#fierce updates
fierce-sims · 2 months
Hi guys. I’m not coming back yet (sorry 💀), I just wanted to pop in and say thanks for the support.
It’s crazy what only a week away from the Internet can do. I’m already starting to feel better like my mind reset or something. I haven't even opened Tumblr aside from downloading cc, and I’m not active at all in dms (sorry mutuals ily 🥹) I honestly don’t feel the urge to scroll, which is really nice.
I don’t have anything else to say, so here’s this video of Puck I took (ignore the awful quality my laptop is ancient 😭 Also, the song is called Sorry by Nuclear Monkey in case anyone asks...)
I'll be back in 2-3 weeks with some art and stuff. Bye! 🫶☺️
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grooviestsadpapaya · 4 months
A v lazy fierce zaddy sketch, comic update soon <3
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twilightspinkyfinger · 8 months
Topics of Research (chain x reader)
This work is a part of my Hyrule Historian AU, for more information, check out my masterlist.
As a historian, you were well versed in what remained of Hyrule's history after the calamity scourged the land prior to your birth. You had studied almost every text and document you could get your hands on searching diligently for the answers to a question you never voiced aloud. You even asked the locals of different areas of Hyrule hoping on the off chance somehow someone somewhere still has some tribal knowledge left on the subject of your interest. However, no matter how hard you searched, you still had very little luck.
After the calamity, you scoured through the entirety of the library in Hyrule castle searching for something, anything that could lead you to even the faintest of clues regarding your search. But you found nothing, at least nothing you didn't already know. You pondered how something could manage to be completely wiped from history. It made you sad, you seemed like the only person in all of Hyrule who had even the faintest clue that this being even existed in the first place.
Wild had tried to help you, making sure you took breaks from the stacks of books covering your desk, he knew whatever you were looking for was important to you, even though he had no idea what that thing was. He tried asking you about it once, but you shrugged him off, claiming that he wouldn't understand even if you told him. You claimed that no one knew what you were looking for, but you remembered and that should have been enough right? But it wasn't your brain craved more.
Then you found yourself with the chain, ripped away from your research, but with a new opportunity in front of you. It was possible that you could find new information about your research topic in the past eras you were traveling through.
And you certainly did find new information almost right away. The markings on the Hero of Time were dangerously close to those you had sketched in your notebook a million times over. There was no denying it these were the same markings that not only haunted your research, but also your dreams.
You wanted to ask him about it but decided not to since he was a stranger and it would be extremely suspicious if you started to interrogate him. You hoped he would volunteer information regarding the markings and what they were connected to on his own volition. Time was not the open book you had hoped he would be, however, he did mention in passing that he had fought the moon, which you hypothesized was somehow related to your topic of research, but you had no proof.
Still, you searched through libraries when you had the luxury of staying in a town with one for more than a couple of hours. Jotting down any seemingly relevant information in your notebook. Despite all your hard work, there were still no hard leads in your investigation.
Eventually, the chain ended up in your and Wild's Hyrule plopped in the middle of Hateno beach. You decided to split the party so half of the group stayed with Wild in his house and the rest of the group would stay with you in your house at the base of the orchard under the Ancient Tech Lab.
Of course, before this could be accomplished, you needed to check in with Purah, who immediately scolded you and Wild for disappearing without a trace. She was extremely interested in the portals and asked you to gather any information you could about how they formed. You agreed and before you knew it you were travelling back down the hill towards Hateno.
It was decided that Time, Twilight, Warriors, and Wind would stay with you in your home. You led the boys through the entrance to your cottage apologizing for the accumulation of dust in your absence. The downstairs of your house was extremely simple, with a kitchen area, a couch with a sitting area centered around the fireplace, and a small storage area underneath the stairs.
