#fangame questions
charonarp · 6 months
Fangame Inquiry
So...I've been trying to do some research into the logistics and legality of fangames and what is and isn't allowed, but I'm so confused because none of the examples share what I'm trying to do and doesn't help me know if what I want to do is okay or not...so...I decided to hop on here and see if anyone's able to give me a clear answer if possible.
Recently, I purchased RPG Maker (MV/MZ - got both since they share file sizes and I might like one over the other for different games), and had the idea to make 3 possible fangames: A Legend of Zelda fangame, a Curse of Strahd RPG, and a Thomas Sanders fangame.
I'll be focusing on the first two, since those are connected to large companies. I'm pretty sure I'd be in the green light with my third idea, haha :p
Starting with the Legend of Zelda one (Project Acorn - a temporary name), this is the one I'm the most confused about. With this fangame, I want to make an original story with original characters, which happen to take place in Hyrule and use the races from the game (Hylian, Gerudo, Rito, etc.)
During my research, many have stated that Nintendo is VERY unwelcoming of fangames, but from what I understand, it seems to mostly be due to games that share too much similarity and assets from their games? I plan to make a lot of the game's assets on my own: custom sprites, tiles, portraits, etc., so I don't know where my idea would lie in regards to legality.
I don't plan to call it "Legend of Zelda: ___". The main thing I'm confused about is if it'll be a problem with me using specific locations, temples and races, even if they're original characters and personally constructed. Like Kakariko Village, would I get in trouble if I had this as a location in the storyline? Would I get in trouble for using the word "Hyrule"?
I'm fairly confident that mentioning names of existing characters in the franchise would cause issues, but honestly, I don't plan to have them involved or mentioned at all in it. I genuinely want to make a fully custom story with my own characters in their own timeline/universe, in a time where there is no Hero of Courage, there's no looming threat due to the Triforce of Power or anything related to it.
I plan on making this game entirely free, should it be made. In fact, I plan on making all my fangames free, should I be able to make them long enough to publish. I am just one person after all, with no experience making custom tilesets or sprites or anything (pixel art is not my strong suit, but I'm willing to try). I just have a story in my head I'd love to see in an RPG format, that's all. I also plan to use custom or copyright free music for it as well. Even if I'm no musician, I do wish to learn.
For the second, I can see the Curse of Strahd fangame having some issues, considering the fact that I do have the idea of making an RPG fangame playing a majority of the plot from the campaign into it, but not exactly one-to-one. However, it'd use characters straight from the book, the only custom characters just being the character(s) you play and extras that may share importance to those characters.
This one I'm the most scared of because of this reason. Although I do plan on making the game free (should I be able to make it), I can definitely understand if this one in particular causes problems with wizards. I mean, it would also spoil a lot about the game...I just thought that Curse of Strahd would be a fun game in an RPG format, considering that it's a sandbox adventure that has the same plotline throughout the book, but changes drastically due to the tarot cards.
Now that I think about it, maybe I shouldn't make this game...hmmmm 🤔
Sorry for the long ramble, I'm just genuinely lost. If you tell me to "look it up", I tried. I hate looking up stuff like this because I'll find so many answers and none of them will answer my questions. There's so much information on the internet that I seriously don't know what's true or not by just one post.
Again, I plan to make these free, should I be able to publish them. I personally don't feel comfortable even charging money for anything I'd like to make in regards to games. I'm also pretty sure I'd definitely get in trouble if they costed money to play, lol.
I got inspired to try to make some games again thanks to my 14th re-watch of Markiplier playing the Hearts and Heroes fangame, haha. I tried making games before, but dropped it pretty fast due to being an inexperienced writer and not knowing how to progress at a certain point (I also didn't legally own RPG maker back them either, but that's all gone now lol).
