#eyyy character interactions
despairforme · 8 months
Nnoitra doesn't think shinigami Kira is cute? He is like little animal!
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❝ Haah? ❞ Confusion and mild disbelief. Were there actually people out there who thought Kira was CUTE? To be fair, Nnoitra had very little understanding of the word. He sure as shit didn't think animals or kids were "cute", like people usually did. He thought they were annoying as hell, and he'd kill them if they pissed him off. Hueco Mundo had no place for things that were cute. There was no place for innocence or the frail.
Nnoitra would have to think real hard to even come up with something that he'd consider ' cute ', and he could easily state that Kira was NOT one of those things. That guy was annoying as hell, thinking he could order him around just because he sucked Ichimaru's dick, who in turn sucked Aizen's dick. ❝ Why 'da fuck would I think he's cute? He's fuckin' annoyin'. ❞ He answered calmly, his lazy tone portraying the disgust he felt towards the Shinigami. Disliking him for being a Shinigami was nothing personal - Nnoitra didn't like ANY Shinigami.
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acesandocs · 2 months
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Eyyy some more practice sketches
Just some Marius expressions and another Eveline in the middle of just doing her thing. I feel like i cant do Marius justice when i draw him. he always comes out looking more cute than id liked. Not that he isn't, i just wish i could capture some of his cheeky ''I look better than you and i know it'' vibes.
The last time i drew Eveline in pj's it was something a bit more trendy but i'll admits its probably not really like whats described or her style i general. so it used this opportunity to practice drawing some clothing folds and gave her something shed be more likely to wear when snoozing. I can very clearly see her rockin' the scrooge fit, with a hat and candle stick holder.
characters belong to @libras-interactives
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uninformedartist · 9 months
So a review on Helluva boss So2 ep 6
Ok so gonna break this review down into positives and negatives with my additional thoughts.
So always start off with this, big props and love to the animation team we know know and see your struggle working under Vivienne and animating her over-complicated designs. Props to the BG team really stunning backgrounds, was actually a bit over the top for me (Ozzie's palace and especially the dildo factory shit was moving way too fast) but did pause to have a look at the BGs it is really pretty, the shit pacing made everything a visual blur tho.
VA work stunning love always a joy to hear Alex and James in any VA work tho Fizz's song was eyyy not the best but don't blame Alex it was a shittly written song in general especially when it went to the heavy metal part, overstimulating af and again shit pacing during the song and the flashing visuals gave me a headache. Striker's new VA, Ed's voice really grew on me he should've been Striker in the 1st place because I know for a fact Norman couldn't reprise his role for future episodes.
I loved Ozzie and Fizz's relationship especially the end scene where you can see Ozzie development or got hold of the best technology to give Fizz functional limbs, was a tender scene their relationship and interactions made me smile. I'll give Viv 1 ty for not fucking up their relationship, ty Viv (I can be nice to her :). Tho 1 scene that bothered me... the 12 sec Ozzie dong scene 💀 my soul it was just so jarring especially with the fast pacing. Felt like a race car coming to an immediate stop then speeding off again. Would've like the scene replaced with Fizz telling Bliz something nice about Ozzie, why Fizz likes him. I'm tired of queer couples/pairings in this show describing their partner in 2 ways, 1. how good they are in bed or 2. they got x anatomy that's amazing. But its Viv writing this ep, sigh her and her damn middle school sex jokes I'll let it slide.
Now negatives:
I said it before I'll say it for all eternity, the pacing was dogshit bad oh my soul wtf... Viv, Adam whoever I know you guys don't listen to criticism but if any criticism you take fix your damn pacing 😑. I had to pause multiple times just to see what has happening, what was said, what this paper/sign etc said. It was bad, and that paired with the overdetailed BGs and character designs, for the 1st time ever I got overstimulted from a HB ep and had to take a 5 min break to rest my eyes (was by Fizz's song). Its a noisey spinning kaleidoscope this ep, so unpleasant and its all pacing. Stay on certain scenes a bit longer and allow the audience to take in the scene before them (that flackback scene) its makes a difference. If you get overwhelmed/overstimlated ect by such visuals I recommend watching the leaked episode its much better in terms of pacing since its mostly storyboards and there is no color, plus its just the VAs talking with no background music and zero to minimal sound effects.
I didn't care for Crimson in this episode, I know he became Viv's favorite 😒 but seeing this fucker back so soon, it wasn't enjoyable, especially since the only reason he's in this ep is for a "big score" 😑. Also I'm tired of this over convenient plots, Fizz so happened to be in the greed ring and so happened to run into Blitz and Striker so happened to be in greed meeting with Crim who need a man for a "big score" AND SO HAPPENED Striker sees Fizz/Blitz fighting outside the window 🙃. Its all too convenient for me it takes me out and I then think how the plot coming together is ridiculous.