You led the group up the stairs to your study/library area as well as your bedroom. It was decided that Twilight would share your bed with you, while the rest camped out on the floor of your study. You almost missed the way that Time's eyes glanced at the detailed drawings of a being long forgotten plastered on the wall. His eyes opened in surprise before he attempted to mask his shock and proceeded to yell at Wind for messing with your books.
In all honestly, you had forgotten how many of them there were, it made you feel a little insane and embarrassed at your obsession. But you couldn't help it, you needed to know more, you needed to know who and what this being was. You needed to know why it chose to save you.
The Yiga clan, fierce agents of chaos dedicated to the cause of Calamity Ganon. While in passing these individuals seemed more like fools than foes, they were definitely not to be taken lightly. They were foul condemnable bastards, who would stop at nothing to praise what they held dear, even if that meant the murder of an extremely small child.
Broken glass and blood littered the floor, and bodies of fallen footsoldiers lay at its feet. A double helix sword caked in the same red blood as the blademaster's chest it was just pulled from. Bright white eyes checked the area for any missing enemies before moving to pick up the crying child behind it. It shushed you murmuring words you would never forget, "It's okay little one, you are safe now, I'll protect you"
Footsteps could be heard outside, the rush of Sheikah soldiers too late to quell the scourge of the Yiga clan from the property. And just like that it was gone. The Sheikah soldiers entered the house taking in the sight of a baby not even the age of one alone on the table surrounded by tens of dead Yiga soldiers, the room reaking of death.
The captain, who had caught a glimpse of your savior through the window, searched the room diligently for missing the diety but came up empty-handed. This very same captain would take you under his very own roof and care for you as one of his own. He would even pass on his own drawings of the being he had seen through the window that day.
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gerbiloftriumph · 2 months
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Floating Castle Liveblog (first read)
The King's Quest series has been graced with a very silly and very wonderful trilogy of adapted novels, and of them all, the first is my favorite. I have read it more times than I should, and liveblogged my musings on Goodreads in real time, er, multiple times.
Below is my first readthrough. Follow along with my initial, baffled, but ultimately delighted, self. Obviously, spoilers for an objectively terrible but subjectively amazing video game novelization from the 90s.
(and if you want to read the Floating Castle yourself, well, [I'm sure there are avenues online] but you didn't hear that from me)
May 7, 2018 –
page 0
Let it be officially known: I am terrifically excited to read this, and a little nervous, too. Please be good. Please be good. But please don't be SO good that I want to break my wallet trying to get a copy of See No Weevil. [side gerbil note: at the time, one of the only copies of See No Weevil, the third book in the series, available for purchase online was selling for $8k. No, that's not a joke.]
page 6
I miiiight be wrong, but wasn't Merlin's Mirror blank for all the years Alexander was missing, too? I have a feeling I read that somewhere...eh. I should read the actual game manuals sometime.
page 9
It's a touch on the fluffy side. A whole paragraph is dedicated to Alexander getting out of bed. But, let's be clear, that fluff worked really well a few pages ago with the storm, so. Plus, it's from the 90s, so. For some reason fantasy from then seems to be fluffy
page 10
You out of shape magician boy, you. Then again, 4 deep flights of castle steps (probs rough flagstone, rather uneven) is probably hard to climb, so. Fair.
page 14
Graham is such a good king. Like. Really really good.
page 26
Come on, magician prince. You can think of somethiiiing.
page 18
Sir Brian of House Blessed, I presume.
page 40
A: Oh, you stuck Graham's soul in a crystal? Very Ocarina of Time of you. What year did this come out? B: ...why is this actually kind of a good book? Like, from an honest fantasy novel perspective, not just a King's Quest adaptation perspective, it's actually not that bad. Slightly dated with its fluffy descriptions, but I've read plenty of worse fantasy before.
page 47
I didn't expect to enjoy a magician turning into a tree as much as I am, and I love Alexander being all good and diplomatic and not swearing anyone out for Cyril's complete uselessness.
