#fahnestock state park
minister-erik · 1 month
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HIDDEN LAKE (Clarence Fahnestock State Park) - Composition Thursday
© Erik McGregor - [email protected] - 917-225-8963
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klang-art · 2 years
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Second piece (currently hanging at Wallkill River School), “Keeper” is from my campsite during the week. Tons of lovely erratics around Clarence Fahnestock State Park.
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saddlebums · 7 months
Lunch and an Airshow
Riding to the Hangars Cafe at Sky Acres Airport
40 miles northeast of the Bear Mountain Bridge in Orange County, New York, is yet another small airport that serves up some great grub. In previous posts I raved about the lunch at Blairstown Airport and Sky Manor Airport in New Jersey. Well, here’s a third to add to the list.
Besides the top-notch nosh the other requirement to make the grade of an “epic” Saddle Bums small airport adventure are scenic back roads leading to the destination. Check. Route 301 out of Cold Spring, NY, is a well-known motorcycle route that winds its way east through Fahnestock State Park leading to Farmers Mill Road and a succession of lightly-traveled country roads.
The Hangars Cafe gets a Three-And-A-Half Fork Legs Saddle Bums rating, held back from a coveted Four due to the warm iced tea in a plastic cup.
Music: Surfing Drums by Dick Dale
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Corey worked from home today, so we got a chance to get out and take a walk around Fahnestock State Park.
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placeswordsdreams · 5 years
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Appalachian Trail, Fahnestock State Park, New York
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sarta22 · 6 years
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Highlands Trail
Day 35: May 15
Clove Creek Pond to Canopus Lake
Route miles: 3.7
Total daily miles: 7.4
Total route miles: 144.84
Total miles: 297.34
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mizar113 · 3 years
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Clarence Fahnestock State Park
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shieldretired · 2 years
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@symbiiotic​​ did not ask for this, but Steve was acting like a cranky child until I typed it out 
                    FOR THEIR THIRD DATE, THEY DECIDE TO HAVE A LITTLE PICNIC. Steve makes some sourdough bread and a fruit salad (he’s good at baking, and it’s not hard to chop some fruit) and buys cheese and salami, and Eddie is responsible for bringing the drinks and driving because he has the awesome motorcycle. (Steve is really into the bike; plus, he can slide up to him and wrap his arms around his waist and all, so.) They drive up north to Fahnestock State Park, where they walk around the lake a little and then eat in a sunny spot near the shore. It’s nice; it really is.
                    They decide to drive back around 3 P.M. because it’s spring and it’s going to get very cold soon, so they pack up, walk back to Eddie’s bike, and hit the road. A rainstorm hits them out of nowhere when they still have 10 miles to go; fat droplets of water pelt against their helmets and seep into their clothes. Steve tries to snuggle up even closer to Eddie’s back, missing the internal furnace the serum always granted him when he starts to shiver because of the cold. It’s a blessing to see the house when Eddie turns into the driveway. Steve stumbles off the bike and winces when his bad knee, already hurting from all the walking he did today, gets even worse because of the cold. He’s soaked to the skin. Even the socks inside his boots are wet; only his head is dry when he pulls the helmet off. 
                    “Aww, jeez, c’mon ––– come inside, you’re gonna catch a cold. I can put your clothes into the washer and give you something dry to wear. And you can get a hot shower,” he adds because that’s definitely something he wants now. “And we’ll wait until the rainstorm has passed, or you take my car back home.”
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aliceaddellheidde · 3 years
A/N: This is for @the-ss-horniest-book-club Lucky in love. March 29 – Victory.
WORDS: 819
WARNINGS: swearing, fluff
PAIRING: Bucky Barnes x reader (eventually) {Soulmates AU}
DISCLAIMERS: Endgame happened, but only Thanos and his peasants died. English isn´t my first language so sorry for mistakes.
Moi, Rai and Parca are genderless & are using they/their pronouns.
This is soulmates au. When you get tattoo, your soulmate gets it as well on same spot. It glows when you touch.
This is multi-chapter story. 18/19
Pick from here
Divider by @rainbowkisses31
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Bucky was nervous for days. And it was all Stephanie´s and Brian´s fault. They just got engaged last week and didn't talk about anything else. Bucky noticed your interest about Stephanie´s ring and you spent most of the time with her doing gods know what. He missed you. And he also wanted to smack Brian for proposing before him. Bucky had small velvet box for months! He even prepared his speech. It is supposed to be tomorrow, as it was your 3 years anniversary. He also rented vintage Volkswagen caravan for your trip.
