#father hughes
peakyblinded · 2 years
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[10th place] Michael killing Father Hughes
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No, we should punch you in the face.
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rocktheholygrail · 1 year
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Hannibal 3x11 - “And the Beast From the Sea”
the way Walter calls Will “Dad” vs. the way Will calls his son Walter “an 11-year-old”
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wineauntie · 11 days
quinn is literally so exicted to take his girls on the boat out on the water and his brothers love sitting with evie on the boat so quinn can have mom on his lap
BOAT DAY — family is family au
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One aspect of being at the lake house which Evie adored was being able to go out on the boat.
The sun was shining down in warm rays, bathing the lake in luscious blue and green hues, meaning as per whenever the sun was out, today was a boat day.
You walked down the dock towards the boat where Quinn was crouched, tightening Evie’s life jacket whilst Jack and Luke readied the boat.
“Mama, hurry!” Evie giggled as she finally spotted you. Quinn’s head lifted to meet your gaze as his mouth fell agape.
Stifling his chuckles, Luke lifted Evie from Quinn and helped her onto the boat.
You smiled softly at Quinn as his hands landed on your hips once you were in proximity. He immediately pressed his lips to yours, holding you close to him as your hands entangled at the back of his head.
“You look gorgeous, sweet girl,” Quinn mumbled, brushing his nose against yours as he pulled away. You felt heat rise to your cheeks, as your eyes dropped to survey your outfit.
You were wearing a simple black bikini top and a pair of black shorts with one of Quinn’s white shirts unbuttoned over you.
“Stop being gross and get in the boat,” Jack teased, as Evie cheered in agreement. The two of you laughed and rolled your eyes before joining his brothers and Evie on the boat.
Jack was captaining the boat, with Evie and Luke on his left as the three chatted non-stop. Jack and Luke took their roles as uncles to Evie very seriously. They liked to look after her and make sure she was happy and having fun.
Their conversation and entertainment of Evie, meant that you could curl into Quinn at the back of the boat and relax for the trip. You were perched on his lap, your head resting in the crook of his neck as various Counting Crows songs played faintly in the background.
Quinn’s arm held you close to him, his other hand soothingly circling over your hip as he hummed along to the song.
You shut your eyes and melted fully into his hold, the two of you embracing the warmth of the sun and each other’s company.
Luke looked back and spotted the two of you cozied up. He bit back a smile at how content the two of you were as he quickly took a picture of the both of you.
That picture becomes Quinn’s lockscreen, to accompany a picture of Evie swamped in his helmet and jersey as his homescreen.
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aliaology · 7 months
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summary: jack finds himself really wanting to be a dad when he gets older, mostly because of connor.
pairings: jack hughes x single!mom!fem!reader
warnings: none
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you felt bad, you felt like a burden. you hesitantly accepted the offer to spend the night at jacks house. was it the best idea? not really, no. you barely knew the man. but you also knew how famous he was, how one wrong move would send his career into the trash.
you watched as jack carried your sleeping son up the stairs, making his way to the fourth floor. you felt bad, again. there was an elevator, but god you had a terrible fear of elevators.
jack seemed more than happy to walk up the stairs though, and clearly carrying connor was almost like holding a feather.
jack’s keys jingled as he fumbled them in his free hand. you watched silently as he twisted the key and then the knob, opening the door to a silent apartment.
“ill put him in my bed, you can sleep with him in there, ill take the couch or the guest room.” jack spoke softly, allowing you inside first.
your brows furrowed, not out of frustration but out of concern. “i can’t ask you to do that, jack. this is your apartment. me and connor can both take the guest room. you letting us in here was enough.”
jack sighed, “y/n, its okay. im willingly giving you my bedroom to sleep in. i want you both to sleep there, my beds comfier and i think you guys need it.” jack told.
you bit your lip before sighing, “okay.” jack gave you a smile before grabbing your stuff and bringing it to his room.
you followed behind him, taking in the room as you stepped in. it suited him. the red, black, and white that adorned his room. the tall but old-looking dresser was a stark contrast with its light brown compared to the rest of the room.
you gently lied connor down on jacks bed, the boy immediately cuddled up to the covers as he slept.
you turned to jack, "thank you, again, jack. you don't understand how much this truly means to me." you told.
jack smiled, "its no problem, plus i really like this little guy, not to mention his mom is pretty good looking too" he laughed.
you chuckled slightly. "you wanna go watch a movie?" he asked. you looked to connor before looking back at jack. you nodded. jack headed towards the livingroom, you following behind him.
it didn't take long for you to decide on 'remember the titans' and lie down on the couch together. his arm rested on the couch, just above your shoulders. every now and then his fingers would brush against your skin.
mid way through the movie, you fell asleep, head landing right on jack's shoulder. he smiled down at you before slowly falling asleep himself.