page 49
I wonder how old Alexander is. I don't think it's said. How far past Manannan are we? Has KQ5 happened yet? These are not crucial questions, and yet. I'm curious. Do we know about Crispin? He's probably fractionally more useful than Morowyn. But only fractionally, cos he's still mostly useless.
page 54
Alex (paraphrased): So. All I have to do is sneak into Telgrin's evil doom castle, figure out where he hid a crystal of undetermined size with King Graham's soul in it, steal it (it had better not be car sized), sneak out without getting caught, and get home before his empty body dies, and you can put the soul back in? Cyril (quote): Oh, yes. Almost certainly. Probably. I think. Sounds like a PLAN, guys. Let's go!
page 54
Addendum to the above REALLY AWESOME PLAN. Do it before Telgrin tortures Graham's soul into hideous unrecognizability. Y'know. No pressure or anything.
page 58
I like Cyril. Road trip with the boys!
page 65
What sort of spooky ringwraith nonsense....
page 74
That’s....that’s just lembas bread. Literally just lembas.
page 81
Okay, there’s a thing I don’t like. Little episodic things periodically happen but so clumsily. I think it’s to give Alexander “items” to solve later puzzles, like the games. Direct quotes here: “Good apple,” Cyril said. “Very good.” “Sweet.” “Mmm.” And that’s the end of the exchange. Like. I get it, apples will probably be important later but. That dialogue is less than riveting
May 8, 2018:
page 87
"He’s going to try to ride a kelpie. I’ve never been so excited about a plot development in all my life!
page 108
I very much enjoyed that bit with the ogre, and now we’re hiding in barrels to sneak in. This book is like, nothing but all the best possible Fantasy Highlights.
page 123
Also, I’m fond of this exchange: “You are an evil man.” “So it has been said.” Telgrin shrugged. “Personally I’ve always found that such abstractions do not apply well to the real world. They make matters that are by their very nature complex seem rather too simple, don’t you think?” “Evil,” Alexander repeated."
page 133
Ewwww what is that thing. That’s a horrible beastie.
page 139
Where was he? Yes. Who was this beside him? Yes. Alexander those are not answers to your questions.
page 146
“All I’d have to do is wait until Telgrin is out of the room, step through the mirror, reclaim my father’s soul, and return through the mirror.” Alexander *liked* this plan."
page 162
It's absolutely just The Best Parts of Any Fantasy shoved together in one frantic ball of fury, with maybe three pages at most devoted to each new Fantasy Segment. I'm so into it. It's not a challenge to read by any stretch--I'd say it's middle grade fiction level--but, like, yo. It's crazy fun so who cares. (darn it, book, you broke my theory about where Telgrin had stuffed Graham. Boo. I was enjoying my guess.)
page 163
If my baby boy has broken his arm punching this ringwraith there will be hell to pay from me. I will protect this scarf-wearing lad at all costs. I say, when he's probably my age and knows at least a little magic and how to use a sword and has no problem crawling around dungeons and enemy castles.
page 165
Alexander is SUCH a pile of snark. Yeah, this is going well, he thinks. Now we have *four* knights chasing us.
page 168
“Cyril, I really don’t think—“ “*Enough.* there’s no time for discussion. Prepare yourself.” “No, Cyril, I— Aieeeeeeee!” Boys please
page 170
Are you KIDDING. It took us ages to get INTO the castle. And now we’re stuck outside again. P sure Telgrin is going to raise security after that debacle and kerfuffle you just caused.
page 175
Cuss the ever loving frick out of that tree root. You’ve earned a little less-than-princely reaction after this hell day.
page 181
Graham’s been soul-less for about a week at this point if I’ve added up right. He can wait a bit more, probably.
page 183
page 185
“Did you speak, Sir Frog?” “That’s Prince Frog to you.” Alex, please reign back the sass a little bit. You’re not helping matters.
page 194
We’ve found a princess, convinced her to smooch, he turns human again, and the first thing she says is “but....you’re *beautiful.*” Agreed, yo.