„Hi baby!” you said when you came back home. „Hi doll. How was your day?” He hugged you and kissed your nose. „You know. The usual.” You smiled at him and hugged him back. „No doll, I don’t know. That's the problem. You're not talking to me.” You looked at him, confused. „I do. You know I was with Stephanie.” „Yeah. But I don’t know where you went. Or with who else.” „That's bit controlling. Don’t you think?” „No. I´m hearing same answer for days!” „Maybe because I don’t feel like talking to you about every small detail. I have work and I´m helping my friend. I´m tired when I get home.” „You're always with her!” „Because she needs my help with wedding!” „And what about me? I need you too! I wasn't with you for so long. You're always gone.” You sighted and he angrily ruffled his hair as suffocating atmosphere spread between you.
„I'm sorry doll.” he said after few moments. „I'm sorry too. I know I wasn't telling you stuff, but honestly Bucky? I don’t think you wanna know all details about wedding. That's what we were doing these days. It´s boring for most of men.” „I'm not like them. You can tell me everything.” He softly caressed your cheek and you smiled. „Even boring junk?” „Yes.” „Ok, but when you will have a headache from it, it´s not my fault. We will need pizza.” You squealed when he picked you up and carried you to your shared room. You showed him thick book with wedding ideas and he gave you passionate, pre-anniversary lovemaking before bed.
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Saturday morning was great for Bucky. He finally woke up with you in his embrace after whole, long week. You looked beautiful. Face relaxed, hair splayed over you pillow, your limbs holding him on spot. He breathed in your comfort smell, small smile on his lips. He didn't want to wake you up, but you had trip planned. He started lightly by kissing your temple, cheek, nose and when you turned your head away from him, he kissed your neck, squeezing your hips. „Wake up doll face.” He tickled your side. „No.” you said sleepily. „C´mon. It´s our anniversary and we are going on a trip.” That woke you up in mere seconds. „Oh gosh, I forgot! You want your present now or later?” „Later. We have to prepare things we´re taking.” He laughed when you hurried to pack.
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Few hours later you were in your destination. „Fahnestock State Park! Finally we are here.” You found your camping place, Bucky made fire and you enjoyed fresh air and woods around you. When the dark came you put blankets and double sleeping bag on the ground. „Did you bring a telescope?” you asked Bucky, but no answer came. You turned around and found him kneeling on one knee in front of you with red box in hand.
„Dear Y/N Y/L/N, my doll. You're light of my life and I know it will never be complete without you. When I look into your eyes, I know I´m home. I know my heart is safe in your hands when you share your love with me. You deserve the very best and I´m willing to give it to you till the end. So Y/N, will you marry me?” You were crying and ran to the caravan. Bucky was left alone with his breaking heart. But suddenly you came back and knelt down opposite him. „James Buchanan Barnes, yes. I´ll marry you. Will you marry me?” You took out small box from your pocket and Bucky's felt his heart speed up. „Yes! Thousand times yes!” Now you were both crying and gasped when you saw rings you picked. You took out one from your box and put it on Bucky's finger. He did same and then you threw yourself at him. „I love you Buck.” „Love you Y/N.” Your kissing quickly accelerated and you had to go inside the caravan.
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„It could have occurred to me that you would ask me.” laughed Bucky when you were in your sleeping bag, stargazing. „I saw that ring at the shop and I knew I have to buy it.” „It´s prefect doll. As you are.” „Not as much as you Sergeant.” You smiled at each other and continued staring at dark sky.
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trysteroo · 4 years
2020, Week 40: September 28th through October 4th
Made Ottolenghi’s bulgur with mushrooms feta and dill, minus the feta (because it went moldy). I used goat cheese instead, but it didn’t work as well -- too soft and not salty enough. I’ve made this recipe a bunch of times and it’s one of my favorites -- highly recommend (with feta, not goat cheese).
Watched Wise Blood (1979). I’ve been having a lot of luck lately with watching film adaptations of novels. I still like the book better, but this was really well done. 
Saturday October 3rd marked my 200th day in quarantine (approximately 196 of which I have spent alone). Wild.
My family and I attempted to hike the part of the Appalachian Trail that runs through the Clarence Fahnestock State Park. When we arrived, the road that leads to that area of the park was clogged up with cars and was being patrolled by people with clipboards. We just accepted this was a weird way the world is different now because of COVID and waited on line, like fools. A woman approached our car with a clipboard and asked us if we had an appointment. My father said no, and she responded, huffily, “Of course. Nobody thinks they need to make an appointment.” As it happens, that section of the park was closed for hazardous household waste day (didn’t know that was a thing). We still hiked, albeit in a different section of the park, but we spent a good 15 minutes unnecessarily waiting on the stupid hazardous waste line.  
Watched Ghost (1990), which I’d somehow never seen, and it was way funnier than I expected it to be.
Made my favorite cornbread! Added rosemary on top with the black pepper, but it didn’t add too much in terms of flavor (maybe it was just overpowered by the sheer abundance of black pepper). My recipe differs from the link -- I only add 1/4 cup of sugar (I do not like sweet cornbread) and bake for 45 min in a cast iron skillet. Use a sharp mature cheddar to get that cheese flavor, otherwise you can’t really taste it.
