#fallen angel!reader
saturncodedstarlette · 2 months
[After the fallen]
Fallen Angel!Lucifer, winced from the fresh wounds : Do you think.. we made the right choice?
Fallen Angel!Y/N, tending to his wounds : Huh? What made you think that?
Fallen Angel!Lucifer : I mean— just look at me. I look like— like a monster, a demon! I’m not like the graceful swan you admired anymore..
Fallen Angel!Y/N : . . .
Fallen Angel!Y/N : Give me your hand.
Fallen Angel!Lucifer : Uh sure? But why—
Fallen Angel!Y/N : Just let me see something.
Fallen Angel!Y/N, looking at his palm : Hmm. A long lifeline as expected.
Fallen Angel!Y/N : Oh— and, this one means that you’re strong. Both physically and emotionally.
Fallen Angel!Y/N : Hmm. Hmm, mmm, mmm! Well, that’s funny.
Fallen Angel!Lucifer, invested : What?
Fallen Angel!Y/N : I don’t see any——
Fallen Angel!Lucifer : Any what?
Fallen Angel!Y/N : —monster lines. Not a single one.
Fallen Angel!Lucifer : . . .
Fallen Angel!Y/N, cups his face in their hands : Oh my dear Lucifer, you may not believe me. But just know that I’ll always stand besides you through whatever comes for us. Even if we’re somehow separated, I’ll find a way back to you.
Fallen Angel!Y/N : If rescuing you is a sin, then I’ll gladly become the sinner. You won’t be alone on this road.
Fallen Angel!Lucifer, tearing up : My dove..
Fallen Angel!Lucifer, pulling them into a kiss : What did I do to deserve you?
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tanith-rhea · 1 year
Could I request Lucifer x champion reader?
Can be sfw or nsfw👀, little bit of hurt/comfort, missunderstandings, them being reunited and maybe love confessions?
Much like Lucifer R used to an angel, knowing Lucifer back then aswell, R being considered a Golden child but also a trouble maker because they craved freedom, R remained and mourned when Lucifer fell but was prevented from following after them by their parents, R becoming kinda like a replacement for Samael in heaven since they were both the best and favorites despite their trouble making nature. Eventually R rebels against heaven and chose to leave and revisit their “best friend” you can chose how it continues and ends.
Your Feelings True
Oookay so that was a bit of a rollercoaster. I loved your request and as soon as I read it I had two different plots in my mind. Since I liked both so much, I thought why not do both! So we have the same premise but with two endings: one Happy with a hint of corruption and one Angsty with cruel Lucifer and sad feels. I hope you enjoy it! Also, it is sfw, but I liked the happy ending very much and will probably do a small continuation for it especially because I want LUCIFER SMUT. Sorry, Gwen's Lucifer just does things to me...
Anyway... enjoy!
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You remembered what had brought you there, in front of the Ruler of Hell. How could you forget? Their beautiful face could never fade from your memories, no matter how many millennia passed. Their laughter whenever you toyed with your siblings’ creations, how delighted they looked when the others discovered your shenanigans. You could never get rid of the feeling they blossomed in your celestial, immaterial and hypothetical heart. Angels were made of something else, not flesh and bones, certainly not organs, but your chest still hurt as if something inside it clenched every time you thought of your best friend; the one who got away.
“Anael?” their voice was still soft, but more calculative than when last you spoke, “I thought my demons had it wrong when they claimed seeing an angel fall to our doorstep.”
You had rebelled. The Silver City didn’t have anything for you anymore. Since you were forced to battle on opposing sides with the monarch in front of you, Heaven lost its appeal, it also lost its righteousness to you. How could it be right to fight the ones you loved? Forget ineffability, it simply made no sense.
“I came for you, Samael-”
Their laughter interrupted you. You could not fail to notice the stark difference from the ones you were used to hear when you were young, just two mischievous archangels fooling around in creation, crafting the most breathtaking stars and cosmical explosions to fill the universe with beauty.
“I haven’t been called that for a long time,” if you didn’t know them your entire existence, maybe you wouldn’t have noticed the sliver of disappointment behind their practised cordial façade, but you did.
“Would you prefer I called you Lightbringer? Morning Star?” you smiled tenderly at them “Lucifer?”
Nothing changed much on their face. It saddened you that the being you loved, once full of mirth, seemed now a sealed vault, keeping everything away from view. You could not look at them without sorrow.
“Lucifer, I came here for you. I rebelled against our creator like I should have done all these years ago, to be with you,” you reach for their hand, and they let you take it.
“I seem to remember you cowering and betraying me,” they caress your hand in theirs, smiling faintly to themselves, for which reason you could not tell “You knew I would be cast here, didn’t you?”
“I overheard God and Gabriel talking of your rebellion. God certainly knew I was aware of your fate but didn’t seek me to explain. I knew you would be cast to the farthest place from Heaven, but I didn’t know of the existence of Hell, I only thought we would be so far away that no light would ever kiss our skin again, and I could not let you do that to yourself.”
Their grasp on your hand loosened, and they brought both their hands to your face, caressing your cheeks free of the few tears staining them. They were so gentle, their face so compassionate that you were overcome by your feelings, covering their hands with yours and looking deep into their eyes.
“I love you, Lucifer. I could not live a second more away from your presence. The Silver City in all its glory pales in comparison to my feelings for you.”
At that moment, Lucifer closed the space between your faces, coming down to meet you in the middle. They kissed you feverously, ferociously, as if their life depended on it, and you responded with just as much. You felt their fingers holding your head strongly, if you were a different being you might have felt searing pain from the sheer force they held you with, the desperation in them almost too much, too overwhelming.
Suddenly you screamed, parting from them in a panicked thrashing. Your wings were burning.
Happy Ending
Immediately, Lucifer held up their hands, deep sorrow and resentment twisting their face. They stepped close to you while you screamed and thrashed like a wounded animal, eyes wide with no understanding of what was happening and why your feathers had simply combusted.
“Shh, calm down, my love,” they walked carefully in your direction “It will end soon, I’m afraid I can’t make it stop but let me help you with the pain.”
