#fanfics I really liked in September '22
meetinginsamarra · 2 years
Fanfics I really liked in September ‘22
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So. Since I keep a list of what I´ve read anyway (there´s always a list), I will rec all the fics I´ve wholly enjoyed on a monthly basis. Old and new, canon or AU, big or small authors, long or short but nearly always Johnlock(-ish).
“A Winter Homecoming” by JoulesMer
Sherlock arrives back home after the fall, is half frozen and Greg helps.
“The Ex” by 7PercentSolution @7-percent​
Set after “Extricate”, this fic focuses on what happens when Sherlock meets his ex-boyfriend again and while on a demanding case. John can only stand by and watch but this is a plan. The ex is not a villain btw. which I like very much. Can be read without knowing “Extricate” but imo it is better if you have. 
“The Last Envoy” by Calais_Reno @calaisreno​
Just WOW. How can I even summarize such a complex fic? At fist sight, it is a sci-fi-esque fanfic set around the time of World War 2. Ao, an alien who becomes Sherlock Holmes, lands on Earth to fulfil a task he is not even sure  what it actually is and meets and befriends John Watson. Ao is the sweetest and friendliest (non)human being and John is a really nice doctor.
So far so good. But.
Upon reading you discover so many additional layers beneath the main theme which, for me at least, makes this fic a lot more than “only” a “fanfic”. Personally, I would categorize the story as a full-fledged philosophical novel, where a “Sherlock” and a “John” happen to be the main characters. It comprises a coming-of-age development arc and a lot of very insightful thoughts that linger a long time in your mind.
“A Study in Strays” by philalethia
John moves into a flat that is already occupied by a stray cat. Guess who...
“Downtime” by TheGracefulBlueCat @ceruleanmindpalace​
A collection of hurt/comfort fics and massive whump from Sherlock’s downtime.
“Eyes Wild” by transiock
Sherlock is in hospital after an overdose and gets someone to guard him. Guess who...
Special feature: the author distantstarlight @i-still-am-distantstarlight
131 works for the Sherlock fandom so far and still active. Many omegaverse fics and vampire/were, also AUs but yet also canon compliant ones. I like their vivid imagination and writing style. For example in 
Consumed https://archiveofourown.org/works/123610
23 - Wedding Wings https://archiveofourown.org/works/10983927
Revelations  https://archiveofourown.org/works/3084458
Paradigm Shift https://archiveofourown.org/works/4858379
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icespur · 5 months
Akeshu meeting as infants
I've seen the admittedly very wholesome fanart of Akiren and Goro meeting as children, or the tiny fanfics (I've only really found one, if anyone knows of the existence of more, don't hesitate to link them)
Childhood AUs are adorable.
But might I add my own twist??
What if our fated Persona user rivals originally met when they were----tinnier.
Babyhood AU, if you will.
The Phantom Thieves have canon birthdays and birth years, although Akiren's isn't listed, he obviously has to be born the same year as Ann and Ryuji since he shares a school grade with them. As for his month and day, I headcanon all the Persona Protagonists (P3, P4, and P5) birthdays are the day their game first released in Japan. Since canonically P4s Protagonist, Yu Narukami, shares a B day with his game release (All the Investigation Teams scooter license numbers are of their birthdays, and Yu's happens to be the day his game released). So if P4 follows that logic, why not P3 & P5? It's the best evidence we have to go off of 🤷‍♀️.
Point is, that would make Akiren's birthday, September 15th 1999
We know from Atlus Twitter birthday announcements and P5 character biographies in Japan, all the other PTs birthdays easily (excluding Morgana)
So we know Akechi's is June 2nd 1998.
Goro was a year and 15 months old when Akiren was born.
So let's imagine a scenario where---Akiren and Akechi's mothers both decided to take their infants to the Park. And they just so happen to be sitting on the same bench.
In Japan, the seasons to visit parks are Spring or Autumn, apparently. So let's say it's Mid-Spring, April.
April of 2000.
Mamakechi and mama---whichever you headcanon Akiren's surname to be. I haven't seen anyone combine his surname so I don't know which one to use to satisfy both parties.
Anyway, both mothers take their sons to the park since it's a nice day. They can't obviously play on any equipment since they are too young, so they would just be laying in their mother's arms, or if a bit older, exploring the greenery but still sticking close.
Goro would be 22 months, so would be more mobile, while Akiren would be 7 or 6 months depending if this is before or after April 15th. 6-7 month olds can roll over and maybe start to crawl at that time, and maybe babble.
So Akiren wouldn't be able to do much, or "play" like 22 month old Goro could. But since toddlers are usually pretty interested in younger infants, and try to interact, I could see Mamakechi and protagmom introducing their babies to each other, and trying to get them to interact.
"Goro, look! It's a baby. You used to be that little once. Can you say 'hi'? Be gentle, don't pinch or poke him."
Akiren stares back, with innocent curious eyes, and being cradled in his mother's arms. She tells Mamakechi that he's not very talkative. Not "shy" persei- he just prefers to watch people quietly, and tolerates one sided interactions with fellow infants fine, he's just a "little man of few words".
Mamaprotag gently puppeteer's one of Akiren's pudgy arm to wave back at Goro.
I just find baby Goro and Akiren meeting and interacting concept to be so wholesome and precious. You could even headcanon it more as possibly being canon, because---honestly, who remembers being 7 month or 1 year olds? Our memories and "awareness" doesn't kick in until a couple more years. The earliest memories I can recall was at four years old.
And you could write this as a one off chance meeting. Maybe one of them happened to be in the same city and place at that moment, but they move around alot so didn't exchange contact info to keep in touch for future interactions and playdates so their sons could grow up together.
Just----wholsome baby Akiren and Goro! Give me some fanart and one-shot fics of this!
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poisindonottouch · 1 year
Queer reads: K.J. Charles
As we leave fantasy, I bring you the last category of my recommendations: smutty smutty smut. 
Okay, these are romance novels, but in my reading of romance novels, I’ve discovered that I thoroughly enjoy the spicier end of the spectrum. The smuttier the better. 
So, for day 22, I bring you my favorite romance author KJ Charles. 
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I’m putting this under a cut, because it’s going to be long. 
KJ Charles has written loads of books, but I’ve narrowed it down to my favorite 9. 
I’ll take these by series. 
First off, I give you the Will Darling Adventures. These books take place in 1920s London (and surrounding environs.) They are post WWI. Will Darling served in the war, came home to no one, and ended up inheriting a book shop. He’s gruff, manly, and really a giant cinnamon roll. Kim did not serve in the war (it’s a whole thing), and he’s anything but a manly cinnamon roll. He’s sharp and devious and manipulative. And of course, they fall in loooove. This trilogy follows the same pairing over three books, and it’s nice to see how KJC handles the deepening of their relationship from HFN to HEA. (That’s happily for now & happily ever after.) 
