#extroverted sensing
rainytypology · 4 months
MBTI Grip: Se
An explaination on function grip in MBTI. Not an expert. May change later.
Grips occur when a type is under an immense amount of stress. Their other functions give up mentally and "shut down", which allows their inferior function to take over. A type in the grip begins to act like the unhealthy version of their inferior function, very unlike and opposite of themselves. Grips can last for a short while or longer, depending on how long the stress persists.
Se inferior (INxJ)
Se inferior types may struggle to enjoy the present moment as their minds are often set on what they need to do next. They can miss obvious details and struggle with daily routine. They can also let opportunities slip by since they are often not spontaneous or risk takers - they prefer to see how a situation may go and follow through with it.
When in an Se grip, INxJ will come out of their shell but in a careless, messy way. As Se is focused on the physical sensations, a very stressed INxJ will try to cope with stress by overworking their Se. They may start to over indulge in physical sensations and pleasures such as food (especially unhealthy food) and drinking, sexually risky behavior, tv and/or on their phones (screen time in general), drugs, sleeping time away, etc any unusual thrill seeking and risky behavior is part of the Se grip.
Engaging with the auxiliary function helps to alleviate the stress and to gradually break out of the grip. For INTJs, they have to use their Te; need to create plans and goals to achieve things to boost their focus and confidence. For INFJs, they have to use their Fe; engage with others, work on and improve their relationships with others. Both types should focus on setting realistic goals and expectations for themselves when trying to get out of a grip. Doing too much and having high expectations will likely result in failure and disappointment, only pushing themselves further into their grip. They need to learn to use Se to relax and to support their Ni and aux rather than a distraction.
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d4rkpluto · 2 years
𝔢𝔵𝔭𝔩𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔪𝔶𝔢𝔯𝔰-𝔟𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔤𝔰 𝔱𝔶𝔭𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔶 𝔦𝔫𝔡𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔱𝔬𝔯
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don't be surprised that me someone who is obsessed with archetypes is posting about mbti...but please buckle up for the post because it's a handful, and i'll make the post as easy as possible to understand!
♇ if you just want to support here is my paypal!
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♇ anyways, [i'll be using sentences that i've learned as well] the mbti is used to understand yourself, the relationships your in along with your personal growth; the mbti is about your cognition which means your intelligence, how you process and understand information.
♇ people need to understand that the typology cannot predict how someone is going to consciously behave, for example, someone sees an intj and the first thing they think is that "omg that person is definitely going to be so emo".
♇ however, the mbti does predict the subconscious micro-expression [which means someone's true emotion] and body language. keep in mind, anyone can change behaviour, so yes, mbti's can change depending on the personal growth of someone, someone's mbti might fully form when they're like a middle aged adult, in my opinion.
♇ the mbti typology believes that we understand information in two ways, which are functions called ⬎
the judging and perceiving functions.
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♇ the perceiving function ⟶ understanding information that is experienced first handedly by the person, and putting the information together afterwards.
♇ the judging function ⟶ understanding information without having to experience it first handedly, and putting the information together afterwards or even the same time they come in contact with the information.
♇ everyone judges information by a logical and a rational mindset, along with value based and a honest criteria which is involved with the four modes of cognition [intelligence] everyone has.
↳ and those four modes are:
♇ sensing, intuition, thinking or feeling, which can either be introverted or extroverted. every type has four of the functions [sensing, intuition, thinking or feeling] in descending order, meaning from strongest to weakest. which also refers to how much someone uses four of the functions they have; and the plethora of the descending combinations gives rise to the 16 types.
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♇ let's begin with the perceiving functions ⬎
which include SE, SI, NE AND NI.
SE ⟶ extroverted sensing.
SI ⟶ introverted sensing.
NE ⟶ extroverted intuition.
NI ⟶ introverted intuition.
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♇ beginning with the sensory functions [SE AND SI].
⟶ with SE which is the extroverted sensing.
⟶ extroverted sensing [SE] react to events first handedly, [like their own experience], before they believe or understand in something.
⟶ they see things as it is and don't overthink the answer in front of them. for example, they're the type to look at a maths question and think that all "solutions/problem solving" can lead to the same answer.
⟶ people with extroverted sensing are action-oriented and need to experience things themselves in order to understand it, like i have mentioned before.
⟶ onto with SI which is introverted sensing.
⟶ introverted sensing [SI] react to events as patterns they have seen before, for example, if someone has already seen two individuals who belong to loud and violent houses react to situations in a defensive way, and the [SI] individual meets another person who has the same background as the other two people they have communicated before and notice that the new individual behaves the same way. they'll understand that people from abusive households are normally protective over themselves out of trauma.
⟶ [SI] individuals build personal associations to data, they'll look at something like "this solution is bad" and "this solution is good" because of the outcomes they have seen or heard before; which is different than a [SE] native, who would rather want to interact with the solution before they come up with an answer. [SI] people who are selective and consistent; they only want information that is useful for them.
⟶ they're people who go by previous examples, and are likely people who can identify patterns in large source of information, and dont need first hand experience to know when something is true.
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♇ now with the intuition functions [NE AND NI]
⟶ starting with NE which is extroverted intuition.
