#feuxx art
feuxx · 11 months
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In Love we are Victorious @merlinpride🌈
Happy pride month merlin fans, but especially to @paceprompting!! I hope this fulfills what you had in mind for your prompt, which I adored🌈💖!
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mossmx · 1 year
While Merlin is trending I want to thank the whole Merlin fandom
people who have been with us since 2008 and people who have just started watching, people who have left us too soon but will be forever in our hearts and people who switched fandoms but are still amazing
whereter you create, lurk, cheer or just cry in the corner (most of us have been there lol) every part of the Merlin fandom is always part of our family
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even if we have no reason to trend we will always have a reason to celebrate :D
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merlinlikethebird · 2 months
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Okay okay okay, last one I promise XD
@bbcmerlin-reversebang, thank you again for the wonderful event! It was so fun all around, and I hope everyone enjoys this fic by @the-willow-tree featuring some sweet hurt comfort!! Please show her some love, she deserves it for being an angel! @feuxx again again again for all the art beta help!
See y'all next year!
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gyrhs · 18 days
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The fancomic I've been working for a month is already on production so pre-orders are open for physical copies! It also contains guest art from @feuxx and @mirayladraws , and you can get your copy HERE
But if you want a digital copy you can download it HERE right now!
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mirayladraws · 1 year
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I got tagged by @feuxx to post the last sentence of the fic you are currently writing or a wip of the art you are currently making so here I am! Fyscka here’s your baby but he is a bit in a situation 😌
I tag: @excited-insomniac @papysanzo @krisztart @funkiemoon @kassasnek @lauradonnelly (no pressure to anymore just if you would like!)
Also I was told if you do it do not reblog but make a new post! ❤️
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snarkyship · 6 months
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I've seen this meme around, I wanted to suggest it to the Merlin fandom.
Template full Template part Template essential (first row)
EDIT: Added more girls because @ikol-art is right Feel free to add characters and tag people.
Tagging @papysanzo for sadism and @feuxx bc I love their art. Feel free to ignore <3
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aftercamlann · 8 months
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All Winding Paths Lead Back
words by Imagined, art by feuxx Summary: 
“You’ll give me magical training?” Merlin asks.
Arthur smiles. “Yes, and training in courtly etiquette. I imagine Ealdor doesn’t have nobles?”
“We don’t have nobles, but we do have pigs. And chickens,” Merlin says. When Arthur raises his eyebrows at him, Merlin flushes heavily with embarrassment. “Oh, shut up. My lord.”
“Don’t talk to your king like that,” Arthur says, but he doesn’t actually seem very upset about it, even though Merlin sort of wants to hit himself in the face. “Welcome to Camelot, sorcerer-apprentice Merlin of Ealdor.”
Or: Merlin is sixteen when he comes to Camelot, vying for the new position of court sorcerer that has opened under King Arthur—a noble king, golden and lionhearted, who is trying to legalise magic in all of Albion. Of course, Merlin doesn't expect to be chosen.
But he is.
Click HERE for the story and HERE for the art!
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BBC Merlin Reverse Bang Masterlist
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Thank you to all the fantastic podficcers, artists, and writers who participated in this first round! The fest was a huge success thanks to each of you. Without further ado, here is the masterlist for the 2022-2023 BBC Merlin Reverse Bang!
Sons of our Fathers
Artist: The_Pen_and_the_Sword
Writer: s0mmerspr0ssen
Summary: When King Uther gets word of a dragon sighting, he sees a chance to finally get his hands on Balinor’s son, the last dragonlord. Prince Arthur is determined to prove himself and makes it his personal mission to slay the beast and capture its master. But amongst rising tensions with Mercia, Camelot’s hunting party is attacked and Arthur ends up alone in the forest, severely injured. He stumbles upon Merlin, who has been on the run with Aithusa ever since his father’s death. Merlin, oblivious that the injured stranger is the Prince of Camelot, ends up helping him – a fateful decision…
FIC & ART: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45594802/chapters/114729199
Watching You Like I’m in Love
Artist: General_Jellyfish
Writer: remaymber
Summary: Arthur had been watching Merlin ever since he had first met him. He was watching Merlin just like he watched the entirety of his kingdom to protect and defend. But as fate intertwined their lives closer and closer, Arthur started feeling like watching might just not be enough.
