#exo mafia ff
byuntrash101 · 2 years
Baekhyunie don't leave me - Part 6 [END]
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barista!baekhyun x fem!reader
mafia!AU | action | angst | smut | nsfw
8.4k word count
abduction, dub con, sir kink, BIG cock, unprotectec sex, dirty talk, really really rough sex, begging, oral (m), orgasm control, impact play, overstimulation, dacryphilia, sadism, breath play, spit play, breedind kink, squirting, creampie
Don’t trust anything in this story. Don’t trust the cute bright cover, don’t trust the handsome playful flirty barista and do not trust the cute innocent timid girl.
Concept song: Bust Your Knee Caps by Pomplamoose.
A/N : there we are guys!! Last part! I'm so excited to be closing down this series after almost a full year of writing it. It ws such a fun and challenging experience for me. But I pulled throught and its all thanks to your support! Thank you so much guys! I hope you enjoy the ending! <333 - Cat
Baekhyunie don’t leave me masterlist | General masterlist
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<< Part 5
You don’t know for how long you just let your heart be broken. You didn’t do anything to fix it. You didn’t want to. You spent all day inside crying, letting the gaping and agonizing wound hurt you. You let these images of him torture you, you just let yourself suffer for days. Maybe weeks. 
Until the pain lessened. Gradually the wound became numb and so did your soul. Until you were only a ghost roaming the empty luxurious rooms of your apartment. A tired spirit haunting your own tired body. You are nothing of the person you used to be….An empty shell. A pathetic excuse for the strong woman you were.
But as the apathy settled in the pit of your guts it was slowly molded into something else. As days passed you started feeling like yourself again. day after day you regained your superb. You got back some of that burning passion that characterized you. 
You were never the kind to back down from a challenge. You are the kind of girl that always gets what she wants. And if your devotion and your expensive gifts couldn’t buy Baekhyun’s love, you were determined, even absolutely fixated on changing his mind. By all means and as God is your witness, you will make Byun Baekhyun love you.
And for that you could always count on your family.
It was ridiculously easy getting to know where he lived with his stupid bitch. The only reason why you didn’t know sooner is because you didn’t try. You just trusted him. But you know better now. Your men were experts in tracking, and you sent them the best two to trail Baekhyun’s every move. You came to know every single detail he was keeping from you since the beginning. Baekhyun being the creature of habits that he is, his routines were pretty much easy to spot. It’s almost like that apart from occasionally cheating on his girlfriend with you he never ever does anything unplanned.
You came to know about where he went to the gym, where his parents lived, when his brother would come by to drop off his nephew, every single habitude, your men gave you a detailed report about everything. Including her.
You learned her name, learned about her medical history, her family, her friends. You learned her and Baekhyun had been dating for three years and you learned that in fact he had never loved you. 
This time spent together it was only a way of distracting himself from the routine he had set for himself. With you he saved himself from boredom of the everyday life of the perfect boyfriend that never does anything eventful. Maybe Baekhyun grew tired of the same old boring sex he had with his girlfriend and that’s why he came to you. You were nothing more than that, a bucket for him to dump his cum into. Because one thing was for sure he never, ever, doubted his love for her. Not once he picked you over her. And that was explaining the canceled dates, the late nights booty calls and the secrets. So many secrets that made you doubt that you ever knew who Baekhyun really was. But all that didn’t matter because you did now. You knew him. Better than his own mother. And it was time he came to know the real you too.
An eye for an eye, the mafia way.
“Come downstairs we need to talk”
That’s the simple message you texted him while you were waiting in the black van parked in front of his apartment building in downtown Seoul. The building resembled many of the same sorts here. Middle class people like him couldn’t afford anything better than these one-room, maybe two if they were lucky, appartements. You thought as you looked over each window that was lit at this late hour that maybe one of those was him, watching TV or maybe taking a shower before bed or maybe even balls deep in this bitch. Your slenders fingers balled into a fist around the device before it vibrated.
“Who’s this?” the message read. You chuckled.
It’s true… You almost forgot… Officially you never got this number but getting your hands on it was incredibly easy.
“🍭” You simply replied, feeling bitter sweet. This nickname you thought to be adorable only turned out as another way to keep you a well graded secret. The cute emoji was just that, another secret because you didn’t even deserve to have a name.
“How did you get this number?” This time the reply was a lot quicker. A smirk found its way on your lips as you imagined Baekhyun's fingers trembling while holding the shitty phone he could barely afford. 
You were not here to play around and quite frankly after months of hiding you were sick of it. Fed up.
You sent a simple picture. But it spoke a thousand words. It was louder and more persuasive than any poetic and larmoyant speech you could ever write or say.
A positive pregnancy test.
You were certain of the effect this simple picture will have on Baekhyun so you joyfully hopped off the car into the pouring rain of fall and rushed yourself in the hallway of the building. You waited there, by the numerous mailboxes of all the destitute people living here, stacked like rats in a sewer. 
The building was even more seedy from the inside. The ugly dirty green carpet in the hall reeked of humidity and mold, the elevator that hadn't been replaced since the early 70’s didn’t really inspire trust but neither did the old staircase with the filthy steps and flickering lighting. But still you heard rushed footsteps coming from the ominous staircase and you couldn’t help but to smile, your heart couldn’t help but to race, you couldn’t help but to be happy. Because you were going to see him again.
And finally he emerges from the corner. He looks exactly like he did the last day you saw him. Well not exactly, his blond hair is messed up and he traded the brown apron for a pair of comfortable gray sweatpants and a black oversized t-shirt but he looks just as handsome, just as enticing, just as perfect.
“What the fuck is this about, y/n?” his voice, that he tried to keep as quiet as possible, resounds in the unwelcoming hall. You missed the sound of his voice so much.
“Hi, Baekhyun” you respond simply, but your calmness seems to ignite the exact opposite emotion in Baekhyun.
“Listen, I want to give a second chance” you start, maybe you got weak when you saw his angelic face, maybe you were reminded of all the love you felt for him. But you couldn't bring yourself to yell at him. 
“Are you pregnant?” he whistled, through gritted teeth, voice getting cold and eyes growing somber, maybe even as dark as the poorly lit hallway. 
You hesitated for a second. You wanted to lie and say yes but this solution was only temporary so you decided to go against your plans.
“What?” he exclaimed in disbelief and confusion.
Of course the test was a fake. Despite you were never once before on birth control and the countless times he finished inside you over the course of the last six months. You never actually got pregnant. But you could have! It was plausible, believable and that was what mattered.
“That was just to lure you out here with me” you clung onto his arms, craving a physical type of affection. “Listen, I know we can go together, you and me” you start with stars in your eyes, looking up at the blonde man. “Let’s go on a date right now let’s try to sort things out okay?”
“Are fucking batshit crazy?” he says violently pushing you away. You never saw such burning anger in his eyes, not even that night he thought you were out cheating with Chanyeol. Turns out he was the cheater all along. This thought gives the memory of this night a bitter taste and Baekhyun’s anger spreads to you.
“YES! YES I AM!” you start to yell in the lobby. “WHY CAN’T YOU REALIZE THAT I WILL LOVE YOU MORE. I WILL LOVE BETTER THAN HER. SHE’S JUST A BITCH. SHE DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO LOVE YOU BUT I WI-” you turn quiet when Baekhyun firmly grab you by the arm, slender fingers harshly digging in your skin and leaving five interlaced bruises around your limb.
“Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking skank” he spits between his pinched lips. “Now you’ll listen to me carefully” as if it’s even possible his grasp around your arm gets tighter. “There’s no ‘us’! They never was. My girlfriend was abroad for a couple of weeks and I got bored and horny. Turned out I liked having fun with you so I kept you as a toy a little longer but I eventually got bored of you” you eyes started to prickle with tears. “Stop bothering me and my girlfriend i don’t want to see you ever again”
One single tear spilled out of your eye but you promised to yourself it was the first and last one of the night when you heard the biting and poienous words his mouth spat next.
“Do you love her?” your trembling voice got caught in your throat.
“I do not love you. I never have and never will.” 
That was the last dagger through your heart. Words so hateful, tone so hostile that it turned you back into the ice queen you were six months ago. Swallowing back your tears as your face gradually turned as cold as Baekhyun’s.
You humed in disappointment. Baekhyun picked the change in your attitude right away and his fingers gradually lost their hold around your arm. You started to laugh, with an open mouth, a laugh that had no humor, no happiness, no warmth. A laugh that chilled Baekhyun’s bones. Confusion started to spread on his face like a drop of ink in clear water. When your reddened eyes met his dark brown eyes there was no trace of sorrow left. 
No more cute and frail little girl. The play was done. Closing act. Curtain.
Once the mask was dropped only the real you was looking back at him. For the first time Baekhyun saw the fearless mobster, the murderer, the blood thristy monster that was always lurking over your shoulder every time you played the doe-eyed, submissive and naive rich girl.
“I really didn’t want to have to do it this way” you said looking at him dead in the eyes wearing that same cold smile. “But you leave me no choice”. Baekhyun frowned, jaw hanging loose in a state of shock and incomprehension. 
“What the fuck are you talking about? You are fucking crazy” he whispered this time. You chuckled.
“You have no idea how right you are. I’m fucking insane.”
“Boys come get him”.
The next 15 seconds unfolded very fast for Baekhyun. Before he could realize 5 guys rushed in the lobby. While one was placing a bag over his head, the other was covering his mouth. He didn’t get the chance to run or scream or even protest and he was striked on the head with a long metal bar, knocking him out on the spot.
Everything fades to black as his consciousness slips under a veil.
“Good night my love”
When Baekhyun comes back to his senses his vision is blurry. Blinding lights shine directly onto his face. He tries to bring his hands to shield himself from the light but he realizes his hands are bound behind his back. Slowly his eyes adapt to the brightness. 
What is this place?
It looks like a warehouse, the ceilings are high and the ground is plain bare concrete. In front of him there’s a small round table with a white linen table cloth, two sets of plates along with fancy silverware.
“You finally woke up Honey” you say as you smile adorably at the half conscious man in front of you.
“Where are we?” he asks, squinting, looking around slowly.
“We are on this date I told you about!” you replied cheerfully. “Look! I got all dressed up for you!” you stood up from your chair and did a little twirl in your burgundy red dress. The fit was simple, a burgundy red dress that was ankle length and a slit on the side. You knew you looked ravishing with your luscious hair swaying on your shoulders and minimal make up.
Baekhyun looked at you up and down, still confused.
“You’re a little undressed but it’s okay I guess.” You said pointing at the gray sweatpants and oversized t-shirt. “You still have your handsome face” you smiled at him once more.
“Where are we?” Baekhyun asked once more, confusion still painted on his face “Why are my hands tied?” he asked, trying to pull on the ropes. But you ignored him and kept on rambling.
“I had the best Italian chef in all of Seoul make us a nice, hearty serving of the best authentic ragù alla bolognese” you lifted the lid off the stainless steel pot that was placed in the middle of the table “Well… Second best italian chef in Seoul because I killed the best one”. 
Clearly Baekhyun was not listening to you, he was looking around and pulling on his restraints trying to break free which didn’t worry you because you knew it was useless. But still… It was irritating.
“WHERE ARE WE?” he started screaming at you, which was extremely rude. But since he insisted so much on getting answers…
“Fine!” you said as you sat back down. “No need to yell!” That caught Baekhyun's attention and he stopped squirming on his chair for a moment. 
You opened your arms at your sides in a grand gesture.
“Welcome to the family warehouse” you said dramatically. “Where most of the business is conducted”
It was only now that Baekhyun fully acknowledged his surroundings. He saw countless plastic bags filled with white powder in wood crates. Some were open and spilling out, some other crates were tightly shut. Baekhyun also notices the blood splatter on the ground and various empty cartridges. His heart started to race in his chest, his breathing got irregular and hectic, his head was spinning and beads of cold sweat started to pearl on his forehead.
You can’t help but to let an evil smile run on your lips as you see the man before you gradually slip into panic. Handsome features beautifully contorted into anguish.
“Do you remember Baekhyunie? That is the family’s core business. We’ve been doing this in our clan for centuries” you started to pace around him. “Drugs, firearms trafficking, prostitution and murder” your hand brushed over one of the closed of crates. “And we are damn good at it. But I must say I’m the best.” you cooed at him while you gently caressed his cheek with cold fingers. Baekhyun stiffens as soon as he feels the cold glide on his cheek, he rips his face off your reach, shooting you daggers through his brown eyes. But you only chuckle.
“Let’s eat, shall we?” 
You go back to your seat and plate a generous serving of spaghetti for your lovely guest and yourself. Right when you’re about to shove a fork full in your mouth you realize Baekhyun is still bound.
“What was I thinking ?” you chuckled again. 
You stood up and put the leg on the side of the slit forward. With care you started to brush your hand on your thigh. From your knee to your hip, pushing the thin and soft fabric aside and completely opening up the slit. You smirked when you saw Baekhyun’s avid eyes follow your fingers’ glide on your smooth skin and thickly swallow when the slit was just high enough to suggest you weren’t wearing underwear. You scuffed. Even in this situation he was still a randy dog. 
Around your thigh was a leather harness that held a small knife. You took it in your palm and let the fabric fall back on your leg, concealing yourself from him. Immediately his eyes shot back to yours. You walked around to stop right behind him. You stuck the blade onto one side of his neck while you bent down and brought your lips to the other side. You let your lips brush against the thin skin of his neck. You exhaled and your hot breath lifted goose bumps on his skin.
“Don’t do anything stupid ok?” you whispered in his ear. Which he responded to with a quick nod.
With a sharp movement you cut the restrained and set him free. Instinctively, Baekhyun rubbed the painful marks in his wrists. You walked back in front of him.
“However, you do understand that as you are a compulsive liar and a fraud I can’t really trust you right ?” Once again he looked back at you, puzzled.
“Boys!!” you called out and immediately ten men came rushing from the double door of the warehouse. All tall and armed to the teeth. But one stood out for Baekhyun, he as significatively taller than the rest and seemed bigger. But most of all his expression was menacing. While the others looked straight ahead like well trained guard dogs this one was staring at him and his eyes held so much resentment and bitterness. He peered at him like one would at his nemesis, however Baekhyun was sure they had never met before.
“Baekhyun, meet Chanyeol. Chanyeol this is Baekhyun”
Chanyeol looks back at the seated man with a blank face but Baekhyun finally understands that is the guy you ran off to that fateful night. 
“Now eat” you order pointing your chin at the plate of food getting cold.
“I’m not hungry” Baekhyun spit looking right at you, eyes ignited with dormant, controlled anger. You start to laugh. Even after all this, this boy surprises you again. He’s clearly not in a position where he can demand or refuse anything but still he chooses to be difficult. He’s clearly not afraid of you and you love that even more about him. You could kill him right now but he knows better. He knows you love him too much.
You give Chanyeol a small nod and he immediately steps out the circle to hold Baekhyun down. The taller man grabs his jaw and forces his mouth open. Baekhyun struggles and protests trying to slip out of Chanyeol’s grip but it's in vain. You manage to delicately spoon into his mouth some of the delicious meal in front of him. Right when Baekhyun is about to spit the food out Chanyeol closes his jaw back, forcing the blonde man to swallow with pain.
You just smile adoringly at him. Even like this you can’t help but let your heart sing for him. 
“Isn’t it delicious?” you ask while Baekhyun shoots daggers at Chanyeol to which he responds with a sufficient smile.
