passionate moment. You quickly realized that wasn’t the case when you watched the guy go limp in the arms of the larger man.
After a few moments of you being the quietest you’ve ever been in your life, standing and staring in shock, not knowing what would even be the right course of action for a situation like this, he pulled away. The guy that had previously gone limp slowly slid down the brick wall, deep red trickling down his neck and pooling in the crook of his shoulder. The aqua-haired man let out a sigh as he wiped his mouth with his gloved hands, still unaware of your presence.
Your mind was blank when you spoke up, it had to be for you to do something so bold yet stupid.
“Is he dead?”
The man flinched, hard, and whipped around to lock eyes with you. You were met with two bright red dots staring back at you, stunned, you began to unintentionally study his face.
The dark crimson that you had seen on the possibly-dead man’s neck was also identifiable as a smear on this guy’s face, starting at his lips and trailing off along his cheek where he had tried to wipe it off. His lips were slightly agape, revealing a set of sizeable fangs, as well as other teeth that seemed sharper than a regular human’s teeth should be. Looking down further you noticed that his gloves were fingerless, presumably to allow the sharp claws of nails that he had to stick out.
Other than all of that though he looked like a pretty normal guy. A pretty normal guy with very pale skin, but normal nonetheless.
“I... huh..?”
You were so busy taking in his clearly inhuman appearance that you actually forgot what you had initially asked for a moment, but restated your question when it came back to you.
I mean, what was there to lose at this point? It’s not like running seemed like a very smart option.
“Him. Is... is he dead?”
You pointed at the man that was currently almost falling over in his slump to emphasize your point. The man in front of you took a double take between you and what may have been a dead body before responding, clearly taking in the absurdity of the situation, similar to you.
“He’s... no he’s... passed out I...”
He paused, blinking a few times as he tried to process what was even happening. You took the moment to look at the body a little more critically and, surprise surprise, noticed that he was actually breathing.
“I didn’t... I didn’t take much so he’s just...”
Didn’t take much?
Oh shit.
Suddenly the whole ordeal just clicked in your brain as you finally understood what it was that you were looking at.
“You’re a vampire!”
The words left your mouth before you could stop them, shocked and questioning, almost accusatory as your eyes went wide.
He didn’t seem to like that though. His brows pulling together tightly in sudden concern as he frantically looked around for any other possible witnessess. When he reinitiated eye contact he appeared quite a bit more panicked than before, more like someone that had been caught doing something arguably wrong. He looked threatening for the first time throughout the encounter.
“You... what do you plan on doing..?”
Plan on doing? Like what you were going to do after this? Knowing that vampires did in fact exist and at least one lived in your city?
“Do you... ever kill them?”
He shook his head warily.
“Then... I don’t... think I care?”
He was surprised to hear that, to be fair though, so were you. You figured you would care more about catching a literal vampire in the act but... he wasn’t killing anyone so was it really any of your business?
“You... you don’t care that I just drink some of his blood???”
“I guess not?”
You let out a chuckle of disbelief at your own statement, any ounce of a threatening or intimidating expression had left his face.
“He’s not gonna, like... turn into a vampire or die of disease or something later, right?”
“No that’s uh, not how it works...”
“Then just like... I don’t know, make sure he gets cleaned up and home safe and this stays between us I guess.”
He let you know that that’s what he did on a regular basis and after a few more awkward moments you were on your way.
That definitely wasn’t your last interaction though.
He didn’t trust you to keep your word, you honestly couldn’t really blame him, and you ended up catching glimpses of him watching you from alleyways or tops of buildings at night. It was kind of worrying at first but eventually it got to the point that you would just smile and wave if you saw him.
Eventually he would wave back.
Sometime down the road and you learned his name. Months later and you found an odd friendship forming, starting with you asking him to come in on a particularly rainy night.
Even later and you found yourself developing feelings, getting to know who he really was. His personality, his struggles, his fears. He really wasn’t a bad guy, he just had no other choice since regular food did nothing for him.
