#faye x julia
bebopcrew · 5 months
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Join @bebopcrew for our Relationship Week Event! Here's your chance to share fanfics, art, headcanons, metas, and more about your favorite relationships in Cowboy Bebop.
Here's the schedule:
February 15: Spike/Jet/Faye February 16: Spike/Faye February 17: Spike/Jet February 18: Julia/Faye February 19: Jet/Faye February 20: Other Relationships/Free Day
Remember to mention us @bebopcrew in your posts and we’ll reblog your work here! You can also add it to our AO3 Collection if you prefer.
If you have any questions, check out our FAQ or drop a question in our ask. We can’t wait to see your work!
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yourfavewaifu · 7 months
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'Cause loneliness is a heavy burden. Solitude is too much a price to pay. ( wip )
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loveneverfades · 9 months
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spikelovesjulia · 3 months
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spike-and-faye · 1 year
For real write in your answers in the tags!!!
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wetsoggybeans69 · 7 months
Cowboy Bebop Characters X Reader Headcanons
(How affectionate they would be)
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Spike Speigle
Affection isn't his favorite form of showing love. He usually likes to spend time with you even if you both are doing different things, as long as yall are in the same room, he is satisfied. Although, if you are super affectionate, he won't mind it at all. He will tease you a little but finds it cute.
Handsy, strangely loves exploring your body and admiring it. He will beg you to stay and cuddle with him after.
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Jet Black
Also, isn't that affectionate; I do have a feeling he would act very gentlemanly like. for example, he would hold your hand whenever walking you home. Again, he doesn't mind if you are affectionate.
He isn't handsy, but he does like your touch. It is very soothing to him he will be pretty gentle and slow with you as well.
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Faye Valentine
Affection isn't her first way of showing love. She would probably prefer a gift. I do think at first she might be a little surprised. However, she will get used to it after a while. Faye will expect it from you. I could see her getting sassy after if she didn't get enough from you.
Faye will be the most affectionate during sex. She would like to run her hands through your hair and trace circles on your back. The odd and genuine affection for the situation would be relaxing.
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Strangely, I think she would enjoy affection. She'll probably give simple and soft forms of it. She isn't super affectionate, but she would give gentle touches. Maybe a kiss on your cheek now and then, or hold onto your arm. She'll even mess with your hair if you put your head in her lap.
Again, it's a very soft touch, but it'll be a lot more affectionate and very passionate. Although she can be rougher if you want her to be.
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At first, he will be confused and shocked when you do touch him. He rarely gets touched when he does. It's when he gets stabbed. I think he would feel threatened in the beginning. He might not feel like he deserves it as well. (Bitch got trauma). WITH ALL THAT SAID! I am begging you, please, give this man affection! He's so fucking touched starved and needs affection desperately. He will act like it doesn't affect him. But, if he is in love with you, and you touch him, I swear to god he will fucking melt in your arms. (If he isn't in love with you, he will shove you out of the way) Vicious would be afraid to do PDA, but if he feels jealous, he will have his hand somewhere on you.
Try to tease him and see what happens. (Spoiler you wont walk for 3 years) It's not a very good idea when it comes to this man, Vicious can be very handsy, he's similar to Spike in that way, but it differs when it comes to the reason why. He is doing it to be possessive. Spike is doing it to just feel your body against his (you dont have a problem with that either).
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roses-for-julia · 1 year
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I love that the Bebop guide draws attention to Spike seeing Julia as his present at the end. ❤️
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bihudson · 1 year
Cowboy Bebop
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Cowboy Bebop: You can either ship Spike with Faye or Julia. We don't care at this point
Me who really likes Jet and Spike being together: Hah! You think I'm that much of a basic bitch?! Hahaha, you thought wrong!