The fire was slowly subsiding, in their place blackened leathery wings like a bat’s were becoming visible. The smell of burnt flesh was not uncommon in Hell, but somehow you could tell the smell of your own body from the others.
You fell to the ground, all strength was gone from you, and Lucifer encircled you with their wings, pulling you to their lap in a protective bubble. Their touch was oddly calming and you felt yourself give in to their soft words.
“I must admit I thought you would have burned in your fall. Perhaps Heaven is a bit more vindictive than we give it credit for.”
You could not believe they would do this to you. You saw it happening to Lucifer, but somehow you thought it would be different now, you thought your wings would remain dove-white and gentle. It appeared you were wrong.
“Come, I’ll take care of you,” they lifted you in their arms, taking you to what you could assume was their chambers “I will make you the strongest ruler to ever exist. No real shall be unaware of your power, fierceness, and wisdom. You will rule by my side, and we will bring those bastards to dust.”
As they whispered in your years, you felt a slow smile twisting your lips. Maybe it was the fall, maybe you resented The Presence since the first rebellion, but the thought of burning it all to the ground sent you into a satisfied sleep, in your dreams, you saw Hell the only remaining realm in the universe.
Angsty Ending
“Do you think I believe for a second that you chose to come to me? To abdicate the cold comfort of the Silver City for your supposed ‘affection’ for me?” their voice was cold and cruel, their smile just as kind and comforting as before. You could not understand how such bitterness could be hidden by so perfect of a mask.
When your guard were down, Lucifer manipulated the flames in the throne room to burn you, making your wings as black as theirs.
“Bitterness has consumed everything good in you, Samael, you’re a shadow of who you were, you’re not free, you are a slave to your resentment!” you shouted, infuriated. The rage building in your body enough to power a hundred smites. However, you had just fallen, your wings were just burned, and even with the power for a very decent battle against Lucifer, you lacked the strength to wield it.
“Mazikeen, please escort our guest to their cell. Make sure it’s the right one, where they’ll be able to contemplate what a foolish choice it was to betray me,” they said, gesturing with their hand to summon the archdemon.
You didn’t have a way of escape, Lucifer would make sure you were securely held in their claws, so you simply accompanied the creature to your new abode, a windowless cell of hot obsidian. It was just your luck you discovered that now you could burn.
After hours of introspection, sitting in your hellishly warm and uncomfortable cell, you realize why Samael were entitled “Prince of Lies”. Because in the throne room, when you looked into their eyes, you could swear on your life and the life of all living beings that they loved you just as much as you did them. It appeared you were wrong.
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
Hello! Could I request scenario number 3 and dialogue 5 fluff with Sabo as a character?
So I didn't want to make her a marine like I did with my Killer fic, I couldn't come up with a way to write her as a celestial dragon, but then I got this, so I hope you like it!
Warnings: Demon!Sabo, Fallen Angel/Demon!Reader, removal of wings, Fem!Reader (sorry, I wrote it before I thought about making it gender neutral)
Word Count: 1400
     It wasn’t supposed to be like this, these kinds of things weren’t supposed to happen to your kind. This was the kind of thing that was supposed to happen to him, to his kind. And it happened by their hand, no less. Not him, not them, but your own. How could they be so cruel? This… they… weren’t supposed to be like this. Angels were supposed to be merciful! Yet falling to the ground for probably the 5th time in the last hour, you were starting to realize that everything you’d once thought true might be a lie. Stumbling forward, your vision blurred, trying to make out buildings as you forced yourself ever forward. He had a home around here somewhere, an apartment in the mortal realm. You couldn’t go back, not after what they’d done, you couldn’t just go to his realm, you’d be torn apart. But you needed help, you needed someone to turn to. Honestly, you weren’t sure you had the right building, the right number, the golden digits all seemed to blur together. Add to that, the fact that you weren’t even sure if this was the right place, and you almost found yourself praying that this was the right place. But praying wouldn’t do you any good, not after what had happened to you. Praying would just help them find you, it would just bring them down upon you once more. Leaning against the door, you pounded a bloody fist against the wood. The moment the door opened, you almost fell, if not for the arms that soon made their way under you, holding you up. Looking up, you gave a weak smile when you spotted the familiar blond hair and scar. 
     “Nowhere else… can’t trust… please… help.” you muttered before losing consciousness.
     Sabo had seen a lot of things from his time in hell, he’d seen a lot from his time in the mortal realm. But this was something new. He knew you, you were an angel that regularly fought against him, one of the few people who could actually keep up with him. An intriguing angel that had caught his eye. Your beauty was nothing that surprised him, you were an angel, that was a given. What interested him was your willingness to bend the rules, your admittance that heaven and angels were flawed. Picking you up, he carried you inside, laying you down on the bed he kept. He didn’t need it, but from time to time, he enjoyed what the humans referred to as a ‘nap’. Looking you over, he winced. You were covered in injuries. Deep cuts and bruises, burn marks and jagged gashes. Yet none of it compared to the real horrors, your wings, once a beautiful brilliant blue, now torn asunder, bloody remnants barely hanging onto your back. Closing his eyes, he gently took what remained of one of your wings, cutting through the last couple of inches, pulling it away from your body before doing the same with the other. He hated doing it, but they’d never heal, you’d never be able to fly with them again, they would only bring you pain. Gently stroking some of the vibrant blue feathers, he sighed sadly. How many times had he complimented your wings while fighting? He’d considered them one of your most beautiful features. Slowly, he removed as many of the undamaged feathers as possible before setting the remains of the wings alight, burning until there was nothing but ash.
     It was days before you finally awoke, wrapped in bandages and aching all over. You’d never experienced this kind of pain before.
     “Hey, it’s good to finally see you’re awake. You uh, look like you’re in pain. I… would you like me to help?” Sabo asked, giving you a small, sympathetic smile.
     “What’s the cost? You’re a demon, right? There’s always a cost with your kind.” you said bitterly, looking away. Sabo sighed, walking over to you and sitting on the bed next to you.