After half a year of your strange friendship you found yourselves together, he had happily moved into your apartment and you had started to acquire blood bags for him to use instead of people. That didn’t stop him from drinking straight from the source every now and then... although, the source he used had definitely changed.
“I’m home.”
You leaned out of the kitchen to smile at Garcello, he returned it with a warm grin, shucking off his coat and tossing it to the side to land on your shared couch.
“Welcome back! How was your day?”
You greeted him with open arms as soon as he meandered into the kitchen, he swiftly took up your non-verbal offer and swept you into his strong arms. He buried his face in the crook of your neck and inhaled, sighing deeply through his nose as he melted into the embrace.
“It went fine, certainly not my job of choice but I think the interview went alright.”
You hummed in acknowledgment and nuzzled your head against his, pleased to have him back in your arms after half a day without him.
“I made sure to get bread and milk like you asked.”
You chuckled as you spotted the brown paper bag he had set on the counter.
“Thank you.”
He continued to hold you like that, peppering your cheek and jawline with a few kisses as he told you more about his day. Although, there seemed to be a shift in his attitude somewhere along the way. He suddenly went from sweet and giddy to much quieter, giving shorter answers when you asked him a question as he let you lead the conversation.
You decided to bring it up, just in case there was something wrong.
“Hey, are you alright?”
“You just... you went kinda quiet so I just wanted to make sure.”
He was perfectly silent as he thought over his answer.
“Yes, but... are you... working on anything right now?”
His tone was anticipatory, eagerly awaiting your response. You found yourself suspicious of his intentions.
“Well, no, I was just putting away some dishes that I was washiNG-!”
You were caught off guard by his tongue dragging across your neck in a smooth motion, tightly taking hold of the back of his t-shirt as he did so. You felt him smirk against your neck afterwards.
“That’s good... you see, I have a bit of a problem.”
You flinched as he brushed one of his fangs against the top of your shoulder.
“The thing is, I’ve had a bit of a... craving today.”
One of his claw-like nails came up to trace along your sternum...
“It’s been just... driving me mad.”
Your collarbone...
“Itching the back of my brain...”
Your sternocleidomastoid muscle...
“Funny, right?”
Stopping and hovering just above one of your carotid arteries.
“Yeah... f... funny...”
His smirk grew in response to your reactions, nuzzling your neck affectionately with a huff.
“I guess what I’m trying to ask is...”
He tilted his head up to whisper in your ear.
“...would you mind if I had a little taste?”
Your eyes fluttered shut as you leaned into him, not even having to speak for him to know what your answer was. He had waited for that cue though, just like usual he would never drink from you unless he was certain that you were fine with it. Even then, you both had a very clear safe word that you had used in the past if anything went wrong or you changed your mind.
You didn’t really have to worry about that though. You knew you were safe in his hands.
He purred in response to your willingness, slowly walking you back and gently pinning you to the wall.
“God you smell good right now...”
He lowered his head back down to your neck, finding the spot that he had traced up to and licking a small stripe along it, pinpointing the location of your pulse.
“...bet you’d... taste even better though...”
He was gentle as always when he bit down, it only felt like a pinch until the aphrodisiac kicked in, immediately erasing any sense of pain you had. Being guided by one of his hands that had tangled itself in your hair, your head lolled to the side as he drank from you. A gentle moan erupted from your lips as your grip on his shirt went slack, your arms falling limp beside you as bliss took hold of your thoughts.
“F... fuck...”
He purred louder as you gave clear indication of your enjoyment. The hand that he had propping himself up against the wall fell and came to rest on your hip, gripping tightly as the hand he had on the back of your head made soft contact with the wall instead.
He cut himself off a little bit sooner than usual, pulling away just enough for you to watch him lick his lips and fangs clean.
He chuckled as the hand that raked through your hair slid down to cup your cheek.
“...I was right, you taste amazing...”