FIC & ART: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45462886
ART: https://www.tumblr.com/the--short--one/711662624050413568/merlin-reverse-big-bang
Getting to hope you like me
Artist: Papysanzo89
Writer: Sage_Owl
Summary: Merlin and Arthur meet for the first time at one of Morgana's lavish Christmas parites, and the attraction between them is instant.
FIC & ART: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45248359
ART: https://www.tumblr.com/papysanzo/711782259539197952/after-months-i-can-finally-post-these
Setting Free
Podficcer: pezzax
Writer: TyalanganD
Summary: Life is relatively easy, if monotonous, for Merlin: he lives with his parents in Outer Hebrides, he works at the local supermarket, and sometimes he uses his magic for mundane little things. But all of that changes when one day, he learns terrible news: his father is dead.
Distraught, Merlin sneaks out in the middle of the night and cries out into the sky. And then, the cry gets louder, and becomes something else…
...and then, a huge golden dragon appears on the sky.
FIC: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45789913
PODFIC: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45790453
Clockwork Spells
Artist: MaxMagician
Writer: mirjoyX
Summary: Lord Merlin Browning lives life as a mechanic in the dazzling city of Camelot, until one day an unknown ability throws him into a world of magic and fables.
FIC & ART :https://archiveofourown.org/works/45811813
tangled up in your bedsheets (and in your arms)
Artist: feuxx
Writer: Imagined
Summary: Merlin parts the orange in two when he’s finished peeling. The juice streams over his wrist and upper arm, and he licks it off absentmindedly before he hands over one half to Arthur. Arthur hesitates for a moment, something strange flickering over his expression before he takes his part.
“They’re best shared,” Merlin tells him, and puts a slice to his lips.
Or: When PhD student Merlin Wyllt flies to a tiny, faraway Italian town for a summer job with Professor Ygraine du Bois, he finds himself unexpectedly at odds with her son, Arthur
But not only oranges blossom in summer, and Merlin finds that he and Arthur have a lot to learn from—and about—one another.
FIC & ART: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45685282
ART: https://www.tumblr.com/feuxx/712149710794850305/tangled-up-in-your-bedsheets-and-in-your-arms-by
The Golden Cage
Artist: LFB72
Writer: MyKingdomComeUndone
Summary: When Arthur secretly follows Merlin into the woods to discover what his manservant is up to, the last thing he expects is to be confronted by an actual, real-life dragon. A baby dragon, granted, but still, Arthur is determined to save Merlin from his own recklessness by capturing the monster...
Arthur's actions set the two of them on a path full of secrets and truths that might make or break their relationship, and Camelot along with it.
FIC & ART: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45352543/chapters/114103633
ART: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45499744
Fake Happy
Artist: tigereyes45
Writer: Joanna1995
Summary: Calm settles over Camelot after the battle of Camlann. Everyone should have been happy, yet Merlin isn't. Even though Arthur survived, the thought of what might have happened, and what could still happen in the future have him stressed out. He has taken to hiding his feelings from Gwaine, his soulmate, which hasn't made him feel any better. He hopes that soon, everything can be revealed, and things will finally calm down.
FIC: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45916054/chapters/115569103
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/oSf6FSs55hM
kiss with a sword
Artist: Aro_Tarot
Writer: princessoftheworlds
Summary: Queen Morgana rules Mount Olympus with an iron fist, and when she proposes a match between god of spring Emrys and her estranged brother — the god of death Arthur —there can be no refusing.
But in the Underworld, Emrys, who prefers to be called Merlin, discovers that his marriage comes with a catch: his new husband resents his sister and her realm, and has no time for Merlin. Quickly, their mutual apathy turns to mutual loathing. Arthur grapples with his new marriage and holding onto his resentments while Merlin seemingly finds himself with only one option — to overthrow Arthur and install himself as the ruler of the Underworld.
FIC & ART: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45795277/chapters/115246360
ART: https://www.tumblr.com/aro-tarot/712520374958571520/kiss-with-a-sword
If I Gave All My Heart
Artist: griffonskies
Writer: paceprompting
Summary: Years before a young boy with destiny on his shoulders walked into Camelot, there was simply…Arthur, Crown Prince of Camelot: a young man vying for his father’s approval and desperate to prove his worth. A desperation that earns him a curse, even if it saved his life. Now his heart lies outside his chest, kept safe for the time within the metal of his mother’s sigil…
But it cannot hold his heart forever.