Even if Chanyeol never dared to put it into words he always had a thing for you. And it happened that he considered himself a way better fit for you. He was stronger, taller, knew the ropes of the job, had a trusting relationship with your family and he knew he was the suitor chosen by your father. And the most important part he liked this ruthless part of you, he loved the way you could skin a man alive and find joy in it. He liked the way your eyes lit up when you held a man’s life at the end of your canon. He was the one for you. A mobster for another. Not this insignificant commoner who doesn’t even realize how lucky he is that you look at him with those enamored eyes. A gaze that should only be for Chanyeol…
The tall man undertook the initiative to force feed Baekhyun once again but with just a simple disapproving look he stepped back like a well behaved little doggie. Baekhyun then took the engraved silver fork in a tight grip that made his knuckles white and brought some food to his lips.
“You know… The first time I laid my eyes on you I knew…” you started as you rolled a meat ball across your plate. “I knew you were the one my heart chose but you know I saw you as unapproachable and I was truly fine with that. I was going to keep being your customer and only admire you for afar. Even seeing you like this was enough for me if I could just be around you for a couple of minutes”
Baekhyun holds his breath only chewing very slowly.
“But then that day that you stepped in my direction I thought my heart would burst into flames. I got a taste of you, of how it was to be someone that you liked, someone that you loved. Even if I know now that it was all a lie… still it’s something nobody can take from me…. This feeling, this memory it’s mine forever.”
You look absentmindedly as the beautiful deep red of the glass of wine in front of you, reminiscing of this first time in the golden hours of the café as the pedestrians were hurrying home….
“But this was my breaking point. I went too far on that road with you and I just couldn’t bring myself to be without you… So I made up this little stratagem to bring you out of your cave…” you chuckled humorlessly as you pictured him curled up on the couch watching tv with her. 
“You’re crazy” Baekhyun exhales in one sort breath as he looks at you.
“Don’t you get it by now?” You slam your fist on the table which makes the plates and gaudy silverware clatter. “The exotic getaways, the fancy dinners, the expensive gifts, this fucking watch” you agressvely point at the Rollex around his wirst as you list with cold, dormant anger all of the pricey beneficts Baekhyun profited from while going out with you….
“All of this” you spread your arms and look around the place. “All of it was bought with blood, cocaine and hookers. With dirty fucking money!!” you swipe the table sending the plates and food to the ground in a grand cacophony, shattered glass and tomato sauce covering the floor.
Baekhyun was the only one shivering, you and your men on the other hand were used to your fits of rage.
“Of course at first I took you for an unsuspecting handsome boy that didn’t know what he got himself into. I thought that for your sake I’d better keep your innocence shielded but as time went by I knew I could make you into someone… Someone who could run this family."
You stepped around him slipping a cold finger onto the warm skin of his nape then across your bottom lip, as if you could taste his warmth. 
"Do you remember that night?" You asked. Baekhyun stayed silent but as you looked at him he finally spoke up.
"What do you mean ?"
"That night I left you at my apartment to help Chanyeol?"
Baekhyun's back stiffened at this memory as Chanyeol's ears perked up at the mention of his name. You smirked.
“See I knew you remembered!” Baekhyun averts his eyes.
“That night I had the absolute certainty that you were going to be the perfect match for me and for our family.”
You sigh as you stand right in front of him and put your hand on his knees, slowly dragging your palm up the gray sweatpants and his robust and thick thighs to his groin. As your hand progresses you feel Bekhyun’s thigh getting more and more tense. Only to make his hips jolt forward when you finally reach his hardening cock. Instantly your eyes go to his to hopefully catch a glimpse of a softening expression but you only find the same unyielding and bitter orbs looking back at you, eyebrows knitted and lips pinched in a resentful expression that makes you smirk even wider.
“And now I’m even more convinced than before… A man so cold hearted that he would even fuck a girl he hates this much…” you direct your gaze to his crotch that has become fully hard under the constant teasing of his sensitive area. Only gently glazing your finger over his hard on never giving him the satisfaction of applying any kind of pressure. His cock is even slightly twitching, gray sweatpants making it oh so very easy to look.
Somehow his eyes seem to darken even more, but you can’t tell if it’s from blatant contempt or carnal frustration.
“Why the long face, baby?” you coo in his ear as you feel an almost imperceptible twitch on his cheek pressed against yours. “Is it because you hate me?” you make a long pause to allow Baekhyun to respond but he chooses to stay silent. “Or is it because you want this” 
With that you finally grip your fingers around his hard cock, the poor thing has been in so much need for attention that you feel that he has already made his loin slightly dampened, making the gray sweatpants somewhat darker. As you press your fingers and rub his length from base to tip you hear him take in a shaky breath and for a split second you see his eyes roll back. He tries so hard to hold himself back but you know his body by heart and he can’t hide anything away from you, at least not anymore.
“Or maybe it’s because you feel a little bashful in front of such a crowd?”
With a gesture of the hand you command your men to leave you two alone; they all execute themselves, even Chanyeol who decides to glare one last time at Baekhyun before closing the doors behind him.
“Finally some privacy” you exhale in relief before immediately putting back on the same mischievous smirk. You are quick to return to business. You crouch down, scraping your knee on the cold concrete floor but the adrenaline and excitement keep you from feeling any pain.
With extreme slowness you decide to carefully pull on the waistband of the sweatpants, the usually ample and comfortable piece of clothing now really seems to restrain Baekhyun. The fabric is under a lot of strain as it seems Baekhyun’s huge cock keeps on growing before your amazed eyes. So you’re more than happy to relieve him. As you roll the fabric down on his hips, his cock finally springs free -well apart from his boxers- and the alleviation of this unbearable tension has him biting hard his bottom lip.
Your intuition is confirmed when you finally peek at his completely soaked underwear. The visible dark gray wet patch is even more consequent than what you anticipated and you can’t help but to feel amused when you see it. You take so much joy in torturing him. You enjoy seeing him unable to resist you even after all this. You might have to still figure things out in regards to his heart but you know how to make his body respond to you.
You peel off the damp underwear to finally uncover Baekhyun’s raging cock. You see him lightly jump when the cool air hits his blazing hot and wet tip which makes you chuckle. 
“You became so sensitive Baekhyunie! How cute!”
You grab the length at its base and keep it straight into the air. You bring your face close and start by lightly kissing the wet tip. When you look up at Baekhyun, he seems to be in pain, eyebrows furrowed, hand firmly planted on his hips. So you decide to show mercy and finally wrap your warm lips around his tip. Your eyes flutter close as the familiar salty taste spreads in your mouth. You missed him so much. You missed his thick cock so much. You hum in satisfaction, the sounds vibrating Baekhyun’s cock in your mouth.
You adroitly swirl your tongue around his tip, hungrily gathering and tasting as much precum as humanly possible, rejoicing in the countless memories the delicious flavor brings back. Once you dry out the source it’s time to make more so you start to take your mouth up and down his girth making slurping noises all across his length.
Baekhyun is being a lot less vocal than usual, you only hear him breathing in and out shakily, trying his best to not moan and growl like he can do it so beautifully and he’s succeeding. You must admit you miss the dirty talk, the hair pulling and the pleasured groans but it’s okay for now… in time you know he will give in.
You suck on his cock some more and Baekhyun digs his nails in his hip still trying to not make any noise of pleasure apart from the occasional sharp gasps. You put one hand on his balls, fondling them while your tongue gives a little more attention to his tip, popping the length outside your mouth in a lewd noise to lick around his tip, harvesting more and more hardearned delicious and intoxicating pre cum.
The taste goes to your head and makes your center quiver and your guts stir in bliss. Your underwear starts to clam to your folds as it is being soaked to the point where your slimy juices pierce the fabric to form long strings linking you to the concrete ground underneath you. You do your job with such passion and drive and that you bring both of you to the brink of insanity. Both filled with compelling desire.
You stand back up. With one swift movement you slip out of your burgundy red slitted dress. Your breasts standing proud on your chest, nipple hardened by a desire that possesses you. As you stand before him, Baekhyun drinks in your form, eyes darting between your soaked lace underwear, your beautiful breasts and your shiny and silky thighs glazed in your love juices. 
Baekhyun doesn’t budge an inch when you approche to straddle him. You take his wrist in your fist and place his hand on your lower back before leaning on his chest to whisper in his ear.
“Hold that to the side for me” you murmur, hot breath hitting the tip of his ear and making the hairs his nape stand up. 
There is a motionless and silent moment. For a second Baekhyun doesn't move. He thinks about what this decision will cost him… he thinks about her. But he knows he doesn't have a choice but to do what you tell him to. Because if he doesn’t… you could hurt him right ? Yes! He has to do it. 
That is exactly what he tells himself when his large palm caresses your rear to hold on to the string and push your panty line to the side, making way for his large cock to penetrate you. 
With that you grab his length into your hand and guide it to your entrance, circling your clit with the tip, gathering wetness and slowly, you lower your hips. 
You bite your lip as you moan all the way down, feeling the scolding hot length deliciously parting you. Boldly making its way inside you, taking your body over as its righteous place. And fuck yes you are convinced of it. It is its righteous place. He feels so good inside you, you find yourself wishing he would never slip out again. 
Baekhyun on the other hand still holds on. He manages not to let another noise slip his lips as your tight cunt welcomes him back in its warm embrace. Sure he can control his voice but he cannot be so proud of his abilities to control his expressions. His furrowed eyebrows marking a deep crease on his forehead and his agape mouth give in on the unbearable pleasure he has to endure.
You, in contrast, make no effort to restrain yourself. Why would you ? You have been dreaming of the day he was going to be inside you again for so long. And it was finally happening. It was like coming at last after a long day. That's how comfortable you felt with him.
Once you link both of your hips together and his tip gently kisses the bottom of you, you can’t help leaning your head back and moan loudly as you focus only on the pleasure he makes you feel with just one simple stroke. And you smirk while you feel Baekhyun’s fist tighten on your lower back, holding on for his dear life onto your thong. 
“Yes that’s it. Hold it like this so I can…” You say as you firmly plant your heels on the ground making sure you have good balance and support. And very slowly, almost painfully so, you pull your hips up, carefully gliding along his shaft until only the very tip is still nested inside you. Only to smash yourself back down. This time the brutal penetration has you squealing in blissful pleasure. And the pleasurable sensation only makes you hungry for more. 
You set an unforgiving pace as you bounce yourself up and down, filling the large warehouse. Each of your moans and each of Baekhyun’s shameful sharp breaths bounce off the high ceiling. 
“Fuck” you cry as you feel the familiar tigling building up in your core, knot growing tighter by the second, your pussy squeezing him as you near your high.
But then Baekhyun’s hand which was until then staying put at his side, flew to your waist maintaining you immobile his bulging cock deep inside you, unable to raise your hips once more for the final blow, in just one single and strong grip, finally putting a stop to this hellish carousel. 
You exert a disappointed sigh as your cunt twitches in frustration arounds Baekhyun’s big hard cock. 
“Why did you stop?” you ask pouting slightly.
“I don’t want to… do this” Baekhyun struggles to reply through gritted teeth. Every word intersected with painful groans that testify of his state of frustration. He’s been flirting with the edge for a while now. First the way you sucked him off with drive and passion and now your tight cunt violently smashing on his length, crushing his dick with incredible tightness. There’s no way Baekhyun can hold on and he knows it but he refuses to give up.
You see this determination in his eyes. The will to fight the primitive urges of his flesh, the will to fight you. You chuckle slightly as you delicately wrap your hand around his nape and lean in to sensually kiss his neck making your way up to his ear.
“Baekhyunie…” you coo “don’t you get it by now ?” you place your other hand on his which is maintaining your waist down on his cock and one by one you peel each one of his fingers off, he doesn't oppose much resistance.
“You cannot fight this.” You raise your hips up again but this time much slower. “You cannot go back to your previous life. You kissed that goodbye the day you fucked my mouth in the café” you arch your back and sink back in on his hard cock, twitching and throbbing inside you. 
“But…” He struggles under you. But you kiss him to shut him up, slipping your tongue inside his mouth, and playfully swirling your tongue on his, his heavy and hot breath fanning your cheeks and even slipping the tiniest of moans. You take a step back to look at his face. He’s flushed out, eyes drooping in pleasurable frustration but also mixed with incomprehension and confusion. He doesn’t know where he stands anymore. He’s starting to forget what he’s fighting for.
“Shhh” you shush him, laying one delicate index finger on his plump and swollen wet lips. “You cannot go back to her… Ever”. Your hips keep on going up and down very slowly, the proposed pace is not meant to give pleasure but pain, frustration. It’s meant to finally chop off that last strand of sanity that ties him up to her, to his past. You’re is present and you’re is future.
“Please…” he breathes in your ear. You can’t help but to smirk knowing how close you are to winning him for good.
“Don’t you remember that night ? I came back smelling like fire… I remember how your eyes filled with a cold anger and desire how that smell triggered you. To this day you still don't know what that smell was, right?”
Baekhyun would look confused if he could wipe off that pained look off his face because he has now idea why your train of thought brought back this memory but his cock and himself are submitted to so much unbearable pleasure that he can only manage to shake his head as a response.
“It was gunpowder and blood… That was the smell that made you this horny.” Baekhyun was confused…
Was it really ?
“Do you remember how you played me like a game just to get what you wanted… Abusing the trust and love of a naive virgin girl just to have a laugh?” You wrap your hand around his cheeks to make him look at you.
“Face it. You are a monster. You are not different from me. A perfect fit for this family. I know it.” This time you smash back violently earning a low pained groan from Baekhyun. 
“Fuck… you…” he growls, eyes half closed, trying his best not to burst.
“Come on Baekhyunie… I know you have it in you. Don’t you want to make me pay ?” you lick the shell of his ear metal taste of his earring spreads in your mouth. You lift your hips up again even slower now. “Don’t you want to make me feel how much you fucking hate me right now ?”
His eyes are filled with such contempt. Such hatred that it makes your heart flutter you can’t shake the feeling that right now if he had the occasion he would just end you. And that makes you so happy. Slowly but surely he’s becoming you.
“Sir…” The word makes him shiver. “take revenge on this cunt. Fuck me hard for ruining yor life and for being the worst misake you ever made”
Suddenly you feel Baekhyun’s grip on your underwear tighten to the point where you feel his balled fist tremble on your lower back and all of a sudden with extreme force he rips the thin piece of fabric off of you. Symbolically ripping from the chains of guilt he still felt somehow, ripping away from yesterday and embracing tomorrow. 
In one rotation he managed to flip you over and slammed your body on the white cloth table, sending his almost full plate of spaghetti to the ground along with his glass of red wine, spilling the red liquid on the ground like blood. One strong palm on your nape keeps your cheek nice and pressed against the white linen of the table.
“Yes that’s it baby” you smirk, lifting your squeezed cheek.
“Shut the fuck up you fucking whore” Baekhyun spits at you firmyly pressing on your nape.  Even if you’re unable to see his face you know exactly what type of furisome state he is in. “And it is Sir for you” He says in this familiar authoritarian tone that makes your soaked pussy quiver in anticipation.
You can’t help your heart to flutter when you hear the fateful word. Finally he’s back, he's back to you but this time it’s forever. You’ll never let him go again.
“Yes Sir” you promptly reply, desiring nothing more but to be a good girl.
