#fiona: doN'T TOUCH
kadwrites · 11 months
my mother's daughter | T.S
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summary ; you and your mother get into a heated argument
warnings ; arranged marriage!trope , angst , mommy issues?, fluff, soft!tommy , your mother is kinda annoying , ada is a girls girl idk
a/n ; i don't know what to think of this part ??
your nostrils flared as you stride through the venue's corridors to the room your family had booked to get ready in.
madeline and fiona walk behind you, too nervous to say anything. tommy stayed behind, too many important people were there , he couldn't just disappear yet.
you open the door and there she is, celest and her daughters around her, you lift your dress and crouch
"what did she do?" you drop the dress and hold her face in your hands , looking at her. her eyes red and her lips quivering
"it's okay..."
"no it's fucking not."
"why are you here? you should be with the guests!"
your face twitches and your sister grips your hands whispering "no no no."
your nieces hold their breath as they stare at eachother. the room is tense , the air feels scarce
you turn around, your chest is heaving with angry, shallow breaths "what the fuck is wrong with ya mum?"
she closes the door behind her, fearing someone will hear. someone was hearing all of this, madeline and fiona were behind the door.
"what are you on about , young lady?" she speaks sternly
"and ya 'ave the fucking nerve to act angry?" you walk closer, moments from the day she told you about the marriage flashing in your head "look at what ya did to 'er!"
"she wanted to wear my necklace!" she raised her voice
"who cares? it's just a necklace!" you raise your voice too
"i do! it was meant for you, not her" she points at your sister "she got her own engagement party and her own wedding when she married that twat."
"i don't fucking want it mum, i don't want the fucking necklace." your teeth grind against eachother "i don't want anything from ya."
"how dare you...." she points her finger at you now
"no mum, no ya don't get to play this fucking card anymore" your voice cracks "why couldn't ya just let us be fucking happy for once mum? why did ya 'ave to do this?" your eyes fill with tears "right when i started being happy again? when i accepted everything? you do this"
"you're acting like i ruined your party!"
"ya made my sister cry!" you point at celest "she's been the one that's comforting me, taking care of me when ya were too busy playing the role of the self righteous mother." you take a step back , pointing at celest "she will wear whatever the fuck she wants,"
your mother puts a hand on her chest "how could you speak to me like that?"
"how could ya be so selfish mum?"
"selfish?" she chuckles bitterly "you wouldn't be here without me..." she points at the door behind her "this place? you wouldn't have even dreamt of seeing without me, that dress? you wouldn't have even touched without me, nothing here would be even a reality with me."
your jaw clenches and you just stare at her, in disbelief.
you just walk out, your feet leading you to god knows where,
your mother glares at celest before turning but stopping in her tracks, seeing tommy at the door.
"girls, would ya please take your mother out? maybe take 'er to the ladies room yeah? let 'er wash 'er face." he stares at your mother while he speaks, and your nieces scurry out with their own mother
"excuse me." your mother tries to leave but he blocks her way again
"get back in here."
she turns, staring back at him
"ya will listen to me , and ya will listen carefully." he speaks in a monotone voice "ya will go to your daughter, and ya will apologize and ya will fucking behave for the rest of the night."
"what?" her brows are furrowed, she's offended
"and if ya even think of pulling a stunt like that on our wedding day, i will drag ya out of it kicking and screaming if i 'ave to." he doesn't falter or even respond to what she said
"this is a family matter, it doesn't concern you."
"she is my family," he gets closer to her "ya do not want to test me , elizabeth. ya know what im capable of."
"what are you going to do thomas? kill me?" she asks with a bitter hiss
"ya arranged this whole thing so i can protect your daughter did ya not? , that's what im fucking doing" he doesn't even dignify her protests "ya will act like a happy mother, ya will not embarrass me or my fiancée , ya will not cause a fucking scene in my engagement, do ya hear?"
she doesn't speak, just looking at him
"i said do ya fucking hear me, elizabeth?"
you somehow found your way outside, to the garden, you sat on the marble steps. wiping off your tears as they continued to flow.
you see someone sit beside you in your peripheral vision, and you both don't talk for a minute.
"ya shouldn't cry tonight , it might bring bad luck, might curse your marriage." the person next to you spoke and you turn to see her
you recognize the features , you recognize the attitude.
"yeah well, it might as well be cursed." you look back at the beautiful rose garden, thinking maybe the sight of something beautiful will soothe the pain
"what's making ya cry then?" ada lights a cigarette, offering you one. you wave your hand, not wanting one.
"my mother" you say with a sigh, tears blurring the sight before you
"what 'appened ?"
"we had a fight about a stupid necklace" you look down, you see your tears landing on floor "i love 'er , but it's so hard for me to like 'er. it's so hard to just be around 'er"
"does she do this often ? making ya cry?"
"i guess the same way all mothers do" you speak softly, as you look at her
"why are ya letting 'er do that to ya?" she says with a raised brow "tommy says ya got fire in ya"
"well it's 'er fire that lit mine" you chuckle "it feels like i'm so much like 'er and yet we are nothing alike"
"ya 'ave two choices" she exhales the cloud of smoke as she motions with her cigarette "ya either let 'er win, let 'er make ya cry one more time or ya go and enjoy your fucking engagement party that ya spent days planning"
before you get to answer you hear a set of footsteps that are heading towards you, and when you look over your shoulder it's none other than your husband-to-be , standing there , his eyes drifting between you and his sister
you stand, looking at him, and you can't help the tear that runs down your face again
ada looks at the both of you, almost amused at how soft her brother seems, and he looks at her "would ya fucking mind?"
she puts her hands up, surrendering before walking off , still smiling in amusement
"ya can't cry today"
"bad luck aye?"
"that" he nods "and ya'll ruin your fucking makeup."
you chuckle, wiping off your tears "i'm sorry...".
he's never seen you like this, and nothing could've prepared him for how tight his chest would feel when he looked at you and saw those eyes of yours red and wet, your cheeks almost stained with tears and your voice filled with misery
"for what?" he asks softly , his body moves on its own, his thumb wipes away the tears
"for leaving alone with the guests" you sniffle a little bit, "for crying too"
"nothing for ya to apologize for."
you take a deep breath and fix any stray hairs, you smooth down your dress "we should go back"

"look at me." he puts his hands on your shoulders and speaks with a small smile "say 'i will not let my mummy make me cry tonight' "
you raise a brow "no"
"say it now come on"
"i will not let my mummy make me cry tonight" you give him a tight lipped smile "happy?"
"very." he let's you loop your arms with his as you go back to the party.
the rest of the evening went smoothly , the guests were happy, and you were too. tommy kept your mother away from you. and you didn't even notice. celest laughed and drank with you and your friends, your dad and your brothers were having the time of their lives.
"i want to propose a toast, to the two lovely groom and bride to be. i wish you all the happiness" a guest, you recognized as a business partner of tommy's
you smiled and your champagne flute went up, and so did tommy's. and then your mother got up, holding her own flute , and your smile faltered.
tommy grasped your hand under the table , and you just glanced at him before looking back at your mother
"i want to propose a toast as well," your mother smiled, looking at you. "to my lovely daughter and tommy, i wish you both a happy long life and a bright future, cheers!"
you smiled and sipped your drink, and tommy never took his eyes off your mother
"i think i might just lose my mind and go fight 'er again." you whisper into tommy's ear, your hand on his shoulder, the other hand in his, he holds your waist as you two dance "or stab 'er with a spoon... i don't know."
he chuckled and you glared at him again "i'm glad ya find my misery amusing."
"it's less your misery and more your angry face" he murmured
you scoff and you look away, trying very hard to not smile
"ya look beautiful" his voice wasn't playful, and his eyes were soft on you.
suddenly you were hyperaware of his touch on your waist, his hand gripping yours.
you look at him again,"thank you" your smile gives you away "ya look good too, ya always do"
"i do?" he raised a brow and an amused smirk replaced his smile
"ya don't 'ave a mirror in your mansion?"
taglist ; @tardisloverz , @optimisticsandwichgladiator , @theshelbyslimited , @illuminwtesz , @goldensunflowe-r , @gruffle1 , @warrior-of-justice , @mgdixon , @babayaga67 , @goblinjnr , @justaproudslytherpuff , @budugu, @twlegit , @amberpanda99 , @aesthetic0cherryblossom , @capswife , @lets-turn-and-burn , @affabletimelady , @edencherries , @globetrotter28 , @eg-dr3amer3 , @sadroses98 , @fairytale07 , @hakudaru , @swordofawriter, @esposadomd , @blogforficslol
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laurelsofhighever · 5 months
A list of potential cures for the Calling, that we know about, that BioWare has apparently forgotten
Andraste's grace: it's not specified whether the flower the kennelmaster has you pick in the Korcari Wilds is Andraste's grace or if the game just needed a one-off asset and decided to reuse one they already had. However, in the dark future in DAI, Leliana is found to have unusual tolerance for the taint, and in DAO she talks about her mother pressing her laundry with dried Andraste's grace flowers, so it makes you wonder. Anyway, the flower stops Barkspawn becoming a ghoul and seems to make them immune to the taint from that point on.
Maric's longsword: he finds it in the Deep Roads and is suprised it isn't covered in the same Blight-rot as everything else - until, that is, he touches the sword to a patch of it and sees it wither away. Whether it's the dragonbone the sword is made of or the runes on the blade is difficult to say, though if it was just the dragonbone then it would make sense for that to be a more well-known property of the material (and would have been an interesting reason for why dragons were hunted to extinction). If Alistair carries it with him, doesit slow the progession of the taint through his body? Does he know its effects, and give it to the HoF to help keep them safer on their journey to find a permanent cure?
That obsidian dagger Duncan finds in The Calling: the dagger belonged to First Enchanter Remille - who also gave the expedition members brooches that accelerated the spread of the taint. iirc the both the dagger and the brooches are made by the Architect with Blight magic, which means the darkspawn magisters have more knowledge of how the Blight works than the Chantry attributes to them.
Whatever the fuck is going on with Avernus: he hasn't managed to cure himself yet, but he's managed to make it to 200 and the Warden can let him continue his experiments if they don't kill him - and he'd be a really useful resource if the Warden later wanted to send him other potential cures for testing.
Dragons: they have an ability to isolate the Blight in their bodies by forming crystaline cysts around the initial infection to stop it spreading. Useful if it can be more widely applied. Also, it's implied that Maric's reaver blood, which Calenhad gained by mixing his blood with a dragon's, is what somehow cured Fiona of the taint, kinda like a reverse STI, BUT in the Deep Roads they went through an area where the walls were coated in a pale, chalky substance suspiciously devoid of Blight-rot and she touched it, so I'm a bit suspicious of that.
Blood magic: makes sense since the taint is a problem that starts with infected blood. There are two major instances in DA canon where blood magic has been used to purge the taint from an object or being (both by elves btw). The first is Isseya using it to draw the taint out of a clutch of unhatched griffon eggs, which she says is only possible because the taint hasn't yet taken over the hatchlings' bodies to the same extent that it had with the adult griffons. The second instance is Merrill purging the Blighted eluvian in DA2. It's insane that Anders - who is a reluctant Warden and who possibly knows the HoF seeks a cure - isn't more excited about this. She literally removed the Blight from a fully tainted object. Since Isseya proved the same can be done with living tissue, it's probably the closest we've come to an actual cure, but since it also took years there's no telling if it could be a practicaly solution for all Wardens
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assassinnumber9 · 10 months
TwiYor's Love Languages
So as you guys may or may not know, a little over a year ago I published a fanfic on Archive of Our Own called Loid Forger is NOT A Cuddler, which is basically just 5 chapters (so far) of Loid cuddling and denying it.