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hopealumi · 3 months
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Fate brings Spike, a mechanic stuck in the past, and Julia back together when he needs to check his almost empty bank account after fixing a special car for several years. Faye takes the chance that her friend Julia is connected with Spike who works with Elektra, a grumpy butch mechanic she's been trying to woo for a while. (Disclaimer that this is a mess)
Cowboy Bebop, Spike x Julia and Faye x Elektra (as a side ship mostly).
Alternate Universe. Modern setting. Spike is a mechanic and Julia is a banker.
Word count: 10,487.
(Sorry I don't have the energy to transcribe the screenshot. This is the gist of it.)
My main blog is @homiro.
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bebopcrew · 8 months
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Join @bebopcrew for Beboptober! For each day of the month, there will be a different prompt based on a song to inspire you and keep you writing. Give the playlist a listen!
Remember to mention us @bebopcrew in your posts and we’ll reblog your work here! You can also add it to our AO3 Collection if you prefer.
You don't have to complete all 31 prompts if you want to participate. Feel free to pick and choose! If you have any questions, check out our FAQ or drop a question in our ask. We can’t wait to see your work!
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her-windy-smile · 2 years
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loveneverfades · 9 months
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spikelovesjulia · 7 months
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spike-and-faye · 1 year
BOY HOWDY! We're doing an episode bracket!
How y'all doin'? I've whipped up a little bracket for us to play using hellsite's new poll feature! (I've been abusing polls, I know. They're just so damn FUN).
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Good news! It's really ugly because I'm poor and don't have Visio or anything on my laptop. :)
Let's see what Bebop Tumblr's fave episode is!
The game will occur in 6(?) phases, with each poll lasting one week!
Vote for your favorite out of the two episodes and the winner of that pool will move on to the next phase.
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Here's my lovely MS Paint rendering of the each phase <3
I'm going to do my best to post links to all the polls to THIS masterpost, so you can click back here to access all the polls instead of scrolling forever.
Happy voting!!!!
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softsadsassysweet · 1 year
I have a lot of mixed feelings about Julia as a character and I whole heartedly believe that that’s the entire point.
This is a long one so buckle up buttercups.
I have so many questions for her.
Why didn’t she go with Spike when he left the syndicate?
Why did she doubt that Spike loved her?
Why reduce Faye to a messenger after revealing she knew who she was? Why not just have Faye take her to Spike?
Why did she apparently know so much about the Bebop crew, but still never sought out Spike?
What is the whole purpose of Julia as a character?
I relate to Faye and Jet, and their frustration if not their damn near resentment of her existence. From their perspective, she pulls Spike away from them. In Jets words, her name is “like a spell that unlocks a door”.
The audience, just like the crew, is robbed of any kind of access to her. Then before we can even begin to get attached to her, she’s gone.
We have a lot of beautiful poetry, stories, music, and references to classic authors like Hemingway in this series that act as echoes to possibly help explain the story. What if there are other story structures that aren’t as on the nose?
I was driving to Atlanta and listening to “The Great Gatsby”. The week before I had comfort binged Bebop. It all felt familiar and to me they echoed each other. The more I analyzed Julia, the more I saw parallels from the Great Gatsby. She reminds me so much of Daisy.
Just to break it down simply how I saw it:
Vicious would be fulfilling the role of Tom.
Spike in the role of Gatsby.
Julia in the role of Daisey.
The Bebop crew would be in the empathetic role of Nick Caraway.
In the Great Gatsby, the tragedy is told from Nick Caraways perspective. We get all of the context through him and what he sees and understands.
Similar to Daisy, the audience lacks a lot of empathy for Julia’s decisions because our perspective of the situation does.
In order to relate Julia to Daisey, I need to go into more detail about how I view Daisey from the great Gatsby.
Rather than viewing her as somebody who is obsessed with her money and no accountability, I actually see Daisey as a deeply flawed person and a victim of circumstance. I also believe she wholeheartedly loved both Jay and Tom.
She was ultimately a woman trapped between two men who were obsessed with the idea of her. She never got to be herself. She was never truly free.