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irene-sheldon · 4 years
Watch "Appalachian Trail ~ Fahnestock State Park ~ Rt 301 to Sunken Mine Rd. Pt. 1" on YouTube
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minister-erik · 3 months
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CANOPUS LAKE (clarence fahnestock state park) - Composition Tuesday
© Erik McGregor - [email protected] - 917-225-8963
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gov-info · 5 years
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May is Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month – a celebration of Asians and Pacific Islanders in the United States. A rather broad term, Asian-Pacific encompasses all of the Asian continent and the Pacific islands of Melanesia (New Guinea, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Fiji and the Solomon Islands), Micronesia (Marianas, Guam, Wake Island, Palau, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Nauru and the Federated States of Micronesia) and Polynesia (New Zealand, Hawaiian Islands, Rotuma, Midway Islands, Samoa, American Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, Cook Islands, French Polynesia and Easter Island).
The month of May was chosen to commemorate the immigration of the first Japanese to the United States on May 7, 1843, and to mark the anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869. The majority of the workers who laid the tracks were Chinese immigrants.
This Web portal is a collaborative project of the Library of Congress and the National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
150th Anniversary of the Purchase of Alaska (National Archives Flickr Album)
Alaskan Digitization Project (National Archives Flickr Album)
Blog posts from the American Folklife Center (Library of Congress) on Asian Americans
Library of Congress Pinterest board
Smithsonian Institution Pinterest board
Works by Asian American Artists from the Collection -- National Gallery of Art Pinterest board
National Archives
100 Milestone Documents - The Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)
100 Milestone Documents - Joint Resolution to Provide for Annexing the Hawaiian Islands to the United States (1898)
An Alleged Wife: One Immigrant in the Chinese Exclusion Era (Prologue Magazine, Spring 2004)
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month on Flickr
Images of Japanese Internment at the FDR Presidential Library
Letters from the Middle Kingdom: The Origins of America's China Policy (Prologue Magazine, Winter 2002)
Revisiting Korea: Exposing Myths of the Forgotten War (Prologue Magazine, Summer 2002)
National Endowment for the Humanities
Chinese American: Exclusion/Inclusion
Crossing Cultures: the Art of Manga in Hawaii
Preserving Asian-American History and Culture
Treasures from Korea: Arts and Culture of the Joseon Dynasty, 1392-1910
National Gallery of Art
Chinese Porcelain at the National Gallery of Art
Colorful Realm: Japanese Bird-and-Flower Paintings by Itō Jakuchū (National Gallery of Art)
In the Tower: Nam June Paik
National Park Service
The Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Initiative
Asian American and Pacific Islander Travel Itinerary
National Register of Historic Places
Kalaupapa National Historic Park
Pu'ukohola Heiau National Historic Site
Manzanar National Historic Site
Manzanar National Historic Site Online Exhibition
Minidoka National Monument
Tule Lake Unit of the WWII Valor in the Pacific National Monument
Library of Congress
      The Asian and Pacific Islander Experience in America    
Asian Collections: An Illustrated Guide
The Beginning of Asian Collections
Country Study by Continent: Asia
Digitized Newspapers: Topics from Chronicling America    --  Krakatoa Volcano Eruption  --  Theodore Roosevelt's 'Great White Fleet'  --  Russo-Japanese War
The Fahnestock South Sea Collection
Four Masters of Chinese Storytelling Video Collection (Finding Aid)
Harold C. Conklin Philippine Collection
Japanese Prints: Seasons and Places (Flickr site)
Korean Bibliography
Philippine Bibliography
Selections from the Naxi Manuscript Collection
South Asian Recordings in the Archive of Folk Culture (Finding Aid)
Vasant Panchami: A Celebration of Learning
Smithsonian Institution
Celebrate! Where Asia Meets America
Online exhibitions of Asian art and culture at the Freer | Sackler museums of Asian Art
Righting a Wrong: Japanese Americans and World War II Exhibition (Smithsonian Institution)
World Digital Library: Imagery
Polynesian Fertility  Rites
Samoans Posed in Front  of a Hut with Palm Fronds and Thatched Roof
The Ukulele: Portuguese  Gift to Hawaii
Vietnam Veterans  Memorial, Competition Drawing
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at Clarence Fahnestock State Park https://www.instagram.com/p/BztVns9hs8P/?igshid=1pbom777m5fqg
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placeswordsdreams · 5 years
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Catfish Loop Trail, Fahnestock State Park, New York
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sarta22 · 6 years
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Highlands Trail
Day 42: May 23
Waywayanda Lake to Pudding Street
Route miles: 4.83
Total daily miles: 5.65
Total route miles: 172.5
Total miles: 346.3
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