It's practically an essay for how his love language is physical touch.
And while I do like to joke about how Loid Forger is a cuddler and whatnot because of my fanfic and headcanon, this most recent manga chapter of Spy x Family gives me a perfect opportunity to talk about this headcanon and why it's in line with Twilight's character as well as Yor's own love language and how they relate.
We'll look at the obvious and pretty much explicitly stated first.
Yor's Love Language: Acts of Service
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As previously mentioned, she basically says it outright. Her growing feelings toward Loid are much more obvious than his, and so it's easy to point out that her wanting to help him and have him rely on her is both a way for her to care/love him outwardly and a way for her to know he's accepting of that love.
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I think Loid being the one to rely on her also makes her feel even more loved/trusted/confident, because Loid Forger is just so perfect at anything and everything he tries. From the outside, he really doesn't need any sort of help from anyone.
And, Twilight would likely agree. He's confident in his abilities and doesn't seem to want help from anyone as far as we've seen. The only missions he shares are the ones where more than one person is really needed.
Fiona could be potentially seen as someone he accepts help from, except that her help is more of an employee to an employer (or inferior to superior in their case.
And Franky... acts almost like a brother to Twilight? So like, they just force each other to help. Neither of them are accepting any kind of help, just going, "You're doing this."
All this to say that Yor is the only one that Twilight accepts and asks for help from. In the latest chapter, we see Twilight is comfortable enough to ask her.
And, she's ecstatic at hearing him ask for it.
She gets to finally show her love the way she knows how - the way she showed Yuri during her childhood.
Now for Loid Forger, rather Twilight.
Twilight's Love Language: Physical Touch
So far in the story, we have not seen much in terms of love when it comes to Twilight.
Emotions, and love especially, are weaknesses for spies unlike assassins, where emotions and attachments can be seen as strengths. Both fight for their respective loved ones, but the former has to do so hidden under a mask without being caught and the other is able to outwardly express these protective instincts through their actions (assassinations).
So, Twilight, like the great spy he is, hides his love.
You could possibly argue his love language is the same as Yor's (acts of service), but his acts are to keep her happy to ensure she stays with him (ie actually for the mission).
He also seems to give words of affirmation as well, but he only does so when he needs to provide them.
Gifts and Quality time can also be crossed out, because we don't really see him giving Yor gifts and we haven't seen him really go "I need to be with Yor more" yet. The only time we ever saw him think of her when they weren't together was during the cruise arc. But that’s not enough solid evidence for that specific one yet.
Also keep in mind that we haven't seen him express any of these languages to anyone else either.
There is one language we do have solid proof for, and of course that's physical touch.
While no, it's not proof that features Yor or even Anya.
We both hear and see it when it comes to his mother.
He explicitly states that he loved being held by her.
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While this story was meant to show his mother's strength as a person, it confirms that loving physical touch was a large part of his childhood
Because he remembers it
Twilight remembers loving being held by her.
He can't remember her face, or his father's face, and is even flustered and confused after his PTSD flashback when he was unconscious. His memories are covered in trauma, and I believe one of the only reasons why he can remember what his friends looked like are because he saw them later in life.
It's hinted that he remembers very little of his childhood - likely due to the trauma.
But his mother holding him stayed with him.
Physical touch was an influential thing during his childhood.
Like Yor's love language during hers.
I would really like to believe that we'll see him learn to love touch again when he finally learns to accept his emotions, and in turn, his "weaknesses" (which will likely be turned to strengths).
And Yor being strong, a trait he remembers of his mother, only strengthens my theory that he'll learn to love physical touch again.
Because, he'll once again be able to know that everything is fine when he's holding her - just as he felt with his mother.
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in-act-ive · 11 months
Hi can I request shameless X male reader where the reader is like an older brother to the boys and he defends them with his life pretty much it can be and he comforts them with side hugs y'know pulls them in for one especially when they fight with Fiona( nothing against her love her but I wanna comfort the boys y'know) headcanons or a oneshot i don't mind
Anyways have a good day
Yep! Sorry it's not a fic! I'm still a bit sick and I want to get this out before school starts up again!
Request : yes
Type : headcanon
A / N : more shameless stuff!! I'm not mad y'all just need to give me a minute to do some other stuff. All jokes aside this request was fun. Sorry I didn't do Liam!
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Carl Gallagher
Knowing Carl you probably come to the rescue... A lot
He starts shit he can't finish
You have to come fight people for him a lot of the time
He also ends up getting people to jump him so... You have to save him then too
When you get injured he makes you deal with it
Its not that he doesn't know how
He just doesn't want to look at injuries he caused
When / after he gets in a fight with hie family he tries to avoid you
He doesn't want to bother you with his issues
You know where he hides though so you can help him
He's more of a " lets not open up.. Lets just stay DEAD SILENT instead "
You'll hug him
He won't admit it but that definitely helps him feel a bit better
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Lip Gallagher
He likes to fight people for the hell of it
Lip can hold his own, really
Sometimes you just insist on stepping in cause you're much more responsible than he is and you know when he can't handle a fight or when its not worth it
Your normally pulling Lip out of a fight instead of defending him
He fucking hates it
His brothers appreciate it though
When you do end up fighting someone for Lip and get hurt he tends to your wounds immediately
He scolds you as he does so though, even if its his fault
When he gets in a fight with family he comes straight to you
He probably falls into your arms and just angrily huffs until you comfort him
He's not great with words
You've gotten used to it touch and you comfort him pretty quickly
He likes hugs and is very open about it
Especially yours
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Ian Gallagher
Hes probably the more tame of the three boys
Definitely gets in fights he cant handle though
You have to step in and save him all the fucking time
He tries to tell you he's fine
He's not
When you get hurt in a fight he'll patch up your wounds
So scolding
He just explains what he's doing and does everything very gently as if your a child
He hates when you get hurt
You may be a bit older than him but he doesn't give a shit
You two just have a mutual overprotectivness over each other and everyone has picked up on it
After a fight with his familyhe comes to you first
You'll sit with him and he'll explain what's going on
You try your best to give advice
He nods and thinks about what you say as you speak
It almost always ends in you cuddling him while he sleeps
He cannot get in a fight with anyone without being mentally exhausted after
Note: This was not spell checked nor grammer checked! I apologize in advance for the mistakes
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evilcowgirl · 1 year
Relationship Headcannons
pairings: arthur, charles, javier (x reader)
a/n: was thinking about these today while listening to fiona apple hope y'all enjoy !!
warnings: nsfw
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he has low self confidence and doesn't ever really feel worthy of your time or attention, so he'll never ask for it directly. still, you can tell when he's missing you because he's a bit obvious.
"Wha'cha doing sitting out here all by yourself?" "Oh nothin' you just seemed busy. . ." "You want some company?" "Only if you'll have me."
he's a bit distant physically most of the time, not because he isn't crazy about you but because thats how he's always been, but he loves when you initiate any kind of intimacy (kisses, soft touches, just wanting to be held) he always reciprocates
compliments are nearly almost met with either objection or you ending up undressed he has no medium !!
nearly goes insane over your safety, he never really thought you were fit for a group like this and wishes he could hide you away somewhere safe. he's the reason you're barely ever out on jobs. he likes knowing you're safe and waiting on him when you get back.
sometimes after a job or an outing he comes back even more brute than usual and that oftentimes means you two need to head back to his tent and be alone for a bit while he gets his mind clear.
sometimes pushes you away when he's stressed but you can see right through his rudeness. when he's upset you hold your ground until he gives in and tells you what's bothering you no matter what he says about wanting you to leave him be.
"I think you might know me better than myself darlin'."
his worst fear is scaring you, its the last thing he ever wants to do and he finds himself constantly checking that you're not frightened
after being on a job with him where you had to watch him do something rather intense he'd check up on you just to be sure
"You know I had to do that right? I didn't want to." , "I didn't want you seeing that." , "You're not scared are you?"
he loves when you sit on his lap. It makes him feel warm inside. he's really sweet like that and love's having your bodies close.
soft dom.
favorite thing in the world is to watch you ride him, it gets him off more than anything else to see you pleasuring yourself above him while he still has the control to set the pace.
he only really speaks when he has something to say and that's something you learn to understand. sometimes you can talk forever without him saying a word, just glances and nods. you know that that doesn't mean he isn't listening, in-fact he's the best listener you've ever met.
EXTREMELY flirty when he's drunk or even just tipsy. he's really good with his words and has you hiding your face from embarrassment at all the attention.
i think he likes thigh riding i don't have any reasoning for it but i'm right he loves it when you ride his thigh cause he thinks its cute.
he takes you out hunting for small things like rabbits and squirrels when you feel up to it. he congratulates you like you've just done the most incredible thing ever during it. he likes to pick you up in a "yass u did it !!!" type of way and it makes you swoon.
he compliments you in the most beautiful ways and you wonder where he learned to talk to women because jesus christ !!
he has tons of stories and it feels like he's lived 1000 more lives than you. even with everything he's been through he still has a young soul and you find that endearing.
he gets a weird sense of pride teaching you things (and not just survival related things hes lowkey a freak)
he's really attached to his clothes, they're like an extension on him and so naturally he only trusts you to clean them.
he has a knife kink, this is basically cannon. he'd never force something like that on you if you weren't into it but he'd try to introduce it to you in the most non threatening way possible.
"It's just my knife, see? Yeah see? There's nothing to be scared of, have I ever hurt you?"
he comes to you with all of his worries whether they're something you two can laugh off together or something more serious. he trusts you with his emotions more than anyone else and he was more of them than he lets on. he likes to lay his head down in your lap while you play with his hair. it's the easiest way to get him talking about whatever's on his mind.
he's possessive and jealous just about to to a fault. he all but brags about you being his to anyone who will listen, not only because you're beautiful but because he's genuinely so proud of you. the less heartwarming side of this is the possessiveness that comes with it, if he even has an inkling that another man has interest in you he doesn't hesitate to press a revolver to them or his knife to their throat.
"hate" sex. he likes to really get the point across that you're his to you and everyone else. he leaves hickies and bruises that ache and last for days when he's done with you.
he's got a soft spot for you that he's not afraid to show to the rest of the gang, kissing you up against trees or clasping hands with you regardless who's watching.
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juanarc-thethird · 1 year
I'm Going to Be a What?! Part 2
Do you know what it means… Part 1 --------------
Jaune is sunbathing while having an iced tea.
Jaune: This is life~
Neon (Text): Come to my room.
Jaune: Right now?
Neon (Text): YES, RIGHT NOW
Jaune: *Looks around* How de fuck?... Well, let's see what she wants.
After a while, Jaune arrives at Neon's room.
Jaune: Neon, I'm here. What up?
Neon: *Smiles* Do you know if your sister could lend you Adrian's newborn clothes?
She says with her hands behind her back.
Jaune: Is that why you called me?
Neon: Just answer the question.
Jaune: Well... I think so. Why do you ask?
