#firefly imagines
msookyspooky · 9 months
Some '3 From Hell' Sibling HC's if you joined the Firefly Family
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If they weren't the ones to bring you into the family:
- Otis would be the hardest to warm up to:
Unless you two are a couple or something and or he's the one that brought you into the family; he is gonna tolerate you only. The man has trust issues and contempt for most people and humanity as a whole. You ain't special. In fact, he'll remind you how unspecial you are everyday till you prove otherwise.
- Foxy is gonna be the most chill with you:
Even if one of his siblings brought you into the family; Foxy's just laid back and chill like that. Even if he's a con artist at heart and will manipulate you then watch your reactions for some 'test' to prove your worth in this family...He's still pretty okay with you overall. May not always be the most friendly but he's not hostile like Otis or in your face like Baby. In fact, if you don't annoy him he might even tell Otis 'C'mon Whitey, they ain't that bad. Let 'em stay for fuckin' entertainment purposes if anything.'
- If you're a pretty woman/female presenting; It's 50/50 whether Baby would like you right away or dislike you out of jealousy at first:
Unless she brought you in of course; Baby can be a loose canon on how she treats someone especially someone her brothers brought into the family and ESPECIALLY another pretty girl like her. Because let's face it; our girl is a bit of a pick me at times. She craves attention and won't hesitate to put other women in their place like she did Mary in Ho1000C to remind these women she's better than them and she could take their man in a heartbeat. She whispered to her Daddy Cutter in Devil's Rejects 'what a skank!' while giggling about the sexworker trying to hook up with Otis at Charlie's Ranch. She grew up the only girl in a family that cattered to her because of how angelic and beautiful she was. She can have anyone she wants and is use to all eyes on her. The only positive female interaction we've ever seen is the brunette sexworker at Charlie's Ranch with them dancing together and in the tub later. Then Bela in 3 from Hell that wanted to hook up (And I suppose we see her partying with the other two sexworkers in that psychedelic montage).
So she COULD be elated and look at you as the sister she never had, want you for herself and give some competition to her brother(s), or she could also dislike you getting any attention over her in public especially if you're pretty and girly like she is. If the latter, she'd treat you just as hateful as she does her female victims and make snide remarks until she gets over it or warms up to you.
If you're masc presenting, male or nonbinary or hate to say it but she doesn't view you as pretty (I'd cry) she probably just accepts you're here and trys to warm up to you like Foxy does. Just a bit friendlier than Foxy.
- If you're drastically younger than them they treat you like a kid:
(Under 27/ A decade younger than Baby and 2 decades younger then Otis and Foxy)
• Baby pinches your cheeks and makes 'Aw, you poor innocent child!' remarks with a grin if you don't instantly get a dirty joke.
• Foxy is gesturing to you telling his siblings 'Hey, YN is in here. Watch your language.' just to fuck with you.
• Otis makes jokes at your expense or says shit like 'My God, what are you? Fuckin 12?' but that also means they're all VERY Protective of you as the 'youngest sibling'.
- If they're close enough to make you a member of the family then they are EXTREMELY protective of you:
They all are fine with you having a good time. After all, family motto 'let's get fucked up and do fucked up shit' so unless you're their partner; they're cool with it. Hell, even if you are they're partner I could see them being okay with a possible open relationship. Either one depending on your relationship dynamics...But if someone is making unwanted moves on you and coming on too strong they are glaring them down.
• Foxy has his chin up and a death glare as he towers over whoever is too close and makes a firm remark to back off.
• Otis is straight up going to insult them and threaten them in the meanest way he can.
• Baby is latched onto you the entire night or dragging you along no matter who you are to her partner or just a sibling. She'll threaten some bitch or asshole being mean to you with a huge smile and her knife.
• Foxy has a habit of being the last to enter a room with his shotgun slung over his shoulder so he also puts his hand on your back and guide you inside protectively.
• Otis is the first one to watch your drink and make sure no one gets near it.
• Baby has an arm around you all night long or takes your hand to go places.
• If someone like a bounty hunter of someone like another Aquarius and his gang were to harm you? Oh they ALL are going to go out of their way to make them suffer.
- Foxy urges you to watch Classic Cinema late at night with him whether you want to or not:
Tells you every actor or actress as well as the production. If you know a few vague classics like 'The Man who Laughs' or 'Metropolis' you are his new best friend. He is going to demand to know all your favorites and why you like them.
