#fly peops
yokelfelonking · 9 months
Post 9/11 Trivia
Most folks on this site were either children on September 11, 2001, or weren’t even born yet.  But America went crazy for about a year afterwards.  Here’s some highlights that I remember that might not be in your history books:
There was national discussion on whether or not Halloween should be canceled because…fuck if I know why.  After planes crashed into buildings in NYC it follows that 6-year-olds in Iowa shouldn’t be allowed to dress up like Batman and ask their neighbors for candy, I guess.  (Halloween wasn’t canceled, by the way.)
On a similar note, people asked if comedy - any sort of comedy - was appropriate anymore, ever.
People sold shitty parachutes to suckers “in case your building gets attacked and you have to jump out the window.” There were honest-to-God news reports warning people not to jump out of the window with shitty mail-order parachutes because they wouldn't work.
As a follow-up to the attacks, someone mailed anthrax to some prominent politicians and news anchors - you know, famous people - along with some badly-written notes about “you cannot stop us, death to America, Allah is good” and after that every time some random dumbass found a package in the mail they didn’t recognize they thought that the terrorists were targeting them, too.
Everyone was similarly convinced that their town was going to be the next target, even if they were a little town in the middle of nowhere. "Our town of Bumblefuck, South Dakota (population 690) has the largest styrofoam pig statue west of the Mississippi! Terrorists might fly planes into that too! It's a prime target!"
People started taping up their windows and trying to make their houses or apartments airtight out of fear of chemical and biological attacks. There were news reports warning people that turning your house into an airtight box was a bad idea because, y'know, you need air to breathe.
"[X] supports terrorism!" and “if we do [X], the terrorists win!” were used as arguments for everything.  "Some rich Arab you never heard of donated to his organization that backs Hamas which backs al-Queda, and also owns stock in a holding company that has partial ownership of the Pringles company, so if you eat Pringles you're supporting terrorism!" "The terrorists want to tear down our freedoms and our way of life and rule us through fear! Eating what you want is one of our freedoms as Americans! If you're afraid to eat Pringles, the terrorists win!" (I promise you that this sort of argument is in no way hyperbole.) (This argument is how Halloween was saved, by the way.  “If we cancel Halloween, the terrorists win!”)
People worked 9/11 into everything, and I mean everything, whether it was appropriate or not.  If you went to the grocery store the tortilla chips would remind you to support the troops on the packaging. Used car sales would be dedicated to our brave first responders. You couldn't wipe your ass without the toilet paper rolls reminding you to never forget the fallen of 9/11, and again, this is not hyperbole. My uncle, who lived in Ohio and had never been to New York except to visit once in the 70′s, died of a stroke about 8 months after 9/11, and the priest brought up the attacks at the eulogy.
On a similar local note, on the day of 9/11, after the towers went down, gas stations in my home town immediately jacked up gas prices.  The mayor had the cops go around and force them to take them back down.  I doubt any of that was legal.
Before 9/11, Christianity in America - and religion in general - was on a downward swing, with reddit-tier atheism on the upswing. Religion was outdated superstition from a bygone age. The day after 9/11? Every single church was PACKED. (This wasn't a bad thing, but the power-hungry on the Evangelical Right saw this as a golden opportunity to grab power and influence.)
EDIT: By Popular Demand - Freedom Fries. I initially left these off because they came a couple years after the initial panic and most people thought they were kind of absurd (and I don't recall anyone really going along with it other than maybe some local diners here and there). France didn't want to get involved in our world policing so some folks were like "TRAITORS!" and wanted to call french fries "Freedom Fries" instead, so as to stick it to the French.
Besides dumb shit like that…it’s really hard to overstate how completely the national mood and character changed in the span of a day, or how much of the current culture war is a result of the aftermath. (9/11 was the impetus for the sharp rise in power of the Evangelical Right, who made themselves utterly odious and the following backlash helped the rise of the current Progressive Left, for instance.)
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Minimum Wage
"And finally, it is worth to consider that the majority of those low-end jobs are being held by foreigners. Foreigners who took those jobs from our own people! Foreigners our country does more than enough for already. Any raise in minimum wage will just be spent on alcohol and cigarettes and condoms for their gay sex! Ladies and gentlemen, raising the minimum wage should be out of the question! We should think about lowering it instead!" Thomas finished his speech before the parliament and was content. Great speech, he thought. There was applause from one side of the room and angry shouting from the other side, just as usual.
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One of those pesky left-wing women was especially outraged. Her head was as red as her unkempt hair, and he could hear her agitated shouts even without her using a microphone. Something about having no idea about the reality of those minimum wage workers and that he should try experiencing such a life for himself. His microphone was still on, so he added: "And my suggestion to Miss Motley is to find a broomstick to fly away on instead of shouting nonsense." Laughter from his fraction, angry faces from the other side of the room. Great job, Thomas concluded and left the lectern.
That woman was being ridiculous. Even comparing himself to such a low-life was out of the question. He would never lower himself to something like that. That's why he had been working hard all these years, studying politics and economics in order to get into the government. It did help a bit that his family was wealthy, but that was clearly because they have lived in this country forever and weren't some immigrant scum or sexual deviants. Thomas thought for a moment while adjusting his expensive suit and looked at his smartphone. He didn't care too much for the rest of the parliamentary day. There would be some speeches from opposing fractions and then there would be a vote where the majority would vote in favor of the raised minimum wage. Fools. Thomas shook his head and decided to go home early today.
He gathered his things and phoned his driver on the way out. Thomas scowled when he heard the man say that his car was still in maintenance since he didn't expect to be needed before the end of the session. It was really hard to find good staff these days. It was too far to walk, so he would have to take a cab. While he was walking to the cab stand, he messaged his secretary to fire his driver and find him a new one.
"What do you mean 'on a strike?'" He asked, incredulously. There had been no cabs at the stand and when he phoned the company, they just told him the cab drivers were on a strike today for higher wages. Angrily, he hung up. Just great! He would have to take the bus now. The bus. A public transport system for the poor. He hated them with every fiber of his being. They stank like hell, they were full of criminals and immigrants who couldn't even speak the language properly, and worst of all, they were overcrowded.
Fuming, he made his way to the bus stop and entered the vehicle. It was full, but he managed to secure him one of the last seats. It would take quite a while going by bus, so the first minutes, Thomas was busy swiping on his phone. It was really full and warm in here, with the smell of sweat and unwashed people assaulting his nose. He felt really uncomfortable and shifted around in his seat. He wanted to get back to using his phone, when he noticed that there was dirt under his fingernails. No wonder in this dirty environment. When he tried to clean it, he noticed that the nails on his other hand didn't look better. In fact, his whole hand looked dirty and rough, like he had tried to dig a hole in the garden. He frowned and inspected it closer. The skin seemed different and not only that, it was darker. He looked down at his designer shoes and saw that they were covered in mud.
"What the..." He muttered to himself. This wasn't possible. He was wearing his best clothes, which cost more than most people earned in a year. He looked down at his hands again and realized that his rings were gone as well. What the hell? Where are my rings? He took off his jacket and checked inside the pockets but found nothing. His cellphone was missing too.
Thomas began to panic. Had someone stolen his stuff? That was impossible. He just used his phone seconds ago! And that wasn't his jacket either, even though he just took it off. This was a high-vis vest made out of cheap reflective fabric, not the expensive jacket he was sure to have put on this morning.
"What the fuck is happening?" He said aloud, but nobody answered. All he got was an annoyed glance from a woman behind him. She gave him a dirty look and turned her attention back to her phone, ignoring him completely. Thomas looked at his hands again. There was something wrong with them. It was like looking at a strangers hands. The back of his hands looked dirty and hairy, with more dirt under his nails. The skin was darker than he used to. If he just saw these hands, he would think they belonged to someone used to working outside.
He checked his feet again, like this was all a bad dream. Still covered in mud. But these were not his shoes, either. He was wearing sturdy work boots all of a sudden. With steel toe caps. The leather was torn in places, too. He could feel that the soles were worn thin, and the heels weren't exactly comfortable to wear for long periods of time. Just as he was watching, his expensive dress pants changed next. Over the course of a few seconds, they shifted to a pair of worn work pants. His shirt and tie followed suit, but instead of changing into something else, they just disappeared into thin air, leaving him shirtless. A large leather toolbelt formed around his waist. Thomas couldn't believe his eyes. He was dressed like a filthy construction worker! He felt angry and helpless. He should call the police or something, but what would he tell them? That somehow his clothes just magically turned into some cheap worker attire?
Something else caught his eye. His work pants were pretty lose. If he were to stand up now, they would probably slide down his legs. However, as Thomas began to tighten his toolbelt, he watched in awe as his midsection began to expand. It was not that he was growing a gut; on the contrary, his belly even started to shrink. No, his hips started to widen with a broader build and fill in with muscles. At the same time, some coarse dark hairs started to appear on his abs. Not many, just a few. The changes quickly spread upwards, with his chest filling up with strong pectoral muscles. At the same time, he felt his upper legs touch his pants legs more tightly, as they filled with muscles, too.
Thomas's mind was reeling. He knew that there must be a logical explanation for this situation. It couldn't just happen by itself like this! So why did it happened? He thought about it hard and fast but came up empty. Generally speaking, thinking became more and more difficult for Thomas. It felt as if years of precious education that his parents paid for just evaporated from his mind.
As Thomas continued to stare at his body, he realized that the changes were far from over. His arms grew larger and stronger, and his shoulders broadened with each passing second. At the same time, his lower legs and feet thickened, filling out the pants and boots now much better than before. Even his face changed, becoming more masculine and rugged. His cheekbones stood out more clearly and his nose widened. His mind was getting more and more foggy during all of this, and as the changes reached his cock, his intellect was reduced to a way more simple, practical version of himself.
He had lost most knowledge of his once native language, but another language grew in to replace that. With some horror, Thomas realized he wasn't just becoming a dumb construction worker, but also an immigrant! He tried to hold on to his ethnic background, but it was like trying to catch sand. Before long, Tomasz knew he had lost the battle.
It might not be for the worst, he mused. After all, his genetics gifted him with some boons, like the enormous cock whose bulge was now prominently visible between his wide spread legs. He would have liked to man-spread even wider, but sadly, the confines of the bus didn't allow for that. Perhaps, if he worked hard, someday he would earn enough money to be able to afford a car.
Well, speaking of work, his stop came up next. He would have to walk have a mile after that to get to his current construction site, but that's life. Tomasz smirked, as his dick grew hard thinking about his colleagues. Perhaps a few of the other men would be up to releasing some steam in the break, after a smoke and a beer perhaps. It slowly became a regular thing between them to pound each other’s asses, and he loved it more every day. If only he had enough money for condoms.
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whatsthethinking · 1 year
Alignment: part three
Lo'ak x Fem!Reader (Platonic)
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➴ Summary: Eywa finally hears Lo’ak’s pleas for her to bring his brother back but instead of a brother, Lo’ak receives howling winds with lashing rain and a warrior… who eats people?
