charonarp · 1 month
Head Thoughts
Helloooo, I'm back from the dead and got some thoughts I wanna spill.
Lately, I've been having visual novels in my head, which is funny because I haven't been playing any, and I've also been thinking about unique "otome" games or something like that.
Mainly went from "Ooo a story idea" to "Ooo a game story idea", since it did start with me wanting to make it more of an original story that turned game-like.
[Press "Keep Reading" to learn more]
Anyways! So, the concept of Death.
Normally, people take it religiously. Go to heaven or hell, go to Tartarus or some of the other afterlife places, yada yada.
BUT, what if there's a school, right? An academy. Hang with me here.
I have a concept that is called Death Academy. Essentially, you play as the protagonist attending this school to learn how to be a Reaper.
There's a ranking system here, and you encounter various other (datable) characters of various ranks. Some of the rank ideas (not all) I have are:
Reapers: The lowest rank. Newly approved souls to attend this academy to learn how to reap a soul from a mortal body. This can go range from people to animals. Essentially the Grim Reaper or Kindred from League of Legends.
Ferriers: The Ferrymen of the ranks. Essentially, they guide lost or newly formed souls to the Judgement Hall to determine where their soul will be laid to rest.
Executioners: The Judges in a sense. While they hold an intimidating title, they are usually the most fair and passive of the bunch. Really, they only "execute" souls that are condemned and are impure/corrupted, and send those souls to "The Crypt".
(The Crypt is more like Tartarus than Hell. Not really a firey place or multiple rings. It's where corrupted souls go to suffer and aren't allowed to move on or reincarnate while trapped.)
Death: The deity themselves. They could be called the Headmaster, Commander, Ruler, however (not sure), but they hold all the power in the afterlife. They're more business-like, running their whole academy and staff like a company. They're at the top of the rank considering they're the deity of Death (One singular entity btw).
This is all I have currently. I had thought about adding another rank, but I'm not quite sure what that rank would entail and how important it would be. The whole system has a chain reaction when a death occurs like: A Reaper kills the soul, the Ferrier guides the soul, and the Executioner judges the soul.
Death is just there. Like, it's their realm, they only get involved if it really requires their attention. Like HR.
But yeah, that's it. I wanted to put this in writing somewhere but also tell people and Twitter scares me and Insta has my mom following me lol. I doubt people will see this or care, but you know what? That's okay, because I might forget about this concept and unfortunately never make it happen sidghiudgis.
And yes, if I do make this, Death will go by They/Them pronouns, but mainly because they are an entity beyond such identities. It's not what Death labels themselves, but rather what others use to address them in a more personal manner since Death doesn't really identify with masculine or feminine labels (though they will be a bit more masculine presenting).
Also also, I know there are a lot of otome games that are like...one gendered interest only, which I don't like, so there will be all kinds of people to choose from! And most otome games have feminine protagonists, but I plan to, if I make it, be a choice between a feminine character and a masculine character, but they're both addressed with "They/Them" anyways to keep it neutral towards the players.
Idk, I just like the idea of keeping things neutral when it comes to such things. I'd love to make this idea, but being a single party and not knowing how to make such games will definitely bite me in the ass lol.
Thanks for reading my rambling, remember to hydrate! :D
[Yes, if I draw things related to this, I will post it here. If you have any ideas you feel would sound good with this, I'm all ears! Maybe it'll motivate me to make it lol]
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charonarp · 5 months
Fangame Inquiry
So...I've been trying to do some research into the logistics and legality of fangames and what is and isn't allowed, but I'm so confused because none of the examples share what I'm trying to do and doesn't help me know if what I want to do is okay or not...so...I decided to hop on here and see if anyone's able to give me a clear answer if possible.
Recently, I purchased RPG Maker (MV/MZ - got both since they share file sizes and I might like one over the other for different games), and had the idea to make 3 possible fangames: A Legend of Zelda fangame, a Curse of Strahd RPG, and a Thomas Sanders fangame.
