#fear of wind
mumblelard · 2 months
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victoria or first pot of coffee era, third cup
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crabussy · 11 months
for the record I think wind turbines are beautiful and are not a stain on any landscape and the sounds they make are beautiful and whenever I see one I am filled with love for human innovation and hope for the future of clean energy and if they needed to be built close to my house I would go YAYY ^_^ WAHOO ^_^ WIND TURBINE!!
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celaenaeiln · 10 months
At the dining table for breakfast
Jason: Heh.
Jason: Hahahaha.
Bruce: *raising the newspaper up higher*
Alfred: *placidly pouring coffee into Bruce’s mug* Did something interesting happen, Master Jason?
Jason: Alfred, I am about to have the perfect surprise for that bony a-Tim. The perfect surprise for Tim.
Alfred: *putting away the bar of soap he pulled out of nowhere* Is that so? Please do be careful not to make a mess here. The waxing was just done in the dining room.
Jason: No problem, in fact-
Tim: *entering sluggishly*
Jason: In fact…in…fact…Megamind, what are you doing here?
Tim: ……..hm?
Jason: What are you doing here?
Tim: eating??
Jason: You-why are you coming from the right side bathroom-weren’t you going to use the upstairs one on the left?
Tim: oh. Dick was already in it so I decided to use the other one.
Jason: what.
Tim: what.
Jason: No. Hahahahaha. You’re joking…nononono-god, Tim, WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID?
Tim: ????????
Jason: You-
Dick’s voice thundering from a floor away: JASON!!!!
Jason: *staring blankly then running forward and smacking Tim on the head* It’s all your fault!
Tim who hasn’t slept or had coffee or know why something he doesn’t know about is his fault: ???? WHAT DID I DO?!
Jason: *running past and leaping out the window* See you later, losers. Bye, Alf.
Disappearing seconds before a blur of wet skin, white towel, and neon pink hair rushes past and follows him out the window.
Tim: ……Did you have breakfast yet?
Bruce: …….Hrmgh.
Alfred: *tutting* I just had the floors done. Master Bruce, would you mind redoing them? I’m afraid I must catch the mailman before he gives treats to Titus again. He’s leaving crumbs all over the entrance.
Bruce: What about Ti-
Bruce: *glancing back to see a lone leaf float in and drop slowly to the ground*
Bruce: ………
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aroaceleovaldez · 4 months
chewing on big 3 kids being capable of absolutely devastating natural disasters and apocalypse-level outbursts of power.
Percy who creates hurricanes complete with lightning that pummel titans and flooding and whirlpools that can trap god-powered crocodile kaijus. Earthquakes that erupt volcanoes. Hazel who sunk an entire small island entirely on her own with her final breath, against giants and a primordial goddess of the earth.
If Nico dramatically wilts plants and cracks the ground when he's mildly stressed, and disintegrates enemies down to their skeletons with a single touch or rips their souls out of their still-living bodies, and can command armies of the undead, what happens if he tries to cause destruction? Even outside of total zombie apocalypse or insta-killing a crowd, he's shown enough geokinesis to absolutely be capable of the same destruction Percy and Hazel can manifest.
What about Jason? He can control the winds and storms. There's no way he can't create the most destructive tornadoes with casual effort that he can never justify using for the collateral damage they'd cause. With a single thought he can rip up a town and launch the remnants 50 miles out. (Jason in the center of a Dead Man Walking tornado, vortexes responding to his movements like an avatar...)
And what can anyone do to combat it? How can you fight the wind lifting everything you know and love into the sky, or floods sweeping you away, or the ground giving way beneath you? The Big 3 kids are scary because they are forces of nature, and their whims are the only thing preventing you from witnessing that at any given moment.
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I made some tiny books 📚
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housewifebuck · 6 months
Natalia literally met Buck while he was on duty and he dressed a wound for her and everything and then she says “shouldn’t we leave that to the professionals” like two episodes later and he has the nerve to think THIS is the person that Sees Him. Sorry but Eddie is so brave and strong for not going ballistic in that graveyard personally I would have just started swinging
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cowardlycowboys · 12 days
I wasn't raised catholic but I practice their beliefs (burdened by guilt)
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patriamrealm · 2 months
How did Akari take to living with the clans post Red Sky?