     “No cost, or uh, nothing too bad. It’ll delay the healing process a bit, but you won’t feel any pain.” he offered, surprising you.
     “I… yeah, I’d like that… thanks.” you said, watching as a red glow emanated from his hands, the pain slowly fading away.
     “So you wanna tell me what happened or not ready to talk about it?” he asked once he’d numbed the pain, making you sigh.
     “You took me in and helped me. Whether or not I’m ready, you deserve to know.” you muttered, playing with the blanket that had covered you just a moment ago.
     “Hey, if you’re not ready, I can wait. No rush. Whatever happened was bad, bad enough that you came to me. If you need time, take it.” he offered. Shaking your head, you sighed.
     “No, it’s… best if I tell you now… you were right, you know. About the problems with heaven, about the other angels.” you said, surprising him. He’d honestly never expected to hear those words out of your mouth, “I don’t even know why they did it. They didn’t say anything. They just… they just tied me down and…” tears started to stream down your cheeks as your hands shook. 
     “Stop, you don’t need to continue. You can tell me later.” he said as he held you. You just nodded, holding him back. 
     Months passed before you told him what happened, the young man looking at you sympathetically. He’d told you about how he’d had to remove your wings, showing you the remaining few feathers that he’d carefully stitched into a miniature pair of wings for you. Sitting on the couch, you sighed, gently running your fingers over the soft blue feathers. Even though it reminded you of what you’d lost, it calmed you, let you think. 
     “Hey, can I ask you one thing?” Sabo asked, looking over at you, making you look up at him. 
     “You took me in, patched me up, and have let me stay, you can ask whatever you want.” you said with a chuckle, making Sabo chuckle as well.
     “Don’t worry, I won’t abuse this privilege.” he teased, “I was just wondering, why come to me? I get you couldn’t go back to heaven, but why not, I don’t know, find another fallen angel or an open-minded human? Why come to a demon? Why come to the demon you always fight against?” he asked, making you sigh.
     “Because you’re not a bad guy. I’ve fought you enough, known you for long enough to know that you’re a pretty good person…. Besides… I… I can’t stop thinking about you, no matter how hard I try not to. Even before… all this, you… you were often on my mind.” you said, giving him a tentative smile. Sabo smiled back, sitting next to you on the couch. 
     “I… I can’t give you your wings, can’t give you these wings back.” Sabo said, running his fingers over the delicate feathers, “but I can give you a way to strike back at the ones who took them from you, give you a chance to fight again, and a chance to fly again.” he offered. You smiled, gently running a thumb over the feathers. Getting up, you grabbed a lighter, taking a deep breath before holding it to the blue feathers, letting them burn. It was the last ties you had to your old self, to what you used to be. Sabo wrapped his arms around you from behind, comforting you as you both watched the miniature wings burn. 
     “You know, I fell in love with you a long time ago.” Sabo whispered, turning your head to face him. You couldn’t help but smile, reaching one hand up to caress his cheek as his lips pressed against yours. Large, blue, leathery wings wrapped around the two of you, encasing the both of you as you kissed. Pulling back, his wings pulled away, revealing a new pair of wings sprouting from your back. Just as blue as your old ones, yet these weren’t covered in the feathers of your old ones, they were like his. 
     “Fight by my side? Against the injustices of heaven?” he asked, one hand under your chin.
     “Gladly.” you said before pulling him in for another kiss. Perhaps they’d never truly been ‘your kind’. Maybe you’d always been more like him, more like ‘his kind’ than you’d previously thought.
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werecreature-addicted · 3 months
part one
Fallen angel who can't help but crave sex every moment after you two make love for the first time. He doesn't want to eat or sleep or work, he wants to be balls deep inside your perfect cunt. He's only ever known Devotion, not even as a form of love, but as a way of life, now that he's lost his god he has nothing to devote himself to except for your perfect body and the holy way you cum. He eats you out with the same diligence as he used to pray. He knows your body the way a priest knows the bible. Your cries of pleasure are like gospel music. divine.
He drizzles honey over your tits and sucks your skin clean again, lavishing you with his tongue, teasing your nipples with his teeth. If you're worried that he's not eating enough he'll gladly take every meal at the alter of your breasts.
He feels unworthy when you bathe him, no amount of soap will make him clean again. He doesn't deserve your soft affection. if anything, he should be bathing you, kneeling at your feet, bringing warm water over your body, tenderly washing every inch. but he's not the worshiper he once was, he gets distracted, and he strokes your pussy slowly back and forth, the soap long forgotten as he "cleans" you. He strokes your clit slowly, his breath fluttering as you twitch against the pad of his fingers. He's so lucky to be in the cult of your love, your first and only follower. Normally he knows that people would try to share this pleasure, this sanctum, but the thought of sharing you twists him inside. He thinks he'd kill anyone else who tried to worship you the way he does.
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randomgurl2326 · 4 months
Adam Relationship Headcannons
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You two met after the whole Lilith and Eve debacle
You were sent to be his Guardian Angel down in the Garden of Eden. Honestly, he couldn’t care less about Eve when he first saw you
He was in the middle of the garden, talking to Eve and then you show up… man’s whipped. Simp I tell you
(Actually wished that you were made to be his wife instead of the baddie Lilith or the goodie-two-shoes Eve)
Again. Whipped.