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jack felt himself get shaked. his eyes opened slightly to see connor standing there, a sad frown plastered on his tired little face. jack tiredly looked around, finding himself holding your sleeping body.
he looked back at connor. "whats wrong buddy?" he asked.
connor sniffled. "i had a nightmare, can i sleep with you guys?" he frowned.
jack internally groaned due to the lack of space. "uhm, how about you go lay back down in my room and ill bring your mom in there, okay?" jack spoke softly.
"i want you there too," connor told.
jack stayed silent for a minute. his heart melting at the younger boy's words. "alright, ill be in with your mom in just a moment, okay?" he told connor.
connor nodded, his feet padding along the floor as he ran back to the bedroom. jack slowly removed himself from the couch before gently picking you up. you stirred slightly but didn't wake up. he turned the tv off and walked to his room. he set you down next to connor, the boy instantly going to your arms which subconsciously wrapped around him.
jack smiled and lied down on the other side of connor. the young boy held his hand out. "can you hold my hand?" he asked quietly.
"of course i can, bud" jack smiled softly, grabbing the younger boys hand and holding it. connor's eyes fluttered shut.
jack looked at you and connor, finally understanding what baby fever was, and how much he wanted to be a father later down the road.
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kuroshika · 7 months
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gifs from @existingcharactersdiehorribly // poetry by me
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ijustdontlikepeople · 2 months
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Connor Ingram, “X” 12.21.23
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m3tth4ws · 6 months
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suchawrathfullamb · 4 months
Why did they make these scenes so...
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gifs: @rocktheholygrail
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mutifandom-madness · 11 months
House: I am a rational man
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Every therapy session scene Will and Hannibal have, feels like the beginning of a very weird porno
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magical-girl-mayday · 2 years
Happy Father's Day
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thisgameissonintendo · 5 months
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i made a poster :)
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wineauntie · 4 months
omggg you could you maybe do little blurbs or headcanons for quinn x single mom reader? for example how sweet of a dad figure quinn would be for evie on valentine’s day and spoiling her rotten? btw love your writing so much!!
HEADCANONS — Quinn Hughes x single mom!reader
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based on this one shot
note: Oh, no need to ask twice, I love Quinn x single mom reader with my whole heart. This includes how you guys met, Quinn meeting Evie and all the cute inbetweens!
warnings: a tiny little suggestive content halfway through but nothing major- sex is implied, fem!reader, just tooth rotting fluff for the rest of it.
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Quinn knew he loved you from the moment he’d met you.
You and Quinn had a meet-cute. Meaning, he physically ran into you outside a coffee shop, causing all of your coffee to spill down his front.
He remembered cursing in shock only to turn into a flustered mess when you began to apologise and offer him tissues. That drama turned into him asking to buy you another coffee to which you agreed.
You hadn’t known who Quinn was or why some people had stared as he ordered you a coffee (You 100% just assumed it was because he was attractive)
You two talked for just over an hour before you parted ways (his number securely in your pocket as you went).
And the rest is history
You went on a date with him to a restaurant downtown. During this date you brought up the fact you had a daughter and that if that was a problem, then he should leave.
Quinn stayed. To him, it didn’t matter if you had a child.
You’d left the date blushing like a school kid whose crush had admitted to liking them back.
The two of you took it slowly, but around two months into your relationship, when Quinn asked you to be his girlfriend, you knew it was time to introduce him to Evie.
Evie, who was two at the time, had no idea who the man was holding her mom’s hand. She ended up throwing her teddy at him before running straight between your legs to hide.
Quinn had brought Evie pink and purple flowers after being told they were her favourite colours.
Evie had never been given flowers and instantly began to like Quinn.
I can just imagine Quinn crouched down introducing himself and Evie giggling.
“Oh hello, I’m Quinn,”
You’d stifle a laugh at Evie’s attempt to say his name.
“Yeah, Quinn!”
Quinn would be so unphased by Evie being unable to say his name, even when Evie began to call him Winnie, he secretly loved it.
Quinn became a constant in you and Evie’s life. He’d come to see you and Evie almost every day, or at least as much as his schedule would let him.
Evie would be obsessed with him, and Quinn? Oh, he adored being around you and her.
Evie would babble nonsensical words mixed with a few normal words and he’d nod and talk back to her, holding a conversation.
And don’t even think Quinn is above having tea parties with Evie because he is the one who suggests them.
I imagine you running to collect the post from your building's postbox only to come back and hear giggling from the living room.