➴ Warning: Neteyam��s death
➴ Word count: 3.2k
➴ Note: y/n’s finally here. Took her long enough and it took me long enough to write the end. Let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions, feel free to share it with me. Thank you to everyone who has been reading, it is much appreciated.
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[two] [four]
Y/n sat in a cave behind a waterfall, sharpening arrowheads and clearing her mind. Lately, she has been feeling a deep sense of unease. She couldn't place it. It felt like she was waiting for something terrible to happen. Y/n felt like she was standing at the edge of a cliff, the slightest gust of wind would push her over. Due to this unease, y/n could barely sleep. She could feel her body growing cold when she closed her eyes, waves lapping at her feet. She couldn’t breathe. There was great pressure in her chest. 
Y/n put her final arrowhead down, letting out a sigh. She needed sleep. Her lack of sleep was making her sloppy, so sloppy that she had almost fallen off of Rìkxi the day before. Closing her eyes, she leaned against the cave wall. She focused on the sounds around her. The rushing water from the waterfall, the small creatures scurrying around and the sound of Rìkxi eating whatever he found on his hunt. Slowly but surely, y/n fell asleep.
All around her was the sound of frantic pops and whistles, along with the sound of water. y/n felt so disorientated. She felt like she couldn’t see. Was it due to all of the commotion? Yells and blaring horns or that she doesn’t recognise her surroundings. With a deep breath, y/n stepped forward, covering her eyes as the sun hit her. She wasn’t sure why, but she took off running. Her legs have a mind of their own.
“Bro, come on.”
“Let’s go.”
Y/n skidded to a stop. She could hear all of these voices, but she was alone.
“Go! Go, go, go!”
“Give me that!”
“This way.”
Y/n’s body jerked forward and she jumped off the platform’s side. She immediately put her hand on the centre of her chest as she hit the water. Suddenly, her body was in searing pain. She felt as though all the air in her lungs was knocked out. Resurfacing, y/n could hear her heart beating frantically in her ears.
“Bro! That was insane, Cuz! Yeah!”
“Skxawng. I’ve been shot.”
Y/n wasn’t sure what she was saying or who she was speaking to. She was struggling to tread the water. Why is this happening? Why am I being lifted? Who am I holding on to? 
Water rushed by her legs, and frantic shouts filled the air. Y/n couldn’t focus. She found herself wheezing and struggling to breathe.
“Dad! Help! It’s Neteyam!”
Y/n felt herself being lifted again and then laid on her back. Waves lapped at her feet, pressure on her chest. Her vision was blurred. Five figures were in her vision, but she couldn’t make out who it was due to the sun setting behind them.
“I want to go home,” she meekly voiced, confused by the words coming out of her mouth.
Her heart started beating rapidly as the corners of her vision darkened and she gasped for air. She could feel her mouth moving, but there was no sound.
Y/n let out a weak breath as her eyes went dark. She could no longer see, but her hearing was clear.
“No, no, no, no! Neteyam!”
With a cry of the unknown name, y/n’s eyes shot open, a hand flying to her burning chest, her breathing erratic.
What kind of dream was that and who the hell is Neteyam?
“Sister! Are you there?”
Taking a moment to gather herself, a smile crept onto y/n’s lips at her younger brother's voice. The dream being forced to the back of her mind. Stepping out from behind the waterfall, y/n was met with the sight of her brother bouncing on the spot 
“What’s happened?” She questioned once she was close.
“You missed it! The watchers have returned! They say that sky people are killing tulkun!” Her brother, Atan, exclaimed.
“Tulkun? So suddenly? Why?.”
“They don’t know. But they say that it may be that rogue one being hunted. I doubt they’ll catch him, though. He’s really strong and brave.” Her brother explained 
“Payakan? I wondered where he got to; I hadn’t seen him around in quite some time,” y/n replied, thinking of the tulkun she had become familiar with growing up. Y/n sighed, smiling down at her brother, her chest aching. “Let’s head back. We don’t want to miss dinner.”
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“You’re hurt,” Sya stated to her daughter as she rounded the corner.
“Good morning, mum.” Y/n replied, “I’m not hurt. Good morning, dad.”
Sya’s eyes quickly examined her daughter with her head tilted before stepping forward, which made y/n take a step back.
“You are hurt, here,” Sya poked the centre y/n’s chest, “and here,” poking her back, between her shoulder blades. Noting how her daughter flinched as if a hot blade had touched her skin.
“I’m fine; maybe I slept wrong.”
Sya was about to scold her daughter for thinking lightly of this injury. Knowing that it was much more than just sleeping incorrectly, but a horn bellowed throughout the village, alerting everyone to a new arrival. A hunter poked their head through the family's hut, acknowledging the Tsahik along with the rest of the family
“Sir! An ikran has landed on our shores. Two riders. One seems to be significantly injured. They demand to speak with you. They are not real Na’vi.”
Za’te hastily stood up and exited the hut entrance before turning back and motioning his daughter to follow.
“Y/n come. Consider this training.”
Y/n walked alongside her father as they made their way to a group of villagers huddling around their unexpected guests. As the pair approached, the huddle quietened and separated, allowing the Olo’eyktan and his daughter to see their guests.
One of the Na’vi stepped forward with his head high showing his confidence. Y/n decided he was overly confident. He was tall, but Za’te was taller and more muscular.
“My name is Miles Quaritch; this is Lyle Wainfleet. We are Recom for the RDA, we-.” The overconfident man started but, Za’te cut him off, already having enough of his broken Na’vi.
“Why have you come?” Za’te questioned with a heavy accent.
“You speak English?” Quaritch questioned with amusement, “we are seeking one of our own. A traitor. Jake Sully. He is hiding amongst the reef people.”
“If he is amongst the reef, why have you come here?”
“The stories of your people are legendary amongst the Na’vi. Vicious warriors. Hunters. Trackers. My planet is dying, we came to Pandora to start anew. If my people have any chance of survival, Jake Sully must answer for his crimes. He knows the way we humans fight, and how we plan. He doesn’t know how your people fight. I am asking for your help in defeating an enemy.” Quaritch ended his speech by looking around at the warriors facing them. Although he didn’t show it. He was slightly frightened. If the Island Na’vi didn’t believe him and the stories were true, he and Lyle would be dead before they hit the floor… Again.
Y/n looked past Quaritch to Lyle, who seemed to be visibly on edge but that way be due to the injuries littered over his boy. Making eye contact, Lyle looked away instantly.
“Why should my people help you?”
“I see that your living arrangements are similar to those that used to be on Earth. We have teams that can help you build. Your warrior’s weapons are forged; my people can help you produce better weapons. You speak English, we have people that can teach you, all of you. All of this is available to you if you aid me in finding Jake Sully.”  Quaritch’s speech seemed to appeal to some villagers in the crowd, but y/n knew nothing would come of it. She knew her father had already made up her mind the second he saw these outsiders.
“I know the story of Jake Sully. I know what the sky people want with our lands. You invaded the forest, destroyed homes, and killed the people. Do not think that it is unknown because we live away from the forest. Jake sully bested you many years ago, and it seems that he was able to do so again. You are brave coming here but stupid. My people will not allow the same destruction to fall on our lands as it has the forest and now the reefs. We will not aid you in the hunt for Jake Sully. He is not our enemy. You and your people shouldn’t be here. Jake sully is Na’vi, one of the people.”
By the end of Za’te’s speech, it was clear that Quaritch did not get the expected reply. He took a challenging step towards Za’te but was stopped by the leader of the warriors.
“Take them below the mountain. They do not leave.” Za’te stated bluntly. “Nobody speaks with them without my permission.” 
Quaritch hissed at Za’te, who did not react. Y/n watched Lyle stumble away behind him. Sure that she had seen him before. 
“What about the Ikran?”
“I’m sure it’ll make itself scarce.”
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Y/n sat in the corner of the family hut, wrapping twine around Atan’s spear while humming a songcord she knew didn’t belong to anyone in her family or on the island. She can’t remember where she heard it, but it has stuck with her for two years.
“Y/n! Y/n! Come quickly!” A familiar voice screamed. “Hurry!”
Y/n shot up and marched out of the hut, her eyes meeting Zu’a, she had been training under Sya to be a healer. As soon as Zu’a spotted the girl she was searching for, she leaped forward, snatching y/n's wrist, dragging her towards the mountain where the less desirable people were kept. When they arrived, y/n immediately spotted her mother rushing around to tend to the injured villagers, her brother close behind.
Shaking her arm free, y/n ran to her father, who looked like he was seconds away from breathing fire.
“Dad! What happened?”
“Y/n.” Za’te took a deep breath to not yell in frustration at his daughter. “Someone took it upon themselves to let those mutants out of their hold. Some of our own are injured. I have sent some warriors to the smaller islands to search for them, but I believe they'll try and return to the forest. If we do not hear any news, I want you to take Rìkxi, watch the skies and hunt them down, even if it means venturing to the forest yourself. No survivors.”
“No survivors,” y/n repeated with a nod of confirmation.
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Flying over the ocean always brought peace to y/n, she didn’t go this far often, so she appreciated every second of it. The weather was lovely today. Not a single cloud in the sky. Y/n and Rìkxi gilded low in the sky. Low enough to see the marine life breach the ocean's surface and skim Rìkxi’s feet. They had been out for a few hours, somewhat directionless. But what was she to do? She didn’t know when or where that Quaritch man would rear his ugly head.
Y/n continued her one-sided conversation with Rìkxi. Talking to him about passing the rites she completed a year prior, about the songcord, and the training with her father to prepare her to take his place. Also, about the conversation she had avoided with the village elders, finding a mate.
Rìkxi backed to the left as a swarm of dorado verde flew in their direction, bringing y/n out of her daze.
The peace y/n felt ended once she noticed the sky starting to darken around them. She urged Rìkxi to climb, hoping that they could get above the clouds before the storm began, but for what seemed like the first time, Rìkxi wasn’t fast enough.
After what seemed like hours of flying blind, y/n finally saw a solid shape on the horizon, Rìkxi must have seen it, too, because he started to descend. Something collided with the armour strapped to Rìkxi’s chest during the descent. The collision was hard enough to knock the pair off course and drop. Y/n wiped her face with the back of her hand, irritated.
“Land Rìkxi!”
Letting out a roar, Rìkxi started to dive and glide over the top of the village, circling around and then landing. Y/n jumped off of her companion, immediately checking him for any injuries. She was aware that whoever resided on this island had started to gather a distance away, but she didn’t care. Rìkxi’s breastplate was damaged, and the broken piece had wedged between his scales. Y/n muttered a quick apology before pulling it out, but he didn’t seem to notice, more concerned with their audience. Y/n felt Rìkxi’s body rumble before he let out a growl. Y/n ran her hand along Rìkxi’s body and under his wing.
“Mawey Rìkxi, mawey. Be nice.”
Y/n’s eyes swept the crowd before seeing a Na’vi she felt familiar with.
