#fallen determination
akanemnon · 10 days
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Clearly the correct answer
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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arabella-strange · 25 days
Orym: I'm just a little guy, all I do is fight, I am now openly admitting that I made a deal with a fey [nightmare/grandmother] patron because I think the only way the rest of you survive is if I doom myself
Laudna: I'm already dead, she will always have a hold on me, I'm holding you [specifically imogen] back, the best thing I can do for you now is die/give in so you can live
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tartarusknight · 1 year
The King of the Freaks | Pt 4
(Yes I am too lazy to keep writing that long title so it’s been changed from now on...)
Ao3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
Eddie was kinda pissed as he stabbed at the food on his tray. "You sure they said we can't?" Gareth question, and he sounded just as Eddie felt.
"They said that we couldn't do this week," Eddie said again, and he glanced up as Steve moved to sit down next to Jeff. He was pulling something out of his backpack and it was the first time since that first time that Steve actually sat with them.
"What can't you guys do?" Steve questioned as he pulled out a container of cookies and slid them over to Jeff.
Jeff lit up even as the others looked confused. "We can't do Hellfire this week. Apparently, the drama club needs the drama room this week." Jeff explains, and Steve pauses.
His face makes a hundred micro expressions before he shrugs, "You could do it at my house. I don't really care." Steve states and moves to stand back up hit Jeff pulls him back down. "Uh, what?"
He looks confused, and it's unfair because it seems like the moment they should be confused. "Three questions. First I thought you had swimming? Second, why would you let us do it at your house? Most parents think we are a cult, and I doubt your parents would think differently. And lastly, what's up with the cookies?"
Steve looks a little embarrassed as he's forced to stay there. But he meets Eddie's gaze. "First, I do have swimming, but I don't care. Come over that night or another if you really care. Second, my parents are in either Beijing or Belgium right now, so they don't get an opinion. And the cookies are for Jeff because he helped me last weekend. He can share, or he doesn't have to, I don't care."
Eddie blinks, "you'd let us be at your house without you there?"
"Sure, why not. I doubt you'll trash the entire place. And even if you do, there's not much you could do I haven't seen before. I've had enough parties to get good at cleaning up." Steve states, and Eddie looks at the others, trying to see if they're just as confused.
"That's amazing, dude! How about we get pizza, since you'll host?" Jeff offers, and Steve gives them a tight smile. Eddie's not sure if it's because of the topic of food or the idea that they're going to take him up on the offer. 
Steve nods and it’s a little sharp, “Right. Yeah just let me know date and time.” He pauses and goes back to his bag. He pauses before he can pull whatever he’s grabbed before steeling himself. “Here, just in case I’m busy.” He drops a key onto the table and practically bolts from the table. 
Eddie waits for him to come back and take the key with a sike. But he doesn’t, instead Eddie sees him dodge Billy’s foot and escape out of the lunch room. “Here I thought we were adopting him.” Gareth mused and picked up the key. Jeff smacked him and took the key. “Hey!” Gareth complains. 
“Yeah, I’ve actually been to his house so...” Jeff points out.
That gets Eddie back up and moving, “yeah. About that, what the hell?”
Jeff laughs, “I helped him cook. He’s been struggling with meet lately and you know my sister.” Eddie nods because it does make sense but at the same time it makes zero sense. “I bumped into him at the store...” Jeff trails off, “I think we need to try harder.”
“Harder?” Eddie squeaked and his friends gave him a look that he really wished he didn’t know. 
Jeff doesn’t let that stop him though. “Well, I thought it was bad enough going from top dog to the new top dog’s chew toy but the guy is struggling. He only had condiments in his fridge even though he told me he was a good cook, which he is. Apparently he has no clue where his parents are at the moment. He had a guess but that was it. And! He has no clue when they’re coming back. I asked and he laughed it off saying maybe for Christmas. Christmas.”
“It’s not even Thanksgiving yet!” Grant states and Jeff nods. 
Gareth sighs, “I’ve been bothering him during my free period. Normally just working on shit next to him... but the dude is not okay. He squints when he reads like he can’t see it well. I’m pretty sure he’s been getting migraines since he fought with Billy. And I’m 80% sure he’s partially deaf in his left ear. Cause if I whisper on that side he never responds. But he will when I sit on his right.”
“He never eats lunch,” Eddie sighs. “He always tears his food apart to make it look like he’s eating. If his fridge is empty than he might not be eating that often.”
“Well shit,” Grant sighs. “But how do we help him without it being weird.”
Eddie presses his hands together under his chin to think. “Okay, so we stop with the subtle friendship and go for it. If we’re his best friends then maybe he’ll let us help him.”
