aspd-culture · 11 months
ASPD culture is trying to find advice for parenting with ASPD for the future and being told I kill babies or something
aspd-culture is
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dotssu3 · 10 months
what if Jean was a minion
if jean was a minion that would be BANANAS.
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emotionalsupportrp · 6 months
(honestly the greatest drink they have ❤️💚)
He doesn’t seem to notice how the barista looks at him, because he’s too busy trying to figure out how to order the largest black coffee he can, so he opts for saying exactly that.
He hands over some cash to the woman and goes to wait with her, shooting the barista a scowl when she nearly spills the drinks all over his wife, which he picks up.
“C’mon, gorgeous,” he says as he steps away, following her over to the couch to hand her her coffee and brownie before he takes a seat.
“So you’re drinkin’ a fuckin’ cookie?” He asks, eyeing her drink curiously. “Are those sprinkles? Or wait.. the fuck do you call ‘em again? Jimmies?”
- 🔥
I thank him for my treats and start greedily drinking my latte.
“Mhm.” I smile while licking my lips. “It’s delicious. You wanna try it?” I offer him my straw.
“And these are just good old fashioned sprinkles in my book since they aren’t chocolate.” I gently poke his side, smirking, “Smartass.” I break my brownie in half and give him a piece.
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hephaestn · 2 years
we’ve been so well fed this weekend we’ve got so much vindication. sunday truly is god’s day
god being billy hargrove
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elenaesmoved · 1 year
archetypes quiz.
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60% caregiver. friendly, sincere, and compassionate, the caregiver finds their reward in helping others. no one could ask for a better best friend.
20% spiritual. the spiritual seeks a deeper meaning. for them, the journey of faith is never-ending. thoughtful and compassionate, they have a strong sense of moral obligation.
20% advocate. the advocate is the one everyone wants on their side. in the name of justice, they are not afraid to challenge authority or speak up for others.
tagged by: stole it hehe. tagging: @salvatoraes, @forbaes, @savagevillain, @malka-lisitsa, @l1sabraeden, @cahroline, @agedrot, @khenzi, @lusifr, @gunchamber, @fuckedprophet, @guiltye ( sam ), @s1byls ( bree ) and you!
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darlingjude · 11 months
i think that a lot of jude blogs on here (esp some of the white girls) are starting to really oversexualise him. like very other thing they write is really intense smut and it tends to be filled with stereotypes. it’s something i’ve noticed recently and is making me quite uncomfy :/ what are your thoughts?
factsssss i’m literally so weary of these white fangirls bc they be doing too much all the time it’s scary😭this man will literally just bc sitting there with a phone in his hand and all of a sudden u get some girl talking ab how big his hands are and then adding some sexual comment like it’s so bizarre😭
and yeah 100% most of them are stereotyping him and it’s so weird but then again what do you expect 😭i have no issue with people that write smut bc that’s ur own personal business and i’m not one to judge at all, but some of u just take it too far fr
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theonlykinkysista6969 · 4 months
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somaticmilk · 4 months
toaster Strudel
Factsssss B) 🗣️🗣️💯‼️‼️‼️
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dreamgirlvibes · 1 year
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campwillowpeak · 1 year
Ooooooh, alright!
He loves the city life, but he would no hesitation move you both out to the middle of absolute nowhere, hours drive from any civilization, if it meant keeping you to himself and keeping you dependent on him.
While he'd never want to physically hurt you, he's more than ok with settling for things like Stockholm syndrome or simply being too afraid to run away
He's 110% determined to stay as close to you as possible at all times, you make him feel secure and sound, you're like his security blanket or his emotional support animal. He can't be himself unless you're there in the same room as him, and he adores you for that, which is why he's never going to let you go
If you try and run he won't stop hunting you down. Manage to escape? Start a new life with a different name? One day your gonna come home to your house burnt down and any family you may have built either gone or kidnapped, with him waiting for you right there in the middle of the wreckage, the most loving smile plastered across his face and the most deranged look in his eyes
He'd perceive pretty much everyone but your direct family as a threat trying to take you away from him. Expect to see less and less of your friends after he meets any of them, especially if they try and warn you about anything he may have said to them
He'd 100% gaslight you if he felt he had to, and he'd find a way to justify it in his mind, sometimes even going so far as to end up gaslighting himself into thinking everything is ok.