“Hey.” He said back a bit startled, his voice sounding familiar.
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The welcome y/n received from the residents of Awa'atlu did not leave much to be desired. The Olo’eyktan, who introduced himself as Tonowari, had questioned her openly about why she had landed in their village. He wasn’t taking the storm as an excuse. 
“Why are you so far from your home?”
Y/n knew that she should’ve said the real reason for her straying away from home, but she couldn’t bring herself to once she made eye contact with the boy she had greeted. It didn’t feel appropriate to say it aloud, in front of the villagers, so she stuck to her story.
The Tsahik, Ronal, stepped through the crowd and instantly stared y/n down. Her eyes locked onto her hands momentarily, and y/n had never been so glad that Rìkxi was breathing over her shoulder. Although y/n did not find the Tsahik intimidating in any way, she felt unnerved by how she was being watched. It felt like she was about to be scolded, like how Sya had done many times before.
“You will stay.” Ronal started. “You and your beast have been injured.”
“We’re fin-.”
“My son, Ao’nung, will show you to a marui.”
Murmurs of disagreement trickled through the crowd as Metkayina villagers listened to Ronal’s demand.The crowd shifted as a tall boy stepped forward. His gaze was just as judgemental as Rona’s, instantly telling y/n that this was Ao’nung.
Pausing momentarily, y/n weighed her options. Ronal was right, Rìkxi had been hurt during the storm and his armour was damaged, so she had to consider him as well. She threw Rìkxi a look that told him to behave before she nodded reluctantly at Ronal.
On their walk to the marui, Ao’nung didn’t turn around once, not that y/n cared. Since arriving,  her chest had been burning, the same burn she had felt under the waterfall two years ago. Stopping before the marui, Ao’nung motioned y/n inside, but she didn’t budge. He mentioned again, a frown appearing. Y/n shook her head, crossing her arms.
“What?” Ao’nung questioned with a disgruntled sigh.
“Tell your people not to go near Rìkxi.”
“Do you think we are stupid?”
Y/n ignored the question, uncrossing her arms and turning towards the marui. 
“Nice tattoos,” y/n commented, motioning to Ao’nung’s face and shoulder.
“Thanks.” He replied flatly before walking off.
Y/n sat down in the corner of the marui and closed her eyes. Suddenly feeling exhausted. After eclipse, she’ll go back and get Rìkxi comfortable. Who knows how long they’ll be here? Will she stay in Awa'atlu until Quaritch and Lyle are found or until she has ‘healed’?
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Eclipse came quickly, and as soon as it did, y/n was returning to her Rìkxi. On the way, y/n passed a few villagers who jumped out of the way when they saw her coming, whispering. Once she was close enough to the part of the beach she landed on, y/n noticed someone standing there, watching Rìkxi from a distance. Did she not tell Ao'nung to ensure his people don't go near Rìkxi? Y/n crept up behind them, leaning down to whisper in his ear.
"You're lucky he hasn't eaten you yet."
The person jumped, braids flying as they spun around. Facing her was the familiar boy from the beach.
"You're taller up close." He stated, ignoring her previous statement.
"I get that a lot," y/n responded, putting weight on her left leg and a hand on her hip. "Why are you here? Did Ao'nung not tell you?"
"I was curious. I've never seen anything like it before. He's different." The boy sounded passionate before rolling his eyes. "I don't listen to Ao'nung."
"Clearly," y/n muttered under her breath. "But I suppose he is different. And dangerous."
"I can handle dangerous."
"I can see that. Excuse me."
Y/n walked around the boy, back to the task at hand. She could tell the boy was itching to follow but decided against it. Instead, sitting on a large rock. Approaching her companion, y/n put her hand on his face. "Looks like we'll be here for a while." Getting a puff of warm air in her face as a response.
Y/n quickly unloaded her weapons, removing Rìkxi's breastplate and saddle and trying to lower it all onto the sand below gently. Y/n stapped her spear to her back, attaching her knife to her hip. Looking at her sheathed machete and Rìkxi's belongings, how was she going to carry all of this? 
Looking up, y/n saw the unnamed boy sitting on the rock.
"Hey!" She yelled; stray villagers looked at her, as did the boy. She waved her hand, motioning him forward. He pointed at himself and shook his head. She nodded and motioned him again. He slowly stood up and shuffled forward, not taking his eyes off Rìkxi.
"Oh, now you're afraid?" Y/n joked when he finally stood in front of her.
"You said he'd eat me." He replied, eyes meeting hers briefly before looking back at Rìkxi, who had shifted, now looking at the pair.
"I didn't say that. I said you're lucky he hasn't."
A slight grin appeared on the boy's face.
"Wanna help me carry this?" 
The boy nodded, y/n held the machete up to the boy, and he swiftly placed it on his back. The pair carefully lifted the breastplate and saddle, the boy grunted and muttered about how heavy it was. With several complaints, they got back to y/n's temporary marui. The boy leaned the machete against the saddle, groaning, shaking his arms and stretching his arms above his head.
"Never again."
Y/n smiled at the dramatics; being with the boy reminded her of being with Atan. The burning in her chest eased in his company.
"I'm Lo'ak, by the way."
Just as Lo'ak was to speak again, a Metkayina girl peeked her head in the entryway. A sweet smile on her face.
"There you are, Rotxo said he saw you." She stepped in slowly, a basket of fruit on her hip. "These are for you. I'm Tsireya."
"Rotxo's back?"
Tsireya gave Lo'ak a look that said 'seriously' before facing y/n again.
"Nice to meet you, Tsireya."
"Was it nice to meet me too?" Lo'ak questioned.
Now it was y/n's turn to give him a look.
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artistshadow · 24 days
In the novel, are there any Disney heroes involved with war of roses?
Hopefully this helps answer any questions pertaining to the new Isle book. If anyone has any more questions, feel free to ask if this didn’t answer anything! I just felt like this will be easier than going back-and-forth pulling small tidbits to add 🤣😂😂
Okay, so here’s the briefest summary of what happens in Beyond the Isle of the Lost: Wonderland. We learn that Wonderland is sealed off from Auradon because the Queen didn't want to be under the Beast’s rule, I believe, so she raised an army to fight back just in case. This was known as the War of Roses. It sounds like there never was a fight. It sounds more like the Queen showed that she was no punk and wasn’t gonna let anyone scare or intimidate her, or most likely, she just didn’t want to be the one not in control so out of fear, Auradon closed the Rabbit Hole, which is one of two ways to get in and out of Wonderland, the other being The Pool of Tears. Because of this, Red has never been outside of Wonderland and doesn’t know much about what is going on in the outside world. The Queen has turned Wonderland pretty much into a dictatorship prison where so many things are outlawed that it doesn’t even seem like Wonderland anymore. She wants Red to follow in her footsteps and rule like she does, but Red ain’t having none of it. She wants to rebel against it all, but because she hasn’t had any sort of influence from anyone since everyone in Wonderland is scared to death of her mother, they never act out, so she doesn't know how. In comes Ace and Chester, two characters who sort of help her rebel, but they don’t know much either. Chester is, I believe, the son of the Cheshire Cat or at least a descendant of him. Ace…I'm not sure cause they never established, but if I were gonna take a wild guess, I would say that he could be the son of an Ace card. They do things to rebel and bring life to Wonderland by throwing parties, two to be exact, and the first failed royally, which resulted in them being arrested by the guards, and the Queen just dismissed them. The second party they throw in the throne room which makes the Queen blow her lid and start arresting everyone, which in turn makes Red, Chester, and Ace go on the lam. They plan on going to the Pool of Tears so they can escape Wonderland, but unfortunately, C and A get captured by the card soldiers. They tell Red to run for it and escape Wonderland, but she doesn’t want to leave her friends, so she goes back for them. Big mistake because that was a trap by the Queen, who throws her in the dungeon with them. The next day in front of all of Wonderland, the Queen shows just how much of a royal evil bitch she is by showing what she does to people who break her laws: She turns them into mindless card soldiers, as she demonstrates with Ace. It’s very heavily implied that she did this to the other kids she captured at the party. She then turns Chester into a cat, who then disappears. It goes without saying that Red is heartbroken, distraught, and traumatized by this, and her mother doesn’t give a flying fuck. So, Red now has this deep resentment toward her mother and is probably willing to do anything to get back at her. She probably wants to escape Wonderland more or perhaps take her anger out on the land.
This actually does something the other “prequel” books did as it gives us a look into who the character of Red is and her mother as well. It also gives us a glimpse of how much of a threat the Queen of Hearts is because when I heard that she was planning a coup in the movie, I was like, “yeaaaaah, but she’s really not that big of a threat like Maleficent, Uma, Audrey, or any of the other villains or ‘villains’ so how will this work?” But this gives us more information. It also gives a little more backstory as to why Wonderland is separate from Auradon and why Uma is looking to invite people from there to go to school in Auradon. Do I think they will reference some of the things from this movie? Maybe a little because a lot of it gives us reasons to see the Queen as a threat and more about why Red wants to rebel so much. Do I think we’ll get closure for Chester and Ace? Most likely not, and I hate that because while the other books left their endings with shots of happiness, this one ended completely depressing and horrifying.
Something to note: the Queen HATES cupcakes. In the summer preview, there was a picture of her younger self holding a plate of cupcakes while looking sad, so I wonder if we’re gonna see the reasons behind her hatred for them.
Maddox, the son of the Mad Hatter, is a science teacher at Wonderland High who is in the Queen’s favor. He’s interested in…wait for it…time travel, which is the basic plot of the film.
Reading this really makes listening to Red’s part in the new “What’s My Name” hit a little deeper, especially the parts where she says, “My mom’s as mean as it gets” and “It was rough growing up.”
I don’t know where Merlin Academy, Cinderella, and the other characters come into play, as the book mainly focused on Red, but I guess we’ll find out more in the new film.
It’s pretty much confirmed that the Queen was never on the Isle of the Lost (which makes the mention of her hair salon in the second book kind of weird), so that means Red is probably the only VK who wasn’t born on the Isle. She’s heard rumors about it but has never seen it. The only people she has met from the Isle are Harry and Jasper, who apparently got trapped in Wonderland after the VKs got released from the Isle in the 3rd film. But how they got trapped there if Wonderland was sealed off before they were born is what’s puzzling me. But timelines have never made absolute sense in this franchise so I’m not gonna get to deep into it😄😂
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short-black-diamond · 11 months
Hi!! This is my first time requesting but could you please make a Wednesday x male reader angst? The reader is an outcast but also a direct descendant of his family like Goody Addams.
wait so which outcast type should I take? Oh, I know!
I ain't seein' no male witches here!!!
Okay bro, hopefully this is going to be legendary!
Wait so that I understand it. You want me to write about someone who has a connection to his greatgreatgreat-something relative, right? If yes, then I'm writing it like that! I hope I got it right. If not, I'll just write it again.
Also I think I'm trying to make this more funny than angsty but we'll see. also you are going to be russian because I said so. Also because I can speak a bit of russian. Your name is Alek Ivanovich, to keep it simple. Okay?