The next two books, Proper English and Think of England, are actually in the same world as the Will Darling books, and you’ll see a cameo or two in the later trilogy. Proper English, set in 1902, tells the story of Pat and Fen meeting at a house party that involves a murder mystery and some sexy times. After all, if a murderer is on the loose, you can’t sleep alone, right? Think of England, set in 1904, tells the story of Archie and Daniel, at a different house party. Archie is there to investigate some shady business, but he’s a straightforward kind of man, and he is woefully out of his depth. Luckily, Daniel is there. 
Any Old Diamonds and An Unnatural Vice are set in the same world, about 20 years apart. They aren’t the only books in their series, but they are my favorite of each. Any Old Diamonds follows Alec and Jerry as Alec hires Jerry to steal some jewels. There’s a great twist to this one, and I love Alec and Jerry. I want more of them. An Unnatural Vice is book two of the Sins of the City trilogy, but Justin Lazarus is the very best character ever, and Nathaniel is good for him. I recommend the all the books in both series, but these two are my favorite in the bunches. 
Band Sinister is a stand alone novel, telling the story of Phillip and Guy, who have some bad history between their families, but unforeseen circumstances bring them together, and chemistry does the rest. I would love to read a book series about every side character in this book, but alas. I’ll keep reading fanfic instead. 
Which brings us to The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen, the most recent book out by KJC. It’s the first of a duology, and I’m super excited for the next one to come out in September. It’s marked on my calendar in my kitchen. This is a dual pov book switching between Garath, who recently inherited his late fathers title, home, and secrets, and Joss, the boss of the local smuggler family. This is a lovers to enemies to lovers book, and I love it. Really, one of KJCs best. 
(Ack! I missed Spectered Isle, which is also fantastic. I really enjoy the relationship in this one, and I’d happily read a bunch of books set in this world, but alas, I think this series is over. Spectered Isle follows after The Casebooks of Simon Feximal (also good. Think smutty, magical Sherlock Holmes.) Like the Will Darling books, Spectered Isle takes place post the Great War, and everyone in the novel is scarred from it. It’s not a shared universe though, because this one has magic, and the Will Darling books are not fantasy, but similar time frame.)
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the-type-a · 1 year
I’m curious, does anyone have any HCs for anyone’s birthdays?
I only have them for my top five. (Though I do have a general list of zodiac signs for more characters. I just care about these ones the most)
Courtney: September 22, 1991
Courtney is a September Virgo. It’s just the law, cry about it. Personally, I chose this date because 22 is an important number in my life and Courtney is my ultimate favorite fictional character. 💜 Also, Courtney absolutely would be born on a even numbered day, and it happens to be when there was a Full Moon.
Duncan: October 23, 1991
I went back and forth on whether or not he’d be an October or November Scorpio. Ultimately, October made more sense. Though I did want to kinda make it a joke that he would want to be an October Scorpio and is always pissed about it. Oh well. Duncan was absolutely born on a Full Moon too. I also love the idea of him being the youngest of the group AND younger than Courtney. He’d hate being called the baby, but it would shut him up so quick—it’s just funny to me. I know for a fact Duncan would call Courtney a cougar for shits and giggles even though she’s only a month and a day older than him. I can just hear them:
Duncan: Sup cougar.
Courtney: Duncan, I am only a month older than you!
Duncan: A month and one day, cougar!
Courtney: I fucking hate you.
Duncan: Aw, I love you too.
Bridgette: June 30, 1991
Bridgette’s 100% a water sign. She’s intuitive, has a good heart, and always willing to put the people she loves first. She was also born on a Waning Gibbous Moon. Which is cool when you read about Geoff’s!
Geoff: April 17, 1991
Just like Duncan, it is so funny to me for Geoff to be the oldest in the group. Our little Geoffy likes the “But who’s the oldest?” line, but ultimately we know who’s really in charge lmao. He’s an April Aries who is always willing to try new things because of, “The experience, dude!” Now, talking about his moon phase. He was born on a Waxing Crescent Moon, which is the complete opposite of Bridgette’s. WHICH if you follow that TikTok trend— means they are soulmates. I just think that’s really beautiful for them, the universe (TikTok) thinks they are made for one another.
DJ: June 23, 1991
I debated on DJ being a Cancer or Pisces, but knowing how Pisces men are?? Cancer it is! I like this a little more for him because it gives him and Bridgette and closer friendship. I can see the two of them being best friends before any of the rest. Plus, they would love to celebrate their birthdays together. DJ was born on a Waxing Crescent Moon.
Now when I write fanfics I definitely switch the years around for whatever I’m feeling. But if I’m ever talking about the show in a general sense this is how I imagine it. Idk.
Also, I really don’t care about the whole total drama year timeline thing. It gives me a headache so I just go by the show airing in 2007 and them being 16. 😂
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bg-sparrow · 5 months
BTTF Year-End Tag Game!
Thanks for the tag, @mjf-af! And thanks for loving one of my favorite fics this year, @daryfromthefuture! 🥰
This year:
How many times would you guess you watched the first back to the future movie? First film, only once or twice. After I finished basically studying it frame-for-frame for my triloogy rewrite, I took a bit of a break lol.
Did you get any sweet bttf merch? If so, what! I did! Lots! I got the complete 1989 BttF II Topps trading card collection, We Don't Need Roads: The Making of the Back to the Future Trilogy, Creating Back to hte Future: The Musical, Save the Clocktower tote, BttF Musical t-shirt, Pink Clint Eastwood hoodie, Enchantment Under the Sea Dance t-shirt, and a 10K medal from MedalChasers!
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3. How many cans of Pepsi Free did you chug this year? None. Don't hurt me, but I'm a Diet Coke girl. I was heavily into Pespi in my youth, but I gave up pop for a few years, then one of my medications changed my tastebuds like whoa and I couldn't handle how sweet it was!
4. What was a favorite bttf fanfic you read this year? Don't do this to me! 😩 Tie between He Didn't Start the Fire by @daryfromthefuture, which really started all this 40s Doc phenomenon and was gifted to me in exchange for A Fracture in the Space-time Continuum. I also loved being a part of @professorsaber's r/ThePinheads: Guys, Marty McFLy really *is* a time traveller!!!
5. A favorite bttf fanart you saw this year? (please give us a link, not a screencap/repost!) My favorite this year was one that was a surprise made just for me, so it has no link, unfortunately. @daryfromthefuture drew this for my birthday way back in March of her Until I Get Home Marty and my Once Upon A Time in the West "Clint" about to be blown to bits by cake. Affectionately. :) I smile at it often and love it so much! 🥰
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6. Did you create any bttf fanart or fanfic? If you did, what one(s) are you proudest of? Pfffft. Apparently, I added 22 (‽) fics to the BttF AO3 this year?? When the hell did I have time to do that?? Anyhoo, my favorite is a three-way tie and changes based on my mood: A Fracture in the Space-time Continuum (the most canon-flavored of the lot), Now I Am Become Death (my history-heavy Manhattan Project Doc fic), and Once Upon a Time in the East (#2) (because of all the personal leaps in my writing I took with this one).
7. How many times were you late for school this year? I don't attend school anymore, and being self-employed, I have the luxury of running a few minutes late (if it's more than 5 minutes, I count it as late late).