⟶ extroverted intuition [NE] are people who see countless of possibilities with their intuition, every probability or likelihood they see they will take it into account. they're the "anything is possible" group.
⟶ [NE] individuals see possible connections, which causes their work to grow more bigger and bigger as they're expansive people, like [SE], [NE] natives have no specific preferences they'd like to work on, and find every idea useful. these natives tend to be very action-oriented as well.
⟶ they are people who need to first handedly go through situations for them to make the dots/connections; which could sometimes not give them the upper hand when they're trying to solve something compared to an [SI] who will already make the patterns due to events they have read or heard before.
⟶ now onto NI which is introverted intuition.
⟶ introverted intuition [NI] are people who could be perceived as people who arent as expressive to situations openly, but will feel a lot on the inside. they're the type of people to form a logical concept from information that is relevant or they think is relevant.
⟶ like [SI] the [NI] individuals only see information or patterns that makes sense to them and and they do care about other people's thoughts and additional information within their research.
⟶ they're specific and are likely to understand things easily while finding further links and connections. they're reflective about the information they gather, so when they do receive details, they'll see if it makes sense or not.
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⟶ people can either have SE & NI or SI & NE; it can never be "i have SE & SI or i have NI & NI".
information about perceiving functions finished.
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♇ moving onto judging functions.
which includes TE, TI, FE AND FI. ⬎
TE ⟶ extroverted thinking.
TI ⟶ introverted thinking.
FE ⟶ extroverted feeling.
FI ⟶ introverted feeling.
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♇ beginning with the thinking functions [TE AND TI]
⟶ with TE which is extroverted thinking
⟶ they're people who most likely focus on their own judgement, they will decide what makes sense to them and what doesnt make sense to them; what is logical and what is not, which will normally be based on their own experiences with the issue. they're focused on the end product, so they'll likely do the same thing to see if the outcome changes.
⟶ they think of ideas that are effective, and are objective to the route they're taking, they're people who like information that can be proven to them. if they can't see it, they wont believe it. it's their basic understanding of logic.
⟶ [TE] individuals can be considered as quite annoying because they normally don't listen until they have to go through a specific situation all the time/or go through much life lessons to understand what to or not to do.
⟶ with TI which is introverted thinking
⟶ [TI] individuals like to make everything make sense to them, which could be time consuming because for example, they would like to learn something so simple, will learn it, but during the process they would want to know every step, even the irrelevant steps which makes it time consuming.
⟶ they can only go forward in life when they do understand something, they're people who are likely to be anxious when they dont know information they think is relevant to them, compared to [TE] natives who wouldnt mind learning the details when they're going through a route.
⟶ [TI] people are considered less impactive than [TE] folks as they're people who only want to learn the depth of a topic and not other possibilities that can surround the topic.
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⟶ onto FE which is extroverted feeling
⟶ [FE] natives judge on what they see on the outside, for example they're the type of people to judge people based on their appearance or based on their first impressions compared to other functions. they wouldnt really be like "oh i just need to know the depth of this person" if someone presents themselves as rude, the [FE] person will always think of the other person as insolent, no redemption.
⟶ people who have [FE] are usually those who are mainly like "it can only either be these two options" nothing else. they're normally like that when they experience something physically first and if their mind thinks something is negative they will always perceive that thing is negative while deeming the opposite thing of that instrument positive.
⟶ they're people who are clear about their intentions so other people can understand what they are striving for. could sometimes lead to them failing since people will always know what they're up to.
⟶ onto FI which is introverted feeling
⟶ [FI] people judge the weight of something after they deeply understand the matter. and when they understand the deepness to an information they decide what part of the information is useful for them.
⟶ like the [TI] system, [FI] is very specific and particular about everything, like they cant just go on with life knowing 2+2 equals 4, they'll need to understand why 2+2 equals 4.
⟶ evidently, they're people who take the time to understand something which can sometimes take it longer for them to understand a subject compared to other people but when they finally understand it, they become very efficient to the subject and find ways to simplify it for other people so everyone else can learn.
⟶ people can either have TE & FI or TI & FE; it can never be "i have TE & TI or i have FI & FE".
⟶ information about the judging function finished.
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♇ SE AND NI ⟶ see the issue and would like to explore different possibilities of it or live through it.
♇ SI AND NE ⟶ see the issue and would rather focus on that single issue before they apply it to other things.
♇ TE AND FI ⟶ see the problem and would solve it with how other people might've solved it before, but would solve the problem with multiple tools they'll think that can work on the issue.
♇ TI AND FE ⟶ see the problem and would rather solve it with a tool that might've worked in other scenarios. wouldnt think to use other tools if they know the one they have right now is useful.
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♇ the order of the functions i have mentioned: SE, SI, NE AND NI that belong to the thinking functions and TE, TI, FE AND FI that belong to the judging functions make the mbti!
♇ including what function is the strongest to what function is the weakest.
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♇ the axis pairs will either be the first and fourth function or the second and third function.
⟶ SE AND NI being function pairs.
⟶ SI AND NE being function pairs.
⟶ TE AND FI being function pairs.
⟶ TI AND FE being function pairs.
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♇ for example, let's use ISTP ⬎
⟶ I = introversion.
