#female astra militarum
rabidchilde · 9 months
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Source: Munching Biceps on ArtStation
More positive representation for women in 40k.
No battle-bra, no war-corset, no combat heels (it's difficult to see but the silhouette of her right heel is next to the tabard bottom.)
She's not obviously wearing makeup, her hair isn't perfectly styled.
The artist made the choice to create an image of a woman without sexualizing her.
Keep it up artists, you're helping to change the world by representing women in media in ways that make them something besides sex objects.
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orniris · 1 year
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My website Orniris.com
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epireancrusade · 2 years
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Time for some steamy stuff! If you are interested to use this set up for your own T’au/human fanfics, feel free to do so and let me see what you have written.
Thanks to the greenskin invasion in the nearby system, neither T’au or imperium had the manpower to fight against each other for the pleasure planet of Panoma. Paradise planet known from it’s magnificent beaches and opulent hotels had almost fallen to the clutches of the local genestealer cult, but a swift action by the T’au fleet had annihilated the threat. The hope that the grateful rulers of Panoma would accept the greater good and join the T’au empire was soon proved false, when imperial fleet suddenly emerged to the system. Instead of all-out war, the opposing armies of equal strength chose diplomacy. Urzog’s orks were rampaging around the area, and neither party wanted to spend their strength against a lesser threat.
In the end, a fragile peace was reached, and Panoma would be a neutral territory for now. A small occupation force would be left to the planet by both sides, and the Kissian 178th, a regiment which had recently suffered great losses in the reconquest of agri-world of Moloch was ordered to maintain imperial authority on the area.
What followed was two years of shared existence. The beaches, casino’s and hotel districts would be the stage for a completely differend kind of war, where both the T’au and the Kissians would do their very best to impress and outmatch each others in friendly competitions and military performances. Eventually the situation led to mutual admiration and even some inter-species relationships were formed. The smaller T’au warriors were quite impressed and a bit intimidated by the robust women from the 178th, who were all ex-miners and penal laborers from the Kissian mining industry.
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cromwell300 · 1 year
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Magna - female primarch
Commissions are open at $5 a sketch. DM me you’re request.
Feel free to leave a like at my other pages as well.
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kantraels · 5 months
Every Krieger is an insignificant cog in the great machinery of the Imperium, made for the glorious purpose of dying in the Emperor’s name; each life a drop in the bucket of redemption. And yet; not a single Krieger guardsman is unidentified until they leave their homeworld. None slip through the cracks, unless by the careless hand of some other member of the Astra Militarum. 
Speck Kriegers Write-Up under the cut with canon-typical trigger warnings.
Each child of Krieg is conceived in a Nativitorum, where they are watched over from conception to birth by a specially-trained midwife. Or whatever passes as a midwife in the 41st Millenium… this midwife’s responsibility is to ensure each stage of growth is met and that the child is developing correctly. Those who do not are terminated. The infant is removed as soon as all natal developmental milestones are hit. 
Children of Krieg are raised communally under the watchful eye of a caretaker. From birth to the age of four, each and every child is assessed for temperament, health, and potential. Those who will not go on to serve in the Korps are separated from their peers and funneled into different roles; menial tasks, scribing, administrative work. 
The rest begin their training. From five to eleven, the children are taught the basics of being a guardsman. Discipline and complete loyalty to the Emperor are taught alongside marksmanship, endurance training, and trench construction. More rounds of weeding are done to filter out those candidates who would not succeed in the Korps. 
From twelve to eighteen, life is akin to an endless bootcamp. Basic skills have already been taught, and now the soldiers are being kept ready for war. 
TW blatant violation of reproductive rights and bodily autonomy.
Gender is not very important on Krieg. Once somebody is a soldier, they’re a soldier. Kriegers are notorious for frigidly turning away any attempt at fraternization and are the butt of many unkind jokes; that they can’t feel, that their only love is the God-Emperor, that they don’t know what it’s like to take comfort in another, that there is in fact no difference-- mental or physical-- between a male and a female Krieger. Much of this is true. In reality, Kriegers are most comfortable around... other Kriegers.
When a female Krieger reaches menarche, most commonly around the ages of 13 and 14, they are seen by the platoon doctor. After a brief and only mildly disfiguring surgery, something as inconvenient as bleeding once a month no longer troubles them. In this way they can still contribute to Krieg’s ever-growing, ever-dying population without putting their chief duty as a soldier on pause. Kriegers never meet their children. If they do, the chance they would recognize each other is slim. 