Here's all the foreign words:
ai = y without w, tixo = quiet, cabaka = dog, ras = on, dwa = two, tri = three, chiteri = four, pyat = five, da = yes, ya ne xatchu = I don't want to, ti krasivaya = you are beautiful (when reffering to women), dusha = soul, eto kto? = who is this?, moy drug = my friend (when referring to men), blyat = shit
again, i did not proofread
"I'm a witch, Addams."
"What the hell did you do to my son?!", a nameless mother shrieked. You wore a hoodie, and your hair covered your face. Your hands were in your pockets. Your parents stood behind you. You sat on a wooden, too light coloured chair and next to you sat your bully- no, your victim.
"He was simply testing my patience, sooooo....", you trailed off and did jazz hands towards the fucker who dared to approach you. The guy himself looked like a failed experiment. One eye was bigger than the other, the mouth reached form one ear to the other, hair gone, nose like Voldemort and the rest of his body...well, let's not talk about it, yeah?
Your mother surpressed a chuckle while your father only sighed deeply. The headmistress herself was also dead serious, and you couldn't help but burst out laughing any minute. You were a weak man in situations like this. situations where it felt like being at a funeral and you not being able to keep your shit together.
"Mister Ivanovich, I hope you know how serious this situation is, because of where you peop-..."
You raised your eyebrows. Ooooh, what will she sayyyy~?
"Because of your family's heritage.", the woman stated, satisfied with her answer. You snorted. Your father slapped the back of your head.
"Ai, papa!"
"Tixo!", he only hissed and you mumbled something under your breath.
"My son, Alek, might be like this because of the puberty. You know how it is, dear. Boys fight all the time and-"
"This boy is not like the others, Mrs. Ivanovich, and I hope you know it. Alek is...special in his own way.", the curly haired woman started. She took a folder with a good load of papers from a drawer and gave it to your father.
"Alek is a good student at heart. But fights like this are sadly not uncommon. And your son is always involved in this."
You could feel the steam and heat radiating from behind you to your right, where your father stood. Hopefully he won't explode today...
Your mother was also taking a look, and that's when the other woman chimed in. "But what will happen to my dear Tommy!? Who's going to turn him back?!"
You smirked. "Relax, he's going to be back to his normal self when he gets his true love's kiss. You know, like in the fairytales." The woman looked like she wanted to kill you, but before that, you couldn't hold it anymore.
"BWAHAHAHAHH, you really thought about him having to kiss somebody?! Please, it's the 21st century!", you exclaimed while you wheezed and rung for air. Sparks were already flying around your father, and your mother patted her beautifully round nose. "A-Alek, please turn this poor boy back."
You sighed. "Mama, please, I'm having fun-"
"I'LL GIVE YOU FUN! GET BACK HERE, YOU CABAKA!", your father roared and a firework errupted in the headmistress's office. You were running away from your father, the headmistress was crying for help when the office caught fire and your mother sighed tiredly.
"ras dwa tri, turn back thee. chiteri pyat shest, stop this jest!", she mumbled, and everything got back to its original place. You got dragged back to your seat, your bully was back to his own self and ran away with his mom, and the office wasn't burning anymore.
The only thing which was not alright was your dad. He was still fuming. "What I wanted to say...", the woman sat down on her chair again after she examined her precious kabinett,
"was that Alek might be better off in another school. Nevermore, to be exact. There are people like him-"
"You mean outcasts?", you frowned. You had your fun, now you were serious.
"Alek...", your mother said and squeezed your left shoulder.
The woman behind the desk coughed to hide her embarrassment before continuing. "If you put it that way...then yes. And I'm sorry for you, Alek. You are one of the best students this little itty-bitty school has ever had. It's a shame that your peers like to poke at you."
"Evermore...wasn't it where we have met the Addams?", your father spoke suddenly, and you flinched.
"Oh my, da! We have to contact them! How long has it actually been since we last saw them? At your graduation?", your mother spoke and all of a sudden, everybody's mood lifted, yours excluded.
Wait, new school? What school? I hope it's not a boarding-
"And for your information, it's a boarding school.", the woman sitting in front of you said.
Why did I jinx myself?!?!?
"Papa, ya ne xatchu." "I don't care. Get in the car."
And right after you sat down, your father began speaking. "Why do you always have to make a mess, son?! Wherever we go, you use your magic to curse somebody! Stop it!"
"...yes.", you answered with a grumble.
"And that boy- what did he do to you?!"
"He was making fun of me.", but it was only half the truth.
"But you're still not allowed to use your magic, Alek!"
"He was pushing me to it!"
"What could he have done to make you use your magic?", your mother's calm voice called. You could clearly hear her sadness.
Your mother was a beautiful woman, who never failed to make friends in places she's never been before. She always managed to help you whenever you struggled with something.
And now, you felt like crying. you wanted her to hold you, but she was sitting next to your father and you were sitting alone on the other side.
"He...was making fun of us witches, of all the other outcasts or monsters- he was making fun of us unhumans!"
The ride was silent and suffocating then. your mother was stroking her round nose again, which you loved, but you got your father's boring straight nose.
"there was also another thing....", you began as you recalled being in a fever-, or lucid- like dream. You somehow got in contact with a person you admired. Dima Ivanovich.
He was the greatest witch you've ever found out about, and you dedicated your life to that man. He might have been a jerk, a klutz and always in for dangerous activities, but he also risked his life for defending his family, he treated his wife with the upmost respect and he tried his best to make life easier for the next generations.
"I got in contact with Dima Ivanovich."
Your mother's breath hitched and your father glared at you. "He told me to act. I would've kept my head down, but he lifted it. He also lifted my hands. I could feel his presence, papa! You should have-"
Was...was he for real?
"Sorry that he helped a relative in need of pretection and defense instead of money problems."
"What did you just say-"
"Seriosha, Alek, enough already!"
You hated when your mother yelled. "Dima had a good reason to step in and protect our poor son!"
He only looked out of the window.
"...Sooo, tell me about Nevermore. Or the people you met there.", you asked after a few minutes in hopes of getting at least some of the nonexistent background information you had about your parents. And to make the ride less boring and long.
Again, to your surprise, your father answered. Normally, it would have been your mother, with your dad nodding along, but oh well. "Nevermore is a magical place. Back in the days when I was your age, I was the sporty guy. We played football, exercised and sharpened our skills, and also had many events. Your mother and her best friend at the time, Morticia Addams, these two were the fencing captains."
"Oh, how I'd love to meet her again! I'm sure she'd be just as beautiful as she was when she was a teenager!", your mother gasped, and smiled.
"But mom, you are the most beautiful here!", you spoke, but she just shook her wavy locks. "No, no, son. I am not pretty. Just look at my nose, or my skin! I look like my own mother!"
"First of all, ti krasivaya. Second, baba yaga is also pretty. Otherwise, dad wouldn't have married you, would he?"
And also this time, your father said something. "I don't know why you are still so insecure. You are the most beautiful witch, the most beautiful woman and the most wonderful dusha I have ever met."
"Aww, Seriosha...that was good to hear."
"Yes papa, you should speak to her more often like that! and also teach me the art of flirting!"
For the first time this week, your father laughed. And it was saturday. You were proud of yourself.
"Sooo...this is it? Looks old in my opinion.", you said as soon as you stepped out of the car and stretched. Your mother was looking around and then she screamed. You and your father were ready to throw hands and cast spells left and right when all that happened was your mother running towards a woman with long dark hair in a tight black dress. The other woman was also screaming.
Why are women always yelling when they see a familiar face??
"Papa, eto kto?"
"Morticia Adda- GOMEZ, moy drug! Idi suda!", your father yelled and nearly floated towards a middle aged man who could loose some pounds.
Welp, guess it's just me then-
And there, you saw a girl step out of the -like your father's- old fashioned, black vehicle. Your dad's car was a dark wine red.
She had twin tailed, braided heir, and she was also not that thrilled to be here. She also watched the interaction, but with more disgust than curiousity. Both of your dad's were now dancing with each other, each in their traditional way.
Make a friend...
So, you strutted to her, but stayed a little more than five feet away from you. You didn't reach out your hand, for she didn't look like she'd like to even acknowledge you.
"My name is Alek Ivanovich. I guess our parents knew each other very well back in the day. what's your name?"
"My name is Wednesday Addams."
"Cool. Why are you here?"
"Attempted murder."
"What, you don't-"
"You didn't get the job done? Tsk, tsk, tsk."
And now, the girl gave you her attention. "Excuse me? Then why are you here?"
"I was experimenting with my bullies. Say, why did you "attempt" to murder somebody?"
'Did you say 'attempt' with a special undertone just now? Are you making fun of me?', she thought and her brows furrowed a little.
"They were messing with my little brother."
"Ah yes, nothing's more important than family. but why kill? Didn't you want to make them suffer a little?"
"I put two bags, each filled with a number of piranhas into the pool they were swimming at the time. Not enough, but still good when in school."
"Nah, I would've...I dunno, maybe cursed them that they'd have constant constipation...or, uh...turn them into unsightly things, like I did with my last victim..."
As you were deep in thought, Wednesday studied you. You were not like the other kids. You didn't give her a freaked out expression.
'You...are you trying to start a competition?' With the way you were making ideas on how she could've done it better, she felt a sharp pain in her pride.
But why did she feel like this? Why did she feel like she'd have to better her antics? Just because she spoke to someone who maybe understood her?
"What are you, Ivanovich?"
"I'm a witch, Addams."
The get-to-know with principal Weems, a tall and very---suspiscious looking woman, you and Wednesday had to part ways.
"Wait, can I get your phone number?" "I don't use phones."
"Aw, blyat. Then what do you use for communication?"
"My cristall ball." Ah-you remembered. Her mom gave her a suitcase with it inside. No, you didn't take a peek when she opened it.
"I have one too! Although it's so small that I can fit it into my pant pockets."
You relished the moment her eye twitched when you said pant pocket. She could only hope that her blazer and skirt had pockets.
But instead, she asked another question. "How did you make it so small?", and her eyes were a little big. You huffed.
"Magic. Bet you wish you could do it as well."
"Curse you."
"I did, and now I'm here."
"Hah? Oh, Addams, what's up?"
"Hide me."
"Wednesday! Come here!", Enid, Wednesday's roommate called and you could hear her squeaking sneakers in the hallway.
And with using your magic, you turned the girl behind you invisible. Enid arrived right after Wednesday was turned transparent.
"Do you need something from her?", you asked politely. Enid gave you bombastic side eye as she looked around.
Maybe it's her first time seeing a witch?
"Uh, no. It's just, Wednesday had removed the coloured stickers from her side of the room. Which I put on!"
"When it's her side of the room, then she can do whatever she wants. And you should know by now that she doesn't really like colours."
"Still, she should've asked me first! I could use them for something else, you know?"
"Yeah, understandable."
"Anyways, have you seen her?"