⟶ S = sensing.
⟶ T = thinking.
⟶ P = perceiving.
↳ the first two functions determine the middle letters of the MBTI TYPE CODE.
♇ the functions within the ISTP TYPE CODE
♇ the TI AND SE within the ISTP function make up for the two missing middle letters in the type code: I _ _ P because they are the first two functions!
⟶ because TI is the _ _ T _ in ISTP because it is about introverted thinking.
⟶ and SE is the _ S _ _ in ISTP because it is about the extroverted sensing.
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"but pluto what makes up for the first letter in the code?"
♇ good question! what makes up for the first letter in the code is the second letter in the strongest function and the strongest function for ISTP is TI and what is the second letter for TI? It's "I" which causes the function to now become from _ S T P to I S T P.
♇ if the TI was a TE it would commence the function to become E S T P.
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"okay but what about the last letter in a type code?"
♇ you'll have to look back at the first extroverted function in the type code for your mbti, and for ISTP it is ⟶ TI SE NI FE. the first extroverted function in the type code is SE which means EXTROVERTED SENSING.
♇ SE belongs to the perceiving function which implies that the last letter for I S T _ will be I S T P.
♇ if the SE was replaced and FE was the first extroverted function for the type code, the type would have changed from I S T P to I S T J. because FE belongs to the judging function!
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↳ lets use an extroverted mbti now.
⟶ E = extroversion.
⟶ N = intuition.
⟶ F = feeling.
⟶ J = judging.
♇ the functions within ENFJ TYPE CODE are ⬎
♇ the FE AND NI within the ENFJ function make up for the two missing middle letters in the type code: E _ _ J because they are the first two functions!
⟶ because FE is the _ _ F _ in ENFJ because it is about extroverted feeling.
⟶ and NI is the _ N _ _ in ENFJ because it is about the introverted sensing.
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"but pluto what makes up for the first letter in the code?"
♇ good question! what makes up for the first letter in the code is the second letter in the strongest function and the strongest function for ENFJ is FE and what is the second letter for FE? It's "E" which causes the function to now become from _ N F J to E N F J.
♇ if the FE was a FI it would commence the function to become I N F J.
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"okay but what about the last letter in a type code?"
♇ you'll have to look back at the first extroverted function in the type code for your mbti, and for ENFJ it is ⟶ FE SI NE TI. the first extroverted function in the type code is FE which means EXTROVERTED FEELING.
♇ FE belongs to the judging function which implies that the last letter for E N F _ will be E N F J.
♇ if the FE was replaced and NE was the first extroverted function for the type code, the type could have changed from ENFJ to ENFP. because NE belongs to the perceiving function!
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♇ i hope this helped you guys understand how the myers briggs typology works even more! this is just me opening up before i post about the mbtis!
♇ if you just want to support here is my paypal!
♇ masterlist
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coralcane · 9 months
just saying i dont seem to have either ne or se becuase i dont think in imagination or have billions of ideas, but i dont notice the present at all and dissociate all the time. The only thing I worry about is how much people hate me, and then constantly forgetting that people can percieve me, and then the otehr thing i focus on is my hyperfixations. So idk what mbti type I would be anymore but I just wish people would explain this more in depth because I definietly do not think in depth and analyize anything, I just am too busy worrying about what people think and worrying that people will leave me, and worrying that Il say the wrong thing, and worrying about peoples values that are different to mine, than to actually think about anything else or notice the present. Like I know I have fi now and probably si but se and ne is just fuck all same with ni.
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“Each and everyone of us has arrived here fully equipped with a unique manifestation of consciousness, a divine spark all your own patiently waiting discovery. I choose to believe we are here to evolve. It is our purpose to become who we truly are, not who we are convinced society requires us to be, but to instead step into our most authentic, self-actualized selves where there is no daylight between who we are and who we aspire to become. Because *you* are the one you've been waiting for. Because the world needs the best version of you. And because the clock is ticking.” –INTJ
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typologyastro · 2 years
Planets & Functions
These are my current observations. I'm aware I need to observe more to improve my understanding of the connection between planets and functions. I deduce the main theme I've seen similarly in both then match the planets and functions accordingly. There are 10 planets and 8 functions so there will be some overlaps. I tried my best to match their essence together. I hope you like reading these because I have fun connecting! It's a fun way to learn cognitive functions.
You can be strong in mutiple planets but we focus on your strongest planet(s) or influence hence your type or dominant/auxiliary function(s) is most likely associated with those planet(s). You can be influenced by mutiple planets and the lesser influence (the influence may still be strong no matter what) may be associated with your lower functions (auxiliary, tertiary, inferior).
Easy aspects (trine, sextile, conjunction) work like dominant/auxiliary/tertiary functions and hard aspects (square, opposition, conjunction) work like tertiary/inferior functions.
Focus on aspects, houses, signs, etc. to know your influence is associated with which function(s).
For example: you have strong Mars, Moon and Pluto. Mars is the strongest, Moon second and Pluto last. You may be an ESFP (Mars: Se; Moon: Fi or Fe; Pluto: Ni, Fi & Te). It's just a rough example to predict your type. I don't claim its accuracy since this is just an observation. Overall it's for entertainment purposes so have fun!