While male Kriegers escape such mutilation, they are not spared wholly. It takes two to tango, so to say.
All of this process is clinical and removed. On Krieg exist immense family trees are recorded with precise diligence, all for the purpose of tracking each soul pledged to the Emperor’s cause and reducing accidental inbreeding of the soldiers. None of these soldiers will ever know their family tree.
Krieger Names
Or what passes for them. Once “born,” a Krieger gets an identification serial. Most Kriegers never know their full serial. Designations are passed down like jerseys as each “graduating class” moves on to the Militarum proper. When a Krieger is assigned to their first regiment, they get a fixed designation! Zed’s was Zeta-198. Following a few squad wipes and reassignments, its designation is now much longer. Zed was also a special case in that it “graduated” into the Astra Militarum far earlier than its peers, at fourteen. Of the other early bloomers that graduated with it, it is the only one to remain.
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zeroiq · 1 year
So I got that female space marine debate on the mind and I have some thoughts… I think one thing that isn’t nearly stressed enough during the debate is how often being a woman in warhammer is such a defining trait. Like the biggest argument I see from those against female space marines is that their existence would render Sisters of battle redundant. To this I say: why? If we were to look at another mostly female faction under games workshop’s banner, Age of Sigmar, are they really claiming that the Daughters of Khaine are equivalent to the sisters of battle just by virtue of mostly being comprised of women? For the sake of argument, let’s pretend that Dark Eldar don’t exist and replace them with DoK but up their tech or whatever. DoK and SoB have completely different aesthetics, different models, and different ideologies. The only common factor is that they happen to both be made of women. Let’s take the argument to 40k exclusively and address the question of “if female space marines exist then women would just join them and not SoB.” To this I could pose the same question for the Astra Militarum in respect to Space Marines. If both factions have different methods of recruitment and they ultimately lead to different groups that play and look differently, why can’t the same be said for SoB?
When it comes to the lore and how “only males can become space marines and it is heretical to improve upon the Emperor’s design” then what the flying fuck do you have to say about Cawl and his Primaris Marines? Whether or not you like them you have to admit that their inclusion didn’t cause the hobby to implode in upon itself and it directly went against pre-established lore.
In regards to this debate, I often think about how Lindsey Ellis put it where being female in a fiction is an anomaly while being male isn’t. Ultimately I don’t have a lot hope for female space marines occurring due to the fact that GW would need to somehow convince their fan base to not view womanhood as some unique characteristic that ultimately defines a faction. I’m not going to go as far and say that everyone against female space marines is a woman hating misogynist but I will say that they definitely view male as the standard which is only hurting the hobby in the long run.
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spettelt · 4 months
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Choose Your Character
(A small tribute to the many role-playing classes like in dungeons and dragons and a certain horror game that youtube has allowed me to watch and I dig the art style. The game 'Fear and Hunger' has a beautiful art style which I have tried to replicate. Along with my love of Warhammer 40k, I have tried to draw up four classes to look like the old rogue trader art of warhammer 40k. If any warhammer fan likes this and wants to use at as potential role play or D&D stuff, then you are free to use them)
1. SPACE MARINE (BARBARIAN) Gender: Male Classification: Adeptus Astartes  Specialize Equipment: Efficient with both ranged and Melee weapons; Bolter, heavy Bolter, Bolt Gun and Chainsword and Power Armor (High defence) Know No Fear: Being a genetically enhanced warrior, you have seen many horros and are more reisitant to things that would rot the mind.
You are one of the Emperor's angels of death, you fight for honour and glory. You are of the Storm-Watchers Chapter, created in secret by the Inquisition in the Caligari Secter as warriors that fight in the shadows. No one in the imperium, not even other Space Marine Chapters knows of your existence and you wish to keep it that way. Though you can fight all on your own, you do crave some comrade-ship. Even if its from the likes of mortal servants of the Imperium. You have been assigned a mission by the Inquisition of the Caligari Sector, to land on the world of Argamar and route out whatever corruption or xenos taint that may be within the Hive city of Colsectus....or the planet itself.
With a small retenue of the Astra Militarum, you land in the space port of one hive city and make your way down, only that madness seems to have claimed most of the population, and already your team has been wiped out. You easily fight your way past the heretics and traitors only to find yourself alone. Will you continue on alone or will you encounter others who will assist in your mission?