"I can sense her soul near us, but I cannot see her, Sinclair."
"Why do you have to talk like that."
"Because we are not a body but a soul. We have a body. We are souls living in bodies."
"...o...kay...? I...I'll look somewhere else.", and with that, she dissappeared.
Wednesday started speaking. "How long will this spell last?"
You could see her again. "When the affacted person starts speaking."
She stared at you for a long time and you surpressed a chuckle.
"There's something I wanted to ask you, Wednesday. Did you also get the feeling that Enid doesn't really like me? For whatever reason?"
"She doesn't like witches because she got dumped by one. I wonder why."
"Welp, sucks when she hasn't even fully become a real werewolf. Also did you pull those stickers away because you really didn't like it or because you wanted to spite her?"
(2.1k) "Weems said you'd be stopping by. So, what are you guys? Alto, soprano, or just loco?", Bianca said after you and Wednesday went to her choir group to maybe join.
The other kids giggled while you sighed out of your nose.
The person by the nearby piano which you noticed only now pressed a button and a tone was heard. Wednesday opened her mouth.
You heard nothing except some glass breaking.
"What was that?", Bianca asked.
"A tone only cabaki can hear, cool!", you complimented.
Wednesday allowed her mouth to lift 0.01 %.
"...and...and you, Ivanovich, what about you?"
At the siren's question, you started to sing Polina Gagarina's "Lullaby". Your voice fitted the song perfectly and you loved singing it.
After you were done, the students one by one started clapping, and in the end, everyone clapped. You were bashful, to say the least. Too bad Bianca was not having it.
"So you're one hell of a singer. Did you use some of your witch powers for that?"
Instead of wanting to punch her, you decided to bite back. "I could say the same to your 'Siren'-voice."
"Why, you little-"
"What happened here? I heard glass breaking, and then a beautiful singing voice!", Weems interrupted and you smirked at the short haired girl.
"Nothing,", she only hissed.
"Woah, these are some cool powers, Xavier!"
"Thanks man!"
"You guys are too loud."
"Oi, I'm just complimenting him-wanna be friends?"
"Sure, why not?"
Whoah, Xavier might be the second teenager in this school who actually respected you, the first one being Wednesday.
Wednesday was drawing what could be identified as a gilloutine, with Enid's head poking through the hole. The blade was halfway through and blood spurted out of Enid's neck. Enid herself had a terrifying expression.
If the real Enid saw this...
"Uh, n-nice work!" "You don't have to compliment me on everything, Ivanovich."
"Uh, okay!"
"How do you two know each other?"
"Our parents." "To be more detailed, our parents actually were friends and also attending this exact boarding school. And, well, they seemed to be pretty good friends. But I still don't understand this whole hyde thing, and one of our students being dead and then reappearing as if nothing happened."
That gave Xavier and Wednesday a little time to think, while you thought that you messed up the mood. again.
"Sorry for ruining the mood..."
"What? No, What you said was actually something to think over. Wednesday was there when the guy died, but him being there the day after? either someone's trying to mess with your head, or the person doesn't like you.", the artist said.
Wednesday only had another unreadable expression on her face.
"Um...can I take a picture?"
"Of your painting- Oh! Y-yours as well, if you're okay with it, Xavier!"
"Sure thing man."
"But Enid's getting killed."
"I like the strong colours-"
"It's mostly red-"
"And the way you could draw her face in detail is so pretty-"
"She's literally screaming in agony while she's getting beheaded-"
"I don't care, Wednesday. I like your work. Now can I take a pic or not?"
"...are you okay?"
"Are you?"
"Heheh.", Xavier chuckled while Wednesday only looked at you again.
Hey, how was that love? I wanted to make this longer because...I dunno. I just thought this could be nice to start with a sweet beginning and then the story getting darker, you know?
I will for sure do a second part!
Anyways, please write how that was and pls explain it to me again, but in more detail because I'm stupid :p
Read you in the next post!
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forasgaard · 1 year
pairing: Neteyam x Reader
warnings: aged up Neteyam, fluff, injury, sickness, smut
summary: With the arrival of the new sky people, an epidemic spread over Pandora and infested many Omatikaya. Even the Sully family wasn't spared. Eva is a healer and tries to develop an antibiotic, with the help of the oldest Sully son. Her sudden feelings for that boy and the spreading of the virus make it even more complicated.
Series Masterlist
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Part 1
One of the fourteen moons that cycle the gas planet Polyphemus and home of the Na'vi.
My life there was not that exciting - not until the humans came and until I met Neteyam. Not until the whole clan was endangered.
I was a healer, well I received a training as a doctor in the field of  human medicine with the focus on Na'vi biology.
I came with my parents to Pandora, many years ago. My father was a soldier at the RDA. He died in the battle against the Omatikaya. My Mom was a geologist. She was the sister of Norm Spellman, who came to Pandora to work at the avatar-project with Dr. Augustine.
He was the reason I could begin my training and I even became my own Avatar body. To help Norm. He dived more and more into medicine, the last years and he was glad, I could help him. Doctors that are familiar with the Na'vi biology and physiology were always needed.
A voice let we flinch. I looked up from the touchpad, where I just sorted files and reports. Norm insisted that every note and information we had about the Na'vi biology, was always organised and sorted.
"We have to hurry, an emergency at the Third Plain. I'll explain it on the chopper", Norm said.
Something like that always happened here on Pandora. Precisely since a new devision of human military landed on Pandora a few weeks ago.
Sky Peope, as the Na'vi called them. Since then, there were attacks and battles between the humans and Omatikaya, which led to many injuries and even deaths.
Norm and I lay down in our avatar pods and a few seconds later, I woke up in my second blue body. At the beginning, it seemed to light and not really balanced, but now I liked it more than my human body. It was more athletic and flexible.
We jumped into one of the helicopters and flew over the green treetops of Pandora.
The Third Plain wasn't far from the Home Tree of the Na'vi. We saw some of them on their flying lizards, the Ikrans. Rivers and waterfalls wiggled though the landscape and formed a harsh contrast to the ever-present green of the trees. We saw wonderful animals and plants higher than houses and mountains hovering in the sky. It was breathtaking.
Norm told me what happened: "There was an attack of the Omatikaya. Just at one of the new railroad line. The train derailed and the whole cargo exploded." Norm gazed out of the window, lost in thoughts. "Led by Tokuk Makto."
Toruk Makto. Everyone knew that name: Jake Sully. The paraplegic Marine veteran, who came here instead of his brother and who became one of the Na'vi. Norm had told me everything about him and I even met him a few times.
Sometimes, it was difficult to drew a line between humans and Na'vi. Of course, we supported both the Omatikaya and humans. We were neutral about the Na'vi, especially when some of them were fiends with the natives. Like that one boy Spider. He even was almost one of them. But since the new humans came here, things just got a little more complicated.
"One of the Sully boys got shot in batte", Norm explained. "We have to remove the bullet and stitch up the wound. Nothing complicated but I wanted you to join."
I nodded. Field operations were always exciting.
We landed on a glade where the trees weren't so dense. The village of the Omatikaya was only a short walk away. We walked through the enormous forest and I was amazed by the beautiful nature and life of the Na'vi. We met many natives, who greeted us happily. We weren't foreigners here. Some kids jumped in circled around us and laughed something in their language. I've got lessons in Na'vi for many years and could easily understand them. Speaking was a bit of an issue.
Jake Sully's hut was bigger than the rest - obviously, he was Toruk Makto.
Inside, it was dim and weaved decoration hung from the ceiling.
Jake and his family already awaited us. The leader of the Omatikaya Clan shook our hands and told us briefly what happened. His oldest son, Neteyam got wounded in battle and he now rested on a bed on the floor. His mother Neytiri kneeled next to him and had placed a hand on her son's shoulder. The other three Sully kids sat a few meters away and observed us silently. One of them was Kiri, the girl who visited us often in the lab to see her mother Grace. She smiled at me and I replied that gesture.
Norm sat down next to the boy and began his work. I opened our case and gave him gloves and all the instruments he needed. We worked fast and organised, we had done that like a thousand times.
Neteyam made a grimace when Norm gave him a injection for local anaesthetic. He opened the wound with a scalpel and fished out the bullet with a pincette. Eventually, he stitched up the wound and disinfected it. The whole time, he talked with Jake and Neytiri about the attack and the new human division. I watched over the patient. Neteyam seemed the same age as me. He wore braids like most Omatikaya und had tucked them behind the ears, which twitched uncontrollable.
He hissed when Norm applied the bandage too tightly. His ears flattened like a cat and I could see his pointy fangs. Neytiri grunted an admonishing word at him.
Neteyam seemed to be much like his father. The same high cheekbones decorated his face and stronger muscles showed beneath his blue skin.
"All done", Norm stored his instruments back in the case and shut the lid. He looked at Neteyam. "Next time, you'll be more careful. You were lucky the bullet hit one of your ribs. F few inches further down and it could've gone worse."
Neytiri made a startled noise and Neteyam lowered his head. "Yes, Sir"
His yellow eyes suddenly looked at me and for a second, the time stopped. Did the other Na'vis had the same sparkling in their yellow eyes?
Jake's voice brought me back to the present moment. "Norm, I want you two to take a look at Takyte. She's not feeling well, Mo'at tried everything bit nothing works. We're really worried."
"Yeah, of course. We will do that." Norm got up and cleaned his bloody hand with a cloth.
"C'mon Eva, let's see the next patient!"
Neteyam thanked us und I looked at him one last time as we left the hut. That boy had something, that made me curious about him.
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Semi Finals 1/2
(remember this is a War Movie tournament not just a movie tournament)
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Pacific Rim was described as follow:
Gigantic monsters invade the earth and ginormous robots guided by DRIFT-COMPATIBLE THIS IS THE DRIFT COMPATIBLE WEBSITE PEOPS! people are sent to battle them.
The Wind Rises was described as follow:
A Studio Ghibli film about a designer of war planes used by Japan during WWII and how he struggles with his pacifist beliefs while still being forced to design these machines made for death. The emotions ring true in every frame of this film and the flying sequences are truly unbelievably gorgeous.
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piers-official · 10 months
flying type?
Send me a pokemon type and i'll tell you:
- my favorite pokemon of that type M'gonna say Honchkrow. Ever since I got t'ride on Grimsley's, I realized how much I love the little blokes. Aye... if only we had some in Galar.
- my second favorite pokemon of that type M'partial ta corviknights an' not just cuz they're in Galar. They're very smart and sturdy birds, I can see why Cabbies use them so often.
- the cutest pokemon of that type Pidoves. Dunno why, there's just somethin' about the little blokes that make me smile. They're a lot smarter than people credit 'em for. They were domesticated way back then ta send letters ta peope before the tech boom. I almost feel bad how they're treated as pests in the streets, they don' deserve that treatment. Shite, m'ramblin'
- the most goofy pokemon of that type I mean this in the most nicest way possible but, rufflets. Dunno what it is, maybe the fluffy feather son its head, or the vacant look in their eyes? Wha's the meme: No thoughts, head empty?