Striker is so under utilized. Since Viv hates him (confirmed by sources I can't pull now apologies) and she wrote this episode, everything established of Striker in So1 is destroyed. He's a husk of his intended character, all talk no show, a misogynistic clown who you can see Viv has no care writing him properly because she doesn't like him which is fucking horrible, this woman will butcher an integral villian, one with a good motivation (he hates blue-bloods) all because "oh I don't like him he's not in my fav OC list", petty af.
Fizz's disability and how its handled, spoke about it in this post:
It still remains the same though now we see it wasn't Wally holding the cake just some other imp and the card Bliz made for Fizz was a love confession still doesn't justify his reaction shoving the imp and his still underlying jealousy of Fizz since they were young. Yes it was backing off from a love confession/ashamed he's not as good a performer as Fizz, Blitz was jealous of Fizz. Made another post saying how I like how Fizz sees his disability, he's content, happy, has Ozzie who understands him and even made/went out his way to get Fizz the best prosthetics to better his quality of life, I like that good on Fizzy :).
5. Going to be a separate long post on (ಠ_ಠ) Blitz, THE FUCKING BIRD IS BACK 💀💀💀 why your rotisserie chicken ass not in hospital or we just skipping past that and how Viv keeps I'm gonna say it, forcing her characters to have daddy issues by writing this fucking irritating basic fanfic trope of killing the mother offscreen/not having the mother in the picture/us seeing her face. A commenter pointed this out and it irritates me because its the 3rd time she does this, she show Tilla (Blitz's mom) in pictures, you think there would be an episode revolving around Blitz's childhood etc but no she's "in" a fast paced pitty party flashback. This woman really can't show an ounce of respect to any female characters.
This is all for now, will be making more posts the more this ep settles in.
Score: 4.7/10
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lushloooser · 2 years
the harley quinn show being on the precipice of being canceled in what feels like an absolute renaissance of harlivy content is going to be such a devastating blow
between season 3 and g. willow wilson’s poison ivy series, we’ve finally gotten a chance to see them written as a real relationship, not tokenized or sexualized in anyway, and it’s been so fucking wonderful to see after YEARs of undergoing countless depictions of both villains being written purely as sex sexy sex symbols FOR THE BOYS, eyyy look at these broads gammin’ on each other hereeee!!!
and i know it’s all due to the absolutely buckwild financial decisions of a corporate merger (they are absolutely self-immolating hbo max and it’s like the only ✨decent✨ streaming service) and it would be very reactionary of me to say it’s a homophobic decision, but queer content is always going first on the chopping block. investors aren’t queer, they’re all like 80 year old men and crypto-bros because we live in hell
so I’m deeply heartbroken (if it does get canceled). but i’m also deeply emboldened? Harlivy isn’t going anywhere as a ship?
i started out as a harlivy fanfic writer about a year ago, essentially with the goal of writing this glitzy gritty live action gotham city sirens show that somebody like me would absolutely never get full creative rights to do, and over that year, I’ve gotten so many kind comments from people who have actually felt represented for a change, and I’ve gotten to interact so many wonderful artists and other absolutely amazing fan-fiction writers who all bring their own unique twists to these characters while lovingly taking and improving on the absolutely LOADED history of the two characters
so, yeah, as a ship, it’s not going anywhere even if the show gets canceled.
like every ship, it’s something so many people find comfort in. they were a stepping stone in my old ass actually exploring my sexuality, which was huuge growing up in a place where anything other than cisgendered heterosexuality was shunned and shamed out of sight.
if there’s an artist or a writer who’s harlivy work speaks to you and they have a kofi or have commissions open, consider throwing some money their way. true queer solidarity comes from supporting each other. Corporations like DC, Warner Brothers, HBO, whatever, are always going to be an enemy. joker 2 coming to theaters near you in 20gofuckyourself.