2. ASTROPATH (SPELLCASTER) Gender: Male/Female Classification: Adeptus Astra Telepathica Specialized Equipment: Cannot wear any armour, but can wield items and gear to enhance your psychic abilities (Focusing staff, Lecto Divinitatus Book and Purity Seals) Spells: Telepathy, Lightning, Telekenisis Psyker: Though blind, your third eye allows you to see the disturbances and the taint of the warp. You can detect any anomilies before they strike.
You are a Astropath, a specially-trained psychic servant of the Imperium that guides the ships through the sea of souls (the warp). From your third eye, you can see the light of the astronomicum, the phsycic manifestation of the Empeor that lights the way through the darkness of space. It is your responsibility to carry out communication with your supernatural gifts. Your mind is mightier than the sword but it comes at a cost. For your powers can draw the attention of the corrupting influence of Chaos. If not trained properly, you are a vessel for daemons to pour out from the warp into our reality.
You are a delicate soul, and your mind is bombarded with visions of madness that you must control or you will be found wanting. Though gentle as your personality is, you cannot help but jump at every shadow and at every strange noise.
Misfortune struck you, as you awake to find out that you are the sole survivor from a terrible attack on your vessel. All the crew are dead except for you. With no memory of what happened, the Inquisition suspects you of corruption and treason. To atone for this, you are sent to the World of Argamar, where the Hive city of Colsectus has gone dark. You are to find the Astropathic Choir and re-establish communication with the Inquisition.
3. UNDERHIVE GANSTER (ROGUE) Gender: Female Classification: Gang Leader of the lower levels of Hive City Colsectus (Formerly) Specialize Equipment: All forms of pistols and one handed weapons. Can replace power claw with other cybernetic weaponry. Swift Striker: Has the highest amount of Agility and can strike twice at the start of each combat phase
Originaly born on the world of Argamar to a rich and wealthy noble family house, you grew bored of your life and want to live life dangerously. So you broke ties with your family, left it all behind to join one of the numerous underhive gangs of the city. Through your crafty talents and agility, you worked your way up the ranks and became the leader of one of the gangs, gainign a fierce reputation, at the cost of your eye and arm. Fortune and excitment, you had it all until one day.
The Hive City gangs, criminals and civil population started to act strange and all of a sudden, turned violent. The gangs turned on one another, including your own. You have no idea what is going on, and was forced to slay and butcher your way to safety and sanity back on the higher levels of the hive. You are all that is left of your gang, with nothing else left to loose, you stumble upon those that wish to cleance the city of taint and you migth as well join them. But not before you secure the wealth and title of your noble house family name, and take back of what you had lost.
This sudden outburst of madness and chaos is new to you. And though you have nerves of steel, you canot help but hear and see things in the walls...
4. TECH PRIEST (SUPPORT) Gender: Unknown Classiffication: Adeptus Mechanicus Specialize Equipment: Servo arm, mechanical claw, laspistol arm, built in scanner, optics and fibre nerves. Praise the Omnisiah: You are part machine and can easily access locked doors and several mechanical functions such as cogitators. You can also repair gear as well as weapons. Cybernetics: You have a higher defence than those organic flesh creatures. You can even replace lost limps.
Tech-Priests of the Cult Mechanicus are the forfront of all technology within the Imperium of Man. You are one of teh Adepts of the cult of Mars. You worship the machine god and have gone through all the rights and blessings of swwitching most of your fragile organic body, for cold machinery. Any and all forms of technology peaks your interest to such a degree, that even new tech, which can be considered heretical, peaks your interest. 
You have heard that there may be ancient machinery from the Dark Age of Technology, hidden away or buried in the Hive City of Colsectus on the planet of Argamar. You make your way to the city, only to find that the civilain population have gone mad. The Guard does not cooperate, and the servitors are not responding to your signals. Despite the strange occurings, you will make your way and join a group of what appear to be the only group that is sane and capable of fighting their way for you. 
You goal is selfish as it shoud be. You care not for the emotional trauma of your human collegues, nor do you care of the Astartes objective. But you can assit in repairing their equipment, as you will rely on the party to breach the lower depths of the hive city, and discover what untold secrets that may be lurking far down in the darkness. 
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weatherman667 · 1 year
Is it in the Codex Astartes?
Is it in the Codex?  Yes.