Now, tho is guy… whewww. He may seem incredibly misogynistic to practically everyone around him. But he can be a total sweetheart
He would—if you didn’t know how to already—teach you how to shred on the guitar
Speaking of guitars, that gold strat that he had during the battle in the last episode is only used during a special occasion (case and point, when you two have a date night or after sex)
He also serenades you every chance he gets
After dinner
After a meeting
After sex
After just walking the goddamn promenade
I also think he would be heavenly (ha! See what i did there? No? Okay…) in the kitchen. Especially for date night. Adam knows how to make the best prime rib in heaven
(Lute totally hasn’t tried to blackmail the recipe out of him)
Adam is also very insecure about how he looks under his mask
Especially after having two wives ditch him for Lucifer
He definitely needs to be praised on a daily basis, even if it seems like he’s an egotistical asshole
Every day you tell him how handsome he is and he doesn’t believe you (c’mon have you seen him fuckin’ hot)
You two sometimes don’t see each other days on end because you both work so much. You being a high-ranking Angel/seraphim and him being well… the first man on Earth
If you guys go especially long for not seeing each other, you guys hole up a few days in your shared home spending time with each other among other things…
By the way, you and Lute are best friends, probably more than her and Adam
Like, seriously, if you’re not with him, you’re with her. Gossiping or fucking around, it’s heaven, there’s infinite things to do
You two are also very lovey dovey with each other
One time Sera had cover Emily’s eyes with her wings because you two were making out and feeling each other up in the middle of the Heavenly Court Room
Despite all of his faults, he’s a good husband to you, a great one actually. And if you two were to ever have kids, he’d definitely be the dad who everyone loves
He would introduce them to rock, punk, metal.
Definitely plays his guitar to get them to sleep every night
Okay… he want lying about being the Dick Master. He can pleasure women, that is not a problem for him
Also, it might not seem like it, but he loves going down on you. Probably one of his favorite pass times actually
I swear, this man could make you scream his name within minutes. No joke
Don’t get me wrong, he loves receiving head
But just not as much as he loves eating pussy (Lilith and Eve missed out on that one for sure)
He also has a bigger dick than average
Probably 6-7.5 inches in length and hella girthy. Uncircumcised (duh), and a vein that runs up the bottom of it
Definitely knows how to use it
Every one within a five mile radius of your guys’ house… let’s just say I feel really bad for them
No joke, he is insane about pleasuring you
This probably also feeds into his insecurity about you leaving him (you won’t)
He for sure has a praise kink. Seriously, tell him he’s a good boy and he’s unraveling under your touch instantly
His favorite position is cowgirl (what can he say, he loves powerful women)
But he’s down for whatever position you want; missionary, warrior, against a wall, whatever
Speaking of wall sex, Lute has definitely caught you two more than once
The first time she did was when you two were in Adam’s office while he was supposed to be planning the next extermination. She came to ask him a question about it and there you two were. Goin’ at it like rabbits on the wall next to his desk
She couldn’t look you guys in the eye for three weeks. It was terrible
Adam also doesn’t seem like the type of guy to have sex toys or feel the need to use them
But, again, he’s whipped. So he’s willing to do whatever you want to do
Wont admit this to anyone but you, but he likes to sub every once in a while. Especially with all the ‘first man’ stuff weighing down on him he needs a way to get away from all that stress
Despite him making crude jokes about sex, he’s a very giving partner in bed
He had to make sure you cum at least twice before he gets his dick wet
Also, have I mentioned how good he is at eating pussy? Oh, I have? Yeah, well, he is (especially with that tiny bit of stubble on his chin… gahhh)
Just needed to get it out there
All in all, Adam is a very giving person in bed, can be selfish at times but will make up for it. He loves you too much for you to feel mad or upset (especially with him)
A/N: this was my first time writing for Adam and Hazbin in general. I hope you liked it. I love you all💚💜
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doe-eyed-fool · 4 months
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Lucifer x Reader
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If having the love of your dreams fall in love with someone else was painful, him being casted out of heaven, never to be seen again, crushed you.
You had loved him for so long, and it killed you inside to have never been able to tell him that. You let your fear of rejection get the better of you, and now, you would never get the chance to tell him how you felt.
It started out as innocent friendship, and overtime blossomed into something more. You had fell for him, and you had fell hard. But it was only you who felt this way. As he would always see you as a friend, and nothing more.
And that's how it was for so long.
You'd look at him with so much love in your eyes, your chest so painfully tight, heart ready to burst.
He'd look at you with some much care and platonic love one would have for another friend.
You knew this, and it hurt you like nothing ever had. You had convinced yourself there was no point in telling him how you feel, because he'd reject you. And when that happens, nothing will be as it was before.
Your friendship would be ruined. And that alone, was far worse than rejection.
You loved him too much to loose him.
But your love was not enough to keep him around much longer.
His new, and unheard of ideas, frowned upon by so many others. He was persistent, he would not let them ruin his dream, as impossible as it might have sounded.
And because of that, he fell...
Fallen from the place he called home, from all he knew, from you, and never to return.
You don't know how long you cried for, how long you were unable to sleep or eat. You didn't even get to say goodbye. He was gone, you would never see him again.
And now, you were left with nothing but your love for him. Love, that would never been known to him. Your heart ached like never before.
But it was nothing, compared to the news you'd hear some time after that.
The man you loved, had found love of his own.
A beautiful woman, with seemingly no flaws. She was perfect. Of course she was perfect. And he loved her more than anything.
They even had a child, from what you heard.
You were devastated. Your regret became a constant reminder, day in and out, of what could have been. It should have been you, is what you thought.
But you could not be upset with him. He had found someone that made him truly happy. Who he loved with all his heart. He was happy.
That gave you some sort of comfort. That in the place he was in now, he found love and happiness unlike he's ever had before.
But it still hurt. To know that you could have, you would have given him that. You would have made him as happy as you could. You would have loved him unconditionally.
There came a time, many years later, when his child would come to heaven. When she saw you, she smiled and approached you. She seemed excited to see you. Her name was Charlie, she was a lovely young woman. She recalled the many stories her father told her of you and him together so very long ago.
You could have broke down right then. He still thought of you...
He still remembers you...
You couldn't help but ask how he was doing. Apparently, he and his wife were separated and he was not the same lively man he use to be.
Charlie had returned to her home, angry with the fact the extermination was expected early, and there was no changing the minds of the angels and seraphs above.
Exterminations. You were unaware, just as everyone else was. But when you learned of what happened every year, you couldn't help but feel panicked.
What if they hurt him? What if they kill him?
He really would be gone forever, if that were to happen. You couldn't let that happen. You wouldn't let that happen. You'd do anything to keep it from happening.
Even if it meant giving up your wings. Even if it meant falling from Heaven, just as he had so very long ago...