hope this post ages poorly and the HQ cartoon gets renewed for a million seasons. not plugging my fanfic in this, I just wanted to ramble ❤️🖤💚🍃
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astro-break · 6 months
Thoughts on the 11th ep of Hypmic Rhyme Anima+. Spoilers beware
Season 1 | Ep.1 | Ep.2 | Ep.3 | Ep.4 | Ep. 5 | Ep. 6 | Ep. 7 | Ep. 8 | Ep. 9 | Ep. 10
eyyy separating them into their gumis! the gentaro and jyushi interaction is cute and i love how worried jyushi is about hifu thats so sweet of him
i love how thats the part that kuko focuses on www
LMAO ramuda's cute
i love how ichiro's accent just slipped out a bit there its cute
hm i still think kaibyakumon is in the right
Hey look at that! we finally got why kenji is so invested in them. would have liked to see more of the three but ill take what i can get
honestly i wanna ship akira and satoru so bad wwww they have so much ship potential
YES. THANK YOU RAMUDA. just let them destroy each other my goodness
idk if this show wants to villainize or humanize kaibyakumon. like on one hand everyone's against him on principle but i don't see why they should be?? Ramuda is right, hes the answer to 90% of the casts outside problems
i love how samatoki is probably the only consistent character here and just wants to be the one to punch the government in the face www
ugh i really wanted ramuda to have won that argument. it suckksss they really went with the most boring path
poor doppo, i feel so bad for him
even poor hifumi can't stand to watch ripp
i love seeing rio in his element, hes kinda cute like that
lmao rei being waving off his own son as if hes just a brat
man i do hope that they get their just revenge. it would be nice but unfortunately impossible just because of the nature of this sort of anime
wow for all that talk of stealth rio just blew up a whole wall
hmm i don't like the last two songs as much but there is intresting wordplay to be found in ciaro's verses, especially one as an anti-governmental piece
damn so it seems like the last three episodes will be just the gumis going to each place and fighting off the others
oooo theres a bit of rio's rap ability on show with that shelter
ey look at that!! I did sort of predict the mass hypnosis! granted its subliminal messaging but im fine with being wrong once in a while
damn theyre still gay after death
the "whos gonna answer my questions" has the same vibe as "who else will I eat icecream with?" thing from kingdom hearts wwww
bro i want a season just about these two idiots
hmm intresting design for scuro i do like it
man now i really do like akira and satoru. they're cool. I hate this bc i know in the end they'll die and kaibyakumon will get his ass kicked to preserve the status quo. i do hope that the anime does use this as a jumping off point tho bc the premise is pretty fun
tho they probably won't. as i said status quo as long as the source material still insists on the current status quo of keeping chuuoku in power. The drama CDs do seem like its building towards a conclusion but its not enough for any meaningful change yet.
tho the anime is original content and thus exists in a separate sphere from the CDs. Its entirely possible that they may move ahead and start shaking things up but i doubt it
lol why the dotsuhon ed they got so little screen time this episode ripp them
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abeautifulblog · 1 year
What was the verdict? What did you think? Is blood origin worth watching?
Yesssssss, question mark?
[My thoughts/opinions on Blood Origin, accompanied by screencaps from the groupchat liveblog -- spoiler-free, actually!]
Blood Origin has a more interesting story than TWN S2 (it's the story of how the Conjunction of the Spheres happened, and how the first witcher came to be, eyyy! :D), and the actors do a better job convincing the audience that their characters actually care about the other people onscreen.
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In fact, coffee-mage said, "Honestly, Blood Origin is rekindling my enjoyment for Witcher more than S2 did, just because this is such an interesting universe"
The scenery is quite beautiful, and so are a lot of the costumes. The empress's costumes in particular have that gorgeous, hedonistic opulence reminiscent of Queen Amidala's outfits, stunning and original, legitimate works of art in their own right -- although they are offset by a lot of pleather armor with no coherent aesthetic, and wigs that are worse than what you'd find at Party City.
I didn't even hate the het romance, because it was a friendship first and a romance second, and it was built on a foundation of earned mutual trust and respect. (And it's enemies-[to-friends]-to-lovers, if that sweetens the pot for anyone.) It was a bit zero-to-sixty when they make the shift from being friends to making cow eyes at each other, but a lot of things in the show were, which brings us to Blood Origin's two main failings:
1) That the story was too rushed. This show had kind of the opposite problem from TWN S2 -- that instead of fucking around and wasting time in order to make a thin amount of plot stretch to cover eight episodes, Blood Origin was frantically trying to cram a complex, multi-layered story with a large cast (like, 8+ primary characters?) and all their backstories and motivations and character arcs into four episodes.
2) That the writing is just. not. good.
I'll be blunt with you guys -- whoever's writing for TWN is simply not smart enough to tell a grown-up story, not on an individual level, and not a world-building level. Blood Origin is supposed to involve a lot of complicated political maneuvering, but these writers' idea of what makes up the mechanisms of power is childishly, cartoonishly simplistic, and it could not be more clear that they have no idea how empires are administrated, how diplomacy and soft power work, what kind of time scale these things run on.
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Which isn't even touching on the nonstop abuse of As You Know, Bob dialogue, and how, thanks to the time constraints, almost everyone's backstory is told-not-shown. "AS YOU KNOW, I WAS A FOUNDLING AND YOUR PARENTS TOOK ME IN, AND THUS I GREW UP TO REGARD YOU AS MY OWN SISTER--"
Like, guys. GUYS. This is the kind of shit I wrote in middle school.
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It's better than TWN insofar as they remembered that they needed to actually introduce us to these characters, tell/show us what they're like as people, what their relationships and conflicts are, but MAN the dialogue is clumsy as fuck. Character interactions are as basic as can be, and any nuance or complexity there is coming from the actors, not the writing.
The premise of the show -- the story, the characters -- is not fundamantelly flawed. It had the potential to be very good, but it's not, because the execution was hot dogshit.