- Otis demands you know how to properly shoot a gun and throw knives because you're no good to them if you can't defend yourself:
He's actually a very patient teacher and grins at you when you get a bullseye the first time even if he teases you about 'Bout fuckin time, YN! Been out here long enough!'
- Otis gifts you your first weapon
- Baby wants family time the most and thoroughly enjoys your company:
Go on walks, eat food, talk. Regardless, she wants you with her. She was alone for 10 years in prison. Now that she has a family again she ain't letting a single moment go to waste.
- You're getting a nickname:
Whether it's a petname like Vera Ellen has as 'Angel Baby / Baby' or a shortened version of your name like Winslow Foxworth with 'Foxy' or a complete alias from a Groucho Mark's film like 'Otis B. Driftwood'...You WILL be getting a nickname they use exclusively.
- If you're pretty to her and she's fond of you, Baby calls you 'Kitty':
You don't even begin to know how much she actually cares for you or the symbolism with that petname
- If you kill, then however you kill or a character you remind him of is what Otis is calling you
- If you're unwilling to maime/torture they're surprisingly fine with it:
Sure, it does cause tension especially when you first join because they think you're like everyone else and won't fit in but as long as you're willing to kill in self defense they accept you. If you are strictly no killing at all? You're probably a pet for one of them at best because no member of their family isn't a member without being willing to get their hands dirty with murder especially in a life or death situation. But Tiny, Grandpa Hugo, RJ, Mama and Captain Spaulding/Cutter all seemed to let Baby and Otis (And whereever the Fuck Foxy was) take the sadism reigns the most while they just enjoyed the show, killed when they had to or when someone pissed them off. But RJ and Tiny We see only kill cops or when necessary, Cutter definitely kills plentifully but was annoyed with Baby and Otis torturing the girl in the motel in Devil's Rejects and spared the one woman with the boy in the parking lot. We only see Baby and Otis truly torturing victims and enjoying it thoroughly and Foxy getting a kick out of breaking a victim mentally before killing them (We never see him truly torture someone on screen like we did Baby and Otis but his sadism is definitely there).
So you wouldn't be the first family member they had to not get into heavy torture. As long as you stay out of their way, they learn to accept it. It's like a vegetarian in a family of carnivores. As long as you don't damn them for how they live; they accept you.
- Being celebrated if you do something to earn your stripes (Kill a cop, evade a highspeed chase, protect one of them when they rarely need it):
Do they ever hype you up! It feels like a right of passage that you really are family to them in this 'sick sad world' as they view it. Drinking, getting you anything you want, doing whatever you want. Foxy is smiling at you, Otis is giving you credit for once even in the form of a bullying remark and Baby is smacking you and dancing around while cheering you on.
- Foxy secretly being relieved you're there even if he doesn't show it:
He's left out quite a bit because of the bond Otis and Baby have and he's the third wheel. (He gives forgotten middle child vibes I swear) so having a fourth 'sibling' is great to him especially if you both get along because he doesn't feel as left out. If you're a couple that's even better!
If you're Romantic with a member (Or members 👀) of the Firefly Family:
- Foxy is the biggest hopeless romantic followed by Baby then Otis:
• Foxy quoted Quasimodo to woo Bela like it was nothing. He adores old cinema and what are those classic films without romance? He may be one of the toughest, sadistic, egotistical guys you'll ever meet but if you're his he is very romantic towards you; at least in private. (Loyalty as far as not cheating is iffy ngl all 3 of them that's debatable) but out of all of them he is the one to call his partner oetnames. Some might be sexual like 'ass cakes' like he called Bela but there's definitely ones like doll or sweetheart or darlin' or even putting 'my' in front of every petname just to seal the deal (My sweet girl. My darlin. My baby. My boy... Mine.) He's also very aware of how to woo you and secretly craves the praise and attention you give him. He likes to be playful when flirting and doesn't like too sappy of a relationship but in private he's willing to lay it out there how much he cares about you. Don't expect too much PDA though or a date. But a private 'date' in the woods, at a lake, or at home; sure!