8. Did you watch any other movies/tv shows with BTTF actors in them? I watched MJF's documentary, Still. I watched about a million episodes of classic Spongebob, where Tom Wilson does a lot of voice acting. Watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit? once with Christopher Lloyd as the amazingly unsettling Judge Doom, Titanic with Billy Zane, and I think that's it. I didn't get a lot of screen time outside writing this year.
9. Was there a memorable moment you heard a Huey Lewis song this year? In September, "Hip to be a Square" came on in the grocery store, and I was reminded how much I loved that song as a kid. I'm gonna catch hands for this, but it's probably my favorite Huey Lewis song. :)
10. How many times did you fall down this year? I don't even know. Two of those falls involved my lower legs folding up underneath me as I slid down the stairs, though. The first time, I broke a toe, and the second time was down a set of brick stairs. My entire left leg was a bruise from knee to ankle. There is still some swelling in my knee a month later that makes it painful to kneel on that knee.
11. Did you get to see BTTF: The Musical? What was your experience like! I did I did I did I did I DID!! It was AMAZING! I was out the door and back home in 25 hours, and it was such a fun solo venture! I even got to meet @bri-to-the-future because we happened to be there the same day! I have detailed it extensively in this post!
12. How many times did your mom retell the story of how she and your father met? Uh, maybe once that I heard (I don't live with them anymore). It's a great story. I heard it a bunch growing up, though! My mom was a Good Student, and my dad was Just There Joking-type. They had Home Ec together. She was passing out tests for the teacher, and my dad handed the test back to my mom and said, "I don't want this." My mom just froze up because she didn't know what to do. XD
13. If you could describe your year in a BTTF quote, which one would it be? "You man enough to back them up with more than just a pie plate?" comes to mind because I'm a dreamer with ADHD. That means I spout off stuff all the time that I want to do (fics I want to write), but they're only going to get done through my actions. Starting stuff is hard for an ADHDer, even if it's something we REALLY want to do. I have to follow through or it won't happen. And I did a good deal of that this year and last year, and I'm big proud of that!
14.⚡️LIGHTNING ROUND⚡️ Did you get to: go on any trains, skate on a skateboard, ride a horse, drive a Delorean, run in the rain, go to a dance, hang up a clock, play the guitar, pull an all-nighter, read science fiction, or drive-thru Burger King this year?
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15. Your future is whatever you make it! So what are you going to make of this coming year? I said this last year, but this year I'm gonna stick to it: this coming year, I'm going to focus more on reading again. I've spent the last three years going so hard with my writing, terrified if I stopped I wouldn't start again for another eight years, but I'm also confident enough to say that I'll be writing here and there again and not lose it like I did before. I want to read more in 2024 because some of my own writing is feeling stale, like I'm reusing phrases, words, scenarios, etc., and I need some new stuff to inspire the evolution of my writing. I also want to start working on something original! I will absolutely still be around (I host June of Doom after all, and I have a McFly July streak to maintain)! So keep tagging me in these awesome games!
I'm tagging everyone who hasn't been tagged yet!!! :D
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memesandtvshowthings · 4 months
The interviewer- a Dramione fanfic
Chapter two!
September 22, 2005
Hermione’s house 
Hermione woke up and immediately got out of bed. She needed to hurry because she had to get ready for an interview. It always took her longer to get ready for those.
“Alright.” She said, getting ready to apparate. She looked at herself in the mirror one more time.
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(Her work outfit!)
After she straightened herself, then apparated to the ministry.
Draco’s house 
Draco got up and got ready for work. He combed his hair and got dressed.
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(His look!)
Once he was ready, he apparate to his office and waked in. His assistant, Mabel, knocked on his door and opened it saying, “Mr. Malfoy! Good morning, I have your list of appointments scheduled for today here.”
“Ah, thank you Mae.” He replied, looking at the list. She left and he sat down at his desk.
10:00 Sarah’s magik shoppe.
10:30 Ministry of magic, department of Magical Law Enforcement.
11:00 Willy’s magical instruments.
That was all he had today. He sat down at his desk and started his paperwork.
 The Ministry of Magic 
Hermione knocked on the Ministers office door.
“Come in.” She heard. Walking in, she said,
“Good morning minister.”
“As to you. Now, I have an appointment set up for you at ten thirty with Malfoy co.”
“What? Malfoy co.?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Is something wrong?”
“No it just…. Me and Malfoy… we aren’t exactly friends.”
“That’s ok. This is a business meeting.”
“I know. It’s just going to be so awkward.”
“Well, I know you can do it. Now, good luck! Your appointment is in thirty minutes.”
“Right. Thank you!” She said leaving. Once she was out she rushed to her office. 
“Oh no.” She whispered to herself. “I wasn’t planning on ever seeing Malfoy again.” She sighed and picked up her stuff.
“Well. I guess I’d better leave.” 
And she apparated.
Malfoy co.
Draco finished his first meeting of the day early. The lady didn’t like his attitude, which was good considering yesterday, so she left. Over the intercom Mabel told him the next client was here early and asked if she should send them in. He told her yes and waited. 
Finally, the door of his office opened and what he saw was shocking to him.
Granger. She walked in and said,
“Hello Mr. Malfoy.”
“Granger.” He replied, gesturing to a seat. She sat down and just looked at him. 
“Ahem.” He coughed, knocking her out of the daze.
“Right. So, uh, I have a few questions for you.”
“Right, uhm… first, please, tell me about your business.”
“Are you uncomfortable Granger?”
“I’m sorry?”
“You heard me.”
“Well, that’s not the answer to my question, is it?”
“Malfoy, please answer the question.”
“Fine, I started this business because…well, I’ve always been interested in running a business and magical objects.”
“Ok. Eh, now, please don’t feel targeted, I ask this to everyone I interview, do you have ANY dark magic involved?”
“No. I’m not my father.” 
Hermione looked deep into his grey eyes. She knew he wasn’t lying just by the look he had.
“Ok. Uh, any additional notes for the ministry?”
 “No. But I have a question for you.”
 “Why are you so nervous?”
“Well, I mean, last time I saw you you’d just tried to kill me, so….”
“I’m sorry.”
“Whatever. It’s the past.”
“Then why are you so nervous?”
“Well, it kinda hard not to be.”
“Oh, ok.”
She got up to leave and right as the was walking to the door Draco said,
“Hey Granger!”
 “You look hot in green.” He was now smirking. 
“Well, uh, thanks!” She replied, cheeks cherry red, and left.
The ministry 
One Hermione returned, she went straight to her office. 
After a few minutes there was a knock on her door.
“Come in.” She said. And was delighted when she saw it was Ginny.
“Oh, hey Gin!”
“Hi! Did you get the gift?”
“Yes! It’s beautiful. Thanks!”
“No problem! Oh, Hey. I’m SO sorry.” 
“Uh, Gin, For what?”
“Ron Broke up with you a couple nights ago..?”
“Oh! Right.”
“Did you forget?”
“Eh, yeah. I mean, we weren’t really dating anyway,”
“Well, he NEVER talked to me. He was always out of town! So you know, I kinda just… pushed him to the back of my head “
“Wow. I was expecting you to take this harder. I mean, yeah, he’s a jerk but…”
“So, anything new?”