I'll be focusing on the first two, since those are connected to large companies. I'm pretty sure I'd be in the green light with my third idea, haha :p
Starting with the Legend of Zelda one (Project Acorn - a temporary name), this is the one I'm the most confused about. With this fangame, I want to make an original story with original characters, which happen to take place in Hyrule and use the races from the game (Hylian, Gerudo, Rito, etc.)
During my research, many have stated that Nintendo is VERY unwelcoming of fangames, but from what I understand, it seems to mostly be due to games that share too much similarity and assets from their games? I plan to make a lot of the game's assets on my own: custom sprites, tiles, portraits, etc., so I don't know where my idea would lie in regards to legality.
I don't plan to call it "Legend of Zelda: ___". The main thing I'm confused about is if it'll be a problem with me using specific locations, temples and races, even if they're original characters and personally constructed. Like Kakariko Village, would I get in trouble if I had this as a location in the storyline? Would I get in trouble for using the word "Hyrule"?
I'm fairly confident that mentioning names of existing characters in the franchise would cause issues, but honestly, I don't plan to have them involved or mentioned at all in it. I genuinely want to make a fully custom story with my own characters in their own timeline/universe, in a time where there is no Hero of Courage, there's no looming threat due to the Triforce of Power or anything related to it.
I plan on making this game entirely free, should it be made. In fact, I plan on making all my fangames free, should I be able to make them long enough to publish. I am just one person after all, with no experience making custom tilesets or sprites or anything (pixel art is not my strong suit, but I'm willing to try). I just have a story in my head I'd love to see in an RPG format, that's all. I also plan to use custom or copyright free music for it as well. Even if I'm no musician, I do wish to learn.
For the second, I can see the Curse of Strahd fangame having some issues, considering the fact that I do have the idea of making an RPG fangame playing a majority of the plot from the campaign into it, but not exactly one-to-one. However, it'd use characters straight from the book, the only custom characters just being the character(s) you play and extras that may share importance to those characters.
This one I'm the most scared of because of this reason. Although I do plan on making the game free (should I be able to make it), I can definitely understand if this one in particular causes problems with wizards. I mean, it would also spoil a lot about the game...I just thought that Curse of Strahd would be a fun game in an RPG format, considering that it's a sandbox adventure that has the same plotline throughout the book, but changes drastically due to the tarot cards.
Now that I think about it, maybe I shouldn't make this game...hmmmm 🤔
Sorry for the long ramble, I'm just genuinely lost. If you tell me to "look it up", I tried. I hate looking up stuff like this because I'll find so many answers and none of them will answer my questions. There's so much information on the internet that I seriously don't know what's true or not by just one post.
Again, I plan to make these free, should I be able to publish them. I personally don't feel comfortable even charging money for anything I'd like to make in regards to games. I'm also pretty sure I'd definitely get in trouble if they costed money to play, lol.
I got inspired to try to make some games again thanks to my 14th re-watch of Markiplier playing the Hearts and Heroes fangame, haha. I tried making games before, but dropped it pretty fast due to being an inexperienced writer and not knowing how to progress at a certain point (I also didn't legally own RPG maker back them either, but that's all gone now lol).
I would probably ask this on Reddit, but I seriously don't understand that website and don't know where I'd even post this, lol. I am also very afraid of that site, so....yeah <_<'
Hope you take care! And remember to HYDRATE :D (Help idk how to tag-)
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charonarp · 5 months
This took 3 months...
Me: Here's my doctor's note!
Accommodation's Team: We need specifics on how long the break is.
Me: Okay. Here's another letter with the words changed!
Accommodations: We can't give you noise cancelling headphones.
Me: Alright…well, here's a new one! It says "Headphones, with or without music"! I'd like the bone conducting headphones, please. (they were an option)
Accommodations: We accept this.
Accommodations: We're giving you noise cancelling headphones.
Me: HUH?
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charonarp · 6 months
You know what I'm surprised about? (this is D&D related, so if not interested, you can ignore :p)
Also, like...I talk about functions in Curse of Strahd and Tomb of Annihilation, sooo....yeah. No want spoils? You no read.
I'm honestly surprised that, when a character dies, the players aren't offered a choice on if they want to switch or not. Like, if they die, it's always "oop, you died, oh well. Make a new character", or whatever.