FIC & ART: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45998167/chapters/115784440
ART: https://www.tumblr.com/griffonskies/712768827250917376/bbc-merlin-reverse-bang-20222023-look-look-i
and the history books forgot about us
Podficcer: Jockles
Writer: catasterisms
Summary: He lets Arthur's body fall, his tears streaming hot down his face. They're right here. The lake is right in front of them, and yet the dragon said there's nothing he could do. They were so close.
Anger rises in him like a wave, swift and strong. Because isn't there something? Hadn't he traded a life for Arthur's once before? Nimueh's face flashes through his mind, the visage blurred by time. He hears her voice again, proclaiming that she would guide Arthur to his destiny, even though Merlin was standing before her. He recalls Gaius's words about the visions he saw in the crystal cave, and how there are many futures, not just one. If there are many, then why can't he have this?
In which Merlin saves Arthur, but there's no quick fix after revealing the secret he's kept for ten years, and no destiny to guide him any more.
FIC & PODFIC: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46027120
I am who I am and I am who I was and I am who I will always be
Artist: viraha
Writer: Pearl09
Summary: When Uther rests on his death bed, Arthur desperately turns to magic in a last effort to save him. Merlin, disguised as Dragoon, offers his services, and manages to catch Morgana's attempt at stopping Uther's return. Arthur then asks Dragoon of one more favor: to help him find the traitor he believes lives within the castle. Now Merlin must juggle more responsibilities and his two identities in the hopes of catching Agravaine in the act before his lies all begin to fall apart.
FIC & ART: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46063090/chapters/115952626
ART: https://www.tumblr.com/virahaus/713055952357720064/i-am-who-i-am-and-i-am-who-i-was-and-i-am-who-i
Artist: jupiter-flytrap
Writer: DollopheadedMerlin
Summary: Merlin feels overburdened and under the weather, but he doesn't want to add stress to Arthur's efforts in revitalizing his kingdom after recovering the throne from Morgana, so he tries not to take it personally when Arthur gives him a hard time. But when reports tell of a dragon within Camelot's borders and Merlin gets dragged along on a mission against his nature, the king only seems to double down on his mistreatment of his servant, making protecting the royal clotpole a lot more difficult as he fights off an untreated fever.
"Any time he felt as though he was getting somewhere with his destiny something would come around and ruin it. And more often than not, that something was Arthur."
AU where Arthur knows that Merlin used magic to help him recover his kingdom from Morgana in The Sword in the Stone. Only, Merlin doesn't realize.
FIC & ART: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46113418/chapters/116083984
ART: https://www.tumblr.com/jupiter-flytrap/713180514064990208/confirmations-chapter-1-dollopheadedmerlin
The Calm Before the Storm
Artist: viraha
Writer: tigereyes45
Summary: Morgana has taken over Camelot with the help of her sister and their undead army. Arthur, Merlin, and the others take shelter within an abandoned castle. There they lick their wounds, and make plans for the fight. Merlin decides now is the best time to reveal a hidden truth.
FIC & ART: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46126483
ART: https://www.tumblr.com/virahaus/713239064837570560/the-calm-before-the-storm-by-tigereyes45-and-art
You don’t talk about fight club
Artist: alexagirlie
Writer: TravelAgentForGuiltTrips
Summary: Merlin almost doesn’t believe what he’s seeing, they were fighting with magic? He hadn’t thought anyone would be brave, or stupid enough, to start a magic fight ring in Camelot. And not just anywhere in Camelot, but a twenty-minute walk from the castle.
The fight continues until the woman manages to knock a staggering blow against the man. She looks around at the people surrounding the cage and raises her sword while wisps of fire surround her.
She looks familiar…
When she looks directly in Merlin’s direction, he recognizes who it is, even with the mask covering the bottom half of her face.
Merlin stumbles onto a magic fight ring, where Morgana is one of the fighters.
FIC & ART: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46199560
ART: https://www.tumblr.com/alexagirlie/713500800077463552/merlin-reverse-bang
The Little Prince That Could
Artist: chaosgenes
Writer: Lyskari
Summary: An otherwise routine day takes a turn when Arthur wakes up the next morning to find himself quite small! Together with Merlin they try to figure out what to do... and if it's even possible for him to be returned to normal size.