🟤 Saturn: Si
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I associate Si - introverted sensing with Saturn. It's an easy connection because these two are very similar. They are both about hard work, stability, conservation, tradition, etc. I notice dominant/auxiliary Si and Ni users or J types (ISTJ, ISFJ, INTJ, INFJ, ESTJ, ESFJ, ENTJ, ENFJ) have strong Saturn or Earth influence in the chart. They are blessed by Saturn. I'm jealous because I have inferior Si and a weak Saturn. You may wonder why dom/aux Ni users may have a strong Saturn. It's because our chart is a combination of lots of influences. One placement doesn't purely mean you are a certain type. It just means you have strong Saturn influence, but you may have other stronger influences (for example, Pluto or Mars) that make you another type. Descriptions are overlapping. J types in general prefer to plan so they may have strong Saturn or/and Earth influence. But Si is Saturn closest archetype, not Ni for the above reason. ISTJ is the closest to Saturn due to having auxiliary Te that is more tough, masculine and fatherly. ISFJ with auxiliary Fe is more warm, motherly and Moon-liked.
Color: brown
The most possible type: ISTJ
Other possible types: ISFJ, INTJ, INFJ, ESTJ, ESFJ, ENTJ, ENFJ
Honorable functions: Ni, Te
⚪️ Uranus & Jupiter: Ne
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I associate Ne - extroverted intuition with Uranus, Jupiter second. Ne and Uranus are similar in so many ways. They are both about unorthodoxy, unpredictability, open mindedness, qurikiness, futurism, freedom, etc. Ne is the opposite of Si, like Aquarius comes after Capricorn. Dominant/auxiliary Ne users (ENTP, ENFP, INTP, INFP) usually have strong Uranus. Dominant/auxiliary Se users may also have strong Uranus in a lesser extend or P types (ENTP, ENFP, INTP, INFP, ESTP, ESFP, ISTP, ISFP) in general. P types prefer to go with the flow, are more adaptable and love freedom so they may have strong Uranus or/and Air influence. ENTP is the closest to Ne due to having auxiliary Ti that is more detached, partial and logical and tertiary Fe is more humanistic. ENFP with auxiliary Fi is more passionate and personal.
Color: white, sky blue
The most possible type: ENTP
Other possible types: ENFP, INTP, INFP, ESTP, ESFP, ISTP, ISFP
Honorable functions: Se
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I associate Ne - extroverted intuition with Jupiter because they are both about optimism, fairness, foreignism, theory, philosophy, etc. Dominant/auxiliary Ne and Se users or P types (ENTP, ENFP, INTP, INFP, ESTP, ESFP, ISTP, ISFP) in general may have strong Jupiter because they all love adventures & traveling. I think Ne is a bit more closer to Jupifer than Se because Ne is theoretical and philosophical like Jupiter while Se is hands-on and practical. Among the two dominant Ne users, ENFP may be closer to Jupiter because they can be more optimistic due to not having auxiliary Ti that structures dominant Ne in ENTP. ENFP is also more stubborn, untamed, honest and idealistic due to their auxiliary Fi.
Color: beige? I don't know lol help me pick a color.
The most possible type: ENFP
Other possible types: ENTP, INTP, INFP, ESTP, ESFP, ISTP, ISFP
Honorable functions: Se
🔴 Mars: Se
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I associate Se - extroverted sensing with Mars. They are all about drive, action, competitiveness, agressiveness, passion, bravery, pioneer, impulsiveness, athletics, wildness, confidence, sexiniess, etc. Dominant/auxiliary Se users (ESTP, ESFP, ISTP, ISFP) have strong Mars or Fire influence in the chart. Dominant/auxiliary Se users are hot, athletic, blunt and child-like like Mars and Fire placements. They have no filter. Nothing fears or stops them. They can't be controlled. They master following what they want. They're doers. They learn by doing. ESTP is the closest to Mars due to having auxiliary Ti that is less emotional and more tough. Mars is not based on emotions. ESFP with auxiliary Fi gives a touch of softness and is Venus/Neptune-liked.
Color: red
The most possible type: ESTP
Other possible types: ESFP, ISTP, ISFP
Honorable functions: Te
⚫️ Pluto: Ni
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I associate Ni - introverted intuition with Pluto. They are both about psychology, secret, knowing, mind reading, manipulation, depth, etc. Pluto is a higher octave of Mars like Ni is the opposite of Se. Dominant/auxiliary/tertiary Ni users (INTJ, INFJ, ENTJ, ENFJ, ISFP, ISTP) usually have strong Pluto or Fire/Water influence. Ni is about what we don't know or our unconscious. Ni perceives our hidden dark sides. Ni reads into silence and absence. Ni/Se users have encountered many upheavals and gone through transformtions like they have lived many lives so they have a profound understanding of human psychology. INTJ is the closet to Pluto since auxiliary Te is more commanding, intimidating and powerful and tertiary Fi is more passionate, deep and intense. INFJ with auxiliary Fe is more motherly and Moon-liked. Another planet that connects to Ni is Neptune.
Color: black, burgundy?