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Joey is a delight as always, but his role in this show is so tiny and SOOOO pasted-on, just a sliver of framing narrative at the beginning of the first episode and the end of the last, so if that's what you're coming here for, you're going to be disappointed. I truck with the theory that they shoehorned him in at the last minute to try to draw in Jaskier fans and keep Blood Origin from being a total flop, because he's not integral to the story at all -- you could remove the framing narrative without a single hiccup.
(Although from a meta perspective, a lot of the plot holes make so much more sense if you interpret it as Jaskier making shit up. Something unbelievable happens and you're just like, LOL, OH LOOK, THERE'S JASKIER BACK ON HIS BULLSHIT. XD)
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Michelle Yeoh is also a treat, though god only knows how they roped her into this trashfire. To be sure, her role is so thin that she's basically doing nothing but serving stage presence, but by god she's serving it in spades.
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Anyway, tl;dr --
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High production value, and a concept with a lot of interesting potential, but foiled yet again by the holistic incompetence of TWN's writing team.
(Seriously, just -- HIRE. BETTER. WRITERS. It blows my mind that they pour all this money into these shows, but then don't think it's worth their time to find people who know how to tell a story?? Like they don't seem to think that part MATTERS? When to my mind, it's the only part that matters??)
So, is Blood Origin worth watching? I can't say, that is a question you will have to answer for yourself. *I* had a great time, but that was more about the day-drinking and getting to share the experience with friends.
So yeah, I guess that's my recommendation -- watch it with friends.
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unsleepingtales · 8 months
Burrow's End Episode 2 Reactions!
Ok so I watched this spread out over last night and this morning and now I'm in a Great mood for class! This episode was so good though. Really really truly this is wonderful and I love this season.
She thought they would have greater numbers?? Aabria you’re the one who wrote it what do you mean
Erika’s character look is so cool
That is what mothers are like yeah.
I don’t know about every stoat in the world being able to harness lightning magic but sure okay
This line of thinking from Tula feels very in line with what Brennan’s talked about in the past of it always being valuable for someone to have basic needs in mind, and it making everything easier and more enjoyable when those things are considered first.
Oooh paladin things!
This season is going to fuck me up incredibly badly and it’s not even going to be the sad shit it’s just going to be the parent/child interactions.
It hurts to be awake because it’s all I ever think about and there are no answers. So real.
Ava is so good to watch
Every time it cuts to Erika-
Ugh I love dnd so much
Every time Brennan gets a nat1 he kind of hides behind it lol
Tula has a -1 to arcana???
Love to see the weird british things counter return
Bear nearby and bear has small friends?
Vampire chipmunk??? What the fuck what the fuck what the fuckkkk
Ok oh my gif the threatening energy in “Oh, you didn’t beat me.”
I hate it I hate it I hate it no god please no
Izzy is so right about the magic school bus thing
My soul shoots straight out of my ass, into hell. 🙂.
This is so unpleasant to look at
This does not feel proportional but it’s fine this is fine
Erika is so good at being The Old Lady
Be better!!
So help me I will turn this bear around!
Oh my god
I get that the heart beating is important to convey that the bear is still alive but jesus
There’s literally enough bear already.
Parasitic chipmunks nesting inside a bear. Good lord.
God I keep looking at the projection. That’s so unsettling.
Bad! This feels bad!
Oh my GOD
What oh god please no
What a brilliant episode to be watching while I have breakfast
I’m so curious if the bear’s actions are legendary actions or lair actions
Oh that was such a new york mother voice
That was literally a commercial break. The Iyengar-Mulligan bit. That was a comic relief commercial break
Eraser destroying power couple lmao
Like a stoat!
As an experienced babysitter I can confirm. Eight year olds are strong and it is because they don’t know they are. Being punched by an eight year old fucking hurts.
They’re taking the Alvin thing so far and it’s incredible
Ava WHAT are you doing
Oh I had a physical reaction to that. That was so unpleasant.
You think you’ve got this (threatening)
(Aabria laughs at the nerve of this play)
I love seeing my own table dynamics reflected in others. Because this wild swinging from hysterical laughter to jaw dropping horror is exactly what happened literally four days ago in my current game.
If your spine isn’t working store bought is fine
I dislike this strongly
She’s in the medulla oblongata! (Mentopolis)
Oh my god Aabria
Terrifying right now but like I’m a fun way
Just a lil blood soaked guy
I really appreciate how Aabria always mentions who’s up next so they can prep
I love doing things that potentially have great consequences just to see what it would do.
Oh we’re in blue again ok
What a wild thing to be happening right now
Oh good god
Do NOT eat it
What oh god what the fuck are you doing
Oh ok.
No I don’t believe that they’re dead- well, they don’t look great…
Pick your one favorite organ
The devil inside my child’s head!
Level up eyyy
What a visual
And also to you :)
Oh my god
Ok! What a time. Wow.
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sauriansolutions · 5 months
Eyyy@ It's Christmas! Wintery Solstice! Cold Time Celebration Thing!
I'm still new as heck here, but I love how many people I've been able to interact with over silliness and kinks in so short a span of time!