“So operation make Steve Harrington friendship bracelets is ago.” Gareth grins and Jeff throws a grape at him. 
They already had access to the boy’s house. How hard could it be?
@zerokrox-bloglog @cyranyxx @adaed5 @the-redthreadd @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaringceyoustopcaring @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshitorthisshit @failedstarsandgoldencloudsds @bisexualdisastersworldd @deadlydodoss @anythingyouwanttobee @nburkhardtt @bestwifehaverr @thehumblefigtreee @megzdoodlee @swimmingbirdrunningrockk @mightbeasleepp @bxlthazarar @autumnal-dawnn @chillichatss @nonbinary-eddie-munsonon @the-daydreamer-in-the-cornerner @eddie-munson-is-my-wifewife @a-little-unsteddiedie @sharingisntkaren @a-huge-nerdy-nerd @0o-queendean-o0 @beckkthewreck @vi-an-te @vampireinthesun @newtstabber @dinosareawesome2137  @spicemallow @hellomynameismoo  @luthienstormblessed @briceslayed @angeldreamsoffanfic @dbquills
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aceredshirt13 · 10 months
having read nearly all of the Jeeves short stories, it’s so funny to me that Bertie’s bisexuality manifests as casting a wide but shallow net at girls and a narrow but ridiculously deep net at men. He thinks girls are pretty on a reasonably frequent basis, and has tried to marry at least four women thus far (not counting the unwanted engagements), but when it doesn’t work out he’s over it in 24 hours. Meanwhile he shows absolutely no interest in and never gives flattering depictions of 99% of the men in his life, but will praise Jeeves to anyone who will listen, wax poetic about his appearance (and get defensive on his behalf about it when a child insults it), and is absolutely inconsolable when they are separated.
(also Bertie is in no way allosexual. he is canonically terrified at the thought of reproducing. and due to the narrow but deep net on the other end I don’t imagine he’s going around sleeping with loads of men, either. that man’s either demi as hell or just entirely ace)
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zkoh001 · 8 months
I found some old six fallen humans art I did, so I decided to retroactively post it.
The design's may look different, that's cause this is older art, and also, I suck at keeping my designs.
Looking back on it, I like Patience's og hairstiyle a lot, idk, why I ditched it.
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The text I found on reddit.
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fallen-mario-bros-au · 12 hours
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Decided to play around with the designs for fallen Mario and Luigi. Their personalities are the same, although mostly based off the Mario and Luigi games, which is why the letters on their hats are black. Their sweaters were also important. You can't be a fallen human without a cute sweater. Both got a bit scuffed up when they fell, but thankfully they weren't injured or anything.
I also wanted to play around with soul colors because I had no idea what I was gonna do with those. Ultimately, I decided to keep them red and green so they could be easily distinguished, but Mario has a more orange red for determination + bravery (and as a reference to the Firebrand) while Luigi's is more of a teal-ish green to reference kindness + patience and also his iconic Thunderhand. I was really worried about using the same colors on top of their clothes but after playing around with the lighting I decided I really liked the look.
But yeah I feel like it fits them pretty well! Lemme know what y'all think!
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Hey so y'know how it's speculated that Chara and Frisk may have gone to Mt. Ebbot either in hopes disappearing or to commit suicide? Hence, running out of Determination to live? What if all the humans fell down there for the opposite reason of their soul trait? Some examples:
Patience--went to Mt. Ebbot because they ran out of patience with their life and family.
Bravery--went to Mt. Ebbot because they were to scared to go back home one night.
Integrity--found out they had been living a lie and couldn't handle the truth.
Perseverance--Didn't have the energy or motivation to keep persevering and living.
Justice--escaping the consequence of their action, or maybe punishing themself unjustly.
Kindness--maybe going to be unkind to themself? I'm not so sure about this one. Maybe they were mean and driven out of town???? Again really not sure.
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cloudkemi · 6 months
Just saw Tubbos reaction to the recreation base and like. Oh man. He's so nice but the way he looks off to the side multiple sides is so telling.
Bad is completely blinded by what he remembers and loved the team and commodore that was built in Purgatory. Recreating the base as it was the highlight of the teamwork and family they created. He downplays the actual horrors of Purgatory which im sure is due to his own twisted morals and coping.
Tubbo sees the base and he's hesitant to say anything at all. Not jumping to call him a freak or jumping to praise him, just processing that this isn't some fudged up joke. And then he says its nice.