His expression didn’t lose it’s smugness though, usually when he was done he would take a much softer turn and patch you up immediately.
“Although, I think I might have put a little too much aphrodisiac in your system sweetheart...”
He was right, you felt like a rag doll right now, nearly putty in his hands as the only thing keeping you standing at the moment was his grip on your torso. Your eyes had glazed over slightly and you were practically panting at this point.
“...let’s do something about that, hmm~?”
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heyyyharry · 3 years
Deep End - Chapter 8: Fake Dating
…in which Harry and Ezi become a couple.
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Word count: 4.5k
AU: famous!harry, siren!mc, adult modern retelling of the little mermaid? lol, fake dating, enemies to lovers.
All chapters / Synopsis / Moodboard / Playlist
Wattpad link
A/N: Someone complained about the pacing so I decided to speed it up. I’m too busy with the paperwork for my UK visa so writing has been a struggle. Thank you so much for putting up with my weird posting schedule (there isn’t one really lol) :P It’s getting interesting from this chapter on, I promise.
Ezili’s first day at work was okay. She took Chilli with her even though Harry didn’t allow her to. Who cared what Harry thought? He was always too busy to hang out with his cat anyway. Lucky for Ezili, Maggie was fine with having Chilli in the bookstore. Chilli was nice, always following Ezili around as she did her work. There wasn’t a lot to do around here, though. They had two customers that day, and both of them talked to Maggie instead, so Ezili didn’t have to interact with any new humans.
She managed to finish her tasks early and hid in a corner to read a book about love and relationship, which Maggie had suggested to her. Her reading ability had improved a whole lot thanks to Harry’s lessons, but she couldn’t read fast and still had to spell out many words to know what they meant. One chapter took her almost the whole afternoon.
“According to this book,” she told Chilli, who was lying on her lap. “In order to make Harry fall in love with me, I must spend as much time with him as possible. Apparently, he must love my personality and not just my looks. Who would have thought?”
“Are you talking to yourself?”
Ezili flinched when she heard a voice and looked up to see Maggie staring at her through the gap between the books on a shelf. Maggie gave her a big smile, showing her pearly white teeth and the silver jewellery attached to them. “Oh, you’re reading?”
“Yes! I was telling Chilli about what I read. Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll definitely try these tips.”
Maggie rested her chin on the shelf, raising an eyebrow. “Try on who? Harry Styles or the other handsome guy?”
“Oh, you mean Dawson?” Ezili looked at Chilli before turning back to Maggie. “Which one do you think is easier?”
She had no idea why Maggie laughed at her question since she was being dead serious. If Dawson was an easier target, then she’d switch to trying to make Dawson fall in love with her. She could not bear the thought of spending every minute of the day with Harry. What if they grew to hate each other more instead of falling in love? Was it even possible for that to happen?
“Go for the one that likes you more, I guess,” Maggie said.
“Oh, so Harry.”
“Are you two friends?”
Ezili nodded. “More like frenemies. I learned that word on TikTok.”
“Nice.” Maggie nodded and fixed her glasses. “Enemies to lovers is my favourite trope! Well, good luck! But beware of your competition.”
Ezili blinked. “What do you mean?”
“He’s famous. A lot of girls would die to be his friend let alone date him.”
“Die?” Ezili snorted. “That’s a bit dramatic. What’s so special about him to die for?”
“If you don’t see that he’s special then why do you want to date him?”
“He’s my only friend.”
“Okay, that makes sense.” Maggie pursed her lips. “Oh well, just be careful of the other girls. They might steal him before you know it.”
The bell at the door rang, and Maggie hurriedly left to see another customer, leaving Ezili here to think about the little mermaid in the story, who had thought she’d had the prince until another girl had appeared and made the prince fall in love with her instead.
Ezili closed the book and turned to the cat. “Chilli, we’re changing plans. We must eliminate all of my competitions.”
Chilli didn’t say a word, but she blinked twice, which meant she agreed with Ezili. All the other girls must go. Preferably dead.