Personally, I don't like that very much. My reason being is that...well, players tend to like their characters! You can add so much depth and plot to a character if they have to go through some strange experience before coming back from the dead.
Tomb of Annihilation, for instance. That game is centered AROUND death, and people avoid it because of how challenging it is and the fact that once you're dead, you're dead. No magic can bring you back. Well...that place has an actually curse that, if you died before, you begin to rot. That can introduce a REAL CHARACTER CHANGE, but people tend to take that one rule so literally, that it drives people away...
Honestly, Curse of Strahd and Tomb of Annihilation, in my honest opinion, are very good settings to take this custom function and twist it into something horrific. I may have only DM'd once or twice, but if a player loves their character, and their death makes them sad, at least give them the choice of either moving on with a new PC, or to continue their own. That way there's no waste on potential story lines and gives you the chance to make things more dire for your players.
In Curse of Strahd, it's easier to do this because souls can't leave that place. So, the party could do a whole side thing to try to get their companion back to life, or the player could go through some type of ordeal with the devil Strahd himself, or some other entity that lurks within the mist of Barovia.
Tomb of Annihilation is tricky, and I've personally never got to play it myself. I've been wanting to play this game for YEARS (I want that damn ring so badly), but everyone refuses to DM or play that game because it's "difficult", and "dungeon crawly". The thing is, because that game is complex, people tend to not think about taking things into their own hands and changing it to their liking.
I think the main reason it's so complicated is because players (normally) start at LEVEL ONE, which is a fucking death wish ngl, and the setting is very tough on its players (as far as I'm aware), and it's stated that you can't bring people back from the dead. Well...why not change that up a bit? Perhaps magic can't bring them back, but something else could? You make a deal, you find some other source to bring them back, something that could work should that player want to keep going. Being revived from the dead already has its consequences in that setting, so I personally don't see any harm in this alternative.
Again, I've never played the setting. The curse only really works if the character is dead-dead, not knocked down making death saving throws and brought back before some final failure.
These are my personal thoughts on the function of death in games, and it's not just limited to these two settings. I'm a newbie DM, and this is honestly how I'd like to work with my players should one die in some manner, especially at lower levels. Just because they died doesn't mean they can't contribute in some way. Maybe, while the party works to bring them back, that one player is able to find some things that were otherwise blind to mortal lives, or they're able to still be with the party, just unable to interact with the physical world.
If a player loves their character, and wants to keep playing them, you shouldn't have to punish that player just because "it's part of the rules". DMs are storytellers, and you can make your own rules. It's stated in the playbook that rules are not absolute, but are guidelines, and I think that gets forgotten a lot by many DMs for various settings.
Sorry for the ramble, I just had a sudden longing to play ToA and got reminded as to why people I've asked to play it with have refused in the past. Honestly, it's the same reason people in the past have refused to DM CoS too! All because it's "too difficult".
Honestly, sounds like a personal issue to me, but I can understand if someone is intimidated by something that, by book, is complicated to mess with.
But hopefully...hopefully I'll get that beloved cursed ring...I love that thing so much-
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charonarp · 6 months
Me: I'd like to see if I could potentially be autistic please.
Doctor: Hmmm...no, we won't focus on that.
Me: Why?
Doctor: It's not obvious.
Also Doctor: I'm diagnosing you with CPTSD tho.
Me, who has heard from others how this usually goes: ._.
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charonarp · 6 months
No one cares no one doubts all there is is an empty drought
For all that falls for all that grows one can't help but wish for the stars above.
Can't you see? No one hears. For all that's left is full of fear.
For all that's left for all that burns all you can do is twist and turn.
For the stars above that shine so bright no one can see that one dies tonight. Hopes and dreams forever lost death awaits for the souls above.
Can't you hear? No one looks. For all that's left is rot and crooks.
One pains so much, reaching beneath finding shadows within the deep. For warmth holds dear, keeping one cold and no one cares for souls of old.
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charonarp · 6 months
The glass breaks, cracks are made tears spill and shields now fade yet no one cares for the mess that's made.