Im assuming she doesn’t have her memories- so I’m guessing that not having to work for her keep and being forced to not work herself to the bone was very jarring for her.
So that! I like to see her as having most of her memories but that doesn't make it any less jarring not to have to work just to earn her keep.
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She still has her mission to seek out all pokemon but doesn't really know what to do with herself not working herself into the dirt so she throws herself into the mission. If anything she's working harder because she's worried that the shelter and goodwill the clans have for her will eventually run out. (It Won't) Rei tries his best to reel her back since they are both out and about often.
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The Clans also try to pull her back but they are more so protective. Mai or Lian opting to stick near her when in the Obsidian feild lands since that is where she is most likely to come across anyone from Jubilife village. They don't stop her from speaking with Cylene, Rei, or Professor Laventon considering their actions during the red sky.
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The only one able to really get Akari to slow down and rest is Ingo. His way more calm personality rubs off on her a bit making her feel like she needs to slow down when with him which in turn makes her feel her own exhaustion. Ingo takes advantage of this to get Akari to just rest for a few days, if he's lucky he can corral her into slowing down and taking it easy for a few weeks.
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hero-of-the-wolf · 18 days
“Tell me about your island, Sailor.”
For a brief, horrible moment the boy slumped against Wild’s side didn’t stir. Then finally he roused, blinking up at him owlishly. “My island?”
“Yeah.” His head was getting heavier, too heavy to hold up, so he let it fall against the younger boy’s. “What’s it like?”
“It’s beautiful,” Wind whispered. “There’s a fairy fountain at the top… top of the mountain, y’know. And a bridge… bridge’s broken, though. And my sister… and grandma….”
Wild frowned. Wind was still lucid enough to answer his questions, but he seemed to be fading fast. He needed… something. And fast. Or—
“Hey, Champion?”
“Are you… I….”
Wind shuddered against him. Wild held him tighter, pulling him close. His shirt stuck to him uncomfortably. It was wet and warm, with whose blood he wasn’t even sure anymore. That was annoying.
“I’m here, kid.”
“Not a kid,” Wind immediately retorted.
He fell silent again. Wild needed to rouse him, but his eyelids were so heavy. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to just rest them. Just... just for a minute….
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climbthemountain2020 · 2 months
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I can't live laugh love in these conditions, Patrick
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iagi-san · 6 months
Kvothe is ambisextrous (bisexual) but he hasn't realized yet, an essay:
Okey, so this is my delulu shit and you can go with me or against me I don't care. Here we go:
Disclaimer: The author is totally cool with that idea so don't think that it couldn't be canon, because it COULD.
First, HAVE WE SEEN HOW OUR BOY TALKS ABOUT SIMMON?! Like dude, you have a gigantic crush on your mate, we get it. The only time the word "I love you" is written in the whole books is directed to Simmon from Kvothe. He says that they argue like newlyweds. When Simmon is reading that poem Kvothe makes the point to describe how handsome is Simmon. When he returns to Imre Simmon says that he is dating Fela, Kvothe makes a monologue on how Sim is the perfect boyfriend and he is just a turd (this boy as zero self esteem at his core)
Second, at the begining of the second book, at his first encounter with Denna, he gets jealous because that gentleman is really hot and has a lovely voice and it's totally unfair (we get it kid)
Third, all that bit pre-adem with Tempi, that boy got a crush on Kvothe and there are so many scenes when it could be turned out as a slow romance lol (they would be so cute as a couple)
And last, we get to his relationship with Bast. Patrick himself has joked multiple times that they are couple, or at least that Bast has a MASSIVE crush on our innkeper lol. So Kote and Bast own together the Inn, what two other men have an Inn? Exactly, Deoch and Stanchion who are a polyamorous couple and is where we discover the word "ambisextrous" that casually Kvothe knows and no one else among his friends (has he looked it up on the Archives? I totally can see our young Kvothe searching more info about his feelings)
Getting back with Bast, he is a Fae, a pansexual satyr nonetheless (pun intended), their chemistry doesn't go unnoticed among readers, specially the tenderness (that scene with Bast singing a lullaby to a wounded Kote), care (how he stitches him up and swapes his injuries althought Kote says that it's not necessary) and how he talks to him and about him to Chronicler (that bone chilling oath he makes towards his master).