I would probably ask this on Reddit, but I seriously don't understand that website and don't know where I'd even post this, lol. I am also very afraid of that site, so....yeah <_<'
Hope you take care! And remember to HYDRATE :D (Help idk how to tag-)
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Just thought I might ask here but why does your Abel design have a cord tail but the others don’t?
oh it’s actually explained in game but i think i should explain here too! : in my au, everyone born before the early 80’s had cord tails before technology improved and gave people the option to be cordless!
but ofc, with all new technology, it was something that only the upper class was able to access at first andddd since Abel is pretty old / was form a low income household, he was given the cord tail as it was just something his family couldn’t afford (and since Bunny was born into money he was able to not have the cord tail)
sadly since the cord wraps around his spine, having it surgically removed would be pretty risky plus expensive! anyyyyway i hope that explains it 4 u !
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blazehedgehog · 1 month
Thoughts on Dr. Robotnik's Ring racers and the current version of SRB2 Kart?
I never dug too super deep in to SRB2 Kart because I very rarely play online games with randos and I had no real consistent group to play with otherwise. Like, I tried to play the few times Tracker hosted a server, but he lives in the UK and I'm on wifi so it just didn't really work out.
So I was kind of waiting for the singleplayer campaign mode. I could see the potential in SRB2K. "The Mugen of Kart Racers" has been an idea in the back of my head for literal decades at this point. But I did not care about time trials because there were no items.
I streamed about four hours of Ring Racers (obviously) a couple days ago:
And I've also seen a lot of SRB2 Kart diehards lose their mind over some of the changes and problems in Ring Racers.
As someone who has never really put more than, say, two hours in to SRB2 Kart, Ring Racers is... fun? Yeah. It's fun. I'd say I enjoyed myself.
But it's also got problems. Broadly speaking, the entire game is way too complicated for its own good. It's nice that they really sat down and thought very deeply about kart racer mechanics and tried to elevate things to a new level, but it feels like they overthought a lot of it. And I mean beyond the fact this game opens with a very wordy, 30-60 minute tutorial. Don't get me wrong, it needs at least some of that, because it's a very mechanically dense game, but that's also sort of the problem.
Like I literally just bailed out of a Discord conversation about this because I wanted to write it over here, but let's take, for example, the spindash.
The spindash mechanic has three primary functions in Ring Racers:
You charge up a spindash at the right time during the starting line lobby segment to get a boost going into the first lap
You charge a spindash to get through one of the speed barriers for secret shortcuts
This game has Sonic-style physics and there are slopes where, if you aren't already going fast, they are too steep of an incline to drive up. So you have to stop and charge a spindash to clear them.
What value does this actually bring to the table? What's useful about it?
The starting line lobby segment is annoying because even CPU racers will bump you into a FAULT state, forcing you to start in last place. Lobby segments are also different sizes, different lengths, so as a newbie like myself, that already puts me at a disadvantage. Charging a spindash for a starting line boost does not add anything you could not already do with Mario Kart's more traditional starting line mechanic. So that means everything around it is just to make the game less friendly to newbies.
Unless you are an ultra-skilled sickos player who optimizes ring consumption to the max, or you're lucky enough to have a boost item, you are never going to be setup to crash through a speed barrier. I certainly never am. I only touch them by accident and they always make everything worse for me when I do. I would never stop and deliberately use a spindash to clear one of these, and places in the map where I get owned are never near one for it to act as a shortcut to get me back in the race faster.
The only time you need to use a spindash on a slope is if you get blasted by someone else's weapon, and there's always this deep dread to that where it's like, if I have to spindash to get up a slope, the race is already lost. Getting slammed by a weapon can already be very devastating on its own, but adding the extra step of having to come to a complete stop, wait 2-3 seconds to charge a spindash, and then crawl up the incline? It's insult to injury.
So, then, in practical terms: what value does the spindash bring to this game? The shortest summary is it's a recovery mechanic that adds an extra step to systems that are tuned to be very difficult and maybe don't even need to exist. You could remove the spindash (and all the systems that depend on the spindash) and I think it would be a better game.