That night, Ezili waited until Harry came back to the house. It was very late, but she’d stayed up and sat on the stairs while Chilli was sleeping in her bed. Harry looked surprised to see her. “What are you doing out here?” he asked.
She decided to just get straight to the point. “We should hang out more. You and me.”
“Why?” He chuckled. “Aren’t you a working woman now? Independent and doesn’t need a man.”
“I’m serious.”
Harry tossed his head back and groaned as she followed him to the bathroom. “I know that you’re lonely being the only siren with legs around here, but I’m a human with human responsibilities. I can’t hang out with you all the time. Besides, don’t you have another human friend?”
“No, Niall’s my friend.”
“Can’t we share friends?”
“Not my friends. Anyway, I was talking about your boss.”
Ezili leaned against the door as she watched Harry wash his face in the sink. “I guess so. Maggie is nice.”
Harry chuckled and looked up, meeting her eyes in the mirror. “Damn, you’re one of those people who have a 35-year-old bestie at work. I thought only Americans would do that.”
“Dawson thought I was American.”
“Really?” Harry grabbed a towel and dried his face. “Dawson deserves death. American is an insult.”
“That’s not true. You’re lying because you hate Dawson.”
“And Americans.”
Ezili blew out her cheeks and continued to follow him into his walk-in closet. She stood in the doorway as he looked for clothes to change.
“So you’re never free?” she asked.
“I’m free when I’m free,” said Harry. “I never know ahead of time.”
“Where do you find the time to date then?”
“I don’t.” He froze and faced her with a bewildered expression. “Who told you about dating?”
“You did.”
“Oh.” With a shrug, he pulled off his shirt to put on a new one. “No time for dating. I’m a busy boy. You mind looking away so I can change?”
Ezili crossed her arms and continued to stare unblinkingly at him. Harry rolled his eyes, and as he was sure that she wouldn’t leave him alone, he proceeded to undress. She watched as he pushed down his trousers and boxers in front of her while making eye contact as if they were about to fight.
“Your tail’s a different size every time I see it?” she observed.
“Shut up,” Harry scoffed, his cheeks turning red. “I’m just tired.”
“It bloats when you’re tired?”
Quickly, he pulled his new pants up and glared at her. “You wish your boobs could do that.”
“No, I like that they’re small and don’t get in the way.”
Turning off the lights, he brushed past her into his bedroom, and she hurriedly followed. “So...there’s no one you’re interested in?”
“Sleep. I’m interested in her, but you’re keeping us apart. Now please leave.”
Ezili stood and stared as Harry sat down on his bed. He made a face at her. “Ezi, go to your room.”
“What kind of flowers do you like?”
“Just wondering.” She shrugged, but it was because the book had told her to buy flowers for the other person. Every human had a favourite kind of flower, apparently. Humans were strange.
“Oh, I like Lemme flowers.”
“I’ve never heard of them.”
“Of course you haven’t. Lemme sleep.”
Harry shook his head. “Nevermind. Joke’s dead. I’m just gonna sleep. Have fun staring.”
At that moment, Ezili thought about suffocating him with that pillow on the other side of the bed, but instead, she sucked in a breath and headed for the door.
“Ezi, wait.”
Annoyed, she faced him again. “What?”
“I forgot to tell you that you need to come to the studio with me this weekend. The studio is where singers record our voices for the songs.”
“Oh, why do I need to go there?”
“To record our song.”
“Our song,” Ezili scoffed. “I literally created it.”
“I wrote the lyrics.”
“Whatever. Look who wants to spend time with me now.”
“All you do is lie.”
“Badnight, Harry. It’s the opposite of goodnight, because that’s what you deserve.”
Harry chuckled as he watched her walk out. “Badnight to you, too, Ezi!”