So, hey, yeah! I welcome anybody who sees my stuff and likes the cut of my jib to ask me for any scenario you wanna see!
Twst characters/scenarios preferred, but rn I'm also into BNHA, BoTW, Chainsaw Man, Mob Psycho, and any OCs you wanna attempt to pitch my way.
This will probably be nothing since I suspect most people are off tumblr doing actual holiday things with family. Or whatever normal people do, but.
Idk, message me if you wanna... deck the halls with... fictional characters and...
Well, that's enough!
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rxttenfish · 1 year
Eyyy there! I've been playing Monster Prom recently and got the EEL ending. It seemed pretty interesting to me that Aaravi, of all characters, didn't show up to Miranda's funeral(or at least, there's no Polaroid showing it.) Since you ship the two, d'you have any idea as to why that's the case?(should this have been a deliberate choice)
honestly in the main game i just assumed that like. aaravi and miranda were never that close? while i do mention the fact that aaravi and miranda have never interacted in canon as another fun little selling point for my ship (because i like untapped potential and also rare f/f pairs that no one else is thinking of), its also still like. a decently important thing to understand in terms of where both of them are at in canon and why this ship is just me clutching onto a piece of driftwood.
like i honestly just assumed that aaravi heard that miranda got killed in a coup, went "huh. well that's what she had coming for being a fucking royal" and continued about her day.
and honestly from the outset i dont think aaravi would like miranda very much? this is a feature of my ship as well, of them gradually starting to understand each other more and having their affections slowly form as they realize they have more in common than they thought - but i REALLY can't imagine any case where the two of them start out thinking super fondly of each other.
aaravi hates authority and hates people telling her what to do and is prickly and aggressive even to the people who stand a much better chance of her liking them, and miranda's a blueblood with strict limitations on who she even deems to be a person and a notorious habit of treating poorly anyone who doesn't immediately recognize her as a Superior. there's no way getting around the fact that these two, on just the face of it, would immediately have problems with each other, and while that's why i like this ship, it's also something that can't come out of nowhere and would probably be super out of character for aaravi to do.
similarly, if they were actually starting to get to know each other in some meaningful way that would make aaravi potentially upset at miranda getting assassinated - aaravi's a tsundere. she HATES for other people to see her in moments of weakness, she has a high barrier of trust that needs to be earned before she'll feel even Moderately Okay crying around someone else, and funerals are like. prime location for a lot of other people seeing you at a low point. especially because miranda's a royal and this is a royal funeral we're talking about. if aaravi needed to process that death, then she'd likely be doing it alone, and that's if she doesn't just decide to repress everything and entirely ignore her emotions in some maladaptive way of coping with them.
even moreso because i kind of see miranda and aaravi as two sides to the same coin, if this makes sense? and in a sense, miranda's constant fear of assassinations and betrayals and coups is VERY similar to aaravi's paranoia around monsters and fear that she can never trust them because they'll always betray her and always want to hurt her in the end. both of these were even encouraged by both of their families, with miranda's family obviously sowing distrust for commonfolk and with aaravi's mom training her to be a slayer going tenfold after her dad left them.
if miranda can get killed out of nowhere from someone that she trusted, and she's shared this fear with aaravi and related to her with it, then aaravi is all too aware that that's not a far cry from her own situation, and it's even a validation of her own fears. someone else she trusted could do the exact same thing to her, planning to kill her and executing such a plan after going through so much effort to ensure that aaravi let them in. if miranda's death is fresh in her mind, then why would she go to a funeral full of nothing but monsters? especially if they might see her cry or get emotional, and right when someone else she knew had her emotions manipulated in the same way because she was vulnerable. not only might aaravi be mourning, but she might have a flareup of her own trust issues and paranoia and trauma, and she might not be in the kind of state where she can go to that kind of event.
it also gets all the more complicated once we consider aaravi's relationship to death. killing monsters is one thing, but she's also seen her mom slowly die, and at that point in monster prom, i believe she still thinks that her brother is dead. funerals could be especially loaded for aaravi, and its very likely that she hates going to them from experience, and could have intentionally passed it up, especially if she just thinks miranda's going to be dead anyways, and no amount of sitting around at a funeral with a bunch of other people is going to bring her back or make them even care. it might not even be about miranda herself, and moreso just that aaravi's relationship to death is already complicated as-is.
but yeah. most of this is just speculation on my part and because i'm out here propping up miravi as a ship, but my opinions on why they didnt do it in-game is just that miranda and aaravi have never interacted and thus aaravi wouldn't care enough to go.
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flecks-of-stardust · 1 year
Pinned Post Eyyy
Call me a name enough times and I'll probably start responding to it, which is what happened to me with Fleck. I also go by Stardust. Pronouns are yes and whatever is funny, but as a general rule of thumb, please use neopronouns and they/them for me if I don't know you. I also use mirror pronouns.