FIC & ART: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45758878/chapters/115152604
I Just Wanna Feel At Home
Artist: tigereyes45
Writer: Suitupbatman
Summary: "Feeling more like a fuck up by the day,
I had you,
Honestly, right now you feel far away.
I've got the heart of a martyr,
I've got the walls of a castle,
And I've got the same dreams as before,
But right now,
I just wanna feel at home."
FIC: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46278748
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/07sFCiw6f84
So Near, So Far, So In-Between
Artist: Mirayla
Writer: Mischel
Summary: When Arthur receives a mysterious mirror as a gift, Merlin immediately senses that it’s dangerous magic — and in his attempt to investigate, manages to get himself trapped inside it. Now, an evil doppelganger takes Merlin’s place and tries to kill Arthur.
Coincidentally, at the same time, Arthur is finally trying to express his feelings for Merlin and wants to start a relationship with him. The doppelganger does not appreciate it.
And Merlin can do nothing but watch.
FIC & ART: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46295389/chapters/116554105
ART: https://www.tumblr.com/mirayladraws/713880822524116992/new-session-archive-of
Faraway Memories
Artist: MaxMagician
Writer: kingdom_keys
Summary: When Albion’s need is greatest, Emrys and the Once and Future King will return to unite the land once again.
A mysterious box with these words appears on the desk of History Professor Merlin Wyllt. Little did he know, it would turn him into a fugitive, send him beyond the walls of the city, and into the life of one Arthur Pendragon.
A story of past memories, of present lives, and a romance transcending the boundaries of both.
FIC & ART: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46336240/chapters/116660749
All The Way Back You Held Out Your Hand
Artist: Laevateinn
Writer: EachPeachPearPlum
Summary: It's not that Gwaine's complaining, not really, because this is definitely the friendliest conclusion he's ever seen to a kidnapping. It's way better than torture and starvation followed by either a dramatic rescue or his untimely demise, but yeah, being knocked unconscious, tied up in a shack, having gibberish chanted at him and then being let go again is very definitely strange.
Or: Gwaine gets kidnapped and cursed by an evil sorcerer, but it's okay because Percival still really likes him.
FIC & ART: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46349827/chapters/116695435
ART: https://www.tumblr.com/mslaevateinn/714158301643980801/here-is-eachpeachpearplume-and-is-collaboration
It’s [Not] So Enchanting to Meet You
Artist: Papysanzo89
Writer: CaughtInTheRa1n
Summary: King Arthur has spent countless weeks convincing his council to invite Emrys, the King of the Druids, to Camelot for a peace treaty. It's time for them to bury the hatchet...except things aren't as simple as they sound. Emrys is rude and beautiful and smug. Arthur is unwilling to let go of his past. When the two find themselves relying on each other for survival, how will they ever see eye to eye?
A hurt/comfort fic with some dungeon-shaped trouble and (hopefully) requited romance. See notes for warnings.
FIC & ART: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46377451/chapters/116767240
ART: https://www.tumblr.com/papysanzo/714200631672520704/heres-my-second-rvbb-3-3-caughtinthera1n
Forged by Stardust
Podficcer: Caethes
Writer: Arete20
Summary: On Albion, the only space station in the Alliance of United Earth that welcomes open magic users, Merlin works as an assistant mechanic to Gaius. Though Merlin doesn’t hate his job, spending days repairing broken coffee machines and toasters can be tedious, but it's a small price to pay for being able to use his magic openly.
Then one day, a mysterious man called Arthur shows up with a broken droid and a barrage of questions. Arthur keeps coming back with more broken things, and as charmed as Merlin is, he knows Arthur knows more about Albion than he lets on, possibly even about the strange and suspicious incidents from a group of new crewmates. With the Alliance threatened by a brewing conspiracy, Merlin and Arthur find themselves putting differences aside to save both Albion and magic itself.
FIC: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46424716
PODFIC: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46414639
it ain’t no life to live like you’re on the run
Artist: kairennart
Writer: MerlinMorganEmrys
Summary: Camelot and Escetir are at war, and the gods never really learned how to leave the mortals to their own devices. There's also a prophecy because, of course there is.