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dragonsoftheeast · 1 year
Heart Strings
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Written for the Helaemond Soulmate Event
The twenty-second day of the fifth month, their shared death day.
read on Ao3, tw: suicide
One night, when Helaena was very small, a comet flew over King’s Landing. A falling star bleeding crimson light across the blue.
“Meleys and her red banner,” Aemond told her, when they climbed to the tips of the dome of the Dragonpit to take a closer look. “It marks destiny.”
When she looked back to that day, nothing remarkable stood out to her. Only that she and Aemond had looked on in jealousy as the dragonriders took to the sky, Aegon and Rhaenyra and Jacaerys and Ser Laenor, to get close enough to touch.
And even then, it was so far out of their reach.
It was that night that remained in her memory. That night, she dreamed she was tangled in red. Red threads, in all shades, from the darkest maroon that unwound from her belly button to the palest pink thread dangling from her ankle. She pulled and pulled, as a fly stuck in a spider’s web, and yet the threads of Meleys’ banner tightened around her, and she could not escape.
When she woke, the threads did not fade.
She greeted her mother and saw the spool of maroon furl her in, belly to belly. Now in the light of day, the thread looked worn, but she was sure that any shear that tried to cut it would shatter before it parted a fiber.
The palest thread ran around her ankle to the Dragonpit, but her heart knew it was not time to follow that path yet.
And on her finger was a loop of thread tied neatly, a bow red as heart’s blood.
No one else had the strings. At least, none that she could see. Just her, at the center, knotted up.
Sometimes, she looped those threads around her hand and tugged, just to see what would happen.
She learned quickly that pulling on her mother’s string would cause the Queen to reach for her, to hold or touch her, and so that stopped in short order. Pulling on the rusty colored cable around her wrist, which only ever seemed to tighten, brought Aegon stumbling home, tugging at his collar. A pluck on the bright pink twined in her hair meant a letter from Daeron within the week. And sharp yank on the thread along her ankle meant a dragon’s roar was never far behind.
I am here. Don’t you remember me?
Aemond always remembered her.
And when he held her, her back to his belly, she loved to hold his hand, her left to his, it felt right. The thread that bound them, finger to finger, instead of shortening to accommodate the closeness between them, spooled around them, draping across their bodies, matching the marks they left on each other. The most complete she would ever be.
Aemond always came to her. To her chambers, to her bed. To all the hiding places she tucked away in when the world became too loud, drowning out her thoughts.
She never pulled that red thread on her little finger. She never had to. Only wound it ever tighter around her palm, weaving it between her fingers, wrapping it round and round until the string was a glove around her hand and she felt her pulse in her fingertips. And then she would unwind it again and see that no mark had been left on her skin.
Now the string was as taut as it had ever been, a straight line out the tower window. No slack, not enough to wrap it around her hand even once.
And she tugged on it every day, hoping to see Vhagar darken the sky. It was better to look up. Better to look up rather than at her belly, where two maroon threads hung limply, clouds of wool trailing from the ends. Too early. Not a clean cut.
The strings were so tight, now. As tight as they had been in her dream. They pulled her every which way, and she could not even bend her little finger anymore. So tight, except for those loose strings that had attached her to her children.
But the threads, they webbed across her dreams, too, the burning dreams, the dragon dreams.
Once, in the dead of night, sitting at the foot of her daughter's bed, in a brief attempt at comfort, she had told Jaehaera of how Meleys tied people together. She told her of Elenien and Jōzepa, and how Elenien had followed his string through the places of the dead to find his lost love when she had died before her time. From Meraxes' high hall of valiant dead to Vhagar's deep caverns of ghosts, he searched, gathering loose thread as he went. And finally, when he reached Balerion's black hearth, he found her, but Balerion would not release her. But, impressed by his devotion, he offered to let Elenien return to the land of the living. But they would not be parted. And so, they sat side by side, together, until their spirits burned away, as their bodies had.
There, she told Jaehaera, you only go when you're ready. You'll have all the time you need to be with your brother again.
How different that was to the waking world.
She did not tell her daughter about what she saw in truth, of how the strings fell when there was no one on the other end. Best to stay with the stories, where death was a place. 
She had seen enough. Helaena had seen enough.
The dream came to her, though she was not tired.
The sun was setting, and the sky was on fire. A sapphire eye was closing, its violet twin not far behind.
And when she woke, she was on the windowsill. It was the barest relief, to be a little closer to Dreamfyre, to feel the wind in her hair, as if she was flying again, unencumbered. She did not look down.
Helaena held up her hand and looked at it, at the string around her finger. She pinched it between her thumb and her forefinger and gave it a tug. Once, twice, thrice.
She fell before she had to see the line slacken.
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twistedtummies2 · 3 months
Gathering of the Greatest Gumshoes - Number 23
(For whatever reason, this entry didn't post when it was supposed to. Not sure what went wrong. Regardless, here it is now.)
(As I said on a previous post, putting this one up super early because I'll be flying out of state tomorrow, which means getting to bed and getting up early.)
Welcome to A Gathering of the Greatest Gumshoes! During this month-long event, I’ll be counting my Top 31 Favorite Fictional Detectives, from movies, television, literature, video games, and more!
SLEUTH-OF-THE-DAY’S QUOTE: “Mess and I are very old friends.”
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Number 23 is…Humphrey Goodman, from Death in Paradise.
I like to say that Death in Paradise can practically be called “Doctor Whodunnit.” In a way, this show – which has been on the air since 2011, and is still going strong – feels very much like Doctor Who to me, in some superficial ways. The chiefest one is that, with its longevity, it’s changed out lead actors frequently: just as Doctor Who has the Doctor “regenerate” into new forms, played by new performers, to keep the series going, “Death in Paradise” does the same with its chief detectives.
The premise of the show is a classic, old-fashioned murder mystery program, in many ways. It all takes place on the island of Saint Marie in the Caribbean. The crimes that need to be solve tend to follow a similar format: the story begins with some person on the island being murdered (of course). The crime is usually made to look like a suicide or an accident, but there’s usually one small, seemingly incongruous detail that indicates it wasn’t. However, all of the possible suspects were either all together or in sight of each other at the presumed time of death. So, the great question becomes: how could any of them do it without tipping off the rest to their activities?
In the show, the crimes fall under the jurisdiction of the small but intrepid Honore Police Department. The department typically hires out agents from England and France alike, to serve. The main character is, so far, always an English detective inspector, who – through some means or another – ends up assigned to take charge of investigations. Over the 12 years the show has been going on, we’ve so far had four separate detectives, and ALL of them have been awesome. There’s the grumpy and pompous Richard Poole, the very first lead sleuth (played by Ben Miller); later came the jocular and carefree Jack Mooney (played by Ardal O’Hanlon); and, of course, there’s the current lead as of writing this post, the neurotic and hypochondriac Neville Parker (played by Ralf Little). Any one of them could have made a great choice on this list, and I was initially tempted to give ALL of the detectives in the show a collective slot…but after some consideration, I felt it was only fair to include just one. And if I had to pick just one, it would be the series’ second lead – whose era took place between Poole and Mooney – Humphrey Goodman, played by Kris Marshall.
Humphrey was the first truly “eccentric” character in the series, among the four detectives. Richard Poole was more of a fish out of water; a character who was the total opposite of the place he was in. He was formal, stuffy, proper, and the humor largely came from his pomposity being constantly punctured due to the stark contrast between himself and the island. Humphrey was a much more overtly friendly sort, and while he wasn’t exactly someone who got along on the island like it had always been home, he was much less rude and impatient. Instead, the humor with Humphrey came largely from his own personal oddities. Goodman is clumsy, socially awkward, technologically inept, and his moods turn on a dime; going from energetically bouncing around to stone cold serious at the flip of a coin. He was also perpetually hopeless in romance: at the start of his tenure, Humphrey was going through a divorce, and throughout his time on the series, he was constantly falling into and out of relationships with people. Indeed, it was love that eventually led to Humphrey’s departure: towards the end of Season 6 – having been on the show since the start of Season 3 – Goodman left Saint Marie to pursue a relationship with an old friend of his, Martha, in London.
This was not the end for Humphrey Goodman: the character turned out to be extremely popular with viewers, so much so that a spin-off show was created called “Beyond Paradise.” This series focused on the detective inspector’s adventures in England, as he continued to solve crimes with Martha at his side. Interestingly, this was also not the first time Kris Marshall had played a British sleuth: he had previously appeared in another crime series called “Murder City.” I must confess I haven’t watched either of these shows yet, as of typing this, but I REALLY want to. While the other detectives who solved the baffling mysteries of Saint Marie were all excellent fellows so far, Marshall’s D.I. Goodman is by far my favorite island inspector so far.
Tomorrow (in just a couple hours), the countdown continues with Number 22!
CLUE: “I am on a mission to protect the world’s idiots!”
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razieltwelve · 11 months
Runner (Final Effect x ?)
Lucy opened her eyes and found herself staring up at an unfamiliar ceiling. Was this another simulation? Their latest attempts to breach the firewalls around the House of Sato’s servers had failed miserably. They had even garnered the attention of NAGA, the Guardian AI tasked with overseeing cybersecurity throughout most of the Federation.
She hadn’t want to make the attack. None of them had. But what were they supposed to do? They were a bunch of kids who’d been taken in off the streets and trained by a rival corporation in a bid to find someone who could breach the defences of the Satos. Anyone who refused got recycled, at least, that’s the term their handlers used. They all knew what it really meant.
And so Lucy had done her best because anything less would have gotten her killed. One by one the others she’d started with had all died. Either their handlers had killed them for not doing well enough, or their brains had melted from the backlash generated by the House of Sato’s defences. Their handlers had just replaced them. Who cared if a few street kids died? There were always plenty more on old, burned out manufacturing worlds.
But here she was... alive... and staring at an unfamiliar ceiling.
She tried to move, only to find herself feeling pain - real pain - for the first time in who knew how long. Slowly, painfully, she sat up and looked down at herself. This... this was the real world. Her emaciated, stunted form was the result of years of malnutrition and confinement, and it couldn’t have been more different from the avatar she’d carefully sculpted for herself on the InfoNet.
The door of the room opened, and she cringed and pressed herself against the head of the bed.
A tall woman with dark skin and piercing green eyes had just walked into the room. She wore Water Tribe clothing, and her body was the very opposite of Lucy’s. It was sculpted perfection, every muscle honed to maximise its effectiveness in combat. The proud crest woven onto her clothing made it abundantly clear who she was.
She was a member of the House of Sato, and she was radiating so much Aura that Lucy wasn’t sure whether to run and hide or cut her own throat to escape its pressure. The pressure continued to grow until a short fox Faunus with pink hair swatted her over the head with a clipboard.
“Could you stop that. You’re suffocating her.” The fox Faunus’s scowled, and then turned a much kinder look toward Lucy. “I apologise for the idiot beside me. Kya isn’t pissed off at you. She’s pissed off at what happened to you.”