“Why did you have to anger me like that, whore ?” he growls as his hot and wet tip smoothly glides against your folds. You let a moan slip out of your lips when he hits your swollen clit.
“I’m sorry Sir.” you mechanically reply. Baekhyun scoffs.
“I don’t think you really are though. I think you're just saying that.” He gathers your wetness alongside your thighs and then aligns himself with your center.
“All of that for my cock” he starts to push in very slowly, you’re already stretched out and cock-straved little pussy has no trouble welcoming him back inside you. You exert a sigh of relief and you feel the delicious pull on your walls. But he only pushes in the first couple of inches before he stops. You start to struggle in protest, only wanting to be filled to the brink by him.
“Please” you whine.
“To what a extend a bicth like you can go just to have a taste of my fat cock?”
“Please Sir i’ll do anything” you beg, wiggling your ass up in the air like a bitch in heat.
“Yeah I figured” Baekhyun tightens his grip on your nape, pushing your face further on the table, shutting you up on the spot. “Lying to me about this fake ass pregnancy, abducting me and taking me hostage here…” without a heads up his other hand slaps your ass with all his might, the sound of the powerful impact bouncing off the high ceiling and resonating in the grand space. You can’t help but to scream at the unexpected pain. 
You bite your lower lip and the pain gradually lessens but then another strike comes in. Even sharper this time. You whine again, your eyes filling up with tears as his dick is still barely hanging of your pussy. The anticipation of more pain from his unforgiving hand on your raw ass and the frustration of the long awaited pleasure from his divine girth inside as you completely soaked, large droplets of juices crashing on the concrete ground below you and running down the table cloth. 
“Please Sir, I did that so you would love me again…”
“Don't talk about love, slut” he slaps your ass again, one tear spilling out your eye, burning your squelched cheek. “You don’t know what it is. And it just so happens I can't remember either.”
With that he finally thrusts inside you, you are totally caught off guard as his massive length rails you, ripping your tiny cunt apart. You moan aloud, already feeling drunk on the mixed up and indistinguishable pain and pleasure. 
Baekhyun sets a haineous pace, completely ravaging your pussy along the way. You can’t help but to moan in bliss as you finally hear him enjoying himself, plying growls and groans. 
He lets go of your nape as your body is shaken by each violent thrusts to opt for a tight grip on your hair. He firmly maintains you in place and he smashes his hips inside you. Gradually you feel yourself  coming closer and closer to the edge for the second time of the evening. 
But then again Baekhyuns slows down to come to a complete stop. This time there’s no disappointed sigh but an irritated growl of frustration erupts from your lips. If you weren’t fearing his reponds so much you could have cussed him out.
“What’s that, baby? Were you going to cum?” You only whine in response. “Aww. I wanna see that.”
With that he flips you over with impressive force, managing to flip your body over on the table, knocking off the rest of the silverware and plates that clatter on the concrete floor.
“I wanna see your disappointed cute little face.” He huffs as his avid eyes finally land on you.
He smirks at the sight. You are a complete mess. Hair tangled up in knots, face flushed beetroot red, wet eyes on the verge of tears and pussy shapeless and swollen, twitching from so much pant up frustration.
“Would you look at that ? What a beauty you are” Baekhyun murmurs as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. “I want to see you more in pain like this” He says, not caring anymore if his sadistic tendencies show through. He doesn't want to hide this part of himself anymore. Maybe you were right, maybe he was hiding a monster all along… Maybe it was time to let it out.
“Please Sir… Fuck me again” you beg squirming on your back your four limbs in the air and legs widely spread like an animal, feeling no shame in exposing your tits and cunt to him. Baekhyun chuckles, he likes to see you struggle. He starts to draw small but rapid circles in your clit with his hot tip. You arch your back at the delicious sensation on your heat that has become overly sensitive from all this teasing. 
“You want this cock, right?”
You moan in response trying to make it go inside you by moving your hips around. But Baekhyun doesn’t like it when you don’t use your words.
He slaps you across the face, leaving the burning red imprint of his large palm on your rosy cheeks. You look back at him with round eyes in total surprise. Not expecting such a powerful strike on your face… Even when he fucked you relentlessly he was always somewhat gentle with your face…
“I asked you a fucking question, whore!” His eyes are cold but his little satisfied smile gives in on how much fun he has while torturing you. 
“Yes I really want your cock Sir”
“You would do anything for it right ?”  he asks as he presses a little harder on your aching bundle of nerves.
“Yesss!!! I would die for it!” you affirm.
“Then… fucking…” he aligns himself with your dripping heat “TAKE IT” he growls as he thrusts inside you with such power that it jerks your whole body upwards almost knocking the whole table over. 
Immediately he goes back to this destructive pace, making his earring frantically shake and pulling your already worn out cunt inside out as you scream in pleasure, not having a care in the world for the indiscreet ears of your henchmen guarding the doors just outside the warehouse. 
“Look at your fucking lewds tits bounce everywhere. Such slutty tits you have” With that he slaps your breast repeatedly until your skin is marked and burning. Making your eyes just spill out tears of confused pain and pleasure. You are so hungry for this treatment. You want him to abuse you even more. You want him to destroy you.
“Thank you Sir” you moan and scream.
“You want to cum, whore ?” he huffs in betweens short breaths, your clenching pussy making it difficult for him to keep up with words. 
“Yes please sir !” you reply barely able to keep your thoughts together.
“Then cry and beg more” 
With that he violently slaps your clit, the sting is so sharp that your body is shook with sobs, big tears soaking your cheeks and running your makeup, making you look even more miserable than before.
Baekhyun loves every second of it, he loves to see your eyes lose consciousness of your surroundings, being only obnubilited by his hard cock rocking your body back and forth. He loves to see your face contort in pain while your pussy uncontrollably throbs for his huge massive cock, making your mind slowly sink in insanity.
He continuously slaps your pussy. It’s made so sensitive and it’s slowly turning blue from the bruising hits.
“PLEASE SIR PLEASE STOPPPP” you beg as the pain becomes so unbearable that your pussy is about to crush his meat rod, having it its way with you. Without even realizing you start squirting all over him and yourself, completely soaking the both of you with your juices, such powerful streams that some even hit him in the face.
His punishing hand stops the damage to your pussy to grab your neck once more as Baekhyun licks his lips hungrily tasting your wetness in his mouth not stopping once seconds his incessant back and forth inside your cunt.
“Such a good little whore for me” He says as his grip becomes tighter. “Stick your tongue out. and beg me to spit in your mouth”
You feel your face becoming more and more red as oxygen is restrained to your head but you execute yourself anyway. You stick your tongue out and without putting back your attempt to start talking despite the choking.
“Pleashh Shir spit in my mouth” you struggle to say.
“Good girl” he says before aiming right at your tongue, his precision is surgical. You feel the hot slimy liquid glide on your tongue as you roll your eyes in pure bliss, becoming light headed from the lack of oxygen.
Baekhyun spits again but this time on your cheek just to slap you again right after, finally letting go of your narrow neck to mix together spit tears and sweat on your face. He chuckles again, he relishes to see you like this. Right now you’re not the heiress of a powerful mafia empire. You’re just a simple cock hungry whore who'll do anything for him. You’re his toy. You’ve always been and you always will be and you desire nothing more than that.
“I’m going to cum inside you now fucking slut”
“Yes please” you beg in sobs, knowing your release is near.
“We’re going to make this baby you want so bad” he says as he voice is interspersed by each deadly thrusts.
“Please Sir get me pregnant with your child.” you cry out. “Please use my pussy to make yourself feel good. I wanna be your good for nothing cumdump. Please get this bitch pregnant” You ramble as you feel your center quiver deliciously, thoroughly milking Baekhyun’s cock as he finally sprays out his seeds grunting and swearing under his breath. So much cum is poured into your pussy that it starts to spill and runs down your ass and the tablecloth.
At last… you felt him again. At last you won him over. You both know that. You trapped him forever caught in the mafia way of life. There’s no escape for him. So why not have fun along the way? Maybe he can become that mafia boss you see in him… 
Only time will tell…
Tag list:  @lovebuginlove@calamell @bobohumyonlyboo @smolbeanmika@making-me-blush @wooya1224 @yixing-jaehyun @f4ncyvelvet @lalalala-lav @deligxt @xofanfics @byunsugar @dixnysustae @to-all-the-stories-i-love @artisticcgroove @geniusloey @blahblahblah-boo @nana-banana @mingiandbaconjam @chanyeolscoon@buttercupbbh@shesdreaminginoverdose@jennxx3@byuntrash-ficrec@pvtbbh@bimbimbbam@xzyxbbh@thegreatandi@multistan30@anthropologymajorkpopmultistan@jave-05-little-doll@yutornado@lazyvird@akrmn @jeonzil @jamjamxx56 @deredere-coffee @bbhmystar
A/N: So that concludes this story!! What do you think don't hesitate to tell me in comments or drop an ask (i love those). I really wanted to to say thank you one more time to everyone that read and made themselved known. You guys made this story! I wante to give up sometimes but your support kept me going! I really wanted to say i appreciate all of you. Thank you thank you thank you
Baekhyunie don’t leave me masterlist | General masterlist
<< Part 5
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EXO as Mafia
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because the brain rot was so bad and the content so dry that I had to do it myself so...
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Suho: The Kingpin Name: Kim Junmyeon
The Kim family has always had dealings in the criminal underground. When Junmyeon was passed over to inherit the Kim business in favor of his older brother, he decided to start his own crime syndicate, which overthrew his families overnight. Now, the sole survivor of his family’s unfortunate “accident”, there’s nothing getting in his way, and he’ll make sure it stays that way – no matter the cost. EXO – his valued inner circle who helped him to achieve this goal – are his new family, and as long as they are loyal, he will do anything for them. While being “the boss”, those in his inner circle were more his equals than anything else; very rarely did he have to pull rank, and he preferred it that way. It almost ensured their loyalty to him and kept things running much more smoothly than his more “traditional” upbringing.
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Xiumin: The Underboss/Treasurer Name: Kim Minseok
Xiumin had been around for Suho longer than anyone else – longer than either could really bother to recount. Their bond was one thicker than blood, and there was no doubts between them when it came to trust. It’s for that reason he was named as the right-hand man, and he wasn’t one to take advantage of a position like that. As they grew in renown and wealth, he took up the position of managing the funds for the mafia as well – meaning if you pissed him off, he'd make sure you were cut off until you learned your lesson. He has learned to get along with the other inner-circle members but isn’t as touchy feely or “found-family” as Suho is. As long as they get the job done, and don’t cause him any headaches, he’s good.
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Lay: The Ambassador Name: Zhang Yixing
Yixing was possibly the most valuable addition to the criminal organization. Being fluent in Chinese, Korean, and English, Lay slid into the position of being an Ambassador for the group – spreading out their allies, and their wealth. Lay single handedly ran the Chinese operations for the group – anything Suho wanted, he got done, and he got it done efficiently. It was a kind of security that other gangs (save for some…) didn’t have, and it increased their influence on a scale that was unheard of. Lay finds the almost symbiotic relationship between the inner circle as being incredibly soothing. He spends most of his time in Korea, only traveling to China if he has to. He prefers the company of his group, to the loneliness of his penthouse in Beijing.
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Baekhyun: The Assassin/Hitman Name: Byun Baekhyun
Baekhyun is an odd guy. In this line of work, most hitmen, or assassins carry themselves in a certain manner – silent, or big & tough, or preferring to go unnoticed… Baekhyun seemed to have missed whatever the memo was on that. His carefree, flippant, and often mischievous attitude really caught Suho’s eyes when he was first introduced to the young man who had been quickly making a name for himself in the underground; using his own name at that – something very rare, and almost naïve for an assassin. But it just impressed Suho even more, because it proved his skills. He was welcomed into EXO, and quickly into the inner circle, and he’s been the resident prankster of the group ever since. 
Don’t let the puppy eyes fool you – this man has seen more bloodshed than most of the population and caused the majority of it. His innocent act just helps him to better blend in with the crowd. The other’s won’t admit it, but the thought of being on his bad side has definitely cost them some sleep in the past.
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Chen: The Frontman/Informant Name: Kim Jongdae
Kim Jongdae is a businessman – end of discussion. He knows all the tricks of the trade – how to best charm people, wrap them around his finger, and extort them for all they are. His silver tongue is a talent that Suho refused to pass up when he was assembling his team and met the young man. Because of his easily approachable nature, sharp wit, and impeccable communication skills, Chen was perfect for being the groups Frontman. Anyone that wants anything from EXO – weapons, assassinations, drugs, loans, a business proposal – no matter what, the first person you’re going to see is Chen. If he thinks your proposal is good, then he’ll pass your name on. Being the Frontman, seeing as many people as he did, he also falls into the role of informant. Nothing gets by him, and he’s stopped a lot of trouble for the gang before it can happen. Chen, being a typical businessman, keeps his home and work life separate. He fulfills his duties for the group during business hours and won’t be bothered when he is at home with his wife and kids. This arrangement is concrete, and Suho respects it, making everything work smoothly like a well-tuned clock.
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Chanyeol: The Dealer/Weapons Expert Name: Park Chanyeol
Park Chanyeol was actually a recruit that Chen managed to sniff out. This boy was making a good name for himself as being able to get anything you needed, no questions asked. So, Suho took it upon himself to test this out, putting out a line for some rather rare, foreign weapons, and a very tight deadline. When Chanyeol delivered, he offered (insisted) the man work for him, and he’d make it worth his while. Seeing this as an opportunity to get some of the stress of working alone off his back, and increase his outreach, Chanyeol took the offer, and the rest is history.
Much like Baekhyun, Chanyeol is a laidback person, until he’s on a job. Dealing with Park Chanyeol is one of the most tense interactions you’ll have in your whole life. It’s not even that he loses the joking personality – sure, sometimes he does, but, more than anything, it’s the rage that breaks over him in waves; promising unimaginable consequences if you cross him. Chanyeol can be ruthless, especially if he knows the person he’s dealing with has a chance of causing problems for him. Best to avoid doing deals with him – because he’ll collect what he thinks he’s due, no matter the circumstances.
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D.O.: The Interrogator Name: Doh Kyungsoo
Kyungsoo is the ideal kind of man you would want for this line of work. He’s silent, straight to the point, unmerciful, and would get a job done without getting side-tracked. His promising results in squeezing information out of his victims, by whatever means, was what made Suho decide to hire him once the Kim family went under – which is where D.O. had learned to perfect his craft. Junmyeon knew that his father had a habit of undervaluing D.O.’s importance to the operations, and so, when he decided to form EXO, he approached the younger man (who was then a few years younger than him and still in his teens) with his proposal to join right away. And Suho would never forget his answer: “I deal in results. Show me yours first, and then come talk to me.” When Suho successfully proved himself capable of overthrowing the Kim syndicate, D.O. joined without question, and had been a trusted member of the inner circle since.
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Kai: The Driver/Bodyguard Name: Kim Jongin
Kai was a classic case of working his way through the ranks, eventually coming to land in the inner circle after many missions as a lower-tiered gang member. He actually was suggested to Junmyeon by Yixing, when a deal had gone south, leading to a police chase in which Kai had managed to impress the ambassador with his insanely precise evasion skills, losing the police all without getting a scratch on the car. It had been horrifying for Lay – sitting in the passenger seat while this young bodyguard drove up onto sidewalks, whipped them into reverse going 90 miles an hour, and even driving under a semi, but it was also impressive as shit. Now, Kai was the designated driver for all their big jobs and acted as extra muscle when they knew that there was a chance a deal could go sour. Kai is one of the youngest members in the circle, so some of the older one’s had some trouble at the beginning but have now warmed up to him. Each of them trust him with their life, and while they don’t really need a bodyguard (being part of an inner circle in the most feared mafia group in the world), having him by their side definitely makes them more at ease during dodgy jobs. 