• Baby is romantic but not in a sappy way. Her romance with a partner is more teenage romance. Think her surprising you with tiny gifts, teasing you while kissing you, calling you both sweet petnames and mocking juvenile nicknames too. Like, you're both 'her kitty' and 'poopy pants' just because. She loves scarying you or rough housing with you and then being the one to hang all over and comfort you afterwards. She just likes to keep things light hearted and exciting at all times. She loves to tease you and flirt. She's a playful bully in a relationship and wants you flustered. Constantly asks 'Are you flirting with me? Is this a date? Aw, are you blushing? Are you checking me out?' with a smirk no matter what your answer is.
• Otis is the least romantic. His romance is just touch or a straight forward 'I want you'. He's creative, yes, but he's not one to write sonnets or paint you something. If anything, he may gift you some belt he made of snakeskin or a skull of an animal he cleaned up. Something that matches his morbid hobbies so he doesn't feel 'sappy'. Never expect a fancy necklace or roses because you ain't getting them. But a knife or a skull or a necklace with a vial of his blood is very doable. Depending on your gender; He calls you 'Mama' or 'Boy' or 'Babe' and that's about it. Might throw in 'Suga' or 'Honey' here and there. His 'date' is him half joking in a mocking way and it's just hanging out with him while he does something.
- They all 3 crave a playful partner or at least one with a sense of humor:
• Baby NEEDS a playful partner. Period. End of. She has to have a partner that's willing to get into tickle fights and wrestle and have playfights and pull pranks on each other and make fun of her brothers with her and go on crazy adventures together. If you're not playful, she won't even be into you.
• Otis doesn't need it for a relationship to function but it is appreciated. A sense of humor that's a bit dark is a must but playfulness is nice too. He's use to Baby's pestering and playfighting so if anything you playfighting with him just gets him to not be so grumpy and loosen up a bit. If you annoy him too much he can just hold you down and punish you in a very fun way.
• Foxy is a slightly 'less' version of Baby but he really needs a partner that can have fun. He is constantly smiling at Baby's antics in the movie and a partner is no different. He loves you cracking a joke, even a bad one. He loves you poking him or trying to get him to give chase to you. Even if he tries to be serious and tell you 'Goddamn, stop it.' he still has a smirk on his face. If you keep up poking or tickling or smacking him or something he is coming after you to give it right back to you tenfold with a sadistic smirk on his face.
- None of them care about an age gap if you're more than 10 years younger than them:
• Baby still views herself as young (And honestly she still is at 37 even if it's not young young) and will literally fuck someone up if they bring up the fact she's nearing 40 or you both have a 10 year age gap. If they say 'Is that your Mom/Older Sister/Aunt?' she is getting pissy and ready to gut them because they think she looks that old?!
• Otis is the eldest at 59 and doesn't care about societies norms. You can be 30+ years younger than him and he does not care. If someone says something, he's definitely crudely making some remark about how well you fuck him as an adult while wrapping an arm around you. If someone asks 'Is this your Dad?' he is definitely smirking and telling them 'I'm they're Daddy but I ain't they're motherfuckin father.'
• Foxy is somewhere in his late 40's to 50's in between Otis and Baby if I had to guess. He knows he's older than you and like Otis he doesn't care. Hell, sometimes it's a turn on. If someone asks 'Is that your Dad?' he is fucking with them by agreeing he is and then kissing you passionately and then saying something like 'Honey, call your mom and sister and tell them we're gonna be late for dinner. You know how your mother gets when her hubby and youngest are late.' just to smirk at the horrified look on the persons face.
- They're all possessive partners in different ways:
• Otis is the most possessive partner out of his 3 siblings. He is so use to leading the entire Firefly Family (Prime example was him telling Hugo in Ho1000C 'I'll just go around back and take control like I always fuckin do!') so he naturally is both protective and possessive of a person that accepts him enough to be with him. There is no 'breaking up'...EVER. He doesn't bond with many people and he isn't letting you go or letting anyone else interfere. He might even start telling you if an outfit 'makes you look like a hooker' or if you 'were fucking drooling over some asshole' if he's pissed off enough over men looking at you because he can't admit he's the one jealous here but you giving him the okay to kill anyone that flirts with you or convincing him (Firmly. Otis is not going to listen unless you match energy with him) then it would probably solve a lot of his underlying fear you're looking for a way out. But he is still going to keep you close in public to make sure no one gets too handsy in bars. Hate to say it but it might be years before he fully trust you just because in his line of 'work' he can't afford to trust people. He's not going to aimlessly kill every guy that looks at you but if they touch you? Something is happening to them.