page 204
He’s been walking around with a hat this whole time? I hope it has a feather in it.
page 219
My baby Grahaaaaaam. Sorry about the week of agonizing torture. We came quick as we could. That whole scene with you and Telgrin was so cool and you’re so brilliant and I love your stupid regal face. Also. This exchange; “What happened?” “I’m not exactly sure. All I know is that Telgrin came uncomfortably close to killing me.” Y’know, no big deal.
page 223
"It opened its eyes, blinked, and said, “Hmph. What’s happening? Where am I?” “It’s all right, dear,” the first head said. “Go back to sleep. I am just going to kill this man here.” “Oh, that’s all right, then.”
page 228
I’m amazed Telgrin hasn’t raised hell and panic after losing Graham and his staff. Like. This isn’t a good event for our villain but we everyone seems remarkably calm.
page 231
“Is *everyone* in Daventry this obstinate?” Yes. You messed with the wrong royal family, tbh.
page 234
I love this. I love this book. In ways I cannot express because truly it is not a good book and yet. And YET. The setting is phenomenal, the cast both old and new entertaining, the language occasionally dips beyond melodramatic into actually decently lyrical, the action is relentless, and EVERYONE IS SASSY. Be it Alexander, Graham, this new princess, Telgrin. Everyone.
page 243
“I don’t suppose that you’ll tell me what you were up to.” “I don’t suppose.“ The sass is too strong. It’s blinding. I don’t want this book to end.
page 248
“You know, Alexander, I am not normally given to strong emotions. I do not often make declaration of animosity, for these do not agree with my usually thoughtful and scholarly nature. I must, however, tell you that I hate you.” The sass.
page 249
“The wonderful thing is, I have the power to make it all come true. All of it – the pain, the disfigurement, the death. I tell you, sometimes it’s a truly marvelous thing to be me.” Stars above I’m dying this is so good
page 250
This book is amazing. I am dying.
page 252
No, seriously. I am actually laughing out loud at this point. I love this. “She shall marry me unwillingly, or not at all!“
page 255
“Oh, I see the way of it. It’s blame-everything-on-Telgrin time, is it?” It hurts. My joy hurts too much. I’m crying with joy.
page 260
Cool guys don’t look at explosions.
page 269
This castle even has murder holes. Like. This is actually a good solid piece of fantasy, with accurate castles.
page 273
“I could attempt to fly you down.” All in all, Alexander thought he would rather just jump."
page 293
Graham is such a flirt.
page 297
No there’s no more page to turn!!!!!! Nooooooo I want moreeeee. .....aahHahdhsbdjdhdbuebfjxi.
May 8, 2018 – Finished Reading
five stars out of five stars
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
part of being a writer is the overwhelming wave of GUILT that just slams into me at the most random times because it’s been a whole week and i have not posted a single fic and have barely done any writing because im so tired, and i feel so bad about it :(
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like my poor readers haven’t been getting their bedtime stories, what kind of ao3 author am i if i can’t even give my readers bedtime stories as a treat :(
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not-freyja · 6 months
“Wild?” Twilight reaches out for him again, crowding into his personal space. He flicks his gaze up, narrowing his eyes at the sight of him, at the blood smeared across his nose and forehead, stark against the black of his markings. Against Wolfie’s markings. “Can you please talk to me?” The rancher tries again. Wild turns his back to him. He has nothing to say to liars. All this time, all those months together, and he never - Fuck him.  Wild wants to stab something. Luckily, he has plenty of targets. He strides right up to Blue and clicks his tongue softly. The Color looks up at him, and Wild can see the same kind of burning rage he feels looking right back at him. Good. Anger is an emotion that he can handle right now. “Want to go kill something?” He asks. A slow joyless smile spreads across Blue’s face. Without a word, the smith frees his blade from his belt, and jerks his chin down toward the fight. “Wild!” The Captain’s voice rings out in high terror behind him as he charges down the hill. “Blue!” Green’s frustration echoes him. Blue, keeping step, turns his head to flash a quick grin at Wild as they sprint toward the bloodbath. And there it is, actual feeling. Wild might not know a lot about a lot of things, like healthy responses to grief and how to help people process that shit. But he can see that the idea of a fight is doing Blue some good.