And there's a few systems like this in the game, like the ring tether system, the air drop, and so on. It's nice to finally see someone trying to meaningfully evolve the kart racer into something with greater depth, but I also feel like people who liked SRB2 Kart liked it because it was a very good one of those. And it had extremely friendly mod support.
I get the desire for what's happening here. People were unfairly harsh about how "SRB2 Kart is a bad name" and the developers wanted to both establish a fresher identity and push things in a new direction. But they're also kind of reinventing a lot of wheels and adding all of these extra steps, which will and is hurting the pick-up-and-play element of "it's just a good kart racer." If you roll up on a friend group with Ring Racers and say "hold up, you gotta play the 40 minute tutorial first", that's a killer, and that's still considering they've already trimmed the tutorial length once since it launched only a few days ago.
A kart racer with the depth of a fighting game is definitely an interesting idea and like I said, I was having fun in the stream, but it's just one of those things where the more I think about what the ideal form of this game is trying to be, the more I wonder.
And that's not even considering that some things that worried me about SRB2 Kart are still here, like how many very narrow and winding tracks there are. Sometimes you get what is effectively a rally racing track but there's 8 other hyper-aggressive cars on the road with you and they're all armed to the teeth with projectile weapons. Even in SRB2 Kart's time trial mode, when I was the only one on the track, it could be hard enough to stay on the road. Now that I'm being knocked around by other racers at the same time? It can borderline on feeling impossible.
Again, I don't hate this. It's just that there's a lot of weird friction in places I feel like it does not benefit from or need.
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eredita-doro · 8 days
Stand Showcase #7: Question
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"Burn in your greed" This is QUESTION, the Short-Range Control Stand, and the 4th of the 18 stands your main character can have.
"The Oven Stand" has the capability to make objects around it increase in temperature and malleability, allowing it to be able to mold them like dough. However, the stand must remain hovering over the user's head, unable to move from its position, meaning that usage of it must be careful, in order to make sure the user is not exposed to these effects as well.
Question has access to a unique "Temperature Meter", which it is capable of ramping up as the battle progresses. The higher it is, the more powerful Question becomes, but it also increases the chance of negative feedback such as self-inflicted confusion from the moves used. This stand is powerful, but it is difficult to use alone on an adventure due to this temperature management, and thus it functions best when it is able to apply its strong support moves.
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beatcroc · 30 days
ok who wants to come pplay dr. robotnik's ring racers with me
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gingeredmink · 3 months
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She's drinking hard mountain dew with vodka or somethin in it, a delicious cocktail called, "YOU'VE FUCKED UP" apparently [moment of silence for Soutarou, hc he's one of her drinking buddies and probs gets to deal with nonsense a good bit].
Shirt is from here. Ofc checked out their music since I was drawing their shirt and it's pretty good chuggy, heavy cybergrind/metalcore with unintelligible lyrics if you're into that sorta stuff.
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bililies · 23 days
I'd like to show you something.
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First, I have Pizza Tower'ed you.
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I sprited you next to my and my friend Mercair's self-inserts.
Sockmaster - my jevil self-insert.
Scamcair M. Scamcair - my friend Mercair's spamton self-insert.
So yeah, have fun with it
. . .
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angelbitezzz · 3 months
Eyo check this out Angel and Sans
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They watch for a moment. Angel's face lights up in realization, while Sans merely looks amused.
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reginald-k-sanshire · 6 months
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thereluctantfollower · 7 months
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Reminder that VAs like Kellen, encourage you and everyone to hire friends or voice impressionists, to mimic their voice for characters they brought to life.
There is no excuse to refuse doing that and resort violating another human being's body for your own personal greedy gain. You didn't know? Well where were you for past few years? Under a rock?
Famous artists on Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Twitch and on every social media platform have raised their voices about the abuse of AI directed at them and several others. If you aren't following anyone with a big name, you certainly heard about how bad AI is from constant whining from AI tech bros, actual artist friends with valid complaints and much more. If you heard about drama from a fandom you aren't part of it, there's high chance you heard about AI.