• Foxy is about like Otis but not as intense. In fact, he's probably fine with whatever you wear or someone flirting with you as a means to have an excuse to have some intense possessive sex with you later where he makes you repeat you're his. But he's more open about his insecurity than Otis not because of sex or looks but because he genuinely has a hard time understanding why you're in love with a man like him. Especially if you treat him well despite seeing the fucked up shit he's done. He probably asks you all the time 'Babydoll, what the fuck are ya doin' with me?'. Will most definitely give a glare to anyone trying to put their hands on you and shuts that shit down immediately. If they get too pushy he's gonna smolder and wait all night before killing them outside their car when everyone is gone.
• Baby is the least possessive outwardly but she gets jealous the most. You can wear what you want, dance how you want, shit you could even flirt with someone if you want to as long as you're with her. But if the flirting gets too intimate she is killing them. Unlike Foxy who is going to try and keep his cool at first or Otis who has to be pushed a bit too far before planning a kill in public ...Baby is straight up killing them not caring if she gets caught. She is instantly luring whoever touched your ass or tried to kiss you or was flirting with you too much outside where she's going to leave one hell of a mess. Then she's going to smile, kiss you and cheerfully ask 'where to now, honey?' and she's not going to even mention that she killed that person unless you REALLY push her. Because if you ask where that person went? She's dropping the smirk, showing you and letting you know THAT is what happens when someone tries to take what's hers.
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Requested by anon
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matchesarelit · 6 years
Being put through tests by the Blue Sun with River and being able to see slightly into the future. When you are saved by Mal and the crew you become Serenity’s co-pilot alongside Wash (so you become very close friends) and pulling him out of the way before he is impaled.
“No leaf on the wind is getting impaled on my watch!”
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firemedicdiaz · 7 years
Fandom: Firefly/Serenity Pairing:  Mal X fem reader. Prompt: Requested by the lovely @yourtropegirl - Mal Reynolds: how we survive is what makes us who we are. Word Count: 1012 Warnings: Adult themes near the end. Rating: Teen+ Author’s Note: It’s been positively years since I’ve written for this fandom, so I hope this isn’t too out of character!  It’s nice to be back. 
Introductions You’ve been a part of Serenity’s crew for months.  You’ve been her staunchest ally, most of the crew’s preferred conversationalist, and the ship’s best pilot since the wonderful, kind, courageous Hoban Washburne you’ve heard so much about.  You’ve gotten to know her inner workings, most of the crew’s stories, and the ins and outs of your own morality as a free agent on the outskirts of the Alliance.  The only thing that’s still foreign to you is the man who hired you; the ship’s captain, Mal Reynolds. You’ve tried to talk to him.  You’ve attempted to make sense of the little snippets he’s given you of his life before Miranda, but you can’t understand much with so little context.  Zoe’s been less than talkative, too, telling you that Mal’s stories are his own to share and giving you nothing to go on, and none of the others know him nearly as well as she does.
One night, in a last-ditch effort to get the captain to lower his defenses so you could really talk and unravel some of the enigma around the intriguing, abrasive, and handsome stranger responsible for your livelihood, you picked up a bottle of the finest whiskey you could afford while you were planet-side.  Back on the ship, well after everyone else had retired for the night, you’d poured two tumblers of the stuff and set them down on the table in the galley.  