Location:  Astra Militarum
Reason:  Note:  While Pizza is not bad for soldiers in regards, it’s morale effects out weight it’s nutritional effects by an order of magnitude.  Pizza is made from cheap, relatively available, and shelf stable ingredients, and can provide a significant boost to morale among the Astra Militarum.
Is it in the Codex?  Yes
Location:  Civilian Support
Reason:  The chances that an Astartes Chapter will have to deal with a pregnancy among civilians under their care approaches the limit of 1.  This, of course, depends heavily on how much time the Astartes spend around the civilian population they are protecting.
Cross Dressing
Is it in the Codex?  Yes
Location:  Astra Militarum / Heresy
Preamble:  Most planets have sex-differentiated styles of dress.  Sometimes this is only in minor regards, but it helps the Imperium run smoothly.  See Addendum 25:45-R6 for more details.
Reason1:  To prevent health and discipline issues, the Astra Militarum regiments are sex segregated.  Members have been known to pose as the opposite sex to infiltrate.  While this issue should be dealt with by the regiments themselves, Astartes should not be known to allow discipline issues to slide.  It is also possible units of one sex might strongly object to infiltration of the other sex, even to the point of terminating the perpetrator.  Their lives are currency to be spent by the Emperor alone, not wasted on such frivolity.
Reason2:  Heretical cults are known to blur the line between male and female, and this can lead to debauchery of a well known sort.
Is it in the Codex?  Yes
Location:  Morale / Discipline
Reason1:  Opera is one of the most sacred art forms of Holy Terra’s long past.  It is deeply emotionally evocative, providing the viewer with catharsis.  This allows them to explore the darker aspects of their nature without fear of falling to the ruinous powers.
Reason2:  Artistic endeavours have been used by Astartes to temper their darker natures.  This is especially notable with the Blood Angels, whom were taught by my brother Sanguinius to use artist outlets as a way to prevent from falling to foibles of their nature.
Video Games
Is it in the Codex?  Yes
Location:  History /  Heresy
Reason1:  Ever since the revolt of the Men of Iron, access to all by the most simple cogitators is prohibited.  Before this, when Video Games were able to be played, they could distract from duties or occupy the mind with focus when idle.  Rudimentary military skills could also be conveyed.
Reason2:  While they can be a moral quandary, they simply cannot exist without the ban on Abominable Intelligence, and as such, anyone attempting to do so is committing technoheresy.  This aid, some elements from these games can be done physically, and provide even more effective military training.
Is it in the Codex?  Yes
Location:  Independent Development
Reason:  Tells a rich tapestry of changing environments, of a Man torn from his own world into one filled by hostile, warring Xenos.
Is it in the Codex?  Yes
Location:  Heresy / Morale
Reason1:  A great reminder that not all Xenos will be Mannish in physical form.
Reason2:  Friendship is Magic has a strong focus on morale and cooperation, often in the face of hostile Xenos.  It also focuses on the darker aspects of the nature of Man, ones that oft Haunt The Emperor’s Chosen.
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mrthoughtbubbles · 1 year
Why I love Warhammer 40,000: Its setting is pretty dark, it has really deep lore with a ton of books written about it- one's imagination runs wild with every story that they produce, it caters to a lot of people with different interests - If you want a funny faction that turns their beliefs into reality, pick the Orks, if you like good elves, pick Aeldari, if you want bad elves, pick Drukhari, If you like enhanced humans with space jet packs, pick space marines or the Adeptus Astartes, if you like the female version of Space Marines, pick the Adepta Sororitas or the Sisters of Battle, if you like normal humans pick the imperial army, the Astra Militarum, or the cadian shock troopers, if you like human zelots who will die for the God Emperor, pick the Death Korps of Krieg, if you like humans with artificial implants that believe in the Machine God, pick the tech-priests or the Adeptus Mechanicus, if you like dwarves, like me, pick squats or the Leagues of Votann, if you like a faction with mixed races that people deem as commies, pick the Tau, if you like aliens, pick the Tyranids, If you like to play with undead robots, pick Necrons, or if you want humans that believe in the occult/dark gods, pick the Chaos faction.
There are plenty of reasons to like Warhammer 40,000, but the biggest reason why I don't buy their books/figurines is the price tag that comes along with it. In my eyes, it isn't worth it to enter such a hobby.