When you arrived, you wasted no time in finding him. You got to him through Charlie, who was more than happy to help you. She had called him to meet with her, though instead of meeting with Charlie, it would be you.
And then, there he was...
The man you loved from the very beginning.
He looked a little different, but it was still him.
Your heart swelled in your chest, tears pooling in your eyes. So long...you've waiting so long for this day. To finally see him again. And there he is.
"Y/n? What...What are you doing here?"
His worry evident in his tone. You couldn't have possibly done something to land yourself in a place like this, could you? That's what he thought.
You explained everything, and Lucifer looked just as shocked as you thought he would. But, there was something else...
He was overjoyed to see you, of course. You thought he would never stop hugging you in a near spine breaking embrace.
But he also couldn't help but feel guilty. You had clipped your wings to be here with him.
But you didn't care. You wanted nothing more than to see him again, to hold him and to be held by him. Even with all that, you still couldn't bring yourself to confess.
Not yet...
Within the short time before the extermination began, you learned so much about him. Like his obsession with ducks, for example. Most things stayed the same however.
The two of you grew closer in that time. And when time came for the extermination, you wanted to be there by his side still. You would not allow him to be taken from you again.
Though he begged you not to join the fight, you did anyway. You were determined to spend the rest of eternity with him. Even if he didn't love you back, he was here with you now. And that's all that mattered.
In the midst of the battle you had gotten injured, you witness Lucifer's rage unfold as he killed the angel that harmed you. You witness the same rage as he protected his daughter from Adam.
Even with his demonic form, you still saw Lucifer for who is was then, and who he is now. You loved him all the same. And you were thankful, that by the end of the battle, that Lucifer was still alive.
You could die happily, knowing that...
But Lucifer would never allow that.
It was thanks to him you'd live to see another day, though, it would take some time to recover. It didn't bother you, because it meant spending more time with him.
He'd stay by your side, keeping you company, and took care of your wounds. All the while, feeling guilty. You didn't need to get involved in that fight. And you wouldn't have gotten involved and hurt, if you had stayed in heaven.
Where you belong...
You shouldn't have to be down here with the rest of those scummy sinners. You should be spending eternity in paradise, even if that paradise was only surface level. It pained him to know you gave up so much, just for him. He didn't deserve that kindness.
That's how he felt anyway.
He just couldn't understand why you'd do all of this for him.
As you recovered, as the days turned to weeks and into months, you two would only grow closer. With every passing moment, Lucifer felt his life had finally taken a turn for the better.
Of course he was happy when he and his daughter became close again, but to have you back in his life...
He swore it felt like he was dreaming.
Slowly, he began to understand. Why you would give up everything to be with him.
"I love you, Lucifer."
It was a sudden confession, but one you felt would destroy you if you never spoke the truth. You told him as you two were looking back on memories of when you were both young.
Remembering the good times, along with the painful ones. It just pushed you that much further into saying what you wanted to from the very start.
Now. Now he truly understood why.
He would do the same for you in a heart because...
"I love you too, Y/n."
It felt like heaven, hearing those words. The only thing that could top it, was the feel of his lips on your own.
So many years had gone by, neither of you knowing such bliss until now. Lucifer thought he had found it once, only for the feeling to be cut short. But now, he knew this would last.
You'd both go many years from now on, in each other's embrace, never to be severed again...
(My first time writing for Lucifer! I hope I did good lol. Might do more in the future~)
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chimkin-samich · 3 months
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Sorry for the wait lol, but heres Sun!
Sun is a fallen angel that made a pact with a powerful trapped chaos goddess to maintain his powers and original form, although for keeping his form it was unneeded due to him only looking “corrupted” was a mental issue not an issue of him being fallen, but the deal at least stopped it from progressing even with his mental state
As a part of the deal he was free to as he wished but if she called for him, he would have no choice to obey and do as she said, which is how he ends up being Tari’s guardian, unaware, Tari is the perfect “host” and gateway for the goddess to free herself, but she needs her alive for that, who better to keep her safe than a high ranking fallen angel under her command until the time is right, even better when 2 other powerful entities enter the picture and fall for her as well, all the goddess has do is wait
Sun is a very charismatic asshole who loves to cause mayhem, a coping mechanism since his chaotic personality was what got him kicked out in the first place, not because he was causing any harm, but simply that his chaotic and joyful personality did not fit the ridged norms and laws and he would unbalance and corrupt the others, better to cast him out than risk trouble. But he is a kind sweetheart, just simply afraid of being hurt for being himself, he’d rather mask and play the part of what heaven believes him to be
He does soften as time passes with Tari and the other 2, slowly realizing he can drop parts of the mask, at least around the 3 of them, doesnt mean his nasty personality gets him trouble, both with Tari and the goddess since he loves to push boundaries but he gets better
Tari likes to call him Rays, disco ball, crystal ball (even waving her arms around his head like shes getting a vision), or just calling him a giant walking nightlight, he acts huffy about the nicknames but he secretly likes them, they may be teasing but their friendly
When others come over he disguises himself as a barn owl, Tari even putting up a wooden bird house for him. He does use it at times, he likes being high up in a little box, offers some comfort for him when he just wants to relax or have some space for himself
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saturncodedstarlette · 3 months
[When Angel!Y/N fell out of heaven]
Lucifer, tending to their wounds :
Charlie : Y’know, you can stay at my hotel. There’s plenty of rooms and uh great companies, if you want!
Fallen Angel!Y/N : Thanks for the offer, Charlie. But I think I’m good here, staying with Lucifer. It’s not like I’ll be able to redeem myself and get back to Heaven, nor do I want to..
Fallen Angel!Y/N : I think I need some time to think, being a new fallen Angel and all. Charlie, Lucifer.. thanks to you two for saving me and taking me in.
Lucifer, gently holds their hands : I guess this means we’ll get to hang out together forever, huh?
[Charlie seeing her dad staring at them so affectionately and how they also do the same]
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bones4thecats · 3 months
How Did Charlie Meet Her Father's S/O?