You’d been amazed that Jayne hadn’t sniffed the bottle out as you’d sat down and taken the first sip.  Glancing at the clock on the wall, you’d known it would only be a matter of time before Mal went on one of his late-night wanders.  He was nothing if not predictable and you knew just enough about him to know that he’d inevitably have a restless sleep and wind up emerging from his quarters for a glass of water, and when he did, you’d do him one better. A few minutes later, like clockwork, you heard the captain’s familiar, heavy footfalls as he made his way down the hall and towards you.  You were ready for him when he stepped into the light cast by the single lamp hanging overhead and you smiled, pushing the other tumbler of amber liquid across the table at him.  He looked briefly at the glass as he sat down and then, without question, took a single swig and drained half of it, setting it back down and looking at you. “That’s some good stuff,” he said thickly, his words heavy with his only recent wakefulness. You smiled and nodded, draining the remainder of what was in your own glass before topping both vessels up.  The two of you sat in silence for a while, quietly contemplating, but keeping quiet had never been your forte.  Eventually, your curiosity got the better of you and you spoke up once more, getting the captain’s attention. “So who are you really, Malcolm Reynolds?” You asked, your tone soft. He remained silent for a bit, and you were almost convinced he wasn’t going to reply again when he finally acknowledged your query. “I’m a soldier,” he replied.  “A free agent – I live by no one’s rules but my own.” You pondered his words. “I mean the man beneath all that,” you prodded further. “I’m a survivor,” he expanded.  “And how we survive is what makes us who we are.” You were somewhat surprised at his insight, but you didn’t comment at first.  You surveyed him across the space between the two of you and eventually you leaned forward, putting a hand on his arm. “There’s more to this life than just surviving,” you offered.  “You have to live.” Mal met your gaze, not acknowledging the physical contact. “How do you propose I do that?”  He asked. You stood up from your chair, coming around to stand in front of him, your hand never breaking contact with his arm.  You could see that he was watching you but he made no move to stop you as you stooped down, leveling your face with his. His gaze met yours as you inched forward little by little, until you were close enough to feel his breath on your lips.  Before you could think better of it, you closed the last bit of distance and pressed your lips to his, feeling him stiffen first and then relax.   Your grip on his arm tightened and you felt his free hand come up to rest on your hip as he reciprocated, kissing you back, his tongue running over your lower lip.  It was all you needed to really throw yourself into the kiss and you pressed closer as your tongue clashed with his, eventually releasing your grip on his arm so you could steady yourself with a hand on his shoulder instead. The two of you pulled apart after a half minute, both breathing raggedly.  When you opened your eyes to meet Mal’s once more, you saw a whole flurry of emotions reflected there: confusion, questioning, curiosity, lust.   “It’s time to redefine yourself, captain,” you murmured. Mal’s eyes searched your face, his gaze lingering on your lips briefly before coming back up. “Maybe it is,” he mused.  “But what I said still stands – I’m my own man.  I don’t want you going into this expecting to change me.” You smile, nodding, reaching out to card your fingers through his hair. “I may be young, but I’m not naïve,” you said softly.  “I’m not expecting anything.” It’s Mal’s turn to nod as he pushes you back just far enough so he can stand.  Reaching out, he takes your hand in his and tugs you along toward his bunk. “Then we have ourselves a deal,” he agrees. Whether or not you’d learn more about him in the privacy of his bunk remained to be seen, but you’d made some headway and suddenly the enigma the captain cloaked himself in seemed somewhat less cold and uninviting; rather, it seemed to call to you, to welcome you to unravel it. And so you would.
@yourtropegirl @starshiphufflebadger
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inclusive-imagines · 8 years
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Imagine Mal defending you when someone makes fun of you for being nonbinary.
“Like hell there’s only 2 genders! You been living under a rock or what? And since when do you get to decide people’s pronouns?”
“Thank you Captain, you didn’t have to do that.”
“What are you talking about? Of course I did y/n, you were being disrespected. Wasn’t just gonna ignore that. I’m not a terrible person. Well, I’m alright.”
“It meant a lot to me anyway. Thanks for standing up for me, Mal.”
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johnmurphyneedslove · 8 years
The 100
BBC Sherlock
Shameless US
The Walking Dead
Z Nation
Hemlock Grove
Teen Wolf
DC: Legends of Tomorrow
Criminal Minds
Batman : Dark Knight Trilogy
The Originals
Suicide Squad
Stranger Things
Hemlock Grove
Dating Peter Rumancek would include?
Shameless US
How Carl would be in a boyxboy relationship?
How the Gallaghers/Milkovich would react to Carl being in a boyxboy relationship?
What do you think Mickey would be like with an identical twin?
How do you think Mickey would be as an older brother? 
Batman : Dark Knight Trilogy
Dating Joker
Would Includes
Being married to Ivar
Suicide Squad
Dating Rick Flag
Stranger Things
Being pregnant with Hopper’s child
Being pregnant with Jonathan’s baby
The Walking Dead
Dating Daryl
All updated!