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Neon: Cause you're going to be a daddy~
Hearing that, Jaune explodes with laughter.
Jaune: Ahahaha! Yeah right. No seriously, why am I here?
Neon: I'm not joking.
Jaune: *Smiling* Stop playing, just tell me the truth.
Neon: *Serious* I am
Jaune: But we never had....
Just then Harriet comes into the room, kicking the door open.
Harriet: *Angry* Jaune!
Neon: Oh, she looks mad.
Jaune: *Scared* Y-Yes?!
Harriet: I'm going to kick your ass!
Jaune: Why?! What did I do?!
Harriet: What did you do? This was what you did!
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Harriet: You got me pregnant, asshole!
Jaune: WHAT?! HOW?!
Harriet: You know damn well how, you jerk!
Elm: *Comes in* What's going on here?
Jaune: *Hides behind her* Elm help me! Harriet wants to kick my ass!
Harriet: Stay out Elm. He deserves this for knocking me up.
Elm: Wait, you too?
Jaune: *Moves away* "You too?" Are you saying that you are...
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Elm: Yes, I'm pregnant. All thanks to you, honey~
Neon: *Excited* Oh my god! Congratulations!
Elm: *Smiles* Thank you.
Jaune: *Worry* Three pregnant women? How did this happen?
Elm: Well, it was to be expected after several… "sessions"
Jaune: But I have never-!
Robyn: *Interrupts him* Jaune, we need to talk. *Says in a serious tone*
They all turn to see her, they realized that she and her friend Fiona entered the room without them noticing.
Harriet: *Ready to fight* What do you two want?!
Jaune: Relax, I just came to talk to Jaune about something important.
Elm: And that is?…
Robyn: Jaune...
Jaune: Y-Yes?
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Robyn: I hope you are ready to take responsibility. These two babies will need their father.
Jaune: But I haven't- Wait, how do you know you're having twins?
Robyn: I never said I'd have twins. *Looks at Fiona*
Jaune: *He follows her gaze*
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Fiona: *Shy* Surprise.
Jaune: *About to faint* Oh God.
Neon: *Supports him* Wow, easy there.
Jaune: I don't understand, how can this happen?
Robyn: Well, to be honest, it was hard not to resist you after you…
She stops talking, blushing at the memory of what happened that night.
Fiona: *Touching her cheeks while she is blushing* You were such an animal~ *giggles*
Jaune: Hold on, what happen?
Sienna: You know very well what happened.
The White Fang leader interrupts as she enters the room through the window.
Neon: Sienna Khan?! What are you doing here?!
Sienna: Nothing important, I just came to pick up...
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Sienna: ...my child's father.
Jaune: Wait a minute, this is the first time I've seen you!
Sienna: *Gasp* How can you say that? After having that magical night together.
Jaune: What a magical night?! I do not remember anything about that!
Sienna: I see I'll have to refresh my memory. *She begins to unbutton her pants*
Jaune: What are you doing?! Stop!
An explosion appears on the ceiling, blowing a hole in it. From there appears Raven, the leader of the Branwen tribe. She looks angry, you can see how her maiden powers show in her eyes.
Raven: Arc!
Jaune: Oh fuck!
Jaune was about to escape but was stopped by the second in command, Vernal.
Vernal: Where do you think you're going handsome?
Jaune: Please let me go, I don't want to die!
Vernal: Die? Ahahaha! You're wrong, we come to take you to our tribe.
Jaune: Why?!
Raven: Because of this!
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Raven: I told you not to come inside.
Jaune: I got my friend's mother pregnant?!
Raven: And Vernal too!
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Vernal: Being honest, it was a little my fault. I shouldn't have trapped you with my legs. I don't mind doing it again if you want~
Jaune: Eh?!
*Knock Knock*
Willow: Sorry to bother you. But this is important, Jaune...
Jaune: *Quietly* Please don't say it. Please don't say it. Please don't say it.
Willow: Um... I left my husband like you told me.
Jaune: Oh... *Happy* Good for you.
Willow: Thank you. Now we can live together with our baby.
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At that moment Jaune stands up as quickly as possible and runs towards the window, ready to jump to his freedom. He could already feel it, the pure air of freedom. The sweet aroma of irresponsibility. Oh what a good life. Unfortunately he was stop by the telekinetic power of a beloved professor.
Glynda: And where do you think you're going?
Jaune: *Surprise* Professor Goodwitch! What are you doing here?!
Glynda: I came to talk to you in private, but I see that this is no longer necessary. Jaune...
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Glynda: I am also pregnant.
Jaune: No!
Glynda: And I already told your mom.
Jaune; NO!!! This is impossible! I have never had sex with any of you! And I can prove it!
Harriet: *upset* And how do you plan to prove your innocence?
Jaune: With this!
At that moment he takes out the relic of knowledge.
Jaune: With a simple question, I could prove my innocence. Jinn!
Jaune mentions the special name, and a beautiful, big, blue woman emerges from the relic.
Jinn: What is your question?
Jaune: Jinn, have I got a woman pregnant? (Hehehe, I will finally prove my innocence)
Jinn: Yes you have impregnated a woman.
Jaune: What?
Harriet: Ha! *She yells, happy that he was wrong*
Jinn: Eleven women in total to be exact.
Jaune: Eleven?! But there are only ten of them.
Jinn: Yes, but with me...
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Jinn: ...we are eleven
Jaune: *Wakes up* AAAAAH!
He looks around and realizes that he is in his room, all alone.
Jaune: Thank god it was just a dream. *Goes back to sleep*
Meanwhile in another room.
Ruby: So he fainted with you girls after getting the news?
Neon: Yeah, we left him in his room to rest a bit. Maybe by the time his mom arrives he won't faint anymore.
Yang: What time is she going to arrive?
Glynda: She will arrive in three hours.
Weiss: We have time to prepare a welcome party. Who wants to help me?
Several girls raising their hands.
Weiss: Let's go then.
Weiss with her group leaves the room.
Cinder: I still don't understand how he doesn't remember what happened.
Salem: I already told you, using your semblance during the "Act" can cause a side effect. In Jaune's case, memory loss.
Elm: Maybe we should film it next time?
Neo: "I love that idea😍. Let's do it!😈"
Blake: *Excited* I'll bring my camera!
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skxllz · 7 months
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“ 𝐢 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬. ”
carl gallagher x fem! reader
warnings; mention of death & reference to death. sad, grieving reader. mentions of pregnancy. takes place after season 11. real tear-jerker plot, angst.
side note; I'm traumatizing myself by writing this so I apologize in advance to everyone else lmao.
the photo between your fingertips felt crisp... a warmth that was once brought by it now gone. your touch was cold, but the sleek lining of the polaroid was colder. no longer a brightening memory, just a numb remembrance of what shouldve lasted.
tears drizzled down your cheeks like rain on a window pane, dripping over the shininess of the photo that reflected light off of it from the moon above. as you stared at it - smiles and laughter and joy in a moment that felt like just yesterday - you couldn't stop the continuous ache in your chest from increasing. throbbing, and growing, like a large damn tumor. It was painful.
a hiccup escaped your mouth from the oncoming sob that bubbled from your throat. you slapped a hand to your mouth, silencing yourself, squeezing your eyes shut while the tears kept flowing.
it wasn't until you sniffled did you gain the idea.
shaky digits sat the photo down, beside you, onto the sleek wooden planks of the porch. the droplets of rain that stuck to the porch bled through the polaroid, but you were too distracted to notice; grabbing for your phone out of the pocket of your coat.
you switched the screen on and the white glow blinded you through blurry vision, yet you didn't mind. fingers moved quickly in typing in the code to your phone, before you accessed your contacts.
you scrolled, and scrolled, up until you came across his name.
thumb hovering over the highlighted contact hesitantly, before pressing down onto the screen. the screen flashed, before the dial screen loaded; making you lift the phone to your ear.
your sniffles were silent while you painlessly waited through the rings of the other line.
one ring. your breathing came out shaky. heartbeat picking up, startling you.
two rings. your hands were shaking more. you nearly dropped your phone, but managed to squeeze it tighter into your palm.
three rings. you had to bite your bottom lip to keep from crying more.
finally, you were met with nothing but a voice box.
“ hey! It's carl. ” a wobbly grin etched onto your lips at the sound of his voice. “ I probably can't come to the phone right now — stop it, debbie! — but I'll get back to you as soon as i can, alright? just leave a number and name! ”
the phone beeped, signaling for a message to record...
“ hey, carl. ” your voice was scratchy as you spoke form all the sobbing you had done previously. It made you laugh, the irony, “ it's... It's me. It's y/n. ”
you paused, swallowing down your saliva. it was so hard to speak, to think. you had no clue what to say — yet you had so much to say.
“ I don't even know where to start, ” your voice cracked, head angling down as you looked to your feet. you were wearing the vans carl had bought you... “ I just- I just really miss you, ya’ know? ”
you let out a sniffling, pain filled laugh. it was hard not to. the way you were only making the pain worse? you were such a fool.
“ I can't... ” an intake of a large full of air, “ it's just hard to accept that you're gone, ya’ know? I.. when we saw it on the news last week... ”
you had to press a hand to your mouth for a moment. breathing becoming ragged, continuously coming out in short yet fast puffs. you felt as if your lungs would burst.
then, you continued, “ I just couldn't believe it. neither could debbie, or lip, or liam, or Ian.... ” swallowing thickly, you let out a noise of distress. “ or fiona. fiona came back, carl. she was going to surprise you, but you were working- and then the shooting happened- ”
by now, your lips were curling in; cheeks indenting from the rough burrow the motion created between your teeth and the corners of your mouth.
“ why the fuck did you have to leave? ” you sobbed, pressing your hand to your forehead; fingertips bending inward and nails digging into your upper palm. “ why? why?! you- you couldn't have just taken off that day?! ”
the raising of your voice caught the attention of the neighbors, but of course you didn't mind - didn't care. the hallow, yet cramping pit in your stomach is the only thing you were focused on.
your shoulders shook. arms trembled. legs shuffled, until your feet were pressing together. it was hard to calm down, especially with the loathing anger you felt, but... you managed to after a moment.
just sitting there, breathing in and out. In and out. and then sniffing loudly, to clear your nose of the clog.
“ .. I got the blue roses. ” you whispered, voice raw and raspy. your hand was combing though hair, giving your scalp a thick scratch to relieve stress. “ the ones you ordered me the day before... I love them. they're.. they're dying now, but I'm gonna’ press ‘em in a photo album. ”
you licked your chapped lips.
more tears threatened to fall, but you quickly wiped them away.
“ ... and, there's something I didn't get to tell you. ” a shaky exhale was taken, with a small tremble of your hand - it moved, gliding across your jacketed arm before squeezing. trying to comfort yourself.
“ I'm pregnant, ” you croaked, “ have been for a few weeks now. I... I haven't told the family, either. I wanted to tell you first. ”
“ of course, it's too late for that... ”
that's when the phone beeped twice, signifying the recording went on for too long. you squeezed your eyes shut then, biting your bottom lip. frustration, sadness, pity - you felt it all and then some in between.
the urge to throw your phone flooded your veins, but you didn't. not with a comforting hand meeting your shoulder.
you looked up, only to see a familiar brunette.
turning your head, you silently averted your gaze away from the female; her presence welcome, always is, but you didint have the strength to greet her. you were just too... tired.