Not a spoiler free blog. I can and will post full spoilers of the stuff I'm interested in. Most commonly blogging about Rain World (including Downpour) at the moment, with a smattering of Hollow Knight and Bug Fables stuff. You can blacklist the main tags if need be.
I may occasionally talk about politics related to my home city. If I do, it'll be tagged with #hong kong rants for blacklisting purposes.
If you talk about hating any sort of arthropod and wanting to kill them I don't want you here. I don't care if you have a phobia or if you have a legitimate reason to be afraid, I don't want to see bug hate. Yes this includes wasps, yes this includes mosquitoes, yes this includes generally unpopular bugs. I block on sight if you leave comments like that on my blog.
For those interested in getting a better look at my header image, here is the associated post!
Current main project(s)
I run @innocence-wont-save-you, an interactive fiction game about Unparalleled Innocence! You can find more information about it on that blog and its pinned post.
I sometimes post IWSY stuff on this blog as well, particularly stuff that is not in character for the IWSY blog. Those posts are tagged with #IWSY, which also includes posts that I find relevant to the overall story. I love talking about the story and the worldbuilding I've done for it, so feel free to talk to me about that! I will gently nudge you over to the blog itself though, because it's designed to take questions like that!
I am also conducting independent research on people's experiences with imaginary friends. If you'd like to participate in the research, this post has more information and a link to the survey.
Other projects
You may have seen me talk about Dreamless and Deathless on this blog before. Those are now split off from their respective source material into an original story universe, Godslayers. Their respective tags, #dreamless au and #deathless au, now serve as archiving, if you'd still like to look through them for whatever reason. They are not linked because I'm unsure of how much I'm comfortable sharing; expect posts in there to be pruned.
I have some stuff related to my Hollow Knight work that I am comfortable sharing, though!:
bug color vision, specifically worldbuilding around non-human color vision that you can use for your buggy writing
language analysis of hollow knight, which is what it says on the tin
and there is #translation complaints, a series I started to talk about Hollow Knight's Chinese translation. It's been a while since I've updated this, but I will go back to it eventually.
Crochet Patterns
I currently have two released crochet patterns! All are free to use, and if you make one with my pattern, feel free to tag me to show me what you've made!
Mini Iterators — Make your own fun sized iterator puppet! (Cloak not included.)
Tiny Slugcats — Make your own pocket sized slugcat!
Tag directory
I crochet and knit a lot, as you may be able to tell from my header! I have dedicated tags for my crochet and knitting projects, which are #crochet shenanigans and #knit mischief respectively.
I have a general tag for my art, #my art, for non-fiber art pieces as well.
Writing wise, I've put a lot of my writing on Tumblr. Rain World pieces use the tag #rain showers, and other writing (usually prose) is tagged #little natterings. Additionally, I've put a few multi-chapter stories on my blog, which are:
#the echo of destruction, a series of seven stories about the iterators.
#avengeance, a four chapter short story about Arti.
#lunar greetings, a five chapter story about Moon and those she meets.
#memory fragments, a series that features the various members of Survivor and Monk's family. This is currently still being written.
All of these stories can also be found on AO3, where I use the same username.
I'm very lazy about following people, so if I talk to you a lot but haven't followed you, don't take it personally. I just like to keep my dash tidy.
For my own use: Pup Masterlist
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despairforme · 1 year
Casually handing Noitra a cup of coffee: "Would you like to share?"
(I know we have not interacted, but hope it is okay to send it in)
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That was one crazy long line. Mah, that's what happened when free shit was handed out, right? Lots of people wanted to have a taste. The stall was having a free-sample day, where they gave out free doughnuts. A good marketing strategy? Maybe. They probably hadn't anticipated THIS many customers. Nnoitra was in no rush. That didn't mean he liked standing in line though. He had half a mind to just PUSH everyone the fuck out of the way. What were they gonna do? He towered over all of them. Causing a scene in such a public place was not the brightest idea though. He shoved his hands in his pockets to resist the temptation to use them to push the person in front of him.
The person behind him spoke to him. He turned around, to see a young, ash-blond woman. She was holding out a cup of coffee for him, offering to share it with him. Nnoitra arched his brows, confused. Usually people were too intimidated to even speak to him (especially women). Why was she being nice? Did she think he was going to let her past him in line? Nnoitra pulled his hands free of his pockets, as if to take the coffee (he assumed it was coffee?)
❝ Is it coffee? 'Cause I don't drink coffee. ❞ What sort of adult didn't drink coffee? Well - HIM. It wasn't because he disliked the taste or whatever (he'd eat/drink anything). It was because he had an allergy to caffeine.
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marsgod · 2 years
eyyy i’m so 👌👌 close to 100 followers and i’m thinking of doing sum event, what should i do?
these are what i got in mind;
character interactions
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strebcrarchives · 1 year
Send me “✰” if you REALLY want our characters to interact!
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Eyyy I'm down to clown *no pun intended* just hop in my inbox or IMs any time! Or just reply to one of my opens and we can see where it goes from there!
