#father fell
Father Fell x Crowley in WW2 - Complete!
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stunning cover art by @quona!!
Father Fell has been living a quiet life in a small parish. Despite the looming fear of war, he thought he was content with his small pleasures. Until a mysterious stranger comes to town, turning that life on its head and awakening desires the Father thought he buried long, long ago...
Chapter Sixteen, a short but sweet coda to our story that gives a small glimpse into the near future.
It was in May of that year that Germany surrendered. Less than a year after the battle called D-Day that became known as a pivotal point in the war. The day that Ezra Fell first properly introduced himself to Anthony Crowley (he did share his birth surname once, murmured against his lover’s shoulder but they agreed it was a secret between them that never need see the light of day). The day that Crowley saw in Fell something the man had never managed to find in himself and said it out loud. Strength in the softness of him, the unbroken spirit of a man whose faith extended beyond the ineffable and into the heart of every person he met. 
It was a slow but verdant Spring, as though Persephone had been languidly stretching out one limb at a time. They worked the garden together, Crowley in his dark glasses and Fell in a straw hat, looking up to share coy smiles across the unfurling leaves. They washed together after, some days just as leisurely, prolonging the moments of soap--slick contact. Some days they rushed through clean up so they could tumble faster into bed. 
Crowley was unspeakably, incandescently happy. It felt like there was a living sun below his sternum, radiating heat and life, powered by Ezra’s smiles and kisses, by the soft breath against Crowley’s neck as they slept, by hands that unerringly sought his at nearly every private opportunity.
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fieriframes · 2 years
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chappelroans · 5 months
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TRAVIS MARTINEZ in Yellowjackets (2021-) [insp]
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yabishrihere · 6 months
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Lord help me I’ve got a problem… well, a few actually
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spielzeugkaiser · 11 months
Lovechild AU idea: I would like to suggest adding Vespula and Radovid into the found family mix! Vespula has the aunt vibe of "I could never be mad at you sweetie, have a cookie, anyway, whAT THE FUCK JASKIER." (I know Yen probably has that role but the kid is allowed to have cool aunts) and Radovid probably bonded with him while he and Jaskier were dating, like out of all the people his dad dated, he's the stepparent he liked the most. Anyway, I'm just hashing out ideas bc I love those two and want to see our sweet baby boy interact with them!
[MASTERPOST] Oh gosh...
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The thing is, I DON'T TRUST RADOVID AT ALL. not yet at least. So if he exists in this AU... they're not having a good time.
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IN HONOUR OF CAT DROPPING here’s a compilation of some old kazui memes bc i’m too lazy to make more <3 i love one man!!!!
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sans-guy · 1 year
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i am a dad of 1 goblin technically
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Why do you have to make up for being you?
Because I always let everyone down.
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thescholarlystrumpet · 2 months
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For Loving One rated explicit
Father Fell has been living a quiet life in a small parish. Despite the looming fear of war, he thought he was content with his small pleasures. Until a mysterious stranger comes to town, turning that life on its head and awakening desires the Father thought he buried long, long ago...
Chapter 3, in which Crowley is faced with the unbearable ordeal of being known.
Crowley had been living in the spare room of Father’s Fell’s home for almost a week. This meant that a minimum of two meals each day were shared across a very small table with the priest. Who, for a man of God, was apparently capable of making some truly unholy noises when enjoying his meal. 
It was obvious the priest had no idea how he sounded (or looked) when he used the last of his butter ration on some fresh bread he’d baked that morning. Or the ostentatious way his pink tongue wriggled about when chasing an errant crumb or dab of sauce. It was inadvertent seduction by way of culinary delight. Crowley wished he wasn’t enjoying it so much. 
He had no way of telling how long it would be before his welcome wore thin. His ankle was healed and some healthy color was returning to his cheeks. Any offer to help with chores was politely declined so he spent most of his time puttering about in the small garden between the chapel and cottage. Crowley always had a knack with plants and there were weeds growing unchecked in what could have been some very fertile soil, if properly tended. There was a small apple orchard behind the house but they were not producing fruit yet. He secretly hoped he might still be around to see them blossom, redden, and drop. 
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vampryn · 7 months
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Trent Reznor on the Chrysler building in NYC by Albert Watson (1998)
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
have a very early wip of a tea party :>
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This is @phoenixcatch7 's Possessed Doll Au
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ninjautistic · 3 months
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I am literally OBSESSED with young garmadons design like GOTDAMNN
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tfw when your daughter adopts an alien without consulting you
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erobuck · 2 days
There are 3 categories that fit David Tennat Characters
Hear me out. I think most if not all of David's characters can be sorted into 3 categories:
Neurospicy Twink
Sad Dad
Distinguished Psycho
Allow me to demonstrate
Neurospicy Twink:
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Sad Dad:
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Distinguished Psycho:
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And of course the character that fits the trifecta: Dad, Twink and Psycho all in one
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fan-of-chaos · 3 months
I think the one thing that makes me feel the saddest for Azula is that she was a child soldier, made into a deadly weapon by her father, who then, as soon as he stopped needing her, abandoned her like yesterday's trash. She spend her whole life turning herself into a tool for her father's war, only to be used and discarded as soon as he reached his goals.
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