You would find Quinn sitting cross-legged on the floor with a tiara and a sparkly pink cape opposite Evie in a princess dress and obnoxiously large sunglasses.
You had to take a picture before entering and joining them. That picture was your lock screen for so long.
Quinn more often than not spent the night at your apartment.
You’d given up a few drawers so that he could keep some things in your place.
It was easier to meet in your apartment because all of Evie’s things were there but the times you and Evie went to his apartment? those were like going on holidays for Evie.
Quinn’s apartment was considerably bigger than yours and when he’d begun to date you, he changed one of his two guest rooms into a room for Evie.
So imagine your surprise when you brought Evie over for the first time and found an entire princess-themed room filled with toys just for Evie.
You’d cried and Quinn had nervously scratched his head until you’d hugged him and thanked him for being so kind.
Evie had loved her room and begged you to stay over more.
And so when Quinn had asked you to move in with him a few months later, you’d jumped at the opportunity.
Quinn had surprised you with over fifty bundles of your favourite flowers as a ‘welcome home’ gift.
Your parents offered to watch Evie overnight to allow you and Quinn time to sort out the apartment.
Let’s just say the two of you christened the house…in multiple places…multiple times.
You’d curled up that night beside Quinn that night and had basked in the glow of your new home.
You’d already spent a Valentine’s Day with Quinn but at that stage, he hadn’t met Evie yet.
On Valentine’s morning, Quinn woke up at eight o’clock to make you and Evie a special breakfast— pancakes with a variety of toppings.
He’d gently woken up Evie and carried her into your room, placing her gently beside you. You’d barely stirred as Quinn pressed a loving kiss to your forehead whilst Evie cuddled close to your side.
He returned ten minutes later with breakfast, to which Evie and you had laughed and dragged him down into a one-handed hug.
He had sat down on the end of the bed and ate with the two of you, his eyes gleaming as the two of you enjoyed the food. (He’s an acts of service kind of guy and, hell, moments like those made his heart swell).
After the three of you had gotten ready, Quinn surprised you both with flowers. He was taking you out for dinner that night and in order to lessen Evie’s fear of missing out, he’d bought her a few gifts.
“It’s a bracelet,”
“That’s my name!”
You’d never forget how Evie beamed at the silver as Quinn clasped it onto her little wrist.
“And these are so you can come onto the ice with me,”
Quinn had bought her tiny black skates with pink lining, specifically for teaching Evie to skate as she’d begged him to for so many weeks.
Evie had been so overwhelmed by glee that she’d burst with excitement and lunged toward Quinn for a hug.
Quinn really is the best dad figure for Evie. He cares for her so wholeheartedly and so unwaveringly.
This man is so protective over her and you, it’s ridiculous.
Evie would come home with you from doing an odd shop and tell Quinn all about how some man was talking to you– he’d been flirting and you’d rejected all advances.
“And I throw bag of pasta at him, Winnie!”
“Atta girl! Good job!”
The two of them would high-five before Quinn would grab Evie and jostle her around as she laughed.
Quinn would be so protective over Evie in a way that made your heart so full.
Evie would come skipping home one day claiming that she and Tommy from school were married.
Quinn would immediately spring into dad mode and begin questioning who this boy was, what was his full name, where is he from, what’s his parents’ names, etc.
You would laugh off this protectiveness as Quinn stubbornly pouted at the lack of responses from Evie.
Quinn had gone to every parent-teacher conference with you, every recital or school event and every career day.
In fact, Evie became one of the most popular people in class when they found out that her ‘Q’ was a famous hockey player.
(Evie had begun to reference Quinn as her ‘Q’ since she was able to pronounce them at three. She knew Quinn wasn’t her dad but her 'Q' was basically the same.)
She began calling him dad when she was four and Quinn melted. You were overjoyed that your daughter had someone other than you to trust and love like a parent.
Evie asks Quinn why he always has ‘boring’ colours on his hockey stick, so he always wraps one stripe of pink tape around it in honour of Evie. (Then another stripe the same colour as your eyes just above it.)
When you’d brought Evie to her first hockey game, Quinn had gotten her a custom ‘Winnie, 43’ jersey. He’d also given you a Hughes 43 jersey, which he all but demanded you two wear to your first game.
Quinn had scored two goals that evening and dedicated both goals to his girls up in the box.
You and Evie had cheered so loudly for him and after the game, the three of you had headed home and celebrated with a movie night.
All in all, Quinn loves the little family he found and you guys love him just as much.
As you might be able to tell, I am OBSESSED with father figure! Quinn. I love him too much and would be more than willing to turn this into a series, I can’t lie <333
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opera-ghost · 1 year
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