FIC & ART: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46482205/chapters/117037480
ART: https://www.tumblr.com/kairennart/714796902674219008/death-war-and-destruction
What matters is what you make of it
Artist: rhiadan
Writer: Zaharya
Summary: Merlin felt it rush past him, and then Arthur was on the ground, clawing at his throat as he gasped for air.
In the blink of an eye, Merlin’s magic tore through Sigan’s spell. Coughing, Arthur doubled over, only just catching himself on his hands, while Merlin wrestled his magic back under control.
Withstanding the urge to rush to Arthur’s side, Merlin glared at Sigan. “You will not harm him.”
FIC & ART: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46569508/chapters/117270664
ART: https://www.tumblr.com/rhiadan/715069290044391424/this-is-my-art-for-the-bbcmerlin-reversebang-i
We’ll Always Be The Last To Fall
Artist: Scarlet_Ribbons
Writer: ExcaliburnRowan
Summary:'He does not remember the feeling of panic rising in his throat at the thought that he would not be discovered before he became nothing more than a dead corpse in a dead Queen’s garden, an errant child out of bed after hours.'
After a lifetime of living on the knife-edge of death, when a seventeen year old Arthur is nearly killed by a traitor to in the very heart of Camelot, all he gets is a second glance and an imperious command from his father that Arthur is to get a new manservant. What's worse is that all his protests seem to fall on deaf ears.
Arthur doesn't exactly have the best history with manservants. And it seems like this one with Merlin is going to be shorter and worse than most. It is not just that he is forgetful, or disappears for days on end, but it seems like he had no grasp of common human behaviour. But despite everything, they manage to forge a friendship, and one night, long-kept secrets are revealed, pledges and sacrifices made, and a new era birthed.
FIC & ART: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46464595
ART: https://www.tumblr.com/silk-scarlet-ribbons/715254286069694464/merlin-reverse-bang-submission-art-post
Like an Oleander
Artist: Stelle_loves_reading
Writer: bang-the-smoke
Summary: After witnessing another sorcerer sentenced to death by King Arthur, Merlin decides he must overthrow him and rule Camelot, which is a unique way to end a relationship.
FIC & ART: ​​https://archiveofourown.org/works/46667728
ART: https://www.tumblr.com/artstelle/715325158983860224/new-session-archive-of
The Whole of the Moon
Podficcer: NotInPublic
Writer: teachinghimpoetry
Summary: Merlin and Arthur have finally found each other again, and are happily settled in Oxford. But the course of true love never did run smooth, even for the most powerful sorcerer to ever walk the earth. Arthur’s quiet, desperate yearning for family consumes him, yet ends up liberating them both.
In which Merlin is surprised to discover that being a dad ain’t half bad
FIC: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46538512/chapters/117188719
PODFIC: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46644628
Artist: alduade-art
ART: https://www.tumblr.com/alduade-art/715464074655399936/art-for-bbcmerlin-reversebang-the-writing-is-yet
Artist: TheSpiritsDemise
Writer: bad_peppermint
Summary: They said the wizard of the woods could give you anything you wanted.
What Arthur wanted, more than anything, was to give up control. Let go of his burdens. Be calm.
The wizard's idea seemed preposterous at first, but what harm could trying it do? After all, it wasn't like they knew each other.
FIC: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46746037
ART: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46826974/chapters/117949645
for this moment, for all time
Artist: Mirayla
Writer: TheDragon
Summary: "So you—what? Want me to use my magic to help you?" Merlin asks, struggling not to let his disgust show.
"Not your magic, no," the man finally says after a too-long silence, interrupted only by the clanking of Merlin's shackles as he finally pulls himself to his feet. "The ritual would be performed on you. It can be done with or without your consent, but the chance of success will be much higher if you go into this willingly."
"And the ritual is?" Merlin asks after a beat.
"It's meant to dissolve the soulbond between you and King Arthur."
FIC & ART: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46823209/chapters/117939880
ART: https://www.tumblr.com/mirayladraws/715976614756990976/show-chapter-archive?source=share
Thank you!