“Well, I just had an interesting interview.”
“Ooh! With who?”
“Draco Malfoy.”
“Really? Since when does he have a business?”
“It’s new,”
“Was he hard on you?”
“No. He actually acted like a grown man!”
They both giggled and talked for a little while longer until Ginny had to go.
Malfoy co.
Draco couldn’t stop thinking about Hermione. She had grown into a very beautiful woman.
No Draco. Granger is NOT pretty.
He kept telling himself.
A few hours later Mabel came in with a letter.
“This came for you from the ministry.” She said handing it to him.
“Thanks.” He replied as she walked out. Once he opened it he read,
Mr. Malfoy,
Your report has been processed and we are pleased to inform you that your business is now officially ministry approved. We hope that everything works out for you!
The department of Magical law enforcement- Hermione Granger
Draco reread the letter several times to make sure he didn’t miss anything and then got up and hung it on his cork board.
Once he finished his paperwork, he went to the lobby, told Mabel he was leaving, and apparated home.
The ministry 
Hermione was done for the day. She was so tired but every time she closed her eyes to relax them, gray ones would appear on her eye lids.
She apparated home and sat on her couch. She sighed and picked up her book as she was almost done with it. 
About an hour later, she finished the book and went to bed. She fell asleep almost instantly.
That was chapter two! Stay tuned to my page for more!
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lutiaslayton · 1 year
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Seems like we’ve got something pretty solid for the canon timeline between Curious Village and Diabolical Box! I did not expect to really ever get this close to a 100% set timeline, and yet here we are. It certainly helps that we got the mention of “a few days after the mystery of the Curious Village was solved” (London Holiday) and “a few days earlier” (time between the moment Layton received Schrader’s letter and the moment he boarded the Molentary Express), and that Puzzle #030 of DB is here to give us a canon date! Going with the assumption that “a few days” means “between 3 and 5 days”, this reduces the number of possibilities by quite a lot.
You can find the full timeline here!
Also, in other news, I finished updating the dates in Stable Like Sand as well. I had a few oopsies due to the fact that I needed the fanfic to start on a Monday, but I eventually found a set of dates that works for both the canon and the fanfic! I will be going on the assumption that the SLS timeline, despite being a Canon Divergence, will still follow the same logic as the canon timeline in terms of events that do not depend too heavily on the butterfly effect brought on by the fanfic’s events; and the dates considered will be those in the leftmost green column (which is the “Not 100% Canon Date But These Dates Work Together” timeline). In that regard, I don’t expect anyone to truly have taken notice to it, but if anyone did: I apologise for the fanfic retcon and the confusion. SLS now takes place on August 22 instead of September 28, since it was actually impossible to make the canon timeline work by keeping September 28 😅 At least, let’s all be thankful that the retcon took place so early on in the fic and that aside from the date (and the fact that therefore Hershel will start teaching later, not right the next week), nothing else changed, whether spoilery or not. If you have any, your theories will not be affected in any way because of this.
For a little more detail regarding my canon timeline choices:
Thanks to Puzzle #030 of DB, it is 100% canon that Layton, Luke and Flora visited Dropstone (and thus boarded the Molentary Express) on August 12.
Layton received Schrader’s letter “a few days” earlier, and thanks to London Holiday, we know that this was a Sunday (It is a mystery who went as far as to pass by Layton’s office on a Sunday and personally give him the letter without actually showing their face, but since it is Sunday, I doubt that it was the mailman). I went with the smallest amount of days, aka 3 days, because I assume that after seeing Schrader seemingly dead, Layton wanted to board the Molentary Express as soon as possible. This means giving August 9 as the date for London Holiday, and this makes August 12 a Wednesday.
Curious Village ended “a few days” before London Holiday, and lasted for two full days + more or less one morning. I arranged the dates so that the first day would fall on a Sunday (I could not make it so that it would be Saturday unfortunately), coming from the basis that Layton probably intended for this case to be solved quickly and did not necessarily plan to spend the night there (he only checks in after the crank to the drawbridge disappeared and Luke and him literally had no other choice but to stay in St. Mystere until it was found).
Anyway, all that being said, I will now finally go back to actually writing the next SLS chapter. …assuming I don’t get distracted again and start reading exhaustively the Japanese dialogue I datamined—
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dhr-ao3 · 9 months
midnights (a collection)
midnights (a collection) https://ift.tt/LQ9Cs5B by lil_italy basically, i find this album really inspiring, so i'm writing a fanfic for every single track from midnights! Words: 1838, Chapters: 1/22, Language: English Fandoms: Call of Duty (Video Games), 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game), Kingsman (Movies), Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo, DCU Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, Gen, Multi, Other Relationships: Simon "Ghost" Riley/Reader, Alhaitham/Kaveh (Genshin Impact)/Reader, Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact)/Reader, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Leon S. Kennedy/Reader, Leon S. Kennedy/Ada Wong, Dick Grayson/Reader, König (Call of Duty)/Reader, Jack | Whiskey (Kingsman)/Reader, Matthias Helvar/Nina Zenik Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff, Yearning, Sexual Tension, songfics?, each fic will have its own description, this is a self report on the characters i like via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/QFjJmEX September 22, 2023 at 01:36AM
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television-overload · 9 months
Get to know your fic writer (no pressure):
1, 4, 13, 16, 22, 25 (add link if you want), 40, 54, 56
Ooh yay! Thanks for the ask! I think I copied these all over correctly. I was bored so I went in-depth 😂 Here we go:
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
I've been sitting here for like 5 minutes trying to figure out which I prefer 😂. I find myself coming up with multi-chapter ideas more often I think, really grand plots that I definitely don't have time to devote attention to. I also run into the problem of not knowing how to fill in between the parts that I do I have ideas for, so true multi-chapter fics are a rarity. I've had a few times where a one-shot turned into a multi chap, and THOSE tend to work better and are way more cohesive. One of my favorites is one I wrote for Star Wars (wrong blog, oops 😅) but both chapters were a lot stronger than my usual stuff, and it performed way better on AO3 which was really gratifying.
I've always wanted to write a true masterpiece where readers are anxiously awaiting the next chapter, like so many I've read, but I don't know if I've ever gotten there yet. Maybe a few when I used to write NCIS stuff on fanfiction.net.
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
Songs, a lot of times. They hit me in the feels. Sometimes a line in a fic I'm reading will spark an idea, something I haven't thought about, a new interpretation of an existing scene from the source material. Gifsets, Tumblr meta analysis, movies I'm watching. So many places. I feel like half of them come to me when I'm at work, which is very inconvenient. The aforementioned Star Wars two-shot was half written on the bus ride home from work in the notes app on my phone. I've written several in the aftermath of particularly good or bad episodes/movies. Fix-it fanfic is always great, I feel like I need to write more of it.