At his own Kote sees Bast as someone a bit immature and who is like a child, I don't see quite romance on his side but who knows, he treats him with a lot of respect and care to not hurt his feelings.
Finally, my take is that Kvothe may not be as straight as he portrays himself to be and I'm desperate to read more fics with that in mind.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk
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biolumien · 13 days
i had all, most of, some and then, none of you
jo togame x gn!reader ty to @/yisxn putting some thoughts in my brain... i did want to write some more pre-shishitoren arc togame because hes so... shakes my fist at him generally implied that reader is at the very least smaller than him word count: 1217
strong is one of the words you can use to describe togame. it’s an apt word–probably the most apt word there is. he’s strong. he’s the collected one, when compared to jumpy choji. he’s the one who strikes down the weakest links, skins them, as it goes–a language he uses with a cold kind of certainty. all the unworthy, all the scumbags, all the weak–skinned, as if scraped with a knife. that’s his job. 
and he’s certainly got the brute force to enforce it, at the very least. the room always seems to go quieter when he shows up–a mixture of quiet terror and buzzing anticipation crackling right underneath the surface. waiting for the all-great and all-powerful jo togame to show some fuckers what-for.
so why is it that he’s at your door right now, in the middle of the pouring rain?
the summer rain is balmy, causes the air to become sticky and humid. you felt condensation sticking to your skin as you opened the door, the chilly air nipping at your skin. 
“togame?” you ask, rubbing at your eye. “it’s… fuck, it’s late. didn’t i tell you that–”
togame slumps.
he doesn’t seem hurt, but he leans forward, pressing soaked hair against your chest.
“i didn’t know where else to go,” he mutters, and his voice is flat, that slow characteristic drawl you’ve always known, but when he raises his head to look at you, he suddenly seems so much more exhausted than you could have ever anticipated. so you fold. you reach out a hand to cup the back of his neck like he’s a misbehaving cat, and are met with the freezing cold of his skin. his shishitoren jacket is soaked all the way through, soaking past his kimono. 
“come on,” you whisper. “let’s get you inside, dry you off.”
navigating togame through your house is hard, especially when he’s about as flexible as a cadaver right now. once or twice you’re forced to catch his head right before he smashes against a cupboard, seemingly relying on you to navigate him into your bathroom. you sit him down to lean against your bathtub, and you sit on the edge of it, producing a white fluffy towel to dry his hair. he wordlessly takes it from you, staring at it.
“and your clothes,” you say, after a moment. “take those off. all of it. i’ll get you something spare… if any of it’ll fit you.” 
togame makes a noise of assent, reaching to the back of his neck to undo the tiny, soaked braid before starting to rub at his hair. 
it’s hard to find anything. you produce a few overstretched shirts from the wash, a pair of sweatpants with the waistband so obliterated that the elastic’s more of a suggestion than an actual band that would snap on your skin, but the pickings are slim. as you pick up the offerings to throw them into the bathroom, you turn to find that togame has already stepped out of the bathroom. he’s wearing his boxers, thankfully–but you can see the toll fighting’s taken on him–scars littering his skin, and more concerning were the smattering of new and old bruises on his skin–reddish to purplish-yellow on some of the deeper ones.
he’s still drying his hair, his expression still strangely sullen, dark.
“here,” you say, holding up the shirts and sweatpants you picked out. “hopefully these can fit you.”
“... thanks,” togame mutters. he sits down on your bed, slumping his head forward. you watch him put on the sweatpants and one of the shirts–you silently thank your lucky stars that they do fit, after all. 
togame’s not much of a talker–he’s said to you multiple times before that he’s the kind of person who doesn’t mind it being silent–that he loathes small talk meant to fill up a space. and you’d usually agree–silence between the two of you has always been comfortable, never awkward. and yet, today, it’s abundantly clear that it’s a hollow kind of emptiness, a miniature kind of death.