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the-kings-chambers · 2 years
The King’s Chambers Recs - September 2022
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Hello, Much like Arthur we have returned and decided to resurrect our rec lists! Each month we will be making a short rec list of some of the fanworks our members have recommended. All of the recs are top/dom!Arthur with bottom/sub!Merlin unless stated otherwise. Fic Lampblack Consequences | The_Alternate_Menu | Explicit | 2,188w Summary: Of all the ways he’s tried to punish Merlin, this seems to be the only one that gets him to know his place. The unexpected (expect it) | i_claudia | Explicit | 5,125w Summary: Arthur doesn't mean to. Truly. How the hell is he supposed to know when not to barge into someone's flat? He does it all the time, it's not like Merlin's ever had anything to hide. (The expanded version.) Dance, Magic Dance | orphan_account | Explicit | 5,349w Summary: Merlin's had enough of Arthur's dance floor teasing. PWP but with feelings. Fools of Us All | adelagia | Explicit | 11,141w Summary: Merlin accidentally makes everybody in Camelot fall in love with him. Everybody except Arthur, that is. Well, That Escalated Quickly | bloodsongs | Explicit | 2,887w Summary: "And here I thought princes were supposed to be romantic." Merlin tilts so that his lips brush Arthur's cheek, a soft drag. "But all right, I suppose insults will have to do. "Arthur moves and snakes his arms around Merlin's waist, and then Merlin's straddling him on his chair. "That's the new thing in Camelot, didn't you hear?" "What, insult your manservant to get him into bed?" Merlin retorts, but his touch is gentle as he smooths his thumb across Arthur's jaw, the line of it. Exclusive Seating | mysticalraine | Explicit | 1,408w Summary: Crowded bus, limited seating and two horny boyfriends? What could go wrong? Desperate To Be Filled With You | MerthurAllure (Kirbymatsu) | Explicit | 1,483w Summary: It’s inappropriate for an omega to flash their scent, but Merlin has tried everything else to get Arthur’s attention. He comes up with one last desperate plan. Sins in the Lobby | smutsy (LiGi) | Explicit | 3,526w  Summary: Gwaine wolf-whistled and Merlin laughed, cupping his hand in front of his crotch to try and retain a little of his already lost modesty. He turned to the door, jokingly trying to cover his bum from his friends' view, sending Gwen into rounds of giggles. “Remember, pics or it didn’t happen!” Elyan called after him. “Yes, yes!” Merlin grabbed his phone from the kitchen then cracked the door open, peering out into the corridor. It was blessedly empty. “Ok, here I go…” he said again. He slunk out of the door. In a game of Truth or Dare, Merlin is dared to go down to the lobby of their flat's building and take a selfie… naked. Which is fine - as long as he doesn't run into anybody… (Intercrural Sex) Art & Fic Be a Brat and get Punished Pendragon style | Merlioske and Sunfall_of_Ennien | Explicit | 218w & Digital Art Summary: It was an official dinner, what was Merlin supposed to do? Just *let* Arthur give him a handjob in front of all their colleagues? In front of Arthur's own bloody FaThEr? No. No way, no how, just... No. Arthur would wait. Apparently, Arthur and making him waiting? Not a good mix. Art [Fanart] A moment of respite | feuxx | Gen | Digital Art Summary: This is art and thus I have no summary??? They're forehead touching. Or as a dearest writer-friend said: "here have a picture of tenderness and longing". (Gen fanart) If you enjoyed these recs and want to see more, or talk about top Arthur/bottom Merlin, we would love to welcome you in our discord server. If you’re interested and of age 18 or older, please message us and we will send you an invitation. Also, feel free to send us a message to let us know your fave top Arthur/bottom Merlin fanworks! 💕
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macaronijail06 · 6 months
hi i love your art!!!! it makes me insane!!! keep doing what you're doing bc you're killing it!!!!!!! 💕💕💕💕💕
Thank you so much Feuxx for your lovely comment!
Your reblog of the KDJ ‘heartless?’ post made me giggle😂
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themerlinlibrary · 10 days
Favourites Friday (May 2024) – Music / Art AU
TML Favourites Friday round-up! May 2024 round 1
What is Favourites Friday? – The Basics
a different theme is announced on Friday each week; FF recs must match the theme of the week
only one FF rec per person per week/theme
FF recs must be unique within that week/theme; no double-posting the same fic for one theme!
no self-recs during regular rounds
only self-recs during self-rec rounds (last Friday of each month)
Theme for week 1: Music / Art AU!