“ ... It'll be okay. ” fiona said after a moment. she too was looking straight ahead as she sat - not at anything particular, just simply basking in the night air and after-chills of the rain that had passed. her eyes seemed dead, not lively and excited like they were when she first arrived...
I mean, how could she be happy? her brother passed away... before she could even see him again.
“ how? ” you sniffed, letting out a chuckle that held so many emotions - but the number one thing that stood out, was disbelief. “ how could it be okay, fi? my boyfriend's dead. ”
“ and so is my brother. ” she dryly replied. It came out a bit harsh, but that was the reality of it. you weren't the only one to lose someone.
and she knew that, which is why her arm wrapped around your shoulders and pulled you close. she felt like crying, but stayed strong - she always had to. “ it'll be okay, because we all have each other. we'll get through this together. ”
her words were met with silence. “ ya’ know, ” as tears gathered over her waterline, fiona chuckled drastically, “ I remember the first time carl told us about you. said he swore he was gonna’ marry you one day. ”
“ he did? ” you mumbled, eyes downcasted towards your touching knees. she nodded in response, with a hum.
“ yes. ” she bit the inside of her cheek, “ I couldn't believed my ears... we all thought he was nuts. ”
you hummed a laugh, the tears sticking to your cheeks and lashes slowly drying up. “ he was... very nuts. I never did get a ring, so I guess he was just yappin’ like always, huh? ”
a reply was never given. several seconds passed by, before you pushed yourself off of fiona and looked at her expectedly.
she was already looking at you, a look of fondness and soft, sisterly love in her doe eyes.
“ what? ” you questioned quietly. your eyes were darting between her own, and then over her face, and then down-
a small, black, velvet box was in her palm.
you sucked in a sharp intake of air, eyes widening with disbelief at the object in fiona's hand. your lungs... they felt like they were burning. like you were drowning.
your heart beat... It picked up vastly.
and your brain - you couldn't think, it was blanking at this point.
carl... he was going to propose to you?
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n3tworksucks · 1 year
i was wondering if you would write hc about carl dating a girl w depression ? or like how he would act in a relationship when his partner is struggling mentally
warnings; mental illness, medication, lmk
word count;660
so, let's say yall were friends before you started dating, yeah?
so if you told him when you guys were friends, obviously he'd care and he'd say he'd be there for you.
which wasn't a lie.
he really was there for you and he really did care.
but when you guys started dating, and once he realized, like, what was happening to you.
it was a whole nother level of care.
and before, of course he new how bad depression is, probably being able to see it a lot, but its different now.
hes still there for you and he tells you a lot.
I can see him already being clingy, so I can see him being with you a lot.
not even just because you're struggling mentally, but because he's your boyfriend and he loves you.
but if you want your space, he totally understands and will give you all the time in the world, he'll wait for you.
he'd wait behind a closed door, or he'd wait at his house and with you at yours.
speaking of, he doesn't mean to be all on you about this, and he knows you can take care of yourself.
but sometimes he doesn't want you to be home alone a lot.
he'd want you to stay the night or two at his house.
again, not just because you're struggling. he loves you, and his family too..
or if you have a rough home situation, he'd 100% tell you you can stay however long you need to.
though he had to convince fiona a little bit about that, because she doesn't wanna feel like she has to take care of you as well, and don't get me wrong, she loves you and wants you around, but she just needed a bit of reassurance I guess.
but in the end, she, and the rest of the family welcomed you with open arms.
so back to carl.
if you take any medication, he'd honestly try his best at not trying to bug you about it.
like asking if you've taken them today.
but when he does, hes not just doing it for you, hes asking for himself as well, so that he knows your gonna be ok.
and I can see you and Ian kinda relating to each other for that, like talking about how it could be annoying, but you're happy he cares.
or if you see a therapist, he'd be more than happy to take you, and if not, that's ok.
if you're just feeling really, really down, you don't wanna get out of bed, no motivation to do anything.
he'd try and help somehow.
like bringing you food or water, or staying in bed with you. or he'd even clean a bit for you. only for you.
and if you're just struggling with school maybe, he'd offer to help with what he can, and he'd feel kinda bad if he can't help, but after he tries, he'd go to lip for help, then help you.
and if you're dating before he left for military school, when he decided to go, he really thought about it.
he didn't wanna leave you, but once you told him to do it for the 20th time, he went lol.
the day before he leaves, he spends the whole day with you, telling you how much he loves you.
and just as hes leaving, and saying goodbye, he'd hug you the longest, and give you kisses on you're face and he'd tell you how much he loves you.
in general, his go-to when it comes to trying to comfort you is physical touch, next to that is affirmations.
he loves hugging you, and kissing you, and telling you how much you mean to him and stuff like that, it makes him feel good too.
even if he doesn't 100% know what you're going through in particular, he'd try his best to and hes doing his best.
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svltzmans · 7 months
ink - f. g.
tattoo artist! fiona gallagher x fem! reader
a/n: its almost 5am and i can't stop thinking about this so i'm making y'all think with me
warnings: nsfw content (18+), a tattoo gun is used in an... interesting way 😭, degradation/dumbification if you squint
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fiona's hands are steady as she adds line by line to y/n's thigh piece.
ever since fiona had started tattooing, she had begged her girlfriend to let her practice on her.
it wasn't that y/n didn't trust fiona, she just didn't have any ideas for a new tattoo.
that was, until, she had said "a dragon on my thigh or some shit" as a joke when fiona had asked.
fiona actually designed a thigh tattoo for y/n, an artfully decorated dragon that y/n had quickly fallen in love with.
and so, y/n finally agreed to sit in fiona's tattoo chair.
y/n had gotten a few tattoos previously, and knew she had to be prepared for a bit of pain.
fiona was surprisingly gentle, and her work was going smoothly. y/n was relaxed in the chair, scrolling aimlessly on her phone.
everything was going swimmingly until fiona neared y/n's inner thigh with the tattoo gun.
y/n quickly noticed that the vibration of the tattoo gun so close to her core was beyond pleasurable, and it was starting to get difficult to sit still.
she bit her tongue and gripped the seat below her, basking in the feeling.
fiona quickly took notice.
"does it hurt, baby? you're sitting so well for me though," fiona quips, still focused on her work.
"little bit," y/n responds, still trying to keep her composure. it's almost embarrassing that a tattoo gun lightly brushing her entirely clothed pussy felt this good.
part of it is how she feels looking at fiona, she thinks.
something about fiona's newfound tattooing passion was beyond sexy to y/n, and seeing her so focused on her thigh was doing things to her that she could never have imagined.
eventually, y/n feels her legs start to shake and her hips involuntarily jerk upward. she's struggling to contain herself, supressing whimpers.
"gotta sit still, baby girl, almost done with this piece."
fiona calling y/n names wasn't helping her case, and she was dangerously close.
eventually, her efforts to hold back weren't helping anymore.
"fi-fiona," y/n stutters, feeling her orgasm looming over her.
"what's going on? are you okay? want me to stop?" fiona is initially concerned, worrying that her girlfriend is in pain.
"n-no, no don't stop," y/n shamelessly moans at that point, throwing her head back.
fiona looks up in confusion, before a look of realization falls over her face.
"oh, i see what this is. you like how this feels on your pussy huh? feels good?" fiona says cockily.
"god, i uh- yes. i um, i'm close," y/n responds, almost feeling embarrassed by her pleasure.
"this is all it takes for you to cum, huh baby? might have to tattoo you more often then," fiona teases, her eyes still stuck on y/n's fresh ink.
y/n doesn't hold back any more noise, finally letting fiona hear and see how she's feeling.
"fiona i, i think i need to cum."
"oh do you? better stay still, i'm not done yet," fiona continues to tantilize y/n, a sultry sound accompanying each word out of her mouth.
y/n feels her orgasm crashing over her, forcing herself to keep still.
her nails dig into fiona's tattoo chair, her lip being bitten hard enough to break skin.
"kinda pathetic that you came from that, don't you think? didn't even have to take your pants off, gorgeous."
"i, i couldn't help it, fi. the tattoo looks amazing, by the way," y/n responds, finally seeing her almost finished piece of body art.
fiona simply laughs, putting finishing touches on y/n's skin.
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Chained Together Forever
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Summary: You and Prince Gumball get chained, much to his annoyance
You were looking for something specific while Gumball was out. You realized he had it but didn't know where he put it. You might be wondering what 'it' is; All you need to understand is that it's important. You hear the door jiggle and quickly hid under his desk.
You could hear two pairs of footsteps and people talking. It was Gumball and Lemongrab. You covered your mouth when hearing them getting closer to you. You couldn't make out their words, because your mind was drifting in and out and trying to find an exit.
Prince Gumball stopped in front of the desk and you could see his long thin legs stop right where you were.
"You can leave."
At first, you thought he knew you were there and was talking to you, but before you got out, you heard Lemongrab abide Gumball goodbye. You scooted back as his legs reached out further, almost touching you. God, why did he have such long legs?!
"You realize it's not very nice to go through other people's things, Y/n."
Your eyes widened, but you quickly frowned. You were about to speak up, but then realized that he wasn't conscious of where you were; He was trying to get you to speak so he could find you. If you didn't talk he wouldn't be aware of where you were.
"Making a mess out of my things. What were you looking for? That stupid book? I told you I didn't have it. Why don't you believe me?"
He waited for your response, but when not receiving one, he started looking around. First, he opened his pantry and then he looked in some cabinets.
"I know you're in here, so you might as well come out."
You knew he'd find you eventually because as much as you hated it, he was incredibly intelligent, so you decided it'd be better if you just came out. You crawled out from under the desk and peeked at the top.
"You have my book."
He groans, holding his head in his hands. "I don't have your book," he goes through a dresser and pulls out some handcuffs.
"What are you doing with those?" You backed up frightened.
"Since you want to be here so bad, rummaging through my stuff, you can stay here."
"That's unethical-"
"So is going through other's things." He grabs your wrist and pulls you near a pole. He buckles your hand but before he can buckle you to the pole you grab his hand and force it in front of the pole so he accidentally cuffs himself. "Why you little!"
You laugh, while the Prince struggles with the handcuffs.
"You've got to be kidding me-"
"You got stuck with me! What an idiot!"
He frowned at you as you continued to mock him.
"God, I've never met someone so addlebrained."
"Oh, that's a big word. Where did you learn it?"
"Thank you! Marshall introduced me to the word."
"God, why do you hang out with that jerk?"
"He's not that bad... All the time. Why do you care?"
"I don't care!" He quickly defends, causing you to gasp.
"Are you jealous?"
"Of course not. He's just a bad influence for you."
"Okay Daaaddd."
He rolls his eyes, yanking harder on the cuffs, "Don't call me that."
"Oh, you don't like it? Well, don't act like my dad."
"I personally wish you'd surround yourself with better people."
"People like you?"
You frown, "God, you're so pretentious! And an ego-manic."
"Ego-manic? Are you serious! I put my whole life into everything I do! God, you make me question myself sometimes."
"Sooo... You are pretentious?"
"Y/n, do you have... How do I say this? Do you have a more mature side?"
"You cuffed me, which seems oddly sexual, but I'm the problem?"
"You were in my lab!"
"You have my book!"
"No I don't! In fact, I was going to tell you that Fiona had it."
"She got it from Marshall. Your boyfriend."