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Sehun: The Hacker Name: Oh Sehun
The final of the 9, and the youngest. Oh Sehun made his name when he was very, very young as being a technical genius. Anything to do with a computer, he could figure out. He even hacked into a military system when he was in middle school and was put into several government sponsored summer-camps to help grow his intellect – an oversight on the governments part. He is the only member of the 9 to actually seek EXO out first, and in a big way – by contacting Suho directly, with a proposition. The police were starting to close in on him – his youth having blocked his judgement a little and making him less careful than he should have been. He offered the mob boss, who at the time had been just starting to get his forces together, his technical expertise in exchange for safety in the ranks. Suho probably would have had him eliminated as a threat, however, with his proposition came a file, containing all the broken-down backroom movements of his family, which he had not had access to having not been the heir to the empire. Using this, he could break down the pillars of his families alliances, so, once he checked the authenticity of the information, Sehun’s offer was quickly accepted. Working with EXO, there isn’t anyone, or anything, that can be hidden from Oh Sehun with enough time. Security cameras, bank accounts, personal documents – if Suho wants it, Sehun can get it. This makes him indispensable to the group and gives him the security to play as he likes in his free time.
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shutupmalfoy7 · 2 years
Welcome to my first and new ff. It's already on my wattpad but here you go...on Tumblr. Make sure to give your reviews. <3
Twisted Temptation
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Here is the introduction of characters.
Can we start with an introduction to the members?
First off, this is going to be a mafia jjk ff. There are going to be mature themes: mention of rape or a little glimpses of it, smut (loads of!) and blood & violence.
• Jeon Jungkook: The mafia leader. 25 years old.
• Kim Seokjin: Jungkook's right hand man. 30 years old.
• Kim Namjoon: Makes and initiates plans. He is gay and 28 years old.
• Min Yoongi: Underground spy. 29 years old.
• Jung Hoseok: Expert in Cartography. 28 years old.
• Park Jimin: Hacker. He is Bisexual. 27 years old.
• Kim Taehyung: Head of security System. 27 years old.
• Y/N: Single mother. Works as a waitress in strip club. You have a son named Eun Jae, who is almost 2 years old. You are 21 years old.
• Lisa: Your only friend. Works with you in the strip club as a waitress only. 25 years old.
• Exo Range: Rival group of Jeon Clan.
So, these are the main characters. Many others will be there too but ofcourse story revolves around them.
I will put prologue soon. Please support me and my work. Loads of love.
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EXO Love Shot: Cruel Favour (Mafia!Chanyeol x Reader)
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warning: mature, gore, yandere themes
word count: 4.7k
Love Shot Mafia Series
The atypical mafia troop EXO was formed in the disguise of a modeling agency, in which eight young handsome men use their charms and sly tactics to deceive the aristocracy. Through the practice of their lucrative methods of pulling off heists and discretely eliminating their competition, they are able to make a name for themselves, and rise as the most prestigious agency in Korea. But what happens when an intruder discovers the dark secrets and intentions of EXO, intentionally or not?
A collective series of one-shots (all x reader) featuring the EXO members as mafia gang members. Inspired by the latest comeback, Love Shot, of course.
Night shifts were too agonizing for you; your back would ache from the long hours of standing, and eventually start to slouch due to your bad habits and lack of proper exercise. Your boss wouldn’t let you sit down as you worked the cash register, already scolding you once without reasoning, until you did it again and he started to berate you with a lecture of how unprofessional you would look, portraying the store in a bad manner. Even then, you remained silent during his lecture, biting your tongue back from revealing the sarcastic snides running through your head, like the fact that this was a gas station convenience store, and not some high class restaurant. 
No matter, you were grateful of the pay and what the job entailed. You simply had to stock items here and there, and assist customers when they would come in to pay with cash, or when they picked up a quick snack. Along with the location you worked at, which was relatively isolated from the closest well populated city, it meant that the workload and customer interactions would only be way less. 
To your pleasure, things ran quite smoothly for the first two month. You played mini games on your phone to pass the time and not fall asleep from boredom. As a college student, you were very much used to staying up late, but it certainly didn’t help that the white LED lights of the store were sleep inducing because of your straining eyes begging to close. You managed to never let it happen, though, as you were well aware of the security cameras set up for your boss to review later and instantly fire you if you were caught for the third time. 
It was a Friday night when the first strange encounter with a particular customer occurred. Your friend had invited you out to a dessert shop, but you had to decline because you wanted to pick up the extra shift. So from 10 PM-5AM, you were stuck by yourself yet again...or so you thought.
Three o’ clock rolled around, which you took notice of from the clock on your phone, and you let a sigh escape your chapped lips, before purposefully releasing the ugliest yawn you could muster. You lean against the counter top, palm raising up your cheek, as you stared down the aisles. Your vision was starting to blur and get hazy, and before you knew it, your eyes had been closed for 5 seconds too long. But the distance muffled noises of a vehicle was approaching your hearing, and although you were in the state of zoning out, you were became immediately alert and hyper aware as soon as the sound reached your ears. You sprang up from your slump, hands sticking to your sides. For once, you thanked god that there was a customer, otherwise you would’ve definitely fallen asleep.
You watch from your register as a man on a motorocycle pulled up to one of the filling stations, the rumbling of their engine sounding erratic, as if it was quite low on fuel and quite literally about to run out. The man on the bike hopped off, his stature quite intimidating  from your position, as the dimmed lighting of the station made him appear as a tall, dark shadow. However, his long legs were taking him over to you, and not to the station to start filling up the bike. As he came closer, his striding figure was illuminated by the lights inside the store, and you were able to examine him. He was dressed rather peculiar, in merely an all black attire consisting of a leather jacket and denim jeans, within the dead cold of the night surprisingly. You could barely make out his expression because his dark greasy hair was hiding most of his face, aside from a his lips that were parted and cracked. His abs, which were of great detail, were certainly not hidden nor shy, as it the sweat accumulating all over his chest shone under the glaring lights. 
You start unintentionally sweating, not willing to admit to yourself that you were very much intimidated. You always heard of horror stories of employees that worked night shifts, especially those who worked at convenience stores. But you felt more assured that your fears were valid when the customer had caught your eye on his way to the entrance of the store, and never looked away until he was directly in front of you.
Towering over the counter, causing you to lean back slowly so he wouldn’t be able to tell that you were frightened, he pants heavily and asks, “You work here?”
You hesitate, looking up to him, wavering eye contact between his two pupils. His stare was sharp and cold, almost lethal at this level of proximity. 
“Well?” His voice is coarse, and he has to clear his throat. He eyes your nametag as you answer him back.
“Uh, yeah?”
The customer looks back up to meet your eyes, his focus solely fixated on you. Out of nowhere, he suddenly breaks into a smile.
“Can I borrow some money?”
You freeze. What an oddly polite way to rob a store.
“E-Excuse me?” You manage to answer back, still confused as to what his intentions were. 
“You know, money. I don’t ever carry cash, and I left my card at home. I swear I’ll repay you. Just this once help a guy out please!” The man starts to plead with you in a daringly innocent manner. You really would’ve thought it was cute and tried to warm up to him if it weren’t for the fact that he still looked like a he just came back from a turf war. 
Out of fear, you run inside to the staff room, where the man assumes you’re going to get the money he’s asking for, as he calls out “Five dollars please!”. You hide behind one of the walls once you entered, where he wouldn’t be able to see you. You stand motionless for several seconds, contemplating your decisions, before ultimately deciding to give the man what he wanted so he would leave you alone later. He wasn’t exactly threatening you or anything, and you didn’t really mind sparing the five dollars that you were supposed to have used today on delicious cakes. The thought was bittersweet; just because you didn’t have the perfect day you wanted doesn’t mean you should bring his day down.
You fished out five dollars from your purse, and then rushed back out to make sure he wasn’t actually a thief trying to take advantage of your kindness and steal behind your back. Luckily, he was still there, arms crossed, but a wide grin still present on his face. It surprisingly grew wider at the view of the crisp bill in your fingertips.
When you handed him the bill, he held it as if it was the most sacred treasure in the world. 
“You ever think about how money runs the world?”
You were caught off guard by his question, wondering why he would ask such a thing as he stared at the bill longingly. 
“Sure, but if that’s how the world runs, then I got to make sure I make ends meet.” You reply, a hint of snarkiness apparent in your tone, to which the stranger snickered at.
“You’re an interesting one. Here, I’d like to pay for gas and a snack.” He hands back the bill to you, and you give him a puzzled look.
“What snack, exactly? I need to know the price.”
The customer scans his surroundings briefly until he lands on a particular food item, which was a chip packet. He seems to not have read the label carefully, but picks it up anyways, and throws it onto the counter without hesitation.
“This one, exactly.” The cockiness in his tone is well matched to your early remark. You don’t question it and quickly ring him up, to which he throws his hands into his front pocket and smirks. When you look up to give him his change, his gaze has shifted and he looks innocent again, gladly accepting the small amount of change with a bow and murmur of repetitive “thank you’s”. 
You think you were rid of him finally once he was leaving your presence, but a sense of fear fills your being when he turns around and greets you goodbye:
“I’ll be back soon!”
“Forgot your card? Again? Really, Chanyeol, you can’t be pulling shit like this when we have scheduled plans like this!”
Kyungsoo reprimands Chanyeol, who is sprawled across the couch, the back of his hand rested against his forehead.
“Look at me, Chanyeol, this is serious!” Kyungsoo demands, and Chanyeol only groans in response. Kyungsoo looks over to Baekhyun and Suho, who are leaning against the wall, and if motions with his arms for them to help him knock sense into Chanyeol.
“Chanyeol, I-” Suho sighs, “You really are compromising everything by making silly mistakes like this.”
“You should carry cash.” Baekhyun adds.
“I already told you guys, I don’t carry cash. And I already apologized, let me live we have to be early tomorrow just let me sleep.”
Baekhyun rolls his eyes, while the other two tilt their heads in annoyance.
“What if while you were escaping, one of his men were able to catch up to you and get to you?” Kyungsoo proposes his scenario.
Chanyeol finally sits up to face Kyungsoo directly, sending an equally piercing glare and stating, “Well, it didn’t happen.”, before flopping back down and grabbing the closest pillow to huddle with.
“For fucks sake, you also revealed yourself to a local in your attire, and on top of that you asked them for money? You, a millionaire, and someone who’s life would be ruined if he owed a debt or favour to anyone, asked for money?” Suho’s tirade had began.
“Trust me, you guys. I know what I’m doing. Plus, she wouldn’t be the type of take advantage of anyone. In fact, I could’ve actually taken advantage of her, she was that weak, fun to mess around with.”
“You don’t know that. She could be dangerous. Anyone can be.” Baekhyun chimes in again, his voice much gentler than the other two. The silence that followed was obviously from Baekhyun’s hint at their own identities.
“You know we’re just saying this so you can be safe. Just don’t be irresponsible, okay Chanyeol?” Suho breaks the tension. When Chanyeol doesn’t respond to him, he iterates, “Okay?”
Chanyeol grunts, “Yes.”
Chanyeol wasn’t lying when he said he’d come back soon. At first, his words left you terribly afraid that he might come back and be eve more creepy, or just actual try to rob the store this time after gaining the knowledge that someone as feeble as you worked behind the counter. However, your sleepless nights and requests to stop working the night shift ceased the day he came back. It had been a week at this point since that Friday night, but this time around he came in early. It was eleven o’ clock when he strolled in, but this time not dripping in sweat and screaming “edgy”. He was dressed in more casual clothes, rather aesthetic and expensive looking attire, actually. He walked in and tried to make small talk with you, occasionally attempting to flirt. When he finally told you his name, he was surprised that you had never heard of him before. 
“Why, am I supposed to know you? Are you like a big celebrity or something?”
“Hah! Wouldn’t you wish I was so you could go on and brag to others that a celebrity flirted with you?”
“Nice try, weirdo.”
The conversation was much more fluid and natural, since the two of you were warm and open towards each other, quite the opposite of the high tensions from the previous meeting. To be fair, Chanyeol was quite stressed and tired that day, along with broke, and you were scared and tired. But being able to start fresh, especially with him dressed so nicely like a regular guy his age, made you warm up to him much more than you thought. Chanyeol’s personality was bubbly and fiery, which you could tell from his frequent smiles and bursts of laughter. You even dare say you found him more handsome each time he visited you. Soon, there wouldn’t be a day at work that went by without at least a 20 minute visit from him. Sometimes, he would stay for longer if he and the EXO members didn’t have any plans, or any life threatening escapes to make that required them to stay inside their house at all times. And you never complained, because you enjoyed his company, and his addicting smiles.
Eventually, what was more of a friendship where you pretended to tolerate him and his shenanigans turned into more. He would make passes at you more often, and you couldn’t tell if they were jokes or not, but you hoped they weren’t.
But you didn’t expect things to go south the day you were supposed to sneak out and go on a date with him. It had been a few months since you both met, and considering you both hit it off well at your second meeting and throughout, Chanyeol wanted to ask you out. And when he did work up the courage to ask you, you were slightly shocked, but nonetheless agreed gleefully.
You were standing outside of the store at around 1 AM, having already locked the building and turned off alll the lights. You clutched the key in hand, dressed in your best date outfit that you could pull off. Chanyeol had helped come up with an excuse for you to tell your boss, which would be that the cameras malfunctioned, so you had to turn them off, which was why he would have no footage. 
The harsh winds nipped at your bare legs and kept lifting up the short skirt you were dressed in, forcing you to hold down the skirt to prevent it from flying up. You stand for what seems like hours in the darkness, staring down the abandoned road, waiting for any light or sound of Chanyeol motorcycle. You could feel anger bubbling inside at some point, particularly after a full hour had passed without any sign of Chanyeol.
It was at this point that you decided to head inside and just work the rest of the shift, and if Chanyeol came, you would ignore him or yell at him, depending on how you would feel once he did show up. But as you waited, you would process your feelings and trying to calm down and warm yourself up from standing in the cold for so long. 
But as soon as you inserted the keys into the lock of the building, you heard a loud roar of an engine interrupt your angry thoughts, and when you turned around, Chanyeol is driving his bike up to you beyond a speed of your comfort. You start to yell for him to slow down, but your voice is drowned out by the roaring engine sounds. As Chanyeol pulls up to you, you notice that he has a potato sack behind him, strapped to the seat of the motorcycle. He gets of the bike and starts to untie the sack out of it’s little seatbelt. With his back turned to you, he begins his lengthy apology,
“Look, Y/N, I’m so so sorry! I really didn’t forget, I swear. Please forgive me. I had to deal with a last minute mission- er, I mean a last minute...” Chanyeol pauses in between his speech, and then turns around to examine you. He notices you’re pissed, but continues anyway, “You know what, you probably already know by now, or were at least suspicious of it when we first met. But Y/N, I have a huge favour to ask of you before we go on our date.”