“did you finish drying your hair?” you press, after a moment. you reach out a hand to touch his hair, and you can almost feel the way he flinches–but you push through for the moment to touch at his head. it’s damp, but passable. 
togame reaches out a hand to touch yours where it’s still on his head, shifting his other arm to pull you closer to him. you fumble for a second, stumbling a little bit as your knees knock against each other. he presses his head to your chest, a shaking exhale passing his lips.
“i’ve fucked it all up,” togame says after a moment, his voice sounding choked. “i’ve lost him…”
“lost him?” you ask, and your fingers brush through his hair, and he leans into your touch, before jolting away when he realizes what he’s doing.
“choji,” togame says, his voice sounding hoarse. “i’ve lost him–what am i going to do–” the hand grasping yours shakes for a moment, and you feel something in you break ever so slightly.
“hey, hey,” you say, quiet. your free hand moves to touch his face, and when he looks up at you, his eyes shine with unshed tears. “togame…” it’s an expression you hope the rest of the shishitoren will never see–because the reformed shishitoren seemed so much more unkind. it’s an expression you thought you’d never see–and he doesn’t even seem to realize he’s close to crying–the pain of his eyes stinging probably no different than any other injury. “i’m sure you haven’t lost him.”
“i made him do it,” togame says. “i made him become leader–and now he’s worse than ever–i thought skinning people, i was loosening the weights on him–that he’d be able to find freedom on his own, but–”
you shift forward, sitting on the bed next to him, pulling hs head closer to your chest. his hand tightens against your shirt, tight but not tight enough, as if he’s terrified of his own strength. perhaps he was, now–frightened of his own actions–frightened of the weight behind them. 
“it’ll be okay, togame,” you whisper. “you’re his best friend, aren’t you?”
“some friend i am,” togame says with something like bitterness, resentment, worry, hatred in his voice. “i’ve led him down a path i don’t know i can pull him back from–” “you can,” you say. “you will. if there’s anyone who can, it’s you.”
togame’s shoulders shake when he cries.
it’s not a fact you’d like to know, not really–you wonder if togame let his shoulders shake when choji stared at him with dead eyes, and told him bluntly to leave if they didn’t share the same vision. you wonder how long togame had stood there in the rain that day, wondering if he’d made the right choice. and yet today, on another rainy day–he seemed to have come to a completely different conclusion.
you hold him until he falls limp against your arms, his shaking sobs turning into the soft and slow breathing of sleep. and when you lie in bed, feeling his grip tightening on your shirt as if he’s afraid you’ll disappear on him, you wonder who will be the one to put him back together, should he be the one to lose his way.
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bookcub · 8 months
The Narrow Road Between Desire by Patrick Rothfuss comes out in November, which will center on Bast.
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for-hireath · 2 months
You know why we're not having The doors Of Stone? Because The Waystone Inn lays in a silence of three parts, AND THE THIRD PART IS THE DEEPEST AND HEAVIEST PART.
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realdonkeykong · 5 months
I think the funniest result of Patrick Rothfuss taking so long between books is that, since enough time has passed between books 2 and 3 of Kingkiller that social progress (and his knowledge thereof) has made several strides forward, the current latest release (a spinoff about Bast) has unintentionally canonized the town of Newarre as a haven for Queer people in a world where otherwise, there is one gay relationship between two very minor characters. Kvothe fully went into hiding and chose to live in Gayville, Temerant and we love him for that
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lunawolfiefoxy · 4 months
Silly headcanons for LU boys!
Time: While he claims to fear nothing, if he saw Princess Ruto, he'd be running for the hills shouting "Not today demon!". He calls Malon "wifey" as his main pet name for her, but will also call her "Sweets" "darling" and "love"
Warriors: He's trans. Fight me on that. My guy has gotten the surgeries he can pay for, and he's happy about that. He also grew up in a more dangerous place so he knows a lot more than he lets on. He's an amazing pick-pocket and can, if he wanted to, stab you literally in the back without even Wolfie or Wild know he was there. Sneaky sneaky. His fear, because I thought it was funny and because he doesn't know the difference between a cow and a bull and has seen too many rodeos as a kid, is cows.