"He's not my boyfriend," You quickly defend, but the Prince just shakes his head.
"Well, you sure defend him like one. Why, sometimes I'd think you were in love with him."
"What are you talking about? I'm not in love with him and I don't defend him," You look down at his hand, which was so close to yours, "Why do you care so much? You're so mean to him and sometimes you're wrong. Why do you hate him?"
"I don't hate him-"
"Then what's your issue?"
He looks towards you, not saying anything, but he started getting closer and closer. You were frozen and only snapped out of it when he put his lips on yours.
You were surprised, but Gumball speaks quickly.
"She was looking for you to give it back to you. You're lucky he wasn't able to open it."
"Yeahh..." You respond, still confused about what happened.
The cuff falls and he chuckles, "I guess you're the speechless one now."
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thebelugawhalefriend · 5 months
Yandere Vampire Lesbian x Reader
CW: NSFW, Yandere themes, Female reader, Blood
Note: I love girls (vampire's name is Fiona ^^)
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You were a humble gardener for the nobles, she was a distant watcher in the shadows. Her skin was so pale and sensitive to the light you indulged in, and yet she couldn't help but risk it all to see you. Sun kissed skin that was spotted with freckles. How soft would it be to her touch? To her teeth? Don't think you could get away with that scent of blood that came from your open cuts.
Fiona kept pacing the floor time and time again. If she simply indulged herself by taking you, surely you'd despise her for taking you away from the sun. She can't just keep watch of you outside in daylight! There's way too much shadow here, and going elsewhere would just open up an opportunity for your escape.
One night, she snuck right to your window and watched as you slept peacefully. Fiona's hunger yearns to pierce your veins, but her love wanted nothing more than to stroke your hair. Just the thought of seeing you so vulnerable... It was embarrassing to admit, but she was working herself up just thinking about it.
She couldn't take it anymore!
Sliding the window open, Fiona slips herself in and prepares what she can for her crime of passion. Ties you right up with what she can and keeps you sleeping the entire time. The hardest part came when she was carrying you out and had to evade the dogs that chase her down the street. After all, turning into a bat or feline would mean she couldn't carry you...
"Miss Mildred...?" You groan and sit up from the plush bed. Mildred, your main boss, usually kept you holed up in her spare bedroom until your job began. But this isn't the harsh straw bed... This felt like... "Wool? That can't be..." Wool is far too valuable for Mildred to gift you! She would never wrap you in this... Room.
"Darling! You're awake!" A pale skinned, white haired woman stands in the doorway. Purple eyes glinting with excitement and enlarged fangs poking from her mouth. Wait- fangs?!
"Darling?! Just where-" Fiona holds a finger to her mouth, glaring at you playfully to quiet down. "Hush now, you don't want to disturb the sheets. We'll make them messy together!"
"Ma'am..." You shift yourself backwards on the bed, looking down to discover one of your arms are chained to the bed. "I think you've got the wrong girl! Please, I haven't done anything!"
"Shhh, calm down... I'm not going to hurt you, my love. I wouldn't dare feed on someone so soft hearted without their permission." Fiona leans down to crawl onto the bed. It's only when she's leaning over you that you realize how TALL she is. Not just above average, but a staggering six feet of vampire. Not to mention some of the toned muscles that poked through the exposing parts of her black dress.
Her pale hand came to grip your face, "I've got just the gardener I want. Those stunning eyes are so beautiful up close, darling. Mind if I get a taste of you?" Her grip makes it hard to even speak, but some part of you was curious what would happen if you went along. Your somewhat relaxed posture invites her to place a soft kiss to your lips. "Divine..."
Purple eyes flicker below towards your tight button up shirt. She can see every lovely detail and outline of your body. Would the rest of you stay as smooth as your lips? Or would it be a fun adventure for her fingers to glide along? Fiona's body shivered at the thought.
"I can just smell your excitement, my dear. You've got to give me the whole experience!"
Her voice is so exciting and alluring. You can't even find the words to say yes or no. Nimble fingers slip off your shirt one by one until you're fully exposed to her. All that's left now is your cute little bra, to which she first teases you by rubbing your breast gently through it. "So cute..." Fiona whispers to herself, her other hand reaching to get your bra undone.
"I-I don't even know your name..." This is all you can muster, but it does stop Fiona from undressing you for a moment to look up into your eyes. "Does it truly matter, my love? I know all about you... Your own name, your job, and even your pets! Forget what you need to know, you'll find out once I've had my fill."
With that, she throws your bra right to the side and keeps one hand on one of your breasts. Of course she wanted to keep pleasing you, but it's hard not to indulge in your flavor! To not just leave you a complete mess! Your body squirms and twists as her other hand reaches below to feel you through your panties. Miss Mildred always made sure to keep you in skirts whether you liked it or not. Now, it just serves as an easy access for this horny vampire.
"Do you want this, my dear? Say the word and I'll make it happen." Her movements pause for a moment to let you answer. On one hand, this strange lady kidnapped you and is now insisting you let her please you. On the other... "Please..." Your voice is weak and unsure, to which she takes the hand from your breast and holds your face close to hers. "Please what?" "I... I want you to..."
"Want me to?"
"Want you to k-keep going...!"
It's not even a second later and she's got your panties thrown to the side. Her hands now push your thighs aside to push her head in-between them. A skilled tongue now pressing on your clit first to get you soaked. Your words start to mumble off from making some sense to no sense. Your body weakly shivers for her every touch and move.
Fangs lightly graze the outside as her tongue presses inside. God, you're amazing to taste! Enhanced by the fact that your period must be coming soon. A subtle iron taste indicates such. Now her little session is less about pleasing you and moreso feeding her undying hunger for you. Fangs digging in a little to keep you from moving away while her tongue lapped at anything she could get. Arousal, mostly, but maybe hints of the blood that she could taste. Your sweet noises of guilty pleasure only drove her harder and harder to eat you out until your pussy was a clean plate.
"M-miss, please!" You practically scream, shaking and shuddering towards that familiar feeling. She knows damn well you're getting close, but she doesn't care. Fiona's pure hunger ravages you for any more taste. It's only until a little after your last cry of pleasure and rush of liquids that she slows down to lap up what comes out. The proud vampire lifts up from between your legs with a large smile, licking her fangs.
"My darling, your taste is stunning! You're so adorable~" She sits up to pinch your cheek, proud to see you a blushing mess. "Promise me you'll give me a taste tomorrow..."
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sawyerconfort · 10 months
the coven + kyle spencer head canons for jealousy issues and how they would each handle it differently?
Ok, ok, let's do it then!
Lots of lots of ideas for this one! Just you wait!
(Wasn't sure if you wanted me to include Marie on that one, but I did just for the complete headcannons, hope you don't mind, anon!)
Requests open!
The Coven and Kyle Dealing With Jealousy Issues (Young!Reader, just for the record!)
Cordelia Goode, Fiona Goode, Zoe Benson, Madison Montgomery, Misty Day, Nan, Queenie, Myrtle Snow, Mallory, Marie Laveau and Kyle Spencer!
Cordelia Goode
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Cordelia would be upset, of course.
She would let her insecurities get the best of her when she sees you talking to someone else and seeming too intimate with them.
But I don't think she would let the intrusive thoughts win that fight, not this time.
Cordelia doesn't want to seem so possessive. She's not like that, and she knows it would bother you a lot if it was miscalculated.
So, regardless of the situation, she will just leave where she is, walk to you and wrap her arms around your body, pulling you close to her, her eyes analyzing detail by detail of the other person.
"What is so funny?"
She would ask, pretending to be clueless, so she could take control of the situation better.
Internally, though, you can be sure that a few dark curse words and some not-so-friendly spell ideas are going through her mind, without her being able to show it aloud or with gestures.
She would have her arms around you the entire time, keeping you close until the other person understood that you were hers and nobody else's.
And when you guys get back home, she would insist that you cuddle with her to make up for the moment of insecurity and jealousy.
Fiona Goode
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THE QUEEN of drama and jealousy.
Honestly, making Fiona jealous is like leaving a predator without prey.
Of course, she takes great care, despite her strong temper, not to seem like she's trying to pull you out of your comfort zone and push you away from the world for her sake.
But no one (nobody at all) goes unnoticed in Fiona Goode's eyes.
She will probably go to great lengths to touch you in the best places, just to tease you and make the person next to you feel uncomfortable enough to leave.
"It's a shame, my dear, but they're taken."
Just imagine her husky voice saying that, right in your face, also to tease you and to make sure she looks wild when she's jealous?
Fiona probably wouldn't let you talk much longer with the person afterward, or say goodbye. She would pull you to where she is and keep looking the whole time to see if the person isn't following you.
And if so, you can be sure that she would throw the person to the wall with no shame and no fear of being in public.
When you guys got home, she'd make a scene, again, to let you off the hook because she's a drama queen.
There would DEFINITELY be make-up sex.
And it would DEFINITELY be the best sex you've ever had in your life.
Zoe Benson
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Crying, drama, insecurity and a little bit of fighting.
Zoe is overly afraid of losing you, but not to the point where she won't let you hang out with other people, friends in general.
The problem is that when the person starts to take advantage of the situation, Zoe becomes confused and desperate.
She is quite similar to Cordelia, though, when it comes to handling the scene itself.
Zoe will just cling to you to make sure she's in control and to make sure nothing bad happens.
However, things get worse on the way home, when she is silent throughout the ride.
She will probably lose her mind when justifying herself, letting her insecurity speak louder and expressing in an exaggerated way how important she is to her.
This is troubling because Zoe knows it is.
Anyway, when the fight is over, she will need some time to think and then she would probably come to you again, to apologize.
"I didn't want our relationship to be a threat, but I'm really afraid that you'll leave me for someone better."
She would hug you and then apologize if she sounded too possessive.
You would end up in a good mood, cuddling and thinking of a way to improve your relationship without jealousy that would be harmful to both of you.
Madison Montgomery
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If you thought Fiona was the drama queen, wait until you see Madison.
She just can't control herself.
She doesn't want to control herself.
Every time someone comes close to you, she pulls you close to her very willingly and gives that typical killer look to whoever is looking at you two.
Madison is extremely possessive, especially when it comes to you.
Sure, she doesn't go around hitting and cussing people out for no reason (even though she can do that), but just staring Madison Montgomery intimidates a lot of people.
"How many times do I have to tell you that you're mine and nobody else's, (Y\N)?"
She'll find a stupid excuse to fight with you.
And then she'll drag herself out, pouting and apologizing, confessing how horrible she is as a person.
Or she will probably ask you for kisses to fix the situation.
There's make-up sex, but Madison isn't urgent and aggressive, not that part. She just wants to make love to you so you know no one else would top hers.
Misty Day
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Misty is oddly bipolar with her jealousy of you.
Some hours, she may seem too possessive and feel the urge to punch someone because she thinks she's too inadequate for you.
But in the others, she handles it generally well, and just gets a little grumpy.
Considering that years of seclusion in the swamp have prevented her from feeling anything serious about anyone, being jealous is a very unusual and weird thing for Misty.
She doesn't know how to handle it well at first, but she learns to control herself. And she doesn't want to hurt anyone, most of all, especially you.
So most of the time, Misty will just slowly walk over, hug you and let you rest on her chest as she kisses your head and turns to the other person with a sweet little smile.