The most possible type: INTJ
Other possible types: INFJ, ENTJ, ENFJ, ISTP, ISFP
Honorable functions: Se, Fi, Te
🟣 Neptune: Fi
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I associate Fi - introverted feeling with Neptune. They are both about idealization, compassion, etc. Dominant/auxiliary Fi users (INFP, ISFP, ENFP, ESFP) usually have strong Neptune or Water influence. Fi alone is a creative function to me. So many talented artists are dominant/auxiliary Fi users because of their ability to express emotions. They understand the intricateness of their own feelings so they have deep sympathy for other creatures. They have high desire to live in the best world so reality is often not their strength. Luckily ISFP have a more balanced auxiliary Se and tertiary Ni so they can conquer both physical and spiritual worlds fine. INFP & ENFP can be too idealistic, scatter-brained, clumsy and unrealistic due to blind spot Se (INFP) and inferior Si (ENFP). I've also seen dominant Ni users (INFJ & INTJ) have strong Pisces/Neptune because of the dominant Ni + auxiliary Fe combination (INFJ) and tertiary Fi (INTJ). The dreaminess, glamorousness, creativity transcendence, etc. are similar to Ne & Ni. INFP is the closest to Neptune due to dominant Fi and auxiliary Ne provide a highly creative combination.
Color: purple
The most possible type: INFP
Honorable functions: Ne, Ni
🟡 Sun: Te
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I associate Te - extroverted thinking with Sun. They are both about leadership, competence, achievement, success, etc. Dominant/auxiliary Te users (ENTJ, ESTJ, INTJ, ISTJ) usually have strong Sun or Fire influence. I've also seen dominant/auxiliary/tertiary Se and dominant/auxiliary Fi users (ENFJ, ESFP, ISFP, ISTP, ENFP) except INFP (due to blind spot Se) and maybe ESTP (due to tertiary Fe is more Moon-liked and ESTP is more pure Mars) have strong Sun/Leo/Fire influence. The drama, expressiveness, passion, authentication, attention seeking, etc. are also associated with Fi in the Fi/Te axis that wants to express their identity. Dominant/auxiliary/tertiary Te, Fi & Se users have a drive to be seen successful. They want to shine and feel like the best of the world. That's the best feeling ever. ENTJ is the closet to Sun due to dominant Te that is assertive, authoritative and commanding and tertiary Se is strong, fast and risk-taking.
Color: yellow, red
The most possible type: ENTJ
Other possible types: ISTJ, INTJ, ESFP, ISFP, ENFJ, ISTP, ENFP
Honorable functions: Fi, Se
🟠 Moon & Venus: Fe
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I associate Fe - extroverted feeling with Moon. They are both about affection, warmth, care, etc. Dominant/auxiliary Fe users (ESFJ, ENFJ, ISFJ, INFJ) usually have strong Moon or Water influence. Dominant/auxiliary Fi users (ISFP, INFP, ESFP, ENFP) may also have strong Moon or Water influence in a lesser extend. The difference between Fi and Fe is Fi have high ideals (Neptune) while Fe likes to protect loved ones (Moon). They both want to feel loved. INFJ is the closest to Moon because dominant Ni is intuitive and sensitive to all needs and auxiliary Fe is still caring but less smothering and prefer one-on-one interaction. Si (ISFJ, ESFJ) gives a more physical and down-to-earth attention while Moon is more intuitive. Dominant Fe (ESFJ, ENFJ) can be more Sun-liked because they want public attention.
Color: yellow?, purple?
The most possible type: INFJ
Other possible types: ENFJ, ISFJ, INFJ, ISFP, INFP, ESFP, ENFP
Honorable functions: Fi
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I associate Fe - extroverted feeling with Venus. At first I didn't have much knowledge to match Venus with a function. I know Venus must be a feeling and sensing type. Neptune is a higher octave of Venus so it's more intuitive and abstract while Venus is more physical and sensual. Since Neptune is associated with Fi due to out-of-this-world ideals, I found Venus seeks more shallow admiration and material luxury. Taurus can be both either Si or Se with its desire for physical comfort and materials. Libra loves to be in a relationship which is associated with Fe more than Fi. Libra seeks harmony, peace, politeness and balance are all associated with Fe. Hence I believe Venus is more related to Fe. While Neptune and Pluto are more related to Fi due to idealization and passion. Dominant/auxiliary/tertiary Fe & Fi users (ESFJ, ENFJ, ISFJ, INFJ, ESFP, ENFP, ISFP, INFP) usually have strong Venus or Earth/Air influence. No matter what Venus is the lower octave of Neptune so it will influence both Fe and Fi. ESFJ is the closest to Venus since dominant Fe has sophisticated and charming manners and auxiliary Si loves physical comfort.
Color: pink, purple
The most possible type: ESFJ
Other possible types: ENFJ, ISFJ, INFJ, ESFP, ENFP, ISFP, INFP, ESTP, ENTP
Honorable functions: Fi
🔵 Mercury: Ti
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I associate Ti - introverted thinking with Mercury. They are both about logic, accuracy, connection, calculation, etc. Dominant/auxiliary Ti users (INTP, ISTP, ENTP, ESTP) usually have strong Mercury or Earth/Air influence. Tertiary Ti users (ISFJ, INFJ), dominant/auxiliary Ne users (INFP, INTP, ENFP, ENTP) and dominant/auxiliary Te users (INTJ, ENTJ, ISTJ, ESTJ) may also have strong Mercury or Earth/Air influence since Ne is about making connections and Te is also rational in making decisions. INTP is the closest to Ti since dominant Ti is logical and auxiliary Ne is more theoretical.