“A favour? Chanyeol how dare you come an hour late, and then come and tell me to do you a favour? This is ridiculous, I don’t want to even see you right now.” You try to end the conversation, holding back tears from the confrontation, and try to turn around, but Chanyeol grabs ahold of your shoulder, and makes you sharply turn around to face him and his pleading eyes. 
“Please, just...I don’t know how you’ll react after this, and you might even never want to see me again, and that’s fine, but just do this for me and I won’t ever bother you again, I swear.” His promise to you this time was much scarier than before, wherein you were only intimidated by this stranger, but now you would possibly lose this new love interest and friend who you truly grew to love over the past few months. “You’re saying this favour could potentially drive me away from you, to the point that we will never see each other again? Are you trying to indirectly break up with me, or get rid of me somehow? This is all such a cruel joke.”
“It’s not a joke, Y/N. But, I will admit. It is a cruel favour.”
Chanyeol takes the sack in his hand, and throws it at your feet. The jawstring at the top of the bag loosens, and it reveals a part of what’s inside the sack. 
“Hide this dead body.” 
What you witness from inside the bag scars you; a bleeding, scalped head, with parts of the skeletal bones peeking at certain points around the face, suddenly sticks out from the opening. Startled at the cracking sound the sack made against the ground, you take a few steps back, but you let out a blood curdling scream when you notice the head.
Chanyeol yanks your shoulder hard to try and quiet you down, but you manage to escape his grasp and run across to the street. You stand on the road, tears relentlessly falling, and you’re on the verge of a mental breakdown as you threaten him, “I’m calling the police!”
Granted, this wasn’t your best option, as this only made him chase you down the road, to which you narrowly escape. But you were able to phone 911 while he did and scream the details about your location as you ran for your life. The distraction of your phone almost allowed him to catch up to you, but you were still able to run away.
“Y/N stop! You’ll regret doing this!” Chanyeol shouts at you, his tone sending a chill down your body. It wasn’t his usually sweet and endearing tone that he uses to address you. This time, it was terrifying, which only triggered you to run faster.
You were able to make a full circle and run back to the entrance to the store, and you decided to go inside and lock yourself in so Chanyeol wouldn’t be able to follow you inside. Your hands shook violently as you shuffled through the keys on the designated keychain you were given; the staff room key, bathroom key, and other unnecessary keys were all hard to tell apart in the dark, and you had no time to spare trying each one out, since a murderer was hot on your tail. By the grace of the heavens, the first key you fumbled into the lock had worked, but when you tried slamming the door with your back, Chanyeol had already reached you, and began slamming his own body weight against the door. You were powerless against him, and you were thrown onto the floor after his second push. He climbs over your body and straddles you, and he traces a finger across your jaw and down to your neck.
“Sweetheart, no point in running away now. I know everything about you. You ought to do everything I tell you to do.” He leans down to whisper into your ear, the weight of his body being pressed against your sides, limiting your ability to breathe.
For a moment, he lets his sadism show, and he grinds his body against your writhing, struggling form, as you let out weak coughs from your inability to properly breathe. He simply kisses your temples whenever you show any sign of struggle or react to his sloppy kissing. 
Consciousness almost gives up on you, and you slip in and out of it for a while as Chanyeol violated you and prevented you from breathing. The slow choking caused black dots to appear in your vision, and you almost didn’t hear the blaring alarms of the firetruck and police cars that pulled up right in front of the store. You almost didn’t hear the sound of the police banging against the door, threatening Chanyeol to put his hands up and freeze. Finally, Chanyeol had gotten off of you, and you lifted the cheek that was pressed up against the cold dirty floor to look up at your saviours. They were able to open the door, a group of them with large guns and varous weapons aimed at Chanyeol, while another group reached out to you with blankets and water cups. They escorted you out the building and towards the firetruck, repeating words of comfort to you, as well as asking you if the “attacker” had hurt you in any place specific, carried anything, did anything illegal, and too many questions that you knew the answers to now, unfortunately.
Who would’ve known that the sweet, energetic guy you fell in love with months ago would turn out to be this way?
The last vivid memory you had of him from that night was when you turned around briefly after entering the ambulance, and he was being pushed against the back of the police car, hands cuffed behind his back, but he was facing you. But this time, there was no glare, no terrifying stare, but rather a smile.
That sickly sweet, damned smile. 
You could never forget it.
And when you moved to the big city after 3 years of the incident, you would still never forget that smile, or how it followed you on every billboard that was advertised in the city. Him and his posse, as you learned dubbed themselves EXO, were plastered on every city street, wall, and building possible, and you were scared for the first time in 3 years that you would encounter him once more.
Your friend Mia, who was a coworker of yours at the gas station that you befriended, allowed you to have the opportunity to even move to the big city, so you were more grateful than scared, if anything. The fear mainly came from the fact that you never heard of Chanyeol’s state after that night, whether he was put in jail time or let go. But you knew nothing, no matter how many times or people you asked, they all refused to disclose the personal matters of Mr. Chanyeol, they would tell you, as if they were his associates.
You only realized that they very well could have been associates, or something of the sort, now that you realized he was one of the biggest celebrities in the country. You regretted not knowing him in the past; perhaps it would’ve scared him off if you were his fan, or let alone just knew of him and shown any signs of being star struck. 
But what mattered now was that you were starting off completely fresh at a new company. Granted, Mia was the one who also got you the job, but never told you the name because she said it was serious business, and you had to attend a meeting with the CEO first. However, the job she was offering to you pleased you enough, which was dress design and sewing, but you still had to prove your credentials and background at the meeting because you weren’t quite experienced as much as Mina. You were glad you would be working under her, though, and she would be able to guide you through the process of moving in and working under a professional business, and not odd jobs in the town like before.
When you arrive at the headquarters of the company, you are intimidated, to say the least. The skyscraper seemed to pass beyond the clouds when you looked up, and the multiple guards that surrounded the area were quite heavily armed and serious. You felt paranoia as you went up to them to try and enter, and twitched when the female officer asked for your ID and license. You gulped as she scanned the two, wondering if she would kick you out, or judge you. Somehow, you felt fearful, and you haven’t entered the building yet and stepped in for your meeting. You blamed it on the pesky butterflies eating away the inside of your stomach and causing your anxiety to shoot up. 
But with a polite, strict smile, the officer hands the two back to you, and lets you in,
“Welcome to EXO Headquarters.”
You freeze at her words.
“Did I hear her right?” You think to yourself, but enter through the door anyways, not wanting to stand outside any longer and let yourself have a breakdown. When you do go inside, you have no time to reflect on what she said, because the man of 3 years ago is standing only a few feet away from you in a suit and tie.
“Long time, no see Y/N.”
His voice engulfs you with a wave of memories, and you stare back in awe. Chanyeol takes this as a compliment, and takes a step closer, but your jaw stiffens and you shakily gulp. 
He takes in all your features, drinking in the delicate, innocent image he has of you, as though you never changed. From all these years of stalking and keeping up with every detail of your life, he was finally able to get you back into his arms. 
But God, you didn’t pay any attention to any of him, except his stupid smile. It was like he could never wipe off that stupid smile, and even during the events of that horrid night, his smile had never disappeared, it just portrayed a twisted message behind it. Even now, you wanted to believe he was the man he was before he showed his true self.
“I trusted you, Y/N.” Chanyeol whines in a low voice.
"Why would I trust a murderer?” You mumble, clenching your fists.
Chanyeol frowns, “I’m more than just that, you know. I was hoping you’d accept me on your own terms, but now I have no other choice but to force you to.”
He takes a bigger step forward, but this time holds your back with his arm so you couldn’t retreat away. Your breath hitches at the closeness, his overpowering cologne threatening to knock you out from the severe headache you were forming already.
“I’m leaving, let go.” You demand, trying to push his arm off you, but his grip reminds you of how weak you are compared to him.
“Leaving? Knowing this much about the truth of EXO? And asides that, you think I’ll sacrifice all this work over the past couple of years to find you, just to let you go? I’ve been waiting for this moment for too long, to see your reaction to me, unaffected by the little stunt you pulled years ago.”
“You’re just a rich, corrupt murderer, I should’ve known you were from the beginning.” 
“Ignorance is bliss though, isn’t it? That’s why I fell in love with you.”
A pang of regret hit you hard when he confessed this. So you really could’ve prevented all of this from happening, if only you just knew.
“What do you want from me?” You mumble softly, gaze down, shredding all sense of hope and dignity left in you.
“Well, now that you’re here,
I gotta repay the favour.”
yOOOO idk what the actual fucking fUCK that shit was... that was messy hhhh what the hell even happened? idk dont ask me hhhhhhh im over here trying to figure out my own stories
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moonhyez · 3 years
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iridescentxstars · 4 years
Kai, mafia!au, after a bad fight, number 4 "well, you're coming with me wether you like it or not". 😘
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Mafia!Jongin x Mafia!Reader
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The slap resonates through the restaurant, causing patrons to stop and look in your direction. Your hand stings from the impact but nothing is more telling than the red hand print on Jongin’s turned cheek. Your breathing is heavy, fuelled by anger, and you glare coldly at the man you had just struck.
“How dare you speak to me like that.” You ground out through gritted teeth as you stand straight with your head held high. “The audacity that you have to think you can come in here and say such things then expect me to follow you.” He turns to meet your glare, looking deathly calm despite how irritated you look. “You forget who I am and who I’m married to.”
He waits for you to finish, lets you yell and cause a scene because at the end of the day, none of that matters. It doesn’t matter if you are the Queen of the Underworld, that your husband is the King and would cut out his tongue for speaking ill of him to his beloved wife. It doesn’t matter if Jongin had proof of your husband’s infidelities, proof that you are in grave danger because some whore got her claws into the man who swore to love you until death do you part.
Because death will be the reason you part. A death orchestrated by your own husband.
But you don’t want to hear that, hear such truths while out with friends, or women who pretend to be your friend so that they can bask in the glory that comes with being close to you.
“You’re in danger.” He simply states, reaching for you but you pull away, not making this easy on him. “Please, if we don’t hurry-”
“What? What could possibly happen?”
Your stubbornness is beginning to wear down his patience. Jongin has been nothing but a faithful soldier to you and you alone. He’s been with you since you left the care of your family on your wedding night and he hasn’t left your side. His loyalty is to you and he would rather die in the line of fire than to let any harm befall you.
Why couldn’t you see that he was only trying to protect you?
When the door is kicked open, your husband pointing a finger at you and shouting an order for his men to grab you, Jongin grabs you in your moment of surprise and drags you quickly for the back door. “Well, you’re coming with me, whether you like it or not.”
The sounds of bullets being fired causes you to snap out of your surprise and begin to rush with him. He needs to get to safety, he needs to make sure that you are unharmed and then when he knows that he can leave you alone - Jongin is going to kill him for daring to threaten your life.
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exosanus · 6 years
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Baekhyun purple moodboard 💜🔮
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t3kandson · 3 years
Master list 🔞🔞🔞🔞
💜Updated every time I publish a ff see my for my updates for a more updated planner. 💜 Links are being a pain and I’m working at updating them so please bear with me. None of my work have been removed.
💜 If you have any requests (as long as their older then 21 if it’s smut related) just let me know and I will attempt it there is not much i won’t attempt to write about! 💜
💜 If your under 18 or not in to smut please avoid my page my fan-fiction tends to be matured or even Explicit.💜
💜Below is ONESHOT/SERIES from these fandoms;
💜also on A03 under the same name 💜
💜 I’ve been writing for a year now so some of my work especially from then maybe a little underworked and slightly poorly written. I hope in the future to go back and re-edit them as I’m just self learning my writing skill 💜
💜 Disclaimer 💜
"My Story’s is purely fictional and none of the happening events are even remotely true for the real characters. This is purely a work of fiction."
⬇️ ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
(See Kpop crossover)
Jeon Woong
Details in the link
Park Woojin
Details in link
Oppa’s Hyung 2.4K words
Warning; Angst, flirting, nudity descriptions, Alcohol Consumption, Oral (69), fingering, Tit wank, full sex. Slight fight.
Jeon Woong & Park Woojin
Absolute Heartache 41k words in total
Warning, ⚠️as it’s a mafia it’s very gruesome ⚠️ Attempted Rape, Attempted Murder, Violence, Gunfire, kidnapping, Violence, Blood, Angst, Smut, Hair Pulling, Choking, Degrading, Pimping Out, Voyeurism, Death of Minor Characters & Major Character, (as it’s a mafia story) Oral sex, Thigh sex, Fingering, Full Sex, Hearing Sexual Acts, Breeding & Labour description.
(also see Kpop Crossovers )
A.C.E.'s Full List
Jung Wooyoung
Make me your bias 3.9k words
Warning; Angst, Alcohol Consumption, Smut, Oral (Giving) & Sex
Guessing Game 6.3k words
Warning; Dominance, Rope play, Massage, edging, Size Training, Orgy, spanking, Choking, degrading, blindfolds, creampie, fingering, oral & Penetrating Sex.
Burn Play 3.5k words
Warnings; Smut, Rope Play, Temperature play, Dominance (Peniel), & Body marking
Details in link
Movie fun 🏳️‍🌈 1.6k words
Warnings, angst & Smut
Youtube Boyfriend 🏳️‍🌈. 2k words
Warning; alcohol, Cheating, Smut, Faked Porn listening, Oral and Tribbing
Min Yoongi
Lion prey 2.4K words
Warning; Dominane. Angst, jealously, Choking, oral sex (giving), biting, body marking, Spanking and unprotected mirror (well reflection of the window) sex.
Kim Taehyung (V)
Making New Memories. 2.9k words
Warning; Smut, Drunken Sex, Oral Sex, and Alcohol abuse.
17 Valentines. Ft Seventeen 3.6k words
Warnings; Angst, friends with benefits, Alcohol, arguing, Smut, Mastabation, Oral & Sex.
Beach fun. 1.3k words
Warnings; Angst & Fluffy and a little Jihope
Alpha ’s Claim 1.1k words
Warning; Alpha Taehyung, Reader as Omega, Knitting, Breeding, oral (receiving) and body marking.
Kim Namjoon & Kim Taehyung
Details in link
(Also see Kpop Crossovers)
Kim Yonghee
Jealousy's fair game 2.6k words
Warnings, Kissing Games, Angst, Smut, Jealousy, Alcohol Consumption, Body Marking, Hair Pulling, Degrading, spanking, Rough and slight public sex and Orgasm denial.
(Also See Kpop Crossovers)
Yang Heechan
Hidden Identity 7k words
Warning; Angst, Catfishing, Mention of Vaping & Alcohol consumption, Body Marking, Oral (Giving), Slight Choking & Unprotected sex.
(Also see Kpop crossovers)
Blue Stranger. 2.1k words
Warnings; Angst, Smut, sex with strangers (remember to never actually go home with a stranger guys it’s not real!), and slight stalking behaviour (it’s ok Rano’s the knight in shining armour)
Kim Jongin (kai)
New Year’s Baby Daddy 2.1k words.
Warning; Smut, Masturbating & Pregnancy kinks.
Jealous Dance 3.4K words
angst, smut, oral sex, Jealousy, fighting
Distraction. 1.6k words
Warning; Angust, Smut, Cockwarming, Edging, Oral Sex, Fingering, Sex, Body Marking and Spanking.
Details in link
Love will always find a way 6k words
Warnings; Angst, Forbidden love, Controlling father and slight boyfriend, Cheating, body marking & rough sex.