13. What’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
I haven't done this for very long, but lately in my adulthood (as opposed to my teenage fics *shudders*) I've actually been pretty good about writing out an outline and going back to edit later. I used to just spew everything in a word doc and barely go through it before posting, but now I reread it to death, mostly to make sure it flows well. My outlines are, shall we say, extensive. The Star Wars fic I'm working on now had 20 chapters outlined and it totaled over 20,000 words. I've basically storyboarded the whole thing and then I go through and convert that to actual scenes. Important dialogue moments I want to hit are included, cause I know I'll forget them if I don't write them as they come to me. It helps me to be able to see the big picture, so that I don't give up on the project halfway through. But for spur of the moment fics or most one-shots, I still mostly write as I go. Occasionally if I have a thought that I want to make sure to include in a later scene, I'll just tack it on at the bottom of the doc and delete it once I get to that point and I put it in writing.
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them.
They're scattered all over the place so that's a good question that God probably only knows the answer to. Some are barely even ideas but take up a line or two in my notes app on my phone. Some probably live only in my brain, forgotten until something triggers me to remember that I was thinking of writing it 😅.
I'd love to do something with @irish-trish 's prompt to fill in the scene from NCIS "She mentioned you at the funeral, I could see what she felt." It sounds right up my alley, but there's a Star Wars fic week coming up in September that I want to actually do on time this year, so I can't allow myself to shift focus to NCIS quite yet 😭
Other than that, I want to write a second chapter to my X-Files fic "Field of Dreams" where Mulder gets to play catch with his son. I really loved writing that fic.
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
Nothing spicy. I don't think I'd ever write in first person unless it was in the form of a letter. Other than that, I think I'd do pretty much whatever. It's just a matter of what I have the skills for I think 😂
Not a fan of AUs, except canon divergence, obviously. To me, the way the characters meet is so integral to who they are that it can't be changed much or it just doesn't feel like them. I've read maybe one fic that changed how characters met (Mulder and Scully) but that was the result of time travel and all sorts of things that warmed me up to the idea, plus the characters as we know them were still there. Alternate universe in the truest sense. I got distracted, what were we talking about?
25. What fic do you wish you got more of a response on?
The two fics I think of as my comfort fics, ones I found really peaceful and natural to write, would have been nice to see get more attention. I've been writing on and off for like a decade now (😳) and I've only ever really had one fic truly pop off in terms of kudos and comments. Which are literally my life blood 😂. But a lot of my older stuff I look back on and I'm like, yeah, that wasn't that great.
My Star Wars (Obi-Wan and Satine) one shot "this could be such a dream" I found really emotional and relaxing to write. I was kind of surprised it didn't go very far, but it was part of a weekly challenge thing so I suppose it makes sense in a way.
To get back to the TV shows I write for, though (since that's the focus or THIS blog), I really really loved my X-Files fic "Field of Dreams", in large part because I love that movie which inspired it, and I love a domestic, peaceful and content-if-not-happy happily ever after for Mulder and Scully. The movie itself makes me cry and feel so many feels, and I thought the connection to Fox Mulder was a really good one.
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
I would welcome anythinggggg, that is my dream!! I haven't really written anything I'm super proud of yet in the NCIS fandom that I feel would warrant art, but maybe someday! I'm working on a Star Wars "Sound of Music" type looooong fic rn and boy, the amount of work I've put in, I would die if someone were engaged enough to be inspired by it.
54. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
Honestly, I get so excited to post it. I hope people will enjoy what I've written. I've read so much great fanfic, that I just want to contribute my 2 cents to the fandoms. Getting comments (as rare as it often is) literally makes my day and makes it all worthwhile to me. Any form of engagement, interaction here on Tumblr, that's what I strive for. But I also write for me. Exploring ideas I've never seen done before, filling in gaps in the fandom, I love it. Those comfort fics I was talking about, I love to just go back and read. It doesn't really matter, in the end, if they touched other people like they do me. I like them and that's what matters. The fics I'm not so proud of? I've been transferring them over from Tumblr and fanfiction.net anyway because some of them have received really lovely comments and people might enjoy them despite how I feel.
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I hope I'm improving on descriptive language. I want to bring out emotions in my writing, and I think there's been definite improvement since I started. I'm also thankful that I have a grasp on grammar and spelling and all the typical writing conventions. That can be a turn off to a lot of readers if it's a complete mess, so luckily I was always a pretty harsh editor throughout my schooling 😅
Get to know your fic writer
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solarsavoy · 2 years
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I posted 747 times in 2022
That's 720 more posts than 2021!
261 posts created (35%)
486 posts reblogged (65%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 684 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#assassination classroom - 118 posts
#solarsavoyart - 97 posts
#solarsavoyasks - 89 posts
#daily delivery - 79 posts
#solarsavoyfics - 70 posts
#nagisa shiota - 44 posts
#ao3 fanfic - 43 posts
#20 days of assassination classroom 2022 - 43 posts
#karma akabane - 41 posts
#krystar - 30 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#because im a writer that talks to my characters as though they were real and running rp accounts pretending to be them how do i know im not
My Top Posts in 2022:
No one asked, but I really wanted to answer it!
Ask game.
3 - 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
And I actually have 4 so... Here we go!
Treasure Planet. So underrated, which is totally unfair. Beautiful story and one of the few (if not only) Disney movies that don't have a love interest for the MC. It's all about growing up and finding yourself and found family. In fact, just realized, Jim is like Stag in that regard. Both were abandoned at a young age by their fathers and became rebellious to the point of being impossible to deal with until their father figure came into their life. And also, never having a father of my own to look up to, this really resonates with me. Haha, Deshi's dad left him at a young age too. I'm sensing a theme. 😆 Unlike Stag though, Deshi doesn't need a father figure in the sense that he's not looking for one nor does he find one. (Although Lord Carroll does get close...)
Sinbad, another underrated film. By Dreamworks this time. The most alluring part of this film:
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That fucking hair!!! Man, I could just watch how her hair flows forever. Like, nobody has ever made hair that moves like this before, or since! It's close to underwater hair, but not quite, so Little Mermaid doesn't count. But seriously, that fucking hair. And Sinbad is pretty funny. 😆 Most quoted scene between Deo and I, a dude gets thrown up by a sea monster, shakes it off, and goes to attack again. "Give that guy a raise." -Sinbad Yes, please. He deserves it. 😀👍
Anastasia. I loved this movie growing up. Rasputin what such a terrifying bad guy, and Anastasia was anything but weak. Despite it not being a Disney flick at the time, it broke the mold on Disney princesses. Tangled and Frozen hadn't come out yet and Anastasia was the only princess to do what she wants, when she wants, how she wants. Instead of the man saving her from some evil villain, he saves her in the very beginning from a threat to the royal family. And then she saves herself from Rasputin at the end. Well, and Dimitri, because, you know, he was hanging off a bridge. So many movies before this were misogynistic and so many after are so feminist that they really diss on males, but in Anastasia, they are equals simply facing the world together, and to me, that's just beautiful. And this:
See the full post
28 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
20 Days of Assassination Classroom 2022!
I totally meant to hype up the challenge like Hailey did with MaeIso week and didn't. 😅 Anyway, the 20 day Assassination Classroom challenge starts in 3 days! Get your drawings ready!
