#feels kinda good tho ngl
of-mutts-and-men · 22 days
Current workout motivation is to bulk up so I can be a big chew toy for doms.
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 16 days
Wearing a cowboy hat today and honestly I get it. Michael Walters has the right idea
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p1x1x · 4 months
my little yuri guys so far
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sketchy sketch of kitty cat L
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twinkhunter47 · 1 month
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vampire ~
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eshithepetty · 2 years
Tbh the funniest thing I've seen crop up for mob psycho s3 is when people complain about the characters being off model. Like.... really?? Off-model animation... in mob psycho 100.. Ohhg the horror. Surely the roughness and creativity and freedom in style hasn't literally always been part of this show's art direction.. mob psycho has never been off-model before. Yup.....
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[ID: various screenshots of characters in Mob Psycho 100 getting off-model, either by being stretched, drawn with wobbly or messy lines, having intentionally bad anatomy, or colored in with botchy, stark colors. End ID.]
Literally where have you been 😭
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timothylawrence · 8 months
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Rana is like my darling Angel baby who can do no wrong and Hala is like if bugs bunny was allowed to go apeshit. and had a big ass sword
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snapbackslide · 7 months
WHAT HAPPENED OMG how was it!!
it was a really good date, we spent 4 hours (!!!!) together just like, walking downtown and we got drinks which he paid for mine, said it was his bday gift for me 🥲 and talked a lot about everything, hockey especially, families, education/career, news, memes, travel, music...
i think he picked up on my hints, when we were walking i kept bumping lightly into him on purpose, and i'd tuck my hair behind my ear and lick my lips lmao. and i let him have a sip of my drink. cause i wanted him to kiss me, and he did, but i got so nervous and messed it up and pulled away 😭 (i buried my face in his chest and held him and i think he chuckled.. he could tell.. then he kissed the top of my head and i died 🪦 i texted him after saying sorry for the bad kiss LOL and he said 'don't apologize i thought the goodbye was very cute' .. omg)
it's just i never liked kissing but i wanted it with him, and he was good his lips were soft gosh, the second it was over i wanted it back.. this is crazy i miss him already 😭
#it was so hard for me not to dive right in i think maybe that's why i panicked#i'm just so passionate and i was holding back all night and he was so chill and calm... kinda drove me insane 😭#i was having a hard time taking initiative.. like the bumping into him thing was me FIGHTING the urge to hold his arm#he didn’t seem like a super touchy guy idk if it was bc we had just met or that’s how he is but that was a little disappointing tbh#and a WASTE bc gosh he’s so comfy to hug. i had to physically force myself to pull away. i'm not joking#bc in our hugs i could feel him letting go & i didn’t wanna make him uncomfortable#but ugh our height difference & age gap are both literally -perfect-#he got a really cute laugh (and a deeper voice than i thought 😩)#oh yeah and he just ever so casually mentioned he was an argentina fan and i went full fangirl mode?????#oh. and he said he's a mama's boy... (& he likes the oilers.. & his fav movie is interstellar... *quiet voice* “tyson?” LMAOihaveatype)#yea and he said to let him know when i got home and when i forgot (bc i always do) he texted me 🥹#he mentioned having been in a LDR before and how he didn't mind it... seems like only one of us was good at picking up hints 💀#he asked if i'd ever been in one and i didn't realize until later like. oh. HEY maybe i should've said i wouldn't mind it either 🤦‍♀️#ngl there were moments that were a bit awkward tho bc we were both quiet.. but he was so so sweet#like when i said i should go home he was completely understanding and would often ask if i was cold#just a very Gentle man like.. i felt so safe and comfortable 🥹#and i really loved looking up at him and into his eyes it was the best lil moments...#like when i said i hope this wasn't too boring for you and he immediately reassured me and said he's having a great time#and asked if i was having a good time too and our voices got softer and that eye contact was just.. ugh ✨#he really talks like a hockey player tho lmaooo 😭#so yeah i've been up for HOURS replaying all this in my mind i barely slept... i really just wanna see him again asap#answered#brunch anecdotes w the girlies
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hmmm checo having a two year extension is strange to me but i haven’t sorted all my thoughts out yet
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turtletoria · 2 years
do u still like good omens?
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crimescrimson · 1 month
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The Tower Interior in Resident Evil: Revelations 2 (2015)
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daughterthethird · 8 months
PONDERING RN… does any of my artist mutuals/friends wanna maybeeeee… yknoooowwwww… draw with me on aggie.io… someday… or possibly even today… 👉👈
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malicemismanager · 2 months
Dear gods I'm fucking exhausted. Con may have been disappointing this year, but that much is constant. 😩
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lyriumsings · 1 year
din djarin stays a damsel in distress and i respect that
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it was just an ad. which. okay. fair. at least it's smth. I liked the lightheartedness of it all - but also I'm kind of. patreon gets a whole sanders sides video. that. is exclusive to them. okay
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bosspigeon · 6 months
You've said they banged before he got lobotomized so how does Nod feel when he meets Gortash again? Does he find out that he had sex with him? Or does he get Weird Feelings around him?
Considering sex with Gortash happened at a time when Nod was not really allowed to have feelings about it other than lust and control, if he even remembers he's likely not going to be terribly kind if it's brought up
If he did have feelings about it, they were summarily smothered, and Nod's a very good liar, especially to himself
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