Using your age as a weapon, is not going to work. Using your status, or financial situation as a weapon against the general public. Is not going to work. Get educated before making a brash, big move that you know very well, is a bad idea. Learn why AI is bad and being abused.
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occasionaltouhou · 6 months
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was thinking about my ocs again so decided to repost all the characters i've gotten art of from that one deepsea fangame idea i've mentioned once or twice
art is by @rickydirigo who is my friend + you should go commission them
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pekasairroc · 2 months
Oh crap. This is the last day of doing Star Debate passages as my page a day. I’m finally going to be done.
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Since the code is now done what else is there to do?
the art is all that there is left! sadly i can’t do it the same way i usually do art since my phone can’t handle a canvas of the 1920x1080 aspect ratio of the game annddddd when i use a smaller canvas and just resize it, it just gives everything a shitty image quality SO i’m kinda stuck rn !!! so TRUST ME when i find a solution to this i promise to get working on it
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blazehedgehog · 13 days
What do think of The Fated hour nowadays?
(For those of you just joining us, I'm pretty sure this comes from someone in my discord, as a few people were asking about The Fated Hour. If you don't know what that is, it's a legendary project I worked on for a decade that fizzled out and went nowhere. You can read about it over here.)
To some degree I think the project was doomed from the start. It never really had a clear goal. Or it did, but that goal was "make something cool."
Except "something cool" was a constantly moving target that changed on a whim.
I announced the game without even knowing what it would play like. I just had an interesting story idea and figured I'd fill in the blanks later. And I didn't even know what the story itself was. I just knew:
I wanted a dramatic opening. So the game starts with Sonic discovering Tails had been killed, and when he goes to blame Eggman, he finds Eggman is dead, too. What's going on?
I wanted an epic ending. I still had deep Final Fantasy VII brain so I thought "yeah! the villain summons a big cool meteor to cause an extinction level event"
Nothing between those two points existed for years. And yet I strung people along anyway.
I decided on TFH's gameplay because a friend coerced me into playing Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I hated Castlevania before then, because the only other Castlevania game I'd played was Castlevania 3, a notoriously hard game that Konami actually made more difficult for it's North American release. It took a lot of convincing to get me to try Symphony. And once I did, I loved it to pieces, and said "that's the kind of game I want TFH to be."
I announced TFH in 2000. I didn't play Symphony until, like, 2002 or 2003. I did not know what I wanted TFH to play like for almost three full years.
Now came the fun part: How do I make a Metroidvania? From 2003 until 2010, that was the nut I tried to crack. I'm not sure I ever figured it out, and I canceled the game.
Because, like, I like my Sonic games to be fast, right. Early tests for TFH, I gave Sonic an ability called the "Sonic Dash." It was incredibly similar to the boost that would be introduced in Sonic Rush and become a staple of Sonic's abilities for the next, I dunno, 15 years?
Which on some level is kind of impressive, right? I like to pat myself on the back when I inadvertently land on a similar wavelength as Sega themselves.
But when you're going that fast, it actually makes things like talking to NPCs or getting "a sense of place" very difficult, because you're tearing ass at 700mph all over the place. It's a big blur. Getting someone to slow down and notice a character standing by a rock or whatever was almost impossible.
So I was kind of at an impasse. I'm not sure a good Sonic Metroidvania can be made. Not without slowing Sonic way way down first. Which is something the earliest builds of TFH did actually try, and testers hated, because they didn't like feeling as though Sonic was being artificially handicapped and then had to climb back up to where he already was. They wanted Sonic to get stronger, even though he already was pretty strong (hence where I came up with the idea for the Sonic Dash ability).
That's not to say I don't still think about it, or how I might be able to make it work. In 2019, I started a google doc called "If I made TFH in 2019" where I sketched down a few ideas for story, game structure, etc.
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But I am very realistic and I think it's safe to say it's never happening and it was always a bad idea.
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inkcat1987 · 6 months
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Question from an idea I have: me and the @silygie are going to figure out how to make a ask gameplay
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