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32 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
20 Days of Assassination Classroom 2022, Day 20
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Episode 1...
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See the full post
33 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
20 Days of Assassination Classroom 2022, Day 1
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It's a tie. I couldn't help it. 💙
Small reminder of the rules: just reblog the latest reblog with your additional answer to keep the chain going! A new post will be made for each day. No time limit to reblog. Enjoy!
37 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Saw someone else post a pic of an older version of Danny and I just had to add my own. ^^ It was done a year and a half ago, but I hope yall like it!
48 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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raviposting · 1 year
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February Stats Books Read: 16 Average Rating: 3.44 Top Genre: Mystery & Thriller My storygraph if you wanna follow me and see my reviews (though I’ll link them for each book in the ratings) :) Currently Reading: Perfect Ruin by Claudia Tan, The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman, and The Trials of Kate Hope by Wick Downing.
Standouts: So standouts for me don’t have to be positive, or even my highest ratings - they’re books that just Stood Out to me one way or the other, are in my memory, etc. so here we go lmao 
Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris: 2.5/5 Like I said not every standout can be great and alskj;faksdf;j this is one of them. What really got me the most was how much these characters didn’t speak like real people. There was no depth, no real characterization, and the writing felt stilted and overly formal at times. But it left an impression I guess so yay for that?
Wrong Place, Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister: 4/5 This book fucked. It’s such an absolutely unique concept to me, not only just doing a Groundhog Day thing, but going back further and further in time until you can solve what’s happening with the murder. I found myself really invested in these characters, and I still think about them (granted it’s been like a month out, but generally doesn’t happen to me for thrillers). Everyone should read this book. And if you read it and don’t like it asdfjkl: my bad. 
All Other Books: 
The Ultimate Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams: 4/5. So the first book is definitely a standout to me, but the other books not so much. I think the first few books are really good and then it kind of meanders off, but I also read all these books after each other and it is SO possible I was just a bit tired of it lmao. 
And Put Away Childish Things by Adrian Tchaikovsky: 3/5. Releases March 28. 
You Can Trust Me by Wendy Heard: 4.5/5. Releases June 13.
Read to Death at the Lakeside Library by Holly Danvers: 3.5/5. Releases August 8. Don’t be dumb like me a;sdlkfja;sdl this thing is like the third book in the series or something
All I Want for Christmas by Nora Roberts: 2.75/5
The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood: 3.75/5. I’m not gonna lie guys. If I didn’t know this was a Reylo fanfic I would have been all over this book. It honestly is pretty good, save for a line or two that made me howl lmao
The Night She Vanished by Wendy Dranfield: 2/5. Releases March 14. 
The Neighbors We Want by Tim Lane: 2.75/5 Releases September 5. I’m going to be honest guys out of all the books in this list I probably couldn’t tell you a single fact in here that wasn’t part of the book blurb. I read it like 10 days ago and it’s already just wiped from my memory
 End Game by Liz Mistry: 4/5. Releases April 14. Despite being the fifth book in the series I was able to get most of it! I also really enjoyed the diverse cast (despite the cop setting, which, blegh) - the author is white but the representation in this book felt pretty natural and the characters were nifty; I’m probably going to check out the other four books lmao
Northern Lights by Philip Pullman: 4/5. I really gotta check out the HDM show lmao but this was a fun time! Lots of worldbuilding here but it was worth it.
The Good Patient by Alex Stone: 3.75/5. Releases March 22
Kill Joy by Holly Jackson: 3.5/5. I mean like. It’s fine lmao.  Like read it if you love this series but I think she could have easily written a better story about something else in the AGGGTM canon 
Moonlight Can Be Deadly by Charlotte Stuart: 3/5 Releases March 14, fourth book in the series. There’s some things in this book that strongly threw me off of reading any other book in the series but if you’re interested I’d say read the others first lmao
You Are Here: Connecting Flights by Ellen Oh (and a bunch of other authors whose names I can’t find): 4/5. Releases March 7 
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catreginae · 2 years
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I posted 465 times in 2022
That's 463 more posts than 2021!
340 posts created (73%)
125 posts reblogged (27%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 430 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#just talking - 185 posts
#ask - 170 posts
#catreginae: thou shalt not fall - 161 posts
#anon - 69 posts
#linked universe - 59 posts
#alliankitty - 47 posts
#my writing - 31 posts
#lu warriors - 28 posts
#linked universe fanfic - 22 posts
#fanart - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 96 characters
#i'm one of those people who has separate folders in my emails just to make comments easy to find
My Top Posts in 2022:
An AU where Warriors joins last... because the chain has to find and rescue him.
After the War, but before the events of LU is kicked into motion, a group of people (can be traitors but I think it would more interesting if it was a group of citizens) take Warriors and uses him as ransom. They send his blood stained scarf as proof thst they actually have him.
Athena isn't convinced that the group is interested in sending him back safely, thinking that would just take the rupees and probably kill him once they have it since Warriors would undoubtedly be a witness.
Luckily for her though, a group of heroes have come looking for Warriors and she sends them to track down Warriors and get him back.
Cue the all the suspense and mystery. I'm not good with that kind of thing.
This idea is adoptable. If it speaks to you, it needs a good home. Just tag me if you decide to do something with it.
106 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
Kat is an incredibly person and a wonderful writer (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
Just saying that I admire you is too little,
You so precious than a crystal
Any altar I put for you will be too small,
For thou who always remain standing after so many has falls
Not even the most beautiful words could describe how amazing you are after all.
Reblog if u agree♡
I just want to see how far this goes...
122 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
AU where Warriors received a medical discharge months after defeating Ganon because he never truly recovered from his injuries. He's unable to stay on his feet long enough to fight, let alone hold his sword. Although Artemis offers him a place to stay in the castle because of his service, he finds hard to stay and ultimately retires to a small village in the countryside with Proxi where nobody really knows who he is. He survives on military benefits and rarely interacts with the other villagers, but they do check on him from time to time.
Warriors isn't exactly happy in retirement but he's more or less accepted it.
Until eight other heroes come to the village Warriors retired to and ask around for a hero named Link, and Warriors can't fathom why anybody would come looking for a broken hero like him...
138 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
Another LU idea that I might not write because nothing is working out so far (because you know, my life).
At the end of Hyrule Warriors, Warriors just collapses. Could be all the collective injuries from taking down Ganon, combined with the exhaustion, and maybe a good ol' infected wound or two. Whatever the reason, he collapses in front of Mask and his condition isn't great.
And when it's time for all the time-displaced to go home, he still's unconscious.
Masks tries to fight against going home because he doesn't want to leave until he knows Warriors will be fine. He's forced back anyway. He leaves not knowing if Warriors even survived. He lives for years, wondering if Warriors is okay.
Come LU and Time gets to meet some of the other heroes, but Warriors isn't among them. He thinks to meet that mayb Warriors died after all and that's why he they haven't been reunited. However, he can't voice why he is so worried.
But Warriors just happens to be the last to join the chain. He pulled through just fine, trying to ignore the fact that a lot of his friends left and he never got to say goodbye.