He would 100% put one of those tracking apps on your phone while you're asleep, even if you two have a good relationship
He'd also check your browsing history every night, don't worry, he already knows all the weird shit you're into anyway :)
He doesn't outwardly WANT to hurt people, which you would think would be a good thing but in reality just makes it even worse. He thinks that because he doesn't WANT to he's fine, he's not insane, he just HAS to, what he's doing is JUSTIFIABLE, because he loves you, so that means it's ok right?
And worse of all, he doesn't wet his toothbrush when he brushes his teeth, just puts the toothpaste in and goes in dry
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tinyy-tea-cup · 3 months
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Can i request some fan facts about Narkissa and Adamas’ relationship (it’s okay to slander Poseidon because he’s Poseidon)
Thank you for the food you have given us (i was totally not stalking your page)
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WAHAHSHDJD HELLO 🫶 and yes i shall feed u loreeee
Sorry this took so freaking long 😭💀 sorry these look rlly half assed and I honestly shouldn’t have decided to make little doodles for each fact 😭 I just wanted to draw them that’s my excuse 😤
Fun Factsssss:
1. Narkissa is actually older than Adamas by a few years (Alrhough pictured here as little children,they actually first met when they were well into their adult years)
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2. Adamas made her a necklace from the ashes of their dead child 😍 it’s a long story erm feel free to dm me about it
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3. HE FELL FIRST AHHHHHHHHHHHH 😭💖 During Titanomachy is when they first met… on the battlefield.
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4. Adamas is actually a really good cook and would cook for Narkissa from time to time (I’m so sorry if you can’t see the food 💀 I messed up)
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5. Mhm she tops (Yeah you’re not getting a pic of that 💀)
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Anyways yeah 😭💖
Again I’m so sorry this took so long 🙏
Taggy pooks:
@miss-seanymph-pani @amphitriteswife @monstertreden @bumblebees-knees-threes @angellior @xo-moxie @hellany
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harbingerofskulls · 7 months
im not new but im giving you a harper fact in exchange for a mattia fact just bc i like hearing abt her with the new pronouns <3
anyways, harper's earliest Gender Rumblings were when they were a ghoul, and to this day they're still rocking that Unlabeled Swag but they didn't even start telling people about the bonus pronoun options until after they were appointed as Scourge. (diversity win! the person conducting the genocide in this city is cisn't!) So, she's still always a little surprised whenever someone genders them as not-a-dude without prompting.
hell yes harper factsssss I need to see More of her. I adore the numerous pronouns options he has it’s so fun. you go you funky little nagaraja… eating all the thinbloods…
also you know So Much about mattia… trying to think of some Mattia fact you might not know…
when I made her (and thought she was 100% a cis guy), mattia was gonna be a lot more Involved with the organized crime part of the Giovanni family. sort of running around being a low level cleaner-of-evidence/fraudulent coroner. that was part of the initial concept and then that was kind of dead in the water so i pivoted and boom. that's how she became the big fucking nerd she is today. like she'd still do similar stuff for her family (for a while at least) but her reason for embrace became a lot more on the Building Up A Powerful Necromancer side instead of being a low level ‘janitor’.
this pivot is where I changed her time in the catacombs from being a personal choice of haven to an exile by her sire (with the explicit intention of both hiding his failure/her embrace as well as forcing her to work on studying to be a necromancer + easy body disposal). honestly i think she's far better off with the pivot - bc otherwise i don't see her being enticed with the forbidden knowledge of Mortis and making the connections to leave the Giovanni for good!!
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streaminn · 10 months
wednesday needs to kiss her so she stops being so worried
like just give her a hug, she doesn't need much
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traumatizedgus · 4 months
if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog!
Here ya go bud, don't feel pressured to participate ;)
aaaaaa I wasn’t even aware my asks were open this is so cool!!! Um anyways ok ok
Let’s see three random factsssss
1. My favorite characters usually die first (or early on)
2. I’m terrified of dogs (generally smaller ones)
3. I know how to play the Bass Clarinet !!!
These were literally the first things that came to mind so uhhh enjoy them!!!
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theonlykinkysista6969 · 11 months
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escapismqueen · 10 months
"Remember when you were the only one that'd let her tag after you and the boys" No Susannah that was Jeremiah I hate how the show gave Jeremiah's parts to Conrad to make him look good it annoys me.
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