(G) I-dle
Jeon Soyeon
Snapshot 2.4K words 🏳️‍🌈
Warnings; slight alcohol mention, Hot tub smut, Sex Toys, Tribbing, Oral and fingering.
Crazy Sasaeng 3.5k words
Warnings; angst, Friends with Benefit, Smut, Sex, Stalker behaviour, Sasaeng’s, fighting and arguing.
Park Seoham -
Tease in the wild 6k words
featuring A.C.E. Lee Donghun and Seven O’clock Kim Sangwon aka Login.
Warning; public and outside sexual acts, teasing, fingering and oral (both giving and receiving) full sex.
Monsta X
(See Kpop Cross overs)
Son Hyunwoo (Shownu)
Details in the link
Lee Hoseok
Daddy Daycare 7k Words
Warning; Alcohol Consumption, Alcohol Games, Fingering, Daddy Kink, Spanking & Rough sex.
Yoo Kihyun
Details in the link
Chae Hyungwon
Details in the link
Kiss or Death. 5.5k words
Warnings; Angst, Time Warps, Time Travel, Guns, Gun Shootings, Hostages, Fighting, Choke holds, Temporary Death of a Major Character, Threatening Death Sentence, Oral, (Receiving), Fingering & Sex.
Lee Jooheon
Incubus Prey 3.2k words
Warnings; Smut, Angst, thigh and oral sex and Breeding
Details in link
IM Changkyun
Birthday Show. 2k words
Warnings; Smut, Fingering, oral sex, Sex, voyeurism & alcohol abuse.
Details in link
Son Hyunwoo & Lee Minhyuk
Forgetful Memories 7.4 words
Warning; Angst, Jealousy, Slight Domestic Violence, Slight Cheating, Slight Suicidal thoughts, Manipulation, Supernatural powers & Sex.
Lee Minhyuk & Lee Hoseok
Details in link
Lee Hoseok & Yoo Kihyun
Youth Of No Regrets Ongoing
Lush. 5.2k words
Warning, Orgy, Sex Games, Restraint, Oral, Anal, Cum Play, Anal Fingering, Rimming, Voyeurism, Mastabation, BDSM, Choking and slight degrading.
Lee Jeno
Details in link
Stranger. 2.9k
Warning; Alcohol consumption, Arrange Marriage, loss of virginity, size training, Oral (Receiving) Fingering & Slight Parental Abuse
Lee Jeno & Lee Donghyuk
Saviour 6.2k words
Warning; Angst, Degrading, Emotional Abusive Relationship, Arranged Marriage, Child abuse (Adult Child), House Arrest, Open Relationships, Fingering, Oral (Giving) & Protected Sex.
(See Kpop Crossovers)
Kim Youngjo
Details in link
(See Kpop crossovers)
Wen Junhui, Kim Mingyu, Xu Minghao, Hansol Vernon Chwe & Lee Chan
Details in the link
Stray Kids
(Also check Kpop Crossovers)
The Boyz
(also check Kpop Crossovers)
Lee Sangyeon
Details in link
Bae Jacob
Stormy Past 3k words
Warning; near miss car accident, protected Car Sex, Angst & fluffy.
Details in Link
Kim Younghoon
Details in Link
Family’s at Friction 9k words
Warning; Angst, Guns, Robbery, Hostage, Violence (not by any TBZ characters), Oral (receiving), body marking & Unprotected sex
Lee Hyunjae
Details in link
Lee Juyeon
Player 8.7k words 🏳️‍🌈
Warnings; Angst, Arguing, Slight violence (slaps/punches etc), Cheating, Manipulation, Recording Sex, Voyeurism, Threesome, Alcohol abuse, Fingering, Anal, Oral, and full sex.
Player at the wedding 8.3k words
feat Stray Kids & Itzy
Warning; Angst, Degrading, Fuck boy behaviour, slight violence (slapping), arguing, jealousy, alcohol consumption, slight death threats, cheating, Oral sex (Juyeon receiving), Full Sex, Anal Sex and Breeding.
Details in Link
Moon Kevin
The Secret Protector 10.1 words
Warning; Angst, Anxiety, Panic attacks, Porn, Jealousy, Stalking behaviour, Mild Violence during M/M fighting scene, slight Injury, Degrading comments, Oral sex (Giving & Receiving), fingering & slight public sex.
Choi Chanhee
Details in link
Ju Haknyeon
Details in link
Hur Hyunjun
Details in link
Kim Sunwoo
Love bet 17k words
Warnings; angst, alcohol consumption, alcohol abuse, small fights, gambling, Edging, Fingering, Oral and thigh sex, Unprotected sex and Cream pie.
Seed of Life 4.2k words
Warnings; Body worshipping, Hand job, Fingering, Oral sex (Giving and receiving), Full sex including bath sex, creampie, breeding and pregnancy kinks
Details in Link
Blossoms Blow In Jeju 9.3k
Warning; Angst, Jealousy, Insecurity, paranoia, Secrets, Alcohol Consumption, Teasing, Oral (Receiving), Fingering and Unprotected Rough sex,
Sohn Youngjae (Eric)
Mirrors. 3.5k words
Warnings; Angst, Smut, Oral, fingering, Edging and Mirror sex
Details in link
Fuck you Sohn 4.2k words
Warning; Dominant & Arrogant Youngjae, Bratty Reader, step siblings incest, Enemy to lovers, slight fluff, loads of Angst and Smut, Marking, Oral (Giving and receiving) and unprotected over stimulating sex.
Bae Jacob, Choi Chanhee & Sohn Eric
Friends in Despair 5.3k words
Warning; Angst, Cheating, Depression & Drowning.
Friends Thrown in Love 5.7 words
Warning; Angst, Jealousy, References of cheating, Manipulation, Fake Relationships, Alcohol Consumption, Oral (Receiving), Fingering, Hand job, Accidental unprotected Sex, Choking & Squirting.
Kim Younghoon & Sohn Eric
Immortal Betrayal 49k words
Warnings; fluff, angst, vampires, deaths (including main characters thats not permanent) because it’s a vampire story remember , alcohol abuse, travel Sickness, puking, Blood Sucking, Smut, sexual thoughts, slight Juric shipping, self harming, fire, stabbing & Fighting again remember it’s a vampire story,
Moon Kevin & Ji Changmin
Details in Link
Ju Haknyeon & Hur Hyunjun
Dare to go Wrong 9.9k words
Warning; Manipulation, Dares, Angst, Using, fingering, Oral (Receiving), Spanking, Shibari, Degrading, Humiliation, Nudes, Filming of sexual acts, Threesomes, Anal play, Cum play, Double Penetration Inc Anal.
Beware 3.2k words
Warnings, Angst, Betrayal, Slight Love Triangle, Kidnap, Demons, Swords, Animal/Demon Attacks, slight blood, implied death of Major Characters, mention of the Devil, Death and sacrifice.
Learning Love 52k words 🏳️‍🌈
Warnings; Multible Partners, Angst, Fingering, Oral, heavily drinking, drugs, mentions of the word Rape (there isn’t any scenes of rape in this series just the mention of the word), virginity taking, Anal, Anal toys, Threesome, Double Penetration, Wanking, Outside Sex, Heavy BDSM, Flogging, Nipple clamp use, sex toys, handcuffed, Rope tied, Breeding, Creampie, Jealousy, Threesome, Voyeurism, mentions of BDSM injury’s. Foursome, Tribbing, Creampie, wanking, voyeurism, chocking & biting, Filming Porn, over stimulation, Edging, false Accusations, Blindfold, Restraints, Orgasm Denial, Mild violence, Slight Depression and mentions of Joy riding & Police.
(See Kpop Crossovers)
Lee Dongheon
Rainy Strawberry Delight 2.9k words
Warnings; BDSM, Hard Dom, Blindfolded, Hands tied, Biting, Body marking, flogging, Food play, Oral (Receiving) Voyeurism, Choking & outside sex.
Hong Minchan, Jo Gyehyeon & Ju Yeonho
Details in Link
(see Kpop Crossovers)
Kpop crossover’s
The Boyz Hyunjae & Seventeen The 8 -
Possession. 4.2k words
Warnings; alcohol, threesome, chocking, degrading, Dom Hyunjae, Dom Minghao, arguing, double penetration (non anal), fingering, oral and unprotected sex (Y/N on Pill but still wrap up guys)
Solo Ho Hyunjoo aka Jessi & 2NE1 Lee Chaerin Aka CL
Mine 🏳️‍🌈 1.2k words
Warnings; fluffy, smut, Rope play, Blindfold, oral sex and fingering
E’last Rano & A.C.E Donghun
Elring’s Choice 🏳️‍🌈 1k words
Warnings; Threesome, Oral Sex, Fingering & Voyeurism
ACE Kim Sehyoon & ONEUS Kim Youngjo (Ravn)
Conflicted Love series Continues 5/3
Warnings; Angst & Sexual Conversations. (Will add as go along)
The Boyz Lee Juyeon & Stray Kids Bang Chan & Seo Changbin
Player Might be me - 14.3 words
Warning; Angst, Cover story relationship, Talk of arranged marriages Polyamory, Jealousy, Degrading, Pregnancy & Labour, Talk of abortions, Children hospitalisation, fights, fingering, Maiesiophilia & Threesomes.
Monsta X Im Changkyun & Verivery Ju Yeonho
You Can’t Beat Me 2.8k Words
Warning; Teasing, heavy flirting, Minuplulation, Game playing, Using, Oral (Giving), Cum mixing, public sex, Sex partner swapping, hair pulling, degrading, edging & orgasm denial
CIX Kim Seunghun & DKB Jang Dongil aka D1
Throuple Beer Pong 3.6k words
Warning; Alcohol consumption, Drinking Games, Threesome, Fingering, Oral (Giving & Receiving), Cum drinking, Body Marking, Choking, Spanking & Rough sex.
A.C.E. Lee Donghun, The Boyz Kim Dunwoo & DKB Yang Heechan
Sweet Savage Rollercoaster Love ongoing
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thechanbaeklibrary · 3 years
Fic Search #42
1. Anonymous asked: do you know the fic where chanyeol is a mob boss and i believe he accidentally knocks up baekhyun. at one point i think he accidentally pulls a gun on b. towards the end he beats up someone who was attempting to steal his mafia/fortune while baekhyun is instructed to hide by the other exos. TT
2. Anonymous asked: hey ~~ I'm looking for a fic where chanbaek are exes but go to a wedding (or meet at a wedding). they decide to give their relationship another shot. it was great in the beginning but bbh feels a little (or a lot) neglected, uncared and unloved because chanyeol is always busy with his work. however, chanyeol is oblivious and assumes their relationship is going great. sekai are a pair in this fic and i think they're married. the fic was ongoing when i read the last chapter at that time where bbh rants to kai about how he is done with chanyeol and chanyeol over hears this with sehun whom he just told that they're going great this time around. gg
Muted Emotions by silverbyuns
3. Anonymous asked: There’s a ff I found on aff a few years ago. It was a werewolf/vampire ff and indeed chaptered but idk if it was ever completed. It starts off with the vampire kingdom being invaded by werewolves and the vampires very young crown prince, bbh, being trapped by the leader of the invasion, pcy. The werewolves take over the palace and baekhyun has no choice but to stay as pcy sextoy or witness his people be slaughtered. Bh meets a baby wolf under the table one day & starts warming up to the wolves
4. Anonymous asked: Hello guys, thank you for opening the ask box again. I read this fic a long time ago. So baekhyun is sehun's brother (i think) and he really like to sing. Chan is sehun's friend, one day chan baek meet each other and the get closer each day. Baek really likes to sing, and Chan ask baek to become his boyfriend on his recital (?) day, but baek reject him. Turns out baek have a throat cancer(?) And he slowly become mute. At the end baek comes back to chan, and chan accompany him until his last day.
5. Anonymous asked: Hi guys, could you please find this fic for me? Baek is an orphan and have an aids bcuz when he was little he had an accident and he received blood transfusion that contain the virus. Baek then meet chan and chan take a good care of him, until baek died. I'm craving for angst chanbaek right now
256 Feet by xingnini
6. Anonymous asked: Do you know the fic where chanyeol is a producer/maybe idol and baekhyun is an idol who has worked with him in the past and hates him based on that experience and they work together again and baekhyun realizes he has a crush on him i believe CY left him a sticky note confessing the first time they met or smthing like that! it’s on ao3 and i believe chen and sehun feature in it as well? TT
7. tiptisblog asked: Hey..am searching for a royalty chanbaek fic where princes Chanyeol and Sehun are step bros..but the queen and king always pamper Sehun..and this made crown prince Chanyeol insecure and jealous but he loves his little bro..am pretty sure it was a soulmate fic...chanyeol always thought baekhyun, like his parents love Sehun and to find love and acceptance he was dating a princess in secret and Baekhyun was hurt seeing his soulmate kissing someone else..yes he knew Yeol was his soulmate but hid it from him...then Baekhyun realises how partial are the king and queen with Sehun and Yeol and how they always made fun of him...and finally understands him..Ohhh and Sehun proposed Baek since he liked Baek and couldn't see him in pain but this ended hurting Yeol more than anyone...at the end Jongin and Sehun are soulmate
Even the Midnights Are Better by baekyeolangst for baeconandeggs
8. Anonymous asked: hi do you know this fanfic that baekhyun was picked as a candidate to be the king's partner? (Chanyeol is the king) He is so pretty that a lot of woman envy him. There was a scene it's night where Baekhyun went to give the homeless peole some bread from the palace(?) and i think Chanyeol doubted Baekhyun because of some rumors about him? I badly want to read this one but I can't remember the title. Thank you!!!
Love Me, Don’t Hurt Me (And I’ll Be Yours) by hunniesfw
9. Anonymous asked: hi! do you know any fics where they’re teen parents (high school or college) [looking for multiple fics]
The Domino Effect by unionxdirection
10. Anonymous asked: hi! thank u so much for your hard work 💗 do you have any fics where chanyeol feels like he's not good enough for baek and he feels as if he would taint baek's innocence?? thank u! [looking for multiple fics]
Pure perfection by channicki
thanks to @firelight4cb, @valaarose @ohsehunsss @baekkieyeollie614 @chanbaek641 for your help! 🥰
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byuntrash101 · 2 years
Baekhyunie don't leave me - Part 5
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barista!baekhyun x fem!reader
mafia!AU | action | angst | smut | nsfw
3.9 word count
sir kink, big cock, unprotected sex, dirty talk, begging, getting caught kink (kinda), semi public (storage room of empty shop), oral (f), orgasm control (f), breeding kink, creampie 🌸 🌼🌷 🌹
Don’t trust anything in this story. Don’t trust the cute bright cover, don’t trust the handsome playful flirty barista and do not trust the cute innocent timid girl.
Concept song: Bust Your Knee Caps by Pomplamoose.
A/N: I'm so so happy to be back with a new chapter of this series. We are nearing the end guys. Only one chapter left after this one. I hope you'll enjoy it. As usual don't forget to tell me about what you thought in the comments. Feedback is everythinggg <3 -Cat 😸
Baekhyunie don’t leave me masterlist | General masterlist
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<< Part 4 | Part 6 >>
It’s been a while since you visited your lovely, handsome, sweet, loving perfect boyfriend at the café. So you are particularly happy to go visit him at work today. He called you yesterday evening and told you it may be possible to see each other today. 