Twilight: SUPER delicate. For how strong he is, he has no idea if one hug will squish someone. He also, even though he's been told not to, will juggle the goats. Don't worry, he asks beforehand to make sure the goats will be okay with it. Twilight is also a HUGE Mama's boy. While he loves his father Time *cough cough*, getting validation from MALON sends him to the stars. Lastly, his fear, because as Wolfie he accidentally breathed them in, is ants.
Sky: We all know him for being sweet and kind and a total beast when someone hurts those he loves, but he also, after hurting those people, will apologize for hurting them cause he suddenly feels really guilty about it. Sometimes, if he gets the chance, he'll carve minifigures of the others and hide them in his pouch, when the others finally found out, his pouch was overflowing with animals, but mostly them. Sky would be the type of person to carve the lead in pencils. His fear, scarecrows. Do I need to say more?
Legend: Oh boy, here we go, Legend is autistic. That's the main thing. Anytime his orchard gives a good production of apples, he gets really excited and will word vomit to anyone close by most of the time it's Ravio since they live together and are dating. He may be an awful cook, but his baking skills can challenge even Wild. He mainly bakes apple desserts, but loves to try new recipes, as long as no one gets in his way. He's a big neat freak and feels really embarrassed when someone sees his house as a mess. Being a hoarder and a neat freak is hard though, so he ends up trying to clean everything and it looks barely better then before. His moto, like mine, is: "if I don't do it now, it'll never get done." Which leads him to collapsing from exhaustion because he tries to do everything at once. Legend has bad joints, surprise surprise, so he drinks tea in the morning and at night to counter that. Because of this cute story I read, I think that whenever Legend is around people that he loves, in a home that he feels safe in, because of a side effect of being Bunny, he will fall asleep right then and there. Finally, Legend fears thunderstorm, for obvious reasons, loosing more people he loves, quite obvious, and Cuccos, also obvious.
Hyrule: Also a Mama's boy. Even though he doesn't know his Mama, though he soon will, he likes to hang around Malon when on the farm and ask all the questions he can think of. He can't read, like most believe, or write, but he is surprisingly really good at interpretation and reading lips. His fear, water, poor baby can't swim and has had too much trauma around it.
Wild: This one's a lot too. Wild is also autistic, and a huge introvert. When first introduced to the chain, he either ran away, or would hide in trees most of the time out of fear of them. Wild actually collects makeup, and dresses, and is really good at hair and applying makeup, though he can't do his own hair for squat. Wild has insanely good hearing from "growing up" in the middle of nowhere, and acts animalistic, ex: growling when he feels he's in danger, whimpering when in pain, when he yelps it sounds more like a yip, curling up in a tight ball when he sleeps. Wild, though he hunts a lot, actually really loves animals, and takes care to only hunt the animals if there are too many, or if the animal is sick or injured beyond repair. When he has a memory, his heart stops and he stops breathing, almost like his spirit has been transported to that point in time. Super supporter in anything, unless it's something that's harmful to his family, ex: transphobia, homophobia, making sexual comments to those who are asexual and/or not interested. Is afraid of anything that reminds him of the Shrine of Resurrection.
Four: Any and every time he exits a portal, his mind splits so the colors are there, but Four is physically the only one there. His shadow always seems to move on its own, and he sometimes talks to it when he's feeling down. If he's given a recipe, he's a decent cook, but without one, his food would turn out like Hyrule's. When he's not spilt, his fingernails are painted. Thumb black, pointer green, middle blue, ring violet, pinky red. When at the farm, he snatches all of the groups armor, weapons, and shields and repairs them, otherwise his favorite chore is to tend to the horses. His fear, I think it's obvious, loosing more people he loves.
Wind: The air around him always smells of salt, and he never seems to run out of energy. Though he hates being the youngest of the group, he does take advantage of it to get away with doing stupid things, until he gets hurt, then he gets in trouble. Being youngest, he obviously gets baby, but there are times where he is the one babying one of the others, and those are times he uses to manipulate the others. He is a pirate, pirate equals treasure hunter, also pick-pocket, also knowing every swear in the book, also having a flask of rum. When the others learn of this, Time confiscates his flask until he discovers non-alcoholic stuff that tastes the same, never telling Wind. Wind's fear, Time's disappointed look.
I wrote this in my headcanon age order, do what you wish with this 😈
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