Harry’s manager Jeff reminded Ezili a lot of Niall. It seemed like Harry liked to surround himself with fun people because he himself was lame. Jeff was really nice and always complimented Ezili’s voice. Ezili knew Harry was usually grumpy, but today he was way worse. He hadn’t cracked a single smile all morning. At first she thought he was just being a dick because he’d forgotten his morning coffee, but then as they were having a break between recording sessions, Jeff sat them down and said he had something to discuss with Ezili.
Harry looked at Jeff as if there was something they had both agreed to not tell her, but now Jeff was going to tell her, and Harry didn’t approve.
“Sorry, mate, she gotta know,” Jeff said, then handed her an iPad. Ezili thought they were going to let her play games on it. But what she saw was pics of Harry driving with a dark-haired girl in the passenger seat.
“Who’s that?” she asked.
“It’s you,” Jeff said as Harry pinched the bridge of his nose. “Harry didn’t want to freak you out, but I think you should know that you two were being photographed.”
“Why?” Ezili asked, her heart pounding. Had they been followed? Did it mean someone knew she was a siren? Were they coming for her and Harry?
“Don’t be scared. Jeff took care of it,” Harry said. “Some sleazy reporter took those pics, but your face was blurry so--”
“I paid for their silence, but there could be more,” Jeff said. “Why are you living together again?”
“She’s having money issues,” Harry said before Ezili could open her mouth. It seemed like he’d spent a lot of time coming up with this story. “Her family is close to mine so she’s like a sister to me.”
“But you’re not related, right?”
“Great. What do you guys think about dating for PR? Like fake dating each other.”
“What?” Harry nearly choked on his own spit.
Ezili thought she’d misheard it, so she had to confirm. “Fake dating?”
“Yeah.” Jeff nodded. “You’ll get paid to date Harry. There’ll be a contract of how long this relationship should last. Preferably right after album promotion and stuff, then he can go on tour single.”
“That’s stupid,” Harry protested, but Jeff wasn’t talking to him anymore.
“That’ll solve your money problems,” he told Ezili. “And you get to live with Harry without people making assumptions about it.”
“Jeff, no.”
“Okay. I’ll do it.”
“What?!” Harry threw himself out of the couch and looked down at Ezili. “Did you just say you’d do it?!”
“Clean your ears. You always ask me to repeat stuff.”
“That’s because you talk a lot of sh--” Harry pressed his lips together before he finished the sentence. Realising Jeff was still here, he sucked in a breath and faked a smile. “Jeff, can I have a moment with Ezi?”
“Yeah, sure, sure. Take all the time you need,” Jeff said as he shot Ezili a wink and retreated to the hallway, looking more excited than ever. The door closed behind him, and Harry turned right back to Ezili, his eyeballs nearly sticking out of his head.
“Are you fucking insane?!” he cried, gripping his hair. “Why did you agree?”
“I don’t see the problem.”
“You don’t--Fuck!”
Ezili crossed her arms as she watched Harry flop back onto the couch. She thought he might need a moment to calm down. Why were humans so emotional and dramatic? Especially Harry. Where did he find all the energy to freak out at least three times a day? Yes, she’d counted.
“I’m not fake dating you,” he said, glancing up at her.
She leaned back against the table, her shoulders raised. “Why not?”
“Do you even know what Jeff was proposing?”
“Yes, I’m not dumb. I learned all about dating on TikTok. You hold hands, kiss, go everywhere together, call each other ‘babe’--”
“It’s not as simple as that!” Harry cut her off. “And I hate the word ‘babe’.” He stuck out his tongue and made a face. “Beb...ew.”
“Cool. I’ll start calling you ‘babe’ then.”
“Shut up.”
“What do you mean, babe? I don’t get it, babe,” Ezili said with a grin that would surely drive Harry insane. She enjoyed pissing him off. And the fact that she knew that he knew how much she enjoyed it, pissed him off even more.
“Dating me is a lot different from that,” he said at last, his voice more relaxed now, but Ezili could tell he was far from it. “Our PR relationship would only draw more attention to you. It’s the last thing we’d want. If people found out--” His gaze jumped to the door, and he spoke quieter, fearing Jeff might hear them from the hallway, “--that you’re a siren, we’d both be screwed.”