Most of the time Baekhyun is the busiest man you know. Between working past hours everyday, managing the deliveries and supplies, and doing the accounting of the whole café and somehow managing to switch up the specials every two weeks so the customers never get bored. It became that inside joke that he has a twin to back him up so he can catch some sleep once every full moon.
So one can say it is rare to catch your lovely boyfriend in bright daylight. Most of the time you only see him at night when he’s not drowning in paperwork or in coffee beans.
But you just love to welcome him into your apartment after a hard day’s work. The strong smell of coffee that cling to his hair mixed with his cologne and the faint sweaty musk of a hard working man. It was so comforting when you were finally able to hold him in your arms and rest your chin on his broad shoulder, your face perfectly nested in the crook of his neck.
The mere thought makes you take a deep breath as you turn at the last crossroad before Le Coeur de Séoul. 
Sadly most of the time this isn’t even possible. Most of the time Baekhyun has to go back to his appartement which, unfortunately, is too little for the both of you to meet there. Well, you’ve never actually seen it but he has told you many times that it’s actually a tiny studio with only two rooms. One bathroom and well everything else. He joked many times about not needing a fire detector because if anything burns off in the oven he practically sleeps with his head in it.
But even when he doesn’t have time to actually meet, he would always find time for you. He would call you, send you cute goodnight texts. Most of the time accompanied with a sexy picture of him. Like freshly out the shower, with soaked hair dripping down his face and with the towel resting purposely low on his hips or when working out at the gym letting the close fitted clothes hug his frame so nicely and sweat shining down his neck. 
Sometimes even more daring pictures of his... goods. That usually ends in you also sharing your own body with him. He would facetime you at 1 am and have you strip and do all kinds of dirty things to the camera for him while he would stroke himself. Your stomach jumps up just thinking back at what you did yesterday. His rough and husky voice coming out the speaker of his phone as he looked with avid eyes at you fingering yourself on his behalf.
That side of your relationship was so enticing. You were both so pasionnate about each other that it would often end exactly like that with Baekhyun asking eargerly for your nudes or even unannouced meeting in the middle of the night at your appartement where you’d have torrid sex. 
Well, actually it would always end up like this because Baekhyun was insatiable. His sex drive always demanded something from you and luckily you were up for the challenge because there was nothing you wanted more than to satisfy your man. So you complied happily every time he reached for your help to relieve himself after a stressful day of granting the customers’ every whim and getting angry on the phone with the delayed suppliers. 
And today is special! You think to yourself as you spot the store from the familiar pedestrian crossing across the street. Today officially marks your 6 months together. 6 months since that fateful late afternoon in the café. So you’re coming with a surprise. The very first time you invited him over at your place he found your dad’s rolex and he brings it up quite often. He even confessed to you how jealous he was when he thought maybe a guy you were seeing left it at your apartment. It kind of also became an inside joke between the both of you. So why not offer him a rolex? 
You went to your father’s jeweler and picked the most elegant one you could find. Not a gaudy one like the one of your father, all gold with hundreds of encrusted diamonds and a huge framing that could easily pass as a whole clock.
No, this one was perfect. It was matching Baekhyun in every way possible. The platinum bracelet had a dark grey patina that was matching the strapping of the framing while it had a pearly pine tree green background. The silver roman numbers added to the elegance of the jewel and of course the watchmaking was of the utmost standards, state of the art, the discreet little crown logo under the hand of the watch testified of its quality.
It was everything Baekhyun was: elegant, classy, manly and of course expensive. Very expensive. But Baekhyun was worth hundreds of thousands of these watches. He was invaluable. Truly the perfect gift for the perfect occasion for the perfect man.
It’s what you thought when you pushed in the doors of the rustic café and heard the familiar chime of the bell hung above the door.
You immediately spotted a blonde tuft of hair cleaning the tables at the back of the café, his large back turned towards you as he diligently wiped down the table. 
“Welcome at Le Coeur de Séoul. What can I g-” he interrupted himself when he spotted you. Immediately his eyes turned to the big rustic clock as he shuffled hastily towards you. 
“Hey Baby” he says as he wraps one arm around your waist and looks over his shoulder through the big shop window. “What are you doing here?” he says, wearing a small nervous smile. “You’re early” your eyes darted all over his handsome face.
His earring dangling with the movements of his head, the nervous brows and the half smile don’t sit right. But you brush it off.
“I just thought since it’s our six month anniverssary we should celebrate” you say in a small, almost apologetic voice.
“Oh my gosh baby” he pouts adorably and takes your frame into his big embrace. “ You’re so cute”.
“I got you something” you present the small box wrapped in discreet gray wrapping.
“Oh my sweet baby” he coos at you, enclosing his big hands around your tiny ones holding the box. “Let’s go in the back so the customers don’t bother us, okay sweetheart?” he says as he hurries you through the small back door with his hand pressed against the small of your back.
The room was cluttered and poorly lit. It was dark and narrow but you didn’t mind the atmosphere. Actually the secluded and small space felt secure, you felt safe with Baekhyun's large body pressed against you while the new delivery of coffee beans perfumed the cramped supply room with their rich aroma.
“Here” you handed him the small box while you looked at him through your lashes.
“Thank you baby girl” he huffed, his whisper bouncing off the walls of the small rooms to your ears.
As his fingers busied themselves with unwrapping the present you grew more and more anxious. Now that the moment had come you weren’t so sure about the so-called “perfection” of the gift. What if he wasn’t into watches at all? And coming to think of it, wasn’t pine tree green kind of a bold choice? Sure it compliments the brown apron pretty well and you figured he would be able to wear it everyday to work but what if he just dislikes this color? You never saw him wearing green before. Maybe there’s a good reason for it.
By the time Baekhyun opens the box your soft facial features are soaked with worry as you’re anxiously fidgeting with your fingers. 
“Baby…” he gasps, pausing in time while he covers his mouth with his palm.
“What? You know if you don’t like it we can always return it. I don't know why I picked green, honestly I just-” you ramble but Baekhyun interrupts you.
“No, baby” he looks up at you. “I love it” you let out a big sigh of relief before beaming at him.
“Happy 6 months anniverssary” you just simply say while Baekhyun sets the box on one of the suspended shelves and hugs you once more. His cologne floats to your nose, and you close your eyes to return his embrace.
“I have a gift for you too” he whispers into your neck.
“Yes” you felt his lips being pulled into a smirk against the skin of your neck. And he pressed his already hardening cock onto your stomach.
For a split second you can’t help but to feel disappointed… Well, you looked for the perfect gift for weeks not to mention the price of the thing, not that you mind anyway. Of course you don’t mind, you would give up everything for him. Everything in this world. 
But it doesn’t matter if he doesn't have anything right now. But look he’s already trying to make it up to you with what he has on hand. You’re certain that it’s just the beginning! That later tonight after work he’ll take you out to a nice restaurant and get you flowers. Yeah… you’re sure of it!
His lips latch onto your skin and his hands rush from your thighs to underneath your skirt to pull down on your panties. You gasp as you feel the air brush against your already dampening folds. No matter how often or how quick Baekhyun is, he knows how to make you wet. You couldn't resist him even if you tried. 
As soon as the panties hit the floor he crouches and hangs one of your legs over his shoulder. To not lose balance you lean back onto one of the shelves, pushing away some empty cardboard boxes to make room for your hands holding on the edge of the wooden shelving.
“I’ll make you nice and ready for me babygirl” he whispers, lips flush against your folds. His warm breath lifts goosebumps on your skin and pulls a shaky gasp from your lips.
He checks the time on his brand new watch and smirks again. 
“Since you’re ealy we have a time for a quick fuck” he said before wrapping his pink lips around your already sensitive clit. You instantly feel weak at the knees when you feel his warm mouth around you. You press one hand onto your mouth to keep yourself from moaning while the other holds on for dear life on the edge of the shelf. 
“But we gotta be real quick okay baby?” he asks, briefly parting his lips from yours, looking up at you through his lashes. 
“Okay” you meekly reply, repressing a moan while Baekhyun goes down on you once more, lapping with hunger at your cunt, made shiny with your arousal and his spit.
“You’re going to be a good girl and get wet fast for me right baby” Lust laces his deep voice as he gives no rest to your already throbbing center. 
“Yes sir” you respond nodding vigorously, feeling each tease of his tongue on your swollen clit you can’t help but to moan through your fingers, muffling them as much as you can while you get soaking wet for Baekhyun. Just like he asked you, you always do your best to satisfy him and within a few seconds your thighs are coated with your juices, strings of your arousal dangling between your swollen and needy cunt and the floor while your leg resting on Baekhyun’s shoulder shake and make your panties sway on your ankles. 
You are so close to your release when Baekhyun stops. You let out a small whimper of disappointment.
“Don’t you finish by yourself you naughty little girl” Baekhyun says as he licks his lips clean.
“Yes sir” you say again but Baekhyun notices how your wet pussy clenches and throbs, so eager to be touched again, so needy for him. His eyes trail up your body and to your face. You’re flushed red, hand still pressed to your lips trying to hide away from him. He definetely loves that innocent look in your eyes, even after all these countless times he had fucked you. After he defiled your innocence and made you his toy, his cocksleeve, his play thing, after all the dirty things he forced you to say and the nasty things he got you to do… After all this you still looked like a scared little doe-eyed virgin.
He’s surely going to miss that.
He brushes his tip on your fold all the while maintaining steady eye contact with you. He presses his dick against your entrance and you gasp when you feel the pleasurable and familiar feeling of your walls stretching to accommodate the thick head of his cock. You’re still amazed at how you still feel slight, dull pain from how big he is. But you love that feeling, the satisfaction of knowing you’re squeezing his cock so thighly that has to bite his lips every time he enters you.
“Shit baby you’re so fucking tight for me” he groans as he keeps pushing himself in until he reaches the bottom of you, thick and long cock completely nested inside your warm and wet insides. 
“Now what do you say baby?” he asks, still looking at you dead in the eyes. He smirks when you whimper cutely, embarrassment and shame painting your cheeks bright pink and anticipation making sweat drip down your temples. 
“Please fuck me Sir” you moan in a soft whimper and Baekhyun’s smirk grows wider.
“Good girl” he praises while he pulls out slowly until only the tip is still inside and he smashes himself back violently. Instantly your hand that was covering your mouth flies to the edge of the shelf to keep you balanced because the thrust is so powerful that you have to use both hands to make sure you don’t crumble to the ground.
Baekhyun fucks you like never before. He gives your poor cunt no rest, thrusting in and out with long strokes that all aimed straight at your sweet spot. You can’t keep your voice down anymore and start to scream under the overwhelming pleasure. 
Baekhyun presses his large palm onto your mouth but keep on pounding you with the hellish pace he settled.
“Shhhh… Keep quiet my baby” he whispers before grunting in your ear, driving himself closer to his release. 
Only muffled moans, grunts and the sound of wet skin clashing fill the room. One lewd and melodious symphony.
Usually you have to ask Baekhyun for permission before cumming but this time you can't as he’s silencing you, his palm makes it impossible to say a word. But he picks up on your state of desperation as your cunt violently clenches arounds his thick and twitching cock. 
“You want to cum baby?” he asks panting, lust darkening his gaze to a color you very much love. You nod tears brimming at the corner of your eyes. “Yeah?”
“Hmmhmm” you try to answer positively but Baekhyun slows down.
“What if I put a baby in your belly so you never forget about me? Huh?” he asks, suddenly the thought of baring Baekhyun’s children comes to you and you can’t help but to clench on his dick even harder.
“Oh baby. Do you like that ? You became even tighter” he says while going ever so slightly faster. “I’ll make you pregnant with my child” he said, his voice being merely an animalistic grunt. “You’re gonna cum on my cock and take my sperm?” he says as he takes his hand off your mouth.
“Yes please Sir” you beg instantly, doing your best to keep your voice down. Baekhyun goes back to the punishing pace. He fucks you deep and hard, pulling and pushing on your walls clenched around him trying to milk him dry.
“Take my fucking cum and get pregnant” he groans with one last porwerful thrust smashing right on your g spot. You cum around his cock and the crushing weight of your orgasm sweeps you away as you bite down on your bottom lip, being as silent as possible like you promised. 
Baekhyun delivers what feels like gallons of cum while his tip is pressed to your cervix, directly serving his fertile cum to your hungry womb. Each throb of your orgasming pussy earning one big squirt of thick cum from his hard cock. 
When Baekhyun slips out of you the last forces that were holding you down on the shelf just leave you and you collapse to your knees while your filled cunt just desperately twitches, already missing Baekhyun’s cock. 
Baekhyun quickly grabs a clean rag and wipes himself down while you collect yourself and put your panties back in place to secure Baekhyun’s anniversary gift inside your womb.
When you are both fully clothed again he checks the time again. He looks worried somehow and you start to wonder why he isn’t holding you in his arms like he always does. Why his eyes seem to avert yours. And why he’s constantly checking the time.
“Baekhyunie…” you start as you wrap your hands around his bigger ones. Your eyes look for his. Your heart is racing against your ribs. “I…” you can't believe you’re about to say this but you have to. You have to let him know what kind of feeling have been bubbling in your chest months and months ago. Ever since you stepped inside the coffee shop for the very first time. Ever since the very first time your eyes landed on this warm and welcoming blonde barista with the cute pouty smile and the distinctive dangling earring. That fateful day the bell above the door rang and chimed like your heart. A feeling you haven’t felt ever since your mom passed away.
If you were the person that you are today it was thanks to him. Baekhyun made you feel alive again. He made you want to better yourself. Made you want to be the best woman you could be for him. Just for his sake. You’d go to hell and back for him and you had this urge to let him know. To let him know that he didn’t need to doubt you in any way that you were devoted to him and only him forever until your last breath.
“Baekhyunie… I love you”
You said it.
But Baekhyun lets go of your hands, letting them fall at your side. He ripped his gaze from yours and just stood there silent.
Panic started to rush through your body and your throat felt dry. Your heart beat even louder in your chest but this time it was out of sheer terror. Why wouldn't he say it back? Why was he staying silent ?
“Sorry …” he started hesitantly. “But I think we should break up”
For a second you didn’t even catch the full meaning of those words put together. For you these words couldn't possibly be in the same sentence next to each other. It didn’t make sense because it was simply not possible.
But as the heavy silence fell between you, you realized what Baekhyun truly meant.
“What?” you whispered feverishly, the word almost getting stuck in your tight and dry throat.   
“I think we should see other people” he said, usual warm honey toned voice as cold and biting as winter winds.
You couldn’t even cry or talk or move or do anything at all for that matter. You were stunned. You stayed there, wide eyes desperately looking for the warmth in Baekhyun’s orbs but they were as glacial as his voice, as his words and as his heart.
Baekhyun gently placed his hand on your back, delicately pressing it to guide you out of the storage room. Mechanically your feet activated and placed themselves in front of each other until you suddenly found yourself in front of the entrance, right under the bell above the door. 
“You know I had something really special with you” he said as blankly as possible. “Thank you again for the watch every time I’ll look at it I’ll think of you” he leaned in and kissed your forehead which made your eyes snap back at him. This simple touch, this last straw of affection from the man you loved more than anything finally made you snap. Tears started to fill your eyes and blurred your vision but everything you wanted to say was getting caught in your throat. Your bleeding heart was crying for help inside your chest, desperately trying to win Baekhyun back by hammering against your ribs.
