#feral clay
isabel3710 · 2 months
Okay, you know what I don’t get. We get lots of Feral Branch, we get some Feral Viva, I’ve even seen Feral John Dory. But you wanna know what we don’t have?
Feral Clay! Why??!!
With Feral Viva the main idea is she became that way through living in the golf course. But you know who else lived in the golf course? That’s right, my man, Clay!
I rest my case!
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draco-after-dark · 4 months
Sleep pile
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Feral and the feral brothers
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randyzorra · 3 months
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I can be ur angle,, or ur devil
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sneaky-eel · 6 months
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Desmond let this man murder for you!
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macchitea · 1 year
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i see ur slugcats with realistic cat markings and bring you:
warrior slugs
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amethyst-halo · 5 months
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man i am cursed to forever make refs huh. here's clay and branch au style
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aesthetic-gamersnail · 8 months
I like to think that even though probably two decades have passed since they last saw him, Branch is still the precious baby boy of the family and all the brothers have kinda a silent agreement to protect him.
They are like: "If you even do as much as touch a hair on his head, we are going to find you and rip your intestines out, one by one, so you can feel excruciating pain that you will remember for the rest of your life."
We all see Floyd as a sweet and sarcastic boy, but damn if someone hurts Branch, he will be the first to start breaking arms and legs.
They protect, they attack, but most importantly, they got each other's back.
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lixxen · 3 months
Feral Viva and Feral Branch meeting will in fact be Viva jumping onto Branch instead of standing away from everyone and her growing in his face while he struggles to push her off with a ton of hissing and growling (since she's older and bigger than him, she's winning the dominance fight)
It'll take her a few seconds for her to register that they are in fact harmless trolls after Branch gives in with a whine. She will get up and look excited and go into somewhat what her canon intro is
And Clay won't do his dramatic entrance; but instead scramble because he hears hissing and growling from across the putt putt course and is freaked out because what the fuck is happening to Viva that is causing this???
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x-prettyboy-x · 8 months
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msraptor · 2 months
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Feel free to use these as wallpapers
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isabel3710 · 1 month
Ok ok, Feral!Clay but instead of becoming feral on the Hole N Fun, he sees Branch getting left behind and on trying to rescue him, both of them get lost on one of the others tunnels
Clay tried finding the rest of the tribe, but Branch "wants to live in a hole in the ground since he was 2" ass convinced him to just run as far away from Bergen Town as they could and find shelter on the forest
This Branch is probably less scared and paranoid of the bergens, because they settled further away from them than canon and he has Clay to protect him. But instead of disabling paranoia, this Branch gets feral and animal-like behaviors instead yaaaaay!
Clay is just carrying Branch around by the scruff (Branch will never admit it but he loves it) and not as interested on finding the main tribe as he was originally (once their relationship started healing, Branch opened up about how the village treated him after he went gray)
You are playing a very dangerous game Annon..... I'm getting ideas.
Clay is not good at survival stuff, John Dory tried to teach him but he never really got it. So at first things are a lot of trail and error on Clay's part. Branch takes to the whole thing like a fish out of water.
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draco-after-dark · 5 months
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They never found out what they were talking about
Also if you know you know
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agent-cakeshroom · 5 months
Feral Brozone au
They never lived in the tree. Their parent(s?) Escaped while JD was really little and Spruce was still an egg, so only JD has very vague memories of the rest of the pop trolls. They live out in the wild, starting out at just hard-core survivalists like canon JD. But after the passing of their parent(s) for whatever reason, critter attack or accident idk, they slowly get more and more wild. Especially Branch, who never even got to meet their parents. JD doesn't really know what he's doing, raising kids, and only has what little he picked up from his parents or the critters around them to go by. So he turns their makeshift pod into a giant nest they all sleep together in, he turns to more physical affection and they all begin speaking less. Why use unnecessary words when they understand each other just fine?
Fast forward, we're gonna pretend Viva never got separated from Poppy, and she kinda takes Branch's place in the first (possibly second) movie. She's more paranoid because she came terrifyingly close to being taken, and is traumatized. Her colors are dulled, but not gray. So qhen all the other trolls go gray in the pot, Viva is the only one with a bit of color left. So she cheers Poppy up, and then regains her full color.
After maybe the second movie, when they're exploring the other Troll Genres, they stumble across Feral Brozone. They never actually became a band, so no one knows their names but them. Poppy befriends Branch pretty quickly, and after much coercion and building trust they convince the brothers to come to Pop Village. Peppy recognized JD just enough to know who his parent(s) was, but that's it. Poppy and Viva help them adjust to society, but also start picking up some habits. Like more physical closeness, making a nest in their pod to sleep in, maybe some acapella too lmao. The boys didn't have instruments, but JD loved singing so he started vocalizing the instrumentals for his brothers to learn. I dunno.
I'm bored at work and Trolls still has a death grip on my life.
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chubchow · 9 months
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cakeandchaos · 1 year
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Quick sketch of my baby boy 💜🪲✨
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adore-mimy · 3 months
Guess who got really inspired by feral trolls Aus and made troll beast of brozone (poppy & Viva included)
Fun fact: when they change back they have either no memory of being this way or they think it’s a really vivid dream) this is highly inspired by many of the artists who made Feral aus of Trolls. I just wanted to add my little feral babies too!
little small fact, these type of beast modes only happen with main genre trolls (Funk,Pop, Rock, Country, Techno, and Classical). Beast modes for sub-gerne trolls ( sirencore, mermaidcore horrorcore music, K-pop!! Ect.) they are still their normal height but just feral.
John Dory
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Yeah! Beastified these trolls guys! (Beastify is a word I made up because I thought it was funny for me to use)
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Height chart.
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Byeee guys
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