I understand why we as an audience would see Gatsby as the obvious person for her to choose, but we have a biased view of Gatsby because Nick Caraway is our narrator. The harsh reality of it is that Gatsby was a criminal. He also didn’t accept Daisey for who she truly is. He was in love with the idea of her and who she was in his past. He couldn’t accept her evolving story and that she at one point she did love Tom.
In the wise words of Daniel Sloss:
“If you don’t love 100% of who I am, you do not love me.
You love an idea of me, which you have falsely fabricated in your head.
And it’s not my fault if I don’t live up to those expectations.”
When Spike asked Julia to run away with him she flat out said no and he shot back with “Yes you can.” That was a red flag for me. This appeared strongly to me as a romanticized one sided decision and that he wasn’t listening to her. He also gave her the information on how they were going to run away, he didn’t bother to include her on making the plans.
Just, YIKES.
Gatsby is an unreliable narrator for Daisy just like Spike is an unreliable narrator for Julia.
Julia saw one man who was abusive and controlling, and the other was seemingly good to her but not truly in love with her. And there’s a huge indicator that she doubted Spike really loved her, RIGHT HERE!!!
“Why did you love me.”
To me, Julia refused to have salvation in either of them.
Julia is an impressive character because she ultimately chose herself.
Daisy didn’t get the option of that choice. In my opinion, Daisey was practically trapped with Tom because he had her child and seemingly the most security. She also just committed a murder, and needed the protection. If she chose herself, of course Tom would have her arrested.
Spike and Vicious are two men who are impossible to say no to for different reasons. Julia (IN MY BIG FAT OPINION) chose loneliness over being someone’s idealization. Her inner strength made her truly alive.
“She was a real woman.”
On a more vulnerable perspective, I also believe fear kept Julia from Spike. In Jupiter Jazz there were some incredibly incriminate quotes said about her in a flashback.
Vicious: “Be careful when you’re with that woman.”
Julia: “All women are liars, don’t you know that?”
It seemed like Julia’s gift and what she provided to Vicious and the syndicate, was deception.
This visual in my opinion is an example of her deceptive nature. It feels incredibly sinister to me, not romantic.
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Her hand on the back of his head weaving her fingers into Spikes hair feels like she’s snaring her way into his mind. His eyes are covered and most likely closed while hers are wide open. To me, doesn’t appear romantic. She’s in control. Julia sees what’s coming and Spike doesn’t.
I don’t know what Julia’s intentions were. Hell, we had more access to Daisey’s intentions than Julia.
Daisey wanted to be loved. But what did Julia want? I think her actions scream the loudest and this is my own personal opinion.
I believe Julia wanted autonomy.
Even if it meant being hunted, it would be her life. Even if it meant being alone, it would be her life. She wouldn’t be “free” on Vicious’s terms. She wouldn’t be free on Spike’s terms either. Julia chose a destiny that revolved around no man.
Julia chose herself, and that makes her a much more interesting and powerful character than Daisey.
I think however, did Spike surprise her. I think she did feel deep affection for him. I think when she saw him again she was full of regret. I truly feel her plea to Spike in the graveyard was genuine.
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Her hand is closed, not ensnared in this moment. Her eyes are closed and she looks peaceful. She’s surrendered control.
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Spike’s eyes are wide open and his expression feels hollow and apathetic. To me this indicates the power dynamic has switched.
Julia had a painful case of “what could have been” when she sees Spike again at last.
I think the graveyard was a huge turning point in her story arc. I think that was the moment she truly decided to belong to someone else.
And then after making the decision to be with him, their time is cut painfully short.
To me, she deserved better than just existing as an element of pining for our main character and then suddenly murdered to propel Spike’s arc.
But, Julia has had her own adventures and her own life for the past three years. She is a whole other story we’ve never had access to. She is a whole person outside of the Bebop crews’ perspective. There’s a lot of power in that unknown.
There’s a lot of power with Julia.
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