One falls back, others move forward "light look dim," said one small coward.
One tries to climb, but tumbles on down no matter how one tries, they'll always drown. "There is no purpose," said one of dread. "But there must be something," said with tears shed.
One fights, one tries but no matter what, time flies by.
Silence is loud, chatter is naught can someone else fill this empty pot? For the mess that's made, a fish now caught Is there really no joy for the empty folk?
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charonarp · 6 months
Mom: I got burgers and fries! Fries are unsalted tho.
Me, grabbing salt and putting it on table: Salt.
Mom, not noticing the salt: We don't got any.
Me, tapping salt container: Salt.
Mom, still not noticing: I didn't bring any.
Me, looking straight at her when she looks at me: SALT. points at salt
Mom, finally noticing: OH! Yes, salt.
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charonarp · 6 months
Me: *goes to Gamestop* Gamestop: *has display cases showing the game Lies of P for the PS4 and PS5* Me: *goes to counter* Hello, do you have Lies of P for the PS4? Clerk: Um...I don't think so? Let me check. *checks device* Yeah, we only have the PS5 one, sorry. You'll have to go to Walmart or something. Me: 'Then why is it even on display?!'
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charonarp · 6 months
being told that it was bad to assume something of another while assuming that I was assuming is crazy
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charonarp · 7 months
A little quote of an imaginary scenario in my imagination while listening to music making an imaginary story :)
"And here I thought you hated mortals. Hah! You've changed, little firebug."
"It's crazy, y'know? She remains a beacon of light, shrouded by darkness trying to snuff her out…yet she shines so bright. And I'm gonna make sure she shines bright as fuck!" Concept: A aggressive flaming spirit who looks down at mortals is attached to a mortal host who's pacifistic in nature. Their natures conflict with one another, but over time, they grow from one another. The spirit learns that not all mortals are the same, and the mortal learns to stand up to herself and fight back when needed.
during an encounter, the mortal is gravely injured and is on the brink of death. It is at this time that the spirit has grown attached to her, and is pleading for them not to die. Then, as a last ditch effort, they possess her body. Not only to keep her alive, but to fight back against the foe that still remains a threat, the enemy being some kind of spirit that new the flame a long time ago.
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charonarp · 7 months
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"Care for a drink? I'd love the company."
Ayo it's Phantom but VAMPIRE. Heh, probably the most predictable thing to do haha. Although it's almost over, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! HALLOWEEN NEVER DIES! it merely slumbers
Enjoy :D
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charonarp · 7 months
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"Let's have a talk, shall we?"
ANOTHA ONE! Anyways, here's another Natemare drawing! But...demon edition? Heh, happy early Halloween folks!
Heh, second time I had him in this kinda pose eh? How silly of me :p (Didn't even realize until I finished this honestly)
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charonarp · 7 months
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"Care for a bite?"
Anyways, here's a Natemare doodle made earlier this month for celebration for the FNAF movie! I got a new tablet and it's forcing me to use little layers lol (I have no idea how I managed to make this), but I hope you like it!
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charonarp · 2 years
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“I’m just a nightmare in your room~”
Hellooo!! I hope you’re doing well! I drew Natemare in Phantom’s aesthetic! This was a suggestion from someone over on Instagram, and I plan to do Phantom in Natemare’s aesthetic soon too!
Remember to hydrate and to take care of yourselves!
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charonarp · 2 years
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🪓 Barovian Boi 🪓
In between video work this week, I had a lil’ time to roll up a paladin for a Curse of Strahd game with pals! (and tried my best to make full plate armor look at least a lil’ bit festive and spicy ✨) 
Looking forward to a fun n’ fruity vampire slaying time 🌈 🧛🏻 ✌🏻
(DON’T EDIT / REUPLOAD TO OTHER SITES / ACCOUNTS)  ♻️reblogs are lovely tho!♻️
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charonarp · 2 years
Recently, I've asked myself "Why do I like Rahadin?", and then I remember that he once kidnapped my character to be OUTSIDE of the establishment we were at and when the party found me, they saw him feeding me fucking GRAPES.
I didn't know what was going on until then, hshshshs
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