The Aura in the air dissipated, and the dark-skinned woman inclined her head. She was eerily graceful, almost like she was walking on air. “Sorry about that. Just... seeing what happened to you really pissed me off. I’d really like to kill the people responsible, but we need them alive for questioning.”
“Meh.” The fox Faunus waved one hand. “I suggested calling the House of Ballad. They’ve got plenty of people who can interrogate the dead. But, no, that would be considered a crime against humanity. We could totally get away with it except Willow just had to be a stick in the mud.”
“She is a Specialist Law Enforcement Agent, Sucre. She can’t just look the other way while we murder people and then interrogate their ghosts.” Kya scowled. “And, yeah, I might not like it, but that is part of Federation law too.”
“It’s easy.” Sucre rolled her eye. “You two just turn around, close your eyes and cover your ears while I stab the guy with my binding rod. Then we get whoever the House of Ballad sent to do their thing. Easy.” She paused. “I mean... if anyone questions us, my hamster will have conveniently doctored footage showing he tripped and fell down the stairs before impaling himself on exposed rebar. Crap like that happens all the time.”
Lucy blinked. She could barely understand what was going on, and all of the subtext flying everywhere made it even harder to follow the conversation.“What... what’s going on? Who are you people? Where am I?”
Kya pulled up a chair and sat next to the bed. Lucy cringed back, and Kya sighed before moving her own chair back a bit until Lucy felt more comfortable. Lucy hated feeling so weak, but this wasn’t the InfoNet. She was strong there. Out here in the real world? She was a teenage girl who couldn’t remember the last time she’d walked on her own two legs, never mind gone outside. Kya could break her in half with one hand without even trying.
“After the most recent attack on the House of Sato’s servers, our Guardian AI, NAGA, was able to back trace the attack to its source.” Kya nodded at Lucy. “Given their previous attacks on the Alliance and Empire, we launched a joint strike force to terminate the threat.”
“Oh.” Lucy paused. “Then...?”
“Your... handlers are either dead or in custody. The other children have been rescued and are being kept at various medical facilities. You’re welcome to speak to them later, if you wish, although some of them are still in intensive care.” Kya sighed. “Honestly, we should have found you all sooner, but your handlers went to great lengths to conceal themselves and their facility.”
“What... what kind of place were we being kept in?” Lucy asked.
The two older women shared a look before Kya continued.
“We found you in a hardened facility built beneath the rubble of an abandoned factory on a former manufacturing world in the Federation. The facility itself was designed to withstand orbital bombardment and was sufficiently well armed that more than five thousand troops were required to take it. Apart from yourself, there were roughly one hundred thousand other children being used to launch repeated attacks on key infrastructure on the InfoNet.”
Lucy stared. “A... a hundred thousand?”
“The facility was divided up into multiple floors, descending roughly four miles into the crust of the planet. It is, to my knowledge, the largest such operation to have ever been discovered. We were fortunate enough to catch your handlers off guard. They were not able to call for assistance or evacuate. Otherwise, I am certain we would have faced a full-scale battle for orbital supremacy followed by a long-running battle to take the facility.”
Sucre made a face. “Honestly, they probably would have just blown the whole thing up and damn the consequences once it became clear they were losing.”
Lucy’s fists clenched. “What... what happens now? Am I... am I going to prison?”
Kya’s expression softened. “We’ve been reviewing the records they kept. They were... very thorough. We know that none of the children were there by choice. You were all tricked into going there with promises of a better life or free education or simply kidnapped off the streets. Our plan is to see to your physical rehabilitation before assisting you in pursuing a proper education.”
“Oh. That’s... very nice of you, I guess.”
“It’s the least we can do.” Kya’s lips twitched. “Some of you have real talent, you know.” She paused. “You don’t have to decide right now, Lucy, but I’d like to make you an offer. After you’ve finished your treatment and physical rehabilitation, I’d like to offer you a spot at a Federation Academy. You’d be sponsored by the House of Sato. I’ve had a look at your performance records. You’re incredibly talented.”
“It’s just an offer, Lucy.” Kya’s voice softened. “We’re not going to force you to do anything. I just wanted to let you know that you’ve got options.”
“If I say no, will I still get treatment?”
Kya’s eyes widened. “Of course! Treatment for you and the other victims is being paid for by the Houses of Sato, Schnee, and Farron-Arendelle.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Sucre added. “We’re totally loaded. You’ll be getting top of the line care.”
Lucy swallowed thickly. “I’ll think about it. Right now, I just want to focus on getting well.”
“All right.” Kya smiled and stood up. “We’ll leave you with a scroll that you can use, but please, be mindful of your need to rest, okay?”
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shinygalaxyperson · 1 year
tagged for this funny little interview-ish tag game by @energievie @ardent-fox
@ian-galagher and @creepkinginc thank you it's fun 😍
what are some movie / tv quotes that you quote often?
Quotes from my son’s favorites Disney movies. Our son watched them so many times, we know everything by heart.
what is your favorite flower?
if you were in avatar: the last airbender what element would you want to bend? earth, fire, water or air?
what was your first job?
cashier in a bike shop
what is your favorite breakfast?
Pancakes and Fruits
what’s a meal from childhood that you love?
what’s your favorite joke to tell?
I don’t know any jokes that I could translate to you , they’re all jokes from French stuff 😅
what’s your favorite animal to see at the zoo?
All the felines
what’s your go to quick meal to cook / make at home?
fried eggs/salad
what’s your go to meal to cook someone to impress them?
Vegetarian lasagna
what’s something you want to do better?
Be social? I’m a very introvert and shy person.
if you’re working do you like your job?
Not everything but yes
do you collect anything? what?                                              
hedgehog stuffed toy
if you were trapped in a kids tv show, what show would you be okay with being trapped in?
Kung fu Panda
an adults tv show?
Downton Abbey , I’m a huge fan of period drama
what kind of job did you want as a child?
Wanted to be a doctor
do you follow any sports? what team do you root for?
Not anymore, used to be fan of Formula One and Tennis
if you could be any animal what would you be and why?
A bird, always dreamed to fly
if you could be any mythological creature what would you be and why?
Dragons are cool
what’s the most obscure thing you’ve had to google for a fanfic you were writing/reading?
I wanted a pictures of a red leather cock ring for a thing I never write
what milkovich do you identify with most?
Colin? sound like the most quiet and shy
which one are you actually like the most?
Mickey, who else? 🤣
what gallagher do you identify with most? 
Liam ? the quiet one
 which one are you actually like the most?
You know what , I love Carl
tagging a lot of beautiful peope @imikhailotakeyouian @look-i-love-u @suzy-queued @juliakayyy @francesrose3 @vintagelacerosette @surviving-maybe
@stocious @rereadanon @deathclassic @too-schoolforcool @lalazeewrites @shameless-notashamed
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Bare Necessities Review- Pros and Cons
Finally get to wrap up the rest of the series tonight and fly home tomorrow to doodle! But for now, more Earthspark episode reviews lol.
Pro- Alex being funny with Dot’s prosthetic leg and the opening “rap-or-whatever-you-want-to-call-it-song”. That was cute.
Pro- Nightshade being all beautiful and pointy. I love that even their nails on their hands are talons. Small detail but I like it.
Pro- Aaaaawwwww. Nightshade’s gift was a huuuug to mama Dot. I want them to pick me up and hug me. :(
Con- Aaaaand ten foot tall metal robots are scared of an organic bear beeeecause?
Con-Everything in this episode could have been solved if Dot had a cell phone on her.
Big Con- Nightmare fuel bear???? Da fuck was that!? If I was like 6 or 9 I would not be ok with that thing.
Con- Dot and gang are just going to brush off the Stephen King IT mother fucker and go bird watch? What a mood shift.
Con- how did Alex randomly find them in the woods?
Con- another wasted episode trying to catch an annoying ass bear cub and running away from the other bear. Two episodes left people!! Come on!
Con- No tarantulas again.
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By: Wokal Distance
Published: Jun 3, 2022
1/ What is a woman?
In the @MattWalshBlog documentary "What is a Woman?" woke gender experts say:
-No one thing makes someone a woman -Woman can mean many things to many people -Some Women have penises
Let's explain what's happening here, and how to push back.
A thread🧵
2/ The first thing we need to do is get clear about why they say Women can have penises, there's no one thing that defines "woman", and woman can mean many things to many people.
Why do they think this?
We need to understand WHY they believe these things before we can push back 
3/ To understand this we need to unpack a point about language and especially "categories." This is the hardest part of this thread, but once we have this point nailed down the rest is easy.
Wokeness thinks that all categories are "socially constructed." What that means is... 
4/ We use categories to carve up the world and organize our understanding of reality. We use names, labels, descriptions, and other linguistic tools to break apart to world, to divide it and draw lines so we can understand it
This is hard, so here's an example: Think of a forest 
5/ The forest contains many objects. Suppose you're the first person to discover a forest and you want to study it. What you might do is try and figure what is in the forest.
So you go walking and see a lot of really tall things with a brown trunk and green leafy things on top. 
6/ You decide that all the things that are tall with brown trunks are categorized as "trees." You see things running about roaring and growling. You categorize them as "animals." You see things fly and chirp and make nests, so you categorize those as "birds."
See how it works? 
7/ We put things in categories to intellectually organize them so we can makes sense of the world.
We also categorize at different levels.
Look at trees. The top level is the category "tree." The next level what makes up the tree: "leaves," "branches," "bark," and "roots" 
8/ See how it works?
We start at the highest level with the category "forest," move down a level to"trees," move down to "leaves" we can even categorize the parts of leaves:
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9/ Now in wokeness, the idea is that we can construct any category we want, and we can organize things however we want.
Lets use books as an example.
You can organize you books in order of author, genre, length, publisher, fiction/non-fiction, or by the colour of the cover...
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10/ The woke think we can organize the world using whatever categories we want to invent. It's up to us. There is no objectively right way to do it.
Trees are only categorized as "trees" because we put them in that category.
Now, this next bit is the key to the whole thing... 
11/ The woke don't think our categories are made to help us get an objectively TRUE picture of the world. They think we invent categories ACCORDING TO OUR OWN INTERESTS. We categorize things according to what we care about and what matters to us
We can categorize however we want 
12/ Now, the same process we use to categorize the physical world is the process we use the categorize society. Our social categories, the categories we use to organize how society works are also "socially constructed."
That includes the terms "man" and "woman...." 
13/ Now here is the point:
The woke think that the categories "man" and "woman" are arbitrary categories. They are not accurate reflections of the world as it is, they are categories invented by people who wanted to divide society into the groups "men" and "women" 
14/ The woke think these categories were arbitrarily constructed by the dominant group in society (straight white men) in order to set up society in the way that makes everyone conform to the straight white male ideal of how things should be.
The woke things we could have... 
15/ used any categories at all. We could divided people up by eye color, shoe size, or hair length
They woke don't think "man" and "woman" describe any objective fact about the world: They are made up to force people to fit into categories created by straight white men... 