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anotherfandomwriter · 8 years
Wǒ De Yīngxióng [My Hero] (Malcolm Reynolds)
#9: I ran in the direction of the scream. #78: "Where the hell have you been?" Imagine going with the crew of Serenity to save Malcolm from Niska. ------------------------------------------- As the shuttle pulled into port, Book, Inara, Kaylee, Simon, and I all ran towards them. "Thank God you're safe," Book spoke, glancing over my shoulder. Zoe and Wash were the first to come out; Wash looked pale and exhausted with circular red blisters on his chest and stomach, and blood streamed down his face. "What did he do to you?!" I gasped, looking over him. "You okay?" Kaylee asked. "What happened?" "Let me take a look at that," Simon offered, trying to get past us. "How bad is it?" "I'm fine," Wash insisted, brushing past us. Glancing back at the shuttle, I noticed there was a passenger missing. "Where's Mal?" I asked. "Niska wouldn't let him go," Zoe growled, catching up with Wash. "What?!" My heart rate increased. "Is he alive?!" Zoe turned to me, her face blank. "For now." She turned to Simon, handing him an object wrapped in tissue paper, and followed Wash to the bridge. "Take that to the infirmary. Put it on ice." We all stared at the object. "What is it?" Kaylee asked curiously. Simon unwrapped the cloth from the object to reveal a severed ear. As we all gasped in horror, my stomach churned. "It's his ear," Simon confirmed. "Huh choo-shang tza-jiao duh tzang-huo!" Book exclaimed. Knowing his occupation, I was slightly taken aback at his choice of words. "We're getting him back," Zoe called over her shoulder. "What are we gonna do, clone him?" Jayne muttered, shaking his head. "Well," Simon began, examining Malcolm's ear, "it's a clean cut. With the right equipment, I should be able to reattach it." There was a beat. "That's assuming there's a head." Taking in a shaky breath and pressing my fingers to the bridge of my nose, I walked away from the group. "(Y/n)?" Inara asked gently. "Are you all right?" "Just peachy, Inara," I chuckled bitterly. "Simply peachy." A small frown crossed her sweet, porcelain face. I turned my back to her, ready to depart to my bunk. "We will get him back." A petite hand landed gingerly on my shoulder. "Not only that, but Malcolm is tough as nails." "But there's only so much he can stand," I whimpered, tears stinging at my eyes. "Which is why we're setting out to get him as soon as possible," Zoe spoke, standing in front of the bridge's entrance with a loaded gun. "I'm going with you," I stated firmly. "Ain't no one gonna stop me." "Of course," she nodded. "We're dealing with Niska, so we'll need all the help we can get." Wiping the stray tears from my eyes, I heaved a quick sigh, then looked boldly at Zoe. "All right. Let's go get our Captain back." ------------------------------------------- We stealthily snuck our way through the docking bay; Jayne, Wash, Zoe, and I were on the first team, the one to save Mal, and the rest were on the second to defend. The first team hustled down the ramp into the space station shooting at whatever objects moved. Zoe threw a grenade around the corner, then called behind her, "Second team!" And they made their way down the ramp. "Hold this position!" Zoe commanded. "We lose this position, we lose it all. You're going to hold this ground." There was a short moment of silence. "Understand?" Book fired at a guard moving down the hallway. The bullet hit him in the kneecap causing him to fall forward and crack his head open on a jutting piece of the mule. "Understood," Book replied. Zoe blinked at him. "Okay, then." "Let's get a move on!" I smirked, advancing down the hallway with Jayne, Wash, and Zoe behind me. Suddenly, a masculine screech sounded down the corridor. I ran in the direction of the scream, adrenaline pumping through my veins. The team and I barrel rolled, dodged, and fired our way through the corridors until we reached the torture chamber. Zoe pulled open the door to reveal the Captain being strangled outside on the narrow balcony surrounding the processing shaft. I raised my gun, ready to shoot at the man trying to strangle Mal, but Zoe placed her hand on my arm. "(Y/n)," she said, "this is something the Captain has to do for himself." "No!" Mal exclaimed in a strained voice. "No, it's not!" "Oh," Zoe reconsidered her words, taking aim. Without warning, I fired at the man strangling Mal, hitting him right in the chest while the others got him elsewhere until he lost his balance and fell to his death. After he watched the torturer fall, Mal struggled to find his balance. Quickly, I ran over to him, just catching him under his arms. "Easy, Mal," I murmured, slowly easing him out of the shaft and taking him to the door. "Oh God," I frowned, looking at his exposed chest, "what did they do to you?" Four blisters, resembling the ones Wash had, accompanied