P.S.: Even though the focus of the games that Warhammer 40,000 produces are all from the perspective of the Adeptus Astartes/ Space Marines, there's no right or wrong faction to choose from in Warhammer because they're all evil. It's all a matter of preference as to what faction you would like to play with when playing with figurines.
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fabriziocarminati · 4 years
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Imperial Guard Heavy Infantry
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rabidchilde · 10 months
Found another one! Even though part of the piece is satirical, I really like the redesign Gray-Skull came up with. It has the proper bulk of power armor instead of it just being a bodysuit with some additions.
It does have a 'boobplate' but it's not one that I feel is an eyesore
I also like that the helmet kinda looks like Mark II/III Space Marine armor
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I like a lot of Gray-Skull's work but I hadn't seen this one yet, so ty! I like the redesign too, for all the same points you mention. Plus the visual commentary is a nice jab at all the sexualized art.
But also I'm torn because in-world explanations like Grey-Skull makes matters very little. It's the choice the real world corporate design team makes that sets the tone in the fictional world. A little handwavium is all it takes to say that sisters' armor is built differently; that it's higher tech so its synthetic muscles are smaller / it's powered by psychic Faith instead so it doesn't need to be as thick. The art follows the intention of the company.
It's the real world choice to continually sexualize female characters that can make the game creepy, as well as contributing to the larger cultural misogyny. Even in Grey-Skull's commentary, they say that if this was the new design of the Sisters, they could still look at sexualized women in 40k in a different faction. That shows the trend in the real world design.
I'm happy to say GW took a big step with the latest Astra Militarum release by including heads for both men and women. The battle-bras and war-corsets of the Sisters of Battle aren't going away anytime soon, but if they did I'd be pretty happy with Grey-Skull's design.
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thefoilguy · 5 years
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Commissar Severina Raine from Warhammer 40k - Aluminum Foil Sculpture
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epireancrusade · 3 years
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It’s time for some big, muscular women from the imperial guard! They might be mere humans with lasguns, but they sure know how to kick ass! As one mifght expect, all these ladies are from the ranks of the Kissian people’s guard. Imperial forces in the Epirean sub-sector are facing a difficult situation. Gigatrix maledictum roams behind their back, and there are no reinforcements coming from that direction. So, to keep the crusade going, they pool all the resources they can muster from the planets that are still in imperial hands. Decimated regiments are merged together or they are reinforced with fresh recruits from nearby systems, leading to the situation where most of the regiments are stitched together from various elements.As the biggest single unit of the crusade, Kissian people’s guard has also been forced to add troopers from the worlds that are not their own.
Here you can see corporal Jackson, a Kissian born ex-miner. She has the aptitude with knifework and explosives, which has led to the fact that she often ends up being part of the killteams sent behind enemy lines. Trooper Lily is an ex-ganger from the underhives of Kissian primus. She has already made an appearance in the comic I’m slowly publishing here. She’s also trans. In the far future no one cares about your gender or sexual orientation, as long as you can carry a gun. So my reasoning is that the whole human spectrum lives in the million worlds of the imperium. Trooper Ren is one of the warriors who were recruited from the feral world of Malachia, when the Kissians had to replace their losses from the fighting against greenskins in the agri-world of Moloch II. Thousands of tribal clansmen and -women were receuited and then added to the total strength of the Kissian regiments.These soldiers know how to fight,m but the vastness of the void and size of the hive-cities are something that is going to take some time to get used to.
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aeldari-enclave · 7 years
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My brother bought me the OOP female Commisar knowing that I was working towards fielding a more inclusive force. So cool of him. The model seems so tiny to me but that’s fitting for a non astartes human. The corset though…
I have some details, blending and final highlights to do before gloss coat and finally a matte spray.
I am going to replace the las pistol with a bolt pistol and I briefly considered basing her standing on an ammo crate. I love the idea of a short hard ass lady Commisar.
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andyonthewold · 4 years
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Picked up another RT figure from eBay. From the days before Astra Militarum, from the days before Imperial Guard, this is Imperial Army female trooper with lasgun, sold under the names Vaskez and Rutherford in 1987 and ‘88.
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cromwell300 · 3 years
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Emperor Reborn
After seeing an image of a female emperor that was done as a gag, I got to thinking. What if the emperor did reincarnate into an unsuspecting vessel (like saint sabbatine did) and that vessel happens to be an unassuming female trooper of the Astra Militarum.
Feel free to leave a like at my other pages as well.
Ziegler’s Art Page
Ziegler’s Art Page
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