Tubbo's realistic about purgatory but he still loved the family and trust that happened during it. He might even miss the constant interactions and closeness. But he knows it was a terrible event and the murder part of it can't be ignored.
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s0me-kidd0 · 1 month
Fallen children???
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Damn dawg, my lil bro cry because of this :/
MY AU!!!
Neutral route. Frisk lose when They fight Flowey because they give up. To much pain they got. Flowey get Frisk's soul but Alphys secretly bring the fallen children body from the coffins and when Flowey turn back to normal self Alphys shot him with gun. And bring the souls and Frisk's body to the lab. And she do an experiment and it failed so the kids be monsters... Their bodies are united and they cannot separate from each other's bodies. They got angry and attacked Alphys but Alphys survived and then Alphys realized what had happened.
Explanation why Alphys being crazy:
Because she accidentally drop potion and it hit her. And she got crazy for a few hours. :)
It's kinda weird because I suddenly think this When I want to go to sleep.
Ask and answer 1
Ask and answer 2
Ask and answer 3
Ask and answer 4
Ask and answer 5
Explanation this au 1
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ryuichifoxe · 1 year
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Another face to add to the story progression comparison :) He's fine.
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muzzleroars · 7 months
Are we just gonna ignore the ticking time bomb which is the truth about Lucifer's fall (eventually) coming out? What would or why would it happen? Or would Uriel and the other old angels take that one to the grave?
lucifer's fall is a now complicated narrative - anything written in uriel's books on the matter is obviously false, fabricated as god directed him to do so, but the memories of the angels from that time have been repeatedly put into question, making it difficult for even those directly involved in the war to now say what happened in those days. compounding this is the simple fact that god is seen as infallible and so, therefor, as the end authority on what the truth really is. uriel doesn't have access to thoughts, but god does. to this end, if god tells them all the lucifer had designs to take over his throne, that he was scheming, jealous, wicked, it must be so. lucifer's words, his public stance against god, were nothing more than lip service - he is the father of lies and used deception to his ends. at first, it's difficult for those who knew him to believe even if god's word must be so. yet, as time goes on, as they forget lucifer, as they forget his boundless love and his endless passion, they begin to accept it, believe in it, and ultimately hold it as gospel. because of their closeness, the archangels do hold private reservations, with michael's being the worst and resulting in the manifestation of his dogmatic adherence to god, but otherwise...it is widely accepted and adopted as true, even for those who were a part of the war. unfortunately, hell has access to the testaments.
now the testaments. aren't that important to v1. the history of this place isn't of particular interest to it and it largely puts them out of its mind after quickly reading and filing them away. however, gabriel will ultimately have to reach a true point of reckoning and deconstruction of his faith - he has reflected on god's world and its falsehoods, in his fall he has reveled for a time in rebelling against it and everything he was under it, but once the turbulence slows, he needs to actually confront himself as an angel that has lost its faith in god. and i think during that time, with all its suffering, its hate, its grief, v1 directs him toward the testaments it nearly threw in its trash bin. he deserves to see the truth as god himself wrote it rather than be an abandoned child left guessing. and while they hold a myriad of hard truths for gabriel to process, the truth of lucifer is devastating. he questioned the existence of hell, he questioned the validity of its purpose, and for that he was cast out. because god didn't have an answer. when gabriel sifts through the haze of eons, digs under the story as told by god, pushes past the severe punishments they all endured under the guise of rooting out any more like lucifer (used, in no small part, to make them all hate him, to make it seem as though their agony was caused by lucifer instead of god), he can remember him in parts. it's so hard to undo the damage done, all the deception, punishments, and threats god used to make them all weapons against lucifer, but now as a fallen angel, gabriel is faithless just enough to find his way to his own real memories.
they aren't strong. they barely cling to the corners of his mind after so much battering. but he remembers what it felt like in lucifer's presence, the warmth and jubilation of his experience. he radiated love and his words poured forth that love, his brilliance shared with all that joined to him. the pieces are broken, but i think this, paired with working up his courage to actually seek lucifer out and seeing his fate, would set gabriel on a campaign to finally pull his memory out of the shit god callously cast it into and force heaven to really see who they still cleave to. he deserves that much, though he may be now warped beyond recognition like so many of the angels that fell with him. and while he can do little to fight for this directly, his main goal is to make his siblings see what he does. they will all be VERY resistant to his attempts, but it would likely be uriel who is the first to admit to falsehoods in this narrative - he's written enough edited content to know god directed him to lie in his histories, so he accepts it the easiest. the other two prove much more difficult - raphael wants little to do with the conversation and michael is incredibly volatile at the idea. and gabriel knows why. he understands it. raphael is kind, he is so gentle-hearted the truth is too terrible to swallow - and, selfishly, he wants peace and harmony. this would disrupt the comfort he and all of heaven has left, and his main directive is always, always to make things comfortable. michael is just as obvious, he has combated this in his own soul for all this time, tearing apart from the inside out over the idea that lucifer may not have deserved his awful punishment and how holding that belief made him some kind of apostate in his own mind. so any mention of it sends him into a rage, proclaiming his hatred for lucifer and condemning gabriel's own hell-twisted mind for contorting the truth so.