Crash Into Me by FaeryQueen07 E, 26k, Arthur/Merlin Modern Setting AU, fake relationship
Heart Strings (A Remix of Our Lives) by ingberry E, 9.6k, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Modern Setting AU, soul bond
Mapping the Distance by Emjayelle E, 4.5k, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon College/University AU, Age difference
Let Life Be Like Music by feuxx, SlantedKnitting E, 29k, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Modern Setting AU, Musicians AU
Separate Harmonies from Chords by thesongistheriver E, 12k, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Modern Setting AU, College/University AU
In My Cardboard Walls by tinylilemrys T, 115k, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon  Modern Setting AU, fake relationship
In the Eye of the Beholder by SlantedKnitting M, 2.2k, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Modern Setting AU, Artists AU
Feel the Chemicals Kickin' In by supercalvin E, 2.2k, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon,  Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Musician Merlin
Act the way you feel [reworked] by bluevalentine69 E, 25k, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Modern Setting AU, Age difference
A masterlist of all round-ups can be found here.
If you want to make sure you never miss a FF rec, or would like to participate and share your own favourites; join us on the Discord TheMerlinLibrary! Happy reading!
About the FF round-up lists:
Recs are listed in the order they were posted on the Discord; the order does not imply any sort of ranking.
The pairing given in this list is the main pairing of each respective fic – please read the tags for any possible minor or side-pairings, as well as any potential warnings or triggers.
Pairings and Eras are given as tagged in each respective fic. (?) signifies that the tags were unclear and I do not know enough about the fic to fill the gaps.
Round-ups are compiled on the weekend of the week after the respective theme of the post (when the new theme has already been anounced), to avoid omitting potentially belated FF recs.
The weekly round-up is not a guarantee! I'm running this alone, so it can only be posted for weeks when I have enough time on my hands to compile a list. If you'd like to help out, feel free to contact me on Tumblr ( @zaharya ) or Discord. Thanks to @ravenwilds for helping me out with these round-ups, and to Chel for making a whole-ass bot to make it easier!
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feuxx · 1 year
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more mer!merlin (mer^2lin) because he's my muse and it's mermay yall 🫡🌊
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kairenn-n · 1 year
Last Sentence Tag Game Post the last sentence from your WIP or wherever you left off in your art. Then tag as many people as there are words in the sentence. Don't reblog, make a new post.
Tagged by @feuxx @groundbreakingdot872 and @queerofthedagger <3<3<3
From my shiny new hanahaki wip I started instead of finishing an old one:
But he can’t. It’ll kill him. The gods are cruel, and they’re punishing him for loving too much.
I don't know eighteen whole people but <3 @atlantablack @magicinavalon @aeonthedimensionalgirl @thenerdyindividual @hellneedsaruler @tmarauder101 @insane-ohwhyfandoms @merlin-the-dragonlord @thesapphicrend
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merlinlikethebird · 2 months
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@bbcmerlin-reversebang, we're back again! This was such a joy to work on with Sage_Owl!! Please enjoy her adorable fic to go along with these tiny Merlin and Arthur! @feuxx once again helped so much with art betaing <3
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gyrhs · 1 year
Last Sentence Tag Game
Tagged by  @clotpole-art​✨
Post the last sentence from your WIP or wherever you left off in your art. Then tag as many people as there are words in the sentence. Don't reblog, make a new post.
I’m working on a commission, so this is basically my last wip, because I have older wips
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I tag @jro616​, @snapshotmaestro​, @feuxx​, no pressure tho
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queerofthedagger · 1 year
Last Sentence Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @wordsinhaled @softest-punk and @emryses <3 (and maybe someone else? I'm SO bad at keeping track of these but I do appreciate getting tagged!!)
Post the last sentence from your WIP or wherever you left off in your art. Then tag as many people as there are words in the sentence. Don't reblog, make a new post.
I've been editing so have the last bit where I left off!
It’s Steve the way Eddie loves him most, the way that he only takes out on nights like this. Steve without the weight on his shoulders, Steve with a slope to his mouth that is reminiscent of his school days but without the cruelty. Steve, with his gasoline heart and bloodied knuckles, the sound of wood and nails crashing into glass.
Not tagging that many people and also NO idea who's done this already so uuh off the top of my head, no pressure and all that: @marshmallowmcgonagall @prattery @kairenn-n @atlantablack-chaotic @magicinavalon @clotpole-art @feuxx @burglarhobbit @shana-rosee @not-rome @coffee-writes <3
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