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madraleen · 2 years
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The Fires of Heaven- Robert Jordan 4,25/5 stars
LENGTHY jot-it-down-as-it happens commentary under the cut.
-It’s been a while, but I’ve watched my recaps, we should be fine.
-Mmm, Elaida vastly underestimates Fain, this spells disaster, hey ho.
-Oh yay, more Logain and Siuan. I did want to see more of them interacting.
-Why little sister tho.
-Eyyy, Mat <3
-I, too, like that Mat has a smile like a boy about to do mischief, Melindhra.
-Rand with people he’s known since childhood: aloof, distant, wary, abrupt, who is this man. Rand with Aviendha: NOW LISTEN HERE, I only kissed Elayne those few times, and…
-Lol, girl, Aviendha fancies Rand so hard.
-Mat, I’m gonna need you to stop with the “these things always happen around you” comments to Rand.
-Oooh, it’s really cool how balefire works.
-Galad a Child of the Light, oh no.
-Yay, Morgase escapes!
-I really really like how Bryne came to be with and assist the Aes Sedai.
-Ooh, I love that Rand has to physically try to save Aviendha from drowning rather than using the Power again.
-Yessss, Rand and Aviendha, now that’s a ship I can get behind.
-Look at that sweet character development for Nynaeve.
-I’m tired of the “men are like that” “women are like that” comments, but I can’t complain, can I, I did sign up for this.
-MAT killed Couladin?! Yooo!
-I’m really enjoying Mat’s arc.
-So many names and more than half of these people won’t even be mentioned again. You just don’t know where to focus.
-This is Nynaeve’s story, everyone else is a side-character.
-I don’t understand why I find it so satisfying to see Rand snap at people. Dammit, it’s so refreshing to see him emote at all, when he’s usually so secretive and vague and bitter.
-I love seeing Mat and Rand interact, even if they snap at each other.
-Obviously Moiraine is expecting to die soon, but isn’t it too soon?
-Oof, the Rand-Lanfear showdown is iconic.
-Is Moiraine going to push Lanfear and herself inside the doorframe
-Surely Moiraine will come back…? Eventually…? Like… Gandalf…?
-Argh, I love Rand’s POV in this book.
-Aww, why Verin, I like Verin, why did you have to name her like that
-I’m very comforted that Mat and Rand are in each other’s proximity, idk.
-But the Lanfear thing JUST happened and was a total disaster, what exactly do we hope to do against Rahvin.
-It’s nice to see Rand’s and Mat’s different reactions to Moiraine, considering they started at exactly the same point when they met her.
-I really enjoy Mat, and part of it is that he’s a genuine wildcard. With Rand, you don’t know what he’ll do next because he’s deliberately holding back. With Mat, you genuinely don’t know which way he’ll go because he’s that kind of character, otherwise he’s very transparent.
-Ugh ugh ugh, I really like Rand’s struggle of “I must be hard, I’m not hard enough, I must become hard.”
-An a’dam for Moghedien, nice, Nynaeve, nice!
-’Scuse me, Mat and Aviendha aren’t really dead, right? ‘Cause THIS I didn’t sign up for.
-”I will not hurt you, but you could be hurt if you stay” to the servants - these moments of kindness from Rand, I still love him :(
-”And there was Mat [...] content to let someone else do the fighting now that that was possible” - yes, king, do the bare minimum! :’DDD
-Oh, they did die! And it was reversed bc balefire! Nice!
-Rand has cried twice in this book.
-Ugh, Rand laughing genuinely as he tells them “You’re alive,” how long has it been since a real laugh, I can’t with this boy.
-I’m really really curious to see if Rand’s eventual arc IS to become hard and less than human as the Lord Dragon, OR to find the Lord Dragon’s strength in being as human as possible. Which lesson does he have to learn, I’m so curious.
-Noooo, who killed Asmodeannnn, you can’t leave us like that!
-I enjoyed the book so much, but my God, the ruthlessness of literally no Perrin at all for the Perrin fans?? I’m slightly ashamed to say I didn’t miss him, but if this had been Mat, I’d riot. I already rioted when there weren’t enough Rand chapters in the third(?) book.