Type of Writing: Random Idea Characters: Charlie Morningstar and Lucifer Morningstar Name: How Did Charlie Meet Her Father's S/O? Idea-Gifter: Random Thoughts
A/N: Here the reader is specified as a fallen angel and the role of the reader is listed below the character's photograph! By the way, this has spoilers for the first season. Now, have a nice rest of your days/nights!
⚠️ Trigger Warnings: Swearing ⚠️ Spoilers for: Season One ⚠️
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Fallen-Angel! Reader ; Parental-Child Relationship
☀️ Charlie was very happy that her father was attending the Hotel more often, so when he called and said he was coming by with a guest, she was nervous immediately
☀️ I mean, she was on-edge with her father due to their strained relationship when he first arrived, but now she might be meeting one of his friends? Oh, someone help this girl
☀️ When she tried asking who the person was, she could only hear her father nervously laugh and she could practically see him playing with a rubber duck in panic
☀️ She just put it behind her as the rest of the Hotel rushed around, trying to make the Hotel look the best for the King of Hell and his special guest. Despite the fact that he's already been by multiple times ever since the Extermination Day and the original building being destroyed
☀️ Whoever it was, she was just happy her father had someone around
☀️ When the sound of her father's familiar knock entered the Hotel, everyone went near-pitch silent and watched as Charlie straightened herself out and walked to the door, opening it to see two different figures behind it
☀️ One of a shorter male with a very similar appearance to his daughter, and his large top-hat sitting on his head while he spun around a cane with a large apple decoration on top of it
" Oh! You must be my father's friend! I'm Charlie- uhm, his daughter! What's your name? " " I am Y/N. " " Y/N?! As in the angel?! "
☀️ Lucifer laughed as the rest of the Hotel looked at you shocked. It was true, you were once a highly-regarded angel in Heaven. And the only reason you fell was because you dared to defy the higher-ups and defend your oldest friend
" Yes, as in the angel. Or rather, as in the fallen angel. "
☀️ The Hotel watched as you released your wings, they were very large, but, unlike Lucifer's, they were a far darker shade. Maybe around a grey-ish white with black stripes; they looked much like an Exorcist's wings
☀️ And it made sense, you were the creator of their sub-species
☀️ Charlie just looked at your wings in awe, they were so beautiful! But, when she heard her father's cane hit the ground, she turned to look down on him and she smiled and chuckled; how oblivious of her!
" Actually, Charlie, may I speak to you, in private? " " Yeah, give us a second, you guys. "
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Fallen-Angel! Reader ; Significant Other - Courting Stage
🦆 Lucifer was beyond happy; he was finally getting to introduce his love to his own daughter! Even if the one didn't even know about the role of the other
🦆 When Charlie had asked who her father was bringing over, he just laughed while nervously playing with a rubber duck, squeezing the poor creature until the squeak grew to loud to hear
🦆 Once you both reached the door of the Hazbin Hotel, you could tell the man you were currently courting was getting nervous, so you laid a hand on his shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze, knocking him out of his no doubt wild mind
🦆 Hearing and watching the door opened made one thought pulse through the King of Hell's mind; there was no turning back now.
" Oh! You must be my father's friend! I'm Charlie- uhm, his daughter! What's your name? " " I am Y/N. " " Y/N?! As in the angel?! "
🦆 Lucifer was not at all surprised, you were an angel that was held in very high-regards in the transcript about Heaven that laid in the old books, though you were eventually given a more minor-role in his eyes
🦆 He smiled lightly and laughed as even Alastor looked at you in surprise, only for you to show your wings and chuckle as Niffty asked if she could touch them, only for you to bend one down for her to grasp
🦆 Lucifer then remembered why exactly he was here, so, with a swipe of his cane to gain Charlie's attention, he asked if they could talk in private, resulting in them going to her main office
" So, Charlie. I want to give you a thorough rundown of what me and Y/N are exactly. "
🦆 Now she looked confused, damn it Lucifer, just think straightly and get to the point!
" Y/N has been by my side ever since I was sent here. They tried defending me and keeping me in Heaven, much to our dismay, it failed, which resulted in them falling. But, anyways! Okay, so, the things is- well, the is thing- "
🦆 God damn it!
" Me and Y/N are currently courting one another. I'm sorry for not notifying you before. It's just, I didn't want you to hate them for not being your mother and I just- " " Dad. It's fine. I'm happy for you guys. Besides, I've heard you talking to them on the phone. I just figured you may have been speaking to someone else you were close too, like family maybe. "
🦆 Lucifer began to laugh, why did he ever think that his daughter would've been upset? You were by far one of the sweetest beings in existence, and his daughter was one of the nicest with you! Of course she'd understand and support you guys
" I would've appreciated a possible hint on this, but, really I am fully supportive of you guys. " " Thank you, Charlie, so much. " " It's not a problem, Dad. Now, we should go back. I'm starting to want to get to know my future step-parent! "
🦆 The King of Hell's cheeks then began to darken a few shades; Charlie was thinking of that already?! Wow, he was going to have a heart attack before he reached the age of 500,000 on this ride...
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xojack · 25 days
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𝔦𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔶 𝔡𝔬𝔫’𝔱 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲…
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… ℑ 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔱𝔞𝔨𝔢 𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔬𝔣 𝔶𝔬𝔲
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hazbinwhoree · 4 months
omg im INFATUATED with this guy!! is it possible to request for a fallen angel reader x Adam concept? i've had that in mind for sometime now,,,smut or not is up to your choice! i'm perfectly happy with anything!
Fallen Angel
(Name) had done the one thing that landed angels a ticket straight to Hell. She asked questions. “Don’t ask too many questions,” Adam had told her. She clearly hadn’t listened.
They were at her trial, and Adam felt sick to his stomach as Sera read the verdict.
“For treason, the punishment is The Fall.”
“I didn’t commit treason!” (Name) cried as two exorcists closed in on her. “Please, Sera!” Sera looked away, troubled. She hated her job sometimes.
An exorcist kicked her to the floor while Sera opened a portal that looked down upon Hell. (Name) cried and begged and Adam had to look away as her wings were brutally torn off. Her scream would haunt his nightmares.