by a giant red spot and tunneling marks branching off of it, were scarred on his perfect torso. His face was bruised and bloody, and, as expected, his left ear was absent. My heart broke to see him so beaten up. "Where the hell have you been?" He slurred, scrunching his eyebrows as his head lulled forward. "Worrying about you, and risking my ass to save yours!" I chuckled, holding his cheek in my hand. "Wǒ de yīngxióng," he grinned, leaning into my touch. "Okay, let's save the lovey-dovey crap for later," Jayne groaned. "We've gotta get you outta here." Jayne threw Malcolm's right arm over his shoulder while I had a hold of the other, and we made our way back to Serenity. ------------------------------------------- Staring at the ceiling, I laid in my bed completely silent. My hands rested on my stomach, fingers twiddling with no purpose with one thing on my mind: Malcolm. Why didn't I go with him? I should've known better than to have let Wash go; he wouldn't be in this position either. It would be better if that were me. Maybe I should've paid a little extra to get Mal from Niska. These thoughts continued to reel in my mind until the the sound of the entrance being open echoed into my quarters. "(Y/n)?" Malcolm's kind voice called gently into the room. "You in here?" I remained silent, my eyes glued to the ceiling, but my hands held still. Footsteps replaced the silence as Mal made his way in. "Ah, there you are," he grunted as he plopped down from the ladder. "I got my ear back," he said cheerily. I bit my tongue, refusing to utter a word, staring at the ceiling. "I, er, haven't seen you since I went to the infirmary," he mentioned in attempt to break the awkwardness. "Just making sure you're okay." "Yes, well, I wasn't sure whether or not you were going to live," I answered a bit harshly, finally looking at him. "You still look like hell." "Thanks," he scoffed, glancing down. "And, what do you mean?" He asked, crossing his arms and furrowing his eyebrows, his chiseled jaw jutting out. "I mean," I sat up, crossing my legs, "I wouldn't have been able to watch you die." "As you can see, I'm perfectly fine," he said pointedly, gesturing to himself, "and you wouldn't be able to watch me die, yet you saw so many die during the war." "They were different," I answered quickly. "I didn't know them like I know you." He chuckled. "I'm having a hard time believing that's the reason why." "Believe what you want, Mal," I grumbled, rolling my eyes and leaning back against the headboard of my bed, turning from him. "Hey, I ain't done with you," he chided gently. "What's the deal?" I shook my head, refusing to answer. "(Y/n)," he sighed, coming closer, "please tell me. There's no one else down here." "Why'dya take Wash instead of me, Mal?" I blurted out. "Oh, come on, (Y/n/n)," he groaned sitting next to me on my bunk. "It's not like I wanted to." "If I would've been there, you wouldn't be in this shape," I sighed, gesturing to his bruised face. He stared at me, his ocean blue eyes piercing right through me. "If you would've gone with me," he began softly, "you probably wouldn't be alive." I cast my eyes downward. A calloused hand suddenly lifted my face from under my chin to meet the sad eyes of Malcolm Reynolds. "I couldn't live with myself if you died when I could've prevented it." "But that's exactly how I feel," I whispered meekly as tears flooded my eyes. "I always end up being okay, (Y/n)," he chuckled. "I can get myself out of anything." "You're so vain." I laughed with him for a while. "And, if I ain't got another way, I got you to back me up." A pink shade dusted my cheeks at his kind words. Before I could look away, he dipped his head and attached his lips to mine, melding them together. Mal pulled back for a moment, pressing our foreheads together. "Wǒ de yīngxióng," he whispered. "Next time I see you like that, I'm kicking your ass," I murmured. "I don't care if you're dead or alive." Laughing heartily, he pecked my nose. "Terribly sorry, dear," he whispered before placing his lips back on mine. ------------------------------------------ Okay, I don't know how many of y'all watch "Firefly," but I LOVE it! I just got done with the series and I'm about to watch "Serenity," but I wanted to write this first. Thought the "Firefly" cast deserved some more lovin'. Hope ya like it!
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*requested by anon (I’ve never seen Firefly..)
Y/N: “Wait..you love..me?”
Mal: “Mmhmm. You.” *pokes your nose*
Y/N: “Why?” *covers self slightly with arms* “How can you love me when I look like this?”
Mal: “Like what? A goddess?” *shakes head* “That’s what makes us special, Y/N. Everything about us, makes us..well, us.”
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“So Mal, huh?”
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“Cunning hat? Really?”
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