Your thoughts were knotted and incoherent, your brain couldn’t process what was happening. It couldn’t handle the desperation, the confusion, the disillusionment and the loss. This grieving pain clawing at your unarmed and helpless soul. This feeling of abandonment chewing up and tearing your heart with its sharp teeth before spitting it out and leaving it in the cold to rot all alone.
None of this could be real.
“Why?” you asked in a broken up whisper, weak voice quavering, on the verge of tears.
But Baekhyun only answered with a pitied half smile. Throwing one last look at the big wooden clock before opening the door for you. The usually happy chiming of the bell sounded somber. It seemed to be mocking you, ringing the death knell of this thing you thought to be a relationship; burying the immeasurable love you felt for this man.
And you walked out. As simply as that you just walked out.
When you turned around to look one last time at him you saw another woman come in. You didn’t pay much attention to her until she walked right past the counter and directly onto the arms of Baekhyun. Your crumbled up heart was already weeping but it exploded when Baekhyun swiftly removed the watch to slip it in his back pocket and leaned in to kiss the beautiful woman.
You heard it. You swear you heard it. You heard your heart physically being shattered in thousands of sharp pieces. You felt real physical, tangible pain, tearing through the already atrophied muscle and ripping open a gaping hole in your chest, letting the cool wind of the late summer chill your bones.
You will never forget the expression on his face when he looked at her. Smiling so genuinely. His eyes overflowing with something you had never seen. A sentiment he only poorly mimicked when he looked at you before. But did he fool you! The whole act had got you wrapped around his fingers, your naivete making you credulous and believing all of his sweet lies. But now you see it clear because he never ever looked at you this way. 
The dilated pupils of his brown orbs as warm as summer, drooping in adoration, round cheeks made rose by an accelerated heart rate gently rising in a pure smile. 
The look of love.
Tag list:  @lovebuginlove@calamell @bobohumyonlyboo @smolbeanmika@making-me-blush @wooya1224 @yixing-jaehyun @f4ncyvelvet @lalalala-lav @deligxt @xofanfics @byunsugar @dixnysustae @to-all-the-stories-i-love @artisticcgroove @geniusloey @blahblahblah-boo @nana-banana @mingiandbaconjam @chanyeolscoon@buttercupbbh@shesdreaminginoverdose@jennxx3@byuntrash-ficrec@pvtbbh@bimbimbbam@xzyxbbh@thegreatandi@multistan30@anthropologymajorkpopmultistan@jave-05-little-doll@yutornado@lazyvird@akrmn @jeonzil @jamjamxx56 @deredere-coffee
Tell me if want to be added/removed
A/N: Soo i guess the secret is out now. We know why Baekhyun was sus since the beginning!! Stay tuned for next chapter to see how OC will react... I cannot wait to show youu!!!
Baekhyunie don’t leave me masterlist | General masterlist
<< Part 4 | Part 6 >>
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kyoto-mi · 3 years
Skz ff
The mafia group (part 1)
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Name: Kim Y/n
Age: 18
Birth date: 9th of June 2002
Mafia group: The Vipers (Skz)
Enemys: Blackpink, Exo
Crush: (you choose)
Y/n Pov
Here i am, talking with my members about a mission.
Bang Chan: We need to train hard because this group is really powerfull. We need to eliminate them really fast because there are changes that they will take our place and be top 1 most dangerous mafia group. We cant lose it!
Y/n: Chill out nobody can take our place. We are and always be the top 1. So dont get worried.
Hyunjin: I agree with her but still,we need to train hard too.
Everybody except Hyunjin an Y/n:Yeah
They looked at you
Y/n: Fine!
Bang Chan : btw, i heard that one member of that group is going to a mafia school. We cant go there except Y/n. So Y/n you will go to that school. The end of discussion.
Bang Chan : Yes you will and i already signed you there.
Y/n got out of the room and runed really angry to her bedroom and started shooting her wall out of anger.
Minho : This girl is really a big deal.
Everyone: You are right.
The next morning, you waked up and started to get ready for school.
Your clothes :
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Your makeup:
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Gun (just in case) :
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You got downstairs ready to go out but....
Skz: Where do you think you are going dressed up like this, young lady?!
Y/n: I am going to school bye!!!!
Han:No your not-
He was about to continue his sentence when you already left the house.
Y/n: Hmmmm what car should i pick? Hmmm.... Aha This one will work!
Car :
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( Bugatti la voiture noir)
You got in the car and drived to school.
When you arrived, some old men showed up and asked you for name and mafia group. After you told the men who you are, they got scared.
Y/n: If you tell the principal or any other student in here who i am, you are dead.
Men: Yes miss!
When you got in school you saw..
To be continued. I am gonna post part 2 soon so stay out tuned!
Everything in this imagination is fictional and has nothing to do with real life!
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velvetsehun · 4 years
can you recommend any other mafia or gangster ffs for exo?
i can! i’ll work on a small master post for mafia aus tonight! i read a lot of different groups but i’ll keep it exo for you, my love~
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exo-freaks · 7 years
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DISCLAIMER No.1: This story will deal with DRUGS, PROSTITUTION and other graphic things that could upset people so if you are sensitive to these topics please do not read. 
DISCLAIMER No.2: Ruby is in no way Lisa from Blackpink I just liked the way she looked and I found the footage I found great for the Teaser. I really got a good vibe of her videos so I thought she would be the girl I use for my pictures. Hope that makes sense. haha
Also this story is in the same timeline/ universe as the ‘DONE FOR’ story and will just have side stories that align with the ‘Done for’ story so this will be a not so frequent upload (as if I would upload regularly anyways  haha but I’m trying to get better) because I don’t want to spoiler any other stories as I’m also working on 2 other side-stories as well and I need to be careful to not spoil shit. 
She didn't know how she found drugs, how she started them why she took them and how she even got the drugs. Maybe she never found them maybe they found her. However they seemed to be around you for a long time, she started with the light ones alcohol cigarettes weed but eventually she tried LSD, Heroin and other stuff. Depending on what she wanted to feel she took a different one: Heroin for feeling numb, Crack for feeling hyper and energetic and LSD to just feel colourful. Today she needed a little cheer up so her got up and started walking. She was on her way to her usual spot to meet Ed. He knew her and he knew she paid. She always had the money. Prostitution, robbery, begging whatever there was to get money fast she probably had done. She arrived at the alleyway and waited for Ed. A man leaning against the wall looked at her, she thought that he was probably also waiting for Ed to show up and give him his drugs too so she didn’t paid him much attention. She looked at her watch and started walking up and down the street. Why wasn't he there. What was she supposed to do when he wouldn't show up. The man that was watching her walked towards her.
'Hey you're waiting here for Ed?' He asked her with a sly  grin on his face. Ruby ignored him. "he can be a cop'' she thought to herself even though he looked a little bit too young to be a cop.
'I don't think he is coming today' he said this grin still on his face, his grin made her mad. It was a smug bright grin. This guy was way too happy for Ruby’s liking.
'So are you waiting for Ed' he asked again.
'So what if' she scoffed at him making his grin even wider.
'Then I would tell you that he is out of business and I'm sure he will not pick it up' he said way too happy but as soon as those words left the guys lips panic crashed over her. How was she supposed to get her drugs. Sure she knew other spots but that was not the very good things and you could never be quite sure what you've got when you buy their stuff. Ed always had the good stuff the stuff that you know was clean not something weird mixed into it.
'Fuck' she mumbled kicking a little pebble against the wall. The tall guy laughed. Ruby's head shot at him. 'How do you know that?' she asked quickly earning another chuckle from him.
'Because I was the one that got him out of business' he said gloatingly. "Fuck so he is a cop. Well they can't get you you have nothing on you. Ruby keep calm just go home. So even if he follows you he can't get you.'' She thought and turned on her heel. She took a few steps really pissed at the whole world at Ed that he let himself get caught at this guy that put him out of business at herself because she didn't knew any good alternative, she was angry at so many things.
'I'm not a cop' the guy said but she kept walking.
'Only a cop would say that' Ruby said dry and heard the man laugh again.
'Would a cop have this' Ruby had always been a curious girl and once again she hated herself for that but she turned around. The guy was holding up a small package with some powder in it.
'Or what do you want?' He said playing with the rim of the little plastic bag.
'How do I know it's good stuff?' She asked before she even really thought about it.
'You have to trust me' he said and again this grin. Oh how much she wanted he knock that grin out of his face. But then she was in desperate need of something.
'Why should I?'
'Where would you go. To the east of the city. Well if you want to have stuff mixed with the weirdest shit you can imagine and that wouldn't even get you really onto it. Have fun but I can assure you my stuff is even better than Ed's' Ruby wobbled from side to side hands in her pockets thinking.
'I don't have all day so do you want to buy or not?' He scoffed at her and Ruby cussed.
'How much?' She flinched at his price he was way more expensive than Ed but she was sure she wouldn't get it any cheaper anywhere else.
'So do you want to?' He asked wiggling her eyebrows. She looked into her pockets and fumbled out some money gave it to him and snatched the packet from his fingers. Without a word she turned around and left.
'Come again soon' he said and Ruby could hear his big grin reflecting in his speech. Ruby was pissed. Very pissed. This smug grin he had, she wanted to punch it out of his face. Ruby was pissed, full of rage, she would have had enough money for at least a few days if this asshole of man wouldn't have gotten Ed out of business. Ruby asked herself what happened to Ed. Was he dead? Probably. In prison? Also likely but would this man give Ed to the police and then take his place. The drug business was hard and Ruby didn't cared much if she was honest. Sure Ed was a nice guy and he had always good products but they were never really close. She didn't knew anything about him and he didn't know anything about her. So was she pissed that her best source of drugs was gone? Yes immensely pissed but did she care what happened to him? Not at all. The only thing that she knew right now that she needed more money and she needed it as fast as possible. She went home still extremely pissed at the new guy and the whole world but she was also looking forward to be home and get onto a trip and forget what she was pissed about.
so I hope you liked the story and if you are bored you can check out the masterlist. If you have a request for a Scenario or so or if you just want to talk and leave a comment you van do that here. I added Nct to the blog so you can also request for them if you want to. 
Also one shots that are currently in the making but I can’t tell yozu when they will be done are:
Renjun fluff
NCT Chinaline Pyjama party
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Love Shot (EXO Mafia!AU Series) Teaser
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The atypical mafia troop EXO was formed in the disguise of a modeling agency, in which eight young handsome men use their charms and sly tactics to deceive the aristocracy. Through the practice of their lucrative methods of pulling off heists and discretely eliminating their competition, they are able to make a name for themselves, and rise as the most prestigious agency in Korea. But what happens when an intruder discovers the dark secrets and intentions of EXO, intentionally or not?
A collective series of one-shots (all x reader) featuring the EXO members as mafia gang members. Inspired by the latest comeback, Love Shot, of course.
Kyungsoo - Take You Home
Minseok - Sophisticate
Kai - Shoot Out
Chanyeol - Cruel Favour
Baekhyun - Threshold
Suho - Silent Bullet
Jongdae - Hazelnut
Sehun - Point Blank
Love Shot really inspired me to do mafia au’s, ones I enjoy reading but don’t usually write about. So here is my chance to write 8 all at once! I’m excited to publish these :’)
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rihsohbff · 4 years
Innocent? I’m a Bitch!!{Jeon Jungkook ff}
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Story Description:  This story is a fan friction which involves k-pops stars. Characters in real life are different from the story.It includes BTS, EXO, ASTRO, BLACKPINK, RED VELVET. CHRONICLS the main mafia group is an imaginary group from the author as well as, the members are imaginary too.
"Are you afraid, baby",  said Jungkook.
I wiped my false tear grabbed Jungkook's collar, elbowed him on his chest and make him sit on his keen.
"No, not at all", was my answer.
Jungkook's eyes widely opened when I forcefully took his gun from him and placed it to his head.
"Ar-Aren't y-you the li-little in-innocent Mo-Moon Y\N??", shuttered Namjoon.
I smirked , "Aish! Innocent? I'm a bitch!!"
                                                  A conflict love and hate between the Mafias King and Queen and there members.
WARNING: Uncomfortable, smut related line are there readers may not read if those are uncomfortable for you.
Though this story is about k-pops but they are really different from this in real life.This is just a fan friction. 
Genre: Fan friction, Action.
Protagonist: Y/n aka you and Jeon Jungkook.
Update time: Not stable.
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kaffeinic · 5 years
Menu & Rules (Editing)
-- General
Please be patient and courteous. I have many responsibilities at work and home and can’t always get to Tumblr. If you think I’ve lost your request, please send me a DM or send in your request again.
This goes without saying, but sending rude messages with Anon turned on is just a waste of everyone’s time. Don’t do it. It’s highly likely I’ll delete it rather than answer you.
I write for Astro, Ateez, BTS, Day6, Enhypen, Exo, Got7, all NCT units, Seventeen, Stray Kids, SuperM, The Boyz, Treasure, and WayV. Any other group is a special request, and I may be inclined to deny it if I am unable to get to a point where I believe I can write something of quality. Please be understanding!
I generally only write female readers. I am open to writing readers of different genders, but I will let you know that it probably won't be very good due to me being unable to relate to the point of view as easily. Again, I am willing to try. Just let me know! 💕
I do not write smuts. I am just a little bit too uncomfortable with the idea.
I do not write Yandere AUs. I find them revolting and terrifying. Sorry.
-- Requesting
You can request fanfictions, oneshots, reactions, headcannons, timestamps, MTLs, moodboards, and ships. I have been debating leaving ships for my ko-fi supporters, but nothing has been finalized yet.
Please order in this way to ensure I understand correctly what you'd like: "Can I please get a hot almond solo espresso with French vanilla and honey for Taemin of SuperM?" This would roughly translate to a fluffy oneshot for Taemin in a college friends-to-lovers AU. You can add specific details if you'd like, such as what exactly you want it to be about. To do this, just state what you'd like going on after your drink!
All requests are sent in at the register. (Ask box)
Huge shoutout to @milkybonya who had the idea of ordering fics in a menu-style fashion. I’ve adapted it a bit, but go check their blog out!! 💕
-- Drinks
Please choose only 1 drink. Be sure that your choices make sense from a writing standpoint.
Pour Over || Fanfiction
Cappuccino || Reaction
Americano || Timestamp
Solo Espresso || Oneshot
Flat White || Headcannon
Cold Brew || MTL
Café au Lait || Text Ship
Drip Coffee || Selca Ship
Latte || Moodboard
-- Temperature
Optional, but please choose only 1. Be sure that your choices make sense from a writing standpoint.
Hot || Happy/Fluffy Ending
Iced || Sad/Angsty Ending
-- Milks
Please choose 1-2 milks. Be sure that your choices make sense from a writing standpoint.
Whole || Fluff
2% || Any
Almond || Neutral
Soy || Angst
Coconut || Crack/Silly/Dumb
Oat || Suggestive
-- Syrups
Please choose 1-3 syrups. Be sure that your choices make sense from a writing standpoint. Feel free to ask for AUs and arcs that are not here. I will try to add all requests to the menu when they come in.
Peppermint || Strangers to Lovers Arc
Honey || Friends to Lovers Arc
Hazelnut || Enemies to Lovers Arc
Mocha || Lovers to Exes Arc
Caramel || Non-Idol AU
White Mocha || Vampire AU
Brown Sugar || Married AU
Cinnamon Dolce || Soulmate AU
Vanilla || Highschool AU
French Vanilla || College AU
Pumpkin Spice || Idol Reader AU
Irish Cream || Mafia AU
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