Ezili took a deep breath. “You don’t think I’ve already thought of that? Let’s look at it this way. Sooner or later, people will find out that I’m living with you. How would you explain that then? If they think we’re living together because we’re dating, then they won’t ask questions we don’t want them to ask. I can just come and leave your house whenever I want, and you can sell an album from our made-up love story.” The look on Harry’s face made Ezili cackle. “What? You don’t think I could come up with that? Remember, your brain is far less developed than mine.”
Harry didn’t argue this time. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, his face thoughtful. She knew a lot was going through his mind at the moment, making it hard for him to translate it into words. He was probably still on the fence and afraid to take this much risk. She needed to convince him to go for it.
If they pretended to be a couple and spent a lot of time together, it’d be easier for her to make him fall in love with her. Also, their fake relationship would eliminate all the other contestants who were seeking his attention. Making someone fall in love with you was already a difficult task, Ezili didn’t want to compete with a human girl who knew what she was doing.
“Hey,” she said and placed a hand on Harry’s shoulder. He flinched as he thought she’d hit him and acted surprised when she offered a gentle smile. “Your mother keeps nagging you about getting a girlfriend, right? If we do this, not only will you get more people to buy our song, but you’ll also please your mother for a while so you can focus on your career.”
Harry bit the inside of his cheek. He said nothing, but Ezili knew it was a yes. She smiled and patted him on the arm. “That’s the spirit. Now, do we have a deal, babe?”
“Can’t believe you manipulated me into signing that contract?”
“You picked up the pen and signed it yourself!” Ezili cried out as she slammed the car door. He had been whining about it since they’d come back from the studio yesterday. The contract had taken effect from last night, so technically he was her fake boyfriend now and should be treating her like a fake girlfriend. But she felt nothing different. She only hated him more.
The sky was growing dark so Ezili returned to the car to get her umbrella in the backseat. Maggie poked her head outside of the shop to see what they were arguing about, and thanks to her, Harry swallowed whatever he was about to say and gave Ezili one last angry look before he drove off.
“I guess you two are dating now?” Maggie asked when Ezili walked in. “I saw the articles last night.”
Ezili hung up her coat and umbrella without showing any emotion. “I guess.”
“Wow, that was quick.”
“Not quick enough,” Ezili murmured to herself. It had been two weeks, and she barely made any progress. Did this count as progress or a sign of failure? She must wait and see. After all, she’d been given a whole year for this mission.
“His fans are going insane because they can’t find you on social media,” Maggie said as she looked at social media posts on her phone. “‘All we have is this one pic of her in the studio with H?’ ‘Who is this girl? She just appears out of nowhere.’ ‘Oooh, she’s pretty!’”
“I like that one. Give it a like for me,” Ezili said and pulled up a chair to sit down at the table with Maggie. Maggie liked the post and continued reading the other ones. “@harrilicious says: ‘I found her Twitter!’”
“That’s fake,” Ezili scoffed. “I don’t have a Twitter. It’s all words on that site.”
Maggie chuckled and went on. “@harryscatpix: ‘I saw H driving her this morning. He dropped her off at--’”
Ezili and Maggie whipped their heads to the door and saw a group of teenage girls with phones in their hands. They all looked at Ezili unblinkingly. Just as Ezili was about to ask them what they wanted, Maggie grabbed her by the arm and pushed her to the back. “Go sort out those new books,” Maggie said. “I’ll talk to the customers.”
Ezili didn’t object as she got up and left. However, one of the girls followed her to the back of the store.
“How can I help you?” she asked the girl.
“Are you really dating Harry?” the girl exclaimed excitedly.
Ezili swallowed hard. “Y-Yeah.”
“Can I have a picture with you?” the girl asked but she was already holding up her phone. So Ezili had no choice but to fake a smile.