So this chapter officially pushes us past the 150k mark. Holy fucking shit. I... if I didn't already have the end goal in my sights I would be severely daunted by the size of this thing.
That being said, we have entered the endgame now, and nothing is ever going to be okay again.
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broh3m3 · 1 year
How are you feeling with all the Alice lore dropping
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her tenacity and resilience to carry on despite everything she's been through!! I love her!!! ;; v ;; Also it's nice that we finally got a glimpse where she was during the attack at the manor- I'm wondering how she was missed by Bonbon and Burke afterwards, but Pom brought up the possibility of Orpheus having helped her escape before they were found by an orphanage.
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draconicfool · 5 days
ship tag dump cuz i'm gay
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buckleyevcn · 12 days
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cherryclangen · 14 days
Moon 7
All events
Redspeck’s tail was badly injured by a dog
Stoatstar has recovered from birthing his litter
Goldkit woke up with a splitting headache, and couldn’t get out of his nest. He spent the entire day curled up in the nursery, trying to avoid light and noise so that the throbbing pain could subside.
Redspeck asks Pearchill how she’s doing [low pos]
Clawmoth feels safe with Stoatstar around [high pos]
Clawmoth caught Goldkit complaining about him behind his back [high neg]
Stoatstar had a difficult conversation with Clawmoth and they now have a deeper understanding of each other [high pos]
Flurrystorm meows hello to Stoatstar, but he looks pretty glum still [neu]
Snipmoor is surprised by Goldkit being thoughtful [low pos]
Snipmoor is letting Mouselake share her troubles with him, hoping she’ll feel better afterwards [high pos]
Mouselake thinks Rimeleaf is very helpful! [low pos]
Rimeleaf bickered about something trivial with Mouselake [neu]
Brightflood wishes he could get his pelt to shine like Pearchill’s [low neg]
Brightflood is jealous that Mouselake went on patrol without him [med neg]
Flurrystorm is happy to run into Mouselake today [high pos]
Weedflip is always happy to be around Pearchill [high pos]
Weedflip clears up a misunderstanding with Goldkit [low pos]
Pearchill heard Weedflip express an ideal she cannot agree with [high neg]
Mouselake knows what to say to make Pearchill feel better [med pos]
Draugr is really surprised that Goldkit’s life isn’t as easy as she thought it was [high pos]
Draugr caught Goldkit complaining about her behind her back [high neg]
Fierce caught Mouselake rolling her eyes after Fierce asked for help [low neg]
Fierce appreciates how Branchkit always seems to ask how he’s doing [high pos]
Goldkit bickered about something trivial with Clawmoth [neu]
Branchkit cheers Flurrystorm up after a small disagreement [med pos]
Stoatstar: wonders how Branchkit is doing
Pearchill: is wondering what the inside of a Twoleg den looks like
Weedflip: recounts the amount of catmint in his stores
Fierce: gives herbs to an injured loner
Brightflood: wants to get to know Flurrystorm better
Clawmoth: plans to visit the medicine cat
Draugr: is daydreaming about a Clan celebration in their honor
Flurrystorm: wishes he was still in his nest sleeping
Redspeck: is giving some advice to Stoatstar
Mouselake: is wondering if kittypet life is really so bad
Rimeleaf: notices that her Clanmates have been nervous around her lately
Snipmoor: saw a Twoleg kit playing with a dog
Goldkit: likes to help others
Branchkit: is nervous for her apprentice ceremony
In the crisp cool air of a leaf-fall morning, it should be easy to find wild garlic by scent. The garlic won’t notice leaf-bare until it actually hits- one of its good traits that make up for its stinkiness. Weedflip is able to bring a good harvest home. [wild garlic was gathered]
As he heads out to gather cobwebs, Fierce thinks about the dream he had last night… was it sent by Starclan? Fierce can’t make sense of the vision.