He looked back just in time to make eye contact with (Name) before she was thrown into the portal. Adam was doubting the greatness of Heaven.
Angels weren’t supposed to interact with The Fallen, but Adam couldn’t stay away from (Name), even if she wasn’t in Heaven anymore. With his status, no one questioned his coming and going from Hell.
The first time, right after (Name) had fallen, Adam found her in a ditch made from the impact of her wingless body hitting the ground. She looked different. Horns replaced her halo, a sharp tail replaced her wings. Her skin was more ashen and less lively. Adam hated seeing her like that.
But he had to get used to it because that’s what she was now. She was a Fallen, a demon. But Adam loved her so much that he forgot all previous prejudice towards The Fallen and demons.
He visited her once a week to avoid suspicion from Sera. He watched her settle into her new life and even work her way into becoming an overlord. That took Adam aback. In Heaven, (Name) had always been adamantly opposed to one owning someone else’s soul. Now she owned twenty.
They were sitting in (Name)’s shitty apartment during one weekly visit, when (Name) suddenly blurted out, “Why don’t you touch me anymore?”
Adam was gagged. “What?”
“You don’t touch me anymore. You don’t hug me, you don’t hold me, you don’t fuck me. Is it because of what I am now?”
The question broke Adam’s heart. It was true, he hadn’t touched her since he held her right after her Fall. It wasn’t really intentional, it had been almost subconscious. But it had obviously been on her mind and bothering her for a while.
“Babe, it’s not like that–” “Then what’s it like?”
Adam sighed. “I have no issue touching you. Swear it.”
“So touch me.”
Adam stood from his seat on the couch and walked over to (Name). He got up in her personal space, standing toe to toe, and he towered over her. She opened her arms expectantly, and Adam gently pulled her into his.
(Name) let out a long, shaky breath, and Adam realized just how much she needed this. His hands gently brushed over the scars on her back, exposed with her outfit. (Name) sniffled. “Are you crying?” Adam asked. “You pussy.” (Name) laughed through her tears. “Shut up.”
Adam grinned. He hadn’t realized how much he missed this. But of course, he had to go and ruin the moment.
“So what was this about me not fucking you anymore?”
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werecreature-addicted · 3 months
okay but what a fallen angel who you happen to stumble upon all bloody and bruised. and we must take him home to care for him and oops somehow we end up in his lap taking care of him in other ways…
poor thing. pathetic and wretched. He doesn't deserve your soft touch, but he accepts it anyway. who cares if he's being selfish right now, greedy and sinful. He's already fallen, how much worse can it get? you treat him the best you can, his injuries heal on their own, but he doesn't tell you that. He like your touch, and the way you coo at him that "this might sting a little bit". It does sting but he doesn't mind. He's fascinated by this new sensation of pain. Injuries never touched him before in the heavens. it's... not good, but it is fascinating.
His wings heal, and work again but the feathers turn black, marking his fall. You should be disgusted with him, he's defied his master, and now he's something unholy. You seem fascinated by his wings, running your fingers through his soft wings, and telling him how pretty he looks. and your laugh, heavens above, your laugh is sweeter than any church bells, he thinks he'd do anything to hear you giggle for him and see you smile.
He's obsessed with your touch, with the warmth your hands bring. He doesn't know what "touch starved" means until you explain it to him but it perfectly describes him and how he feels. He's an angel, not a human, he shouldn't need skinship like you do. but he does crave it. he doesn't want to let you go when you hug him. he finds himself pressing his face into your palm, forcing you to cradle his cheek the way you did that first night when you found him.
As an angel, all be it a fallen one, he's never had sex but he wasn't born yesterday. Lust has always been a temptation he struggled with. He knows what it means when his heartbeat quickens every time you're near. he knows he wants to kiss you, touch every inch of you, fuck you. He's aware of his own carnal desires, he's just so used to denying these wants he isn't sure how to act on them.
He truly does have pure intentions when he pulls you onto his lap. holding you in his big arms. But then you shift a little too much and your mouth is already so close to his... you'll take care of him, right? you'll take his big cock and make him cum like he needs, right? you're his savor, and now bringing him to ecstasy like this, He'll gladly devote himself to you, just keep riding him like that.
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fallenxangel-13 · 1 month
"who do you belong to, angel?" i whisper, climbing over you in bed as it shifts from my weight.
"y-y-you." you gasp at the sudden contact, your cheeks a rosy red as your heart pounds out of your chest.
"say my name. shame your god." my voice hoarse.
"i'm yours, lucifer."
"only mine. tell me you're only mine." my cold glare at you, tipping your chin back, with my thumb brushing your lower lip.
"i belong to you and only you, lucifer!" you cry out, much like worship and praise to your new god (me).
"such a good angel."
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s1lver1nk · 3 months
ok ok ok HEAR ME OUT--
Vox x Reader, but before Vox became an Overlord.
Because I don't think I've EVER seen this done and it has SO much potential, I'm rattling the bars of my cage I!!! Love this so much!!!
Vox before he's built his entertainment empire, before he's sleek and flat-screened and always in control.
Vox when he still had his old-school TV head, when he had to do all sorts of odd jobs to scrape by and kiss ass to all the right people to get where he wanted to go. Plotting and planning in what little free time he had for what would eventually become VoxTek.
Meeting you during this period of his afterlife, what he now considers to be his rock bottom. Going from a mutually beneficial partnership to friendship to love. An "Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close?" kind of love. An "Everything I do, I do for you" kind of love. I'm going feral just thinking about it. Growing together, lifting each other up, supporting each other through every high and low, even the less ethical bits, because hey, you're in Hell and sometimes you have to get your hands dirty to get what you want. Seeing each other for the other's flaws and loving and working through it all.
Watching Vox rise to the standing of Overlord with pride and love at how far you both have come, but trepidation at how rapidly things begin to change from then on. The way that relationship evolves and changes with newfound fame and status and social standing. Schedules and meetings and social events dictate every moment of your days, but still finding time for one another in the midst of the chaos your world has become.