16/ The woke think putting someone into an arbitrary category that they don't want to be in is an act of oppression.
They want people to join whatever category they want. This is why they say "a woman is anyone who identifies as a woman," and this is where the trouble starts:
[ Sorry, I can't add more than one video. ]
17/ To attack the categories "man" and "woman", they usually do 2 things:
1. Say "a woman is anyone who identifies as a woman,"
2. Nitpick the definition of "man" and "woman" to make it look like we can't give a biological definition of "woman"
Let's show how to deal with both 
18/ Let's start with:
1."a woman is anyone who identifies as a woman"
The problem here is two fold.
First, the definition is circular: it uses the term being defined (woman) as a part of the definition. This assumes we already know what a woman is!
Let's make that more clear: 
19/ Suppose I invent the word "ZORP" and I define ZORP as "anyone who identifies as a ZORP.
Do you know what ZORP means?
Given my definition, how would you know if you want to identify as a ZORP? On what Basis would anyone identify as a ZORP?
And here is the key... 
20/ "a ZORP is anyone who identifies as a ZORP" **doesn't give us any new information** about what ZORP means, what the Criteria are for identifying as a ZORP, what feeling like a ZORP means, or anything else.
Same thing goes for "a woman is anyone who identifies as a woman" 
21/ That definition of woman does not tell us what it means when someone says they identify as a woman.
A person could say "I identify as a woman because I had eggs this morning" and no one could argue. It leaves the term without a proper definition and renders it meaningless. 
22/ If you can identify as a woman for any reason at all, because a woman is whoever identifies as a woman I could say "I am participating in the women's 100M dash because I identify as a woman because I had eggs for breakfast," and no one could argue with me.
This is absurd... 
23/ Let's now turn to the second move they do to attack biological categories.
2. Nitpick the definition of "man" and "woman" to make it look like we can't give a biological definition of "woman"
This one is harder to beat, but analytic philosophy gives us tools to defeat it. 
24/ A nice example of this strategy come to us from @VaushV
Here, he shows us an example of attacking the definition of "woman" by attempting to show that there are border line cases that we can't account for.
Here is his argument:
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25/ The way this argument works is to find cases where there is a person who is missing some feature of female biology that we think women have, or who have biological features men usually have.
The goal is to show that there are women who do not fit our definition of woman... 
26/ Another way this argument is used is to present a chart like the one below, and then argue that the everyday definition of women that people use does not account for every single one of the various exceptions, anomalies, and variations that exist in the world...
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27/ Both of these types of arguments make use of the same rhetorical and argumentative strategy:
Appealing to borderline cases and anomalies to argue that the lines our definition draw are inadaquate.
Let's use another example examine this strategy, then show why it fails. 
28/ Suppose I ask you "what is a 'stack, of books?"
Is one book a stack? what about 2 books? Or 3 books? Or 4 books?
So you say 4 books, and I ask "why not 3?"
You can't think of a reason and agree to 3 books. So I say "why not 2?" You again agree, so I say "why not 1?" 
29/ So you say "well that isn't a stack?"
And I say, why not? Is five books 10 pages long a stack? Is one 50,000 page book a stack? What counts as a stack?
You, not knowing analytic philosophy, are stumped.
This move is called "the fallacy of the beard"
I'll explain... 
30/ The beard fallacy is named for the example of a beard. One hair on the chin is not a beard, nor is two, nor is 3, and we can add one hair at a time, and at some point the person has a beard. But drawing the line is hard. It seems odd to say 299 hairs is not a beard but 300 is 
31/ But that doesn't mean there is no difference between having a beard and not having a beard. There is, it is just hard to pinpoint and justify drawing a precise line at the exact number of hairs. The same is true with determining the exact number of books required for a stack. 
32/ This logic can be used with other things as well.
Think of a table and chair. We can blur those lines. Is a chair I set my drink on a table? Is a table I sit on a chair?
What about k-12 desks? Does this mean we don't know the difference between tables and chairs?👇👇👇
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33/ Of course not.
All these examples us the same bad reasoning: they claim the existence of unclear cases implies there are no clear lines, or that the existence of borderline cases means that we don't actually know where the lines are drawn.
Let's show why this is wrong... 
34/ The beard fallacy relies on a wrong assumption pointed out by John Searle in his essay "Literary Theory and it's Discontents." That assumption is (quoting Searle): "unless a distinction can be made rigorous and precise, WITH NO MARGINAL CASES, it is not a distinction at all." 
35/ Searle points out that all concepts are rough around the edges. He gives a technical argument for why it is a fact about humans and the way we use language and communicate that our concepts will always have edge cases.
Think of it this way:
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36/ We all have different networks of beliefs, experiences, ideas, and we have a background of capacities, abilities, and presuppositions we use when communicating. This fact makes it impossible develop any concept that are so clear nobody can misinterpret it.
That means... 
37/ Someone somewhere will always be able to come up with some edge case which doesn't fit perfectly.
There is one more point...ALMOST DONE
We can apply the beard fallacy to everything that exists, cars, lakes, mountains, the earth, sausages, and anything else and do this... 
38/ We can take your car and say "I will remove one atom, or molecule, from your car at a time...how many atoms EXACTLY can I remove before your car ceases to be a car. At some point the whole car will be gone. how many atoms can I take and still have your car be a car?
39/ Using beard fallacy logic we have to conclude if you can't draw an exact line for how many atoms your car has to have to be a car you don't know what a car is. I can do this with anything.
I can say "how many atoms must a sausage have? what about a goat? or a hat?" 
40/ You see how that works?
No woke person would let you steal there money and then blur the definition of dollar bill by saying "how many atoms of this bill can I take before you accuse me of theft?"
"But wokal, how do I explain that, it's so complex"
It's very simple.... 
41/ When someone brings up borderline examples or edge cases and says "This example proves we don't know where the lines are"...the correct response is:
See how it works? 
42/ They can only blur the lines with cases that fall on or close to the line because they know where the line is. When they bring up edge cases, they only know those are on the edge because the edge is clear enough for them to find...and they know EXACTLY what we mean by "woman" 
43/ Ok, we're done! I know that was long but I hope now you now have the tools and needed to push back when woke gender theorists say "a woman is whoever identifies as a woman," or when they try to blur the lines of your definition of what a woman is.
So, let's define woman: 
44/ This definition comes to use from the wonderful @HeatherEHeying:
Women are adult human females….Females are individuals who do or did or will or would, but for developmental or genetic anomalies, produce eggs.
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45/ And when the woke gender theorists try to attack your that definition by blurring lines or using circular definitions you now know exactly how to respond.
Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it. 😀😀😀😀
The woke don't use language to communicate. They believe it's used to exert control, so that's the way they use it. They don't believe that reality is there to be discovered and described, but created and imposed onto others. Multiple realities and multiple truths. My truth is as good as your truth. This is why their projects always involve redefining words, scolding people who don't comply, and censoring dissenters. The view of social constructivists is that if language constructs reality, then they can always construct it differently.
But reality won't be fooled by word games. The only question is how much damage will the attempt inflict, and who will suffer the consequences.
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ravesfutaden · 1 year
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my ocs in order! with an important message of course!
gamble - thicc and cool
Shvetsy - horny and well. just super cute!
Maxx! - my most recent oc, shes a futa for sure! but other than that...
im trying to look for more acounts that take nsfw commissions or at least find peope to network with! seemingly so hard to find accounts on tumblr, but im feeling lucky!
i hope yall see this, so far for a fly complete commission its 30 even
! but im a barganer and im not shy to work thigs around!

#art #traditionalart #futa #futunari # artcommision #artist #nsfwcommision
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mxuki · 1 year
Is encanto really as good as everyone thinks?
i know it may seem like im a bit late to the party but the truth is when i saw encanto first getting popular it felt strange.
it felt like i watched a completely different movie ngl and i kept my mouth shut back then because i didnt wanna ruin the fun for everyone else lol
but tbh im pissed off at disney and i cant keep my mouth shut for any longer now.
let me just, get to the point-
Encanto is a terrible movie that fails at the fundamentals of story telling
you see, if u manage to see through the tears and actually pay attention to the plot of the film, it is so b a d
now i'll give them credit where credit is due, they had a really interesting concept and very good ideas
but they executed it so poorly its laughable.
you see, this film isnt a film
its a cash grab on the name of nostalgia and emotions
idk abt other peope but to me, encanto felt very empty. From the way i see it, disney just wanted to make the next frozen with touchy feely themes about family and love and healing and runions but it sort of failed.
the characters in encanto seem extremely shallow. the "development" they get (.i.e. isabella, luisa, abuela etc) dosn't really feel like true development. it seemed extremely artificial and almost felt like an act disney was putting on to fool everyone else into thinking that they're actually good in writing characters. i mean sure, they have distinct personality traits, trauma, backstories and everything a character needs to have depth but what undermines this imo is the plot.
now idk if i just have a taste for suspenseful thriller movies or something but i enjoy a nice touchy feely movie alright (for instance Up) but encanto really lacked the substance it needed for it to truely shine.
Im gonna use Up as an example to explain what i mean
in the beginning of up, in the very first few minutes carl and ellie's characters have light years more personality then mirabel or luisa for example. The plot itself enhances it.
In the beginning of up, its very clear that carl is intorverted and uncertain, he wants more from life. he wants to go on adventures but he needs someone to be there for him. he needs someone to provide certainty and comfort even in chaos.
and ellie does exactly that. Her very first impression on carl and the audience makes it clear that she's very much into adventure and is the sun to carl's moon.
now what about isabella and mirabel?
they uh
have sister....problems...
isabellla is a people pleaser i guess?
and what does the plot do to enchance this?
they make the dinner go wrong becuase of bruno's rats and mirabel gets blamed for it so isabella doubles down on her inner flaws???
like i get what they were trying to do with mira and isa's characters and what theme they were going for but it just fell really flat. the writing really failed in making me care about them or their issues. they seem like caricatures of real people who probably exist but they seem very one dimensional and flat.
honestly i think encanto would've been a lot better if it was a show as that would give the writers more time to flesh out these characters and make them loveable.
And this brings me to the most saddening part of this whole thing....
Disney dosn't care
they dont care that their ip would've benefited from being a show instead of a film, or that the final product is trash. All the care about is make touchy feely movies with the same theme and the same messed up message about love and boundaries over and over again with the same highly merchandisable characters that'll have the dolls and dresses flying off of the shelves because that's what it ultimately comes down to.
They don't care because they don't have to
Its simple really. they dont care because they're so absurdly big that it dosnt matter if they keep making terrible movie after terrible movie, uninspired sequel after uninspired sequel (lookin at u, frozen 2) because so many people are attached to the walt disney brand that they'll watch it regardless and buy the terrible quality merch without a second thought for their kids to play with so they can grow up and do the same thing to their kids.
Its tragic that this is what the beautiful medium of animation and film has come down to.
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