"Excuse me, the conversation must be great, but they already have a girlfriend, I'm sorry."
On the way home, she would insist on being isolated in her corner for a few seconds, and it would take a considerable amount of time to admit that she is genuinely jealous of you.
But overall, having Misty jealous is just as adorable as having her around.
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Nan is not that over the top when it comes to being jealous of you.
I mean, except for the fact that she can control people's minds - and easily can control hers as well - she doesn't show overly jealousy, and maybe isn't even overly jealous.
She knows that you would never betray her like that, nor would you exchange her for anyone without a reason behind it.
But, of course, Nan has her moments of extreme caution.
She first assesses the person, reads their mind to be on the safe side, just to know how to approach them without scaring you off.
If it's someone who is clearly just someone close and significant to you, she'll let it go, take your hand and gently lead you away, apologizing later.
But if she catches some ulterior motive, oh, then that person is probably screwed for life.
"Oh, sorry, I read your mind, I feel something is wrong and I want to secure my territory. (Y\N) is mine and mine alone."
Nan doesn't like to fight with you, and when you have alone time, she just wants to make sure you're comfortable with her and that your relationship is going well.
The two of you cuddling after discussing the relationship and making a decision about Nan's adorable bouts of jealousy.
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Get ready for the jealous queen.
Honestly, I feel sorry for the person who decided to test Queenie's patience, especially when it comes to you.
She hates to think about the possibility that you would replace her, but it's impossible not to when everyone else has already replaced her.
Queenie is not at all afraid to approach the person and you when they are jealous.
And she'll hug you and kiss you real quick just so the person on the other end understands that you already belong to someone else.
I don't even need to go into detail about her being a voodoo witch, do I?
Of course, Queenie's case isn't as severe as Marie's, but there would definitely be a thought about creating a doll of the person.
Although Queenie knows the limits of voodoo and knows that it would be cruel if you knew she was hurting someone out of jealousy, so she won't even bring it up and will promise to forget about it quickly.
LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of curses. Every one she knows.
"Listen here, pervert, they already have someone, okay? Get the fuck out!"
You wouldn't fight, even though she always ends the day with a hot head.
She just wants you to know that you're important to her, and that nothing and no one in the world could ever break the bond you have.
Myrtle Snow
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Myrtle knows how to deal with feelings, but she's not ready to be jealous of someone.
That's why she is confused about this, about her behavior when she notices that you seem quite happy in the company of someone other than her.
Since Myrtle doesn't control her impulses, she will probably approach you and make up an excuse for you to pull away from the other person, without using excuses or justifying yourself, just getting you out of the way.
No, she would never commit any atrocity with the person who was chatting with you. Myrtle Snow promised that she would change that part of her behavior for you and she will keep it until the end.
"I don't understand, (Y\N), I felt strange… seeing you with them…"
"That's jealousy, Myrtle dear", you'd say, laughing and finding that very cute.
Myrtle would certainly ask Cordelia for advice after the first scene of jealousy, for fear that she was feeling something really wrong, or even to cope better without running the risk of pushing you away.
Anyway, as long as she doesn't lose you, Myrtle doesn't mind feeling weird…
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Mallory wouldn't handle jealousy, that's the answer.
She would feel too awkward to set boundaries with you, and anyway, she would feel awkward approaching someone out of the blue.
But even if she insists on not hurting you, that feeling that something is wrong would haunt her forever. And that's one thing Mallory would never admit.
Then she would be content to approach you very slowly, putting a hand on your shoulder or wrapping your hips around. And look the person on the other end of the conversation straight in the eye.
"Don't you think you've talked enough?"
She won't say it in a possessive way, but she will turn extremely red when she's done, pulling you back and taking you back to where she was before.
The conversation would be calm and sincere, and Mallory would express that she loves you very much and that she just couldn't bear to lose you.
But she knows you love each other too much - and she loves you enough - to just take care of you like no one else ever would.
Marie Laveau
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I just wanted to say that anyone who decides to make Marie Laveau jealous is pretty crazy.
She LITERALLY is the Voodoo Queen, what did you expect?
Years of experience to be sure how to handle such a situation.
Marie won't let it go and will immediately talk to the person who is showing ulterior motives towards you (and believe me, she knows very well when a person is or isn't…) "They already have someone, and that someone isn't you, so get the fuck out."
She wouldn't dare call you names or fight you out of jealousy (definitely Marie is someone who thinks it's cheesy to fight out of jealousy and make a scene)
A LOT of make-up sex.
She loves to tease and tease you during sex after a jealous scene like that.
Marie loves to get you flustered, she thinks it's cute and she's even more in love with you when she's done teasing.
No, no chance of having a person's voodoo spread in Marie's quarters.
Or, at least, not that you ever found out about it…
Kyle Spencer
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Kyle is usually not jealous.
But it's because he learned that the rare times he did show it, things got highly self-defeating.
He doesn't want to scare you, so now he just walks up to you, pulls you into his strong arms as he looks you up and down, then kisses you on the nose and pulls you out of the way.
He's secretly ashamed that he can't get the words out anymore, which is why he's always quiet when it comes to a scene like this.
Back in the day, before the accident and death, he was out of control and things almost always ended in a beating, and he doesn't want to be that way anymore, not after meeting you.
"(Y\N). Not. Comfortable."
He would whisper to you as he tried to explain to you what happened, and as he watched to see if you were okay.
When you were alone, he would cuddle with you and pet you, just to make sure you weren't mad that he pulled you out of a conversation where you seemed happy.
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localspiderboy · 1 year
Hello could you possibly do a fiona gallagher x ftm reader who is debby’s friend/tutor that usually gives her free home made food is she gives him something in return(ice-cream) and he is on testosterone and had top and bottom surgery
You Give You Recieve | Fiona Gallagher x FTM!Reader
summary: You and Fiona grow closer as she thanks you for looking out for her sister.
genre: fluff
word count: 458
DNI WOMEN/FEM ALLIGNED I have gn content that I have no problem with you interacting with :)
a/n: Love this! Thanks for sending it in, sorry for the wait. I kept it kinda short my brain is on a writer's strike lol. Sorry if she's ooc it's been a little bit since I watched the show. I feel so icky I've never written under 500 words lol but I'm getting back into the swing of things. Might expand on this! It's not really mentioned that reader is ftm but if I do another part I will talk about it more.
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“Thanks again for helping me out y/n, and for the dinner.” 
You smiled as you walked Debbie to her door, she had been coming to you for after-school tutoring sessions for the last month. It’s been a really big help for her you’re able to explain things in a way that makes it much easier to understand. 
“No problem Deb, I made extra for Carl and Liam too, make sure to give it to them.” Just as she was turning to open the door her sister Fiona stepped out, on her way to take out the trash. 
“Hey Fi!” Debbie greeted her sister quickly before she rushed inside, she must be eager to try what you made for her this time. Fiona and you both chuckle at her antics. 
“Let me get that for you.” You offered and take one of the trash bags from her hands.
“Oh, you don't have-”
“Fiona.” You cut her off and gave her a look that she knew meant you weren’t taking no for an answer. 
Fiona sent you a grateful smile and simply nodded her head. Together you both walked to the curb to set the trash out. 
“Thank you again Y/n.” 
You shrugged as you set the trash bag down. “Eh, no problem these looked heavy so-”
“Not for the trash.” She laughed.  “For tutoring Deb and always sending her home with dinner.” 
“Oh well yeah, I love Deb she’s a smart kid and I always seem to make too much so it’s no problem.”  
You smiled at her and took the time to really get a look at Fiona’s appearance. She looked tired, she’s always tired. There were dark circles under her eyes, and her hair was in a disheveled ponytail. She must have just gotten off work. Still. She looked beautiful.  You know she’s been picking up extra shifts lately. If you could do something to lessen her load you’d gladly do so in a heartbeat, hence the homemade meals you’ve been purposely making extra of. 
Fiona and you had been friends in high school and have only recently gotten back in touch but it really feels like nothing has changed. Despite her not really being able to recognize you when you reconnected although you can't fault her for that.
“I wanna make it up to you, you know for taking care of Deb and everything.”
“Fiona you don’t have to.” 
She had given you the same look you’d given her just moments before and it made you laugh, reluctantly you nodded accepting her offer. 
“The place I’m working at has really good ice cream. My treat?” It was less of a question and more of a demand. 
 “How could I possibly say no to that?” 
Like the fic? consider reblogging! <3
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honestly-oceanie · 1 year
But I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss || black haired dudes edition
Synopsis: you ask if you could draw on them
Warnings: this is not a cult
《Lucas, Maximilian Kasin Ashet, Raffaello Kidrey, Siegren, Ahin Grace, Cedric Evans,Delice Kaleid,Theodore Dane Lapileon, Noah Voltaire Wynknight | gn!reader》
{Fluff♡ | ▪︎imagine/scenario▪︎}
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Who Made Me A Princess/Suddenly, I Became A Princess One Day
"Magician of the Black Tower"
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🦋 Would he even agree?
🦋 If he is bored, then maybe he will. Just for some entertainment.
🦋 That's all
Father, I Don't Want To Get Married!
Maximilian Kasin Ashet
"Crown Prince of the Ashet Empire"
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🦋 I'm pretty sure he has a dark blue hair but whatever let's just add him here.
🦋 This man can be a freelancer all he wants so yes he has time for stuffs like this.
🦋 When you asked him, he was pretty surprised, he's never had this experience in his life considering he has different goal so soft and gentle moments like this are very rare for him and he wishes it was possible for life to be like this to be forever.
🦋 Simple gestures that can mean a lot for someone, you will never know.
🦋 Idk I just have a feeling that he's touch-starved.
The Villainess Is A Marionette
Raffaello Kidrey
"Duke of the Kidrey Dukedom"
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🦋 As we all know, Raffaello has mysophobia, so both of you were very shock by your request.
"Raffy, can you hold out your hand to me?"
🦋 This request was not meant to be offensive, you saw a quill on his table and since you liked painting so much you decided to use Raffaello as your canvas.
🦋 You and Raffaello have been together for three years now, and so he's been very honest with you, he told you about his phobia thus you were aware and yet at this very moment it slipped.
🦋 You were about to apologize but he assured you— and himself.
"It's fine... I... I can handle it."
🦋 You have been the sweetest and greatest person to him throughout your relationship, now it is time for him to repay you with the same amount of kindness you have shown to him, he also wants to improve for you so you both will grow in this relationship.
🦋 This is a hard step for him but he trust you on this process. He felt very nervous as he was holding out his arm, you too felt nervous for him.
🦋 And finally, as your hand fell into his, Raffaello's heart beats loudly and fast, you told him to take breaths and he did. As he started to calm down he felt your warmth in his hand he has never felt this before, it was anew to him. In the end, instead of drawing on him, you just caressed his hand while soothing him with comfort and praises.
🦋 You swore to yourself to help him be better and to remain on his side while at it.
Author of My Own Destiny/I Became the Wife of the Male Lead
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🦋 When you ask him very seriously to hold out his hand he complied without question, but feeling a bit suspicious of you.
🦋 You then grab a pen/quill on the table then started to ready as if you were about to run a marathon. Now, he felt more suspicious and confuse.
🦋 After you've done prepping yourself, you held the pen/quill professionally then started to draw on his hand.
🦋 Siegren was a bit surprise. He held his guard up because you were acting strange all because of this.