“I want one!” Another girl jumped out of nowhere.
“I want a picture, too!” Then another one. And another one. And all of them at once.
“Hey, don’t push,” Ezili told the girls, but they didn’t listen. They knocked over some books that Ezili had spent the entire day the other day to sort out in alphabet order. And as they got more aggressive, Ezili’s siren instinct almost got her biting one of the girls and ripping out the limbs of another. Thankfully, a familiar voice called out her name from beyond the shelves, silencing all these violent creatures.
Ezili swiftly pushed her way through them to get to Harry. The girls couldn’t move as if Harry had cast some sort of spell on them just by raising his voice. They just stood and stared at him and Ezili like sharks in front of their prey.
“What happened to--”
“Ezili, maybe you should take today off,” Maggie interrupted Ezili while holding her by the shoulders and guiding her towards Harry. “She hasn’t been feeling well all morning!” Maggie told Harry.
“What?” Ezili blinked. “I was fine until these--”
“Babe!” Harry cried out, and all the girls gasped. Before Ezili could remind him that he hated the word, he cupped her face between his palms and squeezed so hard that her lips puckered up like a goldfish. “You look so pale,” he commented while scrutinising her face with feigned concern. “I told you if you weren’t feeling well, you should stay home and rest. Come on, I’m driving you home.”
“Bye, Maggie!” Harry waved to Maggie then gave a tight-lipped smile at the girls. Ezili was sure one of them fainted right when Harry dragged Ezili out of there.
It was raining outside. Ezili told Harry she must come back for her umbrella, and he told her to just leave it and that she wouldn’t ever have to come back here again.
“I work here!” she yelled. Her hair and clothes were wet and dripping all over his car seat, but he didn’t seem to care.
He ran his fingers through his damp hair and exhaled. “They already know where you work. More people will come tomorrow.”
“So? I can take down all of them.”
“No, Ezi.” Harry put up a finger like he would do to Chilli when she bit him a bit too hard. “Promise me you won’t attack my fans.”
“They were pushing me around like a toy--”
“Fine!” She frowned and sank into the seat, arms crossed. “But I’m coming back tomorrow. I like the bookstore and Maggie.”
“Why? This place is lame and Maggie is crazy.”
“Maggie cares about the things I say. She listens.”
Harry froze for a second as if something just hit him in the head. Ezili was trying to decide if she should smack him back to reality when he blinked fast and furrowed his brows. “I care about the things you say.”
“No, you don’t. No one has ever listened to me before in my life. Maggie is the first one who cares about my thoughts. You never listen to me. I say something and you make fun of it.”
“You make fun of me, too!”
“That was all self-defence.”
Harry gasped, shaking his head. “All you do is lie.”
“Anyway, Maggie nice. Harry not.”
“I called you babe in front of all those pretty girls. Can a not nice person do that?”
Ezili shrugged and stuck out her bottom lip. “You hate the word ‘babe’ so it’s like an insult coming from you.”
“True.” Harry chuckled. “But you’re wrong. I care about the things you say.”
As she said nothing, not even looking at him, he sighed and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. The rain was splashing down on the windows, so they were stuck here for a while until it was safe to drive.
Harry let go of a long breath as if he’d been holding it all this time. “What you said before...Did you really have such a terrible childhood?”
She didn’t answer because this might be another trap for him to say one of those stupid jokes like he always did.
After a moment of complete silence, he changed the subject, “I turned around as soon as I found out Jeff had released the bookstore’s address.”
This made Ezili flinch. “Why would he do that?” she asked, already feeling anger boiling inside her chest. She hated snitches. Her sister was one.
However, Harry seemed weirdly chill. “Starting drama on the first day of our relationship. PR tactics.”
“For exposure.”
“You know what?” Ezili huffed, shaking her head. “I don’t like Jeff anymore.”
Harry smiled at her comment. “You should’ve thought of that before you made me sign.”
“I didn’t make you do anything.”
