#feral Jennifer
georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
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rainbowtie32 · 2 years
ive seen so many posts about matt & jen's banter but "because they have weapons, jennifer," "yeah, good thing she-hulk is indestructible, matthew,"
incredible. perfect in every way. i have never heard matt murdock been called by his full first name before and i applaud jen. iconic.
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wizardofahz · 2 months
Saw a Criminal Minds gifset and suddenly started thinking about canon vs. fanon JJ.
TL; DR: Fanon JJ is the facade canon JJ puts on to hide trauma.
(This discusses JJ's sister, so content warning for suicide)
The obvious starting point for understanding JJ's characterization is her sister's suicide. That's a traumatic event for anyone, and even more so for an eleven year old child. So it's quite understandable that JJ decides she will do whatever she can to avoid experiencing hurt like that again.
In episode 3.17, JJ tells Will about their relationship, "I didn't want to tell anyone because the minute I do it becomes real, and when it becomes real, people get hurt, and I've always run from getting hurt. Always."
But JJ didn't only lose her sister.
In episode 14.12, JJ's mom admits, "I got so caught up in all my troubles that I forgot there was another little girl under my roof who had just lost her sister. You needed me, and I wasn't there."
At eleven years old, JJ was a traumatized child without a support system. So she learned to rely on herself. Other people were just avenues for hurt, and she decided that wasn't worth it.
All of which leads to this confession from JJ in the season 14 finale: "There are only four people I trust in this world."
My three non-negotiables are Will, Hotch, and Emily. The fourth is between Reid and Garcia, but I lean towards the former given Garcia's penchant for invading people's privacy.
Even if anyone disagrees with that list, there's not a lot of room for choice. At any given time, the BAU usually has seven members, and given the amount of turnover they've had, JJ hasn't learned to trust most of them.
Do they know that? They probably know her facade masks trauma, but I doubt they know the extent of it. There's a reason that episode starts with the team playing poker, and JJ showing Reid he doesn't know her as well as he thinks he does.
So let's talk about that facade. In contrast to Reid, who wears his trauma on his sleeve, JJ buries hers as deeply as she can. She takes care of the people around her, and while it's not disingenuous, it's part of a prettily painted reinforced fortress wall that says, "hey, look at me, such a put-together person that doesn't have problems of my own, so I can help with yours."
And it does the job because it has fandom fooled too.
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beware-of-you-98 · 21 days
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and if I said this was jemily then what
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hellhoundofftheleash · 5 months
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“I am a God” | Megan Fox as Jennifer Check in Jennifer’s Body (2009)
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sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
no it’s fine i’m not reading way every single shrine fan fic on ao3 at 130am and sobbing about how rodney was losing his mind and the only thing he cared about was john and how john looked like his entire fucking world was being ripped out of his chest piece by piece i’m Completely Normal right now dw about it
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whatsabriard · 10 months
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i Jonathan’s eyes had widened when she took off the satin jacket and tossed it at him. She was supposed to go in first and she grinned at his low whistle of appreciation. 
“Let’s go back home.” He said, voice strangled as he followed the line of her chain to the shadowy valley between her breasts. 
“You’re going to have to work for this.” She bumped the car door closed with her hip. She crossed the parking lot feeling his eyes on her, so she put an extra swivel to her hips.
She’d give him a little something to think about.
ii. Jennifer was a walking sin.
His skin prickled as he watched her cross the lot. He wasn’t prone to fits of jealousy, but she’d left her ring in his safe-keeping. She was terrifyingly fair game. A man craned to watch Jennifer’s tight ass as she passed, and Jonathan’s fingers flexed into a fist. 
At the door she turned back and blew him a kiss.
Thoughts of Stanley were replaced by the fantasy of tempting her into a bathroom stall and pumping his fingers into her molten heat until she quivered against him.
But that would have to wait. Until later. 
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existential-queeer · 2 years
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hoeplessl0nging · 9 months
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this movie gotta be one of my favourite genres + tropes, despite its flaws. human sacrifice gone wrong tragic sapphic codependent toxic best friends-lovers to enemies, i killed you to give you peace and to take my revenge now i’ll get revenge on those that made you like that story. flesh eating blood thirsty demon bitch. film commentary on the constant sexualisation and fetishisation of women whether they like it or not, the woman that takes her power and revenge on men doing that to her. jennifer’s body you could have had it all yet you got stuck in the mid-late 2000s.
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averysjameson · 2 years
jameson is really the most special boy out there and everyone knows it <333
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patdevilles · 2 years
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Essie Davis in “The Murmuring” dir. Jennifer Kent
Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities (2022)
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deadscell · 1 year
on a better note i managed to find a decent copy of clock tower the first fear and it didn’t cost all of my organs so i can’t wait to play that
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hellhoundofftheleash · 5 months
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Me on a good day 🤭
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caroldantops · 2 years
that's been on my mind too like just Jen having a fucking bad day and she comes home in her she hulk form and is like " you wanna help me out and help me unwind? "
Next thing you know both of you are in your shared room, and Jen's sitting on your face while you eat her ass having the time of your life
i know that the whole thing is like jen's pretty in control of her transforming but wouldnt it b so cute if u were eating her ass and as she destresses u feel her getting lighter on ur face n shes ur lil tiny gf again <3
but also god i want her to crush my fucking head like a grape im gonna bury my tongue between her cheeks i swear to GOd
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jennhoney · 2 years
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Tumblr cracked the case! I’m a senior horse. And now YOU know.
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tinkkles · 1 year
To be fair I think the hunger games movies could have been good if everything about them was different
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