Color: blue
The most possible type: INTP
Honorable functions: Ne, Te
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earthling-wolf · 11 months
Se Actuality
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Heightened Focus
The Se user will constantly be receiving a photographic feed from the outer world, and thus will have a heightened receptivity to sensory information, which can be both overwhelming when undesired and highly stimulating when accepted and honed. If this data absorption is sought after rather than rejected, the Se user will become so immersed in the ‘one thing’ in front of them, that everything else suddenly disappears. The Se user’s attention is cinematic; causing them to take in the world just as it appears with very high fidelity and this can lead to an appreciation for “realism” in the arts and other mediums. The focus of an Se user is linear, rather than divergent. They will want to sink deeply into the experience of a thing, rather than spread themselves thin and broadly. Unsolicited tangents can be too distracting for them; jarring their attention and focus away from their present obsession. Even if the Se user has multiple interests- which they inescapably do – whenever they are immersed in the subject at hand it is with an acute intrigue. This dedicated attention can create a hyper-vigilance and capacity to refine an art-form faster than others if they choose to attend to it, although each skill will be domain-specific and not necessarily translate to acuity in other areas. If they're learning about a handmade craft they may notice all the bumps, lumps, scratches, and dents in objects and be quick to see the subtle differences in colors and shapes. Volumes of non-verbal information will collide with their attention constantly and guide them to calibrate their personal experiences accordingly.
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Flow & Improvisation
The most direct way this sensory calibration happens is through an active flow. For the Se user, flow is when the body/mind moves in rhythm with everything else in the environment, as if pulsing with the same energy. During these moments, the Se user exists in direct contact with life, which creates an intoxicating feeling. One gets lost in the moment as they fine-tune their rhythm with the situation. This can happen when they’re singing, playing an instrument, freestyle rapping, hugging turns on a skateboard, locking in trigger reflexes in an FPS and the like. The Se user will get “in the zone” and feel most in their element when they can perform in real-time, making up their next move as they go. Adaptation is essential to an Se user and there is nothing more adaptive than reacting instantly, elegantly and with no delay to every twist and swerve life throws at you. The closer they are to this flow, the more aligned they’ll feel. Life is most invigorating when they are perfectly aligning the needs of the body, their own desires, and the situation. It may feel like a symphony coming together in harmony, and indeed many Se users take to music production for its capacity to create this lucidity and fluidity. In all their activities and ventures, whenever life is not flowing in this manner, the Se user senses it and will feel out of alignment.
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Vitality & Volition
Se is also characterized by a sense of volition, as their linearity of focus quickly translates into a clarity of desire. There's an implicit knowledge of what is wanted and, as a Pe function, a craving for its attainment. The Se type will be a go-getter; motivated to gather what it wants in a literal sense. Se will leverage the environment to work for them, being opportunistic and making the best of what they got. And the quest for this attainment will carry a delicious zeal, giving Se users an added layer of vitality, but also of a self-assertion in reality. The Se user occupies the place where they stand, making their will known by their very composure. Then, as they lock onto their target, they inadvertently create adversity as opposite wills always exist and chase after the same or competing resources. This only greater fuels their thirst for stimulation and arousal, as they get immersed in the hunt. The challenge of going after their pursuits will be part of the very flow they so delight in navigating, and this quest for vigor can often manifest in hobbies such as racing, martial arts and other daring activities. But this ambition, while capable of leading to sprints of great productivity, is not motivated by any type of fiscality or conscientiousness. For Se the desire to win is not sought for the long term procurement of resources, but is instead motivated by some stimulating challenge that reality posits and which is invigorating for them to flirt with.
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Movement & Restlessness
By the same token, not having dynamic movement happening will feel like an absence of thriving. While Se users are prone to over-stimulation if the stimuli is unwanted, they also are prone to under-stimulation if their environment is not allowing an outlet for creative flow. Se will have a low tolerance for being forced to attend to things they dislike. If they're denied of freedom to explore the world actively, suffocation sets in like a depressive weight. The Se user has a need to "move" and see; to scan the next corner. They'll be prone to pack up their bags and head off into town on a whim. The Se user lives a mobile life, constantly making things happen as they encounter different situations. But this necessity for motion can also be a curse; interfering with family plans or the practical constraints of life. As children, Se user may be overly active an it may be hard for their parents to find a constructive outlet for their energy at all times. The Se user may have little tolerance for routine and get into trouble for misadventures undergone in an attempt to abate the dread of idleness. Family members may pressure them to stay indoors or not go out as much, but often the Se user will not listen and either sneak out or find a way to explore without permission.