And this would mean being around for the rise and fall of Vox's and Alastor's friendship, too!! Becoming friends with Alastor yourself, enjoying his company and his counsel, feeling just as hurt and betrayed as Vox when he refuses to modernize and join your team. (As of now, that's what I theorize happened anyway~) Meeting Velvette and Valentino for the first time, and the Vees officially form, taking Pride City's entertainment district by storm. And although you're not part of that trio (because it would be too dangerous, it would put too much attention on you), Vox makes sure you never forget the role you've played in his success, that you continue to play with your love and support, and that matters more than anything.
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Angel!Y/N, fighting a hoard of demons : Shit!
Vergil, fighting alongside : What did you say?
Angel!Y/N : I said “shit”, okay?
Vergil : Yes, it's just that you never, you know... curse.
Angel!Y/N : I never used to, and then all this happened, and then YOU happened!
Vergil, slashes another demon : Me?
Angel!Y/N : Yes, you!
Angel!Y/N : I was nice! And then I met you, and now I’m like you.
Vergil : Oh, so it’s my fault?
Angel!Y/N : it’s all your fault! You did this to me!
Vergil, huffs : I found you turned into a statue in a fucking tomb!
Angel!Y/N : And climbed all over me, and since that moment everything has been shit, and—
[a demon leaps up behind them]
Angel!Y/N, blasts holy firebeam at the demon : I AM FUCKING TALKING HERE!
Angel!Y/N, turns back to Vergil : And you turned me into someone who says “shit”.
Angel!Y/N : Fuckity, shit, hairy arse, warts, giant slimy balls, SHIT!
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libraryraccoon · 4 months
Fallen Angel
TW : bad english, english isn't my first language. It's just a try of Headcanon.
Gender : Male
Pronouns : he/him
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Y/N L/N was a good angel, always followed the rules, no matter how crazy they were.
So why was he fallen, you might ask.
They discovered his google history, it was that bad that even Adam question himself if what he was seeing was true or no.. It, unfortunately, was.
How Y/N was even a angel in the first place was a mystery.
But, after landing in hell, he decided to redeem himself, and what better way to do that than the Hazbin Hotel ?
(It's a lie, he decided to go to the Hazbin Hotel because it was free and because there was a porn star in it)
Charlie greeted you warmly, asking you a few questions about why you were a fallen angel, although she stopped when she saw that you were uncomfortable about it.
You were securing the hotel with Vaggie, you took care of it at night while she did it during the day.
Vaggie took a long time to trust you, thinking you were some sort of spy sent by the angels. She only began to trust you months later, when she saw you treating Angel Dust from the wounds Valentino had done to him.
Angel Dust was suspicious of you at first, it wasn't until he came home late at night, hurt, and you helped him heal that he started to trust you. You said nothing while treating him, asking no questions; not that you needed it, the injuries spoke for themselves.
After that, you started healing Angel Dust regularly, your angelic power was based on healing, something that helped a lot.
Sometimes you and Angel would just have hot chocolate at the bar late at night. At times like this, you spoke very little, and when you did, it was small, simple discussions.
Sometimes it happened that he talked to you about what Valentino was doing to him, and you had to try to reassure him, although that wasn't really your strong point. You always wanted to throw up in those moments, or to kill Valentino. You also, at one point, hesitated to sell your soul to Alastor in exchange of him killing Valentino.
Alastor you find interesting, it's not every day you meet a fallen angel after all. And it's even rarer to live under the roof of two fallen angels.
He tried to take your soul, unfortunately without success.
Most of the time he saw you, you were always helping out at the hotel, whether it was its residents or just doing some small tasks, like washing the dishes. Alastor respects you a little for that.
In fact, the moment he was really interested in you was after you helped him. You found him having a panic attack, it was his mother's birthday and he couldn't stop thinking about her, how much he had disappointed her. And, like any good soul, you helped him.
Obviously, Alastor threatened to kill you if you ever told anyone what happened.
It was after that that he noticed that you were helping everyone in the hotel, even Niffty. You were like a father for the residents of the hotel, some of them (Angel Dust) don't even hide that they saw you like a father, calling you "dad" like if it was normal (it was).
Alastor would be lying if he said he didn't see you as a father figure.
Niffty at first see you as a bad boy, just like all the other boys of the hotel.
But after she realize that you was just like Charlie, an angel disguise as a demon; or a fallen angel in your case.
You weren't even going to drink at Husk's bar !
And, strangely, you helped her in her work at sometimes. You didn't even say anything when she pulled out one of your feathers !
She didn't know if she love you, or hate you. So she take both.
Either Niffty was looking at you like she wanted to murder you, or you were talking to each other like the best best friends of Hell.
Nobody at the hotel know what to think about you two-
Husk didn't know much about you. Surprisingly, because as a bartender, he generally knows a lot about the people who come to tell him about their misfortunes. But not you. Because you didn't come to the bar.
The rare times you went there it was to have hot chocolate or tea. Do you know what a bar is ? Is there even one in Heaven ?
He was curious as to why you were fallen, especially since you didn't seem to have an ounce of bad in you. But he won't ask any questions, waiting for you to say it yourself.
You were a bit like a second Charlie, but more mature and without the problems. You were always helping people, listening and reassuring them.
Husk often came to see you to talk about his problems, his past, how much he regretted making a contract with Alastor. You were always understanding, trying to reassure him.
You were a good person for that.
Sir Pentious trusted you from the start.
Sir Pentious loves you like his eggs. You always help them, always listen to them and never judge them. You were the only person in the hotel, along with Charlie, that he was sure wouldn't hurt him.
You even gave him ideas for weapons to protect himself - like this google history that would even scare God !
Lucifer didn't trust you.
You were kind and helpful, but Lucifer didn't trust you, even if he wanted to.
Compared to the others, he knew why you were fallen, because of this google history which even scared Adam.
He didn't know exactly what was inside, but he was more than curious - especially since it gave Adam nightmares.
He honestly thought about showing your search history to Adam the next time he sees him, just to traumatize him a little more.
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