As he is on patrol with Stoatstar, Clawmoth, and Draugr, the dead leaves littering the woods, Flurrystorm explains an idea he had for squirrel hunting. It sounds a little strange, but perhaps it could work? Flurrystorm suggests finding squirrels sheltered in trees, climbing above them, and shaking the branches to scare them down. Unfortunately for them, the idea is a little too far out there, and while they do manage a few small catches, the day is mostly wasted with little to show for it. [a very small amount of prey is brought to camp]
There’s a spring in their steps as the cats head out- today looks like a good day for hunting with Pearchill, Mouselake, Rimeleaf, and Brightflood. The conditions don’t disappoint- it’s going to be tough carrying all their fresh-kill home, but that’s the kind of problem the cats are happy to have. [a huge amount of prey is brought to camp]
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fierce-sims · 6 days
hello, guys. I just want to say that I have decided to go back to school and get my GED so I can achieve a higher education. the overall study time is about 3-6 months. I plan on attending in-person classes, which will take up the majority of my time. This is very important to me, and it's something I'm willing to do anything to get. I will have to sacrifice a lot of free time for a while, but I will continue posting art and gameplay when I'm not busy xoxoxo
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95zintheirownworld · 2 years
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am i interrupting something
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unironicallycringe · 2 years
CH17 of The Mask-Maker is up!
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In this chapter, Link meets some more of G'otishmmar's family, learns some new words, and finds out that Ghirahim absolutely says what he means to say and nothing more should ever be suspected of him.
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hi morri!!! i just wanted to check in on you and see how you're doing :) it's been a while dkjfks. what projects are you working on? is there anything you'd like to share about your writing/what you're upto in general? i hope you're doing well!!! [also, i just saw your twin ask and i am a twin too so !! fist bumping you gently :D] [@fiercely-raging-writer]
SO MANY TWINS, HOLY SHIT!!!!! Welcome to the twin gang!
Also, hiiii!!! It's so nice to see you on tumblr again, Jai! <3
I haven't been doing a lot of writing lately, but I do have a lot of ideas!! My most recent idea is a direct result of my DnD special interest/hyperfixation which is currently going very strong. It' called "high fantasy wip", and it's a bunch of messed up disasters making a found family and going on magic adventures. Also it's narrated by a raven belonging to the goddess of death, hehehe.
You can find what I've posted about it here!
Other than that, my same WIPs are still on in the background, left to simmer. Most importantly ATQH and CoS, but there's a couple other concepts that are floating about. (supernatural roadtrip wip and political fantasy wip)
Other than writing, I recently started my 2nd semester of university, which is kind of wild! And I also joined a DnD campaign at my uni too! I also had a birthday in January, hehehe.
How have you been doing? What have you been up to? (writing and otherwise) It's nice to hear from you!!
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not-freyja · 6 months
The Hero of the Sky blinks the light out of his eyes and watches as Blue delicately pulls Red’s sword off the ground. He holds it in his arms not like a weapon but like a beloved relic, like a piece of the gods themselves.
No, that’s not right, Sky realizes. He’s held fragments of divinity in his hands before, briefly held the Triforce, all of creation itself, in his weak mortal hands.
He held that golden power with less reverence that the way Blue holds this sword.
The way he holds Red.
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of-nyon · 2 years
Got out a couple paragraphs of Soul Reversal which is better than nothing at least, I am finally free of a scene I just did not know how to close on. Took me seven months to get Judai to fucking explain himself and his explanation is wrong, sorry my guy you aren't like the magical special protagonist of the last show you just had a very shitty childhood and this is. one way of coping with it, that's for sure.
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