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Persistence Effect
At other times, however, life's sensory stimuli is highly unwelcome - making the Se user more keenly aware of disturbance than all others. The Se users' sensitivity to stimuli becomes a double-edged sword when there's a nagging noise in the environment such as an insect's hum, a squeaky fan or crying baby. Temperature differences and potent smells can also be sources of frustration. Their Se won't be able to ignore the aforementioned since, as an explorer function, every new "refresh" of the environment yields the same output - leading to a very real and somatic irritation. Ironically, their quality of attuned focus sinks more heavily in on the irritation rather than putting it out of mind, causing it to grow in their mind until it's the only thing they hear or see; debilitating all concentration. At best this guides the Se user to seek the most pleasant sensory atmosphere available, and at worst it can cause open complaints and outbursts. Because of this tendency, whenever possible the Se user will craft their environment to match what their sensations can tolerate. They will play close attention to minimizing potential inconveniences and maximizing comfort.
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Ergonomics & Aesthetics
Due to this careful crafting of sensory experience, Se users will often take to ergonomics. The look, feel and appeal of something becomes very important. How it fits in your hand, how the grip holds, how it throws, sounds and moves are all heavily considered. The Se user will want "the experience" of a thing to be enjoyable and free of micro-irritations. They will go to great lengths to make that happen in their own life; selecting objects based on their ergonomic and aesthetic appeal. They may be fans of designer brands, which are simply those that take the most efforts to maximize user experience. This leads inescapably to an appreciation for luxury, which is an extension of their need for completeness of sensational exposure. And although they may not always afford the highest luxury, the Se user will often take steps in that direction whenever possible. More than others, Se users understand how to create something seamless and often pave the way in domains of design and fashion. They will create things with beauty and convenience as priorities, while being simplistic and to the point. And due to being an explorer process, Se perpetually seeks newness of experience; leading it to be very contemporary. Se gravitates to the latest, causing them to be trendy or at least have a keen understanding of where the trends are and how they're evolving.
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Sensual Energy
While we all have an appreciation, capacity and need for the sensual dimension, Se being the sensory exploration process receives a double dose of this facet of our nature. No sensation is more direct, potent and contrasted than the sexual, and from this raw contact with the body Se receives a level of natural eroticism. The amplification of their senses extends to a type of libidinal awareness and intelligence. However, each individual can choose to explore or repress this tactile energy and indeed many Se users - whether by culture or moral verdict - will select to shun this part of themselves. However, for those who decide to explore it, this can add a contagious chemistry to everything they do. The Se user, so predisposed, can be a vixen and leave a seductive trail behind them as they explore and express themselves. They may not shy away from making themselves attractive and showing a little skin or muscle. As Se wishes always to explore all sensory domains to the utmost, this leads to a pointed interest in the subtleties of flirtation, pickup artistry and more exotic art-forms. However, this can cause many Se users to grate against social repercussions and taboos. A girl may be frustrated by her mother's old-fashioned conservatism or a man may be accused of sexual harassment for playful teasing or banter. Se, like Ne, is constantly crashing against the establishment as it seeks to break boundaries, peer around the corner and dabble with all available information with less consideration of restraint or temperance.
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-Behaviors Under Stress
Like most people, the Se user is no stranger to a bit of wine or hard liquor. But due to the acuteness and physicality with which they experience life's stress, the temptation to exhale problems through stimulants or sedatives is all the more pronounced in them than others. It is here where the Se user may dive into their vice to an excess until it becomes a source of debilitation. More than a few Se users have met a short end at the hands of an overdose. Given their sensitivity, an Se user would require an inordinate strength of will to resist sourcing to a physical outlet when times become roughest. Under stress they will seek for an immediate alleviation to the unbearable "here and now." Their ability to think long-term may suffer or fade altogether as they become consumed only in how disquieting the present feels. This is especially the case if their Ni has made a pessimistic forecast, allowing them little hypothetical escape from their situation. Addiction then acts as a form of escapism and relief; one which is unsustainable at best and fatal at worst. It is in these moments when the Se user most needs to channel from external stimuli. When substances act as a replacement for external stimuli, the Se user may withdraw from the physical world; forgetting that out there is where all life, vigor and vitality is to be found. Substances act as a quick, but ultimately less stimulating replacement for the bliss that is better found in the music, rhythm and flow of a dance and in direct contact with reality.
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In other situations, the Se user's stress can manifest in an unhealthy opportunism. The Se function will always be seeking, quite advantageously, the best experience possible and when distressed this impulsiveness can lead to certain unethical behaviors. As their spiritual reserves become depleted from psychological injuries, they may help themselves to the grace and resources of others; perhaps taking more than may be polite. In heavier cases, they may take more than they were explicitly allotted. This can develop into a habit for the Se user, escalating to shoplifting, and eventually to outright robbery. The Se user feels that scarcity of resources is the cause for their sufferings, and attaining more objects is the solution to their deprivation. As with addiction, the Se user feels robbed of sensational release, suffocated by an unpleasant environment and is seeking somehow to remedy the situation through tactile means. However, real poverty or scarcity may not be the cause of their delinquency but instead may be a sort of greed for that which is unattainable. It may be a relative poverty they wish to abate when compared to a higher tier/class that taunts them with the faraway luxuries and experiences they crave.