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astro-break · 8 months
Thoughts on the 3rd ep of Hypmic Rhyme Anima+. Spoilers beware
Season 1 | Ep.1 | Ep.2 |
i love how its samatoki who tsks when ichiro talks, they never stop and i love it fuugen looking dude still has a great design love the fact that they kept the Ramuda is scared of ghosts plotline ww TBH is a silly name DJ or not, but it does tie in some ARB lore eyyy joint mission! does that mean that nagoya and oosaka will be enemies? might be and interesting naughty busters and MCD interactions OFC theres gonna be some good good ichiro/kuko and samatoki/sasara KUKOOO I LOVE YOU the kinshachi! love those little dudes, they're tiger-headed dolphins lol JYUSHIIII you chuuni dork i love your flowery wordss Mr. Kuko wwwwwwww nooo amandaaaa so ripped up oh more visual kei!! i am so happyyy www this villain is so silly i love silly villains. how unfortunate that they'll be plot slaves but they genuinely had something fun going on awww look a kuko being silly and amagani being a silly lawyer LETS GOOO JAKUHITOOO eyyyyy lets go grandmaaaa the MVP of repairing Ichikuko relationship lets gooo naughty butters!!!!! i love themmmm were they also a influence ichiro to get onto the right track? thats sweet ofc they had to tie in different characters together still love that sun shadowing them the moment they talk about the villains the squeakkkkkkkkkkk amanda thats so cuuteeeeee awww no magical girl transformation? rip -
Damn the imagery on this MV goes super hard i love the non-traditional stuff you'll find scattered around at a glance the ones i spot are: buhddist funeral rites with from, what i can count 39 candles which can mean thank you… those funeral flowers look like white chrysanthemums (grief, honesty, truth which the later two may be nods to the fact that they're not in their right minds), pink, and purple carnations which symbolize capaciousness and unpredictability Kuko also references gokurakujoudo which is the most well known higher buddhist celestial land known as the land of bliss so basically he's saying that he's so hot shit that he'll reincarnate into the holiest of holy lands Ragnarok is the end of the known gods according to nordic mythology aside from like. two gods and two humans which means either Jyushi is a ghost as shown in the scene or he's just that cool and survived Kuko's second verse is a reference to old paintings that depicted monks training their spiritual disciplines by mountainsides. if you're an old soul like me, think Libra Dohko's Mnt. Roshi Hitoya's second rap scene is mimicking an egyptian depiction of a weighing of the heart, specifically it seems to be parodying the scene found in the Papyrus of Hunefer. interestingly, the three opponents are on the side in which the feather of maat is commonly depicted on, the thing which the heart is weighed against while Amanda is the heart Hitoya and Kuko's spots on the papyrus is where anubis would be, setting them as the judges who preside over this battle. Jyushi is also sitting where Ammit, the devour of the dead, would be depicted sitting. Ammit is also a goddess, which is fun Given the red moon behind him, Jyushi also plays at a fallen angel The chorus' first scene is another very famous generic buhdist scene. while i don't think it references anything specifically, the three sitting on lotus flowers and the bodhi tree's in the back implies that they are buddah. like no joke, they are actually buddha don't know if this is actually a reference, but the red hell-like place that the three find themselves in might be Sañjīva, one of the buddhist naraka's where those who are reincarnated there are born fully grown and are attacked by other people and monsters return of the kinshachi! kaleidoscopic imagery which is also heavily associated with buddhist imagery That ending is a reference to the spider's thread by ryunosuke akutaguwa! you might remember it if you've played Danganronpa V3 but its a story about a man trying to escape from hell from a spider thread but ultimately falls back into hell because of his greed - that Obaaachannnn is so cute. and the bait and switch was so silly Kuko as always is just the absolute star of the show even if the spotlight isn't on him Huh???? Are Doppo and Hifumi okay???? Please??? you can't just cliffhang that???? how dareeee
Badass Temple endingg lets gooooo Kuko verson is so cute!!! that illust tooo Jyushi is just so stylish and silly, treading that fine line. also is that just water in his champagne glass www this is such a fun ending version i love it. Its just a lot warmer and more comforting in my opinion, super sweet and heartwarming. a lot more electric guitar as well
I'm so glad for their first feature episode I really enjoyed BAT! The song was such a banger and the imagery along with it so evocative. I really liked the episode how it brought everyone together for a chaotic jaunt. I hope next week with dotsuhompo will be just as silly
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kosi-annec · 1 year
Aight back to watch volleyball, not watching with my friend this time
[HAIKYUU!!] Season 1 episode 14
"we'll get past the first round for once" haha lol no, keep dreaming extras HOL UP they knew daichi?? uhhh what's his backstory again HSHSHS damn it has been a while awww them rooting for nekoma to not lose so they can have a rematch, now thats how real rivals work Damn it gonna take all my brain power to memorize all these names, wakatoshi who majiji?? I'm already struggling to memorize all of karasuno's names LMAO side eyeing bun man wwwww ohhhh shit, this is gonna be a redemption for our bun man (i completely forgot his name 😭) EYYY ITS THE BITCH, ITS THE SMUG BITCH Nishinoya making sure their ace ain't going to try and leave again awww omg fucking tanaka the idiot 😂 Bruh kageyama chill out, i get you trying to change from old ways and im here for it but pls calm down, i forget that he can be just as intense as hinata eyo a yama moment?? oh boy self worth issues, it is hard to try and stand out, especially when you're a background character MONTAGE- wait omg kageyama and hinata actually having a calm interaction the heck. LMAO TANAKA DURING THE SPEACH, everyone has done that at some point AWWW KIYOKO- BRUH LMAO THE GUYS 😂 Oh wow its been a while since i've seen these 2 dorks race lol
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