203 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
As much as I like reading dissections of the fandom characterizations as they compare to canon, I think the more important thing is that people have fun and make the content they want so they keep improving their craft. People intentionally disregard canon all the time in any given fandom.
You don't have to drop system/DID Four just because Jojo isn't using it. If you like that headcanon, keeping using it as often as you would like. Canon isn't the end all be all, especially in fandoms. Just don't confuse canon and fanon and you should be fine.
267 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
TW : mentioning of su!c¡de
This is going to be so long
So , today , the 22nd of September marks 4 years since my best friend committed, it's been so long and it still hurt because i was the last one they talked to and i keep asking myself (what if) , what if i knew? Maybe i could've stopped them, maybe they would've been here today, they weren't just a friend, they were so close to me, they made believe in soulmates, they were my everything
Anyway, as depressed and sad i am, this page brings so much comfort for me, i did sent an anon ask here saying this page is my 🕯comfort zone🕯and it comfort my anxiety a while ago, which is all true
I don't know why but every time i feel sad i find myself here, and I've never been more sad than in this day, I'm writing this in a dark room with bunch of tears covering my keyboard and my vision is so blurry, so if i made a mistake let's ignore it , i don't know for how long I've been crying honestly or how many times i cried everyday since 22/9/2018 , but hey, the silly fanfics, the theories and YOU were able to make me smile a little when honestly it's so hard to bring the smallest joy to me in this day especially, because in every 22nd of every September i find myself crying hard just like i did that night
So, thank you, and thanks to every anon and every person who was able to make me smile a little bit today, even tho I'm still crying and even tho I'm still in so much pain
i just want to let you know, You made it a little bit easier <3
CW: Mention of suicide!
Wow. I’m absolutely speechless, dear Anon. I have no words.
First of all, I want to tell you that I am really sorry for the loss you have suffered, I am sorry that you have to experience this. I can tell you from my own experience that I know how it feels to lose a loved one through suicide. I myself have already had to make this experience twice, so I think I can roughly understand what you are going through. And in one of the cases I still sometimes feel guilty and wonder if I could have prevented it. Even if in my case it was not so that I was the last person to be spoken to. But even today I still blame myself, although I actually know very well that I could not have prevented it. And neither could you have prevented it, I’m sure.
Personally, I think that when a person has reached this point, there is almost nothing left to do. And you know, this is just my personal opinion, and what I say doesn’t have to be right, or the right view, but that’s how I see it. The psyche of us is like our body; all illnesses, whether mental or physical, are the same in one way. They are diseases. And some people manage to defeat the worst diseases, and some unfortunately not. Whether mentally or physically. It's the "same". This way of seeing has helped me personally a lot. There are many kinds of diseases and no matter what kind, it can always turn out differently than you want. But that’s exactly why you shouldn’t blame yourself, because I’m absolutely convinced that you couldn’t have changed it. Unfortunately.
I’m not sure you want to hear this talk from me at all or my advice or whatever. Since I don’t know you or your best friend, I don’t know if it’s okay for you, sorry if it isn’t. I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything.
That’s why I’m just going to say a huge big thank you to you. Your message really touched me, in all kinds of ways. But not negative, don’t worry.
First of all, I thank you incredibly for your openness to me and to us. That you have dared to talk so openly about it is a really good thing because it should be much more normal to talk about such things. That’s why I thank you very much for doing it and you have my greatest respect for it.
And secondly, of course, I also thank you incredibly for your words to me. I think your message is one that has made me so happy as rarely before. And that’s because I’m so grateful that I can give you a little bit of joy. With my weird posts and the weird stuff I talk here sometimes. xD I am incredibly happy that I manage to cheer you up a little and I am serious when I tell you that your message has given me personally so much more strengh. I myself have my problems and your message means so much to me. You deserve all the happiness in the world, Anon, and I’m so glad and grateful that I can be a small part of it. Cheering up other people or something like that are really one of the only things that really mean something to me and I thank you so much for sharing it with me. It is an incredible honor for me that I can give you a little joy and that my blog is your comfort zone. And I hope that it will continue in the future.❤️
Thank you for taking the time to write it all down, I really appreciate every single one of your words.
Really, you just gave me so much, you can’t imagine.
I’m sorry that you have to experience this and to say that it will get better at some point, I find it hard, because maybe it won’t. But I hope someday it will be a little easier for you. Even if it’s incredibly sad and words don’t really make a difference, try to remember the beautiful things you both experienced together. I also know that this can only make it sadder, and that’s good, because being sad and crying is good. Even if it’s painful, it helps us. But I hope that at some point you can think more of the positive things. Maybe that sounds a little strange but I think you know what I mean by that. It will probably remain hard forever but it will eventually become easier.
I really wish you all the best in the world, Anon. And I really wish you a lot of strength and send you so much love and hugs (if that’s okay for you :D) And if you want to talk, my ask box is always open and my pms are open in case you need something.
Again, a big thank you and I hope you feel a little better today. Lots of love and hugs. Take always care of yourself and stay healthy and safe! You're wonderful, Anon, I mean it.❤️
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tuiyla · 1 year
Something that I still find insane with Glee is just how much professional content was put out about it, both during and after the show. They had the actual show, the concert tours, the (3D) concert movie, the reality show specifically to get cast on Glee (two seasons of it which is one more than most shows even get now), the billboard charting songs/albums, the cast podcasts, and the recent fucked up docuseries. Not to mention the insane number of "Glee Audition" YouTube videos and other fan-created content like SimGM, fanfics, covers, GIFs, etc. I genuinely cannot think of a single other show that has ever had that much going on around it. No matter where you looked or what kind of content, you'd likely run into something Glee related. I first learned about the show because my classmates would singing "Don't Stop Believing" on our bus all the time, like the entire bus would sing the entire song. No one and no where was safe.
Also books and other merchandise iirc?
It's truly an insane scale. I think there were similar properties, but not at the same intersection of teen media and music as Glee was. Music really elevated it above other TV shows, in terms of revenue as well, I'm sure. I mean, what other show I could do as something as unhinged for as the singing database? They just produced so much content, and to think that the cast had to not only learn their lines and do the acting but record their songs AND learn choreography and do talk show appearances and other promos on top of that is already wild. Add to that the tours and musical appearances? It gets to a level that I'm pretty sure should have been illegal. Like, for real, the Glee cast was so infamous for being crazy overworked that it shouldn't have been allowed. Hard enough to film 22 episodes a year and that's without all the extra stuff.
And the fan stuff! That can be a tremendous amount even if the property itself isn't as accomplished as Glee was but you're right, that was - and continues to be! - impressive too. Again the scale of it, organized events and forums and popular videos like SimGM. You really couldn't go anywhere without Glee content.