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i'm se-dom and for me having five senses is just a normal thing but now i wonder how the rest of the types interact with the world... i know this question is going to sound stupid but i really don't understand how the rest receives the external information. When i see a flower there is only a flower, it has smell, it has colors, but i don't add anything to this interaction, for me it's just a flower and is unique, i don't compare it to an archetype of flowers, i don't compare it with an internal framework or i don't detach myself from reality to start daydreaming
are the se-doms the only ones who see the flower as it is without adding anything or is it something universal related to five senses?
Hi anon! Se-auxes will probably mostly do this too but yeah, types with a different high perceiving functions will experience these things too (ie, they will still smell/see the flower) but it will naturally to them lead to comparison to an archetype (Ni) or to a database of other flowers and plants (Si) or as a jumping off point for other tangentially related thoughts (Ne).
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intjsarchive · 2 years
I think I finally got to know a great ESFP. They’re so intense... I love this. I wish I had more extroverted stamina to get with their insane extroverted sensing because it’s great
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rainymbti-moved · 2 years
SF9 Yoo Taeyang MBTI:
ISFP (Fi - Se - Ni - Te)
  *based on my opinion and cognitive functions. May change later*
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fandomqueen6754 · 26 days
Okay I need an episode where all of the 118 are like wondering if they’re too lonely or if it’s weird that they are only friends with a few ppl from their shift and then Eddie bounds in talking about his poker friends or his basketball buddies. They’re thinking about how they need to get out more so they all go out to a bar with the intent to meet at least one new person and Eddie’s already there with a different group of friends laughing and joking around. They try to figure out why they have trouble as Eddie is constantly having new ppl try to talk to him and be his friend
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leheckajiri · 3 months
I know I’m taking this loss worse than literally jannik himself but was anyone else so sad about how it seemed like rlly few people wanted him to win last night
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rainytypology · 10 months
ATEEZ Wooyoung MBTI Analysis
- ESFP -
An in-depth analysis of an idol's MBTI type. Based on my opinion and observations, may change later. Not an expert.
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ESFP (Se - Fi - Te - Ni)
Dom: Se (Extroverted Sensing)
A perceiving function that uses our 5 senses to process the external world.
Wooyoung is always aware of the present moment, quick to react and to take action. He also pays attention to physical things such as aesthetics, the visuals of the performance, the way he looks, etc physical appearances matter a lot to him.
He enjoys photography and videography, which are pretty good activities for Se - it allows him to use his senses to make visually stimulating images and videos. Physically engaging activities seem like the best way to energize him e.g cooking and riding a bike. Cooking is great for his Se as it engages with all his senses - all the movement in cooking, tasting the foods, the aromas, watching the food cook, plating, maybe he enjoys hearing the sounds of food cooking as well and/or the way kitchen tools slightly hit each other (e.g knife on a cutting board).
This moment especially was an incredibly Se dom moment. Comparing it to Si user Jongho (Si has to step back and assess first), being the Se dom he is, Woo just went for it.
Aux: Fi (Introverted Feeling)
A judging function that uses one's own values and belief to compare and make choices
As Fi wants to be authentic, that is what Wooyoung always strives for - he always wants to express himself well, to be real. He wants people to like him for him. He returns the same gesture with others - he wants to know the real version of others. Wooyoung tries not to make assumptions at first meet since he knows he will not learn everything just from one encounter. He seems very empathetic.
Tert: Te (Extroverted Thinking)
A judging function that uses established facts and systems to make objective, working decisions.
He's quite goal oriented and takes time to plan to achieve these goals, even if it's not the most detailed. Either way, he knows how to get what he wants and works hard to reach his achievements.
Wooyoung lays down the rules as well - Te can be by the book, which Wooyoung can be sometimes. E.g when he was explaining how he found it rude when juniors would not put in the effort to correctly bow down to him and other senior artists. Wooyoung has a strong belief in being humble and kind (Fi) and wants to implement this in everyone.
Inf: Ni (Introverted Intuition)
A perceiving function that uses one's own personal insights and ideas
In his episode of "Fill in the Blank" series, Wooyoung said he wanted to use dance to convey deeper messages and emotions for others. He wants to be a sense of comfort, the light in other's darkness. He has always wanted to make an impact on others from a young age, especially considering how much he values relationships.
Why is he not an xSFJ or ISTJ
Both types use Si - Ne, which I do not see in Wooyoung at all...xSFJ's Fe is understandable, but Wooyoung is sometimes a bit too straightforward and honest to be using Fe in his main stack though lol.
And ISTJ just does not make sense in general for him.
Other analysis:
Enneagram | Birth Chart
Kpop typology list
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headlesssamurai · 6 months
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moccasins · 4 months
i've always headcanoned dream as an introvert and nightmare as an extrovert and i realized people prolly don't think the same way.
but, like. in my eyes, dream is very outgoing and positive, but at the end of the day he needs to go into his room and just take a few hours to himself. recharge.
nightmare, however, finds himself with a book and sets himself down near his team. he doesn't often interact with them in these moments, but just sitting back and being by people helps him recharge
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Se and potential:
Se+ "Let's not waste potential! Let's make it happen. Accidents are opportunities to learn"
Se- "Let's eliminate all potentials of what could go wrong. It has to be perfect or it's not worth it"
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petricorah · 9 months
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