🦋 But he should've expected this atleast a little as he's been use to Fiona and her antics before.
🦋 He just sighed then smiled softly at you.
The Symbiotic Relationship Between A Rabbit And A Black Panther
Ahin Grace
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🦋 When you ask him to give you his hand, he almost chopped it. Anyhow, after you explaining your intentions he did as you asked. As you touch his hand, he started teasing you.
"Oh my, [Name] taking advantage on the poor innocent me? Shall I call my mother?"
🦋 Of course he just had to ruin the moment. Can there be any moment at all were he doesn't try to tease you? Even at balls he would openly flirt or tease you in public.
🦋 But now that you had the upperhand, you didn't hesitate to draw on his face, Ahin was caught off guard he never expected that from you, then it turn into a wild chase between you two, Ahin running after you for revenge and you running away from the revenge, and that is what brought you now to this situation.
🦋 You were both kneeling on the floor in front of his grandfather being scolded. Because of the chase, the manor was turned upside down, some valuables broken and the furnitures dirty.
🦋 On the corner, Vivi is secretly laughing hysterically in her rabbit form while Evelyn is trying his hardest to hide his laugh, knowing that Ahin will give him a hard time if he did. Ahin's mother just sighed already used with the both of you simce you've been like this since childhood.
The Tyrant's Only Perfumer
Cedric Raynor Rich Evans
"Duke/Lord Cedric Evans"
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🦋 I love lOVE LOVE Ariel's fashion so much💜💜 EVERY. SINGLE. CHAPTER.
🦋 Oh wait... *ahem* anyways—
🦋 He would comply like an obedient little dog
🦋 He'd watch intently as you draw on his hand, woukd glance back and forth between your serious face and your cute drawings on his hand.
🦋 He would praise you after you are done, complimenting you and your artwork.
🦋 You didn't know but after he left your place, he did not erase the drawings yet instead he hid it with his gloves. When he arrived back at his house, he removed his gloves then looked at your drawings fondly remembering the moment you two had back at your place.
This Is An Obvious Fraudulent Marriage/ I Was Tricked Into This Fake Marriage!
Delice Kaleid
"Archduke of the Delpice/Delpais Empire" "Reincarnation of Evil"
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🦋 I will never ever have complains with this man. Gotta love him🥺💜
🦋 He was very curious when you asked but complied anyway.
🦋 Then you pick up the quill on his table and started patting the feather on his table, contemplating on what to draw while Del waits patiently, giving you a soft smile.
🦋 When you finally decided on what to draw, he just stared at you amused but he didn't dare to stop you, he would never.
🦋 After you'd finish your drawing, he stares at it for a few seconds before he plants a kiss on the part that you drew.
"Thank you, [Name]."
🦋 You're not sure what he is thanking you for but you're always grateful for his cooperation on your random antics.
My In-Laws Are Obsessed With Me
Theodore Dane Lapileon
"Grand Duke Lapileon"
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🦋 How do I make this without turning it into angst🤔
🦋 Honestly, I have more angst ideas for him than I do with Dion😭
🦋 Cause this manhwa just has a depressing mood even I can feel it irl😭. If the last chapter was light then in a few chapters later or the next chapter has got to have some sadness.
The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up At The Duke's Mansion
Duke Noah Wynknight
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🦋 The ending😭 where they met again but in the modern life, it was perfect🥺💜. Though I kinda wish we had seen a little more of them in their modern life, atleast some glimpses🥺
🦋 He did as you ask(you asked him to hand his arm out) without hesitation, thus you did not feel suspicious of him until...
🦋 He move his arm away from you. At first you just sighed and tried to grab his arm again, but he kept on dodging your hand, making you try to catch him.
🦋 When you finally had enough of him, you snap.
"Seriously Noah!?"
🦋 You hit his head, hard, and he finally stopped. In the end, you won, but to punish him instead of drawing on his hand, you draw on his face.
🦋 Once he sees himself in the mirror, he'd tease you for your 'artisticness', while he's already planning his "revenge" which will occur while you're sleeping
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
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Honestly, Oceanie
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gloombeauty · 14 days
I will never understand the hype behind Billie Eilish.
She's a professional whisper-singer who's brother is behind all her work. I heard the songs she wrote all by herself like "She's Broken" and "Fingers Crossed" and she couldn't write a good descent song all on her own even if she tried hard. Which sounds like she did try hard with those two songs. They are awful.
And don't give me "she was only 14" crap because Hayley Williams was 13 years old when she formed Paramore and look how brilliant she was. Fiona Apple was 14 when she starting writing her songs for Tidal.
Lets be honest here, the real talent here is Finneas, not Billie. Give this man his flowers.
If you don't like my opinion, go scram. I know Billie fans are insufferable and psychotic. Go hug a tree or touch grass hunty's.
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myocsfanfictions · 7 months
South Side Story
Shameless Fanfiction Season 1
Desna Hills has come living in the Southside of Chicago four years before. Taken in by Kev and V, Desna is close friends with the Gallaghers. Let's see how this Southside story unfolds.
Warning: this story will contain smut.
Masterlist - Next >>
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Chapter 1
"Oh fuck, Lip!" She moaned, gripping the bars of the bunk bed as Lip was thrusting himself from behind her.
"Am I making you feel good, Des?" his hold thight on her hips, setting the pace.
"So fucking good" she moaned, moving her hips so to make him understand the she wanted for him fo move faster. He chuckled as he gripped her harder, surely living marks, as he complied with her silent request.
"Oh my fucking god!" She almost cried, covering her mouth with her hand. Too loud, they could not be loud, or the children might heard something from downstairs.
"Afraid to get caught?" Lip asked teasingly, as Desna looked at the closed door.
"What if...oh fuck" she moaned, "The kids hear...shit...or if Fiona gets back?"
Lip stopped his movement, slipping out of her, before turning her so that he could look at her in the eyes. His hands caging her head.
"Then we have to be quick about it," he said before crushing his lips on hers in an hungry kiss. Leading her to walk towars the bed.
"Ian's bed makes so much fucking noise," she complained in between kisses, her arm circled around his shoulder and one of her hands moved to touch his hair, like she knew he liked it.
"Better then," he said pushing her on the materass before, climbig above her, he was quick to put himself in between her, entering her with a strong hip thrust, "Since you'd love to be caught."
"Oh fuck, Lip!" She tried disperately to keep quiet, her eyes shut and her lips open.
"You like it, don't you?" The sound of skin slapping was filling the room, Lip's moans in her ears as he kissed the skin of her neck.
"Lip, please..." she whispered trying to keep quiet, her eyes on the door, as his pace got faster. God he was thrusting in her so good.
"Yeah, you do," he moaned sliding one of his hands in between them to start rubbing her clit, and to sto herself from cry she had to bit on his shoulder, making him course, but it didn't make him stop talking, "Like when I fuck you in the bathrooms at school, yeah?" His strong thrust made her moan, his words made her shiver.
"Fuck, Lip!" She moaned again, making him chuckle.
"You'd like to be seen as I fuck you hard," he said before kissing her, silencing the loud moan that was about to leave her lips. His speed incrased, and she did all she could to follow his pace. She could feel him stretching her so good, reaching that spot inside of her that made her forget everything. His finger working on her pushing her closer and closer to her release.
"Shit Lip, don't stop!" She begged gripping his hair making him groan, his lips were back on hers to give her another hungry kiss.
"Don't stop!" She said as he thrusted up, making her yelp "Shit, Lip!"
"I love to fuck you, Des," with every thrust moans left her mouth, "So fucking good, Desna!"
She bit at his shoulder again as she climaxed, her eyes closed and her hands gripping the cloth of shirt.
God, Desna Hills loved how Lip Gallagher fucked her. And she absolutely adored to observing him as he moved above her cheasing his own released. His eyes closed, low groans lifting his lips.
"Wait," Desna said as other moans left her mouth because of his moviments inside of her, "Lip, stop!"
"What? What's wrong?" He asked stopping before his eyes looked down at where their bodies were joined, probably afraid that he had hurted her somehow.
Desna smiled, before moving her fingers under his chin, so that his blue gaze was on her.
"I want you to cum in my mouth," at her words his eyes widened before a smirk appeared on his lips.
"That's fucking hot, Des," he said, before kissing her, giving another thrust that made her left a sound in between a chuckle and a moan. He then moved away so that he could sit at the edge of the bed. Desna smirked as she moved to stand up, so that she could walk in front of Lip, locking her eyes with his and making sure to never look away as she knelt in between his legs. Her hands traced patterns on his tights before her fingers closed around his shaft, making him try to hold a moan in. Desna smiled at the reaction as she moved her hand up and down, his body tense, so she got closer kissing the top of his cock, giving him quick teasing licks.
"Don't be mean, Desna," he said, his knucles white for the force with which he was gripping the sheets, "I don't know how much more I will last."
Desna smirked before opening her mouth to take him in.
"Shit, fuck!" He moaned as she starter to bob her head up and down. She made sure that her hair was out of the way so he could see her taking his full lenght in her mouth, and to make sure he could see her green eyes on him.
"Fuck, you're so hot, baby," she smiled, sucking harder and moving her head faster, she really wanted to see him cum for her like that.
"Shit, Des," he said covering his mouth with his hand, careful to not make too much noise. At that point she took his other hand to put it in her hair so that he could move her as he pleased. And so he did. She relaxed as he gripped the root of her dark hair, moving her head as he needed. He hit the back of her throat at some point making her gag.
"Fuck I love this, Des," He said moving her head faster, "Fuck you're so beautiful like that." He was there and she loved it, "Shit, I love to fuck you so bad!" And with that she could feel his hot liquid hitting the back of her throat. He was groaning to try and keep the volume down, as she moved her head up and down his shalf some more, before releasing with a pop. Her green eyes locked in his blue ones, he was breathing heavy, red cheeks and messy hair. That was a sight she liked to see, and she felt proud that she was the one making him feeling like that. As she started to lick his cock again, ready to take him once more.
"Stop, stop" he said with a grin making her stand up with him "I can't believe you've gave me head," his arms moved around her waist, from her lips escape a chuckle.
"Was it good?" She asked putting her hands on his shouders, "I've seen it somewhere and I wanted to try," he pulled her closer, making her giggle.
"Good does not describe it," he said chuckling, before his eyes moved to observed her face. He was looking at her intensily, and she could not stop herself to bit her lips, and he groaned, " God I want to fuck you again so bad."
She smirked as he leaned forward to kiss her. Her lips moved against his, her eyes closed and she moved her arms to circle his shoulders so to not make him move away. Then he moved so to rest his forehead on hers.
"Do you wanna?" He said giving her another peck on the lips.
"I'm supposed to look out for the kids," she said, her fingers were now gripping his locks.
"They are smart kids, they can survive," he said looking at her, before putting his lips on hers again, his grip around her waist tight.
"Come on..." he whispered.
Desna chuckled.
"What got you so eager?" She asked, "What is it? Karen is not giving you any lately?"
He smirked before assaulting her mouth again. His hand moved under her skirt, making her moan as he started to rub her clit again.
"Don't be a bitch," he said, as his tray of kisses moved to her neck. Her hand secured on his hair.
"I'm not the bitch, here," she said pulling him closer, with a serious expression. She wasn't like Karen.