Harry didn’t argue. He pulled out his phone from a bag and told her, “Wanna hear the demo of our song? I got it here.”
“Oh, yeah, sure.”
“You’re so gonna love it,” he said with a huge grin.
Ezili had noticed this a couple of times. Harry looked radiant whenever he talked about music. It was the same look she would see on her mother’s face when the Queen talked about protecting the queendom, and Koa would also have this look whenever she talked about inheriting the trident. Ezili wondered if she herself had ever looked like that. She didn’t think she had ever felt strongly about anything to have that much light pouring out of her eyes.
“Did you like it?”
She blinked fast, realising the song had just finished. “I love it,” she said, nodding slowly.
“As you should.” He lifted his chin proudly. “This is gonna be a hit with or without our fake relationship.”
“Has your mum heard the news?” Ezili asked, and Harry suddenly looked sad.
“I think so.” He thinned his lips, staring blankly ahead. “She’s been trying to call me, but I haven’t answered.”
“It’s exhausting...Talking to her.”
“Like talking to me?”
Harry’s lips curled lightly as his gaze shifted back to her. “No, you’re just weird and funny.”
“You’re not funny, and your jokes suck.”
“You know what?” Harry threw his hands in the air. “I was trying to be nice but you just had to go in with guns blazing.”
“You called me weird.”
“And funny. Literally a compliment.”
Ezili rolled her eyes and turned away. Harry probably expected her to continue arguing with him, so he seemed a bit disappointed by her nonchalance.
He tapped her on the shoulder and again when she didn’t react. “Hey, did those girls scare you?”
“Scare me?” Ezili sneered. “No one can scare me.”
“Liar. You were so scared, almost pissed your pants. I came in like a knight in shining armour.”
She eyed him up and down suspiciously. “You’re wearing a shirt.”
“That’s a metaphor.”
“You do talk a lot of nonsense, Harry Styles.”
“You talk nonsense all the time.”
“Just because I’m not familiar with the things you’re familiar with, doesn’t mean the things I say are all nonsense.”
Harry sat up straight, his eyes round. “Wow, that’s deep.”
Ezili stuck up her nose. “I don’t expect a shallow person like you to understand.”
A corner of his lips raised. “Babe, you need to stop talking to Niall. He’s teaching you how to roast me, and I don’t like it.”
“Stop calling me babe.”
“Wow, so it’s bothering you now, huh? Backfired, didn’t it?”
“Babe, shut up or I’ll poke you in the eye.”
The threat made Harry laugh. To her surprise, he leaned in and brushed a strand of wet hair out of her forehead. “Worst thing you could do is love me to death.”
She immediately slapped his hand away. “If anybody loves anybody first, it will be you.”
“This is a competition I’m willing to lose.” He put a hand on the left side of his chest, and Ezili could imagine the beat of the thing she wanted the most. She blinked back to reality when he coughed. “I just realised I didn’t ask you how your first day at work was.”
Confused, she squinted her eyes. “It was days ago.”
“I know. I should’ve asked.” He pursed his lips, and his dimples appeared. “So how was it?”
“It was fun, I guess. I read a lot.”
“That’s good.”
And that was the end of the conversation. They sat in silence until the rain started to slow down. Ezili was lost in her own head, drawing out a plan of how she would make Harry fall in love with her. But then--
She glanced up at him, eyebrows knitted. “What?”
“I like daisies,” he said. “You asked me what my favourite flower was. So...what’s yours?”
“I don’t have one.” She made a face of disgust yet couldn’t help but ask, “Do you think I’ll have one if I stay human long enough?”
“Yeah. Orrrr you’ll like daisies too, because I like daisies, and you like me.”
“I don’t like you.”
“Damn, you literally spit lies every time you open your mouth.”
Ezili smacked Harry on the arm, but she couldn’t stop smiling. She didn’t know why she was smiling. She just wanted to.
“Oh look,” Harry said, staring up at the sky. “It’s finally stopped raining.”
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