the only way they could be convinced is to read the testaments for themselves and be sure it is god's word (hard to deny i think, as i hc they are written in the language of heaven which nothing in hell can reproduce...and v1 must actually interpret it for gabriel, as the words burn his eyes and nauseate him, so could come from no infernal source) raphael recoils from it, retreating into prayer as though that could change the words in front of him. uriel is....resigned yet ashamed, like he always knew this to be true and feels his hand in perpetuating it for all this time. but in reality, michael's determination is the most important - he is still the prince of heaven regardless of his current state, and so is now their highest authority. and he sees the words. he sees himself. he sees all this has come to, the kingdom of god as the banner he carried and his broken little family gathered around him. in spite of themselves, they want him to say something. but god's word is his word. he reads it for what it is and michael, always so legal, always so literal, can interpret it only one way. he grasps at his scripture, yet the closest crime worthy of hell he can attribute it to, accusing the work of the holy spirit to be evil, hardly fits. he would be twisting canon's meaning and lucifer's words, as he only questioned. he just asked. it could be a sin to ask...but never a sin that couldn't be repented. the more he thinks on it in measured silence, the more he knows he's inserting ambiguity where there is none. god transposed his guilt onto lucifer, knowing it was wrong. and michael can't go against the word of god.
he will determine with raphael and uriel how best to tell heaven. and he will finally undo his chains
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navree · 2 years
the one thing i always hate about that line about daemon whinging on at viserys for not making him the hand is that the hand of the king is a political position that requires political skill in order to function well and get the job done and daemon has spent the entire series showing us that he has the political instincts of a lobotomized tuna fish
#personal#house of the dragon#the reason why otto worked so well as hand of the king was because he knew how to do the fucking politics#like him trying to get himself in rhaenyra's good graces in ep 2 once she was made heir#by giving her advice on how to talk to knights she was picking for the kingsguard#that was smart politics#getting on the good side of the future ruler and trying to make yourself invaluable from the getgo is a smart political decision#daemon pissing off everyone and their mother every five minutes and not trying to do anything to curry favor#is bad politics#daemon refusing to try and play nice with otto and get on his good side is bad politics!!!#maybe you'd have been heir if otto wasn't determined to campaign against you for it because you're an idiot daemon!!!#like this is a core element of the literal main series#cersei had a daemon style mindset of fuck you got mine and eschewed politics in the favor of her own gripes about things#and it ends badly for her! trying to do the hand's job without the skill required really fucks her over!#it's why tywin worked as a politician and she didn't!!#this fucking country would have fallen apart if daemon had been the hand#i also blame viserys for somehow failing to point out that daemon would be a profoundly shitty hand#and that the choice to have it be otto isn't a slight against him like he's crying on about#but a tactical and political choice that is made to keep the politics running smoothly so the country doesn't collapse into the sea
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ahsia-artsy · 7 months
Fallen Down
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celerydays · 6 months
for christmas i would like the gift of better coping mechanisms when i get into a mid-project art frenzy
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can i not just be CHILL 😵‍💫 the crazy hyperfixative need to see something through to the end once i get into the "head empty, no thoughts, only finishing this latest art piece/project" always makes me suddenly forget how to function normally lmao
this 4AM bedtime / 7AM wake up / barely eating / staring for hours at my iPad screen / bordering on making my carpal tunnel flare up from how long i sit drawing is probably why I got sick so many times during October ajsklflaghgld 😀
anyways uhhh expect something sometime in the next couple of days i guess 😙
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I’m not crying, you are.
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It’s pretty late, don’t mind any anatomy mistakes. I’m a day late to the anniversary but this game still means so much
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invertedfate · 1 year
Maybe it's obviously, why specifically papyrus slipping through?
This is why the interactive page in part 59 is so important, specifically the security tapes.
Papyrus was kind to the human SOULs during the experiments.
Thus, the SOULs wanted to protect him. When Asriel absorbed the last eight monsters in Angel's Promise, the human SOULs used what little independent power they had to shield Papyrus from being fully absorbed.
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