"Don't be jelaous, then," he chuckled, assaulting her neck again but Desna only scoffed.
"Of Karen Jackson?" She said as she could feel him hardening again against her body, "Please, how many times have you fucked her today?"
He stopped his movement thinking "Um... none" she smirked as she leaned closer to his mouth, "And how many times did you fuck me, today?"
"Four," at his words she frowned.
"Three," she corrected him.
"Yeah, you're right," Lip said as if he was thinking, that was his smartass face, she knew it by now, "Well, then let's make it four!" he said before, pushing her on the bed making a yelp leave her mouth.
"Lip, I have to go back down," she said chuckling.
"You are helping me, don't you remember?" he said positioning himself in between her legs, "You have to help me find my phone," he said entering her again.
Desna moaned at the sensation, "What shit of an excuse!" She said before moaning again as he started to thrust inside of her. Her core was still sensitive from before making her feel his every move even more "Oh fuck, Lip, shit!"
"Fuck, Des," he moaned in her ear. He was fastening his pace, the room filled with the sounds of heavy breaths and skin slapping once again, when they could hear footstep on the stairs.
"Des! The alarm of the oven went off!"
"Fuck, Debbie!" Lip exclaimed as Desna pushed him away, so that she could stand up. She fixed her shirt and skirt before exiting the room, making sure to close the door behind her.
"And charge the fucking phone, next time, Lip!" She exclaimed with fake annoyence, begore turning towards Debbie that now was running to her.
"So did you two do it?" the girl asked, making Desna wide her eyes.
"What?" It came out with a higher pitch from what she had expected.
"The phone. Did you find it?" Debbie asked with a frown.
"Yeah" Desna answered smiling, "It would have been easier if that room wasn't a mess."
"Tell me about it," the little girl said nodding her head, before taking Desna's wrist, "We have to go!"
"The alarm went off, the cookies are ready!" Debbie argued.
Shit, that was true.
"Debs, go turn off the oven, I have to use the bathroom real quick, then I'll take out the cookies."
Debbie observed her, but she seemed satisfied with her answer.
"Alright, but hurry up!" Then she run towards the stairs.
Desna took a deep breath. That was another close call. She thought as she went to the bathroom to wash her hands and fixed her hair.
Desna Hills had known the Gallaghers for four years now, since when she had moved to live with Kev and V in the South Side of Chicago. She have known Kev since she was a child, her family was totally fucked up, so when she was twelve Kev and V decided to take her in. Desna loved to live with them, they were funny and nice and they even gave her a job at Kev's place, called the Alaby. It was filled with drunk people, nothing that she hadn't already seen, she liked the place. In the morning she went at school and sometimes in the afternoon she babysits Fiona Gallagher's children. She wasn't payed for that, but she didn't care. Fiona's was V's best friend and now Desna had become the Gallaghers' friend as well.
"It went well," Desna looked at Lip through the mirror.
"You clearly have no idea what well means," she said shaking her head with a chuckle, before moving to walk out, but as she passed next to him Lip stopped her by the waist.
"I'm sorry," he said as he shrugged his shoulders, "We were having fun, weren't we?" His hands were around her waist, as her hands moved around his neck, their bodies close once again.
"We were," she said rubbing her nose against his.
"When can we finish?" She laughed at his words.
"You are so eager today!" Desna said trying to move away, "What's gotten into you?" but Lip smirked and pulled her closer, before kissing her lips hungrily again.
"I want you," he muttered against her lips, and Desna found herself smiling, liking that he was saying those words.
"I want you too," she said as her hand moved to the front of his jeans, making him suck in a breath, trying not to make noise. She moved her head so to lock their lips together. They kissed hard, like always, his hands around her waist and her fingers started trace the shape of his cock and he shivered.
"Fuck, Desna," he said moving his head away so that he could take a deep breath, since her hand was palming him through his jeans now.
Desna then moved to his neck, tracing a line of kisses until she reached his ear, "I really want you so fucking bad," she moaned in his ear to which he answered with a "Fuck, baby" she could feel his hard on now and after she made few more moanes to work him up, she moved away.
"But not today," she said running away.
"Come on! You can't!" Desna heard him say as she made her way down the stairs.
He had first started it. She had a job to do, he could not destract her like that, without a pay back. And she liked to think him upstairs all hot and bothered for something that she did.
This thing with Lip had started for free months now. Desna had always had a crush on Lip, since she had met him. He was smart, crazy smart, probably the smartest person she had ever met. He was a couple of years older than Desna and they ad been friends since they met. Desna was the same age as Ian, the third Gallagher brother and the three of them were always together. Lip had always been nice to her, even if she knew he was a ladys man, he liked to fuck around, but Desna didn't care. They started sleeping together since when they found themselves alone in the livingroom of the Gallaghers' house. They had sex on the couch. She still remembered it clearly, even because he had been her first.
Since that day they had started "this kind of relationship" as Desna liked to call it, while Ian always said that that kind of relationship had already a name: "friends with benefits". And she knew, she wasn't naive. Desna was well aware that her and Lip weren't exclusive, since he was fucking Karen Jackson as well. And even Karen Jackson was fucking... well, every living soul. While Desna wasn't. One part of her said that it was because she still didn't found anyone to fuck, but another part told her that it was because she already had the guy that she wanted. She was aware that that was not a normal relationship, but for now it was enough for her.
"Look, Des look!" Debbie said jumping in front of the oven. Debbie Gallagher was twelve years old, and she was a sweet and lively girl. The Gallaghers, like everyone in the South Side, weren't actually lucky with money and Debbie was very careful with the payments of the bills, keeping in track everyone with their part of money. She was very mature for her age.
Desna smiled at Debbie as she grabbed a ragg so to shield her hand from the heat of the oven.
"Be careful, it's freaking hot," Desna said before turning towards the living room, "Carl, sweetheart cookies are ready!" The fifth Gallagher brother was Carl Gallagher, a boy of eleven, he was one of a kind, that's how Desna would describe him. He was a very active boy, with the love for distruction.
The boy was now looking at the TV, but when he heard Desna call for him, he immediately got up running in the kitchen.
"They are ready?" He said as he moved his hand to take one.
"Be careful," she said as she took the last Gallagher brother Liam in her arms.
"If I hurt myself would you kiss me better?" Carl said with a smirk, to which she shook her head with a fonding look.
"Maybe when you're older." She said rocking Liam back and forth who let out a giggle.
"When is "older"?" Carl asked as always. It was no new subject to her. Fiona had told her that Carl had developed a crush on Desna, so he always tried to make his move, as he liked to call them. Desna found it cute, though.
"Maybe when you're eighteen?" She guessed, making him shook his head.
"It's too far away."
"That's how it is, buddy," she said strocking his hair, "Eat the cookies," Then she turned to Debbie who was biting one, "Is it good, Debs?"
Her eyes grew large, "They are so good, I want the recipee!"
Desna smiled, "I'll write it down for you," then she could hear some steps from the stairs from behind her. As she turned she noticed Lip, running down.
"Hey," she said teasingly "Taken care of everything upstairs" but as they looked at each other she could see some nervousness in his gaze, different from what she was expecting.
"Lip," Desna called him getting closer to the boy, touching his arm, "Is everything alright?" She observed his face as he nodded his head.
"No, yeah, yeah it's fine," he answered before looking directly in her eyes, "I need to talk to you."
Desna frowned. She looked at the children, before looking at Lip.
"Lip." She said warningly.
"No, not upstairs," he was quick to add, "Outside."
They looked at eachother, her green eyes looking at his blue ones once again, that day. She liked so much to get lost in his eyes.
"Outside seems fine," she said nodding her head at him, before turning to Debbie.
"Debs, I leave Liam to your expert watch," Desna said with a smile, as she gave the toddler in Debbie's arms.
"Leave it to me," Debbie assured. Desna caressed her auburn hair, before following Lip outside the house. She observed him, as he set down on the porch, lighting a sigarette. He seemed really nervous.
"Lip?" She asked concerned sitting next to him. His leg was bouncing up and down, so she moved closer to take his free hand in hers.
"What is it?" She asked gripping his hand, he was so relaxed before, what could have happened so suddenly?
"I was..." he said after a moment of silence, "I wanted to take care of your little prank," she would have smiled if he didn't seem so nervous, "And I took our porn magazines, but they weren't mine," he said and she found herself frowning.
"Okay?" She asked not quite sure where this was going.
"There were fucking males on it," he said taking another drag of his sigarette.
"I don't understand," she admitted. And he nodded his head.
"Yeah... me neither..." he whispered looking down.
"I'm sure" she said moving closer so that their legs were touching, "But I really do not understand what's happening? Probably they are Fiona's-"
"They were in my room," he interrupted her before turning to look at her in the eyes. Why would male pornography be in the boys room? Unless, of course...
"Oh..." she muttered, and she noticed him nod his head.
"Yeah...I think they are Ian's," he said after a moment of silence. His leg was bouncing up and down again. Desna observed him deep in thought, she wanted for him to talk to her, she'd really wanted it.
"Does it bother you?" She asked squizing his hand to gain his attention.
"That my brother might be gay, well yeah!" He exclaimed standing up, making her released the hold she had in his hand.
Desna took a heavy breath.
"Why?" She asked observing him as he paced back and forth.
"Why would he?" He said, a heand in his hair, "What's the point? I mean, how can he be attracted to that?"
"Well I'm attracted to that too, so I can see the charm," she said shrugging her shoulders.
"Not funny," he said unable to stay still. There was something that really had bothered him, and even if that was unexpected, he was acting strange.
"What I can't see is why does it bother you so much?" At those words Lip stopped, looking at her as is she was out of her mind.
"My brother is not gay," he said firmly.
"But this is not the point," she insisted, "One likes what one likes, as long as he is happy-"
"He is not, that's it!" He exclaimed, making her roll her eyes, "He maybe needs to be fucked by a girl!"
"No, you need to be fucked by a girl," she said standing up, "Ian can decide for himself, he does not need you to tell him what he likes," her arms crossed over her chest.
"He is not gay, Desna," he repeated, and that made her walk closer to him.
"Why does it bother you so much?" She asked looking at him in the eyes, but he shook his head turning away, "Why?" She insisted searching for his gaze, "There must be a reason, or you wouldn't act like an asshole,"
"Oh, I'm an asshole now?' He asked sarcastically.
"Yeah," she said nodding her head, "If you're only imposing yourself on Ian, then you are an asshole," He shook his head chuckling with annoyence, making a step back, "So, why?" She asked again.
"Why what?!" Lip exclaimed.
"Why does it bother you so much?" She said again. There must have been some other motives, Lip was too smart to act in such way.
"Fuck you, Des," he said. Her eyes widened.
"Fuck me?" She exclaimed, "Fuck you! You can't even be honest."
"Honest?" He exclaimed angrily, "What is this a talk show?"
"You're acting like a prick and I should be the one to go fuck herself?" She asked with wide eyes, not even understanding how they got into that argument.
"You're right," he said turning to walk toward the exit of the Gallaghers' garden.
"Where are you going now?" Desna asked as she looked at him.
"I forgot I had to go to Karen," that name made her blood boil.
"Now you have to go to- you know what? Fuck you, Lip!" She screamed as he walked away.
"I will!" He said back, "Fucking Karen!"
At that she turned her back at him, shutting the door angrily.
Fucking Lip Gallagher!
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