I think I've mentioned this once or twice before, but I heard Landslide for the first time through the GCV. I didn't search for the Glee version; I had just read The Perks of Being a Wallflower and I wanted to know what the tunnel song sounded like. This is September of 2012 btw. So I typed landslide into youtube and the very first result, probably the second and even third, was the Glee version. So that was the one I listened to for years, exclusively, even though I had zero to do with Glee at that point. I'm sure there were other GCVs that sneaked into my life and certainly the mainstream, too. The show itself had a stranglehold on pop culture but the music was a whole new level. Glee was a machine producing so much content and I can only assume making an obscene amount of money. Idk what the cast got paid but I'd be willing to bet it wasn't enough.
Through godawful documentaries or in more positive ways but Glee's still part of the public consciousness because that kind of omnipresence doesn't just go away. Fascinating. Kinda terrifying. But very very interesting.
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pabloernesto · 2 years
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I posted 29,343 times in 2022
That's 17,197 more posts than 2021!
52 posts created (0%)
29,291 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,538 of my posts in 2022
#fashion - 367 posts
#arte - 261 posts
#mcr - 253 posts
#resource - 228 posts
#gender - 206 posts
#fav post - 116 posts
#write - 105 posts
#about me - 79 posts
#important - 66 posts
#prev - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#can you imagine really hitting it off with someone and you're showing eachother your rocks and they show you one of their little ammonites
My Top Posts in 2022:
My grandfather won our house in a poker game and then lost half of it in another poker game. I think it is my duty, as his direct descendant, to use the world cup to continue with the tradition he started.
4 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
I'm having such a shitty time that I'm considering writing fanfics, just so i can rant about my life in the author's notes
4 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
If I post this stupid webcomic before midnight I can brag about finishing a webcomics while I'm still 22
But it's so hard
5 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
How do I stop feeling left behind?
My younger sister is moving out before I do, all my friends are finishing or have already finished college and some of my high school classmates are already starting families, and I've done nothing and time's running out and I feel like I'm losing my mind
7 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Watching American psycho for the first time rn, imma liveblog this
22 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bitbybitwrites · 1 year
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I posted 73 times in 2022
That's 73 more posts than 2021!
37 posts created (51%)
36 posts reblogged (49%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 41 of my posts in 2022
Only 44% of my posts had no tags
#blaine anderson - 33 posts
#kurt hummel - 33 posts
#klaine fanfiction - 31 posts
#klaine - 30 posts
#klaine fanfic - 30 posts
#writing - 23 posts
#klaine fic - 23 posts
#fanfiction - 22 posts
#klainetober 2022 - 17 posts
#31horrificdays - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 22 characters
#halloween word prompts
My Top Posts in 2022:
New Story - Trick or Treat
My first ever fan fic is up! Links below.
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Trick or Treat by bitbybit (puttingittogether)
Summary: It’s Halloween and Blaine’s favorite time of year. Little does he know that his husband has a bit of a trick and treat waiting for him when he gets home. Based off of the Klaine Creative Challenge #1/ Halloween/Costume Klaine from the Klaine 40 FB group. Prompt: where Kurt is in costume and ready to go out, and Blaine walks in and sees him like that. Inspired by Chris Colfer's 2021 Halloween video from Instagram and his outfit.
Alternate Universe. Rated M. Pairing: Kurt H./ Blaine A. Warnings (for those who want a little spoiler): The story does include a D_s relationship, sex and bondage (shibari). It's pretty tame though, compared to other stories of this nature that are out there. Many thanks to my dear friends for their unfailing patience and support during the writing process. Thank you to iris7124 for the beautiful artwork!
A03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41769459
FanFiction.Net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14138030/1/Trick-or-Treat
23 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
All Aboard - Klaine Fan Fic
Here's a new fic for you all - involving an interesting train ride on the Orient Express for our boys.
I know #Klainetober may be done, but @madas-ahatters-world and I are determined to finish out these great prompts we found on the @klainetober blog. So you'll see more of these stories pop up from me now and then.
There's some suspense in this one, not really horror.
Thanks again to iris7124 for the beautiful artwork.
Story info below the photo. Happy reading!
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A trip from Paris to Prague on the Orient Express sets the scene for a meeting between a traveler and a mysterious passenger that catches his eye. Could romance bloom between them? Or will the night hold much more for them than they both expected?   Written for the #31horrificdays October Writing Challenge / Klainetober 2022. Prompt - Day 12 - Passenger
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Glee
Relationship: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Mike Chang
Additional Tags: Suspense, Alternate Universe, mild violence, Angst and Feels
24 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
It's another gleedrabbleblog 100 word prompt!
OK, this past week's @gleedrabbleblog prompts: The word was age and the bonus word was dark.
So this may be a bit of a stretch, but it's what I thought of when I saw both words.
“Bring out yer dead!” Blaine wailed as he trudged along.
“Here’s one.” A really tall and utterly filthy peasant said.
“Finn!” said the body slung over his shoulder.  “Put me down.  I’m not dead yet!”
“He’s not,” said Blaine
“Yes, he is,” the tall peasant said.
“I’m getting better,” Kurt cried out. “Ok, put me down.  I can’t do this.”
“Awww, “ said Finn disappointed.
“Look, I get that you both love this movie, and it’s the dark ages – but did we HAVE to get this dirty to re-enact it?”  Kurt shuddered as he walked away.  “I need a moist towelette.”
So in my mind, I feel Blaine and Finn would be big Monty Python fans - would have totally bonded over this fandom and would have found a way to have Kurt re-enact this scene! ( See clip of original above) 😂
And if you haven't yet seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail, go see it. Some really hilarious bits in there!
25 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
Under The Cover Of Darkness - Klaine Secret Santa 2022 - Fan Fic
So I did it! Here is a story for @usurix for the @klainesecretsanta2022 challenge.
Happy holidays, @usurix! I hope I was able to capture what you were looking for!
There are a lot of firsts with this story:
This was the first time for me to write for someone else, specifically using a prompt of their choosing.
Also, the first time playing around with a superhero trope.
And my first real multichapter story! 13 chapters!
More about the prompt and story below the picture.
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Prompt: #18 - Strong serious type superhero Kurt Hummel saves awkward Blaine. And during first day of class Blaine runs into a familiar body recognizing him as the man that saved him.(got to figure out why Blaine recognizes him)
Wants: in college, bridal style carry rescue, sexual tension when Blaine confronts Kurt he thinks he's the super hero. Muscle Kurt lol.
Preferred Max Rating: M
Please Avoid: Cooper Anderson, homophobia, klaine having ex girlfriend
UPDATE: All 13 chapters are now up and published on A03.
25 notes - Posted December 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Here's a new prompt from @gleedrabbleblog
I'm still in a holiday mood, so here's a bit of holiday fluff using a prompt from @gleedrabbleblog
Prompt - Player
You can see all my other drabbles here.
“Excuse me, may I have this dance?”
Kurt looked up to see a hand outstretched toward him.  “Yes . . .Yes, you may,” he whispered.
Blaine pulled his husband up from the floor where he was sorting through Christmas decorations.
The record player they dug out from the basement crackled as music quietly played throughout the house.
Kurt melted into his husband’s embrace as they slowly swayed back and forth to the music in the glow of the Christmas tree lights.
Blaine softly sang into Kurt’s ear: “I really can’t stay . .”
“But baby, it’s cold outside . .”
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32 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
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